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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 544-549, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563023


Introducción. Anudar es una de las habilidades quirúrgicas esenciales y de su correcta ejecución dependen procesos de vital importancia. La adquisición de estas competencias requiere trabajo motor, entornos amigables y realistas. Una estrategia para facilitar el aprendizaje de la técnica de anudado es generar instrumentos de simulación accesibles. Métodos. Se presenta un simulador de nudos quirúrgicos, construido con materiales de bajo costo y asequibles para la población en general, con un presupuesto de aproximadamente $5.000 COP (US$ 1,23). Resultados. Se desarrolló un simulador de nudos quirúrgicos que, al fijarse a la extremidad inferior desde una posición sentada, proporciona una superficie estable para llevar a cabo la práctica de anudado de manera efectiva. Conclusión. La cirugía moderna considera la seguridad del paciente como la principal prioridad, por lo que ya no es apropiado adoptar un método de formación de "ver uno, hacer uno, enseñar uno". Es la práctica constante mediante simuladores, el método más adecuado. Este trabajo presenta una alternativa de aprendizaje ininterrumpido de las técnicas quirúrgicas relacionadas con los nudos.

Introduction. Knotting is one of the essential surgical skills and vitally important processes that depends on its correct execution. The acquisition of these skills requires motor work, friendly and realistic environments. A strategy to facilitate learning the knotting technique is to generate accessible simulation instruments. Methods. A surgical knot simulator is presented, built with low-budget materials and affordable for the general population, with a budget of approximately $5,000 COP (US$ 1.23). Results. A surgical knot simulator has been developed in a way that, when attached to the thigh of a lower extremity from a seated position, provides a stable surface to effectively perform knot tying practice. Conclusion. Modern surgery considers patient safety as the top priority, so it is no longer appropriate to adopt a "see one, do one, teach one" training method. Constant practice using simulators is the most appropriate method. This work presents an alternative for uninterrupted learning of surgical techniques related to knots.

Тема - темы
Humans , General Surgery , Teaching Materials , Simulation Exercise , Low Cost Technology , Education, Medical, Graduate , Education, Medical, Undergraduate
Edumecentro ; 162024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557712


Fundamento: los objetos de aprendizaje han generado una nueva forma de pensar acerca del contenido, y se han convertido en un recurso con entidad propia, susceptible de ser reutilizado. Objetivo: diseñar un objeto de aprendizaje para el tema Defectos congénitos del sistema nervioso, relacionados con la Embriología, dentro de los contenidos de la asignatura Sistema Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Manzanillo "Celia Sánchez Manduley", en el período noviembre 2021 a diciembre 2022. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inductivo-deductivo e histórico-lógico; empírico: análisis de documentos que norman el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de la Embriología, encuestas y criterio de expertos, y métodos estadísticos para el análisis de los datos encontrados. Resultados: se conformó un objeto de aprendizaje para la didáctica especial del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de los contenidos de Embriología en la asignatura Sistemas Nervioso Endocrino y Reproductor. En su diseño se utilizó el Modelo ADDIE compuesto por 5 fases: análisis, diseño, desarrollo, implementación y evaluación. Se emplearon materiales en diversos formatos, PDF, word, presentaciones digitales y videos; se realizaron enlaces a materiales complementarios y se confeccionó una galería de imágenes sobre defectos congénitos. Conclusiones: fue evaluado satisfactoriamente por criterio de expertos por su coherencia didáctica y calidad de los contenidos; permite incentivar la motivación, la usabilidad y la reusabilidad.

Background: learning objects have generated a new way of thinking about content, and have become a resource with its own entity, capable of being reused. Objective: design a learning object for the topic congenital defects of the nervous system, related to Embryology, within the contents of the subject Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive System. Methods: a technological development investigation was carried out at the "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Faculty of Medical Sciences of Manzanillo, from November 2021 to December 2022. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; empirical ones: analysis of documents that regulate the teaching-learning process of Embryology, surveys and expert criteria, and statistical methods for the analysis of the data found. Results: a learning object was formed for the special didactics of the teaching-learning process of the contents of Embryology in the subject Endocrine and Reproductive Nervous Systems. In its design, the ADDIE Model was used, composed of 5 phases: analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Materials were used in various formats, PDF, Word, digital presentations and videos; Links were made to complementary materials and an image gallery on congenital defects was created. Conclusions: it was satisfactorily evaluated by expert criteria for its didactic coherence and quality of the contents; it allows you to encourage motivation, usability and reusability.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550235


Es necesario profundizar en la investigación pedagógica en las ciencias médicas, a fin de que las publicaciones compilen evidencias científicas y experiencias derivadas del ejercicio docente para crear una didáctica particular que perfeccione el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y siente las bases para el posterior desarrollo de los métodos de trabajo en las profesiones en salud. Es propósito de estos autores comunicar sobre la conformación de un manual de redacción, en cuyas páginas encontrarán los interesados en incursionar en el cambiante mundo de las publicaciones, una guía metodológica detallada que les permitirá mejorar su desempeño durante el proceso de construcción y envío de sus artículos a través de las plataformas de revistas en acceso abierto; además, alerta sobre la ética en la publicación científica y el riesgo de publicar en revistas depredadoras y secuestradoras.

It is necessary to deepen pedagogical research in the medical sciences, so that publications compile scientific evidence and experiences derived from teaching to create a particular didactics that perfects the teaching-learning process and lays the foundations for the subsequent development of teaching methods. work in the health professions. It is the purpose of these authors to communicate about the creation of a writing manual, in whose pages those interested in entering the changing world of publications will find a detailed methodological guide that will allow them to improve their performance during the process of construction and submission of their articles through open access journal platforms; Furthermore, it warns about ethics in scientific publication and the risk of publishing in predatory and kidnapping journals.

Тема - темы
Manuals as Topic , Teaching Materials , Education, Medical , Knowledge Management
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563737


Introducción: Los actores del ámbito educativo deben gestionar procesos adecuados y coherentes con la movilidad social que acontece en la sociedad. Objetivo: Exponer los resultados del diagnóstico del estado inicial de la gestión didáctica de los docentes de la asignatura Ginecología y Obstetricia en situaciones de contingencia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo en el Hospital Universitario Ginecobstétrico Provincial Ana Betancourt de Mora durante el año 2022. Se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes dimensiones: cognitiva, instrumental y actitudinal con sus respectivos indicadores e índices a medir en el diagnóstico de necesidades. El diagnóstico efectuado se aplicó a 17 docentes de dicha asignatura que laboran en la mencionada institución. Resultados: La dimensión cognitiva fue evaluada de regular, aunque la mayoría de los docentes conocían lo relativo al programa vigente de la asignatura Ginecología y Obstetricia, la mayor cantidad de ellos desconocían los reajustes realizados en situaciones de contingencia. La dimensión instrumental fue evaluada de mal porque los dos indicadores que la componen fueron evaluados de igual modo; mientras que la dimensión actitudinal fue evaluada de regular. Conclusiones: La determinación de la situación inicial de la gestión didáctica de los docentes de la asignatura Ginecología y Obstetricia en situaciones de contingencia, confirmó la presencia de insuficiencias en la gestión didáctica de dicha asignatura en las condiciones señaladas. Ello refleja la necesidad de instrumentar vías para su perfeccionamiento.

Introduction: The actors in the educational field must manage adequate and coherent processes with the social mobility that occurs in society. Objective: To present the results of the diagnosis of the initial state of the didactic management of the teachers of the subject Gynecology and Obstetrics in contingency situations. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out at the Ana Betancourt de Mora Provincial Gynecobstetric University Hospital during the year 2022. The following dimensions were taken into account: cognitive, instrumental and attitudinal with their respective indicators and indices to be measured in the diagnosis of needs. The diagnosis made was applied to 17 teachers of the said subject who work in the aforementioned institution. Results: The cognitive dimension was evaluated as regular, although most of the teachers knew about the current program of the Gynecology and Obstetrics subject, most of them were unaware of the readjustments made in contingency situations. The instrumental dimension was evaluated poorly because the two indicators that comprise it were evaluated in the same way; while the attitudinal dimension was evaluated as regular. Conclusions: The determination of the initial situation of the didactic management of the teachers of the Gynecology and Obstetrics subject in contingency situations, confirmed the presence of insufficiencies in the didactic management of said subject under the indicated conditions. This reflects the need to implement ways for its improvement.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564490


Fundamento: los materiales docentes propician mejorar el proceso educacional porque, entre otras ventajas, facilitan la propuesta de reflexiones críticas que ponderan la calidad de un estudio direccionado a concienciar la labor educativa. Objetivo: elaborar materiales docentes sobre el tema Medicamentos que actúan sobre el sistema cardiovascular y hemolinfopoyético que permitan perfeccionar el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje de la asignatura Farmacología Clínica en la carrera de Medicina. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara en el período comprendido enero-julio 2022. La investigación se organizó en tres etapas. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; empíricos: revisión documental y criterios de especialistas para la valoración del producto diseñado. Resultados: los temas relacionados con la terapéutica de enfermedades cardiovasculares en la asignatura Farmacología Clínica han tenido una baja promoción en sus resultados, lo cual evidenció la necesidad de la elaboración de materiales docentes en función de la preparación de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: se elaboraron materiales docentes sobre la terapéutica de enfermedades cardiovasculares que permitan perfeccionar la enseñanza de la asignatura Farmacología Clínica en la carrera de Medicina los especialistas al orientar a los estudiantes en su actividad de aprendizaje independiente.

Background: teaching aids help improve the educational process because, among other advantages, they facilitate the proposal of critical reflections that evaluate the quality of a study aimed at raising awareness of educational work. Objective: to develop teaching aids on the topic Medications that act on the cardiovascular and hemolymphopoietic system that allow perfecting the teaching-learning process of the subject Clinical Pharmacology in the Medicine degree. Methods: Development research was carried out at the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences in the period from January to July 2022. The research was organized in three stages. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; Empirical ones: documentary review and specialist criteria for evaluating the designed product. Results: the topics related to the therapy of cardiovascular diseases in the subject Clinical Pharmacology have had a low promotion in their results, which evidenced the need to develop teaching aids based on the preparation of the students. Conclusions: teaching aids on the therapy of cardiovascular diseases were developed that allow specialists to improve the teaching of the subject Clinical Pharmacology in the Medicine program by guiding students in their independent learning activity.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564499


Fundamento: los sistemas educativos enfrentan el desafío de utilizar las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para proveer a sus estudiantes de las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios impuestos en el siglo XXI. Objetivo: diseñar la estructura temática del libro electrónico para la asignatura Informática Básica en las ciencias médicas. Métodos: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con enfoque cualitativo en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas "Calixto García" en el curso 2022. Se utilizaron métodos de nivel teórico: histórico-lógico, sistémico estructural, modelación e inductivo- deductivo. En el nivel empírico: entrevista y cuestionario para verificar los nexos y relaciones que se ofrecen en los referentes teóricos relacionados con las características que debe poseer un libro de texto como medio de enseñanza en el proceso docente educativo. Resultados: se elaboró el libro electrónico de Informática Básica donde su tuvieron en cuenta los objetivos y desarrollo de habilidades declarados en el programa de la asignatura; contiene cinco temas; está estructurado en portada, índice y capítulos; tiene ejercicios propuestos y ejercicios resueltos, diagramas, animaciones e imágenes, vínculos donde se puede extraer información adicional y precisa, y múltiples documentos bibliográficos. Conclusiones: el libro electrónico para la asignatura Informática Básica fortalece el desarrollo del proceso docente educativo y sirve de base para la formación de habilidades una vez graduado el estudiante. Fue valorado como adecuado acorde a los objetivos del curso, por los expertos consultados.

Background: educational systems face the challenge of using information and communications technologies to provide their students with the necessary tools and knowledge imposed in the 21st century. Objective: design the thematic structure of the electronic book for the subject Basic Computing in medical sciences. Methods: a development research with a qualitative approach was carried out at the "Calixto García" Faculty of Medical Sciences in the 2022 academic year. Theoretical level methods were used: historical-logical, structural systemic, modeling and inductive-deductive. At the empirical level: interview and questionnaire to verify the links and relationships offered in the theoretical references related to the characteristics that a textbook should have as a teaching aid for the teaching-learning process. Results: the Basic Computing electronic book was prepared where the objectives and development of skills declared in the subject program were taken into account; it contains five topics; It is structured into a cover, index and chapters; It has proposed exercises and solved exercises, diagrams, animations and images, links where additional and precise information can be extracted, and multiple bibliographic documents. Conclusions: the electronic book for the Basic Computing subject strengthens the development of the educational teaching process and serves as a basis for the formation of skills once the student graduates. It was assessed as adequate according to the objectives of the course, by the experts consulted.

Edumecentro ; 162024.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564502


Fundamento: incluir un software educativo en las actividades docentes favorece un aprendizaje activo y significativo en los estudiantes. Objetivo: diseñar un software educativo para perfeccionar el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje en la asignatura Farmacología Clínica en la educación médica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de innovación tecnológica en el periodo de febrero a noviembre de 2022, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; y empíricos: revisión documental, y entrevista a especialistas para la valoración del producto diseñado. La investigación se organizó en cuatro etapas. Resultados: el producto informático FarmApk se diseñó garantizando que la interfaz de usuario fuera motivadora y estimulante, con efectos visuales afines al entorno digital, y con efectiva interrelación dinámica estudiante-software, para ejercitar y profundizar los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la Farmacología Clínica, el cual fue valorado por criterios de especialistas. Conclusiones: se elaboró un software educativo como recurso de enseñanza, que permite ejercitar y profundizar los conocimientos adquiridos a fin de lograr una mejor comprensión de los temas relacionados con la Farmacología Clínica, y garantizar la continuidad de la actividad docente en la formación del estudiante de Medicina.

Rationale: including educational software in teaching activities favors active and meaningful learning in students. Objective: to design an educational software to improve the teaching-learning process in the subject Clinical Pharmacology in medical education. Methods: a technological innovation study was carried out from February to November 2022, at the University of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; and empirical methods: documentary review, and interview to specialists for the evaluation of the designed product. The research was organized in four stages. Results: the FarmApk software product was designed ensuring that the user interface was motivating and stimulating, with visual effects related to the digital environment, and with effective student-software dynamic interrelation, to exercise and deepen the knowledge acquired on Clinical Pharmacology, which was evaluated by specialists' criteria. Conclusions: an educational software was elaborated as a teaching resource, which allows exercising and deepening the acquired knowledge to achieve a better understanding of the topics related to Clinical Pharmacology, and to guarantee the continuity of the teaching activity in the formation of the Medicine student.

Acta cir. bras ; 39: e395424, 2024. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1568715


ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop and assess three-dimensional models of physeal fractures in dog femurs (3D MPFDF) using radiographic imaging. Methods: The study was conducted in three phases: development of 3D MPFDF; radiographic examination of the 3D MPFDF; and comparative analysis of the anatomical and radiographic features of the 3D MPFDF. Results: The base model and the 3D MPFDF achieved high fidelity in replicating the bone structures, accurately maintaining the morphological characteristics and dimensions such as length, width, and thickness, closely resembling natural bone. The radiographs of the 3D MPFDF displayed distinct radiopaque and radiolucent areas, enabling clear visualization of the various anatomical structures of the femur. However, in these radiographs, it was challenging to distinguish between the cortical and medullary regions due to the use of 99% internal padding in the printing process. Despite this limitation, the radiographs successfully demonstrated the representation of the Salter-Harris classification. Conclusions: This paper presents a pioneering project focused on technological advancement aimed at developing a method for the rapid and cost-effective production of three-printed models and radiographs of physeal fractures in dogs.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE01361, 2024. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1519823


Resumo Objetivo Validar o conteúdo do roteiro de um recurso audiovisual para pessoas vivendo com HIV. Métodos Estudo metodológico com abordagem quantitativa, norteado pelo referencial teórico metodológico da psicometria. A validação de conteúdo foi realizada por juízes especialistas na área temática usando a técnica Delphi. A amostra foi composta por 22 juízes na primeira análise de validação e sete juízes na segunda análise. Resultados Todos domínios analisados apresentaram coeficiente de validade de conteúdo (CVC) >0,80, com CVC total (CVCt) de 0,96, consistência interna quase perfeita, Alfa de Cronbach de 0,988, ICC de 0,982 [IC95% 0,969-0,991] e p<0,005 significativo na primeira rodada de avaliação dos especialistas. Na segunda análise, os critérios usados para validação de conteúdo apresentaram CVCt de 0,97, com os critérios de objetividade, simplicidade, clareza, relevância, precisão, variedade, credibilidade e equilíbrio, atingindo 100% de aprovação. Conclusão O roteiro foi validado quanto ao conteúdo, mostrando ser um instrumento representativo e pertinente para construção do recurso audiovisual. Ele contribui para o avanço do conhecimento científico pois apresenta resultados com rigor metodológico, com inovações no campo da educação em saúde para pessoas vivendo com HIV.

Resumen Objetivo Validar el contenido del guion de un recurso audiovisual para personas que viven con el VIH Métodos Estudio metodológico con enfoque cuantitativo, norteado por el marco referencial teórico metodológico de la psicometría. La validación de contenido fue realizada por jueces especialistas en el área temática mediante el uso del método Delphi. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 22 jueces en el primer análisis de validación y siete jueces en el segundo análisis. Resultados Todos los dominios analizados presentaron coeficiente de validez de contenido (CVC) >0,80, con un CVC total (CVCt) de 0,96, consistencia interna casi perfecta, Alfa de Cronbach de 0,988, ICC de 0,982 [IC95 % 0,969-0,991] y p<0,005 significativo en la primera ronda de evaluación de los especialistas. En el segundo análisis, los criterios usados para la validación de contenido presentaron un CVCt de 0,97, con los criterios de objetividad, simplicidad, claridad, relevancia, precisión, variedad, credibilidad y equilibrio, con un 100 % de aprobación. Conclusión Se validó el guion en cuanto al contenido, lo que demuestra que es un instrumento representativo y pertinente para la elaboración del recurso audiovisual. Contribuye al avance del conocimiento científico ya que presenta resultados con rigor metodológico, con innovaciones en el campo de la educación para la salud para personas que viven con el VIH.

Abstract Objective The study aimed to validate the script content of an audiovisual resource for people living with HIV. Methods This methodological study had a quantitative approach and was guided by the methodological theoretical framework of psychometrics. Content validation was performed by expert judges in the thematic area using the Delphi technique. The sample consisted of 22 judges in the first validation analysis and seven judges in the second analysis. Results All domains analyzed had a content validity coefficient (CVC) >0.80, with a total CVC (CVCt) of 0.96, almost perfect internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha of 0.988, ICC of 0.982 [95%CI 0.969-0.991], and p<0.005 which was significant in the first round of expert evaluation. In the second analysis, the criteria used for content validation showed a CVCt of 0.97, with the criteria of objectivity, simplicity, clarity, relevance, accuracy, variety, credibility, and balance achieving 100% approval. Conclusion The script was validated in terms of content, showing to be a representative and relevant instrument for building the audiovisual resource. It contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge as it presents results with methodological accuracy and innovations in the field of health education for people living with HIV.

Тема - темы
Humans , Health Education , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , HIV , Educational Technology/methods , Audiovisual Aids , Teaching Materials , Qualitative Research
Gac. méd. espirit ; 25(3)dic. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528635


Fundamento: El conocimiento del inglés como el idioma empleado globalmente en diversos sectores, se ha convertido, junto a las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, es una herramienta de formación, trabajo y entretenimiento indispensable; el dominio de este posibilita las relaciones de cooperación e intercambio de profesionales del sector de la salud en varios países. Objetivo: Diseñar un material didáctico para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa audio-oral en inglés en estudiantes de posgrado de la carrera de Medicina, mediante el empleo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación de desarrollo con enfoque mixto en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín durante el período marzo-julio de 2022. Se asumió el método dialéctico materialista como concepción general de la investigación y se emplearon otros del nivel teórico: histórico-lógico, análisis y síntesis e inducción deducción, sistémico-estructural-funcional y revisión documental; empíricos: encuesta, entrevista y observación participativa. Resultados: Las principales dificultades estuvieron relacionadas con el insuficiente tratamiento de la competencia comunicativa audio-oral en inglés, se constató la importancia de la misma dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés, pues establece las pautas generales que se deben seguir para una comunicación efectiva y se instituye desde una mirada holística del acto comunicativo del profesional. Conclusiones: Los especialistas valoraron el material como adecuado por su estructura y factibilidad para su implementación. Después de su aplicación se evidenció su efectividad en la consolidación del aprendizaje en este nivel educacional a través de la preparación idiomática.

Background: Knowledge of English as the language used globally in various sectors, has increasingly become, together with information and communications technologies, an indispensable training, work and entertainment tool in the current era. Its domain enables cooperation relations and exchange of professionals in the health sector in various countries. Objective: To design a didactic material for the development of audio-oral communicative competence in English in postgraduate medical students, through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Methods: A development research with a mixed approach was carried out at the Holguín University of Medical Sciences during the period March-July 2022. It was assumed the dialectical materialist method as the general conception of the research and others of the theoretical level: historical- logical, analysis and synthesis and induction deduction, systemic-structural-functional and documentary review; empirical: survey, interview and participatory observation. Results: The main difficulties were related to an insufficient treatment of audio-oral communicative competence in English, it was confirmed its importance within the teaching-learning process of English, since it establishes the general guidelines that must be followed for an effective communication. Moreover, it is instituted from a holistic view of the professional communicative act. Conclusions: The specialists assessed the material as adequate due to its structure and feasibility for its implementation. After its application, it was evidenced its effectiveness in consolidating learning in this educational level through language training.

Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511727


Introduction: the use of digital technologies constitutes a process that allows the dynamization of the care process, based on aspects related to criticality and creativity. It is emphasized that the development of technologies must, therefore, be inserted in a context for changes and innovation in response to the population's health demand, and must follow a precise methodological path that goes from the construction to the validation of the appearance, content and effect . Objective: to describe the scientific method of elaboration and validation of educational technologies in digital format. Methods: methodological study, conducted according to the following steps: development of the research project and submission to the Research Ethics Committee; data collection; elaboration of the content, script, illustrations and layout of the booklet; and validation of educational technology. Results: the process of developing a technology requires methodological rigor, enabling coherence between theory and the purpose of the desired product, guaranteeing the internal quality of the developed technology. The use of educational technologies in health reinforces information, serving as a guide for guidelines regarding care and assisting in decision-making. Technological innovations in health, consists of a socio-technical process , permeated by professional and user reflections and experiences. Final considerations: educational technologies represent a potential resource for the development of health education practices, encouraging greater interaction between professionals and users, and an active attitude regarding self-care actions related to their health condition.

Introdução: o uso de tecnologias digitais constitui como um processo que permite a dinamização no processo de cuidar, pautada nos aspectos relacionados a criticidade e criatividade. Enfatiza-se, que o desenvolvimento de tecnologias deve, portanto, insere-se em um contexto por mudanças e inovação em resposta a demanda de saúde da população devendo seguir um percurso metodológico preciso que vai desde a construção à validação da aparência, conteúdo e efeito. Objetivo: descrever o método científico de elaboração e validação de tecnologias educativas no formato digital. Método: estudo metodológico, conduzido de acordo com as seguintes etapas: elaboração do projeto de pesquisa e submissão ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa; levantamento dos dados; elaboração do conteúdo, roteiro, ilustrações e diagramação da cartilha; e validação da tecnologia educacional. Resultados: o processo de elaboração de uma tecnologia requer rigor metodológico, possibilitando coerência entre teoria e finalidade do produto desejado, garantindo qualidade interna da tecnologia elaborada. O uso de tecnologias educativas em saúde reforça informações, servindo como guia para orientações quanto ao cuidado e auxiliando nas tomadas de decisões. Inovações tecnológicas em saúde, consiste em um processo sócio-técnico, permeado por reflexões e experiências profissionais e usuários. Considerações finais: tecnologias educacionais representam um recurso potencializador para o desenvolvimento de práticas de educação em saúde, estimulando maior interação entre profissionais e usuários, e uma postura ativa quanto a ações de autocuidado relacionado a sua condição de saúde.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521925


Introducción: la carrera de Estomatología emplea las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en el proceso docente educativo, muestra de lo cual es la inserción de manera creciente y progresiva de los softwares educativos. Objetivo: desarrollar un objeto de aprendizaje de tipo multimedia sobre Análisis de la Situación de Salud: Componente dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de tipo innovación tecnológica en el período de febrero a julio de 2018 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Sancti Spíritus. Se emplearon para el diseño y desarrollo del objeto de aprendizaje programas como MatchWare Mediator 9.0, HotPotatoes 6, Adobe Photoshop CS versión 8.0.1. El objeto de aprendizaje se validó por especialistas y por los estudiantes. Resultados: El 97,4 % de los estudiantes refirieron que el producto tenía la calidad y atracción necesaria para contribuir a su aprendizaje, el 100 % refirió su utilidad, lo cual se corroboró en el resultado de las calificaciones obtenidas que fueron buenas en el 97,4 % de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: la multimedia constituye un recurso educacional flexible, dinámico, claro, objetivo y de fácil comprensión; aborda una temática relevante para la Estomatología y cumple con el objetivo para el que fue concebido.

Introduction: the Stomatology career uses Information and Communication Technologies in the educational teaching process, an example of which is the increasing and progressive insertion of educational software. Objective: to develop a multimedia learning object on Analysis of the Health Situation: Dental Component. Methods: a technological innovation study was carried out in the period from February to July 2018 at the University of Medical Sciences of Sancti Spíritus. Programs such as MatchWare Mediator 9.0, HotPotatoes 6, Microsoft Office 2010, Adobe Photoshop CS version 8.0.1, were used for the design and development of the multimedia learning object. Specialists and students validated the obtained product. Results: the multimedia product was created. In addition, 97,4 % of the students reported that the product had the necessary quality and attraction to contribute to their learning and 100 % reported its usefulness, which was corroborated in the result of the grades obtained, being good in 97,4 % thereof. Conclusions: multimedia is a flexible, dynamic, clear, objective and easy to understand educational resource; addressing a relevant topic for Stomatology, fulfilling the objective for which it was conceived.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 206-224, jan.-marc. 2023.
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419254


Aedes aegypti é o principal vetor dos agentes etiológicos de dengue, zika e chikungunya, doenças para as quais não existem vacinas totalmente eficazes. Alternativas de controle visando mitigar essas arboviroses são primordiais. Entre essas, o controle mecânico aborda práticas de eliminação e/ou limpeza de criadouros do vetor. Neste relato, apresentamos e avaliamos criticamente ações realizadas pelo grupo, ocorridas entre 2016 e 2019, nas quais divulgamos informação científica clara através do diálogo com a população. Os métodos utilizados foram: 1) palestras em escolas (público infantojuvenil) utilizando slides, fotos e vídeos; 2) oficinas (público misto), estande com material in vivo do ciclo de vida do Aedes, jogos e desenhos. Analisamos dez palestras em escolas do ensino fundamental e médio e vinte oficinas realizadas em diferentes regiões do Brasil. Concluímos que tais ações e suas análises críticas devem ser realizadas continuamente para que sejam bem-sucedidas

Aedes aegypti is the main vector of dengue, zika, and chikungunya etiological agents, diseases for which no effective vaccines are available. Control alternatives aimed at mitigating these arboviruses are essential. Among such, mechanical control addresses practices of elimination and/or cleaning of vector breeding sites. Here, we presented and critically evaluated actions carried out by ourselves. These actions took place between 2016 and 2019, where we disseminated clear scientific information through dialogue with the population. The following methods were employed: 1) lectures in schools (children and youth audiences) using slides, photos, and videos; 2) workshops (mixed audience), stand with in vivo material from the Aedeslife cycle, games, and drawings. Ten lectures in elementary and high schools and twenty workshops held in different regions of Brazil were analyzed. It was concluded that such actions and their critical analyzes must be carried out continuously to be successful

Aedes aegypti es el principal vector de los agentes etiológicos del dengue, zika y chikungunya, enfermedades para las que no existen vacunas totalmente eficaces. Las alternativas de control para mitigar estas arbovirosis son fundamentales. El control mecánico, representa una de estas alternativas, aborda prácticas de eliminación y/o limpieza de criaderos del vector. En este informe presentamos y evaluamos de manera crítica las acciones realizadas por el grupo entre los años 2016 y 2019. Presentamos información científica clara a través del diálogo con la población mediante los siguientes métodos: 1) conferencias en escuelas (público infantil) utilizando diapositivas, fotos y videos; 2) Talleres (público mixto), stand con material in vivo del ciclo de vida del Aedes, juegos y dibujos. Analizamos diez conferencias en escuelas (primarias y secundarias) y veinte talleres realizados en diferentes regiones de Brasil. Concluimos que tales acciones y el análisis crítico de las mismas deben llevarse a cabo de manera continua para que resulten exitosas.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Mosquito Control , Health Education/methods , Aedes/growth & development , Educational and Promotional Materials , Teaching Materials , Brazil , Health Fairs , Dengue/prevention & control , Qualitative Research , Chikungunya Fever/prevention & control , Zika Virus Infection/prevention & control , Health Promotion/methods
Статья | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221366


The present study aims to find out relationship of academic stress with achievement motivation among higher secondary students of scheduled castes. In the present study It is been concluded that academic stress has negative relationship on achievement motivation among higher secondary students. Understanding the relationship between academic stress and achievement motivation will be helpful for the families, counsellors and government sector to work on the improvement of the students in schools.

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 22(supl.1): e20236655, 03 fev 2023. ilus
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1517668


OBJETIVO: Mapear estratégias e recursos instrucionais utilizados com abordagem multissensorial para o ensino presencial de graduandos em Enfermagem e resumir as discussões/conclusões dos autores em relação às repercussões do ensino com essa abordagem no processo de aprendizagem dos graduandos. MÉTODO: A metodologia Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) foi utilizada para o desenvolvimento deste protocolo e será empregada para conduzir e relatar a revisão. Não haverá restrição quanto ao idioma, data ou tipo de publicação. As fontes de informação incluirão PubMed, Cumulative Index in Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Scopus, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), Web of Science, Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), portal da Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), ProQuest e cinco fontes de literatura cinzenta. Os softwares Rayyan e JBI SUMARI serão utilizados para a seleção dos estudos. A seleção dos títulos e resumos, leitura integral dos textos e extração de dados serão realizadas por dois revisores independentes, utilizando um instrumento elaborado e testado pelas autoras. Se necessário, um terceiro revisor será incluído. Os resultados serão apresentados em formato narrativo, diagramas ou tabelas.

OBJECTIVE: To describe instructional strategies and resources used with a multisensory approach for face-to-face teaching of undergraduate nursing students and to summarize the authors' discussions/conclusions regarding the impact of teaching with this approach on the student's learning process. METHOD: The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology was used to develop this protocol and will be used to conduct and report the scoping review. There will be no restrictions on language, date, or type of publication. Sources of information will include PubMed, Cumulative Index in Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Scopus, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), Web of Science, Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), Virtual Health Library (VHL) portal, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), ProQuest, and five sources of grey literature. Rayyan and JBI SUMARI software are used for study selection. Title and abstract screening, full-text reading, and data extraction will be performed by two independent reviewers using a tool developed and tested by the authors. If necessary, a third reviewer will be involved. The results will be presented in a narrative format, graphs, or tables.

Тема - темы
Sensation , Teaching , Teaching Materials , Education, Nursing, Baccalaureate , Learning
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 22(supl.1): e20236668, 03 fev 2023. ilus
Статья в английский, португальский | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1523067


OBJETIVO: Identificar e mapear as tecnologias educacionais sobre saúde mental utilizadas no ensino da saúde. MÉTODO: Será conduzida uma scoping review, seguindo o referencial do Joanna Briggs Institute, com o objetivo de responder à questão: "Quais são as tecnologias educacionais sobre saúde mental que têm sido utilizadas na área da saúde?". Para a identificação dos estudos, serão utilizadas bases de dados eletrônicas multidisciplinares em ciências da saúde, bem como repositórios de dissertações e teses. A identificação e o mapeamento da evidência disponível por meio deste estudo revelarão aspectos relevantes acerca das tecnologias educacionais existentes, seus impactos e desafios neste campo, o que é considerado relevante para subsidiar a melhoria da qualidade do ensino, seja na educação permanente, educação em saúde ou formação acadêmica. Espera-se que a scoping review contribua para a análise crítica das tecnologias educacionais sobre saúde mental na área da saúde, dada a potencialidade de impacto no desenvolvimento das competências educacionais.

OBJECTIVE: To identify and map educational technologies related to mental health in healthcare. METHOD: A scoping review will follow the Joanna Briggs Institute guidelines to answer the question: "What educational technologies related to mental health have been used in healthcare?". Multidisciplinary electronic databases in the health sciences and dissertation or thesis repositories will be used. The review aims to identify and map available evidence regarding educational technologies, their impact, and challenges in the field. This information is essential to improve teaching quality in continuing education, health education, or academic training. The scoping review is anticipated to contribute to a critical analysis of educational technologies focused on mental health in the health sector, given their potential impact on the development of educational competencies.

Тема - темы
Mental Health/education , Educational Technology , Health Sciences/education
Статья в Японский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007113


[Objective] Instructional videos on five of the 17 acupuncture techniques (hereinafter referred to as "techniques") were created, and a questionnaire was distributed among acupuncture and moxibustion college teachers to evaluate the utility of the educational materials.[Methods] The sparrow pecking technique (straight and oblique stabbing), gyration, rotation and twisting techniques, as well as vibration stimulation, were performed and the hand was simultaneously imaged with a diagnostic ultrasound device and filmed with a video camera. The questionnaire and a QR code for viewing the videos were sent to training schools by mail. The questionnaire included open-ended and multiple-choice questions regarding the teaching status of the techniques, changes in perception of the techniques after viewing the video, and the value of using the video as a teaching tool.[Results] Responses were received from nine schools (14 teachers). Each technique was taught only once at five of the schools. For all the techniques featured in the videos, not all the respondents answered that the subcutaneous and muscular tissue movements were consistent with their perceptions. Meanwhile, only 35.7% of the respondents had perceptions that were congruent with the video on vibratory stimulation. According to 78.6% of the respondents, instructional videos on these techniques were deemed to be necessary.[Discussion and Conclusion] The minimal repetition on the education of acupuncture and moxibustion techniques implies a lack of emphasis regarding these skills. The dissonance between the subcutaneous and muscular tissue movements that were familiar to the instructors and those discussed in the video highlighted the significant differences in skills training among the various training institutions. Based on this feedback, instructional videos can be considered essential in accurately teaching acupuncture and moxibustion techniques by providing visual aids.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 69(7): e20230205, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449093


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to research the video-based digital platforms that orthopedic specialists in Turkey use as an educational resource in their surgical preparations that they have not seen or done before, the frequency of their use of these platforms, and their trust in these platforms, with a survey study. METHODS: The importance of video-based digital platforms in surgical preparations that surgeons have not seen or done before was measured using the data obtained from 181 orthopedic specialists using a survey prepared on an Internet-based server ( RESULTS: Orthopedists used video-based digital platforms with a ratio of 38.7% among the educational resources in their surgical preparations that they have not seen or done before. There was no significant difference between the specialists with a surgical experience of 1-10 years and more than 10 years of experience in terms of using video-based digital platforms in surgical preparation (p>0.05). A total of 81.2% of the participants used only video-based digital platforms in the preparation of a surgical procedure they have never seen before. The most frequently used digital platform was YouTube, and 62% of the participants considered these platforms reliable. CONCLUSION: Orthopedic specialists in Turkey primarily and frequently use video-based digital platforms as a training resource in their preparations for surgery that they have not seen or done before. The establishment or support of platforms with evidence-based content with references from official orthopedic institutions and organizations can increase the trust of orthopedic specialists in these platforms.

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20220099, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1404750


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar a efetividade de intervenção educativa utilizando o jogo sério AleitaGame como recurso educacional no ensino sobre lesões mamilares. Método estudo quase experimental, do tipo grupo único, antes e depois, não randomizado, desenvolvido entre agosto e outubro de 2021. A intervenção foi realizada com 43 profissionais atuantes em um hospital do Rio Grande do Norte. Os dados foram analisados a partir de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados o recurso educacional apresentou efeito positivo, com aumento significativo no conhecimento dos participantes da intervenção educativa (p<0,05). No que concerne à avaliação da satisfação dos participantes quanto ao AleitaGame como recurso educativo, a maioria dos participantes consideraram ótimos todos os itens das categorias "conteúdo", "linguagem", "organização e layout", "motivação e aprendizagem". Conclusão e implicações para a prática os resultados do estudo são critérios convidativos para docentes da área passarem a incorporar o AleitaGame em suas salas de aula, bem como para utilização do recurso como estratégia para educação permanente dos profissionais nos serviços de saúde. O jogo sério está disponível através do link: <>.

RESUMEN Objetivo evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa utilizando el juego serio AleitaGame como recurso educativo en la enseñanza de las lesiones en los pezones. Método estudio cuasi-experimental, del tipo grupo único, antes y después, no aleatorizado, desarrollado entre agosto y octubre de 2021. La intervención fue realizada con 43 profesionales que actúan en un hospital de Rio Grande do Norte. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados el recurso educativo tuvo un efecto positivo, con un aumento significativo en el conocimiento de los participantes de la intervención educativa (p<0,05). En cuanto a la evaluación de la satisfacción de los participantes con AleitaGame como recurso educativo, la mayoría consideró excelentes todos los ítems en las categorías "contenido", "lenguaje", "organización y diseño", "motivación y aprendizaje". Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica los resultados del estudio son criterios atractivos para que los profesores del área pasen a incorporar el AleitaGame en sus clases, así como a utilizar el recurso como estrategia para la formación continua de los profesionales de los servicios de salud. El juego serio está disponible a través del link: <>.

ABSTRACT Objective to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention using the serious game AleitaGame as an educational resource in teaching about mammillary injuries. Method a quasi-experimental, single group, before and after, non-randomized study, developed between August and October 2021. The intervention was carried out with 43 professionals working in a hospital in Rio Grande do Norte. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results the educational resource had a positive effect, with a significant increase in the knowledge of the participants of the educational intervention (p<0.05). Regarding the evaluation of participants' satisfaction about AleitaGame as an educational resource, most participants considered all items in the "content", "language", "organization and layout", "motivation and learning" categories to be excellent. Conclusion and implications for practice the results of the study are inviting criteria for professors in the area to start incorporating AleitaGame in their classrooms, as well as for using the resource as a strategy for the continuing education of professionals in health services. The serious game is available on the link: <>.

Тема - темы
Humans , Teaching Materials , Breast Feeding , Health Personnel/education , Educational Technology , Education, Continuing , Nipples/injuries
Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2023. 102 p. ilus, tab.
Диссертация в португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555182


Introdução: O ensino e a formação superior nos cursos de graduação na área da saúde passaram por grandes desafios e mudanças atrelados à vivência social e cultural, com a melhoria e a implementação da tecnologia. A tecnologia educacional já era algo descrito e praticado nos cursos de formação da área da saúde. Entretanto, o advento da pandemia mundial da COVID-19 iniciada em 2020 impulsionou, ainda que de forma não planejada, a inserção de várias ferramentas de ensino e tecnologia educacional. Diante do novo cenário vivenciado no mundo, na educação e na formação de novos profissionais de saúde identificou-se o seguinte desafio de identificar quais ferramentas estão disponíveis para serem utilizadas no ensino de graduação na área da saúde. Objetivo: Identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o uso de tecnologias educacionais em meio digital para o ensino de estudantes de graduação em diferentes áreas da saúde. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura, com a seguinte questão norteadora: Quais são as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre as tecnologias educacionais de ensino, em meio digital, para estudantes de graduação de diferentes áreas da saúde? A busca ocorreu nas bases de dados: Academic Search Premier, CINHAL, Cochrane, Pubmed, Scopus e Web Of Science, no mês de março, 2023. Incluídos estudos na temática de educação e ensino entre graduandos da área da saúde, com tecnologia educacional em meio digital; foram excluídos estudos de revisões narrativas/revisões tradicionais da literatura, estudos secundários, estudos metodológicos de validação, carta-resposta, anais de congresso, resumo expandidos, editoriais e artigos não disponíveis na íntegra. Os estudos encontrados foram exportados para o software Endnote para auxiliar a encontrar duplicatas e após para o gerenciador Rayyan. Realizada a busca manual que objetivou identificar estudos que pudessem responder à questão norteadora. A inclusão dos artigos evidenciados foram analisados por dois revisores e um terceiro revisor foi atuou na resolução dos conflitos. Os artigos incluídos foram avaliados quanto ao nível de evidência proposto por Melnyk-Fineout e a avaliação metodológica proposta pelo Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: Com as buscas nas bases de dados foram encontrados 964 estudos e 14 duplicados. Após a leitura de título e de resumo foram excluídos 899 por não atenderem aos critérios de inclusão estabelecidos. Selecionados 51 artigos para serem lidos na integra, dos quais 41 foram excluídos com justificativas. As buscas manuais foram identificadas 20 estudos, após a leitura de título e resumo foram excluídos nove por não atenderem aos critérios de inclusão. Onze artigos foram lidos na integra, após 5 estudos foram excluídos. Ao total 16 estudos incluídos na presente revisão, categorizados em ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (n= 12) e objeto virtual de aprendizagem (n=4). Conclusão: Estratégias de ensino com a utilização de tecnologias faz-se presente em diferentes cursos de graduação e são tidas como importantes ferramentas para a transmissão de conceitos teóricos e práticos. Entretanto não se mostram superiores em relação ao método presencial, são consideradas complementares e com boa aceitação entre os estudantes. Recomenda-se a inserção de recursos tecnológicos educacionais como ferramentas de apoio desde que apresentem métodos e conteúdos validados

Introduction: Teaching and higher education in undergraduate courses in the health area have gone through major challenges and changes linked to social and cultural experience, with the improvement and implementation of technology. Educational technology was already described and practiced in training courses in the health area. However, the advent of the global COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020 boosted, albeit unplanned, the insertion of various teaching tools and educational technology. Faced with the new scenario experienced in the world, in the education and training of new health professionals, the following challenge was identified: what tools are available to be used in undergraduate teaching in the health area? Objective: To identify evidence available in the literature on the use of educational technologies in digital media for teaching undergraduate students in different areas of health. Method: Integrative literature review, with the following guiding question: What evidence is available in the literature on educational teaching technologies, in digital media, for undergraduate students from different areas of health? The search took place in the databases: Academic Search Premier, CINHAL, Cochrane, Pubmed, Scopus and Web Of Science, in March, 2023. Studies on education and teaching among undergraduates in the health area were included, with educational technology in digital medium; narrative reviews/traditional literature reviews, secondary studies, methodological validation studies, response letters, conference proceedings, expanded abstracts, editorials and articles not available in full were excluded. The studies found were exported to the Endnote software to help find duplicates and then to the Rayyan manager. A manual search was performed to identify studies that could answer the guiding question. The inclusion of the highlighted articles was analyzed by two reviewers and a third reviewer was involved in resolving conflicts. The included articles were evaluated according to the level of evidence proposed by Melnyk-Fineout and the methodological evaluation proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results: Searching the databases found 964 studies and 14 duplicates. After reading the title and abstract, 899 were excluded for not meeting the established inclusion criteria. 51 articles were selected to be read in full, of which 41 were excluded with justifications. Manual searches identified 20 studies, after reading the title and abstract, nine were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria. 11 articles were read in full, after 5 studies were excluded. A total of 16 studies were included in this review, categorized into virtual learning environment (n=12) and virtual learning object (n=4). Conclusion: Teaching strategies with the use of technologies are present in different undergraduate courses and are considered important tools for the transmission of theoretical and practical concepts. However, they are not superior to the face-to-face method, they are considered complementary and well accepted by students. It is recommended the insertion of educational technological resources as support tools as long as they present validated methods and contents

Тема - темы
Humans , Students, Health Occupations , Teaching Materials , Educational Technology/education
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