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Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(3): 1124-1142, set. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1428715


Investigou-se como a dor e a alegria podem influenciar a construção do ser palhaço(a) com o objetivo de compreender melhor a construção da sua subjetividade. Foram realizadas entrevistas com dez palhaços(as). Utilizou-se como método a análise de conteúdo e o software NVivo® para sistematizar as informações presentes nos discursos dos(as) participantes em doze categorias, agrupadas em dois eixos temáticos e analisadas a partir de sua pertinência na construção do entendimento de ser palhaço(a). Os resultados indicaram que a dor diante de perdas afetivas no processo de ser palhaço(a) passa pela transformação do trágico à comicidade, não para minimizá-la, mas para lidar com a finitude humana por meio da ética, poética e estética de afirmação da vida. A transgressão da palhaçaria permite superar dificuldades e transformá-las criativamente em riso. Conclui-se que o ser palhaço(a) torna-se a vitrine das condições humanas apresentadas por meio do cômico, do trágico, do ridículo, do perder, do político, do rústico e do ser-no-mundo.

It was investigated how pain and joy can influence the construction of being a clown in order to better understand the construction of their subjectivity. Interviews were conducted with ten clowns. Content analysis and the NVivo® software were used as a method to systematize the information present in the participants' speeches into twelve categories, grouped into two thematic axes and analyzed based on its pertinence in the construction of the understanding of being a clown. The results indicated that the pain in the face of affective losses in the process of being a clown goes through the transformation from the tragic to the comic, not to minimize it, but to deal with human finitude through ethics, poetics and life-affirming aesthetics. The transgression of clowning allows you to overcome difficulties and creatively transform them into laughter. It is concluded that being a clown becomes the showcase of human conditions presented through the comic, the tragic, the ridiculous, the losing, the political, the rustic and the being-in-the-world.

Se investigó cómo el dolor y la alegría pueden influir en la construcción del payaso, con el objetivo de comprender mejor la construcción de su subjetividad. Se realizaron entrevistas con diez payasos. El análisis de contenido y el software NVivo® se utilizaron como método para sistematizar la información presente en los discursos de los participantes, en doce categorías, agrupadas en dos ejes temáticos, y analizadas desde la pertinencia en la construcción de la comprensión del payaso. Los resultados indicaron que el dolor ante pérdidas afectivas en el proceso de ser payaso sufre una transformación de lo trágico a lo cómico, no para minimizar el dolor, sino para lidiar con la finitud humana a través de la ética, la poética y la estética afirmadora de la vida. La transgresión del clown te permite superar las dificultades y transformarlas creativamente en risa. Se concluye que ser payaso se convierte en el escaparate de las condiciones humanas que se presentan a través de lo cómico, lo trágico, lo ridículo, lo perdedor, lo político, lo rústico y el ser-en-el-mundo.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Dor , Percepção , Senso de Humor e Humor como Assunto , Felicidade , Riso , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Fractal rev. psicol ; 34: e5783, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1421511


O presente artigo constitui um relato da pesquisa desenvolvida pela primeira autora em seu mestrado em psicologia social e institucional tendo como tema os encontros da pesquisadora, como palhaça e como psicóloga, com os trabalhadores nos espaços de práticas de educação permanente em saúde mental. Tais encontros acontecem a partir das intervenções da palhaça Dulcinóia, encarnada na pesquisadora através da máscara do nariz vermelho, tanto nas práticas de educação permanente em saúde mental como no exercício da pesquisa. Estas intervenções foram designadas como intervenções riso-clínicas. Assim, discutem-se as relações da palhaçaria com a saúde mental a partir das experiências vividas e as possíveis invenções sobre diferentes modos de trabalhar e de cuidar neste contexto. As experiências são narradas e desenvolvidas a partir da metodologia do ensaio sobre as cenas vividas. Como conclusão, destacamos a importância da presença da figura do palhaço e do signo do humor como produtores de possíveis transformações e de uma ampliação do olhar sobre o trabalho em saúde mental.(AU)

This article is a report of the research developed by the first author in her master degree in social and institutional psychology, having as its theme the researcher's meetings as clown and as psychologist with the workers in the spaces of permanent education practices in mental health. Such meetings take place from the interventions of the clown Dulcinóia, embodied in the researcher through the mask of the red nose, both at the permanent education practices in mental health and in the exercise of the research. These interventions were termed laugh-clinic interventions. Thus, the relationships of clown techniques with mental health from the lived experiences and possible inventions on different ways of working and caring in this context are discussed. The experiences are narrated and developed from the methodology of the essay on the lived scenes. As a conclusion, we highlight the importante of clown´s figure presence and sign of humor as producers of possible transformations and extention of the look on mental health work.(AU)

Este artículo es un relato de la investigación desarrollada por la primera autora en su maestría em psicología social e institucional y tiene como tema sus encuentros, como payasa y psicóloga, con trabajadores de espacios de prácticas de educación permanente en salud mental. Estos encuentros se han dado a partir de las intervenciones de la payasa Dulcinoia, encarnada en la autora por medio de la máscara de la nariz roja, tanto en las prácticas de educación permanente en salud mental como en el ejercicio de la investigación. Estas actividades se han dado a llamar intervenciones riso-clínicas. Así, el estudio discute las relaciones de payasería y salud mental a partir de experiencias vividas y de ideas sobre diferentes modos de trabajar y cuidar en este contexto. Las experiencias se narran y se desarrollan a partir de la metodologia del ensayo sobre las escenas vividas. Como conclusión, destacamos la importancia de la presencia de la figura del payaso, así como del signo del humor como motivadores de posibles transformaciones que amplíen la mirada sobre el trabajo en salud mental.(AU)

Humanos , Saúde Mental , Educação Continuada , Riso
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 50(2): 146-151, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357249


RESUMEN El síndrome de Susac es una entidad clínica poco frecuente, posiblemente mediada por un proceso autoinmune; la tríada clásica se compone de retinopatía, disminución en la agudeza auditiva y síntomas neuropsiquiátricos (encefalopatía). Hay pocos casos descritos con sintomatología neuropsiquiátrica como la sintomatología principal. Presentamos un caso de síndrome de Susac, que corresponde a una mujer de 34 arios, con predominio de sintomatologia neuropsiquiátrica, caracterizada por un síndrome de Klüver-Bucy parcial, un síndrome apático, risa y llanto patológico y alteraciones cognitivas de predominio atencional; dichos síntomas mejoraron cualitativamente con el uso de terapia inmunológica. Este caso revela la importancia de las manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas como presentación clínica en pacientes con entidades neurológicas.

ABSTRACT Susac syndrome is a rare clinical condition, possibly mediated by an autoimmune process; the classic triad is composed of retinopathy, decreased hearing acuity and neuropsychiatric symptoms (encephalopathy). There are few cases reported with neuropsychiatric symptoms as the main manifestation. We present a case of Susac syndrome in a 34-year-old female with a predominance of neuropsychiatric symptoms, characterised by partial Klüver-Bucy syndrome, apathy syndrome, pathological laughter and crying, and cognitive dysfunction predominantly affecting attention, which showed a qualitative improvement with the use of immunological therapy. This case report highlights the importance of neuropsychiatric manifestations as clinical presentation in patients with neurological conditions.

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Síndrome de Kluver-Bucy , Síndrome de Susac , Choro/psicologia , Apatia , Neuropsiquiatria , Riso/psicologia
J. psicanal ; 54(100): 51-68, jan.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279337


Propõe-se analisar, por meio de percurso etnográfico, o humor de um grupo de travestis do interior de São Paulo, tendo por aporte teórico a psicanálise. Tem-se como objetivo específico compreender: o uso do pajubá, dialeto partilhado pelo grupo, no humor produzido por essas pessoas; as funções do humor nas relações estabelecidas com a heteronormatividade. Dialogaremos com excertos de entrevistas e situações observadas ao longo de trabalho de campo. A partir de análise temática, identificaram-se várias dimensões do humor criado entre elas, a saber: constituição de modos de sociabilidade, despatologização das travestilidades, indicação do caráter performático do binarismo de gêneros, transformação da angústia em riso e celebração da vida.

The aim is to analyze the humor among a group of transvestites in the inland of São Paulo state with psychoanalysis through an ethnographic route as its theoretical support. The specific objectives are to understand: the use of pajubá, a dialect shared by the group, in the humor produced by these people and the functions of humor in the relations established with heteronormativity. We will dialogue with excerpts from interviews and situations observed during fieldwork. Based on thematic analysis, several dimensions of the humor produced among them were identified, namely: constitution of modes of sociability, depathologization of transvestites, indication of the performance character of gender binarism, transformation of anguish into laughter and celebration of life.

Se propone analizar, a través de una investigación etnográfica, el humor de un grupo de travestis del interior de São Paulo, con el soporte teórico del psicoanálisis. Sus objetivos específicos son comprender: el uso del pajubá, un dialecto compartido por el grupo, en el humor que producen estas personas; las funciones del humor en las relaciones establecidas con la heteronormatividad. Dialogaremos con extractos de entrevistas y situaciones observadas durante el trabajo de campo. A partir del análisis temático, se identificaron varias dimensiones del humor producido, a saber: constitución de modos de sociabilidad, despatologización de la travestilidad, indicio del carácter de performance del binarismo de género, transformación de la angustia en risa y celebración de la vida.

On se propose à analyser, à travers un parcours ethnographique, ayant comme base théorique la psychanalyse, l'humour d'un groupe de travestis habitant la province de l'État de São Paulo, au Brésil. Le but spécifique de cette étude est de comprendre: l'utilisation du pajubá, un dialecte partagé par le groupe, lors de la production de l'humour et les fonctions de l'humour dans les relations établies avec l'hétéronormativité. On discute des extraits d'entretiens et des situations repérées lors du travail de terrain réalisé. À partir de l'analyse thematique, ont été identifiées plusieurs dimensions de l'humour créé par les travestis à l'intérieur de leur groupe, à savoir: la constitution de modes de sociabilité, la dépathologisation du travestissement, l'indication de la nature performative du binarisme de genres, la transformation de l'angoisse en rire et la célébration de la vie.

Psicanálise , Travestilidade , Senso de Humor e Humor , Performatividade de Gênero , Riso
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764753


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of laughter therapy on depression, anxiety, fatigue, and quality of sleep in gastrointestinal cancer survivors. METHODS: This study was a randomized controlled trial. We compared the effect of laughter therapy with usual care only in post chemotherapy gastrointestinal patients. Outcomes included changes in depression and anxiety (according to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), fatigue (according to the Fatigue Severity Scale), and quality of sleep (according to the Verran & Synder-Halpern Sleep Scale). Data was collected July 2015 through January 2016. Seventy nine participants who agreed to participate in this study were randomized to either the experimental group (n=40) or the control group (n=39). Therapy included eight sessions (60 minutes each, once weekly). Data were analyzed using the Windows SPSS 22.0 program. RESULTS: Laughter therapy was effective in reducing fatigue (p=.019) and increasing satisfaction of sleep (p=.030). There were no differences between the groups after therapy for depression (p=.129) and anxiety (p=.200). CONCLUSION: Results of this study indicate that laughter therapy may be an effective nursing intervention for improving the health status of gastrointestinal cancer survivors after chemotherapy.

Humanos , Ansiedade , Depressão , Tratamento Farmacológico , Fadiga , Neoplasias Gastrointestinais , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Enfermagem , Sobreviventes
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765842


Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a neurological symptom of inappropriate and uncontrollable laughter or crying that occurs secondary to a variety of neurological conditions, including parkinsonian disorders. PBA is a socially and emotionally debilitating symptom that has been estimated to affect 3.6% to 42.5% of the population with Parkinson’s disease. While indexing measures and treatment options for PBA have been extensively studied in neurological conditions such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis, there has been considerably less attention given in the literature to PBA in parkinsonian disorders. The purpose of this review is to discuss the pathophysiology of PBA, its prevalence and impact on quality of life in parkinsonian disorders, and the treatment options currently available. Areas requiring further study, including the development of standardized, cross-culturally validated methods of symptom assessment, and evidence-based studies exploring the efficacy of current treatment options in parkinsonian disorders, are also highlighted.

Indexação e Redação de Resumos , Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica , Choro , Riso , Esclerose Múltipla , Doença de Parkinson , Transtornos Parkinsonianos , Prevalência , Qualidade de Vida , Avaliação de Sintomas
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715438


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the laughter therapy program on perceived stress and psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune responses in obese women. METHODS: A nonequivalent control group with a pretest-posttest design was used. The participants (n=60), whose age ranged from 30 to 50 years (pre-menopausal and body mass index of over 25 kg/m2), were assigned to the experimental group (n=24) or control group (n=26). The experimental group was provided with the laughter therapy program (12 sessions) for 6 weeks. RESULTS: There were significant differences in perceived stress, psychological stress response, fasting blood sugar, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha between the two groups after the program. However, there were no significant differences in normalized low frequency (norm LF), normalized high frequency (norm HF), LF/HF ratio, and cortisol between the two groups after the program. CONCLUSION: It was found that the laughter therapy program had positive effects on some variables in terms of perceived stress and psycho-neuro-endocrine-immuno responses. It is suggested that the laughter therapy in this study can provide the direction for developing a program for obese women.

Feminino , Humanos , Glicemia , Índice de Massa Corporal , Jejum , Hidrocortisona , Interleucina-6 , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Obesidade , Estresse Fisiológico , Estresse Psicológico , Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 21(3): 463-471, jul.-set. 2016.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100536


O artigo é resultado de análises teóricas de uma pesquisa de doutorado em formato de um ensaio, na interface das contribuições da Filosofia, Psicologia e Sociedade, para problematizar o riso, a vingança e a justiça. As práticas punitivas, os saberes médicos e jurídicos que as sustentam são colocadas em questão. Também são abordadas as intervenções do riso, na política da verdade, a qual atravessa subjetividades ressentidas, ávidas em julgar, vigiar e punir. Interrogar a relação entre ordem médica e lei, no castigo, em defesa da sociedade é uma importante contribuição desse texto teórico, o qual faz do riso uma arma política em que a ironia e o trágico colocam em questão a justiça como juízo. A crítica à sujeição da pena como vingança face à ruptura com o pacto social é colocada em suspensão. Nesse sentido, é proposta uma linha reflexiva, ainda que provisória, de um problema que me parece essencial no pensamento de Nietzsche e Foucault: os laços entre riso e punição.

This article is a result of theoretical analyses from a doctoral research, in essay format, which brings contributions of Philosophy, Psychology and Society to discuss laughter, revenge and justice. Punitive practices, in addition to the medical and juridical knowledge that sustains them, are called into question. It addresses interventions of laughter in the politics of truth, which crosses resentful subjectivities eager to judge, monitor and punish. Interrogating the relationship between medical order and law as to punishment in defense of society is an important contribution of this theoretical text, which makes laughter a political weapon through which irony and tragedy call into question justice as judgment. The criticism of subjection to penalties as revenge due to a break with the social contract is suspended. In this sense, this study proposes a reflection, albeit provisional, on a problem that seems to be essential in Nietzsche's and Foucault's thoughts: the ties between laughter and punishment.

El artículo es el resultado de un análisis teórico, una investigación doctoral, en la forma de un ensayo, en la interfaz de las contribuciones de Filosofía, Psicología y Sociedad para discutir la risa, de la venganza y la justicia. Prácticas punitivas y el conocimiento médico y legal que las sustentan se ponga en duda. También las medidas de la risa se abordan a política de la verdad, que se ejecutan por intermedio de subjetividades resentidos; deseosos de juzgar, controlar y sancionar. Interrogar la relación entre la ley y el orden médica, en el castigo, en defensa de la sociedad, es una contribución importante de este texto teórico, lo que hace la risa un arma política en la ironía y la trágica en duda la justicia y el juicio, y el juicio. La crítica del sujeto de la oración como una venganza en contra de la ruptura con el pacto social se suspende. En este sentido, se propone una línea de reflexión, aunque sea provisional, un problema que me parece esencial en el pensamiento de Nietzsche y Foucault: las relaciones entre la risa y el castigo.

Riso/psicologia , Filosofia , Política , Psicologia/ética , Punição/psicologia , Justiça Social/psicologia , Poder Psicológico , Sociedade Civil , Julgamento
Int. braz. j. urol ; 42(2): 334-338, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-782856


ABSTRACT Introduction: To evaluate possible factors that can guide the clinician to predict potential cases refractoriness to medical treatment for giggle incontinence (GI) and to examine the effectiveness of different treatment modalities. Material and methods: The data of 48 children referred to pediatric urology outpatient clinic between 2000 and 2013 diagnosed as GI were reviewed. Mean age, follow-up, GI frequency, associated symptoms, medical and family history were noted. Incontinence frequency differed between several per day to less than once weekly. Children were evaluated with uroflowmetry-electromyography and post-void residual urine. Clinical success was characterized as a full or partial response, or nonresponse as defined by the International Children's Continence Society. Univariate analysis was used to find potential factors including age, sex, familial history, GI frequency, treatment modality and dysfunctional voiding to predict children who would possibly not respond to treatment. Results: Mean age of the patients was 8.4 years (range 5 to 16). Mean follow-up time and mean duration of asymptomatic period were noted as 6.7±1.4 years and 14.2±2.3 months respectively. While 12 patients were treated with only behavioral urotherapy (Group-1), 11 patients were treated with alpha-adrenergic blockers and behavioral urotherapy (Group-2) and 18 patients with methylphenidate and behavioral urotherapy (Group-3). Giggle incontinence was refractory to eight children in-group 1; six children in-group 2 and eight children in-group 3. Daily GI frequency and dysfunctional voiding diagnosed on uroflowmetry-EMG were found as outstanding predictive factors for resistance to treatment modalities. Conclusions: A variety of therapies for GI have more than 50% failure rate and a standard treatment for GI has not been established. The use of medications to treat these patients would not be recommended, as they appear to add no benefit to symptoms and may introduce severe adverse effects.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Terapia Comportamental/métodos , Antagonistas Adrenérgicos alfa/uso terapêutico , Inibidores da Captação de Dopamina/uso terapêutico , Incontinência Urinária de Urgência/terapia , Metilfenidato/uso terapêutico , Fatores de Tempo , Modelos Logísticos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Seguimentos , Resultado do Tratamento , Terapia Combinada , Riso
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 553-562, Fev. 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-773538


Resumo O trabalho com diferentes formas de expressão artístico-culturais tem sido considerado forma de intervenção na saúde que enriquece as possibilidades de compreensão e reflexão sobre necessidades dessa área. Um grupo de palhaços caracterizados de médicos realizou visitas domiciliares por oito meses em dez famílias em micro áreas de duas equipes de saúde da família. A prática visou ampliar a resolubilidade do cuidado a pessoas e a coletividade com intensa proximidade estabelecida pela arte da palhaçaria. A ideia foi fazer intervenções nos domicílios de famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade social indicadas pelas equipes de saúde da família e utilizar a alegria, o humor, o riso como formas de provocar reflexões sobre problemas cotidianos. A presença dos “médicos-palhaços” nas casas foi capaz de construir vínculos fortes e livres com as famílias e de potencializar o cuidado humanizado e integral no contexto da estratégia de saúde da família. Juntos, palhaços e famílias construíram, de modo singular, possíveis soluções para dificuldades enfrentadas no dia a dia. Os palhaços e palhaças foram capazes de agenciar novas construções subjetivas para cada família lidar com situações cotidianas.

Abstract Working with different forms of artistic and cultural expressions has been considered a form of health intervention to enhance the understanding and thinking about the needs in this field. A group of clown doctors conducted home visits for eight months to ten families located in micro areas of two family health teams. The practice aimed at expanding the solvability of the care given to people and to communities through the intense proximity established by the art of clownery. The idea consisted of making interventions in the homes of socially vulnerable families indicated by the family health teams using joy, humor, and laughter to stimulate reflections on the daily problems. The presence of “clown doctors” in the houses built strong and free bonds with the families and enhanced the humanized and comprehensive care within the context of family health strategy. Clowns and families found a special way to find possible solutions to the difficulties faced on a daily basis. Male and female clowns were able to manage new subjective constructions for each family to deal with everyday situations.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Senso de Humor e Humor como Assunto , Saúde da Família , Riso , Médicos , Terapias Complementares , Promoção da Saúde , Visita Domiciliar
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-64971


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of subjective xerostomia and salivary pH in salivary glands stimulated by laughter therapy in frail elderly women. METHODS: The research used a one-group pretest-posttest design. Data were collected from July 2, 2015 to September 30, 2015. A sample of 41 frail female elderly patients was recruited at A Nursing Home in K City, Korea. We measured xerostomia and salivary pH using a questionnaire and BCP test paper (pH 5.6~7.2). Laughter therapy was given once a week for four weeks (3 items). Data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, paired t-test and Cronbach's using the SPSS 18.0 program. RESULTS: There were significant differences in salivary pH according to oral health (t=-2.06, p<.05). There were significant differences in xerostomia (t=4.41, p<.001) and salivary pH (t=-7.94, p<.001) after salivary glands stimulated by laughter therapy. CONCLUSION: Salivary glands stimulated by laughter therapy improved xerostomia and salivary pH of the frail elderly. Therefore, salivary glands stimulated by laughter therapy may be useful in promoting and maintaining oral health among the frail elderly in the rapidly increasing population of old people.

Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Idoso Fragilizado , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Coreia (Geográfico) , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Casas de Saúde , Saúde Bucal , Glândulas Salivares , Xerostomia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-201213


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of laughter therapy on arthralgia, ankylosis, depression and sleep of elderly housebound women suffering from osteoarthritis. METHODS: The study used a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were 48 elderly women: 23 in the experimental group and 25 in the control group. The experimental group received laughter therapy twice a week for 4 weeks. The results were analyzed by using chi2-test, ANCOVA, and t-test with the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. RESULTS: The results showed that laughter therapy had a significant statistical effective in reducing arthralgia, ankylosis, and depression and improving the quality of sleep as evidenced by the differences between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicated that laughter therapy is an effective nursing intervention reducing arthralgia, ankylosis, and depression and improving the quality of sleep in these women. Therefore, it is necessary to develop laughter therapy as an independent nursing intervention for elderly women with osteoarthritis who are housebound.

Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Anquilose , Artralgia , Depressão , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Enfermagem , Osteoartrite
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 17(1): 26-38, jan.-mar. 2014.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-982737


Estas são reflexões acerca da alegria como forma de conhecimento intelectual e teórico que compõe o amplo campo da Educação Física, como pressuposto fundamental do sujeito ao lançar-se à ação corporal e suas repercussões na ainda mais complexa área da Saú -de. O objetivo do texto é ser introdutório à ideia de alegria expressa no pensamento do filósofo seiscentista Espinosa, como disparador de ressonâncias entre Educação Física e Saúde. Foi realizada uma análise da obra “Ética”, amparada por pensadores da Filosofia e da Educação Física. Chegou-se à infância como o modelo vivo das ideias de Espinosa, em que o entusiasmo da criação do mundo e da vida entra em acorde ressonante com a construção de uma forma de saúde, do corpo e sua educação, em maior liberdade e autonomia.

These are reflections about joy as a form of intellectual and theoretical knowledge that includesthe large field of Physical Education, based on a fundamental assumption about the importance of physical action, and its impact on the complex area of Health. The aimof the text is to be an introduction to the idea of joy expressed in the thoughts of thephilosopher Spinoza, as a trigger for the connections between Physical Education andHealth. An analysis of the work "Ethics" was completed, sustained by general works fromPhilosophy and Physical Education. It looked at chilhood as a model for Spinoza’s ideas,where enthusiasm for the creation of the world and life are connected to a particular typeof health, from the body and its education, based on greater freedom and autonomy.

Estas son algunas reflexiones sobre la alegría como forma de conocimiento intelectual yteórico del amplio campo de la educación física, como presupuesto fundamental del sujetoal lanzarse a la acción corporal y sus repercusiones en la aún más compleja área de lasalud. El objetivo del texto es que sirva de introducción a la idea de la alegría presente enel pensamiento del filósofo Espinosa, como generador de resonancias entre la educaciónfísica y la salud. Se realizó un análisis de la obra Ética, llegando a la infancia como modelovivo de las ideas de Espinosa en las cuales el entusiasmo de la creación del mundo yde la vida, entra en concordancia con la construcción de una forma de salud, del cuerpo ysu educación, con mayor libertad y autonomía.

Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Riso , Educação Física e Treinamento
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23606


PURPOSE: The study was a non-equivalent control group, quasi-experimental study to find out the effect of the laughter therapy on anxiety and depression of burn patients. METHODS: Study subjects were 60 hospitalized patients with the diagnosis of 2nd degree burn (30 experimental group; 30 control group). Experimental group received laughter therapy by the certificated therapist. STAI questionnaire, blood pressure and pulse were checked before and after the laughter therapy. RESULTS: Before and after the laughter implementation, the experimental group's anxiety decreased, however, the comparison group's anxiety did not show significant difference. Moreover, experimental group's anxiety decreased after the implementation. Experimental group's systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure did not decrease pre/post laughter therapy mediator. The comparison group showed that systolic blood pressure increased, and diastolic blood pressure did not show significant difference. Also, experimental group's systolic blood pressure and diastolic pressure did not show significant difference after the treatment. Pre/post laughter therapy mediation did not decrease the experimental group's pulse and comparison group's pulse. Furthermore, the experimental group's pulse did not show the significant difference after the treatment. In pre/post laughter therapy mediation, the experimental group's depression was decreased, however, the comparison did not how significance difference in pre/post depression score after the treatment. Moreover, the experimental group's depression was decreased after the treatment. CONCLUSION: According the results above, the laughter therapy had effect on decreasing anxiety and depression of the burn patients and it is efficient mediator for the burn patient. Repetitive research was needed to investigate the effect of laughter on cardiovascular system since it did not have decreasing effect on the blood pressure and pulse.

Humanos , Ansiedade , Pressão Sanguínea , Queimaduras , Sistema Cardiovascular , Depressão , Diagnóstico , Riso , Terapia do Riso , Negociação , Inquéritos e Questionários
Korean Leprosy Bulletin ; : 73-83, 2013.
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-77191


This study was attempted to explore the effect of laughter therapy on Hansen people's Interpersonal Relations, certify the effect, and use that as a useful means to improve Hansen people's interpersonal ability. The research method, Hansen people receiving outpatient and admission medical examination and treatment at the research institute of Korea Hansen Welfare Association located in Euiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do, and Hansen People residing at Razaro Village, and divided 60 people approving participation at research into 30 as an experimental group and 30 as a control group, and conducted a questionnaire survey. The sex was distributed to 30 males, and 30 females, and this study conducted a laughter therapy to 30 of the experimental group over 8 times in total by 60 minutes for 2 weeks, and for the collected data, analyzed changes to interpersonal relations revealed before and after conducting the laughter therapy program using IBM/SPSS 20.0 program. The major findings of this study are as follows. Verification of effects of a laughter therapy on Hansen people' interpersonal relations indicated that the interpersonal scores of the experimental group statistically came out high, so the laughter therapy is effective in improving Hansen people' interpersonal relations. {Pre-test (M = 3.21) and post-test (M = 3.79) of the results showed a statistically significant difference (p<.001)}. It clarified that the laughter therapy is effective improving males' and females' interpersonal relations, where it has a higher effect on female Hansen people than male people. {(males : pretest (M = 2.93) and post-test (M = 3.48), females : pre-test (M = 3.45) and post-test (M = 4.07}

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Academias e Institutos , Relações Interpessoais , Coreia (Geográfico) , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Hanseníase , Pacientes Ambulatoriais , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-64673


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of visiting laughter therapy on depression and insomnia in the vulnerable elderly. METHODS: A quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used for this study. The participants were 87 elderly who were registered in the Tailored Visiting Health Program of public health centers. Data were collected from September to November 2010. The experimental group received visiting laughter therapy froma visiting nurse who had taken laughter training provided by laughter therapy experts. The experimental group received 10~15 min of laughter therapy once a week for 8 weeks. The instruments included Geriatric Depression Scale and Insomnia Severity Index to measure depression and sleep problems before and after the laughter therapy. RESULTS: The results showed that visiting laughter therapy was effective in decreasing depression and insomnia among the vulnerable elderly. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that laughter therapy may be an effective nursing intervention to improve depression and insomnia Further studies would be needed to identify the difference of effects according to time, interval, or period of visiting laughter therapy and to evaluate the lasting effect of visiting laughter therapy.

Idoso , Humanos , Enfermagem em Saúde Comunitária , Depressão , Riso , Terapia do Riso , Saúde Pública , Distúrbios do Início e da Manutenção do Sono
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13592


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a laughter therapy on pain, depression, and quality of life of elderly people with osteoarthritis. METHODS: A quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. Participants (n=60) included older adults who were diagnosed with osteoarthritis and received treatment at the out patient departments of two different hospitals. Data were collected from March 9 to 30, 2011. Experimental group (n=30) participated in laughter therapy four times, once a week for 50 min per session. Questionnaires were used to measure pretest and posttest levels of pain, depression, and quality of life. RESULTS: At the end of four-week intervention, pain (F=11.32, p=.001) and depression (F=10.77, p=.002) were significantly decreased in the experimental group. Quality of life (F=6.28, p=.015) were significantly improve in the experimental group. CONCLUSION: The study results suggest that the laughter therapy is an effective intervention to reduce the pain and depression, and to improve quality of life. It seems that this program can widely be utilized as one of nursing intervention programs for the elderly people with osteoarthritis.

Adulto , Idoso , Humanos , Depressão , Terapia do Riso , Riso , Enfermagem , Osteoartrite , Qualidade de Vida , Inquéritos e Questionários
Vertex rev. argent. psiquiatr ; 24(111): 393-8, 2013 Sep-Oct.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1176925
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139253


Gelastic syncope or laughter-induced syncope is a rare disease often misdiagnosed as narcolepsy or cataplexy. We report a 54-year-old man with syncopal episodes. Each episode started after laughter, leading to light-headedness with blurring of vision and loss of consciousness for a few seconds. The episodes resolved spontaneously. The treatment of gelastic syncope is the same as that for neurally mediated syncope.

Humanos , Riso , Masculino , Anamnese , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Polissonografia , Síncope/classificação , Síncope/diagnóstico