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Braz. j. biol ; 80(1): 215-228, Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089301


Abstract The Cautin river is located in the 137 years old Araucania region, Chile (38°S), and is characterized by alterations through human interference due agriculture and towns in its surrounding basin, the presence of salmonids, and by its mixed regime, originated from snow melting in summer and rains in winter. The aim of the present study was to make a review of the inventory and ecological role of the benthic inland water macroinvertebrates of the River Cautin, in order to understand their importance in the ecosystem of the river. The fauna of this river includes a fauna composed of endemic and introduced fish, which has, however, been only poorly studied until now. The literature revealed the presence of abundant populations of Diptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera larval stages, and few crustaceans specifically amphipods and freshwater crabs along the river's course. Many of these macroinvertebrates are prey for both introduced salmonids and native fishes. Similar results have been reported for other southern Argentinean and Chilean Patagonian rivers.

Resumo O rio Cautin está localizado na região de Araucania, no Chile (38°S), é caracterizado por alterações através da interferência humana devido à agricultura e as cidades da bacia circundante, a presença de salmonídeos e pelo seu regime misto, originado pela queda de neve verão e chuvas no inverno. O objetivo do presente estudo foi fazer uma revisão do papel ecológico dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos das águas interiores do rio Cautin, para entender sua importância no ecossistema do rio. A fauna deste rio inclui uma fauna composta de espécies de peixes endêmicos e introduzidos, que, no entanto, tem sido mal estudada até agora. A literatura revelou a presença de abundantes populações de estádios de larvas Diptera, Trichoptera e Ephemeroptera, e poucos crustáceos especificamente anfípodes e caranguejos de água doce ao longo do curso do rio. Muitos desses macroinvertebrados são presas tanto para salmonídeos introduzidos quanto para peixes nativos. Resultados semelhantes foram relatados para outros rios sul da Patagônia Chilena e Argentina.

Тема - темы
Animals , Ecosystem , Fishes , Invertebrates , Chile , Population Dynamics , Environmental Monitoring , Food Chain , Rivers
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 60: e17160294, 2017. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-839102


ABSTRACT Epibiosis was understood as a commensalism relation between two or more organisms. However, some studies have shown that epibionts can cause deleterious effects to their host. Here, we reported the first report of epibiosis between protozoa Epibiont ciliates (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) living on larvae of Ephemeroptera from Brazil.

Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467273


Abstract The Cautin river is located in the 137 years old Araucania region, Chile (38°S), and is characterized by alterations through human interference due agriculture and towns in its surrounding basin, the presence of salmonids, and by its mixed regime, originated from snow melting in summer and rains in winter. The aim of the present study was to make a review of the inventory and ecological role of the benthic inland water macroinvertebrates of the River Cautin, in order to understand their importance in the ecosystem of the river. The fauna of this river includes a fauna composed of endemic and introduced fish, which has, however, been only poorly studied until now. The literature revealed the presence of abundant populations of Diptera, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera larval stages, and few crustaceans specifically amphipods and freshwater crabs along the rivers course. Many of these macroinvertebrates are prey for both introduced salmonids and native fishes. Similar results have been reported for other southern Argentinean and Chilean Patagonian rivers.

Resumo O rio Cautin está localizado na região de Araucania, no Chile (38°S), é caracterizado por alterações através da interferência humana devido à agricultura e as cidades da bacia circundante, a presença de salmonídeos e pelo seu regime misto, originado pela queda de neve verão e chuvas no inverno. O objetivo do presente estudo foi fazer uma revisão do papel ecológico dos macroinvertebrados bentônicos das águas interiores do rio Cautin, para entender sua importância no ecossistema do rio. A fauna deste rio inclui uma fauna composta de espécies de peixes endêmicos e introduzidos, que, no entanto, tem sido mal estudada até agora. A literatura revelou a presença de abundantes populações de estádios de larvas Diptera, Trichoptera e Ephemeroptera, e poucos crustáceos especificamente anfípodes e caranguejos de água doce ao longo do curso do rio. Muitos desses macroinvertebrados são presas tanto para salmonídeos introduzidos quanto para peixes nativos. Resultados semelhantes foram relatados para outros rios sul da Patagônia Chilena e Argentina.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 95-102, mayo-agos. 2016. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094253


El objetivo de éste estudio fue estudiar la composición y distribución espacial de cuatro órdenes de insectos acuáticos Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera y Coleoptera (EPTC), en una quebrada de primer orden, Chanchamayo, Perú. Se realizaron colectas bimensuales desde marzo del 2013 a enero del 2014 en cuatro microhábitats lóticos: piedra, grava, musgo y hojas retenidas en la corriente. Fueron colectados un total de 7825 individuos agrupados en 51 géneros distribuidos en 27 familias de EPTC. El microhábitat de hoja retenida en los rápidos presentó la mayor abundancia, riqueza y diversidad de EPTC. Los géneros más representativos en términos de abundancia fueron Farrodes (10.35%), Phylloicus (10.01%) y Heterelmis (6.07%). La familia Elmidae fue la más diversa con 11 géneros. Las pruebas no parametricas de Kruskall-Wallis para riqueza, abundancia, diversidad y equidad determinaron diferencias significativas (p< 0.05) entre los micro hábitat estudiados. El análisis de ordenamiento no paramétrico de escalamiento multidimensional nMDS y el análisis de similaridad ANOSIM, evidenciaron diferencias claras entre las muestras de micro hábitats.

The aim of this paper was to study the composition and spatial distribution of four orders of aquatic insects Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera and Coleoptera (EPTC) in a first order stream, Chanchamayo, Peru. Sampling was done bimonthly from March 2013 to January 2014 in four lotic microhabitats: stones, gravel, moss and leaf litter from rifles. There were collected 7825 individuals grouped in 51 genera distributed in 27 families of EPTC, being the first records of aquatic insects in a first order stream of a Montane Forest in the Peruvian Central Andes. The microhabitat litter from rifles presented the highest abundance, richness and diversity. The most representative genera in terms of abundance throughout the basin were Farrodes (10.35%), Phylloicus (10.01%) and Heterelmis (6.07%). The family Elmidae was the most diverse with 11 genera. The non-parametric statistical test of Kruskall-Wallis for the richness, abundance and Shannon-Wiener´s diversity and Pielou´s equi tability determined significant differences (p<0.05) between of microhabitats. The similarity analysis (ANOSIM) and clustering using the non-parametric method multidimensional scaling (nMDS) found differences between of microhabitats.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 275-287, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-843277


AbstractThe mayflies of the temperate and cold zones have well-synchronized life cycles, distinct cohorts, short emergence and flight periods. In contrast, aquatic insects from the tropical zones are characterized by multivoltine life cycles, "non-discernible cohorts" and extended flight periods throughout the year. This report is the first observation of life cycle patterns made of two species of mayflies on a torrent in the high elevation Bolivian Andes. The samples were taken from four sites and four periods during a hydrological season. The life cycle of each species was examined using size-class frequency analysis and a monthly modal progression model (von Bertalanffy's model) to infer the life cycle synchrony type. These first observations showed a moderately synchronized univoltine life cycle for Andesiops peruvianus (Ulmer, 1920), whereas Meridialaris tintinnabula Pescador and Peters (1987), had an unsynchronized multivoltine life cycle. These results showed that the generalization of all aquatic insects as unsynchronized multivoltine species in the Andean region may not be entirely accurate since there is still a need to further clarify the life cycle patterns of the wide variety of aquatic insects living in this high elevation tropical environment.

ResumenLos efemerópteros en las zonas templadas y frías, tienen ciclos de vida bien sincronizados, cohortes claras, períodos cortos de emergencia y vuelo. Por el contrario, los insectos aquáticos de las zonas tropicales se caracterizan por ciclos de vida multivoltino, "cohortes no claras" y periodos extendidos de vuelo durante el año. Estas son las primeras observaciones de los patrones del ciclo de vida realizados en dos poblaciones de efemeropteros en un torrente de tierras altas en los Andes de Bolivia. Las muestras se tomaron en cuatro sitios y cuatro periodos durante una temporada hidrológica. El ciclo de vida fue analizado por frecuencia de clases de tallas, y por progresión modal mensual (modelo de von Bertalanffy), con el fin de inferir el tipo de sincronía del ciclo de vida. Estas primeras observaciones mostraron un ciclo de vida univoltino y moderadamente sincronizado para Andesiops peruvianus, mientras que para Meridialaris tintinnabula fue multivoltino desincronizado. Estos resultados muestran que la generalización de todos los insectos acuáticos como especies multivoltina y no sincronizadas en la región andina no puede ser completamente exacta, ya que todavía hay una necesidad de aclarar la definición de los patrones del ciclo de vida de muchos insectos acuáticos que viven en este ambiente tropical de elevada altura.

Тема - темы
Animals , Ephemeroptera/growth & development , Life Cycle Stages/physiology , Seasons , Bolivia
Rev. bras. entomol ; 59(1): 43-49, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-742914


The effects of forest conversion to agricultural land uses on assemblages of aquatic insects were analyzed in subtropical streams. Organisms and environmental variables were collected in six low-order streams: three streams located in a forested area, and three in areas converted to agricultural land uses. We expected that the aquatic insects' assemblage attributes would be significantly affected by forest conversion, as well as by environmental variables. Streams in converted areas presented lower species richness, abundance and proportion of sensitive insect taxa. The ANOSIM test evidenced strong difference in EPT assemblage structure between streams of forested and converted areas. The ISA test evidenced several EPT genera with high specificity to streams in forested areas and only one genus related to streams in converted areas. Thus, the impacts of the conversion of forested area to agricultural land uses have significantly affected the EPT assemblages, while environmental variables were not affected. We suggest that the effects detected can be influenced by two processes related to vegetation cover: i) lower input of allochthonous material, and ii) increased input of fine sediments in streams draining converted areas.

Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.1): 221-241, feb. 2014. graf, mapas, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-753735


Gorgona is a Colombian continental island that biogeographically belongs in the Choco region. This work constitutes a first approximation to the aquatic insects, with emphasis in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera: distribution, ecology, and associations to the continental mainland. Between October 2010 and June 2011, immature and adult specimens were collected in five streams of the island´s Western sector using entomological nets, Malaise traps, and light traps. A total of nine orders, 28 families, 39 genera and 16 species of aquatic insects were found. New geographical records for Gorgona include: Dytiscidae (Coleoptera), Zelusia, Farrodes and Terpides (Ephemeroptera), Leucotrichia and Wormaldia (Trichoptera), Laccodytes, Neoelmis and Pheneps (Coleoptera), Maruina and Limonia (Diptera). As part of this study, four new species for each, Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, were found. Leptohyphes jodiannae, L. maculatus and Hagenulopsis esmeralda are recorded for the first time for Colombia. Farrodes caribbianus, F. roundsi, Hagenulopsis zunigae, Zelusia principalis and Anacroneuria choco are reported for the first time for the National Park. The high abundance of families, genera, and species is similar to that of low order streams in the tropic mainland, particularly those associated to the Choco bio-geographical province. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 1): 221-241. Epub 2014 February 01.

Este trabajo constituye la primera aproximación al conocimiento de las especies que caracterizan la entomofauna acuática del PNN Gorgona, con énfasis en Ephemeroptera y Plecoptera, su distribución, ecología y relación con la parte continental. Entre Octubre de 2010 y Junio de 2011 se realizaron recolectas de estados inmaduros y adultos en cinco quebradas del sector oriental de la isla, con ayuda de redes entomológicas, trampas Malaise y de luz blanca y negra. Se registran nueve órdenes, 28 familias, 39 géneros y 16 especies. Por primera vez se reportan la familia Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) y los géneros: Zelusia, Farrodes y Terpides (Ephemeroptera), Leucotrichia y Wormaldia (Trichoptera), Laccodytes, Neoelmis y Pheneps (Coleoptera), Maruina y Limonia (Diptera). Se encontraron cuatro especies nuevas de Ephemeroptera y cuatro de Plecoptera, en proceso de descripción. Además, Leptohyphes jodiannae, L. maculatus y Hagenulopsis esmeralda son primeras citas para Colombia. Farrodes caribbianus, F. roundsi, Hagenulopsis zunigae, Zelusia principalis y Anacroneuria choco, reportadas para el país, amplían su rango de distribución para el PNN Gorgona. La riqueza de familias, géneros y especies es alta y se considera una extensión de la fauna de corrientes hídricas de bajo y mediano orden del trópico continental, particularmente en la provincia del Chocó biogeográfico.

Тема - темы
Aquatic Fauna , Entomology , Biota , Colombia , Insecta/classification
J Environ Biol ; 2013 May; 34(3): 591-597
Статья в английский | IMSEAR | ID: sea-148569


An investigation on the water quality and aquatic insect community of an oxbow lake (Phulbari anua) of south Assam, North-East India was carried out during February to April, 2010. Aquatic insect community of the oxbow lake was represented by 9 species belonging to 9 families and 4 orders during the study period. Order Ephemeroptera and Hemiptera were found to be dominant. Record of 5 species and 5 families from the order Hemiptera showed that this is the largest order in terms of aquatic insect diversity of the lake. Computation of dominance status of different species of aquatic insects of the lake based on Engelmann’s Scale revealed that Anisops lundbladiana and Cloeon sp. were eudominant in the system. The Shannon- Weiner’s Diversity Index (H’) and Shannon evenness values (J’) were found to range from 0.3-0.69 and 0.53 -0.97, respectively indicating perturbation of the system. Again in terms of physico-chemical properties of water the lake is in a satisfactory condition where all the parameters are well within the range of IS 10500. The DO values were found to range from 6.8 to14.8 mgl-1. Free CO2 fluctuated from 1 to 4.98 mgl-1 and nitrate in water ranged from 0.4 to 2.1 mgl-1. Margalef’s water quality index values of most of the samplings also indicated clean water condition of the lake. Correlation coefficient analyses of the environmental variables, aquatic insect diversity and density of the lake revealed that aquatic insect diversity of the lake is mainly governed by dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and free carbon dioxide.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(4): 593-599, Oct.-Dec. 2011.
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-651632


Os Ephemeroptera constituem um dos mais importantes grupos da entomofauna aquática, ao lado de Plecoptera e Trichoptera (EPT) e muitos Diptera. Ocorrem em ambientes aquáticos continentais lênticos e lóticos, sendo sua maior diversidade encontrada em rios de pequena ordem, com fundo rochoso e acúmulo de folhas, e água oligotrófica a mesotrófica. A última lista de Ephemeroptera para o Estado de São Paulo feita por Hubbard & Pescador (1999) registrou apenas 8 espécies e nenhum pesquisador trabalhando com taxonomia do grupo. Atualmente 53 espécies são registradas para o Estado de São Paulo, distribuídas em 9 famílias: Baetidae (15 spp.), Caenidae (1 sp.), Ephemeridae (1 sp.), Euthyplociidae (2 spp.), Leptohyphidae (12 spp.), Leptophlebiidae (16 spp.), Melanemerellidae (1 sp.), Oligoneuriidae (1 sp.) and Polymitarcyidae (3 spp.), e pelo menos 4 pesquisadores Doutores brasileiros trabalhando diretamente com taxonomia e distribuição de Ephemeroptera.

Ephemeroptera is one of most important groups of aquatic insects besides of Plecoptera and Trichoptera, and various Diptera. They inhabit lotic and lentic environments with high diversity in streams and rivers, with stones and leaves and oligo-mesotrophic water. Last Ephemeroptera checklist for the State of São Paulo (Hubbard & Pescador, 1999) shows 8 species and no researchers working on Ephemeroptera taxonomy. Nowadays there are 53 species recorded for the State of São Paulo, distributed in 9 families: Baetidae (15 spp.), Caenidae (1 sp.), Ephemeridae (1 sp.), Euthyplociidae (2 spp.), Leptohyphidae (12 spp.), Leptophlebiidae (16 spp.), Melanemerellidae (1 sp.), Oligoneuriidae (1sp.) and Polymitarcyidae (3 spp.), and at least four PhD's Brazilian researchers working directly on taxonomy and distribution of Ephemeroptera.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(2): 217-220, Apr.-June 2011. ilus, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-596877


Physical environment of streams present many challenging factors to the organisms living under its influence. Water speed, one of the most important factors affecting such environments, has local influence on substrata, temperature, and oxygen levels. It acts determining species distributions and morphological and behavioral adaptations of organisms. The aim of this study was to assess the relative size of gills of Cloeodes jaragua on two mesohabitats: lentic environment (river dam) and lotic environment (fast flowing area of a stream) in Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (RJ, Brazil). Twenty individuals were collected on each environment and width of the head and gills were taken. Lentic environment showed nymphs with broader and more constant measurements than the lotic environment. The former, despite being composed of nymphs on different stages of development, presented individuals with narrower gills. Both, head width and environment type explained gills size, showing that streams habitat conditions are important in shaping the morphology of these animals.

O ambiente físico dos rios apresenta diversos desafios para os organismos que vivem sob sua influência. A velocidade da água, um dos fatores mais importantes a atuar nesses ambientes, tem influência local no substrato, temperatura e oxigenação da água. A força da correnteza age determinando a distribuição das espécies e as adaptações morfológicas e comportamentais dos organismos. O objetivo desse estudo foi abordar o tamanho relativo das brânquias de Cloeodes jaragua em dois meso-habitats: um ambiente lêntico (represa) e um ambiente lótico (áreas de correnteza) no Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos - RJ. Um total de 20 indivíduos foi coletado em cada tipo de ambiente e as larguras da cabeça e brânquias foram medidas. O ambiente lêntico apresentou ninfas com medidas mais largas e mais constantes que o ambiente lótico. Este último, apesar de ser composto por ninfas em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, apresentou indivíduos com menores larguras de brânquias. Ambos, largura da cabeça e tipo de ambiente, explicaram o tamanho das brânquias, mostrando as condições dos habitats dos rios como importantes modeladores da morfologia desses animais.

Acta amaz ; 37(1): 139-145, 2007. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-459263


Na Amazônia brasileira são registradas dezenove espécies de Leptophlebiidae, distribuídas em dez gêneros. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma lista de todos os gêneros de Leptophlebiidae ocorrentes na Região Neotropical, o numero de espécies de cada gênero no Brasil e um catálogo das espécies registradas na Amazônia brasileira.

Brazilian Amazonia has nineteen registered species of Leptophlebiidae, distributed in ten genera. In this work a list of all genera of Leptophlebiidae from the Neotropical Region is presented, the number of species of each genus in Brazil and a catalog of the species occurring in the Brazilian Amazon.

Тема - темы
Amazonian Ecosystem , Catalog , Ephemeroptera
Braz. j. biol ; 66(2)2006.
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467844


The influence of environmental factors on the distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) immatures was investigated in streams of the Brazilian Center-West (Serra do Pireneus, Pirenópolis, State of Goiás). The insects were sampled by lifting the stones in front of a sieve (0.5 mm mesh) and then removing the insects from both the stone and the sieve. Sampling was carried out for 1 h at 5 collection sites over a period of 14 months. Air and water temperature (°C), water velocity (m/s), discharge (m³/s), electric conductivity (µS/cm), pH, and rainfall (mm) were also recorded. In general, we may state that altitude, hydrologic classification (order) and vegetation cover were the most important factors explaining the distribution of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera immatures. The influence of the rainfall on the temporal variation of the abundance of insects was stronger in stream segments of medium order (3rd, 4th order) compared to smaller streams (first order).

A influência de fatores ambientais sobre a distribuição de imaturos de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera (EPT) foi investigada em riachos do Centro Oeste Brasileiro (Serra do Pireneus, Pirenópolis, Estado de Goiás). Os insetos foram amostrados lavando pedras em frente a um rede (0,5 mm de malhas) e removendo os insetos tanto das pedras quanto das redes. A amostragem foi feita durante 1 h em cinco pontos de coleta em um período de 14 meses. Temperaturas do ar e da água (°C), velocidade da água (m/s), vazão (m³/s), condutividade elétrica (µS/cm), pH, e precipitação pluviométrica (mm) também foram registradas. Em geral, podemos afirmar que a altitude, a classificação hidrológica (ordem) e a cobertura vegetal foram os fatores mais importantes na distribuição de imaturos de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera. A influência da precipitação pluviométrica sobre a variação temporal da abundância foi maior em trechos de ordem média (3ª, 4ª ordem) quando comparado aos menores riachos (primeira ordem).

Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443675


Estudos realizados principalmente no município de Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso, levaram-nos à descoberta de diversas espécies de Baetidae. Enquanto uma delas representa uma nova espécie de Cloeodes, aqui descrita, as outras representam novos registros para o estado ou até mesmo para o Brasil. A nova espécie, Cloeodes auwe sp. nov., pode ser diferenciada das demais espécies do gênero pela seguinte combinação de caracteres: padrão de coloração corporal; palpo maxilar longo, porém claramente com dois artículos; terceiro artículo do palpo labial robusto e de ápice truncado; garras relativamente longas (0,5 vezes o comprimento do respectivo tarso), tecas alares posteriores ausentes e número de espinhos na margem posterior do tergito 3 e paraprocto. Além dessa espécie, os seguintes táxons de Baetidae também foram encontrados: Adebrotus amazonicus, Americabaetis alphus, Apobaetis sp., Aturbina georgei, Baetodes sp., Callibaetis sp.1, Callibaetis sp.2, Camelobaetidius janae, Cryptonympha sp., Harpagobaetis gulosus, Paracloeodes binodulus, Spiritiops silvudus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus e Zelusia principalis.

Studies carried mainly in the municipality of Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso State, have lead us to the discovery of several species of Baetidae. While one of them represents a new species of the genus Cloeodes and is herein described, the others represent new records for the state or even for Brazil. The new species, Cloeodes auwe sp. nov., can be differentiated from the other known species of the genus by the following characteristics: body color pattern, long and two-segmented maxillary palp, third segment of labial palp robust and apically truncate, long tarsal claws (0.5 times the length of the respective tarsus), hind wing pads absent, and number of spines on the posterior margin of the third tergite and on the paraproct. Besides this new species, the following taxa of Baetidae were also found: Adebrotus amazonicus, Americabaetis alphus, Apobaetis sp., Aturbina georgei, Baetodes sp., Callibaetis sp.1, Callibaetis sp.2, Camelobaetidius janae, Cryptonympha sp., Harpagobaetis gulosus, Paracloeodes binodulus, Spiritiops silvudus, Waltzoyphius fasciatus, and Zelusia principalis.

Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443889


(As espécies de Ephemeroptera (Insecta) registradas para o Brasil). Uma lista da fauna de Ephemeroptera do Brasil, com todas as espécies, gêneros e famílias registrados para o país é apresentada, incluindo os estados para os quais as espécies estão reportadas assim como a bibliografia pertinente. Comentários acerca do estado atual do conhecimento da fauna brasileira também são tecidos. Até o presente momento 10 famílias, 63 gêneros e 166 espécies estão registrados. As famílias Baetidae e Leptophlebiidae compreendem mais de 50% de todos os registros, enquanto as regiões Norte e Sudeste são significativamente melhor estudadas que as demais.

(The species of mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Insecta) recorded from Brazil). A checklist of the Brazilian Ephemeroptera fauna with all species, genera and families recorded from the country, including the states for which every species is reported, and the pertinent reference is presented. Comments on the status of knowledge of the Brazilian mayfly fauna are also provided. Up to date, 10 families, 63 genera, and 166 species are recorded. Baetidae and Leptophlebiidae have more than 50% of all records, while the North and Southeastern regions are significantly better studied than the other areas of the country.

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