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Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-6, 2024. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532548


Background: Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis caused by a foreign body presents diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to its infrequent occurrence and unique characteristics compared to sinusitis originating from other sources. CaseReport:Illustrating such fact, this report presents the clinical case of a 37-year-old woman referred complaining of pain in the same region where she had extracted her upper right first molar five days before. The intraoral examination revealed the presence of an orifice in the region, suggesting oroantral communication. Imaging exams revealed opacification of the right maxillary sinus and the unexpected presence of a highly radiodense object. With the diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis due to a foreign body established, the surgical approach initially consisted of administering preoperative medication, preceded by access to the maxillary antrum using the Caldwell-Luc technique. The object was found and removed, consisting of a surgical drill. At follow-up there was complete absence of symptoms and complete closure of communication. Conclusion: Cases of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis caused by drill detachment after tooth extraction are fairly uncommon. A thorough clinical evaluation proved to be essential and the Caldwell-Luc access was effective, safe and with good postoperative results, even with the absence of standardized diagnostic and management methods(AU)

Contexto: A sinusite maxilar odontogênica causada por corpo estranho apresenta desafios diagnósticos e terapêuticos devido à sua ocorrência infrequente e características únicas em comparação com sinusites originadas de outras fontes. Relato do Caso: Ilustrando tal fato, este relato apresenta o caso clínico de uma mulher de 37 anos de idade encaminhada com queixa de dor em mesma região que havia extraído o primeiro molar superior direito cinco dias antes. Ao exame intraoral verificou-se a presença de um orifício na região, sugerindo comunicação oroantral. Os exames de imagem revelaram opacificação do SM direito e a inesperada presença de um objeto altamente radiodenso. Com o diagnóstico de sinusite maxilar por corpo estranho estabelecido, a abordagem cirúrgica consistiu inicialmente na administração de medicação pré-operatória, precedida pelo acesso ao antro maxilar através da técnica de Caldwell-Luc. O objeto foi encontrado e removido, consistindo em uma broca cirúrgica. Ao acompanhamento houve ausência completa dos sintomas e total fechamento da comunicação. Conclusão: Casos de sinusite maxilar odontogênica causada por descolamento da broca após extração dentária são bastante incomuns. Uma avaliação clínica minuciosa mostrou-se primordial e o acesso de Caldwell-Luc eficaz, seguro e com bons resultados pós-operatórios, mesmo com as ausências de métodos de diagnóstico e manejo padronizados.(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Adult , Surgery, Oral , Maxillary Sinusitis , Oroantral Fistula
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(2): 1110833, mayo-ago. 2023. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532849


Objetivo: Las comunicaciones bucosinusales y buco- nasales son condiciones patológicas que se caracterizan por la presencia de una solución de continuidad entre la cavidad bucal y el seno maxilar o la cavidad nasal respectivamente. Una vez que se ha instalado una comunicación es deseable ce- rrar este defecto, evitando así la infección del seno maxilar y posibles dificultades en la deglución, fonación y masticación. Se han propuesto diferentes tratamientos para su resolución, algunos no quirúrgicos y otros quirúrgicos. Los quirúrgicos pueden realizarse desplazando tejidos locales, regionales o injertando. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar situaciones clínicas de comunicaciones bucosinusales y buco- nasales con diferentes etiologías y sus distintos tratamientos según tamaño y ubicación del defecto. Casos clínicos: Se identificaron pacientes que asistie- ron al Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Piñero presentando cuatro comunicaciones bucosinusales agudas y crónicas y una comunicación buconasal crónica. Los casos analizados fueron tratados de manera quirúrgica utilizando di- versos colgajos según tamaño y ubicación del defecto (AU)

Aim: Oroantral and oronasal communications are patho- logical conditions characterized by the presence of a solu- tion of continuity between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity respectively. Once a communication has been installed, it is desirable to close this defect, thus avoid- ing infection of the maxillary sinus and possible difficulties in swallowing, phonation, and mastication. Different treatments have been proposed for its resolution, some non-surgical and others surgical. Surgical procedures can be performed by dis- placing local or regional tissue or by grafting. The aim of this case report is to present clinical situations of oral sinus and oral nasal communication with different etiologies and their different treatments according to the size and location of the defect. Clinical cases: A group of patients who attended the Maxillofacial Surgery Service of Piñero Hospital presenting four acute and chronic oral sinus and one oronasal communi- cations were identified. The analyzed cases were treated sur- gically using different flaps according to the size and location of the defect (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Oroantral Fistula/etiology , Oroantral Fistula/therapy , Argentina , Surgical Flaps , Dental Service, Hospital
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 35(1): 47-61, jun. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535291


Introducción: la Comunicación Oroantral (COA) es el espacio que se crea entre el seno maxilar y la cavidad oral, la cual si no es tratada progresará a una Fístula Oroantral (FOA) o enfermedad sinusal crónica. El factor predisponente más común de una COA es la extracción de los dientes superiores posteriores (generalmente el primer o segundo molares). El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una revisión de literatura con énfasis en implicaciones clínicas y las alternativas de tratamiento de una COA por medio de una actualización y revisión de información de interés. Métodos: se llevó a cabo una revisión de literatura por medio de una recolección y análisis de bibliografía de las comunicaciones oroantrales y la comparación y alternativas de tratamiento. Discusión: se han propuesto diversas técnicas para el manejo de una COA, entre las cuales se encuentran los colgajos locales, así como el uso de biomateriales, los cuales han dado resultados favorables en el cierre del defecto. Conclusión: el tratamiento de una COA tiene como propósito revenir su avance a una FOA, el desarrollo de sinusitis y/o que el defecto se acrecente; para ello, el clínico debe estar familiarizado con las diversas técnicas con base a la necesidad del paciente.

Introduction: the Oroantral Communication (OAC) is the space that is created between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity, which if not treated will progress to an Oroantral Fistula (OAF) or chronic sinus disease. The most common predisposing factor for a COA is the extraction of the upper posterior teeth (usually the first or second molars). The aim of this study was to carry out a literature review with emphasis on clinical implications and treatment alternatives of a COA through an update and review of information of interest. Methods: a literature review was carried out through a collection and analysis of bibliography of oroantral communications and the comparison and treatment alternatives. Discussion: various techniques have been proposed for the management of an AOC, among which are local flaps, as well as the use of biomaterials, which have given favorable results in closing the defect. Conclusion: the treatment of an AOC has as purpose to prevent its progression to an AFO, the development of sinusitis and/or that the defect increases; To do this, the clinician must be familiar with the various techniques based on the patient's needs.

Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421844


Actinomycotic osteomyelitis of the maxilla presenting with oroantral communication is very rare, herein we report the first case of this condition in association with myiasis. A 50-year-old man reported chronic sinusopathy and a non-healing maxillary lesion, with 30 years of evolution, presenting occasional nasal and intraoral purulent discharge, with foul smell, and recurrent episodes of larvae presence. Cone beam computed tomography showed a large hyperdense image inside the left maxillary sinus, with focal areas with soft tissue density, and extensive discontinuity of the maxillary sinus floor, confirming the oroantral fistula. The necrotic tissue curetted during surgery presented hard consistency, and dark greenish color, and was submitted for histopathological analysis. Microscopically, necrotic bone, masses of filamentous bacteria colonie s, compatible with actinomycosis, and large rhomboidal structures surrounded by eosinophilic capsule - suggestive of larvae, were observed. The diagnosis of actinomycotic osteomyelitis with presence of structures compatible with larvae was established.

La osteomielitis actinomicótica del maxilar que se presenta con comunicación oroantral es poco frequente. En este trabajo reportamos el primer caso de esta condición en asociación con miasis. Un hombre de 50 años que refiere sinusopatía crónica y lesión maxilar que no cicatriza, de 30 años de evolución, presenta secreción ocasional purulenta nasal e intraoral, con mal olor y episodios recurrentes de presencia de larvas. La tomografía computarizada de haz cónico mostró una gran imagen hiperdensa en el interior del seno maxilar izquierdo, con áreas focales con densidad de partes blandas y una extensa discontinuidad del piso del seno maxilar, lo que confirma la fístula oroantral. El tejido necrótico legrado durante la cirugía presentó consistencia dura, coloración verdosa oscura, y fue remitido para análisis histopatológico. Microscópicamente se observó hueso necrótico, masas de colonias de bacterias filamentosas compatibles con actinomicosis y grandes estructuras romboidales rodeadas de cápsula eosinofílica sugestiva de larvas. Se estableció el diagnóstico de osteomielitis actinomicótica con presencia de estructuras compatibles con larvas.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(3): 39-43, jul.-set.2021. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391201


Introdução: A comunicação buco-sinusal é tida como uma comunicação entre a cavidade bucal e o seio maxilar, cuja qual possui variadas etiologias, sendo a mais comum a extração de dentes posteriores superiores, pela proximidade de seus ápices radiculares com o assoalho do seio maxilar. O diagnóstico é obtido a partir da combinação de anamnese, exame físico e exames imaginológicos, podendo ser por meio de radiografias ou tomografia. Há diversas abordagens para o tratamento, incluindo o uso de membranas de Fibrina Rica em Plaqueta e Leucócitos para obstrução local da comunicação. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar e discutir o emprego de membrana de Fibrina Rica em Plaqueta e Leucócitos para manejo de uma comunicação buco-sinusal associado à reconstrução de tábua óssea vestibular com Stick Bone. Relato de caso: Mulher, 61 anos, compareceu ao atendimento odontológico relatando incômodo na região do dente 16 e história de extração do mesmo há cerca de 8 meses. Ao exame intra-oral, observou-se a presença área hiperemiada no alvéolo da região da extração e, ao exame tomográfico, foi observada solução de continuidade no assoalho do seio maxilar, sugerindo comunicação buco-sinusal associado à perda de tábua óssea vestibular local. Considerações Finais: Portanto, o uso destas membranas são adequados para obstrução destas comunicações, sendo um plugue adequado devido às suas propriedades adesivas na área de perfuração, não estar vinculado a nenhuma reação imunológica, preparação fácil e rápida, altamente biocompatível, baixo custo, prevenção da profundidade do sulco vestibular e não apresentar nenhum risco de infecção... (AU)

Introduction: The oroantral communication is a communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus, which has different etiologies, being the most common the extraction of upper posterior teeth, due to the proximity of their root apexes to the floor of the maxillary sinus. Diagnosis is obtained from a combination of anamnesis, physical examination and imaging exams, which may be through radiographs or tomography. There are several approaches to treatment, including the use of Leukocyte- and Platelet-RichFibrin membranes for local obstruction of communication. The aim of this work is to report and discuss the use of a Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin membrane for the management of oroantral communication associated with the reconstruction of the buccal bone plate with Stick Bone. Case report: A 61-year-old woman reported discomfort in the region of right maxillary first molar and a history of extraction of the same for about 8 months. The intraoral evaluation revealed the presence of a hyperemic area in the alveolus of the extraction region, and the tomographic examination revealed an oroantral communication associated with loss of local vestibular bone plate. Final considerations: Therefore, the use of these membranes are suitable for obstructing these communications, being a propper plug due to its adhesive properties in the perforation area, not being associated to any immunological reaction, easy and fast preparation, highly biocompatible, low cost, prevention of the depth of the vestibular sulcus and do not present any risk of infection... (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bone Plates , Maxillary Sinus Neoplasms , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Mandibular Reconstruction , Maxillary Sinus , Maxillary Sinus/abnormalities , Platelet-Rich Fibrin , Medical History Taking , Molar
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 58(2): e2826, 2021. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289408


Introducción: La etiología de la sinusitis maxilar comprende diferentes causas primarias y secundarias. Siempre es preciso descartar de inicio aquellas causas iatrogénicas consecuencia de intervenciones previas. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de las diferentes causas de sinusitis maxilar, con énfasis en las causas raras iatrogénicas y en el protocolo de actuación. Presentación del caso: Paciente varón de 60 años que presenta episodios de sinusitis maxilar. Como antecedentes quirúrgicos se había realizado quistectomía maxilar, tratamiento de fístula oroantral secundaria y rehabilitación protésica posterior. Tras estudio radiológico inicial se halló una masa intrasinusal, compatible al tacto con material de impresión dental. Conclusiones: Es importante antes de cualquier rehabilitación protésica y de la toma de modelos confirmar la ausencia de fístula oroantral para evitar la intrusión de material extraño en el seno maxilar(AU)

Introduction: The etiology of maxillary sinusitis comprises a number of primary and secondary causes. It is always necessary to initially rule out iatrogenic causes resulting from previous interventions. Objective: Carry out a review of the different causes of maxillary sinusitis, with an emphasis on the rare iatrogenic causes and the clinical management protocols. Case presentation: A male 60-year-old patient who experiences episodes of maxillary sinusitis. Surgical antecedents include maxillary cystectomy, treatment for secondary oroantral fistula and posterior prosthetic rehabilitation. Initial radiological examination revealed an intrasinus mass compatible to the touch with dental impression material. Conclusions: Before any sort of prosthetic rehabilitation and the taking of models, it is important to confirm the absence of an oroantral fistula, to prevent the entrance of foreign material into the maxillary sinus(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Maxillary Sinusitis/etiology , Oroantral Fistula/therapy , Iatrogenic Disease/epidemiology , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Foreign Bodies/diagnostic imaging
Odontol. Clín.-Cient ; 20(1): 90-93, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1368457


Oroantral communication (OAC) is characterized by formation of direct access between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus. This access can be lined by epithelium overtime, being called oroantral fistula (OAF). Its etiology is varied; however, it is usually associated with surgical procedures in the posterior re gion of the maxilla. Diagnosis is made through clinical and imaging evaluation. The treatment involves different surgical techniques, such as use of vestibular or palatal surgical flaps, nasal septum cartilage and, more commonly, buccal adipose body. The aim of this study was to describe therapeutic approach in a case of OAF, resulted from a dental implant complication, in a 65-year-old male patient. Fistulec tomy was performed and communication was closed by advancement buccal fat pad. The patient is in complete regression of the lesion and has no recurrences... (AU)

A comunicação oro-antral (COA) é caracterizada pela formação de acesso direto entre a cavidade bucal e o seio maxilar. Com o decorrer do tempo, esse acesso passa a ser revestido por epitélio, sendo chamado de fístula oro-antral (FOA). Sua etiologia é variada, no entanto, está geralmente associada a procedimentos cirúrgicos na região posterior de maxila. O diagnóstico é realizado através do exame clínico e imaginológico. O tratamento envolve diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas, como uso de retalhos cirúrgicos vestibulares ou palatinos, cartilagem do septo nasal e, mais comumente, o corpo adiposo da bochecha. O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever a conduta terapêutica frente a um caso de FOA, decorrente de complicação de implante dentário, em um paciente do sexo masculino de 65 anos. Foi realizada fistulectomia e fechamento da comunicação mediante avanço da bola de Bichat. O paciente encontra-se com total regressão da lesão e sem recidivas... (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Aged , Surgical Flaps , Adipose Tissue , Oroantral Fistula , Maxillary Sinus
Odontol. vital ; (33)dic. 2020.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386428


Resumen Introducción: El uso de un colgajo de bolsa adiposa de Bichat en el cierre de comunicaciones buco sinusales y defectos óseos maxilares ha sido reportada en varios estudios con resultados positivos, al ser una técnica sencilla y bien tolerada, gracias a su riqueza vascular, volumen y versatilidad, mostrando una baja tasa de complicaciones. Objetivo: Reportar el caso clínico de un paciente que acudió a la clínica universitaria de la Universidad UTE con una comunicación buco sinusal y el tratamiento quirúrgico a través de un colgajo pediculado de la bolsa adiposa de Bichat, como alternativa satisfactoria en el cierre de la comunicación y corrección de los defectos óseos intraorales. Metodología: Se obtuvo un colgajo mucoperiostico trapezoidal de avance recto hasta el margen palatino, fue ejecutada una fistulectomía, y mediante una incisión horizontal se conseguió la exposición de la bolsa adiposa para obtener tejido suficiente para cerrar la comunicación. Conclusiones: El uso de un colgajo de bolsa adiposa de Bichat gracias a su riqueza vascular, volumen, versatilidad y capacidad para realizar una metaplasia a tejido epitelial, por la presencia de células madre, es muy confiable.

Abstract Introduction: The use of buccal fat pad flap in closure of oroantral communications and maxillary bone defects has been reported in several studies with positive results, being a simple and well-tolerated technique, thanks to its vascular richness, volume and versatility, showing a lower complication rate. Objective: Report the clinical case of a patient who went to university clinic of Universidad UTE with a sinus oral communication and surgical treatment through a pedicle flap of buccal fat pad, as a satisfactory alternative in the closure of the communication and correction of intraoral bone defects. Methods: A mucoperiosteal trapezoidal flap was made to reach the palatal margin, a fistulectomy was also performed, and using a horizontal incision the buccal fat pad was exposed in order to obtain enough tissue to close the oroantral communications. Conclusions: The use of the flap technique in the buccal fat pad seems reliable thanks to its vascular characteristics, volume, versatility and capacity to experience an epithelial metaplasia because of the presence of stem cells.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Ecuador
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(3): 30-34, jul.-set. 2019. ilus
Статья в португальский | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253806


Introdução: A comunicação oroantral tem como principais causas etiológicas os processos patológicos, traumatismos e cirurgias, sendo comum sua ocorrência durante exodontias de elementos dentários superiores posteriores devido ao íntimo contato dos ápices radiculares com o assoalho do seio maxilar. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, com 51 anos de idade, apresentando comunicação oroantral há 6 anos após exodontia do elemento dental 16. Realizado fechamento da comunicação oroantral sob anestesia local, com tracionamento e sutura da bola de Bichat sobre a falha óssea. Após um ano de proservação, observamos a ausência de comunicação bucosinusal bem como de sintomatologia, resultando no sucesso do tratamento. Considerações Finais: A utilização do retalho pediculado do corpo adiposo bucal é uma alternativa útil para o fechamento e tratamento de comunicações bucosinusais, sendo que o deslizamento da bola de Bichat é um método seguro para fechamento de tais comunicações e que esta é uma técnica de simples execução, com poucas complicações e limitações... (AU)

Introduction: The oroantral communication has as main etiological causes the pathological processes, traumatisms and surgeries. Its occurrence during the exodontia of posterior superior dental elements is due to the intimate contact of the root apices with the floor of the maxillary sinus. Case report: A 51-year-old female patient, presenting oroantral communication 6 years ago after the dental element 16 was extubated. The oroantral communication was closed under local anesthesia with Bichat's ball traction and suture on the bone defect. After 1 year of proservation, we observed the absence of oral communication, as well as symptomatology, resulting in the success of the treatment. Final considerations: It is concluded that the use of the pedicle flap of the buccal adipose body is a useful alternative for the closure and treatment of buco sinusal communications, and the sliding of the bichat ball is a safe method for closing such communications and that this is a technique of simple execution, with few complications and limitations... (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Surgery, Oral , Fat Body , Maxillary Sinusitis , Oroantral Fistula , Maxillary Sinus , Pathologic Processes , Surgical Flaps , Sutures , Wounds and Injuries , Anesthesia, Local
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 107(2): 63-71, abr.-jun. 2019. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016010


Objetivo: Presentar cuatro situaciones clínicas de comunicaciones bucosinusales crónicas que fueron resueltas mediante tres técnicas quirúrgicas diferentes con un mismo protocolo, que consta de tres principios fundamentales. Primero, el seno maxilar se debe encontrar libre de infección, permeable y funcional. Segundo, el cierre debe realizarse en dos planos, debido a las diferentes características histológicas de las cavidades. Tercero, el colgajo de cierre debe ser bien vascularizado y estar libre de tensión. Casos clínicos: Se trataron cuatro casos de comunicaciones bucosinusales crónicas siguiendo los tres principios fundamentales, para lo cual se utilizaron tres técnicas quirúrgicas diferentes: colgajo de avance vestibular, bola adiposa de Bichat y raqueta palatina. Todos los casos evolucionaron de manera favorable y sin recurrencia. Conclusión: A pesar de que en la literatura ha sido descripta una gran cantidad de técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento de las comunicaciones bucosinusales crónicas, concluimos que el éxito del cierre dependería de los principios fundamentales previamente enumerados y de la correcta selección del colgajo para cada caso clínico (AU)

Aim: To analyze four clinical cases of chronical oroantral communications that were treated with three different surgical techniques, using a unique protocol following three principles: the maxillary sinus must be free of infection, permeable and functional; the closure must be double layered (due to the different histological characteristics of the cavities); the closing flap must be well vascularized and free of tension. Cases report: Four oroantral fistulas were treated following the three basic principles, three different surgical techniques were used: a buccal flap, a palatal flap and a buccal fat pad. All surgical wounds healed uneventfully and without recurrence. Conclusion: Despite the wide range of techniques proposed in the literature, we conclude that the success of the closure of the oroantral fistulas showed to depend on the principles previously stated and the correct selection of the flap for each clinical situation (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Maxillary Sinus , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Surgical Flaps , Wound Healing
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 77(2): 207-213, jun. 2017. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-902765


Presentamos un caso de fístula oroantral y rinosinusitis maxilar, resuelto por abordaje combinado endoscópico, nasal e intraoral en el cual se utilizó colgajo de mucosa palatina y hueso vómer para el cierre de la misma. Describimos el caso de una paciente femenina de 66 años de edad, que consultó por presentar cacosmia, algia facial izquierda y rinorrea posterior purulenta, 3 semanas posterior a extracción de segundo molar superior izquierdo, la tomograffa axial computarizada (TC) de senos paranasales evidenció velamiento total maxilar izquierdo, parcial etmoidal izquierdo y defecto óseo en reborde alveolar superior izquierdo. Se realizó toma de fragmento de hueso vómer. Seguidamente abordaje de cavidad antral izquierda por vía endoscópica; e intraoral, se concluyó disección, cierre óseo y mucoso de la fístula.

We report a case of an oroantral fistula and maxillary rhinosinusitis, that was resolved by combined approach, in which palatal mucosa flap and vomer bone was used for its closure. We describe the case of a female patient of 66 years old, who consulted for having cacosmia, left facial pain and purulent rhinorrhea, after left second molar extraction. CT-scan sinus showed the total left maxillary sinus, partial left ethmoid opacity and bone defect in left alveolar ridge. A vomer bone graft was taken from the nasal septum; left maxillary sinus surgerywas done by endoscopic approach and intraoral closure of bony and mucosa fístula was concluded.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Aged , Maxillary Sinusitis/surgery , Rhinitis/surgery , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Vomer/transplantation , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Maxillary Sinusitis/etiology , Rhinitis/etiology , Bone Transplantation , Oroantral Fistula/etiology , Endoscopy/methods
Odontol. vital ; jun. 2016.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506860


Introducción: El uso de un colgajo de bolsa adiposa de Bichat en el cierre de comunicaciones buco sinusales y defectos óseos maxilares ha sido reportada en varios estudios con resultados positivos, al ser una técnica sencilla y bien tolerada, gracias a su riqueza vascular, volumen y versatilidad, mostrando una baja tasa de complicaciones. Objetivo: Reportar el caso clínico de un paciente que acudió a la clínica universitaria de la Universidad UTE con una comunicación buco sinusal y el tratamiento quirúrgico a través de un colgajo pediculado de la bolsa adiposa de Bichat, como alternativa satisfactoria en el cierre de la comunicación y corrección de los defectos óseos intraorales. Metodología: Se obtuvo un colgajo mucoperiostico trapezoidal de avance recto hasta el margen palatino, fue ejecutada una fistulectomía, y mediante una incisión horizontal se conseguió la exposición de la bolsa adiposa para obtener tejido suficiente para cerrar la comunicación. Conclusiones: El uso de un colgajo de bolsa adiposa de Bichat gracias a su riqueza vascular, volumen, versatilidad y capacidad para realizar una metaplasia a tejido epitelial, por la presencia de células madre, es muy confiable.

Introduction: The use of buccal fat pad flap in closure of oroantral communications and maxillary bone defects has been reported in several studies with positive results, being a simple and well-tolerated technique, thanks to its vascular richness, volume and versatility, showing a lower complication rate. Objective: Report the clinical case of a patient who went to university clinic of Universidad UTE with a sinus oral communication and surgical treatment through a pedicle flap of buccal fat pad, as a satisfactory alternative in the closure of the communication and correction of intraoral bone defects. Methods: A mucoperiosteal trapezoidal flap was made to reach the palatal margin, a fistulectomy was also performed, and using a horizontal incision the buccal fat pad was exposed in order to obtain enough tissue to close the oroantral communications. Conclusions: The use of the flap technique in the buccal fat pad seems reliable thanks to its vascular characteristics, volume, versatility and capacity to experience an epithelial metaplasia because of the presence of stem cells.

Kiru ; 12(1): 55-60, ene.-jun. 2015. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-786670


Objetivo. Determinar la prevalencia de la comunicación bucosinusal (CBS) en el área de cirugía buco máxilo facial del hospital Hipólito Unanue, entre los años 2002 y 2012. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo. Fueron incluidas en el estudio 12 historias clínicas, con diagnóstico de CBS, que presentaron informe radiográfico legible y que no estaban dañadas. Se analizaron variables como: sexo, edad, etiología, hemiarcada (localización) y pieza dentaria. Se utilizó la estadística univariada y bivariada. Resultados. Se halló una prevalencia de CBS de 3,1%. El 100% de los casos presentaron etiología iatrogénica. La edad media de los pacientes fue 49,6 años ± 14,3, las piezas dentarias que estuvieron involucradas, en orden de frecuencia, fueron las primeras (66,7%), segundas (25%) y terceras (8,3%) molares superiores. Referente a su localización, fueron ocho (66,7%) en la hemiarcada izquierda y cuatro (33,3%) en la hemiarcada derecha. Conclusiones. La CBS es una complicación de baja prevalencia y es de suma importancia conocer su etiología, ubicación y las piezas dentarias relacionadas a ella en mayor frecuencia, a fin de evitar futuras complicaciones.

Objective. To determine the prevalence of oroantral communication (OC) in the area of boccomaxillofacial surgery at the Hipólito Unanue hospital between the years 2002 and 2012. Materials and methods. Observational, descriptive and cross study. 12 clinical histories were included, with diagnosis of OC, which presented a legible x- ray report and were in good conditions. Variables as sex, age, etiology, hemiarcady (localization) and dental piece were analyzed. Univariate and bivariate were used. Results. A prevalenceof OC of 3.1% was found. The 100% of the cases had an iatrogenic etiology. The mean age of the patients was 49.6 ± 14.3 years old; the dental pieces that were involved on frequency order were the first (66.7%), second (25%) and third upper molar (8.3%). Regarding to its location were eight (66.7%) in the left hemiarcady and four (33.3%) in right hemiarcady. Conclusions. The OC is a complication of low prevalence and is extremely important to know its etiology, location and the dental pieces most frequently relateto it, in order to avoid future complications.

Тема - темы
Humans , Tooth , Oroantral Fistula , Maxilla , Paranasal Sinuses , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as Topic , Retrospective Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. ADM ; 71(2): 83-87, mar.-abr. 2014. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-786698


Los quistes de retención mucosa y los mucoceles son las lesiones máscomunes de los senos paranasales. Éstos comparten características muysimilares y su diferencia estará determinada por su etiología. A diferencia del quiste de retención mucosa, cuyo comportamiento es mucho más sutil, el mucocele causa fenómenos infl amatorios locales, y algunas veces,reabsorción ósea de las estructuras adyacentes. El tratamiento será laenucleación quirúrgica. En el caso clínico que presentamos a continuación,se evidencia una lesión quística que se expone a través del alvéolo no cicatrizal de extracción traumática realizada semanas atrás, además se presenta la técnica que utilizamos para el cierre de fístula oroantral.

Mucus retention cysts and mucoceles are the most common lesions of the paranasal sinuses. They share very similar characteristics and the difference between them depends on their etiology. Unlike mucous reten-tion cysts, whose behavior is much more subtle, mucoceles cause local infl ammatory phenomena and sometimes bone resorption of adjacent structures. The treatment called for is surgical enucleation. The clinical case presented deals with a cystic lesion protruding through the non-cicatricial alveolus following a traumatic extraction performed weeks earlier. We also present the technique used to close the oroantral fi stula.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hernia/etiology , Mucocele/surgery , Mucocele/complications , Oroantral Fistula , Follow-Up Studies , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods , Surgical Flaps , Maxillary Sinus/pathology
Rev. cuba. cir ; 51(1): 71-78, ene.-mar. 2012.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-628215


Una fístula oroantral es una solución de continuidad patológica entre el seno maxilar y la cavidad oral, producida frecuentemente tras una extracción dentaria, en la mayoría de los casos, del primer o segundo molar. El síntoma más común que provoca es una sinusitis aguda, que evolucionará a la cronicidad si la fístula permanece. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante endoscopia transalveolar, ortopantografía o tomografía computarizada dental. Su cierre quirúrgico es necesario cuando la fístula tiene más de 3 mm, o no sella por sí misma en 3 semanas. Existen, para ello, varias técnicas, usando distintos materiales y colgajos, cuyo fin es ocluir, tanto el defecto óseo, como el mucoso, para solucionar así a la vez la fístula y el problema sinusal(AU)

The oroantral fistula is a solution of pathological continuity between the maxillary sinus and the oral cavity, frequently produced after a teeth extraction in most of cases of the first or second molars. The commonest symptom provoked is an acute sinusitis evolving to chronicity if the fistula remains. The diagnosis is made by transalveolar, orthopantography or dental computerized tomography. Its surgical closure is necessary when the fistula has more than 3 mm or not seal by itself in three weeks. For it, there are some techniques using different materials and flaps where its objective is to occlude the bone defect as well as the mucous one thus solving the fistula and the sinus problem(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Surgical Flaps/adverse effects , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Maxillary Sinusitis/diagnosis , Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed/statistics & numerical data , Oroantral Fistula/pathology
Rev. MED ; 19(2): 217-225, jul.-dic. 2011.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-657118


El manejo convencional de las comunicaciones oroantrales ha sido a través de técnicas quirúrgicas locales que a través del tiempo aun siguen vigentes para el manejo primario de dicha complicación. La mejoría del conocimiento de la anatomía detallada de la región maxilofacial ha introducido nuevas técnicas con el objetivo de mejorar e incluso tener nuevos alcances con respecto al manejo de las comunicación y fistula oro antrales que con las técnicas clásicas no se lograban. Esta revisión de tema muestra cada una de las opciones disponibles para el manejo de las comunicaciones y fistulas oro antrales con sus indicaciones, técnica quirúrgica y complicaciones...

The conventional management of oroantral communications has been performed through local surgical techniques which over time are still in vigor for the primary management of that complication. The improvement in the understanding of the maxillofacial region detailed anatomy has leaded to the introduction of new techniques with the aim of improving and even obtaining new achievements regarding the management of oroantral communication and fistulas which were not accomplished with the classical techniques. This subject review shows each one of the available options for the management of oroantral communications and fistulas with their indications, surgical techniques and complications...

O tratamento convencional das comunicações oro-antrais tem sido através de técnicas cirúrgicas locais que através do tempo ainda continuam vigentes para o tratamento primário dessa complicação. A melhoria do conhecimento da anatomia detalhada da região maxilo facial introduziu novas técnicas com o objetivo de melhorar e inclusive ter novos alcances com respeito ao tratamento das comunicações e fistula oro-antrais que com as técnicas clássicas não era possível. Esta revisão de tema mostra cada uma das opções disponíveis para o tratamento das comunicações e fistulas oro-antrais com suas indicações, técnicas cirúrgicas e complicações...

Тема - темы
Humans , Free Tissue Flaps , Oroantral Fistula , Surgical Flaps
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 71(3): 257-262, dic. 2011. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-612129


La fístula oroantral se presenta entre otras causas como resultado de la extracción de un molar en relación al maxilar Como consecuencia el paciente presenta episodios de sinusitis de evolución tórpida y refractaria a tratamiento médico, siendo la reparación quirúrgica su mejor solución, existiendo distintas técnicas. El objetivo de este caso es mostrar la experiencia de un paciente operado mediante la utilización de un colgajo de rotación y avance palatino e injerto de hueso autólogo. Se trata de una mujer de 32 años que dos semanas después de extracción de molar superior izquierdo presenta reiterados episodios de sinusitis unilateral izquierda. Al examen físico y estudio con tomografía computarizada se diagnostica sinusitis maxilar izquierda, secundaria a fístula oroantral por extracción de pieza dentaria del maxilar. Se realiza reparación quirúrgica con utilización de un colgajo de rotación y avance palatino e injerto de hueso autólogo. Se realizó seguimiento por 6 meses con resultados óptimos, sin complicaciones ni recidivas. Las fístulas oroantrales son un problema que tiene múltiples opciones de tratamiento quirúrgico. La utilización de injertos óseos autólogos y la utilización de un colgajo de rotación y avance palatino, pretende ser una buena opción quirúrgica, permitiendo un cierre definitivo del defecto.

Oroantral fistula occurs between other causes as a result of the extraction of a molar in relation to the maxillary bone. As a result the patient experiences episodes of sinusitis refractory to medical treatment. Surgical repair remains the best solution, there are different techniques. The aim is to show our experience of one case operated using a rotation and advancement palatal flap and autologous bone graft. The clinical case is a 32 year old woman that two weeks after removal of upper left molar suffers repeated episodes of unilateral sinusitis. Physical examination and computed tomography shown left maxillary chronic sinusitis secondary to an oroantral fistula, due to tooth extraction from maxillary bone. Surgical repair is performed using a rotation and advancement palatal flap and autologous bone graft. Six months following there was no complication neither recurrent sinusitis, with optimal results. Oroantral fistula is a problem that has multiple options for surgery. The use of autologous bone graft and rotation and advancement palatal flap intended to be a good surgical option, allowing closure of the defect.

Тема - темы
Humans , Adult , Female , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Transplantation, Autologous , Bone Transplantation , Surgical Flaps , Postoperative Complications , Oroantral Fistula/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Maxillary Sinusitis/etiology
Rev. bras. otorrinolaringol ; 74(1): 85-90, jan.-fev. 2008. ilus
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-479833


A fístula oroantral é a comunicação patológica entre cavidade oral e seio maxilar, quase sempre decorrentes de traumatismos durante procedimentos dentários. OBJETIVO: Apresentar experiência de 25 casos. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Realizado estudo retrospectivo de pacientes com FOA no período de 1996 a 2000. O diagnóstico incluiu exame otorrinolaringológico, endoscopia nasal ou da fístula, tomografia computadorizada das cavidades paranasais, pesquisa bacteriológica, fúngica e análise patológica. RESULTADOS: Encontrados 25 casos, sendo 10 de segundo molar, 8 de primeiro molar, 6 de segundo pré-molar e 1 de canino. Todos foram operados pela técnica de Caldwell-Luc, reavivamento das bordas da fístula, meatotomia média e rotação de retalho mucoso geniano. DISCUSSÃO: Nas fístulas de alto débito (n=14), colocou-se enxerto ósseo da própria parede anterior do seio. Todos, exceto um, tiveram resultado cirúrgico bom. A cultura bacteriológica (n=19) demonstrou estreptococos pneumoniae (13), haemophilus influenzae (6), moraxella catarrhalis (2), estafilococos aureus (2). Encontrado aspergilus niger em um caso que apresentava imagem radiológica de bola fúngica. CONCLUSÕES: Após 30 dias, os resultados foram bons em todos, exceto um dos casos. Este foi reoperado com colocação de enxerto ósseo, inicialmente não utilizado, tendo sucesso. Após 6 meses, todos os 23 pacientes localizados não apresentavam problemas.

The oroantral fistula is a pathological connection between the maxillary sinus and with the oral cavity. The condition mostly follows dental extraction. AIM: To present the experience of 25 cases. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective cases between 1996-2000. The ORL examination included nasal or sinusal endoscopy, a CT scan and histopathological analysis. RESULTS: Twenty-five cases were found: ten 2nd molar cases, eight 1st molar cases, six 2nd premolar cases, and one canine case. All patients underwent a Caldwell-Luc operation plus excision of the epithelium lining the fistula, that was then completely covered by a flap of mucosa rotated from the genian region. DISCUSSION: In cases of major fistulae a bone autograft taken from the anterior sinus wall was used. Bacterial cultures (n=19) revealed streptococus pneumoniae (13), haemophillus influenza (6), Moraxella catharralis (2) and staphylococus aureus (2). Aspergillus niger was found in one case presenting as a "fungic ball". CONCLUSIONS: The only case of surgical failure, after 30 days postoperatively, was reoperated, using a bone graft. After a 6-month follow up all of the patients progressed satisfactorily, including the reoperated patient.

Тема - темы
Humans , Oroantral Fistula/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Endoscopy , Oroantral Fistula/diagnosis , Oroantral Fistula/microbiology , Retrospective Studies , Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed , Treatment Outcome
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