Background: One in hventy ofpeople qffected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have been children and adolescents. A unique complication in this age group is the Multi-inflammatory syndrome associated Il'ith COVID-19 (MS-C). We report a single-center case series ofchildren diagnosed with MS-Cfrom Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Case descriptions This case series describes the clinical presentation and treatment outcomes offour male patients presenting at a mean age of3 years and 11 months. Allfulfilled the World Health Organization case definition criteria for the Multi-inflammatomy syndrome associated 'Vith COVID-19. All "'ere not eligible for vaccinations against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) at the time oftheir diagnosis. They were treated with varying combinations of intravenous immunoglobulin, aspirin, and corticosteroids, and all recovered upon completion oftheirfollow-up period. Conclusion: Cases of Multi-inflammatomy syndrome associated with COVID-19 are often misdiagnosed. This case series highlights when to consider such a diagnosis and its therapeutic options