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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(3): e20200112, 2021. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153863


ABSTRACT: The agriculture sector which has gained importance with Industry 4.0 in recent years, strives to adapt to the needs and requirements of the era by stripping from its traditional structure. In this process, it is important to increase the motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) of human resources factor, which is the most important input of agriculture, on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. This paper examined the factors that affect the intrinsic motivation of the agricultural holdings managers in Kirsehir province of Turkey on their creativity for innovation, which is one of the main variables of growth. Questionnaire forms were filled with 312 agricultural holdings managers who were selected according to the Probability Sampling Method in September-October, 2019. Intrinsic motivation scores for creativity (IMC) were obtained by using 5-point scale. Determined some socio-demographical, agricultural, economic and behavioral variables for agricultural holdings were tested with IMC levels. As a result of the study, it was determined that variables such as education, social security status, share of agricultural income, subjective poverty and risk behaviors significantly affect the IMC level of the agricultural enterprise managers. As a result, the measures to increase both the internal and external motivations of the agricultural enterprises managers are required in order to make agriculture more competitive, profitable and sustainable by removing it from the traditional structure. In this regard, not only the economic side but also the social side of agriculture should not be ignored and the potential of agriculture should be used more with structural reforms.

RESUMO: O setor agrícola, que ganhou importância com a Indústria 4.0 nos últimos anos, esforça-se por se adaptar às necessidades e exigências da época retirando sua estrutura tradicional. Nesse processo é importante aumentar a motivação do fator recursos humanos, que é o insumo mais importante da agricultura, em inovação, criatividade e empreendedorismo. Com este estudo, tentou-se revelar os fatores que afetam a motivação dos gerentes de empresas agrícolas na província de Kirsehir, na Turquia, sobre inovação e criatividade, que é uma das principais variáveis de crescimento. Os formulários do questionário foram preenchidos com 312 gerentes de empresas agrícolas, selecionados de acordo com o Método de Amostragem por Probabilidade. Os escores de motivação intrínseca para a criatividade (IMC) foram obtidos usando a escala de cinco pontos. Determinou-se que algumas variáveis sociodemográficas, agrícolas, econômicas e comportamentais para explorações agrícolas foram testadas com os níveis de IMC. Como resultado do estudo, foi determinado que variáveis como educação, status de seguridade social, parcela da renda agrícola, pobreza subjetiva e comportamentos de risco afetam significativamente o nível de IMC dos gerentes de empresas agrícolas. Como resultado, são necessárias medidas para aumentar as motivações internas e externas dos gerentes de empresas agrícolas, a fim de tornar a agricultura mais competitiva, rentável e sustentável, removendo-a da estrutura tradicional. Nesse sentido, não apenas o lado econômico, mas também o lado social da agricultura não devem ser ignorados e o potencial da agricultura deve ser mais utilizado nas reformas estruturais.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 115(4): 316-322, ago. 2017. tab, graf
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-887341


Introducción: Nuestro objetivo fue determinar los cambios en la incidencia de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva (ENI), la distribución de serotipos y patrones de resistencia antibiótica del Streptococcus pneumoniae en niños con ENI tras el período de vacunación (de 1 a 7 años) con vacuna neumocócica de 7 serotipos (VCN7) (2008) y de 13 serotipos (VCN13) (2011). Población y métodos: El estudio se realizó en 39 niños con ENI de 1 mes a 18 años de edad en Angora, Turquía. Se identificó Streptococcus pneumoniae en sangre, líquido cefalorraquídeo, líquido pleural, y otros tejidos y líquidos corporales estériles mediante procedimientos estándar. Se analizó la resistencia de cepas aisladas de S. pneumoniae a penicilina y ceftriaxona con la prueba de epsilometría (E-test). Los serotipos de las cepas se determinaron con la reacción de Quellung. Resultados: La incidencia anual de ENI disminuyó significativamente de 7,71 (intervalo de confianza --#91;IC--#93; del 95%: de 1,99 a 13,4) a 1,58 (IC del 95%: de 0,6 a 3,77; reducción del riesgo relativo= -79,5; p= 0,006) cada 100 000 habitantes de < 5 años de edad sin enfermedad preexistente. Durante todo el período del estudio, los serotipos en la VCN7 y en la VCN13 representaron el 27,8% y el 63,8% de las cepas aisladas, respectivamente. Los serotipos en la VCN13 correspondían al 81,8% de los casos de ENI en la era previa a la introducción de esta vacuna, y disminuyeron al 56% en los cuatro años posteriores. Las tasas de resistencia a penicilina y ceftriaxona (en el caso de la meningitis) fueron del 48,5% y el 9,1%, respectivamente. Conclusiones: Este estudio observó una disminución significativa en la incidencia de ENI después de la introducción de la VCN13.

Introduction. The aim of this prospective singlecenter study was to determine the changings in incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD), serotype distribution and the antimicrobial resistance patterns of S. pneumoniae in children with IPD after the period (1 to 7 years) of vaccination with PCV7 (2008) and PCV13 (2011). Population and methods. The study was conducted on 39 Turkish children with IPD between ages 1 month and 18 years in Ankara, Turkey. Streptococcus pneumoniae was identified using standard laboratory procedures from blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pleural fluid, and other sterile body fluids and tissues. S. pneumoniae isolates were tested for resistance to penicilin and ceftriaxone using the E-test methodology. Serotypes of the isolates were determined by Quellung reaction. Results. The overall annual incidence rate of IPD decreased significantly from 7.71 (95% CI, 1.99-13.4) to 1.58 (95% CI, 0.6-3.77; RRR= -79.5; p= 0.006) per 100 000 population among <5 years of age without underlying disease. During the overall study period, the PCV7-serotypes and PCV13-serotypes represented 27.8% and 63.8% of isolates, respectively. PCV13-serotypes made up 81.8% of cases of IPD in the pre-PCV13 era and decreased to 56% in the 4 years after PCV13. The penicillin and ceftriaxone (for meningitis) resistance rates were 48.5% and 9.1%, respectively. Conclusions. This is the first study about the changing pattern of the incidence of IPD in Turkish children after the implementation of the PCV7 and PCV13 in Turkish national vaccine schedule and a prominent decrease in incidence of IPD has seen after the implementation of PCV13.

Тема - темы
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Pneumococcal Infections , Pneumococcal Infections/prevention & control , Pneumococcal Infections/epidemiology , Heptavalent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine , Turkey/epidemiology , Incidence , Prospective Studies
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(5): e354-e356, oct. 2016.
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838282


La peritonitis es un problema grave en los niños que reciben diálisis peritoneal. La bacteria Campylobacter jejuni es una causa infrecuente de peritonitis. Un niño de 10 años de edad con insuficiencia renal terminal causada por síndrome urémico hemolítico atípico ingresó a nuestro hospital con dolor abdominal y fiebre. El líquido de la diálisis peritoneal era turbio; en el examen microscópico se observaron leucocitos abundantes. Se inició tratamiento con cefepime intraperitoneal. En el cultivo del líquido peritoneal se aisló Campylobacter jejuni, por lo que se agregó claritromicina oral al tratamiento. Al finalizar el tratamiento, el resultado del cultivo del líquido peritoneal era negativo. Hasta donde sabemos, no se había informado previamente peritonitis por C. jejuni en niños. Conclusión. Si bien la peritonitis por C. jejuni es rara en los niños, debe considerarse como factor etiológico de la peritonitis.

Peritonitis is a serious problem in children receiving peritoneal dialysis. Campylobacter jejuni is an unusual cause of peritonitis. A 10-year-old boy who had end stage renal failure due to atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome was admitted to our hospital with abdominal pain and fever. Peritoneal dialysis fluid was cloudy and microscopic examination showed abundant leukocytes. Intraperitoneal cefepime treatment was started. Campylobacter jejuni was isolated from peritoneal dialysis fluid culture and oral clarithromycin was added to the treatment. At the end of therapy, peritoneal fluid culture was negative. To our knowledge, C. jejuni peritonitis was not reported in children previously. Conclusion : Although C. jejuni peritonitis is rarely encountered in children, it should be considered as an etiologic factor for peritonitis.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Child , Peritonitis/microbiology , Campylobacter Infections , Campylobacter jejuni , Peritoneal Dialysis
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(5): e370-e373, oct. 2016. ilus
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838286


La osteomielitis pélvica es una infección poco frecuente, que suele afectar el ilion, el isquion, el pubis y el acetábulo. La radiografía de pelvis, la resonancia magnética de pelvis y el centellograma óseo son técnicas de diagnóstico por imágenes de mucha utilidad. Sin embargo, el diagnóstico debe confirmarse con la biopsia ósea de la lesión. A veces, el diagnóstico se retrasa debido a la localización profunda del foco infeccioso. Aquí presentamos el caso de una paciente de 15 años con dolor inguinal izquierdo, con diagnóstico de osteomielitis pélvica al mes de la manifestación de los síntomas iniciales. Recibió tratamiento antibiótico durante 8 semanas, con resultados satisfactorios. En conclusión, si bien la osteomielitis pélvica es una infección inusual en la infancia, debe considerarse como diagnóstico diferencial para el dolor en la ingle, la cadera, el muslo, el abdomen y la columna. Si se sospecha este diagnóstico, es necesario comenzar el tratamiento empírico de inmediato, porque es posible lograr resultados clínicos satisfactorios con el tratamiento eficaz.

Pelvic osteomyelitis is a rare infection. Ilium, ischium, pubis and acetabulum are commonly affected sites. Pelvic radiography, pelvic magnetic resonance and scintigraphy are useful imaging techniques for diagnosis. However, diagnoses should be confirmed with bone biopsy from the lesion. Sometimes diagnosis is delayed because of deep localization of infection site. Here in, we report a 15-year-old girl with left groin pain who was diagnosed as pelvic osteomyelitis one month after initial symptoms. Patient was successfully treated with antibiotics for 8 weeks. In conclusion, although pelvic osteomyelitis is an unusual infection in childhood, it should be considered as differential diagnoses of pain in groin, hips, thigh, abdomen and spine. If diagnosis is suspicious, empiric treatment should be started quickly, because it will be possible to achieve satisfactory clinical results with effective treatment.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Osteomyelitis/diagnosis , Pelvic Bones , Delayed Diagnosis
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 114(4): e260-e263, ago. 2016. ilus
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-838254


La osteomielitis del calcáneo es una infección rara en los recién nacidos. Entre los factores etiológicos se encuentran los procedimientos invasivos, la prematurez y el bajo peso al nacer. Los signos clínicos pueden ser leves. Presentamos el caso de una recién nacida con osteomielitis del calcáneo secundaria a la obtención de una muestra mediante la prueba de Guthrie. La paciente fue hospitalizada debido a hinchazón, enrojecimiento y aumento de la temperatura del talón. En la ecografía de los tejidos superficiales se observó edema de contenido espeso en la región posterior del pie derecho. Se realizó la punción y el drenaje del contenido y al cultivarlo se aisló Staphylococcus aureus sensible a la meticilina. En la resonancia magnética de la extremidad se observó una lesión del tejido en el pie derecho, edema, inflamación y realce del contraste. Se le administró un tratamiento con sulbactam y ampicilina por vía intravenosa y ácido clavulánico por vía oral durante seis semanas. Durante el seguimiento, la paciente se recuperó de los síntomas clínicos sin necesidad de realizar una limpieza quirúrgica. A modo de conclusión, en el diagnóstico diferencial de la hinchazón del talón en los neonatos sometidos a procedimientos invasivos, como la prueba de Guthrie, debe tenerse en cuenta la osteomielitis del calcáneo.

Calcaneus osteomyelitis is a rare infection in newborns. Invasive procedures, prematurity and low birth wight are some causative factors. The clinical signs may be mild. We report a neonate with calcaneous osteomyelitis which was secondary to a Guthrie test sample. She was admitted to hospital with swelling, redness and increased temperature on her heel. Superficial tissue ultrasound showed fluid collection with heavy content was observed on the posterior of the right foot. Puncture and drainage was performed and methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the drainage culture. Extremity magnetic resonance imaging showed tissue defect in right foot, edema-inflammation and contrast enhancement. Intravenous sulbactam-ampicillin and oral amoxicillin and clavulanic acid were given for 6 weeks. In follow-up, clinical symptoms recovered without curettage. In conclusion; calcaneous osteomyelitis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of swelling on heel in neonates who have been applied to invasive procedures as Guthrie test sample.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Osteomyelitis/etiology , Calcaneus , Hematologic Tests/adverse effects
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