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Periodontia ; 28(3): 59-67, 2018. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-946684


Objetivo: Verificar, através de uma revisão da literatura, a eficácia de uma matriz de colágeno xenógena associada ao retalho deslocado coronalmente no tratamento das retrações gengivais unitárias classes I e II de Miller. Materiais e métodos: A estratégia de busca das pesquisas foi realizada na base de dados MEDLINE pela combinações dos termos MESH e palavras-chave. Além disso, as bibliografias de todos os artigos incluídos e de revisões relevantes ao assunto foram consideradas para possível análise. Um mesmo pesquisador realizou as três fases da pesquisa. A primeira fase, a análise dos títulos, foi realizada para eliminar os materiais claramente irrelevantes ou que não tinham relação com o assunto abordado.A segunda fase, avaliação dos resumos dos artigos, foi baseada no tipo de estudo, característica da população/problema, intervenção e resultados obtidos. Na terceira fase, os textos completos selecionados para a revisão foram analisados e interpretados de acordo com os princípios da leitura crítica de artigos científicos. Resultados: Os estudos selecionados ficaram, assim, distribuídos: 05 (cinco) revisões sistemáticas, 12 (doze) ensaios clínicos randomizados, 02 (dois) estudos com modelo animal, (01) um estudo transversal observacional, 05 (cinco) séries de casos, 02 (dois) relatos de casos clínicos e 02 (duas) revisões de literatura, totalizando 29 (vinte e nove) artigos científicos. Conclusão: Por meio de uma revisão da literatura, constatou-se que a matriz de colágeno xenógena associada ao retalho deslocado coronalmente representa uma alternativa viável para o tratamento das retrações gengivais unitárias classes I e II de Miller, bem como proporciona satisfação estética aos pacientes.(AU)

Aim: To verify, through a review of the literature, the efficacy of a xenogeneic collagen matrix plus the coronally advanced flap in the treatment of Miller's class I and II single gingival recessions. Materials and methods: The studies` search strategy was carried out in the MEDLINE database through the combinations of the MESH terms and keywords. In addition, the bibliographies of all articles included and relevant reviews to the subject were considered for possible analysis. The same researcher carried out the three steps of the study. The first step, the analysis of the titles, was carried out to eliminate materials that were clearly irrelevant or had no relation to the subject addressed. The second, evaluation of the abstracts of the articles, was based on the type of study, characteristic of the population/problem, intervention and results obtained. In the third step, the complete texts selected for these review were analyzed and interpreted according to the principles of critical reading of scientific articles. Results: The selected studies were thus distributed: 05 systematic reviews, 12 randomized clinical trials, 02 animal model studies, 01 cross-sectional study, 05 case series, 02 clinical cases and 02 reviews of the literature, totaling 29 articles. Conclusion: Through a review of the literature, it was found that the xenogeneiccollagen matrix plus the coronally advanced flap represents a viable alternative in the treatment of Miller's class I and II single gingival recessions, as well as provides patients` aesthetic satisfaction.(AU)

Тема - темы
Collagen , Guided Tissue Regeneration, Periodontal , Gingival Recession
Full dent. sci ; 5(18): 304-309, abr. 2014. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-716611


Os implantes osseointegrados abrangem cada vez mais os planos de tratamento que visam a reabilitação de pacientes que perdem os dentes em consequência da doença periodontal. Nestes, as áreas edêntulas remanescentes tem uma densidade óssea reduzida. Quando uma prótese implantossuportada é instalada nessa região e uma sobrecarga oclusal é aplicada, a osseointegração se torna deficiente, o que leva à perda do implante. Contudo, quando qualquer estímulo nocivo é suprimido, as chances de êxito do tratamento são altas, mesmo em indivíduos com a forma ativa da doença. Nesses casos, a instalação dos implantes pode acontecer no mesmo momento cirúrgico das exodontias. Os pacientes submetidos a este modelo de tratamento desejam, também, o uso de próteses implantossuportadas imediatas, a fim de restabelecer, o mais cedo possível, a função e estética. O artigo a seguir é a apresentação de um caso clínico de reabilitação total da maxila com utilização de implantes e carga imediatos em paciente periodontal. Na cirurgia foram realizadas dez exodontias e colocados sete implantes. Em todos, a estabilização primária foi alcançada. Após 24 horas, a carga imediata foi aplicada. Somente depois de seis meses, o protocolo metalocerâmico foi instalado. Após seis anos de acompanhamento, através de exames clínico e radiográficos, não foram revelados sinais que indicassem a peri-implantite nem a micromovimentação dos implantes. Os autores concordam que os implantes imediatos e carga imediata trazem vantagens aos pacientes periodontais, pois há a redução do tempo de trabalho, menos desconforto pós-operatório e, sobretudo, utilização de uma prótese provisória fixa, funcional e estética.

The osseointegrated implants had become more common in the treatment plans aiming at rehabilitation of patients that had lost their teeth due to periodontal disease. In these patients the remaining edentulous areas have low bone density. When an implant-supported prosthesis is installed in that site and an overload is applied, the consequence is a bad osseointegration may result on implant loss. However, when any prejudicial stimulus is suppressed there are good chances of a successful treatment even in patients with periodontitis. In these cases implant placement can be performed in fresh extraction sites. Patients submitted to this model of treatment also search for immediate implant-supported prosthesis, for a briefer reestablishment of aesthetics. This article introduces a clinical report of full-arch maxillary rehabilitation with immediate implants and immediate loading in periodontally compromised patient. In the surgery were performed ten extractions and seven implants were installed. Primary stabilization was achieved for all of them. After 24 hours, the immediate loading was applied, and only after six months the implant-supported porcelain-fused-to-metal prosthesis was placed. After six years of follow up, through clinical and radiographic controls, were not observed signs that indicate peri-implantitis or implants micromovement. The authors agree that immediate implants and immediate loading offer advantages to periodontally compromised patients, such as reduction in the chair time, less postoperative discomfort and, especially the use of provisional fixed prosthesis that restore function and aesthetics

Тема - темы
Middle Aged , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Periodontal Diseases , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Maxilla/surgery , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Dental Prosthesis Design/methods , Radiography, Panoramic/methods
Статья в английский | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148681


Background : Oral lesions of tuberculosis (TB) are rare and usually associated with the secondary form of the disease. Aim : The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of oral lesions in a cohort of TB-infected individuals. Materials and Methods : The study was carried out in two reference centers for the treatment of TB in Recife, Brazil. All patients treated for TB in the period from July 2008 to March 2009 were included in the study. The data was subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. Results : One hundred and twenty-one patients were included in the study. A marked male prevalence was observed, with a male:female ratio of 6.12:1. HIV coinfection was a common event (33%). Head and neck lesions of TB were rare. Cervical node enlargement was observed in seven individuals (5.8%) and oral ulceration in one patient (0.8%). Discussion : The low prevalence of oral lesions of TB is in accordance with other studies. Nodal involvement is the most common form of head and neck disease. Conclusion : While TB may be a common accompanying feature of HIV disease, orofacial complications of TB are rare in individuals resident in northern Brazil.

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