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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 35109, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553447


Introdução: Plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos são tradicionalmente utilizados na cicatrização de diversos tipos de feridas. Muitas plantas contêm compostos bioativos com propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas e cicatrizantes. Objetivo: Reunir evidências clínicas do uso de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Os estudos foram coletados das bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e LILACS, utilizando como estratégia de busca os termos ((WoundHealing) ou (Inflammation)) e ((MedicinalPlants) ou (Phytotherapy)) com recorte temporal de 2011 a 2021. Resultados: 15 estudos foram incluídos na revisão. A maioria dos estudos foram do tipo ensaio clínico controlado randomizado. Foi investigada a eficácia de 15 espécies medicinais para o tratamento de feridas agudas e crônicas, sendo as mais recorrentes queimaduras de segundo grau, úlceras crônicas e feridas cirúrgicas. As espécies medicinais que apresentaram melhores resultados foram babosa (Aloevera), centela (Centellaasiatica),beldroega (Portulacaoleraceae), Arnebia euchroma, hipérico (Hypericum perforatum) emil-folhas (Achilleamillefolium), melhorando critérios como eritema, edema, tempodere-epitelização, tempo de cicatrização e a aparência geral da ferida. Conclusões: Plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos apresentam eficácia no processo de cicatrização, sendo, portanto, alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas (AU).

Introduction: Medicinal plants and herbal medicines are traditionally used to heal various types of wounds. Many plants contain bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties. Objective: Gathering clinical evidence on the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicine in the healing of skin wounds. Methodology:Thisisan integrative review of the literature. The studies were collected from the MEDLINE/PubMed and LILACS data bases, using the terms ((WoundHealing) or (Inflammation)) and ((MedicinalPlants) or (Phytotherapy)) as a search strategy, from 2011 to 2021. Results: Fifteen studies were included in the review. Most of them were of the randomized controlled clinical trial type. The effectiveness of 15 medicinal species was investigated for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds, the most common of which were second-degree burns, chronic ulcers,and surgical wounds. The species with the best results were Aloe vera, Centella asiatica, Portulaca oleraceae, Arnebia euchroma, Hypericum perforatum, and Achillea millefolium, improving criteria such as erythema, edema, re-epithelialization time, healing time, and the general appearance of the wound. Conclusions: Medicinalplants and herbal medicine are effective in the healing process, therefore being a therapeutic alternative for treating skin wounds (AU).

Introducción: Las plantas medicinales y las medicinas a base de hierbas se utilizan tradicionalmente para curar diversos tipos de heridas. Muchas plantas contienen compuestos bioactivos con propiedades antiinflamatorias, antimicrobianas y cicatrizantes. Objetivo: Recopilar evidencia clínica sobre el uso de plantas medicinales y medicinas a base de hierbas en la curación de heridas cutáneas. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura. Los estudios fueron obtenidos de las bases de datos MEDLINE/PubMed y LILACS, utilizando como estrategia de búsqueda los términos ((WoundHealing) o (Inflammation)) y ((MedicinalPlants) o (Phytotherapy)) con un marco temporal de 2011 a 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron 15 estudios en la revisión. La mayoría de los estudios fueron del tipo ensayo clínico controlado aleatorio. Se investigó la eficacia de 15 especies medicinales para el tratamiento de heridas agudas y crónicas, las más comunes fueron quemaduras de segundo grado, úlceras crónicas y heridas quirúrgicas. Las especies medicinales con mejoresr esultados fueron Aloe vera, Centella asiatica, Portulaca oleraceae, Arnebia euchroma, Hypericum perforatum y Achillea millefolium, mejorando criterios como eritema, edema, tiempo de reepitelización, tiempo de cicatrización y aspecto general de la herida. Conclusiones: Plantas medicinales y medicinas a base de hierbas son efectivas en el proceso de cicatrización, siendo portanto un aalternativa terapéutica para el tratamiento de heridas en la piel (AU).

Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Cicatrização , Medicamento Fitoterápico , Ferimentos e Lesões , Prática Clínica Baseada em Evidências , Fitoterapia
Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 75-79, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562896


A dermatite de contato por plantas é um problema ocupacional muito comum. Flores e folhas são relatadas como causadoras de dermatite irritativa primária, tanto química como mecânica, dermatite de contato alérgica e fitofotodermatites. Frente à variedade de plantas potenciais causadoras de dermatoses e o modo como foi concluído o diagnóstico, relatamos um caso de dermatite de contato alérgica pelo gênero Chrysanthemum em uma paciente florista que buscou seu diagnóstico por mais de 10 anos. Fragmentos das pétalas e folhas de manuseio mais frequente pela paciente foram utilizados para confecção de um teste de contato personalizado que permitiu a conclusão diagnóstica e correta condução da paciente. Assim, ressaltamos a importância da realização do teste de contato personalizado, em especial nos casos suspeitos de dermatite de contato alérgica, onde o teste (bateria padrão) resultou negativo e/ou as substâncias suspeitas não se encontraram contempladas.

Plant contact dermatitis is a very common occupational problem. Flowers and leaves are reported to cause primary irritant dermatitis (both chemical and mechanical), allergic contact dermatitis, and phytophotodermatitis. Given the variety of plants that could potentially cause dermatoses and the way in which the diagnosis was established, we report a case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by the genus Chrysanthemum in a florist who had sought a diagnosis for more than 10 years. Fragments of the petals and leaves most frequently handled by the patient were used to create a personalized patch test that allowed conclusive diagnosis and, finally, appropriate management. We highlight the importance of carrying out personalized patch testing, especially in cases of suspected allergic contact dermatitis in which the standard test battery was negative and/or did not cover the suspected substances.

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20240223. 125 p.
Tese em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1531954


Introducción: El 50% de la población mundial usa tratamientos alternativos como productos herbarios. El 20% los consume de manera simultánea con algún tratamiento farmacológico para el control la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2; enfermedad prevalente en adultos mayores. Es escasa la información acerca de las interacciones medicamentosas que pudieran producirse, siendo responsables de más de 7,000 muertes al año. Objetivo: Identificar los productos herbarios de mayor consumo del Adulto Mayor con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, en Chapulco, Puebla, México y describir las posibles interacciones medicamentosas entre fármaco hipoglucemiante ­ producto herbario reportados en la literatura científica. Metodología: Estudio observacional, prolectivo, transversal, descriptivo, en una población de 35 adultos mayores diabéticos, con edad promedio de 70±7 años. Para la identificación de los productos herbarios de uso común y sus aplicaciones terapéuticas se aplicó el cuestionario U-PLANMED. Resultados: Se identificaron 50 productos herbarios y 18 combinaciones entre estos a la vez. El 40% de los participantes consumen simultáneamente más de dos productos herbarios con uno o dos fármacos hipoglucemiantes. Entre los productos de mayor consumo se encuentran el nopal (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), la manzanilla (Matricaria chamomilla L.) y el zacate de limón (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Las interacciones medicamentosas potenciales identificadas, principalmente en estudios experimentales en animales, sugieren que, existe una acción hipoglucemiante del producto herbario al aumentar la capacidad orgánica sobre la secreción/liberación de insulina endógena. Conclusiones: Se ha evidenciado la presencia de interacciones medicamentosas ante el consumo simultaneo de fármacos prescritos para el control de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 con productos herbarios. Es necesario que, los profesionales en atención a la salud identifiquen el uso de dichos productos y orienten a los adultos mayores sobre las posibles repercusiones en los niveles de glucosa ante el consumo.

Introduction: 50% of the world's population uses alternative treatments such as herbal products. Twenty percent use them in conjunction with some form of pharmacological treatment to control type 2 diabetes mellitus, a disease prevalent in older adults. There is little information on the drug interactions that may occur, which are responsible for more than 7,000 deaths per year. Objective: To identify the most consumed herbal products among older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Chapulco, Puebla, Mexico, and to describe the possible drug-drug interactions between hypoglycemic drugs and herbal products reported in the scientific literature. Methodology: Observational, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study in a population of 35 diabetic older adults with a mean age of 70±7 years. The U-PLANMED questionnaire was used to identify commonly used herbal products and their therapeutic applications. Results: Fifty herbal products and 18 combinations of them were identified. Forty percent of the participants used more than two herbal products simultaneously with one or two hypoglycemic drugs. The most used products included prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.), and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). Potential drug-drug interactions identified mainly in experimental animal studies suggest that there is a hypoglycemic effect of the herbal product by increasing the organic capacity on endogenous insulin secretion/release. Conclusions: The presence of drug-drug interactions has been demonstrated with the simultaneous consumption of drugs prescribed for the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus with herbal products. It is necessary for health care professionals to recognize the use of such products and to inform older adults about the possible repercussions on glucose levels when consuming them.

Introdução: 50% da população mundial utiliza tratamentos alternativos como os produtos à base de plantas. Vinte por cento utilizam-nos em conjunto com algum tipo de tratamento farmacológico para controlar a diabetes mellitus tipo 2, uma doença prevalente em adultos mais velhos. Há pouca informação sobre as interacções medicamentosas que podem ocorrer e que são responsáveis por mais de 7.000 mortes por ano. Objetivos: Identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais consumidos entre os idosos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 em Chapulco, Puebla, México, e descrever as possíveis interações medicamentosas entre medicamentos hipoglicemiantes e produtos fitoterápicos relatados na literatura científica. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, prospetivo, transversal e descritivo numa população de 35 idosos diabéticos com uma idade média de 70±7 anos. O questionário U-PLANMED foi utilizado para identificar os produtos fitoterápicos mais utilizados e suas aplicações terapêuticas. Resultados: Foram identificados 50 produtos à base de plantas e 18 combinações dos mesmos. Quarenta por cento dos participantes utilizaram mais de dois produtos à base de plantas em simultâneo com um ou dois medicamentos hipoglicemiantes. Os produtos mais utilizados foram o cato de figo da Índia (Opuntia ficus-indica L.), a camomila (Matricaria chamomilla L.) e o capim-limão (Cymbopogon citratus DC. Stapf.). As potenciais interacções medicamentosas identificadas principalmente em estudos experimentais em animais sugerem que existe um efeito hipoglicémico do produto à base de plantas através do aumento da capacidade orgânica na secreção/libertação de insulina endógena. Conclusões: A presença de interacções medicamentosas foi demonstrada com o consumo simultâneo de medicamentos prescritos para o controlo da diabetes mellitus tipo 2 com produtos à base de plantas. É necessário que os profissionais de saúde reconheçam o uso de tais produtos e informem os idosos sobre as possíveis repercussões nos níveis de glicose ao consumi-los.

Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006280


ObjectiveThe angiosperm phylogeny group (APG) Ⅳ system is currently the latest angiosperm classification system. The APG system based on DNA sequence can more naturally reflect the phylogeny and evolution of plants, which has been widely recognized and applied in scientific research and teaching of plants in other countries. Through the comparison between the changes in the APG Ⅳ system and the traditional plant classification system, the changes in the taxonomic status of the original plants of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia were reviewed. MethodBy referring to the literature in China and abroad, the changes in the taxonomic status of the original plants of TCM recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia were sorted out according to the basic groups of angiosperms in the APG Ⅳ system, including the basal group of ANA, the magnoliid and chloranthales, the basal groups of monocots and eudicots, the superrosids, and the superasterids. ResultThere are about 72 species of TCM in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. A total of 76 species of the original plants change in family grade according to the APG Ⅳ system. There are 22 species of TCM belonging to the dicotyledon class, involving 26 species of the original plants. It should be placed in front of the differentiation of monocotyledons and eudicotyledons according to the APG Ⅳ system. ConclusionThis paper largely clarifies the change in the taxonomic status of the original plants of TCM in Chinese Pharmacopoeia according to the APG Ⅳ system, which is helpful to the reviewing literature in China and abroad for the original plants of TCM and facilitates the international academic exchange for TCM. It provides a reference for the revision of textbooks such as Botany and Medicinal Botany in Chinese colleges and universities and will lay the foundation for updating the content of Chinese Pharmacopoeia in the future.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006841


Secondary metabolites of medicinal plants are extremely important to human health because of their special pharmacological activities or efficacy. They are the main source of drugs, health care products, and cosmetics. As human beings continue to pursue health and longevity, the demand in the pharmaceutical market continues to grow. It becomes especially important to improve the production and quality of secondary metabolites of medicinal plants. Plant secondary metabolites are a kind of adaptation of plants to their environment and are the result of the interaction between plants and biotic and abiotic factors during the long-term evolution process. The production and accumulation of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants are mainly affected by plant genetic factors and environmental factors. Among them, light environment is extremely important for their synthesis. Therefore, light regulation has long been a research focus for many scholars in China and abroad. In this article, we the recent research progress on the effects of light regulation on the secondary metabolites of medicinal plants were reviewed, mainly focusing on the effects of light quality, light intensity and photoperiod, in order to provide theoretical basis and practical guidance for the efficient production of secondary metabolites with important pharmacological activities.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018287


Objective:To use rbcL sequences to identify the rhizomes of the Liaoning collection of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz.; To provide a basis for ensuring the feasibility of cultivation of the native herb in Liaoning Province. Methods:A total of 30 rhizomes of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. were collected from 10 regions cultivated in Liaoning Province, and the total DNA was extracted. DNA barcodes were screened by PCR, and the rbcL sequences of the samples were amplified and sequenced, and the amplification and sequencing success rates were calculated. Sequence alignment was performed using MEGA 7.0 software; a systematic clustering tree was constructed using the neighbour-joining method. Results:The success rates of DNA extraction from the rhizomes of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. were all 93.3%, and the success rates of PCR amplification and sequencing were all 100%. Among the 30 samples of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. in Liaoning Province, two samples had intraspecific variation, and the rest of the base sequences of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. were identical. Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. was closer to the herbs of the genus Cangzhu, a relative species of Asteraceae, and was genetically more distant from the rest of Asteraceae. The NJ tree could distinguish Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. and its relatives. Conclusion:The quality of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. cultivars in Liaoning Province is basically similar, and the rbcL sequence can be used as a valid sequence fragment for the identification of Atractylodes chinensis (DC.) Koidz. DNA barcode.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018288


Objective:To compare and evaluate the quality of wild and different cultivation methods of Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai through analysis on UPLC characteristic atlas and multi-component content determination results. Methods:UPLC was used to establish the characteristic chromatogram and multi-component content determination method of Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai, and clustering analysis, orthogonal partial least squares - discriminant analysis method were used for chemical pattern recognition analysis. Results:The results showed that there were 10 common peaks in 18 batches of Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai. Five components were identified, erythrothioneine(peak 1), protocatechuic acid (peak 2), protocatechualdehyde (peak 3), caffeic acid (peak 4) and Hispidin (peak 5). HCA and OPLS-DA could distinguish Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) with different cultivation methods. Conclusion:Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai in wood is closer to wild Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai than in substitute cultivation. The UPLC characteristic atlas and multi-component content determination method established in this study can provide reference for the quality evaluation of Sanghuang porus vaninii (Ljub.) L.W. Zhou & Y.C. Dai.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030551


@#The increasing number of drug-resistant pathogens is a global issue and becoming worse because it has reduced the effectiveness of current antibiotics in the management of infectious diseases. Therefore, this situation highlights the urgency of an action plan to identify and develop novel and potent antimicrobials derived from natural resources. Therapeutic compounds from natural resources can offer novel, straightforward approaches against pathogenic bacteria with the least toxic manifestations and a low risk of acquiring resistance. Marine organisms and coastal plants receive much interest among researchers nowadays for developing new pharmaceuticals because they are rich in secondary metabolites that have various pharmacological effects, such as antibacterial, anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and others. This review's goal is to highlight the phytochemical components of marine organisms and coastal plants that might be accountable for their antibacterial properties that have been scientifically confirmed and can be potential aids in treating infectious diseases caused by multidrug resistant (MDR) bacteria in humans.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016471


ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation among the botanical characteristics, biological characteristics, chemical composition, and medicinal properties and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) from latex-containing plants, so as to strengthen the theory of "identifying symptoms for qualities" and provide a reference for the development and utilization of the latex-containing plant resources. MethodStatistics on the meridians for properties and tastes, efficacy, medicinal parts, family and genus, and chemical components of TCM from latex-containing plants were carried out. A total of 53 TCM from latex-containing plants included in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia were screened by mining the Chinese Botanical Journal, Chinese Materia Medica, Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicines, and related literature. In addition, their meridians for properties and tastes, medicinal parts, chemical components, and TCM classifications were summarized and statistically analyzed by using Excel 2013 and ChiPlot 2023.3.31 software. ResultIt was found that latex-containing plants were mainly distributed in one kingdom, one phylum, two classes, and 20 families, and most of the TCM from latex-containing plants belonged to Dicotyledonaceae under Angiosperms. In terms of properties and tastes, plain>cold>warm>cool>hot and bitter>pungent>sweet>sour>salty. In terms of meridians, liver>lung>kidney>spleen=large intestine=stomach>heart>bladder=gallbladder=small intestines. In terms of medicinal parts, roots (root, rhizomes, tuberous root, and root bark)>resin>seed>whole herb (whole herb and above-ground part)>stem (stem and branch)>fruit>leaf>flower=skin. In terms of research on chemical components, they were mostly glycosides. In terms of TCM classification, they were mostly medicines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. ConclusionThe TCM from latex-containing plants is mainly plain, with a uniform warm and cold distribution. The tastes are mainly bitter and pungent, and the major meridians are the liver and lung. The roots and resins are mainly used as medicines. The components mostly contain glycosides, alkaloids, and volatile oils, and most of them are medicines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, as well as for removing heat and toxins. There is a certain degree of correlation among the growth habits, medicinal parts, chemical components, and the properties, tastes, and efficacy of the TCM from latex-containing plants. It may provide a reference for resource development and utilization of TCM from latex-containing plants.

Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 13-26, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010744


Medicinal plants are a valuable source of essential medicines and herbal products for healthcare and disease therapy. Compared with chemical synthesis and extraction, the biosynthesis of natural products is a very promising alternative for the successful conservation of medicinal plants, and its rapid development will greatly facilitate the conservation and sustainable utilization of medicinal plants. Here, we summarize the advances in strategies and methods concerning the biosynthesis and production of natural products of medicinal plants. The strategies and methods mainly include genetic engineering, plant cell culture engineering, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology based on multiple "OMICS" technologies, with paradigms for the biosynthesis of terpenoids and alkaloids. We also highlight the biosynthetic approaches and discuss progress in the production of some valuable natural products, exemplifying compounds such as vindoline (alkaloid), artemisinin and paclitaxel (terpenoids), to illustrate the power of biotechnology in medicinal plants.

Health Research in Africa ; 2(8): 1-14, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1562939


Introduction.Au Burkina Faso la production et l'utilisation des huiles essentielles ne sont pas encore bien développées. En 2002 on dénombrait environ 90 espèces aromatiques, et seulement 30 étudiées. Une étude approfondie et une exploitation des huiles essentielles provenant de plantes médicinales pourraient valoriser la médecine traditionnelle. L'objectif de cette revue était donc d'identifier et de répertorier les plantes médicinales à potentiel aromatique du Burkina Faso.Méthodologie. Une revue bibliographique et des moteurs de recherche à base de données scientifiques ont servi de méthodologie.Résultats.Dans cette étude, 84 plantes médicinales à potentiel aromatique ont été répertoriées. Ces plantes étaient issues de 44 familles dont celle des Césalpiniaceaela plus représentée. Les feuilles étaient les parties les plus utilisées pour l'extraction des huiles essentielles. Les composés actifs tels que les caryophyllènes, pinènes, phytols, linalols, acide hexadécanoïque, cinéole et phellandrène étaient les plus dominants. Les propriétés biologiques associées étaient anti-inflammatoire, antibactérienne, antioxydante et antimicrobienne.Conclusion.Cette revue indique le potentiel qu'ont certaines plantes médicinales du Burkina Faso pour l'exploitation de leurs huiles essentielles.Ainsi, les 85 plantes aromatiques répertoriées par cette étude pourrait être utiliséepour initier une investigation en produits cosmétologiques naturels, biologiques ou en pétrochimie

Introduction.In Burkina Faso, the production and use of essential oils are not yet well developed. In 2002, there were approximately 90 aromatic species, with only 30 studied. A thorough study and exploitation of essential oils from medicinal plants could enhance traditional medicine. The objective of this review was therefore to identify and list medicinal plants with aromatic potential in Burkina Faso. Methodology.A literature review and search engines based on scientific databases were used as methodology. Results.In this study, 84 medicinal plants with aromatic potential were listed. These plants came from 44 families, with the Césalpiniaceae family being the most represented. Leaves were the most commonly used parts for essential oil extraction. Active compounds such as caryophyllenes, pinenes, phytols, linalols, hexadecanoic acid, cineole, and phellandrene were the most dominant. The associated biological properties were anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. Conclusion.This review indicates the potential of certain medicinal plants in Burkina Faso for the exploitation of their essential oils. Thus, the 85 aromatic plants listed in this study could be used to initiate an an investigation natural, organic, or petrochemical cosmetic products

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469254


Abstract The presence of weeds in areas of agricultural activities is a hinderance to the development of these activities. It is important to take advantage of the vast open spaces suitable for agriculture and provide food security for humans, and also it is an important indicator for determining the feasibility of growing crops, benefiting from yield and determining the percentage of loss, clearing fields through agricultural practices, that protect crops from weed attack and agricultural practice method must be followed that will reduce weed presence. This study was conducted during the years 2018 to 2020 to evaluate Portulacaceae of Flora in the Taif area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at different altitudes (Area 1 =1700 m, Area 2 =1500 m, Area 3 =1500 m, Area 4 =500 m Area 5 = 2200 m, and Area 6 = 2200 m). The results show that there were 2,816 individuals of Portulaca oleracea weed, with the highest density found in A 1, followed by A 2, while in A 5 and A 6, no weeds were recorded. The highest density of weeds were in the Pomegranate fields, followed by Grape fields. The lowest density was found in A man field. The results of this study will help to take the necessary measures to combat weeds and its management in areas of agricultural activity, while more studies are needed to survey the ecology of weeds of Taif in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Resumo A presença de plantas daninhas em áreas de atividades agrícolas é um entrave ao desenvolvimento dessas atividades. É importante aproveitar os vastos espaços abertos adequados para a agricultura e dar segurança alimentar para o homem. Também é um indicador importante para determinar a viabilidade de cultivo de lavouras, beneficiando-se da produtividade e determinando o percentual de perda, desmatando campos agrícolas, práticas que protegem as lavouras do ataque de ervas daninhas, e métodos de práticas agrícolas devem ser seguidos para reduzir a presença de ervas daninhas. Este estudo foi realizado durante os anos de 2018 a 2020 para avaliar Portulacaceae de flora na área de Taif, no Reino da Arábia Saudita, em diferentes altitudes (Área 1 = 1.700 m, Área 2 = 1.500 m, Área 3 = 1.500 m, Área 4 = 500 m, Área 5 = 2.200 m, e Área 6 = 2.200 m). Os resultados mostram que houve 2.816 indivíduos de planta daninha Portulaca oleracea, com a maior densidade encontrada em A 1, seguida de A 2, enquanto em A 5 e A 6, nas plantas daninhas foram registrados. A maior densidade de ervas daninhas estava nos campos de romã, seguido pelos campos de uva. A densidade mais baixa foi encontrada no campo A man. Os resultados deste estudo ajudarão a tomar as medidas necessárias para combater as ervas daninhas e seu manejo em áreas de atividade agrícola, enquanto mais estudos são necessários para levantar a ecologia das ervas daninhas de Taif na Arábia Saudita.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469333


Abstract Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis is a vine species native to Brazil that is considered an unconventional food plant and a medicinal species whose phenolic compounds exert antioxidant activity. Since the production of metabolites is determined by environmental factors and leaf maturity, it is important to track these changes in order to determine the best time to harvest. This study aimed to verify whether leaf phenology and seasonality cause variations in the amount of phenolic compounds and in the antioxidant activity of this species. The leaves were collected in different seasons between September 2018 and April 2019, and separated according to maturity: young, mature, and senescent. Daily atmospheric temperature and rainfall data were used to characterize the collection period. The total phenolic content (TPC), determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method, was significantly higher in the young leaves collected in winter, a season of lower temperatures. These leaves showed 54.4 mg of gallic acid equivalents per 100 g of dry matter (mg GAE 100 g-1DM). Other results averaged 25.6 mg GAE 100 g-1DM. The highest antioxidant activity, assessed via the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, regardless of leaf phenology, was observed in leaves harvested in autumn (73.7%) and winter (71.1%), seasons with lower rainfall. Leaves harvested in summer and spring had lower antioxidant action rates (54.3 e 37.5%, respectively). There was no significant correlation between the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Thus, the phenolic composition of A. cordifolia, and consequently its activity on free radicals, varies seasonally in response to temperature and rainfall, and may or may not interact with the age of the leaves.

Resumo Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis é uma trepadeira nativa do Brasil considerada uma planta alimentícia não convencional e uma espécie medicinal, cujos compostos fenólicos exercem ação antioxidante. Como a produção de metabólitos é determinada por fatores ambientais e pela maturidade das folhas, é importante acompanhar essas mudanças a fim de determinar a época de colheita. Neste estudo objetivou-se verificar se a fenologia foliar e a sazonalidade ocasionam variação na quantidade de compostos fenólicos e na ação antioxidante dessa espécie. As folhas foram coletadas em diferentes estações, entre setembro de 2018 e abril de 2019, e separadas conforme a maturidade: jovens, maduras e senescentes. Os dados diários de temperatura atmosférica e pluviosidade foram usados para caracterizar o período de coleta. O conteúdo de fenólicos totais (TPC), determinado pelo método Folin-Ciocalteu, foi significativamente maior nas folhas jovens coletadas no inverno, período caracterizado por temperaturas mais baixas. Estas folhas apresentaram 54,4 mg equivalentes de ácido gálico por 100 g de matéria seca (mg GAE 100 g-1DM) . A média dos outros resultados foi de 25,6 mg GAE 100 g-1DM. A maior ação antioxidante, avaliada pelo método do radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), foi observada em folhas colhidas no outono (73,7%) e inverno (71,1%), independentemente da fenologia foliar. Nestes períodos a pluviosidade foi menor. Folhas colhidas no verão e na primavera apresentaram menores percentuais de ação antioxidante (54,3 e 37,5%, respectivamente). Não houve correlação significativa entre o conteúdo de fenólicos totais e a atividade antioxidante. Conclui-se que a composição fenólica de A. cordifolia e, consequentemente, sua ação sobre radicais livres, varia sazonalmente em resposta à temperatura e pluviosidade, podendo ou não interagir com a idade das folhas.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231582, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564048


Abstract Brazil has one of the greatest diversity of ferns and lycophytes in the world, especially in its humid forests. The knowledge about these plants in the 27 federative units is uneven and can potentially hamper conservation actions aimed at them. In the state of Sergipe, collections of these groups have been sporadic and about 50 species have been cataloged so far, a low number when compared to other states. This study aimed to compile the species of ferns and lycophytes occurring in Sergipe based on herbaria materials and recent samples collected. Therefore, specimens from herbaria were accessed, together with online databases, as well as 13 botanical expeditions were carried out in three areas. Our study recorded of 20 families, 44 genera and 86 species (75 ferns and 11 lycophytes), with eight new records for the state. The most representative families were Pteridaceae (21 spp.), Polypodiaceae (12), Anemiaceae (nine) and Selaginellaceae (eight). The genera Adiantum L. (eight spp.), Anemia Sw. (nine spp.) and Selaginella P.Beauv. (eight spp.) had the highest number of species. The study shows that efforts like these are extremely necessary and may eventually indicate the extent to which the richness of ferns and lycophytes in Sergipe is underestimated, also promoting researches in this area of Botany.

Resumo O Brasil possui uma das maiores diversidades de samambaias e licófitas do mundo, principalmente em florestas úmidas. No entanto, o conhecimento sobre essas plantas nas 27 unidades federativas é desigual e isso pode dificultar as ações de conservação voltadas para elas. No estado de Sergipe, as coletas desses grupos têm sido esporádicas e cerca de 50 espécies foram catalogadas até o momento, um número baixo quando comparado a outros estados. Este estudo teve como objetivo compilar as espécies de samambaias e licófitas ocorrentes em Sergipe a partir de materiais de herbários e amostragens recentes. Para tanto, foram acessados espécimes em herbários, juntamente com bancos de dados on-line, bem como 13 expedições botânicas foram realizadas em três áreas. Nosso estudo registrou 20 famílias, 44 gêneros e 86 espécies (75 de samambaias e 11 de licófitas), com oito novos registros para o Estado. As famílias mais representativas foram Pteridaceae (21 spp.), Polypodiaceae (12), Anemiaceae (oito) e Selaginellaceae (oito). Os gêneros Adiantum L. (oito spp.), Anemia Sw. (nove spp.) e Selaginella P.Beauv. (oito spp.) apresentaram o maior número de espécies. O estudo mostra que esforços como esses são extremamente necessários e podem eventualmente indicar o quanto a riqueza de samambaias e licófitas em Sergipe está subestimada, promovendo também pesquisas nessa área da Botânica.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231555, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564052


Abstract A pictorial key for the identification of aquatic and semiaquatic adults of Curculionidae associated with aquatic macrophytes from the Pantanal of Mato Grosso and the Amazon is presented for the first time based on the study of 13,252 specimens belonging to the two families of Curculionoidea (Brentidae and Curculionidae), six subfamilies, eight tribes, 22 genera and 24 species, most belonging to Tanysphyrini (Curculionidae, Brachycerinae). This key can be extrapolated to the Neotropical Region fauna due to the wide distribution of the included species, which is discussed in relation to taxonomic, biogeographical, and ecological studies.

Resumo Apresenta-se pela primeira vez uma chave pictórica para identificação dos adultos aquáticos e semiaquáticos de Curculionidae associados às macrófitas aquáticas do Pantanal mato-grossense e da Amazônia, baseada no estudo de 13.252 exemplares pertencentes a duas famílias de Curculionoidea (Brentidae e Curculionidae), seis subfamílias, oito tribos, 22 gêneros e 24 espécies, a maioria pertencente a Tanysphyrini (Curculionidae, Brachycerinae). A chave proposta pode ser extrapolada para a fauna da Região Neotropical devido a ampla distribuição das espécies incluídas, as quais são discutidas em relação aos estudos taxonômicos, biogeográficos e ecológicos.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(1): 37-45, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560401


RESUMEN Objetivos . Determinar los factores asociados al consumo de plantas medicinales como prevención de la COVID-19 en la población peruana. Materiales y métodos. Se evaluó población mayor de 18 años, residentes en Perú y sin antecedentes de enfermedad por COVID-19. Los factores asociados al consumo de plantas medicinales se evaluaron mediante un modelo de regresión de Poisson con varianzas robustas. Resultados. De 3231 participantes incluidos, el 84,6% eran jóvenes (18-29 años), el 62,7% eran mujeres y el 59,7% consumía alguna planta medicinal para prevenir la COVID-19. Los factores asociados al consumo de plantas medicinales para prevenir el contagio de COVID-19 fueron residir en la sierra peruana, haber tenido un familiar diagnosticado con COVID-19, haber tenido un familiar fallecido por COVID-19, considerar que su familia se encuentra en mayor riesgo de infección, haber usado medicamentos o dióxido de cloro para prevenir la COVID-19, tener información médica como principal fuente de información sobre la COVID-19, pensar que las plantas medicinales son efectivas para prevenir la enfermedad COVID-19 o no estar informado sobre su eficacia. Conclusión . El 60% de los participantes reportó haber consumido alguna planta medicinal para prevenir la COVID-19. Es importante que las autoridades apliquen estrategias de comunicación sobre lo que implica el consumo de plantas medicinales, priorizando los grupos poblacionales que tienen mayores patrones de consumo.

ABSTRACT Objectives. Determine the factors associated with the consumption of medicinal plants as a preventive measure against COVID-19 in the Peruvian population. Materials and methods. A population over 18 years of age, living in Peru and without a history of COVID-19 disease, was evaluated. The factors associated with the consumption of medicinal plants were evaluated using a Poisson regression model with robust variances. Results. Of the 3231 participants included, 84.6% were young adults (18-29 years old), 62.7% were women, and 59.7% consumed a medicinal plant to prevent COVID-19 infection. The factors associated with the consumption of medicinal plants to prevent COVID-19 infection were residing in the Peruvian highlands, having had a family member diagnosed with COVID-19, having had a family member die from COVID-19, considering their family to be at increased risk of infection, having used medications or chlorine dioxide to prevent COVID-19, having medical information as the main source of information about COVID-19, thinking that medicinal plants are effective in preventing COVID-19 disease, or not being informed about their effectiveness. Conclusion. Sixty percent of the participants reported having consumed a medicinal plant to prevent COVID-19. Authorities must apply communication strategies about the implications of consuming medicinal plants, prioritizing population groups with higher consumption patterns.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Medicina Herbária , Medicina Tradicional , SARS-CoV-2
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-18, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1554280


Objective: To identify and analyze plant extracts used in Brazil for the treatment of oral ulcers and oral mucositis. Material and Methods: A systematic review was registered in PROSPERO (CRD 42018102184) and performed following the PRISMA protocol. The databases searched were PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Scielo, the Brazilian Dentistry Library. Manual searches were also performed. Results: Initially, 440 studies were found, of which 392 were excluded after reading the titles and abstracts. A total of 29 articles were read in full and 11 studies were excluded, resulting in 18 articles included in the systematic review. Nine plant species were identified in five clinical trials and 13 in vivo studies, with Chamomila recutita being the most used (33.3% of the studies). Chamomila recutita showed more promising results for analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Calotropis procera latex significantly decreased (p<0.05) inflammatory mediators, such as TNF-α and IL-1ß in oral mucositis induced in rats. Eupatorium laevigatum showed anti-inflammatory activity and analgesic action on oral ulcers. Carapa guianensis Aubl. reduced the severity and painful symptoms of oral mucositis and exhibited better results compared to the use of low power laser. Curcuma longa L accelerated re-epithelialization and resolution of inflammatory processes. Spondias mombin reduced oxidative stress and inflammation caused by oral mucositis and helped on healing it. Extracts of Aloe barbadensis Miller or Aloe vera showed anti-inflammatory action but did not help in the healing process of oral ulcers. Copaifera reticulata Ducke oil did not induce improvement in the healing process, nor did it show an anti-inflammatory effect. Malva sylvestrisdid not show an anti-inflammatory action on oral lesions in humans or rats. The assessment of methodological heterogeneity showed the impossibility of performing a meta-analysis. Risk of bias varied from low to high. Conclusion: The plant species most used and with the best results for the treatment of oral ulcerations and oral mucositis was Chamomilla recutita. Spondias mombin L., Curcuma longa L., Carapa guianensis Aubl and Calotropis procera showed good results in the treatment of oral mucositis, while Eupatorium laevigatum was efficient in the treatment of ulcers of traumatic origin. Malva sylvestris, Copaifera reticulata Ducke, and Aloe barbadensis Miller did not exhibit significant results (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar e analisar extratos vegetais utilizados no Brasil para o tratamento de úlceras orais e mucosite oral. Material e Métodos: Uma revisão sistemática foi registrada no PROSPERO (CRD 42018102184) e realizada seguindo o protocolo PRISMA. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, Scielo, Biblioteca Brasileira de Odontologia. Buscas manuais também foram realizadas. Resultados: Inicialmente, foram encontrados 440 estudos, dos quais 392 foram excluídos após a leitura dos títulos e resumos. Um total de 29 artigos oram lidos na íntegra e 11 estudos foram excluídos, resultando em 18 artigos incluídos na revisão sistemática. Nove espécies vegetais foram identificadas em cinco ensaios clínicos e 13 estudos in vivo, sendo a Chamomila recutita a mais utilizada (33,3% dos estudos). A Chamomila recutita apresentou resultados mais promissores quanto às propriedades analgésicas, anti-inflamatórias e cicatrizantes. O látex de Calotropis procera diminuiu significativamente (p<0,05) os mediadores inflamatórios, como TNF-α e IL-1ß, na mucosite oral induzida em ratos. Eupatorium laevigatumapresentou atividade anti-inflamatória e ação analgésica em úlceras orais. Carapa guianensis Aubl. reduziu a gravidade e os sintomas dolorosos da mucosite oral e apresentou melhores resultados em comparação com o uso do laser de baixa potência. Curcuma longa L. acelerou a reepitelização e resolução de processos inflamatórios. Spondias mombinreduziu o estresse oxidativo e a inflamação causadas pela mucosite oral e ajudou na sua cicatrização. Extratos de Aloe barbadensis Miller ou Aloe vera apresentaram ação anti-inflamatória, mas não auxiliaram no processo de cicatrização de úlceras orais. O óleo de Copaifera reticulata Ducke não induziu melhora no processo cicatricial, nem apresentou efeito anti-inflamatório. Malva sylvestris não apresentou ação anti-inflamatória em lesões orais em humanos ou ratos. A avaliação da heterogeneidade metodológica mostrou a impossibilidade de realizar uma meta-análise. O risco de viés variou de baixo a alto. Conclusão: A espécie vegetal mais utilizada e com melhores resultados para o tratamento de ulcerações orais e mucosite oral foi a Chamomilla recutita. Spondias mombin L., Curcuma longa L., Carapa guianensis Aubl e Calotropis procera apresentaram bons resultados no tratamento da mucosite oral, enquanto Eupatorium laevigatum foi eficiente no tratamento de úlceras de origem traumática. Malva sylvestris, Copaifera reticulata Duckee Aloe barbadensis Miller não apresentaram resultados significativos(AU)

Plantas Medicinais , Estomatite , Extratos Vegetais , Úlceras Orais , Mucosite , Fitoterapia
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e254174, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360213


Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis is a vine species native to Brazil that is considered an unconventional food plant and a medicinal species whose phenolic compounds exert antioxidant activity. Since the production of metabolites is determined by environmental factors and leaf maturity, it is important to track these changes in order to determine the best time to harvest. This study aimed to verify whether leaf phenology and seasonality cause variations in the amount of phenolic compounds and in the antioxidant activity of this species. The leaves were collected in different seasons between September 2018 and April 2019, and separated according to maturity: young, mature, and senescent. Daily atmospheric temperature and rainfall data were used to characterize the collection period. The total phenolic content (TPC), determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method, was significantly higher in the young leaves collected in winter, a season of lower temperatures. These leaves showed 54.4 mg of gallic acid equivalents per 100 g of dry matter (mg GAE 100 g-1DM). Other results averaged 25.6 mg GAE 100 g-1DM. The highest antioxidant activity, assessed via the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, regardless of leaf phenology, was observed in leaves harvested in autumn (73.7%) and winter (71.1%), seasons with lower rainfall. Leaves harvested in summer and spring had lower antioxidant action rates (54.3 e 37.5%, respectively). There was no significant correlation between the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Thus, the phenolic composition of A. cordifolia, and consequently its activity on free radicals, varies seasonally in response to temperature and rainfall, and may or may not interact with the age of the leaves.

Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis é uma trepadeira nativa do Brasil considerada uma planta alimentícia não convencional e uma espécie medicinal, cujos compostos fenólicos exercem ação antioxidante. Como a produção de metabólitos é determinada por fatores ambientais e pela maturidade das folhas, é importante acompanhar essas mudanças a fim de determinar a época de colheita. Neste estudo objetivou-se verificar se a fenologia foliar e a sazonalidade ocasionam variação na quantidade de compostos fenólicos e na ação antioxidante dessa espécie. As folhas foram coletadas em diferentes estações, entre setembro de 2018 e abril de 2019, e separadas conforme a maturidade: jovens, maduras e senescentes. Os dados diários de temperatura atmosférica e pluviosidade foram usados para caracterizar o período de coleta. O conteúdo de fenólicos totais (TPC), determinado pelo método Folin-Ciocalteu, foi significativamente maior nas folhas jovens coletadas no inverno, período caracterizado por temperaturas mais baixas. Estas folhas apresentaram 54,4 mg equivalentes de ácido gálico por 100 g de matéria seca (mg GAE 100 g-1DM) . A média dos outros resultados foi de 25,6 mg GAE 100 g-1DM. A maior ação antioxidante, avaliada pelo método do radical livre 2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil (DPPH), foi observada em folhas colhidas no outono (73,7%) e inverno (71,1%), independentemente da fenologia foliar. Nestes períodos a pluviosidade foi menor. Folhas colhidas no verão e na primavera apresentaram menores percentuais de ação antioxidante (54,3 e 37,5%, respectivamente). Não houve correlação significativa entre o conteúdo de fenólicos totais e a atividade antioxidante. Conclui-se que a composição fenólica de A. cordifolia e, consequentemente, sua ação sobre radicais livres, varia sazonalmente em resposta à temperatura e pluviosidade, podendo ou não interagir com a idade das folhas.

Plantas Medicinais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estações do Ano , Compostos Fenólicos , Antioxidantes
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e249230, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345556


Abstract The presence of weeds in areas of agricultural activities is a hinderance to the development of these activities. It is important to take advantage of the vast open spaces suitable for agriculture and provide food security for humans, and also it is an important indicator for determining the feasibility of growing crops, benefiting from yield and determining the percentage of loss, clearing fields through agricultural practices, that protect crops from weed attack and agricultural practice method must be followed that will reduce weed presence. This study was conducted during the years 2018 to 2020 to evaluate Portulacaceae of Flora in the Taif area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at different altitudes (Area 1 =1700 m, Area 2 =1500 m, Area 3 =1500 m, Area 4 =500 m ِ Area 5 = 2200 m, and Area 6 = 2200 m). The results show that there were 2,816 individuals of Portulaca oleracea weed, with the highest density found in A 1, followed by A 2, while in A 5 and A 6, no weeds were recorded. The highest density of weeds were in the Pomegranate fields, followed by Grape fields. The lowest density was found in A man field. The results of this study will help to take the necessary measures to combat weeds and its management in areas of agricultural activity, while more studies are needed to survey the ecology of weeds of Taif in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Resumo A presença de plantas daninhas em áreas de atividades agrícolas é um entrave ao desenvolvimento dessas atividades. É importante aproveitar os vastos espaços abertos adequados para a agricultura e dar segurança alimentar para o homem. Também é um indicador importante para determinar a viabilidade de cultivo de lavouras, beneficiando-se da produtividade e determinando o percentual de perda, desmatando campos agrícolas, práticas que protegem as lavouras do ataque de ervas daninhas, e métodos de práticas agrícolas devem ser seguidos para reduzir a presença de ervas daninhas. Este estudo foi realizado durante os anos de 2018 a 2020 para avaliar Portulacaceae de flora na área de Taif, no Reino da Arábia Saudita, em diferentes altitudes (Área 1 = 1.700 m, Área 2 = 1.500 m, Área 3 = 1.500 m, Área 4 = 500 m, Área 5 = 2.200 m, e Área 6 = 2.200 m). Os resultados mostram que houve 2.816 indivíduos de planta daninha Portulaca oleracea, com a maior densidade encontrada em A 1, seguida de A 2, enquanto em A 5 e A 6, nas plantas daninhas foram registrados. A maior densidade de ervas daninhas estava nos campos de romã, seguido pelos campos de uva. A densidade mais baixa foi encontrada no campo A man. Os resultados deste estudo ajudarão a tomar as medidas necessárias para combater as ervas daninhas e seu manejo em áreas de atividade agrícola, enquanto mais estudos são necessários para levantar a ecologia das ervas daninhas de Taif na Arábia Saudita.

Humanos , Portulacaceae , Arábia Saudita , Produtos Agrícolas , Agricultura , Plantas Daninhas
Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449506


Introducción: Las áreas impactadas por minería en bosques tropicales requieren de la aplicación de estrategias de restauración ecológica, pero este proceso, muchas veces involucra el uso de especies vegetales exóticas, desconociendo los efectos sobre la regeneración ecológica de los sitios donde se introducen. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de las plantaciones de Acacia mangium (planta exótica) sobre la rehabilitación ecológica temprana (suelo y vegetación) de áreas impactadas por minería de oro a cielo abierto en la selva pluvial tropical del Chocó, Colombia. Métodos: Se seleccionaron 16 áreas mineras como unidades de muestreo (ocho reforestadas con A. mangium y ocho en sucesión natural) en dos localidades. En cada unidad de muestreo se estableció una parcela de 2 × 50 m (cuatro parcelas por escenario de muestreo y localidad), donde se analizó la fertilidad del suelo (parámetros físicos y químicos) y se cuantificó el número de individuos de cada especie de planta vascular. Resultados: Se registraron 73 especies (69 géneros, 45 familias). La densidad de individuos fue mayor en áreas de sucesión natural que en aquellas reforestadas con A. mangium; por el contrario, la riqueza y diversidad de especies fueron superiores bajo las plantaciones de A. mangium. La similitud florística fue baja entre escenarios sucesionales (especies compartidas 35.6 %). El suelo mostró mejores condiciones (especialmente, N-NHO3) en áreas con A. mangium que en áreas en regeneración natural. Conclusiones: Las plantaciones de A. mangium parecen facilitar la rehabilitación temprana de la fertilidad del suelo y la vegetación en las minas abandonadas; por lo tanto, esta especie puede jugar un papel importante para la implementación de estrategias de restauración ecológica de áreas impactadas por minería de oro a cielo abierto en el Chocó y otros sistemas forestales tropicales con condiciones ambientales y de perturbación similares.

Introduction: Mining-impacted areas in tropical forests require the application of ecological restoration strategies, but this process often involves use of exotic plant species ignoring the effects on the ecological regeneration of the sites where they are introduced. Objective: To evaluate the effect of Acacia mangium plantations (exotic plant) on early ecological rehabilitation (soil and vegetation) of areas impacted by open-pit gold mining in the tropical rain forest of Chocó, Colombia. Methods: 16 mining areas were selected as sampling units (eight reforested with A. mangium and eight in natural succession) in two locations. In each sampling unit, a 2 × 50 m plot was established (four plots per sampling scenario and locality), where soil fertility (physical and chemical parameters) was analyzed and the number of individuals of each vascular plant species was quantified. Results: 73 species (69 genera, 45 families) were recorded. The density of individuals was higher in areas of natural succession than in those reforested with A. mangium; conversely, species richness and diversity were higher under the A. mangium plantations. Floristic similarity was low between successional scenarios (shared species 35.6 %). The soil showed better conditions (especially N-NHO3) in mining areas with A. mangium than in those in natural regeneration. Conclusions: A. mangium plantations appears to facilitate the early rehabilitation of soil fertility and vegetation in abandoned mines; therefore, this species can play an important role in the implementation of ecological restoration strategies in areas impacted by open-pit gold mining in the Chocó and other tropical forest systems with similar environmental and disturbance conditions.