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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e013521, 2022. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360924


Abstract We performed coproparasitological testing of free-living golden-headed lion tamarins, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, using the Hoffmann-Pons-Janner method. In total, we collected 118 samples from ten groups: four living in Federal Protected Area and six living in Non-Protected Areas of cocoa farms. Eggs from parasites of the Acanthocephala phylum and Spiruridae, Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae and Oxyuridae families were identified, as well as the genus Strongyloides (Nematode: Strongyloididae) and phylum Apicomplexa. This is the first description of infection with coccidian, Trichuridae family and Strongyloides spp. in L. chrysomelas. A total of 48% (n= 57) of the animals were infected and the highest prevalence (37.2±SD 8.72, n = 44) was for Acanthocephalidae, followed by Spiruridae (8.5±SD 5.03, n = 10). There was no difference in parasite prevalence by age classes or sex. However, we found higher diversity and prevalence of parasites in animals living in the Federal Protected Area. These results suggest that intestinal parasites may be influenced by environmental factors, such as the management of the areas where the animals live, in addition to the feeding behavior of L. chrysomelas and distinct transmission strategies of parasites. The combination of ecological and demographic data combined with parasitological studies may contribute to conservation programs for this species.

Resumo Foram realizados testes coproparasitológicos de micos-leões-dourados de vida livre, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, usando-se o método de Hoffmann-Pons-Janner. No total, foram coletadas 118 amostras de dez grupos: quatro grupos residentes em Área de Conservação Federal e seis grupos em Área não protegida de fazendas de cacau. Ovos de parasitas do filo Acantocephala e das famílias Spiruridae, Ancylostomatidae, Ascarididae, Oxyuridae foram identificados, bem como o gênero Strongyloides (Nematoda: Strongyloididae) e o filo Apicomplexa. Esta é a primeira descrição de infecção de coccídeos, família Trichuridae e Strongyloides spp. em L. chrysomelas. Um total de 48% (n = 57) dos animais estavam parasitados e a maior prevalência (37,2 ±DP 8,72, n = 44) foi para Acanthocephalan, seguido por Spiruridae (8,5±DP 5,03, n = 10). Não houve diferença na prevalência do táxon de parasita por idade ou sexo. No entanto, foi encontrada maior diversidade e prevalência de parasitas em animais que vivem na Unidade de Conservação Federal. Esses resultados sugerem que os parasitas intestinais podem ser influenciados por fatores ambientais, como o manejo das áreas, além do comportamento alimentar de L. chrysomelas e distintas estratégias de transmissão dos parasitas. A combinação de dados ecológicos e demográficos com estudos parasitológicos podem contribuir para programas de conservação dessa espécie.

Тема - темы
Animals , Parasites , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/epidemiology , Leontopithecus/parasitology , Monkey Diseases/parasitology , Monkey Diseases/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Forests
Int. j. morphol ; 39(2): 378-385, abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385376


SUMMARY: We studied the bones of forelimb of four adult lions (Panthera leo) of both sexes to record the gross anatomical and morphometrical features of the scapula, humerus, radius and ulna. We observed some unique anatomical features that will be helpful for radiographic interpretation and forensic investigations. The lateral surface of scapula was unequally divided into supraspinous (fossa supraspinata) and infraspinous fossa (fossa infraspinata) by a well developed spine (spina scapulae). The acromion process was subdivided into suprahamate process (processus suprahamatus)and hamate process (processus hamatus); the later one was over hanged the glenoid cavity (cavitas glenoidalis), but the supraglenoid tubercle (tuberculum supraglenoidalis) was absent. The shaft (diaphysis) of humerus was compressed craniocaudally in proximal part, rounded to oval in middle part and compressed mediolaterally in distal part. A long, narrow supracondyloid foramen was found at distal limb just above the medial epicondyle (epicondylus medialis) which didn't connect the radial fossa (fossa radialis) with the olecranon fossa (fossa olecrani). The radius and ulna were twin bones where radius was articulated craniolateral to the ulna proximally and craniomedial to the ulna distally. However, the ulna was the longest bone in the forelimb of lion. The olecranon tuberosity of this bone had three prominences - two were cranially, whereas the caudal one was the largest and rounded. Distally projected styloid processes (processus styloideus) were found in the distal limb of both radius and ulna.

RESUMEN: Estudiamos los huesos de las miembros torácicos de cuatro leones adultos (Panthera leo) de ambos sexos para registrar las características anatómicas y morfométricas macroscópicas de la escápula, el húmero, el radio y la ulna. Se observaron algunas características anatómicas únicas que serán útiles para la interpretación radiográfica y las investigaciones forenses. La superficie lateral de la escápula se dividió de manera desigual en fosa supraespinosa y fosa infraspinosa por una columna bien desarrollada (espina de la escápula). El proceso del acromion se subdividió en proceso suprahamato (processus suprahamatus) y proceso hamato (processus hamatus); el tubérculo supraglenoideo (tuberculum supraglenoidalis) estaba ausente. La diáfisis (diafisis) del húmero estaba comprimida craneocaudalmente en la parte proximal, redondeada a ovalada en la parte media y comprimida mediolateralmente en la parte distal. Se encontró un foramen supracondileo largo y estrecho en la extremidad distal, por encima del epicóndilo medial (epicondylus medilaris) que no conectaba la fosa radial (fosa radial) con la fosa olecraneana (fossa olecrani). El radio y la ulna eran huesos idénticos en los que el radio se articulaba craneolateral a la ulna proximalmente, y craneomedial a la ulna distalmente. Sin embargo, la ulna era el hueso más largo del miembro torácico del león. La tuberosidad del olécranon de este hueso tenía tres prominencias: dos eran craneales, mientras que la caudal era la más grande y redondeada. Se encontraron procesos estiloides proyectados distalmente (processus styloideus) en la extremidades distales del radio y la ulna.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Female , Forelimb/anatomy & histology , Lions/anatomy & histology , Radius/anatomy & histology , Scapula/anatomy & histology , Ulna/anatomy & histology , Humerus/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(6): 416-418, June 2019. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012757


Mesothelioma is considered a malignant neoplasm caused by the proliferation of mesothelial cells mostly from the pleura, peritoneum and pericardium. Here we described a case of fatal hemothorax caused by pleural mesothelioma in a lion by means of necropsy, histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Gross inspection of the thoracic cavity showed hemothorax with about 4 liters of blood. Microscopically, numerous, randomly distributed, soft, red-pink, irregular masses with up to 1cm in diameter were observed in both visceral and parietal pleurae. Microscopically, a papillary structure pattern was observed in the thoracic masses, composed mainly by one layer of cubic mesothelial cells, which presented eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus and evident nucleolus, supported by a low cellular fibrovascularstroma. Neoplastic cells were positive for both cytokeratin and vimentin by immunohistochemistry. This seems to be the first report of fatal hemothorax caused by pleural mesothelioma in a lion.(AU)

O mesotelioma é considerado um neoplasma maligna causada pela proliferação de células mesoteliais, principalmente da pleura, peritôneo e pericárdio. O presente caso descreve os achados macroscópicos, microscópicos e imuno-histoquímicos do hemotórax fatal causado por um mesotelioma pleural em um leão. Macroscopicamente, na cavidade torácica, foi observado cerca de 4 litros de sangue. Além disso, foram observadas numerosas massas macias, vermelho-rosa, irregulares, com até 1cm de diâmetro e distribuídas aleatoriamente pelas pleuras parietal e visceral. Microscopicamente, as massas torácicas apresentavam estruturas papilares, compostas por uma camada de células mesoteliais, que apresentavam citoplasma eosinofílico, núcleo central e nucléolo evidente, suportada por um estroma fibrovascular pouco celular. A imuno-histoquímica foi positiva para ambas citoqueratina e vimentina nas células neoplásicas. Este trabalho descreve o que parece ser o primeiro relato de um hemotórax fatal causado por um mesotelioma pleural em um leão.(AU)

Тема - темы
Animals , Hemothorax/diagnosis , Animals, Wild/abnormalities , Mesothelioma
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764297


BACKGROUND: Less attention is given to cancer treatment and control in Ethiopia. METHODS: To investigate the challenges and opportunities facing cancer treatment services in Ethiopia. A purposive sampling technique was applied to recruit the study subjects from Black Lion Specialized Hospital Oncology Department. A semi-structured interview guide was used to investigate challenges and opportunities in oncology service in Ethiopia. Data was transcribed and coded by two independent coders and analyzed thematically in reference to the objectives. RESULTS: Fifteen professionals from four different disciplines were interviewed on opportunities and challenges facing cancer treatment in Ethiopia. Out of these respondents 3 were senior clinical oncologists while 4 individuals were senior oncology residents. The rest were 2 medical Physicists, 2 radiotherapy technologists and 4 oncology nurses. Majority (80%) of the respondents were males. We demonstrate that the challenges of cancer treatment service in Ethiopia emanate from the patients themselves, the administrating body, the professionals, and the technology limitations. In general, the result of this study was grouped under the following five themes: Customer-related challenges, provider-related challenges, facility-related challenges, technology-related challenges and the opportunities. CONCLUSIONS: Several assignments are waiting for the policy makers, the professionals, the communities and other concerned bodies to combat the alarmingly growing burden of cancer in Ethiopia. Escalating the awareness of the general population about cancer, expanding well-developed diagnostic and treatment centers, and producing well-trained competent oncology professionals are the forefront challenges in combating cancer in Ethiopia.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Administrative Personnel , Ethiopia , Lions , Radiotherapy , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. biol. trop ; 66(4): 1496-1503, oct.-dic. 2018. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003340


Resumen Pequeñas y aisladas poblaciones de borrego cimarrón (Ovis canadensis; especie sujeta a protección especial) son susceptibles a la depredación en hábitat simpátrico con venado bura. Entender las causas específicas de muerte y supervivencia es importante para el desarrollo de estrategias de conservación para el borrego cimarrón y otros ungulados que comparten el mismo hábitat, tal como el venado bura (Odocoileus hemionus). El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la tasa de depredación por puma (Puma concolor) en el borrego cimarrón y compararla con la del venado bura, para conocer la selección de presa del puma entre estas dos especies en un mismo hábitat, así como el impacto que podría tener en las poblaciones. Se plantea la hipótesis de que el puma como depredador oportunista no discrimina entre especies de ungulados simpátricos generando mayor impacto a la especie de menor densidad. Evaluamos la tasa de depredación por puma en 12 borregos cimarrones (10 hembras, 2 machos) y de 10 hembras adultas de venado bura con radio collares a través de micromorts y se comparó por medio una prueba de Wilcoxon, más la estimación de densidades de borrego y venados. Encontramos resultados similares en la causa específica de muerte por puma y supervivencia en ambas especies; 88 % (8/9) muertes debido a depredación por puma en borrego cimarrón con una tasa de supervivencia mensual promedio de 0.79 y una tasa mensual de depredación que va del rango 0.17-0.30. En venado bura la depredación debido a puma fue 83 % (5/6) con una tasa de supervivencia mensual promedio de 0.86 y una tasa de depredación por puma mensual en el rangos 0.10-0.25. Sin embargo, al comparar con la tasa de depredación por puma encontramos una diferencia significativa (Z = 1.826; df = 6; P = 0.05) siendo el borrego cimarrón la presa más selecta. En este estudio se concluye que el puma seleccionó a la presa de menor densidad (borrego cimarrón) y por ende la más impactada en un hábitat simpátrico con venado bura.(AU)

Abstract Small and isolated populations of bighorn sheep are vulnerable to predation by mountain lion in habitat sympatric with mule deer. Understanding the specific causes of death and survival is important for the development of conservation strategies for bighorn sheep and other ungulates that share the same habitat, such as mule deer. We evaluated and compared the rate of predation by puma in 12 bighorn sheep (10 females, two males) and 10 adult females of mule deer with radio collars through measure risk program (micromorts). The impact of predation in both populations of herbivores is evaluated through the estimation of densities of sheep and mule deer. 88 % (8/9) deaths by puma in bighorn sheep with an average monthly survival rate of 0.79 and predation rates due to puma range from 0.17 to 0.30. In mule deer predation due to puma was 83 % (5/6) with an average monthly survival rate of 0.86 and predation rates due to puma range from 0.10 to 0.25, however when comparing the mountain lion depredation rate we found a significant difference between species (Z = 1.826, df = 6, P = 0.05). The density in mule deer was 9x more that bighorn. The bighorn sheep being the prey most selected and the one most affected as the population with the lowest density.(AU)

Тема - темы
Animals , Deer , Ecosystem , Sheep, Bighorn , Puma , Survival Rate , Mexico
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742259


The present study was performed with morphological and molecular analysis (cox1 and nad1 mitochondrial genes) to identify the proglottids of spirometrid tapeworm found in the stool of an African lion, Panthera leo, in the Serengeti plain of Tanzania. A strand of tapeworm strobila, about 75 cm in length, was obtained in the stool of a male African lion in the Serengeti National Park (34° 50′ E, 02° 30′ S), Tanzania, in February 2012. The morphological features of the adult worm examined exhibited 3 uterine coils with a bow tie appearance and adopted a diagonal direction in the second turn. The posterior uterine coils are larger than terminal uterine ball and the feature of uteri are swirling rather than spirally coiling. The sequence difference between the Spirometra species (Tanzania origin) and S. erinaceieuropaei (GenBank no. KJ599680) was 9.4% while those of S. decipiens (GenBank no. KJ599679) differed by 2.1% in the cox1 and nad1 genes. Phylogenetic tree topologies generated using the 2 analytic methods were identical and presented high level of confidence values for the 3 major branches of the 3 Spirometra species in the cox1 gene. The morphological and molecular findings obtained in this study were nearly coincided with those of S. ranarum. Therefore, we can know for the first time that the African lion, Panthera leo, is to the definitive host of this tapeworm.

Тема - темы
Adult , Humans , Male , Cestoda , Lions , Panthera , Parks, Recreational , Spirometra , Tanzania , Trees , Uterus
Braz. j. biol ; 77(1): 38-42, Jan-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-839172


Abstract Antlion larvae Myrmeleon brasiliensis Návas, 1914 (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) are sit-and-wait predators who build traps to catch their prey. The aim of this study was to observe under laboratory conditions, how the energy cost spent on maintenance of their traps affects: the larval developmental time, time spent as a pupa, mortality rate of larvae and adult size. M. brasiliensis larvae were collected in the municipality of Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil and were individually maintained in plastic containers and subjected to two treatments. In the control treatment larvae did not have their traps disturbed while in the manipulated treatment, larvae had their traps disturbed three times a week. The experiments were followed until adult emergence. When the adults emerged, their body size (head-abdomen), anterior and posterior wing span and width were measured. Furthermore, the number of larvae that died during the experiment was recorded. The results showed that the larvae whose traps were manipulated had longer larval development time, smaller pupal development time and were smaller adults. It can be concluded that the energy expenditure spent on maintenance of the trap constructed by M. brasiliensis larvae can affect the development of negative ways, represented by a longer larval development and reduced adult size.

Resumo Efeito do custo energético com a manutenção da armadilha de Myrmeleon brasiliensis no seu desenvolvimento e no tamanho dos adultos. Larvas de formiga-leão Myrmeleon brasiliensis são predadores senta-espera que constroem armadilhas para a captura de suas presas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar em laboratório, como o gasto energético despendido com a manutenção dessas armadilhas afeta: o tempo de desenvolvimento larval, o tempo de pupa, a taxa de mortalidade das larvas e o tamanho dos adultos. M. brasilienses foram coletadas no município de Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, então foram individualizadas em potes plásticos e submetidas a dois tratamentos. No tratamento controle, as larvas não tiveram suas armadilhas perturbadas e no tratamento manipulado, as larvas tiveram as suas armadilhas perturbadas três vezes por semana. Os experimentos foram acompanhados até a emergência dos adultos. Quando esses emergiam, era medido o seu tamanho corporal (cabeça-abdômen), envergadura da asa anterior e posterior e largura da asa anterior e posterior. Além disso, foi contabilizado o número de larvas mortas no decorrer dos experimentos. Como resultado foi observado que as larvas manipuladas apresentaram o tempo de desenvolvimento larval maior, o tempo de pupa menor e o tamanho dos adultos foi menor. Pode-se concluir que o gasto energético despendido com a manutenção da armadilha construída pelas larvas M. brasiliensis pode afetar o seu desenvolvimento de maneiras negativas, representados pelo maior tempo de desenvolvimento larval e menor tamanho do adulto.

Тема - темы
Animals , Insecta/growth & development , Pupa , Body Size , Energy Metabolism , Larva/growth & development
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 22(2)ago. 2015.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1522406


Dos especies de ectoparásitos fueron colectados de un lobo marino sudamericano (Otaria flavescens) hallado varado en las playas de Chorrillos, en Lima, Perú. Los ectoparásitos fueron identificados como Antarctophthirus microchir (Phthiraptera) y Orthohalarachne attenuata (Acari). Algunas características morfológicas son descritas en el presente reporte. El hallazgo de estos ectoparásitos constituyen los primeros registros en el Perú.

Two species of ectoparasites were collected from a South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) found stranded on the beaches of Chorrillos in Lima, Peru. The ectoparasites were identified as Antarctophthirus microchir (Phthiraptera) and Orthohalarachne attenuata (Acari). Some morphological characteristics are described in this report. The finding of these ectoparasites is the first records in Peru.

Ciênc. rural ; 45(5): 920-926, 05/2015. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-745838


The effect of refrigerated 48h transport and 4 days storage on the quality and shelf life of the whole lion's paw scallop Nodipecten subnodosus gonad was evaluated. Proximal composition, adenosine 5´triphosphate (ATP) and related products, K-value, total volatile bases (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA-N), pH, fatty acid profile and microbiological analyses were quantified. Gonad holds a significant composition of essential fatty acids while levels of gonadal ATP were initially low; moreover, K-value of the gonad remained constant. With respect to TVB-N and TMA-N, only the former exceeded allowed limits. The pH level showed no significant variation during storage and, despite the high level of TVB-N, according to the TMA-N as well as microbiological analyses it was demonstrated innocuity after 4 days under the transportation and storage conditions utilized.

Avaliou-se o efeito do transporte em refrigeração por 48 horas e quatro dias de armazenamento sobre a qualidade e vida de prateleira da gônada do bivalve pata de leão, Nodipecten subnodosus. Determinou-se a composição centesimal, a adenosina 5'trifosfato (ATP) e afins, o índice K, bases voláteis totais (TVB-N), trimetilamina (TMA-N), pH, perfil de ácidos graxos e análise microbiológica. A Gônada apresentou uma importante composição de ácidos graxos essenciais e baixos níveis iniciais de ATP, enquanto o índice K manteve-se constante. Quanto a TVB -N e TMA- N, apenas as primeiras ultrapassaram os limites admissíveis. Os valores de pH não mostraram nenhuma mudança significativa durante o armazenamento e, apesar dos altos níveis de TVB -N, de acordo com a análise quantitativa e microbiológica TMA- N, a segurança do produto foi demonstrada após quatro dias sob as condições de transporte e armazenamento utilizado.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-950875


A case of toxaemia secondary to pyloric foreign body obstruction in two four-month-old African lion cubs were presented in this article. The lion cubs were presented to the school of veterinary medicine with a complaint of weight loss and stunted growth despite having a normal appetite and seizures. Definitive diagnosis was made based on gross pathology after attempting various symptomatic treatments. This article therefore is meant to discourage the use of blankets as bedding in holding enclosures for warmth and comfort post-weaning in captive lion cubs and indeed wild cats in general as they tend to eat bedding that has been soiled with food.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670317


A case of toxaemia secondary to pyloric foreign body obstruction in two four-month-old African lion cubs were presented in this article. The lion cubs were presented to the school of veterinary medicine with a complaint of weight loss and stunted growth despite having a normal appetite and seizures. Definitive diagnosis was made based on gross pathology after attempting various symptomatic treatments. This article therefore is meant to discourage the use of blankets as bedding in holding enclosures for warmth and comfort post-weaning in captive lion cubs and indeed wild cats in general as they tend to eat bedding that has been soiled with food.

Статья в Корейский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-95918


Dermatophytosis was found on the right front leg of a 4-month-old female African lion cub (Panthera leo) kept at a zoo with locally marginal alopecia. For diagnosis, culturing on sabouraud dextrose agar was performed and skin scrapings from the lesion were analyzed. The ones from the culture and skin scrapings were identified as Trichophyton mentagrophytes. A zookeeper that had been in contacted with the lion for artificial rearing developed skin lesions with well-defined erythematous plaques on the right arm about 1 month after the lesion in the lion was observed. The ringworm was probably transmitted from the lion through continuous contact.

Тема - темы
Female , Humans , Infant , Agar , Alopecia , Arm , Diagnosis , Glucose , Leg , Lions , Skin , Tinea , Trichophyton
Braz. j. microbiol ; 45(4): 1531-1539, Oct.-Dec. 2014. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-741310


Black lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) are endangered callithrichids. Their conservation may require future translocations or reintroductions; however these approaches involve risks of pathogen introduction in the environment and stress-related opportunistic infections in these animals. In order to screen for opportunistic and potential pathogenic bacterial and fungal microbiota, ten free-ranging and ten captive Black lion tamarins were studied and the results compared. Nasal, oral and rectal swabs were collected and cultured for aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria and fungi, and a total 203 bacterial and 84 fungal isolates were obtained. Overall, the most frequent organisms were Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus spp., Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp. Microbiota of free-ranging and captive animals were similar in composition. A number of potentially pathogenic organisms were identified, emphasizing the importance of microbiological screening in future translocation or reintroduction conservation management programs.

Тема - темы
Animals , Bacteria/classification , Fungi/classification , Leontopithecus/microbiology , Microbiota , Mouth/microbiology , Nasal Cavity/microbiology , Rectum/microbiology , Bacteria/growth & development , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Fungi/growth & development , Fungi/isolation & purification , Microbiological Techniques
Int. j. morphol ; 32(3): 889-894, Sept. 2014. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-728283


El león africano (Panthera leo) pertenece a la familia felidae del orden carnívora, corresponde a un depredador de gran tamaño, en Chile se encuentra únicamente en estado de cautiverio, sin embargo está presente en numerosos zoológicos. La preocupación e interés por el bienestar de estos animales ha aumentado, por lo cual, cada vez se realizan procedimientos médicos de mayor complejidad. Lo expuesto anteriormente genera la necesidad de profundizar los conocimientos anatómicos que existen de esta especie. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio anatómico detallado de la inervación del miembro pélvico del león y describir sus relaciones topográficas con el sistema músculo esquelético y vascular. Se disecó un cadáver de león hembra, adulta, presentando la descripción según las regiones topográficas: región del cíngulo miembro pélvico, región femoral, región crural y región del pie. Se realizó un registro fotográfico de las disecciones, el cual fue complementada con ilustraciones anatómicas representativas de cada región. Acorde a lo observado, podemos indicar que existe una gran similitud con lo descrito en el gato, destacando el gran desarrollo de los nervios y ramos musculares del león. La presente descripción, permite, ampliar el conocimiento de la anatomía del miembro pélvico del león africano, específicamente su inervación y relaciones musculares y vasculares.

The African Lion (Panthera leo) belongs to the felidae family of the order carnivore, corresponding to large predators. In Chile it is found only in a state of captivity and is present in many zoos. As the concern and interest in these animals has increased, more complex procedures are performed each day. This generates the need for anatomical knowledge of this specie. This anatomical study was performed in order to describe the innervation of the pelvic limb of an African lion and topographical relationship with skeletal muscles and vascular structures. A corpse of an adult female lion, 130 kg, was dissected and described by topographical regions. Proximal to distal: cingulum pelvic limb region, femoral region, crural region and foot region. Descriptions of each region were complemented by photographs and drawings. According to the descriptive study of the innervation of the pelvic limb, it was observed that there is a great similarity with that described in the domestic cat, excepting the great development of their nerves and muscular branches. This study provides information about the innervation of the pelvic limb of the African lion, showing the relation with muscular and vascular structures. The anatomical information provided in this study can be useful for medical procedures in this species and other big cats.

Тема - темы
Animals , Female , Pelvis/innervation , Sciatic Nerve/anatomy & histology , Lions/anatomy & histology , Cadaver
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 33(4): 512-516, Apr. 2013. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-675830


O desenvolvimento de biotécnicas de reprodução é uma importante ferramenta para a conservação de animais silvestres ameaçados de extinção. Procedimentos de reprodução assistida em suçuarana, no entanto, são escassos na literatura, em especial aqueles relacionados à criopreservação de sêmen. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a congelabilidade do sêmen de suçuaranas adultas mantidas em cativeiro, por meio da comparação entre duas concentrações de glicerol no meio de congelamento. Foram usados cinco machos adultos de suçuarana, mantidos no Centro de Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres do Mato Grosso do Sul (CRAS/MS). As amostras foram coletadas por eletroejaculação e avaliadas quanto ao seu aspecto físico, volume, vigor, motilidade, concentração e índice espermático. De cada ejaculado duas alíquotas foram diluídas em meio Tris-citrato-gema de ovo, em concentrações finais de 5 e 7,5% de glicerol, resfriadas a uma taxa de -0,55ºC/min e congeladas a uma taxa de -5,8ºC/min. Depois de descongeladas, as amostras foram reavaliadas e submetidas aos testes de termorresistência e hiposmótico. O protocolo de criopreservação e descongelamento de sêmen proposto se mostrou eficiente em ambas as concentrações de glicerol testadas, não havendo diferença (p>0,05) entre estas.

The development of biotechnologies of reproduction is an important tool for the conservation of wild animals threatened with extinction. Assisted reproduction procedures in mountain lions, however, are scarce, especially those related to sperm cryopreservation. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the freezing capacity of semen from adult mountain lions in captivity through the comparison of two concentrations of glycerol in the freezing media. Five adult male mountain lions were used, held at the Rehabilitation Center for Wild Animals of Mato Grosso do Sul (CRAS/MS). Samples were collected by electroejaculation and evaluated for physical appearance, volume, sperm progressive status, sperm motility, sperm concentration and sperm motility index. Each ejaculate was spliced into two aliquots and diluted in Tris-citrate-half egg yolk, at final concentrations of 5 and 7.5% glycerol, cooled at a rate of -0.55ºC/min and frozen at a rate of -5.8ºC/min. Once thawed, the samples were re-evaluated and tested for thermoresistance and hypoosmotic swelling. The suggested protocol for cryopreservation and thawing of semen is efficient in both glycerol concentrations tested, with no difference (p>0.05) between them.

Тема - темы
Animals , Cryopreservation/veterinary , Felis/embryology , Semen Preservation/veterinary , Cryoprotective Agents , Ejaculation
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-87599


A 14-year-old female South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) with persistent vaginal secretion and chronic hemorrhagic diarrhea was encountered. During postmortem examination, the uterus was found to resemble a balloon with mucosal congestion and was filled with grayish milky material. The ovaries also had abnormal features, including necrotic surface lesions and multiple whitish foci in the cut section. Hemorrhages and ulcerated changes due to toxemia were observed in other organs, including the liver, spleen, lung, intestines, and lymph nodes. Microscopically, the left ovary contained interlacing fascicles of fibroblast-like cells with blunt-end nuclei showing cytoplasmic positive immunoreactivity against alpha-smooth muscle actin and desmin. The right ovary contained cells with round to cigar-shaped nuclei showing cytoplasmic positive immunoreactivity against vimentin. In conclusion, based on classification of bilateral ovarian tumors as a leiomyoma in the left region and a fibroma in the right region, this sea lion was diagnosed with chronic closed pyometra.

Тема - темы
Female , Humans , Actins , Autopsy , Cytoplasm , Desmin , Diarrhea , Estrogens, Conjugated (USP) , Fibroma , Hemorrhage , Intestines , Leiomyoma , Liver , Lung , Lymph Nodes , Muscles , Ovary , Pyometra , Sea Lions , Spleen , Toxemia , Ulcer , Uterus , Vimentin
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39671


In this study, peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) was detected in frozen pooled tissue samples from a dead Asiatic lion (Panthera leo persica). The samples were negative for canine distemper virus and positive for PPRV nucleic acids when tested with one-step RT-PCR using the appropriate virus-specific primers. Subsequent amplification, cloning, and sequencing of the partial nucleocapsid, matrix, and fusion genes confirmed the presence of PPRV nucleic acid. Comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses of the structural genes of the isolated virus confirmed that the virus belonged to Asian lineage IV and was closely related to PPRV circulating in India.

Тема - темы
Animals , Cloning, Molecular , Lions , Peste-des-petits-ruminants virus/genetics , Phylogeny , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinary
Braz. j. microbiol ; 42(1): 261-265, Jan.-Mar. 2011. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-571398


Campylobacter insulaenigrae have been isolated from different pinnipeds but not from South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens). The aim of this work is to report the first isolation of C. insulaenigrae from South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens). The isolate, identified by its phenotypic and molecular characteristics, allow recognizing O. flavescens as a new host for C. insulaenigrae.

Тема - темы
Animals , Campylobacter Infections , Campylobacter/genetics , Campylobacter/isolation & purification , Fur Seals , Phenotype , Caniformia/genetics , Genetic Techniques , Methods , Methods
Genet. mol. biol ; 34(1): 173-175, 2011. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-573696


Leontopithecus caissara is a critically endangered primate species from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nineteen microsatellite loci, previously developed for congeneric species, were tested with 34 L. caissara individuals from Superagüi Island. Of the 19 loci, 17 (89.4 percent) produced robust alleles, nine (47.4 percent) of these proved to be polymorphic, with a total of 23 alleles and an average of 2.56 alleles per locus. Expected and observed heterozygosity averaged 0.483 and 0.561, respectively. The exclusion power for identifying the first parent of an arbitrary offspring was 0.315 over all loci. The results thus indicate both the usefulness and limitations of these nine microsatellite loci in the genetic analysis of L. caissara, as well as their potentiality for genetic investigation in other congeneric species.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 10(4): 351-354, Oct.-Dec. 2010. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-578515


Little is known about frugivory of epiphytes. We investigated diurnal frugivores consuming Aechmea depressa, an endemic species from Southern Bahia, Brazil, through 67 hours of observation on three fruiting individuals. Infructescences were visited for 2 percent of the time and only by golden-headed lion tamarins (GHLTs; Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Aechmea depressa invests on physical defense to retain fruits for prolonged periods, however, GHLTs used their small size and dexterity to remove rigid bracts and extract fruits from the infructescence. Prior studies indicate GHLTs disperse Aechmea seeds. Given the low visitation rates and probability that few frugivores successfully manipulate A. depressa fruits, we suggest that GHLTs are extremely important to maintaining the populations of this bromeliad species.

Pouco se sabe sobre a frugivoria em plantas epífitas. Nós investigamos os frugívoros diurnos de Aechmea depressa, uma espécie endêmica do Sul da Bahia através de 67 horas de observação dos frutos de três indivíduos. As infrutescências foram visitadas em 2 por cento do tempo somente por micos-leão-da-cara-dourada (MLCD; Leontopithecus chrysomelas). Aechmea depressa investe na defesa física para reter seus frutos por períodos prolongados entretanto, o MLCD utiliza seu pequeno tamanho e extrema destreza para remover as brácteas rígidas e extrair os frutos da infrutescência. Estudos prévios indicam que os MLCDs dispersam sementes de espécies de Aechmea. Baseando-se na baixa taxa de visitação e na probabilidade de que poucos frugívoros manipulem adequadamente os frutos de A. depressa, nós sugerimos que os MLCD sejam extremamente importantes para manter as populações desta espécie de Bromeliaceae.

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