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J. appl. oral sci ; 32: e20230381, 2024. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550473


Abstract Denture biofilm acts as a potential reservoir for respiratory pathogens, considerably increasing the risk of lung infections, specifically aspiration pneumonia, mainly 48h after hospital admission. The establishment of a straightforward, affordable, and applicable hygiene protocol in a hospital environment for the effective control of denture biofilm can be particularly useful to prevent respiratory infections or reduce the course of established lung disease. Objectives To evaluate the anti-biofilm effectiveness of denture cleaning protocols in hospitalized patients. Methodology The maxillary complete dentures (MCDs) of 340 hospitalized participants were randomly cleaned once using one of the following 17 protocols (n=20): brushing with distilled water, toothpaste, or neutral liquid soap (controls); immersion in chemical solutions (1% sodium hypochlorite, alkaline peroxide, 0.12% or 2% chlorhexidine digluconate), or microwave irradiation (650 W for 3 min) combined or not with brushing. Before and after the application of the protocols, the biofilm of the intaglio surface of the MCDs was evaluated using two methods: denture biofilm coverage area (%) and microbiological quantitative cultures on blood agar and Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (CFU/mL). Data were subjected to the Wilcoxon and Kruskal-Wallis tests (α=0.05). Results All 17 protocols significantly reduced the percentage area of denture biofilm and microbial and fungal load (P<0.05). The highest percentage reductions in the area of denture biofilm were observed for 1% hypochlorite solution with or without brushing and for 2% chlorhexidine solution and microwave irradiation only in association with brushing (P<0.05). The greatest reductions in microbial and fungal load were found for the groups that used solutions of 2% chlorhexidine and 1% hypochlorite and microwave irradiation, regardless of the association with brushing (P<0.05). Conclusions A single immersion for 10 min in 1% sodium hypochlorite, even in the absence of brushing, proved to be a straightforward, rapid, low-cost, and effective protocol for cleaning the dentures of hospitalized patients.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(4): 232-239, dez. 2023.
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531087


A síndrome pós-COVID-19 afeta pacientes independentemente da gravidade da doença. Os sintomas mais comuns são fadiga, cefaleia, déficit de atenção, dispneia e depressão. Para ajudar na reabilitação dos pacientes, a intervenção fisioterapêutica tem sido utilizada como estratégia. Objetivo: Analisar os efeitos de um programa de reabilitação fisioterapêutica na qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional, percepção de esforço, percepção da dor e força muscular, em indivíduos com a síndrome pós-COVID-19. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, com 33 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: intervenção (GI) que recebeu um programa de reabilitação fisioterapêutica e controle (GC) que não recebeu. Os participantes foram avaliados antes e após o período de intervenção para força, por meio de dinamometria de preensão palmar; nível de dor, pela escala visual analógica; capacidade funcional, pelo teste de caminhada de seis minutos; percepção de esforço, através da escala modificada de BORG e qualidade de vida pelo instrumento SF-36. Resultados: Observou-se no GI aumento significativo (p<0,05) da qualidade de vida nos domínios de capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos e redução da dor e aumento da força de preensão palmar. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,05) entre os grupos para percepção de esforço nos momentos antes e após as intervenções. Para as demais variáveis não foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas. Conclusão: O programa de intervenção fisioterapêutica promoveu melhora dos domínios de capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos e da dor da qualidade de vida, e aumento da força de preensão palmar de indivíduos com sintomas da síndrome pós-COVID-19.

Post-COVID-19 syndrome affects patients regardless of the severity of the disease. The most common symptoms are fatigue, migraine, attention deficit, dyspnea, and depression. Physiotherapeutic intervention has been used as a strategy to aid the rehabilitation of patients. Objective: To analyze the effects of a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation program on quality of life, functional capacity, perceived exertion, perception of pain, and muscle strength in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome. Methods: This is a quasi-experimental study with 33 participants, divided into two groups: an intervention group (IG) who received the physiotherapeutic rehabilitation program and a control group (CG) who did not. Participants were assessed for strength before and after the intervention period, using handgrip dynamometry and being assessed with a visual analog scale (VAS) for pain, the six-minute walk test (6MWT) for functional capacity, the BORG scale for exertion perception, and the SF-36 scale for quality of life. Results: A significant increase (p<0.05) in quality of life was observed in the IG in the SF-36 domains of physical functioning, physical role limitations, bodily pain, and increased handgrip strength. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the groups for perceived exertion before and after the intervention. No significant differences were found among the other variables. Conclusion: The physiotherapeutic intervention program improved the quality of life assessed with the SF-36 domains of physical functioning, physical role limitations, and bodily pain, and increased handgrip strength of patients with symptoms of post-COVID-19 syndrome.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(3): 173-179, set. 2023.
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531042


Objective: To analyze the effect of the Mobilization With Movement (MWM) of the Mulligan's concept in the perception of nociceptive and neuropathic pain, range of motion (ROM) and joint mobility of individuals with low back pain. Method: This is a randomized and controlled clinical trial, with 30 volunteers with nonspecific low back pain, divided into: Intervention Group (INTG), that received sustained natural apophyseal glides (SNAG) type MWM of the Mulligan's concept; Control Group (CONTG), which received a similar intervention to INTG. Volunteers were assessed using the Numeric Rating Scale for Pain (NRS Pain); the Modified Schober Test (MST) and ROM by goniometry for lumbar spine mobility and Douleur Neuropatique 4 (DN4) questionnaire for assessment of neuropathic and nociceptive pain. Results: INTG showed an increase in lumbar flexion (pre-intervention= 81.21±15.23°; post-intervention= 90.00±19.62°, p< 0.05), mobility of the lumbar spine in MST (pre= 15.33±1.05 post= 16.08±1.02, p< 0.05) and reduction of pain perception by NRS Pain (pre= 5.33±2.26; post= 1.47±2.61 p< 0.05) and in CONTG (pre= 4.07±2.34; post= 2.20±1.93, p< 0.05). Conclusion: The intervention with MWM - SNAGs promoted improved ROM and mobility in flexion of the lumbar spine, associated with reduction from the nociceptive pain in INTG and CONTG.

Objetivo: Analisar o efeito da Mobilization Whith Movement (MWM) do conceito Mulligan na percepção de dor nociceptiva e neuropática, na amplitude e na mobilidade articular de indivíduos com dor lombar. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado e controlado, de 30 voluntários com dor lombar inespecífica, divididos em: Grupo Intervenção (GINT) que recebeu a mobilização articular com deslizamentos apofisários naturais mantidos (MWM - SNAGs); Grupo Controle (GCONT), que recebeu uma mobilização articular placebo. Os voluntários foram avaliados pela escala numérica de dor (EVN); pelo teste modificado de Schober (TMS) para a mobilidade da coluna lombar e pelo DN4 para avaliação da dor neuropática e nociceptiva. Resultados: GINT apresentou aumento da flexão lombar (pré intervenção= 81,21±15,23°; pós-intervenção= 90,00±19,62°, p= <0,05), da mobilidade da coluna lombar no TMS (pré= 15,33±1,05 pós= 16,08±1,02, p= <0,05) e redução da percepção de dor pela EVN (pré= 5,33±2,26; pós= 1,47±2,61= p< 0,05) e no GCONT (pré= 4,07±2,34; pós= 2,20±1,93, p < 0,05). Conclusão: A intervenção com MWM - SNAGs promoveu melhora da ADM e da mobilidade na flexão da coluna lombar, associada com redução da dor nociceptiva no GINT e no GCONT.

Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 44(2): 24-29, maio-ago. 2023. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1428024


As próteses parciais removíveis (PPRs) são uma alternativa de tratamento viável na prática clínica para reabilitar arcos parcialmente desdentados. Entretanto, o planejamento dessas próteses e preparo bucal prévio são frequentemente negligenciados. O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico de uma reabilitação oral com PPRs superior e inferior após abordagem multidisciplinar, de modo a enfatizar as fases de um planejamento criterioso e de preparo prévio dos dentes pilares, visando o sucesso e a longevidade da reabilitação. Paciente do sexo masculino de 57 anos de idade compareceu à clínica da Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru, Universidade de São Paulo, queixando-se da estética de seu sorriso e de algumas ausências dentárias. O indivíduo utilizava uma PPR provisória inferior insatisfatória e apresentava perda de dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO). Após o exame clínico, radiográfico e estudo do caso em articulador semi-ajustável, realizou-se o planejamento com abordagens restauradoras, endodônticas, periodontais e protéticas. Após tratamento periodontal, foi realizada endodontia dos elementos 12, 15 e 47, confecção de núcleos e coroas nos dentes 12 e 15, restauração a nível gengival para apoio residual no dente 47, restaurações nos dentes 11, 13, 22, 24 e 44 e, por fim, a confecção das PPRs superior e inferior. A abordagem multidisciplinar utilizada neste caso clínico viabilizou o restabelecimento da DVO e possibilitou o sucesso da reabilitação protética(AU)

Removable partial dentures (RPDs) are a viable treatment alternative in clinical practice to rehabilitate partially edentulous arches. However, the planning of these dentures and prior oral preparation are often neglected. This article aims to report the clinical case of an oral rehabilitation with upper and lower RPDs after a multidisciplinary approach, to emphasize the phases of careful planning and prior preparation of the abutment teeth, aiming at the success and longevity of the rehabilitation. A 57-year-old male patient came to the clinic of the Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, complaining about the esthetics of his smile and some missing teeth. The subject was using an unsatisfactory lower provisional prosthesis and had a loss of vertical dimension of occlusion (OVD). After the clinical and radiographic examination and the case study in a semi-adjustable articulator, planning was carried out with restorative, endodontic, periodontal and prosthetic approaches. After periodontal treatment, endodontics were performed on elements 12, 15 and 47, creation of cores and crowns on teeth 12 and 15, restoration at the gingival level for residual support on tooth 47, restorations on teeth 11, 13, 22, 24 and 44 and, finally, the making of the upper and lower PPRs. The multidisciplinary approach used in this clinical case enabled the restoration of the OVD and enabled the success of the oral rehabilitation(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adult , Vertical Dimension , Jaw, Edentulous/therapy , Dental Prosthesis Design , Denture, Partial, Removable , Dentures , Jaw, Edentulous , Crowns , Esthetics, Dental
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 11(1): 1-7, Jan. 2023. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524437


Objetivo: descrever os indicadores de morbimortalidade da covid-19 em crianças e adolescentes no estado do Ceará. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo observacional, analítico, do tipo transversal que avaliou dados secundários referente às notificações de covid-19, em crianças e adolescentes, no estado do Ceará, dos anos de 2020 a 2022. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da base de dados da Integração das Informações da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado do Ceará. Para o processamento dos dados, utilizou-se o Microsoft Excel, o qual foi organizado em tabelas e analisado por meio de estatística descritiva. A pesquisa não necessitou de aprovação em Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: observou-se, tanto para o sexo feminino quanto para o masculino, que o ano de 2021 obteve o maior número de casos notificados, confirmados e óbitos, e as faixas etárias mais acometidas foram as de zero a quatro anos e adolescentes de 15 a 19 anos. Para os indicadores de incidência, o sexo feminino teve maior incidência de casos confirmados na faixa etária de 15 a 19 anos. Os indicadores de mortalidade estiveram maiores entre as crianças de zero a quatro anos do sexo masculino, nos anos 2021 e 2022. Conclusões: os achados deste estudo reforçam que alguns grupos podem ter maior risco de desfechos ruins. O que torna necessário identificar fatores associados a resultados insatisfatórios em crianças e adolescentes com covid-19.

Objective: to describe the morbidity and mortality indicators of covid-19 in children and adolescents in the State of Ceará. Methods this is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional study that evaluated secondary data regarding notifications of covid-19 in children and adolescents in the state of Ceará from 2020 to 2022. Data collection took place through the database of the Integration of Information of the Secretariat of Health of the State of Ceará. Microsoft Excel was used for data processing, they were organized in tables and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research did not require approval from the Research Ethics Committee. Results: it was observed, for both females and males, that the year 2021 had the highest number of reported, confirmed cases and deaths, and the most affected age groups were those from zero to four years and adolescents from 15 to 19 years old. For the incidence indicators, females had a higher incidence of confirmed cases in the age group of 15 to 19 years. Mortality indicators were higher among male children aged zero to four years in the years 2021 and 2022. Conclusions: The findings of this study reinforce that some groups may be at greater risk of poor outcomes. This makes it necessary to identify factors associated with unsatisfactory outcomes in children and adolescents with covid-19.

Тема - темы
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e021, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1430040


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the influence of cleft width on dental arch symmetry of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. Forty-one children were subjected to impression preoperatively (T1; mean age = 0.31 ± 0.07 years) and postoperatively (T2; mean age = 6 .73 ± 1.02 years). Eighty-two digitized dental casts were analyzed by stereophotogrammetry software. The cleft palate width was measured in the anterior (P-P'), middle (M-M'), and posterior (U-U') regions. Also, the following measurements were obtained: anterior intersegment (I-C') and intrasegment (I-C); total intersegment (I-T') and intrasegment (I-T); cleft-side (C'-T') and non-cleft-side (C-T) canine tuberosity. Paired t test and Pearson correlation coefficient were applied (α = 5%). Cleft width had the following means: 10.16 (± 3.46) mm for P-P', 12.45 (± 3.00) mm for M-M', and 12.57 (± 2.71) mm for U-U'. In the longitudinal analysis, I-C' had a significant reduction, while the other measurements significantly increased (p < 0.001). Asymmetry was verified in the following analyses at T1: I-C' vs. I-C and I-T' vs. I-T (p < 0.001); at T2, only in I-C' vs. I-C (p < 0.001). At T1, P-P' vs. I-C' (r = 0.722 and p < 0.001), P-P' vs. I-T' (r = 0.593 and p < 0.001), M-M' vs. I-C' (r = 0.620 and p < 0.001), and M-M' vs. I-T' (r = 0.327 and p < 0.05) showed a positive and significant correlation. At T2, there was a correlation between M-M' and I-C' (r = 0.377 and p < 0.05). In conclusion, the anterior and middle cleft widths influenced palatal asymmetry in the first months of life, while middle width influenced residual asymmetry.

Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1047-1062, 2023.
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425428


Os vírus são microrganismos comumente associados as doenças e infectam todos os seres vivos. Atuam de forma direta e indireta levando a pressão seletiva, com papel significativo e ainda em exploração no planeta. As fissuras orofaciais são anomalias congênitas de etiologia complexa e multifatorial, sendo as infecções virais durante a gestação um dos possíveis fatores etiológicos. A história da humanidade frente aos vírus e fissuras orofaciais de forma isolada é vasta, remontando a períodos antes de Cristo, seja por meio de leis para o controle de pragas e/ou por lendas de míticas criaturas deificadas e/ou demonizadas, cuja criação está fundamentada na Teoria Alegórica do surgimento das mitologias, demonstrando assim o interesse do ser humano e sua curiosidade em inovação e explicação destes assuntos. Considerando a relevância histórica, bem como a possível relação etiológica destes dois elementos, uma revisão da literatura foi realizada para apresentar a história mitológica e científica dos vírus e fissuras orofaciais, de forma isolada e associadas para fins de comparação. Para isso, foram utilizadas as bases PubMed/Medline, SciElo, LILACS e Portal Periódicos (CAPES) com os descritores: Virus, Anomalias/Anomalies, Virus and Anomalias/Virus and Anomalies, A History of viruses/História dos vírus, Virus and History/História and Virus, Virus and Myth/Virus and Mito, Anomalias and Mitos/Anomalies and Myths, Vampires and Virus/Vampiros and Virus. Enquanto o histórico mitológico é cheio de teorias contraditórias, o histórico cientifico acadêmico se revela coerente, porém resistente as novas áreas de atuação, não ponderando novas possibilidades e limitando a exploração científica, que só pôde ser alcançada nos séculos atuais. Quanto a associação, a linha de pesquisa relacionando vírus e fissuras orofaciais não possui nem meio século de existência, propiciando um grande campo a ser explorado e na mesma medida limitando os benefícios em prevenção que poderiam ser obtidos através destes estudos.

Viruses are microorganisms commonly associated with diseases that infect all living beings, they act directly and indirectly leading to selective pressure, their role on the planet is significant and still under exploration. Orofacial clefts are congenital anomalies that have a complex multifactorial etiology, with viral infections during pregnancy being one of the possible etiological factors. The history of humanity in the face of viruses and orofacial clefts in isolation is vast, dating back to periods before Christ, whether through laws for pest control and/or legends of mythical deified and/or demonized creatures, whose creation is fundamentalized in the Allegorical Theory of the emergence of mythologies, thus demonstrating the interest of human beings and their curiosity in innovation and explanation of these subjects. Considering the historical relevance, as well as the possible etiology relationship of these two elements, we carried out a literature review to present the mythological and scientific history of viruses and orofacial clefts, isolated and associated for comparison purposes. For this intent, the bases PubMed/Medline, SciElo, LILACS and Portal Periódicos (CAPES) were selected with the descriptors: A History of viruses/História dos vírus, Virus and History/História and Virus, Virus and Myth/Virus and Mito, Anomalias and Mitos/Anomalies and Myths, Vampires and Virus/Vampiros and Virus. While the mythological history is full of contradictory theories, the academic, scientific history proves to be consistent, but resistant to new areas of action, not considering new possibilities and limiting scientific exploration, which can only be achieved in the present centuries. As for the association, the line of research relating viruses and orofacial clefts does not even have half a century of existence, providing a large field to be explored and at the same time limiting the benefits of prevention that could be obtained through these studies.

Los virus son microorganismos comúnmente asociados a enfermedades que infectan a todos los seres vivos, actúan directa e indirectamente provocando presión selectiva, su papel en el planeta es significativo y aún en exploración. Las hendiduras orofaciales son anomalías congénitas que tienen una compleja etiología multifactorial, siendo las infecciones virales durante el embarazo uno de los posibles factores etiológicos. La historia de la humanidad frente a los virus y las hendiduras orofaciales de forma aislada es vasta, remontándose a períodos anteriores a Cristo, ya sea a través de leyes para el control de plagas y/o leyendas de criaturas míticas deificadas y/o demonizadas, cuya creación se fundamentaliza en la Teoría Alegórica del surgimiento de las mitologías, demostrando así el interés del ser humano y su curiosidad en la innovación y explicación de estos temas. Considerando la relevancia histórica, así como la posible relación etiológica de estos dos elementos, realizamos una revisión bibliográfica para presentar la historia mitológica y científica de los virus y las hendiduras orofaciales, aislados y asociados para fines de comparación. Para ello, se seleccionaron las bases PubMed/Medline, SciElo, LILACS y Portal Periódicos (CAPES) con los descriptores: A History of viruses/História dos vírus, Virus and History/História and Virus, Virus and Myth/Virus and Mito, Anomalias and Mitos/Anomalías y Mitos, Vampiros and Virus/Vampiros y Virus. Mientras que la historia mitológica está llena de teorías contradictorias, la historia académica, científica, se muestra coherente, pero resistente a nuevos campos de actuación, no considerando nuevas posibilidades y limitando la exploración científica, que sólo puede alcanzarse en los siglos actuales. En cuanto a la asociación, la línea de investigación que relaciona virus y hendiduras orofaciales no tiene ni medio siglo de existencia, proporcionando un gran campo a ser explorado y al mismo tiempo limitando los beneficios de prevención que podrían ser obtenidos a través de estos estudios.

Тема - темы
Viruses/growth & development , Cleft Palate/etiology , Congenital Abnormalities/etiology , Cleft Lip/etiology , Legendary Creatures/history
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(8): 4170-4182, 2023.
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443397


Introdução: o aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) é definido quando a criança recebe apenas o leite humano direto da mama ou ordenhado, sem a oferta de qualquer líquido ou alimento, exceto medicamentos. É preconizado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde até seis meses de idade, pois é a nutrição suficiente para crescimento e desenvolvimento da criança. Entretanto, sua adesão está muito aquém do recomendado pelos órgãos nacionais e internacionais. Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento das gestantes referente à prática de aleitamento materno exclusivo. Metodologia: pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com treze gestantes, com idade gestacional acima da 25ª semana. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista gravada em domicílio e submetidos à análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Resultados: três categorias emergiram a partir da análise dos discursos: 1) Benefícios do leite materno, 2) O (des)conhecimento sobre o aleitamento materno exclusivo e 3) A prática de educação em saúde sobre o aleitamento materno. As gestantes entendem sobre os benefícios do leite materno para a saúde materno-infantil, porém, desconhecem o real conceito da prática de aleitamento materno exclusivo, uma vez que as gestantes associam a ausência do aleitamento materno exclusivo somente quando oferecem outros tipos de leites ou alimentos. Para elas, na oferta de chás e água, os bebês ainda permanecem em amamentação exclusiva. Conclusão: reforça-se a importância das orientações acerca da prática de amamentação exclusiva, reforçando sua desmistificação em relação ao uso de chás e água, bem como incluindo as desvantagens do desmame precoce. Esse conhecimento pode influenciar positivamente no bem-estar e a qualidade de vida do binômio mãe-filho.

Introduction: exclusive breastfeeding (SMA) is defined when the child receives only human milk directly from the breast or milked, without the supply of any liquid or food, except medicines. It is advocated by the World Health Organization for up to six months of age, as it is sufficient nutrition for the child's growth and development. However, its membership is far from what is recommended by national and international bodies. Objective: To identify the knowledge of pregnant women regarding the practice of exclusive breastfeeding. Methodology: qualitative research, carried out with thirteen pregnant women, with gestational age above the 25th week. The data were collected by means of an interview recorded at home and submitted to the analysis of the Collective Subject Discourse. Results: three categories emerged from the analysis of the discourses: 1) Benefits of maternal milk, 2) The (un)knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and 3) The practice of health education about breastfeeding. Pregnant women understand the benefits of breast milk for maternal and child health, but are unaware of the real concept of exclusive breastfeeding practice, since pregnant women associate the absence of exclusive breastfeeding only when they offer other types of milk or food. For them, in the supply of teas and water, the babies still remain in exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusion: the importance of guidelines on exclusive breastfeeding practice is reinforced, reinforcing its demystification in relation to the use of teas and water, as well as including the disadvantages of early weaning. This knowledge can positively influence the well-being and quality of life of the mother-child binomial.

Introducción: la lactancia materna se define cuando el niño sólo recibe leche materna directa o leche materna, sin ofrecer ningún líquido o alimento, excepto medicamentos. La Organización Mundial de la Salud lo recomienda hasta los seis meses de edad, ya que es suficiente nutrición para el crecimiento y el desarrollo del niño. Mientras tanto, su adhesión está muy lejos de lo que recomiendan los organismos nacionales e internacionales. Propósito: identificar los conocimientos de las mujeres embarazadas sobre la práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Metodología: investigación cualitativa, realizada con 13 mujeres embarazadas, con una edad gestacional superior a la 25ª semana. Los datos se recogieron mediante una entrevista registrada en el país de origen y se sometieron al análisis del discurso del sujeto colectivo. Resultados: del análisis de los discursos surgieron tres categorías: 1) Beneficios de la leche materna, 2) O (des)conocimiento de la lactancia materna y 3) La práctica de la educación sanitaria sobre la lactancia materna. Las mujeres embarazadas entienden los beneficios de la leche materna para la salud maternoinfantil, pero no conocen el concepto real de la práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva, ya que las mujeres embarazadas asocian la ausencia de lactancia materna exclusiva sólo cuando ofrecen otros tipos de leche o alimentos. Para ellos, en el suministro de té y agua, los bebés siguen siendo exclusivamente amamantados. Conclusión: se refuerza la importancia de las directrices sobre la práctica de la lactancia materna exclusiva, reforzando su desmitificación en relación con el uso de té y agua, así como las desventajas del destete precoz. Este conocimiento puede influir positivamente en el bienestar y la calidad de vida del binomio madre-hijo.

Braz. dent. sci ; 25(3): 1-7, 2022. tab, ilus
Статья в английский | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1391021


Objective: Compare the palatal volume in children with unilateral cleft lip and palate before and after two surgical protocols. Material and Methods: Retrospective data collection was performed in a specialized hospital. The sample comprised 120 digitized dental models divided into, Group 1 (G1) ­ participants submitted to cheiloplasty at 3 months (Millard technique) and one-step palatoplasty at 12 months (von Langenbeck technique); Group 2 (G2) ­ participants submitted to cheiloplasty (Millard technique) and hard palate closure (Hans Pichler technique) at 3 months and soft palate closure at 12 months (Sommerlad technique). The dental models were evaluated at Time 1 (T1): before primary plastic surgeries, Time 2 (T2): 1st post-surgical phase, and Time 3 (T3): 2nd post-surgical phase. The volume was measured through stereophotogrammetry system software. Parametric and non-parametric statistical tests were applied (α=5%). Results: The intragroup analysis revealed that G1 had a statistically significant increase in volume at T2 followed by a reduction at T3 (p=0.003); G2 showed a statistically significant increase of dental arch volume between T1 and T2 (p=0.001). There was no statistically significant difference in the intergroup and gender analyses (p>0.05). Conclusion: The surgical protocol influenced the palatal volume of children with unilateral cleft lip and palate. This study suggested that two-step palatoplasty protocol has a tendency to be more appropriate.(AU)

Objetivo: Comparar o volume palatino em crianças com fissura unilateral de lábio e palato antes e após dois protocolos cirúrgicos. Material e Métodos: A coleta de dados retrospectiva foi efetuada em um hospital especializado. A amostra foi composta por 120 modelos dentários digitalizados divididos em, Grupo 1 (G1) ­ participantes submetidos a queiloplastia aos 3 meses de vida (técnida de Millard) e a palatoplastia em única etapa aos 12 meses (técnica de von Langenbeck); Grupo 2 (G2) ­ participantes submetidos a queiloplastia (técnica de Millard) e fechamento do palato duro (técnica de Hans Pichler) aos 3 meses de vida e fechamento do palate mole aos 12 meses (técnica de Sommerlad). Os modelos dentários foram avaliados em Tempo 1 (T1): antes das cirurgias plásticas primárias, Tempo 2 (T2):1ª fase pós-cirúrgica e Tempo 3 (T3): 2ª fase pós-cirúrgico. O volume foi mensurado por meio do software do sistema de estereofotogrametria. Testes estatísticos paramétricos e não-paramétricos foram utilizados (α=5%). Resultados: As análises intragrupos indicaram que G1 apresentou aumento estatisticamente significante em T2 seguido de redução em T3 (p=0.003). G2 apresentou crescimento estatisticamente significativo do volume palatino entre T1 e T2 (p=0.001). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante nas análises intergrupos e entre gêneros (p>0.05). Conclusão: O protocolo cirúrgico influenciou o volume palatino das crianças com fissura unilateral de lábio e palato. Este estudo sugeriu que o protocolo da palatoplastia em duas etapas possui uma tendência de ser mais apropriado.(AU)

Тема - темы
Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Oral Surgical Procedures , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Dental Arch
RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220048, 2022. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1406498


ABSTRACT Numerous pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, can remain viable on surfaces over days, which favors cross-contamination. Preventive measures are essential to prevent infections and control the spread of COVID-19. Fox ruler is an essential device in the clinical planning of complete dentures and the contact with the patient's oral fluids during handling is unavoidable. Despite its importance, the conventional polycarbonate Fox ruler is easily damaged in the sterilization process. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to propose the use of a disposable Fox ruler. The confection is carried out in a simple way with wooden toothpicks joined by cyanoacrylate glue, following the same shape as the conventional one, but with the additional advantage of being made in an individual size according to the upper edge. The proposed disposable Fox ruler makes it possible to obtain the parallelism of the upper wax roller with the bipupillary line and with the Camper plane. Therefore, the disposable device described in this article was able to perform the same functions as the conventional one, in a practical way, without risks of cross contamination and with low cost.

RESUMO Vários patógenos, incluindo SARS-CoV-2, são capazes de permanecer viáveis em superfícies durante dias, o que favorece a contaminação cruzada. Medidas preventivas são essenciais para prevenir infecções e controlar a propagação da COVID- 19. A régua de Fox é um dispositivo essencial no planejamento clínico de próteses totais e é inevitável o contato com os fluidos orais do paciente, durante seu manejo. Apesar de sua importância, a régua de Fox convencional de policarbonato é facilmente danificada com o processo de esterilização. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo é propor a utilização de uma régua Fox descartável. A confecção é feita de forma simples com palitos de madeira unidos por cola de cianoacrilato, seguindo o mesmo formato do convencional, mas com a vantagem adicional de ser produzida em tamanho individualizado de acordo com o rebordo superior. A régua Fox descartável proposta permite obter o paralelismo do rolete de cera superior com a linha bipupilar e com o plano de Camper. Portanto, o dispositivo descartável descrito neste artigo foi capaz de desempenhar as mesmas funções do convencional, de forma prática, sem riscos de contaminação cruzada e com baixo custo.

Arq. odontol ; 58: 192-198, 2022. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1412016


Aim: To report on a surgical procedure with osteotomy in the posterior region of the maxilla and lifting of the maxillary sinus floor for the installation of implants and rehabilitation with implant-supported crowns. Case report: A 54-year-old female patient was admitted to the dental clinic, complaining that she was dissatisfied with her smile and the missing teeth. After the clinical, radiographic, and tomographic examinations, a well as a case study of a semi-adjustable articulator, multidisciplinary planning was carried out using surgical, endodontic, periodontic, orthodontic, and prosthetic approaches. A lack of interocclusal space was observed in the posterior region of the maxilla. After osteotomy in tuberosity, maxillary sinus lift using an autogenous bone graft was performed, and three implants were installed. After the osseointegration period, provisional crowns were placed, followed by definitive metal-ceramic crowns. Conclusion:The surgical techniques used in this clinical case made it possible to install implants in a single clinical session for prosthetic rehabilitation.

Introdução: A reabilitação oral envolve um tratamento integrado, que inclui diversas especialidades odontológicas para restabelecer os aspectos estéticos e funcionais, resultando também na satisfação do paciente. Objetivo: O objetivo foi relatar um procedimento cirúrgico com osteotomia na região posterior da maxila e levantamento do assoalho do seio maxilar para instalação de implantes e reabilitação com coroas implantossuportadas. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 54 anos, apresentou-se ao ambulatório queixando-se de insatisfação com o sorriso e com a falta de dentes. Após os exames clínicos, radiográficos, tomográficos e estudo de caso em articulador semi-ajustável, foi realizado o planejamento multidisciplinar com abordagens cirúrgica, endodôntica, periodontal, ortodôntica e protética. Observou-se falta de espaço interoclusal na região posterior da maxila. Após a osteotomia na tuberosidade, foi realizada a elevação do seio maxilar com enxerto ósseo autógeno e foram instalados três implantes. Posteriormente, no período de osseointegração, foram colocadas coroas provisórias e, posteriormente, coroas metalocerâmicas definitivas. Conclusão: As técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas neste caso clínico possibilitaram a instalação de implantes em uma única sessão clínica para a reabilitação protética.

Тема - темы
Osteotomy , Surgery, Oral , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis , Maxillary Sinus
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE01917, 2022. graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1402884


Resumo Objetivo Compreender as respostas adaptativas de colostomizados antes e após o uso do oclusor. Métodos Estudo qualitativo com 19 indivíduos colostomizados que atendiam a critérios de indicação do oclusor. Os dados coletados foram por meio de duas entrevistas em momentos distintos, analisados pelo software IRaMuTeQ procedendo análise de conteúdo temático sob o prisma do Modelo de Adaptação de Calista Roy. Resultados Antes da utilização do oclusor, os colostomizados sentiam-se constrangidos, a bolsa coletora desencadeou mudanças nas atividades diárias, nutrição e o receio de vazamentos proporcionou vergonha, isolamento e redução das atividades religiosas. Após o uso do oclusor, houve uma nova expectativa de viver, do interagir. As mudanças ocorreram no resgate no comportamento positivo em atividades diárias, como forma de vestir, repouso e à satisfação de retomar atividades que eram realizadas antes da colostomia. Conclusão Constatou-se que as respostas eram ineficazes antes do uso e eficazes após o uso do oclusor.

Resumen Objetivo Entender las respuestas adaptativas de personas con colostomías antes y después del uso de obturador. Métodos Estudio cualitativo con 19 individuos con colostomía que atendían criterios de indicación de obturador. Los datos fueron recopilados por medio de dos entrevistas en distintos momentos, fueron analizados por el software IRaMuTeQ y luego se realizó análisis del contenido temático bajo el prisma del Modelo de Adaptación de Calista Roy. Resultados Antes de la utilización del obturador, las personas con colostomías se sentían avergonzadas, la bolsa colectora desencadenó cambios en las actividades diarias, nutrición y el temor de escapes ocasionó vergüenza, aislamiento y reducción de las actividades religiosas. Después del uso del obturador, hubo una nueva expectativa de vivir, de interactuar. Los cambios se vieron en el rescate del comportamiento positivo en actividades diarias, como forma de vestir, reposo y el placer al retomar actividades que realizaban antes de la colostomía. Conclusión Se constató que las respuestas eran ineficaces antes del uso del obturador, y eficaces después.

Abstract Objective To understand the adaptive responses of colostomy patients before and after using an occluder. Methods This is a qualitative study with 19 colostomy patients who met the criteria for occluder recommendation. Data collected were through two interviews at different times, analyzed by the IRaMuTeQ software, proceeding with thematic content analysis from the perspective of Calilsta Roy's Adaptation Model. Results Before the use of an occluder, colostomy patients felt embarrassed, the collection bag triggered changes in daily activities, nutrition and the fear of leaks provided shame, isolation and reduction of religious activities. After using an occluder, there was a new expectation of living, of interacting. The changes occurred in the rescue of positive behavior in daily activities, such as dressing, rest and the satisfaction of resuming activities that were performed before colostomy. Conclusion It was found that the responses were ineffective before use and effective after using an occluder.

Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 20: e55475, 2021. graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1356110


RESUMO Objetivo: construir e validar um instrumento para investigação do conhecimento de enfermeiros da Atenção Primária à Saúde sobre pé diabético. Método: estudo metodológico realizado de janeiro a junho de 2017, que seguiu o Modelo de Elaboração de Escalas Psicométricas de Pasquali, em três etapas: teórica, empírica e analítica. Para validação de conteúdo, adotou-sea técnica de Delphi em dois momentos, com a participação de 10 juízes. A validade de construto foi realizada por 73 enfermeiros que atuavam nos serviços de APS do município de Campina Grande-PB. Aos dados, aplicou-se o Índice de Validação de Conteúdo (IVC). Resultados: construiu-se o "Questionário de Investigação do Conhecimento do Enfermeiro sobre Pé Diabético (QICEPeD)" com 47 itens organizados em 12 domínios de conhecimentos sobre a temática. Após a segunda rodada de avaliação dos juízes, todos os itens atingiram escores máximos de concordância (IVC = 1,00). A análise da confiabilidade e da consistência interna total do instrumento foi considerada elevada (α=0,860). Conclusão: o instrumento QICEPeD foi considerado válido, quanto ao conteúdo e construto, podendo ser utilizado para avaliar o conhecimento de enfermeiros da Atenção Primária sobre pé diabético.

RESUMEN Objetivo: construir y validar un instrumento para la investigación del conocimiento de enfermeros de la Atención Primaria de la Salud (APS) sobre pie diabético. Método: estudio metodológico realizado de enero a junio de 2017, que siguió el Modelo de Elaboración de Propiedades Psicométricas de Pasquali, en tres etapas: teórica, empírica y analítica. Para la validación de contenido, se adoptó el método de Delphi en dos momentos, con la participación de 10 jueces. La validez del constructo fue realizada por 73 enfermeros que actuaban en los servicios de APS del municipio de Campina Grande-PB-Brasil. Para los datos, se aplicó el Índice de Validez de Contenido (IVC). Resultados: se construyó el "Cuestionario de Investigación del Conocimiento del Enfermero sobre Pie Diabético (CICEPeD)" con 47 ítems organizados en 12 dominios de conocimientos sobre la temática. Después de la segunda ronda de evaluación de los jueces, todos los elementos alcanzaron puntajes máximos de concordancia (IVC=1,00). El análisis de la confiabilidad y de la consistencia interna total del instrumento fue considerado alto (α=0,860). Conclusión: el instrumento CICEPeD fue considerado válido, en cuanto al contenido y constructo, pudiendo ser utilizado para evaluar el conocimiento de enfermeros de la Atención Primaria sobre pie diabético

ABSTRACT Objective: to construct and validate an instrument to investigate the knowledge of Primary Health Care nurseson diabetic foot. Method: methodological study carried out from January to June 2017, followed the Development Model for Psychometric Scales by Pasquali, in three stages: theoretical, empirical and analytical. In order to validate the content, the Delphi technique was adopted in two moments, with the participation of 10 judges. Construct validity was performed by 73 nurses who worked in PHC services in the municipality of Campina Grande-PB. The Content Validation Index (CVI) was applied to the data. Results: the "Questionnaire for Investigating Nurses' Knowledge on Diabetic Foot (QICEPeD, as per its Portuguese acronym)" was constructed with 47 elements organized into 12 domains of knowledge on the topic. After the second round of judges' assessment, all elements reached maximum agreement scores (CVI = 1.00). The analysis of the instrument's reliability and total internal consistency was considered high (α=0.860). Conclusion: the QICEPeD instrument was considered valid, in terms of content and construct, and can be used to assess the level of knowledge of Primary Care nurses on diabetic foot.

Тема - темы
Diabetic Foot/nursing , Knowledge , Nurses , Primary Health Care/methods , Self Care , Ulcer/nursing , Nursing Methodology Research/methods , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing
Braz. dent. j ; 30(2): 179-184, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001435


Abstract Cleft lip, alveolus and palate is a congenital malformation caused by the lack of fusion of the lip and palate embryonic processes, which may disrupt the main functions of the stomatognathic system. Aim: This study aimed to assess the orofacial dysfunction in individuals with cleft lip, alveolus, and palate compared to non-cleft patients. One hundred and twenty individuals between 32 and 65 years of age were selected in the Craniofacial Center and in the School of Dentistry and divided into two groups: non-cleft patients (N-CLAP) and cleft lip, alveolus, and palate patients (CLAP). The two groups were matched by gender. Each individual was interviewed and submitted to a clinical evaluation during which the NOT-S was used to assess orofacial dysfunction. To verify the intra-examiner agreement, the values were compared using the Kappa test. The Mann-Whitney test compared performance on the NOT-S between the groups. The Chi-Square test compared the NOT-S domains between the groups. A comparison of the NOT-S scores between the groups revealed statistically significant differences in gender (p<0.001), but no statistically significant differences in the intragroup gender comparison were found. The assessment of the NOT-S domains between the N-CLAP and CLAP groups exhibited statistically significant differences in domains: breathing (p=0.021), chewing and swallowing (p<0.001), and dryness of the mouth (p=0.002) of the interview and significant differences in all domains of the clinical examination (p<0.001). Individuals with CLAP showed more orofacial dysfunction than non-cleft patients, without gender differences, after being assessed through the NOT-S.

Resumo A fissura de lábio, alvéolo e palato é uma malformação congênita causada pela falta de fusão dos processos embrionários labial e palatino, que podem comprometer as principais funções do sistema estomatognático. Utilizando o Nordic Orofacial Test - Screening (NOT-S), este estudo transversal observacional, objetivou avaliar a presença da disfunção orofacial nos indivíduos com fissura de lábio, alvéolo e palato em relação a indivíduos sem fissura ou anomalia craniofacial. Cento e vinte indivíduos entre 32 e 65 anos de idade foram selecionados e divididos em dois grupos: pacientes sem fissura labiopalatina (N-CLAP) e pacientes com fissura de lábio, alvéolo e palato (CLAP). Os dois grupos foram combinados por gênero. Cada indivíduo foi entrevistado e submetido a uma avaliação clínica durante a qual o NOT-S foi utilizado para avaliar a disfunção orofacial. O teste de Mann-Whitney comparou desempenho no NOT-S entre os grupos. O teste Qui-Square comparou os domínios NOT-S entre os grupos. A concordância intra-examinador foi K=0,75. Uma comparação dos escores de NOT-S entre os grupos revelou diferenças estatisticamente significativas no gênero (p<0,001), mas não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na comparação de gênero intragrupo. A avaliação dos domínios de NOT-S entre os grupos N-CLAP e CLAP apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos domínios II (p=0,021), IV (p<0,001) e VI (p=0,002) da entrevista e diferenças significativas em todos os domínios do exame clínico (p<0,001). Indivíduos com CLAP apresentaram maior presença de disfunção orofacial do que os indivíduos sem fissura labioapalatina, conforme avaliado pelo NOT-S.

Тема - темы
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Sex Factors , Face
J. appl. oral sci ; 27: e20180434, 2019. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1012505


Abstract This study aimed to compare the linear dimensions of the dental arches of adult patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) after orthodontic and prosthetic treatment with fixed partial dentures (FPD) to patients without clefts, using 3D technology. This retrospective longitudinal study sample consisted of 35 subjects divided into two groups. Included in this sample were 15 complete UCLP individuals who had received orthodontic treatment before rehabilitation with a fixed partial denture (FG), as well as 20 patients without cleft as control group (CG). All patients were aged between 18 and 30 years. Digital dental casts were obtained in two stages: (T1) end of orthodontic treatment and (T2) one year after prosthetic rehabilitation (FG); and (T1) end of orthodontic treatment and (T2) one year after removal of the orthodontic appliance (CG). Intercanine, interfirst premolar and intermolar distances, and incisor-molar length were obtained. A precalibrated and trained examiner performed the assessments. Intergroup differences between T2 and T1 were compared between the groups using the t test or Mann-Whitney test with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). The intercanine distance variation (T2-T1) showed statistical difference (p=0.005) increasing in the FG group and decreasing in the CG group. In the interfirst premolar distance variation, FG decreased, while CG increased with statistically significant difference (p=0.008). The intercanine distance of individuals with cleft showed stability, while that of the CG had no stability. The CG showed stability in the interfirst premolar distance, while FG had no stability. These findings showed that the FPD is capable of restricting orthodontic results, leading to a stabilization of the dental arches.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Orthodontics, Corrective/methods , Cleft Lip/rehabilitation , Cleft Palate/rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Dental Arch/pathology , Orthodontic Appliances , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies , Cleft Lip/pathology , Cleft Palate/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Anatomic Landmarks , Maxilla/pathology
J. appl. oral sci ; 26: e20170106, 2018. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893722


Abstract Oral health problems can influence people's Quality of Life (QoL) because of pain, discomfort, limitations, and other esthetics problems, affecting their social life, feeding, daily activities, and the individual's well-being. Objective: To compare oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children with and without oral clefts and their families. Materials and Methods: 121 children aged from 2 to 6 years, from both sexes, enrolled in the treatment routine of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinics of a Dental School and a Hospital for Cleft Treatment were divided into two groups: Group 1 - children with cleft lip and palate; Group 2 - children without cleft lip and palate. The OHRQoL was assessed using the validated Portuguese version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS). The questionnaire was answered individually, only once, at a private place. Mann-Whitney U test was used to verify differences between groups. Spearman's Rho test was used to associate sex and age with quality of life. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: According to the parents' perception on the OHRQoL of children with and without cleft lip and palate, oral health of children with oral clefts (Group 1) had a statistically significant impact on OHRQoL. The correlation of sex with impact on OHRQoL did not show statistically significant differences. On the other hand, the higher the age the higher the impact on QoL. Conclusions: The group comparison revealed that the cleft lip and palate negatively impacted on OHRQoL of 2 to 6-year-old children and their parents.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Quality of Life , Oral Health/statistics & numerical data , Cleft Lip/physiopathology , Cleft Palate/physiopathology , Sickness Impact Profile , Family/psychology , Case-Control Studies , Sex Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cleft Lip/psychology , Cleft Palate/psychology , Age Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric
J. appl. oral sci ; 26: e20170244, 2018. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893694


Abstract The repair of bone defects raises the interest of investigators in several health specialties. Grafting techniques with bone substitutes and laser therapies have been investigated to replace autogenous bone and accelerate the bone healing process. Objective To evaluate the effect of photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) associated with guided bone regeneration (GBR) in critical size defects. Material and Methods The study was conducted on 80 male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar) submitted to surgical creation of a critical size defect on the calvaria, divided into eight study groups: group C (control - only blood clot); group M (collagen membrane); group PBMT (photobiomodulation therapy); group AB (autogenous bone); group AB+PBMT; group AB+M; group PBMT+M; group AB+PBMT+M. The animals were killed 30 days postoperatively. After tissue processing, bone regeneration was evaluated by histomorphometric analysis and statistical analyses were performed (Tukey test, p<0.05). Results All groups had greater area of newly formed bone compared to group C (9.96±4.49%). The group PBMT+M (achieved the greater quantity of new bone (64.09±7.62%), followed by groups PBMT (47.67±8.66%), M (47.43±15.73%), AB+PBMT (39.15±16.72%) and AB+PBMT+M (35.82±7.68%). After group C, the groups AB (25.10±16.59%) and AB+M (22.72±13.83%) had the smallest quantities of newly formed bone. The area of remaining particles did not have statistically significant difference between groups AB+M (14.93±8.92%) and AB+PBMT+M (14.76±6.58%). Conclusion The PBMT utilization may be effective for bone repair, when associated with bone regeneration techniques.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Bone Regeneration/radiation effects , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Osteogenesis/drug effects , Osteogenesis/physiology , Reference Values , Skull/surgery , Skull/radiation effects , Skull/physiology , Wound Healing/radiation effects , Wound Healing/physiology , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Random Allocation , Reproducibility of Results , Collagen/analysis , Treatment Outcome , Rats, Wistar , Autografts
Braz. dent. sci ; 19(2): 25-31, 2016. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-788634


This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the impact of malocclusion on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in Brazilian children with non-syndromic oral cleft sat tertiary craniofacial center. Material and Methods: Sixty-nine children with non-syndromicoral clefts, aged between 8 and 10 years, were selected and divided into groups according to the cleft type: Group 1 – Children with complete unilateral cleft lip and alveolus; Group 2 – Children with unilateral cleft lip and palate; Group 3 –Children with cleft palate. Each child ans wered the Child Perceptions Questionnaire 8-10 (CPQ8-10) which is a multiple-choice questionnaire, with 29 questions on the impact of oral diseases on the OHRQoL. Then, a visual examination of dental occlusion was carried out. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used to determine statistical significant differences among groups(p<0.05). Results: No statistically significant differences were verified for the impact of cleft type (p=0.895) and malocclusion (p=0.528) on HRQoL of Brazilian children with oral clefts. Conclusion: The malocclusion did not impact onthe OHRQoL of 8-10 year-old children with nonsyndromicclefts...

Este estudo transversal avaliou o impacto da má oclusão sobre a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde oral de crianças brasileiras com fissuras labiopalatina não sindrômicas de um centro de tratamento craniofacial. Material e Métodos: Sessenta e nove crianças com fissurelabiopalatina não sindrômica, com idades entre oito e dez anos, foram selecionadas e divididas em grupos de acordo com o tipo de fissure: Grupo 1 – Crianças com fissura completa de lábio e alvéolo; Grupo 2 – Crianças com fissura completa de lábio e palato; Grupo 3 –Crianças com fissura de palato. Cada criança respondeu o Child Perceptions Questionnaire 8-10 (CPQ 8-10) que é um questionário de múltipla escolha, com 29 perguntas sobre o impacto das doenças orais sobre a qualidade devida. Em seguida, o exame visual da oclusão foi realizado. Os testes de Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney foram usados para determinar as diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos (p<0,05). Resultados: Diferenças estatisticamente significativas não foram verificadas para o impacto do tipo de fissura (p=0,895) e má oclusão (p=0,528) na qualidade de vida de crianças brasileiras com fissuras labiopalatinas. Conclusão: A má oclusão não teve impacto sobre a qualidade de vida de crianças com idade entre oito a dez anos com fissure de lábio e palato não sindrômica...

Тема - темы
Child , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Quality of Life , Oral Health
J. appl. oral sci ; 23(4): 376-382, July-Aug. 2015. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-759363


AbstractObjective To evaluate the effect of staining beverages (coffee, orange juice, and red wine) on the Vickers hardness and surface roughness of the base (BL) and enamel (EL) layers of improved artificial teeth (Vivodent and Trilux).Material and Methods Specimens (n=8) were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h and then submitted to the tests. Afterwards, specimens were immersed in one of the staining solutions or distilled water (control) at 37°C, and the tests were also performed after 15 and 30 days of immersion. Data were analyzed using 3-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (α=0.05).Results Vivodent teeth exhibited a continuous decrease (p<0.0005) in hardness of both layers for up to 30 days of immersion in all solutions. For Trilux teeth, similar results were found for the EL (p<0.004), and the BL showed a decrease in hardness after 15 days of immersion (p<0.01). At the end of 30 days, this reduction was not observed for coffee and water (p>0.15), but red wine and orange juice continuously reduced hardness values (p<0.0004). Red wine caused the most significant hardness changes, followed by orange juice, coffee, and water (p<0.006). No significant differences in roughness were observed for both layers of the teeth during the immersion period, despite the beverage (p>0.06).Conclusions Hardness of the two brands of acrylic teeth was reduced by all staining beverages, mainly for red wine. Roughness of both layers of the teeth was not affected by long-term immersion in the beverages.

Тема - темы
Acrylic Resins/chemistry , Beverages , Coloring Agents/chemistry , Tooth, Artificial , Analysis of Variance , Hardness Tests , Immersion , Materials Testing , Surface Properties/drug effects , Time Factors , Water/chemistry
J. appl. oral sci ; 23(2): 224-229, Mar-Apr/2015. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-746547


A 43-year-old woman with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, presenting a totally edentulous maxilla and mandible with marked maxillomandibular discrepancy, attended the Prosthodontics section of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo for treatment. She could not close her mouth and was dissatisfied with her complete dentures. Treatment planning comprised placement of six implants in the maxilla, four in the mandible followed by prostheses installation and orthognathic surgery. The mandibular full arch prosthesis guided the occlusion for orthognathic positioning of the maxilla. The maxillary complete prosthesis was designed to assist the orthognathic surgery with a provisional prosthesis (no metal framework), allowing reverse treatment planning. Maxillary and mandibular realignment was performed. Three months later, a relapse in the position of the maxilla was observed, which was offset with a new maxillary prosthesis. This isa complex interdisciplinary treatment and two-year follow-up is presented and discussed. It should be considered that this type of treatment could also be applied in non-cleft patients.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aniline Compounds , Brain/blood supply , Brain/pathology , Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy/complications , Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy/diagnosis , Cerebral Hemorrhage/complications , Positron-Emission Tomography/methods , Thiazoles , Cerebral Hemorrhage/diagnosis
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