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Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(3): 41-43, 2023. tables
Статья в французский | AIM | ID: biblio-1516107


But : L'objectif de cette étude était d'établir le profil spermiologique des patients suivis pour infertilité à l'hôpital de Sikasso. Matériel et méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale prospective descriptive, qui s'est déroulée de janvier à décembre 2022 à l'hôpital de Sikasso. L'interprétation des paramètres spermiologique a fait recours aux normes établies par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé en 2010. Resultats : Nous avons colligé 41 patients dont 51,22% avaient ses paramètres spermiologiques perturbés. Les anomalies étaient l'azoospermie (21,92%), l'asthénooligozoospermie (12,20%), l'asthénozoospermie (7,32%), l'oligozoospermie (7,32 %) et l'asthénonécrozoospermie (2,44 %). Ces anomalies étaient observées majoritairement dans la tranche d'âge 34-44 ans avec 47,62%. Conclusion : cette étude a révélé des perturbations importantes des paramètres spermiologiques et l'azoospermie a constitué l'anomalie la plus fréquente.

Aim: The aim of this study was to establish the spermiological profile of patients treated for infertility at Sikasso Hospital. Material and methods: This was a prospective descriptive cross-sectional study, which took place from January to December 2022 at Sikasso Hospital. Interpretation of spermiological parameters was based on standards established by the World Health Organization in 2010. Results: We enrolled 41 patients, 51.22% of whom had disturbed spermiological parameters. The abnormalities were azoospermia (21.92%), asthenooligozoospermia (12.20%), asthenozoospermia (7.32%), oligozoospermia (7.32%) and asthenonecrozoospermia (2.44%). These anomalies were mainly observed in the 34-44 age group (47.62%). Conclusion: This study revealed significant disturbances in spermiological parameters, with azoospermia being the most frequent abnormality

Тема - темы
Humans , Male
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(2): 292-296, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1127144


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de caracterizar la calidad seminal de hombres en un centro de reproducción asistida de la ciudad Guayaquil (Ecuador), se colectaron 204 muestras de semen de pacientes con problemas de fertilidad de entre 20 y 57 años, atendidos entre mayo de 2017 y septiembre de 2018. Se realizó un espermograma básico a cada muestra, siguiendo las recomendaciones del manual para la examinación y procesamiento de semen humano. El 27,4% de las muestras presentó normozoospermia. Dentro de las alteraciones la teratozoospermia fue de 27,9%, oligoteratozoospermia del 8,8%, evidenciándose mayor número en pacientes de 30 a 39 años. Un alto porcentaje de pacientes presentan una calidad del semen y morfología espermática por debajo los limites de referencia establecidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

ABSTRACT In order to characterize the quality of semen from men in an assisted reproduction center in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador), 204 semen samples were collected from patients with fertility disorders aged 20 to 57 years, who were admitted between May 2017 and September 2018. A basic spermogram was performed on each sample, following the fabricant recommendations for the examination and processing of human semen. It was found that 27.4% of the samples presented normozoospermia. Among the disorders, it was found that 27.9% had teratozoospermia, 8.8% had oligoteratozoospermia and a higher number of patients were found to be between 30 and 39 years old. A high percentage of patients presented sperm morphology and quality values below the reference limits established by the World Health Organization.

Тема - темы
Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Semen , Ecuador , Semen Analysis , Infertility, Male , Men , Reproduction , Sperm Count , Spermatozoa , Fertility , Teratozoospermia
Rev. med. Rosario ; 83(3): 104-110, sep.-dic. 2017. graf, ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-973313


Introducción: Durante años, el varicocele se ha propugnado como la causa más común de infertilidad, siendo esta patología la de mayor incidencia en los varones como factor causal (19 - 41%). Material y Métodos: Se evaluaron 228 pacientes, sexo masculino (18 y 39 años) con subfertilidad primaria con o sin varicocele. Se realizó historia clínica, examen físico, laboratorio y espermograma por duplicado. Se dividieron un grupo de 120 pacientes con subfertilidad primaria, varicocele izquierdo y por lo menos un parámetro seminal alterado en dos muestras sometidos a varicocelectomía y control seminal 6 y 9 meses post-operatorio y otro grupo 108 pacientes de iguales características pero sin varicocele. Se utilizaron criterios OMS en concentración, motilidad y morfología espermática. Estudio de casos y controles. Resultados: La mejoría en la concentración de espermatozoides tras el tratamiento quirúrgico fue de 20,06% (p‹ 0,0001) a los 6 meses y 26,31% (p‹ 0,0001) a los 9 meses. La motilidad aumentó 21,32% (p‹ 0,001) a los 6 meses y 28,28% (p‹ 0,0001) a los 9 meses y la morfología mejoró un 26,8% (p‹ 0,0001) a los 6 meses y 57,38% (p‹ 0,0001) a los 9 meses. Todas las variables resultaron estadísticamente significativas tras el tratamiento quirúrgico. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en ninguna de las variables entre el grupo pre-quirúrgico y el grupo control, y si las hubo en todas las variables estudiadas entre el grupo control comparado con el post- quirúrgico, a favor de este último. Los porcentajes de mejoras entre el grupo post-quirúrgico a los 6 meses y 9 meses de la cirugía, a favor de este último fueron 7,5% (p‹ 0,0001) en la concentración, 5,28 % (p‹ 0.0001) en la motilidad y 25,32% (p‹ 0.0001) en la morfología... Conclusiones: Los parámetros seminales evidenciaron cambios positivos luego de la varicocelectomia y más aún con el transcurrir del tiempo.

Introduction: Varicocele has been proposed for years as the most common cause of infertility, and this condition is the prevalent incidence as causal factor. (19-41%) Material and methods: 228 male patients (between 18 and 39 years old) were evaluated with primary sub fertility with or without varicocele. The records included history, physical examination and two spermogram for patient. The population was divided in two groups. The first one of 120 patients with primary subfertility, left varicocele and at least one abnormal seminal parameter in two samples, with surgical resection of varicocele and final seminal post-surgical evaluation at 6 and 9 months. The other group included 108 patients with similar characteristics but without varicocele. The WHO criteria for spermatic concentration, motility and morphology were applied. Evaluation of cases and controls. Results: The improvement in spermatozoa concentration after treatment was of 20.06% (p<0,0001). The motility improved 21,32% at 6 months (p<0,0001) and 28,28% at 9 months (p<0,0001).The morphology improved 26,8% at 6 months (p<0,0001) and 57,38% at 9 months (p<0,0001)All the parameters were statistically significant after surgery. While there were no significant differences in any parameter between the pre-surgical group and the control group, there were differences in all the parameters evaluated between the control group and the post-surgical group, with best results in the latter.The percentages of improvement in the post-surgical group were 7,5%(p < 0,0001) in concentration, 5,28% in motility and 25,32% in morphology...Conclusions: The seminal parameters showed positive changes after varicocelectomy, especially over time.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Genital Diseases, Male , Infertility, Male , Infertility, Male/surgery , Male Urogenital Diseases/surgery , Varicocele , Andrology , Reference Standards/analysis
Rev. chil. tecnol. méd ; 32(1): 1678-1682, jul. 2012. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-680423


En Chile, 10 a 15 por ciento de las parejas son consideradas como infértiles y el factor masculino es responsable en un 50 por ciento de los casos. El espermiograma, es un examen fundamental para el diagnóstico inicial de parejas infértiles. Objetivo: Determinar cambios en cuatro parámetros del espermiograma de mayor valor diagnóstico, según edad, estableciendo el parámetro alterado de mayor frecuencia. Métodos: Se realizo un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de una muestra de 100 pacientes atendidos por problemas de fertilidad entre los años 2004 y 2009, clasificándolos en cuatro grupos etarios. Resultados: Al evaluar la concentración espermática, el 33 por ciento presenta: 5 baja concentración. El 86 por ciento de los pacientes presento astenozoospermia. El 81 por ciento de los pacientes presento anormalidad en la morfología espermática. La viabilidad espermática fue anormal en el 8 por ciento de los pacientes, siendo significativamente más alto en el grupo etario de mayor edad. Conclusiones: Los parámetros estudiados muestran un alto porcentaje de anormalidad en la población en estudio. Al comparar entre grupos, el grupo de mayor edad (sobre los 47 &los) presenta un aumento significativo del- porcentaje de alteraciones en morfología, motilidad y viabilidad respecto a los otros grupos etarios, estableciéndose la edad como un factor negativo en la calidad espermática. La movilidad corresponde al parámetro mas frecuentemente alterado seguido por la morfología espermática a medida que el varón consultante envejece.

In Chile, 10 to 15 percent of the couples are considered as infertile. Since the male factor is responsible of 50 percent of the cases, spermogram is an essential test for initial diagnosis of the infertile couple. Objective: To analyze the frequency of change in four spermogram parameters -according to age- to determine their diagnostic value. Method: A descriptive retrospective study of spermogram data from 100 patients -subdivided in four age groups- analyzed in our Unit for fertility problems between 2004 and 2009 was performed. Results: In sperm count, 33 percenr showed an abnormally low concentration. An 86 percent of the patients has astenozoospermia. 81 percent of the patients showed abnormal sperm morphology. Sperm viability was subnormal in 8 percent of the patients, being significantly higher in the oldest group. Conclusions: The seminal parameters analyzed revealed a high percentage of anomalies in the studied population. The oldest group had significant percentages of anomalies in sperm motility, morphology and viability, thus corroborating that age is a negative factor that affects semen quality. Sperm motility was the most frequently altered parameter followed by sperm morphology in the population under study.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Infertility, Male/diagnosis , Infertility, Male/epidemiology , Sperm Count , Age Factors , Asthenozoospermia/diagnosis , Asthenozoospermia/epidemiology , Azoospermia/diagnosis , Azoospermia/epidemiology , Chile , Oligospermia/diagnosis , Oligospermia/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies
São Paulo; s.n; 2010. [135] p. graf, tab, ilus.
Диссертация в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-579227


INTRODUÇÃO: A varicocele é a dilatação das veias do plexo pampiniforme do testículo. A associação entre a varicocele e a infertilidade é diagnosticada em 20 a 40% dos homens inférteis. Atualmente, o estudo ultrassonográfico da varicocele é realizado com o paciente na posição supina antes e durante a realização de Valsalva, levando-se em consideração o diâmetro das veias (> 0,20cm), e a presença de refluxo maior que 1, segundo ao estudo Doppler espectral. OBJETIVO: A) Propor uma nova metodologia na avaliação ultrassonográfica da varicocele. B) Avaliar a concordância dos achados no exame ultrassonográfico com Doppler colorido dos vasos dos plexos pampiniformes e as alterações no espermograma na infertilidade masculina. C) Avaliar a correlação entre o diâmetro de um dos vasos dos plexos pampiniformes e as alterações no espermograma na infertilidade masculina. MÉTODOS: Foram examinados 266 pacientes, provenientes do setor de reprodução humana do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo (HCUSP), por meio de duplex Doppler colorido, inicialmente com o paciente em decúbito dorsal e posteriormente, após 5 minutos de espera, na posição ortostática, realizando as medidas dos diâmetros transversais dos plexos pampiniforme nas duas posições, tanto em repouso como em Valsalva. Ao estudo pulsado foi considerado refluxo patológico apenas quando persistia por mais de 1 segundo, com uma velocidade superior que 2 cm/s. Estes pacientes também foram submetidos a analise seminal. RESULTADOS: Em relação à metodologia de realização do exame, observou-se aumento no diâmetro do plexo pampiniforme apenas com a variação da posição de cerca de 18% à direita e 5,9% à esquerda, bem como aumento na detecção do refluxo venoso na posição ortostática, de 23% à direita e 6,8% à esquerda. Observou-se também correlação direta entre as alterações no espermograma com o refluxo venoso, 65% à direita e 86% à esquerda, o mesmo não ocorrendo com o diâmetro do plexo...

INTRODUCTION: Varicocele is the dilatation of the veins of the pampiniform plexus of the testicle. The association between varicocele and infertility is diagnosed in 20 to 40% of the infertile men. Currently, in the ultrasound study of varicocele, the diameter of the veins is carried through with the patient in the supine position, before and during the Valsalva maneuver, taking the diameter of the veins consideration (> 0,20cm), and a more than 1 second bigger presence of reflux according to spectral Doppler study. OBJECTIVE: A) To consider a new methodology in the ultrasonographic evaluation of varicocele. B) To evaluate the agreement of the findings in the colorful Doppler ultrasonographic examination of the pampiniform plexus vases with the alterations in the spermogram in masculine infertility. C) To evaluate the correlation between the diameter of one the pampiniform plexus vases and the alterations in the spermogram in the masculine infertility. METHODS: 266 patients from the reproduction sector human being of the Hospital of the Clinics of the University of São Paulo (HCUSP) had been examined, by means of colorful duplex-Doppler, initially with the patient in dorsal decubitus and later, after 5 minutes, in the orthostatic position, carrying through the transversal measures of the diameter of the pampiniform plexus in the two positions, in rest and in Valsalva. To the pulse study reflux was considered pathological only when persisted for more than 1 second, with speed superior to 2 cm/s. These patients were also submitted to seminal analysis. RESULTS: Regarding the methodology of accomplishment of the examination, an increase in the diameter of pampiniform plexus was noted only with the variation of the examination position, about 18% to the right and 5,9% to the left, as well as an increase in the detection of venous reflux in the orthostatic position, 23% to right and 6,8% to the left. It was also detected a correct correlation between variations...

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Infertility, Male , Sperm Count , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Ultrasonography/methods , Varicocele
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 7(4)2009. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-541614


Objective: The objective of the present study was to verify if there is any relation between diabetes mellitus and male infertility. Methods: the spermograms of 43 non-diabetic subjects and 12 diabetic patients (type 1 and 2) aged 20-60 years were compared. Spermiological findings in diabetic patients were compared with those of normal individuals of the same age. Serum testosterone, prolactin, follicle-stimulant hormone, luteinizing hormone, glucose and glycosilated hemoglobin were assayed in diabetic patients. Results: Six diabetic patients (four type 1 and two type 2) presented chronic complications attributed to neuropathy and vascular insufficiency. No difference was observed in the semen characteristics (odor, color, viscosity and pH) between the control group and the diabetic patients. There were no differences between seminal concentrations and percentage of motile spermatozoa during the first hour of observation in the two groups (p < 0.05). Impotence was reported by four diabetic patients (33.3%). Erectile failure was associated with diabetic microangiopathy and neuropathy. There were no controls with impotence. No significant hormonal changes were found in the diabetic patients. Conclusions: The present results suggest that neuropathy and vascular insufficiency may be implicated in sexual dysfunction in type 1 and 2 diabetic patients, without significantly affecting the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se há relação entre diabetes mellitus e infertilidade masculina. Métodos: Foi estudado espermograma de 43 indivíduos não-diabéticos e 12 diabéticos (tipo I e tipo II) com idade variando entre 20 e 60 anos. Os diabéticos também foram submetidos à dosagem hormonal de testosterona, prolactina, hormônio folículo-estimulante e hormônio luteinizante, além da e glicemia de jejum e hemoglobina glicosilada. Resultados: Foram encontrados seis pacientes diabéticos (quatro tipo I e dois pacientes tipo II) com complicações crônicas decorrentes da vásculo- e neuropatia diabéticas. A análise do líquido seminal dos voluntários, não-diabéticos e diabéticos, não mostrou diferenças entre as características dos sêmens: odor, cor, viscosidade e pH. Também não houve diferença entre as concentrações seminais e a porcentagem de espermatozoides móveis durante a primeira hora de observação entre os dois grupos (p > 0,05). Foi relatada impotência por quatro diabéticos (33,3%) com complicações crônicas do diabetes, secundárias à neuropatia e à angiopatia diabética. Não foi encontrada impotência em nenhum paciente do grupo não-diabético. Não foram encontradas alterações hormonais significativas nos diabéticos. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem que a neuropatia e insuficiência vascular podem estar relacionadas à disfunção sexual em pacientes diabéticos tipo I e II, sem, entretanto, comprometimento do eixo hipotálamo-hifofisário-gonadal.

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