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Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(2): 73-87, 20240722. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1567515


Objective. To determine the predictive role of resilience and hope on adherence to treatment in hemodialysis patients hospitalized in two hospitals affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences (Shiraz, Iran). Methods. This is a descriptive-analytical study that was conducted in 2021-2022 on 120 patients treated in hemodialysis sections in Namazi and Shahid Faqihi teaching hospitals. Sampling was conducted using a stratified random method. Demographic information questionnaires, Connor and Davidson's resilience, Snyder's hope and adherence to kidney patients' treatment questionnaires were used to collect the data. Results. The finds showed that the levels of resilience, hope, and adherence to treatment had hight level. More specifically, it was indicated that the mean and standard deviation for the total resilience score, the hope variable, and adherence to total treatment was 75.45±14.34, 40.43±3.66, and 80.12±18.20, respectively; which have maximum possible scores of 100, 48 and 100. Thus, it can be said that no correlation was observed between resilience and adherence to treatment variables (p>0.05); hope variable and adherence to treatment (p>0.05), and adherence to treatment with hope and resilience variables (p>0.05). However, hope and resilience variables showed a direct and weak correlation with each other (r=0.36, p<0.05); that is, patients who had more hope indicated better resilience as well. Conclusion. Although in this study we found that the resilience and hope variables were not able to predict the treatment adherence, hope and resilience indicated a direct and weak correlation. It is recommended that nurses should pay more attention to hope and resilience of hemodialysis patients in order to promote their health.

Objetivo. Determinar el papel predictivo de la resiliencia y la esperanza en la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes en hemodiálisis internados en dos hospitales afiliados a la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Shiraz (Shiraz, Irán). Métodos. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo-analítico que se realizó en 2021-2022 con la participación de 120 pacientes tratados en secciones de hemodiálisis en los hospitales docentes Namazi y Shahid Faqihi. El muestreo se realizó mediante un método aleatorio estratificado. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron datos demográficos y las escalas de resiliencia de Connor y Davidson, de esperanza de Snyder y de adherencia al tratamiento de pacientes renales. Resultados. Los hallazgos mostraron que los niveles de resiliencia, esperanza y adherencia al tratamiento se encontraban en niveles altos. Más concretamente, se indicó que la media y la desviación estándar para la puntuación total de resiliencia, la variable esperanza y la adherencia al tratamiento total fueron 75.45±14.34, 40,43±3.66 y 80.12±18.20, respectivamente; las cuales tienen como puntajes máximos posibles 100, 48 y 100. No se observó correlación entre las variables: resiliencia y adherencia al tratamiento (p>0.05), esperanza y la adherencia al tratamiento (p>0.05), y adherencia al tratamiento y las variables esperanza y resiliencia (p>0.05). Sin embargo, las variables esperanza y resiliencia mostraron una correlación directa y débil entre sí (r=0.36, p<0.05); es decir, los pacientes que tenían más esperanza indicaron también mejor resiliencia. Conclusión. Aunque en este estudio encontramos que las variables resiliencia y esperanza no fueron capaces de predecir la adherencia al tratamiento, la esperanza y la resiliencia indicaron una correlación directa y débil. Se recomienda que el personal de enfermería preste más atención a la esperanza y la resiliencia de los pacientes en hemodiálisis para promover su salud.

Objetivo. Determinar o papel preditivo da resiliência e da esperança na adesão ao tratamento em pacientes em hemodiálise internados em dois hospitais afiliados à Universidade de Ciências Médicas de Shiraz (Shiraz, Irã). Métodos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo-analítico realizado em 2021-2022 com a participação de 120 pacientes atendidos nas seções de hemodiálise dos hospitais universitários Namazi e Shahid Faqihi. A amostragem foi realizada por método aleatório estratificado. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados dados demográficos e as escalas de resiliência de Connor e Davidson, escalas de esperança de Snyder e adesão ao tratamento de pacientes renais. Resultados As descobertas mostraram que os níveis de resiliência, esperança e adesão ao tratamento estavam em níveis elevados. Mais especificamente, foi indicado que a média e o desvio padrão do escore de resiliência total, da variável esperança e da adesão total ao tratamento foram 75.45±14.34, 40.43±3.66 e 80.12±18.20, respectivamente; que possuem as pontuações máximas possíveis de 100, 48 e 100. Não foi observada correlação entre as variáveis: resiliência e adesão ao tratamento (p>0.05), esperança e adesão ao tratamento (p>0.05), e adesão ao tratamento e esperança e variáveis de resiliência (p>0.05). Contudo, as variáveis esperança e resiliência apresentaram correlação direta e fraca entre si (r=0.36, p<0.05); Ou seja, os pacientes mais esperançosos também indicaram melhor resiliência. Conclusão. Embora neste estudo tenhamos constatado que as variáveis resiliência e esperança não foram capazes de predizer a adesão ao tratamento, a esperança e a resiliência indicaram uma correlação direta e fraca. Recomenda-se que a equipe de enfermagem preste mais atenção à esperança e à resiliência dos pacientes em hemodiálise para promover sua saúde.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Resiliência Psicológica , Esperança , Cooperação e Adesão ao Tratamento , Unidades Hospitalares de Hemodiálise
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 129-142, 20240726.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565988


As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) são as principais causas de morbimortalidade no mundo, causando 738.371 óbitos em 2019 no Brasil. Entre elas, há a diabetes mellitus (DM), uma doença que acarreta a hiperglicemia, resultante da deficiência na secreção e/ou ação da insulina. Além das complicações, pacientes com DM apresentam elevado sofrimento emocional, incidindo sobre o autocuidado com o tratamento, a alimentação, a atividade física, entre outros aspectos que afetam sua qualidade de vida. Nessa perspectiva, este estudo objetiva avaliar a aderência ao autocuidado nos pacientes com DM cadastrados em dois Centros de Saúde no município de Campinas, em São Paulo. Estudo de caráter exploratório descritivo, a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir do Questionário de Atividades do Autocuidado com o Diabetes (QAD), adaptado e validado para a cultura brasileira a partir do The Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Measure (SDSCA). Os dados foram analisados mediante tabulação no programa EPI INFO versão 3.5.1. A partir dos achados, os centros de saúde poderão fortalecer a linha de cuidado de indivíduos com diagnóstico de DM, direcionando as ações educativas na prevenção de complicações, permitindo maior independência e autonomia do paciente e aprimorando a adesão ao tratamento.

Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In 2019, 738,371 deaths were reported due to NCDs in Brazil. Among them is Diabetes Mellitus (DM), a disease that causes hyperglycemia from a deficiency in insulin secretion and/or action. In addition to complications, DM patients experience high emotional suffering which affects self-care treatment, nutrition, physical activity and other aspects that impact their quality of life. In this perspective, this study evaluates adherence to self-care treatment in DM patients registered in two health centers in Campinas, São Paulo. An exploratory, descriptive study was conducted using data collected by the Diabetes Self-Care Activities Questionnaire (QAD), adapted and validated for Brazil using the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Measure (SDSCA). Data were analyzed using tabulation in the EPI INFO program version 3.5.1. Based on the findings, health centers may strengthen their line of care for individuals diagnosed with DM, directing educational actions towards preventing complications, allowing greater patient independence and autonomy, thus improving treatment adherence.

Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ENT) están entre las principales causas de morbimortalidad en el mundo; en 2019 se reportaron en Brasil 738.371 muertes por ENT. Entre las ENT, se encuentra la diabetes mellitus (DM), una afección que causa hiperglucemia y que resulta de una deficiencia en la secreción y/o acción de la insulina. Además de sus complicaciones, los pacientes con DM experimentan un alto sufrimiento emocional, lo que afecta el autocuidado con el tratamiento, la nutrición, la actividad física y otros aspectos relacionados a la calidad de vida. Desde esta perspectiva, este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la adherencia al autocuidado en pacientes con DM registrados en dos centros de salud de la ciudad de Campinas, en São Paulo (Brasil). Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, descriptivo, en el cual la recolección de datos se realizó mediante el Cuestionario de Actividades de Autocuidado de la Diabetes (QAD), adaptado y validado para la cultura brasileña mediante el Resumen de las Actividades de Autocuidado de la Diabetes (SDSCA). Los datos se analizaron mediante tabulación en el programa EPI INFO, versión 3.5.1. Los hallazgos apuntan a que los centros de salud podrán fortalecer la línea de atención a las personas diagnosticadas con DM desde acciones educativas sobre la prevención de complicaciones, permitiendo mayor independencia y autonomía del paciente y mejorando así la adherencia al tratamiento.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(2): 236-248, jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564778


Resumen Introducción : Hay escasa evidencia sobre el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el cumplimiento del tratamiento de cáncer cervicouterino. Métodos : Se llevó a cabo un estudio poblacional de cohorte retrospectivo. -antes/después- de las pacientes con cáncer cervicouterino diagnosticadas en estable cimientos públicos de la provincia de Jujuy (n = 140), entre 2017 y 2020. Las pacientes diagnosticadas en 2020 se consideraron expuestas a la pandemia (n = 21). Utili zamos la regresión logística multivariada para analizar la asociación entre pandemia y cumplimiento del tra tamiento de cáncer. Además, se midió la duración del tratamiento en aquellas con indicación de braquiterapia y el tiempo hasta el inicio al tratamiento según estadio. Resultados : Comparadas con las mujeres diagnosti cadas en 2017-2019 el odds ratio de incumplimiento del tratamiento fue de 1.77 (IC95% 0.59-5.81; p = 0.32) para las diagnosticadas durante 2020. Se encontró un mayor riesgo de incumplimiento en pacientes con indicación de braquiterapia (OR 4.14; IC 95%:1.95-9.11; p < 0.001). La mediana de duración del tratamiento para aquellas con indicación de braquiterapia fue de 12.8 y 15.7 sema nas en 2017-2019 y 2020 respectivamente (p = 0.33). La mediana de tiempo hasta el inicio del tratamiento para pacientes con enfermedad en estadio temprano fue de 9 y 5 semanas durante 2017-2019 y 2020 respectivamente (p = 0.06), versus una mediana de 7.2 y 9 semanas en 2017-2019 y 2020 respectivamente (p=0.36) para las pa cientes con enfermedad en estadio IIB+. Conclusiones : El bajo acceso a la braquiterapia fue un factor determinante de incumplimiento de tratamiento de cáncer cervicouterino, independientemente del efecto de la pandemia.

Abstract Introduction : Little evidence exists on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemics on the compliance with cervi cal cancer treatment. Methods : We carried out a population-based, be fore-and-after retrospective cohort study of all cervical cancer patients diagnosed in the Jujuy province public health sector (n=140), Argentina, between 2017 and 2020. Patients diagnosed in 2020 were considered exposed to the COVID-19 pandemic (n=21). We used multivariable logistic regression to assess the relationship between the pandemics and compliance with treatment. We also measured treatment duration for women who were indicated brachytherapy and time to treatment initia tion by stage. Results : Compared with women diagnosed in 2017- 2019 the odds ratio of non-complying with treatment was 1.77 (95%CI 0.59-5.81; p = 0.32) for women diagnosed during 2020. An increased risk of non-compliance was found in patients with prescribed brachytherapy (OR 4.14. 95%CI 1.95-9.11; p < 0.001). Median treatment dura tion for women with prescribed brachytherapy was 12.8 and 15.7 weeks in 2017-2019 vs. 2020 (p = 0.33); median time to treatment initiation for women with early-stage disease was 9 and 5 weeks during 2017-2019 and 2020 respectively (p = 0.06), vs 7.2 and 9 weeks in 2017-2019 and 2020 respectively (p = 0.36) for patients with stages IIB+ disease. Conclusions : Low access to brachytherapy was a major determinant of non-compliance. irrespective of the effect of the pandemics.

Kinesiologia ; 43(1)20240315.
Artigo em Espanhol, Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552600


Introducción. Las cardiopatías congénitas (CC) en Chile corresponden a la segunda causa de muerte en menores de 1 año, requiriendo cirugías paliativas y/o correctivas el 65% de estas. En el post operatorio frecuentemente se utiliza ventilación mecánica invasiva (VM) y succión endotraqueal (SET) para remover secreciones. Sin embargo, la kinesiología respiratoria (KTR) ha mostrado mejoras significativas en la distensibilidad toracopulmonar (Cest) y resistencia de vía aérea (Rva) en otros grupos de usuarios pediátricos y adultos en VM. Objetivo. Comparar los cambios en la Cest y Rva en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita (CCC) sometidos a KTR versus SET exclusiva. Métodos. Revisión sistemática de estudios publicados en bases de datos PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo y Google Scholar que comparan el uso de KTR ó SET sobre los cambios en mecánica ventilatoria en usuarios pediátricos en VM post cirugía de cardiopatía congénita, limitados a inglés, español y portugués, excluyendo a sujetos con traqueostomía o con oxigenación por membrana extracorpórea. Se utilizó guía PRISMA para la selección de artículos. Se revisaron 397 artículos y se seleccionó 1 artículo extra de los artículos sugeridos. Se eliminó 1 artículo por duplicidad. Por títulos y resúmenes se seleccionaron 2 artículos, los cuales al leer el texto completo fueron retirados debido a que la población no correspondía a cardiópatas. Resultados. El final de artículos seleccionados fue de 0 artículos, debido a lo cual se removió el operador Booleano "NOT", y se removió la población de cardiopatías. De este modo quedaron 2 artículos seleccionados para la revisión cualitativa final donde se compara KTR versus SET, y KTR en kinesiólogos especialistas y no especialistas, mostrando ambos aumento en la Cest y disminución de la Rva a favor de la KTR, hasta los 30 minutos post intervención. Conclusiones. No se encontraron artículos que demuestren cambios en Cest y Rva con el uso de KTR + SET versus SET exclusiva, en usuarios pediátricos ventilados posterior a CCC. Con la remoción de filtros seleccionamos 2 artículos que demuestran aumento de Cest y disminución de Rva en sujetos pediátricos en VM, uno comparando con SET, y por grupos de especialistas y no especialistas en respiratorio. Se sugieren estudios primarios para evaluar los efectos de esta intervención en esta población.

Introduction. Congenital heart diseases (CHD) are the second general cause for children death under 1 year. In Chile, approximately 65% CHD need surgery, could was palliative or corrective. In the postoperative period, invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) is frequently used as a life support method, but it is associated with complications. Tracheal suction (SET) is regularly used to remove secretions; however, respiratory chest physiotherapy (KTR) has shown significant improvements in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in other groups of pediatrics and adult's users in MV. Objetive. to compare changes in thoraco-pulmonary compliance and airway resistance in pediatric subjects under mechanical ventilation after congenital heart disease surgery comparing chest physiotherapy and exclusive tracheal suction. Methods. systematic review of studies published in PUBMED, PeDro, Scielo and Google Scholar databases who compares KTR or SET use on changes in ventilatory mechanics in pediatric users under MV after congenital heart disease surgery, limited to English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, excluding user with tracheostomy or extracorporeal membrane of oxygenation. It was use the PRISMA guide to articles selection. A search was carried out, with a total of 397 articles reviewed (English: PubMed = 3, PeDro = 8, Scholar = 383; Spanish: Scholar = 3, Scielo = 0; and Portuguese: Scielo = 0). One extra article was selected from the suggested articles, and 1 article was eliminated due to duplication. By titles and abstracts, 2 articles were selected, but the population did not correspond to heart disease. Results. the final selected articles were 0 articles. By this reason, it were removed: Boolean operator "NOT", and congenital heart disease population. Thus, 2 articles were selected for the final qualitative review where it was compares KTR versus SET, and KTR by specialist and non-specialist. Both articles shown improvement in compliance and resistance until 30 minutes post intervention. The CC population was in a 40 to 60% range in both studies. Conclusions. it was no found articles that demonstrate changes in compliance and resistance in the airway with the use of KTR + SET versus exclusive SET in pediatric users after CCC connected to MV. After filter remotion, we found 2 studies shown improves in increase compliance and reduce resistance in pediatric user in MV, ones comparing with SET, and the other one comparing between specialists in respiratory pediatric physiotherapy and not specialists. It suggests to made primary clinical studies about this intervention in CC population.

HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554026


Objective: To identify the adherence to therapeutic regimens in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Method: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study using a quantitative approach developed at an HD center in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study participants were 51 patients undergoing HD. Personal, socioeconomic, and objective data were collected, and the End-Stage Renal Disease Adherence Questionnaire (ESRD-AQ) was applied. The analysis was performed using simple descriptive statistics. Result: The average age was 56.7 years, and 58% of the patients were male. The percentages of non-adherence were diet (35.4%), hemodialysis (21.6%), fluid intake (15.7%), and medication (13.7%). Conclusion: Therapeutic adherence is a complex process that requires constant monitoring by a multidisciplinary team.

Objetivo: Identificar a adesão ao regime terapêutico de pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em um centro de hemodiálise situado no sul de Minas Gerais. Os participantes do estudo foram 51 pacientes em tratamento hemodialítico. Foram coletados dados pessoais, socioeconômicos, objetivos aplicado o "Questionário de avaliação sobre a adesão do portador de doença renal crônica em hemodiálise". A análise foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva simples. Resultado: A média de idade foi de 56,7 anos e 58% dos pacientes foram do sexo masculino. Os percentuais de não aderência encontrados foram dieta (35,4%), hemodiálise (21,6%), ingestão de líquidos (15,7%) e medicação (13,7%). Conclusão: A adesão terapêutica é um processo complexo, e por isso necessita de acompanhamento constante pela equipe multiprofissional.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Insuficiência Renal Crônica , Unidades Hospitalares de Hemodiálise , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. Finlay ; 14(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565160


Fundamento: El incumplimiento del tratamiento por las personas diabéticas, no solo empeora el pronóstico, sino su calidad de vida. Objetivo: Caracterizar la adherencia terapéutica en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2 pertenecientes a cuatro áreas de salud, de dos municipios de Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en dos áreas de salud de los municipios de Cárdenas y Santiago de Cuba, en el periodo enero - agosto de 2019. El universo estuvo representado por 1091 personas diabéticas que se recuperaron de un estudio previo efectuado entre el 2015 y 2016 en las mismas áreas de salud. A estas se les realizó mediciones antropométricas, de la presión arterial, hemoglobina glicada y se aplicó un cuestionario. Se estudiaron variables: sociodemográficas (edad, sexo, color de la piel, ocupación, nivel de escolaridad, convivencia), factores de riesgo y comorbilidades, tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico y su relación con la adherencia. Las variables categóricas fueron presentadas como frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: La adherencia fue de 70,7 %, relacionada estadísticamente con color de piel blanca, nivel de escolaridad alto, control de la hemoglobina glicada según edad y valor inferior a 7 %, así como, el no padecimiento de comorbilidades como enfermedades cardiovasculares, respiratorias crónicas, dislipidemia, no consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, ni azucaradas. Conclusiones: La no disponibilidad de medicamentos en farmacia, el olvido en tomarlos y en los horarios establecidos resultaron las principales barreras referidas por los pacientes, esto debe tenerse en cuenta para incidir de forma favorable en el control de la diabetes mellitus.

Foundation: Non-compliance with treatment by diabetic people not only worsens the prognosis, but also their quality of life. Objective: To characterize therapeutic adherence in type 2 diabetic patients belonging to four health areas, from two municipalities in Cuba. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in two health areas of the municipalities of Cárdenas and Santiago de Cuba, in the period January - August 2019. The universe was represented by 1091 diabetic people who recovered from a previous study carried out between 2015 and 2016 in the same health areas. They underwent anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, glycated hemoglobin and a questionnaire was applied. Variables were studied: sociodemographic (age, sex, skin color, occupation, level of education, cohabitation), risk factors and comorbidities, pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment and their relationship with adherence. Categorical variables were presented as frequencies and percentages. Results: Adherence was 70.7 %, statistically related to white skin color, high level of education, control of glycated hemoglobin according to age and value less than 7 %, as well as not suffering from comorbidities such as cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, dyslipidemia, no consumption of alcoholic or sugary beverages. Conclusions: The non-availability of medications in the pharmacy, forgetting to take them and at the established times were the main barriers reported by patients, this must be taken into account to have a favorable impact on the control of diabetes mellitus.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(1): 16-26, Ene - Abr. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537112


Introducción: el tratamiento nutricional está afectado por la conducta de los sujetos para generar adherencia. Objetivo: determinar factores que influyen en la no adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes hipertensos que acuden al Hospital Regional de Coronel Oviedo, 2021. Metodología: estudio descriptivo transversal. La población estuvo comprendida por pacientes registrados en el Programa de hipertensión arterial/Departamento cardiovascular del Hospital Regional de Coronel Oviedo. Se estudiaron los datos sociodemográficos, los factores de tratamiento nutricional y el grado de adherencia al tratamiento nutricional. Resultados: participaron del estudio 206 sujetos, el 53,4 % poseía 55 años o menos y el 81,1 % fue del sexo femenino. Se pudo hallar que solo el 3,8 % de los pacientes se adhieren al tratamiento. La no adherencia al factor conocimiento estuvo relacionado con el bajo nivel educativo (p=0,032), al factor equipo de salud con provenir del área rural y tener un bajo nivel educativo (p=0,006, p=0,002), al factor paciente con provenir del área rural (p=0.002), ser de bajo nivel educativo (p=0,008) y poseer obesidad grado II y III (p=0,036). La no adherencia global estuvo relacionada a estar casado (p=0.001) y realizar trabajos domésticos (p=0,009). Conclusiones: la adherencia al tratamiento es baja en la población de estudio.

Introduction: nutritional treatment is affected by the behavior of the subjects to generate adherence. This study was carried out to determine factors that influence non-adherence to nutritional treatment in hypertensive patients who attend the Coronel Oviedo Regional Hospital, 2021. Methodology: this was a cross-sectional descriptive observational study. The population was comprised of patients registered in the hypertension department of the Coronel Oviedo Regional Hospital. Sociodemographic data, nutritional treatment factors and the degree of adherence to nutritional treatment were studied. Results: 206 subjects participated in the study, 53.4 % were 55 years old or younger and 81.1 % were female. We found that only 3.8 % of patients adhere to treatment. Non-adherence due to the knowledge factor was related to low educational level (p=0.032), to the health team factor with coming from a rural area and having a low educational level (p=0.006, p=0.002), to the patient factor with coming from a rural area (p=0.002), to have a low educational level (p=0.008) and to have obesity grade II and III (p=0.036). Global non-adherence was related to being married (p=0.001) and doing housework (p=0.009). Conclusions: adherence to treatment is low in the study population.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569787


Introducción. El Programa Alimentario Nutricional Integral (PANI) viene ejecutando acciones desde el año 2015 en servicios de salud de Asunción y años antes en otras regiones del país, con el fin de reducir los efectos negativos de la desnutrición; sin embargo, el éxito del PANI depende de la adherencia de los beneficiarios. Objetivo. Determinar la adherencia a un programa alimentario para el tratamiento de la desnutrición en niños menores de 5 años, ingresados en un Hospital Materno Infantil de Asunción, entre los años 2018 y 2021. Materiales y Método. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal. Se incluyeron todos los niños ingresados al PANI del Hospital Materno Infantil de elección entre los años 2018 y 2021, digitalizados en planilla Excel y analizados con el software Epi Info versión 7. Resultados. De 211 niños registrados se obtuvo datos de 166 pacientes con una edad media ± 1 de 1,3 años ± 1, 53% niñas, el 50% presentaba un ingreso familiar menor al salario mínimo. El 87,35% de los niños ingresó con riesgo de desnutrición, 10,84% con desnutrición moderada y 1,81% grave. La tasa de deserción fue de 67,5%. Conclusión. La adherencia al tratamiento de la desnutrición fue baja. La implementación del PANI como política de salud debe ser fortalecida y monitoreada permanentemente de forma a garantizar sus objetivos, abordando otras variables que puedan estar relacionadas a la deserción. Palabras clave: desnutrición infantil; programas y políticas de nutrición y alimentación; cumplimiento y adherencia al tratamiento.

Introduction. The Comprehensive Nutritional Food Program (PANI) has been carrying out actions since 2015 in health services in Asunción and years before in other regions of the country, in order to reduce the negative effects of malnutrition, however; the success of PANI depends of the beneficiaries' adherence. Objective. To determine adherence to a food program for the treatment of malnutrition in children under 5 years of age, admitted to a Maternal and Child Hospital in Asunción, between 2018 and 2021. Materials and Method. Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study, with non-probabilistic sampling. Secondary data from children admitted to the PANI of the Maternal and Child Hospital of choice between 2018 and 2021 were included, digitized in an Excel spreadsheet and analyzed with the Epi Info version 7 software. Results. 166 samples participated in the study; The average age of the users was 1.3 years ± 1 SD. 53% were girls; 100% were of Latin ethnicity. 87.35% of children were admitted at risk of malnutrition, while moderate and severe malnutrition was 10.84% and 1.81% respectively. 50% had an income less than the minimum wage. Dropouts were 67.5% and admissions were 32.5%. Conclusion. Adherence to malnutrition treatment was low. The implementation of the PANI as a health policy must be strengthened and permanently monitored in order to guarantee its objectives, addressing other variables that may be related to dropout.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017261


Objective:To find out factors influencing the compliance of supportive treatment of patients with periodontitis who have received implant restoration therapy.Methods:Patients who had completed periodontal and implant restoration treatment for more than 5 years in Department of Periodontology,Pe-king University Hospital of Stomatology were subjected to inclusion between March 2022 and August 2023.A questionnaire was compiled to gather the information including patients'basic information(gen-der,age,and educational background etc.),smoking habits,general health conditions,oral hygiene habits,willingness to undertake periodontal and dental implant supportive treatment,actual fact on sup-portive treatment recorded in medical records,whether medical advices were correctly remembered,and reasons affected them to implement supportive therapy.The questionnaires were handed out to the above patients and filled during the process of follow-up treatment.Chi-square test,univariate and multivariate analysis of Logistic regression were employed to explore the correlations of these factors and the patients'compliance.Results:In the study,92 patients and questionnaires were collected and analyzed.The re-sults indicated that oral hygiene habits and whether medical advices were correctly remembered had sig-nificant correlation with compliance(P<0.05).Time constraint(47.0%)and difficulty in appointment registration(24.8%)were the top 2 reasons obstructed them to undertake supportive treatment.Al-though the vast majority of the patients indicated willingness to perform follow-ups,55.4%of them wouldn't come back until the dentist called them back.The results of our study also indicated that the patients placed significantly less importance on the health of natural teeth than implants.Conclusion:In order to improve the compliance of supportive treatment,we suggest that dentists should put more empha-sis on oral hygiene instruction,and knowledge regarding periodontitis should also be added as part of pa-tient education contents.In the early stages of treatment,the patient should develop the habit of regular follow-up checks,More attention and patience should be given to elderly patients and those with lower level of education;use language that is easy to understand and printed medical instructions to help them remember.Patients can memorize better from refined doctors'advice,reinforcing care knowledge and refining medical advices can promote better follow-up treatment results.Motivating patients based on their characteristics is critical to improving compliance.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019074


Objective To analyze the influence of medication compliance of chronic type 2 diabetes management patients on disease control in two communities in Kunming.Methods A total of 138 patients with type 2 diabetes who were included in chronic disease management in Guandu and Xiaobanqiao communities of Kunming were selected from December 2021 to September 2022.Basic information collection and HbAlc and other related tests were improved.A questionnaire survey of 8-item Morisliy medication adherence scale(MMAS-8)was conducted to analyze the levels of HbAlc and other indexes of three groups with high(group A),medium(group B),and low(group C)adherence,and to conduct statistical analysis.Results Group A accounted for 22.5%,group B for 44.9%,and group C for 32.6%.There were significance differences in urinary albumin creatinine ratio(UACR),HbA1c and blood creatinine among the three groups(P<0.05).The levels of UACR,HbAlc and serum creatinine in group A were lower than those in group B and group C,and there was a negative correlation between UACR,HbAlc and serum creatinine and medication compliance rate(P<0.05).Conclusion In the Guandu Community and Xiaobanqiao community of Kunming,only 22.5%of patients with chronic type 2 diabetes had high medication compliance.The higher the compliance,the lower the level of UACR,HbAlc and serum creatinine,there is a correlation between the two,suggesting that medication compliance should be regarded as one of the key points in the management of chronic diabetes mellitus in the community,and the intervention of patients'medication compliance should be strengthened.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019176


Objective To investigate the effects of dynamic lung compliance(Cdyn)-guided indi-vidual positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP)titration on pulmonary function in elderly patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery.Methods Sixty-eight elderly patients were selected for laparoscopic radical resection of colorectal cancer,37 males and 31 females,aged 65-79 years,BMI<30 kg/m2,ASA physical status Ⅱ or Ⅲ.The patients were divided into two groups using the random number table method:individualized PEEP group(group P)and control group(group C),34 patients in each group.In group P,the patients received recruitment maneuvers and PEEP titration test at immediately after intubation,immediately after establishing pneumoperitoneum-Trendelenburg position and immediately after pneumoperitoneum.The patients in group C received PEEP 5 cmH2 O during procedure.The three best titra-tion PEEP and the actual tidal volume(VT)in group P were also recorded.PaO2,PaCO2,PETCO2 10 mi-nutes after the tracheal intubation(T1),10 minutes(T2)and 1 hour(T3)after establishing pneumoperito-neum-Trendelenburg position,at the end of the surgery but before extubation(T4)were recorded,and the oxygenation index(OI),physiological dead space to tidal volume(Vd/VT),alveolar arterial oxygen differ-ence(A-aDO2),driving pressure,and Cdyn were calculated.Concentrations of interleukin-8(IL-8),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),Clara cell secretoyr protein(CC16)and lung alveolar surface active sub-stances-D(SP-D)in the serum samples were determined by ELISA before anesthesia induction(T0)and 10 minutes after extubation(T5).Postoperative pulmonary complications(PPCs)were also recordrd.Results The individualized PEEP of Cdyn?guided PEEP titration was 4 cmH2O. Compared with group C, the PaO2 and OI in group C were significantly increased at T4, the Cdyn was significantly increased at T1,T3, and T4, the driving pressure was significantly decreased at T1 -T4, the serum concentration of CC16 was significantly decreased at T5 ( P < 0. 05). There were no significant differences in PaCO2, PET CO2,A?aDO2, and Vd/ VT between the two groups. There was no severe PPCs in the two groups. Conclusion Pressure?controlled ventilation modes combined with Cdyn?guide PEEP titration can increase the Cdyn, reduce thedriving pressure, and improve OI at the end of the operation, reduce the concentrations of CC16 at postop?eration, improve pulmonary function in elderly patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020509


Objective:To explore the improvement effect of positive emotional support combined with education mode based on animation demonstration on treatment compliance in children with bronchial asthma (BA) so as to provide guidance for clinical nursing of BA children.Methods:The quasi-experiment research scheme was adopted. The children with BA admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University were enrolled as the research objects by convenience sampling method. Grouped according to admission time, 52 children with BA were treated as the control group from January 2020 to June 2021, and 52 children with BA were treated as the experimental group from July 2021 to June 2022. The control group received routine nursing care, while the experimental group received positive emotional support in addition to routine nursing care, combined with an animated demonstration health education model for intervention.According to 6 months of follow-up, changes of treatment compatibility, asthma control, psychological state and quality of life after intervention in the two groups were observed.Results:In control group, there were 31 boys and 21 girls, with age of (9.95 ± 1.57) years. In experimental group, there were 35 boys and 17 girls, with age of (9.46 ± 1.02) years. After intervention, the treatment compatibility of the experimental group was 96.15% (50/52), which was higher than 80.77% (42/52) of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant ( χ2=6.03, P<0.05); the asthma control rate in the experimental group was 94.23% (49/52), which was higher than the control group′s 75.00% (39/52), and the difference was statistically significant ( χ2=7.39, P<0.05); the scores of psychological state (psychoticism, neuroticism, dissembling or lying) in experimental group were 42.18 ± 4.21, 49.23 ± 4.66 and 48.63 ± 4.26, higher than those in control group 38.22 ± 4.32, 46.36 ± 4.87, 44.33 ± 3.47, the differences were statistically significant ( t=4.73, 3.07, 5.64, all P<0.05), The score of introversion-extroversion of the observation group was 56.86 ± 5.58, lower than the control group′s 59.66 ± 5.17, and the difference was statistically significant ( t=2.65, P<0.05). The total score of the scale and the scores of symptoms, activities and emotions in experimental group were 114.71 ± 18.33, 51.36 ± 7.88, 24.66 ± 4.36 and 38.69 ± 5.29, higher than those in control group 96.42 ± 14.34, 43.26 ± 7.21, 22.28 ± 4.27, 30.88 ± 5.84, the difference was statistically significant ( t values were 2.81-7.15, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The application of positive emotional support combined with education mode based on animation demonstration in the clinical nursing of BA children can improve treatment compliance and asthma control rate, effectively improve quality of life and psychological state.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029115


The adherence of inhalational drug administration is closely related the treatment effectiveness for patients with chronic respiratory diseases; on the other hand, poor adherence may increase healthcare costs or even lead to the death of patients. Electronic inhaler monitoring, currently considered the gold standard for assessing adherence, can provide clinicians with objectively accurate medication data, thereby assisting in clinical decision-making. This article provides a review of the significance of inhalation administration, the newly concept of medication adherence, the challenges faced in chronic respiratory diseases, and the current status of the application and value of electronic inhaler monitoring in improving adherence of inhalational drug administration for respiratory disease patients.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029601


Objective:To explore the influencing factors for compliance to colonoscopy screening for colorectal cancer in outpatients.Methods:Patients aged 40-74 years who visited the outpatient gastroenterology department of 7 tertiary hospitals in 7 regions of Xinjiang from January 2022 to June 2022 were enrolled. Recommendations for colonoscopy screening were made according to the patient's medical conditions, and the questionnaire was used to collect information. The Chi-square test was used to compare the differences of compliant and non-compliant patients. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of compliance to colonoscopy screening.Results:A total of 463 valid questionnaires were obtained from 7 centers, in which, 427 outpatients (92.2%) followed the recommendation for colonoscopy screening, and 36 (7.8%) did not. Chi-square test results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in gender, age, education, subjective cognition of intestinal polyps, personal history of colorectal polyps, family history of colorectal cancer, family history of colorectal polyps, abdominal pain or distension, and defecation habit or stool changes ( P<0.05). The results of multivariate regression analysis showed that the screening compliance of patients aged 40-49 years ( P=0.005, OR=0.141, 95% CI: 0.036-0.549) and 50-59 years ( P=0.039, OR=0.257, 95% CI: 0.071-0.932) was lower than that of patients aged 60-74 years. The screening compliance of patients with high school education ( P=0.011, OR=3.121, 95% CI: 1.304-7.473) and college education or above ( P=0.016, OR=3.544, 95% CI: 1.270-9.890) was higher than those with primary school education and below. Patients with personal history of colorectal polyps ( P=0.015, OR=12.288, 95% CI: 1.629-92.719), family history of colorectal cancer ( P=0.038, OR=8.506, 95% CI: 1.124-64.351) and changes in defecation habit or stool trait ( P=0.039, OR=4.794, 95% CI: 1.085-21.192) also had higher compliance. Conclusion:Age, educational level, personal history of colorectal polyps, and family history of colorectal cancer are related to colonoscopy screening compliance in outpatients of 7 tertiary hospitals in 7 regions of Xinjiang. The independent risk factors affecting compliance to colorectal cancer screening in outpatients are age of 40-59 years, lower educational level, no previous history of polyps or family history of colorectal cancer, and no defecation habit or stool changes.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1260-1265, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030855


OBJECTIVE To develop a questionnaire of the Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) for patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy. METHODS Under the guidance of the theory of KAP, literature analysis and interview method were used to design the initial KAP questionnaire for patients treated with oral anticoagulants. Delphi method was adopted to consult the initial questionnaire and modify the questionnaire based on expert suggestions to form the final questionnaire. RESULTS Two rounds of consultation were conducted with 18 experts, and 18 questionnaires were sent out and recovered in each round, so the positive coefficient of experts was 100%. The expert authority coefficient was 0.94. The average importance scores for all dimensions, factors, and items of the questionnaire in both rounds were ≥4 points. The coefficient of variation was ≤0.25. The Kendall’s concordance coefficient for the overall questionnaire and the three dimensions of knowledge, attitude, and practice ranged from 0.09 to 0.34 (all P<0.05). Following the first round of expert consultation, four items were modified, two items were deleted, and five items were added; after the second round of expert consultation, ten items were modified. The final version of the questionnaire included three dimensions (knowledge, attitudes, and practice), 17 questionnaire factors, and 40 items. CONCLUSIONS The questionnaire has high reliability and scientific validity with relatively concentrated expert opinions. It is suitable for assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and practice status of patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031133


【Objective】 To investigate the influencing factors behind the follow-up compliance of patients with low/no phenylketonuria (PKU) for special medical use, in order to provide a basis for regulating the follow-up of PKU patients and ensuring the effectiveness of special diet treatment. 【Methods】 A survey was conducted on PKU patients treated in Urumqi Maternal and Child Health Hospital for over 1 year, from January 2010 to December 2020. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted with their caregivers to collect and analyze the current status of PKU patients undergoing special diet treatment, and to identify the influencing factors behind their compliance with follow-up treatment. 【Results】 Patients who had received neonatal disease screening, neonatal gene diagnosis, and maternal Down′s screening during pregnancy had better compliance, with statistically significant differences (χ2=5.753, 10.993, 9.189, P<0.05). PKU children with parents who had a college education or above showed significantly higher adherence to special diet treatment (χ2=8.321, 7.415, P<0.05). PKU children with parents having a fixed occupation also showed higher compliance, with a statistically significant difference (χ2=20.626, 7.895, P<0.05). Patient age, interval of buying special diet, number of blood samples sent and enrollment of normal age, all had a significant impact on the follow-up compliance of PKU patients with special diet (χ2=19.443, 8.090, 69.482, 12.001, P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 PKU is a treatable genetic metabolic disease. Strengthening health education, formulating standardized follow-up plans and procedures, and improving follow-up treatment compliance are crucial in enhancing the treatment and follow-up effectiveness of PKU patients.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1391-1395, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031719


OBJECTIVE To construct a risk prediction model for non-compliance with inhaled medication in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted on 365 COPD patients admitted to the cough and wheeze pharmaceutical care clinic of the First Hospital of Qinhuangdao from October 2021 to October 2023. The patients admitted from October 2021 to June 2023 were selected as the model group (n=303), and the patients admitted from July to October 2023 were selected as the validation group (n=62). The model group was divided into compliance subgroup (n=126) and non-compliance subgroup (n=177). Univariate analysis combined with multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the risk factors for non-compliance with inhaled formulations in patients; the risk prediction model was established through regression analysis, and the accuracy of the model prediction was evaluated based on the validation group of patients. RESULTS Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that simultaneous use of 2 inhaled formulations (OR=3.730, 95%CI 1.996-6.971, P<0.001), the number of acute exacerbations within one year ≥2 (OR=2.509, 95%CI 1.509-4.173, P<0.001), smoking (OR=2.167, 95%CI 1.309-3.588, P=0.003), complicated with anxiety/depression (OR=2.112, 95%CI 1.257-3.499, P=0.004) and mMRC grading≥2 levels (OR=1.701, 95%CI 1.014-2.853, P=0.044) were risk factors for non-compliance with inhaled preparations. Based on this, a risk prediction model was established and the ROC curve was drawn. The areas under the curve of the model group and validation group were 0.836 and 0.928, and the overall accuracy of the model’s prediction was 88.71%. CONCLUSIONS The predictive model based on the simultaneous use of 2 inhaled formulations, the number of acute exacerbations within one year ≥2, smoking, complicated with anxiety/depression, mMRC grading ≥2 levels has certain predictive value for the risk of non-compliance with inhaled formulations for COPD patients.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1391-1395, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031741


OBJECTIVE To construct a risk prediction model for non-compliance with inhaled medication in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). METHODS A retrospective analysis was conducted on 365 COPD patients admitted to the cough and wheeze pharmaceutical care clinic of the First Hospital of Qinhuangdao from October 2021 to October 2023. The patients admitted from October 2021 to June 2023 were selected as the model group (n=303), and the patients admitted from July to October 2023 were selected as the validation group (n=62). The model group was divided into compliance subgroup (n=126) and non-compliance subgroup (n=177). Univariate analysis combined with multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to analyze the risk factors for non-compliance with inhaled formulations in patients; the risk prediction model was established through regression analysis, and the accuracy of the model prediction was evaluated based on the validation group of patients. RESULTS Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that simultaneous use of 2 inhaled formulations (OR=3.730, 95%CI 1.996-6.971, P<0.001), the number of acute exacerbations within one year ≥2 (OR=2.509, 95%CI 1.509-4.173, P<0.001), smoking (OR=2.167, 95%CI 1.309-3.588, P=0.003), complicated with anxiety/depression (OR=2.112, 95%CI 1.257-3.499, P=0.004) and mMRC grading≥2 levels (OR=1.701, 95%CI 1.014-2.853, P=0.044) were risk factors for non-compliance with inhaled preparations. Based on this, a risk prediction model was established and the ROC curve was drawn. The areas under the curve of the model group and validation group were 0.836 and 0.928, and the overall accuracy of the model’s prediction was 88.71%. CONCLUSIONS The predictive model based on the simultaneous use of 2 inhaled formulations, the number of acute exacerbations within one year ≥2, smoking, complicated with anxiety/depression, mMRC grading ≥2 levels has certain predictive value for the risk of non-compliance with inhaled formulations for COPD patients.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 746-750, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031856


Objective@#To describe and analyze the current research status of compliance in orthokeratology among children and adolescents in and beyond China, so as to guide future research in this field.@*Methods@#By combining subject words with free words, the paper systematically searched the research related to the compliance of children and adolescents wearing orthokeratology lenses in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, VIP and China Biomedical Literature Database. The retrieval time limit was until September 1, 2023.Two researchers independently screened and extracted data.@*Results@#A total of 35 articles were included, and four themes were identified:the current level of compliance, evaluation indicators, influencing factors, and intervention programs. The evaluation indicators of orthokeratology lenswearing compliance were diverse, and the influencing factors involved general demographic characteristics, personal internal factors, external factors, and specific clinical situations related to orthokeratology.@*Conclusions@#Multiple factors are associated with compliance in orthokeratology. Eyecare practitioners should choose suitable evaluation tools based on specific conditions and implement diverse and practical intervention strategies guided by theory to enhance the safety and effectiveness of orthokeratology lenswearing among children and adolescents.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032323


ObjectiveTo explore the risk factors and survival analysis of chemotherapy compliance in ≥65 years old patients with non-small cell lung cancer. MethodsFrom December 2018 to August 2020, 110 patients with non-small cell lung cancer ≥65 years old in our hospital were selected for study. According to their chemotherapy compliance, the patients were divided into untreated (25 cases), partial chemotherapy (30 cases) and full chemotherapy (55 cases). Multivariate Cox regression was used to analyze the independent risk factors affecting the compliance of chemotherapy among the three groups, and constructed a column chart prediction model and evaluated the diagnostic effectiveness of the model using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, calibration curves, and clinical decision curves. The patients were followed up until August 2023. Kaplan-Meyer survival curve and Log-rank test were used to compare the differences in survival time between the groups. ResultsThere were significant differences among the three groups in gender, long-term smoking history, education level, Charlson complication index, toxic and side effects of chemotherapy drugs and dosage, pathological type, operation mode, place of residence, payment mode, chemotherapy stage, white blood cell count and neutrophils (P<0.05). Multivariate Cox analysis showed that patients' education level, pathological TNM stage, toxic and side effects of chemotherapy drugs and dosage, operation mode, residence, payment mode and chemotherapy stage were independent risk factors affecting chemotherapy compliance of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (all P<0.05). There were significant differences in the survival rates between the non-chemotherapy group and the full chemotherapy group, and between the partial chemotherapy group and the full chemotherapy group (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the non-chemotherapy group and the partial chemotherapy group (P>0.05). And based on this, a prediction model was constructed, and the ROC curve was drawn to show that the AUC of the model was 0.758 (95%CI: 0.743‒0.855), the sensitivity was 0.788, and the specificity was 0.853, indicating that the model had high discrimination, the calibration curve indicated that the prediction model had good accuracy, the clinical decision curve indicated that the predictive model had strong clinical practicality. ConclusionNSCLC tends to occur in the elderly. We should focus on the patients with low educational level, late pathological TNM stage, severe toxicity and side effects, high dose of chemotherapy drugs, having undergone open chest surgery, living in rural areas, without medical insurance, and in the period of chemotherapy consolidation and refractory relapse, so as to improve their compliance with chemotherapy.