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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 452-457, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558140


SUMMARY: Excessive alcohol consumption adversely affects bone metabolism, thus resulting in reduced bone length, density, and strength. Moreover, these deficits in bone density and strength are likely to increase the risk of fragility fractures and the early onset of osteoporosis. While excessive alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, there remains a dearth of information in literature about bone effects of binge alcohol consumption in adolescents. Therefore, our study aimed to examine the effects of acute binge alcohol consumption on the adolescent bone micro-architecture and tensile strength. Twelve male Sprague Dawley rats aged 7 weeks were randomly placed in 2 groups: alcohol (n =6), receiving alcohol (3g/kg) and pair-fed control (n = 6), receiving an isocaloric equivalent of maltose dextrin via oral gavage for 3 days in one week (on alternative days). The femora were dissected and scanned using a Micro-Focus X-ray Computed Tomography (3D-µCT). Following reconstruction, trabecular morphometry was assessed in both the proximal and distal epiphysis, using a Volume Graphics Studio® software. A three-point bending test was employed to examine the effect of alcohol on the tensile strength of the bone. Results showed trabeculae parameters to be affected in the distal epiphysis of the femur, while in the proximal epiphysis it remained unaffected. Tensile strength parameters were also not affected by the consumption of alcohol. These findings may suggest that acute binge alcohol consumption has detrimental effects on the bone micro-architecture specific to the distal epiphysis.

El consumo excesivo de alcohol afecta negativamente al metabolismo óseo, lo que resulta en una reducción de la longitud, densidad y resistencia de los huesos. Además, es probable que estos déficits en la densidad y la fuerza ósea aumenten el riesgo de fracturas por fragilidad y la aparición temprana de osteoporosis. Si bien el consumo excesivo de alcohol es un factor de riesgo establecido para las fracturas osteoporóticas, existe escasa información en la literatura sobre los efectos óseos del consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes. Por lo tanto, nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar los efectos del consumo excesivo de alcohol en la microarquitectura ósea y la resistencia a la tracción e n ratas adolescentes. Doce ratas macho Sprague Dawley de 7 semanas de edad se colocaron aleatoriamente en 2 grupos: alcohol (n = 6), que recibieron alcohol (3 g/kg) y control (n = 6), que recibieron un equivalente isocalórico de maltosa dextrina mediante sonda oral, durante 3 días en una semana (en días alternos). Los fémures se diseccionaron y escanearon mediante una tomografía computarizada de rayos X con microenfoque (3D-mCT). Después de la reconstrucción, se evaluó la morfometría trabecular tanto en la epífisis proximal como en la distal, utilizando un software Volume Graphics Studio®. Se empleó una prueba de flexión de tres puntos para examinar el efecto del alcohol sobre la resistencia a la tracción del hueso. Los resultados mostraron que los parámetros de las trabéculas se vieron afectados en la epífisis distal del fémur, mientras que en la epífisis proximal no se observaron afectados. Los parámetros de resistencia a la tracción tampoco se vieron afectados por el consumo de alcohol. Estos hallazgos pueden sugerir que el consumo excesivo de alcohol tiene efectos perjudiciales sobre la microarquitectura ósea específica de la epífisis distal del hueso.

Тема - темы
Animals , Rats , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Ethanol/toxicity , Femur/drug effects , Cancellous Bone/drug effects , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Ethanol/blood , Blood Alcohol Content
Rev. Asoc. Med. Bahía Blanca ; 34 (1), 2024;34(1): 24-27, 20240301.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554689


PRESENTACION DEL CASO: Paciente de 78 años con antecedente de artroplastia total de cadera derecha de 4 años post operatorio, y prótesis de rodilla derecha con vástago de 2 años postoperatorio, sufre una caída en su domicilio. Al ingreso presenta dolor e impotencia funcional con deformidad y desviación a nivel del muslo derecho.

CASE PRESENTATION: A 78-year-old patient with a history of right total hip arthroplasty 4 years postoperative, and right knee prosthesis with stem 2 years postoperative. Patient suffered a fall at home. On admission presented pain and functional impotence with deformity and devia- tion at the level of the right thigh.

Тема - темы
Arthroplasty , Fractures, Bone , Femur
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 162-165, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528832


SUMMARY: The femur, the body's longest bone, plays a critical role in orthopaedics and radiology. Understanding its anatomy, particularly the neck-shaft angle (NSA), is vital for diagnosing bone issues and designing hip implants. While some Asian populations' femur measurements have been studied, there is a research gap concerning Sri Lankans. This study aimed to fill this gap by examining the proximal femur's anatomy in the Sri Lankan population. We analysed 45 adult human femurs (26 right, 19 left) of unknown sex, ethically sourced from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Femurs with fractures or pathologies were excluded. Precise measurements were recorded using digital vernier callipers, with millimetre accuracy. Parameters included mean femoral length, vertical and transverse femoral head diameters, neck axis and neck length. Each measurement was taken three times to minimize subjectivity. Right femurs had a mean length of 42.8 mm (SD±2.64), while left femurs measured 43.53 mm (SD±3.27). Mean NSA was 125.78º (SD±4.45) for left femurs and 127.59º (SD±2.06) for right. Mean femoral head diameters were 4.09mm (SD±0.30) (right) and 4.12mm (SD±0.31) (left). Mean anterior neck lengths of the right and left were 2.61 (SD±0.54) and 2.71(SD±0.50) respectively. Comparing our findings with other Asian populations highlighted significant variations in femur measurements. These discrepancies emphasize the need for population-specific data for orthopaedic interventions and raise questions about the suitability of imported prosthetics. Differences in femur length, neck length, and NSA between sides suggest potential challenges in using implants designed for one side on the other. This study underscores the necessity of population-specific data in orthopaedics, as femur measurements differ even among Asian populations. Further research and statistical analysis are essential for tailoring orthopaedic solutions to individual populations. The findings also suggest a potential need for locally manufactured prosthetics to better suit the Sri Lankan population.

El fémur, el hueso más largo del cuerpo, desempeña un papel fundamental en ortopedia y radiología. Comprender su anatomía, en particular el ángulo cuello-diáfisis (NSA), es vital para diagnosticar problemas óseos y diseñar implantes de cadera. Si bien se han estudiado las medidas del fémur de algunas poblaciones asiáticas, existe un vacío en la investigación sobre los habitantes de Sri Lanka. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la anatomía del fémur proximal en la población de Sri Lanka. Analizamos 45 fémures humanos adultos (26 derechos, 19 izquierdos) de sexo desconocido, obtenidos éticamente de la Universidad de Sri Jayewardenepura. Se excluyeron fémures con fracturas o patologías. Se registraron mediciones precisas utilizando calibradores vernier digitales, con precisión milimétrica. Los parámetros incluyeron la longitud femoral media, los diámetros vertical y transversal de la cabeza femoral, el eje del cuello y la longitud del cuello. Cada medición se tomó tres veces para minimizar la subjetividad. Los fémures derechos tuvieron una longitud media de 42,8 mm (DE ± 2,64), mientras que los fémures izquierdos midieron 43,53 mm (DE ± 3,27). La NSA media fue de 125,78º (DE±4,45) para el fémur izquierdo y de 127,59º (DE±2,06) para el derecho. Los diámetros medios de la cabeza femoral fueron 4,09 mm (DE ± 0,30) (derecha) y 4,12 mm (DE ± 0,31) (izquierda). Las longitudes medias del cuello anterior de la derecha y la izquierda fueron 2,61 (DE ± 0,54) y 2,71 (DE ± 0,50) respectivamente. La comparación de nuestros hallazgos con otras poblaciones asiáticas destacó variaciones significativas en las medidas del fémur. Estas discrepancias enfatizan la necesidad de datos específicos de la población para las intervenciones ortopédicas y plantean dudas sobre la idoneidad de las prótesis importadas. Las diferencias en la longitud del fémur, la longitud del cuello y la NSA entre lados sugieren posibles desafíos al utilizar implantes diseñados para un lado en el otro. Este estudio subraya la necesidad de datos específicos de la población en ortopedia, ya que las mediciones del fémur difieren incluso entre las poblaciones asiáticas. Es esencial realizar más investigaciones y análisis estadísticos para adaptar las soluciones ortopédicas a poblaciones individuales. Los hallazgos también sugieren una posible necesidad de prótesis fabricadas localmente para adaptarse mejor a la población de Sri Lanka.

Тема - темы
Humans , Adult , Femur/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Femur Head/anatomy & histology , Femur Neck/anatomy & histology
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567843


Objetivo: Describir el crecimiento femoral proximal en una población latinoamericana a través del desplazamiento femoral, el ángulo cervico-diafisario, la longitud del cuello femoral y el diámetro de la cabeza femoral evaluados con tomografía computarizada en pacientes pediátricos sin enfermedad de cadera. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo que evaluó imágenes de tomografía computarizada de caderas de pacientes sanos <18 años. Se tomaron las siguientes medidas: desplazamiento femoral, longitud del cuello femoral, diámetro de la cabeza femoral y ángulo cervico-diafisario. Resultados:El desplazamiento femoral aumenta 1,96 mm hasta los 12.5 años, y desde los 12.5 hasta los 16 años, aumenta 1,2 mm. Se constató un aumento lineal del crecimiento de la longitud del cuello femoral. El ángulo cervico-diafisario disminuyó progresivamente hasta los 12 años. A partir de ese momento, la curva se aplanó. Se observó un aumento anual del diámetro de la cabeza femoral de 1,56 mm hasta los 13 años y de 0,62 mm anuales, en adelante. Conclusiones: Las medidas descritas en este estudio son esenciales para el seguimiento, el diagnóstico o el abordaje conductual en múltiples cuadros articulares de cadera durante el crecimiento. Se expone la necesidad de realizar estudios más amplios para establecer rangos de normalidad en la población local con las herramientas tecnológicas disponibles, que fundamenten una referencia para la restauración de la anatomía en la cirugía de preservación.Palabras clave: Cabeza femoral; cuello femoral; desarrollo humano. Nivel de Evidencia :IV

Introduction: This study aims to perform a descriptive analysis of proximal femoral growth in a Latin-American population through femoral offset, neck-shaft angle, femoral neck length, and femoral head diameter evaluated through computed tomography in pediatric patients without hip pathology. Materials and methods: Retrospective study evaluating CT images of the hips of healthy patients under 18 years. The following measurements were taken by a trained orthopedist: femoral offset, femoral neck length, femoral head diameter, and neck-shaft angle. Results:Femoral offset increases by 1.96 mm until age 12.5. From 12.5 to 16 years of age, it increases by 1.2 mm. A constant rise in the growth of the femoral neck length was found. The neck-shaft angle presented a progressive decrease until age 12. After that point, the curve flattened. An increase in femoral head diameter of 1.56 mm per year was observed until age 13 and then 0.62 mm per year. Conclusions: The measurements evaluated in this study are essential for the diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment approach in hip pathologies during growth. More extensive research is needed to define normal ranges that will serve as a baseline for anatomy restoration in hip joint preservation surgery. Level of Evidence: IV

Тема - темы
Child, Preschool , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Growth and Development , Femur , Femur Head , Femur Neck , Human Development
Int. j. morphol ; 41(5): 1570-1574, oct. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521038


En la literatura actual se encuentra escasa información referente a la fóvea de la cabeza del fémur (fóvea de la cabeza del hueso fémur). Este estudio tuvo como propósito recolectar datos morfológicos y biométricos respecto a la fóvea de la cabeza del fémur y reconocer variaciones que podrían ser de utilidad en las diversas patologías de la región. Se utilizaron 46 huesos fémures humanos pertenecientes al Departamento de Ciencias Básicas de la Universidad de La Frontera, Chile. Para la medición de datos se utilizó material ad hoc y los datos fueron analizados el programa Excel y los softwares ImageJ e Image Pro Plus. La longitud promedio de los huesos fémures fue de 43,8 ± 2,9 cm; el ángulo de torsión del cuello fue de 23,0 ± 2,0°. En el 100 % de las muestras se observó una fóvea en el cuadrante posteroinferior de la cabeza del fémur. El área promedio de la fóvea de la cabeza del fémur fue de 1,51 ± 0,7 cm2. El perímetro fue de 4,72 ± 1,0 cm; la forma de la fóvea fue: 60,9% ovalada, 23,9% triangular y 15,2 % circular, teniendo como base la fórmula derivada del índice craneal, dejando la fórmula como feret mínimo/feret máximo, con el cual los valores mayores a 0,8 se clasificaban como circulares y los menores como ovalados. Conocer la ubicación de la fóvea de la cabeza del fémur adquiere implicancia médica, ya que una fóvea en posición anormalmente alta, en imágenes radiológicas, es un indicador de displasia pélvica. La importancia de las variaciones de la fóvea de la cabeza del fémur debe ser más investigadas para una correcta comprensión de las patologías que afectan a la cabeza femoral.

SUMMARY: In the current literature there is little information regarding the fovea for ligament of head of femur. The aim of this study was to collect morphological and biometric data regarding the fovea for ligament of head of femur and recognize variations that could be useful in the various pathologies of the region. Forty six human femur bones belonging to the Department of Basic Sciences of the University of La Frontera, Chile were used. For data measurement, ad hoc material was used and the data were analyzed with the Excel program and the ImageJ and Image Pro Plus software. The average length of the femur bones was 43.8 ± 2.9 cm; the neck torsion angle was 23.0 ± 2.0°. In 100% of the samples, a fovea was observed in the posteroinferior quadrant of the head of femur. The average area of the fovea for ligament of head of femur was 1.51 ± 0.7 cm3. The perimeter was 4.72 ± 1.0 cm; The shape of the fovea was: 60.9% oval, 23.9% triangular and 15.2% circular, based on the formula derived from the cranial index, leaving the formula as minimum feret/maximum feret, with which the values greater than 0.8 were classified as circular and those less as oval. Knowing the location of the fovea for ligament of head of femur acquires medical implications, since a fovea in an abnormally high position, in radiological images, is an indicator of pelvic dysplasia. The importance of variations in the fovea for ligament of head of femur must be further investigated for a correct understanding of the pathologies that affect the femoral head.

Тема - темы
Humans , Femur/anatomy & histology , Ligaments/anatomy & histology , Femur Head/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation
Actual. osteol ; 19(3): 211-220, Sept - Dic 2023. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555794


La enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester (EEC) es una patología poco frecuente, caracterizada por presentar infiltración xantogranulomatosa sistémica, con afección de diversos sistemas incluido el óseo. La EEC se encuentra descripta dentro de las enfermedades osteocon-densantes (EO), las cuales se reconocen por presentar aumento de la masa ósea y compromiso tanto de huesos largos como planos. La presentación clínica de la EEC es variada: puede presentar desde un curso indolente hasta manifestaciones multisistémicas. Las características radiológicas son de gran importancia para establecer su diagnóstico. Presentamos una paciente con EEC, con esclerosis bilateral de huesos largos, que exhibe algunas características diferenciales con relación a otros casos reportados: a) afectación exclusivamente ósea a 10 años de evolución, b) compromiso bilateral y simétrico de distinta magnitud, c) esclerosis cortical endóstica y perióstica, d) signos radiológicos sugestivos de periostitis, d) ausencia de compromiso metafisario, e) ausencia de actividad metabólica de las lesiones en las imágenes de 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusión: la presencia de lesiones osteocondensantes bilaterales exclusivamente en huesos largos deben hacer sospechar EEC. La ausencia de compromiso metafisario y de actividad metabólica en 18F-FDG PET/CT ha sido raramente descripta. (AU)

Erdheim - Chester disease (ECD) is a rare disease, characterized by systemic xanthogranulomatous infiltration, with involvement of various organs including bone. ECD is described within the sclerosing bone disorders, which are recognized for presenting increased bone mass and involvement of both long and flat bones. The clinical presentation of ECD is diverse, ranging from an asymptomatic course to multisystemic manifestations. Radiological features are of great importance to establish the diagnosis. We describe here a patient with ECD, with bilateral sclerosis of long bones that presents some differential characteristics in relation to other reported cases: a) exclusively bone involvement at 10 years of evolution, b) bilateral and symmetric involvement of different magnitude, c) endosteal and periosteal cortical sclerosis d) radiological signs suggestive of periostitis, d) absence of metaphyseal involvement, e) absence of metabolic activity of the lesions in 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusion: the presence of bilateral osteosclerosis exclusively in long bones should lead to suspect ECD. The absence of metaphyseal involvement and metabolic activity in 18F-FDG PET/CT have been rarely described. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sclerosis/etiology , Erdheim-Chester Disease/diagnostic imaging , Femur/pathology , Humerus/pathology , Vinblastine/adverse effects , Biopsy, Needle , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Radiography , Radionuclide Imaging , Interferons/adverse effects , Erdheim-Chester Disease/drug therapy , Positron-Emission Tomography , Pain Management , Zoledronic Acid/administration & dosage
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 894-900, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514321


SUMMARY: It is known that diabetes mellitus has late complications, including microvascular and macrovascular diseases. Diabetes can affect bones through biochemical markers of bone structure, density, and turnover. This study aimed to biomechanically investigate the bone-protective effects of angiotensin 1-7 (Ang 1-7), one of the active peptides in the renin-angiotensin system, in rats with diabetes. Thirty male Wistar albino rats, three months old and weighing 250-300 g, were divided into four groups: diabetes, Ang 1- 7, diabetes plus Ang 1-7, and control. One month later, diabetes developed in rats; the rats were sacrificed, and their right femur was removed. Three-point bending biomechanical tests were performed on the femurs. The diabetic group had significantly higher bone fragility than the other groups (Pr >.05). Bone fragility was lower, and bone flexibility was higher in the Ang 1-7 groups (Pr>F value 0.05). As a result of our study, the effect of Ang 1-7 on the bones of rats with diabetes was investigated biomechanically. Ang 1-7 has a protective impact on the bones of rats with diabetes.

Se sabe que la diabetes mellitus tiene complicaciones tardías, incluyendo enfermedades microvasculares y macrovasculares. La diabetes puede afectar los huesos a través de los marcadores bioquímicos de la estructura, la densidad y el recambio óseo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar biomecánicamente los efectos protectores en los huesos de la angiotensina 1-7 (Ang 1-7), uno de los péptidos activos en el sistema renina-angiotensina, en ratas con diabetes. Treinta ratas albinas Wistar macho, de tres meses de edad y con un peso de 250-300 g, se dividieron en cuatro grupos: diabetes, Ang 1-7, diabetes más Ang 1-7 y control. Un mes después, se desarrolló diabetes en ratas; se sacrificaron los animales y se extrajo su fémur derecho. Se realizaron pruebas biomecánicas de flexión de tres puntos en los fémures. El grupo diabéticos tenía una fragilidad ósea significativamente mayor que los otros grupos (Pr > 0,05). La fragilidad ósea fue menor y la flexibilidad ósea fue mayor en los grupos Ang 1-7 (valor Pr>F 0,05). Como resultado de nuestro estudio, se determinó biomecánicamente el efecto de Ang 1-7 en los huesos de ratas con diabetes. Se concluye que Ang 1-7 tiene un impacto protector en los huesos de ratas diabéticas.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Rats , Peptide Fragments/administration & dosage , Renin-Angiotensin System , Angiotensin I/administration & dosage , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental , Femur/drug effects , Biomechanical Phenomena , Bone and Bones/drug effects , Rats, Wistar , Disease Models, Animal
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 527-534, abr. 2023. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440307


SUMMARY: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament that mainly controls the anterior and rotational mobility of the knee joint, and its surface is covered by a synovial membrane with large number of blood vessels. In general, nutritional supply to the ligament is from many capillaries in the adjacent synovium. However, statistical studies of the capillaries distributed to the ACL are insufficient. In this study, we examined cross-sectional histological images of the femoral attachment (femoral level), middle level of the tendon (middle level), and tibial attachment (tibial level) of the ACL and statistically analyzed blood capillary distribution among the three levels. The ACLs of 10 cadavers were divided into 5 equal sections, and 4mm-thick paraffin sections were made at the femoral level, middle level, and tibial level, and then hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining were performed. The area of each transverse section was measured using Image-J 1.51n (U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). Fiber bundles of the ACL were relatively small and sparse in cross-sectional area at the femoral level and became larger and denser toward the tibial level. Many blood levels. The synovium at the attachment of ACL covered the surface of the fiber bundle and also penetrated deeply between the fiber bundles. In particular, the blood capillaries were densely distributed in the synovium at the femoral attachment rather than another two levels. Indeed, the number of capillaries were also most abundant in the femoral level. The cross-sectional ACL area at the femoral level is significantly small, however, the blood capillaries were most abundant. Therefore, when the ACL is injured, its reconstruction with preservation of the femoral ligamentous remnant may be clinically useful for remodeling of the grafted tendon.

El ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) es un ligamento que controla principalmente la movilidad anterior y rotacional de la articulación de la rodilla, y su superficie está cubierta por una membrana sinovial con gran cantidad de vasos sanguíneos. En general, el suministro de nutrientes al ligamento proviene de muchos capilares en la sinovial adyacente. Sin embargo, los estudios estadísticos de los capilares distribuidos en el LCA son insuficientes. En este estudio, examinamos imágenes histológicas trans- versales de la inserción femoral (nivel femoral), el nivel medio del tendón (nivel medio) y la inserción tibial (nivel tibial) del LCA y analizamos estadísticamente la distribución de los capilares sanguíneos entre los tres niveles. Los LCA de 10 cadáveres se dividieron en 5 secciones iguales y se realizaron cortes en parafina de 4 µm de espesor a nivel femoral, medio y tibial, y luego se realizó tinción con hematoxilina-eosina (HE). El área de cada sección transversal se midió utilizando Image-J 1.51n (Institutos Nacionales de Salud de EE. UU., Bethesda, MD, EE. UU.). Los haces de fibras del LCA eran relativamente pequeños y escasos en el área de la sección transversal a nivel femoral y se hicieron más grandes y más densos hacia el nivel tibial. La membrana sinovial en la unión del LCA cubría la superficie del haz de fibras y también penetraba profundamente entre entre los haces de fibras. En particular, los capilares sanguíneos estaban densamente distribuidos en la unión femoral de la sinovial respecto a los otros dos niveles. De hecho, el número de capilares también fue más abundante a nivel femoral. El área transversal del LCA a nivel femoral era significativamente pequeña, sin embargo, los capilares sanguíneos fueron los más abundantes. Por lo tanto, cuando hay una lesión del LCA su reconstrucción con preservación del ligamento femoral remanente puede ser clínicamente útil para remodelar el tendón injertado.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Capillaries/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/blood supply , Femur/blood supply , Synovial Membrane/blood supply , Tibia/blood supply , Cadaver
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 95-99, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970191


Limb length discrepancy(LLD) is a common complication after total hip arthroplasty (THA). Good positioning of the prosthesis and suitable soft tissue tension are essential to ensure hip joint stability. Patients will be more satisfied if almost the same length of both lower extremities is achieved. Preoperative comprehensive evaluation of patients is helpful to prevent the occurrence of LLD after surgery. Therefore, the pelvic spine conditions, as well as type and cause of LLD should be analyzed in detail before surgery. During operation, limb length should be adjusted by touching the position of patella, Kirschner's wires positioning and referring to the relationship between the center of femoral head and the tip of greater trochanter. After surgery, it is necessary to clearly distinguish true LLD from functional LLD, and make a reasonable therapeutic plan according to patient's symptoms and the range of differences in limb length. This article reviews the latest literatures based on clinical practice experience and summarizes the research status of LLD after THA, which helps joint surgeons to have an in-depth understanding of this postoperative complication.

Тема - темы
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip/adverse effects , Femur , Femur Head , Lower Extremity , Pelvis
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 65-70, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971151


Objective: To explore the clinical effects of island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps in the repair of sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter. Methods: The retrospective observational study was conducted. From December 2018 to December 2021, 23 patients with sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Ganzhou People's Hospital, including 16 males and 7 females, aged 45 to 86 years. The size of pressure ulcers in ischial tuberosity ranged from 1.5 cm×1.0 cm to 8.0 cm×5.0 cm, and the size of pressure ulcers in greater trochanter ranged from 4.0 cm×3.0 cm to 20.0 cm×10.0 cm before debridement. After treatment of underlying diseases, debridement and vacuum sealing drainage for 5 to 14 days were performed. All the wounds were repaired by island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps, with area of 4.5 cm×3.0 cm-24.0 cm×12.0 cm, pedicle width of 3-5 cm, pedicle length of 5-8 cm, and rotation radius of 30-40 cm. Most of the donor site wounds were sutured directly, and only 4 donor site wounds were repaired by intermediate thickness skin graft from the contralateral thigh. The survival of composite tissue flaps, wound healing of the donor and recipient sites and the complications were observed. The recurrence of pressure ulcers, and the appearance and texture of flaps were observed during follow-up. Results: A total of 32 wounds in 23 patients were repaired by island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps (including 3 fascio subcutaneous flaps, 24 fascial flaps+fascio subcutaneous flaps, 2 fascial flaps+fascial dermal flaps, 2 fascial flaps+fascio subcutaneous flaps+femoral biceps flaps, and one fascial flap+fascio subcutaneous flap+gracilis muscle flap). Among them, 31 composite tissue flaps survived well, and a small portion of necrosis occurred in one fascial flap+fascio subcutaneous flap post surgery. The survival rate of composite tissue flap post surgery was 96.9% (31/32). Twenty-nine wounds in the recipient sites were healed, and 2 wounds were torn at the flap pedicle due to improper postural changes, and healed one week after bedside debridement. One wound was partially necrotic due to the flap bruising, and healed 10 days after re-debridement. Thirty-one wounds in the donor sites (including 4 skin graft areas) were healed, and one wound in the donor site was torn due to improper handling at discharge, and healed 15 days after re-debridement and suture. The complication rate was 12.5% (4/32), mainly the incision dehiscence of the flap pedicle and the donor sites (3 wounds), followed by venous congestion at the distal end of flap (one wound). During the follow-up of 3 to 24 months, the pressure ulcers did not recur and the flaps had good appearance and soft texture. Conclusions: The island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps has good blood circulation, large rotation radius, and sufficient tissue volume. It has a high survival rate, good wound healing, low skin grafting rate in the donor site, few postoperative complications, and good long-term effect in the repair of sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Pressure Ulcer/etiology , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Skin Transplantation , Femur/surgery , Necrosis/surgery , Perforator Flap
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981645


OBJECTIVE@#Using the mono-energy reconstruction images and X-ray films to investigate whether the ABG Ⅱ short-stem could improve the filling ratio, stability, and alignment in the Dorr type C femur, compared with the Corail long-stem.@*METHODS@#Among patients who were with Dorr type C femurs and treated with total hip arthroplasty between January 2006 and March 2012, 20 patients with a Corail long-stem (Corail group) and 20 patients with an ABG Ⅱ short-stem (ABG Ⅱ group) were randomly selected. The differences in gender, age, body mass index, and preoperative diagnoses between the two groups were not significant ( P>0.05). The ABG Ⅱ group was with a mean follow-up of 142 months (range, 102-156 months), and the Corail group was with a mean follow-up of 107 months (range, 91-127 months). There was no significant difference in the Harris score and subjective satisfaction score between the two groups at last follow-up ( P>0.05). At last follow-up, dual-energy CT scans with mono-energy image reconstruction were used to calculate the prosthetic filling ratio and to measure the alignment of the prosthesis in the coronal and sagittal positions. Stability assessment was performed based on X-ray films, and the subsidence distance was measured using EBRA-FCA software.@*RESULTS@#X-ray film observation showed that the prostheses in the two groups were stable and no signs of loosening was found. The incidence of pedestal sign was significantly lower in the ABGⅡ group than in the Corail group ( P<0.05), and the incidence of heterotopic ossification was significantly higher in the ABGⅡ group than in the Corail group ( P<0.05). The subsidence distance of femoral stem in ABG Ⅱ group was significantly greater than that in Corail group ( P<0.05), and the subsidence speed of femoral stem in ABG Ⅱ group was also greater than that in Corail group, but the difference was not significant ( P>0.05). The overall prosthesis filling ratio was significantly higher in the ABG Ⅱ group than in the Corail group ( P<0.05), while the coronal filling ratio at the lesser trochanter, 2 cm below the lesser trochanter, and 7 cm below the lesser trochanter were not significant ( P>0.05). The results of prosthesis alignment showed that there was no significant difference in the sagittal alignment error value and the incidence of coronal and sagittal alignment error >3° between the two groups ( P>0.05), while the coronal alignment error value in the ABG Ⅱ group was significantly greater than that in the Corail group ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Although the ABG Ⅱ short-stem avoids the distal-proximal mismatch of the Corail long-stem in the Dorr type C femur and thus achieves a higher filling ratio, it does not appear to achieve better alignment or stability.

Тема - темы
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip/methods , Femur/surgery , Hip Prosthesis , Lower Extremity/surgery , Prosthesis Design , Retrospective Studies
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981649


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the changes of knee joint kinematics after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction assisted by personalized femoral positioner based on the apex of deep cartilage (ADC).@*METHODS@#Between January 2021 and January 2022, a total of 40 patients with initial ACL rupture who met the selection criteria were randomly divided into the study group (using the personalized femoral positioner based on ADC design to assist ACL reconstruction) and the control group (not using the personalized femoral positioner to assist ACL reconstruction), with 20 patients in each group. Another 20 volunteers with normal knee were collected as a healthy group. There was no significant difference in gender, age, body mass index, and affected side between groups ( P>0.05). Gait analysis was performed at 3, 6, and 12 months after operation using Opti _ Knee three-dimensional knee joint motion measurement and analysis system, and the 6 degrees of freedom (flexion and extension angle, varus and valgus angle, internal and external rotation angle, anteroposterior displacement, superior and inferior displacement, internal and external displacement) and motion cycle (maximum step length, minimum step length, and step frequency) of the knee joint were recorded. The patients' data was compared to the data of healthy group.@*RESULTS@#In the healthy group, the flexion and extension angle was (57.80±3.45)°, the varus and valgus angle was (10.54±1.05)°, the internal and external rotation angle was (13.02±1.66)°, and the anteroposterior displacement was (1.44±0.39) cm, the superior and inferior displacement was (0.86±0.20) cm, and the internal and external displacement was (1.38±0.39) cm. The maximum step length was (51.24±1.29) cm, the minimum step length was (45.69±2.28) cm, and the step frequency was (12.45±0.47) step/minute. Compared with the healthy group, the flexion and extension angles and internal and external rotation angles of the patients in the study group and the control group decreased at 3 months after operation, and the flexion and extension angles of the patients in the control group decreased at 6 months after operation, and the differences were significant ( P<0.05); there was no significant difference in the other time points and other indicators when compared with healthy group ( P>0.05). In the study group, the flexion and extension angles and internal and external rotation angles at 6 and 12 months after operation were significantly greater than those at 3 months after operation ( P<0.05), while there was no significant difference in the other indicators at other time points ( P>0.05). There was a significant difference in flexion and extension angle between the study group and the control group at 6 months after operation ( P<0.05), but there was no significant difference of the indicators between the two groups at other time points ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with conventional surgery, ACL reconstruction assisted by personalized femoral positioner based on ADC design can help patients achieve more satisfactory early postoperative kinematic results, and three-dimensional kinematic analysis can more objectively and dynamically evaluate the postoperative recovery of knee joint.

Тема - темы
Humans , Biomechanical Phenomena , Knee Joint/surgery , Femur/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Range of Motion, Articular , Cartilage/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981678


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the value of CT-based radiomics and clinical data in predicting the efficacy of non-vascularized bone grafting (NVBG) in hip preservation, and to construct a visual, quantifiable, and effective method for decision-making of hip preservation.@*METHODS@#Between June 2009 and June 2019, 153 patients (182 hips) with osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) who underwent NVBG for hip preservation were included, and the training and testing sets were divided in a 7∶3 ratio to define hip preservation success or failure according to the 3-year postoperative follow-up. The radiomic features of the region of interest in the CT images were extracted, and the radiomics-scores were calculated by the linear weighting and coefficients of the radiomic features after dimensionality reduction. The clinical predictors were screened using univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis. The radiomics model, clinical model, and clinical-radiomics (C-R) model were constructed respectively. Their predictive performance for the efficacy of hip preservation was compared in the training and testing sets, with evaluation indexes including area under the curve, C-Index, sensitivity, specificity, and calibration curve, etc. The best model was visualised using nomogram, and its clinical utility was assessed by decision curves.@*RESULTS@#At the 3-year postoperative follow-up, the cumulative survival rate of hip preservation was 70.33%. Continued exposure to risk factors postoperative and Japanese Investigation Committee (JIC) staging were clinical predictors of the efficacy of hip preservation, and 13 radiomic features derived from least absolute shrinkage and selection operator downscaling were used to calculate Rad-scores. The C-R model outperformed both the clinical and radiomics models in predicting the efficacy of hip preservation 1, 2, 3 years postoperative in both the training and testing sets ( P<0.05), with good agreement between the predicted and observed values. A nomogram constructed based on the C-R model showed that patients with lower Rad-scores, no further postoperative exposure to risk factors, and B or C1 types of JIC staging had a higher probability of femoral survival at 1, 2, 3 years postoperatively. The decision curve analysis showed that the C-R model had a higher total net benefit than both the clinical and radiomics models with a single predictor, and it could bring more net benefit to patients within a larger probability threshold.@*CONCLUSION@#The prediction model and nomogram constructed by CT-based radiomics combined with clinical data is a visual, quantifiable, and effective method for decision-making of hip preservation, which can predict the efficacy of NVBG before surgery and has a high value of clinical application.

Тема - темы
Humans , Bone Transplantation , Femur Head/surgery , Femur , Osteonecrosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Retrospective Studies
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981698


OBJECTIVE@#To explore correlation between imaging classification of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and axis angle of tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis of 739 middle-aged and elderly patients with KOA (1 026 knee joints) who underwent vertical X-ray examination of both lower limbs and lateral knee joints from September 2018 to December 2020. Among them, 63 patients with K-L 0 grade (95 knee joints), 100 patients with K-L 1 grade (130 knee joints), 161 patients with K-L 2 grade (226 knee joints), 187 patients with K-L 3 grade (256 knee joints), and 228 patients of K-L 4 grade (319 knee joints). According to relative position of knee joint center and line between hip joint center and ankle joint center, the affected knee was divided into varus group(844 knees joints) and valgus group (182 knees joints). According to Install-Salvati method, the affected knee was divided into three groups, such as high patella (patella height>1.2 mm, 347 knees joints), median patella (patella height ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, 561 knees joints), and low patella (patella height<0.8 mm, 118 knees joints). Lower femur angle, upper tibia angle, femoral neck shaft angle, femoral tibial angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, patella-femoral angle and patella height among different groups were observed and compared.@*RESULTS@#(1) In varus KOA group, there were statistical differnces in hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades (P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle and K-L grade were significantly positively correlated at 0.01(P<0.05);femoral neck shaft angle and K-L grade showed negative correlation at 0.01(P<0.05). (2) In valgus KOA group, hip-knee-ankle angle, there were statistical differences in tibiofemoral angle, inferior femoral angle, superior tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades(P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, and femoral neck shaft angle showed negative correlation with K-L grades at level of 0.01 (P<0.05);joint gap angle and K-L grades showed significantly positive correlation at level of 0.01(P<0.05). (3) In high patella group, there were statistically differences in patellar height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades(P<0.05);there were no statistical difference in patella height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades in median patella group. There was no significant difference in patella heightin low patella group with different K-L grades(P>0.05), and there was statistical difference in patellofemoral angle(P<0.05). Patellar height and patella-femoral angle of high patella group were significantly positively correlated with K-L grades at the level of 0.01 (P<0.05);patella height and patella-femoral angle were not correlated with K-L grades in median patella group(P>0.05). There was no correlation between height of patella and K-L grade in low patella group (P>0.05). There was significant negative correlation between patella-femoral angle and K-L grade at level of 0.05 (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Inferior femoral angle, tibiofemoral angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, femoral neck shaft angle and high patella are related to K-L classification of varus KOA, which could be used for early diagnosis and provide objective data for efficacy analysis of conservative treatment.

Тема - темы
Aged , Middle Aged , Humans , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Knee Joint , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Tibia
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981715


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the outcome of lateral femoral notch (LFN) after early anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and evaluate the recovery of knee joint function after the operation.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 32 patients who underwent early ACL reconstruction from December 2015 to December 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. The study included 18 males and 14 females, aged 16 to 54 years old, with an average age of (25.39±2.82) years. The body mass index (BMI) of the patients ranged from 20 to 30 kg/cm2, with an average of (26.15±3.09) kg/cm2. Among them, 6 cases were caused by traffic accidents, 19 by exercise, and 7 by the crush of heavy objects. MRI of all patients showed LFN depth was more than 1.5 mm after injury, and no intervention for LFN was performed during surgery. Preoperative and postoperative depth, area, and volume of LFN defects were observed by MRI data. International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) score, Lysholm score, Tegner activity levels, and knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS) were analyzed before and after the operation.@*RESULTS@#All patients were followed up from 2 to 6 years with an average of (3.28±1.12) years. There was no significant difference in the defect depth of LFN from (2.31±0.67) mm before the operation to (2.53±0.50) mm at follow-up (P=0.136). The defect area of LFN was decreased from (207.55±81.01)mm2 to (171.36±52.69)mm2 (P=0.038), and the defect volume of LFN was decreased from (426.32±176.54) mm3 to (340.86±151.54)mm3 (P=0.042). The ICRS score increased from (1.51±0.34) to (2.92±0.33) (P<0.001), the Lysholm score increased from (35.37±10.54) to (94.46±8.45) (P<0.001), and the Tegner motor score increased from (3.45±0.94) to (7.56±1.28), which was significantly higher than that of the preoperative data (P<0.001). The KOOS score of the final follow-up was 90.42±16.35.@*CONCLUSION@#With the increase of recovery time after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, the defect area and volume of LFN decreased gradually, but the defect depth remained unchanged. The knee joint function of the patients significantly improved. The cartilage of the LFN defect improved, but the repair effect was not good.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Adolescent , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Femur/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Knee Joint/surgery
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 303-307, 2023.
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009482


A 19-year-old man had an accidental fall from the 2nd floor and sustained multiple injuries. On radiological evaluation, the patient had symmetrical quadruple limb involvement with bilateral humerus shaft, bilateral olecranon, bilateral femur shaft, and bilateral patella fractures. The patient was actively managed using damage control orthopaedics, and a sequence of skeletal fixation was planned based on the hemodynamic stability and periodical serum lactate assessment. Symmetrical quadruple limb fractures are very rare, which could be associated with higher mortality. A meticulous clinical evaluation, periodical blood parameter assessment and strict adherence to the principles of damage control orthopaedics can be conducive to prevent life-endangering complications.

Тема - темы
Male , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Femoral Fractures/complications , Femur , Fracture Fixation , Accidental Falls , Radiography
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 249-255, 2023.
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009487


Surgical management of femoral shaft fractures with intramedullary nails has become the standard of care, with multiple options for entry point described, including piriformis entry, trochanter entry and retrograde femoral nails. Our present review describes the surgical anatomy of the proximal and distal femur and its relation to different entry points for intramedullary femoral nails. In addition, we reviewed relative indications for each technique, difficulties associated and possible complications.

Тема - темы
Humans , Femoral Fractures/surgery , Bone Nails , Femur/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary/methods , Lower Extremity
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970862


For patients with femoral neck fractures who plan to undergo internal fixation, satisfied alignment of fracture ends is an important prerequisite for internal fixation stability and fracture healing. There are many reports on the reduction methods of displaced femoral neck fractures, which can be summarized into three categories:First, the solely longitudinal traction of lower limbs, supplemented by other manipulations such as rotation and compression; Second, the resultant force formed by the longitudinal traction of lower limbs and the lateral traction;the third is accomplished by vertical traction in the axis of femur with hip joint flexed. Each reduction method has its own advantages, but no single method can be applied to all fracture displacement. In this paper, some classical reduction techniques in the literatures are briefly reviewed. It is hoped that clinicians will not be limited to a certain reduction method, they should analyze the injury mechanism and fracture displacement process according to the morphology features and flexibly select targeted reduction methods to improve the success rate of closed reduction of femoral neck fracture.

Тема - темы
Humans , Femoral Neck Fractures/surgery , Femur , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Fracture Healing , Traction , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970864


OBJECTIVE@#To provide guidance for hip replacement by analyzing the variation of femoral head rotation center in different hip diseases.@*METHODS@#A total of 5 459 patients were collected from March 2016 to June 2021, who took positive and proportional plain films of both hips for various reasons. The relative position between the rotation center of the femoral head and the apex of the greater trochanter was measured. The positive variation is more than 2 mm above the top of the great trochanter, and the negative variation is more than 2 mm below the top of the great trochanter. A total of 831 patients with variation of femoral head rotation center were collected and were divided into 4 groups according to different diseases, and the variation was counted respectively. There were 15 cases in the normal group involving 10 cases of positive variation and 5 cases of negative variation. There were 145 cases of avascular necrosis of femoral head involving 25 cases of positive variation and 120 cases of negative variation. There were 346 cases of congenital hip dysplasia involving 225 cases of positive variation(including 25 cases of typeⅠ, 70 cases of type Ⅱ, 115 cases of type Ⅲ and 15 cases of type Ⅳ), and 121 cases of negative variation(including 50 cases of crowe typeⅠ, 60 cases of typeⅡ, 10 cases of type Ⅲ and 1 case of type Ⅳ). There were 325 cases of hip osteoarthritis group involving 45 cases of positive variation and 280 cases of negative variation.@*RESULTS@#There was significant difference in variation of femoral head rotation center among the four groups(P<0.05). There was significant difference in variation of femoral head rotation center among different types of congenital hip dysplasia(P<0.05). There were significant differences in cervical trunk angle and eccentricity among different variations of femoral head rotation center(P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The variation of femoral head rotation center is related to cervical trunk angle and eccentricity. The variation of femoral head rotation center is an important factor in hip diseases. The variation of femoral head rotation center is different in different hip diseases. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head and osteoarthritis of the hip were mostly negative variations. With the aggravation of congenital hip dysplasia, the variation of femoral head rotation center gradually changed from negative variation to positive variation.The variation of femoral head rotation center should be paid attention to in the preoperative planning of hip arthroplasty. It is of great significance to select the appropriate prosthesis and place the prosthesis accurately.

Тема - темы
Humans , Femur Head/surgery , Hip Dislocation, Congenital/surgery , Hip Prosthesis , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip/methods , Femur/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009026


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the related factors of femoral stem anteversion (FSA) after total hip arthroplasty (THA), so as to provide reference for clinical design of FSA before operation and reduce the risk of hip dislocation after arthroplasty.@*METHODS@#Ninty-three patients (103 hips) who underwent THA between October 2021 and September 2022 and met the selection criteria were selected as the study subjects. Among them, there were 48 males and 45 females with an average age of 58.5 years (range, 25-88 years). Body mass index was 18.00-37.84 kg/m 2, with an average of 24.92 kg/m 2. There were 51 cases (57 hips) of osteonecrosis of femoral head, 35 cases (39 hips) of hip osteoarthritis, and 7 cases (7 hips) of congenital hip dysplasia. Based on CT images, the following indicators were measured: preoperative femoral neck anteversion (FNA), preoperative femoral rotation angle (FRA), preoperative acetabular anteversion (AA), and preoperative combined anteversion (CA; the sum of preoperative FNA and AA); postoperative FSA and the change in femoral anteversion angle (the difference between postoperative FSA and preoperative FNA). Based on preoperative X-ray films, the following indicators were measured: femoral cortical thickness index (CTI) and canal flare index (CFI), the proximal femoral medullary cavity was classified according to Noble classification (champagne cup type, normal type, chimney type), neck-shaft angle (NSA), and femoral offset (FO). Pearson correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, and Point-biserial correlation analysis were used to investigate the correlation between postoperative FSA, postoperative change in femoral anteversion angle, and patient diagnosis, proximal femoral medullary cavity anatomy type, gender, age, as well as preoperative FNA, FRA, AA, CA, NSA, FO, CTI, and CFI. FSA was used as the dependent variable and the independent variables that may be related to it were included for multiple linear regression analysis.@*RESULTS@#Based on CT image measurement, preoperative FNA was (15.96±10.01)°, FRA (3.36±10.87)°, AA (12.94±8.83)°, CA (28.9±12.6)°, postoperative FSA (16.18±11.01)°, and postoperative change in femoral anteversion angle was (0.22±9.98)°. Based on preoperative X-ray films measurements, the CTI was 0.586±0.081; the CFI was 4.135±1.125, with 23 hips classified as champagne cup type, 68 hips as normal type, and 12 hips as chimney type in the proximal femoral medullary cavity anatomy; NSA was (132.87±7.83)°; FO was (40.53±10.11) mm. There was no significant difference between preoperative FNA and postoperative FSA ( t=-0.227, P=0.821). Pearson correlation analysis showed that postoperative FSA was positively correlated with preoperative FNA, preoperative CA, postoperative change in femoral anteversion angle, and age ( P<0.05), while negatively correlated with preoperative FRA ( P<0.05). The postoperative change in femoral anteversion angle were positively correlated with preoperative FRA and postoperative FSA ( P<0.05), and negatively correlated with preoperative CA and FNA ( P<0.05). One-way ANOVA analysis showed that the above two indicators were not correlated with diagnosis and the proximal femoral medullary cavity anatomy type ( P>0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed a linear correlation between FSA and FNA, CA, age, and FRA ( F=10.998, P<0.001), and the best fit model was FSA=0.48×FNA-2.551.@*CONCLUSION@#The factors related to FSA after THA include patient's age, preoperative FNA, CA, FRA and postoperative femoral anteversion, of which preoperative FNA is the most closely related. When designing a surgical plan before surgery, attention should be paid to the patient's preoperative FNA, and if necessary, CT around the hip joint should be scanned to gain a detailed understanding of the proximal femoral anatomical structure.

Тема - темы
Female , Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Femur Neck , Femur Head , Hip Joint
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