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Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 13-27, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568324


En la actualidad, más de la mitad de las pacientes con cáncer de mama receptor hormonal positivo recibe algún esquema de quimioterapia adyuvante. Sin embargo, sólo algunas de ellas obtendrían un beneficio real en términos de sobrevida. Las plataformas genómicas permiten un mejor entendimiento de la heterogeneidad tumoral entre carcinomas con receptores hormonales positivos, Her2 negativos, habiendo sido validadas como herramientas para identificar aquellas. pacientes que obtendrían un beneficio claro con el tratamiento quimioterápico. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es describir el uso de la plataforma genómica Oncotype Dx® y evaluar su impacto sobre la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante, evaluado principalmente a través del cambio de conducta en relación con la indicación final del tratamiento adyuvante. Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico observacional de cohorte llevado a cabo en distintas Unidades de Mastología de la República Argentina que utilizaran el Oncotype Dx* para esclarecer la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante en pacientes luminales Her2neu negativas en estadio inicial. Se registraron las decisiones relacionadas con el tratamiento antes y luego de realizar la prueba genómica. El objetivo secundario consistió en describir los eventos en aquellas pacientes en quiénes se solicitó dicho estudio. Resultados: Entre enero de 2013 y diciembre de 2018, 211 pacientes con carcinomas luminales A o B, Her2neu negativas realizaron el Oncotype Dx* y fueron incluidas en el estudio. Según nuestros registros, 40% de las pacientes experimentó un cambio en la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante luego de realizada la plataforma genómica. De aquellas pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de hormonoterapia según parámetros tradicionales clínico-patológicos, 24% recibió adicionalmente quimioterapia. En relación con las pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de quimio y hormonoterapia, 49% experimentó un cambio en la indicación de su adyuvancia pudiendo realizar únicamente hormonoterapia. En relación a los eventos descriptos en las pacientes participantes del trabajo, se registraron 4 muertes específicas por la enfermedad, una muerte por otra causa, 2 recaídas a distancia y un cáncer de mama contralateral. Conclusiones: En nuestra población de estudio el uso del Score de Recurrencia (RS) resultó clínicamente significativo en relación al cambio de conducta en la toma de decisión para adyuvancia. En consecuencia, para este grupo de investigadores, ha demostrado ser una herramienta de significativa importancia en la decisión del tratamiento adyuvante de pacientes con cáncer de mama temprano, luminal, Her2neu negativo(AU)

Objetive: Currently, over half of all patients diagnosed with hormone-receptor positive early stage breast cancer will receive some type of adjuvant chemotherapy (CHT), but only a few of them will actually benefit in terms of survival. Genomic platforms allow a better understanding of the heterogeneity among the different types of hormone receptor positive, her2 negative breast cancer, and have proven their validity as tools for identifying those patients who will obtain a clear benefit from CHT. The aim of our study was to analyze the use of the genomic platform Oncotype Dx® in our population and describe its impact on the decision of adjuvant treatment assessed through change in treatment decision. Material and method: this was a real world collaborative observational study, which was performed across several Breast Units in Argentina. Patients who underwent Oncotype Dx® testing to determine adjuvant treatment were included. Decisions regarding treatment were settled before and after the oncotype was performed by the tumor boards of each Breast Unit. Results: From January 2013 to December 2018, 211 patients with luminal A or B, her 2 negative breast cancer who underwent Oncotype Dx" testing were included. We found that treatment decisions were modified after Oncotype DX in approximately 40% of patients. In 24% percent of cases, chemotherapy was added to the initial treatment plan although endocrine therapy alone had initially been considered (potential subtreatment); and on the other hand, 49% of all patients were able to receive endocrine therapy only when, due to traditional prognostic factors, they would have received chemotherapy (potential overtreatment). Conclusions: In our population, we found that the use of the Recurrence Score was associated with a significant change in treatment recommendation We therefore consider it to be a very important tool and a decisive factor for the selection of adjuvant treatment in patients with hormone receptor positive, her2neu negative early breast cancer(AU)

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 183-193, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566544


Background: Bevacizumab together with 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin inhibit microvascular growth of tumor blood vessels and tumor proliferation. Few reports state the effect of these therapeutic schemes on salivary glands. Materials and Methods: Food consumption, body weight and salivary amylase activity were assessed in the submandibular gland of rats. Adult male Wistar rats, of three months old with 350/400 grams body weight, under 12-hour light/dark cycles respectively, were divided into the following experimental groups: G1) Control group, G2) 5-Fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group, G3) Bevacizumab treated group, G4) Oxaliplatin treated group, G5) Bevacizumab, oxaliplatin, 5-fluorouracil and leucovorin calcium treated group and G6) Drug-free paired feeding treated group. Assessment of treatment effect was performed by one-way ANOVA. A value of p<0.05 was set for statistical significance. Results: Salivary amylase activity in gland homogenate was G1: 137.9 ± 4.64, G2: 60.95±4.64, G3: 120.93 ± 4.96, G4: 26.17 ±4.64, G5: 10.77 ±4.64 and G6: 82.87 ±4.64 U/mg protein (mean ± S.D.) Amylase activity in the G1 group was higher relative to the other experimental groups p<0.0001. Conclusions: The drugs 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin altered salivary amylase activity by serous granules of the submandibular gland interpreted as a mechanism of impaired acinar function. Bevacizumab administered in isolation did not alter salivary amylase activity compared to the control group. While the lower intake of the matched feeding group affected salivary amylase activity compared to the control group, the effect was significantly greater in animals treated with the oncology drugs used in the present animal model.

Antecedentes: Bevacizumab, junto con 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino, inhiben el crecimiento microvascular de los vasos sanguíneos tumorales y la proliferación tumoral. Pocos reportes establecen el efecto de estos esquemas terapéuticos sobre las glándulas salivales. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluaron el consumo de alimentos, el peso corporal y la actividad de amilasa salival en la glándula submandibular de ratas Wistar macho adultas, de tres meses de edad con 350/400 gramos de peso corporal, bajo ciclos de luz/oscuridad de 12 horas respectivamente, se dividieron en los siguientes grupos experimentales: G1) Grupo control, G2) Grupo tratado con 5-Fluorouracilo y Leucovorina cálcica. , G3) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, G4) Grupo tratado con oxaliplatino, G5) Grupo tratado con bevacizumab, oxaliplatino, 5-fluorouracilo y leucovorina cálcica y G6) Grupo tratado con alimentación emparejada sin fármacos. La evaluación del efecto del tratamiento se realizó mediante ANOVA unidireccional. Se estableció un valor de p<0,05 para significación estadística. Resultado: La actividad de amilasa salival en homogeneizado de glándula fue G1: 137,9 ± 4,64, G2: 60,95 ± 4,64, G3: 120,93 ± 4,96, G4: 26,17 ± 4,64, G5: 10,77 ± 4,64 y G6: 82,87 ± 4,64 U/mg de proteína (media ± S.E.). La actividad de amilasa en el grupo G1 fue mayor en relación con los otros grupos experimentales p<0,0001. Conclusión: Los fármacos 5-fluorouracilo y oxaliplatino alteraron la actividad de la amilasa salival mediante gránulos serosos de la glándula submandibular interpretados como un mecanismo de deterioro de la función acinar. Bevacizumab administrado de forma aislada no alteró la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control. Mientras que la menor ingesta del grupo de alimentación combinada afectó la actividad de la amilasa salival en comparación con el grupo de control, el efecto fue significativamente mayor en los animales tratados con los medicamentos oncológicos utilizados en el grupo. modelo animal actual.

Animais , Ratos , Glândula Submandibular/efeitos dos fármacos , Citostáticos/administração & dosagem , Bevacizumab/administração & dosagem , Fluoruracila/administração & dosagem , Oxaliplatina/administração & dosagem
Rev. argent. cir ; 116(1): 32-42, mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559263


RESUMEN Antecedentes: el cáncer gástrico (CG) representa un problema de salud pública en Colombia y el mundo. Dado que la mayoría de los pacientes se encuentran en estadios avanzados en el momento del diagnóstico. desarrollar estrategias de manejo. como la terapia de conversión (TC). es una necesidad cada vez mayor en su tratamiento. Objetivo: estimar los resultados con la TC en el tratamiento de pacientes con CG avanzado en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia (INC). Material y métodos: serie de casos de pacientes con adenocarcinoma gástrico incurable llevados a quimioterapia de inducción y cirugía con intención curativa. entre los años 2010 y 2021. Se revisaron de forma retrospectiva los datos clínico-patológicos y de supervivencia. La supervivencia global (SG) se calculó desde la fecha de la primera quimioterapia hasta la muerte. Las funciones de supervivencia se estimaron con tablas de vida y por el método de Kaplan-Meier y se realizaron curvas de supervivencia a 3 y 5 años. Resultados: se analizaron los datos de 23 pacientes con edad promedio de 56 años. 17 (74%) fueron varones. El criterio de irresecabilidad más frecuente fue un tumor T4b en 13 casos (56.5%). Todos recibieron TC. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 28 meses. Se documentaron 11 recurrencias (52%). La mediana de supervivencia fue de 41.2 meses y la SG a 3 y 5 años de 57.7% y 38.5%. respectivamente. Conclusiones: la TC permitió obtener una SG aceptable de pacientes seleccionados con CG avanzado incurable. Esta estrategia requiere una cuidadosa selección y manejo multidisciplinario en centros oncológicos de referencia.

ABSTRACT Background: Gastric cancer (GC) represents a public health problem in Colombia and worldwide. Since most patients are at advanced stages at the time of diagnosis. it is necessary to develop management strategies as conversion therapy (CT). Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the results of CT for treating patients with advanced and GC at Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Colombia (INC). Material and methods: We included patients with incurable gastric cancer who underwent induction chemotherapy and intended curative surgery between 2010 and 2021. The clinical and pathological data and survival of the patients included were retrospectively reviewed. Overall survival (OS) was calculated from the time of initiation of chemotherapy until the date of death. Survival functions were estimated using the life table and Kaplan-Meier methods. and survival curves at 3 and 5 years were constructed. Results: 23 patients were analyzed; mean age was 56 years. and 17 (74%) were men. The most common criterion indicating unresectability was a T4b tumor in 13 cases (56.5%). All the patients underwent CT. Median follow-up was 28 months. Eleven patients developed disease recurrence (52%). Median survival was 41.2 months. and 3- and 5-year OS was 57.7% and 38.5%. respectively. Conclusions: CT provided an acceptable OS rate for selected patients with incurable advanced GC. This strategy requires an adequate selection of patients and multidisciplinary management in reference oncology centers.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017720


Acute leukemia(AL)is a common hematological malignancy in children and adolescents. Chemotherapy is currently the primary treatment for AL.Alternative therapies,such as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(HSCT),targeted therapy,and immunotherapy also offer greater hope for the survival of refractory/relapsed patients. Chemotherapeutic drugs,radiotherapy,targeted drugs and immunotherapeutic drugs are well-applied clinically,meanwhile posing threats to non-target systems. The adverse effects on the reproductive system may lead to the dilemma of infertility,thus reducing the long-term quality of life. As the survival rate of AL patients keeps increasing continuously,the influence of different treatments on the gonad function needs to be clarified. With the help of targeted fertility prevention,the patient′s quality of life can be enhanced in parallel with life span. This article aims to review the impact of AL treatment on ovarian function in female children and adolescents and provide ideas for the long-term fertility protection of leukemia patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017887


Objective To investigate the value of peripheral blood soluble interleukin-2 receptor(sIL-2R),CD4+lymphocyte percentage/CD8+lymphocyte percentage ratio(hereinafter referred to as CD4+/CD8+)and tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)in evaluating the efficacy of chemotherapy in elderly patients with newly treated active pulmonary tuberculosis.Methods A total of 102 elderly patients with newly treated active tu-berculosis admitted to the hospital from December 2019 to December 2022 were enrolled in the study as the observation group,and 102 healthy people aged 60 and older who underwent physical examination in the hos-pital during the same period were enrolled as the control group.The levels of sIL-2R,TNF-α and CD4+/CD8+in peripheral blood were compared between the two groups,and the correlations between sIL-2R,TNF-α and CD4+/CD8+were analyzed.The observation group was treated with 2HRZE/4HR anti-tuberculosis treatment regimen.The levels of sIL-2R,TNF-α and CD4+/CD8+in peripheral blood of patients with different efficacy before treatment,1 month and 6 months after treatment in the observation group were compared.The correla-tion between sIL-2R,CD4+/CD8+,TNF-α levels and therapeutic effect was analyzed.The receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the efficacy of indicators in evaluating the efficacy of chemo-therapy in elderly patients.Results The levels of sIL-2R and TNF-α in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,while CD4+/CD8+was lower than that in the control group,and the differ-ences were statistically significant(P<0.05).In the observation group,sIL-2R and TNF-α were negatively correlated with CD4+/CD8+(P<0.05),sIL-2R was positively correlated with TNF-α(P<0.05).After 1 month and 6 months of treatment,the levels of sIL-2R and TNF-α in patients with apparent efficacy were low-er than those in patients with efficacy,and the latter were lower than those in patients with no effect,while the CD4+/CD8+in patients with apparent efficacy was higher than that in patients with efficacy,and the latter was higher than that in patients with no efficacy,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).The levels of sIL-2R and TNF-α were negatively correlated with the efficacy(P<0.05),and CD4+/CD8+was positively correlated with the efficacy(P<0.05).ROC curve analysis showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of sIL-2R,CD4+/CD8+,and TNF-α used in combination to assess efficacy was significantly greater than the AUCs of the single indicators used in the assessment at each time point of treatment(P<0.05),and the AUC of the combination of the indicators was greater after 6 months of treatment than after 1 month of treatment(P<0.05).Conclusion The levels of sIL-2R,CD4+/CD8+and TNF-α are closely related to the ef-ficacy of chemotherapy in elderly patients with newly treated active pulmonary tuberculosis,and the combina-tion of the above indicators has certain reference value in evaluating the efficacy of chemotherapy in patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018089


Traditional chemotherapy is the cornerstone of comprehensive treatment for gastric cancer, but its recurrence and metastasis rates are high, and the overall prognosis is not ideal. The rise of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has brought new hope to gastric cancer patients and changed the current pattern of comprehensive treatment for gastric cancer. With the increasing use of ICI, immune related adverse reactions (irAEs) such as skin toxicity and gastrointestinal toxicity are becoming increasingly common. Scientific understanding, early diagnosis, and graded management are currently the main strategies for handling irAEs. This article aims to review the mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and prediction, treatment, and management of irAEs after ICI treatment of gastric cancer, in order to enhance the understanding of irAEs among clinical physicians, better manage immunotherapy related adverse reactions, and improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018179


Objective:To explore the impact of pembrolizumab combined with chemotherapy on angiogenesis and circulating endothelial cells in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) .Methods:The retrospective analysis of clinical data from 121 patients diagnosed with advanced NSCLC who were admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Xingtai Medical College from August 2021 to January 2023 was conducted. These patients were divided into a control group ( n=57) and an observation group ( n=64) based on the designated treatment protocol. Specifically, individuals in the control group received standard chemotherapy (cisplatin+paclitaxel), while those in the observation group underwent penpilimab therapy in conjunction with conventional chemotherapy. The comparative assessment encompassed short-term clinical efficacy, quality of life, immune function parameters, angiogenic factors [including endostatin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ], circulating endothelial cells, and adverse reactions within the two groups. Results:After 6 courses of treatment, the objective response rate [67.19% (43/64) vs. 49.12% (28/57) ] and disease control rate [87.50% (56/64) vs. 70.18% (40/57) ] in observation group were higher than those in control group, with statistically significant differences ( χ2=4.06, P=0.044; χ2=5.52, P=0.019). The quality of life score of observation group [ (56.77±6.81) points] was significantly higher than that of control group [ (47.73±8.23) points], with a statistically significant difference ( t=6.61, P<0.001) ; The T cell subgroup CD3 + levels [ (63.59±9.00) % vs. (53.06±8.80%), t=6.49, P<0.001], CD4 + levels [ (46.54±8.20) % vs. (30.74±7.32) %, t=11.13, P<0.001] and CD4 +/CD8 + ratio (1.90±0.36 vs. 1.21±0.28, t=11.66, P<0.001) in observation group were significantly higher than those in control group, with statistically significant differences; Endostatin in observation group [ (48.99±3.43) μmol/L] was significantly higher than that in control group [ (31.35±3.87) μmol/L], with a statistically significant difference ( t=26.58, P<0.001), IGF-1 [ (102.31±20.35) μg/L vs. (134.98±19.02) μg/L] and VEGF [ (31.70±4.32) pg/ml vs. (58.71±5.99) pg/ml] were significantly lower in observation group than those in control group, with statistically significant differences ( t=18.73, P<0.001; t=28.14, P<0.001). The number of circulating endothelial cells in observation group [ (58.77±10.03) /ml] was significantly lower than that in control group [ (87.01±8.01) /ml], with a statistically significant difference ( t=17.20, P<0.001). During treatment, there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of gastrointestinal reaction ( χ2=0.01, P=0.908), leukopenia ( χ2=0.64, P=0.424), thrombocytopenia ( χ2=0.28, P=0.597), anemia ( χ2=1.66, P=0.197), nephrotoxicity ( χ2=0.64, P=0.424), skin rash ( χ2=1.33, P=0.249) between the two groups. Conclusion:The combination therapy of pembrolizumab and chemotherapy for the treatment of advanced NSCLC has demonstrated noteworthy effectiveness. This regimen has the potential to enhance patients' immune functionality, ameliorate their overall quality of life, suppress angiogenesis, and exhibits a commendable profile of safety and reliability.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018391


Objective To investigate the influence of modified Shashen Maidong Decoction combined with Camrelizumab immunotherapy plus chemotherapy on the efficacy,survival status and serum cytokeratin 19 fragment(CYFRA21-1)and neuron-specific enolase(NSE)levels in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).Methods Forty patients with advanced NSCLC of lung-stomach yin deficiency with intense heat-toxin type were randomly divided into a control group and a study group,with 20 patients in each group.The patients in the control group were given Camrelizumab immunotherapy plus chemotherapy,and the patients in the study group were given modified Shashen Maidong Decoction combined with Camrelizumab immunotherapy plus chemotherapy,with 21 days as a course of treatment and for a total of 4 courses of treatment.The changes of serum NSE and CYFRA21-1 levels in the two groups before and after treatment were observed,and the clinical efficacy,survival status and the incidence of toxic and side effects were compared between the two groups.Results(1)After 4 courses of treatment,the total effective rate of the study group was 70.00%(14/20),which was significantly higher than that of the control group(9/20,45.00%),but the intergroup comparison(tested by chi-square test)showed that the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).(2)After 2 years of follow-up,the overall survival(OS),time to progression(TTP),and progression-free survival(PFS)of the patients in the study group were significantly prolonged compared with those in the control group(P<0.01).(3)After treatment,the serum NSE and CYFRA21-1 levels of the patients in the two groups were decreased compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the decrease of serum NSE and CYFRA21-1 levels in the study group was significantly superior to that in the control group(P<0.01).(4)The incidence of toxic and side effects in the study group was 25.00%(5/20),which was significantly lower than that of 65.00%(13/20)in the control group,and the intergroup comparison showed that the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Modified Shashen Maidong Decoction combined with Camrelizumab immunotherapy plus chemotherapy has satisfactory therapeutic effect on patients with advanced NSCLC,which can reduce the toxic and side effects of chemotherapy,lower the level of serum tumor markers,and prolong the survival period and time to progression(TTP)of the patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018431


Objective To investigate the effects of Fuzheng Quxie Prescription(mainly with the actions of supporting healthy qi and dispelling pathogens)combined with neoadjuvant chemotherapy on tumor recurrence,serum thymidine kinase 1(TK1)level and immune function in patients with triple-negative breast cancer(TNBC).Methods Eighty patients with TNBC of qi and yin deficiency type were randomly divided into a combination group and a control group,with 40 patients in each group.The control group was treated with AC-T sequential chemotherapy(Doxorubicin combined with Cyclophosphamide plus sequential Docetaxel),and the combination group was treated with Fuzheng Quxie Prescription on the basis of treatment for the control group.One course of treatment covered 21 days,and the two groups were treated for 4 consecutive courses.The changes of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome scores,Karnofsky Performance Status(KPS)score,levels of tumor markers of carbohydrate antigen 125(CA125),carbohydrate antigen 153(CA153)and TK1,and T lymphocyte subset levels in the two groups were observed before and after the treatment.Moreover,the clinical efficacy and tumor metastasis and recurrence in the two groups were compared.Results(1)After 4 courses of treatment,the total effective rate of the combination group was 87.50%(35/40),and that of the control group was 67.50%(27/40),and the intergroup comparison(tested by chi-square test)showed that the efficacy of the combination group was significantly superior to that of the control group(P<0.05).(2)After treatment,the TCM syndrome scores in the two groups were significantly decreased compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the KPS scores were significantly increased compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the decrease of TCM syndrome scores and the increase of KPS scores in the combination group were significantly superior to that in the control group(P<0.05 or P<0.01).(3)After treatment,the serum CA125,CA153 and TK1 levels of patients in the two groups were significantly decreased compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the decrease of serum CA125,CA153 and TK1 levels in the combination group was significantly superior to that in the control group(P<0.01).(4)After treatment,the T lymphocyte subset CD3+,CD4+ levels and CD4+/CD8+ ratio in the two groups were significantly increased compared with those before treatment(P<0.05),and the CD8+ level was significantly decreased compared with that before treatment(P<0.05).The post-treatment intergroup comparison showed that the increase of the T lymphocyte subset CD3+,CD4+ levels and CD4+/CD8+ ratio as well as the decrease of the CD8+ level in the combination group was all significantly superior to that in the control group(P<0.05 or P<0.01).(5)The one-year follow-up showed that the tumor recurrence rate and tumor metastasis rate in the combination group were 7.50%(3/40)and 12.50%(5/40)respectively,significantly lower than 25.00%(10/40)and 35.00%(14/40)in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant when comparing between the two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion The combination of neoadjuvant chemotherapy with Fuzheng Quxie Prescription has a better therapeutic effect on TNBC patients with qi and yin deficiency syndrome,which can effectively improve the immune function of the patients,decrease the level of serum tumor markers,improve the quality of life of the patients,and reduce the incidence of tumor recurrence and metastasis.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 247-251, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018603


Objective To investigate the impacts of cinobufotalin combined with docetaxel+cisplatin chemotherapy on the disease control and the level of vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)in serum of patients with non-small cell lung cancer.Methods Totally 70 patients with non-small cell lung cancer admitted to Zhejiang Veteran Hospital from March 2019 to March 2022 were included.They were randomly divided into combination group(cinobufotalin combined with docetaxel+cisplatin,n= 35)and control group(docetaxel+cisplatin chemotherapy alone,n=35).The disease control rates of two groups,serum VEGF level,carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA),cy-tokeratin 19(CK19)and carbohydrate antigen 125(CA125)were measured using ELISA;life quality of patients was evaluated with the KPS score;The adverse events between two groups were compared.Results The disease control rate in the combination group(33/35,94.29%)was higher than that that of control group(25/35,71.43%,)(P<0.05).After treatment,the level of VEGF in both groups of patients decreased,and the KPS score increased(P<0.05)especially in the combination group(P<0.05).After treatment,the level of serum CEA,CA125,and CK19 of control group and combination group were obviously lower than those before treatment(P<0.05),while those in the combination group were even lower(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse events in the combination group(5/35,14.29%)was lower than that in the control group(13/35,37.14%)(P<0.05).Conclusions Cinobufotalin combined with docetaxel+cisplatin chemotherapy as a potential new chemotherapy significantly reduces the level of VEGF and tumor biomarkers in serum factor,improves the life quality of patients.The combined therapy is proved tobe safe.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018829


Objective To discuss the clinical safety,feasibility and efficacy of transcatheter arterial infusion chemotherapy(TAI)combined with lipiodol chemoembolization in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer(CRC).Methods The clinical data of 37 patients with advanced CRC,who received TAI combined with lipiodol chemoembolization at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University of China between June 2016 and December 2022,were retrospectively analyzed.The clinical efficacy was evaluated,the progression-free survival(PFS)and the serious complications were recorded.Results A total of 55 times of TAI combined with lipiodol chemoembolization procedures were successfully accomplished in the 37 patients.The mean used amount of lipiodol emulsion was 2.9 mL(0.8-10 mL).No serious complications such as bleeding and intestinal perforation occurred.The median follow-up time was 24 months(range of 3-48 months).The postoperative one-month,3-month,6-month and 12-month objective remission rates(ORR)were 67.6%(25/37),67.6%(25/37),64.9%(24/37)and 56.8%(21/37)respectively,and the postoperative one-month,3-month,6-month and 12-month disease control rates(DCR)were 91.9%(34/37),91.9%(34/37),89.2%(33/37)and 81.1%(30/37)respectively.The median PFS was 16 months(range of 2-47 months).As of the last follow-up,22 patients survived and 15 patients died of terminal stage of tumor.Conclusion Preliminary results of this study indicate that TAI combined with lipiodol chemoembolization is clinically safe and effective for advanced CRC,and it provide a new therapeutic method for patients with advanced CRC.

Journal of Clinical Surgery ; (12): 188-191, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019316


Objective To evaluate the efficacy of XELOX regimen as neoadjuvant chemotherapy in the treatment of stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ colon cancer.Methods The clinical data of 50 patients with clinical stage Ⅱ(T4)Ⅲ colon cancer who underwent laparoscopic radical resection at general surgery department of our hospital from January 1,2012 to January 1,2021 were retrospectively analyzed.Patients were divided into neoadjuvant chemotherapy group(NACT)and adjuvant chemotherapy group(ACT)according to whether they received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with XELOX regimen.The general clinical data,adverse reactions of chemotherapy,surgical complications,operation time,intraoperative blood loss,hospitalization time,hospitalization cost,negative conversion rate of tumor markers,tumor remission rate,tumor downstaging rate,tumor response grade after chemotherapy,postoperative disease-free survival curve,and overall survival curve were retrospectively analyzed and compared among the groups.Results There were no significant differences in operative complications,postoperative exhaust time and hospital stay between NACT group and ACT group(P>0.05).The adverse reactions of chemotherapy,the negative conversion rate of postoperative CEA and CA19-9,the duration of operation,the amount of bleeding,and the hospitalization cost in NACT group were significantly better than those in ACT group(P<0.05).In terms of DFS and OS survival curves,with the extension of time,the decline of the NACT survival curve was smaller than that of the ACT group,and there was a significant difference in DFS survival curve(P<0.05),but no significant difference in OS survival curve(P>0.05).Conclusion XELOX neoadjuvant chemotherapy is safe and effective in the treatment of stage Ⅱ(T4)and stage Ⅲcolon cancer.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019602


Objective To explore the operation effect of the improved full-appointment mode of ambulatory chemotherapy,so as to provide reference for further improving the treatment process.Methods The enhanced full-appointment mode had been implemented in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center outpatient information system,which seamlessly integrated daytime chemotherapy assessment with comprehensive information management,formulated precise rules for chemotherapy appointments,and ensured efficient integration of relevant data.A comparative analysis was conducted between the period after optimization(Jan to Sep 2022)and the corresponding period in the previous year(Jan to Sep 2021),considering factors such as patient waiting time,human involvement,patient safety during chemotherapy,as well as nurse and patient satisfaction.Results After optimization,the time spent by patients was reduced from 52.12(32.73-83.05)to 20.04(11.87-41.10)minutes,with statistically significant difference(z=-78.144,P<0.001).Additionally,the time spent by patients before and after optimization was significantly different in the distribution of<30 minutes,30-60 minutes,and>60 minutes(χ2=5 958.455,P<0.001).Previously,one nurse and 2-3 security personnel were required to schedule appointments in the daytime chemotherapy center,while after optimization,there was no longer a need for nurses to arrange appointment windows and the number of security personnel was reduced to one,thereby optimized human operations.It was observed that the number of cases involving chemotherapy infusion reactions decreased from 59 to 46 following optimization,and the number of patients requiring rescue observation reduced from four to one.Notably,no rescue events occurred during non-day shifts,thus enhanced patient safety during treatment hours outside regular working hours.Furthermore,there was a statistically significant improvement in both nurses'and patients'satisfaction levels before and after implementation of these optimizations(P<0.05).Conclusion The modified full appointment mode reduced patient waiting time,optimized human resources utilization,enhanced patient safety during chemotherapy,and improved satisfaction levels among both nurses and patients.The implementation of the modified full appointment mode for daytime chemotherapy centers was beneficial to their overall operation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019977


Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death,following lung cancer,colorectal cancer and gastric cancer.Chemoresistance is currently the major challenge in clinical treatment of HCC patients,and it is also the primary cause of the poor prognosis and high recurrence rate of patients.There are multiple factors and complex mechanisms in the occurrence of HCC drug resistance.Recent research has shown that non-coding RNA(ncRNA)is closely related to HCC chemoresistance.By regulating the expression of target genes and protein translation,ncRNA affects the occurrence,metastasis,and prognosis of HCC and is expected to become a therapeutic biomarker and potential drug therapeutic target for HCC.Therefore,this study reviews several common ncRNAs,including long non-coding RNAs(LncRNAs),miRNAs and transferRNA(tRNAs),in the molecular mechanisms and research progress of HCC chemoresistance,providing new ideas for solving the problem of HCC chemoresistance.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 222-225,269, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020188


Objective To investigate the predictive value of early efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy(NAC)in patient with breast cancer via full quantitative parameters of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging(DCE-MRI).Methods Forty patients with breast cancer were selected.The 18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography(18F-FDG PET/CT)and DCE-MRI were performed before and after two cycles of NAC.According to the decrease rate of maximum standardized uptake value(ΔSUVmax)of PET/CT before and after two cycles of NAC,all patients were divided into two groups,including good response group(24 cases)(ΔSUVmax>40%)and general response group(16 cases)(ΔSUVmax≤40%).The changes of full quantitative parameters of DCE-MRI between the two groups were observed and analyzed.Results There were statistically significant differences in changes of Ktrans and Kep between the two groups(P<0.05),however,there was no significant difference in the change of Ve between the two groups(P>0.05).There was a significant positive correlation between ΔKtrans and ΔSUVmax(r=0.850,P<0.001).There was a high positive correlation between ΔKtrans and ΔKep(r=0.727,P<0.001).Conclusion The full quantitative parameters of DCE-MRI are helpful to evaluate the early efficacy of NAC in breast cancer,which can reflect the changes of microcirculation in the lesion,further reflect the therapeutic effect of NAC,guide the clinical optimization of treatment plan in time,and achieve accurate evaluation and individualized treatment.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 390-393, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020222


Objective To investigate the imaging manifestations and pathogenesis of liver focal nodular hyperplasia-like(FNH-like)lesions in patients undergoing antineoplastic chemotherapy.Methods The clinical and imaging data of focal nodular hyperplasia(FNH)and FNH-like lesions patients confirmed by pathology after antineoplastic chemotherapy were analyzed retrospectively.Results A total of 67 FNH-like nodules were detected in 15 patients after antineoplastic chemotherapy,including multiple FNH nodules in 8 cases and sin-gle nodule in 7 cases.The mean detected time of FNH-like nodules was(18.9±11.7)months.Central scarring could be observed during follow-up in 5 nodules,and the rest showed atypical FNH features.Among 45 nodules examined with hepatocyte-specific con-trast medium,36 nodules showed slightly high signal in the hepatobiliary phase and other 9 nodules showed isosignal.Conclusion FNH-like lesions in patients during antineoplastic chemotherapy have certain imaging features,such as lack of central scarring,gener-ally smaller nodules,delayed enhancement,and hyperenhancement in hepatobiliary-specific phase,which are of significant value in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of the disease.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020406


Objective:To explore the effects of multi-disciplinary nutrition support team on nutritional status and quality of life in lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, so as to provide reference for the formulation of nutritional intervention plans for lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.Methods:This was a quasi experimental study. A total of 74 patients with lung cancer undergoing chemotherapy in Jinshan Hospital of Fudan University from February 2021 to July 2022 were selected as the research object by convenient sampling method. They were divided into two groups according to their admission time, 37 cases of patients from February to August 2021 for the control group, using conventional nursing interventions, 37 cases of patients from September 2021 to July 2022 for the observation group, with multi-disciplinary nutrition support team. A follow-up was conducted for three chemotherapy cycles, serum nutrition indicators and quality of life were compared between the two groups.Results:There were 27 males and 10 females in the control group, aged (68.14 ± 6.82) years old. There were 30 males and 7 females in the observation group, aged (65.92 ± 9.17) years old. There was no significant difference in the serum nutrition indicators and quality of life before intervention between the two groups (all P>0.05). The serum total protein, albumin and prealbumin levels in the observation group were (69.41 ± 5.87), (38.11 ± 4.04) g/L, and (243.57 ± 67.58) mg/L, which were higher than those in the control group (65.54 ± 8.33), (35.78 ± 5.39) g/L, and (200.84 ± 60.84) mg/L, the differences were statistically significant ( t=-2.31, -2.10, -2.86, all P<0.05). After intervention, the observation group showed higher scores for emotional function and overall health/life quality, with (88.29 ± 16.72), (60.36 ± 13.24) points, compared to the control group with (76.80 ± 17.58), (46.40 ± 16.38) points. The scores for fatigue, nausea/vomiting, insomnia, and loss of appetite were (34.53 ± 22.19), (11.26 ± 8.83), (20.72 ± 16.39), (24.32 ± 18.67) points in the observation group, which were lower than the scores in the control group (45.65 ± 22.95), (25.68 ± 18.67), (36.94 ± 23.29), (40.54 ± 22.41) points, all the differences were statistically significant ( t values were -4.03-4.24, all P<0.05). Conclusions:During chemotherapy in lung cancer patients, the multidisciplinary nutrition support team has been shown to significantly improve the patients′ nutritional status and enhance their quality of life.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020472


Objective:To explore the effects of an intervention strategy based on dyadic illness management theory on dyadic coping level, supportive care needs, and patients' disease symptoms with chemotherapy-stage ovarian cancer patients and their spouses, and to provide reference for improving their disease coping ability and quality of life.Methods:This study used the method of randomized controlled trial. Seventy pairs of ovarian cancer patients and their spouses who received regular chemotherapy and their spouses from Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Fudan University from July 2022 to June 2023 were selected using convenience sampling method. They were assigned to the control group (36 pairs) and the observation group (36 pairs) by the random number table method. Participants in the control group received routine nursing care and the observation group received the intervention strategy of dyadic illness management theory. Data were collected and compared the differences in dyadic coping levels, care needs, and disease symptoms between two groups of patients and their spouses before intervention (before chemotherapy) and after intervention (after the end of the chemotherapy cycle). SPSS 20.0 software was used for analysis, and t-tests, χ2 tests, and Wilcoxon rank sum tests were used to compare the two groups. Results:Finally, 36 pairs were included in the control group and 34 pairs in the observation group. The age of the control group patients was (52.03 ± 9.44) years old, while that of the observation group patients was (53.41 ± 10.14) years old. After the intervention, the total score of dyadic coping level in the patients and their spouses of the observation group were (113.50 ± 8.03), (114.62 ± 10.59) points, respectively, which were higher than (106.64 ± 10.06), (108.78 ± 10.89) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=-3.14, -2.27, both P<0.05); the total score of care needs in the patients and their spouses of the observation group were (89.65 ± 8.29), (95.12 ± 7.25) points, respectively, which were lower than (100.25 ± 10.82), (110.11 ± 7.58) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=4.58, 8.45, both P<0.001); the total score of disease symptoms in the patients of the observation group was (20.09 ± 4.70) points, which was lower than (31.53 ± 6.08) points of the control group with significant differences ( t=8.77, P<0.001). Conclusions:The model of dyadic illness management can improve dyadic coping level and supportive care needs of chemotherapy-stage ovarian cancer patients and their spouses, and alleviate patients′ disease symptoms.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020479


Objective:To investigate the experience of body quality management in overweight or obese patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy, and to provide reference for formulating targeted nursing interventions.Methods:This study was a phenomenological study of qualitative research. Objective selected 10 obese patients with breast cancer from breast surgery of Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University and the First Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University to conduct semi-structured interviews during chemotherapy from March to May 2023. Colaizzi 7-step analysis method was used to sort out and analyze the data and extract the theme.Results:The average age of 10 overweight or obese breast cancer patients was 43.2 years. Three themes and eight subthemes were extracted, including insufficient motivation of body quality management (insufficient cognition, insufficient drive, insufficient motivation), disturbing experience of body quality management (uncertainty of disease, symptom distress during chemotherapy, inability to identify the correctness of information), regulation and support of body quality management (mastering correct methods of body quality regulation and support in all aspects).Conclusions:The motivation of body quality management in overweight or obese patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy is insufficient and there are many problems. Medical staff can take effective measures from clarifying the significance of body quality management, providing targeted information support, establishing a good social support system and providing effective body quality management guidance, so as to improve the effectiveness of body quality management in obese patients with breast cancer during chemotherapy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020825


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of nivolumab(PD-1 inhibitor)in combination with lenvatinib and FOLFOX regimen[5-fluorouracil(5-FU),oxaliplatin(L-OHP),and calcium folinate(LV)]in the treatment of intermediate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)via hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy(HAIC).Methods A total of 160 patients with intermediate and advanced HCC admitted to the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical University from January 2021 to January 2023 were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group,with 80 patients in each group,using a random number table.The control group received once-daily oral lenvatinib and intravenous carrizumab infusions for 12 weeks as part of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE)therapy.The observation group was administered with FOLFOX regimen via HAIC chemotherapy,plus intravenous infusion of carrizumab for 12 weeks and once-daily oral lenvatinib.All the patients were followed up regularly.The clinical efficacy was evaluated using the mRECIST criteria.The objective response rate(ORR),disease control rate(DCR),overall survival(OS),progression-free survival(PFS),and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups.Results There were no significant differences in the objective response rate and incidence of adverse reactions between the groups.The disease control rate,overall survival,and progression-free survival in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusions The FOLFOX-HAIC regimen in combination with nivolumab and lenvatinib is safe and effective for the treatment of intermediate and advanced HCC,without adverse reactions.It can prolong the overall survival and progression-free survival,and improve the patient's quality of life.