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Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569899


La Dra. Raquel Pérez González, más conocida entre colegas, alumnos y compañeros de trabajo por "la profe Raquel", obtuvo el título de Medicina en el año 1976. Comenzó por vía directa la residencia de Radiología y obtuvo el título de especialista de primer grado en 1979. Se convirtió así, el Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", en la cuna de su formación profesional y en años posteriores, en la casa que la vio crecer, especialmente como maestra de numerosas generaciones de radiólogos e imagenólogos. Hoy reposan en el jardín del Departamento de Imagenología, parte de sus cenizas, custodiadas por el amor que fue capaz de cultivar. En el 2016, una paciente femenina de 60 años de edad, acudió a la consulta de gastroenterología, con dolor abdominal difuso. La radiografía de abdomen simple, anteroposterior, en posición acostado mostró, una imagen en "muela de cangrejo", visible al tomar el aire dentro del hemicolon transverso izquierdo, como contraste, el cual bordea por ese lado parcialmente, una opacidad de partes blandas, que se extiende desde el mesogastrio, hasta la fosa ilíaca derecha, donde se observa el signo del menisco. Los estudios de imágenes realizados, evidenciaron signos radiológicos típicos de invaginación por causa tumoral maligna. En varias ocasiones, la profesora Raquel utilizó la imagen de este caso, como pregunta en exámenes de promoción de residentes. La publicación de este caso constituye un homenaje a quien será siempre un paradigma de docente.

Dr. Raquel Pérez González, better known among colleagues, students and co-workers as "professor Raquel", obtained her degree in Medicine in 1976. She began her Radiology residency directly and obtained the title of first-class specialist degree in 1979. Thus, the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay" is the cradle of her professional training and in later years, in her home where she saw her grow up, especially as a teacher to numerous generations of radiologists and imaging scientists. Today, part of her ashes rest in the garden of the Imaging Department, guarded by the love that she was able to cultivate. In 2016, a 60-year-old female patient attended the gastroenterology clinic with diffuse abdominal pain. The simple, anteroposterior abdominal x-ray, in the lying position, showed a "crab claw" image, visible when breathing into the left transverse hemicolon, as contrast, which partially borders on that side, a soft tissue opacity, which extends from the mesogastrium to the right iliac fossa, where the meniscus sign is observed. The imaging studies performed showed typical radiological signs of invagination due to malignant tumor. On several occasions, Professor Raquel used the image of this case as a question in resident promotion exams. The publication of this case constitutes a tribute to someone who will always be a paradigm of a teacher.

Humanos , Feminino , Radiologia/educação , Neoplasias do Colo/etiologia , Docentes/história , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico , Liderança
Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440012


Introducción: El Dr. C. Oscar B. Alonso Chil (1930-2021) formó parte de los médicos que permanecieron en Cuba después del triunfo de la Revolución. Fue fundador de servicios de asistencia en medicina interna y geriatría, y realizó importantes contribuciones a la docencia médica. Objetivo: Exponer la trayectoria de Oscar B. Alonso Chil como médico y docente de la medicina cubana revolucionaria, a través de su historia de vida. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo y de corte cualitativo, donde se utilizó la técnica de la historia de vida, centrada en el aspecto profesional. Para ello se hizo una entrevista semiestructurada al testimoniante como fuente fundamental de información. Se validó el testimonio oral mediante la revisión de la documentación oficial en su expediente docente y la literatura científica existente relacionada con el tema, además de entrevistas a sus alumnos y compañeros de trabajo. Desarrollo: Se constató que fundó servicios; organizó la actividad docente; realizó tutorías, publicaciones y asesorías; y fue miembro de tribunales y consejos científicos. Cada una de sus actividades las desempeñó con gran compromiso e incondicionalidad a su profesión, lo cual le generó mucha satisfacción con la vida. Llegó a ostentar las más altas distinciones por su trabajo: Especialista de Segundo Grado en Medicina Interna, y Profesor Titular, Consultante y de Mérito de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Conclusiones: Oscar B. Alonso Chil contribuyó al desarrollo de la medina interna en Cuba en la etapa revolucionaria. Este profesor representa un modelo para los estudiantes de ciencias médicas por su prestigio profesional y científico(AU)

Introduction: Ph.D. Oscar B. Alonso Chil (b. 1930-d. 2021) was one of the physicians who stayed in Cuba after the triumph of the Revolution. He was a founder of the healthcare services for internal medicine and geriatrics, and made important contributions to medical teaching. Objective: To present the professional career of Oscar B. Alonso Chil as a physician and teacher of revolutionary Cuban medicine, through his life history. Methods: A descriptive and qualitative study was carried out, using the life history technique, focused on the professional aspect. For this purpose, a semistructured interview was conducted with the testimony witness as a fundamental source of information. The oral testimony was validated by reviewing the official documentation in his teaching file and the existing scientific literature related to the subject; in addition to interviews with his students and coworkers. Development: It was observed that he founded services, organized the teaching activity, supervised research, made publications and consultancies, and was a member of scientific boards and councils. He performed each of these activities with great commitment and unconditionality to his profession, which gave him great satisfaction with life. He achieved holding the highest distinctions for his work: second-degree specialist in Internal Medicine, as well as Full Professor, Faculty Consultant and Emeritus Professor of the University of Medical Sciences of Havana. Conclusions: Oscar B. Alonso Chil contributed to the development of internal medicine in Cuba during the revolutionary period. This professor represents a role model for students of medical sciences due to his professional and scientific prestige(AU)

Humanos , Médicos , Vida , Autobiografia , Pessoas Famosas , Publicações , Pesquisa , Responsabilidade Legal , Educação Médica , Docentes/história , Engajamento no Trabalho , Geriatria/educação , Medicina Interna/educação , Assistência Médica
Rev. medica electron ; 43(4): 1137-1142, 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341543


RESUMEN Las ciencias médicas matanceras, a lo largo de su historia, han contado con personalidades reconocidas por sus conocimientos y entrega a sus respectivas especialidades. En el campo de la Cirugía contemporánea, se destaca el doctor y profesor Ramón Madrigal Lomba, quien unió a su desempeño quirúrgico y pedagógico la pasión por la historia, lo que también lo llevó a sobresalir en esa disciplina. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue contribuir al conocimiento de su vida y su obra (AU).

ABSTRACT Medical sciences in Matanzas have had, for many years, the contribution of many personalities known by their knowledge and devotion to the medical specialties they have practiced. Contemporarily, doctor and professor Ramon Madrigal Lomba stood out in the specialty of Surgery; he summed up to his surgical and pedagogical performance a passion for History, a subject where he also excelled. The objective of this work was modestly contributing to the knowledge of his life and work (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Médicos/história , História da Medicina , Médicos/ética , Docentes/educação , Docentes/história , Cirurgiões/educação , Cirurgiões/história
Rev. medica electron ; 42(3): [16], mayo.-jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341954


Se narran los sucesos históricos más relevantes de la práctica de la especialidad de Oftalmología en la provincia de Matanzas y los relacionados con la formación de profesionales a partir de la década del 70 del siglo XX. Al utilizar el método de la narración histórica, se propició la reflexión sobre los propios acontecimientos y su relación con el contexto socio-económico al momento en que estos se produjeron; destacándolos como los antecedes y factores favorecedores del desarrollo de la Oftalmología en Matanzas. Este trabajo se realizó no sólo para narrar de manera cronológica la historia desde los inicios y creciente práctica local de la especialidad, sino también, como a manera de testimonio para las actuales y futuras generaciones, de cómo tributaron los profesionales, las instituciones y los propios eventos, al avance científico y al impacto social de la especialidad en Matanzas. Se concluye, que el comienzo del esplendor de la práctica de la Oftalmología en la provincia de Matanzas, se enmarca a la década del 70 del siglo pasado; y a los inicios del siglo XXI al de mayor desarrollo acumulado. Todo este salto de calidad en el tiempo y en el espacio, ha sido posible, gracias a las políticas de salud y educacionales implementadas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública del país (AU).

The authors recount the most relevant historical facts of the Ophthalmology practice in the province of Matanzas and those related to professionals´ training from the seventies of the XX century. Using the method of historical recount helped the reflection on the proper facts and their relation to the socio-economic context at the moment they took place, highlighting them as antecedents and factor favoring the development of Ophthalmology in Matanzas. The current paper was written not only to recount in a chronological way the history from the beginning and growing local practice of the specialty, but also as a testimony for the current and future generations to know how the professionals, institutions and events contributed to the scientific advance and to the social impact of the specialty in Matanzas. It is concluded that the beginning of the splendor of Ophthalmology practice in the province of Matanzas falls within the decade of the seventies of the past century, and the beginning of the XXI century is the time of the bigger accumulated development. All this quality jump in the time and space has been possible thanks to health and educational politics implemented by the Ministry og Public Health of the country (AU).

Humanos , Oftalmologia/história , Prática Profissional , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Oftalmológicos/história , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/história , Oftalmologistas/história , História da Medicina , História do Século XX , Capacitação Profissional , Docentes/história
Psicol. rev ; 28(28, n.esp.): 524-532, dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1395722


n. especial: 55 anos do curso de Graduação em Psicologia da PUC

Humanos , Feminino , Docentes/história , Psicologia/educação , Psicologia/história , Universidades
Psicol. rev ; 28(28, n.esp.): 533-536, dez. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1395723


Depoimento elaborado a partir de entrevista que a Professora Emérita Dra. Mathilde Neder concedeu à professora Dra. Marlise Aparecida Bassani, para o número comemorativo da Psicologia Revista referente aos "55 Anos do Curso de Psicologia da PUC-SP", hoje Curso de Psicologia, da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e da Saúde (FaCHS) da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, em dezembro de 2019.

Humanos , Feminino , Docentes/história , Psicologia/educação , Universidades
Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 28(48): 376-385, set. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-2171


A fim de compreender se a importância da construção da memória para o campo da História da Educação Física e identificar as dificuldades do pesquisador em determinar o que de fato tem valor histórico, foram analisadas fontes que remetem à Germano Bayer - professor e pesquisador, que teve considerável influência na Educação Física paranaense. A partir do levantamento de documentos e de entrevistas realizadas com três profissionais que, em algum momento, relacionaram-se com o acervo documental criado por Bayer. Ele fez questão de registrar de diversas formas momentos impactantes da sua carreira profissional, com o objetivo de registrar a sua atuação como educador físico, deixando de legado o seu acervo às gerações futuras de profissionais de Educação Física. A relação da construção de sua memória individual com as diversas pessoas que participaram dos fatos tornou, assim, sua memória, uma memória histórica, uma memória da Educação Física.

In order to understand the importance of the memory construction to the field of the Physical Education History and identify the difficulties of the research to determine what actually has historical value, sources were analyzed referring to Germano Bayer - teacher and researcher, had considerable influence Physical Education in Parana - From the survey documents and interviews with three professionals, at some point, were related to the collection created by Bayer. He made a point of recording, in various forms, moments as a professional, with the goal of creating a vision of the Physical Education and to bring its assets to the future generations. The relationship of the construction of his individual memory with the various people who participated in the events thus becomes his memory, contributing to the history of the Paranaense Physical Education.

Con el fin de entender la importancia de la construcción de la memoria para el campo da Historia da Educación Física e identificar las dificultades de lo investigador en determinar lo que realmente tiene valor histórico, fuentes fueron analizadas refiriendo a Germano Bayer - profesor e investigador que tuvo una influencia considerable en Educación Física del Paraná. A partir de la encuesta de documentos y entrevistas con tres profesionales que, en algún momento, eran relacionadas con el colección creado por Bayer. El insistió en registrar de diversas formas momentos impactantes de su carrera profesional, con el fin de registrar su actuación como educador físico, dejando el legado de su colección para futuras generaciones de profesionales de la Educación Física. La relación de el construcción de su memoria individual con las distintas personas que participaron de los hechos, hacerse, su memoria, una memoria histórica, contribuyendo a la historia de la educación física paranaense.

Educação Física e Treinamento/história , Docentes/história , Memória
Repert. med. cir ; 25(2): 132-140, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-795757


Este artículo tiene el propósito de abordar los conceptos del saber pedagógico, tanto teóricos como desde la construcción conceptual al interior de la especialización en docencia universitaria de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud.Materiales y métodos: Primero se realiza una descripción sobre aspectos históricos de la creación de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, la metodología empleada para la revisión de la literatura y el instrumento para el análisis de la información, retomando aspectos sobre el saber pedagógico, práctica pedagógica y rol docente. En la descripción de los resultados se profundiza en cada uno de estos aspectos.Discusión: Se plantean 3 preguntas: ¿Cómo ha sido la tradición de la enseñanza en las ciencias de la salud? ¿Cómo configurar el papel del docente? ¿Cómo la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud ha orientado su lineamiento del saber pedagógico? Conclusiones: Se plantean proyecciones del saber pedagógico en la docencia universitaria del área de la salud.

The aim of this article is to approach the theoretical and conceptual construction concepts of pedagogical wisdom within the specialisation of university teaching in the University Foundation of Health Sciences (Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud).Materials and methods: A description of the historical aspects of the creation of the University Foundation of Health Sciences (Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud) is presented first, as well as the methods used for the literature review and the tool for analysing the information, gathering aspects on pedagogical wisdom, pedagogical practice, and teaching role. Each one these aspects are detailed in the description of the results.Discussion: Three questions were approached: What has been the tradition of teaching in health sciences? How to configure the teaching role? and How has the University Foundation of Health Sciences (Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud) set its guidelines on pedagogical wisdom?Conclusions: Projections are established on pedagogical wisdom in the university teaching in the health field.

Ensino de Recuperação , Universidades , Docentes/história , Ensino/história
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 52(1): 0-0, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-749615


Introducción: la obra profesional del Dr. Pablo Valdés fue muy variada y siempre estuvo matizada por su gran sentido de la responsabilidad, dedicación y profesionalidad. Objetivo: divulgar la labor docente, investigativa, administrativa entre otros aspectos relevantes de la vida profesional del Dr. Pablo Valdés García. Resultados: se hace un recuento de las principales tareas que asumió como profesor de pregrado y posgrado, jefe del Departamento de Conservadora durante muchos años y otras tareas que su tiempo y entrega así como su gran capacidad intelectual le permitió. En la labor investigativa se destacan algunos estudios que realizó, así como la publicación de sus resultados en revistas cubanas y en libros muy utilizados en la docencia de la estomatología en Cuba hoy en día. Se reseña además su labor como miembro y directivo de diferentes sociedades odontológicas nacionales e internacionales y su participación en diferentes Congresos de Estomatología donde su sola presencia honró a la Escuela de Estomatología Cubana. Conclusión: el Dr. Pablo Valdés García, querido y respetado profesor del departamento de Estomatología Integral ha dejado su huella en varias generaciones de estomatólogos, por constituir un ejemplo como profesor universitario y jefe de departamento(AU)

Introduction: the professional work of Dr. Pablo Valdés has a very wide spectrum and it was always being shade by his sense of responsibility, dedication and professionalism. Objective: to divulgate the educational, investigative and administrative work among other important aspect in the professional life of Dr. Pablo Valdés García. Results: in this paper, we make a brief overview of the main task assumed as a professor of under graduate and postgraduate education, chief of Conservative Department during many years and other activities that his time, commitment and his intellectual capacity allowed him. We dig in his research work in the hands of some research papers performed by him and published in some Cuban Review and in some chapters of different books used until today in the process of teaching of dentistry. We also make a brief description of his work as a member and directive of different dental societies in our country or abroad and his participation in many dental congress where his presence honor the Cuban dental school. Conclusion: Dr. Pablo Valdés García, beloved and respected professor of Comprehensive Dentistry Department had leagued his footprint in some generations of dentist, being an example of university professor and chief of department(AU)

Humanos , Medicina Bucal/história , Docentes/história , Profissionalismo/ética
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-758580


En el marco del Proyecto de Investigación UBACyT en curso, proponemos indagar las ideas fuerza que colaboran en la comprensión de cómo se han estructurado identidades individuales y profesionales docentes en el contexto de una institución universitaria específica. Buscamos conocer, a partir de testimonios de los primeros profesores egresados, las consideraciones sobre la enseñanza y las práctias pedagógicas y didácticas así como los saberes enseñados y aprendidos durante la formación y las prácticas de transmisión. La pertinencia de estas indagaciones reside en el propósito de advertir los aspectos que incidieron en la elección de la carrera del profesorado a fin de reconstruir las concepciones docentes acerca de la formación profesional para la enseñanza de la psicología...

Humanos , Docentes/história , Psicologia/história , Universidades/história , Argentina
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70795


This paper traces how Koreans of north area became medical doctors in colonial Korea. Most of the past research have focused only on the well-known medical doctors, or even when they discussed a great number of doctors, many research tended to only pay attention to the explicit final results of those doctors. This research, on the other hand, includes ordinary medical doctors as well as the renowed ones, and adjusts the focus to the lifetime period of their growth and activities. As a result, the misunderstanding and obscurity about the Korean medical doctors of north area during this period have been cleared. The new characteristics of the Korean medical doctors of this period have been found, along with their embodiment of historical significance. At the time, Koreans had to get through a number of qualifications in order to become doctors. First is the unique background of origin in which the family held interest in the modern education and was capable of supporting it financially. Second is the long-term status of education that the education from elementary to high school was completed without interruption. Third is the academic qualification that among various institutions of higher education, medical science was chosen as a major. Fourth is the condition of career in which as the career as a doctor had consistently continued. Thus, in oder to become a modern medical doctor, Koreans had to properly complete these multiple steps of process. The group of Korean medical doctors in north area, which was formed after getting through these series of process, possessed a number of characteristics. Firstly, as the upper-middle classes constituted the majority of medical doctors in Korea, the societal status of doctors rose and the foundation for the career as a doctor to be persisted as the family occupation settled. Secondly, the research career and academic degree became the principal method to escape from the discrimination and hierarchy existed between doctors. A PhD degree, especially, was the significant mark for clearly displaying the abilities and outcomes of the doctors. Lastly, the research career, education experience, clinical training and such that the Korean doctors of the period had built up were weak at the time, however, they were important sources for the future medical science development. Indeed, after Liberation, the rapid settlement and growth of Korea's medical science field were largely beholden to thus. Therefore, the growth of the Koreans as doctors did not cease in colonial Korea, but instead continued onto the history of future generations. In spite of the fact that the Korean doctors's growth and activities were greatly limited under the forceful policy of colonial domination of the era, the efforts the Korean doctors had put were not in vain. Likewise, if we do not fix our attention at the dominating policy and system, but rather put together the actors' correspondence and struggles of the period, then the Korean doctors will be a part of the living history. Hereby, the clue to the paradox between the suppression of medical science in colonial Korea and its leap after Liberation can be untied.

Colonialismo , Educação Médica/história , Docentes/história , História do Século XX , Coreia (Geográfico) , Médicos , Faculdades de Medicina/história