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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 26-30, mayo 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558480


Resumen El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo complejo y heterogéneo desde una perspectiva causal, clínica y pro nóstica. La investigación refleja su carácter multifactorial con un papel destacado de los factores genéticos. Los estudios poblacionales han señalado históricamente la implicación de numerosas variantes genéticas de escaso tamaño de efecto, las cuales por sí mismas apenas incre mentan el riesgo de TDAH y difícilmente justifican su ele vada heredabilidad. Muchas de ellas están presentes en más del 60% de la población general, lo que sugiere su pa pel modulador más que causal. No obstante, gracias a la irrupción de nuevas técnicas genéticas en los últimos 15 años, se están identificando un mayor número de casos con trastornos genéticos (muchos de ellos monogénicos), cuyas variantes genéticas explican por sí mismas la presencia del TDAH. El estudio detallado de los antecedentes personales y familiares, así como una exploración física completa, puede ayudar a identificar algunos de ellos. La identificación de la causa en este conjunto de casos tiene un valor crucial en el asesoramiento clínico, el consejo genético-familiar y la anticipación pronóstica, así como en la realización o evitación de estudios complementarios y en el diseño del plan terapéutico.

Abstract Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex and heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disor der from a causal, clinical and prognostic perspective. Research reflects its multifactorial nature with a promi nent role of genetic factors. Population studies have historically pointed to the involvement of numerous genetic variants of small effect size, which hardly by themselves increase the risk of presenting the disorder and hardly justify its high heritability. Many of them are present in more than 60% of the general population, suggesting their modulatory rather than causal role. However, after the irruption of new genetic techniques in the last 15 years, a greater number of cases are be ing identified with genetic disorders (many of them monogenic), whose genetic variants alone explain the presence of ADHD. A detailed study of the personal and family history, as well as a complete physical examination, can help to identify some of them. The identification of the cause in this group of cases has a crucial value in clinical counseling, genetic-familial counseling and prognostic anticipation, as well as in the performance or avoidance of complementary stud ies and in the design of the intervention plan.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(supl.1): 31-36, mayo 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558481


Resumen El Trastorno del Espectro Autista es una patología de base neurobiológica con alto porcentaje de hereda bilidad y amplia lista de posibles etiologías, que pre senta cambios muy heterogéneos en la arquitectura, conectividad y sinaptogénesis neuronal, con manifes taciones clínicas características, cuyo origen apunta a causas ambientales, inmunológicas, genéticas y otras, sin haberse confirmado biomarcadores específicos. El diagnóstico se sigue basando en características típicas que incluyen conductas repetitivas y comunicación e interacción social deterioradas. Se revisan sus factores de riesgo genéticos y no genéticos para avanzar en el conocimiento sobre los procesos patológicos que pueden relacionarse a su origen.

Abstract The Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurobiological based disorder with a high percentage of heritability and a wide list of possible etiologies that presents very heterogeneous changes in neuronal architecture, con nectivity and synaptogenesis with characteristic clinical manifestations whose origin points to environmental, immunological, genetic and other causes, without hav ing been confirmed specific biomarkers. Diagnosis con tinues to be based on typical features including repeti tive behaviors and impaired communication and social interaction. Their genetic and non-genetic risk factors are reviewed to advance knowledge about the pathologi cal processes that may be related to their origin.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12951, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550148


Abstract The incidences of periodontitis and osteoporosis are rising worldwide. Observational studies have shown that periodontitis is associated with increased risk of osteoporosis. We performed a Mendelian randomization (MR) study to genetically investigate the causality of periodontitis on osteoporosis. We explored the causal effect of periodontitis on osteoporosis by MR analysis. A total of 9 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were related to periodontitis. The primary approach in this MR analysis was the inverse variance-weighted (IVW) method. Simple median, weighted median, and penalized weighted median were used to analyze sensitivity. The fixed-effect IVW model and random-effect IVW model showed no significant causal effect of genetically predicted periodontitis on the risk of osteoporosis (OR=1.032; 95%CI: 0.923-1.153; P=0.574; OR=1.032; 95%CI: 0.920-1.158; P=0.588, respectively). Similar results were observed in simple mode (OR=1.031; 95%CI: 0.780-1.361, P=0.835), weighted mode (OR=1.120; 95%CI: 0.944-1.328, P=0.229), simple median (OR=1.003; 95%CI: 0.839-1.197, P=0.977), weighted median (OR=1.078; 95%CI: 0.921-1.262, P=0.346), penalized weight median (OR 1.078; 95%CI: 0.919-1.264, P=0.351), and MR-Egger method (OR=1.360; 95%CI: 0.998-1.853, P=0.092). There was no heterogeneity in the IVW and MR-Egger analyses (Q=7.454, P=0.489 and Q=3.901, P=0.791, respectively). MR-Egger regression revealed no evidence of a pleiotropic influence through genetic variants (intercept: -0.004; P=0.101). The leave-one-out sensitivity analysis indicated no driven influence of any individual SNP on the association between periodontitis and osteoporosis. The Mendelian randomization analysis did not show a significant detrimental effect of periodontitis on the risk of osteoporosis.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 44(1): 26-34, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560046


RESUMEN Introducción: Se ha tratado de identificar los factores genéticos relacionados con susceptibilidad para enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII), y los hallazgos actuales se inclinan por un modelo de patología complejo, sin un patrón hereditario claro. Objetivo: Realizar caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de pacientes con EII en población colombiana y describir su posible asociación con predisposición. Materiales y métodos: Serie de casos, 16 pacientes con EII por criterios clínicos y anatomopatológicos, inicio de síntomas gastrointestinales después de los 18 años. Todos tuvieron asesoramiento genético pre-test y se realizaron árboles genealógicos de mínimo tres generaciones. También, genotipificación, por medio de un panel de genes múltiples que incluía genes relacionados con EII y algunos trastornos autoinmunitarios. Finalmente, se realizó análisis genómico de variantes. Resultados: 9 mujeres y 7 hombres, con edad media de diagnóstico de EII 35 años, y 32 años para aparición de síntomas gastrointestinales. 11/16(68,75%) requirieron terapia biológica. 10/16 (62,5%) presentaron refractariedad a terapia estándar. 3/16 (18,75%) tenían antecedentes familiares positivos de EII. 100% casos presentaron al menos un single nucleotide polymorphism relacionado con riesgo de EII en más de un gen. Los genes más relacionados con colitis ulcerosa (CU), fueron CD48, CD6, y TYK2 para CU, y CD6 e ITGAM para la enfermedad de Crohn. El gen más frecuente fue CD6. Se observó en 3/16 (18,75%) presencia de hasta 5 genes, 4 en 3/16 (18,75%), y tres en 5/16 (31,25%). Conclusión: En EII hay presencia de variantes genéticas con predisposición asociada, pero sin patogenicidad confirmada, y cuya sumatoria parece contribuir en su fisiopatología.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Attempts have been made to identify the genetic factors related to susceptibility to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and the current conclusions are in favor of a complex pathology model, without a clear hereditary pattern. Objective: To perform phenotypic and genotypic characterization of patients with IBD in Colombian population and to describe its possible association with predisposition. Materials and methods: case series, 16 patients with IBD according to clinical and pathological criteria, onset of gastrointestinal symptoms after 18 years of age. All had pre-test genetic counseling and family trees of at least three generations were made. Also, genotyping, using a multigene panel that included genes related to IBD and some autoimmune disorders. Finally, a genomic analysis of variants was performed. Results: 9 women and 7 men, with mean age of diagnosis of IBD of 35 years, and gastrointestinal symptoms appearance of 32 years. 11/16 (68.75%) required biological therapy. 10/16 (62.5%) were refractory to standard therapy. 3/16 (18.75%) had positive family history of IBD. 100% cases presented at least one single nucleotide polymorphism related to IBD risk in more than one gene. The genes most related to ulcerative colitis (UC) were CD48, CD6, and TYK2 for UC, and CD6 and ITGAM for Crohn's disease. The most frequent gene was CD6. It was found presence of up to 5 genes in 3/16 (18.75%), 4 in 3/16 (18.75%), and three in 5/16 (31.25%). Conclusion: In IBD there is the presence of genetic variants with associated predisposition, but without confirmed pathogenicity, and whose sum seems to contribute to its pathophysiology.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024052


Objective To investigate the application value of the MHSeqTyper47 kit in kinship identification.Methods Multiplexed amplification and library preparation were performed for DNA samples from 113 related individuals by using the MHSeqTyper47 kit.The libraries were sequenced on a MiSeq FGx sequencer,and the data were analyzed using MHTyper for microhaplotype genotyping.The kinship indexes were calculated to evaluate the application efficiency of this kit in kinship identification and compared with those of the GlobalFilerTM kit.Results For the MHSeqTyper47 kit,the CPI values in trio identification were 1.43× 1011~6.15×1018.The CPI values in duo identification were 1.02× 105~1.53× 1013.The CFSI values in full sibling identification were 7.73×101~2.59×1016.Trios,duos and full siblings could be completely distinguished from unrelated pairs.The combined efficiency of these two kits in 2nd-degree kinship identification was 0.466 2.Conclusion The application value of MHSeqTyper47 kit is relatively higher in the identification of lst-degree kinships.If jointly used with the GlobalFilerrM kit,2nd-degree kinship identification could be achieved in some cases.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024053


Objective To investigate the association between microvariants at locus DYS570 and Y-SNPs haplogroup.Methods 89 Y-SNPs and 34 Y-STRs in AIYSNP42,AIYSNP47 and YfilerTM Platinum kits were used to detect the genotype of 116 microvariants at locus DYS570 in Kunming,and the Set-B kit was used to detect the core repeat sequences of the DYS570 locus.The data were statistically analyzed by direct counting method.Then,a network map was drawn by Network 10.2,in order to visualize the genetic information of the sample.Results The results demonstrated that 111 DYS570/18.3-21.3 samples had a core repeat sequence of TTT[TITC]18-21,belonging to subgroup O2a2b1a1a1a4-F14494.A DYS570/20.3 sample had a core repeat sequence of[TTTC]15TTC[TTTC]5,belonging to O2a1b1a1a1a1e-F1365 subgroup.A DYS570/17.1 sample had a core repeat sequence of[TTTC]17 T,belonging to the O2a1b1a1a1a-F11 subgroup.Three DYS570(19.2)samples had[TTTC]3 TT[TTTC]16,belonging to the D1a1a-M15 haplogroup.Conclusion The results indicated that the microvariant with the same core repeat structure at locus DYS570 was associated with haplogroups,and the ancestry origin of samples can be inferenced from microvariant characteristics during the practice of forensic medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024054


Objective To study the population genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships by combining Y-STR haplotype genetic information from the Han population in Dalian with 32 domestic and foreign groups.Methods Blood samples of 958 Han male volunteers from Dalian were collected.Genetic typing of 42 genetic loci was completed using Y-STR fluorescent reagent kits and capillary electrophoresis.Related forensic parameters were calculated.Nei's standard genetic distances among 33 populations based on 17 Y-STR loci were computed,in order to create a principal coordinate analysis as well as construct a phylogenetic tree.Results The analysis of genetic polymorphisms at 42 Y-STR loci revealed 30 unconventional alleles at 10 loci.Genetic analysis of the population based on 17 Y-STR loci confirmed that Dalian's Han population had the closest genetic distance to the Anshan's Han population,followed by populations from Henan,Heilongjiang,Jilin,Shandong,and Chongqing.Furthermore,the genetic distances between the Han population in Dalian and the Qiang population in Beichuan or the Miao population in Guizhou were relatively closer than that to the Manchu population living in Liaoning.Conclusion The genetic distance between the Han population in Dalian and other groups is not entirely proportional to ethnicities and geographical proximity.Both population migration and ethnic assimilation or isolation may have influence on it.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 145-151, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026143


The ethical issue of medical genetic testing is one of the highly concerned and controversial issues in the field of life sciences.With the rapid development of genomics research,the possibility of using genetic testing for disease risk assessment in clinical events has been increased,especially in precision medical genetic testing and preventive testing.By reviewing the current status and common ethical issues of the clinical application of genetic testing,and sorting out the corresponding ethical principles,this paper proposed the ethical principles of equal respect,informed consent,privacy protection,and non-harm,aiming to help medical staff to regulate diagnosis and treatment behavior,enhance their awareness of the ethical aspects of genetic testing,as well as promote the better development of genomics research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017348


Polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)is a heterogeneous disorder closely associated with reproductive endocrine dysfunction in the women.The etiology and pathogenesis of PCOS remain unclear.PCOS is the result of the combination of endocrine metabolic disorders,genetics,and environmental factors.Hyperandrogenemia(HA)and insulin resistance(IR)are the fundamental pathophysiological changes in the development of PCOS,and their interactions exacerbate the clinical manifestations of the PCOS patients.The family aggregation and twin study results confirm the genetic predisposition of PCOS;the genome-wide association study(GWAS)results confirm some risk loci and candidate genes of PCOS.The unhealthy lifestyle habits and environmental endocrine disruptors also play an important role in the progression of PCOS,and the gut microbita is involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS.This article provides a comprehensively retrospective analysis on the recent studies about PCOS,and reviews both internal factors and external factors related to the etiology and pathogenesis of PCOS.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 20-29, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017656


Objective To explore the context and hotspot changes of forensic mixed stain research through bibliometric approach.Methods The literature of forensic mixed stain included in the core col-lection of Web of Science database from 2011 to 2022 were collected as the study object,and the an-nual publication number,countrie(region),institution,journal,keywords,etc.were bibliometrically and visually analyzed using the R-based Bibliometrix 1.1.6 package and VOSviewer 1.6.18 software.Re-sults A total of 732 articles on forensic mixed stain were included from 2011 to 2022,with the an-nual number of articles published and the annual citation frequency showing a steady increase year by year.Among the 59 countries(regions)with the most published articles,the United States ranked first with 246 articles,followed by China with 153 articles.The literature came from 104 journals,and the total number of articles published in the top 10 journals was 633.FORENSIC SCI INT GENET ranked first with 307 articles.Visual analysis using VOSviewer software showed that keywords could be divided into four research clusters,namely the genetic marker development group(blue),the mixed stain typing analysis theory group(red),the sequencing analysis group(yellow),and the case sample research group(green).It can be divided into four development stages in terms of different time peri-ods:early development(2011-2013),middle development(2014-2016),rapid development(2017-2020)and latest development(2021-2022).Conclusion The number of publications by domestic and foreign scholars in the study of mixed stain in forensic science is showing a relatively stable trend.Machine learning,next generation sequencing and other research have been the hottest topics that have attracted the most attention in recent years,which is expected to further develop the theory of mixed stain typing and sequencing analysis in forensic mixed stain research.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 50-58, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017660


Objective To establish and forensically verify a 42 microhaplotypes(mircohaps,MHs)mul-tiplex assay system based on next-generation sequencing(NGS),and to explore the application value of this system in the practice of forensic genetics.Methods A total of 42 highly polymorphic MHs were selected from previous studies,and sequenced by the MiSeq FGxTM platform to verify the repeata-bility,sensitivity,specificity,stability,and mixture analysis ability of the detection system.Through population genetic investigation of 102 unrelated Chinese Han individuals in Liyang City,Jiangsu Province,China,the application value of this system in forensic genetics was evaluated.Results The sequencing repeatability of the 42-plex MHs assay was 100%and the sensitivity was as low as 0.062 5 ng.The system had the ability to withstand the interference of indigo(≤2 500 ng/μL),humic acid(≤9 ng/μL),hemoglobin(≤20 μmol),and urea(≤200 ng/μL)and to detect mixtures of 2 people(1∶19),3 people(1∶1∶9)and 4 people(1∶1∶1∶9).Based on 102 individual data,the combined power of discrimination and the combined power of exclusion were 1-3.45×10-30 and 1-3.77×10-11,respectively,and the average effect value of alleles was 2.899.Conclusion The 42-plex MHs assay was successfully established in this study and this system has high repeatability and sensitivity,good anti-jamming ability and mixture analysis ability.The 42 MHs are highly polymorphism and have good application value in individual identification and paternity testing.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 64-69, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017662


Biological evidence is relatively common evidence in criminal cases,and it has strong pro-bative power because it carries DNA information for individual identification.At the scene of fire-related cases,the complex thermal environment,the escape of trapped people,the firefighting and res-cue operations,and the deliberate destruction of criminal suspects will all affect the biological evi-dence in the fire scene.Scholars at home and abroad have explored and studied the effectiveness of biological evidence identification in fire scenes,and found that the blood stains,semen stains,bones,etc.are the main biological evidence which can be easily recovered with DNA in fire scenes.In order to analyze the research status and development trend of biological evidence in fire scenes,this paper systematically sorts out the relevant research,mainly including the soot removal technology,appearance method of typical biological evidence,and possibility of identifying other biological evidence.This pa-per also prospects the next step of research direction,in order to provide reference for the identifica-tion of biological evidence and improve the value of biological evidence in fire scenes.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 70-76, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017663


In recent years,with the continuous progress of DNA extraction and detection technology,cell-free DNA(cfDNA)has been widely used in the life science field,and its potential application value in forensic identification is becoming more and more obvious.This paper reviews the concept,formation mechanism,and classification of cfDNA,etc.,and describes the latest research progress of cfDNA in personal identification of crime scene touch DNA samples and non-invasive prenatal pater-nity testing(NIPPT).Meanwhile,this paper summarizes the potential application of cfDNA in injury inference,and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of common cfDNA analysis methods and techniques,and its application prospects,to provide a new idea for the wide application of cfDNA in the field of forensic science.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038443


ObjectiveTo genotype Oncomelania hupensis, based on microsatellites, in different snail-bearing environments in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, for population genetics analysis in order to explore the reasons and influencing factors for the existence or proliferation of snails and to provide scientific basis for effective monitoring and control of snails. MethodsA total of 90 snail samples from three populations were collected in Yaobang Village (YB) and Sanxing Village (SX) in Pinghu City, and Yunhe Farm (YH) in Xiuzhou District, all were selected for snail checking in key snail habitats of Jiaxing City in 2022. DNA of the snails was genotyped and analyzed for population genetics using nine microsatellite loci. ResultsA total of 84 alleles were observed, and the mean number of alleles (Na) was 7.889, 5.667, and 3.778 for YB, SX, and YH respectively; the number of effective alleles (NeA) was 4.807, 3.329, and 2.294, respectively; and the coefficients of inbreeding (FIS) were 0.400, 0.377, and 0.493, respectively. Under the Infinite Allele Model (IAM), the SX and YH might have a recent bottleneck. The NEstimator and LDNe software calculated effective population sizes (Ne) were above 31.9. AMOVA analysis showed that the variation of snails in the three populations mainly existed among individuals, accounting for 41.4% of the total variation. The value of the index of genetic differentiation between populations (FST) was 0.286, indicating a high degree of genetic differentiation. The results of the principal component analysis and phylogenetic tree were consistent, and the three populations were divided into two lineages, YB and SX were one lineage, and YH belonged to another independent lineage. Population history and dynamics analysis showed that the gene flow of the three populations was insufficient, population divergence history indicated that YH might have diverged from SX first, and YB was produced by the contact fusion of SX and YH. ConclusionThe genetic diversity of snail populations in Jiaxing City is generally low, and the snail populations are unstable, with a great degree of genetic differentiation and insufficient gene flow among populations. This study can provide a basis for evaluating the effectiveness of the control of the snail as well as monitoring the trend of the spread of the snail.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039100


ObjectiveBody fluid stains left at crime scenes are frequently trace amounts, while the identification of body fluids through real time fluorogenic quantitative technique often necessitates the repeated detection within the limited sample, as multiple miRNA markers are the basis for the identification. Based on the goal of both the throughput and efficiency improvement of miRNA analysis in trace samples, a duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system was designed to accurately quantify two miRNAs simultaneously, and the system should be further verified by actual sample for the body fluid identification. MethodsThe duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR system of miR-451a to miR-21-5p was established with specially designed primers and probes, and the concentrations of the primers and probes were both optimized. The specificity, sensitivity and reproducibility of the system were validated, while its capability for body fluid identification was assessed using the miR-451a to miR-21-5p ratio. ResultsThe optimized assay system exhibited excellent specificity and repeatability, with coefficients of variation consistently below 8% for both intra- and inter-batch variability. The amplification efficiency of miR-451a and miR-21-5p reached 71.77% and 74.81%, respectively, with high and relatively consistent results. By utilizing this duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system, a total of 58 body fluid samples were analyzed, exhibiting a discrimination rate of 100% between blood and non-blood samples, as well as between peripheral blood and menstrual blood samples. Moreover, the results, obtained from single real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system and duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system, showed no statistically significant difference with randomly selected blood samples (n=20). Compared to previous single real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system, the sensitivity of duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system exhibited remarkable improvement. A minimum input of only 0.1 ng total RNA was sufficient for accurate detection of peripheral blood and menstrual blood samples, while saliva, semen, and vaginal secretion required only 1 ng total RNA for precise identification purposes. Additionally, the duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system successfully differentiated between different types of body fluids in simulated samples under natural outdoor conditions. ConclusionThe duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system effectively reduced both the time and material costs by half compared to the single system, especially suitable for the examination of body fluid stains left at crime scenes, solving the contradiction between the trace amount and the multiple sample volumes demand of repeated real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR. The duplex real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay successfully distinguished blood and other body fluid, as well as peripheral blood and menstrual blood samples, which maintains an equivalent capability for body fluid identification with half sample, time and reagent consumption. This system provides an efficient tool for identifying suspicious body fluids, as well as a foundation for more multiplexed real time fluorogenic quantitative PCR assay system research.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039114


ObjectiveTo investigate the genetic polymorphism and structure of 47 autosomal microhaplotypes in the Han population in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province, and to evaluate the forensic efficiencies and forensic parameters. MethodsThe DNA library of unrelated individual samples was prepared according to MHSeqTyper47 kit manual and sequenced on the MiSeq FGx platform. Microhaplotype genotyping and sequencing depth statistics were processed using MHTyper. The genetic information of samples was then evaluated. The fixation index and genetic distance between the Jiangsu Changshu population and the reference populations in the 1000 Genomes Project phase 3 (1KG) were calculated, and forensic parameters were evaluated. ResultsThe fixation index and genetic distance between the Han population in Changshu, Jiangsu, and the CHB (Han Chinese in Beijing, China) reference population in 1KG were the lowest. The effective allele number (Ae) of each locus is also the closest between the two populations. The combined matching probability (CMP) of the Changshu Han population is close to the 5 populations of the East Asian reference super-population in 1KG, which is 1.25×10-36, and the combined probability of exclusion reached 0.999 999 999 964 1. ConclusionThis study reported the genetic polymorphism and allele frequency of 47 microhaplotypes in a Han population in Changshu City, Jiangsu Province. This information provides a data basis for 47 microhaplotypes in forensic applications. In addition, the polymorphism differences between the 1KG reference population and the Han population in Changshu, Jiangsu were compared, and the genetic structure of 47 microhaplotypes in the Han population in Changshu, Jiangsu was revealed. In general, the reference data of the East Asian super-population in 1KG is more in line with the genetic characteristics of Han population in Changshu, Jiangsu.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020937


Ocular adnexal lymphoma is a common orbital malignant tumor.The incidence of ocular adnexal lymphoma is in-creasing rapidly each year,and the clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics of the disease are not specific.Therefore,the diagnosis of the disease relies on pathological tissue analysis.Accurate diagnosis of ocular adnexal lymphoma relies on mor-phology,immunohistochemistry,molecular and cytogenetics.With in-depth research on the disease,it has been found that the clinical prognosis of this tumor is characterized by high recurrence.This article mainly explains the correlation between high dis-ease recurrence rate and histopathological characteristics.

An. bras. dermatol ; 99(2): 181-188, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556842


Abstract Background Alopecia Areata (AA) is an acquired autoimmune form of non-scarring hair loss. Adiponectin and its gene polymorphism were related to many autoimmune disorders. Objective Assessment of adiponectin serum levels and adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) (rs2241766) Single Nucleoid Polymorphism (SNP) in AA patients and correlating the results with the disease severity in those patients. Methods This study included 75 AA patients and 75 age and gender-matched healthy subjects (controls). The severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) score assessment to evaluate AA severity was done. Adiponectin serum levels by ELISA and ADIPOQ (rs2241766) SNP using PCR were performed. Results Adiponectin serum levels were significantly lower in AA patients than controls (p = 0.001). ADIPOQ (rs2241766) TG genotype and G allele were significantly predominant in AA patients increasing its risk by 5 and 4 folds (OR = 5.17, p = 0.001), (OR = 3.82, p = 0.001) respectively. Serum adiponectin levels were negatively correlated with SALT score (r = -0.435, p = 0.001) and associated with alopecia totalis (p = 0.016). ADIPOQ (rs2241766) TG genotype was significantly associated with low serum adiponectin levels and higher SALT score (p = 0.001). Study limitations The small sample size. Conclusions ADIPOQ (rs2241766) gene polymorphism (TG genotype and G allele) may modulate AA risk and contribute to the development of AA in Egyptian populations. Decreased circulating adiponectin levels may have a dynamic role in AA etiopathogenesis. Adiponectin serum concentration can be considered a severity marker of hair loss in AA.

An. bras. dermatol ; 99(3): 350-356, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556860


Abstract Background Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is characterized by skin fragility and blistering. In Brazil, the diagnosis is usually obtained through immunomapping, which involves a skin biopsy. Most recently, whole exome sequencing (WES) has become an important tool for the diagnosis of the subtypes of EB, providing information on prognosis as well as allowing appropriate genetic counseling for the families. Objective To compare the results of immunomapping and molecular analysis and to describe the characteristics of a Brazilian cohort of patients with EB. Methods Patients were submitted to clinical evaluation and WES using peripheral blood samples. WES results were compared to those obtained from immunomapping testing from skin biopsies. Results 67 patients from 60 families were classified: 47 patients with recessive dystrophic EB (DEB), 4 with dominant DEB, 15 with EB simplex (EBS), and 1 with junctional EB (JEB). Novel causative variants were: 10/60 (16%) in COL7A1 associated with recessive DEB and 3 other variants in dominant DEB; one homozygous variant in KRT5 and another homozygous variant in PLEC, both associated with EBS. Immunomapping was available for 59 of the 67 patients and the results were concordant with exome results in 37 (62%), discordant in 13 (22%), and inconclusive in 9 patients (15%). Study limitations Even though EB is a rare disease, for statistical purposes, the number of patients evaluated by this cohort can still be considered limited; other than that, there was a significant difference between the proportion of types of EB (only one case with JEB, against more than 50 with DEB), which unfortunately represents a selection bias. Also, for a small subset of families, segregation (usually through Sanger sequencing) was not an option, usually due to deceased or unknown parent status (mostly the father). Conclusion Although immunomapping has been useful in services where molecular studies are not available, this invasive method may provide a misdiagnosis or an inconclusive result in about 1/3 of the patients. This study shows that WES is an effective method for the diagnosis and genetic counseling of EB patients.

Autops. Case Rep ; 14: e2024486, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557161


ABSTRACT Trisomy 13, known as Patau syndrome, is a common aneuploidy with a well-known clinical phenotype. This case report describes a trisomy 13 patient with unusual autopsy findings, including features resembling the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Due to abnormalities of gestational ultrasounds, a prenatal karyotype of amniotic fluid cells was performed, which resulted in 47, XY+13. Autopsy microscopy studies identified leptomeningeal glioneuronal heterotopia, which was not described as belonging to Patau syndrome. Other atypical findings were diffuse hyperplasia of pancreatic islets of Langerhans and adrenals enlargement with marked adrenocortical cytomegaly, characteristically seen in the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Molecular genetic tests were not performed for the Beckwith-Wiedemann Spectrum. Still, due to the rarity of both disorders, this report may support the evidence that trisomy 13 can affect tissue organization and lead to unusual histopathologic features resembling classic overgrowth disorders.