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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 375-381, dic. 2023. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530036


El objetivo es conocer el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico de la vaginosis citolítica. Para ello se hizo una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura médica mediante las bases de datos: PubMed, Central, etc. Se limitó a ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, metaanálisis y revisiones bibliográficas, con disponibilidad del texto completo para evaluarlos en su totalidad e incluirlos en la revisión; publicados entre 1980 y 2021. Se incluyeron 27 publicaciones. La vaginosis citolítica es un trastorno infradiagnosticado. En mujeres con síntomas y signos de candidiasis vulvovaginal, que no responden a la terapia, se debe considerar la probabilidad de estar en presencia de una vaginosis citolítica. El tratamiento obliga a elevar el pH vaginal a valores básicos y a disminuir el número excesivo de Lactobacillus, resultando de utilidad las duchas vaginales con bicarbonato de sodio y/o un tratamiento con antibióticos derivados de la penicilina junto a un inhibidor de ß-lactamasas o doxiciclina en las pacientes alérgicas a la penicilina. Finalmente, se concluye que la vaginosis citolítica es una afección común, frecuentemente se diagnostica de forma errónea porque se confunde con la candidiasis vulvovaginal; se caracteriza por producir un cuadro clínico similar. El tratamiento se enfoca en disminuir el número de Lactobacillus y la elevación del pH vaginal.

The objective is to know the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of cytolytic vaginosis. A systematic search of the medical literature was carried out using the following databases: Medline via PubMed, Central, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, among others. The search was limited to randomized clinical trials, meta-analyses, and literature reviews that had the full text available for full evaluation and inclusion in the review; published between 1980 and 2021. Twenty-seven publications were included. Cytolytic vaginosis is a frequently underdiagnosed disorder, which mimics Candida vaginitis. In women with symptoms and signs of vulvovaginal candidiasis who do not respond to antifungal therapy, the possibility of cytolytic vaginosis should be considered. The treatment of this condition requires raising the vaginal pH to basic values and reducing the excessive number of Lactobacillus, resulting in useful vaginal douches with sodium bicarbonate and/or treatment with antibiotics derived from penicillin together with a ß-lactamases inhibitor or doxycycline in patients allergic to penicillin. Finally, we conclude that cytolytic vaginosis is a common condition, frequently misdiagnosed because it is confused with vulvovaginal candidiasis, since it is characterized by producing a similar clinical picture. Treatment focuses on reducing the number of Lactobacillus and raising vaginal pH.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Adult , Vaginosis, Bacterial/diagnosis , Vaginosis, Bacterial/therapy , Vaginitis/diagnosis , Baths , Vaginosis, Bacterial/microbiology , Doxycycline/therapeutic use , Sodium Bicarbonate , beta-Lactamase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Lactobacillus , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 30(3): 90-95, 30-09-2018.
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121509


Introduction: Vaginal discharge is a frequent gynecological complaint, and may represent a disease or not. A vaginal discharge is considered recurrent when it occurs four or more episodes per year. Among the aetiologies, physiological and infectious conditions are mentioned, being the infectious ones, particularly those caused by Candida spp. fungus, the most related to the symptom. Despite the diagnostic and therapeutic resources available, empirical clinical treatments and self-treatments are very frequent and related to ineffective therapeutic results, leading this population to question what the differences regarding women with no symptoms are. Objective: To identify sociodemographic, behavioral and microbiological differences between women with recurrent vaginal discharge and asymptomatic women. Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 126 women with recurrent discharge complaints (study group) and 155 (control group), totaling 281 evaluated women. The group included women in the menacme, sexually active, and those who fit in the criteria of recurrent vaginal discharge, without definite previous diagnosis, compared with asymptomatic women, who attended an annual routine examination. Pregnant, diabetic and immunosuppressed women were excluded. The study was based on the principle of the null hypothesis, when there are no differences between the two studied groups. Results: The average age was 29.95 years, predominantly single and without children. There was no significant difference in the analysis of relationship time with the current partner, numbers of partners throughout life, gender and contraceptive method. There was predominance of normal vaginal flora (type 1) in both groups, with average prevalence of 44.9%. The alkaline vaginal pH was predominant in the study group. Conclusion: The null hypothesis was confirmed. Biological, behavioral and sociodemographic differences in the studied populations were not identified. In women with recurrent discharge group, there were no infectious etiologic factors, suggesting that clinical diagnoses are not sufficient for the most efficient management of these situations, indicating laboratory evaluation for these cases in order to improve diagnostic accuracy

Introdução: O corrimento vaginal é queixa ginecológica frequente, podendo ou não representar doença. Conceitua-se como corrimento vaginal recorrente aquele que ocorre em quatro ou mais episódios ao ano. Entre as etiologias, citam-se condições fisiológicas e infecciosas, sendo as infecciosas, particularmente as causadas por fungo Candida spp., as mais relacionadas ao sintoma. Apesar dos recursos diagnósticos e terapêuticos disponíveis, tratamentos clínicos empíricos e autotratamentos são muito frequentes e associados a resultados terapêuticos pouco efetivos, levando essa população a questionamentos sobre quais diferenças elas teriam em relação a mulheres sem sintomas. Objetivo: Identificar diferenças sociodemográficas, comportamentais e microbiológicas entre mulheres com corrimento vaginal recorrente e mulheres assintomáticas. Métodos: Estudo transversal envolvendo 126 mulheres com queixa de corrimento recorrente (grupo de estudo) mais 155 controles, totalizando 281 mulheres avaliadas. Foram incluídas no grupo de estudo mulheres no menacme, sexualmente ativas e enquadradas nos critérios de corrimento vaginal recorrente, sem diagnóstico prévio definido, comparadas a mulheres assintomáticas, que compareciam a exame de rotina anual. Foram excluídas as gestantes, diabéticas e imunossuprimidas. Partiu-se de princípio da hipótese nula, em que não há diferenças entre os dois grupos estudados. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 29,95 anos, predominando solteiras e sem filhos. Não houve diferença significativa quando analisados: tempo de relacionamento com o atual parceiro, número de parceiros ao longo da vida, sexarca e método anticoncepcional. Houve predomínio da flora vaginal normal (tipo 1) em ambos os grupos, com prevalência média de 44,9%. O pH vaginal alcalino foi predominante no grupo de estudo. Conclusão: Confirmou-se a hipótese nula, não se identificando diferenças biológicas, comportamentais e sociodemográficas nas populações estudadas. Não se observaram, no grupo de mulheres com corrimento recorrente, fatores etiológicos infecciosos, sugerindo que diagnósticos clínicos não são suficientes para o manejo mais eficiente dessas situações, indicando-se avaliação laboratorial para esses casos com o objetivo de melhorar a acurácia diagnóstica.

Тема - темы
Humans , Candida , Vaginal Discharge , Infections , Vagina , Women , Flora
Gac. méd. espirit ; 16(2): 41-54, Mayo.-ago. 2014.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-719171


Fundamento: las infecciones de trasmisión sexual constituyen un problema de salud en todo el mundo, sin embargo en la provincia se carece de información sobre bases científicas de los resultados de la aplicación de la estrategia para la atención del síndrome de flujo vaginal en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Objetivo: describir los resultados de la aplicación de la estrategia para la atención del síndrome de flujo vaginal a partir de la información aportada por especialistas de 16 consultorios médicos de familia en tres municipios espirituanos. Metodología: se realizó investigación descriptiva, transversal que incluyó los 16 especialistas de Medicina General Integral de igual número de consultorios tipo 1 de municipios priorizados para las infecciones de trasmisión sexual, a quienes se le aplicó una encuesta, los resultados se presentaron en tablas utilizando frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: más de la mitad de las gestantes atendidas padecían el síndrome de flujo vaginal y a todas le estudiaron sus parejas sexuales, los médicos conocen la existencia del flujograma; en Sancti Spíritus y Fomento los facultativos dominan mejor el contenido del stock de medicamentos para su tratamiento; carecen de información sobre la entrega gratuita del módulo de medicamentos destinado a esta problemática y la totalidad conoce la conducta a seguir ante una gestante con flujo vaginal. Conclusiones: la estrategia para el manejo del síndrome de flujo vaginal en gestantes no es aplicada adecuadamente en los municipios estudiados, por el desconocimiento de la disponibilidad de medicamentos eficaces y gratuitos en el área de salud para el tratamiento de la gestante y su pareja.

Background: sexually transmitted infections are a health problem worldwide, but in the province there is a lack of information on scientific basis of the results of the implementation of the strategy for the care of vaginal discharge syndrome in Primary Health Care. Objective: to describe the results of the implementation of the strategy for the care of vaginal discharge from the information provided by specialists from 16 family doctor offices in three municipalities of Sancti Spíritus. Methodology: descriptive, cross investigation was used that included 16 specialists in Comprehensive General Medicine with equal number of Type 1 doctor offices of prioritized municipalities for sexually transmitted infections, to whom a survey was applied, the results were presented in tables using absolute and relative frequencies. Results: more than half of the cared pregnant women suffered vaginal discharge syndrome and their sexual partners were studied as well, doctors are aware of the flowchart; physicians dominate the content of the stock of medicines for treatment better in Sancti Spiritus and Fomento; they are lack of information about the free drug delivery module devoted to this condition and all of them know the medical procedures to follow in the presence of a woman with vaginal discharge. Conclusions: the strategy for the management of vaginal discharge syndrome in pregnant women is not properly implemented in the municipalities studied, due to the lack of availability of effective and free drugs in the healthcare area for the treatment of pregnant women and their partners.

Тема - темы
Humans , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/drug therapy , Vaginosis, Bacterial/epidemiology , Vaginosis, Bacterial/transmission , Vaginosis, Bacterial/complications
Medisan ; 16(3): 452-455, mar. 2012.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-628006


Se presentan 5 casos clínicos de pacientes atendidas en la consulta de patología de cuello del Hospital Provincial Ginecoobstétrico "Mariana Grajales Coello" de Santiago de Cuba por presentar sangrado vaginal, dolor en bajo vientre, leucorrea y lesiones vaginales. El estudio anatomopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de carcinoma de células escamosas o epidermoide.

Five case reports of patients who were assisted at the cervix Pathology Department from "Mariana Grajales Coello" Provincial Gynecological Obstetrical Hospital in Santiago de Cuba due to vaginal bleeding, low abdominal pain, leukorrhea and vaginal injuries are presented. The pathological study confirmed the diagnosis of squamous or epidermoid cells carcinoma.

Rev. Soc. Venez. Microbiol ; 28(1): 43-47, jun. 2008. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-631649


La vaginitis es un diagnóstico común en ginecología. Su presencia obedece a diversas causas, algunas aún desconocidas. Bacteroides fragilis es el anaerobio más importante desde el punto de vista clínico. Entre otros factores de virulencia, algunas cepas producen una enterotoxina asociada con diarrea. Estas cepas han sido aisladas tanto de muestras intestinales como extra intestinales. Por la existencia de procesos inflamatorios en la mucosa cérvico-vaginal de etiología desconocida se investiga a B. fragilis enterotoxigénico en pacientes con vaginitis. Se procesaron 140 muestras de pacientes y 40 de controles sanos. De las pacientes sintomáticas se aislaron 15 cepas de B. fragilis y ninguna en los controles (P<0,05). Posteriormente, fueron cultivadas en anaerobiosis, usando caldo cerebro-corazón suplementado con vitamina K1 y hemina durante 48 horas a 36°C. El sobrenadante se obtuvo por centrifugación y su actividad se ensayó en células HT-29. Doce (80%) cepas produjeron alteraciones en la monocapa celular, manifestada por desprendimiento, disolución de los acúmulos, expansión y disgregación de las células, superando en algunos casos la toxicidad observada en el control positivo. En siete pacientes, B. fragilis enterotoxigénico no estuvo asociado a patógenos específicos. La presencia de B. fragilis enterotoxigénico en pacientes con vaginitis plantea la necesidad de definir su papel en la etiología de esta entidad clínica.

Vaginitis is a common diagnosis in the centers of gynecological attention. It is due to several causes, some even unknown. Bacteroides fragilis is the most important anaerobe in clinical practice; some strains produce an enterotoxin associated with diarrhea. Enterotoxigenic B. fragilis has been isolated from intestinal as well as extra intestinal samples. Because inflammatory processes unknown etiology it was investigated B. fragilis in the cervical-vaginal mucous in the patients with vaginitis. 140 samples were processed from symptomatic patients and 40 from healthy controls. 15 strains of B. fragilis were isolated from symptomatic patients while none were found in controls (P<0,05). These strains were cultivated in anaerobic chambers, cultured in brain heart infusion supplemented with vitamin K1 and hemine during 48 hours at 36°C. Supernatant were obtained by centrifugation and its activity assayed in HT-29 cells. Twelve (80%) of the isolated induced alterations in target cell morphology characterized by cell detachment, breakup of cell clumps, expansion and degradation of cells, some cases revealed a higher cytotoxic activity than the positive control. In seven patients enterotoxigenic B. fragilis was not associated to specific pathogens. The presence of enterotoxigenic B. fragilis in patients with vaginitis raises the necessity to define its role in the etiology of this clinical entity.

Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 3(1): 9-14, dic. 2005. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: lil-442803


La vulvovaginitis (VV) es una las causas más frecuentes de consulta ginecológica de niñas, especialmente, en centros hospitalarios públicos. El conocimiento de la frecuencia de los agentes que producen esta patología, las condiciones socio­económicas y hábitos de higiene de las afectadas contribuye al desarrollo de programas de prevención y control epidemiológicos. De las 196 niñas con el diagnóstico clínico de vulvovaginitis (presencia de leucorrea e irritación vulvar) se aislaron 330 microorganismos, siendo los más frecuentemente aislados Gardnerella vaginalis (17%) y Candida sp (13%). La frecuencia de candidiasis fue mayor en el grupo de 6 a 12 años que en las menores. Se encontró reacción inflamatoria (>10 leucocitos por campo) en 103 niñas (52,6%)y en este grupo, el 34% de las niñas presentaba G.vaginalis y 24% Candida sp, en comparación con el grupo sin reacción inflamatoria quienes presentaron G. vaginalis en el 15% y Candida sp en el 17%, pero la diferencia no fue significativa. Debido a que la vulvovaginitis ha sido asociada frecuentemente a falta higiene, sobretodo en las niñas menores de 5 años, es importante resaltar la presencia de gérmenes que provendrían de la flora fecal, tales como enterobacterias (18%) y Enterococcus sp (9%).La vulvovaginitis de origen infeccioso estuvo presente en el 52,6% de las niñas, y el resto estaría relacionado a una falta de higiene, que generalmente responden a tratamientos sintómaticos sin antibióticos.

Vulvovaginitis (VV) is one of the most common causes of gynecological consultation in girls, especially in public hospitals. The knowledge of the frequency of the causative agents of this pathology, socio­economic conditions and hygiene practices of the affected girls will contribute to development of epidemiological control programs. Out of 196 girls with a clinical diagnosis of vulvovaginitis (presence leukorrhea and vulva irritation), 330 microorganisms were isolated being the most frequent microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis (17%) and Candida sp (13%). The frequency of candidiasis was higher in the age group of 6 to 12 years than in younger girls and inflammatory reaction (>10 leucocytes per field) was found in 103 girls (52.6%). In this group, 34% of the girls presented G. vaginalis and 24% Candida sp. in comparison to the group without inflammatory reaction where 15% presented G. vaginalis and 17% Candida sp.(difference was not significant). Since vulvovaginitis has been frequently associated to the lack of hygiene, especially in girls younger than 5 years old, it is important to remark the presence of germs from the fecal flora such as enterobacteria (18%) and Enterococcus sp (9%). The vulvovaginitis was infectious in 52.6% of the girls while the rest was related to a lack of hygiene and generally responds to symptomatic treatments without antibiotics.

Тема - темы
Vulvovaginitis , Candida , Puberty , Leukorrhea
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-566576


To disscus the characteristics of leukorrhea treatment of the four great famous doctors in Jin-Yuan Danasty, including the recognition of etiopathogenisis and pathogenesis, the view of determination of treatment based on differentiation of symptoms and signs, therapeutical principle and medication. LIU Wan-su believed fireheat was the important factor leading to illness. He firstly advocated differentiating symptoms and signs of leukorrhea with heat and treating it by clearing away heat evil and eliminating damp. ZHANG Zi-he considered the leukorrhea due to humid-heat flowing down to small intestine. He advocated lowing heart fire and tonifying kidney yin as the therapeutical method of leukorrhea with emetic and purgation method. LI Dong-yuan considered the injury of qi of the spleen and stomach was the main factor, so he diagnosed and treated leukorrhea on basis of the spleen and stomach. ZHU Dan-xi deemed leukorrhea happened when damp and sputum obstructed the spleen, so he thought that deprived the evil wetness was the fi rst and important method of treating leukorrhea.

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