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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521340


La postura corporal es el resultado de la compleja interacción del sistema músculo-esquelético y nervioso que permite al cuerpo mantenerse en una posición adecuada, con un balance ergonómico y un gasto de energía mínimo. Las exigencias técnicas y el perfil morfofuncional del polista se complementan como factores internos predisponentes a lesiones por sobreuso. El objetivo del estudio consistió en analizar el perfil postural en jugadores élite de polo acuático. Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal. Los métodos científicos seleccionados estuvieron en el nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático. Se evaluaron 18 polistas masculinos, de élite, de 18 a 33 años de edad. En el plano frontal, el perfil predominante fue cabeza centrada (13; 72,2 %), con hombro izquierdo más alto (14; 77,8 %), espina iliaca anterosuperior homolateral más alta (10; 55,6 %), triángulo torácico derecho más grande que el izquierdo (10; 55,6%) y ambas rodillas con correcta alineación frontal (10; 55,6 %). En el plano sagital la cabeza se observó adelantada (18; 100 %), pelvis neutra (14; 77,78 %), ambas rodillas en recurvatum (10; 55,6 %) e inclinación corporal anterior (18; 100 %) con un rango de angulación de 2-6 grados. En el plano frontal posterior la cabeza se encontró neutra (14; 77,78 %) con inclinación corporal izquierda (12; 66,67 %). La evaluación del perfil de postura en polistas es útil para diagnosticar desalineaciones en los segmentos corporales, al generar una herramienta en el control biomédico del entrenamiento deportivo.

A postura corporal é resultado da complexa interação do sistema musculoesquelético e nervoso que permite ao corpo permanecer em uma posição adequada, com equilíbrio ergonômico e mínimo gasto energético. As exigências técnicas e o perfil morfofuncional do jogador de pólo complementam-se como fatores internos predisponentes a lesões por uso excessivo. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o perfil postural em jogadores de elite de pólo aquático. Foi desenhado um estudo descritivo, prospectivo e transversal. Os métodos científicos selecionados foram de nível teórico, empírico e estatístico-matemático. Foram avaliados 18 jogadores de pólo de elite do sexo masculino, com idades entre 18 e 33 anos. No plano frontal, o perfil predominante foi cabeça centrada (13; 72,2%), com ombro esquerdo mais alto (14; 77,8%), espinha ilíaca ântero-superior ipsilateral mais alta (10; 55,6%), triângulo torácico direito maior que o esquerdo ( 10; 55,6%) e ambos os joelhos com alinhamento frontal correto (10; 55,6%). No plano sagital observou-se cabeça para frente (18; 100%), pelve neutra (14; 77,78%), ambos os joelhos em recurvatum (10; 55,6%) e inclinação anterior do corpo (18; 100%) com amplitude de angulação de 2-6 graus. No plano frontal posterior a cabeça estava neutra (14; 77,78 %) com inclinação do corpo para a esquerda (12; 66,67 %). A avaliação do perfil postural em jogadores de pólo é útil para diagnosticar desalinhamentos em segmentos corporais, gerando uma ferramenta no controle biomédico do treinamento esportivo.

Body posture is the result of the complex interaction of the musculoskeletal and nervous system that allows the body to remain in an adequate position, with ergonomic balance and minimal energy expenditure. The technical demands and the morphofunctional profile of the polo player complement each other as internal factors predisposing to injuries due to overuse. The objective of the study was to analyze the postural profile in elite water polo players. A descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional study was designed. The selected scientific methods were at the theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level. 18 elite male polo players, aged 18 to 33, were evaluated. In the frontal plane, the predominant profile was centered head (13; 72.2 %), with higher left shoulder (14; 77.8 %), higher ipsilateral anterior superior iliac spine (10; 55.6 %), triangle right thoracic larger than the left (10; 55.6 %) and both knees with correct frontal alignment (10; 55.6 %). In the sagittal plane, the head was observed forward (18; 100 %), neutral pelvis (14; 77.78 %), both knees in recurvatum (10; 55.6 %) and anterior body inclination (18; 100 %) with an angulation range of 2-6 degrees. In the posterior frontal plane, the head was neutral (14; 77.78 %) with left body inclination (12; 66.67 %). The evaluation of the posture profile in polo players is useful to diagnose misalignments in body segments, generating a tool in the biomedical control of sports training.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(6): 1758-1763, dic. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528794


SUMMARY: The Olympic Games always offer great interest when it comes to water polo. Currently, many selections have an approximate quality and details determine who will win. Prior to the tournament the authors wanted to verify body composition and anthropometric characteristics of players of the three national teams, Serbia, the United States of America (USA) and Montenegro. The purpose of this research was to determine the differences in body composition and anthropometric characteristics between the water polo players of the national team of Serbia and Olympic champion in Tokyo 2021, the national team of USA which took sixth place and the national team of Montenegro, which took the eighth place. Body mass index, fat percentage and muscle mass (body composition variables) were evaluated by Bioelectric Impedance type MC-980 and body height, body weight, triceps skinfold, biceps skinfold, skinfold of the back, abdominal skinfold, upper leg skinfold, lower leg skinfold (other anthropometric characteristics) were evaluated by an anthropometer and a calliper. ANOVA showed that there was a statistically significant difference in fat percentage. The LSD post hoc test showed statistically significant differences between the water polo players of the Montenegrin national team (13.33 %) compared to the water polo players of the USA national team (16.67 %). It can be stated that water polo players from Montenegro had a statistically significantly lower fat percentage than water polo players from the USA and a lower level of fat than water polo players from Serbia, though this was not statistically significant. Although the fat percentage is a disruptive factor with athletes, it had no effect on the result at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, because Serbia eventually won the gold medal, the USA obtained sixth place, and Montenegro eighth place. It means that some other abilities influenced the results at the Tokyo Olympics in water polo, for example tactical, physical, psychological, technical... which is to be shown by some other research.

Los Juegos Olímpicos siempre ofrecen un gran interés en lo que respecta al waterpolo. Actualmente, muchas selecciones tienen una calidad aproximada y los detalles determinan quién ganará. Antes del torneo, los autores deseaban comprobar la composición corporal y las características antropométricas de los jugadores de las tres selecciones nacionales: Serbia, Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) y Montenegro, que siempre tienen las mayores ambiciones en las grandes competiciones. El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar las diferencias en composición corporal y características antropométricas entre los jugadores de waterpolo de la selección nacional de Serbia, que fue campeona olímpica en Tokio 2021, la selección nacional de Estados Unidos que ocupó el sexto lugar y la selección nacional de Montenegro, que acabó octavo. El índice de masa corporal, el porcentaje de grasa y la masa muscular (variables de composición corporal) se evaluaron mediante Impedancia Bioeléctrica tipo MC-980 y la altura corporal, el peso corporal, el pliegue del tríceps, el pliegue del bíceps, el pliegue de la espalda, el pliegue abdominal, el pliegue de la parte superior de la pierna y la parte inferior de la pierna. Los pliegues cutáneos (otras características antropométricas) fueron evaluados mediante un antropómetro y un calibrador. ANOVA mostró que había una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el porcentaje de grasa. La prueba post hoc de LSD mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los jugadores de waterpolo de la selección nacional de Montenegro (13,33 %) en comparación con los jugadores de waterpolo de la selección de Estados Unidos (16,67 %). Se puede afirmar que los jugadores de waterpolo de Montenegro tenían un porcentaje de grasa estadísticamente significativamente menor que los jugadores de waterpolo de EE. UU. y un nivel de grasa más bajo que los jugadores de waterpolo de Serbia, lo que no es estadísticamente significativo. Aunque el porcentaje de grasa es un factor perturbador para los atletas, no tuvo ningún efecto en el resultado de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio, ya que al final Serbia ganó la medalla de oro, Estados Unidos quedó en sexto lugar y Montenegro en el octavo lugar. Esto significa que en los resultados de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio en el waterpolo influyeron otras habilidades, por ejemplo tácticas, físicas, psicológicas y técnicas, tal como lo demostrarán investigaciones a futuro.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Composição Corporal , Antropometria , Esportes Aquáticos , Análise de Variância
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 686-689, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514317


SUMMARY: The objective of this meta-analysis is to synthesise available research that has evaluated the anthropometric, morphological and somatotype characteristics of water polo players. Studies were identified through electronic databases and manually searched volumes of pertinent journals. It has been determined that a substantial share of the mesomorphic component characterises both male and female water polo players. The somatotype of the junior male section belongs to the balanced mesomorph, while the junior female section belongs to the endomesomorph somatotype. The research of anthropometric characteristics has yielded an average body height and weight of male and female water polo players. It has been determined that the average water polo player has undergone certain changes in terms of some anthropometric characteristics resulting from the secular trend and the morphological adaptation. Higher numerical values in terms of some skeletal dimensionality, voluminosity and body height and mass have proven to be significant indicators of athletic achievement of water polo players.

El objetivo de este metanálisis fue sintetizar la investigación disponible que ha evaluado las características antropométricas, morfológicas y somatotípicas de los jugadores de waterpolo. Los estudios se identificaron a través de bases de datos electrónicas y se realizaron búsquedas manuales en volúmenes de revistas pertinentes. Se ha determinado que una parte sustancial del componente mesomórfico caracteriza a los jugadores a los hombres y mujeres de waterpolo. El somatotipo de la sección masculina junior pertenece al mesomorfo balanceado, mientras que la sección femenina junior pertenece al somatotipo endomesomorfo. La investigación de las características antropométricas ha arrojado una estatura y un peso corporal promedio tanto de los hombre como de las mujeres jugadores de waterpolo. Se ha determinado que el jugador de waterpolo medio ha sufrido ciertos cambios en cuanto a algunas características antropométricas producto de la tendencia secular y la adaptación morfológica. Los valores numéricos más altos en términos de cierta dimensionalidad esquelética, voluminosidad y altura y masa corporal han demostrado ser indicadores significativos del rendimiento atlético de los jugadores de waterpolo.

Humanos , Somatotipos , Antropometria , Esportes Aquáticos
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(3): 911-924, sept.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406279


RESUMEN Introducción: El establecimiento de metas es un proceso fundamental en el entrenamiento deportivo y puede ser utilizado como una técnica motivacional en el deporte para manejar los recursos psicológicos del deportista y el equipo en aras de potenciar la cohesión y lograr sus aspiraciones. Objetivo: Analizar la pertinencia de la aplicación de un programa de intervención psicológica sustentado en el establecimiento de metas como técnica motivacional en el equipo femenino categoría 13-14 años de Polo Acuático de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar Eide "Marcelo Salado", de Villa Clara, Cuba. Materiales y métodos: La metodología empleada incluye diversos métodos y técnicas de investigación de naturaleza cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se utilizaron el análisis ssíntesis, observación, entrevista, cuestionario de establecimiento de metas, técnica de completamiento de frases, el cuestionario de estilo de dirección, la triangulación y el preexperimento. Se calcularon medidas descriptivas de posición como la media y la moda. Se utilizó la prueba de hipótesis no paramétrica de rangos señalados de Wilcoxon para comprobar si los cambios antes y después de la intervención eran significativos. Resultados: Los datos susceptibles de medición fueron procesados estadísticamente mediante el software SPSS para Windows versión 17.0 Los resultados demuestran la influencia del programa de intervención aplicado para el mejoramiento del establecimiento de metas del equipo. Conclusiones: Valoran la contribución de la aplicación del programa de intervención psicológica, en el establecimiento de metas de manera más objetivas, claras y comprensibles en las deportistas y en el desarrollo de la esfera motivacional al utilizar las potencialidades del trabajo del equipo deportivo como grupo.

SÍNTESE Introdução: O estabelecimento de metas é um processo fundamental no treinamento esportivo e pode ser usado como uma técnica motivacional no esporte para administrar os recursos psicológicos do atleta e da equipe, a fim de aumentar a coesão e alcançar suas aspirações. Objetivo: analisar a relevância da aplicação de um programa de intervenção psicológica baseado no estabelecimento de metas como técnica motivacional na equipe de pólo aquático feminina de 13-14 anos da Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar Eide "Marcelo Salado", em Villa Clara, Cuba. Materiais e métodos: a metodologia empregada inclui vários métodos e técnicas de pesquisa de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Foram utilizadas análise-síntese, observação, entrevista, questionário de estabelecimento de metas, técnica de preenchimento de frases, questionário de estilo de gestão, triangulação e pré-experimentação. Foram calculadas medidas descritivas de posição, tais como média e modo. O teste de hipóteses Wilcoxon não paramétrico assinado foi usado para testar se as mudanças antes e depois da intervenção eram significativas. Resultados: Os dados mensuráveis foram processados estatisticamente usando o software SPSS para Windows versão 17.0. Os resultados demonstram a influência do programa de intervenção aplicado na melhoria da definição das metas da equipe. Conclusões: a contribuição da aplicação do programa de intervenção psicológica no estabelecimento de metas mais objetivas, claras e compreensíveis para as atletas e no desenvolvimento da esfera motivacional, utilizando o potencial do trabalho da equipe esportiva como um grupo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Goal setting is a fundamental process in sports training and can be used as a motivational technique in sports to manage the resources of the athlete and the team in order to enhance cohesion and achieve their aspirations. Objective: To analyze the relevance of the application of a psychological intervention program based on the establishment of goals as a motivational technique in the women's team category 13-14 years of Water Polo of the School of Sports Initiation School Eide " Marcelo Salado", of Villa Clare, Cuba. Materials and methods: The methodology used includes various research methods and techniques of a quantitative and qualitative nature. Analysis-synthesis, observation, interview, goal setting questionnaire, sentence completion technique, management style questionnaire, triangulation and pre-experiment were used. Descriptive measures of position such as the mean and mode were calculated. The Wilcoxon signed ranks nonparametric hypothesis test was used to test whether the changes before and after the intervention were significant. Results: The measurable data were statistically processed using the SPSS software for Windows version 17.0. The results demonstrate the influence of the intervention program applied to improve the team's goal setting. Conclusions: They value the contribution of the application of the psychological intervention program, in the establishment of goals in a more objective, clear and understandable way in the athletes and in the development of the motivational sphere when using the potentialities of the work of the sports team as a group.

Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 40(177): 1-8, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1396007


Los deportes acuáticos como waterpolo y hockey subacuático (HS) presentan momentos alternantes de alta y baja intensidad, por lo que resulta imprescindible la adecuada alimentación y preparación física. Se ha demostrado la importancia de la nutrición sobre el bienestar físico; permitiendo el crecimiento, la reparación y adaptación, luego del ejercicio, influyendo sobre el rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el consumo proteico y su percepción en deportistas de waterpolo y hockey subacuático del club Regatas de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 2019. Se utilizó registro alimentario (3 días discontinuos), coincidentes con días de entrenamiento. Se realizaron entrevistas para determinar la percepción del consumo proteico. El consumo proteico promedio en jugadores de waterpolo fue excesivo respecto a su requerimiento. La mitad de los deportistas de HS relevaron consumo promedio insuficiente de proteínas con respecto a su requerimiento diario. Los alimentos fuente de proteínas predominantes seleccionados en ambos grupos, fueron carnes, leche/yogur, queso, huevo y legumbres. Al contrastar el consumo proteico según el requerimiento diario no se encontró diferencias significativas entre las dos disciplinas. En cuanto a la percepción el consumo proteico, en ambos grupos subestimaron la ingesta de proteínas respecto al valor real de consumo. Los waterpolistas presentan un consumo excesivo de proteínas respecto a su requerimiento; mientras que en los practicantes de HS resultó ser variado. Respecto a la percepción sobre el consumo proteico, la ingesta es subestimada en ambas disciplinas. El Licenciado en Nutrición debe orientar hacia estrategias correctas adecuadas al contexto nutricional deportivo(AU).

Alimentos para Praticantes de Atividade Física , Percepção , Argentina , Esportes Aquáticos , Hóquei
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(2): 382-394, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287561


RESUMEN En la actualidad, en Cuba, muchos atletas que llegan a su edad de retiro no realizan procesos de desentrenamiento deportivo, lo que repercute en su estado de salud a mediano plazo; estos comienzan a sufrir de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, además de depresión y estados psicológicos no adecuados. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las insuficiencias que se derivan en la conducción del proceso de desentrenamiento deportivo en atletas retirados. Para lograr las metas propuestas, los autores se apoyaron en métodos teóricos y empíricos; se utiliza la herramienta de la estadística descriptiva (cálculo porcentual) para procesar la información, tomando como muestra a atletas juveniles retirados de polo acuático, médicos deportivos, psicólogos y fisioterapeutas de medicina deportiva, a los que se les aplicaron entrevistas y analizaron sus opiniones durante la conducción de este proceso. El resultado final fue que es insuficiente el conocimiento de cómo realizar este proceso de desentrenamiento deportivo en la muestra estudiada, no dominan cabalmente los métodos, procedimientos, contenidos y metodologías, a partir de las investigaciones y preparaciones metodológicas sobre el tema que es vital en el deporte de alto rendimiento. Entre las conclusiones más relevantes de este trabajo, se encuentra que los referentes teóricos del desentrenamiento deportivo en la actualidad no cumplen las expectativas de los atletas que se retiran en las diversas agrupaciones deportivas y los atletas cuando se retiran no poseen información de cómo realizar este proceso.

RESUMO Atualmente, em Cuba, muitos atletas que atingem sua idade de aposentadoria não realizam processos de destreinamento esportivo, o que afeta sua saúde a médio prazo; eles começam a sofrer de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, assim como depressão e estados psicológicos não adequados. A presente investigação tinha como objetivo determinar as insuficiências que derivam na condução do processo de destreinamento esportivo em atletas aposentados. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, os autores se basearam em métodos teóricos e empíricos; a ferramenta estatística descritiva (cálculo percentual) foi utilizada para processar as informações, tomando como amostra atletas juvenis de pólo aquático, aposentados; médicos esportivos, psicólogos e fisioterapeutas de medicina esportiva, aos quais foram aplicadas entrevistas e analisadas suas opiniões durante a condução deste processo. O resultado final foi que não há conhecimento suficiente de como realizar este processo de destreinamento do esporte na amostra estudada, eles não dominam totalmente os métodos, procedimentos, conteúdos e metodologias, baseados em pesquisas e preparativos metodológicos sobre o tema que é vital no esporte de alto rendimento. Dentre as conclusões mais relevantes deste trabalho, constata-se que as referências teóricas de desvalorização do esporte atualmente não atendem às expectativas dos atletas que se aposentam em vários grupos esportivos e os atletas quando se aposentam não têm informações sobre como realizar este processo.

ABSTRACT At present, in Cuba, many athletes who reach their retirement age do not carry out sports detraining processes, which affects their health in the medium term; they begin to suffer from chronic non-communicable diseases, as well as depression and inadequate psychological states. The objective of this research was to determine the inadequacies derived from the conduction of the sports detraining process in retired athletes. To achieve the proposed goals, the authors relied on theoretical and empirical methods; the descriptive statistics tool (percentage calculation) was used to process the information, taking as a sample retired youth water polo athletes, sports doctors, psychologists and sports medicine physiotherapists, to whom interviews were applied and their opinions during the conduction of this process were analyzed. The final result was that there is insufficient knowledge of how to carry out this sports detraining process in the sample studied, they do not fully master the methods, procedures, contents and methodologies, based on the research and methodological preparations on the subject that is vital in high performance sports. Among the most relevant conclusions of this work, it is found that the theoretical references of sports detraining currently do not meet the expectations of the athletes who retire in the various sports groups and the athletes when they retire do not have information on how to carry out this process.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 430-435, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385348


SUMMARY: This research aimed to determine the differences between the junior (U18) water polo players of five Croatian and one Montenegrin clubs in the anthropometric characteristics and body composition. The first sample of the subjects consisted of 14 players of the water polo club Mladost average age 17.57±0.65, the second sample consisted of 11 players of the water polo club Sibenik (17.82±0.65), the third sample consisted of 13 players of the water polo club Primorje (17.23±1.01), the fourth sample consisted of 15 players of the water polo club Mornar (17.13±0.64), the fifth sample consisted of 13 players of the water polo club Medvescak (17.92±0.76) and the sixth sample consisted of 10 players of the water polo club Jadran Herceg Novi (Montenegro) (17.70±1.34). In the 2010-11 season, these clubs participated in Regional Water Polo League, commonly known as the Regional League or Adriatic League in Southeast Europe. The measurements was conducted in the competition season in the period September-December 2010, at sports centers and swimming pools of water polo clubs that participated in the research. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition were evaluated using a battery of 12 variables: body height, body weight, arm length, arm span, leg length, foot length, chest skinfold, triceps skinfold, back skinfold, abdominal skinfold, upper leg skinfold and body mass index. The standard central and dispersion parameters of all variables were calculated. The significance of the differences between the water polo players of six teams in the variables for assessing anthropometric characteristics and body composition were determined using ANOVA and an LSD Post Hoc test.Based on the central and dispersion parameters, it can be stated that the values of all the variables are highly similar to all of the water polo players of these six clubs. The ANOVA test found that the water polo players of the six international clubs do not have statistically significant differences in the variables for assessing anthropometric characteristics and body composition.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar las diferencias entre los jugadores de waterpolo juvenil (U18) de cinco clubes croatas y uno montenegrino en las características antropométricas y la composición corporal. La primera muestra estuvo conformada por 14 jugadores del club de waterpolo Mladost de una edad promedio 17,57 ± 0,65 años, la segunda muestra estuvo conformada por 11 jugadores del club de waterpolo Sibenik (17,82 ± 0,65), la tercera muestra estuvo conformada por 13 jugadores de waterpolo del club Primorje (17,23 ± 1,01), la cuarta muestra estuvo formada por 15 jugadores del club de waterpolo Mornar (17,13 ± 0,64), la quinta muestra estuvo formada por 13 jugadores del club de waterpolo Medvescak (17,92 ± 0,76) y la sexta muestra consistió en 10 jugadores del club de waterpolo Jadran Herceg Novi (Montenegro) (17,70 ± 1,34). En la temporada 2010-11, estos clubes participaron en la Liga Regional de Waterpolo, comúnmente conocida como la Liga Regional o Liga Adriática en el sudeste de Europa. Las mediciones se realizaron en la temporada de competencias en el período septiembre-diciembre de 2010, en los polideportivos y piscinas de los clubes de waterpolo que participaron en la investigación. Las características antropométricas y la composición corporal se evaluaron utilizando una batería de 12 variables: altura corporal, peso corporal, longitud del brazo, extensión del brazo, longitud de la pierna, longitud del pie, pliegue del pecho, pliegue del tríceps, pliegue cutáneo de la espalda, pliegue cutáneo abdominal, pliegue cutáneo de la parte superior de la pierna e índice de masa corporal. Se calcularon los parámetros estándar central y de dispersión de todas las variables. Se determinó la significancia de las diferencias entre los jugadores de waterpolo de seis equipos en las variables de evaluación de características antropométricas y composición corporal mediante ANOVA y un test LSD Post Hoc. Con base en los parámetros central y de dispersión, se observó que los valores de todas las variables eran muy similares en todos los jugadores de waterpolo de estos seis clubes. La prueba ANOVA mostró que los jugadores de waterpolo de los seis clubes internacionales no tienen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las variables para evaluar características antropométricas y composición corporal.

Humanos , Adolescente , Composição Corporal , Antropometria , Esportes Aquáticos , Índice de Massa Corporal , Estudos Transversais , Análise de Variância
Int. j. morphol ; 38(3): 720-725, June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098311


The aim of this research was to determine the differences between the cadets (U15) water polo players of national teams of Montenegro and Croatia in the body composition and anthropometric characteristics. A sample of 32 subjects was divided into two sub-samples. The first sub-sample of the subjects was consisted of 16 water polo players of Montenegro national team of the average age 14.69±.48, the vice champions on the European Championships in Burgas (Bulgaria) 2019, while the other sub-sample was consisted of 16 water polo players of national team of Croatia of the average age of 14.75±.45, who occupied the eighth position on the European Championships in Burgas (Bulgaria) 2019. Water polo players were tested at the final preparations just before the European championship. Body composition and anthropometric characteristics were evaluated by a battery of 11 variables: body height, body weight, triceps skinfold, biceps skinfold, skinfold of the back, abdominal skinfold, upper leg skinfold, lower leg skinfold, body mass index, fat percentage and muscle mass. The standard central and dispersion parameters of all variables were calculated. The significance of the differences between the water polo players of two national teams in the variables for assessing body composition and anthropometric characteristics was determined by a t-test for independent samples. It was found that there are statistically significant differences in five variables, in three variables at p<0.01 (body height, triceps skinfold and biceps skinfold), and in two variables at p<0.05 (upper leg skinfold and muscle mass). It can be stated that the water polo players of Montenegro have statistically significantly higher triceps skinfold, biceps skinfold and upper leg skinfold, and statistically significantly lower body height and muscle mass than the water polo players of Croatia.

El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar las diferencias entre los jugadores cadetes de waterpolo (U15) de los equipos nacionales de Montenegro y Croacia en la composición corporal y las características antropométricas. Se dividió una muestra de 32 jugadeores en dos submuestras. La primera submuestra consistió en 16 jugadores de waterpolo del equipo nacional de Montenegro con una edad promedio de 14,69 ± 0,48, los vicecampeones del Campeonato de Europa en Burgas (Bulgaria) 2019, mientras que la otra submuestra estuvo compuesta de 16 jugadores de waterpolo del equipo nacional de Croacia con una edad promedio de 14,75 ± 0,45, que ocuparon la octava posición en el Campeonato de Europa en Burgas (Bulgaria) 2019. Los jugadores de waterpolo fueron probados en los preparativos finales justo antes del campeonato europeo. La composición corporal y las características antropométricas se evaluaron mediante una batería de 11 variables: altura corporal, peso corporal, pliegue cutáneo del tríceps, pliegue cutáneo del bíceps, pliegue cutáneo de la espalda, pliegue abdominal, pliegue superior de la pierna, pliegue inferior de la pierna, índice de masa corporal, porcentaje de grasa y músculo masa. Se calcularon los parámetros estándar centrales y de dispersión de todas las variables. La importancia de las diferencias entre los jugadores de waterpolo de dos equipos nacionales en las variables para evaluar la composición corporal y las características antropométricas se determinó mediante una prueba t para muestras independientes. Se observó que existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en cinco variables, en tres variables con p <0,01 (altura corporal, pliegue de tríceps y pliegue de bíceps), y en dos variables con p <0,05 (pliegue superior de la pierna y masa muscular). Los jugadores de waterpolo de Montenegro tienen pliegues cutáneos de tríceps estadísticamente significativamente más altos, pliegues cutáneos de bíceps y pliegues superiores de las piernas, y una altura corporal y masa muscular estadísticamente significativamente menor que los jugadores de waterpolo de Croacia.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Composição Corporal , Esportes Aquáticos , Antropometria , Croácia , Montenegro
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-378862


<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between the shoulder pain and the flexibility of the shoulder in Japanese elite male water polo players. We also conducted to find the physical characteristics of the range of shoulder rotation. Subjects were Japanese elite male water polo players that was 30 (study 1) and 40 (study 2). We measured and compared shoulder flexibility by finger vertebral distance (FVD). In study 2, a standard universal goniometer was utilized to measure range of shoulder rotation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction. There is significant correlation range of motion on the dominant shoulder showed significant decrease in internal rotation and increase external rotation. The results indicate that decrease exists in the shoulder flexibility of elite water polo players with pain. Furthermore, our findings suggest that prevention or rehabilitation of painful water polo player’s dominant shoulder is considered to be existing two reasons that are at risk of developing shoulder pain because of the repetitive nature of swimming combined with throwing.</p>

Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 211-216, July-Sept. 2016. tab, Ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-789098


The aim of this study was to compare and verify the agreement of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) values obtained from tests on land and in water. Twelve recreational water polo players (30.5 ± 7.7 years; 79.2 ± 7.2 kg body mass; 179.1 ± 5.9 cm height) were assessed in two phases: (1) in laboratory with maximal test on a cycle ergometer and (2) in a swimming pool with maximal test in eggbeater kick. Maximum values obtained in the two tests (respectively, cycle ergometer, and eggbeater kick: VO2 max = 40.2 ± 2.7 and 38.4 ± 5.7; RER = 1.17 ± 0.08 and 1.19 ± 0.12; HR max = 181.4 ± 11.7 bpm and 179 ± 11.7 bpm; IEP = 20 and 20) did not show significant differences. According to the Bland-Altman analyses, there were acceptable limits of agreement between the two tests (land and water). Therefore, it can be concluded that the eggbeater kick test is a specific and valid protocol to asses VO2 max in water polo players

Humanos , Consumo de Oxigênio , Esportes/fisiologia , Natação/fisiologia , Estudos de Avaliação como Assunto , Teste de Esforço
Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 34(2): 391-403, abr.-jun. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-643865


El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia de tener la primera posesión del balón sobre el marcador parcial y final en waterpolo. Se grabaron los 192 partidos disputados por todos los equipos participantes en los Campeonatos del Mundo de 2003 y 2007. La muestra estuvo formada por todos los equipos participantes en ambas competiciones. Se utilizó la metodología observacional. Se filmaron los partidos y posteriormente fueron analizados con el software Polo análisis v. 1.0 directo. El 43,4% de los equipos masculinos y el 52,6% de los equipos femeninos que consiguieron la primera posesión del balón disfrutaron de un resultado parcial favorable a lo largo de los periodos. Los equipos masculinos que ganaron más del 50% de los partidos cogieron el primer balón en más de un periodo. Esto ocurrió en la categoría femenina en más de dos periodos. En conclusión, coger el primer balón en un mayor número de periodos se relaciona con un marcador parcial y final favorable.

O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de conseguir a primeira posse da bola sobre o marcador parcial e final em polo aquático. Gravaram-se as 192 partidas disputadas por todas as equipes participantes nos Campeonatos do Mundo, de 2003 e 2007. A amostra do estudo foram as equipes participantes das referidas competições. Utilizou-se a metodologia observacional. Os jogos foram filmados e, posteriormente, analisados com o software "Polo Análisis v. 1.0 directo". O resultado demonstrou que 43,4% das equipes masculinas e 52,6% das equipes femininas que conseguiram a primeira posse da bola, desfrutaram de um resultado parcial favorável ao longo dos períodos. As equipes masculinas que ganharam mais de 50% das partidas, conseguiram a primeira bola em mais de um período. Isto ocorreu na categoria feminina em mais de dois períodos. Em conclusão, conseguir a primeira posse da bola em um maior número de períodos está relacionado com um resultado parcial e final favorável.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of taking the first ball possession on the partial and final score in water polo. The 192 matches disputed by team’s participants in the 2003 and 2007 Water Polo World Championship were recorded. The sample included all participants on both competitions. The observational methodology was applied. Matches were filmed and later they were analyzed with "Polo Análisis v. 1.0 directo" software. The 43.4% of men’s teams and 52.6% of the female teams, who got the first ball possession, got a favourable partial result along the periods. The men’s teams that won more than 50% of the matches took the first ball in more than one period. This occurred in the female category in more than two periods. In conclusion, to take the first ball in the majority number of periods is related to favourable partial and final score.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362588


This study examined the effects of the use of contact lenses on static and kinetic visual acuity, ocular pain, and blurred vision during a water polo match. Eleven male water polo players participated in this study, and were assigned to one of two groups: contact lens users (CL, n=5) and non-users (NCL, n=5). Both groups participated in a typical water polo match with four 7-min periods and 2-min resting intervals between the four periods. Static and kinetic visual acuity, subjective ocular pain, and blurred vision were measured before the match (pre-test), during the match (after each of four 7-min periods), and during the recovery phase at 5, 15, and 30 min after the completion of the match.Results showed that kinetic visual acuity was significantly lower for the NCL group than for CL in the 4<sup>th</sup> period of the match. In addition, for the NCL group, kinetic visual acuity was significantly lower in the 3<sup>rd</sup> and the 4<sup>th</sup> periods than at the pre-test time. On the other hand, static visual acuity did not significantly differ between the two groups; but, for NCL, static visual acuity was significantly lower in the 4<sup>th</sup> period than at the pre-test time. According to self-evaluation scores, ocular pain significantly increased in NCL compared to CL in the 3<sup>rd</sup> and 4<sup>th</sup> periods. Ocular pain in NCL was significantly higher between the 2<sup>nd</sup> period and recovery phase at 5 min than at the pre-test time. Blurred vision was significantly higher in NCL than CL between the 2<sup>nd</sup> period and recovery phase at 5 min. Blurred vision in NCL was significantly higher at the same duration than at the pre-test time.These findings indicate that the use of contact lenses may prevent ocular pain and blurred vision, maintaining both the static and kinetic visual acuity at a normal level during a water polo match. Further, the results of this study suggest that the use of contact lenses is effective for water polo players.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 24(3): 323-329, jul.-set. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-604570


O presente estudo visa determinar os valores de eficácia das micro situações de jogo especificas do pênalti, com ou sem posse da bola, em Polo Aquático. Complementarmente, pretende-se analisar a relação entre os valores de eficácia do pênalti e o resultado final obtido pelas equipes (vencedoras e vencidas). Foram recolhidas imagens vídeo relativas a todos encontros ocorridos no X Campeonato do Mundo de Barcelona' 2003 para a sua posterior análise. Apreciaram-se as micro situações de jogo do pênalti (com ou sem posse da bola) com base no cálculo de coeficientes de eficácia de precisão, definição, possibilidade, resolução, exatidão e concretização. No que se refere à comparação efetuada entre os valores de eficácia obtidos pelas formações vencedoras e vencidas, observou-se, na categoria masculina, diferenças nos 12 coeficientes analisados. Por seu lado, na categoria feminina, não se encontraram diferenças estatísticas. Assim, os dados obtidos, no grupo masculino, permitem confirmar a hipótese que as equipas vencedoras obtêm valores de eficácia mais elevados do que as equipas vencidas. Relativamente ao grupo feminino, a hipótese formulada não foi comprovada, levando ao entendimento de que a eficácia específica das micro situações de pênalti não se constitui como um fator determinante do resultado final.

The purpose of the present study is to assess the efficacy values specific of the penalty micro situations both with and without ball possession in water polo. Additionally, we aimed to analyze the relationship between the observed efficacy values and the condition of winner or loser. Video images were collected from all the matches of the X World Water Polo Championship (Barcelona' 2003). Subsequent analysis was performed by two experienced specialists. The appreciation of the penalty game micro situations was conducted through the determination of efficacy coefficients related to precision, definition, possibility, resolution, accuracy and concreteness. Differences between the male teams that win or lose were observed in all the 12 coefficients assessed. In the female group no statistical differences were found. In the male teams it is possible to accept the formulated hypothesis: the winning teams had higher efficacy values in the penalty micro situations comparing to the teams that were defeated. The absence of differences between the female teams seems to indicate that the efficacy in the penalty micro situation is not a strong influencing factor for the match final result.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Desempenho Atlético , /métodos , Eficácia , Esportes
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-362399


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of contact lens use in the pool for water polo players. A total of 627 male subjects were studied : junior high school players (n=190), high school players (n=188), college players (n=121) and water polo club players (n=128).Results were summarized as follows : 1) The percentage of players using vision correction devices in daily life was 43.38%, and use of contact lenses during water polo play was 30.14% for all subjects. 2) Junior high school players using contact lenses during water polo play showed a significantly lower rate compared with other players (<i>X</i><sup>2</sup>=34.38, p<.01). 3) There were a lot of users of disposable type contact lenses during water polo play. 4) Players using contact lenses during water polo play had significantly higher corneal and conjunctival damage than subjects using vision correction devices in daily life and subjects without vision correction devices (<i>X</i><sup>2</sup>=13.64, p<.01).We concluded that it was a problem for junior high school players with low vision acuity during water polo play.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371807


The purpose of the present study was to elucidate the effective recovery mode during intervals in water-polo games from the viewpoint of blood lactate removal. Six male elite water-polo players (aged 20±2 years old) volunteered to participate as the subjects. Three different modes of recovery ; sitting (Rest), kicking of breast stroke on the spot (Kick), and backstroke swimming (Swim) were compared for breathing air or 60%O<SUB>2</SUB>. Blood lactate removal was expressed as the percentage decrease in blood lactate concentration from the end of preceding period to the end of the interval. The lactate removal in Swim was the highest (p<0.05) of the three kinds of recovery modes. Lactate removal indicated a higher value in order of Swim>Kick>Rest for breathing air. And it was facili tated in Swim (2.1%), Kick (5.4%) and Rest (8.1%) by 60%O<SUB>2</SUB> inhalation, although no significant differences were observed. From these results, it was suggested that the blood lactate removal during intervals in water-polo games would be facilitated by an active recovery mode like Swim, and that the inhalation of 60%O<SUB>2</SUB> would not bring any significant effects.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371744


A six-month follow-up study of athletic injury and physical fitness was conducted on ten players in a nationally ranked boys' high school water polo team. The first medical check-up was conducted on May 28th, 1995, and the second just 4 days before the national athletic meet on September 2 nd. The final check-up was done on November 18 th. A thorough examination in addition to X-ray evaluation by an orthopedist was done on June 26th after the first medical check-up.<BR>In our check-ups, athletic injuries were defined as injuries due to water polo or disorders which prevented individuals from playing. In the thorough examination, athletic injuries included any physical conditions that required further investigations or treatment by the doctor.<BR>Six players had taken part in swimming before taking up water polo, and seven had played water polo since junior high school. Of the athletic injuries sustained, 55% occurred at the age of 13-14 yr. Injuries due to carelessness and over-enthusiasm amounted to six. Motion pain in the pes anserius, iliotibial tract, and hip joints without traumatic episodes were thought to originate from the characteristic leg action under the water.<BR>Although body weight and height varied among the players, the differences in the values of body fat percentage, body mass index, and lean body mass were slight.<BR>Since the players had few complaints, athletic injuries were difficult to find. However, with periodic medical check-ups and a thorough examination, we are able to prevent some problems such as pain in the pes anserius or iliotibialtract.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371562


An investigation was conducted to clarify both the effect of water polo training on bone mass and the effect of training-induced menstrual disorders on bone. The subjects were 12 female college water polo players and 7 age-matched sedentary college women as a control group.<BR>Menstrual condition was evaluated by 12 montes of basal body temperature measurement. Seven of the water polo players were eumenorrheic, and five had training-dependent (reversible) menstrual disorders (two with amenorrhea and three with cycle disturbances) .<BR>Bone mineral measurement revealed differences between the water polo players and the sedentary women. The eumenorrheic water polo players had a higher bone mineral density (BMD) in the lumbar spine and total body skeleton than the sedentary control group, being 11.2% and 11.3% higher, respectively.<BR>Effects of menstrual disorders (including cycle disturbance) were clear in the water polo players. The BMD of water polo players with menstrual disorders was 9.8% and 9.6% lower in the total body and lumbar spine that of eumenorrheic water polo players.<BR>Hormonal examinations revealed a lower serum estradiol level in water polo players with menstrual disordsers in comparison with eumenorrheic water polo playes. Serum estradiol level showed a positive correlation with both total body BMD (r=0, 78, p<0.01) and lumbar spine BMD (r=0.71, p<0.01) .

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371484


A study was conducted to investigate the influence on the shoulder joint of throwing during water polo. One hundred sixty-seven water polo players were interviewed about injuries caused by water polo, and 70 players claimed to have had shoulder pain.<BR>In 21 players, clinical examinations were performed, and in 31 players, assessment of external rotation stability was made. Then three-dimensional analysis of hand-to-hand shoot motion was performed in 7 players.<BR>The results were as follows;<BR>1. The painful phases of the throwing motion were the take-back phase and the acceleration phase, the pain being present at the anterior and lateral portions of the shoulder joint, <BR>2. Assessment of stability revealed that the external rotation displacement on the affected side was significantly larger than that on the control side in the injured players.<BR>3. Analysis of hand-to-hand shoot motion revealed that the external rotation angle in the acceleration phase was significantly larger in non-injured subjects than in the injured.<BR>4. The external rotation angle after ball contact was increased in the injured, but decreased in the non-injured.<BR>5. To prevent injury, it appears important to catch and throw the ball using the upper extremity and rotation of the trunk in a high body position in the water, and to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371408


102 water polo players were interviewd about the injuries caused by water polo. 13% of the subjects had knee pain at least once a year. 73% of which were chronic cases. For 24 players, clinical examinations, including X-ray examination, A-P knee laxity measurement, isokinetic strength measurement of knee muscles, and photo analysis of the vertical egg beater kick motion were performed to elucidate the cause of knee pain.<BR>The summary of the results were as follows;<BR>1. The most common site of knee pain was the medial portion of the knee joint.<BR>2. Protrusion of the medial femoral epicondyle and sharpning of the tibial intercondylar eminentia as well as spur formation of the superior pole of the patella were observed in most subjects.<BR>3. Injured subjects had stiff knees and weak knee extensor muscles.<BR>4. The vertical egg beater kick motion must be the main factor of the painful knee.

Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376839


102 water polo players were interviewd about the injuries caused by water polo. 13% of the subjects had knee pain at least once a year. 73% of which were chronic cases. For 24 players, clinical examinations, including X-ray examination, A-P knee laxity measurement, isokinetic strength measurement of knee muscles, and photo analysis of the vertical egg beater kick motion were performed to elucidate the cause of knee pain.<BR>The summary of the results were as follows;<BR>1. The most common site of knee pain was the medial portion of the knee joint.<BR>2. Protrusion of the medial femoral epicondyle and sharpning of the tibial intercondylar eminentia as well as spur formation of the superior pole of the patella were observed in most subjects.<BR>3. Injured subjects had stiff knees and weak knee extensor muscles.<BR>4. The vertical egg beater kick motion must be the main factor of the painful knee.