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Ter. psicol ; 41(1): 39-62, abr. 2023. tab, ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515602


El cuestionario de Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas (ECR) es un instrumento de auto-reporte ampliamente utilizado para evaluar el apego en la adultez, a partir de dos dimensiones: la ansiedad y la evitación asociadas al apego. Este instrumento ha sido adaptado en múltiples contextos, incluyendo el chileno, del cual existe una versión abreviada (ECR-12), objeto de análisis del presente estudio. Si bien existe consenso en que la seguridad en el apego es mejor descrita en términos dimensionales, hay ámbitos, como en la práctica clínica donde contar con valores de referencia podría ser de utilidad. El objetivo de este estudio es proveer valores de referencia para la interpretación de los valores del ECR-12 en el contexto chileno. Para ello, una muestra de 6779 participantes respondió el ECR-12. Se utilizó el método de puntuación z con normalización para obtener los valores de referencia. Los análisis realizados evidenciaron la necesidad de construir baremos diferenciados por edad. Así, para el grupo de 29 años o menos, el punto de corte en la dimensión de ansiedad es de un promedio igual o superior a 4.4 puntos, y para la evitación, el punto de corte es de un promedio igual o superior a 2.5. En cambio, para el grupo de 30 años o más, el punto de corte en la dimensión de ansiedad es de un promedio igual o superior a 4.2, y para la evitación, es de un promedio igual o superior a 2.9. Estos hallazgos pueden ser relevantes no sólo para identificar a personas que puedan presentar niveles sustancialmente altos de ansiedad y/o evitación en el apego, sino, también puede constituirse como una herramienta clínica complementaria en contextos terapéuticos.

The Experiences in Close Relationships (ECR) questionnaire is a widely used self-report measure to assess adult attachment, based on two dimensions: attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. This instrument has been adapted in multiple contexts, including the Chilean, for which there is an abbreviated version (ECR-12), that is the object of analysis in the present study. Although there is consensus that attachment security is best described in dimensional terms, there are areas, such as clinical practice, where having reference values could be useful. The aim of this study is to provide reference values for the interpretation of ECR-12 scores in the Chilean context. To do this, a sample of 6779 participants was evaluated using the ECR-12. The z-score normalization method was used to obtain the reference values. The analyzes carried out showed the need to build scales differentiated by age. Thus, for the group of 29 years or less, the cut-off point in the anxiety dimension is an average equal to or greater than 4.4 points, and for avoidance, the cut-off point is an average equal to or greater than 2.5. On the other hand, for the group aged 30 or older, the cut-off point in the anxiety dimension is an average equal to or greater than 4.2, and for avoidance, it is an average equal to or greater than 2.9. These findings can be relevant not only for identifying people who may present substantially high levels of anxiety and/or avoidance in attachment, but also as a complementary clinical tool in therapeutic contexts.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Anxiety/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires/standards , Object Attachment , Reference Values , Chile , Sex Factors , Analysis of Variance , Self Report , Interpersonal Relations
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922824


@#The present study was designed to investigate the attachment styles and death anxiety among pregnant women. In order to meet the study objectives sample of (n=62) was recruited from hospitals of Rawalpindi (i.e., Maryam Memorial and Cantonment Hospital) and Islamabad (i.e., Shifa Medicine Hospital and Poly Clinic). Age range of the sample was 18 to 45 years. Attachment styles were assessed by Experience in Close Relationship Revised-Questionnaire (ECR-R) and death anxiety was assessed with Death Anxiety Scale. The findings revealed that there was significant positive correlation between attachment styles and death anxiety (p<0.05) and it was found that pregnant women scored low on secure attachment style. Younger pregnant women were high on preoccupied, fearful and dismissing attachment style as compare to older age pregnant women. Women with first pregnancy scored high on anxious, dismissing, and fearful attachment style as compare to women with second and third pregnancy. Pregnant women had pregnancy loss feel more death anxiety as compare to pregnant women with no history of pregnancy loss. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 22 (2): March 2021: 1-10.

Psychol. av. discip ; 13(1): 13-24, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250584


Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la relación entre el estilo de apego parental y los celos románticos en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios colombianos entre los 18 y 25 años. Participaron de manera voluntaria 614 jóvenes, 421 mujeres (69%) y 193 hombres (31%), con una relación de pareja vigente de más de seis meses de duración. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Inventario de Apego con Padres y Pares (IPPA, Armsden y Greenberg, 1987, adaptada por Rocha, Benítez, De-Irala, sin publicar), con el cual se evaluó el apego parental con respecto a su cuidador primario, y la Escala Interpersonal de Celos (Mathes y Severa, 1981, adaptada por Martínez-León, Mathes, Avendaño, Peña y Sierra, 2018) con la cual se midieron los celos románticos en la relación de pareja de los participantes. Los resultados mostraron que en la variable estrato socioeconómico nivel medio (estratos 3 y 4) existe una relación significativa (p = .023) la cual indica que, en esta muestra específica, el estilo de apego parental está asociado con el nivel de los celos románticos en la relación de pareja.

Abstract The objective of the present study is to analyze the relationship between parental attachment style and romantic jealousy in a group of Colombian students between 18 and 25 years old. Volunteers participated 614 young people, 421 (69%) women and 193 (31%) men, with a current relationship of more than six months. The instruments used were the Inventory of Attachment with Parents and Peers (IPPA, Armsden y Greenberg, 1987, adapted by Rocha, Benítez, De-Irala, unpublished), with which assessed parental attachment with respect to their primary caregiver, and the Interpersonal Scale of Jealousy (Mathes & Severa, 1981, adapted by Martínez-León, Mathes, Avendaño, Peña and Sierra, 2018), with which was measured romantic jealousy in the couple's relationship of the participants. The results showed that in the variable socioeconomic mid-level (strata 3 and 4) there is a significant relationship (p = .023) which indicates that, in this specific sample, the Parental attachment style is associated with the level of romantic jealousy in the couple's relationship.

Тема - темы
Association , Parenting , Jealousy , Object Attachment , Women , Bereavement , Couples Therapy/standards , Depression , Emotions , Interpersonal Relations , Men
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764409


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to identify the types of adult attachment and determine the relationship between adult attachment and job factors in dental hygienists. Ultimately, it was necessary to identify the need for a secure attachment to improve the quality of clinical dental hygienist's services. METHODS: Data of 454 clinical dental hygienists working in dental hospitals or clinics were collected. The research tools consisted of items related to the general and work characteristics of dental hygienists (9 items), adult attachment styles (36 items), organizational commitments (12 items), occupational stress (15 items), and interpersonal relations (18 items). Cronbach's α of each tool was ≥0.7. RESULTS: Most of the participants had fearful attachment styles, followed by dismissing-avoidance, security, and preoccupation. Security was the highest level of organizational commitment according to the adult attachment style, although the differences of the levels were insignificant. For occupational stress, preoccupation was the highest, followed by fearful, security, and dismissing-avoidance, and the differences were significant (p<0.001). For interpersonal relations, security was the highest, followed by preoccupation, dismissing-avoidance, and fearful in order, and the differences were significant (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Job stress and interpersonal relation ability according to the adult attachment style of clinical dental hygienists had significant results. Thus, the development of attachment improvement programs by personal style, development of differentiated clinical education and its application, and improvements in the adult attachment styles of clinical dental hygienists would be required rather than simply presenting the needs to collectively improvement the working environment.

Тема - темы
Adult , Humans , Dental Hygienists , Education , Interpersonal Relations
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 15(3): 835-852, set.-dez. 2015. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-996787


Este artigo avaliou o papel preditor dos estilos de apego na resolução do conflito conjugal. Foram investigados 428 homens e mulheres com idades entre 18 e 75 anos, de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos, residentes na região sul do Brasil. Os participantes responderam a um questionáriosociodemográfico, ao The Conflict Resolution Style Inventory (CRSI) e àEscala de Apego Adulto (EAA). Realizou-se uma análise de regressão linearmúltipla para testar as hipóteses. Os resultados apontam que os estilos deapego inseguros foram preditores dos estilos de resolução de conflitos destrutivos, enquanto que o estilo de apego seguro foi preditor da resoluçãode conflitos construtiva. Esses achados apontam para a importância de considerar os estilos de apego dos membros do casal na compreensão dopadrão de relacionamento conjugal diante de situações conflitivas

This article evaluated the predictive role of attachment styles in marital conflict resolution. Sample was composed by 428 men and women aged between 18 and 75 years old, from different socioeconomic levels, residents in southern Brazil. Participants completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, The Conflict Resolution Style Inventory (CRSI) and the Adult AttachmentScale (AAS). The data was analyzed by multiple linear regression. The results indicated that the insecure attachment styles were predictors of destructive conflict resolution styles, while secure attachment style was a predictor of constructive resolution of conflicts. These findings point out the importance of considering the attachment styles of the partners in understanding the pattern of marital relationships in conflict situations

En este artículo se evalúa el papel predictivo de los estilos de apego en laresolución de conflictos de pareja. Se investigaron 428 hombres y mujeres con edades entre 18 y 75 años, de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, residentes en el sur de Brasil. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario sociodemográfico, al The Conflict Resolution Style Inventory(CRSI) y la Escala de Apego Adulto (EAA). Se realizó un análisis de regresión múltiple para probar las hipótesis. Los resultados indican que los estilos de apego inseguro eran predictores de la resolución del conflicto destructiva, mientras que el estilo de apego seguro fue un predictor de la resolución constructiva de conflictos. Estos resultados apuntan a la importancia de considerar los estilos de apego de los miembros de la pareja en la comprensión de la estructura de las relaciones conyugales ante situacionesde conflicto

Тема - темы
Humans , Family Conflict , Human Development , Interpersonal Relations , Object Attachment
Ter. psicol ; 33(3): 285-295, Dec. 2015. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-772378


Numerosos estudios han asociado los estilos de apego inseguros a distintas formas de psicopatología, entre ellas la depresión, en diversas etapas del ciclo vital. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el estilo de apego de un grupo de pacientes de sexo femenino, diagnosticadas con depresión. Se estudió a un grupo de 28 pacientes, comparándolos con un grupo de 28 mujeres adultas que no presentan la enfermedad, igualando a las participantes en relación a la edad. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en los estilos de apego de ambos grupos. Las pacientes diagnosticadas con depresión presentan, en su mayoría, estilos de apego inseguros (39.2 por ciento) e inclasificables (32.1 por ciento). Por su parte, el grupo de personas sin depresión presentan en su gran mayoría (85.7 por ciento) un estilo de apego seguro.

Several studies have linked the insecure attachment styles to different types of psychopathologies, i.e. depression, at diverse stages of the life cycle. This research aimed to describe the attachment style for a group of female patients diagnosed with depression. A group of 28 patients was analyzed and compared with a group of 28 female adults not presenting the psychopathology and with similar age range. Results show significant differences on the attachment style in within these two groups. The patients diagnosed with depression have, mainly, insecure attachment styles (39.2 percent) and cannot classify (32.1 percent). On the other side, the majority of the group of people without depression (85.7 percent) has a secure attachment style.

Тема - темы
Humans , Adult , Female , Object Attachment , Depression/psychology , Psychopathology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470638


Objective To explore the medium effect of social support in process of attachment styles and coping styles on criminal juveniles and adolescents with mood disorders.Methods The survey used in the research included Experiences of Close Relationships Inventory (ECR),Social Support Revalued Scale(SSRS) and Coping Style Questionnaire(CSQ) conducted by three groups:177 criminal juveniles,80 adolescents with mood disorders and 163 normal teenagers.Results Firstly,there were significant differences in the avoidant attachment,attachment anxiety,objective support,subjective support,utilization of support,solving problem,rationalization,self-accusation and retreat among three groups (F=7.902,8.047,59.009,19.248,5.304,7.596,10.652,6.699,11.009;P<0.05).Secondly,attachment avoidance had significant negative correlation with both utilization of support and help seeking behaviors in the group of mood disorders (r =-0.470,-0.350; P< 0.01).Similarly,avoidant attachment had significant negative correlation with both subjective support and utilization of support respectively (r=-0.232,-0.235 ; P<0.01) in the group of criminal juveniles.The subjective support had significant positive correlation with solving problem (r=0.272,P<0.01) and as well as the utilization of support with both solving problem and help seeking behaviors (r=0.258,0.424; P< 0.01).Attachment anxiety had significant negative correlation with objective support and had significant positive correlation with self-accusation respectively (r=-0.253,0.300;P<0.01).Finally,utilization of support as a medium completely effect on the process of avoidant attachment and help seeking behaviors in the group of mood disorder and criminal juveniles.Moreover,subjective support and utilization of support as medium both affected a part in the process of avoidant attachment and solving problem for the group of criminal juveniles.Conclusion First,both adolescents with mood disorders and criminal juveniles have unsafe attachment mode,which are lacked social support and easy to take negative coping styles.Yet,the level of attachment avoidance and subjective support of criminal juveniles was found different compared to teenagers with mood disorder.Second,the attachment styles for both adolescents with mood disorders and criminal juveniles have impact on coping styles by the means of social support,but there were slightly different way.

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