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Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 26(2): 34-41, abr./jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491635


O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar a comparação entre três modalidades de terapias hidroeletrolíticas, sendo umahipotônica (SeHIPO) e outra isotônica (SeISO), ambas por via enteral em fluxo contínuo (HETfc), com a solução de ringer lactatopor via intravenosa (RL IV), na taxa de infusão de 15 ml/kg/h, administradas simultaneamente em tempo real por 8 horas numdelineamento crossover 6X3 em equinos desidratados experimentalmente pela utilização de parâmetros clínicos do exame físicoe de alguns exames laboratoriais. Para tanto foram utilizadas 6 éguas adultas da raça Brasileiro de Hipismo submetidas a umprotocolo experimental de indução de desidratação (PD) e posteriormente tratadas de acordo com o delineamento experimental.Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que ambos os tratamentos HETfc demonstraram eficácia equivalente ao RL IV na reversãodos efeitos determinados pelo PD, ainda que para os marcadores da volemia, tais como o Volume Globular (VG), ProteínasPlasmáticas Totais (PPT) e porcentagem de Volume Plasmático (%VP) tenham sido relativamente mais lentos. Porém, para osdemais marcadores clínicos a eficácia entre as três terapias estudadas foi equivalente. Esses resultados comprovam a ação dasterapias HETfc ao serem comparadas ao tratamento RL IV, pela utilização dos marcadores clínicos e laboratoriais utilizados, ejustificam a indicação e utilização dessas modalidades terapêuticas em equinos.

The objective of the present study was to compare three modalities of hydroelectrolytic therapies, one hypotonic (SeHIPO) andanother isotonic (SeISO), both by continuous enteral flow (HETfc), with intravenous lactated ringer solution ( RL IV), at the infusionrate of 15 ml / kg / h, administered simultaneously in real time for 8 hours in a 6X3 crossover design in horses experimentallydehydrated by the use of clinical parameters of the physical examination and some laboratory tests. Six adult mares of the BrazilianEquestrian race were submitted to an experimental protocol for induction of dehydration (PD) and later treated according to theexperimental design. The results showed that both HETfc treatments demonstrated an efficacy equivalent to RL IV in the reversalof the effects determined by PD, although for volume markers such as Globular Volume (VG), Total Plasma Proteins (PPT) andPercentage of Plasmatic Volume (% VP) were relatively slower. However, for the other clinical markers the efficacy among thethree therapies studied was equivalent. These results confirm the action of HETfc therapies when compared to RL IV treatment,by the clinical and laboratorial markes used, and justify the indication and use of these therapeutic modalities in horses.

Animais , Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Cavalos/sangue , Administração Intravenosa/veterinária , Biomarcadores/análise , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Biomarcadores/sangue
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; 24(5): 386-390, Sept.-Oct. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-977829


INTRODUCTION: The low pH of sports drinks may cause tooth enamel demineralization. Objective: To measure Vickers hardness of human enamel exposed to sports drinks. METHODS: Human molars were used to collect the enamel samples. Each sample had a test surface (exposed to the drinks) and a control surface (unexposed). The samples were exposed to isotonic drinks Gatorade and Powerade, and to maltodextrin drinks Malto Advanced and Malto Active, for 10 minutes every 12 hours over 30 days. The Vickers microhardness test was conducted with three indentations on each surface. The mean of the indentations within each group was considered in the statistical analysis. Sports drinks variables were analyzed with ANOVA/Tukey (p≤0.01). The independent t-test was used in the comparison between the control and test surfaces of each drink (p ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: Enamel exposure to Gatorade (p = 0.000) Malto Advanced (p = 0.000) and Malto Active (p = 0.000) was seen to significantly reduce microhardness, while the isotonic drink Powerade had no significant effect on enamel (p = 0.248). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that with the exception of the isotonic drink Powerade, all the sports drinks tested caused a reduction in the microhardness of human enamel. Evidence Level III; Therapeutic studies - Investigating the Results of Treatment.

INTRODUÇÃO: O baixo pH de bebidas esportivas pode promover perda mineral do esmalte dental. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a microdureza Vickers do esmalte humano exposto a bebidas esportivas. MÉTODOS: Dentes molares humanos foram usados para coletar as amostras de esmalte. Cada amostra apresentou uma superfície de teste (exposta às bebidas) e uma superfície de controle (não exposta). As amostras foram expostas aos isotônicos Gatorade e Powerade e às maltodextrinas Advanced Series e Malto Active durante 10 minutos de 12/12 horas, durante 30 dias. O teste de microdureza Vickers foi realizado com três indentações em cada superfície. Na análise estatística, foi considerada a média das indentações dentro de cada grupo. As variáveis bebidas esportivas foram avaliadas com ANOVA/Tukey (p ≤ 0,01). Na comparação entre a superfície controle e teste de cada bebida foi utilizado o Teste t para amostras independentes (p ≤ 0,05). RESULTADO: Observou-se que a exposição do esmalte a Gatorade (p = 0,000), Malto Advanced (p = 0,000) e Malto Active (p = 0,000) reduz significativamente a microdureza, enquanto que o isotônico Powerade não produziu efeito significativo sobre o esmalte (p = 0,248). CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que com exceção do isotônico Powerade, todas as bebidas esportivas testadas provocaram redução na microdureza do esmalte dental humano. Nível de Evidência III; Estudos terapêuticos ­ investiga o resultado de um tratamento.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El bajo pH de bebidas deportivas puede favorecer la pérdida mineral del esmalte dental. OBJETIVO: Evaluar el esmalte dureza Vickers humano expuesto a las bebidas deportivas. MÉTODOS: Se utilizaron los dientes molares para la toma de las muestras de esmalte. Cada muestra tenía una superficie de prueba (expuestos a las bebidas) y una superficie de control (no ex-puesta). Las muestras fueron expuestas en isotónica Gatorade y Powerade, y maltodextrinas, y la serie Advanced activo Malto durante 10 minutos 12/12 horas durante 30 días. La prueba de dureza Vickers se realizó con tres muescas en cada superficie. El análisis estadístico fue la media de las muescas dentro de cada grupo. variables de bebidas deportivas se analizaron con ANOVA / Tukey (p≤0,01). La comparación entre la superficie de control y prueba de cada bebida se utilizó la prueba t para muestras independientes (p ≤ 0,05). RESULTADOS: Se observó que la exposición del esmalte Gatorade (p = 0,000) Malto avanzada (p = 0,000) y Malto activo (p = 0,000) reduce significativamente la dureza, mientras que Powerade isotónica ningún efecto significativo sobre el esmalte (p = 0,248). CONCLUSIÓN: Se concluye que con la excepción de Powerade isotónica, todas las bebidas deportivas probados causó una reducción en la dureza del esmalte humano. Nivel de Evidencia; Estudios terapéuticos - Investigación de los resultados del tratamento.

Humanos , Erosão Dentária/etiologia , Esmalte Dentário/química , Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Análise de Variância , Desmineralização do Dente/etiologia , Solubilidade do Esmalte Dentário , Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Testes de Dureza/métodos
Nutrire Rev. Soc. Bras. Aliment. Nutr ; 42: 1-7, Dec. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-880961


BACKGROUND: The present study evaluates the effects of energy drinks on the reproductive and biochemical parameters of adult male rats. METHODS: A total of 40 male rats (Wistar) were exposed to an energy drink mixed with the drinking water for a period of 120 days. The animals were divided into four groups and exposed to increasing therapeutic doses (DT) of an energy drink, based on allometric extrapolation, resulting in values (mL/day) per animal of 250 g: DT1 2.36 mL, DT3 7.47 mL, and DT6 14.16 mL. The control group (CTRL) consumed water only. During the treatment, the rats were assessed for signs of toxicity. After treatment, the animals were sacrificed and their organs were weighed. Sperm parameters (motility, concentration, and morphology) were evaluated. The biochemical markers alanine eamino transferase, aspartate amino transferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, urea, creatinine, creatine phosphokinase, and creatine kinase MB fraction were measured, in addition to total cholesterol and testosterone. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease (p< 0.05) in the concentration of sperm in the treated groups (DT18.5 ± 0.7; DT3 7.2 ± 0.9; DT6 8.4 ± 0.9) compared to the control group (12.3 ± 1.2). No difference was observed with respect to relative weights of the animals'organs, water consumption, signs of toxicity, behavioral changes, biochemical markers, and sperm motility and morphology. CONCLUSION: The long-term consumption of energy drinks interferes negatively with sperm concentration, without affecting sperm motility and morphology or altering the hepatic, cardiac, or renal functions

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Biomarcadores/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/estatística & dados numéricos , Contagem de Espermatozoides/estatística & dados numéricos
Perspect. nutr. hum ; 17(1): 79-91, ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-773304


Antecedentes: las bebidas energizantes se promueven como curas milagrosas contra el cansancio, lo cual ha logrado que su consumo se incremente progresivamente. Objetivo: revisar el estado actual del conocimiento respecto a las bebidas energizantes y sus componentes, particularmente sus efectos benéficos y adversos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica abierta en las bases de datos Science Direct, Scielo, Medline y Pubmed utilizando diferentes combinaciones de los siguientes descriptores: energy drinks, marketing, caffeine, taurine, glucose, guarana, xantine, vitamins, pharmacology, heart rate, cognition, natural product, decision-making. Resultados: aunque no se conocen con claridad todos los componentes y sus concentraciones en las bebidas energizantes comercializadas, algunos de los componentes más comunes, tales como la cafeína y la taurina, tienen efectos adversos demostrados. Conclusión: no existen estudios concluyentes que demuestren los efectos benéficos de las bebidas energizantes, pero si existe suficiente evidencia de los efectos adversos de algunos de sus componentes más comunes. Son necesarios más estudios para determinar con certeza la seguridad de las bebidas energizantes, las cuales poseen un potencial tóxico considerable, que no es informado debidamente al consumidor.

Background: Energy drinks are promoted as solutions to prevent tiredness, which has caused that their consumption increased progressively. Objective: To review the current state of knowledge regarding energy drinks and their components, particularly the beneficial and adverse effects. Materials and methods: A broad search was performed in Science Direct, SciELO, Medline and Pubmed databases, employing different combinations of the following descriptors: energy drinks, marketing, caffeine, taurine, glucose, guarana, xantine, vitamins, pharmacology, heart rate, cognition, natural product, decision-making. Results: Although the commercial energy drink components and their concentrations are not clearly determined, there is not enough evidence to support the adverse effects of some of their most common components as caffeine and taurine. Conclusion: There are no conclusive studies to support beneficial effects of energy drinks, but instead there is enough evidence about the adverse effects of some of the most common components of these beverages. Many more studies are needed to determine the safety of energy drinks, which have a considerable toxic potential not adequately informed to the consumer.

Humanos , Bebidas Energéticas , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Bebidas Energéticas/análise
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-746938


OBJETIVO Determinar la capacidad buffer de la saliva al ser añadida a distintas bebidas energéticas comercializadas en Chile, mediante mediciones de pH in vitro. MÉTODOS Fue requerida la participación de 3 pacientes jóvenes sistémicamente sanos, sin enfermedad de las glándulas salivales. Las muestras de saliva estimulada fueron obtenidas de cada paciente, las cuales fueron mezcladas y almacenadas en una sola muestra. Se seleccionaron 13 bebidas energéticas comercializadas a nivel nacional. Un total de 5 mL de cada bebida energética se distribuyó en 4 tubos Falcon. Se midió el pH de cada una de las bebidas energéticas, de la saliva y del agua potable. Se añadió 1 mL de agua potable al tubo Falcon número 1 y 1 mL de saliva a los 3 tubos restantes, cada 3 min hasta completar 13 mL de solución en cada uno (38% vol./vol.). Las mediciones de pH fueron realizadas en cada 1 mL añadido (saliva/agua), para permitir al ph-metro registrar de manera correcta. RESULTADOS Los rangos de pH para las bebidas energéticas van desde pH 2,42 ± 0,008 (Battery Gingered®), hasta pH 3,44 ± 0,005 (Battery Sugar Free®). La saliva en promedio tuvo un valor de pH 7,99 y el agua potable de 7,05. La bebida que más logró aumentar el pH, luego de agregar la saliva, fue la bebida Speed® que llegó a un valor de pH 4,38, mientras la que logró menos fue la bebida Quick Energy®, con un valor de pH 3,37. CONCLUSIÓN La capacidad buffer de la saliva logró aumentar entre 17 y 54% el pH de las bebidas energéticas analizadas en este estudio. Sin embargo, no pudo neutralizar los bajos niveles de pH de estas bebidas más allá de un pH final de 4,38, que es crítico para la estructura dentaria.

OBJECTIVE To determine, using in vitro pH measurements, the buffering capacity of saliva when added to different energy drinks sold in Chile. METHOD The participation of 3 young and systemically healthy patients, with no diseases of the saliva glands, was obtained. Samples of stimulated saliva where obtained from each patient and then mixed and stored as one sample. The study used 13 energy drinks sold nationwide, with 5 mL of each one being distributed into 4 Falcon tubes. The pH of each of the energy drinks, the saliva sample, and drinking water was measured. 1 mL of drinking water was added into Falcon tube number 1, and 1 mL of saliva into the 3 remaining every 3 min until completing 13 mL of solution in each one (38% vol./vol.). The pH measurements where performed upon adding each 1 mL (saliva/water) to allow the pH meter to correctly register the data. RESULTS The pH levels for energy drinks range between pH 2.42 ± 0.008 (Battery Gingered®), to pH 3.44 ± 0.005 (Battery Sugar Free®). The saliva had a mean pH value of 7.99, and 7.05 for drinkable water. The energy drink that achieved a higher increase in pH level was Speed®, reaching a value of pH 4.38, while the energy drink that increased the pH level the least was Quick Energy®, only reaching a pH of 3.37. CONCLUSION The buffering capacity of saliva managed to increase the pH level of energy drinks analyzed in this study between 17 and 54%. However, saliva was unable to neutralize further than 4.38 the low levels of pH in these drinks, thus being critical to dental structure.

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Saliva , Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Técnicas In Vitro , Soluções Tampão
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708825


Desde hace una década están disponibles en el mercado nacional, tanto bebidas como otros productos energéticos. Su popularidad ha ido en aumento, sin embargo su consumo no está exento de riesgos. La cafeína es el ingrediente activo principal de estas bebidas y el consumo excesivo puede llegar a causar alteraciones en la salud general. Mucha gente las bebe a diario sin estar consciente del daño potencial que puede significar para su salud y sus dientes, especialmente en el caso de niños y adolescentes. En Chile, la acidez de estas bebidas es desconocida. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el pH de las bebidas energéticas presentes en el mercado chileno, estableciendo su potencial erosivo sobre los dientes. Metodología: La muestra quedó formada por 8 diferentes bebidas energéticas disponibles en Chile. El pH fue evaluado con un pHmetro calibrado (microprocessor pH to put AOKTON, pH/Ion 510) a 4°C y 17°C. Los resultados obtenidos fueron registrados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: El rango de pH osciló entre 2.57 (Kem Xtreme) y 3.30 (Red Bull). El promedio fue 2.88 a 4°C y 2.89 a 17°C. Conclusiones: Todas las muestras estudiadas tuvieron pH ácido, haciendo de ellas bebidas potencialmente erosivas para los dientes. Los valores de pH fueron menores a 4°C que a 17°C, pero sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0.05).

For a decade, energy drinks and other energy products have been available in the national market, and their popularity has increased. The consumption is not risk free, though. Caffeine is the main active ingredient in these drinks and an excessive consumption may be dangerous for general health. Many people drink them daily without being aware of the potential risk they pose on their health and teeth, especially on children and adolescents. Currently, the acidity of those beverages is unknown in Chile. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the pH of energy drinks, and correlate it with their erosive potential on teeth. Methodology: 8 different energy drinks available in Chile constituted the sample. pH was measured with a calibrated digital pHmeter (microprocessor pH to put AOKTON, pH / Ion 510) at 4°C and 17°C. The results obtained were registered and statistically analyzed. Results: pH values ranged from 2.57 (Kem Xtreme) to 3.30 (Red Bull) the mean pH was 2.88 and 2.89, at 4°C and 17°C respectively. Conclusions: All of the beverages showed low pH, which makes them potentially erosive for hard dental tissue. The pH values were lower at 4°C than at 17°C, but without statistical significance (p>0.05).

Bebidas Energéticas/análise , Bebidas Energéticas/efeitos adversos , Erosão Dentária/induzido quimicamente , Chile , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio