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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(1): e53860, ene.-dic. 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559318


Abstract Introduction: Leptodactylus latinasus and Physalaemus cuqui are sympatric anuran species with similar environmental requirements and contrasting reproductive modes. Climatic configuration determines distribution patterns and promotes sympatry of environmental niches, but specificity/selectivity determines the success of reproductive modes. Species distribution models (SDM) are a valuable tool to predict spatio-temporal distributions based on the extrapolation of environmental predictors. Objectives: To determine the spatio-temporal distribution of environmental niches and assess whether the protected areas of the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA) allow the conservation of these species in the current scenario and future. Methods: We applied different algorithms to predict the distribution and spatio-temporal overlap of environmental niches of L. latinasus and P. cuqui within South America in the last glacial maximum (LGM), middle-Holocene, current and future scenarios. We assess the conservation status of both species with the WDPA conservation units. Results: All applied algorithms showed high performance for both species (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). The L. latinasus predictions showed wide environmental niches from LGM to the current scenario (49 % stable niches, 37 % gained niches, and 13 % lost niches), suggesting historical fidelity to stable climatic-environmental regions. In the current-future transition, L. latinasus would increase the number of stable (70 %) and lost (20 %) niches, suggesting fidelity to lowland regions and a possible trend toward microendemism. P. cuqui loses environmental niches from the LGM to the current scenario (25 %) and in the current-future transition (63 %), increasing the environmental sympathy between both species; 31 % spatial overlap in the current scenario and 70 % in the future. Conclusion: Extreme drought events and rainfall variations, derived from climate change, suggest the loss of environmental niches for these species that are not currently threatened but are not adequately protected by conservation units. The loss of environmental niches increases spatial sympatry which represents a new challenge for anurans and the conservation of their populations.

Resumen Introducción: Leptodactylus latinasus y Physalaemus cuqui son especies de anuros simpátricos con requerimientos ambientales similares y modos reproductivos contrastantes. La configuración climática determina los patrones de distribución y promueve la simpatría de los nichos ambientales, pero la especificidad/selectividad determina el éxito de los modos reproductivos. Los modelos de distribución de especies (MDE) son una herramienta valiosa para predecir distribuciones espacio-temporales basadas en la extrapolación de predictores ambientales. Objetivos: Determinar la distribución espacio-temporal de los nichos ambientales y evaluar si las áreas protegidas de la base de Datos Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (DMAP) permiten la conservación de estas especies en el escenario actual y futuro. Métodos: Aplicamos diferentes algoritmos para predecir la distribución y superposición espacio-temporal de nichos ambientales de L. latinasus y P. cuqui dentro de América del Sur en el último máximo glacial (UGM), Holoceno medio, actual y futuro. Evaluamos el estado de conservación de ambas especies con las unidades de conservación de la DMAP. Resultados: Todos los algoritmos aplicados mostraron un alto rendimiento para ambas especies (TSS = 0.87, AUC = 0.95). Las predicciones de L. latinasus mostraron amplios nichos ambientales desde LGM hasta el escenario actual (49 % de nichos estables, 37 % de nichos ganados y 13 % de nichos perdidos), sugiriendo fidelidad histórica por regiones climático-ambientales estables. En la transición actual-futura L. latinasus incrementaría la cantidad de nichos estables (70 %) y perdidos (20 %), sugiriendo fidelidad por regiones de tierras bajas y la posible tendencia hacia el microendemismo. P. cuqui pierde nichos ambientales desde el LGM al escenario actual (25 %) y en la transición actual-futura (63 %), incrementando la simpatría ambiental entre ambas especies; 31 % de superposición espacial en el escenario actual y 70 % en el futuro. Conclusión: Los eventos de sequía extrema y las variaciones de precipitaciones, derivados del cambio climático, sugieren la pérdida de nichos ambientales para estas especies, actualmente no se encuentran amenazadas, pero no están adecuadamente protegidas por las unidades de conservación. La pérdida de nichos ambientales aumenta la simpatría espacial que representa un nuevo desafío para estos anuros y la conservación de sus poblaciones.

Animais , Anuros/classificação , Análise Espaço-Temporal , América do Sul , Mudança Climática
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e26189, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565771


Resumen En el presente estudio, los nichos trófico y bioclimático de Liolaemus annectens y L. etheridgei son evaluados. Ambas especies se distribuyen en la región andina del sur del Perú. La comparación interespecífica del nicho trófico reveló a Lygaeidae (Hemiptera) como presa fundamental de L. etheridgei, mientras que las presas fundamentales en la dieta de L. annectens fueron larvas de Lepidoptera, Araneae, Curculionidae (Coleoptera) y Lygaeidae. Asimismo, se observó un importante consumo de material vegetal en ambas especies, por lo que pueden considerarse omnívoras. Ambas especies presentaron una baja amplitud de nicho trófico, con una tendencia especialista de consumo de presas, y un bajo solapamiento de nicho trófico. En cuanto al nicho Grinnelliano, la evaluación y comparación de modelos de nichos ecológicos, permitieron identificar las áreas de mayor idoneidad para la sobrevivencia de estas especies. Estas se encuentran en áreas de Arequipa, Moquegua y Tacna para L. etheridgei y en Arequipa, Puno, y Cusco para L. annectens. Ambas especies mostraron una baja superposición de nicho ecológico, rechazando la hipótesis de que ocupan nichos idénticos.

Abstract In the present study, the trophic and bioclimatic niches of Liolaemus annectens and L. etheridgei are evaluated. Both species are distributed in the Andean region of southern Peru. Interspecific comparison of the trophic niche revealed Lygaeidae (Hemiptera) as a fundamental prey for L. etheridgei, while the fundamental preys in the diet of L. annectens were Lepidoptera larvae, Araneae, Curculionidae (Coleoptera), and Lygaeidae. Additionally, a significant consumption of plant material was observed in both species, indicating an omnivorous diet. Both species exhibited a narrow trophic niche breadth, with a specialist tendency in prey consumption and low trophic niche overlap. Regarding the Grinnellian niche, evaluation and comparison of ecological niche models allowed the identification of areas of highest suitability for the survival of these species. These include some areas in Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna for L. etheridgei, and some areas in Arequipa, Puno and Cusco for L. annectens. Both species showed low ecological niche overlap, rejecting the hypothesis of identical niches.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021356


BACKGROUND:Satellite cells are a specific population of adult stem cells contained in skeletal muscle that promote the regenerative reconstruction of injured skeletal muscle,but their specific mechanisms are not well established. OBJECTIVE:To review the regulatory role of satellite cells during skeletal muscle regeneration and the mechanism of interaction between satellite cells and their ecological niche signals,aiming to provide new research ideas and perspectives based on the summary of existing knowledge. METHODS:Web of Science,PubMed,CNKI,WanFang,and VIP databases were searched for literature published between January 2002 and June 2022.English search terms were"muscle,skeletal muscle,muscle injury,stem cells,satellite cells,muscle repair".Chinese search terms were"skeletal muscle,skeletal muscle regeneration,skeletal muscle reconstruction,satellite cells,ecological niche".The 66 included papers were organized and analyzed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Satellite cells exist in skeletal muscle and contribute to both the formation of new muscle fibers after injury and the effective growth of existing adult muscle fibers.(2)After the activation of quiescent satellite cells in satellite cells,the steps of satellite cell proliferation,differentiation and fusion to form muscle fibers during skeletal muscle regeneration are influenced by their intrinsic regulatory effects of different mechanisms.(3)Satellite cells can interact with myofibers,extracellular matrix,skeletal muscle junctions,fibroblast progenitor cells,immune cells and endothelial cells in the ecological niche signal to promote satellite cell activation,proliferation and differentiation to achieve effective skeletal muscle regeneration.(4)Possible breakthroughs in future research include:the division pattern of satellite cells in the body;the mechanisms regulating satellite cell transfer;the specific timing of satellite cell differentiation or self-renewal in vivo;and the interaction mechanisms between satellite cells and skeletal muscle junctions.(5)This review may provide some theoretical reference values for the field of injury reconstruction of skeletal muscle and its innovation.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022853


Limbal niche cells (LNCs) in the limbal niche, a type of mesenchymal stem cells closely associated with limbal epithelial stem/progenitor cells (LESCs), heterogeneously express both mesenchymal and putative embryonic stem cell markers and play a critical role in regulating the quiescence, self-renewal, and differentiation of LESCs.Previous studies have shown that LNCs can be isolated by collagenase, dispase, dispase-collagenase and explant culture.Transwell and 3D Matrigel coculture are widely used in ex vivo studies of LNCs and LESCs, and the interactive mechanism may include SDF-1/CXCR4, Notch, BMP, Wnt, Sonic Hedgehog, and KIT/AKT signaling pathways, and various cytokines such as nerve growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor.LNCs have become a hot topic in corneal epithelial tissue engineering, ocular surface reconstruction, and corneal regeneration.This review provides an overview of the research background, isolation and culture methods, interaction mechanism of LNCs with LESCs, and its application prospects.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253852, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355905


Abstract The aim objective of this study was to determine the trophic ecology of juvenile and adult Acestrorhynchus falcirostris during the rising and flood (high-water) period in six island lakes adjacent to the Solimões River. As such, we investigated: i) the trophic position, through the fractional trophic niche; ii) the niche breadth; iii) niche overlap and iv) the food strategy of the species. The specimens were collected during the years 2014 to 2017, using gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 30 to 120mm between opposite knots. Through the analysis of stomach contents, the preference in the consumption of items of animal origin was observed. Juveniles consumed insects in greater proportions (IAi% = 50%), while adults consumed fish (IAi%=99,98%). Despite the large supply of food items available in the high-water period, juveniles were the only ones to consume items of allochthonous origin, such as insects. Juveniles presented a different dietary strategy and dietary composition to adults. Juveniles were omnivores with a generalist strategy, while adults were piscivores with a specialist strategy. Thus, the food composition, niche breadth, trophic position and feeding strategy of Acestrorhynchus falcirostris change due to the stage of development.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ecologia trófica de juvenis e adultos de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris durante o período de enchente e cheia em seis lagos de ilha adjacentes ao rio Solimões. Assim, investigamos: i) a posição trófica, através do nicho trófico fracional; ii) a largura de nicho; iii) sobreposição de nicho; iv) a estratégia alimentar. Os espécimes foram coletados durante os anos de 2014 a 2017, utilizando redes de emalhar com malha variando de 30 a 120mm entre nós opostos. Por meio da análise do conteúdo estomacal, observamos a preferência no consumo de itens de origem animal. Os juvenis consumiram insetos em maiores proporções (IAi% = 50%), enquanto os adultos consumiram preferencialmente peixes (IAi% = 99,98%). Apesar da grande oferta de alimentos disponíveis no período da cheia, os juvenis eram os únicos a consumir itens de origem alóctone, como por exemplo, os insetos. Os juvenis apresentaram uma estratégia alimentar e composição alimentar diferente para os adultos. Os juvenis foram considerados onívoros com uma estratégia generalista, enquanto os adultos foram considerados piscívoros com uma estratégia alimentar mais especialista. Assim, a composição alimentar, amplitude do nicho, posição trófica e a estratégia alimentar de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris muda em função do estágio de desenvolvimento.

Animais , Rios , Caraciformes , Estações do Ano , Lagos , Ecossistema , Cadeia Alimentar , Peixes , Conteúdo Gastrointestinal
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 119: e230226, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558561


BACKGROUND Monitoring and analysing the infection rates of the vector of Trypanosoma cruzi, that causes Chagas disease, helps assess the risk of transmission. OBJECTIVES A study was carried out on triatomine in the State of Paraná, Brazil, between 2012 and 2021 and a comparison was made with a previous study. This was done to assess the risk of disease transmission. METHODS Ecological niche models based on climate and landscape variables were developed to predict habitat suitability for the vectors as a proxy for risk of occurrence. FINDINGS A total of 1,750 specimens of triatomines were recorded, of which six species were identified. The overall infection rate was 22.7%. The areas with the highest risk transmission of T. cruzi are consistent with previous predictions in municipalities. New data shows that climate models are more accurate than landscape models. This is likely because climate suitability was higher in the previous period. MAIN CONCLUSION Regardless of uneven sampling and potential biases, risk remains high due to the wide presence of infected vectors and high environmental suitability for vector species throughout the state and, therefore, improvements in public policies aimed at wide dissemination of knowledge about the disease are recommended to ensure the State remains free of Chagas disease.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469327


Abstract The aim objective of this study was to determine the trophic ecology of juvenile and adult Acestrorhynchus falcirostris during the rising and flood (high-water) period in six island lakes adjacent to the Solimões River. As such, we investigated: i) the trophic position, through the fractional trophic niche; ii) the niche breadth; iii) niche overlap and iv) the food strategy of the species. The specimens were collected during the years 2014 to 2017, using gillnets with mesh sizes ranging from 30 to 120mm between opposite knots. Through the analysis of stomach contents, the preference in the consumption of items of animal origin was observed. Juveniles consumed insects in greater proportions (IAi% = 50%), while adults consumed fish (IAi%=99,98%). Despite the large supply of food items available in the high-water period, juveniles were the only ones to consume items of allochthonous origin, such as insects. Juveniles presented a different dietary strategy and dietary composition to adults. Juveniles were omnivores with a generalist strategy, while adults were piscivores with a specialist strategy. Thus, the food composition, niche breadth, trophic position and feeding strategy of Acestrorhynchus falcirostris change due to the stage of development.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ecologia trófica de juvenis e adultos de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris durante o período de enchente e cheia em seis lagos de ilha adjacentes ao rio Solimões. Assim, investigamos: i) a posição trófica, através do nicho trófico fracional; ii) a largura de nicho; iii) sobreposição de nicho; iv) a estratégia alimentar. Os espécimes foram coletados durante os anos de 2014 a 2017, utilizando redes de emalhar com malha variando de 30 a 120mm entre nós opostos. Por meio da análise do conteúdo estomacal, observamos a preferência no consumo de itens de origem animal. Os juvenis consumiram insetos em maiores proporções (IAi% = 50%), enquanto os adultos consumiram preferencialmente peixes (IAi% = 99,98%). Apesar da grande oferta de alimentos disponíveis no período da cheia, os juvenis eram os únicos a consumir itens de origem alóctone, como por exemplo, os insetos. Os juvenis apresentaram uma estratégia alimentar e composição alimentar diferente para os adultos. Os juvenis foram considerados onívoros com uma estratégia generalista, enquanto os adultos foram considerados piscívoros com uma estratégia alimentar mais especialista. Assim, a composição alimentar, amplitude do nicho, posição trófica e a estratégia alimentar de Acestrorhynchus falcirostris muda em função do estágio de desenvolvimento.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1): e54636, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550730


Resumen Introducción: La Rata de Magdalena, Xenomys nelsoni, es un roedor endémico de México, de distribución restringida a las selvas bajas caducifolias densas, en una pequeña región de la costa del Pacífico mexicano. Es una especie poco conocida, catalogada como "En Peligro" de acuerdo con la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN). Este desconocimiento unido a la alta tasa de deforestación de su hábitat hace que su conservación sea prioritaria. Objetivo: Realizar un recuento histórico de los registros depositados en las colecciones científicas, generar mapas de distribución potencial y analizar el estado de conservación de la especie. Método: Los datos de ocurrencia de las especies se obtuvieron de la literatura y bases de datos digitales y se analizaron por décadas. Se utilizaron los programas GARP y MaxEnt para generar los modelos de nicho ecológico. La importancia de las variables en el modelo se estimó mediante un análisis Jackknife. Resultados: A lo largo de 129 años 19 recolectores registraron 69 ejemplares, de los cuales 65 están depositados en siete colecciones internacionales y una nacional. Aunque la especie sólo se ha recolectado en Jalisco y Colima, la distribución potencial de X. nelsoni incluye también el estado de Michoacán. De esta área estimada, sólo el 1.5 % se encuentra dentro de un Área Natural Protegida. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la distribución potencial podrían ser utilizados para verificar la presencia de la especie en lugares donde no ha sido recolectada como el norte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Chamela-Cuixmala y en algunas zonas de la provincia fisiográfica Costas del Sur en el estado de Michoacán. Es necesario incrementar los muestreos en regiones poco estudiadas predichas por el modelo y aumentar el área de protección.

Abstract Introduction: The Magdalena Rat, Xenomys nelsoni, is a rodent endemic to Mexico, whose distribution is restricted to dense tropical dry forests in a small region on the Pacific coast of Mexico. It is a poorly known species categorized as "Endangered" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This lack of knowledge and the high rates of deforestation of its habitat makes its conservation a priority. Objective: To summarize the historical records deposited in scientific collections, to create potential distribution maps, and to analyze the conservation status of the species. Methods: We obtained species occurrence data from literature and digital databases, analyzing them by the decade. We used GARP and MaxEnt software to generate the ecological niche models. The importance of the variables in the model was estimated using the Jackknife technique. Results: Over 129 years, 19 collectors registered 69 specimens, of which 65 are deposited in one national and seven international collections. Although the species has only been collected in Jalisco and Colima, the potential distribution for X. nelsoni also includes the state of Michoacán. Of this estimated area, only 1.5 % is in a Protected Natural Area. Conclusions: The results of the potential distribution could be used to verify the presence of the species in places where it has not been collected, such as the northern part of the Chamela-Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve and in some areas of the physiographic province Costas del Sur in the state of Michoacán. It is needed to increase samplings in the least studied regions predicted by the model and expand the area of protection.

Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Ecossistema , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , México
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(6): 333-336, June 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449749


Abstract Isthmocele is a discontinuation of the myometrium at the uterine scar site in a patient with a previous cesarian section (CS). The cause of isthmocele appears to be multifactorial. Poor surgical technique, low incision location, uterine retroflection, obesity, smoking, inadequate healing of scars, and maternal age are possible related factors. Most patients with this condition are asymptomatic. However, women can present with postmenstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, subfertility, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and scar abscess. Brazil has one of the world s highest cesarean section rates. One of the consequences of the rising rate of CS is the isthmocele, an emerging female health problem. Here we report a case of mucinous cystadenoma arising in a uterine isthmocele, a complication, as far as we could investigate, not yet described in the literature.

Resumo Istmocele é a descontinuidade do miométrio no local da cicatriz uterina em paciente com cesariana anterior. A causa da istmocele parece ser multifatorial. Má técnica cirúrgica, baixa localização da incisão, retroflexão uterina, obesidade, tabagismo, cicatrização inadequada de cicatrizes e idade materna são possíveis fatores relacionados. A maioria dos pacientes com esta condição é assintomática. No entanto, as mulheres podem apresentar sangramento pós-menstrual, dor pélvica, subfertilidade, dismenorreia, infertilidade e abscesso cicatricial. O Brasil tem uma das maiores taxas de cesariana do mundo. Uma das consequências da taxa crescente de cesarianas é a istmocele, um problema emergente de saúde feminina. Aqui relatamos um caso de cistoadenoma mucinoso originado em uma istmocele uterina, uma complicação ainda não descrita, até onde pudemos investigar.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Útero/lesões , Cistadenoma Mucinoso
Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 697-703, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023911


Objective:To analyze and predict the transmission risk of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province based on an ecological niche model, providing a basis for the development of precise prevention and control measures and epidemic surveillance.Methods:The information of reported cases of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province from 2015 to 2021 were collected from the National Infectious Disease Reporting Information Management System, and the longitude and latitude coordinates of the distribution points of cases and the data of 19 climate variables, 5 geographical variables and 2 socio-economic variables within the region were obtained. Based on an ecological niche model, a model for predicting the transmission risk of visceral leishmaniasis was constructed using the maximum entropy algorithm (MaxEnt), and its performance was evaluated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Then the importance of each environmental variable of the model was evaluated, and the distribution area of visceral leishmaniasis transmission risk in Gansu Province was predicted.Results:A total of 368 cases of visceral leishmaniasis were reported in Gansu Province from 2015 to 2021, of which 89.13% (328/368) were from Longnan City and Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (Gannan Prefecture). The number of cases peaked in 2017 (79 cases, 21.47%). The model had high prediction accuracy (AUC = 0.985). The results of model analysis showed that the important climate variable affecting the distribution of visceral leishmaniasis was the average temperature in the coldest quarter (contribution value of 3.1), the geographical variables were land use type (contribution value of 52.6) and vegetation cover type (contribution value of 8.5), and the socio-economic variable was population size (contribution value of 14.3). The distribution results of transmission risk showed that high, medium and low risk areas exhibited a gradual transition from the southern part to the northwest part of Gansu Province. The high risk areas were mainly located in the central and southern parts of Longnan City and the southern part of Gannan Prefecture, accounting for 0.18% of the total area of the province. Medium and low risk areas accounted for 0.48% and 2.47% of the total area of the province, respectively; and areas with no risk accounted for 96.87%.Conclusions:The ecological niche model predicts that the spread of visceral leishmaniasis in Gansu Province is characterized by point like dispersion and local high aggregation distribution. It is necessary to strengthen monitoring and prevention and control of high-risk areas such as Longnan City and Gannan Prefecture.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997264


Based on the concept of “imbalance of qi movement with the latent cancer toxin”, it is believed that the development process of tumor pre-metastatic niche (PMN) could be summarized as tumor derived secretory factors, exosomes and other “cancer toxin”, which latent in the body, were diffusion-prone by means of meridians and membrane-sources. Besides, the latent toxin induced the imbalance of qi movement, especially the distant weakest qi, and the local sweat pore and collateral vessels were blocked, which resulted in phlegm and blood stasis, and the cross-aggregation of poison. We also proposed therapeutic principles of PMN as first regulating qi and then clearing and expelling toxin, and tried to discuss the theoretical model of traditional Chinese medicine for PMN based on the theory of qi regulation and detoxification, aimed at providing ideas for the future theory construction of traditional Chinese medicine prevention and treatment for malignant tumor metastasis.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1819-1823, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013688


Pericytes are essential components of vessel mural cells that function to regulate blood flow, clear or phagocytose debris, and are contractile cells enwrapping capillaries throughout the body. It controls vascular permeability and is involved in the development of blood vessels and is an important regulator and potential drug target of angiogenesis and vascular function. Pericytes are also thought to play a key role in the tumor microenvironment, especially during tumor growth and distal metastasis. Therefore,in this review we discuss the relationship between pericytes involved in tumor angiogenesis and tumor metastasis, as well as the use of targeted pericytes to treat tumors,with a view to providing a basis for subsequent studies.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 253-258, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006801


@#Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus, 1758)) larvae inhibit oviposition of house fly (Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758) by releasing a semiochemical, although in some situations, inhibition is only partial. We hypothesized that there is a certain period in the life cycle of black soldier fly when it can cause antibiosis of the house fly. Choice and non-choice tests were used to separately examine the effectiveness of each developmental stage of black soldier fly (egg, larval (phase I, II, and III), prepupal and pupal stages) and crude extract of larvae on house fly oviposition. Tests using each developmental stage were compared with controls lacking black soldier fly. The effects of black soldier fly on the number of newly hatched house fly larvae were evaluated and there was a significant difference between the test and control in the number of eggs laid by house fly for all phases of the black soldier fly larval stage. Strong inhibition was found in some black soldier fly larval phases. Significant differences in the numbers of house fly eggs oviposited in food containers treated with crude extract were found when compared with a control, confirming that chemicals from black soldier fly larvae resulted in inhibition of oviposition of house fly. The results from experiment also indicated that chemicals from black soldier larvae influenced the number of house fly larvae newly hatched from eggs.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387708


Abstract Introduction: Neotropical seasonally dry forest (NSDF) climatic constraints increased endemism, and phylogenetic niche conservatism in species that are restricted to this biome. NSDF have a large number of endemic Capparaceae taxa, but it is unknown if phylogenetic niche conservatism has played a role in this pattern. Objective: We carried out an evolutionary analysis of the climatic niche of neotropical species of Capparaceae to identify whether the climatic constraints of NSDF have played a major role throughout the family's evolutionary history. Methods: Using three chloroplastic (ndhF, matK, rbcL) and one ribosomal (rsp3) DNA sequences, we proposed a date phylogeny to reconstruct the evolutionary climatic niche dynamics of 24 Neotropical species of Capparaceae. We tested the relationship between niche dissimilarity and phylogenetic distance between species using the Mantel test. Likewise, we used a set of phylogenetic comparative methods (PGLS) on the phylogeny of Capparaceae to reconstruct the main evolutionary historic events in their niche. Results: Capparaceae originated in humid regions and subsequently, convergent evolution occurred towards humid and dry forest during the aridification phases of the Middle Miocene (16-11 Mya). However, adaptation towards drought stress was reflected only during the precipitation of the coldest quarter, where we found phylogenetic signal (Pagel λ) for gradual evolution and, therefore, evidence of phylogenetic niche conservatism. We found convergent species-specific adaptations to both drought stress and rainfall during the Miocene, suggesting a non-phylogenetic structure in most climatic variables. Conclusions: Our study shows how the Miocene climate may have influenced the Capparaceae speciation toward driest environments. Further, highlights the complexity of climatic niche dynamics in this family, and therefore more detailed analyses are necessary in order to better understand the NSDF climatic constrictions affected the evolution of Capparaceae.

Resumen Introducción: Las limitaciones climáticas del bosque neotropical estacionalmente seco (NSDF) produjeron endemismo y conservadurismo filogenético del nicho en especies restringidas a este bosque. En las Caparáceas neotropicales se ha encontrado endemismo en los NSDF, pero se desconoce si el conservadurismo de nicho filogenético ha influido en su evolución. Objetivos: Se llevó a cabo un análisis evolutivo del nicho climático de las especies neotropicales de Capparaceae para evaluar si las limitaciones climáticas del bosque neotropical estacionalmente seco (NSDF) han jugado un papel importante a lo largo de la historia evolutiva de la familia. Métodos: Usando tres secuencias de ADN cloroplastico (ndhF, matK, rbcL) y una ribosomal (rsp3) se propuso una filogenia datada para reconstruir la dinámica evolutiva del nicho climático de 24 especies Neotropicales de Capparaceae. Utilizando la prueba de Mantel, se realizaron análisis para establecer si hay diferencia de nicho y la distancia filogenética entre especies. Asimismo, se emplearon un conjunto de métodos comparativos filogenéticos sobre la filogenia de la familia para reconstruir los principales eventos históricos evolutivos en su nicho. Resultados: Capparaceae se originó en regiones húmedas y posteriormente se dio una evolución convergente hacia bosque húmedo y seco durante las fases de aridificación del Mioceno Medio (16-11 Ma). Sin embargo, la adaptación al estrés por sequía se reflejó solo en la precipitación del cuarto más frío del año, donde se evidencio señal filogenética, evolución gradual y, por lo tanto, evidencia de conservadurismo de nicho filogenético. También se hallaron especies con adaptaciones convergentes específicas tanto al estrés por sequía como a las lluvias durante el Mioceno, sugiriendo la carencia de estructura filogenética en la mayoría de las variables climáticas. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra cómo el clima del Mioceno pudo haber influenciado la especiación de Capparaceae hacia ambientes mas secos. Además, la compleja dinámica del nicho climático en esta familia y, por lo tanto, la necesidad de realizar análisis más detallados para comprender mejor como las constricciones climáticas del NSDF afectaron la evolución de Capparaceae.

Mudança Climática , Florestas , Capparaceae
Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica ; (12): 2601-2611, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-941493


The bone marrow microenvironment, also known as the bone marrow niche, plays a critical role in maintaining the functions of hematopoietic stem cells. Under physiological conditions, various bone marrow cells regulate each other to sustain hematopoietic homeostasis. However, bone marrow cells gain abnormal function under pathological conditions to cause and promote the occurrence of leukemia and induce drug resistance. Recent findings indicate that abnormal proliferation and differentiation are not the sole reason to cause leukemia. Different types of bone marrow cells also induce intercellular adhesion, abnormally secrete cytokines and chemokines, accelerating leukemia's progress. This article reviews the multiple signaling pathways that regulate the formation and progress of leukemia bone marrow niche, such as C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 12/C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 signaling pathway, et al. It emphasizes that targeting leukemia bone marrow niche is a vital strategy for improving the leukemia treatment.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 364-377, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929300


Up to 70% of patients with late-stage breast cancer have bone metastasis. Current treatment regimens for breast cancer bone metastasis are palliative with no therapeutic cure. Disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) colonize inside the osteogenic niches in the early stage of bone metastasis. Drug delivery into osteogenic niches to inhibit DTC colonization can prevent bone metastasis from entering its late stage and therefore cure bone metastasis. Here, we constructed a 50% DSS6 peptide conjugated nanoparticle to target the osteogenic niche. The osteogenic niche was always located at the endosteum with immature hydroxyapatite. Arsenic-manganese nanocrystals (around 14 nm) were loaded in osteogenic niche-targeted PEG-PLGA nanoparticles with an acidic environment-triggered arsenic release. Arsenic formulations greatly reduced 4T1 cell adhesion to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)/preosteoblasts (pre-OBs) and osteogenic differentiation of osteoblastic cells. Arsenic formulations also prevented tumor cell colonization and dormancy via altering the direct interaction between 4T1 cells and MSCs/pre-OBs. The chemotactic migration of 4T1 cells toward osteogenic cells was blocked by arsenic in mimic 3D osteogenic niche. Systemic administration of osteogenic niche-targeted arsenic nanoparticles significantly extended the survival of mice with 4T1 syngeneic bone metastasis. Our findings provide an effective approach for osteogenic niche-specific drug delivery and suggest that bone metastasis can be effectively inhibited by blockage of tumor cell colonization in the bone microenvironment.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1681-1687, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013990


Aim To investigate the injury of 5-fluorouracil(5-FU)to perivascular hematopoietic niche via isolating mouse bone marrow perivascular mesenchymal progenitor cells in vitro and its related mechanism. Methods The perivascular mesenchymal progenitor cells were isolated from femurs and tibias of C57BL/6J mice with type Ⅱ collagenase and cultured in vitro. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to detect specific niche genes expression. The viable cells were counted by Trypan blue; the cellular proliferation was detected by CCK-8; the apoptosis was detected by Annexin V/PI double staining, and the cell senescence was detected by β-galactosidase staining. The levels of malondialdehyde(MDA)and superoxide dismutase(SOD)were detected by enzymatic assay. Osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation potential of cells were detected by osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation experiment and osteogenic related genes qRT-PCR assay. The mRNA expression of hematopoietic growth factors was detected by qRT-PCR. Hematopoietic cells were co-cultured with perivascular mesenchymal progenitor cells, and the adhesion molecules and signal molecules between stromal cells and hematopoietic cells were detected, also hematopoietic cell activity, redox indicators and β-galactosidase specific cell senescence were detected. Results 5-FU caused simultaneous apoptosis and senescence of perivascular mesenchymal progenitor cells, inhibited cell proliferation, induced oxidative stress, led to osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation imbalance, and down-regulated the transcription of hematopoietic factors SCF, CXCL12, and G-CSF. For the interaction between stromal cells and hematopoietic cells, the binding effects of VLA-4/VCAM-1, ICAM-1/LFA1 were weakened and TPO/MPL and ANG-1/Tie-2 signals were impaired, leading to oxidative stress of hematopoietic cells and cell senescence. Conclusions 5-FU induces oxidative damage of perivascular mesenchymal progenitor cells and indirectly induces premature senescence of hematopoietic cells.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 975-979, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1014049


Breast cancer is currently one of the caneers with the highest incidence.Clinically, most breast eaneer patients often die due to distant metastasis.In the complex easeade of metasta¬sis, the formation of the pre-metastasis niche ( PMN) has been considered to he cnrcial in the process of distant metastasis of tumors in recent years.Tumors at the primary site secrete tumor- derived secretory factors (TDSF) , extracellular vesicles ( EV) and so on to metastasize target organs.thereby changing the mi- croenvironment of the target organs to adapt to the subsequent distant metastasis of the tumor.Breast cancer is a kind of cancer number of studies have revealed the mechanism of the breast cancer pre-metastatic niche, showing that inhibiting the PMN can reduce breast cancer metastasis.The multi-target and multi- component features of traditional Chinese medicine have been re¬ported to effectively interfere with the formation of PMN.This review summarizes the breast cancer's mechanism of lung pre- metastatic niche formation and traditional Chinese medicine in¬tervention.

Femina ; 50(4): 240-245, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380697


A istmocele (ou "defeito cicatricial de cesariana") é uma alteração anatômica na parede uterina responsável por formar um "nicho", que é visualizado como uma área hipoecoica por histerografia ou por outros métodos de imagem, devido a uma cicatrização inapropriada de uma cesárea anterior. Essa modificação leva a complicações ginecológicas e obstétricas. Este estudo pretendeu analisar, entre os fatores de risco, a relação da istmocele com a técnica de fechamento uterino, comparando a sutura em camada simples com a dupla. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica em diferentes bases de dados eletrônicos. Foram encontrados 31 artigos, todavia apenas 13 estudos foram incluídos no presente estudo após avaliação criteriosa. A técnica de fechamento uterino é um dos fatores de risco possível de prevenir, sendo que a sutura em camada simples é associada a maior chance de se desenvolver a istmocele. A sutura de camada simples (ancorada) incluindo o endométrio está relacionada a menor espessura miometrial residual, associada a probabilidade de ruptura uterina e a istmocele, que a camada dupla não ancorada com a exclusão do endométrio.(AU)

The isthmocele is an anatomical alteration in the uterine wall responsible for forming a "niche", which is visualized as a hypoechoic area by hysterography or other imaging methods, due to inappropriate healing of a previous cesarean section. This modification leads to gynecological and obstetric complications. This study aimed to analyze among the risk factors the relation of isthmocele and the uterine closure technique comparing the single- and double-layer suture. It was conducted an electronic based search in different electronic databases. The research led to the retrieval of 31 articles; however only 13 studies were included in the present research after careful reading. The uterine closure technique is one of the possible risk factors to be modified; the single-layer suture is associated with a greater chance of developing isthmocele. The locked single-layer suture including the decidua is related to the decreased residual myometrial thickness, associated with the likelihood of uterine rupture and the isthmocele, than the double-layer unlocked excluding the decidua.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Cesárea/efeitos adversos , Cesárea/métodos , Técnicas de Fechamento de Ferimentos Abdominais/efeitos adversos , Ruptura Uterina , Fatores de Risco , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210103, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365205


We assessed the flood pulse effect on the diet composition, trophic niche breadth, and the amount of food intake of two Amazonian auchenipterids with different feeding strategies. Sampling was carried out quarterly (from April/2012 to January/2014) on the middle Xingu River, using gillnets. We measured specimens for standard length and total weight. The specimens' stomachs were removed, weighed, and had their contents identified. We analyzed 360 stomachs of Auchenipterus nuchalis and 584 of Tocantinsia piresi. The diet of A. nuchalis was mainly composed of aquatic insects and crustaceans, while T. piresi fed on fruits and seeds. The diet composition of both species varied seasonally, but only T. piresi changed its trophic niche breadth in response to hydrological changes, becoming more specialist during the higher water periods (filling and flood). Both species also showed differences in their amount of food intake between hydrological periods, with A. nuchalis feeding more intensely in lower water periods (ebb and dry), while T. piresi in the higher water periods. We evidenced different responses to the hydrological periods for the related species. We emphasize that studies considering the relationship between flood pulse and feeding ecology of the organisms are essential to understanding river floodplain systems' dynamics.(AU)

Avaliamos o efeito do pulso de inundação na composição da dieta, amplitude de nicho trófico e quantidade de alimento ingerido de dois auchenipterídeos amazônicos com diferentes estratégias alimentares. Os espécimes foram amostrados trimestralmente entre abril/2012 e janeiro/2014 no médio rio Xingu, utilizando malhadeiras. Estes foram mensurados quanto ao comprimento padrão e peso total. Os estômagos dos espécimes foram removidos, pesados e seu conteúdo identificado. Analisamos 360 estômagos de Auchenipterus nuchalis e 584 de Tocantinsia piresi. A dieta de A. nuchalis foi predominantemente composta por insetos aquáticos e crustáceos, enquanto para T. piresi frutos e sementes predominaram. A composição da dieta de ambas as espécies variou sazonalmente, mas apenas para T. piresi a amplitude de nicho trófico variou entre períodos hidrológicos, sendo mais especialista nos períodos de águas altas (enchente e cheia). Ambas as espécies diferiram na quantidade de alimento ingerido entre os períodos hidrológicos, sendo maior para A. nuchalis nos períodos de águas baixas (vazante e seca) e para T. piresi nos períodos de águas altas. Evidenciamos diferentes respostas à variação hidrológica pelas espécies. Enfatizamos que estudos considerando a relação entre a dinâmica do pulso de inundação e a ecologia alimentar dos organismos é fundamental para um melhor entendimento da dinâmica das planícies de inundação.(AU)

Animais , Peixes-Gato , Crustáceos , Ingestão de Alimentos , Níveis Tróficos/análise , Sementes