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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20201070, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1286055


A comparative study was perfomed with conventional and ultrasound assisted extraction on tomato processing waste. Ultrasound extraction exhibited slightly higher phenolic and flavonoids content, as well as higher ABTS + radical scavenging capacity (4.63 mg GAE.g-1, 0.96 mg RUE.g-1 and 27.90 µmol TE.g -1 respectively). On both extracts, a high percentage of flavonoids was lost during simulated digestion, resulting on a bioacessibility of approximately 13 %. Extracts presented good stability during storage conditions, which indicates a possible technological application.

Foi realizado um estudo comparativo com a extração convencional e assistida por ultrassom em resíduos do processamento de tomate. A extração ultrassônica exibiu teor de fenólicos e flavonóides ligeiramente maiores, bem como maior capacidade antioxidante ABTS + (4,63 mg AG.g-1, 0,96 mg RUE.g-1 e 27,90 µmol TE.g -1, respectivamente). Em ambos os extratos, uma alta porcentagem de flavonóides foi perdida durante a digestão simulada, resultando em uma bioacessibilidade de aproximadamente 13%. Os extratos apresentaram boa estabilidade durante as condições de armazenamento, o que indica uma possível aplicação tecnológica.

Solanum lycopersicum/química , Compostos Fenólicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Antioxidantes/análise , Ultrassom
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63: e20180670, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132160


Abstract Studies evaluating the influence of nutrients on plant anatomy are very important because nutritional deficiencies can alter the thickness and shape of certain tissues, compromising their functionality what can explain the reduction of productivity. The aim of this study was to characterize the anatomical changes in cherry tomato plants subjected to calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) deficiencies. The experiment was conducted in nutrient solution and the plants subjected to three treatments: complete solution (Control), Ca restriction (1 mmol L-1 of Ca) and Mg omission (without Mg). The experimental design was completely randomized, with three repetitions. Sixty days after seedling transplanting leaves and stem were collected and submitted to anatomical evaluations. Ca or Mg deficiency promotes most evident anatomical changes in chlorophyllous and vascular tissues of the leaves, rather than in the stems. Leaves of 'Sindy' tomato plants with a concentration of 1.7 g kg-1 of Mg and visual symptoms of Mg deficiency present hyperplasia of both tissues, phloem and xylem. This deficiency also promotes increases in the thickness of mesophyll, spongy parenchyma and palisade parenchyma, and consequently of leaf thickness. The midrib of the leaves with a concentration of 10 g kg-1 of Ca, without visual symptoms of deficiency presented phloem hypertrophy and hyperplasia.

Cálcio/análise , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Caules de Planta/química , Folhas de Planta/química , Magnésio/análise , Floema/metabolismo , Xilema/metabolismo
Hig. aliment ; 32(278/279): 107-111, 30/04/2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-909992


provavelmente na Região Andina, parte ocidental da América do Sul. Seus frutos são bagas carnosas, suculentas, variando em aspecto, tamanho e peso, dependendo do cultivar e do manejo adotado. Este projeto procurou estudar a composição físico-química e nutricional de sete variedades de tomate obtidas sob cultivo orgânico de produção. Os resultados apresentaram os seguintes limites: massa variou entre 17 e 143g, o pH de 3,99 a 4,88, sólidos solúveis totais de 3,83 a 4,60 ºBrix, acidez total titulável de 0,28 a 0,36%, relação SST/ATT de 11,2 a 13,9, umidade de 88,8 a 96,2%, cinzas de 0,44 a 0,97%, proteínas de 0,25 a 0,94%, lipídeos de 0,12 a 0,90%, carboidratos de 2,02 a 8,70% e VET de 15,9 a 42,5 kcal. Cada amostra foi analisada em triplicata e apresentou entre baixa a média dispersão, mas com diferenças entre cultivares que podem ser atribuídas à genética e as condições edafoclimáticas. Com os resultados obtidos, concluiu-se que, além de terem sido obtidas sob cultivo orgânico, o que já confere vantagem por não possuírem resíduos químicos, os cultivares apresentaram alta qualidade do ponto de vista físico-químico e nutricional.(AU)

The tomatoes probably have their origin in the Andean Region, western part of South America. Its berries are fleshy, succulent, varying in appearance, size and weight, depending on the cultivar and management adopted. This project sought to study the physical and chemical composition and nutritional seven tomato varieties produced under organic crop production. The results showed the following limits: mass ranged between 17 and 143g, the pH from 3.99 to 4.88, soluble solids from 3.83 to 4.60 ºBrix, titratable acidity from 0.28 to 0.36%, TSS / TTA ratio from 11.2 to 13.9 ºBrix/%, 88.8 to 96.2 moisture%, ash 0.44 to 0.97%, protein 0.25 to 0.94%, lipid 0, 12 to 0.90%, carbohydrates from 2.02 to 8.70% and from 15.9 to 42.5 VET kcal. Each sample was analyzed in triplicate and showed low and medium dispersion, but with differences between cultivars that can be attributed to genetics and the soil and climatic conditions. With these results, it was concluded that in addition to having been obtained under organic cultivation, which already gives advantage by not having chemical residues, the cultivars showed high quality in terms of physical-chemical and nutritional.

Humanos , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Composição de Alimentos , Agricultura Orgânica , Verduras , Amostras de Alimentos , Solanum lycopersicum/classificação
Braz. j. microbiol ; 49(supl.1): 34-39, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974321


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the elution-concentration methodology based on skimmed milk flocculation from three varieties of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L. [globe], Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme [cherry] and hybrid cocktail [grape tomato]) for further monitoring of field samples. Spiking experiments were performed to determine the success rate and efficiency recovery of human norovirus (NoV) genogroup II, norovirus murine-1 (MNV-1) used as sample process control virus and human adenovirus (HAdV). Mean values of 18.8%, 2.8% and 44.0% were observed for NoV GII, MNV-1 and HAdV, respectively with differences according to the types of tomatoes, with lower efficiency for cherry tomatoes. Analysis of 90 samples, obtained at commercial establishments in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro State, revealed 4.5% positivity for HAdV. Bacterial analysis was also performed with no detection of Salmonella spp., L. monocytogenes and fecal coliforms. Data demonstrated that the skimmed milk flocculation method is suitable for recovering HAdV from tomatoes and highlights the need for considering investigation in order to improve food safety.

Animais , Bovinos , Vírus/isolamento & purificação , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Leite/química , Microbiologia de Alimentos/métodos , Frutas/virologia , Vírus/classificação , Vírus/genética , Solanum lycopersicum/classificação , Solanum lycopersicum/virologia , Floculação , Microbiologia de Alimentos/instrumentação , Frutas/classificação , Frutas/química
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2018. 99 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-998429


Tendo em vista a importância dos compostos bioativos (CBAs) para a promoção da saúde, foram desenvolvidos, a partir de cruzamentos do tomate cereja com espécies selvagens, os tomates laranja (rico em ß-caroteno) e roxo (rico em antocianinas), por meio da técnica de introgressão de alelos. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o perfil de compostos bioativos e voláteis dos tomates enriquecidos e avaliar a estabilidade e metabolização de flavonoides do tomate roxo durante digestão in vitro e em modelo animal. Os tomates foram caracterizados quanto ao conteúdo de compostos fenólicos totais; capacidade antioxidante por DPPH e ORAC; ácidos orgânicos; açúcares solúveis; perfil de carotenoides por CLAE/DAD; flavonoides por CLAE/DAD e LC/ESI/MS/MS e compostos voláteis por CG/MS. Avaliou-se ainda a estabilidade dos flavonoides da casca do tomate roxo por simulação da digestão in vitro, utilizando o Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME), bem como a formação de AGCC por GC-MS, e excreção em ratos Wistar, com posterior identificação dos compostos fenólicos por LC/Q-TOF/MS. O tomate roxo apresentou aumento no conteúdo de fenólicos totais, capacidade antioxidante e vitamina C, com destaque para casca. A rutina foi o principal flavonol identificado em todos os frutos, e na casca do tomate roxo foi encontrado alto teor de petunidina (p-coumaroil)-rutinosídeo-hexosídeo, além da superexpressão de outros flavonoides como a quercetina-3-O-rutinosídeo e kaempferol. Não houve alteração no perfil de flavonoides do fruto laranja. Este, por sua vez, apresentou acúmulo de ß-caroteno, importante pró-vitamina A, ao passo que o tomate roxo também teve seus conteúdos de ß-caroteno e licopeno aumentados. Os frutos apresentaram perfil de compostos voláteis diferentes entre si, o que foi relacionado à degradação dos diferentes CBAs característicos de cada um. O extrato fenólico da casca de tomate roxo, submetido à digestão in vitro, se manteve estável na primeira porção, relativo às condições estomacais. Contudo, o conteúdo de flavonoides apresentou redução significativa (p<0,05) nas porções que simulam as condições do duodeno e do colón, com a formação de catabólitos pela ação da microbiota intestinal e/ou pela degradação química espontânea. Foi observado o aparecimento de novos ácidos fenólicos não presentes inicialmente na matriz, dentre eles o ácido 3-O-metilgálico e o ácido homovanílico, supostamente derivados da degradação da petunidina e da quercetina, respectivamente. Houve aumento na produção total de AGCC, com excessão do butirato. Na urina dos animais foram detectados diversos outros compostos fenólicos derivados do metabolismo de fase II, dentre eles o ácido hipúrico e o 3-O-metilcatecol. Nas fezes foram identificados cerca de metade dos compostos presentes na fermentação in vitro. Dessa forma, o melhoramento convencional pode ser uma alternativa para o enriquecimento, com CBAs, de alimentos amplamente consumidos pela população, como o tomate. Além disso, durante a passagem pelo trato gastrointestinal, os flavonoides presentes na casca do tomate roxo sofrem intensa degradação pela microbiota intestinal, com formação de catabólitos com reconhecido potencial benefício à saúde

Considering the importance of bioactive compounds (BACs) for health promotion, the orange (ß-carotene-rich) and purple (anthocyanin-rich) tomatoes were developed from cherry tomato interspecific crossing with wild species, using the technique of allele introgression. The objective of this work was to characterize the profile of bioactive and volatile compounds of enriched tomatoes, and to evaluate the stability and metabolism of purple tomato's flavonoids during in vitro and in vivo digestion. The tomatoes were characterized by its content of total phenolic compounds; antioxidant capacity (DPPH and ORAC); organic acids; soluble sugars; carotenoids (HPLC/DAD); flavonoids (HPLC/DAD and LC/ESI/MS/MS) and volatile compounds (GC/MS). The stability of the flavonoids from purple tomato peel was assessed by using the Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (SHIME), as well as the formation of AGCC by GC-MS, and metabolism and excretion in Wistar rats, with subsequent identification of phenolic compounds by LC/Q-TOF/MS. The purple tomato showed an increase in the total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and vitamin C, with highlight for the peel. The rutin was the main flavonol identified in all fruits, and it was found high content of petunidin (p-coumaryl)-rutinoside-hexoside in the purple tomato peel, in addition to overexpression of other flavonoids such as quercetin-3-O-rutinoside and kaempferol. There was no change in the flavonoid profile of the orange fruit. This one, in turn, presented accumulation of ß-carotene, important pro-vitamin A, while the purple tomato also showed an increase in its ß-carotene and lycopene contents. The fruits presented different volatile compounds profile among them, which was related to the degradation of the different BACs composition of each one. In the in vitro digestion, the phenolic extract of the purple tomato peel remained stable in the first portion, relative to the stomach conditions. However, the content of flavonoids presented a significant reduction (p<0.05) in the portions simulating the duodenum and colon, with the formation of catabolites by the action of intestinal microbiota and/or spontaneous chemical degradation. It was observed the appearance of new phenolic acids that was not initially present in the matrix, among them 3-O-methylgalic acid and homovanilic acid, supposedly derived from the degradation of petunidin and quercetin, respectively. There was an increase in the total production of SCFAs, with the exception of butyrate. In the urine of the animals several other phenolic compounds derived from phase II metabolism were detected, among them hippuric acid and 3-O-methylcatechol. About half of the compounds present in the in vitro fermentation were identified in the feces. Conventional breeding may be an alternative for the enrichment, with BACs, of foods that are widely consumed by the population, such as tomatoes. In addition, during the passage through the gastrointestinal tract, the flavonoids present in the purple tomato peel are severely degraded by the intestinal microbiota, with formation of catabolites with recognized potential health benefit

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Flavonoides/análise , Técnicas In Vitro , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Compostos Fenólicos , Antocianinas/classificação
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 7(4): 124-133, oct.2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-789310


The prevalence of non-transmissible chronic diseases such as obesity, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes, among others, have increased worldwide. One way to prevent and/or control them is through bioactive food compounds that can be incorporated as functional ingredients (IF). The IF isa compound IF: apple pomace, opuntia palette, tomato pomace and rice bran. Objective: Assess the functional ingredient (IF) for glycemic control in humans. Subjects and Methods: 48 Subjects, both sexes, aged between 40 and 60. Divided into three groups: non-obese (NO), obese (OB) and diabetic (DM) with 16 subjects per group. Subjects consumed 600 g daily of nonfat yogurt with artificial sweetener. 50 percent of the subjects in each group received yogurt with IF and 50 percent without IF for 44 days. Metabolic control of capillary blood glucose was performed weekly, of nutrition every week, as well as basal metabolic control, 22 and 44 with: fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, tolerance test to glucose with 2 point sampling and calculation of HOMA-IR. All analyses were performed at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile. The statistical analysis included measures of central tendency and dispersion. They compared the effect of the intervention vs control using the Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples and the Chi2 test for categorical variables. Results:15 subjects from the DM group, 16 from OB and 10 from NO completed the experiment. Significant differences were found between the intervention group and the placebo in the obese group, in the weight variation of the basal-22 days, 22-44 and basal-44 days with p = 0.007, p = 0.001 and p = 0.001respectively, and significant differences in the NO group between the placebo and intervention groups in the variation basal-22 days for HOMA-IR (p = 0.010) and 44 -22 days for LDL (p = 0.045). Conclusion: In this study no significant differences were found for subjects stratified into...

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , /metabolismo , /terapia , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais , Alimento Funcional , Glicemia , Índice de Massa Corporal , Peso Corporal , Estudos de Casos e Controles , /sangue , Glicemia/análise , Insulina/sangue , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Malus/química , Opuntia , Oryza/química , Período Pós-Prandial , Fatores de Tempo
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2013 Aug; 51(8): 635-645
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-149366


An elevated level of serum urea and creatinine was observed in doxorubicin (DOX) treated animals indicating DOX-induced nephrotoxicity. Enhanced lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the renal tissue was accompanied by a significant decrease in the levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT) activities. Administration of lycopene (LycT) extracted from tomato to DOX treated mice showed a significant reduction in serum creatinine and urea levels which were associated with significantly low levels of LPO and significantly enhanced level of GSH and related antioxidant enzymes activity (GPx, GR and CAT) when compared to DOX group. Histopathological analysis revealed severe damage in the renal tissue of DOX treated animals. However, animals pretreated with LycT were observed to have reduced damage. Thus, from present results it may be inferred that lycopene may be beneficial in mitigating DOX induced nephrotoxicity in mice.

Animais , Antibióticos Antineoplásicos/toxicidade , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Carotenoides/farmacologia , Catalase/metabolismo , Doxorrubicina/toxicidade , Feminino , Glutationa/metabolismo , Glutationa Peroxidase/metabolismo , Glutationa Redutase/metabolismo , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/tratamento farmacológico , Nefropatias/patologia , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/efeitos dos fármacos , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Masculino , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Superóxido Dismutase
Rev. méd. Maule ; 28(1): 8-11, jun. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-677275


Cardiovascular diseases are closely associated with lifestyle risk factors, some of them modifiable. Animal studies and clinical observations have suggested a relationship between serum total cholesterol and atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that levels of triglycerides and cholesterol were modified by the consumption of fresh tomato juice. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of daily consumption of tomato mash on cholesterol and other biochemical parameters in Wistar rats. To carry out this research two groups of rats (n = 6 each one), were formed, one of which was supplemented with a mash diet tomato and the other was used for control. After 15 days of testing, the rats were sacrificed and plasma collected was used for biochemical determination of total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, glutamicoxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase. The cholesterol level decreased in the study group (33,7+/-2,78 mg/dL) with respect to that of control group (58,6+/-10,6 mg/dL). This study showed an ipocholesterolemic effect of the tomato in rats. Future studies could examine this activity in dyslipidemic subjects.

Animais , Ratos , Colesterol/análise , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Glicemia , Modelos Animais , Ratos Wistar , Triglicerídeos/análise
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 60(2): 192-198, jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-630317


In the present investigation we ascertained the stability of lycopene, ß-carotene, ascorbic acid, polyphenolic compounds and total antioxidant capacity (AC) during the process of concentrating tomatoes into two tomato pastes (10 and 15ºBrix). Thermal processing increased the content of lycopene, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids, and the individual phenolic compounds quercetin, rutin, chlorogenic and cafeic acids, whereas it decreased the other analysed compounds. However, lycopene in the 15ºBrix-tomato paste decreased due to the extension of thermal processing, which led to degradation. The AC of aqueous and organic extracts was measured and different AC values were observed depending on the antioxidant profile of the extract and assay used (TEAC and FRAP). AC expressed in dry matter decreased as result of ascorbic acid losses. Overall, thermal processing enhanced the nutritional value of tomatoes, mainly by increasing the lycopene and phenolic antioxidants, but the extension of treatment must be controlled to prevent lycopene degradation.

En el presente trabajo hemos estudiado la estabilidad del licopeno, ß-caroteno, ácido ascórbico, compuestos fenólicos y capacidad antioxidante total (AC) durante el procesado de concentración del tomate en dos pastas de tomate (10 y 15ºBrix). El tratamiento térmico incrementó el contenido de licopeno, compuestos fenólicos totales, flavonoides totales y el contenido de quercetina, rutina y ácido clorogénico y cafeíco, disminuyendo el contenido de los otros compuestos analizados. Sin embargo, el contenido de licopeno en la pasta de tomate de 15ºBrix disminuyó debido al tratamiento térmico como consecuencia de la degradación térmica. La AC de los extractos acuosos y orgánicos de las muestras proporcionaron diferentes resultados dependiendo del perfil de antioxidante extraído y del método de análisis utilizado (TEAC y FRAP). La AC expresada en material seca disminuyó como resultado de las pérdidas de ácido ascórbico. En general el procesado térmico incrementa el valor nutricional del tomate , debido principalmente al incrmento de licopeno y compuestos fenólicos, pero la extensión del tratamiento en tiempo y temperatura debe ser controlado para prevenir la degradación del licopeno.

Antioxidantes/análise , Ácido Ascórbico/análise , Carotenoides/análise , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Temperatura Alta , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Fenóis/análise , Solanum lycopersicum/metabolismo , Valor Nutritivo , Fatores de Tempo
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 13(2): 4-5, Mar. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-567082


A response surface technique was used to analyze the effect of Glomus fasciculatum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and worm-bed leachate (WBL) on growth, yield and characteristics of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill). The treatments combined inoculation with or without P. fluorescensor G. fasciculatum and the application of WBL at 20% (v/v) each day or every three days. Plant height, number of leaves and yield of tomato fruits was not affected by the factors studied. However, plants with foliar application of WBL each day developed wider stems than those with an application every three days. The pH of the fruits was lower when WBL was applied every three days compared to a daily application. The soluble solids content of the fruits was higher when WBL was applied daily compared to those sprayed every three days. Plant development was not affected by addition of P. fluorescens, G. fasciculatum or WBL, but WBL changed fruit characteristics.

Fungos/fisiologia , Solanum lycopersicum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Serrapilheira , Pseudomonas fluorescens/fisiologia , Produção Agrícola , Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/química , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Solanum lycopersicum/microbiologia , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Fatores de Tempo
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 13(5): 1627-1636, set.-out. 2008. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-492145


Objetivou-se avaliar procedimentos de manipulação visando o controle de perdas de β-caroteno e licopeno em couve e tomate preparados em uma Unidade de Alimentação e Nutrição (UAN) hospitalar. Os critérios adotados não utilizados previamente pela UAN foram: armazenamento por 24 h sob refrigeração (10°C), sanitização por 15 min e distribuição logo após o preparo. As hortaliças foram coletadas após a recepção e depois de cada etapa de manipulação. A análise foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), usando como fase móvel metanol, acetato de etila e acetonitrila (50:40:10). A ANOVA (α = 0,05) foi utilizada para detecção de diferenças significativas. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto ao conteúdo dos componentes entre as etapas de manipulação, mas houve redução importante das taxas de retenção. Para β-caroteno em couve, verificou-se retenção de 68,2 por cento após 60 minutos de exposição para consumo, enquanto em tomate, 91,96 por cento do conteúdo desse composto foi preservado após 120 minutos de espera até a distribuição. Não foi observada redução importante na taxa de retenção de licopeno. Os procedimentos avaliados na UAN hospitalar contribuíram para controlar as perdas de carotenóides nas hortaliças, pois sua retenção foi elevada, sendo sugerida sua adoção em outras UAN.

The aim of this study was to assess the handling procedures of kale and tomatoes in a hospital foodservice (HFS) in order to control loss of β-carotene and licopene. The adopted measures, up to then not used by the HFS, were: 24-h storage under refrigeration (10°C), hygienizing for 15 min and distribution immediately after preparation. Vegetable samples were collected after reception and after each stage of manipulation in the HFS. The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a mobile phase of methanol, ethyl acetate and acetonitrile (50:40:10). ANOVA (α = 0.05) was used to detect significant differences. No significant differences in the content of the components were found between the different stages of manipulation but there was an important decrease in the retention rates. In kale a retention rate of 68.2 percent for β-carotene was verified 60 minutes after preparation whereas in tomatoes 91.96 percent of this compound were preserved for 120 minutes after preparation. No important decrease was observed in the retention of licopene. The high retention rates showed that the evaluated procedures contributed to control the loss of carentoids in vegetables and therefore these measures should be adopted in other HFS.

Brassica/química , Carotenoides/análise , Culinária/normas , Serviço Hospitalar de Nutrição , Solanum lycopersicum/química
J Environ Biol ; 2008 Sep; 29(5): 759-63
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113662


The dried tobacco waste was mixed in proportions of 1%, 2% and 3% in soil and filled in earthen pots of 6 kg capacity. Three replicate pots for each soil concentration were used. Tomato saplings of cultivar Bezosheetal were transplanted age of 20 days (signifying stage before flowering), 25 days (signifying stage at the start of flowering) and 45 day (signifying just at the onset of fruiting). The morphological parameters like plant height, number of leaf, flower plant(-1), number of fruits and yield plant(-1) were recorded. Nutrient parameters like moisture, total soluble solids (TSS), acidity vitamin C, reducing sugar proteins, pectin and lycopene were analyzed in tomato fruits. Experiments revealed that the yield of tomato fruit and critical nutritional parameters showed significant increase. For higher yield (183 g plant(-1)) of tomato, the best option is the use of 3% tobacco waste after 45 days of transplant. Alternatively, use of 2% tobacco waste with 45 days of transplant provides a higher quality tomato. The yield obtained here would be significantly higher than control but not as high as with 3% tobacco waste.

Agricultura , Produtos Agrícolas/química , Fertilizantes , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Valor Nutritivo , Indústria do Tabaco
Vitae (Medellín) ; 13(2): 44-53, mar.-dic. 2006. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-440996


El licopeno, al cual el tomate debe su tonalidad roja, además de presentar grandes propiedades como colorate, es un poderoso antioxidante que ayuda a combatir enfermedades degenerativas. Debido a la importancia que se ha venido dando al licopeno por sus propiedades, en esta investigación se comparan los métodos de extracción arrastre con vapor y extracción con solventes, con base en el rendimiento obtenido y el pretratamiento dado a la muestra vegetal, caracterizando los extractos obtenidos mediante espectrometría visible UV. Además, se desarrollan extracciones para determinar tanto el contenido de licopeno en tomate chonto Lycopersicum esculentum, como otros parámetros del proceso de extracción: temperatura, relación masa de pulpa de tomate a volumen de solvente, tiempo de extracción y número de etapas. Con estos parámetros se propone el diseño básico de una planta piloto para la extracción de dicho carotenoide, disponiendo los equipos según el correspondiente diagrama de flujo y bajo las demás condiciones de operación necesarias para evitar la degradación y descomposición del licopeno a lo largo del proceso, y que permita obtener un rendimiento de 6 g de oleorresina/ Kg de pulpa

Solanum lycopersicum/química
West Indian med. j ; 55(4): 274-278, Sept. 2006.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-472119


The objective of the present study is to evaluate the beneficial effect of tomatoes, which are a rich source of lycopene, a relatively new carotenoid known to play an important role in human health. In this study, the lipid peroxidation rate was investigated by estimating malondialdehyde (TBARS) levels of antioxidant enzymes like SOD, GSH-Px, GR, GSH, lipid profile, which includes total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein, and glycated haemoglobin HbA1c in (n = 40) the Type 2 diabetic group (n = 40) and an age-matched control group (n = 50). Significantly lower levels of antioxidant enzymes and very high lipid peroxidation rate in the Type 2 diabetic group were observed when compared to controls (p 0.10). These findings suggest that tomato lycopene may have considerable therapeutic potential as an antioxidant but there was no significant lipid lowering effect in Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto beneficioso del tomate como fuente rica en licopeno – un carotenoide relativamente nuevo, del cual se sabe que juega un importante papel en la salud humana. En este estudio, investigamos el índice de peroxidación lipídica, estimando los niveles MDA (TBARS) de las enzimas antioxidantes como SOD, GSH-Px, GR, GSH, el perfil lipídico, que incluye el colesterol total, los triglicéridos, los HDL, LDL, VLDL, y la hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) en (n = 40) en el grupo diabético tipo 2 (n = 40) y el grupo de control pareado por edad (n = 50). En este estudio, observamos niveles significativamente más bajos de enzimas antioxidantes e índices de peroxidación lipídica muy altos en el grupo diabético tipo 2, en comparación con el grupo control (p < 0.001). Asimismo observamos niveles significativamente más altos de perfil lipídico y hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c) en el grupo diabético al comparársele con el grupo control (p < 0.001).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Antioxidantes , Carotenoides/farmacologia , /metabolismo , Lipídeos , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/efeitos dos fármacos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Carotenoides/uso terapêutico , /fisiopatologia , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Fatores de Tempo , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/efeitos dos fármacos
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 39(8): 1115-1119, Aug. 2006. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-433171


The consumption of tomatoes and tomato products has been associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. We observed a decrease of 10.77 percent in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia who were submitted to daily ingestion of tomato paste. This was an experimental rather than a controlled study with a sample of 43 men ranging in age from 45 to 75 years, all with histological diagnoses of benign prostate hyperplasia and plasma PSA levels of 4-10 ng/mL. All patients received 50 g of tomato paste once a day for 10 consecutive weeks and PSA levels were analyzed before, during and after the consumption of tomato paste. ANOVA for repeated measures was used to compare PSA levels before, during and after the consumption of tomato paste. The mean ± SD PSA level was 6.51 ± 1.48 ng/mL at baseline and 5.81 ± 1.58 ng/mL (P = 0.005) after 10 weeks. Acceptance was good in 88.3, regular in 9.3, and poor in 2.3 percent of the patients. Dietary ingestion of 50 g of tomato paste per day for 10 weeks significantly reduced mean plasma PSA levels in patients with benign prostate hyperplasia, probably as a result of the high amount of lycopene in tomato paste. This was not a prostate cancer prevention study, but showed some action of tomato paste in prostate biology. The development of prostate cancer is typically accompanied by an increase in plasma PSA levels, thus any intervention that affects plasma PSA levels can suggest an impact in the progression of disease.

Idoso , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Anticarcinógenos/administração & dosagem , Carotenoides/administração & dosagem , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Antígeno Prostático Específico/sangue , Hiperplasia Prostática/dietoterapia , Análise de Variância , Valor Nutritivo , Antígeno Prostático Específico/efeitos dos fármacos , Hiperplasia Prostática/sangue
Rev. méd. Chile ; 134(7): 855-862, jul. 2006. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-434586


Background: Tomato has a high antioxidant capacity due to its high content of vitamin C, vitamin E and lycopene that is a powerful free radical scavenger. However, the effects of tomato on plasma lipoproteins is not well known, and there is little evidence about the relationship between tomato consumption and oxidative state changes in humans. Aim: To assess in vivo the effects of dietary supplementation with pure concentrated tomato juice on short term changes in oxidative state and plasma lipoproteins in healthy volunteers. Subjects and methods: Seventeen healthy volunteers were studied. They received a supplement of pure tomato juice during 7 days. At baseline, at the end of the supplementarion period and eight days after the end of the supplementation, a blood sample was drawn to measure total antioxidant capacity (TRAP), enzymatic antioxidants (catalase and superoxide dismutase), non-enzimatic antioxidants (lycopene and a-tocopherol) and plasma lipoproteins. Results: Lycopene level increased early and significantly in comparison with basal levels (48%; p <0.05). TRAP, catalase and superoxide dismutase did not change significantly. HDL cholesterol increased significantly in 5.6±4.3 mg/dL (p <0.002) on the second sampling period, improving the ratio cholesterol/HDL. It returned to baseline in the third period. Conclusions: Dietary supplementation of concentrated tomato juice significantly increases lycopene levels and HDL cholesterol. Non significant changes observed in TRAP, catalase and superoxide dismutase were observed during the supplementation period.

Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Bebidas , Carotenoides/metabolismo , Lipoproteínas HDL/sangue , Solanum lycopersicum , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Análise de Variância , Antioxidantes/administração & dosagem , Antioxidantes/química , Doenças Cardiovasculares/prevenção & controle , Carotenoides/sangue , Catalase/sangue , Suplementos Nutricionais , Lipoproteínas LDL/sangue , Estudos Longitudinais , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Superóxido Dismutase/sangue , Tocoferóis/sangue
São Paulo; s.n; 2006. 161 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-478042


Objetivo: O principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar os efeitos dos cultivos orgânicos e convencional sobre as características físico-químicas, o teor de compostos antioxidantes, a atividade antioxidante e os resíduos de pesticidas de tomates cultivar Carmen. Considerando-se que o preparo doméstico de alimentos exerce efeitos expressivos sobre o nível de nutrientes em relação ao alimento in natura, particularmente no que tange ao teor de compostos antioxidantes e, consequentemente, na atividade antioxidante destes compostos, verificou-se também a influência de diversas formas de preparo doméstico para o consumo de tomates. Métodos: Os tomates foram submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: inteiro, sem pele, sem semente, molho e purê de tomate. As amostras foram avaliadas físico-quimicamente quanto à atividade de água, sólidos solúveis totais, umidade, pH, cor, teor de ácido ascórbico, de fenólicos totais e de licopeno. As amostras foram liofilizadas e, posteriormente, submetidas ao processo de extração sequencial para frutos, dando origem aos extratos etéreos, etanólicos e aquoso. Aos extratos foram aplicados o teste do 1,1-difenil-2picrilhidrazil (DPPH) e o sistema beta-caroteno/ácido linoléico para avaliação da atividade antioxidante in vitro. As amostras foram ainda submetidas à análise multiresíduos de pesticidas. Para análise estatística dos resultados utilizou-se análise univariada e o teste de Tukey, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5 por cento. Resultados: O tomate orgânico inteiro e o molho apresentaram teores médios de ácido ascórbico maiores que seus semilares convencionais. O tomate orgânico apresentou teor médio de fenólicos maior que o tomate convencional, para todos os produtos e preparações. Não foi possível identificar diferença entre orgânicos e convencionais quanto ao teor de licopeno, para todas as preparações e produtos avaliados. Para o extrato etéreo pelo método DPPH, verificou-se que apenas para o tomate...

Antioxidantes , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Resíduos de Praguicidas , Plantas/química , Produção Agrícola , Ingestão de Alimentos , Alimentos Orgânicos
Bol. Centro Pesqui. Process. Aliment ; 23(1): 37-46, jan.-jun. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-410647


O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a aceitação sensorial de doce de tomate em calda, elaborado com tomates (Lycopersicon escullentum Mill) tipo italiano, cultivar Andrea. O fruto in natura foi analisado quimicamente e o doce de tomate em calda submetido às análises de controle de qualidade, vitamina C e açúcares totais e redutores. Avaliou-se a aceitação sensorial do doce de tomate em calda e a intenção de compra mediante equipe com 50 julgadores, utilizando escala hedônica estruturada. O doce de tomate em calda aprensentou pH e acidez de equilíbrio que garantem boa segurança quanto ao desenvolvimento de microorganismos e preservou o teor de vitamina C sem comprometer o valor nutricional do produto. O doce de tomate em calda obteve médias próximas a 8,0 no teste de aceitação sensorial, sendo que 77, 6 por cento dos julgadores possivelmente ou certamente comprariam o produto caso o encontrassem no mercado

Análise de Alimentos , Manipulação de Alimentos , Solanum lycopersicum/química
Int. j. morphol ; 22(4): 285-290, dez. 2004. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-396047


Las lectinas son proteínas que contienen áreas singulares para el reconocimiento de secuencias de azúcares en los glicoconjugados. La lecitina del tomate Lycopersicon esculentum (LEL) es capaz de reconocer específicamente los residuos de N-acetil-glucosamina (Gly-Nac) y poli-N-acetil-lactosamina. Utilizamos la técnica histoquímica para LEL conjugada a la biotina con el propósito de investigar en la glándula pineal de ratones adultos y durante el desarrollo, las estructuras morfológicas capaces de unirse a esta lecitina. Nuestros resultados experimentales mostraron un material de coloración por la LEL, solamente en la superficie de las células endoteliales de todos los vasos sanguíneos y en todas las regiones de la glándula. La excepción ocurrió en los ratones con un día pos-natal (PN1), donde solamente los vasos de la región más periférica de la glándula presentaban coloración marrón amarillenta por la LEL, pero ninguno presentaba esta coloración en la región más central de la glándula. La reacción apareció especialmente en el espacio interno de las pseudo-rosetas, demostrando así que este espacio está, seguramente, representado por un vaso.

Animais , Glândula Pineal/enzimologia , Glândula Pineal/irrigação sanguínea , Solanum lycopersicum/enzimologia , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Acetilglucosamina/isolamento & purificação , Acetilglucosamina/análise , Células Endoteliais , Células Endoteliais/enzimologia , Fosfatidilcolinas , Glicoconjugados/análise , N-Acetil-Lactosamina Sintase , Ratos Wistar
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 53(3): 282-286, sept. 2003.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-356557


Tree tomato (Cyphomandra betaceae Sendth) is a species from high tropical regions. In Venezuela, it is cultivate at the Andean and Aragua state but its consumption is restricted as fruit-fresh, though it a nutritious and industrial potential due its provitamin A content. In this research four nectars were elaborated in proportion I L pulp/4 L of water (1:4) and addition of ascorbic acid (I: 0 per cent; II: 0.5 per cent; III: 1.0 y IV: 1.5 per cent). The nectars were pasteurized (60 degrees C for 30 min), tuned into amber bottle, and stored under refrigeration conditions (7.0 +/- 1.0 degrees C). Weekly during 21 days the mesophilic bacteria, molds, yeasts, total coliforms (MPN/mL), pH, degree Brix, acidity, total carotenoids, vitamin C and total sugars were evaluated. The mesophilic bacteria content was < 200 UFC/mL for every formulation on the first day the evaluation, molds and yeasts were < 10 UFC/mL and the total coliforms (NPN/mL) < 3 until the third evaluation. No significant differences (P > 0.05) were founded on: pH. degree Brix and total sugars. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were founded in vitamin C and total carotenoids content. Sensorial analysis did not show significant differences between formulations for the smell and flavor attributes, when the color was discriminate during the evaluations. The formulation I (without acid ascorbic) had more preference due its color. In conclusion, the nectars showed useful life of 14-21 days under refrigeration condition storage due to the adequate physicochemical and microbiological quality of the product.

Bebidas , Solanum lycopersicum , Manipulação de Alimentos/métodos , Antioxidantes , Ácido Ascórbico , Bebidas/análise , Bebidas/microbiologia , Físico-Química , Solanum lycopersicum/química , Solanum lycopersicum/microbiologia