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Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532527


El Consorcio Internacional para la Medición de Resultados en Salud (ICHOM, por sus siglas en inglés) se especializa en el desarrollo de conjuntos de medidas de resultado de tratamientos para condiciones de salud con el objetivo de mejorar la práctica clínica. ICHOM desarrolló una propuesta de medidas de resultado para depresión, ansiedad, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y trastorno por estrés postraumático, en población infanto-juvenil de entre 6 y 24 años que fue publicada el 2021. Un grupo de trabajo internacional de 27 personas expertas en clínica, en investigación y por experiencia vivida, alcanzó el consenso a través del método Delphi adaptado con votación anónima iterativa, apoyada por insumos de investigación. Se propone evaluar síntomas, pensamientos y conductas suicidas y funcionalidad a través de siete medidas de resultado informadas primariamente por el o la paciente. Las recomendaciones fueron validadas a través de una encuesta que involucró a 487 participantes en 45 países. Este artículo presenta sugerencias para su aplicación en Chile.

Abstract: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) specializes in developing sets of outcome measures for health conditions with the goal of improving clinical practice. ICHOM developed a proposal for outcome measures for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in children and young people aged 6 to 24 years that was published in 2021. An international working group of 27 clinical, research, and lived experience experts, reached consensus through the adapted Delphi method, and iterative anonymous voting, supported by research inputs. It is proposed to assess symptoms, suicidal thoughts, and behavior, and functioning through seven primarily patient-reported outcome measures. The recommendations were validated through a survey involving 487 participants across 45 countries. This article presents suggestions for their application in Chile.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Anxiety/diagnosis , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/diagnosis , Chile , Consensus , Internationality , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(3): 139-142, sept. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1517906


Introducción: la medicina basada en el valor ha logrado mejorar la calidad de atención del paciente y/o la satisfacción de las personas, reduciendo costos y obteniendo mejores resultados. Se apoya sobre tres pilares básicos: la medicina basada en la evidencia, la atención centralizada en el paciente, y la sustentabilidad. Sin embargo, existen pocas publicaciones sobre la estrategia de personas navegadoras para pacientes con cáncer de pulmón, que podrían ser una herramienta clave para brindar apoyo, asegurando que tengan acceso al conocimiento y los recursos necesarios a fin de completar la vía de atención clínica recomendada. Estado del arte: se trata de una intervención en salud cuyo objetivo principal es lograr vencer las barreras relacionadas con la atención (p. ej., logísticas, burocrático-administrativas, de comunicación y financieras) para poder mejorar la calidad y el acceso a la salud en el marco de la atención del cáncer. Estas personas cumplen un papel de guía para pacientes durante el proceso de diagnóstico y tratamiento activo. Su labor consiste en vincular al paciente con los proveedores clínicos, brindar un sistema de apoyo, asegurar un acompañamiento individualizado, garantizar que tengan acceso al conocimiento y a los recursos necesarios para completar el seguimiento y/o tratamiento adecuado. Discusión/Conclusión: indudablemente, es un elemento cada vez más reconocido en los programas de cáncer, centrado en el paciente y de alta calidad. Su implementación será de especial interés en la Unidad de Práctica Integrada para personas con cáncer de pulmón. (AU)

Introduction: Value-based medicine has succeeded in improving the quality of patient care and or patient satisfaction, reducing costs, and obtaining better outcomes. It rests on three fundamental pillars: evidence-based medicine, patient-centered care, and sustainability. However, there are few publications on the people navigator strategy for lung cancer patients, which could be a crucial tool for providing support, ensuring that they have access to the knowledge and resources needed to complete the recommended clinical care pathway. State of the art: It is a health intervention whose main objective is to overcome care-related barriers (e.g., logistical, bureaucratic-administrative, communication, and financial) to improve quality and access to health in the context of cancer care. These individuals play a guiding role for patients during the diagnostic and active treatment process. Their job is to link the patient with clinical providers, provide a support system, ensure individualized accompaniment, and guarantee that they get access to the knowledge and resources necessary to complete the appropriate follow-up and, or treatment. Discussion/Conclusion: Undoubtedly, patient navigators represent an increasingly recognized element of high-quality, patient-centered cancer programs. Its implementation will be of specific interest in the Integrated Practice Unit for people with lung cancer. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Patient Navigation/organization & administration , Lung Neoplasms , Patient Care Team , Patient Satisfaction , Patient-Centered Care/methods , Access to Information , Quality Improvement , Patient Navigation/history , Patient Outcome Assessment , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Health Services Accessibility/trends
Hansen. int ; 48: 1-20, 07 jun. 2023.
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS, SES-SP, HANSEN, HANSENIASE, SESSP-ILSLPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-ILSLACERVO, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1553918


O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a percepção dos pacientes quanto ao atendimento nas Redes de Atenção à Saúde, desde o surgimento dos sintomas até o diagnóstico de hanseníase. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com 15 pacientes com hanseníase atendidos em um centro de referência no estado do Piauí. A coleta de dados foi realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2022, com o uso de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado de três blocos: 1) perfil sociodemográfico e econômico; 2) dados clínicos; e 3) questões semidirigidas relacionadas ao itinerário terapêutico para o diagnóstico e tratamento. Foram incluídos pacientes com hanseníase em tratamento e idade superior a 18 anos. Excluiu-se aqueles que não responderam questionamentos essenciais para os objetivos do estudo ou tangenciaram o tema nesse sentido. Predominaram pacientes mulheres, casadas, com média de idade de 58 anos, ensino fundamental completo, que recebiam menos de um salário-mínimo, autodeclaradas como pardas, residentes em Teresina e com a forma multibacilar da doença. Após a análise de conteúdo, emergiram três categorias temáticas: 1) dificuldades no autorreconhecimento das manifestações clínicas da hanseníase; 2) itinerário terapêutico do usuário com hanseníase na rede de atenção à saúde; e 3) percepção dos pacientes com hanseníase sobre o aten-dimento dos profissionais de saúde. A percepção dos pacientes permite concluir que a busca pelo diagnóstico e o atendimento em saúde foi um processo longo e conflituoso até que estes chegassem a ser atendidos na Atenção Primária.(AU)

The aim of the study was to evaluate patients' perception regarding care in healthcare networks, from the emergence of symptoms to the diagnosis of leprosy. This is a qualitative study with 15 patients with leprosy managed in a referral center in the state of Piauí. Data collection occurred from August to September 2022, with the use of a 3-block semi-structured interview guide: 1) sociodemographic and economic profile; 2) clinical data; and 3) semi-structured questions about the therapeutic itinerary taken for diagnosis and treatment. Included were leprosy patients aged undergoing treatment aged 18 years or above. Excluded were patients who failed to answer questions that were essential to meet study objectives or who barely touched upon the subject. There was a predominance of female, married patients, self-declared as brown (parda), at a mean age of 58 years, with complete elementary school education that earned less than minimum wage and lived in Teresina, with the multibacillary form of disease. After content analysis, three thematic categories emerged: 1) difficulty in self-recognizing the clinical manifestations of leprosy; 2) therapeutic route of the leprosy user in the healthcare network; and 3) perception of leprosy patients about treatment provided by healthcare professionals. The patients' perception allows us to conclude that the search for diagnosis and health care was a long and conflicting process until they reached Primary Care.(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Leprosy/diagnosis , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Leprosy/therapy
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(1): 7-11, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1434097


Introducción: el NPS (Net Promoter Score) es un indicador que se utiliza en los programas de experiencia del cliente para medir la satisfacción de dicho público objetivo y su lealtad. Nuestra finalidad fue consolidar el NPS por primera vez en una prepaga de un hospital de alta complejidad de Buenos Aires (PS-HIBA) en busca de establecer un indicador objetivo desde la perspectiva del cliente. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional analítico, de corte transversal. Se incluyeron en el estudio los datos obtenidos a partir de las respuestas de los afiliados al PS-HIBA. Resultados: se consolidó el primer indicador NPS del PS-HIBA: 22 puntos. Se visualizaron los tres perfiles de clientes, obteniendo un 45,7% promotores, 22,3% detractores y 32% pasivos o neutros. Complementariamente se identificaron los motivos de dichas calificaciones; las tres principales fueron: la problemática de accesibilidad a los turnos, la atención y los profesionales valorados positivamente. Conclusión: este estudio aporta un indicador objetivo, que facilita un lenguaje común en la organización y una comparación con el mercado desde la mirada del cliente. El NPS, como sistema, busca impulsar la construcción de una cultura centrada en el cliente, con el fin de mejorar su lealtad y permitir una retroalimentación donde se logra tener presente la voz del cliente, e identificar, priorizar y abordar los problemas percibidos. Nos permite establecer los lineamientos de oportunidades de mejora desde la perspectiva de los pacientes. (AU)

Introduction: the NPS (Net Promoter Score) is an indicator used in customer experience programs to measure the satisfaction of said target audience and their loyalty. Our purpose was to send the survey and consolidate the NPS for the first time in a high complexity prepaid hospital in Buenos Aires (PS-HIBA) in search of an objective indicator from the customer's perspective. Methods: an analytical, cross-sectional observational study was carried out. Data obtained from members' responses to the PS-HIBA were included in the study. Results: the first NPS indicator of PS-HIBA was consolidated: 22 points. The three customer profiles were displayed, obtaining 45.7% promoters, 22.3% detractors and 32% passive or neutral. Complementarily, the reasons for these qualifications were identified, being the three main ones: the problem of accessibility to medical appointments, the medical attention and the professionals valued positively. Conclusion: this study provides an objective indicator which facilitates a common language in the organization and a comparison with the market from the customer's point of view.The NPS as a system seeks to promote the construction of a customer-focused culture, in order to improve their loyalty and allow feedback. Thus, it is possible to keep the customer's voice in mind, identify, prioritize and address the perceived problems. It allows us to establish the guidelines for opportunities to improve from the patients' perspective. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Health Services Coverage , Patient Satisfaction , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Health Facilities, Proprietary , Argentina , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Benchmarking , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 22(supl.1): e20236640, 03 fev 2023. ilus
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1442387


OBJETIVO: Analisar metodologicamente resultados de pesquisas que investigaram as propriedades psicométricas(confiabilidade, responsividade e validade) de instrumentos de qualidade de vida para pessoas com estomias de eliminação. MÉTODO: Revisão sistemática da literatura que será realizada de acordo com a iniciativa Consensus-based Standards for the selection oh health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN), desenvolvida em dez etapas. As buscas serão realizadas em bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, sem restrição de idiomas e temporal. Para avaliar a qualidade metodológica dos estudos, empregar-se-á o checklist de risco de viés COSMIN, aplicando-se os critérios de qualidade para boas propriedades de medida. Por último, as evidências serão compiladas, avaliando-se sua qualidade através da abordagem GRADE. Este estudo encontra-se em andamento e o protocolo está registrado na International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) sob o número CRD42022320642

OBJECTIVE: To methodologically analyze the results of research studies that investigated psychometric properties (reliability, responsiveness and validity) of quality of life instruments for individuals with elimination ostomies. METHOD: A systematic literature review that will be conducted according to the Consensus-based Standards for selecting health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) initiative, developed in ten stages. The searches will be conducted in national and international databases, with no language or time restrictions. To assess the methodological quality of the studies, the COSMIN risk of bias checklist will be employed by applying the quality criteria for good measuring properties. Finally, the diverse evidence will be compiled by assessing its quality through the GRADE approach. This study is ongoing and its protocol is registered at the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) under number CRD42022320642

Тема - темы
Humans , Psychometrics , Quality of Life , Ostomy , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981272


To summarize the clinical application of patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and provide reference for the application of PROM in perioperative evaluation of the patients receiving TKA,we reviewed the recent studies about the application of PROM in TKA and analyzed the contents and application characteristics of the PROM.The common PROM in TKA,such as the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index,Oxford Knee Score,and Forgotten Joint Score,principally focus on patients' subjective feelings about pain,function and other aspects of their knees.However,they have diverse ranges of application and each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages.There is a variety of PROM applied in TKA,which makes it challenging to select the proper measurement for evaluation.The PROM in TKA remains to be improved for broader use.

Тема - темы
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Knee Joint/surgery , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Singapore medical journal ; : 285-293, 2023.
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984190


Healthcare delivery is moving towards a more personalised and patient-centric approach. There is now an appropriate emphasis on providing value in our healthcare system. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) assess our patients' perceptions of the status of their health and quality of life, measured over a period of time. PROM is an integral component of a value-driven and value-based healthcare system and is key if we want to practise value-based medicine. In paediatrics and child health, PROMs, if implemented well with appropriate measurement tools that are regularly updated and validated in a self-learning healthcare ecosystem, will help to enhance personalised healthcare delivery and collectively improve the health of the community at large. This review covers the role of PROMs in paediatrics, as well as their role in value-based medicine.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child , Quality of Life , Ecosystem , Delivery of Health Care , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Pediatrics
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 958-962, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045722


Objective: To observe the status of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and their correlation with the number of hospitalizations within 1 year in patients with atrial fibrillation(AF). Methods: This study is a prospective investigation. Patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation treated in the Department of Cardiology of the Third People's Hospital of Yancheng from May 2020 to April 2021 were selected. General information and AF6 questionnaire were used to define PROs. The number of hospitalizations within 1 year after discharge was obtained. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between PROs and the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. The logistic regression model was used to analyze the number of hospitalizations in AF patients within 1 year. Results: A total of 197 patients were enrolled, the mean age was (74.1±9.0) years, 106 (53.8%) patients were female. The mean AF6 score was (24.3±8.3). The proportion of patients with 6 entries≥1 point exceeded 50%. There was a positive correlation between NYHA classification and PROs (r=0.360, P<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that the older age (OR=1.058, P=0.004) and the AF6 scores≥24(OR=4.082, P<0.001) were the risk factors of rehospitalization within 1 year for AF patients. Conclusions: The PROs of AF patients are at the medium level and poor levels of PROs are associated with increased risk of rehospitalization within 1 year.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Male , Atrial Fibrillation , Prospective Studies , Hospitalization , Patient Discharge , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 958-962, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046045


Objective: To observe the status of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and their correlation with the number of hospitalizations within 1 year in patients with atrial fibrillation(AF). Methods: This study is a prospective investigation. Patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation treated in the Department of Cardiology of the Third People's Hospital of Yancheng from May 2020 to April 2021 were selected. General information and AF6 questionnaire were used to define PROs. The number of hospitalizations within 1 year after discharge was obtained. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between PROs and the New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification. The logistic regression model was used to analyze the number of hospitalizations in AF patients within 1 year. Results: A total of 197 patients were enrolled, the mean age was (74.1±9.0) years, 106 (53.8%) patients were female. The mean AF6 score was (24.3±8.3). The proportion of patients with 6 entries≥1 point exceeded 50%. There was a positive correlation between NYHA classification and PROs (r=0.360, P<0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed that the older age (OR=1.058, P=0.004) and the AF6 scores≥24(OR=4.082, P<0.001) were the risk factors of rehospitalization within 1 year for AF patients. Conclusions: The PROs of AF patients are at the medium level and poor levels of PROs are associated with increased risk of rehospitalization within 1 year.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Male , Atrial Fibrillation , Prospective Studies , Hospitalization , Patient Discharge , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(10): 584-593, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529880


Abstract Objective To evaluate the efficacy and outcomes of the surgical treatment for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in stages III and IV by sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) or uterosacral ligament suspension (USLS) by comparing anatomical and subjective cure rates and quality-of-life parameters (through the version validated for the Portuguese language of the Prolapse Quality of Life [P-QoL] questionnaire) under two definitions: genital prolapse Ba, Bp, and C< −1 (stage I) and Ba, Bp, and C ≤ 0 (stage II). Materials and Methods After we obtained approval from the Ethics Committee (under CAAE 0833/06) and registered the study in (NCT 01347021), 51 patients were randomized into two groups: the USLS group (N = 26) and the SSLF group (N = 25), with follow-up 6 and 12 months after the procedures. Results There was a significant improvement in the P-QoL score and anatomical measurements of all compartments in both groups after 12 months (p< 0.001). The anatomical cure rates in the USLS and SSLF groups, considering stage 1, were of 34.6% and 40% (anterior) respectively; of 100% both for groups (apical); and of 73.1% and 92% (posterior) respectively. The rates of adverse outcomes were of 42% (N = 11) and 36% (N = 11) for the USLS and SSLF groups respectively (p= 0.654), and those outcomes were excessive bleeding, bladder perforation (intraoperative) or gluteal pain, and urinary infection (postoperative), among others, without differences between the groups. Conclusion High cure rates in all compartments were observed according to the anatomical criterion (stage I), without differences in P-QoL scores and complications either with USLS or SSLF for the surgical treatment of accentuated POP.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia e os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico para prolapso de órgãos pélvicos (POP) nos estágios III e IV, por meio da técnica de fixação do ligamento sacroespinal (FLSE) ou suspensão do ligamento útero-sacro (SLUS), ao comparar os índices de cura anatômicos, subjetivos, e os parâmetros de qualidade de vida (por meio do questionário Prolapse Quality of Life [P-QoL] validado para a língua portuguesa) sob duas definições: prolapso genital Ba, Bp e C< −1 (estágio I) e Ba, Bp e C ≤ 0 (estágio II). Materiais e Métodos Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética (CAAE 0833/06) e registro no (NCT 01347021), 51 pacientes foram randomizadas em dois grupos: grupo SLUS (N = 26) e (2) grupo FLSE (N = 25), com seguimento de 6 e 12 meses. Resultados Houve melhora significativa nas pontuações no P-QoL e nas medidas anatômicas de todos os compartimentos em ambos os grupos após 12 meses (p< 0,001). As taxas de cura anatômica nos grupos SLUS e FLSE , considerando o estágio 1, foram de 34,6% e 40% (anterior), respectivamente; de 100% em ambos os grupos (apical); e de 73,1% e 92% (posterior), respectivamente. As taxas de resultados adversos foram de 42% (N = 11) e 36% (N = 11), respectivamente, nos grupos SLUS e FLSE (p= 0,654), e elas foram sangramento excessivo, perfuração da bexiga (intraoperatória) ou dor glútea, e infecção urinária (pós-operatória), entre outras, sem diferenças entre os grupos. Conclusão Altas taxas de cura em todos os compartimentos foram observadas segundo critério anatômico (estágio I), sem diferença quanto às pontuações no P-QoL e às complicações tanto com SLUS quanto com FLSE para o tratamento cirúrgico de POP acentuado.

Тема - темы
Humans , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Pelvic Organ Prolapse/surgery , Pelvic Floor Disorders , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Patient Health Questionnaire
Rev. baiana enferm ; 37: e46421, 2023.
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1529676


Objetivos: descrever as percepções de puérperas negras acerca dos cuidados recebidos durante o parto. Método: pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida em uma maternidade pública da Bahia no período de março a agosto de 2019, mediante entrevista semiestruturada com dez mulheres. A sistematização dos dados ocorreu pela análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias analíticas: Humanização e boas práticas de atenção ao parto; e Vulnerabilidades no cuidado obstétrico. As percepções foram positivas em relação ao acolhimento, acompanhante no parto e ocorrência de algumas tecnologias de relaxamento corporal, porém foram percebidas vulnerabilidades, como peregrinação no parto, demora no atendimento, cultura da cesárea e cuidado inseguro. Considerações finais: as percepções de puérperas negras trouxeram elementos positivos no âmbito do cuidado recebido, porém também foram apontadas percepções de vulnerabilidades indicando injustiças reprodutivas.

Objetivos: describir las percepciones de crías negras acerca de los cuidados recibidos durante el parto. Método: investigación descriptiva y exploratoria, con enfoque cualitativo, desarrollada en una maternidad pública de Bahía en el período de marzo a agosto de 2019, mediante entrevista semiestructurada con diez mujeres. La sistematización de los datos se llevó a cabo mediante el análisis de Contenido. Resultados: surgieron dos categorías analíticas: Humanización y buenas prácticas de atención al parto; y Vulnerabilidades en el cuidado obstétrico. Las percepciones fueron positivas en relación al acogimiento, acompañante en el parto y ocurrencia de algunas tecnologías de relajación corporal, pero fueron percibidas vulnerabilidades, como peregrinación en el parto, demora en la atención, cultura de la cesárea y cuidado inseguro. Consideraciones finales: las percepciones de puérperas negras trajeron elementos positivos en el ámbito del cuidado recibido, pero también se señalaron percepciones de vulnerabilidades indicando injusticias reproductivas.

Objective: to describe the perceptions of black puerperal women about the care received during childbirth. Method: descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, developed in a public maternity hospital in Bahia from March to August 2019, through semi-structured interviews with ten women. The systematization of data occurred by content analysis. Results: two analytical categories emerged: Humanization and good childbirth care practices; and Vulnerabilities in obstetric care. The perceptions were positive regarding the embracement, companion in childbirth and occurrence of some body relaxation technologies, but vulnerabilities were perceived, such as pilgrimage in childbirth, delay in care, culture of cesarean section and unsafe care. Final considerations: the perceptions of black puerperal women brought positive elements in the care received, but perceptions of vulnerabilities indicating reproductive injustices were also pointed out.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Postpartum Period/psychology , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Health of Ethnic Minorities , Obstetric Nursing , Qualitative Research , Maternal Health
Arq. odontol ; 59: 73-84, 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1516692


Objetivo: Objetivou-se investigar associação direta e mediada pela presença de impacto físico e psicossocial das condições bucais entre HD e satisfação com a saúde entre adultos. Métodos: Estudo transversal foi realizado entre 2018-2019 com amostra probabilística por conglomerado de adultos residentes em Rio Acima (MG). Entrevista e exame bucal foram realizados por examinadoras calibradas. Satisfação com a saúde foi avaliada por meio da pergunta doWHOQoL-bref "Quão satisfeito (a) você está com a sua saúde?" e suas respostas categorizadas entre "satisfeito" e "insatisfeito". HD foi avaliada por estímulo tátil na região cervical dos dentes. Presença de impactos físicos e psicossociais das condições bucais foi definida pelas respostas "repetidamente" ou "sempre" a pelo menos um dos itens do OHIP-14. Covariáveis foram dados sociodemográficos e econômicos, comportamentos em saúde, condições de saúde bucal e uso de serviços odontológicos. Associações foram investigadas por modelos de Regressão de Poisson e Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) para estimar associações diretas e indiretas (Stata 16). Resultados: Dos 197 adultos, 132 (66,18%) declararam estar satisfeitos com sua saúde e 73 indivíduos (38,75%) apresentavam HD. Houve associação significativa entre presença de HD e presença de impacto físico e psicossocial das condições bucais (RP: 1.34; IC 95%: 1.08­1.67), enquanto para satisfação a associação com HD não foi significativa (RP: 1.08; IC 95%: 0.75-1.54) após a inclusão da variável presença de impacto físico e psicossocial das condições bucais. MEE demonstrou associação direta não significativa entre HD e satisfação, enquanto a associação indireta mediada pela presença de impacto físico e psicossocial das condições bucais foi significativa. Conclusão: Indivíduos com HD podem relatar maior insatisfação com a vida quando esta experiência dolorosa está associada com impactos físicos ou psicossociais.

Aim: Dentin Hypersensitivity (DH) is a painful condition that affects the Oral Health-related Quality of Life and can affect the satisfaction with health of individuals who have it. This study aimed to investigate the direct association mediated by the presence of physical and psychosocial impacts of oral conditions between DH and satisfaction with health among adults. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out between 2018-2019 with a probabilistic sample consisting of a cluster of adults living in Rio Acima (MG). Interviews and epidemiological examinations were performed using calibrated tests. The dependent variable of satisfaction with health was assessed using the WHOQoL-bref question "How satisfied are you with your health?" Participants' answers were categorized between "satisfied" and "dissatisfied". The independent DH variable was assessed by tactile stimulation in the cervical region of the teeth. The presence of physical and psychosocial impacts of oral conditions was defined by the answers "farly often" or "very often" to at least one of the OHIP-14 items. Covariates were sociodemographic and psychological data, health behavior, oral health conditions, and use of dental services. Associations were investigated by Poisson Regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) models to estimate direct and indirect associations (Stata 16). Results: Of the 197 adults, 132 (66.18%) reported being satisfied with their health, and 73 individuals (38.75%) had DH. There was a significant association between the presence of DH and the presence of physical and psychosocial impacts of oral health (PR:1.34; 95% CI: 1.08­1.67), while for receiving the association with DH, it was not significant (PR:1 .08; 95% CI: 0.75-1.54) after including the presence of impact variables. SEM showed a non-significant direct association between DH and satisfaction, while the indirect association mediated by the presence of impact was significant. Conclusion: Individuals with HD may report greater dissatisfaction with life when this painful experience is associated with physical or psychosocial effects.

Тема - темы
Quality of Life , Oral Health , Epidemiology , Dentin Sensitivity , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220102, 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529131


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the association between DH and Health (HRQoL) or Oral Health-Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL). Material and Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, EMBASE, Cochrane, Scielo, LILACS/BBO, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações (BDTD), Open Grey, and Google Scholar databases were screened in September 2019 (updated in October 2022). Observational studies were selected to compare HRQoL/OHRQoL(outcome) according to DH(exposure) or evaluate the association among these variables. Standardized Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tool for analytical cross-sectional studies was used to analyze the risk of bias. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to synthesize evidence for the association between DH and OHRQoL. Results: 10 papers met inclusion criteria and were evaluated. In most studies, presenting or having a greater intensity of DH was associated with a negative impact on one's quality of life. However, most of these studies showed a moderate to high risk of methodological bias. The consistent finding from studies with a low risk of bias suggests a significant association between DH and OHRQoL. Meta-analysis was feasible for three studies with substantial heterogeneity. The pooled Odds Ratio was 2.14 (95%CI 1.15-3.99; I2= 57,44%). Conclusion: Many studies presented a high risk of bias; therefore, the actual effect of DH on one's quality of life remains uncertain.

Тема - темы
Quality of Life , Dentin Sensitivity , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Rev.chil.ortop.traumatol. ; 63(1): 55-62, apr.2022. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436003


En los últimos años, ha habido un aumento en la aplicación de cuestionarios diseñados para la medición de resultados (o desenlaces) clínicos en la práctica médica. Para aplicar un cuestionario en una población distinta a la cual fue originalmente creado y diseñado, es necesario llevar a cabo un proceso riguroso de adaptación, con una determinada metodología. El objetivo de esta guía metodológica es describir el proceso de traducción, adaptación transcultural y validación de medidas de resultados informados por los pacientes (MRIPs) en Ortopedia y Traumatología.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of questionnaires designed to measure outcomes in the medical practice. To use a questionnaire in a population different from the one for which it was originally created and designed, it is necessary to carry out a rigorous adaptation process, with a certain methodology. The objective of the present methodological guide is to describe the process of translation, crosscultural adaptation, and validation of patient-reported outcome measures in Orthopedics and Traumatology

Тема - темы
Humans , Orthopedics , Traumatology , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Surveys and Questionnaires
South African Family Practice ; 64(3): 1-8, 19 May 2022. Figures, Tables
Статья в английский | AIM | ID: biblio-1380567


Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) following ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. The condition remains a management challenge in resource-constrained environments. This study analysed the management and outcomes of patients presenting with AMI at a district hospital in KwaZulu-Natal. Methods: A descriptive study that assessed hospital records of all patients diagnosed with AMI over a 2-year period (01 August 2016 to 31 July 2018). Data extracted recorded patient demographics, risk factors, timing of care, therapeutic interventions, follow up with cardiology and mortality of patients. Results: Of the 140 patients who were admitted with AMI, 96 hospital records were analysed. The mean (standard deviation [s.d.]) age of patients was 55.8 (±12.7) years. Smoking (73.5%) and hypertension (63.3%) were the most prevalent risk factors for patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in contrast to dyslipidaemia (70.2%) and hypertension (68.1%) in patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). Almost 49.5% of patients arrived at hospital more than 6 h after symptom onset. Three (12.5%) patients received thrombolytic therapy within the recommended 30-min time frame. The mean triage-to-needle time was 183 min ­ range (3; 550). Median time to cardiology appointment was 93 days. The in-hospital mortality of 12 deaths considering 140 admissions was 8.6%. Conclusion: In a resource-constrained environment with multiple systemic challenges, in-hospital mortality is comparable to that in private sector conditions in South Africa. This entrenches the role of the family physician. There is need for more coordinated systems of care for AMI between district hospitals and tertiary referral centres.

Тема - темы
Ischemic Stroke , Heart Diseases , Hospitals, District , Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction , Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction , ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction , Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 30(spe): e3717, 2022. graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1409635


Abstract Objective: to document adolescents' understanding of chemotherapy-related core adverse events from the Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events and thus begin the validation process of this tool's items with Brazilian adolescents. Method: this is a prospective, qualitative study of concept elicitation. The participants were 17 adolescents aged 13-18 years and undergoing chemotherapy in three hospitals in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. Cognitive interviews were conducted with questions based on chemotherapy-related adverse events. Data were analyzed for responsiveness and missingness. Results: adolescents could and were willing to provide descriptive information about their chemotherapy adverse events, including physical and emotional events. Some participants suggested alternative terms to name the adverse events and some used more complex terms, but most were satisfied with the primary terms used by the researchers. Conclusion: this study represents the first steps towards understanding how adolescent cancer patients identify, name, and describe these events by cognitive interviewing to help design future assessment instruments focused on this age group.

Resumo Objetivo: documentar a compreensão dos adolescentes sobre os principais eventos adversos relacionados à quimioterapia a partir da versão Pediátrica dos Desfechos Relatados pelo Paciente (Patient-Reported Outcomes) dos Critérios de Terminologia Comum para Eventos Adversos (Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events), e assim iniciar o processo de validação dos itens desta ferramenta com adolescentes brasileiros. Método: trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, qualitativo, de elicitação de conceitos. Participaram do estudo 17 adolescentes de 13 a 18 anos, submetidos à quimioterapia em três hospitais da cidade de São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Foram realizadas entrevistas cognitivas com perguntas baseadas em eventos adversos relacionados à quimioterapia. Os dados foram analisados quanto à responsividade e ausência de resposta. Resultados: os adolescentes puderam e estavam dispostos a fornecer informações descritivas sobre seus eventos adversos quimioterápicos, incluindo eventos físicos e emocionais. Alguns participantes sugeriram nomes alternativos para os eventos adversos e alguns usaram termos mais complexos, mas a maioria ficou satisfeita com aqueles utilizados pelos pesquisadores. Conclusão: este estudo representa os primeiros passos para entender como os adolescentes com câncer identificam, nomeiam e descrevem esses eventos por meio de entrevistas cognitivas para ajudar a criar futuros instrumentos de avaliação focados nessa faixa etária.

Resumen Objetivo: documentar la comprensión de los adolescentes de los principales eventos adversos relacionados con la quimioterapia a partir de la versión de los Criterios Terminológicos Comunes para Eventos Adversos reportados por los pacientes pediátricos y así iniciar el proceso de validación de los ítems de esta herramienta con adolescentes brasileños. Método: este es un estudio prospectivo y cualitativo de elicitación de conceptos. Los participantes fueron 17 adolescentes de entre 13 y 18 años de edad que recibían quimioterapia en tres hospitales de São Paulo-SP, Brasil. Se realizaron entrevistas cognitivas con preguntas basadas en eventos adversos relacionados con la quimioterapia. Los datos se analizaron en función de la presencia y ausencia de respuesta. Resultados: los adolescentes podían y estaban dispuestos a proporcionar información descriptiva sobre los efectos adversos de la quimioterapia, incluidos los físicos y emocionales. Algunos participantes sugirieron términos alternativos para denominar los eventos adversos y otros utilizaron términos más complejos, pero la mayoría se mostró satisfecha con los términos principales utilizados por los investigadores. Conclusión: este estudio representa los primeros pasos hacia la comprensión de cómo los pacientes adolescentes con cáncer identifican, nombran y describen estos eventos mediante entrevistas cognitivas para ayudar a diseñar futuros instrumentos de evaluación centrados en este grupo de edad.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Brazil , Prospective Studies , Self Report , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Neoplasms/psychology , Neoplasms/drug therapy
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília;Instituto de Saúde de São Paulo; 5 nov. 2021. 28 p.
Разные документы в португальский | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1362985


O problema: A satisfação é um relevante indicador de qualidade da atenção, particularmente entre usuários com doenças crônicas, como diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Ela pode estar relacionada a diversos aspectos do cuidado ofertado na Atenção Primária à Saúde, e sua avaliação possibilita repensar as práticas profissionais e a forma de organização do cuidado. Busca de evidências: As buscas foram realizadas em sete bases de literatura científica para identificar revisões sistemáticas (RS) sobre satisfação de pacientes com DM2 ou HAS com os cuidados recebidos em serviços de saúde. Resultados: De 562 registros recuperados nas bases, 18 RS foram selecionadas para esta síntese de evidências. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica, realizada com a ferramenta AMSTAR 2, classificou uma RS como de confiança moderada, duas de confiança baixa e dezesseis de confiança criticamente baixa. Os dados extraídos das RS puderam ser categorizados em quatro opções para melhorar a satisfação dos usuários. Opção 1. Esquemas terapêuticos para pessoas com DM2: Seis RS analisaram o efeito de diversos esquemas terapêuticos sobre a satisfação de usuários. Os resultados mostraram uma preferência dos participantes dos estudos pelos seguintes medicamentos em relação a seus comparadores: insulina inalada, insulina glulisina de ação curta, terapia combinada com dose fixa de rosiglitazona-metformina, dulaglutida. É importante ressaltar que nenhum desses medicamentos faz parte da RENAME 2020. Opção 2. Gestão do cuidado para pessoas com DM2: Cinco RS avaliaram a satisfação de usuários que receberam cuidados de profissionais de saúde. Os resultados mostraram associação entre satisfação e cuidados liderados por enfermeiros, grupo de educação para autogerenciamento da diabetes, e tratamento conduzido por equipe multidisciplinar. Opção 3. Monitoramento da glicemia para pessoas com DM2: Quatro RS avaliaram a satisfação de usuários com a utilização de estratégias de monitoramento da glicemia, mostrando resultados positivos para o monitoramento contínuo. Opção 4. Atendimento de telessaúde para pessoas com DM2 e HAS: Três RS analisaram a satisfação de usuários com o atendimento de telessaúde apontando resultados favoráveis a intervenções de telemedicina para usuários com HAS e teleatendimento de DM2. Considerações finais: Esta síntese de evidências indica que há poucos estudos que mensuraram a satisfação dos usuários, particularmente aqueles com HAS. Embora a maioria dos resultados tenha mostrado satisfação de pessoas com DM2 quanto às estratégias estudadas, observa-se que há várias incertezas. Desse modo, há necessidade de mais estudos com alta qualidade metodológica que investiguem intervenções para melhorar a satisfação dos usuários.

The problem: Satisfaction is a relevant indicator of quality of care, particularly among users with chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). It may be related to several aspects of the care offered in Primary Health Care, and its evaluation makes it possible to rethink professional practices and the way in which care is organized. Search for evidence: Searches were carried out in seven scientific literature bases to identify systematic reviews (SR) on the satisfaction of patients with DM2 or SAH with the care received in health services. Results: Of 562 records retrieved from the databases, 18 RS were selected for this evidence synthesis. The methodological quality assessment, carried out with the AMSTAR 2 tool, classified one RS as moderately confident, two as low confidence and sixteen as critically low confidence. The data extracted from the SRs could be categorized into four options to improve user satisfaction. Option 1. Therapeutic regimens for people with DM2: Six SRs analyzed the effect of different therapeutic regimens on user satisfaction. The results showed a preference of study participants for the following drugs over their comparators: inhaled insulin, short-acting insulin glulisine, rosiglitazone-metformin fixed-dose combination therapy, dulaglutide. It is important to note that none of these drugs are part of RENAME 2020. Option 2. Management of care for people with DM2: Five SRs evaluated the satisfaction of users who received care from health professionals. The results showed an association between satisfaction and care led by nurses, education group for diabetes self-management, and treatment conducted by a multidisciplinary team. Option 3. Blood glucose monitoring for people with DM2: Four SRs evaluated the satisfaction of users with the use of blood glucose monitoring strategies, showing positive results for continuous monitoring. Option 4. Telehealth care for people with DM2 and SAH: Three SRs analyzed the satisfaction of users with telehealth care, pointing to favorable results for telemedicine interventions for users with SAH and telecare for DM2. Final considerations: This synthesis of evidence indicates that there are few studies that have measured user satisfaction, particularly those with SAH. Although most results have shown satisfaction of people with DM2 regarding the strategies studied, it is observed that there are several uncertainties. Thus, there is a need for more studies with high methodological quality that investigate interventions to improve user satisfaction.

Тема - темы
Humans , Primary Health Care , Patient Satisfaction , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Telemedicine , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Hypertension
Rev. bras. ortop ; 56(4): 438-445, July-Aug. 2021. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341179


Abstract Objective To assess the knowledge of patients seen at a teaching hospital about the academic and professional training of the resident doctor in orthopedics and traumatology, as wellas his areaofexpertise, and determinethe perception of thepatients ofcomfort and safety in relation to being assisted by the resident doctor at different stages of treatment. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with patients admitted to a large ortho pedics hospital of the Brazilian Unified Health System(SUS, in the Portugues e acronym). Datawere collected through the application of a questionnaire containing 19 objective questions that assessed sociodemographic parameters and the perception of the patient of the performance of the resident. The data were analyzed to assess the frequency of responses obtained. Results 152 participantswere evaluated, predominantlymale(62.6%)andaged between 36 and 55 years old (41.3%). Only 43.3% were aware of the academic background of the resident. Patients reportedfeelingsaferandmorecomfortablebeingassistedbythedoctor together with the resident in the outpatient consultation (43.3%), in the nursing ward (39.3%)andduringsurgery(61%).Asfor theperformanceof theresident,80.2%statedthat the resident doctor improves communication between the patient and the main surgeon; however, only 11% said they would feel safe and comfortable being cared for exclusively by residents in the surgical environment, if allowed. Conclusion The participation of resident physicians in the care is well received by the patients if they are in the company of the attending physician. Patients identify residents as a facilitating bridge in the communication with attending physicians.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o conhecimento de pacientes atendidos em um hospital-escola acerca da formação acadêmica e profissional do médico residente em ortopedia e traumatologia, bem como sua área de atuação, e determinar a percepção de conforto e segurança do paciente em relação a ser assistido pelo médico residente em diferentes etapas do tratamento. Métodos Foi realizado um estudo transversal com pacientes internados em um hospital de ortopedia de grande porte do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Os dados foram coletados a partir da aplicação de um questionário contendo 19 questões objetivas que avaliaram parâmetros sociodemográficos e a percepção do paciente quanto à atuação do residente. Os dados foram analisados de forma a avaliar a frequência das respostas obtidas. Resultados Foram avaliados 152 participantes, predominantemente do sexo masculino (62,5%) e com idade entre 36 e 55 anos (41,3%). Apenas 43,3% tinham conhecimento sobre a formação acadêmica do residente. Os pacientes relataram se sentir mais seguros e confortáveis em serem assistidos pelo médico em conjunto com o residente na consulta ambulatorial (43,3%), na enfermaria (39,3%) e durante a cirurgia (61%). Quanto à atuação do residente, 80,2% afirmaram que o médico residente melhora a comunicação entre o paciente e o cirurgião principal, entretanto e apenas 11% disseram se sentir seguros e confortáveis sendo cuidados exclusivamente por residentes no ambiente cirúrgico, caso fosse permitido. Conclusão A participação de médicos residentes nos cuidados é bem recebida pelos pacientes, desde que em companhia do médico assistente. Os pacientes identificam nos residentes uma ponte facilitadora na comunicação com os médicos assistentes.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Professional Practice , Orthopedic Procedures , Education, Medical , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Internship and Residency
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 67(7): 1069-1074, July 2021. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346959


Summary OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to compare the publications authored by plastic surgeons with those from other specialties' surgeons on patient-reported outcomes of oncoplastic surgery. METHODS: A review was carried out on the Medline database, emcompassing five years (2015-2020). Studies about partial breast reconstruction after conservative treatment, immediate or delayed, by any technique, which presented patient-reported outcomes, were included. RESULTS: We found 292 articles, from which 142 met the eligibility criteria. Publications were stratified into groups 1 (plastic surgeons) and 2 (other surgical specialties), and also into groups A (only plastic surgeons), B (only other specialties) and C (both), and compared statistically. Most publications (60.6%) were attributed to specialties other than plastic surgery. Nineteen percent had only plastic surgeons as authors, 50% only other specialties' surgeons, and 31% had both. There was no difference between groups regarding the impact factor of the journals in any of the stratifications, and the majority was published in journals with impact factor ≤2. CONCLUSION: In the last years, surgeons from specialties other than plastic surgery published more about the results of the oncoplastic surgery reported by the patients. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding the impact factor of the journals.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Surgery, Plastic , Surgeons , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Mastectomy
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