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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(8): e05602024, ago. 2024.
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569033


Resumo O cateter vesical de longa permanência pode ser indicado em situações clínicas, como nas doenças crônicas do sistema genitourinário ou neurológico. Além dos riscos de infecção, traumas e sangramentos, a permanência do cateter pode afetar dimensões psicoemocionais e socioeconômicas. Objetivamos compreender como a necessidade de uso do cateter urinário por um longo prazo afeta a autopercepção, as interrelações e o autocuidado deste paciente. Realizamos um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, a partir da entrevista de 17 pacientes, e aplicamos a análise temática e o pensamento complexo. Os diferentes prognósticos e as expectativas em relação ao cateter influenciaram a autopercepção, a adaptação, sua aceitação ou negação. A presença do cateter, seja como medida curativa ou para conforto, pode afetar a autoimagem e a sexualidade, gerar inseguranças e incertezas, que requerem compreensão da multidimensionalidade das situações, que sofrem interferências do meio pessoal, familiar e social, bem como da capacidade dos sistemas de saúde para o seu enfrentamento. Apesar dos desafios, a maioria dos participantes relatou disposição favorável para o autocuidado, seja para viabilizar retirada do cateter, ou para prevenir agravos em indicações vitalícias.

Abstract A long-term indwelling catheter may be indicated in clinical situations, such as chronic diseases of the genitourinary or neurological systems. In addition to the risks of infection, trauma, and bleeding, a catheter's permanence can affect psycho-emotional and socioeconomic dimensions. We aimed to understand how the need to use a long-term indwelling catheter affects this patient's self-perception, interrelationships, and self-care. We carried out a qualitative, descriptive study based on interviews with 17 patients, and applied thematic analysis and complex thinking. The different prognoses and expectations regarding the catheter influenced self-perception, adaptation, acceptance, or denial. The presence of a catheter, whether as a curative measure or for comfort, can affect self-image and sexuality, and generate insecurities and uncertainties, which require understanding the multidimensionality of situations that suffer interference from the personal, family, and social environment, as well as health systems' capacity to deal with it. Despite the challenges, the majority of participants reported a favorable disposition towards self-care, whether to enable catheter removal or to prevent injuries in lifelong indications.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 53-69, 20240726.
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565960


Esta pesquisa, de caráter qualitativo, procura compreender os movimentos de avanços e recuos pelos quais as políticas de saúde mental de Santo André (SP) passaram recentemente, época na qual a visão da Reforma Psiquiátrica e da sua contrarreforma se conflitaram. Seguindo essa proposta, após revisão de literatura na qual se reflete sobre as disputas em torno do conceito de saúde mental, a trajetória histórica dessas políticas no Brasil e no município, foram realizadas três entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais da área que atuam na região: a tomadora de decisão, um gerente de equipamento e um trabalhador de ponta. Tais entrevistas foram gravadas, transcritas e divididas em eixos de análise, dos quais extraiu-se que, de forma geral, tanto do ponto de vista federal quanto estadual, houve ataques à Reforma Psiquiátrica e às políticas dela oriundas, seja pela falta de financiamento, seja pela promoção de outras perspectivas de mundo a respeito do significado do adoecimento mental e sua forma de tratamento e que acabou por afetar o andamento dos serviços a nível local, cujo sucateamento só não foi maior pelo apoio do Executivo do município, dos trabalhadores e do próprio histórico de construção dos serviços.

This qualitative research seeks to understand the advance and setback dynamics that public mental health policies in Santo André city, São Paulo, have recently undergone, a time in which Psychiatric Reform and its counter-reform conflicted. After a literature review on the disputes surrounding the concept of mental health, the historical trajectory of these policies in Brazil and in the municipality, we conducted three semi-structured interviews with professionals in the field: a policy decision-maker, an equipment manager and a frontline worker. These interviews were recorded, transcribed in full and divided into axes of analysis. Results showed that both from a federal and state government point of view, there were attacks on the Psychiatric Reform and its policies whether due to lack of funding or promotion of other worldviews regarding the meaning of mental illness and its treatment which affected the progress of services at the local level, the scrapping of which was only mitigated by the support of the municipality's Executive, workers and the service's construction history.

Esta investigación cualitativa buscó comprender los movimientos de avances y retrocesos que las políticas públicas de salud mental han experimentado recientemente en Santo André (São Paulo, Brasil), un momento en el que la visión de la reforma psiquiátrica y su contrarreforma entraron en conflicto. En esta propuesta, luego de una revisión de la literatura que reflexiona sobre las disputas en torno al concepto de salud mental, la trayectoria histórica de esas políticas en Brasil y en el municipio, se realizaron tres entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales del área que actúan en el región: el tomador de decisiones, un administrador de equipos y un trabajador de primera línea. Estas entrevistas fueron grabadas para su posterior transcripción y división en ejes de análisis; de los cuales se concluyó que, en general, tanto desde el punto de vista federal como estatal hubo ataques a la reforma psiquiátrica y las políticas que de ella se derivan, ya sea por falta de financiación o por la promoción de otras miradas sobre el significado de la enfermedad mental y su forma de tratamiento, lo que terminó afectando la marcha de los servicios a nivel local, cuyo desguace solo se vio agravado por el apoyo del Ejecutivo del municipio, de los trabajadores y del propio historial de construcción del servicio.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556625


Introdução: A aprovação na Assembleia da República, em dezembro de 2021, da lei aplicável à Gestação de Substituição, suscita a reflexão acerca dos aspetos práticos em que o regime se concretizará e das orientações necessárias para os profissionais de saúde envolvidos. Por esse motivo, foram definidos como objetivos: analisar um conjunto de recomendações para a prática clínica no âmbito da Gestação de Substituição em países com experiência no procedimento e promover uma discussão com peritos na área da Procriação Medicamente Assistida. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise documental das publicações e documentos oficiais sobre o tema que serviu de base para o estudo de desenho qualitativo baseado em grupos focais com diferentes profissionais -médicos e psicólogos- com experiência em Procriação Medicamente Assistida. A discussão foi concretizada através de sessões via Zoom®, realizadas separadamente com os dois grupos focais. Resultados: Na discussão os peritos fizeram as suas apreciações e propostas de melhoria em relação à versão inicial do documento resultante da análise documental. Conclusão: Obteve-se uma versão consolidada do conjunto de orientações para os profissionais de saúde com as dimensões a avaliar e acompanhar junto da gestante e parte beneficiária na Gestação de Substituição.

Introducción : La aprobación por el Parlamento portugués, en diciembre de 2021, de la ley aplicable a la Gestación Subrogada, plantea la reflexión sobre los aspectos prácticos en los que se implementará el esquema y las directrices necesarias para los profesionales de la salud involucrados. Por este motivo, se definieron los siguientes objetivos: analizar un conjunto de recomendaciones para la práctica clínica en el ámbito de la gestación subrogada en países con experiencia en el procedimiento y promover un debate con expertos en el campo de la Reproducción Médicamente Asistida. Material y Métodos : Se realizó un análisis documental de publicaciones y documentos oficiales sobre el tema, que sirvió de base para el estudio de diseño cualitativo basado en focus group con diferentes profesionales -médicos y psicólogos- con experiencia en Reproducción Médicamente Asistida. La discusión se realizó a través de sesiones via Zoom®, celebradas por separado con los dos focus group. Resultados : En la discusión, los expertos realizaron sus apreciaciones y propuestas de mejora respecto a la versión inicial del documento resultante del análisis documental. Conclusión : Se obtuvo una versión consolidada del conjunto de directrices para los profesionales de la salud con las dimensiones para evaluar y dar seguimiento a la madre sustituta y a los beneficiarios en la Gestación Subrogada.

Introduction: The approval by the Portuguese Parliament, in December 2021, of the law applicable to Surrogate Pregnancy, raises reflection on the practical aspects in which the scheme will be implemented and the necessary guidelines for health professionals involved. For this reason, the following objectives were defined: to analyze a set of recommendations for clinical practice in surrogacy in countries with experience in the procedure and to promote a discussion with experts in Medically Assisted Reproduction. Material and Methods: A documental analysis of publications and official documents on the theme was conducted. This served as a basis for the qualitative design study based on focus groups with different professionals -physicians, and psychologists- with experience in Medically Assisted Reproduction. The discussion was realized through sessions via Zoom®, held separately with the two focus groups. Results : In the debate, the experts made their appreciation and proposals for improvement concerning the initial version of the document resulting from the document analysis. Conclusion : A consolidated version of the set of guidelines for health professionals was obtained with the dimensions to evaluate and follow up with the surrogate and beneficiaries in Surrogacy.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(6): e11512023, Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557516


Resumo O artigo trata do interesse do campo científico em sistematizar a práxis investigativa cogestora em cenário de emergência sanitária a partir da análise de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa multicêntrica, valendo-se do referencial da pesquisa-apoio e da análise da hermenêutica critica. Como resultados, identificou-se que a elaboração de um guia-mapa contribuiu como documento norteador, com o objetivo de organizar diferentes técnicas para a preparação e formação dos pesquisadores de campo, também como instrumento de análise dos dados. A formação de pesquisadores para o referencial teórico da pesquisa-apoio, assim como a cogestão e a implicação deles nas diferentes etapas da pesquisa, mostrou-se como diferencial para produção de sujeitos e coletivos com a práxis investigativa, permitindo a troca dialógica dentre coordenadores e pesquisadores e o compartilhamento regular dos resultados. Conclui-se que a forma como a metodologia foi proposta possibilitou a ampliação da capacidade reflexiva e de compreensão sobre a realidade, contribuindo para a formação de pesquisadores como sujeitos ativos e críticos no processo de coleta, análise e discussão dos dados, incentivando a atuação sensível e atenta ao mesmo tempo em que buscou identificar as particularidades de cada contexto.

Abstract This article deals with the interest of the scientific field in systematizing the co-management investigative praxis, in a health emergency scenario, based on the analysis of a research with a multicentric qualitative approach, using the framework of the Support Research and the analysis of critical hermeneutics. As a result, it was identified that the creation of a map guide contributed as a guiding document, aiming at organizing different techniques for the organization and formation of field researchers, as well as an instrument of data analysis. The training of researchers for the theoretical framework of Support Research, as well as their co-management and involvement in the different stages of research, proved to be a differential for the production of subjects and collectives with investigative praxis, allowing a dialogic exchange between coordinators and researchers and regular sharing of the results. It is concluded that the way in which the methodology was proposed, allowed the expansion of the reflective capacity and understanding of reality, contributing to the formation of researchers as active and critical subjects in the process of data collection, analysis and discussion, encouraging sensitive and attentive actions while seeking to identify the particularities of each context.

Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563616


Introducción: la rehabilitación respiratoria (RR) se recomienda en pacientes con fibrosis quística (FQ). Durante la pandemia de COVID-19 los programas de RR debieron cerrarse o migrar a modalidades de telerehabilitación, imponiendo nuevos desafíos a pacientes y equipos de salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar las percepciones de pacientes, padres y profesionales sobre la transición a la telerehabilitación respiratoria durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudio cualitativo. Se consideraron pacientes con FQ mayores de 8 años. También a padres y equipos de salud. El tamaño muestral se determinó mediante saturación teórica. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales vía Zoom. El análisis de datos se realizó mediante los métodos de codificación abierta y axial. El análisis se realizó utilizando el software Atlas. Ti 7.5.7. Resultados: se incluyó a 4 pacientes adultos, 1 pediátrico y 2 padres, además de 4 profesionales de equipos de salud. Existió una percepción general positiva respecto a la RR y la telerehabilitación. Entre las barreras destacó la falta de equipamiento para la telerehabilitación en domicilio y la organización diaria de los pacientes. Entre los facilitadores destacó la disponibilidad de equipos y redes que permitieran la conectividad y el apoyo familiar. Existió una valoración positiva hacia la continuidad de la telerehabilitación en la etapa post pandémica. Conclusiones: la telerehabilitación fue percibida como una alternativa viable y efectiva, sin embargo, aspectos de la conectividad, disponibilidad de equipamiento y la rutina diaria de los pacientes debe ser considerada a la hora de implementar modalidades telemáticas de atención.

Introduction: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is recommended in patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). During the COVID-19 pandemic, PR programs had to migrate to telerehabilitation modalities, imposing new challenges for patients and health teams. The objective of this study was to explore the perceptions of patients, parents, and professionals regarding the transition to respiratory telerehabilitation experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative study. Parents and health teams were included in the case of patients with CF over eight years old. Theoretical saturation determined the sample size. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were conducted using the Zoom platform. Data analysis was carried out using open and axial coding methods. The analysis was performed using Atlas Ti software 7.5.7. Results: Four adult patients, one pediatric patient, two parents, and four health team professionals entered the study. There was a positive perception regarding PR and telerehabilitation. Among the barriers, the lack of equipment for telerehabilitation at home and the daily organization of patients stood out. Among the facilitators, the availability of equipment and networks that allowed connectivity and family support stood out. Patients rated the continuity of telerehabilitation in the post-pandemic stage positively. Conclusions: Telerehabilitation was perceived as a viable and effective alternative; however, aspects related to connectivity, availability of equipment, and the daily routine of patients must be considered when implementing telematics care modalities.

Статья в испанский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551271


INTRODUÇÃO: A análise da implicação na pesquisa se opõe a uma suposta neutralidade resultante do afastamento do objeto, porque o/a pesquisador/a coloca a sua subjetividade em análise, o contexto histórico-social da pesquisa, assim como, a intersubjetividade de todos os envolvidos nela. A implicação integra o processo de construção do conhecimento na busca de maior compreensão dos fenômenos, sendo um dos conceitos fundamentais da psicossociologia. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo objetiva apresentar um relato de experiência sobre a análise da implicação em uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa respaldada teórico-metodologicamente pela psicossociologia francesa e psicodinâmica do trabalho. Essa investigação ocorreu entre 2018 e 2022, tendo se dado parcialmente no período da pandemia da COVID-19. METODOLOGIA: Empregaram-se os seguintes dispositivos como método de análise da implicação: os diários de campo, as supervisões, as reuniões de equipe, a participação em um grupo de convivência e a psicoterapia individual. Assim, a pesquisadora procurou abordar os seus afetos e sentimentos envolvidos ao longo das etapas da pesquisa. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Foi possível, pois, evidenciar a implicação como fonte, paradoxalmente, de processos criativos e, em alguns casos, também de alienação. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da identificação de alguns destes aspectos negativos da implicação da pesquisadora, se pode ampliar o conhecimento sobre o objeto da pesquisa.

INTRODUCTION: The implication analysis is opposed to a supposed neutrality because the researcher analyzes his own subjectivity, his historical and social context, as well as the intersubjectivity of the actors involved in a research. Implication analysis is one of the fundamental concepts of psychosociology. It enables one to understand phenomena and builds knowledge. OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to present an experience report about an implication analysis of a clinical-qualitative research that was based on French psychosociology and psychodynamics of work theory and methodology. This investigation happened from 2018 to 2022, partially carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHOD: There were used the following resources to access the implication analysis: dailies, supervisions, team meetings, participation in a reflection group, and individual psychotherapy. Thus, the researcher related feelings and affections involved in each one of the research stages. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: This study highlighted the implication as a source that paradoxically allows creative processes but also, in some cases, alienation. CONCLUSION: Despite some negative aspects of the implication researcher, it was possible to expand the knowledge about the research object.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El análisis de la implicación en la investigación se opone a una supuesta neutralidad resultante de la distancia del objeto porque el investigador analiza su propia subjetividad, el contexto histórico-social de la investigación, así como la intersubjetividad de todos los involucrados en la investigación. La implicación forma parte del proceso de construcción del conocimiento en la búsqueda de una mejor comprensión de los fenómenos, siendo uno de los conceptos fundamentales de la psicosociología. OBJETIVO: Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar un relato de experiencia sobre el análisis de la implicación en una investigación clínico-cualitativa sustentada teórica y metodológicamente por la psicossociologia francesa y la psicodinámica del trabajo. Esta investigación se llevó a cabo entre 2018 y 2022, habiéndose realizado parcialmente durante el período de la pandemia de COVID-19. MÉTODO: Se utilizaron como método de análisis de la implicación los siguientes dispositivos: diarios de campo, supervisiones, reuniones de equipo, participación en un grupo de convivencia y psicoterapia individual. Así, la investigadora buscó abordar sus afectos y sentimientos involucrados a lo largo de las etapas de la investigación. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Este estudio destacó la implicación como fuente, paradójicamente, de procesos creativos y, en algunos casos, alienación. CONCLUSIÓN: A pesar de la identificación de algunos de estos aspectos negativos de la implicación de la investigadora, se logró ampliar el conocimiento sobre el objeto de investigación.

Тема - темы
Qualitative Research , Health Personnel , COVID-19
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 11-22, 20240408. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554599


This article deals with the particularities of the quality of qualitative research, under the double lens of valuing it and ensuring it. While achieving the quality of qualitative research concerns only those who have opted for this methodology, assessing it is everyone's business because researchers in training will encounter, in the literature reviews, qualitative studies on which they must reflect and estimate their quality. Appreciating the quality of a research work is a complex activity as it is situated within a context and conducted by individuals who use any of the means available to do so. The means they use are criteria as evaluation guides and criteria checklists. For researchers in training, I suggest some guiding criteria to evaluate qualitative publications and ensure quality during the research process, key issues that they must address.

Este artículo trata sobre las particularidades de la calidad de la investigación cualitativa, bajo la doble lente de valorarla y asegurarla. Mientras que alcanzar la calidad de una investigación cualitativa atañe solo a los que han optado por esta metodología, valorarla es asunto de todos, ya que los investigadores en formación se encontrarán en las revisiones bibliográficas con estudios cualitativos sobre los cuales deberán reflexionar y estimar su calidad. Apreciar la calidad de un trabajo de investigación es una actividad compleja ya que está situada en un contexto y llevada a cabo por personas que usan alguno de los medios disponibles para hacerlo. Los medios que usan son los criterios como guías de evaluación y los listados de verificación de criterios. Para los investigadores en formación sugiero unos criterios guía para la valoración de publicaciones cualitativas y para asegurar la calidad durante el proceso de investigación, unas cuestiones claves a las que deben atender.

Este artigo trata das particularidades da qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa, sob a dupla lente de valorizá-la e garanti-la. Embora alcançar a qualidade da pesquisa qualitativa seja do interesse de quem optou por esta metodologia, Avaliar é tarefa de todos, pois os pesquisadores em formação se encontrarão em revisões bibliográficas com estudos qualitativos, sobre os quais deverão refletir e estimar sua qualidade. Avaliar a qualidade de um trabalho de investigação é uma atividade complexa, pois está situada num context e é realizada por pessoas que utilizam qualquer um dos meios disponíveis para o fazer. Os meios que utilizam são critérios como guias de avaliação e listas de verificação de critérios. Aos pesquisadores em formação, sugiro alguns critérios norteadores para avaliar publicações qualitativas e para garantir a qualidade durante o processo de pesquisa, questões chaves que devem ser abordadas.

Тема - темы
Humans , Quality Control , Research , Nursing Research , Health Research Evaluation
Invest. educ. enferm ; 42(1): 157-164, 20240408. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1554630


This article aims to reflect on scientific validation strategies in qualitative research in the light of translational theory in nursing. It is a reflection based on translational theory applied to nursing in strategies for validating qualitative studies. From this angle, validation is recognized as an adaptable construct, capable of eliciting/favoring an understanding of the subjectivity of the target audience in its relationship with the object of interest/study/research. The potential for advancing the science-profession lies in the interdisciplinary confluence of validation mechanisms, qualitative studies, the translational perspective, and nursing research. This confluence has the capacity to extend beyond theoretical and epistemological aspects. However, it is crucial to emphasize its profound, expressive, and relevant impact on the construction of scientific evidence. This impact aims to enhance the rigor and reliability of qualitative research, thereby bolstering its credibility and applicability in clinical practice.

El objetivo de este artículo es reflexionar sobre las estrategias de validación científica en la investigación cualitativa a la luz de la teoría traslacional en enfermería. Se trata de una reflexión basada en la teoría traslacional aplicada a la enfermería y en las estrategias de validación de los estudios cualitativos. Desde este ángulo, la validación se reconoce como un constructo adaptable, capaz de favorecer la comprensión de la subjetividad del público objetivo en su relación con el objeto de investigación. Esta confluencia interdisciplinar entre los mecanismos de validación, los estudios cualitativos, la perspectiva traslacional y la investigación en enfermería tiene el potencial de contribuir al avance de la ciencia-profesión con un alcance más allá de los aspectos teóricos y epistemológicos, pero desde la perspectiva de un impacto profundo, expresivo y relevante en la construcción de la evidencia científica con aún mayor rigor y fiabilidad en la investigación cualitativa y, por tanto, a su credibilidad y aplicabilidad en la práctica clínica.

O artigo tem por objetivo refletir sobre as estratégias de validação científica em pesquisas de abordagem qualitativa à luz da teoria translacional em enfermagem. Trata-se de uma reflexão que tem como fundamento a teoria translacional aplicada à enfermagem em estratégias de validação de estudos qualitativos. Por esse ângulo, a validação é reconhecida como um constructo adaptável, capaz de suscitar/favorecer a compreensão da subjetividade do público-alvo na sua relação com o objeto de interesse/estudo/pesquisa. Esta confluência interdisciplinar entre os mecanismos de validação, os estudos qualitativos, as o/a prisma-ótica-olhar-concepção translacional e a pesquisa de enfermagem tem o potencial de contribuir para o avanço da ciência-profissão com alcance para além dos aspectos teóricos e epistemológicos, mas na perspectiva de impacto profundo-expressivo-relevante na construção de evidências científicas com ainda mais rigor e confiabilidade em pesquisas qualitativas e, por tanto, para sua credibilidade e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.

Тема - темы
Humans , Nursing Theory , Nursing , Validation Study , Qualitative Research
Rev. salud pública Parag ; 14(1)abr. 2024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560421


Los enfoques cualitativos en la investigación han sido fundamentales en las ciencias sociales y son cruciales para el estudio de la salud y los servicios sanitarios. Con el progreso en medicina, mayor especialización, expectativas crecientes de los pacientes y la complejidad de los servicios de salud, los profesionales se enfrentan a un entorno laboral cada vez más complicado. Los métodos cualitativos, aunque distintos de las técnicas experimentales y cuantitativas de la investigación clínica y biomédica, son indispensables para la investigación en servicios de salud. Esto se debe a que permiten explorar aspectos no medibles cuantitativamente, como las creencias sobre la salud, y porque proporcionan una base -descriptiva necesaria para la investigación cuantitativa, especialmente en campos con escasa investigación previa.

Qualitative approaches in research have been fundamental in the social sciences and are crucial to the study of health and health services. With progress in medicine, greater specialization, increasing patient expectations and the complexity of health services, professionals face an increasingly complicated work environment. Qualitative methods, although different from the experimental and quantitative techniques of clinical and biomedical research, are essential for health services research. This is because they allow us to explore aspects that are not quantitatively measurable, such as beliefs about health, and because they provide a necessary descriptive basis for quantitative research, especially in fields with little previous research.

Статья в испанский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562496


INTRODUÇÃO: Neste artigo, buscamos articular questões referentes à Terapia de Família Sistêmica (TFS), estudos de sexualidade e gênero, perspectiva decolonial e interseccionalidade. Expomos como podemos pensar a partir destas problematizações as experiências familiares de pessoas que se situam no avesso ou nas margens da cisheteronormatividade e discutir sobre a diversidade que compõe a família, para além de uma visão restritiva deste termo. OBJETIVO: Fazer uma crítica construtiva à TFS, apontando o apagamento que esta disciplina possui em relação às vivências de pessoas LGBTQIAP+ (lésbicas, gays, transexuais e travestis, queer, intersexo, assexuais, pansexuais e demais orientações sexuais e identidades de gênero). METODOLOGIA: O artigo possui caráter ensaístico e sustentado em um material empírico oriundo de entrevistas de caráter biográfico/trajetórias de vida. Propomos aqui a perspectiva queer e decolonial, aliada à interseccionalidade como estratégia de análise de histórias de vida a fim de compreender os arranjos familiares de mulheres lésbicas, bissexuais e pansexuais. RESULTADOS: As entrevistadas demonstraram múltiplas realidades, baseando-se tanto em vivências de violência quanto de aceitação em suas famílias de origem, focando suas jornadas na construção de laços de apoio com suas famílias escolhidas, criando relações de irmandade entre amigas. CONCLUSÕES: A TFS poderia ampliar seu olhar e escrita sobre a população LGBTQIAP+, utilizando-se da decolonialidade/perspectiva queer e interseccionalidade como potente guia de análise das relações familiares, visto que as histórias de vida dessas mulheres concentram-se em lidar com discriminações e desafios associados aos seus diversos marcadores sociais da diferença.

INTRODUCTION: In this essay, the following themes will be analyzed: Systemic Family Therapy (SFT), sexuality and gender studies, women, and intersectionality. We expose how these themes combine in the family experiences of people who are on the other side or the margins of cisheteronormativity and discuss the diversity that makes up the family, beyond a restrictive view of this term. OBJECTIVE: Make a constructive criticism of TFS, pointing out the erasure that this discipline has in relation to the experiences of LGBTQIAP+ people (lesbians, gays, transsexuals and transvestites, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, and other sexual orientations and gender identities). We propose intersectionality as a strategy for analyzing life stories to understand the family arrangements of lesbian, bisexual and pansexuals women. METHODOLOGY: This essay is based on empirical material from biographical interviews/life trajectories. We propose here intersectionality as a strategy for analyzing life stories to understand the family arrangements of lesbian, bisexual and pansexual women. RESULTS: The interviewees demonstrated multiple realities, based on both experiences of violence and acceptance in their families of origin. And focusing their journeys on building supportive bonds with their chosen families, creating sisterhood relationships between friends. CONCLUSIONS: TFS could broaden its view and writing about the LGBTQIAP+ population, using intersectionality as a powerful guide for analyzing family relationships. Since these women's life stories focus on dealing with discrimination and challenges associated with their various social markers of difference.

INTRODUCCIÓN: En este artículo se analizan los siguientes temas: Terapia Familiar Sistémica (TFS), estudios de sexualidad y género, mujer e interseccionalidad. Exponemos cómo estos temas se conjugan en las experiencias familiares de personas que están del otro lado o en los márgenes de la cisheteronormatividad y discutimos la diversidad que conforma la familia, más allá de una visión restrictiva de este término. OBJETIVO: Hacer una crítica constructiva a TFS, señalando la borradura que tiene esta disciplina en relación a las vivencias de las personas LGBTQIAP+ (lesbianas, gays, transexuales y travestidos, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual y otras orientaciones sexuales e identidades de género). METODOLOGÍA: El artículo tiene carácter ensayístico y se basa en material empírico de entrevistas de carácter biográfico/trayectorias de vida. Proponemos aquí la interseccionalidad como estrategia de análisis de las historias de vida para comprender los arreglos familiares de mujeres lesbianas, bisexuales y pansexuales. RESULTADOS: Los entrevistados evidenciaron múltiples realidades, basadas tanto en experiencias de violencia como de aceptación en sus familias de origen. Y enfocando sus viajes en construir lazos de apoyo con sus familias elegidas, creando relaciones de hermandad entre amigos. CONCLUSIONES: TFS podría ampliar su visión y escritura sobre la población LGBTQIAP+, utilizando la interseccionalidad como una poderosa guía para analizar las relaciones familiares. Dado que las historias de vida de estas mujeres se centran en lidiar con la discriminación y los desafíos asociados con sus diversos marcadores sociales de diferencia.

Тема - темы
Family Therapy , Women , Sexual and Gender Minorities
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556610


Introducción: La alimentación se construye a partir de experiencias y significados adquiridos en el curso de la vida. Las personas mayores tienen un acervo importante que informa de valores y prácticas culturales aplicadas a la alimentación. El objetivo del estudio fue interpretar los significados que entregan personas mayores a la construcción de su alimentación en trayectorias del curso de vida. Métodos: La investigación utilizó un enfoque cualitativo de alcance exploratorio, utilizando el método de teoría fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada entre julio de 2021 y junio de 2022. El tipo de muestreo fue teórico y el análisis de los datos cualitativos respondió al proceso de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: Participaron 54 personas mayores (72% mujeres) con edad promedio de 68,6 años (6,9 años). Las personas mayores construyeron su alimentación con un alto significado a las comidas caseras, con influencia de género femenino durante la niñez y adolescencia. En la adultez, se reconstruye la alimentación al ingresar al mundo laboral. En la actualidad, cimentan la alimentación con un enfoque de cuidados para su salud. Reconocen transiciones y puntos de inflexión en la alimentación provocados por terremotos, pandemia por COVID-19, situación política en el país, embarazos o el diagnóstico de alguna enfermedad crónica. Discusión: Las personas mayores reconocen diversas vivencias en trayectorias vitales que han marcado sus patrones alimentarios. Estas experiencias de vida pueden ser la base de estrategias o acciones en la práctica clínica que aporten a su bienestar.

Introduction: Food is intricately woven into the fabric of our experiences and the meanings accumulated throughout life. Older people possess a rich cultural heritage that shapes the values and practices surrounding food.The aim of the study was to interpret the meanings attributed to older people to the construction of their feeding in life course trajectories. Methods: The research employed a qualitative exploratory approach, utilizing the Grounded Theory method developed by Strauss and Corbin. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews conducted between July 2021 and June 2022. The sampling method employed was theoretical, and the analysis of qualitative data followed the open, axial, and selective coding process. Results: A total of 54 older individuals (72% women), with an average age of 68.6 years (6,9 years), participated in the study. These individuals constructed their relationship with food, assigning significant value to homemade meals, influenced by gender roles during childhood and adolescence. In adulthood, the relationship with food transformed with entry into the workforce. Currently, their feeding are guided by a health-centric approach. They recognize transitions and turning pointsin food provoked by earthquakes, pandemic by COVID-19, political situation in the country, pregnancies or the diagnosis of a chronic disease. Discussion: Older people recognize a multitude of life experiences that have left imprints on their eating patterns. These life experiences can be the basis for strategies or actions in clinical practice that contribute to their well-being.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 85(1): 14-20, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556795


RESUMEN Introducción. Las aplicaciones móviles representan una alternativa prometedora para brindar soporte en la gestión de pacientes con dengue. Sin embargo, se desconoce la usabilidad de estas herramientas en el Perú. Objetivo. Evaluar la usabilidad y las recomendaciones de uso de la aplicación Dengue ONQOY en la gestión de pacientes con dengue en zonas rurales de Perú. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo que incluyó entrevistas semiestructuradas a 8 expertos en el tratamiento del dengue, los datos fueron codificados mediante el programa Atlas. Ti. Fueron evaluadas tres categorías: (1) usabilidad informativa, (2) usabilidad de diseño y (3) recomendaciones para su mejoramiento. Resultados. Se destacaron tres aspectos clave: (1) la aplicación es percibida como valiosa para los médicos de primer nivel en áreas periféricas con poca experiencia en dengue debido a su enfoque personalizado y valor académico; (2) se destacó su facilidad de uso y practicidad, aunque se señaló la limitación de la conectividad en algunas áreas; y, (3) se recomendó la inclusión de diagnósticos diferenciales, factores de riesgo adicionales, referencias actualizadas, guías de hidratación y dosis de medicamentos para mejorar la aplicación. Conclusión. Dengue ONQOY fue considerado altamente utilizable por médicos que atienden casos de dengue en el primer nivel de atención en Perú. A pesar de las limitaciones relacionadas con la conectividad y las posibles mejoras en su diseño, su desarrollo e implementación ofrecen una alternativa prometedora para el manejo de pacientes con Dengue en el país.

ABSTRACT Introduction. Mobile applications represent a promising alternative for providing support in the management of Dengue patients. However, the usability of these tools in Peru is unknown. Objectives. To evaluate the usability and usage recommendations of the Dengue ONQOY application in managing Dengue patients in rural areas of Peru. Methods. A qualitative study was conducted, which included semi-structured interviews with 8 experts in Dengue management. Data were coded using Atlas. Ti software. Three categories were assessed: (1) informative usability (2) design usability, and (3) recommendations for improvement. Results. Three key aspects were highlighted. (1) The application is perceived as valuable for first- level doctors in peripheral areas with limited Dengue experience due to its personalized approach and academic value. (2) Its ease of use and practicality were emphasized, although connectivity limitations in some areas were noted. (3) Recommendations for improvement included the inclusion of differential diagnoses, additional risk factors, updated references, hydration guidelines, and medication dosages. Conclusions. Dengue ONQOY is considered highly usable by doctors treating Dengue cases at the primary care level in Peru. Despite connectivity limitations and potential design improvements, its development and implementation offer a promising alternative for managing Dengue patients in the country in this field.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202202969, feb. 2024. tab
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524709


Introducción. La hospitalización de un hijo en la unidad de pacientes críticos neonatal puede ser altamente estresante para padres y madres, lo cual se intensificó en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19. A la fecha, no se han encontrado estudios que describan la experiencia de padres que vivieron la doble hospitalización simultánea de su pareja y de su hijo/a al nacer, durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Objetivos. Explorar la vivencia de los padres de tener a sus hijos/as hospitalizados en Neonatología mientras su pareja se encontraba hospitalizada por agravamiento de COVID-19. Población y método. Cuatro entrevistas semiestructuradas fueron realizadas y analizadas mediante un análisis interpretativo fenomenológico. Resultados. Se identificaron cuatro momentos cuando surgieron emociones específicas: a) inicio del contagio, b) hospitalización de la pareja, c) nacimiento del bebé y d) hospitalización del bebé. Culpa, miedo, angustia de muerte, soledad e incertidumbre aparecen muy tempranamente y luego se combinan con emociones como felicidad y empoderamiento, entre otras. La falta de contacto físico con sus parejas e hijos, y las fallas en la comunicación con los equipos de salud se destacan como factores que obstaculizan el ejercicio del rol paternal, mientras que una comunicación fluida con el equipo y una participación activa en los cuidados del bebé son factores protectores. Los padres cumplen una multiplicidad de roles, en la que prima el rol protector. Conclusiones. La comunicación y la atención centrada en la familia, y la participación activa en los cuidados de los bebés tienen el potencial de proteger contra el impacto de esta experiencia compleja de doble hospitalización.

Introduction. The hospitalization of a baby in the neonatal intensive care unit may be highly stressful for both mothers and fathers, and this was even more intense in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.To date, no studies have been found that describe the experience of fathers who underwent the simultaneous hospitalization of their partner and newborn infant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Objectives. To explore the experience of fathers who had their babies hospitalized in the Neonatal Unit while their partner were hospitalized due to worsening of COVID-19. Population and method. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed using an interpretative phenomenological analysis. Results. Four moments were identified when specific emotions arose: a) onset of infection, b) partner hospitalization, c) baby birth, and d) baby hospitalization. Guilt, fear, death anxiety, loneliness, and uncertainty appear very early and are later combined with emotions such as happiness and empowerment, among others. The lack of physical contact with their partners and babies and failures in communication with the health care team stand out as factors that hinder the exercise of the paternal role, while an effective communication with the health care team and active participation in the baby's care are protective factors. Fathers fulfill multiple roles, the most important of which is their role as protectors. Conclusions. Family-centered communication and care and active involvement in baby care may potentially protect against the impact of this complex experience of double hospitalization.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Chile , Fathers/psychology , Hospitalization , Mothers/psychology
Rev. cient. cienc. salud ; 6: 1-9, 30-01-2024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1565434


Introducción. Las masculinidades representan roles sociales diversos y un estereotipo masculino que limita el desarrollo de tareas domésticas, entre otras, el estar a cargo de la alimentación familiar. Objetivo. Interpretar los relatos de personas mayores sobre el rol de las masculinidades en la transmisión alimentaria familiar. Materiales y Métodos. Estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo utilizando la metodología de la Teoría Fundamentada de Strauss y Corbin. Participaron personas mayores de género masculino, a los que se les aplicó entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos fueron analizados a través de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva, lo que permitió identificar las categorías centrales que fueron la base del levantamiento de teoría que responde al objeto de estudio. La investigación fue avalada por comité de ética científica. Resultados. Se reconoce una cesión social de hábitos, patrones y costumbres alimentarias familiares en este grupo de personas, en especial, en etapas nóveles de su trayectoria vital. Como personas mayores, las masculinidades se adaptan a los cuidados y necesidades de sus respectivos hogares, ayudando en las compras de alimentos, elaborando preparaciones culinarias o reconociendo miembros masculinos de sus familias en el traspaso intergeneracional de saberes alimentarios. Conclusión. Desde los relatos de personas mayores participantes, las masculinidades presentan una dinámica familiar que comienza a desmitificar el rol de género femenino en el traspaso cultural de la alimentación.

Introduction. masculinities represent diverse social roles and a male stereotype that limits the development of domestic tasks, among others, be in charge of family feeding. Objective. to interpret the stories of older people about the role of masculinities in the family food transmission. Material and methods. exploratory study with qualitative approach using the methodology of the Grounded Theory of Strauss and Corbin. Elderly male participants participated, to whom a semi-structured interview was applied. The data were analyzed through open, axial and selective coding, which allowed identifying the central categories that were the basis of the theory survey that responds to the object of study. The research was endorsed by the scientific ethics committee. Results. a social transfer of family eating habits, patterns and customs is recognized in this group of people, especially in the new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, in particular, in new stages of their life trajectory. As older people, masculinities adapt to the care and needs of their respective homes, assisting in food purchases, preparing culinary preparations or recognizing male members of their families in the intergenerational transfer of food knowledge. Conclusion. From the stories of elderly participants, masculinities present a family dynamic that begins to demystify the female gender role in the cultural transfer of food.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Diet , Masculinity , Qualitative Research , Gender Role
Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 412-417, 2024.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018631


Objective To explore the anxiety status and coping strategies of clinical postgraduates,and to provide practical approaches to promote their mental health.Methods Using the phenomenological research method of qualitative research,12 subjects were interviewed in a semi-structured way.Using the 7-step analysis method of Co-laizzi phenomenology,the original data were analyzed and summarized.Results Five themes were extracted,in-cluding stress sources and psychological condition,interpersonal relationship,adjustment to cope with stress,self-understanding,career understanding and future vision.Clinical work,scientific research and economic pressures were the main causes of anxiety to the interviewees,who made cognitive,psychological,attitudes and behaviors ad-justments,they hope to achieve a good work-life balance in the future.Conclusions Effective measures should be taken in view point of individual,school,family and social dimensions to alleviate anxiety and promote their physi-cal and mental health.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020415


Objective:The aim was to explore the needs of patients readmitted with chronic heart failure (CHF) for pre-discharge preparation services and to provide reliable evidence to support the development of a discharge preparation service plan.Methods:The research was based on the phenomenology research method. Using a purposive sampling method, 12 readmitted patients with CHF from the First Hospital of Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine were selected and interviewed in a semi-structured manner between February and April 2023, and the data were analyzed using the Colaizzi seven-step analysis.Results:Among 12 patients, 6 males, 6 females, aged 53 to 85 years old. The discharge preparation service needs of readmitted patients with CHF can be categorised into 3 major themes of physiological-psychological-social, containing 6 sub-themes: the need to improve self-management skills, the need for rehabilitation and exercise, the need for improvement of negative emotions, the need for improvement of health education, the need for improvement of home care, and the need for health resource services.Conclusions:Patients readmitted with CHF have greater needs for self-management knowledge and skills, family care needs, professional guidance needs, and information on referral services from primary health resources, and nursing staff should focus on assessing such needs of patients in order to develop individualized plans for discharge preparation services for patients with CHF.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020418


Objective:To explore the experience of self-management dilemma ofadults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis, and to provide reference for the construction of self-management intervention strategies for emerging adults with ankylosing spondylitis.Methods:Descriptive phenomenology was used to conduct in-depth interviews with 14 adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis in the Rheumatology and Immunology Department of Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Nanjing University from August 2022 to March 2023. The interview data were analyzed by Colaizzi′s seven-step analysis method.Results:A total of 14 patients completed the interview,10 males, 4 females, aged 21-30 years. In adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis, there were dilemmas of role maladjustment and disease management disorder, including role maladjustment of disease management and social role maladjustment. Barriers to disease management included weak self-management awareness, insufficient support for self-management information, inadequate self-management skills, and poor compliance with self-management behaviors.Conclusions:The role adaptation and self-management ability of adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis are seriously inadequate. It is urgent to construct health management strategies for adults with emerging ankylosing spondylitis to help them improve the level of role adaptation and disease management.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020423


Objective:To systematically evaluate and integrate the qualitative research of nursing students participating in hospice care practice experience, to provide a basis for the better development of hospice care education.Methods:A computer search was conducted on the China national knowledge infrastructure, Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, VIP database, Wanfang Medical Database, Cochrane Library, Embase, Web of Science, and PubMed for qualitative research on nursing students' participation in hospice care practices. The search period was from the establishment of the database to February 2023. The quality of the included literature was evaluated using the qualitative research quality evaluation criteria of the Australian JBI Evidence Based Health Care Center. A aggregative integration method was used for result integration.Results:A total of 16 articles were included, and 46 major research results were extracted and summarized into 9 new categories, forming 4 integrated results: providing hospice care services for patients and their families; emotional experience of nursing dying patients; coping with negative experience and harvesting personal growth; needs and difficulties.Conclusions:Nursing students experience multiple emotional experiences in hospice care practice, and are eager to help and support in various aspects. It is suggested for managers to pay attention to the inner experience and needs of nursing students, improve hospice care education in China, and improve the end-of-life care ability of nursing students.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020430


Objective:To explore the factors that promote and hinder exercise adherence in long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients, and to provide a reference for improving their exercise levels.Methods:From March to May 2023, a qualitative research method using phenomenon approach was conducted and 15 patients with peritoneal dialysis for at least 10 years at the People′s Liberation Army Central Command Headquarters Hospital (Hankou Hospital) were selected for in-depth interviews using purposive sampling method. The data were analyzed using Colaizzi 7-step method and the main themes were extracted.Results:Among the 15 interviewers, there were 5 males and 10 females, aged 39-76 years old.Conclusions:The exercise level of long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients is influenced by multiple factors. Medical staff should correct their cognitive biases and change their behavioral attitudes, strengthen external supportive environments and reduce subjective normative pressures, gradually provide more objective support, thereby promoting the exercise training of long dialysis duration hemodialysis patients.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020457


Objective:To find benefit of adaptive challenges in age-related macular degeneration (AMD) patients of long-term treatment in the challenge of vision decline, and provide new ideas for improving the quality of life of patients.Methods:It was a phenomenological study from qualitative research, selected by purpose sampling method and semi-structured interview which involved 20 AMD patients who received intravitreal treatment of drug in the Ophthalmology Department of Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University from January to March 2023.Two interviewees comprehensively read and analyzed the transcript of the interview and its meaning, subsequently Colaizzi seven-step analysis method was used to classify and encode the transcribed data.Results:Among 20 patients, there were 9 males and 11 females, aged 56-81 years old. Patients with AMD experience a sense of benefit in their long-term management of the condition, adapting to the challenges posed by declining strength, which could be summarized into four main themes: moderate sense of decision control, satisfactory social support, active self-management of the disease, and an improvement in quality of life.Conclusions:Patients with AMD experience a sense of disease-related benefit during the long-term management of visual acuity challenges. Healthcare professionals should guide patients to seek this benefit from adverse events, identify the adaptive challenges patients face, and leverage their adaptive leadership skills. Furthermore, offering multi-channel low vision rehabilitation services can assist patients in enhancing their adaptive capabilities, ultimately contributing to further improving their quality of life.

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