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Vitae (Medellín) ; 31(1): 1-10, 2024-05-03. Ilustraciones
Статья в английский | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553605


Background: The tuna industry is one of the most essential sectors in global food production. Nevertheless, commercial meat known as "tuna loin" holds the utmost significance in producing and marketing its various products. Regrettably, fractions like tail and head meat have been overlooked and wasted due to their comparatively lower commercial value. Despite possessing notable technological value, this meat is typically reutilized into animal feed through flour production, missing the chance to create alternative high-value food products. Objective: This study aimed to develop and evaluate the sausages produced with the underutilized cuts of tuna (tail and head meat). Methods: The tuna utilized were Big-eye (Thunus obesus) and Skip-jack (Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus). Three (3) different types of sausages were formulated using 100% of Big-eye (BE), 100% of Skip-jack (SJ) tuna meat, and 100% of beef/pork meat (Control). The sausage pH changes during storage at 4 ± 1oC were analyzed and compared with the control. Proximal, microbiological, and sensory characteristics were evaluated. Results: The pH of sausages showed that the values tended to decrease in control, while this value increased in two types of tuna. The formulated tuna sausages yielded 72% moisture, 18% protein, 4.1% lipid, 0.4% ash, 0.4 % fiber, and 4.5% carbohydrates. Sensory attributes showed excellent acceptance regarding color, smell, flavor, and texture. Overall acceptability was qualified as "liked," and the acceptability index ranged from 76% to 86%. During the refrigeration storage, the microbiological analyses indicated that the total coliform count was < 3 CFU/g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and mesophilic aerobic bacteria in tuna sausage showed absence during 24 days of storage. Conclusion: Using tuna tail and head meat enabled the development of gel-type emulsified products (sausages) that exhibited good nutritional, sensory, and microbiological quality

Antecedentes: La industria atunera se erige como uno de los sectores más importantes en la producción mundial de alimentos. Sin embargo, entre sus diversos productos, la carne comercial conocida como "lomo de atún" ostenta la mayor importancia tanto en su producción como en su comercialización. Lamentablemente, fracciones de carne provenientes de la cola y la cabeza se han desperdiciado debido a su reducido valor comercial. A pesar de poseer un notable valor tecnológico, esta carne normalmente es utilizada en la alimentación animal mediante la producción de harina, perdiendo la oportunidad de desarrollar productos alimenticios alternativos con alto valor nutricional. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo desarrollar y evaluar salchichas producidas con carne subutilizada de atún (carne de cola y cabeza). Métodos: Las especies de atún utilizadas fueron Big-eye (Thunus obesus) and Skip-jack (Katsuwonus pelamis lineaus). Se formularon tres (3) tipos diferentes de salchichas usando 100 % de carne de atún Big-eye (BE), 100 % de Skip-jack (SJ) y 100 % de carne de res/cerdo (Control). Se analizaron los cambios de pH en las salchichas durante el almacenamiento a 4 ± 1 oC y se compararon con el Control. También se evaluaron la composición proximal, calidad microbiológica y atributos sensoriales. Resultados: El pH mostró que los valores tendieron a disminuir en relación a la muestra Control, mientras que este valor aumentó en los dos tipos de salchicha con carne de atún. Las salchichas con carne de atún mostraron un 72 % de humedad, 18 % de proteína, 4,1 % de lípidos, 0,4 % de ceniza, 0,4 % de fibra, 4,5 % de carbohidratos. Los atributos sensoriales mostraron buena aceptabilidad de los parámetros de color, olor, sabor y textura. La aceptabilidad general se calificó como "me gusta" y el índice de aceptabilidad osciló entre el 76 % y el 86 %. Durante el periodo de almacenamiento en refrigeración, los análisis microbiológicos indicaron que el recuento de coliformes totales fue < 3 UFC/g. No se evidenció la presencia de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus y bacterias aerobias mesófilas durante 24 días de almacenamiento. Conclusión: El aprovechamiento de la carne de la cola y cabeza del atún permitió desarrollar productos emulsionados tipo gel (embutidos) que exhibieron buena calidad nutricional, sensorial y microbiológica.

Тема - темы
Humans , Tuna , Food Industry , Microbiological Techniques , Nutritive Value
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(3): 377, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1531130


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizarla relación entre los indicadores de seguridad alimentaria,subalimentación y costo de la canasta alimentaria en el contextode las políticas públicas en materia alimentaria en Venezuela,durante el periodo comprendido entre 2017 y 2022. Para ello, sellevó a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de los datos disponibles sobrela seguridad alimentaria en Venezuela, incluyendo informaciónsobre la subalimentación, y el costo de la canasta alimentaria.Asimismo, se analizaron las políticas públicas implementadas enel país en materia alimentaria durante el periodo de estudio, conel fin de entender su impacto en los indicadores de seguridadalimentaria. Ninguna de las asociaciones estudiadas resultó sersignificativa a nivel estadístico (p>0,05), por lo que, aunqueteóricamente existe una relación entre estos indicadores en elperíodo estudiado, el carácter multidimensional prevalece y hacecompleja la posibilidad de comparaciones. Se identificaron laspolíticas públicas que requieren mejoras o ajustes para proteger laseguridad alimentaria del venezolano. Estos resultados obtenidospodrán ser de utilidad para los responsables de la toma dedecisiones en el país, así como para los investigadores yprofesionales interesados en el tema de la seguridad alimentariay la nutrición

EL objective of this study is to analyzethe relationship between the indicators of food security,undernourishment and the cost of the food basket in thecontext of public policies on food in Venezuela, during theperiod between 2017 and 2022. For this, an exhaustive analysisof the available data on food security in Venezuela wascarried out, including information on undernourishment, andthe cost of the food basket. Likewise, the public policiesimplemented in the country regarding food during the studyperiod were analyzed, in order to understand their impacton food security indicators. None of the associations studiedturned out to be statistically significant (p>0.05), therefore,although theoretically there is a relationship between theseindicators in the period studied, the multidimensional natureprevails and makes comparability complex. Public policies that require improvements or adjustments to protect Venezuelanfood security were identified. These results obtained may beuseful for those responsible for decision-making in the country,as well as for researchers and professionals interested in thesubject of food security and nutrition.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Public Policy , Malnutrition , Food Supply/statistics & numerical data , Food Supply/statistics & numerical data , Basic Health Services , Health Policy , Nutritive Value
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 41: 103-128, ago. 2023. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1564450


Resumen Introducción: el conocimiento acerca de la disponibilidad de materias primas regionales, junto con estrategias socio-tecnológicas y educativas, resultan útiles para un aporte óptimo de nutrientes en la dieta. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las materias primas y subproductos locales de la región centro chaqueña, que podrían resultar útiles para cubrir deficiencias nutricionales durante la etapa de alimentación complementaria. Materiales y método: se diseñó un instrumento para encuestar a los referentes productivos acerca del tipo y destino de la actividad agropecuaria, ubicación geográfica, descripción de la producción, disponibilidad, procesos tecnológicos, capacidad/volumen de producción, entre otros. Se analizaron los productos en función de su aporte en nutrientes críticos para niños de 6 a 24 meses (calcio, hierro, vitaminas A, D y E) mediante tablas de composición química y búsqueda bibliográfica. La ficha técnica diseñada contó con 4 secciones y 29 ítems: datos generales (8 ítems), agricultura, ganadería y subproductos (7 cada una). Resultados: se trabajó con 50 productores locales que abastecían el departamento Comandante Fernández. Se observó que la principal actividad en la región fue la agricultura, representando un 32%; de éstos, el 78% de la producción correspondió a vegetales y el 22% a frutas de estación. Le siguieron las actividades mixtas en un 26% y la elaboración de subproductos en un 22% (63 tipos diferentes). En menor proporción, se encontró la actividad ganadera y otras actividades representando un 12% y 8%, respectivamente. Se identificaron como posibles alimentos fuentes de nutrientes al zapallo y batata (vitamina A), acelga y zapallo angola (vitamina E), yema de huevo, carne vacuna y morcilla (hierro), quesos, ricota, rúcula y acelga (calcio), huevo (vitamina D). Conclusiones: se concluye que la región cuenta con variedad de productos locales como fuentes primarias de nutrientes críticos para el consumo directo y desarrollo tecnológico de posibles formulaciones.

Abstract Introduction: knowledge about the availability of regional raw materials, together with socio-technological and educational strategies, are useful for an optimal supply of nutrients in the diet. The objective of this study was to identify local raw materials and by-products from the central Chaco region that could be useful to cover nutritional deficiencies during the complementary feeding stage. Materials and method: for this purpose, an instrument was designed to survey the productive referents about the type and destination of agricultural activity, geographical location, description of production, availability, technological processes, and production capacity/volume, among others. The products were analysed according to their contribution of critical nutrients for children aged 6 to 24 months (calcium, iron, vitamins A, D, and E) using chemical composition tables and a bibliographic search. The technical data sheet designed had 4 sections and 29 items: General Data (8 items), Agriculture, Livestock, and By-products (7 each). Results: 50 local producers supplied the department of Comandante Fernández. It was observed that the main activity in the region was agriculture, representing 32%; of these, 78% of the production corresponded to vegetables and 22% to seasonal fruits. This was followed by mixed activities at 26% and the production of by-products at 22% (63 different types). To a lesser extent, livestock and other activities accounted for 12% and 8%, respectively. Possible nutrient sources were identified such as pumpkins and sweet potatoes (vitamin A), chard and angola pumpkin (vitamin E), egg yolk, beef and blood sausage (iron), cheese, ricotta, arugula and chard (calcium), egg (vitamin D). Conclusion: it is concluded that the region has a variety of local products as primary sources of critical nutrients for direct consumption and technological development of possible formulations.

Тема - темы
Diet , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Nutritive Value , Cattle , Food Production , Crops, Agricultural
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(1): 19-31, mar. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427723


Las barras de cereal (BC), se comercializan como un snack saludable, no obstante, su calidad nutricional es baja. Una alternativa para mejorar esto, es la incorporación de ingredientes como pseudocereales, germinados y subproductos de fruta. Objetivo. Evaluar el contenido nutricional y propiedades tecnofuncionales de una barra de cereal formulada a partir de pseudocereales, germinados de soya y subproductos del procesamiento de frutas. Materiales y Métodos. Se desarrollaron 6 formulaciones (F0-F5). Se determinó el contenido de proteína y fibra cruda, se seleccionó la formulación que presentó el mayor contenido de estos componentes. A la BC seleccionada se le determinó la digestibilidad in-vitro de la proteína, las propiedades tecnofuncionales potencial prebiótico y actividad inhibitoria de ECA-I. Resultados. La formulación seleccionada fue F1 (13,6 g/100 g p.s. proteína y 13,1 g/100 g p.s. fibra cruda). La digestibilidad de la proteína fue del 69 %, el cual es cercano a valores reportados para algunos componentes de la BC. La capacidad de hinchamiento y retención de agua fue 2,55 ml/g; 12,74 %, respectivamente. El crecimiento de L. brevis en medio MRS modificado con BC no presentó diferencias estadísticas con el medio control, indicando el potencial prebiótico presente en la BC. La barra de cereal tuvo un 39% de actividad inhibitoria de ECA-I, demostrando la acción de los compuestos bioactivos posiblemente liberados durante la digestión de la BC. Conclusión. La formulación desarrollada presenta propiedades funcionales importantes y podría generar beneficios para la salud(AU)

Introduction. Cereal bars (CB) are marketed as a healthy snack; however, their nutritional quality is low. An alternative to improve this is the incorporation of ingredients such as soybean sprouts, which have a higher protein content than some seeds; as well as fruit by-products that contain important bioactive compounds. Objective. To evaluate the nutritional content and techno-functional properties of a cereal bar formulated from pseudocereals, soybean sprouts, and fruit processing by-products. Materials and Methods. 6 formulations (F0-F5) were developed. The content of protein and crude fiber was determined, the formulation that presented the highest content of these components was selected. The in-vitro digestibility of the protein, the technofunctional properties, potential prebiotic and inhibitory activity of ACE-I were determined for the selected BC. Results. The selected formulation was F1 (13.6g/100g p.s. protein and 13.1g/100 g p.s. crude fiber). Protein digestibility was 69%, which is close to reported values for some CB components. The swelling and water retention capacity was 2.55 ml/g; 12.74%, respectively. The growth of L. brevis in modified MRS medium with CB did not present statistical differences with the control medium, indicating the prebiotic potential present in CB. The cereal bar had 39% ACE-I inhibitory activity, demonstrating the action of bioactive compounds possibly released during CB digestion. Conclusion. The developed formulation has important functional properties and could generate health benefits(AU)

Тема - темы
Edible Grain , Snacks , Nutritive Value , Glycine max , Proteins , Nutrients , Mangifera , Pomegranate
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(1): 32-41, mar. 2023. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1427725


El suero lácteo y la moringa poseen alto valor nutricional; sin embargo, su uso en la elaboración de productos alimenticios es una alternativa viable pero poco utilizada. Objetivo. Elaborar una galleta fortificada por sustitución parcial de harina de moringa (HM) y polvo de suero lácteo (PSL). Materiales y métodos. Durante septiembre-diciembre 2021, se desarrollaron cuatro formulaciones con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo por HM y PSL (F0=100:0:0; F1=90:5:5; F2=80:10:10; F3=70:15:15). La aceptación del producto se determinó mediante una evaluación sensorial considerando los atributos sabor, olor, color, textura y aceptación general. Se realizó el análisis químico proximal a la HM, al PSL, a la formulación de mayor aceptación y a F0. Se compararon los distintos parámetros químico proximales y de aceptación mediante una anova de una vía, seguido de una prueba de comparación de medias de Tukey (p<0,05). Resultados. Conforme se incrementa el porcentaje de sustitución de harina de trigo por HM y PSL se obtiene menor aceptación de las galletas, siendo F1 la más aceptada. F1 registró un contenido proteico de 6,90±0,04%, significativamente mayor al observado en F0. Conclusiones. La buena aceptabilidad de F1 indica que la sustitución parcial por HM y PSL no influyen en su aceptación; además, F1 mostró un enriquecimiento de proteinas, lípidos y cenizas, así como contenido adecuado de humedad y carbohidratos(AU)

Introduction. Whey and moringa have high nutritional value; however, their use in the production of food products is a viable but rarely used alternative. Objective. To make a biscuit fortified by partial substitution of moringa flour (MF) and whey powder (WP). Materials and methods. During September-December 2021, four formulations were developed with different degrees of partial substitution of wheat flour for MF and WP (F0=100:0:0; F1=90:5:5; F2=80:10:10; F3=70:15:15). The acceptance of the product was determined through a sensory evaluation considering the attributes taste, odor, color, texture and general acceptance. A proximal chemical analysis was performed on the MF, WP, the most widely accepted formulation and F0. Proximal chemical parameters and acceptance attributes were compared using a one-way anova, followed by a Tukey mean comparison test (p<0.05). Results. As the percentage of substitution of wheat flour by MF and WP increases less acceptance of the biscuits is obtained, with F1 as the most accepted formulation. F1 registered a protein content of 6.90±0.04%, significantly higher than that observed in F0. Conclusions: The good acceptability of F1 indicates that the partial substitution of wheat flour for MF and WP do not influence its acceptance; in addition, F1, showed an enrichment of protein, lipid and ash, as well as adequate moisture and carbohydrate content(AU)

Тема - темы
Food, Fortified , Moringa oleifera , Cookies , Flour , Nutritive Value , Reference Standards , Carbohydrates , Ash , Malnutrition , Whey , Lipids
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1): 01-17, Jan-Abr. 2023.
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414718


Objetivo: Caracterizar o ambiente alimentar dos shopping centersde Campo Grande/MS, tendo em vista, a relevância de analisar os produtos que estão disponíveis a este público bem como sua qualidade nutricional. Método: Foram avaliados 124 Unidades de Produção de Refeições (UPR) nos shopping centers, por observação direta do cardápio, bufê ou fachada. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado o instrumento NutritionEnvironmentMeasuresSurveyRestaurants (NEMS-R). As variáveis coletadas a partir do referido instrumento foram tipos de unidades, sistema de gestão, serviços de mesa, tipos de alimentos e bebidas disponíveis, facilitadores e barreiras ao consumo de alimentos saudáveis. Resultados: Foram encontrados 29,0% de restaurantes àla carte; 8,1% de restaurantes tipo autosserviço; 36,3% de lanchonetes e 26,6% dos demais (bares, sorveterias, carrinhos/quiosques). Em relação aos tipos de gestão 77,4% são franquias. Entre os alimentos mais comercializados destaca-se as bebidas açucaradas, acessível em 79,8% das unidades e doces/sobremesas em 50,0%. Grande parte das unidades avaliadas não apresenta facilitadores para a alimentação saudável, sendo que mais de 90,0% das unidades não ofereceram opções de porções reduzidas, trocas saudáveis e opções saudáveis para crianças. A maior barreira encontrada foi a oferta de porções maiores por um pequeno acréscimo de preço (63,7%). Conclusão: O ambiente alimentar encontrado pode dificultar o acesso aos alimentos saudáveis. Assim, sugere-se que políticas públicas de segurança alimentar e nutricional, sejam implementadas, de forma a promover o maior acesso aos alimentos saudáveis que contribuem para a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população.

Objective: To characterize the food environment of shopping centers in Campo Grande/MS, in view the relevance of analyzing the products that are available to this public as well as their nutritional quality. Method: A total of 124 restaurants were evaluated in the shopping malls, by direct observation of the menu, buffet orfacade. For date collection was used the instrument Nutrition Environment Measures Survey Restaurants (NEMS-R). The variables collected were types of units, management system, table services, types of food and drinks available, facilitators and barriers to healthy food consumption. Results: 29.0% of the evaluated restaurants were à la carte; 8.1% self- service; 36.3% snack bars and 26.6% were bars, ice cream parlors or stands/kiosks. Regarding the types of management, 77.4% were franchises. Among the most commercialized foods, sugary drinks stand out, accessible in 79.8% of the units and sweets / desserts in 50.0%. Most of the units evaluated do not have facilitators for healthy eating, and more than 90.0% of the units did not offer reduced portion options, healthy exchanges and healthy options for children. The biggest barrier found was the offer of larger portions for a small price increase (63.7%). Conclusion: The food environment found may hinder access to healthy foods. Thus, it is suggested that public policies for food and nutritional security be implemented in order to promote greater access to healthy foods that contribute to improving the population's quality of life.

Objetivo: Caracterizar el entorno alimentario de los centros comerciales de Campo Grande/MS, considerando la relevancia de analizar los productos que están disponibles para este público así como su calidad nutricional. Método: Se evaluaron 124 unidades de producción de comidas (RPU) en centros comerciales mediante la observación directa del menú, el buffet o la fachada. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizó el instrumento NutritionEnvironmentMeasuresSurveyRestaurants (NEMS-R). Las variables cotejadas a partir del referido instrumento fueron los tipos de unidades, el sistema de gestión, los servicios de mesa, los tipos de alimentos y bebidas disponibles, los facilitadores y las barreras al consumo de alimentos sanos. Resultados: Se encontraron un 29,0% de restaurantes a la carta; un 8,1% de restaurantes tipo autoservicio; un 36,3% de bares y un 26,6% de los demás (bares, sorterías, carrinhos/quioscos). En cuanto a los tipos de gestión, el 77,4% son franquicias. Entre los alimentos más vendidos destacan las bebidas azucaradas, accesibles en el 79,8% de las unidades y los dulces/postres en el 50,0%. La mayoría de las unidades evaluadas no presentan facilitadores para una alimentación saludable, y más del 90,0% de las unidades no ofrecen opciones de porciones reducidas, intercambios saludables y opciones saludables para los niños. La mayor barrera encontrada fue la oferta de porciones más grandes por un pequeño aumento de precio (63,7%). Conclusión: El entorno alimentario encontrado puede dificultar el acceso a alimentos saludables. Por ello, se sugiere que se implementen políticas públicas de seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, para promover un mayor acceso a alimentos saludables que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de la población.

Тема - темы
Restaurants , Nutritional Facts , Fast Foods , Nutritional Sciences , Access to Healthy Foods , Nutritive Value
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1416618


Objetivo: avaliar e comparar o conteúdo energético do leite humano cru e do leite humano processado de recém-nascidos pré-termo. Método: foram coletadas 68 amostras de leite por meio de ordenha manual e o processamento foi realizado no Banco de Leite Humano. O valor energético foi obtido por meio de cálculos matemáticos específicos. Resultados: foram analisadas 32 amostras de leite humano cru e 28 de leite humano pasteurizado. O percentual médio de creme foi de 3,84±1,3% e mediana de 4,5 % no leite pasteurizado, e no cru de 8,9±4,6% e 8,53%. A média e mediana do conteúdo energético do leite cru foi de 78,91±15,46 kcal/100 ml e 81,07 kcal/100 ml e no leite pasteurizado 65,18±9,67 kcal/ 100 ml e 61,8 kcal/100 ml. Conclusão: o leite humano cru possui percentual de gordura e conteúdo energético maior do que o pasteurizado, mas este ainda é recomendado devido seus benefícios protetores.

Objective: to evaluate and compare the energy content of raw human milk and processed human milk from preterm newborns. Method: 68 milk samples were collected by hand milking and processing was carried out at the Human Milk Bank. The energy value was obtained through specific mathematical calculations. Results: 32 samples of raw human milk and 28 of pasteurized human milk were analyzed. The average percentage of cream was 3.84±1.3% and a median of 4.5% in pasteurized milk, and in raw milk, 8.9±4.6% and 8.53%. The mean and median energy content of raw milk was 78.91±15.46 kcal/100 ml and 81.07 kcal/100 ml and in pasteurized milk 65.18 ± 9.67 kcal/100 ml and 61.8 kcal/100 ml. Conclusion: raw human milk has a higher percentage of fat and energy content than pasteurized milk, but it is still recommended due to its protective benefits.

Objetivo: evaluar y comparar el contenido energético de la leche humana cruda y la leche humana procesada de recién nacidos prematuros. Método: Se recolectaron 68 muestras de leche por ordeño manual y el procesamiento se realizó en el Banco de Leche Humana. El valor energético se obtuvo mediante cálculos matemáticos específicos. Resultados: se analizaron 32 muestras de leche humana cruda y 28 de leche humana pasteurizada. El porcentaje medio de nata fue 3,84±1,3% y una mediana de 4,5% en leche pasteurizada, y en leche cruda 8,9±4,6% y 8,53%. El contenido energético medio y mediano de la leche cruda fue de 78,91±15,46 kcal/100 ml y 81,07 kcal/100 ml y de la leche pasteurizada de 65,18±9,67 kcal/100 ml y 61,8 kcal/100 ml. Conclusión: la leche humana cruda tiene un mayor porcentaje de contenido graso y energético que la leche pasteurizada, pero aun así es recomendada por sus beneficios protectores.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Infant, Premature/growth & development , Milk, Human/chemistry , Nutritive Value , Milk Banks
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248931, 2023. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345525


Abstract Among several fruits, mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes), it aroused the interest of producers and consumers due to its attractive sensory characteristics and health beneficial properties (high nutritional value and presence of bioactive substances), thus, this work evaluates the nutritional factors of the flour residue of mangaba processing that is despised by the food industry, and the influence of temperature on its production. The mangaba processing residue was splited in two main groups: in natura sample (control), and other for preparation of flour that was dried at 50 °C and divided into two other groups: treatment A (flour with roasts at 110 °C and 130 °C) and treatment B (flour from drying at 50 °C). The nutritional characteristics of flours were analyzed considering the chemical parameters: pH, titratable total acidity and soluble solids, in addition to the determination of moisture content, total lipids, total dietary fiber and ash, total energy value, antioxidant activity, phytochemical screening, quantification of phenolic compounds and flavonoids, as well as technological functional properties (water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), milk absorption index (MAI) and milk solubility index (MSI) and oil absorption index (OAI). The results showed that the bioactive compounds present in the extracts do not have significant properties of acting as free radical kidnappers. The heat treatment, performed in the flour of mangaba processing residues, influenced the nutritional factors and properties of absorption and solubility, which showed statistical differences. These results show that the flour is a viable alternative for the energy enrichment of diets, contributing to the development of new products, the reduction of the disposal of these residues and consequently to the minimization of the environmental impact.

Resumo Dentre as diversas frutas a mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gomes), despertou interesse de produtores e consumidores devido às suas características sensoriais atrativas e propriedades benéficas à saúde (elevado valor nutricional e presença de substâncias bioativas), assim, o trabalho avaliar os fatores nutricionais do resíduo da farinha de processamento de mangaba que é desprezado pela indústria alimentícia e, a influência da temperatura na sua produção. O resíduo de processamento da mangaba foi dividido em dois lotes, sendo um deles utilizado para as análises in natura (amostra controle) e o outro para a confecção da farinha que foi seca a 50 °C, e dividida em dois lotes: tratamento A (farinha com torras a 110 °C e 130 °C) e no tratamento B (farinha oriunda da secagem a 50 °C). Analisou-se as características nutricionais de farinhas considerando os parâmetros químicos: pH, acidez total titulável e sólidos solúveis, além da determinação do teor de umidade, lipídios totais, fibra alimentar total e cinzas, valor energético total, atividade antioxidante, triagem fitoquímica, quantificação de compostos fenólicos e flavonoides, bem como as propriedades funcionais tecnológicas (índice de absorção de água (IAA), índice de solubilidade em água (ISA), índice de absorção de leite (IAL) e índice de solubilidade em leite (ISL) e índice de absorção de óleo (IAO). Na análise foi inferido que os compostos bioativos presentes nos extratos não possuem propriedades significativas de agir como sequestradores de radicais livres. O tratamento térmico, realizado na farinha de resíduos de processamento de mangaba, influenciou nos dados dos fatores nutricionais e das propriedades de absorção e solubilidade, os quais apresentaram diferenças estatísticas. Estes resultados credenciam a farinha como uma alternativa viável para o enriquecimento energético de dietas, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos, a redução do descarte desses resíduos e consequentemente para a minimização do impacto ambiental.

Тема - темы
Dietary Fiber/analysis , Flour/analysis , Fruit/chemistry , Antioxidants/analysis , Nutritive Value
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20220054, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449151


Abstract Objectives: characterize the availability and assess the nutritional quality of children's menus ofered in regular and fast food restaurants in Brazilian malls. Methods: this is an observational and cross-sectional study. Data were collected on the websites of each restaurant and in food sales applications, with a questionnaire consisting of two sections: characterization of the restaurant and characterization of the children's menu. Data collection took place in ten capitals in the fve regions of Brazil. Results: 116 children's menus were evaluated. The study identifed a higher number of regular (n=70, 60%) than fast-food (n=46,40%) restaurants. The cooking methods most used in the main dishes were grilled (n=236, 64%) and boiled (n=74, 20%), and in the side dishes were boiled (n=204, 53%) and fried (n=109, 28%). Only 40% (n=46) of the menus contained vegetables. Less than 10% (n=seven) ofered fruit as dessert, 31% (n = 36) had drinks included in the children's menu and 22% (n=25) ofered gifts associated with the menu. Only 32 (28%) restaurants had the combination of beans and rice. Conclusion: most of the options ofered to children were of low nutritional quality, with low ofer of vegetables, fruits and the traditional beans and rice. The beverages included in the menus, most of them sugary, can contribute to a high-energy intake. There is a need to provide healthy options and encourage these choices.

Resumo Objetivos: caracterizar a disponibilidade e a qualidade nutricional dos menus infantis nos restaurantes e estabelecimentos de fast-foods em Shoppings Centers no Brasil. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal. Os dados foram coletados nos websites de cada estabelecimento e em aplicativos de vendas de alimentos, com questionário composto por duas seções: Caracterização do estabelecimento e caracterização do menu infantil. A coleta dos dados ocorreu em dez capitais distribuídas nas cinco regiões do Brasil. Resultados: foram avaliados 116 menus infantis. Maior número de estabelecimentos foi classifcado como restaurante do que fast-food. Os métodos de cocção mais utilizados nos pratos principais foram grelhados (n=236, 64%) e cozidos (n=74, 20%), e nos acompanhamentos foram cozidos (n=204, 53%) e fritos (n=109, 28%). Apenas 40% (n=46) dos menus continham hortaliças. Menos de 10% (n=sete) ofertavam fruta como sobremesa; 31% (n=36) constavam bebida inclusa no menu infantil; 22% (n=25) ofereciam brindes associados ao menu. Apenas 32 (28%) estabelecimentos apresentavam a combinação feijão e arroz. Conclusão: a maioria das opções ofertadas às crianças era de baixa qualidade nutricional, com pouca oferta de hortaliças, frutas e do tradicional feijão e arroz. As bebidas incluídas nos menus, a maioria açucaradas, podem contribuir para uma elevada ingestão energética. Constata-se a necessidade de disponibilizar opções saudáveis e incentivar essas escolhas.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Restaurants , Food Quality , Eating , Child Nutrition , Fast Foods , Food, Processed , Nutritive Value , Brazil , Diet, Healthy
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515540


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE This study aims to evaluate the use of "whole grains" claims in food products marketed in Brazil and evaluate the nutrient profile of these products. METHODS Data from 775 grain-based packaged foods collected in Brazil from April to July 2017 were analyzed. Based on the INFORMAS protocol for food labeling, the prevalence of packaged foods with "whole grains" claims was estimated. Information on the list of ingredients was analyzed to evaluate the presence and amount of whole or refined grains in six food groups. The nutrient profiles of the products with and without "whole grains" claims were compared using the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) nutrient profile model. RESULTS The packages of about 19% of the evaluated products showed "whole grains" claims in their front panel. Of these, 35% lacked any whole grains among their top three ingredients. Breakfast cereals, granola bars, bread, cakes and other bakery products, cookies, and pasta had higher amounts of refined flour than whole grain ingredients in their compositions.We found 66% of products with "whole grains" claims were high in nutrients of concern according to PAHO's criteria. CONCLUSION Our results showed that over a third of the products in Brazil with "whole grains" claims lacked whole grains as one of their main ingredients. Most had a high content of nutrients associated with noncommunicable chronic disease risk factors, indicating the overestimation of their health benefits.

Тема - темы
Whole Grains , Food Labeling , Nutritive Value
Actual. osteol ; 18(2): 60-74, oct. 2022. graf, ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1437640


Introducción: Los GOS son prebióticos naturales presentes en la leche materna que pue-den obtenerse enzimáticamente a partir de la lactosa de leche de vaca durante la fabricación de yogur. El producto lácteo resultante será reducido en lactosa y contendrá prebióticos y bacterias potencialmente probióticas. Sin embargo, mantendrá la baja relación Ca/Pi que aporta la leche de vaca, lo que podría alterar el remodelamiento óseo y la mineralización. Objetivo: comparar si un yogur reducido en lactosa que contiene GOS (YE) ofrece ventajas adicionales respecto de un yogur regular sin GOS (YR) sobre las absorciones (Abs) de Ca y Pi, retención y calidad ósea durante el crecimiento normal. Al destete, ratas machos fueron divididas en 3 grupos alimentados con AIN ́93-G (C), YE o YR durante 28 días. Resultados: YE mostró el mayor aumento de lactobacilos fecales; producción de ácidos grasos de cadena corta especialmente p, profundidad de las criptas colónicas y menor pH cecal. El %AbsCa y %AbsPi aumentó en el siguiente órden: YE> YR> C (p < 0,05). El contenido de Ca y Pi en fémur, la densidad y contenido mineral óseos y los parámetros biomecánicos fueron similares en YE y C, mientras que YR mostró valores significativa-mente menores (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: YE aumentó las Abs y biodisponibilidad de minerales, alcanzando la retención y calidad ósea de C. El aumento en las Abs observado en YR no logró obtener la retención y calidad ósea de C. Conclusión: YE habría contrarrestado el efecto negativo del mayor aporte de Pi de la leche de vaca y sería una buena estrategia para lograr el pico de masa ósea y calidad del hueso adecuados, especialmente en individuos intolerantes a la lactosa. (AU)

Breast milk contains an optimal calcium/phosphate (Ca/Pi) ratio and GOS. These natural prebiotics can be enzymatically produced via cow's milk lactose inyogurt manufacture. This milk product is low in lactose and contains prebiotics and potentially probiotic bacteria but maintains a low Ca/Pi ratio that could alter bone remodeling and mineralization. We evaluated if a lactose-reduced yogurt containing GOS (YE) offers additional advantages over regular yogurt without GOS (YR) on Ca and Pi absorption (Abs), bone retention and quality during normal growth. Weaning male rats were divided into 3 groups fed AIN'93-G (C), YE or YR for 28 days. Results: YE showed the highest increase in fecal lactobacilli; short-chain fatty acids production, especially propionate and butyrate; intestine crypt depth, and the lowest cecal pH. AbsCa% and AbsPi% increased in this order: YE> YR> C (p <0.05). Ca and Pi content in femur, bone density and mineral content, and biomechanical parameters were similar in YE and C, while YR showed the significantly lowest value (p < 0.05). Conclusions: YE increased mineral Abs reaching the retention and bone quality of C. Although YR increased Abs, bone retention and quality did not achieve C values. Seemingly, YE compensated for the negative effect of the higher Pi supply and would be a good strategy to achieve adequate peak bone mass and bone quality, especially in lactose intolerant individuals. (AU)

Тема - темы
Animals , Rats , Oligosaccharides/metabolism , Osteogenesis/physiology , Calcium, Dietary/pharmacokinetics , Phosphorus, Dietary/pharmacokinetics , Intestinal Absorption/physiology , Lactose/metabolism , Magnesium/pharmacokinetics , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Yogurt/analysis , Calcium, Dietary/metabolism , Absorptiometry, Photon , Bone Density , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Phosphorus, Dietary/metabolism , beta-Galactosidase/chemical synthesis , Rats, Wistar , Lactobacillus delbrueckii/isolation & purification , Femur/anatomy & histology , Intestine, Large/anatomy & histology , Magnesium/metabolism , Nutritive Value
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 1068-1090, set-dez. 2022.
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414391


As plantas alimentícias não convencionais (PANCs) são hortaliças nativas, normalmente encontradas em calçadas ou terrenos abandonados, sempre fizeram parte do cardápio dos antepassados. No entanto, com a modernização da agricultura e do êxodo rural, seu consumo foi esquecido de ser repassado para as gerações futuras. O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em realizar um levantamento bibliográfico sobre as plantas alimentícias não convencionais (PANCs), sua importância na alimentação e farmacológica. A metodologia consistiu na realização de levantamento bibliográfico, com as principais plantas utilizadas como alimento pelos antepassados sendo as plantas Pereskia aculeata Miller, Basella alba, Sonchus oleraceus, Stachys byzantina, Taraxacum Officinale, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Dioscorea bulbifera, Physalis angulata, Acmella oleracea, Tropaeolum majus. Através deste estudo pode-se constatar que estas plantas são úteis, pois além de apresentar valor nutricional e a sua utilização na alimentação, também são utilizadas como como plantas medicinais, devido à presença de compostos ativos responsáveis pela ação biológica.

Unconventional food plants (PANCs) are native vegetables, usually found on sidewalks or abandoned land, have always been part of the ancestors' menu. Nonetheless, with the modernization of agriculture and the rural exodus, its consumption was forgotten to be passed on to future generations. The objective of this study was to carry out a bibliographic survey on unconventional food plants (PANCs), their importance in food and pharmacology. The methodology consisted of carrying out a bibliographic survey, with the main plants used as food by the ancestors being the plants Pereskia aculeata Miller, Basella alba, Sonchus oleraceus, Stachys byzantina, Taraxacum Officinale, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Dioscorea bulbifera, Physalis angulata, Acmella oleracea, Tropaeolum majus. Through this study it can be seen that these plants are useful, because in addition to presenting nutritional value and their use in food, they are also used as medicinal plants, due to the presence of active compounds responsible for biological action.

Las plantas alimenticias no convencionales (PANC, por sus siglas en inglés) son vegetales nativos, que generalmente se encuentran en las aceras o en terrenos abandonados, y siempre han sido parte del menú de los antepasados. Sin embargo, con la modernización de la agricultura y el éxodo rural, su consumo quedó en el olvido para pasar a las generaciones futuras. El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un levantamiento bibliográfico sobre las plantas alimenticias no convencionales (PANCs), su importancia en la alimentación y farmacología. La metodología consistió en realizar un levantamiento bibliográfico, siendo las principales plantas utilizadas como alimento por los ancestros las plantas Pereskia aculeata Miller, Basella alba, Sonchus oleraceus, Stachys byzantina, Taraxacum Officinale, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Dioscorea bulbifera, Physalis angulata, Acmella oleracea , Tropaeolum mayor. A través de este estudio se puede apreciar que estas plantas son útiles, pues además de presentar valor nutritivo y su uso en la alimentación, también son utilizadas como plantas medicinales, debido a la presencia de compuestos activos responsables de la acción biológica.

Тема - темы
Plants, Edible , Systematic Review , Xanthosoma , Sonchus , Taraxacum , Tropaeolum , Nutritive Value
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 26(3): 1127-1148, set-dez. 2022.
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414419


Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma pesquisa visando a fundamentação científica dos superalimentos. Embora não existam diretrizes oficiais para o que constitui um "superalimento", geralmente está denominação se aplica a produtos alimentícios que contêm grandes quantidades de nutrientes específicos (por exemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais). Estes bioativos atuam como potenciais agentes de prevenção e complementam os tratamentos de doenças crônicas como síndrome metabólica, diabetes, hipertensão, inflamações, doenças autoimunes entre outras. Como exemplos de superalimentos, encontram-se os brotos, sementes, vegetais, frutas, cúrcuma, chá verde, algas como a espirulina, alho, gengibre, cacau, pólen, geleia real, mel de abelha, coco e açaí. Nesse sentido, outros estudos poderiam ser realizados para investigar como estão sendo compreendidos os superalimentos dentro do campo científico.

This work aims to carry out research aiming at the scientific foundation of superfoods. While there are no official guidelines for what constitutes a "superfood", this designation generally applies to food products that contain large amounts of specific nutrients (eg, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals). These bioactives act as potential preventive agents and complement treatments for chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, among others. As examples of superfoods, there are sprouts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, turmeric, green tea, algae such as spirulina, garlic, ginger, cocoa, pollen, royal jelly, bee honey, coconut and açaí. In this sense, other studies could be carried out to investigate how superfoods are being understood within the scientific field.

El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una investigación sobre la base científica de los superalimentos. Aunque no existen directrices oficiales sobre lo que constituye un "superalimento", esta denominación se aplica generalmente a los productos alimenticios que contienen grandes cantidades de nutrientes específicos (por ejemplo, antioxidantes, vitaminas y minerales). Estos bioactivos actúan como agentes potenciales para prevenir y complementar los tratamientos de enfermedades crónicas como el síndrome metabólico, la diabetes, la hipertensión, la inflamación, las enfermedades autoinmunes y otras. Como ejemplos de superalimentos, están los germinados, las semillas, las verduras, las frutas, la cúrcuma, el té verde, las algas como la espirulina, el ajo, el jengibre, el cacao, el polen, la jalea real, la miel de abeja, el coco y el acai. En este sentido, se podrían realizar otros estudios para investigar cómo se entienden los superalimentos dentro del ámbito científico.

Тема - темы
Functional Food , Diet, Healthy , Cacao , Solanum lycopersicum , Flax , Persea , Agaricales , Eggs , Fruit , Fabaceae , Nutritive Value
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e189466, fev. 2022. tab, graf
Статья в английский | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1397336


Leucaena has been used to make mixed silages to obtain nutritional enrichment of the silages. Thus, the inclusion of Leucaena as an additive in mixed elephant grass silages can reduce fermentation losses, and increase the nutritional value and aerobic stability of the mixed silage without changing the fermentation profile. This study evaluated the fermentation profile, nutritional composition, and aerobic stability of elephant grass silages combined with different levels of Leucaena. A total of five inclusion levels of Leucaena (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80% on a dry matter basis) were added to elephant grass silages. A completely randomized design was adopted, with 5 treatments and 3 repetitions, totaling 15 experimental silos that were opened after 30 days of sealing. Fermentation profile, chemical composition, and aerobic stability were analyzed. A descriptive analysis of temperature and pH peaks during aerobic stability was performed. The increase in the inclusion of Leucaena in the composition of silages reduced gas and effluent losses, neutral and acid detergent fiber, cellulose, lignin, total and fiber carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrients, and resulted in increased dry matter, ether extract, and crude protein. A quadratic effect of treatments was found for the temperature to reach the maximum pH (P=0.009). Aerobic stability remained constant after 40% Leucaena inclusion in the composition of elephant grass silages. The inclusion of Leucaena up to 80% in the composition of elephant grass silages reduces fermentation losses, promotes a nutritional increase, and increases the aerobic stability of the silages.(AU)

A leucena tem sido utilizada para a confecção de silagens mistas para o enriquecimento nutricional das silagens. Assim, a inclusão da leucena como aditivo em silagens mistas de capim-elefante pode reduzir as perdas fermentativas e aumentar o valor nutricional e a estabilidade aeróbia das silagens, sem alterar o seu perfil fermentativo. Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo, composição nutricional e estabilidade aeróbia de silagens de capim elefante associadas com níveis crescentes de leucena. Um total de cinco níveis de leucena (0, 20, 40, 60 e 80% em base da matéria seca) foram incluídos em silagens de capim elefante. Adotou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições, totalizando 15 silos experimentais, os quais foram abertos após 30 dias de ensilagem. Foram analisados o perfil fermentativo, a composição química e a estabilidade aeróbica. Foi realizada uma análise descritiva dos picos de temperatura e pH durante a estabilidade aeróbia. O aumento da inclusão da leucena na composição das silagens reduziu as perdas por gases, perdas por efluentes, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose, lignina, carboidratos totais, carboidratos fibrosos e nutrientes digestíveis totais e aumentou os de teores de matéria seca, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta. Foi observado efeito quadrático dos tratamentos sobre a temperatura para atingir o pH máximo (P=0.009). A estabilidade aeróbia permaneceu constante a partir de 40% de inclusão de leucena na composição das silagens de capim elefante. A inclusão da leucena em até 80% na composição de silagens de capim elefante reduz as perdas fermentativas, promove incremento nutricional e aumento da estabilidade aeróbia das silagens.(AU)

Тема - темы
Silage/analysis , Pennisetum/chemistry , Fabaceae/chemistry , Calorific Power , Fermentation , Nutritive Value
Lima; Perú. Ministerio de Salud. Instituto Nacional de Salud; 2 ed; Ene. 2022. 40 p. ilus.
Монография в испанский | MINSAPERU, LILACS, INS-PERU, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1353633


Las recetas han sido elaboradas para niños de 6 a 8 meses, 9 a 11 meses y 12 a 23 meses considerando la cantidad de alimento de origen animal que necesitan de acuerdo a la edad. Cabe indicar que dichas recetas fueron elaboradas tomando en cuenta un diagnóstico previo recogido en hogares y en mercados locales, a fin de conocer la disponibilidad, el acceso así como los atributos positivos y negativos que las madres asignan a los alimentos que incorporan en la alimentación infantil. Cada una de las recetas ha pasado por un proceso de validación a nivel en los hogares donde las madres han elaborado sus preparaciones, según los alimentos disponibles localmente y con gran valor nutricional, bajo la asesoría de los profesionales nutricionistas proponiendo mejorar o crear receta nuevas

Тема - темы
Cooking , Child Nutrition , Health Promotion , Anemia , Nutritive Value
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(1): 273-286, jan. 2022. tab, graf
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356043


Resumo A interface entre as Mudanças Climáticas e a Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN) tem se destacado na agenda de desenvolvimento sustentável desde o início da década de 1990. Desde então, estudos demonstram que as mudanças climáticas possuem efeitos negativos na SAN, potencializados pela pobreza e desigualdade social. O objetivo deste artigo é realizar uma revisão relacionando mudanças climáticas e SAN. A pesquisa foi realizada no PubMed utilizando os descritores "climate change and food security" no título, selecionando somente artigos em português, espanhol e inglês e com relação direta com os temas. Os principais impactos das mudanças climáticas na SAN foram no acesso, produção, qualidade nutricional e volatilidade dos preços dos alimentos. Estratégias de mitigação/adaptação aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas na SAN também foram apontadas nos estudos, além de um panorama geográfico das publicações com domínio de estudos na África e Ásia, continentes marcados por desigualdade social e pobreza. As mudanças climáticas afetam as dimensões da SAN, especialmente em populações mais pobres e em situação de desigualdade social. A relevância dos temas suscita a premência de maior investimento em políticas públicas, estudos e pesquisas acerca da temática no mundo.

Abstract The interface between Climate Changes and Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) has been standing out in the sustainable development agenda since the early 1990's. Since then, studies show that climate changes have negative effects on the FNS, aggravated by poverty and social inequality. The purpose of this paper is to perform a review evidencing the relationships between climate changes and FNS. The research was carried out in PubMed using the descriptors "climate change and food security" on the headline, selecting only papers in Portuguese, Spanish, and English languages, and with a direct relation to the themes. The main impacts of climate changes on the FNS were related to the access, production, nutritional quality, and volatility of food prices. The studies also indicated mitigation/adaptation strategies to the effects of climate changes on the FNS, as well as a geographic panorama of the publications with fields of study in Africa and Asia, continents marked by social inequality and poverty. Climate changes affect the dimensions of FNS, especially in poorer populations in situation of social inequality. The relevance of the themes raises concern on the urgency of higher investments in public policies, studies, and research on the subject around the world.

Тема - темы
Humans , Climate Change , Food Supply , Poverty , Food , Nutritive Value
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20312, 2022. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403691


Abstract Bjerkandera adusta, a globally distributed fungus, is commonly used in the nutritional practices of the East Asian population. In this study, we evaluated the nutritional composition of the lyophilized mycelium of B. adusta as well as the phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of its extracts. The mycelium exhibited moisture (7.97 %), ash (3.27 %), and fiber (5.31 %) content values similar to the established values reported in the available literature. In addition, a high protein (9.32 %) and carbohydrate (63.45 %) content was shown, with a low lipid (1.36 %) content. The energy value per 100 g sample of mycelium was 1445.85 kJ. The results obtained indicated a statistically significant variation (p < 0.05) in the phenolic composition (81.84-110.96 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) per g of extract), free radical 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity (IC50 29.05-340.46 µg·mL-1), phosphomolybdenum antioxidant content (34.89-55.64 %), reduction of ferricyanide ion (66.55-69.4 %), and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) values (44.66-133.03 %). These results are unprecedented for this species and emphasize its nutraceutical potential.

Тема - темы
Functional Food/analysis , Fungi/metabolism , Antioxidants , Asian People , Food Analysis/instrumentation , Nutritive Value
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 116 p. tab, tab.
Диссертация в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396694


A fim de atender à demanda do público que atualmente busca por alimentos mais saudáveis, as indústrias têm procurado alternativas que possibilitem a aplicação de ingredientes que agreguem valor nutricional aos produtos. A redução de gorduras saturadas e trans em produtos alimentícios, bem como a inserção de cereais ou farinhas nutricionais, vem sendo aplicadas em produtos de panificação. Biscoitos recheados possuem como bases geralmente biscoitos à base de farinha de trigo. O objetivo foi desenvolver formulação de biscoitos recheados com substituição de gordura vegetal por organogel no recheio e de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo no biscoito, a fim de agregar valor nutricional ao produto. Foram desenvolvidos biscoitos recheados: 1) recheio controle e com substituição da gordura vegetal dos recheios por organogel elaborado com sistema emulsionado (colágeno + óleo vegetal + água), a fim de diminuir concentrações de gorduras saturadas e trans. 2) para a base elaborouse biscoitos controle (farinha de trigo) e com substituição parcial e total de farinha de trigo por farinha de sorgo em 50% (50FS) e 100% (100FS). Foram conduzidas nos recheios e das bases dos biscoitos análises físicas e físico-químicas (textura, atividade de água, cor, composição centesimal e reologia) para avaliação e para análise de estabilidade de 6 semanas. Os resultados apresentaram que o biscoito 50FS obteve melhor valor de textura (Controle: 16,09 ± 1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63 ± 5,68 N e 100FS: 10,09 ± 0,65 N) e menor teor de atividade de água (Semana 01: 0,327±0,01 e Semana 06: 0,389 ± 0,00) do que o biscoito controle, durante análise de estabilidade. O biscoito 100FS apresentou coloração mais avermelhada. Os biscoitos 50FS e 100FS apresentaram maior teor proteico do que o controle (Controle: 5,37 ± 0,23 %; 50FS: 5,64 ± 0,49 % e 100FS: 5,75 ± 0,49 %). O recheio com organogel apresentou maior dureza (N) durante análise de estabilidade do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Controle: 4,29±0,38). Os parâmetros de adesividade, coesividade e gomosidade do recheio com organogel não apresentaram diferenças significativas (p > 0,05). Os valores de atividade de água da formulação com organogel foram mais altos do que o recheio controle (Semana 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Controle: 0,555±0,01). O valor de L* foi maior para o recheio controle, apresentando coloração mais amarelada do que a formulação com organogel. O recheio com organogel apresentou redução de 65 % do teor lipídico e aumento do teor proteico. Os recheios controle, com organogel e de mercado apresentaram comportamento tixotrópico durante a avaliação reológica, sendo que o produto de mercado teve comportamento próximo à formulação controle, com recuperação quase total da estrutura. Foram desenvolvidos cinco produtos, sendo três inovadores com valor nutricional agregado, atendendo às legislações vigentes, vida útil mínima de 6 semanas e ao apelo do mercado atual, podendo ser comercializados como biscoito recheado

In order to satisfy the demand of the public that is currently looking for healthier foods industries have been looking for alternatives that allow the application of ingredients that add nutritional value to the products. The reduction of saturated and trans fats in food products, as well as the insertion of cereals or nutritional flours, has been applied in bakery products. Filled cookies are usually based on wheat flour. The objective was to develop a formulation of filled cookies with replacement of vegetable fat for organogel in the filling and wheat flour for sorghum flour in the biscuit, in order to add nutritional value to the product. In this study, cookies filled with vegetable fat and wheat flour were used as a control where: 1) filling was replaced by organogel elaborated with an emulsified system (collagen + vegetable oil + water); and 2) base was prepared with partial and total replacer of wheat flour for sorghum flour in 50% (50FS) and 100% (100FS). Physical and physicochemical analyzes (texture, water activity, color, proximate composition and rheology) were carried out on the fillings and bases of the biscuits for evaluation and for the stability analysis of 6 weeks. The results showed that the 50FS cookies had a better texture value (Control: 16,09±1,28 N; 50FS: 19,63±5,68N and 10,09±0,65 N) and lower content of water activity (Week 1: 0,327±0,01 and Week 6: 0,389±0,00) than the control cookie during stability analysis. The 100FS had a more reddish color. The 50FS and 100FS cookies had a higher protein content than the control (Control: 5,37±0,23 %; 50FS 5,64±0,49 %). The fillings with organogel showed a higher hardness (N) than the control during stability analysis (Week 6 Organogel: 6,81±1,48; Control: 4,29±0,38). The parameters of adhesiveness, cohesiveness and guminess of the filling with organogel showed no significant differences (p> 0.05). The water activity values of the organogel formulation were higher than the control filling (Week 6 Organogel: 0,730±0,00; Control: 0,555±0,01). The value of L * was higher for the control filling, showing a more yellowish color than the formulation with organogel. The filling with organogel showed a 65% reduction in lipid content and an increase in protein content. The control, organogel and market fillings showed a thixotropic behavior in the rheological evaluation, and the market product had a behavior close to the control formulation, with almost total recovery of the structure. Five products were developed, three of which were innovative with added nutritional value, in compliance with current legislation, a minimum shelf life of 6 weeks, which can be sold as a stuffed cookies.

Тема - темы
Plant Oils , Food Production , Cookies , Fats/administration & dosage , Rheology/instrumentation , Staining and Labeling/instrumentation , Edible Grain/adverse effects , Collagen/adverse effects , Sorghum/classification , Date of Validity of Products , Flour/analysis , Hardness , Industry/classification , Nutritive Value
S. Afr. j. clin. nutr. (Online) ; 35(4): 133-141, 2022. figures, tables
Статья в английский | AIM | ID: biblio-1401050


Objectives: This study aimed to determine the energy and protein content of meals served and consumed by hospitalised patients compared with their needs, to assess patients' food satisfaction and investigate associations with energy and protein intake. Design: This was an exploratory quantitative cross-sectional study. Setting: Three public hospitals within the Cape Town metropole were recruited; a central hospital (945 beds), large district hospital (372 beds) and a medium district hospital (172 beds). Subjects: Adult inpatients 18+ years admitted to medical or surgical wards, on a non-therapeutic/normal hospital diet were recruited by purposive sampling method between 2018 and 2019.Outcomes measures: Each participant's weight and height were measured to calculate body mass index (BMI) and to determine energy/protein requirements. The Acute Care Hospital Foodservice Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire was administered. Meals were weighed before and after consumption to calculate energy and protein intake per patient/day. Results: A total of 128 patients (males = 71) participated. Total protein served did not meet patient requirements in any of the hospitals. Consumed energy and protein were significantly below requirements in all hospitals (p < 0.002). Perceived food quality (r = 0.38, p = 0.039) and staff/service issues (r = 0.39; p = 0.035) were significantly positively correlated with protein intake, while appetite correlated positively (r = 0.42, p = 0.006; r = 0.41, p = 0.008) and length of stay (LOS) correlated negatively (r = −0.46, p = 0.002; r = −0.42, p = 0.008) with energy and protein intake, respectively. Conclusion: Energy and protein served was significantly lower than participants' requirements in all three hospitals and none achieved the official ration scale amounts. Nearly 40% reported having a normal appetite and did not receive additional food from family or friends, which may lead to hospital-acquired malnutrition and increased hospital length of stay (LOS). Improved hospital food quality, quantity, mealtimes and staff training should be a focus to improve patient energy and protein intake

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Protein-Energy Malnutrition , Malnutrition , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Food Service, Hospital , Hospitals, Public , Inpatients , Nutritive Value
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