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Rev. colomb. cir ; 38(3): 422-431, Mayo 8, 2023. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438394


Introducción. Recientemente, se ha evidenciado un crecimiento exponencial de artículos de estudiantes y autores jóvenes; sin embargo, la mayoría de esos artículos no han sido citados. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar un manual de fácil interpretación, aplicable durante el proceso de construcción de un manuscrito académico original en cirugía. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos académicas, utilizando las palabras clave "manuscrito académico", "cirugía", "investigación" y "how to do it", así como sinónimos. Se incluyeron estudios originales, revisiones y las directrices STROCSS 2021, publicadas hasta marzo de 2023. Resultados. Se logró recopilar una guía empírica, con recomendaciones y directrices útiles para la creación de un manuscrito académico en cirugía, óptima para uso en todos los niveles académicos. Conclusión. Se deben brindar herramientas que sean aplicables en todos los niveles educativos, desde un estudiante hasta cirujano graduado. Con este artículo se buscan dar a conocer un camino para transformar una idea en una publicación científica original de alto impacto, de forma metódica y fácil de entender, actuando como un incentivo y facilitador para la producción científica y académica en cirugía para Colombia y Latinoamérica

Introduction. Recently, there has been an exponential growth of articles by students and young authors; however, most of the articles have not been cited. This review presents an easy-to-interpret manual, applicable during the process of writing an original academic manuscript in surgery. Methods. A systematic literature review was performed in academic databases using the keywords "Academic Manuscript", "Surgery", "Research" and "How to do it", as well as synonyms; the search date was performed until March 2023, where original studies, reviews and STROCSS 2021 guidelines were included. Results. It was possible to compile an empirical guide, with useful recommendations and guidelines for the creation of an academic manuscript in surgery, optimal for use at all academic levels. Conclusion. Tools should be provided that are applicable at all educational levels, from a student to a graduate surgeon. The authors seek to show a way to transform an idea into an original scientific publication of high impact, in a methodical and easy to understand way, so this article acts as an incentive and facilitator for scientific and academic production in surgery in Colombia and Latin America

Humanos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Educação Médica , Manuscrito Médico , Pesquisa , Cirurgia Geral , Comunicação Acadêmica
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(6): 433-437, dic 2020.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1146141


El ciclo que cumple un manuscrito desde su escritura hasta su publicación no se enseña, habitualmente, durante la formación del profesional de salud. En este artículo, se repasa el proceso desde la decisión de comunicar de los autores hasta su eventual publicación, detallando las cuestiones prácticas para considerar en cada paso. Se especifican las responsabilidades de los distintos roles implicados: autor, editor y revisor. Se presentan también las guías internacionales de apoyo para la escritura de artículos médico-científicos

The life-cycle of a manuscript from writing to publication is not usually taught during health care professionals' training. This article reviews the process that goes from from the authors' decision to communicate to its eventual publication, detailing practical aspects to be considered in each step. The responsibilities of the different roles involved are specified: author, editor, and reviewer. International guidelines supporting the writing of medical-scientific papers are also described.

Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Manuscrito Médico , Editoração , Artigo de Revista , Revisão da Pesquisa por Pares
Rev. Mus. Fac. Odontol. B.Aires ; 25(43): 15-21, dic. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-654528


Se exponen brevemente algunos datos sobre los primeros sistemas de escritura, así como de los pueblos que los originaron.

História da Odontologia , Jornalismo em Odontologia/história , Escrita Manual , Manuscrito Médico/história , Livro-Texto
Rev. méd. Chile ; 132(1): 07-10, ene. 2004.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-359172


This Editorial describes the steps followed by a manuscript when it is submitted to Revista Médica de Chile: its reception, format checking as requested in Instructions to Authors, and the editors' decision whether it is considered suitable for the purposes of this journal or not; the selection of peer reviewers, a direct contact with them to ask for their willingness to review this particular manuscript; an analysis by the editors of the reviewers' criticisms leading them to the decision of whether to accept it in the current version, or to return it to the authors with a request to prepare a new corrected version, or a definitive rejection; the editors' review of a corrected version (that may require again the opinion of the external reviewers) and the final decision to accept it or not; printing of the manuscript, two successive galley proofs reviewed by authors and editors; and the final printing of the journal with its simultaneous reproduction in the web page Roughly 70 percent of the manuscripts are returned to the authors offering them the opportunity to resubmit a corrected version, 12 percent are definitively rejected and 20 percent are accepted in their first version. The mean time taken for an accepted manuscript since its first submission until it appears printed is currently 7.6 months. Having only part time editors and a time-limited secretarial staff, efforts to shorten this time are difficult to implement, although electronic mail and fax are increasingly being used in this editorial process (Rev Med Chile 2004: 132: 7-10).

Manuscrito Médico , Políticas Editoriais
Rev. méd. Chile ; 131(1): 7-9, 2003.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-342216


Medical journals are often at risk of difussinng research articles, reviews, position articles, editorials or letters ubose message has been influenced by a conflict of interest. The readers may then be induced to accept conclusions and recommendations based on bisaaed protocols or an unwarranted interpretation of the results. Financial support or professional links witb pharmaceutical companies or other supporting agencies are the most common sources of conflict of interests, often difficult to detect. Similarly, reviews of manuscripts can be biassed by personal relationsbips (good or bad) between reviewers and autbors, by academic competition or intellectual passion, becoming otber sources of conflict of interest. Even uben a potential conflict of interest exists, it may not necessarily bave influenced the manuscript or its review but in order to defend the transparency of the editorial process, from submission to publication, authors, reviewers and editors sbould declare any conflict of interest they may have and allou others to decide whether the action has been biassed or not. In the present issue of Revista Médica de Chile, and updated text of the Instructions to Authors establishes that all autbors should sign a statement of habing or not a conflict of interest, clarifying which aspects of the work might have been affected by it

Humanos , Conflito de Interesses , Publicação Periódica , Manuscrito Médico
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(10): 1083-1086, oct. 2002.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-339169


In the year 2000, a previous Editorial in this journal reviewed the criteria for authorship as defined by experienced authors and editors, discussed in selected references from the biomedical literature. An emphasis was given to the definition of authorship stated in the available 1997 version of the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals". After that Editorial was published, an updated version of the "Uniform Requirements" established important changes in their criteria; eg. Participation of each author in the work should permit them to take public responsibility for "appropiate portions of the content"; and acquisition of data was added as an acceptable alternative in the first requisite for authorship. These and other changes should be difussed to prospective authors, particularly in multicentric studies usually leading to multiauthorship. This new Editorial and a translation into Spanish of the authorship criteria contained in an updated (2001) version of the "Uniform Requirements" are included in this issue of Revista Médica de Chile with the purpose of stimulating authors and readers to think in their implications

Humanos , Autoria , Manuscrito Médico , Publicação Periódica/normas
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(7): 773-778, jul. 2002. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-323252


Background: The number of authors of scientific papers has increased significantly in the last decade. The increasing complexity of medical research but also vicious practices are possible causes of this trend. Aim: To analyze the number of authors and type of papers published in the Chilean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery in the last three decades. Material and methods: A review of all manuscripts published between 1970 and 1999. The number of authors and the type of paper was registered. Results: Five hundred nineteen papers were reviewed. The mean number of authors per paper increased from 1.9 to 3 (p <0.001). Research reports decreased from 79 percent to 61 percent and the number of review articles and case reports increased. No multicentric work was published in the period. Conclusions: A significant increase in the number of authors per manuscript was observed in this review

Humanos , Autoria , Publicação Periódica/tendências , Otolaringologia , Manuscrito Médico/história
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(3): 267-274, mar. 2002. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-314852


A survey was addressed to 57 editors of Chilean biomedical journals, on how to attract more and better manuscripts to their journals. Thirty seven editors (65 percent) answered this survey. According to them the main motivation of Medical Societies for editing their own journals is to improve information acquisition. To communicate an experience, followed by getting credits in their curriculum vitó, were considered by the editors as the main motivations of authors to submit papers. The most frequent deficiencies of manuscripts received are: disorganization in their presentation and bad adherence to journal's requirements for submitting manuscripts. An improvement in the relationship between author-editor-reviewer was mentioned by most of the editors, as the mechanism to be used to enhance the quality of the manuscripts. Only 14 editors (38 percent) agree in that there is a decrease in the number of original papers submitted. This decrease was attributed by most of them, to a high pressure for publishing in journals with the highest impact factor. Suggestions on how to improve the Chilean biomedical journals included: a) to professionalize editorial work and to increase meticulousness when reviewing manuscripts; b) to increase the recognition of articles published in Chilean biomedical journals, when applying for academic promotions or research grants and c) to create a national impact factor

Humanos , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas/estatística & dados numéricos , Publicação Periódica/estatística & dados numéricos , Editoração , Manuscrito Médico , Publicação Periódica/normas , Sociedades Científicas/estatística & dados numéricos
Rev. méd. Chile ; 130(3): 338-340, mar. 2002.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-314863


In August, 2001, the Editors of over 40 Chilean journals in biological, medical and health issues were gathered in Santiago, Chile, by the Chilean Association of Biomedical Journal Editors, together with guest librarians from Chile and Brazil, in a 2-day symposium. The main topics discussed were: the educational role of biomedical journals in Chile; how can Chilean journals become included in international databases; requisites for authorship in scientific articles; how to attract more and better manuscripts; advantages and limitations of the peer-review system; ethical problems and conflicts of interest in the editorial process; electronic tendencies in scientific publications. This was the fifth meeting on similar topics held in Chile, starting in 1972, and the interchange of experiences and opinions among editors, librarians and other experts was fruitful and stimulating

Humanos , Publicação Periódica/tendências , Congresso , Manuscrito Médico
Gac. méd. Méx ; 137(3): 257-263, mayo-jun. 2001. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-312185


Se bosquejan las figuras más destacadas de médicos y cirujanos indígenas, europeos y criollos, que ejercieron su arte en la Nueva España durante el siglo XVI. Hubo cirujanos, más bien improvisados, en las huestes españolas que se enfrentaron a los moradores de estas tierras americanas en nombre del imperio y de la iglesia universales. Pero los hubo también nativos, que perpetuaron tradiciones ancestrales organi-zándose alrededor de un foco de gran cultura: el colegio franciscano de la Santa Cruz en Tlatelolco. En los albores de la Nueva España, llegaron médicos y cirujanos formados en centros de alto nivel médico como Sevilla, Salamanca y Alcalá de Henares. Además, se inició un notable intercambio de plantas medicinales y, en general, de productos terapéuticos entre el viejo y el nuevo mundo. Pronto comenzaron a introducirse aquí libros médicos impresos en Europa y, en la segunda mitad del siglo, aparecieron los primeros libros médicos novo-hispanos. Una vez establecida la cátedra inicial de medicina de la Real Universidad de México, aumentó el número de publicaciones médicas hasta que, en el año 1598, salió a la luz la primera tesis de medicina impresa en América.

História do Século XVI , Manuscrito Médico/história , Medicina Tradicional , Preparações Farmacêuticas/história
Rev. méd. Chile ; 129(4): 343-5, abr. 2001.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-286995


Bibliographic citations or "references" are an important component of all scientific manuscripts. The authors are responsible for their accuracy and they should follow the format and style requested by the journal where they are submitting their paper. Revista Médica de Chile adheres to the "Uniform Requirements" established by the Vancouver Group of Medical Editors. Equally important is a correct choice of references, including those original articles strictly connected to the content of the manuscript. The number of citations usually vary according to the specific character of the study: research article, or case reports, review article, etc. Common mistakes are due to an excessive number of repetitive or irrelevant citations, or the omission of important articles sometimes not found in bibliographic indexes, or an erroneous claim of priority in reporting an observation. Finally, in developing countries the authors should include previous reports appeared in their own local journals, therefore improving their opportunities of achieving international visibility

Humanos , Bibliografia Descritiva , Publicação Periódica/normas , Reconhecimento Automatizado de Padrão , Manuscrito Médico