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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 62-65, jun.2024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561284


El síndrome compartimental agudo requiere de la descompresión quirúrgica, mediante fasciotomía, esta técnica debe ser urgente y será clave para evitar la instauración de graves secuelas. El posterior abordaje de estas heridas de difícil y lenta cicatrización suponen un reto para los profesionales de la salud y un problema para la salud pública debido a los altos costes y elevada morbilidad. La terapia de presión negativa (TPN) o cura por vacío (VAC, "vacuum assisted closure") es un tratamiento no invasivo que consigue la curación de las heridas favoreciendo la vascularización, la aparición del tejido de granulación y eliminación del exceso de exudado[AU]

Acute compartment syndrome requires surgical decompression by fasciotomy, this technique must be urgent and will be key to avoid the establishment of serious sequels. The subsequent approach to these wounds, which are difficult and slow to heal, is a challenge for health professionals and a problem for public health due to high costs and high morbidity. Negative pressure therapy (NPWT) or vacuum assisted closure (VAC) is a non-invasive treatment that achieves wound healing by promoting vascularization, the appearance of granulation tissue and elimination of excess exudate[AU]

A síndrome compartimental aguda requer descompressão cirúrgica, por fasciotomia, esta técnica deve ser urgente e será fundamental para evitar o estabelecimento de sequelas graves. O tratamento subsequente destas feridas difíceis e de cicatrização lenta é um desafio para os profissionais de saúde e um problema desaúde pública devido aos elevados custos e à elevada morbilidade. A terapia por pressão negativa (NPWT) ou o encerramento assistido por vácuo (VAC) é um tratamento não invasivo que permite a cicatrização de feridas através da promoção da vascularização, do aparecimento de tecido de granulação e da remoção do excesso de exsudado[AU]

Тема - темы
Humans , Fasciotomy
An. bras. dermatol ; 99(4): 568-577, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563708


Abstract Chronic ulcers significantly affect the quality of life of patients and impose a high cost on the healthcare system. The therapeutic management should be comprehensive, taking into consideration the etiological diagnosis of the wound and the characteristics of the wound bed when deciding on a therapeutic proposal appropriate to the healing phase, correcting factors that delay healing. During the epithelialization phase, repair techniques with grafts are recommended to shorten re-epithelialization time, improve the quality of scar tissue, and achieve adequate pain management. Currently, due to the reported benefits of skin appendages, the technique of follicular unit auto-grafting obtained with a scalp punch is among the chosen strategies for wound repair. This is a minimally invasive, outpatient practice, whose technique has advantages over the donor site, patients recovery and well-being.

Estima (Online) ; 22: e1499, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563016


Objetivo: Identificar la producción de conocimiento sobre el tratamiento de infecciones localizadas en heridas de difícil cicatrización. Método: Revisión integrativa de la literatura realizada en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud; Base de datos de enfermería; Scientific Electronic Library; Web of Science; Biblioteca Cochrane; Catálogo de Tesis y Disertaciones de la Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior; y PubMed. Los artículos seleccionados no tienen límite de tiempo. Los estudios fueron exportados a la aplicación Rayyan y sometidos a evaluación doble ciego mediante la lectura del título y el resumen, según los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. La información fue analizada y sintetizada según el nivel de evidencia. Resultados: 19 estudios fueron incluidos para lectura completa. Se encontró como evidencia la higiene de la herida; la limpieza con ácido acético al 1%; la identificación y el tratamiento de biopelículas; el uso de cobertores y soluciones con acción antimicrobiana. Conclusión: La infección localizada de la herida ha sido objeto de varias investigaciones y las prácticas recomendadas se refieren a tratamientos tópicos. (AU)

Objective: To identify the knowledge production on the treatment of localized infections in hard-to-heal wounds. Method: An integrative literature review was conducted in the Virtual Health Library, Nursing Database, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, and PubMed. The selected articles had no time limit. The studies were exported to the Rayyan application and subjected to double-blind evaluation through title and abstract reading, based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The information was analyzed and synthesized according to the level of evidence. Results: A total of 19 publications were fully analyzed. The evidence obtained on the topic includes wound hygiene, cleaning with 1% acetic acid, identification and treatment of biofilms, the use of dressings, and solutions with antimicrobial action. Conclusion: Localized wound infections have been the subject of various research studies, and the recommended practices refer to topical treatments. (AU)

Objetivo: Identificar a produção de conhecimento sobre o tratamento de infecções localizadas em feridas de difícil cicatrização. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura realizada na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Base de Dados de Enfermagem, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Web of Science, Biblioteca Cochrane, Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior e Public Medline. Os artigos selecionados não possuem limite temporal. Os estudos foram exportados para o aplicativo Rayyan e submetidos à avaliação duplo-cega por meio da leitura do título e do resumo, com base nos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. As informações foram analisadas e sintetizadas de acordo com o nível de evidência. Resultados: Foram analisadas 19 publicações em sua totalidade. Obteve-se como evidências acerca do tema a higienização da ferida, a limpeza com ácido acético 1%, a identificação e o tratamento de biofilmes, o uso de coberturas e as soluções com ação antimicrobiana. Conclusão: A infecção localizada de feridas tem sido objeto de várias pesquisas e as práticas recomendadas referem-se a tratamentos tópicos. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Skin Ulcer , Infections , Wounds and Injuries
Rev. ADM ; 81(3): 164-169, mayo-jun. 2024. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566928


El odontólogo realiza de forma rutinaria procedimientos que generan lesiones en los tejidos duros y blandos, por lo que resulta importante que el profesional conozca los procesos normales de cicatrización y reparación. La cicatrización es un fenómeno fisiológico que se presenta en cualquier tejido vivo que ha sido lesionado, que tiene importantes componentes vasculares y celulares que llevan una secuencia específica y que dependiendo de la magnitud de la lesión, el tejido podrá regenerar o cicatrizar según sea el caso. Asimismo, existen patologías sistémicas específicas y locales capaces de retrasar el proceso normal de cicatrización. El objetivo del presente artículo es explicar el proceso normal de reparación tisular de los tejidos orales y periorales (AU)

The dentist routinely performs procedures that generate injuries to hard and soft tissues, so it is important that the professional knows the normal healing and repair processes. Cicatrization is a physiological phenomenon that occurs in any living tissue that has been injured that has important vascular and cellular components that carry a specific sequence and that, depending on the magnitude of the lesion, the tissue may regenerate or heal as the case may be. Likewise, there are specific systemic and local pathologies capable of delaying the normal healing process. The aim of this article is to explain the normal tissue repair process of oral and perioral tissues (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Wound Healing/physiology , Guided Tissue Regeneration , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Chronic Disease , Risk Factors , Granulation Tissue/physiopathology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 170-182, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566744


Background: Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare, but significant adverse event primarily associated with the intake of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic medications. Although antiresorptive and antiangiogenic the-rapies improve life expectancy, particularly in cancer patients, MRONJ may hamper the patient's quality of life due to pain, discomfort, anxiety, depression, speech impairment, difficulty in swallowing and eating, frequent medical and dental evaluations and treatments, and the possibility of treatment discontinuation. Leukocyte­ and Platelet-rich Fibrin (L-PRF) is an autologous platelet aggregate that promotes wound healing by stimulating re-epithelialization, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix production. Aim: The present systematic review aimed to compare the results in the published literature on whether L-PRF is an effective and predictable adjuvant to surgical debridement of necrotic bone for improving the healing efficacy in patients with MRONJ. Materials and Methods: The PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, Science Direct, LILACS, and Web of Science databases were searched using the predetermined MeSH terms and eligibility criteria, and the search yielded a total of five articles. Two studies were retrospective, and three studies were case series. Results: Seventeen participants received a combination of surgical debridement, L-PRF membrane, and antibiotics. Complete wound healing was observed in 70% of the participants, and most of them healed without any complications. Conclusions: L-PRF as an adjuvant to surgical debridement of necrosed bone appears to have a positive association with the healing outcome in patients with MRONJ.

Introducción: La osteonecrosis mandibular relacionada con medicamentos (ONMRM) es un evento adverso raro pero significativo asociado principalmente con la ingesta de medicamentos antirresortivos y antiangiogénicos. Aunque las terapias antirresortivas y antiangiogénicas mejoran la esperanza de vida, particularmente en pacientes con cáncer, la ONMRM puede obstaculizar la calidad de vida del paciente debido a dolor, incomodidad, ansiedad, depresión, discapacidad del habla, dificultad para tragar y comer, evaluaciones y tratamientos médicos y dentales frecuentes, y la posibilidad de interrupción del tratamiento. La fibrina rica en plaquetas y leucocitos (L-PRF) es un agregado de plaquetas autólogo que promueve la curación de heridas al estimular la reepitelización, la angiogénesis y la producción de la matriz extracelular. Objetivo: La presente revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo comparar los resultados en la literatura publicada sobre si L-PRF es un adyuvante efectivo y predecible al desbridamiento quirúrgico del hueso necrótico para mejorar la eficacia curativa en pacientes con ONMRM. Materiales y Métodos: Las bases de datos de PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, LILACS y Web of Science se registraron utilizando los términos DeCS/MeSH predeterminados y los criterios de elegibilidad, y la búsqueda arrojó un total de cinco artículos. Dos estudios fueron retrospectivos, y tres estudios fueron series de casos. Resultado: Diecisiete participantes recibieron una combinación de desbridamiento quirúrgico, membrana L-PRF y antibióticos. Se observó curación completa de heridas en el 70% de los participantes, y la mayoría de ellos se curaron sin ninguna complicación. Conclusión: L-PRF como adyuvante para el desbridamiento quirúrgico del hueso necrótico parece tener una asociación positiva con el resultado de curación en pacientes con ONMRM.

Тема - темы
Humans , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 35109, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553447


Introdução: Plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos são tradicionalmente utilizados na cicatrização de diversos tipos de feridas. Muitas plantas contêm compostos bioativos com propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas e cicatrizantes. Objetivo: Reunir evidências clínicas do uso de plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos na cicatrização de feridas cutâneas. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. Os estudos foram coletados das bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed e LILACS, utilizando como estratégia de busca os termos ((WoundHealing) ou (Inflammation)) e ((MedicinalPlants) ou (Phytotherapy)) com recorte temporal de 2011 a 2021. Resultados: 15 estudos foram incluídos na revisão. A maioria dos estudos foram do tipo ensaio clínico controlado randomizado. Foi investigada a eficácia de 15 espécies medicinais para o tratamento de feridas agudas e crônicas, sendo as mais recorrentes queimaduras de segundo grau, úlceras crônicas e feridas cirúrgicas. As espécies medicinais que apresentaram melhores resultados foram babosa (Aloevera), centela (Centellaasiatica),beldroega (Portulacaoleraceae), Arnebia euchroma, hipérico (Hypericum perforatum) emil-folhas (Achilleamillefolium), melhorando critérios como eritema, edema, tempodere-epitelização, tempo de cicatrização e a aparência geral da ferida. Conclusões: Plantas medicinais e fitoterápicos apresentam eficácia no processo de cicatrização, sendo, portanto, alternativa terapêutica para o tratamento de feridas cutâneas (AU).

Introduction: Medicinal plants and herbal medicines are traditionally used to heal various types of wounds. Many plants contain bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties. Objective: Gathering clinical evidence on the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicine in the healing of skin wounds. Methodology:Thisisan integrative review of the literature. The studies were collected from the MEDLINE/PubMed and LILACS data bases, using the terms ((WoundHealing) or (Inflammation)) and ((MedicinalPlants) or (Phytotherapy)) as a search strategy, from 2011 to 2021. Results: Fifteen studies were included in the review. Most of them were of the randomized controlled clinical trial type. The effectiveness of 15 medicinal species was investigated for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds, the most common of which were second-degree burns, chronic ulcers,and surgical wounds. The species with the best results were Aloe vera, Centella asiatica, Portulaca oleraceae, Arnebia euchroma, Hypericum perforatum, and Achillea millefolium, improving criteria such as erythema, edema, re-epithelialization time, healing time, and the general appearance of the wound. Conclusions: Medicinalplants and herbal medicine are effective in the healing process, therefore being a therapeutic alternative for treating skin wounds (AU).

Introducción: Las plantas medicinales y las medicinas a base de hierbas se utilizan tradicionalmente para curar diversos tipos de heridas. Muchas plantas contienen compuestos bioactivos con propiedades antiinflamatorias, antimicrobianas y cicatrizantes. Objetivo: Recopilar evidencia clínica sobre el uso de plantas medicinales y medicinas a base de hierbas en la curación de heridas cutáneas. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión integradora de la literatura. Los estudios fueron obtenidos de las bases de datos MEDLINE/PubMed y LILACS, utilizando como estrategia de búsqueda los términos ((WoundHealing) o (Inflammation)) y ((MedicinalPlants) o (Phytotherapy)) con un marco temporal de 2011 a 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron 15 estudios en la revisión. La mayoría de los estudios fueron del tipo ensayo clínico controlado aleatorio. Se investigó la eficacia de 15 especies medicinales para el tratamiento de heridas agudas y crónicas, las más comunes fueron quemaduras de segundo grado, úlceras crónicas y heridas quirúrgicas. Las especies medicinales con mejoresr esultados fueron Aloe vera, Centella asiatica, Portulaca oleraceae, Arnebia euchroma, Hypericum perforatum y Achillea millefolium, mejorando criterios como eritema, edema, tiempo de reepitelización, tiempo de cicatrización y aspecto general de la herida. Conclusiones: Plantas medicinales y medicinas a base de hierbas son efectivas en el proceso de cicatrización, siendo portanto un aalternativa terapéutica para el tratamiento de heridas en la piel (AU).

Тема - темы
Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Wound Healing , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Wounds and Injuries , Evidence-Based Practice , Phytotherapy
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 127-136, feb. 2024. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528822


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to investigate the therapeutic wound healing potential and molecular mechanisms of shikonin as small molecules in vitro. A mouse burn model was used to explore the potential therapeutic effect of shikonin; we traced proliferating cells in vivo to locate the active area of skin cell proliferation. Through the results of conventional pathological staining, we found that shikonin has a good effect on the treatment of burned skin and promoted the normal distribution of skin keratin at the damaged site. At the same time, shikonin also promoted the proliferation of skin cells at the damaged site; importantly, we found a significant increase in the number of fibroblasts at the damaged site treated with shikonin. Most importantly, shikonin promotes fibroblasts to repair skin wounds by regulating the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. This study shows that shikonin can effectively promote the proliferation of skin cell, and local injection of fibroblasts in burned skin can play a certain therapeutic role.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el potencial terapéutico de cicatrización de heridas y los mecanismos moleculares de la shikonina como moléculas pequeñas in vitro. Se utilizó un modelo de quemaduras en ratones para explorar el posible efecto terapéutico de la shikonina; Rastreamos las células en proliferación in vivo para localizar el área activa de proliferación de células de la piel. A través de los resultados de la tinción para patología convencional, encontramos que la shikonina tiene un buen efecto en el tratamiento de la piel quemada y promueve la distribución normal de la queratina de la piel en el sitio dañado. Al mismo tiempo, la shikonina también promovió la proliferación de células de la piel en el sitio dañado. Es importante destacar que encontramos un aumento significativo en la cantidad de fibroblastos en el sitio dañado tratado con shikonina. Lo más importante es que la shikonina promueve la función reparadora de fibroblastos en las heridas de la piel regulando la vía de señalización PI3K/ AKT. Este estudio muestra que la shikonina puede promover eficazmente la proliferación de células de la piel y que la inyección local de fibroblastos en la piel quemada puede desempeñar un cierto papel terapéutico.

Тема - темы
Animals , Mice , Wound Healing/drug effects , Burns/drug therapy , Naphthoquinones/administration & dosage , Skin , In Vitro Techniques , Naphthoquinones/pharmacology , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt , Fibroblasts , Mice, Inbred C57BL
Herald of Medicine ; (12): 167-174, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023694


Objective To study the effect of curcumin on wound healing in diabetic mice.Methods The effect of curcumin on fibroblast activity was examined by the MTT assay,and the ROS detection kit was used to detect the effect of curcumin on the hydrogen peroxide-induced scavenging effect of reactive oxygen species(ROS)in fibroblasts.Q-PCR was used to detect the effects of curcumin on the mRNA expression of inflammatory factors CD86,CD206,IL-6 and ARG1 in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7macrophage.The wound model of diabetes was established by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin.Hematoxylin-eosin(HE)and Masson staining were used to evaluate wound healing and histomorphological changes,and immunofluorescence staining was used to determine skin tissue α-smooth muscle actin,CD86 and CD206 expression.Results Curcumin had no significant effect on fibroblast activity at concentrations less than 20 mol·L-1;curcumin scavenged hydrogen peroxide-induced intracellular ROS in fibroblasts;curcumin decreased the mRNA expression of CD86 and IL-6 while increasing CD206 and ARG1 in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW 264.7 macrophages.After in vivo administration,compared with the control group,wound healing was significantly faster in the curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)group after 7 d and 14 d of wound perforation(P<0.01).Hematoxylin-eosin(HE)and Masson staining results confirmed a significant increase in granulation tissue and a significant increase in collagen deposition in the curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)group.Immunofluorescence assay showed significantly higher expression of CD206(P<0.01)and significantly reduced expression of CD86(P<0.01)in the skin wounds of curcumin(15,30 mg·mL-1)for 14 d.In addition,the expression of α-SMA in the wound of the high-dose curcumin(30 mg·mL-1)group was significantly higher than that of the low-dose curcumin group(P<0.01).Conclusion Curcumin accelerates diabetic wound healing by promoting granulation tissue proliferation and collagen deposition in refractory diabetic wounds in mice through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 577-581, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023751


The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in China has recently been increasing year by year,and spontaneous skin ulcers in diabetic patients,as one of the most serious complications,often develop on the patient's extremities represented by foot ulcers.Due to the complexity and variety of its pathogenesis,it leads to poor clinical outcomes and difficulty in healing.Thus,pa-tients often face the risk of amputation and death.Therefore,the exploration of mechanisms of the vascular pathogenesis of diabetic delayed-healing wounds and targeted screening of therapeutic agents has become a current research hotspot.Herein,in this paper,we briefly review the role of impaired angiogenesis and vascular dysfunction in diabetic skin ulcers,and the research progress of classical hypoglycemic and natural compounds against vascular lesions is preliminarily summarized to provide a theoretical basis for effective clinical treatment.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024260


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of two different internal fixations in the treatment of femoral intertrochanteric fractures in older adult patients.Methods:The clinical data of 152 older adult patients with femoral intertrochanteric fractures who were treated at the Second People's Hospital of Hefei from January 2019 to December 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. All patients underwent closed reduction and internal fixation surgery. They were divided into two groups based on the different types of internal fixations used. Among them, 76 patients received internal fixation using proximal femoral intramedullary nails (group A), while 76 patients received internal fixation using Intertan nails (group B). The intraoperative blood loss volume, surgical time, postoperative complications, fracture healing time, and hip joint function score were compared between the two groups.Results:The intraoperative blood loss volume in group A was (197.11 ± 37.85) mL, which was significantly less than that in group B [(226.84 ± 54.17) mL, t = 1.62, P < 0.001]. Surgical time in group A was (71.16 ± 15.64) minutes, which was significantly shorter than that in group B [(78.49 ± 15.88) minutes, t = 1.67, P < 0.001]. The fracture healing time in group A was (13.29 ± 0.94) weeks, which was not significantly different from that in group B [(13.20 ± 0.64) weeks, t = 0.33, P > 0.05]. However, the incidence of postoperative complications in group A was 5.26% (4/76), which was significantly higher than 1.32% (1/76) in group B ( χ2 = 4.04, P = 0.048). At 1 and 3 months and 1 year after surgery, the hip joint function score in group A was (63.13 ± 2.41) points, (73.50 ± 3.99) points, and (84.13 ± 7.57) points, respectively, and it was (68.65 ± 2.65) points, (79.07 ± 3.38) points, and (89.56 ± 7.71) points, respectively, in group B. At the above-mentioned time points, the difference in hip joint function score between the two groups was statistically significant ( t = 1.89, 2.48, 2.49, all P < 0.001). Conclusion:Both internal fixation methods have significant therapeutic effects on femoral intertrochanteric fractures. Internal fixation using Intertan nails leads to higher hip joint function scores and fewer postoperative complications compared with internal fixation using proximal femoral intramedullary nails, but it results in more blood loss and a longer surgical time.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 117-124, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025927


Objective To investigate the effect of Qufu Shengji ointment combined with ulinastatin in the treatment of wound healing after perianal surgery and its effect on the level of inflammatory factors.Methods Patients who underwent perianal surgery in Guilin Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine from July 2020 to January 2022 were randomly divided into control group and test group.The patients in both groups were treated with conventional debridement therapy and ulinastatin,and the test group was treated with Qufu Shengji ointment.The wound healing efficacy,TCM symptom score,inflammatory factor level,growth factor level and treatment safety of the two groups were compared.Results A total of 116 patients were included in the study,including 58 patients in the test group and 58 in the control group.The total effective rate of the test group(91.38%)was higher than that of the control group(75.86%),and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,the TCM syndrome score levels of interleukin-17A(IL-17A),C-reactive protein(CRP)and serum amyloid A(SAA)in the test group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).The levels of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1(VEGFR1),fibroblast growth factor receptor(FGFR)and transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The anal function index was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups was 13.79%and 8.62%,respectively,and the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion The effect of Qufu Shengji ointment combined with ulinastatin in the treatment of wound healing after perianal surgery is significant,which can improve the TCM syndrome,reduce inflammatory factors,and upregulate growth factors,and has good safety.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 54-58, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026485


Objective:To explore the application value of X-ray tomographic fusion technique in assessing bone healing and osteotylus growth after femoral neck system(FNS)internal fixation of femoral neck fracture.Methods:A total of 18 patients with femoral neck fracture who admitted to the Department of Orthopedics of Beijing Haidian Hospital from October 2019 to June 2020 were selected.All of them were treated with FNS internal fixation,and conventional X-ray and X-ray tomographic fusion imaging were performed respectively at 1 month and 12 months after operation for them.The displays of the two imaging techniques for the bone healing and osteotylus growth after FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture were evaluated,and the relevant parameters of the two imaging techniques for the process of image detection of FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture were counted by statistical method.Results:The detection rate of X-ray tomographic fusion technique for osteotylus at 1 month after surgery was significantly lower than that at 12 months after surgery.The detection rates(94.44% and 61.11%)of X-ray tomographic fusion technique for osteotylus at 1 month and 12 months after surgery were significantly higher than those(61.11% and 33.33%)of X-ray(x2=5.100,5.790,P<0.05),respectively.The rank-sum test indicated there were significant differences in the distribution of the scores of the image qualities of osteotylus growths at 1 month and 12 months after surgery for patients with femoral neck fracture between two imaging techniques(Z=2.113,2.018,P<0.05),and there were significant differences in the image qualities of bone healing at 1 month and 12 months after surgery between two imaging techniques(Z=2.868,2.258,P<0.05).The display effect of the detection image of fracture site before treatment under the guidance of X-ray tomographic fusion technique was ideal,which images were clear and could display more fully and clearly the fracture line of patient.After 12 months of surgery,the continuous osteotylus that passed fracture line could be found at the anterior lateral position of X-ray,which has reached to clinical healing.In the process of detecting image of FNS internal fixation of femoral neck fracture,the air Kerma,dose area product and effective dose of X-ray tomographic fusion technique were significantly lower than those of conventional X-ray imaging(t=5.900,2.466,32.255,P<0.05),respectively.Conclusion:In the diagnosis and evaluation of bone healing of patients with FNS internal fixation after femoral neck fracture,the use of X-ray tomographic fusion technique can better detect the osteotylus growth of patients and judge the degree of bone healing,especially the judgment effect of that for the postoperative recovery with longer time of patients is more better.In addition,this technique has better safety,which would cause less radiation damage in the process of detection.

Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 40-47, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027005


Objective:To construct 3D-bioprinted organoid artificial skin derived from adult stem cells and investigate their effects on repair of skin defect in mice.Methods:The cell suspension mixture was prepared with human skin keratinocytes, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells with a ratio of 2∶1∶1 and cultured in ultra-low attachment plates, and morphological changes of cell spheres were observed with an inverted phase contrast microscope. After 7 days of culture, cell spheres were collected and immunofluorescence staining was performed to characterize the expression and structural distribution of the epidermis, dermis and blood vessels. The artificial skin composed of skin organoids were printed through 3D printing and morphology of printed artificial skin and dressing was observed. Ten immunodeficient balb/c female mice were divided into hydrogel group and organoid group, with 5 mice in each group with the method of random number table. The full-thickness skin defect model with a diameter of 1 cm was established in all mice, and the wound was covered with the hydrogel dressings in hydrogel group and with 3D-printed skin organoids of the same size in organoid group. Wound healing and healing rate of the two groups were observed at 0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 days after modeling. At 16 days after modeling, HE staining was performed on wound skin samples to observe the epidermal keratosis and dermal epidermal junction of the wound surface and Masson staining to observe the density of collagen fibers and dermal fiber thickness of the wound surface.Results:(1) The cell suspension mixture of keratinocytes, fibroblasts and vascular endothelial cells could self-aggregate into cell spheres in the ultra-low attachment plates, and it was observed with the inverted phase contrast microscope that the volume of cell spheres gradually increased with the extension of culture time. (2) Immunofluorescence staining of the cell spheres showed that epidermal markers such as keratin (K)1, K10, and K14 were expressed in the outer layer of the cell spheres, and dermal markers such as vimentin (VIM) and vascular markers CD31 were expressed in the core, which indicated the epidermis was located in the outer layer of the sphere, and the dermis and blood vessels were located in the core of the sphere, with the same structural characteristics of the skin organoids. (3) The 3D-printed organoid artificial skin and hydrogel dressing were round and transparent, with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 1 mm. (4) As shown in the general observation of the wound surface, the wound area of both groups decreased with the extension of treatment time. The wound of the organoid group healed faster, which showed obvious epithelization at 4 days after modeling and basic wound healing at 16 days after modeling. At 0 day after modeling, there was no obvious difference in the appearance of wound surface between the two groups. At 4 and 8 days after modeling, the wound healing rates were (31.7±1.0)% and (52.4±5.4)% in the organoid group, and (24.3±6.8)% and (45.4±7.0)% in the hydrogel group ( P>0.05). At 12 and 16 days after modeling, the wound healing rates were (78.6±8.0)% and (91.1±5.6)% in the organoid group, and were (58.5±5.4)% and (71.9±7.8)% in the hydrogel group ( P<0.01). (5) HE staining showed that in the organoid group epidermal keratinization was found better, with the epidermis being more intact and well attached to the dermis. Epidermal keratinization was not complete in hydrogel group and the epidermis and dermis were obviously separated. Masson staining showed the formation of collagen fiber structures in the wound surface of both groups, which were blue and reticular. The collagen fiber structure was more compact and the dermal fiber thickness was smaller in the organoid group, while the collagen fiber structure was loose and the dermal fiber thickness was greater in the hydrogel group. Conclusions:Adult stem cells of skin can successfully form skin organoids in 3D culture conditions and organoid artificial skin can be constructed with 3D bioprinting technology. Compared with hydrogel dressing, 3D-bioprinted organoid artificial skin can significantly improve the healing rate in mice, with better epidermal keratinization and closer attachment of the epidermis to the dermis. Moreover, the collagen fiber structure of the wound is more compact, with smaller dermal fiber in thickness.

Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 57-64, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027007


Large skin defect caused by severe trauma is a common clinical problem with high incidence, great harm, difficult treatment and poor prognosis, which not only seriously affects the quality of patients′ life, but also threatens their lives. Large skin defects are difficult to heal by themselves and the main treatment is skin transplantation. However, the source of the autologous flap is limited and may cause secondary damage to patients. The artificial skin has poor mechanical integrity that cannot be integrated, causing formation of scars, and also has the risk of immune rejection. Skin organoid technology can extremely simulate the human skin tissue and its functions. Thus, it can overcome the shortcomings of the current skin wound treatment to a certain extent and provide a new treatment for the patients with large skin defects. At present, the construction methods of skin organoids are relatively mature, but each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best method has not been determined yet. Moreover, the structure and function of skin organoids are relatively simple, so there is still a relatively big gap between skin organoids and real human skin. Hence, the authors reviewed the research progress in skin organoid construction strategies from organoids′ skin organoid technology, and construction methods of skin organoids, hoping to provide a reference for the construction of skin organoids with more complex structures and functions in the future.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027102


To compare the effects of advanced bone flap and no bone flap on the healing of osteotomy gap in open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (OW-HTO) for the treatment of medial compartment osteoarthritis and knee inversion.Methods:A retrospective study was conducted to analyze the 85 patients who had undergone OW-HTO from March 2021 to December 2021 at Trauma Emergency Centre, The Third Hospital of Hebei Medical University for medial compartment osteoarthritis and knee inversion. The patients were divided into 2 groups according to whether bone flap was grafted. In group A of 42 patients who received advanced bone flap intraoperatively, there were 32 females and 10 males with an age of (63.7±6.6) years; in group B of 43 patients who received no advanced bone flap intraoperatively, there were 31 females and 12 males with an age of (63.2±9.4) years. The measures recorded and compared between the 2 groups included: osteotomy gap healing rates at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months postoperatively; Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, and Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) at 6 and 18 months postoperatively; medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA) and femorotibial angle at immediate postoperation and 18 months postoperation; postoperative complications.Results:The differences in preoperative general information between the 2 groups were not statistically significant, showing comparability ( P>0.05). The osteotomy gap healing rates at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months postoperatively in group A were significantly higher than those in group B ( P<0.05). The WOMAC (26.1±5.9), VAS (4.1±1.4), and KOOS (47.0±9.7) scores at 6 months postoperatively in group A were significantly lower than those in group B (31.3±8.3, 4.8±1.6, and 56.1±11.9) ( P<0.05), but the differences in the above indicators between the 2 groups at 18 months postoperatively were not statistically significant ( P>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in MPTA or femorotibial angle at immediate postoperation between the 2 groups ( P>0.05). At 18 months postoperatively, the MPTA in group A (88.7°±1.1°) was significantly better than that in group B (87.7°±1.5°) ( P<0.05). The total complication rate in group B [27.9% (12/43)] was signifcantly higher than that in group A [2.4% (1/42)]( P<0.05). Conclusions:In the OW-HTO treatment of the patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis and knee inversion, application of an advanced bone flap to fill the osteotomy gap can accelerate the gap healing and reduces occurrence of delayed healing or non-healing of the osteotomy gap.

Digital Chinese Medicine ; (4): 79-89, 2024.
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030997


Objective @#To explore the mechanism of Wenyang Shengji Ointment (温阳生肌膏, WYSJO) in the treatment of diabetic wounds from the perspective of network pharmacology, and to verify it by animal experiments.@*Methods@#The Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP) and related literature were used to screen active compounds in WYSJO and their corresponding targets. GeneCards, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), DrugBank, PharmGkb, and Therapeutic Target Database (TTD) databases were employed to identify the targets associated with diabetic wounds. Cytoscape 3.9.0 was used to map the active ingredients in WYSJO, which was the diabetic wound target network. Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interaction Gene/Proteins (STRING) platform was utilized to construct protein-protein interaction (PPI) network. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) andGene Ontology (GO) enrichment analyses were performed to identify signaling pathways between WYSJO and diabetic wounds. AutoDock 1.5.6 was used for molecular docking of core components in WYSJO to their targets. Eighteen rats were randomly divided into control, model, and WYSJO groups (n = 6). The model and WYSJO groups were used to prepare the model of refractory wounds in diabetes rats. The wound healing was observed on day 0, 5, 9, and 14 after treatment, and the wound tissue morphology was observed by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining. The expression levels of core genes were detected by quantitative real-timepolymerase chain reaction (qPCR).@*Result@#A total of 76 active compounds in WYSJO, 206 WYSJO drug targets, 3 797 diabetic wound targets, and 167 diabetic wound associated WYSJO targets were screened out through network pharmacology. With the use of WYSJO-diabetic wound target network, core targets of seven active compounds encompassing quercetin, daidzein, kaempferol, rhamnetin, rhamnocitrin, strictosamide, and diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) in WYSJO were found. GO enrichment analysis showed that the treatment of diabetes wounds with WYSJO may involve lipopolysaccharide, bacteria-derived molecules, metal ions, foreign stimuli, chemical stress, nutrient level, hypoxia, and oxidative stress in the biological processes. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that the treatment of diabetes wounds with WYSJO may involve advanced glycation end products (AGE-RAGE), p53, interleukin (IL)-17, tumor necrosis factor (TNF),hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), apoptosis, lipid, atherosclerosis, etc. The results of animal experiments showed that WYSJO could significantly accelerate the healing process of diabetic wounds (P < 0.05), alleviate inflammatory response, promote the growth of granulation tissues, and down-regulate the expression levels of eight core genes [histone crotonyltransferase p300 (EP300), protoc gene-oncogene c-Jun (JUN), myelocytomatosis (MYC), hypoxia inducible factor 1A (HIF1A), mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 (MAPK14), specificity protein 1 (SP1), tumor protein p53 (TP53), and estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1)] predicted by the network pharmacology (P < 0.05).@*Conclusion@#The mechanism of WYSJO in treating diabetes wounds may be closely related to AGE-RAGE, p53, HIF-1, and other pathways. This study can provide new ideas for the pharmacological research of WYSJO, and provide a basis for its further transformation and application.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017292


Objective:To treat the Crohn's disease(CD)patients with ustekinumab(UST),to eva-luate their clinical and endoscopic remission,and to evaluate their transmural response(TR)and trans-mural healing(TH)condition using intestinal ultrasonography(IUS).Methods:Retrospective analysis was made on patients diagnosed with CD in Peking University People's Hospital from January 2020 to Au-gust 2022,who were treated with UST for remission induction and maintenance therapy.All the patients were evaluated on both week 8 and week 16/20 after treatment,including clinical,biochemical indica-tors,colonoscopy and IUS examination.Results:A total of 13 patients were enrolled in this study,inclu-ding 11 males and 2 females.The minimum age was 23 years,the maximum age was 73 years and the mean age was 36.92 years.All the patients were in the active stage of disease before treatment,and the average Best Crohn's disease activity index(Best CDAI)score was 270.12±105.55.In week 8,the Best CDAI score of the patients decreased from 270.12±105.55 to 133.16±48.66(t=4.977,P<0.001).Eight patients achieved clinical remission while 5 patients remained in the active stage.Nine patients underwent colonoscopy evaluation.The average simple endoscopic score for Crohn's disease(SES-CD)score decreased from 10.71±7.14 before treatment to 6.00±7.81(t=2.483,P=0.048)in week 16/20.Four patients achieved endoscopic remission while 5 patients did not.In week 8,5 pa-tients achieved TR,2 patients achieved TH,the other 6 patients did not get TR or TH.In week 16/20,6 patients achieved TR,3 patients achieved TH while the other 4 patients did not get TR or TH.There was no significant statistical difference in the TR effect of UST between small intestine and colon lesions(Fisher test,P>0.999).The rate of UST transmural response in the patients who had had previous bio-logical agent therapy was lower than those with no previous biological agent therapy,but there was no sig-nificant statistical difference(Fisher test,P=0.491).Conclusion:After treatment of UST,the clinical and endoscopic conditions of the CD patients had been improved,and some patients could achieve clini-cal remission and endoscopic remission.UST had good TR and TH effects on CD.TR might appear in week 8,and the TR effect increased in week 16/20.There was no significant statistical difference in the TR effect between small intestine and colon lesions.TR effect of UST was better in the patients who had no previous biological agent therapy than those who had had other biological agents,but the result had no significant statistical difference.

Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 669-676, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017516


Objective To investigate the effect of oral fish oil on wound healing and related indexes in patients with diabetic foot ulcer(DFU).Methods A randomized,double-blind,placebo-controlled design was used to recruit 68 patients with DFU aged 18-80 years old in the hospital,and the baseline clinical data of the patients were collected.The patients were randomly divided into experimental group(32 cases,fish oil soft capsule,3 g/d)and control group(33 cases,corn oil soft capsule,3 g/d)by random number generated by Ex-cel,and the intervention lasted for 12 weeks.The primary endpoints included the proportion of complete wound healing and healing area≥50%.The secondary endpoints included wound area,healing time,inflamma-tion index,glucose metabolism index,nutrition related index and wound reinfection.Additionally,the influen-cing factors of wound healing were analyzed.Results After intervention,the proportion of complete wound healing and healing area≥50%in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P=0.007,0.039).In the subjects with complete wound healing,the mean healing time in the experi-mental group was shorter than that in the control group,but the difference was not statistically significant(P=0.132).The reduction area of wound area in the experimental group was significantly larger than that in the control group(P=0.045).The decrease of interleukin(IL)-6 and IL-8 in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).There was no significant difference in the reduc-tion of C-reactive protein(CRP),tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α),neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio(NLR),glycated hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c)and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio(PLR)between the two groups(P>0.05).The improvement of prealbumin(PA)in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group,but the difference was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that oral fish oil intervention(OR=6.771,95%CI:1.787-25.652),HbA1c(OR=4.149,95%CI:1.026-16.770)and ulcer type(OR=4.319,95%CI:1.026-18.173)were the influencing factors of wound healing(P<0.05).Conclusion Oral fish oil promotes wound healing in patients with DFU,which may be re-lated to improving the level of chronic inflammation in the body.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 240-248, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017553


Objective To determine the effect of isopsoralen(ISO)on the healing of tibia fracture in mice and explore its underlying mechanism.Methods Fifty male C57BL/6 mice(2 month old,20±2 g)were randomly divided into model group and ISO treatment group,with 25 animals in each group.From the 3rd day after modeling,the mice from the ISO group were given an intragastric gavage of 40 mg/kg ISO,once per day for 28 consecutive days,while those of the model group was given same volume of normal saline in same way.On the 7th,14th,21st,and 28th day after gavage,the tibia on the surgical side was taken,and the fracture area was quantified by bone volume/total volume(BV/TV)after micro-CT scanning.The healing and shaping of the fracture end were observed through HE staining.ELISA was used to detect the serum contents of bone alkaline phosphatase(BALP)and procollagen type I N-terminal peptide(PINP)on the 14th day of gavage.Western blotting was employed to determine the expression levels of Collagen Ⅰ,Runx2,BMP2,OSX,and VEGF in the tibial callus tissue in 7 and 14 d after gavage.Vascular perfusion was applied to observe the callus microvessels in 28 d to quantitatively analyze the vascular volume fraction and vessel diameter.Immunohistochemical staining was conducted to observe the expression of VEGF in the callus in 14 d after gavage.Results HE staining displayed that the ISO group had faster healing process than the model group.Micro-CT quantification results showed that the ISO group had higher BV/TV ratio in 7 d after gavage though no statistical difference,significantly higher ratio in 14 d(P<0.05),but obviously lower ratio in 21 and 28 d after gavage(both P<0.05)when compared with the model group.The serum contents of BALP and PINP were also remarkably higher in the ISO group than the model group(P<0.05).Western blotting results indicated that the expression levels of Collagen Ⅰ,Runx2,BMP2,OSX and VEGF in the ISO group were higher than those in the model group(P<0.05).The results of angiography revealed that the vascular volume fraction and vessel diameter were notably increased in the ISO group than the model group(both P<0.05).Immunohistochemical assay showed that the expression of VEGF was higher in the ISO group than the model group(P<0.05).Conclusion ISO can improve the activity of osteoblasts,increase the expression of osteogenesis-related proteins,and accelerate the angiogenesis to promote fracture healing.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019922


Objective To investigate the expression of serum Elabela and leucine-rich-alpha-2-glycoprotein-1(LRG1)in ulcerative colitis(UC)patients and their correlation with disease activity index(DAI).Methods A total of 98 patients with UC admitted to Yuncheng Central Hospital from January to December 2022 were selected as the UC group,including 62 patients in active stage and 36 patients in remission stage.According to the severity of the disease,these patients were divided into mild group(n=26),moderate group(n=43)and severe group(n=29).In addition,these patients were grouped into gradeⅠ group(n=25),grade Ⅱ group(n=40)and grade Ⅲ group(n=33)based on the endoscopic activity index(EAI).According to the mucosal healing condition under endoscopy,these patients were divided into the healed group(n=65)and the unhealed group(n=33).Another 51 patients with colonic polyps were selected as control group 1,and 50 healthy individuals were selected as control group 2.Serum Elabela and LRG1 levels were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).Pearson method was used to analyze the correlation between serum Elabela,LRG1 levels and DAI in UC patients.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was applied to analyze the predictive value of serum Elabela and LRG1 for endoscopic mucosal healing.Results The levels of Elabela(4.77±1.36 ng/ml)and LRG1(352.12±39.45 ng/ml)in UC group were higher than those in control group 1(2.51±0.53 ng/ml,121.02±21.06 ng/ml)and control group 2(2.35±0.42 ng/ml,120.35±23.49 ng/ml),and the differences were statistically significant(t= 11.410~39.000,all P<0.05).The levels of Elabela(5.26±0.54 ng/ml)and LRG1(370.42±12.49 ng/ml)in the active group were higher than those in the remission group(3.93±0.42 ng/ml,320.60±8.47 ng/ml),and the differences were statistically significant(t=12.705,21.242,all P<0.05).The levels of Elabela(5.89±0.20 ng/ml)and LRG1(369.92±16.59 ng/ml)in the severe group were higher than those in the moderate groups(4.51±0.67 ng/ml,356.12±18.75 ng/ml)and mild groups(3.95±0.21 ng/ml,325.65±10.14 ng/ml),and the differences were statistically significant(t=3.205~35.077,all P<0.05).The levels of Elabela(5.80±0.18 ng/ml)and LRG1(369.16±13.47 ng/ml)in grade Ⅲ group were higher than those in grade Ⅱ group(4.49±0.35 ng/ml,355.46±16.34 ng/ml)and grade Ⅰgroup(3.86±0.16 ng/ml,324.15±8.71 ng/ml),and the differences were statistically significant(t= 3.854~48.725,all P<0.05).The levels of Elabela(5.12±0.42 ng/ml)and LRG1(367.12±14.27 ng/ml)in unhealed group were higher than those in healed group(4.08±0.37 ng/ml,322.57±10.35 ng/ml),and the differences were statistically significant(t=12.043,15.917,all P<0.05).The serum levels of Elabela and LRG1 in UC patients were positively correlated with EAI and ESR(r=0.602,0.298;0.576,0.302,all P<0.05),but negatively correlated with hemoglobin level(r=-0.351,-0.334,all P<0.05).The area under the curve predicted by the combination of serum Elabela and LRG1 for endoscopic mucosal healing was 0.926(95%CI:0.880~0.958),was higher than the 0.803(95%CI:0.741~0.856)and 0.783(95%CI:0.720~0.838)predicted by Elabela and LRG1 alone,and the difference was statistically significant(Z=4.101,4.228,all P<0.05).Conclusion The serum levels of Elabela and LRG1 in UC patients increased,and they were related to the increase of DAI and worsening of the condition.Testing serum Elabela and LRG1 can provide a reference for evaluating mucosal healing under UC endoscopy.

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