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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030199


[Objective]To summarize Professor LIU Yanxia's academic experience in clinical application of Chinese medicine application therapy in the treatment of various gynecological diseases.[Methods]To review and analyze Professor LIU's clinical experience in the treatment of gynecological refractory diseases by using Chinese medicine patch for lower abdomen and vulva application,and systematically summarize Professor LIU's clinical experience from the aspects of etiology,pathogenesis,treatment principles,methods and empirical prescriptions.A medical case of female vulvar lichen sclerosus was attached for further evidence and explanation.[Results]Professor LIU bases on the circulation characteristics of the lower abdominal meridians,and in accordance with the characteristics of etiology and pathogenesis,forms an empirical formula for applying Chinese medicine patch to the lower abdomen,represented by"warming the kidney and warming the uterus""removing stasis and relieving pain""strengthening the spleen and removing dampness""strengthening the body and preventing infection",which has been respectively used to treat infertility,gynecological pain,obesity and sub health conditions.At the same time,Professor LIU divides vulvar lichen sclerosus lesions into proliferative and atrophic types based on the different characteristics,and uses different empirical formulas for vulvar plaster therapy.The case of atrophic vulvar lichen sclerosus was characterized by liver and kidney deficiency syndrome.The overall treatment principle was to tonify the kidney,nourish blood,and eliminate blood stasis and relieve itching,and modified Erxian Decoction and Danggui Buxue Decoction was used,combined with Chinese medicine application therapy for removing stasis and relieving itching at the local area of the vulvar lesion,which resulted in a significant therapeutic effect.[Conclusion]Professor LIU Yanxia has developed an empirical prescription for applying Chinese medicine patch to different diseases based on the different etiology,pathogenesis and characteristics of the disease.The medication features are distinctive,and treatment effect is satisfactory,which can provide reference for clinical practice.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016385


@#Mass of the vulva include both benign and malignant lesions. Benign mass lesions of the vulva include tumors, hamartomas, cysts, infectious disorders, and non-neoplastic epithelial disorders. Some are rare mass lesions. Here, we presented three rare mass lesions of the vulva. The first case presented with the complaint of vulvar lesion since childhood, while the two cases presented in reproductive age and perimenopausal age. All three cases presented as mass lesions in the vulva with pain or uneasiness during work. In all these cases, excision was done. On histopathological examination, the lesions have different diagnoses which are common in other parts of the body, but rarely present at the vulva. A definitive diagnosis of a vulvar mass lesion is difficult to make, especially in the case of rare mass lesion. Histopathology is the principal tool of diagnosis.

Linfangioma , Fibroadenoma
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 46: e, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569728


Abstract Objective To report the prevalence of malignant transformation of vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) and possible risk factors. Methods This is a cohort study with data analysis from medical records of 138 patients with histological diagnosis of VLS registered at the Vulvar Pathology Outpatient Clinic of the University Hospital, between 2007 and 2017. Predominance of risk factors was performed using logistic regression analysis. The variables studied were the length of follow-up, age, regular or irregular follow up; presence of symptoms (dyspareunia, pruritus and/or vulvar burning); histology characteristics, the presence of epithelial hyperplasia; and the presence of autoimmune diseases. Results There were 138 patients included in the study, and among them five progressed to malignant transformation. The patients had a median age of 59 years and 83% were symptomatic. The most frequent symptom was itching with 72%. Autoimmune diseases were present in 11.6%, the most prevalent being thyroid disease. All five case of malignant transformation (0.6%) had an irregular follow up. The logistic regression analysis was used among the studied variables, and no statistical significance was found among them (p ≥ 0.05). The relationship between hyperplasia and the clinical outcome of malignant transformation, in which non-significant but acceptable p value close to 0.05 was observed. Conclusion The prevalence of malignant transformation in patients with VLS was 0.6%, and common factors were the lack of adherence to medical treatments and the loss of follow-up.

Femina ; 51(8): 502-504, 20230830. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512464


Fibroma mole, ou pólipo fibroepitelial, é uma lesão de proporções geralmente reduzidas, de cor hiperpigmentada ou igual à da pele, localizando-se frequentemente na face, pescoço, tronco e regiões intertriginosas. É um tumor classificado como benigno e pode acometer tanto homens quanto mulheres em idade reprodutiva e depois da quarta década de vida. Ocorre principalmente em obesos, diabéticos e durante a gestação. Com menor frequência, podem alcançar dimensões que excedem 5 cm. Seu crescimento pode ser lento ou rápido e comumente são assintomáticos, mas podem promover sangramentos por conta de ulcerações decorrentes de traumas repetidos. Apresentamos neste relato um fibroma mole, gigante, de localização vulvar, com 11 cm de comprimento, 11 cm de largura e 5 cm de espessura, pesando 500 g.

Giant soft vulvar fibroma is a fibroepithelial polyp lesion with generally reduced proportions, with a hyperpigmented color or similar to that of the skin, frequently located on the face, neck, trunk and intertriginous regions. It is a tumor classified as benign, can affect both men and women, of reproductive age and after the fourth decade, mainly obese, diabetic and during pregnancy. However, less frequently, they can reach dimensions that exceed 5 cm, may have a slow or accelerated evolution. They are commonly asymptomatic, but bleeding may be present due to ulcerations resulting from repeated trauma. In the current study, we describe a giant soft fibroma with a vulvar location measuring 11 cm in length, 11 cm in width, 5 cm in thickness and weighing 500 grams.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Fibroma/cirurgia , Fibroma/etiologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos em Ginecologia , Vulva/patologia , Doenças da Vulva/complicações , Neoplasias Vulvares , Ferimentos e Lesões/complicações , Relatos de Casos , Células Estromais/patologia , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliais/reabilitação
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(4): 255-260, ago. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515217


An angiomyofibroblastoma is a benign tumor that may present itself in the genital tract of a reproductive age woman. Despite it being a benign neoplasia, unable to be invasive, it can reach large sizes, producing discomfort, pain, and anatomical deformation. A late diagnosis may result in increased surgical difficulty for resection. The following is the clinical case of a woman with a vulvo-perineal tumor of 6 years of evolution, with a final diagnosis of angiomyofibroblastoma, in which complete resection of the lesion was achieved with good cosmetic results. The highlight of this tumor is its slow, silent, but progressive growth, leading to diagnoses that are often confused and late, with a consequent delay in treatment. Among the common differential diagnoses are the Bartholin gland cyst and the aggressive angiomyxoma.

El angiomiofibroblastoma es un tumor benigno que puede presentarse en el tracto genital de la mujer en edad reproductiva. A pesar de ser una neoplasia benigna, sin capacidad invasora, puede alcanzar grandes tamaños, produciendo molestia, dolor y alteración importante de la anatomía. Si el diagnóstico es tardío, aumenta la dificultad quirúrgica en su resección. A continuación, se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer con un tumor vulvoperineal de 6 años de evolución, con diagnóstico final de angiomiofibroblastoma, en el que se logró la resección completa de la lesión con un buen resultado estético. La importancia de este tumor está dada por su crecimiento lento, silencioso, pero progresivo, llevando a que su diagnóstico sea en muchas ocasiones confuso y tardío, con el consecuente retraso en el tratamiento. Dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales comunes se encuentran el quiste de la glándula de Bartholino y el angiomixoma agresivo.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias Vulvares/cirurgia , Neoplasias Vulvares/diagnóstico , Angiomioma/cirurgia , Angiomioma/diagnóstico , Angiofibroma/cirurgia , Angiofibroma/diagnóstico , Períneo , Neoplasias Vulvares/patologia , Angiomioma/patologia , Angiofibroma/patologia
FEMINA ; 51(5): 309-320, 20230530. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512414


O exame físico na prática ginecológica diuturna é o sustentáculo de uma perspectiva diagnóstica com vistas a uma abordagem individualizada, oportuna e humanizada da paciente. Lança mão de técnica semiótica clássica, inicialmente, após avaliação de sinais vitais, minuciosa inspeção ectoscópica, seguida de exame físico especial. E deverá ser realizado em ambiente adequadíssimo, sem nenhuma improvisação e ou adaptações não compatíveis, com a importância e a segurança garantidas por um exame físico de boa qualidade. O exame físico de mamas tem como objetivo primordial a identificação de nódulos mamários e, eventualmente, de tumores localmente avançados; e relativa tranquilidade é assegurada às pacientes quando ele é considerado normal. O exame físico vulvar permite a identificação de prolapso de órgãos pélvicos, neoplasia intraepitelial e/ou invasiva vulvar e distúrbios de desenvolvimento sexual, além de oferecer subsídios para a propedêutica da vulvodínea, sendo, principalmente, uma oportunidade para o diagnóstico em dermatologia vulvar, mesmo a vulva correspondendo a apenas 1% da pele feminina. O exame especular, um clássico da ginecologia, é indispensável para a triagem do câncer de colo uterino. Por fim, o toque genital, a despeito de sua subjetividade, permite a avaliação dos órgãos genitais internos.

Physical examination in daytime gynecological practice is the mainstay of a diagnostic perspective with a view to an individualized, timely and humanized approach to the patient; resorting to the classical semiotic technique, initially, after assessing vital signs, a thorough ectoscopic inspection, followed by a special physical examination; which should be carried out in a very suitable environment, without any improvisation or adaptations that are not compatible with the importance and safety guaranteed by a good quality physical examination. The primary objective of the physical examination of the breasts is to identify breast nodules and possibly locally advanced tumors; in addition to relative tranquility, assured to patients, when the respective exam is considered normal. Vulvar physical examination allows the identification of pelvic organ prolapse; vulvar intraepithelial and/or invasive neoplasia; sexual development disorders; in addition to offering subsidies for the propaedeutics of vulvodynia; and, above all, it is an opportunity for diagnosis in vulvar dermatology, even though the vulva accounts for only 1% of female skin. Specular examination, a classic in gynecology, is essential for screening for cervical cancer. Finally, the genital touch which, despite its subjectivity, allows the evaluation of the internal genital organs.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Exame Físico/métodos , Saúde da Mulher , Ginecologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Abdome , Prolapso de Órgão Pélvico/diagnóstico , Anamnese/métodos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530357


La enfermedad de Behçet (EB) es un trastorno inflamatorio, multisistémico, recidivante y remitente de etiología desconocida. Una característica clave de la enfermedad es la ulceración orogenital que provoca una morbilidad considerable con gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Su manejo médico consiste en un esquema con colchicina, esteroides o inmunomoduladores. Comunicamos el caso de una paciente con lesiones genitales quien consultó en múltiples ocasiones, recibiendo manejo antibiótico e incluso quirúrgico, con respuesta refractaria a estas intervenciones. Posteriormente, por las características de las lesiones y el comportamiento clínico se sospechó enfermedad de Behçet y se instauró manejo médico con esteroides orales y curaciones con fitoestimulina. Hubo resolución de las úlceras genitales y posteriormente la paciente fue llevada a cirugía para corrección de las sinequias vulvares.

Behçet's disease (BD) is an inflammatory, multisystemic, relapsing-remitting disorder of unknown etiology. A key feature of the disease is orogenital ulceration that causes considerable morbidity with great impact on patient's quality of life. Its medical management consists of a scheme with colchicine, steroids or immunomodulators. We report the case of a patient with genital lesions who consulted on multiple occasions, receiving antibiotics and even surgical management, with refractory response to these interventions. Subsequently, due to the characteristics of the lesion and clinical behavior, Behçet's disease was suspected and medical management with oral steroids and cures with phytostimulin was initiated. The genital ulcers were resolved, and the patient was subsequently taken to surgery for correction of the vulvar synechiae.

Medwave ; 23(2): e2674, 31-03-2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424998


Lipschütz ulcer is a non-sexually transmitted genital lesion of unknown etiology, which presents as a painful vulvar ulcer. Lipschütz ulcers have been described in most continents. This is the first case reported in Peru and South America. We present the case of a 33-year-old female patient with a Lipschütz ulcer after being vaccinated with the second dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. She reported having had only one sexual partner in her lifetime. Laboratory results were negative for herpes simplex 2, Cytomegalovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Barr virus, and syphilis. The patient received symptomatic treatment. Ten days after the onset, the patient was significantly better during follow-up. This case report displays a potential adverse effect of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine as a Lipschütz ulcer triggered by the host humoral immune response. However, further research is needed to establish the causal relationship between these two.

La úlcera de Lipschütz es una lesión genital no transmitidas por vía sexual de etiología desconocida, se presenta como una úlcera vulvar muy dolorosa. Las úlceras de Lipschütz se han descrito en la mayoría de los continentes. Este es el primer caso que se reporta en Perú y Sudamérica. En este reporte de caso se presentauna paciente de 33 años con una úlcera de Lipschütz luego de haber sido vacunada con la segunda dosis de la vacuna AstraZeneca COVID-19. Refirió haber tenido una sola pareja sexual a lo largo de su vida. Los resultados de laboratorio fueron negativos para herpes simplex 2, Citomegalovirus, Toxoplasma gondii, virus de Epstein-Barr y sífilis. La paciente recibió tratamiento sintomático. Diez días después, durante el seguimiento, la paciente estaba significativamente mejor. Este reporte de caso expone un potencial efecto adverso de la vacuna AstraZeneca COVID-19, en forma de úlcera de Lipschütz, desencadenado por la respuesta inmune humoral del huésped. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar más investigación para establecer la relación causal entre ambos.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Doenças da Vulva/etiologia , Doenças da Vulva/patologia , Doenças da Vulva/tratamento farmacológico , Vacinas contra COVID-19/efeitos adversos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , América do Sul , Úlcera/etiologia , Úlcera/tratamento farmacológico , Vacinação
Cancer Research and Clinic ; (6): 878-880, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030388


Paget disease of the vulva is the most common type of extramammary Paget disease and is a rare clinical malignancy occurring in the vulva. At present, the specific pathogenesis is not clear, and the lesions mainly involve areas rich in apocrine sweat glands, such as the external genitalia. The clinical manifestations show no obvious heterogeneity, and may be characterized by erythema, pruritus, scurf and tingling in the lesion area, with erosion and exudation in severe cases. Diagnosis requires histopathological examination and immunohistochemistry. Paget disease of the vulva is often misdiagnosed as eczema or dermatitis due to the lack of knowledge about this disease in clinicians. This article reviews the current research progress of Paget disease of the vulva, in order to deepen clinicians' understanding of this disease and effectively improve clinical diagnosis and treatment abilities.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 406-410, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992318


Objective:To investigate the effects of fractional CO 2 laser, focused ultrasound and simple drug treatment of gynecological vulva white lesions. Methods:A prospective study was conducted on 126 patients with white lesions of the vulva admitted to Hainan Cancer Hospital from August 2018 to December 2020. They were divided into drug group, focused ultrasound group and fractional CO 2 laser group by random number table method, with 42 patients in each group. The drug group was treated with mometasone furoate cream or dexamethasone acetate cream, and the focused ultrasound group was treated with focused ultrasound; the fractional CO 2 laser group was treated with fractional CO 2 laser. The serum interleukin-2 (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP), and human epidermal growth factor (EGF) levels before and after treatment, and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) scores of the three groups were compared. Results:Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the levels of IL-2, TNF-α, CRP and EGF among the three groups (all P>0.05). After treatment, the levels of IL-2, TNF-α, CRP and EGF in the three groups were significantly decreased, and the levels of IL-2, TNF-α, CRP and EGF in the focused ultrasound group and fractional CO 2 laser group were lower than those in the drug group, with statistically significant difference (all P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the white lesions, dry pruritus, sexual pain and chapped skin scores of the three groups (all P>0.05); After treatment, scores of all dimensions of the three groups were significantly decreased, and scores of all dimensions of the focused ultrasound group and fractional CO 2 laser were lower than those of the drug group, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). Before treatment, there was no significant difference in the scores of symptoms and feelings, daily activities and interpersonal relationship of the three groups (all P>0.05); After treatment, scores of all dimensions of the three groups were significantly decreased, and scores of all dimensions of the focused ultrasound group and fractional CO 2 laser were lower than those of the drug group, with statistical significance (all P<0.05). Conclusions:Fractional CO 2 laser has a remarkable effect in the treatment of gynecological vulva white lesions, which can reduce the level of inflammatory factors in patients, improve the pain condition, and improve the quality of life.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992893


Objective:To explore the detection rate, clinical characteristics of vulvar squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL).Methods:Women diagnosed with vulvar high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) through colposcopy-guided biopsy from January 1, 2018 to August 31, 2022 in Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University were included in a 1∶1 ratio with patients diagnosed with vulvar low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) during the same period. Clinical characteristics including human papillomavirus (HPV) infection rate, genotype, cytology result, colposcopy impression, and lesion location were retrospectively analyzed.Results:(1) The proportion of vulvar SIL detected by colposcopy-guided biopsy increased annually from 2018 to 2022, with rates of 1.64% (740/45 057), 2.34% (1 110/47 402), 2.68% (1 108/41 335), 3.26% (1 536/47 078), 3.31% (667/20 155), with an average rate of 2.57% (5 161/201 027). (2) A total of 1 096 cases of vulvar HSIL and 1 096 cases of vulvar LSIL were included. The overall infection rate of HPV was 92.7% (1 993/2 150), with higher infection rate in vulvar HSIL patients than that in vulvar LSIL patients [96.0% (1 012/1 054) vs 89.5% (981/1 096); χ2=33.62, P<0.001]. Among vulvar HSIL patients, the common HPV genotype from high to low were HPV 16 (66.7%), HPV 52 (14.3%), and HPV 58 (10.0%). For vulvar LSIL patients, the most common HPV genotype were respectively HPV 16 (24.9%), HPV 6 (20.1%) and HPV 52 (17.1%). The overall sensitivity rate of cytology was 53.6%, with no significance difference between vulvar LSIL and HSIL groups (54.3% vs 52.9%; χ2=0.40, P=0.526). The accuracy of colposcopy impression for vulvar HSIL was lower than that for vulvar LSIL [40.2% (163/405) vs 81.7% (380/465); χ2=158.72, P<0.001]. About 57.3% (1 257/2 192) of the patients had concomitant cervical and vaginal lesions, with a higher rate in vulvar HSIL group than that in vulvar LSIL group [62.6% (686/1 096) vs 52.1% (571/1 096); χ2=24.67, P<0.001]. Unifocal lesion was the main type, with no significance difference between vulvar LSIL and HSIL groups [81.4% (381/468) vs 82.5% (386/468); χ2=0.18, P=0.671]. The most common lesion locations were the posterior commissure, followed by labia minora, vaginal vestibule, labia majora, perianal and clitoris. Conclusions:The detection rate of vulvar SIL under colposcopy is about 3%, and the infection rate of HPV is 92.7%. Vulvar SIL, especially vulvar HSIL, is likely to cause concomitant cervical and vaginal lesions. The accuracy of colposcopy in diagnosing vulvar HSIL is low. Therefore a comprehensive and careful examination of the vulva is necessary and suspicious vulvar lesions should be undergone colposcopy-guided biopsy for diagnosis.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(5): 366-370, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506269


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El tumor de células granulares de la vulva es poco común y de origen neurogénico. Afecta, principalmente, a mujeres entre 60 y 70 años y es más frecuente en la raza negra. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 63 años, con una lesión vulvar indolora y no pruriginosa, en crecimiento. En la exploración se observó una lesión excrecente de 2.5 cm en la región superior del labio mayor izquierdo, dura, vascularizada y con infiltración a 2 cm de profundidad. No se palparon adenopatías sospechosas. Luego del reporte de la biopsia, sugerente de tumor de células granulares, se practicó una escisión completa, con márgenes libres. El estudio inmunohistoquímico se reportó positivo para CD68, S100 y TFE3 lo que confirmó el diagnóstico. Puesto que el índice proliferativo (Ki67) fue inferior al 5% y los márgenes quirúrgicos estaban libres, no se requirió tratamiento adyuvante. La paciente permanece en seguimiento y sin signos de recidiva. CONCLUSIÓN: Si bien los tumores de células granulares de la vulva son poco comunes y casi siempre benignos, deben incluirse en el diagnóstico diferencial de una tumoración vulvar. La inmunohistoquímica es la herramienta más útil para el diagnóstico preciso y su tratamiento de elección es la escisión local amplia, por su tendencia a la recurrencia local.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Granular cell tumor of the vulva is rare and neurogenic in origin. It mainly affects women between 60 and 70 years of age and is more frequent in black women. CLINICAL CASE: A 63-year-old woman with a painless, non-pruritic, growing vulvar lesion. Examination revealed a 2.5 cm excrescent lesion in the upper region of the left labium majus, hard, vascularized and infiltrated to a depth of 2 cm. No suspicious lymph nodes were palpated. After the biopsy report, suggestive of granular cell tumor, complete excision was performed, with free margins. The immunohistochemical study was positive for CD68, S100 and TFE3 which confirming the diagnosis. Since the proliferative index (Ki67) was less than 5% and the surgical margins were clear, adjuvant treatment was not required. The patient remains in follow-up with no signs of recurrence. CONCLUSION: Although granular cell tumors of the vulva are rare and almost always benign, they should be included in the differential diagnosis of a vulvar tumor. Immunohistochemistry is the most useful tool for accurate diagnosis and their treatment of choice is wide local excision because of their tendency for local recurrence.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(6): 440-444, ene. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506280


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El angiomixoma agresivo profundo perineal es un tumor mesenquimatoso de muy limitada aparición que se origina debido a un crecimiento tumoral del tejido conjuntivo que se expande a pesar de su naturaleza benigna; se caracteriza por un comportamiento agresivo. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 38 años, con un nódulo genital de 3 cm en el labio mayor izquierdo, con sospecha clínica de quiste de la glándula de Bartolino. Durante la intervención para su drenaje se objetivó una tumoración blanda, de aspecto mesenquimal, pediculado. El análisis histológico confirmó que se trataba de un angiomixoma agresivo profundo perineal. Posterior al estudio de extensión negativo, se completó la vulvectomía simple izquierda, con un posoperatorio favorable. CONCLUSIONES: La obtención de una biopsia inicial es decisiva, sobre todo en casos de tumores mesenquimales agresivos, como el angiomixoma agresivo perineal profundo. De esta manera puede establecerse un plan de tratamiento individual en función del diagnóstico histológico definitivo.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Aggressive deep perineal angiomyxoma is a mesenchymal tumor of very limited occurrence that originates due to a tumorous growth of connective tissue that expands despite its benign nature; it is characterized by an aggressive behavior. CLINICAL CASE: 38-year-old patient with a 3 cm genital nodule on the left labium majus, with clinical suspicion of Bartholin's gland cyst. During the intervention for its drainage, a soft, mesenchymal, pedunculated tumor was observed. Histological analysis confirmed that it was an aggressive deep perineal angiomyxoma. Following a negative extension study, a simple left vulvectomy was completed, with a favorable postoperative course. CONCLUSIONS: Obtaining an initial biopsy is critical, especially in cases of aggressive mesenchymal tumors, such as deep perineal aggressive angiomyxoma. In this way an individual treatment plan can be established based on the definitive histologic diagnosis.

An. bras. dermatol ; 97(6): 747-756, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403184


Abstract Background: Vulvar diseases are common in the general population and have a negative impact on the quality of life. Objectives: To describe our experience as dermatologists in the management of vulvar dermatosis consultations. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted with patients who attended monographic vulvar consultations over a 5-year period. Clinical information was obtained from the patient's charts. Results: 148 women were studied. Their mean age was 43.24 years (standard deviation: 15.15 years), with ages ranging from 4 months to 80 years. 53.4% of patients took between 2 and 5 years to seek medical attention for the first time. The most frequent diagnosis was lichen sclerosus (41.9%), irritative eczema of the vulva (14.9%), and lichen simplex chronicus (10.1%). 83.8% reported anogenital itching, 66.2% pain, and 45.9% dyspareunia. The most frequently prescribed treatment was ultra-potent topical corticosteroids (clobetasol propionate; 41.2%). Patients with lichen sclerosus were significantly older than those who presented with any of the other diseases. No differences were found in terms of either the time of disease evolution or in symptom presentation. Study limitations: Retrospective study. Vulvar diseases with an infectious cause are usually managed in primary care, therefore, were not included. All patients were recruited from a single private hospital which limits the comparisons with the public health system. Conclusions: Vulvar diseases frequently occur and are associated with high morbidity. It is essential to promote the development of specific vulvar consultations in hospitals. Specialties such as dermatology, gynecology, urology, or physiotherapy must be part of these units.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424337


Las células de Merkel se describieron originalmente en el estrato basal de la epidermis, con propiedades neuroendocrinas. El carcinoma de células de Merkel de la vulva es una neoplasia extremadamente rara y altamente agresiva. Existen pocos casos de estos tumores, la mayoría de los cuales han sido considerados tumores neuroendocrinos. El origen histológico y la etiología de esta enfermedad son controvertidas. Debido a su rareza en esta localización, no está claro si se comporta de manera diferente a los carcinomas de piel similares en otras localizaciones. Se presenta un caso de carcinoma primario de células de Merkel vulvar. El examen de biopsia por escisión reveló una tumoración de 4 x 3 centímetros en el tercio posterior del labio mayor izquierdo de la vulva sin afectación de los ganglios linfáticos. La paciente fue sometida a vulvectomía radical y disección bilateral de ganglios linfáticos inguinales. La evaluación histológica postoperatoria no mostró metástasis regionales ni distantes.

Merkel cells were originally described in the stratum basale of the epidermis with neuroendocrine properties. Merkel cell carcinoma of the vulva is an extremely rare and highly aggressive neoplasm. There are few cases of these tumors, most of which have been considered neuroendocrine tumors. The histologic origin and etiology of this disease are controversial. It is known for his aggressive behavior and propensity for early diffusion. Because of its rarity in this location, it is unclear whether it behaves differently from similar skin carcinomas in other locations. A case of primary vulvar Merkel cell carcinoma is presented. Excisional biopsy examination revealed a 4 x 3-centimeter tumor in the posterior third of the left labium majus of the vulva without lymph node involvement. The patient underwent radical vulvectomy and bilateral inguinal lymph node dissection. Postoperative histological evaluation showed no regional or distant metastases.

Invest. clín ; 63(2): 170-184, jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534654


Resumen La presente revisión narrativa fue realizada con el objeto de investigar y recopilar la información más reciente y relevante sobre la epidemiología del Virus del Papiloma Humano y su relación con las patologías asociadas a él, en especial la patología maligna del área genital femenina. La revisión de la literatura fue realizada electrónicamente en PubMed, Medline, ISI, DOAJ, Springer, Embase. Web of Knowledge, DOAJ, y Google Scholar para los artículos escritos en el idioma inglés. Los portales Scielo, Latindex, Imbiomed-L, Redalyc y Google Scholar fueron revisados en búsqueda de artículos escritos en el idioma español. La búsqueda incluyó las palabras claves: epidemiología del virus del papiloma humano, taxonomía viral, estructura del virus del papiloma humano, clasificación del virus del papiloma, nomenclatura del virus del papiloma humano, patologías asociadas al virus del papiloma humano, virus papiloma humano y cáncer del cuello uterino, virus del papiloma humano y cáncer de vulva, y virus del papiloma humano y cáncer de vagina. Se buscaron, revisaron y analizaron las publicaciones desde enero de 1987 hasta agosto de 2021. Esta revisión narrativa investigó la epidemiología del virus del papiloma humano y sus patologías asociadas, en especial las malignas del área genital femenina.

Abstract The present narrative review was conducted to investigate and to compile the most recent and relevant information about the epidemiology of the Human Papilloma Virus and its relationship with the pathologies associated with it. Literature searches were performed electronically in PubMed, Medline, ISI, DOAJ, Springer, Embase. Web of Knowledge, DOAJ, and Google Scholar for original articles written in the English language and Scielo, Latindex, Imbiomed-L, Redalyc, and Google Scholar for original articles written in the Spanish language. The searches included the keywords: epidemiology of human papillomavirus, viral taxonomy, the structure of human papillomavirus, classification of human papillomavirus, the nomenclature of human papillomavirus, pathologies associated to human papillomavirus, human papillomavirus and cervical, human papillomavirus and vulvar cancer and human papillomavirus and vaginal cancer Publications from January 1987 to August 2021 reviewed. This narrative review researched the epidemiology of the human papillomavirus and its pathologies associated especially the female genital area.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222191


Malignant melanoma is the second most common vulvar malignancy which occurs in elderly females. In advanced stages of the disease, distant metastases can occur to any organ; hence, comprehensive radiological evaluation is necessary. We report a case of a 45-year-old female who presented with progressively increasing growth over the vulva for 6 months. On detailed clinical, pathological, and radiological workup, multiple metastases were found in the brain, liver, pancreas, peritoneum, lungs, and pleura. The final diagnosis of vulvar melanoma with multisystemic metastases was made after the histopathological examination

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424318


El sarcoma epitelioide es un tipo raro de tumor mesenquimal. El sarcoma epitelioide de tipo proximal de vulva es un tumor maligno extremadamente raro de los tejidos blandos, con frecuentes recurrencias por su comportamiento agresivo. Debido a que sus características son similares a otras lesiones benignas, esto lleva a retrasos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Las características histológicas de este tumor incluyen células epitelioides prominentes y aparición de rasgos rabdoides con marcadas atipias nucleares. Debido a su baja incidencia, no existen algoritmos diagnósticos basados en la evidencia ni recomendaciones publicadas para el tratamiento. El pronóstico es generalmente malo. Se presenta un caso de sarcoma epitelioide de tipo proximal de vulva.

Epithelioid sarcoma is a rare type of mesenchymal tumor. Proximal-type epithelioid sarcoma of the vulva is an extremely rare malignant tumor of the soft tissues with frequent recurrences due to its aggressive behaviour. Because its characteristics are similar to other benign lesions, this leads to diagnostic and therapeutic delays. Histologic features of this tumor include prominent epithelioid cells and the appearance of rhabdoid features with marked nuclear atypia. Due to its low incidence, there are no evidence-based diagnostic algorithms or published recommendations for treatment. The prognosis is generally poor. A case of proximal type epithelioid sarcoma of the vulva is presented.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964901


@#Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) is a precancerous lesion involving the squamous epithelium of the vulva. This retrospective descriptive study aims to determine the prevalence of VIN in a tertiary government hospital in a developing country. Medical records of outpatient consultations with the diagnosis of VIN from January 2000 to June 2012 were reviewed. The prevalence of VIN was 1.6/100,000 women over the 12 years. The diagnosis was based on biopsy results of an incidental finding of vulvar lesions on physical examination. The profile of a patient with VIN was a woman aged 40 years old and above, married, multigravid, nonsmoker, high school graduate, and unemployed. Vulvar lesions noted were multiple hyperpigmented papules located at the posterior labia majora. VIN was associated with abnormal colposcopy findings, and 40% were associated with concomitant cervical disease. Treatment was wide local excision. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of VIN aim to prevent its progression to vulvar carcinoma. Although vulvar carcinoma is a rare condition, there has been a notable rise in prevalence in recent years. Hence, gynecologists should be vigilant and have a high index of suspicion to detect the disease early in its course.

Doenças da Vulva
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 885-888, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957754


Objective:To investigate dermoscopic features of childhood vulvar lichen sclerosus.Methods:From January 2019 to May 2021, 79 female children with vulvar lichen sclerosus were collected from Kunming Children′s Hospital, and their dermoscopic features at first and return visits were analyzed retrospectively.Results:Among the 79 female children with vulvar lichen sclerosus, their age ranged from 2.4 to 12 years, the age at onset was 5.6 ± 2.12 years, the course of disease was 14.23 ± 12.36 months, and 30 children received regular follow-up and treatment. Among 329 skin lesions at the first visit, characteristic vascular shapes were observed in 149 (45.3%) , including linear vessels in 129, punctate vessels in 25, coiled vessels in 19, and hairpin-like vessels in 12; degenerative structures and pigment abnormalities were seen in 207 (62.92%) , including bluish-gray pigmented structures in 136, brown pigmented structures in 51, pepper-like patterns in 15, etc.; yellowish-white structureless areas were found in 280 (85.1%) , follicular keratotic plugs in 97 (29.5%) , and reddish-violet globules and patches in 66 (20%) . Among 238 skin lesions at the return visit, characteristic vascular shapes were observed in 100 (42%) , including linear vessels in 87, dendritic vessels in 21 and punctate vessels in 4, and no hairpin-like vessels were observed; degenerative structures and pigment abnormalities were seen in 154 (64.70%) , including brown pigmented structures in 93, bluish-gray pigmented structures in 57, and pepper-like patterns in 4; yellowish-white structureless areas were found in 165 (69.3%) , follicular keratotic plugs in 62 (26.1%) , and reddish-violet globules and patches in 8 (3.4%) . The prevalence rates of bluish-gray pigmented structures, yellowish-white structureless areas, reddish-violet globules and patches, punctate vessels, hairpin-like vessels, and coiled vessels in the skin lesions were all significantly lower at the return visit than at the first visit (all P < 0.05) , while the prevalence rate of the brown pigmented structure was significantly higher at the return visit than at the first visit ( P < 0.05) . Conclusion:Under a dermoscope, yellowish-white structureless areas are a highly specific characteristic of childhood vulvar lichen sclerosus, and therapeutic effect can be monitored by observing changes in dermoscopic features, including brown pigmented structures, bluish-gray pigmented structures, yellowish-white structureless areas, reddish-violet globules and patches, and vascular structures. Dermoscopy shows favorable application value in auxiliary diagnosis and follow-up observation of childhood vulvar lichen sclerosus.