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Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(3): 391-400, ago. 2021. tab., ilus.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1400103


La candidiasis es una enfermedad micótica debida a levaduras pertenecientes al género Candida. Dentro del gran conjunto de microorganismos que colonizan al ser humano, Candida albicans es el agente etiológico más comúnmente detectado ya que habita como comensal en las superficies mucosas y la piel. C. albicans participa en procesos de fermentación de azúcares y asimilación de nutrientes, pero, en algunas ocasiones se relaciona con procesos patológicos. En los últimos años los avances tecnológicos y médicos; así como el aumento en la incidencia de infecciones por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, el auge creciente de la terapia inmunomoduladora y el uso de antibióticos de amplio espectro durante largos períodos de tiempo se han convertido en los factores de riesgo más importantes para la creciente incidencia de infecciones por microorganismos del género Candida. Debido a esto, resulta imperativo el conocimiento de esta enfermedad y sus formas clínicas más importantes, así como el abordaje diagnóstico y el tratamiento actual; información que recolectamos en este documento para brindar una visión general sobre esta patología(AU)

Candidiasis is a fungal disease caused by yeasts belonging to the genus Candida. Within the large group of microorganisms that colonize humans, candida albicans is the most commonly detected etiological agent since it inhabits mucosal surfaces and skin as a commensal. C. albicans participates in sugar fermentation processes and assimilation of nutrients but, on some occasions, it is related to pathological processes. In recent years, technological and medical advances; As well as the increase in the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus infections, the growing boom in immunomodulatory therapy and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics for long periods of time have become the most important risk factors for the increasing incidence of infections by microorganisms of the genus Candida. Due to this, knowledge of this disease and its most important clinical forms, as well as the current diagnostic approach and treatment, is imperative; information that we collect in this document to provide an overview of this condition(AU)

Humanos , Candidíase/etiologia , Candidíase Cutânea/diagnóstico , Candidíase Vulvovaginal/diagnóstico , Fatores de Risco , Candida albicans , Incidência , Esofagite , Imunomodulação
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 8(4): 316-324, nov. 5, 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145354


Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are aggressive treatments for cancer management. Both therapies make the stomatogatic system vulnerable to adverse effects on the oral mucosa and hard tissues. This may result in severe oral complications that can affect the quality of life of the oncologic patient. Consequently, oral diagnosis and interdisciplinary management by the stomatologist are critical for cancer treatment, regardless of its location. Objective. To determine the oral health status of cancer patients before, during and after antineoplastic treatment at a cancer institute in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. Materials and Methods. A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study of 131 cancer patients, was conducted. The study consisted of initial stomatological assessment of the antineoplastic therapy; classification according to the antineoplastic therapy given by the oncologist; a second stomatological assessment during treatment; and a final stomatological assessment or evaluation forty days after the end of therapy. Descriptive statistics, chi-square and MacNemar test were used to compare and identify variances at the different stages. Results. Female patients accounted for 69%, and breast cancer had 24% prevalence among the included subjects. At the initial stomatological assessment, high frequency lesions were identified, such as generalized biofilm-associated gingivitis in 69% of the cases, followed by oral candidiasis in 61%. The specific prevalence of lesions was 10.65%. In the second stomatological assessment, a greater frequency of periodontal abscesses was observed in 31%, and oral mucositis type II in 18%. The third clinical assessment showed significant changes in oral health status; an increase in the frequency of gingivitis was found in 9.9% (p<0.001); unlike before and during, there was an increment in dental caries of 26.73% (p<0.00000) at this last stage, root remains increased by 39.53% (p<0.00000), and finally, xerostomia increased by 45%. Oral candidiasis was the only lesion that showed improvement. Conclusion. An increase in the number of lesions was observed during and after antineoplastic treatment. The oral cavity is susceptible to antineoplastic treatments; gingivitis, candidiasis, xerostomia, and mucositis were observed, among others conditions.

La quimioterapia y la radioterapia son tratamientos agresivos para el manejo del cáncer, producen susceptibilidad en el sistema estomatogático causando efectos adversos en mucosa bucal y tejidos duros. Esto se traduce a complicaciones bucales agresivas, que afectan la calidad de vida del paciente oncologico, por lo que es fundamental el diagnostic bucal y manejo interdisciplinario que incluya el estomatologo en manejo del cáncer, indistintamente de su localizacion. Objetivo. Determinar el estado de salud bucal antes, durante y después del tratamiento antineoplásico en un instituto oncológico de la ciudad de Barranquilla. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio descriptivo prospectivo longitudinal, con una muestra de 131 pacientes con cáncer. Constó de: valoración estomatológica inicial a la terapia antineoplásica, clasificación según la terapia antineoplásica asignada por el oncólogo, una segunda valoración estomatológica durante los tratamientos, y finalmente una última valoración estomatológica cuarenta días de culminadas las terapias. Se empleó estadística descriptiva, chi cuadrado y prueba de MacNemar para comparar e identificar varianzas en las diferentes fases. Resultados. Un 69% eran del género femenino con frecuencia de cáncer de mama en un 24%. A la valoración estomatológica inicial se identificó alta frecuencia de lesiones como gingivitis asociada a biofilm generalizada en un 69%, seguida de candidiasis oral en un 61%. La prevalencia puntual de lesiones fue de 10,65%. En el segundo examen estomatológico se observó mayor frecuencia de abscesos periodontales en un 31% y mucositis oral tipo II en un 18%, entre otras. La tercera valoración clínica mostró cambios significativos en la salud bucal; se encontró un aumento de la frecuencia de gingivitis en un 9,9% (p<0,001) a diferencia del antes y el durante, igualmente para la caries dental se encontró aumentada en un 26,73% (p<0,00000), restos radiculares aumentó en un 39,53% (p<0,00000) y finalmente la xerostomía aumentando en un 45%, entre otras; la única lesión que mostró mejoria fue la candidiasis oral. Conclusión. Se observó un aumento de las lesiones, durante y después del tratamiento antineoplásico. La cavidad oral es susceptible a los tratamientos antineoplásicos, se relacionan con: gingivitis, candidiasis, xerostomía, mucositis entre otras.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Saúde Bucal , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , Neoplasias da Mama/complicações , Candidíase/etiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Colômbia , Gengivite/etiologia
Acta ortop. mex ; 32(1): 36-40, ene.-feb. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019325


Resumen: Antecedentes: La infección e inestabilidad se encuentran entre las complicaciones de más difícil manejo en la cirugía protésica de hombro. La inestabilidad acumula hasta la mitad de los casos, mientras que la infección por hongos representa menos de 1% del total de infecciones y pueden causar daño severo a nivel óseo y de partes blandas. Métodos: En este caso clínico se presenta una infección fúngica por Candida parapsilosis en una hemiartroplastía de hombro indicada por una fractura de húmero proximal. Se dio tratamiento quirúrgico en dos tiempos y administración de fluconazol durante ocho semanas previo al segundo tiempo quirúrgico. En la revisión se colocó una prótesis reversa como tratamiento definitivo; sin embargo, el paciente sufrió varios episodios de luxación en el postoperatorio. Fue necesaria una segunda cirugía de revisión protésica para sustituir por componentes de mayor estabilidad. Durante la misma, se extrajeron muestras que fueron analizadas, obteniéndose resultados negativos para infección. Resultados: Actualmente tras tres años de seguimiento, el paciente se encuentra bien, sin limitaciones en su labor diaria y tiene un Constant Score de 50.5. Discusión: Reportamos nuestra experiencia en esta situación excepcional. A nuestro conocer, éste es uno de los primeros casos en los que la infección fúngica y la luxación protésica coinciden en un mismo paciente. Esta situación es un reto para el cirujano, el cual tiene que tratar las dos complicaciones prácticamente a la vez. No se dispone de una evidencia científica para establecer un criterio unificado para el tratamiento de las complicaciones tras cirugía de revisión de artroplastía de hombro, especialmente en la prótesis reversa o megaprótesis.

Abstract: Background: Infection and instability are the complications of prosthetic shoulder surgery of more difficult management. Instability builds up to half of the cases, while the fungal infection accounts for less than 1% of all and can cause severe damage to bone and soft tissue. Methods: In this case clinical fungal infection by Candida parapsilosis is presented in a shoulder hemiarthroplasty indicated by a fracture of the proximal humerus. He received surgical treatment in two-stages and administration of fluconazole for eight weeks prior to the second surgical time. In revision surgery was placed a reverse prosthesis as definitive treatment; however, the patient suffered several episodes of dislocation in the postoperative period; a second revision prosthetic surgery was necessary to use more stable components. During this surgery, we extracted samples that were analyzed, obtaining negative results for infection. Results: Now after three years of follow-up, the patient is well, no limitations in their daily work and has a Constant Score of 50.5. Discussion: We report our experience in this exceptional situation. We know, this is one of the first cases where the fungal infection and dislocation prosthetics in the same patient meet. This situation is a challenge for the surgeon, which has to treat complications two practically at the same time; we do not have scientific evidence to establish a criterion unified for the treatment of complications after surgery for revision of arthroplasty of the shoulder, especially in reverse or mega-denture prosthesis.

Humanos , Masculino , Reoperação , Candidíase/etiologia , Artroplastia do Ombro/efeitos adversos , Articulação do Ombro , Amplitude de Movimento Articular , Resultado do Tratamento , Candida parapsilosis/isolamento & purificação
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 13(3)dez. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-774727


A cândida sp. são fungos comensais dos seres humanos e consideradasflora normal do trato gastrointestinal e genitourinário.Entretanto alterações na imunidade do hospedeiro podem culminarem infecção por estes fungos, definida como candidíase.Uma causa importante do desequilíbrio imunológico são asdoençasendócrinas, principalmente o Diabetes tipo 2. Pacientesdiabéticos estão mais propensos a desenvolver formas infecciosasde candidíase, destacando o comprometimento esofágicoque muitas vezes, não é diagnosticado. O objetivo deste estudofoi relatar um caso de paciente diabético tipo 2 com processoinfeccioso importante à esclarecer decorrente de extensa cândidíaseesofágica. Paciente masculino, 55 anos, procedente deItacoatiara-AM, tabagista de longa data. Após história prévia deinternação hospitalar para tratamento de Diabetes tipo 2 descompensadae piomiosite de coxa esquerda, evoluiu com asteniainsidiosa, anorexia, mal-estar e febre diária (38,5 ºC), intermitente,vespertina, sendo diagnosticado e tratado para infecçãodo trato urinário, sem melhora. Após piora do quadro, acrescidode disfagia para sólidos e perda ponderal, foi re-internado paraelucidaçãodiagnóstica. Durante a investigação apurou-se sangueoculto nas fezes positivo, seguida de endoscopia digestivaalta mostrando várias placas elevadas esbranquiçadas linearese confluentes ocupando todo o trajeto do esôfago, compatívelcom candidíase esofágica grau III de KODSI. As sorologias paraHIV e Hepatites B e C, foram negativas. A biopsia revelou esofagiteaguda erosiva. Devemos estar atentos à possibilidade de infecção por cândida, em especial, o comprometimento esofágico,nos pacientes diabéticos descompensados que apresentemfatores de risco associados a sinais e sintomas da doença e/ouinfecciosos, sem foco definido.(AU)

Candida sp. are commensal fungi of humans and are considerednormal flora of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts.However, changes in the host immunity may lead to infection bythese fungi, defined as candidiasis. A major cause of the imbalanceare immune endocrine diseases, especially type 2 diabetesmellitus. Diabetic patients are more likely to develop infectiousforms of candidiasis, in particular the esophageal involvementthat often goes undiagnosed. The aim of this study was to reporta case of a type 2 diabetic patient with an infectious processwhich is important to clarify the result of extensive esophagealcandidiasis. Male patient, 55 years, coming from Itacoatiara-AM,a longtime smoker. After a history of hospitalization for treatmentof decompensated diabetes mellitus type 2 and pyomyositis of theleft thigh, it progressed with insidious asthenia, anorexia, malaiseand intermittent evening daily fever (38.5 °C), he was diagnosedand treated for urinary tract infection with no improvement.After the condition worsened, followed by dysphagia for solidsand weight loss, he was re-admitted for diagnosis. During theinvestigation it was found positive fecal occult blood, upperendoscopy showed multiple elevated confluent whitish linearplaques occupying the entire course of the esophagus, esophagealcandidiasis compatible with grade III KODSI. Serology forHIV and Hepatitis B and C were negative. The biopsy revealed acute erosive esophagitis. We must be alert to the possibility ofinfection by Candida, in particular, esophageal involvement inpatients presenting decompensated diabetic risk factors associatedwith signs and symptoms of disease and/or infections, without adefined focus.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Candidíase/etiologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/patologia , Esofagite/tratamento farmacológico , Candida/isolamento & purificação , Fluconazol/uso terapêutico
EJMM-Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology [The]. 2015; 24 (4): 25-33
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-175719


Background: Bottle fed infants are prone to increased incidence of candidal colonization and infection

Objectives: The current study aimed at testing the effect of an artificial milk formula used in bottle feeding on Candida albicans germination and biofilm formation

Methodology: C. albicans ATCC 10231 was submitted for germination and biofilm formation tests under the effect of different concentrations of one of the common artificial milk formulas available in the market [AMF-A] which is both cow's milk and soy based.Germination was tested under 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% [vol/vol] of AMF-A in phosphate buffered saline [PBS], while concentrations in biofilm tests were 1%, 5%, 10%, 15% [vol/vol] of AMF-A in yeast nitrogen base [YNB] broth. Biofilms were grown on silicone discs and quantified by crystal violet staining with determination of the optical densities [ODs] and colony forming units [CFUs] counting. The structure of the biofilms was studied by light microscopic examination after crystal violet staining

Results: All tested concentrations of AMF induced germination of the tested strain, as the germination percentages after 4 hours were 40%, 53% and 60% for AMF 0.25%, 0.5% and 1%, respectively. Both ODs and CFUs revealed that the adding of AMF to YNB has synergistic effect on biofilm formation. Microscopically, most of the formed biofilms were of low density but the density was increasing with increasing incubation time

Conclusion: The tested AMF enhanced germination and biofilm formation of C. albicans, and consequently its virulence, and although the biofilms were weak, they still can provide sources for continuous oral candidal colonization in the bottle fed infants

Humanos , Lactente , Candidíase/etiologia , Substitutos do Leite , Biofilmes , Lactente
EJMM-Egyptian Journal of Medical Microbiology [The]. 2015; 24 (4): 89-97
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-175727


Background: Candida species are among the most common fungal pathogens in ICU patients. Candida albicans was the predominant species, but a shift toward non-albicans Candida species has been recently observed

Objectives: To detect the prevalence of different Candida species and determine their antifungal susceptibility profile in ICU patients using phenotypic methods, the Vitek 2 system compared with CHROMagar Candida agar and a genotypic method; PCR-RFLP

Methodology: Various clinical samples were collected from 248 ICU patients in Sohag University Hospital from the period between September 2014 and May 2015. Samples were cultured on CHROMagar Candida agar. Results were compared with those of Vitek 2 system and confirmed by PCR- RFLP method and antifungal susceptibility profiles were analyzed by disc diffusion and Vitek 2 antifungal susceptibility tests

Results: The study revealed an overall isolation rate of Candida species among ICU patients was 29% by PCR-RFLP. Candida albicans was the most frequent species isolated [40.3%]. Non- albicans Candida species including Candida tropicalis [22.2%], Candida glabrata [18%], Candida krusei [12.5%], C. parapsilosis [4.2%], C. dubliniensis [1.4%] and Candida guilliermondii [1.4%] were also isolated. The sensitivity of vitek 2 with regard to correct identification of Candida species was 96%; the specificity was 100%, also CHROMagar Candida agar enable the correct identification with sensitivity 89%, specificity 100%. Vitek 2 antifungal susceptibility tests results were found to be an accurate method as it was compared with the disc diffusion method for fluconazole, voriconazole and amphotracin B

Conclusion: CHROMagar Candida agar supported by Vitek 2 system is a valuable method for identification of common Candida species, these methods are easy to interpret and give rapid results in comparison with the expensive PCR-RFLP method. Although amphotericin B and fluconazole are widely used in clinical practice, there was no evidence of enhanced resistance. Moreover, voriconazole could be used in treatment of fluconazole-resistant Candida species

Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Candida/genética , Candidíase/etiologia , Cromatografia em Agarose , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Polimorfismo de Fragmento de Restrição
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-145799


Fungal infections in humans occur as a result of defects in the immune system. An increasing emergence in oral Candidal and non-Candidal fungal infections is evident in the past decade owing to the rise in the immunodeficient and immunocompromised population globally. Oral Candidal infection usually involves a compromised host and the compromise may be local or systemic. Local compromising factors include decreased salivation, poor oral hygiene, wearing dentures among others while systemic factors include diabetes mellitus, nutritional deficiency, HIV infection/AIDS and others. Oral candidiasis is generally a localized infection and rarely appears as a systemic fungal disease whereas oral non-Candidal fungal infections are usually signs of disseminated disease. Some of the non-Candidal fungi that were once considered exotic and geographically restricted are now seen worldwide, beyond their natural habitat, probably attributed to globalization and travels. Currently infections from these fungi are more prevalent than before and they may present either as primary oral lesions or as oral manifestations of systemic mycoses. This review discusses the various predisposing factors, clinical presentations, clinical differential diagnosis, diagnosis and management of oral candidiasis, as well as briefly highlights upon a few of the more exotic non-Candidal fungi that infect the oral mucosa.

Candidíase/tratamento farmacológico , Candidíase/epidemiologia , Candidíase/etiologia , Candidíase/microbiologia , Candidíase/terapia , Humanos , Mucosa Bucal/microbiologia , Micoses/tratamento farmacológico , Micoses/epidemiologia , Micoses/etiologia , Micoses/microbiologia , Micoses/terapia , Higiene Bucal
Bol. venez. infectol ; 22(1): 10-16, ene.-jun. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-721088


Mundialmente, en las últimas dos décadas se ha observado un incremento en la frecuencia de las infecciones micóticas diseminadas, con alta morbi-mortalidad, particularmente importante en las infecciones por Candida. El objetivo es determinar la frecuencia de candidiasis diseminada, en pacientes con enfermedades hemato-oncológicas o aplasia medular que ingresaron a los servicios de medicina interna del hospital universitario de caracas, con fiebre y neutropenia, entre enero y septiembre de 2010, realizándose evaluación exhaustiva y tomándose muestras de sangre, además de otras muestras en caso de presencia de lesiones, para el diagnóstico micológico. Se evaluaron 48 pacientes en el período del estudio, diagnósticandose 21 casos (43,75%) de micosis diseminadas, catalogadas como infecciones probadas en 13 y probables en 8 casos. De las infecciones probadas 8 (38%) correspondieron a infecciones por Candida: en uno se aisló Candida albicans y en 7, Candida no albicans: 2 pacientes con candida tropicalis, 2 con candida glabatra y uno con candida guillermondii. Dos cepas fueron informadas como candida spp, y 5 por otros hongos. Las infecciones micóticas diseminadas contribuyen sustancialmente a la morbimortalidad de los pacientes con neutropenia, por lo tanto es fundamental la sospecha y diagnóstico temprano de estas entidades en los pacientes con cáncer de origen hematológico y aplasia medular.

Wordwide, there has been an increase in the incidence of disseminated fungal diseases during the last two decades, with high morbidity and mortality particularly importante in Candida infections. To determine the frequency of disseminated candidiasis in patients with hemato-oncological diseases or bone marrow aplasia and febrile neutropenia. A descriptive, prospective and analytical study was conducted. Patients with hemato-oncological diseases or bone marrow aplasia who were hospitalized at the internal medicine service of the hospital universitrio de caracas, with fever and neutropenia, between january and september, 2010 were included, making torough assessment and taking blook samples as well as other clinical specimen when other lesions were present, for mycological diagnosis. During the study period, 48 patients were evaluated. Twenty one cases were diagnosed (43.75%) as disseminated fungal disease. They were classified as proven in 13 cases and probable in 8. From the proven diseases, 8 (38%) corresponded to Candida infections: in one, Candida albicans was isolated and in 7, Candida non-albicans: 2 patients with Candida tropicalis were found, 2 with Candida glabrata and one with Candida guillermondii. Two were reported as Candida spp. In 5 patients other fungi were found. Dissemiated fungal infections substantially contribute to morbidity and mortality in neutropenic patients. For this reason, awareness and early diagnosis of this disease are crucial are crucial in patients with hematological cancer and bone marrow aplasis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Candida albicans , Candida tropicalis , Candidíase/etiologia , Doenças Hematológicas , Neutropenia/complicações , Neutropenia/diagnóstico , Micose Fungoide/imunologia
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-63790


Perforation peritonitis is treated with surgery and antibiotics. This study was conducted to identify bacterial and fungal microorganisms responsible for peritonitis in patients with hollow viscus perforation and to examine the influence of these microorganisms on the outcome. A prospective study was conducted from May 2005 to September 2006 involving 84 consecutive patients with spontaneous gastrointestinal perforation peritonitis, who were referred for surgery. Peritoneal fluid was analyzed by microbial culture and biochemical tests for bacteria and fungi. The Jabalpur Prognostic Score was calculated. Forty-two of the 84 patients had positive peritoneal fluid cultures. Escherichia coli was the most common bacterium (n=26) and Candida (n=13) the most common fungus isolated. Bacterial isolates were largely sensitive to amikacin while all the Candida isolates were sensitive to fluconazole. Mortality was significantly higher in patients with positive peritoneal cultures (15/42) compared with those with negative peritoneal cultures (0/42, p<0.001), and in patients with mixed bacterial and fungal-positive cultures (10/13) compared with those with isolated bacterial cultures (5/29, p<0.001). Using the Jabalpur Prognostic Score, positive fungal cultures were found to be associated with a significantly higher than expected mortality. Patients with gastrointestinal perforations and positive peritoneal cultures have a poor prognosis, which is significantly worsened by the association of positive fungal cultures. Early recognition and treatment of fungal infection is advisable.

Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Candidíase/etiologia , Criança , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Perfuração Intestinal/complicações , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Úlcera Péptica Perfurada/complicações , Peritonite/microbiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 39(4): 213-217, oct.-dic. 2007. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-634559


Fungal peritonitis is a rare but serious complication of peritoneal dialysis. The aim of this study was to analyze peritonitis rates, associated factors, clinical course, microbiological aspects, therapeutic regimens, and outcome of patients with fungal peritonitis in the dialysis center of a teaching hospital over the last 25 years. A hundred and eighty three episodes of peritonitis were detected and microbiologically documented in 57 patients. Fungi were identified in eight episodes (4.37%) occurring in seven female patients. The fungal peritonitis rate was 0.06 episodes/patient-year. Gram and Giemsa stains were positive in five out of eight dialysate fluids. The causative microorganisms were: Candida albicans in five episodes, and Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata, and Neosartorya hiratsukae in the remaining three. Antibiotics were administered to all but one patient, within 3 months before fungal peritonitis was detected. All patients required hospitalization, and antifungal therapy was administered in all episodes. The Tenckhoff catheter was removed in seven out of eight fungal peritonitis. All patients recovered from the fungal episodes. In the group of patients studied, it is concluded that recent exposure to antibiotics and female sex, were strongly associated with the development of fungal peritonitis by yeasts. The peritonitis caused by the environmental filamentous fungus did not require antibiotic pressure. Direct microscopy of the dialysate pellet was extremely useful for the prompt management of the fungal episode. Fungal peritonitis preceded by multiple episodes of bacterial peritonitis always determined the definitive dropout of the patient from the peritoneal dialysis program. Patients with de novo yeastrelated peritonitis could continue on the program.

La peritonitis fúngica es una complicación infrecuente pero grave de la diálisis peritoneal. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron el análisis de las tasas de peritonitis, factores asociados, aspectos clínicos y microbiológicos, esquemas terapéuticos y evolución de los pacientes afectados. Se detectaron y documentaron microbiológicamente 183 episodios de peritonitis en 57 pacientes. Se identificaron hongos en ocho episodios (4,37%) en siete pacientes, todos ellos de sexo femenino. La tasa de peritonitis fúngica fue 0,06 episodios/paciente-año. Las coloraciones de Gram y Giemsa revelaron la presencia de microorganismos en cinco de los ocho líquidos de diálisis evaluados. Los microorganismos causales fueron Candida albicans en cinco episodios y Candida parapsilosis, Candida glabrata y Neosartorya hiratsukae en los otros tres. Todos estos pacientes, excepto uno, habían recibido antibióticos en los tres meses previos al episodio de peritonitis fúngica. El catéter de Tenckhoff fue extraído en siete de los ocho episodios. Todos los pacientes evolucionaron favorablemente. Concluimos que en la población estudiada el sexo femenino y la administración reciente de antibióticos estuvieron estrechamente relacionados con el desarrollo de peritonitis fúngicas por levaduras. Sin embargo, la peritonitis causada por el hongo filamentoso ambiental no requirió de la presión antibiótica. La microscopía del sedimento del líquido de diálisis fue útil en el manejo precoz del episodio. La peritonitis fúngica precedida por múltiples episodios de peritonitis bacteriana determinó siempre la exclusión definitiva del paciente del programa de diálisis peritoneal. Los pacientes con peritonitis de novo por levaduras, en cambio, pudieron continuar en él.

Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Candidíase/epidemiologia , Cateteres de Demora/efeitos adversos , Infecção Hospitalar/epidemiologia , Diálise Peritoneal/efeitos adversos , Peritonite/epidemiologia , Ascomicetos , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Argentina/epidemiologia , Infecções Bacterianas/complicações , Infecções Bacterianas/tratamento farmacológico , Candidíase/etiologia , Infecção Hospitalar/etiologia , Infecção Hospitalar/microbiologia , Contaminação de Equipamentos , Hospitais de Ensino/estatística & dados numéricos , Micoses/epidemiologia , Micoses/etiologia , Diálise Peritoneal Ambulatorial Contínua/efeitos adversos , Diálise Peritoneal Ambulatorial Contínua/instrumentação , Diálise Peritoneal/instrumentação , Peritonite/etiologia , Peritonite/microbiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Superinfecção/epidemiologia , Superinfecção/etiologia , Superinfecção/microbiologia
Bol. micol ; 22: 75-80, dic. 2007. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-598293


Con el objeto de conocer las especies causantes de candidosis humanas en pacientes HIV positivos o con otras inmunodeficiencias secundarias y la incidencia de especies con capacidad de resistencia a antifúngicos, se estudiaron 76 aislamientos de Candida procedentes de 61 casos de candidosis superficiales y profundas de niños y adultos. Obtenidas desde piel, anexos, mucosas, abscesos, catéteres y secreciones diversas, entre otras. La identificación de las especies fue realizada por estudios de características morfológicas, cromogénicas y bioquímicas (CHROMagar , Candifast, API 20 y API 32). Los resultados revelan predominio de especies noalbicans (52.7 por ciento), obteniéndose las siguientes frecuencias de aislamientos: C.albicans (47,3 por ciento), C. parapsilosis: 15,8 por ciento, C. glabrata: 13,2 por ciento, C. krusei: 11,8 por ciento, C. tropicalis: 10,6 por ciento y C. dubliniensis: 1,3 por ciento. Algunas de ellas pueden presentar resistencia primaria o secundaria a algunos antifúngicos de uso habitual, por lo cual es necesario incluir estudios de sensibilidad a estos, para una mejor conducta terapéutica.

In order to find out species causing human candidosis in positive HIV patients or in individuals suffering from other secondary immunodeficiencies and the incidence of species bearing a resistance ability to antifungal agents, 76 Candida isolations obtained from 61 cases of superficial and deep candidosis in children and adults were studied. Samples were collected from skin, annexa, mucosities, abscesses, catheters and diverse secretions, among others. The identification of species was carried out through studies on morphological, chromogenic and biochemical characteristics (CHROMagar, Candifast, API 20 and API 32). Results reveal a predominance of non-albican species (52,7 percent), and the following frequencies of isolation: C.albicans (47.3 percent), C. parapsilosis: 15.8 percent, C.glabrata: 13.2 percent, C. krusei: 11.8 percent, C. tropicalis: 10.6 percent and C. dubliniensis: 1.3 percent. Some of them may exhibit some primary or secondary resistance to certain antifungal agents of common use, this is why it is necessary to include studies on sensitivity of them so as to attain a better therapeutical behaviour.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Criança , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS , Antifúngicos/antagonistas & inibidores , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Candidíase/classificação , Candidíase/etiologia , Candidíase/genética , Candidíase/microbiologia , Candidíase/prevenção & controle , Candidíase/terapia , Candidíase/transmissão , Argentina , Doenças do Sistema Imunitário/complicações
Journal of Shaheed Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. 2007; 15 (1): 61-67
em Persa, Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-104724


Vaginits is probably the most common infection in women during their reproductive years, resulting in 5-10 million health-care visits a year, worldwide. Vulvovaginal candidiasis [vvc] is the second-most common form of vaginitis in the Unite.! States, which is associated with use of oral contraceptives containing high bevels of estrogen and hormonal therapies. Midwives play an important role not only in the assessment and management of vaginal infections. but also in educating women about vaginal health. Recognizing risk factors assodiated with infections are the key to vaginal health. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and risk factors of Candidal vaginitis in women referring to Tabriz health centers. This was a cross sectional study carried out on 1000 women aged 15-49 years who were selected by multiple random method. A sample of vaginal discharge was taken from the posterior fornix of the cervix and from the vaginal wall using sterile cotton swabs. The mycelium was observed by microscopic examination of a wet mount of the secretions. Another sample was taken for culturing in Agar sabura and transported to the laboratory. In addition, questionnaires with personal and reproductive information were completed. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 15 and chi-square and, t student statistical tests were used for analysis. This investigation indicated that prevalence of candidiasis was 25.2%. There was no meaningful statistical relationship between age, marriage age, occupation, education status, body mass index, day of menstruation cycle and abortion history with candidal vaginitis [p>.05].but a statistically significant relationship was observed between number of deliveries, vaginal Ph with candidiasis. Also, there was a reverse statistical relationship between OCP, DMPA methods and candidiasis. Midwives and other health professionals have an important role to play by giving more information to women about infections and associated risk factors, thus improving their quality of life

Humanos , Feminino , Candidíase/etiologia , Prevalência , Causalidade , Mulheres , Centros Comunitários de Saúde , Vaginite , Estudos Transversais , Fatores de Risco , Educação , Tocologia , Qualidade de Vida
Pediatr. día ; 22(2): 14-18, mayo-jun. 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-443380


El síndrome autoinmune poliglandular (SAP) corresponde a una infrecuente entidad clínica que se reconoce por el compromiso de dos o más glándulas endocrinas basados en mecanismos autoinmunes, siendo posible además la afectación de órganos no endocrinos por esta misma causa. Debido a esto último el término síndrome autoinmune "poliendocrino", antes utilizado frecuentemente, ya no es completamente aceptado para referirse a esta patología. Actualmente existen dos grupos clásicos (SAP tipo I y tipo II) los cuales se clasifican de acuerdo a la edad de presentación de la enfermedad, combinaciones características de órganos comprometidos y patrón hereditario, entre otros. Además se describen otros dos grupos de menor importancia clínica llamados SAP tipo III y IV. A continuación se presenta un caso clínico pediátrico de SAP tipo II diagnosticado en el Hospital Herminda Martín de Chillán y una revisión actualizada de la literatura correspondiente.

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Poliendocrinopatias Autoimunes/classificação , Poliendocrinopatias Autoimunes/complicações , Poliendocrinopatias Autoimunes/diagnóstico , Evolução Clínica , Candidíase/etiologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/complicações , Doença de Addison/complicações , Hipoparatireoidismo/etiologia , Insulina/uso terapêutico , Poliendocrinopatias Autoimunes/tratamento farmacológico , Síndrome
Saudi Medical Journal. 2006; 27 (11): 1706-1710
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-80648


To investigate the risk factors and the Candida species that cause candiduria in hospitalized patients via a case-control study. We evaluated the results of the urine analysis of the specimens sent to the laboratories of Central Microbiology and the Department of Clinical Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases of Selcuk University Medical School, Konya, Turkey between January and December 2004. The urinary specimens, sent from hospitalized patients, obtained within 72 hours were evaluated. A total of 51 patients above 17 years of age, without any bacterial growth in urine specimens, with fever above 38 degrees celcius and pyuria were included in this study. A control group of 153 patients without any bacterial growth at 72 hours after hospitalization was present. The average age of the patients, the hospitalization period, and clinics resemble each other in the 2 groups. Risk for candiduria was increased by 4 folds [p=0.001; OR=4.020] in abdominal surgery, by 1.4 folds [p=0.335; OR:1.478] in corticosteroid and immune suppressive therapies and by 12 folds [p=0.000; OR=12.408] in urinary catheterization, antibiotic use increased the risk of candiduria by 6 folds [p=0.000; OR=6.00]. The risk of candiduria was higher by 2 folds in diabetes mellitus patients than in the controls [p=0.044; OR=2.002]. Candida albicans [68.62%] was the most commonly isolated agent in candiduria patients. We should decrease the use of urinary catheters and avoid excess use of antibiotics as much as possible in hospitalized patients

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Candidíase/etiologia , Candidíase/prevenção & controle , Infecção Hospitalar/urina , Infecção Hospitalar/etiologia , Infecções Urinárias/etiologia , Fatores de Risco , Cateterismo Urinário/efeitos adversos
Rev. patol. trop ; 34(2): 123-128, maio-ago. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-426782


A candidíase pode ser descrita como a mais freqüente infecção fúngica oportunística. Ela produz lesões que variam de cutâneas a sistêmicas. Embora a Candida albicans seja o agente mais comumente isolado, espécies como C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii e C. krusei têm sido identificadas como agentes de candidíase. Neste trabalho, foram coletados materiais de lesões superficiais de diferentes regiões do corpo de 2.083 pacientes do Laboratório de Micologia IPTSP-UFG, durante o ano de 2003, para identificação de fungos do gênero Candida. As amostras coletadas foram submetidas a exame direto, usando-se KOH a 40por cento, e cultivadas em ágar Sabouraud dextrose acrescido de cloranfenicol. Os isolados foram identificados por produção de tubo germinativo e clamídoconídios e assimilação de hidratos de carbono. Foram isoladas 190 leveduras do gênero Candida (9,1por cento), entre as quais C. albicans (63,2por cento), C. parapsilosis (14,2por cento) e C. tropicalis (9,5por cento) foram as espécies mais freqüentes. As lesões por Candida foram predominantes nas unhas das mãos (42,1por cento) e dos pés (42,6por cento). Os resultados obtidos mostraram um aumento de C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis como agentes de candidíase, comprovando a participação de outras espécies não-albicans como patógenos emergentes.

Feminino , Humanos , Candida , Candidíase/epidemiologia , Candidíase/etiologia , Unhas/lesões , Brasil/epidemiologia
Indian Pediatr ; 2005 Jul; 42(7): 667-72
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-6227


We determined the rate and risk factors for colonization of 103 peripheral intravenous catheter and 32 central venous catheters. 52.5% peripheral catheters had colonization. Common organisms isolated were Pseudomonas (33.3%) and coagulase negative Staphylococci (29.6%). Colonization was higher in catheters inserted in the lower limb. Overall 62.5% of the central catheters were colonized, chiefly by coagulase negative Staphylococci, Pseudomonas and Candida. All central catheters in place for more than 11 days were colonized. Subclavian vein catheters had a higher rate (68.2%) of colonization in comparison to femoral vein insertions (40%). We conclude that upper limb placements are preferable to lower limbs when using peripheral lines. Changing peripheral intravenous catheters every 48 hours and central venous catheters every 10 days may decrease the rate of colonization.

Adolescente , Candidíase/etiologia , Cateterismo Periférico/efeitos adversos , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/etiologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Positivas/etiologia , Humanos , Índia , Lactente , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica
JMJ-Jamahiriya Medical Journal. 2005; 4 (2): 153-155
em Inglês | IMEMR | ID: emr-71708


Candidosis Endocrinopathy Syndrome [CES] is the combination of candidiasis, juvenile idiopathic hypoparathyroidism and Addison's disease. Other components such as keratoconjunctivitis, hypothyroidism or pernicious anemia may be present. W report a 40 years old Libyan woman who presented with repeated attacks of muscle twitching, cramps, tetany and rigidity. Also there was a history of a epileptiform seizures and mental retardation. On examination there was bilateral cataract. Oral examination revealed multiple white plaques over buccal mucosa and tongue with fissured lips and widely separated and hypoplastic teeth. There was no thyroid swelling. All 20 nails were thin, ridged, brittle and discolored. Chvostek's sign and Trousseau's sign were positive. Laboratory investigations showed low serum calcium [3.0 mg/dl] with normal serum phosphate and high alkaline phosphates [284 U/L]; serum sodium and postassium were within normal. Microscopic examination of 20 percent potassium hydroxide [KOH] preparation from oral mucosa and nails was positive for candida species. No evidence of intracranial clacification on X-ray of the skull but CT-Scan of the brain showed bilateral clacification of the basal ganglia. In conclusion, our case showed evidence of mucocutaneous candidiasis [MC], eye involvement, hypoparathyroidism, but no evidence of Addison's disease or hypothyroidism. All patients diagnosed with CES need life-long follow-up, because even though this patient didn't have all the components of the syndrome, they may appear later in life

Humanos , Masculino , Candidíase/etiologia , Síndrome , Hipoparatireoidismo , Doença de Addison