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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310103, jun. 2024. Tab
Статья в английский, испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554609


Introducción. El examen genital en varones es una evaluación clínica simple y rápida para detectar patología urogenital. Los datos sobre prevalencia de patología urogenital en varones adolescentes son limitados. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la prevalencia de patología urogenital en varones adolescentes. Población y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal en el Servicio de Adolescencia de un hospital público de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Se evaluaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas (HC) de varones de 9 a 20 años atendidos entre 2008 y 2018; se incluyeron las que tenían examen genital. Se recabaron datos de edad, estadio puberal, orquidometría, patología urogenital antes de la adolescencia y al momento de la consulta. La prevalencia se expresó en porcentaje e intervalo de confianza del 95 % (IC95%). Se estimó necesario incluir 1167 HC como muestra poblacional. Resultados. Se evaluaron 2129 HC; se incluyeron 1429. En 686 casos no se hizo el examen genital. La población tuvo una mediana de edad de 12 años (rango intercuartílico 11-14 años). En 72 varones (5,7 %; IC95% 4,5-7,2), se halló una enfermedad genitourinaria antes de la adolescencia. Se detectó al menos una patología urogenital en 272 adolescentes (14,8 %; IC95% 13,1-16,7); las más frecuentes fueron adherencia balanoprepucial 5,3 % (IC95% 4,2-6,6), varicocele 2,7 % (IC95% 2-3,7) y fimosis 1,8 % (IC95% 1,2-2,6). Conclusiones. El examen genital permitió detectar que el 14,8 % de los varones adolescentes atendidos presentó alguna patología urogenital. Las entidades más frecuentes fueron adherencia balanoprepucial, varicocele y fimosis.

Introduction. The male genital exam is a simple and quick assessment to look for urogenital disease. Data on the prevalence of urogenital disease in male adolescents are limited. Our objective was to describe the prevalence of urogenital disease in male adolescents. Population and methods. Descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at the Department of Adolescenceof a public hospital in the City of Buenos Aires. The medical records of male patients aged 9 to 20 years seen between 2008 and 2018 were retrospectively reviewed; all those with a genital exam were included. Data on age, pubertal stage, orchidometry, and urogenital disease before adolescence and at the time of consultation were recorded. The prevalence was described as percentage and 95% confidence interval (CI).As per estimations, 1167 medical records had to be included to establish the population sample. Results. A total of 2129 medical records were assessed and 1429 were included. No genital exam had been conducted in 686 cases. The median age of the population was 12 years (interquartile range: 11­14 years). Urogenital disease before adolescence was detected in 72 boys (5.7%; 95% CI: 4.5­7.2). Urogenital disease was found in 272 adolescents (14.8%; 95% CI: 13.1­16.7); the most common conditions were balanopreputial adhesions in 5.3% (95% CI: 4.2­6.6), varicocele in 2.7% (95% CI: 2­3.7), and phimosis in 1.8% (95% CI: 1.2­2.6). Conclusions. A genital exam allowed to detect that 14.8% of adolescent boys had a urogenital diseaseThe most common conditions were balanopreputial adhesions, varicocele, and phimosis.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Phimosis/diagnosis , Phimosis/epidemiology , Varicocele/diagnosis , Varicocele/epidemiology , Outpatients , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(3)sept. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514487


Introducción: Las anomalías congénitas renales y de las vías urinarias constituyen la principal causa de enfermedad renal crónica en la edad pediátrica. Su etiología es multifactorial. Intervienen factores maternos, genéticos y ambientales. En Cuba, las afecciones congénitas del riñón y las vías urinarias constituyen una latente preocupación y aunque se ha incrementado el diagnóstico prenatal de las mismas, el número de pacientes diagnosticados es alto. Objetivo: Contribuir al conocimiento de la comunidad científica en relación con los factores de riesgo asociados a las anomalías del desarrollo renal. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura médica disponible en las bases de datos Ebsco, SciELO, Scopus, Pubmed, revistas de nefrología pediátrica, pediatría, genética y teratología; y en la red social académica: Researchgate. Se accedió, durante los últimos cinco años, a varios artículos publicados en español y en inglés. Se utilizaron los descriptores Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, hydronephrosis, risk factors, prenatal diagnosis, congenital abnormalities. Conclusiones: La presencia de la diabetes, desde la etapa preconcepcional y durante las primeras semanas del embarazo, la obesidad, las dietas maternas bajas en proteínas, y las alteraciones de la fertilidad, se asocian a las anomalías del desarrollo renal. Existen factores de riesgo específicos para determinados tipos de defectos congénitos renales y de las vías urinarias. No se considera, que el consumo del ácido fólico tenga un papel protector sobre las alteraciones de la embriogénesis renal, por lo que se recomienda ser cauteloso con la dosis que se administra a las embarazadas.

Introduction: congenital renal and urinary tract anomalies are the main cause of chronic kidney disease in children. Its etiology is multifactorial. Maternal, genetic and environmental factors are involved. In Cuba, congenital renal and urinary tract affections constitute a latent concern, and although their prenatal diagnoses have increased, the number of diagnosed patients is high. Objective: to contribute to the knowledge of the scientific community in relation to the risk factors associated with renal developmental anomalies. Methods: a systematic review of the available medical literature was carried out in Ebsco, SciELO, Scopus and Pubmed databases, in pediatric nephrology, pediatrics, genetics, and teratology journals as well as in the academic social network: Researchgate. Several articles published in Spanish and English languages were accessed during the last five years. The used descriptors were congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract, hydronephrosis, risk factors, prenatal diagnosis and congenital abnormalities. Conclusions: the presence of diabetes, from the preconceptional stage and during the first weeks of pregnancy, obesity, maternal diets low in protein, and fertility disorders, are associated with renal developmental anomalies. There are specific risk factors for certain types of kidney and urinary tract birth defects. It is not considered that the consumption of folic acid has a protective role on the alterations of renal embryogenesis, so it is recommended to be cautious with the dose administered to pregnant women.

Тема - темы
Prenatal Diagnosis , Congenital Abnormalities , Urogenital Abnormalities , Risk Factors , Hydronephrosis
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(3): 237-243, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536071


Objetivos: Reportar un caso de diagnóstico prenatal de riñón ectópico intratorácico (REI) con hernia diafragmática y manejo quirúrgico neonatal, y hacer una revisión de la literatura sobre diagnóstico prenatal de REI y el pronóstico perinatal. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de un feto de 28 semanas en el que se observó imagen ecográfica sugestiva de masa en hemitórax derecho que desplazaba corazón y pulmón; se confirmó que correspondía a un riñón intratorácico. Por laparoscopia, al recién nacido se le colocó una malla en continuidad con el diafragma dejando el riñón en el abdomen, con buena evolución. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en PubMed, Embase y Cochrane. Se buscaron cohortes, reportes y series de caso de gestaciones con diagnóstico prenatal de riñón intratorácico fetal. Se extrajo información del diseño, la población, el diagnóstico por imágenes, el tratamiento y el pronóstico. Resultados: En la búsqueda se identificaron 8 estudios que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y que informan en total ocho casos. El diagnóstico ecográfico mostró REI asociado a hernia diafragmática en todos los sujetos. Se utilizó también la RM fetal en cinco casos. Seis neonatos sobrevivieron sin complicaciones, en uno hubo interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, y otro presentó sepsis y dificultad respiratoria, finalmente fue dado de alta en buenas condiciones. Conclusiones: El REI es una anomalía congénita susceptible de diagnóstico prenatal. La sobrevida a la cirugía correctora en el periodo neonatal es frecuente. La literatura disponible en torno al diagnóstico prenatal de REI es escasa y se limita a reportes de casos.

Objectives: To report a case of prenatal diagnosis of ectopic intrathoracic kidney with diaphragmatic hernia managed surgically after birth, and to conduct a review of the literature on prenatal diagnosis of ectopic intrathoracic kidney and perinatal prognosis. Material and methods: We report the case of a 28-week fetus in which, on ultrasound imaging, a mass was observed displacing the heart and lung in the right hemithorax, which was was confirmed by magnetic resonance (MR) to be an ectopic intrathoracic kidney. After birth, the neonate was approached by laparoscopy to place a mesh in continuity with the diaphragm, leaving the kidney in the abdomen, with good evolution. A search was conducted in the PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases for cohorts, case reports and case series of prenatal diagnosis of intrathoracic kidney in the fetus. Information was retrieved regarding design, population, imaging diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Results: The search identified 8 studies that met the inclusion criteria, reporting a total of 8 cases. Ultrasound diagnosis showed ectopic intrathoracic kidney associated with diaphragmatic hernia in all the subjects. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was also used in 5 cases. Conclusions: Ectopic intrathoracic kidney is a congenital abnormality amenable to prenatal diagnosis. Survival after corrective surgery performed in the neonatal period is common. There is a paucity of publications, limited to case reports, regarding the prenatal diagnosis of this condition.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029307


Urorectal septum malformation sequence (URSMS) is a rare congenital complex malformation characterized by severe abnormalities in the urinary, reproductive and digestive systems. It is difficult to diagnose URSMS by prenatal ultrasound due to its complex and variable manifestations. This paper reported a twin with partial URSMS. Prenatal ultrasound findings included pelvic "trilobe" cystic masses, sacrococcygeal hemivertebral malformations, imperforate anus, and transient ascites. Postnatal examination confirmed the diagnosis of URSMS, as the baby girl was born with anal atresia. Her colon, urethra, and vagina converged and formed a common tract with a single perineal opening. The baby died after her parents' refusal to surgical treatment.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024193


Objective:To investigate the clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and future sex selection in patients with partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS).Methods:Retrospective analysis of clinical data of three patients with PAIS who received treatment in The Third Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Medical University, Beijing Ditan Hospital of Capital Medical University, and Beijing Yayuncun Amcare Women's and Children's Hospital from 2013 to 2015 was conducted. Physical signs, specialized examinations, surgical explorations, and treatments were analyzed. The Chinese database was searched, and 12 cases of PAIS were collected and summarized.Results:Fifteen patients with PAIS presented with primary amenorrhea (15/15). Special clinical manifestations included gender as male or appearing as male (5/15), penile dysplasia or clitoral hypertrophy (14/15), urethral dysplasia (5/15), and breast development (4/15). Eleven cases were treated based on female gender (including surgery and hormone replacement therapy). There were three special patients with PAIS who had specific etiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, histopathology, diagnosis, and treatment and ultimately underwent treatment based on female gender.Conclusion:PAIS is a rare form of disorder of sex development, featuring a karyotype of 46, XY, and is a congenital X-linked recessive condition. Understanding the pathogenesis of PAIS more thoroughly can contribute to accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment, and well-organized follow-up, thereby preventing gender dysphoria.

Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550021


Introducción: Los defectos congénitos del tracto urogenital se encuentran entre las anomalías más encontradas en el feto o neonato, lo que da una idea de su extraordinaria importancia clínica, unido a las escasas investigaciones en la provincia Camagüey, sobre factores de riesgo asociados a los defectos congénitos de genitales externos y gónadas masculinas. Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a defectos congénitos de genitales externos y gónadas masculinas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional del tipo retrospectivo en el Hospital Pediátrico Eduardo Agramonte Piña en el periodo de enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2020. El universo se conformó por los 96 pacientes que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente por presentar defectos congénitos de los genitales externos y gónadas masculinas. Para determinar la asociación de los factores de riesgo con la aparición de defectos congénitos se empleó la prueba de independencia, en caso de p<0,05 se consideró asociación significativa. Para medir la magnitud de la asociación estadística entre las variables se utilizó el coeficiente Phi, se consideró mientras más fuerte a uno fuera su valor, más correlacionadas se encontraron las variables estudiadas. Resultados: La criptorquidia fue la forma clínica con mayor número de pacientes, seguida de la hipospadias y la hidrocele. La asociación entre los padres trabajadores agrícolas y la hipospadias y la criptorquidia con padres trabajadores industriales, resultaron significativas. El hecho que la madre fuera fumadora pasiva, constituyó una variable con asociación significativa, tanto para la aparición de hipospadias como de criptorquidia. El ser fumadora pasiva fue el factor de riesgo que tuvo mayor correlación con la aparición de los defectos congénitos. Conclusiones: Existieron factores de riesgo con asociación significativa a la aparición de defectos congénitos de genitales externos y gónadas masculinas.

Introduction: Congenital defects of the urogenital tract are among the anomalies most found in the fetus or neonate, which gives an idea of ​​their extraordinary clinical importance, together with the few investigations in the Camagüey province, on risk factors associated with congenital defects of external genitalia and male gonads. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with congenital defects of the external genitalia and male gonads. Methods: A retrospective correlational study was carried out at the Eduardo Agramonte Piña Pediatric Hospital from January 2013 to December 2020. The universe was made up of the 96 patients who underwent surgery for presenting congenital defects of the external genitalia and male gonads. To determine the association of the risk factors with the appearance of congenital defects, the independence test was used; in case of p<0.05, a significant association was considered. To measure the magnitude of the statistical association between the variables, the Phi coefficient was used, it was considered that the stronger its value was, the more correlated the studied variables were found. Results: Cryptorchidism was the clinical form with the highest number of patients, followed by hypospadias and hydrocele. The association between farm worker parents and hypospadias and cryptorchidism with industrial worker parents was significant. The fact that the mother was a passive smoker was a variable with a significant association, both for the appearance of hypospadias and cryptorchidism. Being a passive smoker was the risk factor that had the highest correlation with the appearance of birth defects. Conclusions: There were risk factors with a significant association with the appearance of congenital defects of the external genitalia and male gonads.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933912


Objective:To explore the value of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and renal volume in assessing fetal kidney development and disease.Methods:From January 2016 to October 2020, 84 fetuses with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) were identified with MRI (CAKUT group), and 97 fetuses with no significant abnormalities on MRI or postnatal follow-up (control group) from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University were enrolled and analyzed retrospectively. ADC value and renal volume were measured to compare the two groups, and the relationship was analyzed between these two parameters in the control group with gestational age, location (left or right kidney), and fetal gender. Two independent or paired sample t-tests, and linear correlation analyses, were adopted for the statistical analysis. Results:(1) There were 84 pregnant women in the CAKUT group, including a twin pregnancy, with an average age of (29±4) years old, ranging from 21 to 39 years old. The gestational age at MRI was (26±4) weeks with a range of 21-34 weeks. Of the 85 fetuses, 52 were male (61.2%), and 33 were female (38.8%). The polycystic dysplastic kidney was found in 32 cases (37.6%), hydronephrosis in 29 cases (34.1%), and an isolated kidney in 24 cases (28.2%). There were 97 singleton pregnancies in the control group, including 45 (46.4%) male and 52 (53.6%) female fetuses. The average maternal age was (30±5) years old, with a range of 19-41 years old, and the gestational week at MRI was (27±4) weeks, with a range of 21-34 weeks. (2) In the control group, the mean ADC value and renal volume were (1.255±0.112)×10 -3 mm2/s and (4 747±2 479) mm 3, which were negatively ( R 2=0.30, P<0.01) and positively correlated ( R 2=0.80, P<0.01) with the gestational age, respectively. There was no significant difference between ADC value and renal volume between different fetal gender in the control group. (3) The ADC value and the renal volume of fetuses with polycystic dysplastic kidney [(1.720±0.200) ×10 -3 mm2/s and (8 154±8 337) mm 3] were higher than those in the control group ( t=-13.11 and-3.08, P<0.001 and P=0.004). Compared with the control group, ADC of fetuses with hydronephrosis [(1.333±0.171) ×10 -3 mm2/s] was higher ( t=-3.90, P<0.001); and the renal volume [(7 201±4 460) mm 3] was larger but without statistical significance. The fetuses with an isolated kidney had an increasing trend in renal volume [(5 239±4 244) mm 3] and a decreasing trend in the ADC value [(1.239±0.125) ×10 -3 mm2/s] when compared with the normal fetuses, but neither difference was significant. Conclusions:In normal fetuses, the ADC value decreases, and the renal volume increases with the gestational age. Fetuses with CAKUT may have a larger kidney than normal.

Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 925-928, 2022.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993950


Objective:To explore the safety and efficacy of continuous pair triangular flap plasty in the treatment of webbed penis.Methods:The clinical data of 5 patients with webbed penis treated by continuous pair triangular flap plasty in Tianjin Baodi Hospital from November 2020 to January 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. The average age was 18.2 (15-24) years old. Physical examination showed a webbed fusion between the ventral skin of the penis and the scrotal skin, the penoscrotal angle disappeared and penile erection was limited. The web extended to or exceeded the middle of the penis in the 5 cases. None of the 5 patients had other penile malformations. Taking the ventral midline of the penis and the junction of the penis and scrotum as the origin, a " Z-shaped" incision was made above and below it respectively, and two triangular flaps with the same size and shape but opposite direction were formed respectively. Then the triangular flaps were switched and sutured.Results:The average operation time of five patients was 13(10-20) minutes. The operative average blood loss was 1.6(1-3)ml. All patients had good wound healing and no surgical complications. Three months after operation, the appearance of the penis was satisfactory and erection was unrestricted.Conclusions:Continuous pair triangular flap plasty overcomes the disadvantages of traditional operation, and has the advantages of simple operation, good operation results and few complications. It is a good choice for the treatment of webbed penis.

urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 31(3): 96-101, 2022. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1412078


Objectives Congenital malformations constitute the first cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood in Latin America. That is why, since 2001, a surveillance system for congenital malformations has been implemented in Bogota - Colombia. However, despite the increase in detection, an impact on treatment has not been achieved. The present study describes our experience with a novel social program focused on congenital urologic disorders. Methods The present manuscript is a retrospective observational study. We reviewed two national databases containing patients with congenital malformations. Patients were actively contacted to verify the status of the malformations. Children in whom the malformation was confirmed were offered a free consultation with a multidisciplinary group. After screening for surgical indications, patients were scheduled for surgery. Results Between November 2018 and December 2019, 60 patients were identified. In total 44, attended the consultation; the remaining did not attend due to financial or travel limitations. The most common condition assessed was hypospadias. In total, 29 patients underwent surgery. The total cost of care was of US$ 5,800. Conclusions Active search improves attention times and reduces the burden of disease. The limitations to be resolved include optimizing the transportation of patients and their families, which is a frequent limitation to access health care.

Objetivos Las malformaciones congénitas corresponden a la principal causa de morbimortalidad en la infancia en América Latina, motivo por el cual desde el 2001 se viene implementando un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica de malformaciones congénitas en Bogotá, Colombia. Sin embargo, a pesar del aumento en la cobertura del reporte obligatorio, no se ha logrado un impacto sobre su tratamiento. Este estudio busca mostrar nuestra experiencia con un programa integral de pacientes con malformaciones urológicas congénitas. Métodos El presente es un estudio observacional retrospectivo. Los menores con malformaciones congénitas fueron identificados en dos bases de datos nacionales que incluyen pacientes con malformaciones congénitas. Los pacientes reportados fueron contactados telefónicamente para verificar el estado actual de la malformación. A aquellos niños en quienes se les confirmó la malformación, se les ofreció de manera gratuita una consulta con un grupo multidisciplinario. Una vez confirmadas las indicaciones quirúrgicas, fueron llevados a cirugía. Resultados Se identificaron 60 pacientes entre noviembre del 2018 y diciembre de 2019. De los pacientes identificados, 44 acudieron a consulta. Los demás no asistieron por limitaciones económicas. La principal condición valorada fue hipospadias. En total, 29 pacientes fueron llevados a cirugía. El costo total de la atención de estos pacientes fue de 22 millones de pesos colombianos. Conclusiones La búsqueda activa mejora los tiempos de atención y reduce la carga de la enfermedad. Una de las limitaciones aun por resolver es optimizar el transporte de los pacientes y sus familias, que resulta una limitación frecuente para el acceso a la salud.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Congenital Abnormalities , Urogenital Abnormalities , Mass Screening , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Delivery of Health Care , Diagnosis , Epidemiological Monitoring , Hypospadias
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 72(4): 407-422, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360993


RESUMEN Objetivo: Presentar un reporte de caso de síndrome de Herlyn Werner Wunderlich (SHWW) y hacer una revisión de la literatura para determinar los hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos en estas pacientes. Materiales y métodos: Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 16 años que consultó, en un hospital de las fuerzas militares en Bogotá, por dolor pélvico recurrente, su diagnostico final fue SHWW. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura en las diferentes bases de datos, revisiones sistemáticas, cohortes, series de casos y reportes de casos en pacientes con diagnóstico de SHWW en cualquier edad, se obtuvo información sobre las características de presentación clínica, y las tecnologías diagnósticas más frecuentemente utilizadas. Se hace resumen narrativo de los hallazgos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 77 publicaciones, un total de 676 pacientes. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron dismenorrea (63,9 %), seguido de dolor pélvico (35,2%). Las tecnologías diagnósticas más utilizadas fueron el ultrasonido pélvico en un 92,1% y la resonancia magnética nuclear en un 74,6% de los casos. La histeroscopia y laparoscopia son poco utilizados en el diagnóstico. Conclusión: El SHWW es una entidad poco frecuente, debe hacer parte del estudio complementario de la agenesia renal del paciente pediátrico y del diagnóstico diferencial de la dismenorrea primaria en pacientes en la adolescencia. Se requiere evaluar con estudios de cohorte más grandes la utilidad de la histeroscopia en estas pacientes.

ABSTRACT Objective: To report a case of Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome (HWWS) and conduct a review of the literature to determine clinical and imaging findings in these patients. Material and methods: A 16-year-old female patient who presented to a military hospital in Bogota complaining of recurrent pelvic pain, receiving a final diagnosis of HWWS. A systematic search was conducted in the different databases of systematic reviews, cohort studies, case series and case reports of patients of any age diagnosed with HWWS. Clinical presentation characteristics and the most frequent diagnostic technologies used were obtained. A narrative summary of the findings is presented. Results: Overall, 77 publications with a total of 676 patients were included. The most frequent symptom was dysmenorrhea (63.9%), followed by pelvic pain (35.2%). The most frequently used diagnostic technologies were pelvic ultrasound in 92.1% of cases and nuclear magnetic resonance in 74.6%. Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are seldom used for diagnosing this condition. Conclusion: HWWS is an infrequent disease condition. It must be part of the work-up for renal agenesis in pediatric patients and of the differential diagnosis in primary dysmenorrhea in adolescence. The role of hysteroscopy in this condition must be further assessed in larger cohort studies.

Тема - темы
Adolescent , Urogenital Abnormalities , Solitary Kidney , Mullerian Ducts
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911958


Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are common congenital malformations identified by prenatal ultrasound. This review summarizes the fetal renal development, the mechanism of CAKUT, and the influence of the fetal environment on CAKUT. CAKUT can manifest as different degrees of renal disease, from transient hydronephrosis to severe bilateral renal dysplasia, a major risk factor for chronic and end-stage renal disease in childhood. Genetic factors and abnormal fetal environment can both contribute to CAKUT. Ultrasound screening is conducive to detect CAKUT but may miss some defects. Monogenic mutations identified in CAKUT can help us gain more insight into the molecular mechanisms of renal development.

Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911989


Objective:To evaluate the detection of copy number variation (CNV) by chromosome microarray analysis (CMA) in fetuses with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT).Methods:A total of 1 929 fetuses who were ultrasonically found with CAKUT and underwent CMA from Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital and Health Institute were enrolled in this retrospective study from January 2016 to July 2020. These fetuses were divided into isolated CAKUT group ( n=1 567), CAKUT with soft markers group ( n=269), and CAKUT with other structural anomalies group ( n=93) for comparing the detection rate of pathogenic CNV using Chi-square test or Fisher exact test. Results:(1)The detection rate of all and pathogenic CNVs were 6.5%(125/1 929) and 4.8%(93/1 929), respectively. The total detection rate of CNV, clinically significant CNV and large chromosome structural variations in the CAKUT with other structural anomalies group were higher than those of the CAKUT with soft markers group and isolated CAKUT groups[31.2%(29/93), 11.5%(31/269) vs 4.2%(65/1 567), χ2=119.002; 18.3%(17/93), 9.0%(24/269) vs 3.6%(56/1 567), χ2=49.677; 9.7%(9/93), 2.2%(6/269) vs 0.3%(4/1 567), χ2=42.727; all P<0.001]. CAKUT with other structural anomalies group had a higher detection rate of pathogenic CNV (18.3%, 17/93) than the CAKUT with soft markers group (8.6%, 23/269) and the isolated CAKUT group [3.4%(53/1 567)] ( χ2=51.932, P<0.001). (2) The detection rate of pathogenic CNV was the highest in fetuses with enhanced renal echo (14.7%, 23/156), followed by renal enlargement (8.2%, 5/61), renal dysplasia (5.0%,13/261), polycystic renal dysplasia (5.0%, 13/261), and hydronephrosis (4.8%, 20/413). Fetuses with polycystic renal dysplasia, renal agenesis, fused kidney and hydronephrosis in the CAKUT with other structural anomalies group had a higher detection rate of pathogenic CNV than those in the isolated CAKUT group [3/9 vs 3.5%(8/230), 2/17 vs 1.3%(3/237), 1/8 vs 0.0%(0/59) and 3/18 vs 3.4%(12/344), all P<0.017]. The CAKUT with other structural anomalies group had a higher detection rate of pathogenic CNV than CAKUT with soft markers group in fetuses with enhanced renal echo [4/8 vs 12.8%(5/39), P<0.017]. (3) The top three microdeletion/microduplication syndrome were 17q12 microdeletion syndrome (36.6%, 34/93), 22q11.2 microdeletion syndrome (23.7%, 22/93), and 16p11.2 microdeletion syndrome (7.5%, 7/93) among those with pathogenic CNV. Conclusions:The risk of CNV in fetuses with isolated CAKUT, CAKUT with soft markers, and CAKUT with additional structural anomalies increased progressively. CMA might be a better choice in fetuses with hydronephrosis, enhanced renal echo, renal enlargement, renal hypoplasia, and multicystic renal dysplasia to improve the detection rate of CNV.

Univ. salud ; 22(3): 288-291, set.-dic. 2020. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1139850


Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de obstrucción hemivaginal y anomalía renal ipsilateral (OHVIRA, por sus siglas en inglés) o también llamado síndrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich es una rara malformación mulleriana que consiste en la presencia de útero didelfo, obstrucción hemivaginal y anomalía renal ipsilateral. La incidencia de malformaciones mullerianas son del 2 al 3%, y la menos común es el síndrome de OHVIRA. Objetivo: Descripción de un caso excepcional de alteraciones mullerianas poco conocido. Presentación del caso: Adolescente de 14 años con historia de dolor pélvico, dismenorrea e infecciones urinarias a repetición. Se estudió con gammagrafía renal que reveló agenesia renal derecha y resonancia magnética pélvica que mostró útero didelfo con hematocolpos derechos. Se confirmaron los hallazgos por laparoscopia diagnóstica. Conclusiones: Este síndrome es poco conocido. Debe sospecharse en casos de agenesia renal, dolor pélvico crónico y alteraciones menstruales en pacientes postpuberes. El abordaje es multidisciplinario.

Abstract Introduction: The obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) syndrome, also known as the Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome, is a rare müllerian anomaly characterized by didelphic uterus, hemivaginal obstruction, and ipsilateral renal anomaly. The incidence of müllerian malformations is 2% - 3%, OHVIRA being the least common of these cases. Objective: To describe an exceptional case of a müllerian disorder. Case presentation: A 14-year-old adolescent with a history of pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and recurrent urinary infections. Renal gammagraphy analysis revealed right renal agenesis, and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging showed a didelphic uterus with right hematocolpos. These findings were confirmed by diagnostic laparoscopy. Conclusions: This syndrome is not well known. Renal anegesis, chronic pelvic pain, and menstrual abnormalities in post-pubertal patients must be presumed as indicators of OHVIRA, whose treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Тема - темы
Uterine Hemorrhage , Urogenital Abnormalities , Solitary Kidney
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879918


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the morbidity of congenital heart defects(CHDs) in children with anorectal malformation, and to summarize appropriate treatment.@*METHODS@#The clinical data and echocardiographic findings of 155 children with congenital anorectal malformations from the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University during January 2016 and October 2019 were reviewed. According to the surgical findings of anorectal malformations, the patients were categorized as the high/intermediate group and the low group; the CHDs were classified as minor CHDs and major CHDs. Multiple logistic regression was used to analyze the correlation of wingspread classification, and extracardiac malformations with the severity of CHDs.@*RESULTS@#Out of 155 children with anorectal malformations, 47 (30.3%) had different types of cardiac structural malformations, including 18 cases of minor CHDs (11.6%) and 29 cases of major CHDs (18.7%). Sixty children (38.7%) had extracardiac malformations, of which 38 cases (24.5%) had a single extracardiac malformation, 15 cases (9.7%) had multiple extracardiac malformations, 6 had trisomy 21 syndrome, and 1 had VATER syndrome. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that wingspread classification of anorectal malformation and extracardiac disorders were independent risk factors for major CHDs. The probability of major CHDs in children with high/intermediate anorectal malformation was 4.709 times higher than that with low anorectal malformation (@*CONCLUSIONS@#The morbidity of major CHDs is higher in severe cases with high/intermediate anorectal malformation and acute cases without fistula or with obstructed fistula and cases with multiple congenital disorders. Echocardiography can define the type and severity of CHDs, which are useful to develop the optimal diagnosis and treatment plan for children with anorectal malformation.

Тема - темы
Child , Humans , Abnormalities, Multiple , Anorectal Malformations/therapy , Heart Defects, Congenital/mortality , Retrospective Studies
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(5): 505-508, oct. 2019. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1054972


El síndrome WAGR (tumor de Wilms, aniridia, anomalías genitourinarias y retraso mental) es un trastorno genético infrecuente debido a la deleción de la región 11p13, que contiene los genes WT1 y PAX6. Comprende una combinación distintiva de afecciones clínicas; la aniridia y el tumor de Wilms son las más notables. Se presenta a un lactante de 17 meses con microcefalia, alteraciones oculares (buftalmos, leucocoria, aniridia bilateral), hipoplasia escrotal, testículos en la región inguinal y retraso en el neurodesarrollo, a quien se le realizó el estudio de amplificación de sondas dependiente de ligandos múltiples para WT1, que mostró haploinsuficiencia en las sondas que hibridaban la región 11p13, compatible con una deleción en heterocigosis del gen. Posteriormente, se diagnosticó tumor de Wilms. Dada su baja prevalencia, es importante difundir sus características clínicas y hacer énfasis en un manejo interdisciplinario centrado en la identificación precoz del síndrome y de sus posibles complicaciones. .

WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies and mental retardation) is an uncommon genetic disorder due to the deletion of the 11p13 region that contains the WT1 and PAX6 genes. It involves a distinctive combination of clinical conditions, with aniridia and Wilms tumor being the most notable. We present a 17-month-old infant with microcephaly, ocular alterations (buphthalmos, leukocoria, bilateral aniridia), scrotal hypoplasia, undescended testes and neurodevelopmental delay who underwent multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification study for WT1, showing haploinsufficiency in the probes that hybridize to the 11p13 region, compatible with an heterozygous deletion of the gene. Wilms tumor was later diagnosed. WAGR syndrome is infrequent; its report in Latin America is low. It is important to disseminate its clinical characteristics, emphasizing an interdisciplinary management focused on the early identification of both the syndrome and its possible complications.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Infant , WAGR Syndrome/genetics , Wilms Tumor , Urogenital Abnormalities , Aniridia , WAGR Syndrome/metabolism , WT1 Proteins
Chinese Journal of Urology ; (12): 583-586, 2019.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-755491


Objective To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of unilateral ectopic ureter in children.Methods The clinical data of 41 cases of ureteral ectopic children admitted to our hospital from January 2014 to June 2018 were retrospectively analyzed including the clinical features,diagnosis,surgical treatments.There were 4 males and 37 females patients,aged from 0.4 to 12.7 years,with an average of 3.5 years old.Urinary incontinence was the main manifestation in 35 cases,including 14 cases with urinary tract infection.Preoperative ultrasonography and IVP examination were performed in all the 41 children.The dynamic radionuclide renal imaging was performed in the children who showed no renal inhencement with IVP.There were 27 cases of ipsilateral renal duplication and 9 cases of ipsilateral renal dysplasia.Ectopic fusion of kidney with ipsilateral ectopic ureter has one case on each side,and bilateral renal duplication with ectopic fusion of kidney with left ureteral ectopic in 1 case.The ipsilateral kidneys were normal in 2 cases.There were 27 cases with renal duplication,24 cases with upper renal dysplasia due to upper heminephrectomy,3 cases with well upper renal function,2 cases with lower superior ureteral pelvis anastomosis,and 1 case with ureterocystostomy.Laparoscopic dysplasia nephrectomy was performed on 9 patients with renal dysplasia,and nephrectomy was performed on 3 patients with renal dysplasia with ectopic renal fusion.Ureterocystostomy was performed in 2 cases with normal kidney.Results All 41 patients were followed up for 4-57 months,with an average of 25.3 months.Among the 35 children with urinary incontinence before the operation,33 cases had complete disappearance of urinary incontinence symptoms,and 2 cases had urgent urinary incontinence after the operation,presenting as frequent and small amount of urine discharge,with a strong sense of urination urgency.The micturition interval was shortened,ranging from 30 to 40min in the daytime,and 2 to 3 hours at night.The parents of the children were required to remind them to micturate regularly.Of the 41 cases,3 developed urinary tract infection 6-10 months after operation,and cured by antibiotics without recurrence.Conclusions Ectopic ureter is relatively rare,but urinary incontinence is the most common clinical manifestation.Ultrasound examination could be the preferred examination method.IVP further identified the patients with ectopic ureter who had kidney combined with malformation and renal function.The surgical treatments are mainly based on the corresponding renal function,and the prognosis is good.

Chinese Journal of Nephrology ; (12): 113-118, 2019.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-745957


Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and genetic features of children with papillorenal syndrome caused by PAX2 gene mutation.Methods Clinical manifestations,imaging changes and sequencing data were collected and analyzed from a family with papillorenal syndrome who were diagnosed in Wuhan Children's Hospital in February 2018."PAX2","papillorenal syndrome" and "renal coloboma syndrome" were used as key words to search in China National Knowledge Infrastructure,Wangfang Data Knowledge Service Platform,PubMed and Human Gene Mutation Database up to April 2018.Results A ten years old girl was admitted due to "edema and urine output decreased for one week".Lab showed BUN 25.30 mmol/L,Scr 766.5 μmol/L,Urine protein 3.6 g/24 h.Imaging examination showed bilateral vesical and ureter reflux combined with left duplex kidney and duplication of ureter.Developmental dysplasia of the left hip was also found.The father of the patient had been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease for 10 years and on hemodialysis for 6 years.Next generation sequencing revealed that both the father and daughter carried a heterozygous nonsense mutation in the exon3 c.219C > G(p.Y73X) of PAX2.No Chinese literature ever was reported about papillorenal syndrome.Ninety-four articles in English were retrieved and 177 patients with papillorenal syndrome were confirmed by gene analysis with a total of 92 PAX2 variants.Ten nonsense mutations had been reported.Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) never be reported before.Conclusion Papillorenal syndrome caused by PAX2 mutation can mainly manifest as abnormal development of both kidney and optic nerve,which may be accompanied by other systemic abnormalities,it is rarely reported in China.DDH may be a new phenotype of papillorenal syndrome.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(2): 139-145, ene. 2019. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154285


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: El síndrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wünderlich es una anomalía congénita mülleriana rara, que se caracteriza por la asociación entre útero didelfo, obstrucción del tabique vaginal y agenesia renal. PRIMER CASO: Paciente de 13 años, con dolor pélvico severo de 8 días de evolución. Durante el examen físico refirió dolor abdominal generalizado. La ecografía pélvica abdominal mostró: útero bicorne con hematocolpos y la resonancia magnética nuclear: útero único con hematocolpos y agenesia renal derecha. En la laparoscopia se evidenció el útero didelfo, con hematosalpinx, síndrome adherencial moderado de epiplón y focos de endometriosis. Se efectuaron la incisión del tabique vaginal y su resección. Con esto se consiguió el drenaje completo del hematocolpos y fue posible la vaginoplastia; la paciente tuvo buena evolución. SEGUNDO CASO: Paciente de 30 años, con dismenorrea, dolor pélvico y ciclos regulares. En el examen físico se observaron dos cuellos uterinos: el derecho de aspecto normal y el izquierdo puntiforme. La ecografía mostró: útero didelfo con colección líquida en el medio. La resonancia magnética reportó: útero didelfo y agenesia renal izquierda. En la histeroscopia se evidenció, en el cuello derecho y a la mitad del útero una cavidad tubular. El endometrio y ostium derecho normal. El cuello izquierdo era rudimentario y puntiforme, con salida de material purulento. La laparoscopia evidenció dos hemiúteros con trompas y ovarios normales. CONCLUSIÓN: El diagnóstico temprano de esta anomalía congénita disminuye la morbilidad a largo plazo, la posibilidad de endometriosis, deterioro de la fertilidad y las complicaciones obstétricas. El tratamiento es con técnicas de mínimo acceso que ofrecen más ventajas: magnificación del campo quirúrgico, menor dolor posoperatorio, recuperación más rápida y mejor resultado estético.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The Herlyn-Werner-Wünderlich syndrome is a rare Müllerian congenital anomaly, characterized by the association between didelphus uterus, obstruction of the vaginal septum and renal agenesia. FIRST CASE: Patient of 13 years, with severe pelvic pain of 8 days of evolution. During the physical examination he reported generalized abdominal pain. Abdominal pelvic ultrasound showed: bicornuate uterus with hematocolpos and nuclear magnetic resonance: single uterus with hematocolpos and right renal agenesis. In laparoscopy the didelphus uterus was evidenced, with hematosalpinx, moderate adherent adhesion syndrome and foci of endometriosis. The incision of the vaginal septum and its resection were made. With this, complete drainage of the hematocolpos was achieved and vaginoplasty was possible; the patient had a good evolution. SECOND CASE: Patient of 30 years, with dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain and regular cycles. In the physical examination two uterine necks were observed: the right one of normal aspect and the left one punctate. The ultrasound showed: uterus didelphy with liquid collection in the middle. Magnetic resonance reported: didelphys uterus and left renal agenesis. The hysteroscopy revealed a tubular cavity in the right neck and in the middle of the uterus. The endometrium and normal right ostium. The left neck was rudimentary and punctate, with leakage of purulent material. The laparoscopy showed two hemiutero with normal tubes and ovaries. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis of this congenital anomaly decreases long-term morbidity, the possibility of endometriosis, impaired fertility and obstetric complications. The treatment is with minimal access techniques that offer more advantages than open surgery.

Статья в английский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-989573


ABSTRACT Introduction: The Herlyn-Werner-Wünderlich (HWW) syndrome is the association of three urogenital anatomic alterations of low incidence. Müllerian alterations are rare and are usually incidental findings; consequently, they are underdiagnosed and their genesis and correlation with having a higher probability of expression on the right side are unknown. Case Report: This is the case of a 17-year-old patient who consulted for severe hypogastric abdominal pain linked to foul-smelling bleeding. On physical examination, a vaginal septum was found, while complementary images showed uterus didelphys and renal agenesis, leading to diagnose HWW syndrome. Furthermore, pyometra and hematocolpus were also documented and managed with antibiotic therapy. Given the adequate response to treatment, hospital discharge was authorized with follow-up by external consultation, since the definitive management could not be provided during hospital stay. Discussion: One of the causes of recurrent abortions is the presence of this syndrome; however, when properly diagnosed, definitive treatment can be provided to reduce con-ceptional losses and urogenital hematopuru-lent collections. Conclusions: HWW syndrome is a rare malformation that increases the risk of suffering from gynecological infectious diseases or blood collections. Surgical management of the vaginal septum is a definitive treatment that improves quality of life and reduces the risk of morbidities associated with the pathology.

RESUMEN Introducción. El síndrome de Herlyn-Werner-Wünderlich (HWW) es una asociación de tres alteraciones anatómicas urogenitales de baja incidencia. Las alteraciones müllerianas son poco comunes y suelen ser hallazgos incidentales, por lo que se encuentran subdiag-nosticadas y poco se conoce su génesis o su relación con tener más probabilidad de expresión en el lado derecho. Reporte de caso. Se trata de una paciente de 17 años quien consultó por dolor abdominal hipogástrico de fuerte intensidad ligado a sangrado fétido. En el examen físico se encontró tabique vaginal y en las imágenes complementarias se evidenció útero didelfo y agenesia renal, diagnosticando así síndrome HWW. Igualmente, se documentó piómetra y hematocolpos que se manejaron con terapia de antibióticos; dada la adecuada respuesta al tratamiento, se dio egreso hospitalario con seguimiento por consulta externa, pues el manejo definitivo no se pudo proporcionar durante la estancia hospitalaria. Discusión. Una causa de abortos a repetición es la presencia de síndrome HWW; sin embargo, al ser correctamente diagnosticado, se puede dar un tratamiento definitivo que disminuya las perdidas concepcionales y colecciones hematopurulentas urogenitales. Conclusiones. El síndrome HWW es una malformación poco común que aumenta el riesgo de padecer cuadros infecciosos ginecológicos o colecciones hemáticas. El tratamiento definitivo consiste en el manejo quirúrgico del tabique vaginal que mejora la calidad de vida y disminuye el riesgo de morbilidades asociadas a la patología.

Тема - темы
Humans , Urogenital Abnormalities , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures , Uterus , Pyometra , Genitalia
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611383


Objective To assess the application of MRI in diagnosis of oblique vaginal septum syndrome (OVSS).Methods Clinical and imaging data of 41 patients with OVSS confirmed by surgery from March 2011 to November 2016 were retrospectively analyzed.Results The average age of patients was 20.5 year (10-46 years).The primary clinical symptoms were menorrhalgia (16 cases) and menorrhagia (13 cases).There were 12 cases of type Ⅰ,23 cases of type Ⅱ,5 cases of type Ⅲ and 1 case of type Ⅳamong 41 cases of OVSS.The resections for OVSS were performed in 35 cases.Forty two cases were diagnosed as OVSS by MRI scan,and 41 were confirmed by surgery,the accuracy of MRI diagnosis was 97.6% (41/42).MRI showed uterus didelphys,hydrocolpos or hematocolpos with varying degrees,and revealed ipsilateral renal agenesis in all 41 cases.Conclusion MRI scan can accurately diagnose oblique vaginal septum syndrome and provide comprehensive information for clinical treatment.

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