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Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(4): 415-418, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552759


Although ondansetron is a widely used antiemetic medication, hypersensitivity to ondansetron is rare. We report a clinical case of a child who had an anaphylactic reaction after a single oral dose of ondansetron. An immunoglobulin E-mediated mechanism was determined by positive intradermal tests.

Ondansetron é um medicamento antiemético amplamente utilizado, mas a hipersensibilidade ao mesmo é rara. Apresentamos um caso clínico de uma criança com anafilaxia após tomar dose única de ondansetron, via oral, onde se demonstra um mecanismo mediado por IgE através de testes intradérmicos positivos.

Humanos , Masculino , Criança
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 21-29, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562869


Insetos como abelhas, vespas e formigas da ordem Hymenoptera podem causar reações alérgicas graves e até fatais. Esses insetos possuem venenos com componentes alergênicos e os injetam por meio de suas ferroadas, que podem causar reações locais e sistêmicas. O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura sobre as reações alérgicas às ferroadas de insetos da ordem Hymenoptera, com o intuito de analisar os mecanismos imunológicos envolvidos, as manifestações clínicas, os fatores de risco, os métodos de diagnóstico, as estratégias de prevenção e as opções terapêuticas disponíveis. Trata-se então de revisão sistemática de literatura realizada em agosto de 2023. O processo envolveu seis etapas. Os artigos foram obtidos pela busca em bases de dados, utilizando descritores em Ciências da Saúde relacionados ao tema. Foram identificados inicialmente 50 artigos, no entanto, apenas 10 deles atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Para detecção das reações incluem-se testes cutâneos com venenos de Hymenoptera e análise do soro para IgE específica do veneno de Hymenoptera. Os fatores de risco que influenciam o resultado de uma reação anafilática incluem o intervalo de tempo entre as ferroadas, o número de ferroadas, a gravidade da reação anterior e o tipo de inseto. Esta revisão oferece uma visão abrangente das reações alérgicas às picadas de insetos Hymenoptera, contribuindo significativamente para o entendimento, diagnóstico e manejo dessas condições.

Insects of the order Hymenoptera such as bees, wasps, and ants can cause severe and even fatal allergic reactions. These insects have venom with allergenic components that they inject through their stingers, which can cause local and systemic reactions. This study aims to carry out a systematic literature review on allergic reactions to Hymenopteran stings, analyzing the immune mechanisms involved, clinical manifestations, risk factors, diagnostic methods, prevention strategies, and available therapeutic options. The literature review was conducted in August 2023, in a six-stage process. Articles were obtained by searching databases using Medical Subject Headings descriptors related to the topic. Initially, 50 articles were identified; however, only 10 of these met the inclusion criteria. We found that methods for detecting reactions include skin tests with Hymenopteran venoms and serum analysis for IgE specific to such venom. Risk factors that influence the outcome of anaphylactic reactions include the time interval between stings, the number of stings, the severity of the previous reaction, and the type of insect. This review provides a comprehensive overview of allergic reactions to Hymenopteran stings, contributing significantly to the understanding, diagnosis, and management of these conditions.

Humanos , Alergia e Imunologia
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 35-42, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562882


INTRODUÇÃO: A anafilaxia é uma reação alérgica multissistêmica grave, de início agudo e potencialmente fatal. Poucos são os dados sobre sua epidemiologia no Brasil. O Registro Brasileiro de Anafilaxia da Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia (RBAASBAI) teve como objetivo ampliar o conhecimento sobre anafilaxia em indivíduos brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional transversal com questionário online sobre dados demográficos, desencadeantes suspeitos, manifestações clínicas, atendimento durante a reação, investigação diagnóstica e aconselhamento após a reação de pacientes que experimentaram uma reação anafilática. RESULTADOS: Entre junho/2021 e abril/2023, foram incluídos 237 pacientes (131 femininos): 99 crianças/adolescentes; 127 adultos e 11 idosos. Houve predomínio de meninos entre crianças/adolescentes (55,5%), e de mulheres entre os adultos (64,5%), e mediana de idade de 22 anos (< 1 a 77 anos). As manifestações cutâneas (92,8%) foram as mais frequentes, seguidas pelas respiratórias (70,1%), gastrointestinais (52,3%), neurológicas (36,3%) e cardiovasculares (35,3%). Os principais desencadeantes foram: alimentos (43,0%), medicamentos (26,2%), himenópteros (21,6%) e látex (2,5%); os alimentos entre crianças (leite, ovo, amendoim/castanhas), e os fármacos (anti-inflamatórios e antibióticos) entre os adultos. Quanto ao tratamento, 61,1% recebeu adrenalina (52,7% por profissional e 8,4% via autoinjetor de adrenalina -AIA). Uma adolescente (12 anos) faleceu após picada de abelha. A maioria recebeu plano escrito de emergência (78,1%) e foi ensinada a usar o AIA (70%). CONCLUSÃO: Os alimentos foram os desencadeantes mais comuns entre crianças/adolescentes, e os fármacos entre adultos brasileiros. A adrenalina continua sendo subutilizada, reforçando a necessidade de maior disseminação do tratamento adequado da anafilaxia.

INTRODUCTION: Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening, acute, severe multisystem allergic reaction.There is little data on its epidemiology in Brazil. The Brazilian Anaphylaxis Registry of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunology (RBA-ASBAI) was devised to expand knowledge about anaphylaxis in Brazilian individuals. METHODS: Cross-sectional observational study using an online questionnaire to collect data on demographics, suspected triggers, clinical manifestations, treatment during the reaction, diagnostic workup, and post-reaction counseling in patients who have experienced an anaphylactic reaction. RESULTS: Between June 2021 and April 2023, 237 patients were included (131 female): 99 children/adolescents (<18yo), 127 adults (18-64yo), and 11 older adults (65-77yo). There was a male predominance in the pediatric group (55.5%), while females were predominant among adults (64.5%). The median age was 22 years (range, <1 to 77). The most frequent clinical manifestations were cutaneous (92.8%), followed by respiratory (70.1%), gastrointestinal (52.3%), neurological (36.3%), and cardiovascular (35.3%). The most common triggers were foods (43.0%), drugs (26.2%), venoms (21.6%), and latex (2.5%). Foods (milk, egg, peanuts/tree nuts) predominated among children, versus drugs (mostly nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics) among adults. Regarding treatment, 61.1% received epinephrine (52.7% by a healthcare professional and 8.4% via epinephrine auto-injector [EAI]). One teenager (12yo) died due to a bee sting. Most patients received a written emergency plan (78.1%) and were taught how to use the EAI (70%). CONCLUSION: Foods were the most common triggers of anaphylaxis among Brazilian children and adolescents, while drugs predominated among adults. Epinephrine continues to be underused, highlighting the need for greater awareness of proper treatment of anaphylaxis.

Humanos , Sociedades Médicas
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 54-64, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562892


A incidência de anafilaxia pós-vacinal é um evento de saúde raro e carece de melhor detalhamento no Brasil. Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever a incidência de anafilaxia como evento supostamente atribuído à vacinação e imunização (ESAVI) das vacinas do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI).Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo com dados extraídos do sistema de notificação de ESAVI do PNI entre 01/2021 e 05/2023 com aceitação na Plataforma Brasil e aprovação ética. Foram identificados 84 casos encerrados com o descritor "anafilaxia" ou "choque anafilático" entre 290.101 eventos adversos notificados, concentrados principalmente nas regiões Sul e Sudeste. Crianças de 0 a 9 anos foram predominantemente afetadas, com maior incidência em mulheres e indivíduos brancos. A anafilaxia associou-se em números absolutos principalmente às vacinas COVID-19, destacando os fabricantes AstraZeneca/Fiocruz (vetor viral), Pfizer Comirnaty (RNAm) e CoronaVac (inativada), e a maior taxa de incidência foi com a vacina antirrábica (2,8 por milhão de doses aplicadas). A incidência global foi de 0,14/milhão de doses aplicadas. Entre os desfechos não foi relatado óbito. A subnotificação de casos é relevante e sublinha a importância de manter sistemas robustos de vigilância e manejo de reações alérgicas em programas de vacinação. Este estudo segue tendências mundiais da raridade da anafilaxia relacionada às vacinas. Os dados reforçam a segurança das vacinas COVID-19 e demais vacinas existentes no PNI, independente da demografia analisada.

Vaccine-related anaphylaxis is a rare health event, and its incidence requires further investigation in Brazil. The objective of this study was to describe the incidence of anaphylaxis as an event supposedly attributed to vaccination and immunization (ESAVI) associated with the Brazilian National Immunization Program (PNI). A retrospective study was conducted with data extracted from the PNI ESAVI notification system between January 2021 and May 2023, with ethical approval and registration in Plataforma Brasil. Among 290,101 adverse events reported, 84 cases closed with the descriptor "anaphylaxis" or "anaphylactic shock" were identified, mainly concentrated in the South and Southeast regions. Children aged 0 to 9 years were predominantly affected, with a higher incidence in women and white individuals. In absolute numbers, anaphylaxis was associated mainly with the AstraZeneca/Fiocruz (viral vector), Pfizer Comirnaty (mRNA), and CoronaVac (inactivated virus) COVID-19 vaccines, while the highest relative incidence was with the anti-rabies vaccine (2.8 cases per million doses administered). The overall incidence was 0.14 per million vaccine doses. No deaths were reported. Underreporting of vaccine-related anaphylaxis is relevant and highlights the importance of maintaining robust systems for surveillance and management of allergic reactions within vaccination programs. This study corroborates global trends in the rarity of vaccine-related anaphylaxis. The low incidence of this event, regardless of recipient demographics, provides further evidence of the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines included in the PNI.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 80-84, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562901


Paciente do sexo feminino, com 63 anos de idade, portadora de mastocitose sistêmica há cerca de 20 anos, sendo agressiva há 10 anos. Crises quase diárias com manifestações do trato gastrointestinal e vasomotoras. Após diversas tentativas de tratamento, iniciou uso de midostaurina, um inibidor multiquinase. Depois de 6 meses de uso, observou-se bom controle dos sintomas, diminuição em quase 50% da triptase sérica e desaparecimento completo das lesões cutâneas.

A 63-year-old female presented with an approximately 20-year history of systemic mastocytosis, which had become aggressive over the past 10 years. She experienced almost daily episodes of gastrointestinal and vasomotor manifestations. After multiple treatment attempts, she was started on midostaurin, a multikinase inhibitor. At 6 months of therapy, satisfactory control of symptoms was achieved, with a nearly 50% reduction in serum tryptase and complete resolution of cutaneous lesions.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Proteínas Inibidoras de Quinase Dependente de Ciclina , Anafilaxia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028698


This study investigated the characteristics and frequency of perioperative anaphylactic shock induced by cefuroxime, so as to provide a reference for the safe and rational use of cefuroxime in the perioperative period. Cases of perioperative anaphylactic shock caused by cefuroxime in our hospital from 2011 to 2021 were extracted from the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring System. Literature reporting adverse drug reactions (ADR) including cefuroxime-induced anaphylactic shock in perioperative settings was collected from the CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, PubMed, and Web of Science databases from their respective inception to May 2022. Statistical analysis was performed for all cases of cefuroxime-induced perioperative anaphylactic shock. A total of 31 patients were included [13 men (48.1%) and 14 women (51.9%)], most of whom were over 60 years old ( n=16, 59.3%); 9 (29.0%) patients had a history of drug allergy; 5 (16.1%) patients had received skin tests, but with negative results; 28 (90.3%) patients received treatment intravenously; 22 (71.0%) patients were treated after anesthesia. For 20 (64.5%) patients the ADR occurred within 10 minutes after anesthesia. The main manifestations were hypotension, dyspnea, rash, and tachycardia. For all patients, symptoms resolved after withdrawal of the drug and active rescue, and there were no deaths. A history of allergy and skin test findings may have limitations in predicting perioperative anaphylactic shock caused by cefuroxime; greater vigilance should be exercised when using cefuroxime in the perioperative period. Close monitoring is recommended for patients undergoing treatment with cefuroxime. Rescue therapy should be administered for allergic shock, and suitable response measures must be taken in a timely manner to ensure the safety of patients.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 33(3): e002624, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1565412


Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the allergenic activity of components present in crude extracts of Pterobothrium crassicolle plerocerci (CPE) and blastocysts (CBE) obtained from Micropogonias furnieri in a murine model. Two groups of seven animals each received 50 µg of CPE or CBE on days 1, 35 and 120. Serum samples were tested by ELISA and Immunoblotting. Specific IgG and IgE levels were detected by ELISA, showing specific humoral responses for the primary immunization for both immunoglobulins and continuously growing titers for IgE. Positive Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis tests in rats sensitized with anti-CBE sera and tested by CBE, showed biologically, the allergenic activity of the extracts. The CPE and CBE showed some different recognition regions but both experimental groups recognized all regions of the extracts when tested for cross reactions, showing that CPE and CBE could share antigenic recognition sites.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a atividade alergênica de componentes presentes em extratos crus de plerocercos (CPE) e de blastocistos de Pterobothrium crassicolle (CBE), obtidos de Micropogonias furnieri, em modelo murino. Dois grupos de sete animais receberam cada um 50 µg de CPE ou CBE nos dias 1, 35 e 120. As amostras de soro foram testadas por ELISA e Imunoblot. Os níveis específicos de IgG e IgE foram detectados por ELISA, mostrando respostas humorais específicas para a imunização primária para ambas as imunoglobulinas e títulos crescentes de IgE. Testes positivos de Anafilaxia Cutânea Passiva em ratos sensibilizados com soros anti-CBE e testados por CBE, demonstraram biologicamente, a atividade alergênica dos extratos. O CPE e o CBE evidenciaram algumas regiões de reconhecimento diferentes, mas ambos os grupos experimentais reconheceram todas as regiões dos extratos, quando testados para reações cruzadas, mostrando que o CPE e o CBE poderiam compartilhar locais de reconhecimento antigênico.

Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 50(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534959


Introducción: La anafilaxia es una reacción multisistémica potencialmente mortal; su reconocimiento temprano y abordaje oportuno son fundamentales. La variabilidad de presentación y gravedad requieren la utilización de criterios diagnósticos para la mejora de la atención en urgencias. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, criterios de diagnóstico y tratamiento de los pacientes con anafilaxia atendidos en un Departamento de Emergencias Pediátricas (DEP). Materiales y métodos: Revisión retrospectiva, descriptiva, de casos ingresados en el DEP de enero 2015 a diciembre 2020. Los criterios diagnósticos fueron aplicados por dos observadores emergentólogos evaluando la concordancia con el índice к de Cohen. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva: proporciones, medianas y rango intercuartílico. Resultados: Se aplicaron los criterios NIAID/FAAN a 65 historias clínicas con diagnóstico de egreso de anafilaxia encontrándose una concordancia de 0,64 (IC 95%: 0,41-0,88). De ellos, 35 (54%) cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos. El 66% (23/35) recibió adrenalina. La mediana de edad fue de 7 años (RIC: 3-11,5). Antecedente de asma en 9/35, atopia en 7/35 y anafilaxia previa en 7/35. Como factor desencadenante se constató consumo de medicamentos en 16/35, alimentos en 8/35. La estadía hospitalaria tuvo una mediana de 18 horas (RIC: 12-24). Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren una brecha entre identificación precisa de los casos de anafilaxia y el tratamiento oportuno con adrenalina cuando se utilizan criterios estandarizados.

Introduction: Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal multisystem reaction; early recognition and timely approach are essential. The variability in its presentation and severity requires the use of diagnostic criteria to improve emergency care. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics, diagnostic criteria and treatment of patients with anaphylaxis treated in a Pediatric Emergency Department (PED). Materials and methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive review of cases admitted to the PED from January 2015 to December 2020. The diagnostic criteria were applied by two emergentologist observers; Cohen's к index was used to evaluate their agreement. Descriptive statistics were used: proportions, medians and interquartile range. Results: The NIAID/FAAN criteria were applied to 65 medical records with a discharge diagnosis of anaphylaxis, finding an agreement of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.41-0.88). Of these, 35 (54%) met the diagnostic criteria. 66% (23/35) received adrenaline. The median age was 7 years (IQR: 3-11.5). 9/35 had a history of asthma, 7/35 had atopy and previous anaphylaxis was noted in 7/35. As a triggering factor, medication consumption was found in 16/35, and food in 8/35. The hospital stay had a median of 18 hours (IQR: 12-24). Conclusions: The results suggest a gap between accurate recognition of anaphylaxis cases and timely treatment with adrenaline when standardized criteria are used.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 7(3): 292-297, Jul.Set.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524181


Sabe-se que a urticária e o angioedema apresentam diferentes etiologias, pois podem ser de natureza alérgica, infecciosa, autoimune ou espontânea. Em episódios únicos ou recorrentes, deve-se considerar um alérgeno desencadeante oculto, como os ácaros de poeira doméstica (APDs). Vários relatos demonstraram que farinhas contaminadas com APDs podem causar urticária e angioedema, incluindo reações alérgicas graves com risco de vida quando ingeridos em grandes quantidades provenientes de farinha de trigo armazenada. Neste estudo, relatamos os achados clínicos de 31 pacientes, incluindo casos de anafilaxia após ingestão de farinha contaminada com ácaros. Também encontramos uma relação entre uma história clínica de hipersensibilidade a anti-inflamatórios não esteroides e síndrome de anafilaxia por ingesta de ácaros em pacientes atópicos, consistente com a teoria de uma "nova tríade do ácido acetilsalicílico", conforme publicado anteriormente, e agora sendo descrito pela primeira vez no Peru.

Urticaria and angioedema are known to have different etiologies, as they can be allergic, infectious, autoimmune, or spontaneous in nature. In single or recurrent episodes, a hidden triggering allergen should be considered, such as house dust mites (HDMs). Several reports have demonstrated that flours contaminated with HDMs can cause urticaria and angioedema, including severe lifethreatening allergic reactions when ingested in large quantities from stored wheat flour. In this study, we report the clinical findings in 31 patients, including cases of anaphylaxis after the ingestion of mite-contaminated flour. We also found a relationship between a clinical history of hypersensitivity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and oral mite anaphylaxis syndrome in atopic patients, consistent with the theory of a "new aspirin triad," as previously published, and now being described for the first time in Peru.

Humanos , Peru
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 7(3): 307-310, Jul.Set.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524184


Wheat is one of the fundamental sources of food worldwide. Baker's asthma and occupational rhinitis are both frequent and can be attributable to work exposure in bakers. However, the association between baker's asthma and wheat allergy is very rare. The authors report the case of a bakery worker who developed baker's asthma and occupational rhinitis after years of working in a bakery and later developed anaphylactic reactions after wheat ingestion.

O trigo é uma das fontes alimentares mais importantes em todo o mundo. A asma do padeiro e a rinite ocupacional são frequentes e podem ser atribuídas à exposição a farinhas em padeiros. No entanto, a associação entre asma do padeiro e alergia alimentar ao trigo é muito rara. Os autores descrevem um caso em que um trabalhador de panificação desenvolveu asma do padeiro e rinite ocupacional após anos trabalhando em uma padaria, e posteriormente desenvolveu reações anafiláticas após a ingestão de trigo.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219302


An acute coronary syndrome due to mast?cell activation in the presence of an allergen is known as Kounis Syndrome (KS). This relatively new entity of KS is being increasingly recognized among allergists, cardiologists, and emergency physicians; however, it is not well?known among anesthesiologists. We report here, a case of type 2 KS due to antibiotic administration causing sudden perioperative cardiac arrest.

Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 201-208, 20230600. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509860


Introdução: As reações de hipersensibilidade após vacinação contra a COVID-19 têm vindo a ser descritas, embora a anafilaxia seja rara. A hipersensibilidade ao veneno de himenópteros constitui a terceira causa mais frequente de anafilaxia em Portugal, embora não pareça aumentar o risco de anafilaxia à vacinação contra a COVID-19. Objetivos: Avaliar a segurança da vacinação contra a COVID-19 em doentes com história de alergia ao veneno de himenópteros referenciados dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP). Métodos: Estudo observacional retrospectivo com inclusão dos doentes com alergia ao veneno de himenópteros referenciados pelos CSP ao serviço de Imunoalergologia, para estratificação do risco de reações de hipersensibilidade à vacina contra o SARS-CoV-2, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2021. Resultados: No total, incluíram-se 18 doentes, 72% do sexo feminino, média de idades de 61±18 [21-89] anos. Na caracterização do tipo da reação ao veneno de himenópteros, as reações locais exuberantes corresponderam a 33% de todas as reações referidas. Quanto a sintomas sistêmicos de anafilaxia, foram referidos sintomas mucocutâneos (33%), respiratórios (28%), cardiovasculares (33%) e gastrointestinais (11%). A abelha foi o inseto mais frequentemente implicado (61%). Relativamente aos valores de triptase basal, 3 doentes apresentaram níveis acima do cut-off estabelecido de 11,4 ng/mL, tendo indicação formal para iniciar esquema de vacinação em meio hospitalar. Durante o processo vacinal registrou-se um total de 46 administrações em 18 doentes, todas sem intercorrências. Apenas 5 doentes foram vacinados em meio hospitalar, tendo sido os restantes encaminhados para os CSP. Os doentes com mastocitose confirmada ou suspeita foram submetidos à pré-medicação com anti-histamínico anti-H1 e anti- H2, bem como montelucaste, na véspera e no dia da vacinação. Conclusões: A vacinação contra a COVID-19 é segura em doentes com reação de hipersensibilidade ao veneno de himenópteros. O protocolo utilizado mostrou ser eficaz na segregação de doentes entre CSP e cuidados secundários/terciários.

Introduction: Despite numerous reports of hypersensitivity reactions to COVID-19 vaccination, anaphylaxis is rare. Although hypersensitivity reactions to hymenoptera venom are the third most common cause of anaphylaxis in Portugal, they don't appear to enhance the risk of anaphylactic reaction to COVID-19 vaccination. Objectives: To assess the safety of COVID-19 vaccination in patients with a history of hymenoptera venom allergy. Methods: This retrospective observational study included patients with hymenoptera venom allergy referred by primary health care to the Immunoallergology Outpatient Clinic of a tertiary hospital between January and December 2021 to stratify the risk of hypersensitivity reactions to the SARSCoV- 2 vaccine. Results: A total of 18 patients were included: 72% women; mean age 61 (SD, 18 [range 21-89]) years. One-third of all reported reactions to hymenoptera venom were large and local. Topical systemic symptoms of anaphylaxis were mucocutaneous (33%), respiratory (28%), cardiovascular (33%) and gastrointestinal (11%). The honeybee was the most frequently involved hymenoptera species (61%). The basal tryptase levels of 3 patients were above the established cut-off (11.4 ng/mL) and they were formally indicated for vaccination in a hospital setting. Concerning the vaccination process, 46 doses were administered to the 18 patients and no reactions were recorded. Only 5 patients were vaccinated in a hospital environment; the rest were referred to primary health care centers. Patients with confirmed or suspected mastocytosis were premedicated with anti-H1 and anti-H2 antihistamines, as well as montelukast, the day before and on the day of vaccination. Conclusions: COVID-19 vaccination is safe for patients with hypersensitivity to hymenoptera venom. The risk assessment protocol effectively designated patients to primary or secondary/tertiary health care.

Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 219-221, 20230600. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509868


Indolent systemic mastocytosis is a rare disease characterized by an increased number of mast cells in the bone marrow and other tissues, such as the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, and skin. Patients with indolent systemic mastocytosis and high serum tryptase levels are at risk for Hymenoptera venom-induced anaphylaxis. Hymenoptera venom immunotherapy in patients with specific IgE is safe and effective. While some patients can receive ultra-rush venom immunotherapy with minimal side effects, omalizumab effectively protects against anaphylaxis during the build-up phase.

A mastocitose sistêmica indolente é uma doença rara caracterizada por um número aumentado de mastócitos na medula óssea e em outros tecidos, como fígado, baço, linfonodos e pele. Pacientes com mastocitose sistêmica indolente e altos níveis séricos de triptase correm risco de anafilaxia induzida pelo veneno dos Hymenoptera. A imunoterapia com veneno de himenópteros em pacientes com IgE específica é segura e eficaz. Embora alguns pacientes possam receber imunoterapia com veneno ultrarrápido com efeitos colaterais mínimos, o omalizumabe protegeu efetivamente contra a anafilaxia durante a fase de acúmulo.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 222-224, 20230600. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509869


Total radical prostatectomy for advanced prostate cancer may lead to sexual impotence, since it is associated with severe erectile dysfunction. A widely recommended treatment for this disabling condition is intracavernous penile injection of a mixture of prostaglandin E1, papaverine, and phentolamine. To our knowledge, we present the first case of anaphylaxis associated with intracavernous penile injection of prostaglandin E1 in combination with papaverine and phentolamine.

A prostatectomia radical total para câncer de próstata avançado pode levar à impotência sexual, associada a uma disfunção erétil grave. Um tratamento amplamente recomendado para esta condição incapacitante é a injeção intracavernosa no pênis de uma mistura de prostaglandina E1, papaverina e fentolamina. Até onde sabemos, estamos apresentando o primeiro caso de anafilaxia associada à injeção intracavernosa peniana de prostaglandina E1 em combinação com papaverina e fentolamina.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 7(2): 231-234, 20230600. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509873


A lapa (Patella vulgata) é um molusco frequentemente encontrado em regiões costeiras com clima quente. A alergia alimentar à lapa é muito rara, com poucos casos descritos na literatura. Os autores descrevem um caso de anafilaxia à lapa, com evidência de reação de hipersensibilidade do tipo I, através de IgE específica positiva à lapa, tanto com métodos in vivo, como in vitro.

Limpet (Patella vulgata) is a mollusk mainly found in warm coastal regions. Limpet allergy is considered rare, and few cases can be found in the literature. We describe a clinical case of limpet anaphylaxis, including in vitro and in vivo evidence of IgE mechanism involvement.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Hipersensibilidade a Frutos do Mar , Testes Cutâneos
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(1): 39-47, 28 mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451915


La anafilaxia es una reacción en su mayoría de hipersensibilidad tipo I, que estimula la activación generalizada de mastocitos, y provoca un cuadro clínico multisistémico que puede ser fatal. Se estima que tiene una incidencia de 0,03-0,1% y una prevalencia de vida de 0,5-2% en la población general. Generalmente, la reacción inmunológica ocurre posterior a la ingesta de alimentos, uso de medicamentos o picaduras de insectos, pero también se han descrito mecanismos no inmunológicos (no IgE) que actúan directamente sobre los mastocitos, llamadas en la literatura "reacciones anafilactoideas". La anafilaxia fue descrita por Paul Portier y Charles Robert Richet en 1902 en perros, los cuales desarrollaban esta reacción posterior a la inyección repetida de veneno de anémonas (medusas). Sin embargo, esta entidad no tuvo criterios diagnósticos ni pilares de manejo estructurado hasta el año 2006. En ese año en se publicó el segundo simposio de manejo de la anafilaxia, en donde se definieron criterios diagnósticos clínicos claros y el rol fundamental de la adrenalina en su manejo; la única droga que cambia el pronóstico del paciente.

Anaphylaxis is mainly a type I hypersensitivity reaction. It triggers a widespread activation of mast cells, causing a multisystemic clinical scenario that can be fatal. It is estimated to have an incidence of 0.03-0.1% and a lifetime prevalence of 0.5-2%. Most immunological reactions occur after food ingestion, medication, or insect stings, but non-immunological (non-IgE) mechanisms that act directly on mast cells, called Anaphylactoid Reactions, have been also described. Anaphylaxis was described by Paul Portier and Charles Robert Richet in 1902 in dogs, that developed this disease after repeated injections of anemones (jellyfish) venom. However, this entity didn't have established diagnostic criteria or an standarized management until 2006. In this year, the second anaphylaxis management sym-posium took place and clear clinical diagnostic criteria were defined. The fundamental role of adrenaline in its management was also established. The former is the only drug that has demonstrated to improve prognosis of the patient

Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 38(1): 204-208, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423070


ABSTRACT Primary cardiac hydatid cyst is a rare and fatal pathology, especially when involving the left ventricular free wall. A 44-year-old male was diagnosed with large intramural left ventricular hydatid cyst with wall thickness of 6 mm at the thinnest point. Cyst was accessed through pleuropericardial approach (left pleura opened, followed by entry into cyst directly through adjacent pericardium without removing the pericardial adhesions) which resulted in easy entry into the cyst, mitigating the risk of mechanical injury. This case report highlights that with detailed evaluation, cardiac hydatidosis can be addressed with off-pump technique, reducing the anaphylaxis risks and cardiopulmonary bypass-related effects.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032142


@#Problem: Novel vaccines were developed in an unprecedentedly short time in response to the global coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which triggered concerns about the safety profiles of the new vaccines. This paper describes the actions and outcomes of three major adverse events of special interest (AESIs) reported in the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Western Pacific Region: anaphylaxis, thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) and post-vaccination death. Context: During the large-scale introduction of various novel COVID-19 vaccines, robust monitoring of and response to COVID-19 vaccine safety events were critical. Action: We developed and disseminated information sheets about anaphylaxis and TTS; provided tailor-made training for anaphylaxis monitoring and response, webinars about TTS and AESIs, and an algorithm to support decision-making about AESIs following immunization; as well as provided country-specific technical support for causality assessments, including for possible vaccination-related deaths. Outcome: Each major vaccine event and situation of high concern was responded to appropriately and in a timely manner with comprehensive technical support from WHO. Our support activities have not only strengthened countries’ capacities for vaccine safety surveillance and response, but also enabled countries to decrease the negative impact of these events on their immunization programmes and maintain the confidence of health-care professionals and the general population through proactive delivery of risk communications. Discussion: This paper summarizes selected, major AESIs following COVID-19 vaccination and responses made by WHO’s Regional Office for the Western Pacific to support countries. The examples of responses to vaccine safety events during the pandemic and unprecedented mass vaccination campaigns could be useful for countries to adopt, where applicable, to enhance their preparation for activities related to monitoring vaccine safety.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017679


Bronchial asthma and anaphylaxis are two conditions related to the sensitization state of the body that can coexist with each other in children.Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease in children, while anaphylaxis is a rapid onset emergency involving multiple systems of the body.The two diseases can affect each other.Poor asthma control can increase the risk of anaphylaxis, and there is a risk of misdiagnosis during symptom onset.Both diseases need prompt and appropriate acute treatment as well as long term management.This review summarizes the various associations and differences between asthma and anaphylaxis, as well as management tools and strategies, in order to provide reference for enhancing disease awareness and optimizing disease management.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019685


Objective To prepare Compound Nanxing Pain Relief Gel(CNPRG)and evaluate its quality and sensitization.Methods CNPRG uses Carbopol 980 NF as the matrix;Appearance,viscosity,coating,centrifugal stability,cold stability,thermal stability as comprehensive indicators,single test and Box-Behnken effector method to optimize the prescription;The quality evaluation methods of appearance,pH,viscosity,stability,vapor phase identification of volatile components,and determination of diaconitine and eugenol content of CNPRG were preliminarily established;CNPRG sensitization was assessed by Active Cutaneous Anaphylaxis.Results The best prescription for CNPRG was Carbopol 980 NF 0.35 g,drug 1.02 g,glycerol 5.00 g,and pH 6.20.CNPRG ′s appearance likes jelly,is smooth,uniform and delicate;pH=6.20±0.03;viscosity 68.43±1.14 Pa·s;Centrifugation,high,low temperature stability,no stratification and precipitation;Identify camphor,(±)-Borneol and(±)-Isoborneol,Cinnamaldehyde,eugenol,phenol;Hypaconitine content 0.2983±0.0073 μg·g-1;Eugenol content 155.66±0.97 μg·g-1;CNPRG confirmed no sensitization.Conclusion CNPRG has good appearance,stable quality and no sensitization,and it can provide a choice for the development of new dosage forms of compound Nanxing pain relief cream to alleviate sensitization.