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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(1): 30190, 27 abr. 2023. tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1427955


Introdução:A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica é uma doença crônica que acometea maior parte idosos brasileiros, sendo uma das principais causas de mortes prematuras e incapacidades funcionais que causam complicações cardiovasculares e cerebrais, as quais podem estar associadas a diversos fatores predisponentes como a obesidade.Objetivo:Avaliar a associação entre hipertensão arterial sistêmica e indicadores antropométricos em idosos do estudo BrazucaNatal.Metodologia: Estudo transversal de base populacional com 191 idosos do município Natal-RN. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos, econômicos e antropométricos (peso, estatura, perímetro da cintura e perímetro do quadril) e cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal, Razão Cintura-Estatura e Razão Cintura Quadril. A hipertensão arterial foi auto referida. Os dados foram analisados pelo software SPSS versão 20.0. Teste t de Student foi utilizado para avaliar as diferenças entre médias das variáveis de acordo com o sexo e presença de hipertensão arterial. A associação entre a presença da doença e as variáveisfoi realizadapela Regressão de Poisson, comas razões de prevalência brutas e ajustadas e seus intervalos de confiança (95%).Resultados:A maioria dos idosos eram do sexo feminino (55%), com média de idade 69,48 anos (DP=7,38) e índice de massa corporalde 28,46 (DP=5,25), 59,4% possuíamexcesso de peso e 60,1% hipertensão. Ao comparar os sexos, registramos maiores médias de índice de massa corporal, perímetro do quadrile relação cintura estaturanas mulheres (p<0,05). Observamos maiores médias de idadee indicadores antropométricos entre os idosos com hipertensão (p<0,05). Constatamos que a presença de hipertensão estava associada a perímetro da cintura e índice de massa corporal no modelo bruto, mantendo-se apenas o perímetro da cinturano modelo ajustado. Conclusões:Indicadores antropométricos de fácil aplicação e baixo custo como o perímetroda cintura podeser eficientes para a detecção precoce da hipertensão arterial em idosos (AU).

Introduction:SystemicArterial Hypertension is a chronic disease that affects most Brazilian older adults and is one of the main causes of premature deaths and functional disabilities that cause cardiovascular and brain complications. Obesityis among the several predisposing factorsassociatedwithhypertension. Objective:To evaluate the association between SAHand anthropometric indicators in older adultsof the Brazuca Natal study.Methodology: Cross-sectional population-based study with 191 older adults in the city of Natal-RN.Sociodemographic, economic and anthropometric data (weight, height, waist circumference,and hip circumference),Body Mass Index, Waist-Height Ratio and Waist-Hip Ratio were collected. Hypertension was self-reported. Data were analyzed using the SPSS software, version 20.0. The Student's t-test was used to compare themeans of the variables according to sexand presence of hypertension. The association between the presence of the disease and the variables wasperformed by Poisson regression, with crude and adjusted prevalence ratios and respectiveconfidence intervals (95%).Results:The majority of the elderly were female (55%), with a mean age of 69.48 years (SD = 7.38) andBody Mass Indexof 28.46 (SD = 5.25), 59.4% were overweight and 60.1% had hypertension. Mean Body Mass Index, hip circumference and Waist-Height Ratiovalues were higher in women (p<0.05). The age and anthropometric indicators values were higher among the older adults with hypertension (p<0.05). We found that the presence of hypertension was associated with body weight and Body Mass Index,in the crude model and only with body weight in the adjusted model. Conclusions:Anthropometric indicators of easy application and lowcost such as waist circumference can be efficient todetect hypertension in older adults (AU).

Introducción:La Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica es una enfermedad crónica que afecta principalmente ancianos brasileños, siendo una de las principales causas de muertes prematuras ydiscapacidades funcionales que causan complicaciones cardiovasculares y cerebrales, las cuales pueden estar asociadas a diversos factores predisponentes como la obesidad. Objetivo:Evaluar la asociación entre la hipertensión arterial sistémica y los indicadores antropométricos en ancianos del estudio Brazuca Natal. Metodología:Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 191 ancianos del municipio Natal-RN. Se reconpilaron datos sociodemográficos, económicos y antropométricos (peso, estatura, perímetro de la cintura y perímetro de la cadera) y cálculo del Índice de Masa Corporal,Razón Cintura-Estatura y Razón Cintura Cadera. La hipertensión fue auto referida. Los datos fueron analizados por el software SPSSversión 20.0. Test t de Student fue realizado para evaluar las diferencias entre medias de las variables de acuerdo con el sexo y la presencia de hipertensión arterial. La asociación entre la presencia de la enfermedad y las variables fue realizada por la Regresión de Poisson, con las razones de prevalencia brutas y ayustadas y sus intervalos de confianza (95%). Resultados:La mayoría de los ancianos eran mujeres (55%), con una media de 69,48 años (DP= 7,38) y Índice de Masa Corporalde 28,46 (DP= 5,25), 59,4% poseían exceso de peso y 60,1% hipertensión. Observamos mayores medias de edady indicadores antropométricosentre los ancianos con hipertensión (p<0,05).Constatamos que la presencia de hipertensión estaba asociada al perímetro de la cinturae Índice de Masa Corporalen el modelo bruto, manteniendo solo el perímetro de la cinturaen el modelo ayustado. Conclusiones:Indicadores antropométricos de fácil aplicación y bajo costo como el perímetro de la cintura puede ser eficaz para la detección temprana de la hipertensión arterial en los ancianos (AU).

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged , Anthropometry/methods , Health of the Elderly , Risk Factors , Food and Nutritional Surveillance , Body Mass Index , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Multivariate Analysis , Hypertension/pathology
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20497, 2022. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403678


Abstract Faced with the increase of type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM2) and the failure in treatment, questions have been raised about the clinical situation of these patients. The present study analyzes the prevalence of hypertension and obesity in DM2 patients. Data were collected through interviews and anamnesis of 16 participants. After the meetings, in which capillary glycemia and blood pressure were measured, the participants received guidance about glycemic monitoring, blood pressure control and changes in lifestyle. Approximately 75% of the participants were women with average age of 65 years, 87.5% were sedentary, 18.75% smoked and/or used alcoholic beverages and none performed regular blood glucose monitoring. The initial blood glucose average was 148 mg/ dL and finally decreased to 133 mg/dL. There was no significant difference in blood pressure levels. Regarding the body mass index, 89.4% of the patients were above normal standards and 100% had altered waist circumference values. There is a need for studies like this in order to promote educational practices for health and disease control, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary teams and the pharmaceutical professional, since non-adherence to blood glucose monitoring, also associated with hypertension and obesity, can interfere with the individual's clinical condition.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Patients/classification , Prevalence , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/diagnosis , Hypertension/pathology , Obesity , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Body Mass Index , Arterial Pressure , Glycemic Control/instrumentation , Life Style
Rev. méd. Maule ; 36(2): 24-33, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377956


In the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) of the UC Health Network there is a program of multiple interventions based on a Chronic Control Model (CCM), led by a nurse who coordinates the activities and ensures compliance, aspiring to a change in its model of care and self-sustainability. It has been running for several years and its implementation and results have not been evaluated. Objective: This study aims to describe the situation of the Program, at its different levels: structure, processes and results. Material and method: Observational, descriptive longitudinal study of patients seen between July 2010 and June 2012, based on: methodology proposed by A. Donabedian; E. Wagner recommendations for the MTC; Monthly Statistical Registers and recommendations of the GES DM2 and HTA (MINSAL) Guides. Results: Hypertensive patients present a reduction of 11.2 mmHg in SBP and 7.8 mmHg in DBP (p 0.04). Diabetics present a reduction in HbA1c by 1.5 percentage points (p 0.04), and mixed patients present a SBP / DBP reduction of 10.3 and 6.8 mmHg respectively and an HbA1c reduction of 1.1 percentage points (p 0.092). Conclusions: After an average of 15 months, hypertensive patients significantly improve their mean SBP, DBP and compensation percentages; diabetics significantly improve their mean HbA1c and compensation percentages; mixed patients manage to improve their blood pressure and HbA1c levels, but this is not statistically significant.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Chronic Disease/therapy , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Private Health Care Coverage , Cardiovascular Diseases/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Delivery of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Family Practice/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 7(1): 40-56, jan. 2021. tab, graf
Статья в португальский | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1147564


Introdução:As doenças são responsáveispor maior parte das hospitalizações e mortes no mundo. Porém, a maioria delas podem ser prevenidaspor ações realizadas na Atenção Primária.Objetivo:comparar a morbidade e mortalidade por Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis, Hipertensão Arterial e Diabetes Mellitus nos anos 2012-2014 com a cobertura da Atenção Primária naregião Nordeste do Brasil.Metodologia:Trata-se de estudo ecológico, retrospectivo, realizado no nordeste brasileiro com dados dos anos de 2012 e 2014 disponíveis no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva e analítica e correlacionada as taxas de internação e óbitos dos agravos estudados com cobertura da AtençãoPrimária.Resultados:Ao comparar a ocorrência de internação e óbito entre os anos de 2012 e 2014 observou-se redução no nordeste. Todavia, quando correlacionado com a cobertura da AtençãoPrimária, quanto maior a cobertura,maior foi a ocorrência dos agravos.Conclusões:Oestudo revelou a necessidade de reflexão e tomada de atitude pelos gestores e profissionais de saúde considerando a continuidade do cuidado ao usuário da Atenção Primária, bem como todos os investimentos financeiros realizados pelo Ministério da Saúde junto aos municípios do Nordeste do Brasil (AU).

Introduction:Diseases account for mosthospitalizations and deaths in the world. However, most of them can be prevented by actions taken in Primary Care.Objective:To compare morbidity and mortality due to Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases, Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus in 2012-2014 with Primary Care coverage in northeastern Brazil.Methodology:It is an ecological and retrospective study conducted in northeastern Brazil with data from 2012 and 2014 with data available from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System. A descriptive and analytical analysis was conducted that correlated the rates of hospitalization and deaths of the diseases studied with the coverage of PrimaryCare.Results:Comparing the occurrence of hospitalization and death between 2012 and 2014, a reduction was observed in the Northeast. However, when you correlate with Primary Care coverage, the higher the coverage, the greater the occurrence of injuries.Conclusions:The study revealed the need for reflection and attitudes by managers and health professionals considering the continuity of care for Primary Care users, as well as all financial investments made by the Ministry of Health with the municipalities of northeastern Brazil (AU).

Introducción: Las enfermedades representan la mayoría de las hospitalizaciones y muertes en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos se pueden prevenir mediante acciones realizadas en la Atención Primaria. Objetivo: Comparar la morbilidad y mortalidad debidas a Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles, Hipertensión y Diabetes Mellitus en los años 2012-2014 con la cobertura de Atención Primaria en el noreste de Brasil. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio ecológico y retrospectivo realizado en el noreste de Brasil con datos de 2012 y 2014 con datos disponibles del Departamento de Informática del Sistema Unificado de Salud. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y analítico que correlacionó las tasas de hospitalización y muertesde las enfermedades estudiadas con la cobertura de la Atención Primaria. Resultados: Al comparar la ocurrencia de hospitalización y muerte entre 2012 y 2014, se observó una reducción en el noreste. Sin embargo, cuando se correlaciona con la cobertura de Atención Primaria, cuanto mayor sea la cobertura, mayor será la ocurrencia de las lesiones.Conclusiones: El estudio reveló la necesidad de reflexión y toma de actitudes por parte de gerentes y profesionales de la salud considerando la continuidad de la atención a los usuarios de Atención Primaria, así como todas las inversiones financieras realizadas por el Ministerio de Salud con los municipios del noreste de Brasil (AU).

Тема - темы
Primary Health Care , Delivery of Health Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension/pathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Chronic Disease , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Ecological Studies
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e18333, 2020. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132036


Given their relationship with metabolic syndrome and systematic inflammatory diseases, the pathogenesis of hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia is closely related. To explore the common genes among these three conditions, spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR), spontaneous diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats (GK) and hyperlipidemia rats (HMR) were reared for experiments. Gene array was used to identify the genes of SHR, GK and HMR compared with normal Wistar rats using TBtools software. First, real-time PCR was applied to verify these genes, and Cytoscape software was used to construct networks based on the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Second, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database analysis was performed to classify the genes. Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) database and Gene Ontology database were used to explore the biological function. Finally, Onto-tools Pathway Express was used to analyze the pathways of shared genes. Importantly, upregulated common genes, such as Bad, Orm1, Arntl and Zbtb7a, were used to construct a network of 150 genes, while downregulated genes, such as Mif and Gpx1, formed a network of 29 genes. Interestingly, the networks were involved in various pathways, such as insulin signal pathway, endometrial cancer pathway, circadian rhythm pathway, and pancreatic cancer pathway. We discovered common genes of SHR, GK and HMR compared with normal Wistar rats, and the association of these genes together with biological function were preliminarily revealed.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Female , Rats , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology , Genes/genetics , Hyperlipidemias/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Biological Products/adverse effects , Software , Genome/physiology , Scientists for Health and Research for Development , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea) ; 10(2): 39-51, 2020. tab, tab, graf, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1123457


Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la condición de hipertensión arterial y las caracterís-ticas sociodemográficas de los pacientes atendidos en la clínica de atención prioritaria de odontología de la Universidad del Valle, entre los años 2013 y 2016. Métodos: este es un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de corte transversal. Las variables evaluadas fueron: edad, sexo, presión arterial diastólica y sistólica al inicio y al final de la consulta de valoración, grado de escolaridad, peso, talla, índice de masa corporal, conocimiento de condición de hipertensión, y prevalencia. Para analizar la información se empleó el programa Stata13. Como prueba de normalidad para las variables numéricas, se utilizó la prueba de Shapiro Wilks, para las variables que no se comportaron normal, la prueba U de Mann Whitney y para las variables categóricas con un error aceptado de p<0,05, la prueba de chi2. Resultados: se incluyeron 1815 pacientes en la muestra, de los cuales 528 tuvieron datos de tensión arterial ≥140/90 mm Hg. Así, el 70% desconocían que tenían valores ≥140/90 mm Hg. El 36% de las mujeres y el 23% de los hombres conocían su condición de hipertensión arterial. El índice de masa corporal por encima de 25.6, ser mayor de 50 años y el sexo femenino son factores de riesgo para la HTA. Conclusión:como factores de riesgo para la tensión arterial elevada se determinan el sexo, la edad y el índice de masa corporal. El 70% de los pacientes desconocían los valores de su tensión arterial y la prevalencia de probable hipertensión encontrada fue de 29%.

Objective: Evaluate the relationship between arterial hypertension condition and the sociodemographic characteristics of patients attended in the Priority dental care clinic at the Universidad del Valle between 2013-2016. Methods: This is a retrospective, cross sectional, descriptive study. The evaluated variables were: age, gender, diastolic and systolic BP at the beginning and at the end of the first assessment consultation, educational level, weight, size and body mass index (BMI), awareness of high blood pressure condition, and prevalence. The information was analyzed with STATA 13. The Shapiro Wilks test was used for normality in numerical variables , the Mann Whitney U test for the numerical variables which did not behave normal for frequency and distribution; and the chi square test for categorical variables with an accepted error of 5%. Results: 1815 patients were evaluated for their blood pressure levels, 528 with values ≥140/90 mm Hg. 70% were not aware they could be hypertensive, 36% of women and 23% of men were knew of their hypertension condition. Most of the patients with levels (≥140/90 mm Hg) were in the age range between 50-59 years. The variables of age, body mass index and gender showed to be risk related with HBP. Conclusions: Sex, age and body mass index were risk related with high blood pressure. The prevalence of probable hypertension in this study was 29%, and 70% of the patients ignored their possible high blood pressure condition.

Тема - темы
Humans , Prevalence , Hypertension/pathology , Sex , Body Mass Index , Risk Factors , Arterial Pressure
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249173


Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a serious health problem worldwide; it is characterized by a group of metabolic disorders, including central obesity, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia with accelerated atherosclerosis, hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and elevated uric acid with increased risk of gout. The incidence of MS has increased considerably in recent decades and has attracted considerable attention. A number of clinical and translational laboratory studies have implicated the activation of nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in the development of MS, therefore establishing a strong link between chronic inflammation and metabolic diseases. This paper aims to review new developments on NLRP3 inflammasome in MS for better understanding of chronic inflammation in metabolic diseases. We will also provide new insights into using NLRP3 inflammasome as an innovative therapeutic target.

Тема - темы
Inflammasomes/pharmacology , Metabolic Diseases/pathology , Uric Acid/adverse effects , Insulin Resistance/physiology , Metabolic Syndrome/pathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/pathology , Atherosclerosis/pathology , Obesity, Abdominal/pathology , Hypertension/pathology
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1183-1192, Dec. 2018.
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-975679


The most prevalent pathologies during pregnancy, such as hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), can determine modifications in macro- and microscopic morphological features of the placenta and its free chorionic villi. In the fetus it may be accompanied by pathological manifestations, with the embryo's future quality of life, and even its viability, at risk. The aim of this work is to perform a review of the morphological alterations that the placenta exhibits in pregnancies with GDM. A search on the topic in the scientific literature and specialized textbooks was carried out. The terms "placenta", "diabetes mellitus gestational" and "gestational diabetes mellitus" were used to define the search. Among the morphological modifications it was found that the placental weight/fetal weight ratio is higher in GDM and is associated mainly with histological changes. The distance between maternal and fetal circulation is increased because of an increase in the chorionic villi on the surface as well as greater thickness of the syncytiotrophoblast basal membrane due to an increased type IV collagen deposition. The stroma between the villi is edematous, which modifies the metabolic and endocrinal function of these placentas. Moreover, the capillary surface is enlarged due to the phenomena of vascular neoformation and a greater penetration of these vessels within the villi. Low oxygen partial pressure (pO2) was detected, which would produce a compensatory hyperplasia of terminal chorionic villi. In GDM the placenta undergoes alterations in its formation, structure, and function. According to the review, these alterations are related to an oxygenation deficiency in the fetus and changes in the transplacental transport of nutrients and other alterations, causing fetal overgrowth by increasing their availability in addition to other consequences to the developing fetus. In the case of high blood pressure during pregnancy, this produces accelerated maturation and rapid aging of the chorionic villi, with the risk of inducing a placental abruption. In addition, placental circulation is reduced by a third, decreasing oxygen saturation in the umbilical vessels and placing the health of the fetus at risk.

Las patologías de la gestación más prevalentes, como hipertensión, diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) y restricción del crecimiento uterino, pueden determinar modificaciones en las características morfológicas macro y microscópicas de la placenta y sus vellosidades coriales libres,y en el feto se puede acompañar de manifestaciones patológicas, con riesgo para su calidad de vida futura, e incluso su viabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en realizar una revisión acerca de las alteraciones morfológicas que presenta la placenta en gestaciones con DMG. Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda sobre la temática en literatura científica y libros de texto especializados. Se utilizaron los términos "placenta", "diabetes mellitus gestacional" y "gestational diabetes mellitus" para orientar la búsqueda. Entre las modificaciones morfológicas se encontró que la relación peso placentario/peso fetal está aumentado en la DMG y se asocia principalmente a cambios histológicos. La distancia entre la circulación materna y la fetal está aumentada debido a un aumento de la superficie entre las vellosidades coriales, así como al mayor grosor de la membrana basal del sincitiotrofoblasto por un depósito elevado de colágeno tipo IV. El estroma entre las vellosidades se encuentra edematoso lo que va a modificar la función metabólica y endocrina de estas placentas. También hay aumento de la superficie capilar por fenómenos de neoformación vascular y una mayor penetración de estos vasos dentro de las vellosidades. Se detectó baja presión parcial de oxígeno (pO2), que produciría una hiperplasia compensatoria de vellosidades coriónicas terminales. En la DMG la placenta experimenta alteraciones en su formación, estructura y función. Según lo revisado, estas alteraciones están relacionadas con déficit en la oxigenación del feto, cambios en el transporte transplacentario de los nutrientes y otras alteraciones, ocasionando sobrecrecimiento fetal por aumento de su disponibilidad, entre otras consecuencias al feto en desarrollo. Y en el caso de la hipertensión arterial durante la gestación produce una maduración acelerada y envejecimiento rápido de las vellosidades coriales, con el riesgo de inducir un desprendimiento prematuro de placenta. Además se reduce la circulación placentaria en un tercio, disminuyendo la saturación de oxígeno en los vasos umbilicales del, poniendo en riesgo la salud del feto.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Placenta/pathology , Diabetes, Gestational/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Chorionic Villi/pathology , Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/pathology
Int. j. morphol ; 36(2): 551-556, jun. 2018. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-954153


Las patologías de la gestación como la hipertensión, diabetes mellitus gestacional, o restricción del crecimiento intrauterino, pueden determinar modificaciones en las características morfológicas macro y microscópicas de la placenta y sus vellosidades coriales libres, y en el feto se puede acompañar de manifestaciones patológicas, con riesgo para su calidad de vida futura, e incluso su viabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en describir aspectos morfométricos e histológicos de las vellosidades coriales libres en gestas normales, con diabetes e hipertensión arterial. Se utilizaron 30 placentas humanas y fueron separadas, según presencia o ausencia de patologías en el embarazo, en tres grupos: Normal (N), Síndrome Hipertensivo del Embarazo (SHE), Diabetes (D) y Restricción del Crecimiento Intrauterino (RCIU). Se usó ficha para registrar peso placentario y del recién nacido Todas las muestras fueron fijadas en formalina tamponada al 10 %. De cada una fueron extraídas 5 muestras, obteniendo 25 cortes por cada placenta. Posteriormente, fueron teñidas con H&E, Azul Alcián y Tricrómico de Masson. Además, se efectuó el análisis histológico y morfométrico (ImageJ®) de las vellosidades coriales. El análisis estadístico fue realizado utilizando ANOVA. Entre los cambios morfológicos, se encontró una relación peso placentario/peso del recién nacido aumentada en la Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional asociada a cambios histológicos. No hubo cambios morfométricos significativos entre placentas N, SHE y D. Hubo un aumento en el número de vasos coriales en placentas del grupo D (P < 0,05) y de la superficie entre las vellosidades coriales. En el grupo SHE hubo aumento moderado de nudos sinciciales y presencia de fibrina en el estroma. Las placentas con Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional experimentan alteraciones histológicas, como consecuencia de cambios estructurales y funcionales. Además, el aumento de vasos sanguíneos en placentas con diabetes se produce por neoformación vascular y mayor penetración de vasos sanguíneos dentro de las vellosidades. En el caso del SHE las alteraciones placentarias se relacionan con la gravedad de la enfermedad.

Gestational pathologies such as hypertension, gestational diabetes mellitus and restriction of intrauterine growth can determine changes in the macro and microscopic morphological characteristics of the placenta and its free chorionic villi. In the fetus it can be accompanied by pathological manifestations with risk to its viability and future quality of life. The aim of this work was to describe morphometric and histological aspects of free chorionic villi in normal pregnancies associated with diabetes, hypertension and restriction of intrauterine growth. Thirty human placentas were used and were separated into three groups: Normal (N), Hypertensive Pregnancy Syndrome (SHE), Diabetes (D), and Restriction of Intrauterine Growth (RIG) according to evident pathologies or absence thereof during pregnancy. Tab was used to record placental and newborn weight. All samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin. From each, 5 samples were extracted, obtaining 25 cuts for each placenta. Subsequently, they were stained with H & E, Alcian Blue and Masson's Trichrome. In addition, histological and morphometric analysis (ImageJ®) of the chorion villus was carried out. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA. Among the morphological changes, an increased placental weight / weight ratio of the newborn was found in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus associated with histological changes. There were no significant morphometric changes between placentas N, SHE and D. There was an increase in the number of corial vessels in placentas of group D (P <0.05) and of the surface between the chorion villi. In the SHE group there was a moderate increase in syncytial nodes and presence of fibrin in the stroma. Placentas with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus experience histological alterations, as a consequence of structural and functional changes. In addition, the increase of blood vessels in placentas D is produced by vascular neoformation and increased penetration of blood vessels into the villi. In the case of SHE, placental alterations are related to the severity of the disease.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adolescent , Adult , Chorionic Villi/pathology , Diabetes, Gestational/pathology , Fetal Growth Retardation/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Placenta/pathology , Cross-Sectional Studies
Braz. dent. j ; 29(3): 309-315, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-951550


Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate salivary levels of TGFβ1 and proliferation/ maturation of epithelial mucosa cells in diabetic and hypertensive patients. Design: in this cross-sectional study, whole stimulated saliva and oral mucosa exfoliative cytology specimens were collected from 39 patients that were healthy (control, n=10) or presented history of arterial hypertension (HAS, n=9), diabetes mellitus (DM, n=10) or both (DM+HAS, n=10). Salivary flow rate (SFR), TGFβ1 level in saliva, AgNORs and the epithelial maturation were evaluated. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by Dunn's multiple comparison post-test and the Spearman test correlation analysis were used. SFR showed a significant decreased in DM and DM+HAS (0.47±0.11 and 0.64±0.43 mL/min) when compared to control (1.4±0.38 mL/min). DM+HAS presented the highest value of TGFβ1 concentration (24.72±5.89 pg/mL). It was observed a positive correlation between TGFβ1 and glycaemia (R=0.6371; p<0.001) and a negative correlation between TGFβ1 and saliva (R=-0.6162; p<0.001) and glycaemia and SFR (R=-0.5654; P=0.001). AgNORs number and status of maturation of mucosa cells were similar for all conditions. DM and DM+HAS presented the lowest SFR, which correlated with increased TGFβ1 levels. Despite the higher TGFβ1 secretion it was not observed changes in the morphology or proliferation of epithelial cells when diabetes or hypertension was present.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os níveis de TGFβ1 na saliva e a proliferação/maturação das células epiteliais da mucosa em paciente diabéticos e hipertensos. Neste estudo transversal, saliva estimulada e amostras de citologia exfoliativa de mucosa oral foram coletadas de um total de 39 pacientes que se apresentavam saudáveis (controle, n=10) ou com história de hipertensão arterial (HAS, n=9), diabetes mellitus (DM, n=10) ou ambos (DM+HAS, n=10). Taxa de fluxo salivar (SFR), níveis de TGFβ1 na saliva, AgNORs e maturação epitelial foram avaliados. Teste não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis, seguido de comparação múltipla de Dunn e correlação de Spearman foram utilizados para as análises. SFR diminuiu significantemente em DM e DM+HAS (0,47±0,11 e 0,64±0,43 mL/min) quando comparado ao controle (1,4±0,38 mL/min). DM+HAS apresentou os maiores valores de concentração de TGFβ1 (24,72±5,89 pg/mL). Foi observada uma correlação positiva entre TGFβ1 e glicemia (R=0,6371; p<0,001) e uma correlação negativa entre TGFβ1 e saliva (R=-0,6162; p<0,001) e glicemia e SFR (R=-0,5654; p=0,001). Número de AgNORs e o padrão da maturação das células epiteliais foram similares entre os todos grupos. DM e DM+HAS apresentaram os menores valores de SFR, os quais foram correlacionados com o aumento nos níveis de TGFβ1. Apesar da maior secreção de TGFβ1, não foram observadas mudanças na morfologia ou proliferação das células epiteliais quando o paciente apresentava diabetes ou hipertensão.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saliva/metabolism , Diabetes Mellitus/metabolism , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/metabolism , Hypertension/metabolism , Mouth Mucosa/metabolism , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Salivation , Secretory Rate , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Antigens, Nuclear , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology , Diabetes Mellitus/blood , Hypertension/pathology
Rev. salud pública ; 19(5): 609-616, sep.-oct. 2017. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-962046


RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar la frecuencia y factores de riesgo para Síndrome Metabólico (SM) en adultos con Diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial y sin diabetes-hipertensión. Material y Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en derechohabientes de ambos sexos y mayores de 20 años de los servicios de consulta externa del HGZ No. 1 IMSS Colima, México. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, IMC, diámetro de la cintura, grado de escolaridad, estado socioeconómico, grado de actividad física, tabaquismo, antecedentes familiares para diabetes e hipertensión arterial (HTA) y parámetros bioquímicos como glucosa, colesterol HDL, triglicéridos. Resultados Se estudiaron 417 pacientes (170 hombres y 247 mujeres), con un promedio de edad 53,2 ± 13,4 años (intervalo 20 a 86 años). La frecuencia global del SM fue del 52,3 % (56 % mujeres y 46,4 % hombres). Mientras que la frecuencia del SM fue de 50 % en DM2, 42% en HTA, 80 % DM2 + HTA y 28,2 % sin DM o HTA. La frecuencia del tabaquismo fue del 27,8 % y fue un factor de riesgo importante para la totalidad de pacientes con SM, en DM2 y en DM2+HAT. Conclusiones La frecuencia del SM en adultos fue del 52,3 %, las mujeres fueron más afectadas y el tabaquismo fue el factor de riesgo más importante.(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective Determinate the frequency and the risk factors for Metabolic Syndrome in adults with diabetes mellitus, Hypertension and without Diabetes- Hypertension. Materials and Methods We realized a cross-sectional study in patients of both sexes and older than 20 years of the "Hospital General de Zona 1 IMSS" in Colima, Mexico. The variables studied were: age, BMI, waist circumference, cigarette smoking, and family history of diabetes and hypertension, and biochemical parameters, such as glucose, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Results A total of 417 persons were enrolled (170 men and 247 women), with an age average of 53.2 ± 13.4 years (age range, 20 to 86 years). The global frequency of the metabolic syndrome was 52.3 % (56 % in women and 46.4 % in men). While the MS frequency was 50 % in DM2, 42 % in hypertension, 80 % in DM2+hypertension and 28.2 % without DM2 and hypertension. The cigarette smoking frequency was 27.8 %, and it was an important risk factor for the totally of patients with MS, in DM2 and in DM2+hypertension. Conclusions The frequency of MS in adults was 52.3 %, women were the most affected, and cigarette smoking was the most important risk factor.(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Metabolic Syndrome/epidemiology , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies/instrumentation
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 53(3): e00217, 2017. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-889393


ABSTRACT In Brazil, 80% of hypertensive patients have no blood pressure controlled, this fact has caused severe financial consequences for the public health system (PHS) and the Pharmaceutical Care (PC) has emerged as an effective alternative. The aim of this study was to analyze the costs and outcomes of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) for conventional assistance compared to assistance with PC in the PHS. This is a pharmacoeconomic study with cost-consequence analysis nested to clinical trial. Hypertensives patients were followed-up from 2006 to 2012. During 2009 they were assisted by the PC program in Ribeirão Preto-SP, Brazil. Clinical indicators, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC) and its fractions and healthcare indicators, consumption of antihypertensive medication and consultations were analyzed. Costs were listed as direct medical and direct non-medical. The average cost of conventional care for 104 patients followed-up was US$ 198.97, in the PC period and after discharge was US$ 407.91 and US$ 214.96 patient/year. After discharge of patients from PC there was reduction of SBP, DBP, TC and cardiovascular risk, 9.4 mmHg, 4.6 mmHg, 12.0 mg/dL, and 23% [p<0.005], respectively. The PC program optimized clinical and healthcare indicators and impacted in the SAH costs for the PHS.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Health Expenditures , Costs and Cost Analysis/methods , Hypertension/pathology , Pharmaceutical Services/statistics & numerical data , Economics, Pharmaceutical/standards , Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory/classification
Salvador; s.n; 2017. 105 p. ilus, tab.
Диссертация в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1000997


INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão arterial tem sido considerada como sendo a principal causa da redução da qualidade e expectativa de vida dos indivíduos por ser importante fator de risco para doenças que envolvem a aterosclerose e a trombose com consequente acometimento cardíaco, cerebral, renal e vascular. Estudos têm demonstrado a ação dos monoterpenos em diferentes atividades farmacológicas, entre elas sobre o sistema cardiovascular. Foi observado que o carvacrol, um monoterpeno característico da família Labiateae, apresenta ação hipotensora em ratos Wistar anestesiados tratados previamente com L-NAME e em ratos não anestesiados. OBJETIVOS: a) avaliar a ação periférica do carvacrol na pressão arterial e na frequência cardíaca em animais com hipertensão arterial vascular; b) avaliar a ação periférica do carvacrol na pressão arterial e na frequência cardíaca em ratos com hipertensão renovascular; c) avaliar a ação periférica do carvacrol sobre a pressão arterial e a frequência cardíaca em ratos espontaneamente hipertensos; d) avaliar a ação central do carvacrol sobre a pressão arterial e a frequência cardíaca em animais espontaneamente hipertensos; e) avaliar a ação central do carvacrol no apetite por sódio em animais espontaneamente hipertensos. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados ratos Wistar (200-250g)...

INTRODUCTION: Hypertension has been regarded as the primary cause of the reduction of the quality and life expectancy of individuals for being important factor ate risk for diseases that involve the atherosclerosis and thrombosis with consequent cardiac involvement, cerebral, renal and vascular. Studies have demonstrated the action of monoterpenes in different pharmacological activities, among them on the cardiovascular system. It was observed that the carvacrol, a characteristic of the monoterpene Labiateae family, presents hypotensive action in anesthetized Wistar rats pretreated with L-NAME and not anesthetized rats. AIM: a) evaluate the peripheral action of carvacrol on blood pressure and heart rate in animals with vascular arterial hypertension; b) evaluate the peripheral action of carvacrol on blood pressure and heart rate in rats with renovascular hypertension; c) evaluate the peripheral action of carvacrol on blood pressure and heart rate in animals spontaneously hypertensive; d) evaluate the central action of carvacrol on blood pressure and heart rate in animals spontaneously hypertensive; e) evaluate the action of carvacrol in central appetite for sodium in spontaneosuly hypertensive. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Were used Wistar rats (200-250g)...

Тема - темы
Humans , Hypertension/complications , Hypertension/diagnosis , Hypertension/immunology , Hypertension/pathology , Hypertension/prevention & control
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-222271


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether an optimal blood suppression inversion time (BSP TI) can boost arterial visibility and whether the optimal BSP TI is related to breathing rate (BR) and heart rate (HR) for hypertension subjects in spatial labeling with multiple inversion pulses (SLEEK). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included 10 volunteers and 93 consecutive hypertension patients who had undergone SLEEK at 1.5T MRI system. Firstly, suitable BSP TIs for displaying clearly renal artery were determined in 10 volunteers. Secondly, non-contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography with the suitable BSP TIs were performed on those hypertension patients. Then, renal artery was evaluated and an optimal BSP TI to increase arterial visibility was determined for each patient. Patients' BRs and HRs were recorded and their relationships with the optimal BSP TI were analyzed. RESULTS: The optimal BSP TI was negatively correlated with BR (r1 = -0.536, P1 < 0.001; and r2 = -0.535, P2 < 0.001) and HR (r1 = -0.432, P1 = 0.001; and r2 = -0.419, P2 = 0.001) for 2 readers (kappa = 0.93). For improving renal arterial visibility, BSP TI = 800 ms could be applied as the optimal BSP TI when the 95% confidence interval were 17-19/min (BR1) and 74-82 bpm (HR1) for reader#1 and 17-19/min (BR2) and 74-83 bpm (HR2) for reader#2; BSP TI = 1100 ms while 14-15/min (BR1, 2) and 71-76 bpm (HR1, 2) for both readers; and BSP TI = 1400 ms when 13-16/min (BR1) and 63-68 bpm (HR1) for reader#1 and 14-15/min (BR2) and 64-70 bpm (HR2) for reader#2. CONCLUSION: In SLEEK, BSP TI is affected by patients' BRs and HRs. Adopting the optimal BSP TI based on BR and HR can improve the renal arterial visibility and consequently the working efficiency.

Тема - темы
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Heart Rate , Hypertension/pathology , Kidney/blood supply , Magnetic Resonance Angiography/methods , Prospective Studies , Renal Artery/physiology , Respiratory Rate
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 30(1): e78, 2016. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-951984


Abstract The aim of this study was to compare potential aspects of periapical lesion formation in hypertensive and normotensive conditions using hypertensive (BPH/2J) and wild-type control (BPN/3J) mice. The mandibular first molars of both strains had their dental pulp exposed. At day 21 the mice were euthanized and right mandibular molars were used to evaluate the size and phenotype of apical periodontitis by microCT. Proteins were extracted from periapical lesion on the left side and the expressions of IL1α, IL1β and TNFα were analyzed by ELISA. Bone marrow stem cells were isolated from adult mice femurs from 2 strains and osteoclast differentiation was evaluated by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) in vitro. The amount of differentiated osteoclastic cells was nearly double in hypertensive mice when compared to the normotensive strain (p < 0.03). Periapical lesion size did not differ between hypertensive and normotensive strains (p > 0.7). IL1α, IL1β and TNFα cytokines expressions were similar for both systemic conditions (p > 0.05). Despite the fact that no differences could be observed in periapical lesion size and cytokines expressions on the systemic conditions tested, hypertension showed an elevated number of osteoclast differentiation.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Periapical Diseases/pathology , Bone Marrow Cells/pathology , RANK Ligand/analysis , Hypertension/pathology , Periapical Diseases/etiology , Reference Values , Time Factors , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/analysis , Interleukin-1alpha/analysis , Interleukin-1beta/analysis , X-Ray Microtomography , Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase , Hypertension/complications
Int. j. morphol ; 33(4): 1411-1418, Dec. 2015. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-772331


This study aims at establishing whether transverse diameter (TD) and cross sectional-area (CSA) of the ascending aorta (AA), descending aorta (DA) and pulmonary trunk (PT) measured by computerized tomographic angiography (CTA) altered by sex, age, hypertension, smoking and diabetes. CTA examinations of the TD and CSA of the AA, DA and PT of 100 patients aged 49.5±16.9 years (range 16­78 years) selected between January 2009 to May 2011 from those referred to Radiology Department, Jordan University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan for advanced evaluation. Measurements were made in the axial plane at the upper border of the six thoracic vertebrae. Patients were divided into three age groups. Significance of differences in parameters between age groups was calculated. Assessment ratios were considered. It was found that parameters of the three arteries were significantly larger in men than in women (P= < 0.05) and increased with age. Hypertension increased diameters of AA and DA in both genders (P= 0.001) and of PT in men (P= 0.01). Smoking significantly decreased parameters of PT in men (P= 0.01). Diabetes increased parameters of the three arteries in both genders, significantly increased parameters of PT in men (P= <0.05) and parameters of DA in women (P= <0.05). It is concluded that studied parameters were larger in men and increased with age of our patients. Distinctive differences in measurements appeared in hypertensive, smokers, and diabetic patients.

El objetivo fue determinar si el sexo, edad, hipertensión, tabaquismo y la diabetes alteran el diámetro transversal (DT) y área transversal (AT) de la parte ascendente de la aorta (AA), parte descendente de la aorta (AD) y tronco pulmonar (TP), medidos por angiografía por tomografía computadorizada (ATC). Exámenes de ATC de 100 pacientes de 49,5±16,9 años (rango 16­78 años) fueron seleccionados entre enero del año 2009 a mayo del año 2011 por el Departamento de Radiología, Hospital de la Universidad de Jordania, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Jordania, Amman, Jordania para una evaluación avanzada del DT y AT de la AA, AD y TP. Las mediciones se realizaron en el plano axial en el margen superior de las seis vértebras torácicas. Los pacientes fueron divididos en tres grupos según edad. Se determinó la existencia de significancia estadística de los diferentes parámetros entre los grupos etarios. La evaluación de las razones también fueron consideradas. Se encontró que los parámetros de las tres arterias fueron significativamente mayores en los hombres que en las mujeres (p= <0,05) y que aumentaron con la edad. La hipertensión aumentó los diámetros de la AA y AD en ambos sexos (p= 0,001) y del TP en los hombres (p= 0,01). En fumadores disminuyeron significativamente los parámetros del TP en los hombres (p= 0,01). La diabetes aumentó los parámetros de las tres arterias en ambos sexos. Ademas, aumentaron significativamente los parámetros del TP en los hombres (p= <0,05) y los parámetros de la AD en las mujeres (p = <0,05). Se concluye que los parámetros estudiados eran mayores en los hombres y aumentaron con la edad de nuestros pacientes. Diferencias distintivas en las mediciones aparecieron en hipertensos, fumadores y pacientes diabéticos.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Aorta/diagnostic imaging , Aorta/pathology , Pulmonary Artery/pathology , Age Factors , Aorta, Thoracic/diagnostic imaging , Aorta, Thoracic/pathology , Computed Tomography Angiography , Diabetes Mellitus/pathology , Hypertension/pathology , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Sex Factors , Tobacco Use Disorder/pathology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 143(1): 96-100, ene. 2015.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-742556


After years of discussion by the Chilean legislature, the Law Nº 20.584, which regulates health care related rights and duties of people, entered into force in Chile in October 2012. This bill represents an important step in the recognition and protection of health care related rights, welfare, dignity and duties of persons. It also intends to protect potential participants in clinical research. However such protective measures include explicit prohibitions such as the review of clinical records or the inclusion of people with mental or psychological handicaps as research participants. We herein discuss the implications of this law in medical research.

Тема - темы
Animals , Male , Rats , Gene Expression Regulation , MicroRNAs/genetics , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Disease Models, Animal , Glomerulonephritis/metabolism , Hypertension/pathology , Kidney Glomerulus/metabolism , Kidney Tubules/metabolism , Kidney/injuries , Kidney/metabolism , Rats, Inbred WKY , Time Factors , Transforming Growth Factor beta/metabolism , Ureter/pathology
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