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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(2): e397, ago.2024. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567355


Introducción: Con el aumento de la prevalencia de obesidad, se esperaría un mayor espesor glúteo, lo que sería un factor importante en futuras intervenciones en región glútea con fines de optimizar mejores resultados estéticos. Objetivo: Correlacionar el índice de masa corporal y el grosor de tejido adiposo en glúteos en voluntarias que acudieron al Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva del Hospital Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño entre enero a marzo, 2023. Métodos: El estudio fue prospectivo, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se utilizó un sonógrafo Sono Eye 1 para realizar las medidas del glúteo. Mediante una báscula, se midió peso y talla, para posteriormente calcular el IMC, fueron 29 voluntarias de sexo femenino entre 18 a 60 años, sin antecedentes quirúrgicos estéticos previos. Las correlaciones fueron evaluadas con el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson. Se consideró un valor significativo si p < 0,05. Los datos fueron tabulados con STATA 17. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 39 ± 12 años. La mayoría con preobesidad (55,2 %). No hubo diferencias estadísticas en grosor de tejido adiposo, de musculo y espesor de glúteo de acuerdo a la lateralidad; de acuerdo al coeficiente de correlación de Pearson, el IMC no hubo asociación con las medidas combinadas del glúteo izquierdo y derecho del grosor de tejido graso (r = 0,137), grosor muscular (r = 0,115) y espesor glúteo (r = 0,193). Conclusión: Los cambios de las medidas antropométricas de acuerdo al índice de masa corporal, no presentaron correlación estadística con el espesor glúteo. (AU)

Introduction: With the increasing prevalence of obesity, a greater gluteal thickness would be expected, which would be an important factor in future interventions in the gluteal region aimed at optimizing better aesthetic outcomes. Objective: To correlate the body mass index (BMI) and the thickness of adipose tissue in the buttocks of volunteers who attended the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service at Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño Hospital from January to March, 2023. Methods: The study was prospective, descriptive, and cross-sectional. A Sono Eye 1 sonograph was used to measure the gluteal thickness. Using a scale, weight and height were measured to subsequently calculate the BMI; there were 29 female volunteers aged between 18 and 60 years, without previous aesthetic surgical history. Correlations were assessed using Pearson's correlation coefficient. A significant value was considered if p < 0.05. Data were tabulated using STATA 17. Results: The average age was 39 ± 12 years. The majority had pre-obesity (55,2%). There were no statistical differences in adipose tissue thickness, muscle thickness, and gluteal thickness according to laterality; according to Pearson's correlation coefficient, BMI was not associated with combined measurements of left and right buttock adipose tissue thickness (r = 0,137), muscle thickness (r = 0,115), and gluteal thickness (r = 0,193). Conclusion: Changes in anthropometric measurements according to body mass index did not show a statistical correlation with gluteal thickness. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Buttocks/surgery , Body Mass Index , Adipose Tissue/surgery , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 67-76, 20240401.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554219


Introducción: La herida es una pérdida de continuidad de la piel o mucosa producida por algún agente físico o químico. Una herida es "compleja" cuando por su extensión, localización, profundidad o exposición de elementos nobles, necesita para su curación una terapéutica especial. Este es el caso de heridas con compromiso tisular que afecta a estructuras como músculos, fascias, tendones, huesos, vasos sanguíneos, nervios o las lesiones de lenta evolución como úlceras o escaras. Objetivos: Determinar el método de reconstrucción más utilizado en el manejo terapéutico de las heridas complejas del tercio distal de la pierna en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de Trauma y en la Unidad de Cirugía Plástica de la FCM - UNA. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de diseño observacional, tipo de estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo. Fueron incluidos pacientes de ambos sexos, mayores de edad, con heridas complejas en el tercio distal de la pierna, atendidos en el Hospital de Trauma y en la Unidad de Cirugía Plástica de la FCM - UNA, durante el periodo 2010 al 2019. Resultados: Se incluyó a 112 pacientes de los cuales el 80,36 % fue hombres y el 19,64 % mujeres. Las edades estaban comprendidas entre los 18 y los 73 años y una media de 33,8 ± 14 años. La edad más frecuente fue 18 años. La mediana de edad es de 30 años, lo que implica que la mitad de la muestra tuvo por lo menos dicha edad. En cuanto a la procedencia, el 41,07 % era del interior, el 30,36 % del departamento Central y el 28,57 % restante de Asunción. En cuanto al mecanismo de la lesión, se puede observar que el mecanismo más frecuente fue el accidente de tráfico, seguido por caída de altura, en un gran porcentaje. En cuanto a la evolución y complicaciones se puede ver que 92 individuos, o sea 82 % de los pacientes no tuvo ninguna evolución negativa o complicaciones. Lo más común fue la infección con 1,9% de prevalencia, la pérdida parcial del colgajo o piel representan el 2,4%, dehiscencia de la sutura el 0,9 %, hematoma 0,6 % y pérdida total del colgajo 0,54 %. En cuanto al tratamiento aplicado, se debe tener en cuenta que los pacientes pudieron haber recibido más de un tratamiento por lo que el tamaño de la muestra se refiere a las visitas. El tratamiento más frecuente fue el colgajo sural con 28,57%, tutor externo con el 20,19%, injerto de piel 16,46%, toillete 12,73% y colgajo fascio - cutáneo en 6,21%. Conclusión: La gran mayoría de los casos tratados corresponde a algún tipo de accidente de tránsito. Se necesita de un equipo multidisciplinario: ortopedistas, cirujanos plásticos, cirujanos vasculares, fisioterapeutas, etc. en trabajo coordinado para tratar estas graves lesiones de forma a obtener resultados favorables. Para la cobertura de la pierna traumatizada, con exposición ósea, recurrimos a los colgajos musculares, en el 1/3 proximal el gemelo, en el 1/3 medio el sóleo. Para la cobertura del 1/3 distal de la pierna utilizamos el colgajo neuro-veno-fascio-cutáneo (sural) a pedículo distal.

Introduction: The wound is a loss of continuity of the skin or mucosa produced by some physical or chemical agent. A wound is "complex" when due to its extension, location, depth, exposure of noble elements, it requires special therapy to heal. This is the case of wounds with tissue involvement that affects structures such as muscles, fascia, tendons, bones, blood vessels, nerves, or slowly evolving lesions such as ulcers or bedsores. Objectives: Determine the reconstruction method most used in the therapeutic management of complex wounds of the distal third of the leg in patients treated at the Trauma Hospital and the Plastic Surgery Unit of the FCM - UNA. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, and temporally retrospective study. Patients of both sexes, of legal age, with complex wounds in the distal third of the leg, treated at the Trauma Hospital and in the Plastic Surgery Unit of the FCM - UNA, during the period 2010 to 2019, were included. Results: 112 patients were included, of which 80.36% are men and 19.64% are women. The ages range from 18 to 73 years and an average of 33.8 ± 14 years. The most common age was 18 years. The median age is 30 years, which implies that half of the sample is at least that age. Regarding origin, 41.07% are from the interior, 30.36% from the Central department and the remaining 28.57% from Asunción. Regarding the mechanism of injury, the most frequent mechanism was a traffic accident, followed by a fall from a height, in a large percentage. Regarding the evolution and complications, 92, that is, 82% of the patients do not have any negative evolution or complications. The most common was infection with 1.9%, partial loss of the flap or skin represented 2.4%, suture dehiscence with 0.9%, hematoma 0.6%, and total loss of the flap 0.54. %. Regarding the treatment applied, it must be considered that patients may have received more than one treatment, so the sample size refers to visits. The most frequent treatment was the sural flap with 28.57%, external tutor with 20.19%, skin graft 16.46%, toilette 12.73% and fasciocutaneous flap in 6.21%. Conclusion: Most cases treated correspond to some type of traffic accident. A multidisciplinary team is needed: orthopedists, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons, physiotherapists, etc. in coordinated work to treat these serious injuries to obtain favorable results. To cover the traumatized leg, with bone exposure, we resort to muscle flaps. In the proximal 1/3, the gastrocnemius. In the middle 1/3, the soleus. To cover the distal 1/3 of the leg we used the neuro-veno-fascio-cutaneous (sural) flap to the distal pedicle.

Тема - темы
Salvage Therapy , Plastic Surgery Procedures
Rev. ADM ; 81(2): 117-122, mar.-abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562752


La microtia es un padecimiento congénito de etiología desconocida que se puede presentar asociado a síndromes, su frecuencia es mayor en hombres, tiene predilección por el oído derecho. Se han propuesto distintas alternativas de tratamiento tanto estéticas como funcionales que disminuyan riesgos y aumenten la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Entre los tratamientos más comunes se encuentra el injerto costocondral, siendo una alternativa viable, aunque de mayor riesgo y que puede necesitar varios procedimientos quirúrgicos con el fin de lograr el mejor resultado estético; por lo mismo, uno de los tratamientos más realizados actualmente, es la reconstrucción auricular con implantes osteointegrados que se colocan en la región mastoidea y soportan una prótesis auricular. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino quien fue rehabilitado con implantes mastoideos ostoeintegrados para reconstrucción auricular implantosoportada. Las prótesis implantosoportadas reducen la necesidad de realizar cirugías correctivas y posibilitan la buena higiene de la prótesis al ser ésta removible, pero sin sacrificar su estabilidad. Los sistemas más utilizados son los mismos que se emplean en sobredentaduras, ya que el diseño del aditamento transmucoso, se adapta perfectamente al grosor del epitelio en la región mastoidea, por lo que es una excelente alternativa de tratamiento (AU)

Microtia is a congenital condition of unknown etiology that can occur associated with syndromes. Its frequency is greater in men and has a predilection for the right ear. Different treatment alternatives, both aesthetic and functional, have been proposed that reduce risks and increase the quality of life of patients. Among the most common treatments can be found the costochondral graft being a good alternative although greater risk of failure and the probability of several surgeries to get the best aesthetic result. Because of that one of the most used treatments is the placement of osseointegrated implants that can hold a prosthetic ear. Here is a case of a male patient who was rehabilitated with osseointegrated mastoid implants for ear reconstruction. Implant-supported prostheses significantly reduce the number of surgeries that must be performed and is a good option to maintain excellent hygiene as the prosthetic ear is removable, without compromising stability. The most common system is the same as those used in overdentures since the design of the transmucosal attachment fits perfectly to the thickness of epithelium in mastoid region (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adult , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Ear Auricle/surgery , Congenital Microtia/rehabilitation , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Ear Auricle/abnormalities
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009110


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical application of high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound (HFCDU) in detecting perforators in the deep adipose layers for harvesting super-thin anterolateral thigh flap (ALTF).@*METHODS@#Between August 2019 and January 2023, 45 patients (46 sides) with skin and soft tissue defects in the foot and ankle were treated, including 29 males and 16 females, aged from 22 to 62 years, with an average of 46.7 years. The body mass index ranged from 19.6 to 36.2 kg/m 2, with an average of 23.62 kg/m 2. The causes of injury included traffic accident injury in 15 cases, heavy object crush injury in 20 cases, mechanical injury in 8 cases, heat crush injury in 1 case, and chronic infection in 1 case. There were 20 cases on the left side, 24 cases on the right side, and 1 case on both sides. After thorough debridement, the wound size ranged from 5 cm×4 cm to 17 cm×11 cm. All patients underwent free super-thin ALTF transplantation repair. HFCDU was used to detect the location of the perforators piercing the deep and superficial fascia, as well as the direction and branches of the perforators within the deep adipose layers before operation. According to the preoperative HFCDU findings, the dimensions of the super-thin ALTF ranged from 6 cm×4 cm to 18 cm×12 cm. The donor sites of the flaps were directly sutured.@*RESULTS@#A total of 55 perforators were detected by HFCDU before operation, but 1 was not found during operation. During operation, a total of 56 perforators were found, and 2 perforators were not detected by HFCDU. The positive predictive value of HFCDU for identifying perforator vessels was 98.2%, and the sensitivity was 96.4%. Among the 54 perforators accurately located by HFCDU, the orientation of the perforators in the deep adipose layers was confirmed during operation. There were 21 perforators (38.9%) traveled laterally and inferiorly, 12 (22.2%) traveled medially and inferiorly, 14 (25.9%) traveled laterally and superiorly, 5 (9.3%) traveled medially and superiorly, and 2 (3.7%) ran almost vertically to the body surface. Among the 54 perforators accurately located by HFCDU, 35 were identified as type 1 perforators and 12 as type 2 perforators (HFCDU misidentified 7 type 2 perforators as type 1 perforators). The sensitivity of HFCDU in identifying type 1 perforators was 100%, with a positive predictive value of 83.3%. For type 2 perforators, the sensitivity was 63.2%, and the positive predictive value was 100%. The surgeries were successfully completed. The super-thin ALTF had a thickness ranging from 2 to 6 mm, with an average of 3.56 mm. All super-thin ALTF survived, however, 1 flap experienced a venous crisis at 1 day after operation, but it survived after emergency exploration and re-anastomosis of the veins; 1 flap developed venous crisis at 3 days after operation but survived after bleeding with several small incisions; 3 flaps had necrosis at the distal edge of the epidermis, which healed after undergoing dressing changes. All 45 patients were followed up 6-18 months (mean, 13.6 months). Three flaps required secondary defatting procedures, while the rest had the appropriate thickness, and the overall appearance was satisfactory.@*CONCLUSION@#Preoperative application of HFCDU to detect the perforator in the deep adipose layers can improve the success and safety of the procedure by facilitating the harvest of super-thin ALTF.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Thigh/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Prospective Studies , Skin Transplantation , Free Tissue Flaps , Burns , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Crush Injuries/surgery , Perforator Flap , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009111


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the feasibility and effectiveness of a foldable pedicled latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap to repair soft tissue defects in the shoulder and back.@*METHODS@#Between August 2018 and January 2023, the foldable pedicled latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flaps were used to repair soft tissue defects in the shoulder and back of 8 patients. There were 5 males and 3 females with the age ranged from 21 to 56 years (mean, 35.4 years). Wounds were located in the shoulder in 2 cases and in the shoulder and back in 6 cases. The causes of injury were chronic infection of skin and bone exposure in 2 cases, secondary wound after extensive resection of skin and soft tissue tumor in 4 cases, and wound formation caused by traffic accident in 2 cases. Skin defect areas ranged from 14 cm×13 cm to 20 cm×16 cm. The disease duration ranged from 12 days to 1 year (median, 6.6 months). A pedicled latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap was designed and harvested. The flap was divided into A/B flap and then were folded to repair the wound, with the donor area of the flap being pulled and sutured in one stage.@*RESULTS@#All 7 flaps survived, with primary wound healing. One patient suffered from distal flap necrosis and delayed healing was achieved after dressing change. The incisions of all donor sites healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 6 months to 4 years (mean, 24.7 months). The skin flap has a good appearance with no swelling in the pedicle. At last follow-up, 6 patients had no significant difference in bilateral shoulder joint motion, and 2 patients had a slight decrease in abduction range of motion compared with the healthy side. The patients' daily life were not affected, and linear scar was left in the donor site.@*CONCLUSION@#The foldable pedicled latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap is an ideal method to repair the soft tissue defect of shoulder and back with simple operation, less damage to the donor site, and quick recovery after operation.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Myocutaneous Flap/surgery , Shoulder/surgery , Skin Transplantation , Superficial Back Muscles/transplantation , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Wound Healing , Treatment Outcome , Perforator Flap
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1556814


El cubito varo es la secuela más frecuente en las fracturas supracondíleas de humero en la población pediátrica, objetivo analizar los diferentes tipos de osteotomías y los métodos fijación para el tratamiento de estas lesiones. Materiales y métodos: se realizo una búsqueda bibliográfica utilizando como motor de búsqueda la plataforma Pubmed y OVID, las palabras claves fueron Cubitus AND varus AND osteotomy. Resultados: se seleccionaron 13 artículos, con un N de 237 pacientes, follow-up de 30 meses, edad al momento de la cirugía fue 8,78 años. La técnica de osteotomía más utilizada fue la de cierre lateral. 35.4% se fijaron con placas, 24.8% con fijadores externos y 33.3% fijación con kw/pins. Conclusión: las técnicas de osteotomías utilizadas actualmente logran corrección angular. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los resultados de las técnicas analizadas. No existe un implante que sea superior a otro a la hora de realizar la fijación de las osteotomías de humero distal. Cada implante tiene ventajas y desventajas.

Cubitus varus is the most frequent sequelae in supracondylar humeral fractures in the pediatric population, the objective is to analyze the different types of osteotomies and fixation methods for the treatment of these injuries. Materials and methods: a bibliographic search was carried out using the Pubmed and OVID platform as a search engine, the keywords were Cubitus AND varus AND osteotomy. Results: 13 articles were selected, 237 patients, follow-up of 30 months, age at the time of surgery was 8.78 years. The most used osteotomy technique was lateral closure. 35.4% were fixed with plates, 24.8% with external fixators and 33.3% fixation with kw/pins. Conclusion: the osteotomy techniques currently used achieve angular correction. No significant differences were found between the results of the analyzed techniques. There is no implant that is superior to another when fixing distal humerus osteotomies. Each implant has advantages and disadvantages.

A deformidade em varo do cotovelo é uma complicação comum das fraturas supracondilares do úmero na população pediátrica, o objetivo foi analisar os diferentes tipos de osteotomias e métodos de fixação para o tratamento dessas lesões. Materiais e métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica utilizando as plataformas Pubmed e OVID como mecanismo de busca, as palavras-chave forom Cubitus AND varus AND osteotomy. Resultados: foram selecionados 13 artigos, com N de 237 pacientes, seguimento de 30 meses, idade no momento da cirurgia foi de 8,78 anos. A técnica de osteotomia mais utilizada foi a ressecção de cunha óssea com base laterala. 35,4% foram fixados com placas, 24,8% com fixações externas e 33,3% foram fixados com kw/pins. Conclusão: as técnicas de osteotomia utilizadas atualmente conseguem correção angular. Não forom encontradas diferenças significativas entre os resultados das técnicas analisadas. Não existe implante superior a outro na fixação de osteotomias distais do úmero. Cada implante tem vantagens e desvantagens.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child , Orthopedic Fixation Devices , Osteotomy , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Humeral Fractures, Distal/complications
Medisan ; 27(6)dic. 2023. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1534927


En la actualidad, la alogenosis iatrogénica es una condición reconocida en todo el orbe, especialmente en Latinoamérica, donde es evidente la ausencia de control en la administración de sustancias no reguladas con fines estéticos, lo que ha devenido un problema emergente por la magnitud de las complicaciones, ya que algunos productos, como aceites minerales, hidrocarburos, silicona industrial, generan graves consecuencias, tanto locales como sistémicas, en el organismo. Muchos países aún no han regulado la prohibición de esta práctica, aunque cada día son más las campañas para prevenirla; sin embargo, al mismo tiempo aumenta la incidencia de la enfermedad en todo el mundo por el incremento de estos procedimientos estéticos. Al respecto, en Cuba, el creciente número de afectados por esta causa evidencia vulnerabilidad en el cumplimiento de lo establecido hasta la fecha, por lo que se impone instaurar un marco legal de estricto cumplimiento que regule la inyección de sustancias modelantes con fines estéticos.

Currently, iatrogenic allogenosis is a condition recognized throughout the world, especially in Latin America, where the absence of control in the administration of unregulated substances for aesthetic purposes is evident, which has become an emerging problem due to the magnitude of complications, since some products, such as mineral oils, hydrocarbons, industrial silicone, generate serious consequences, both local and systemic, in the body. Many countries have not yet regulated the prohibition of this practice, although every day there are more campaigns to prevent it. However, at the same time the incidence of the disease increases worldwide due to the increase in these aesthetic procedures. In this regard, in Cuba, the growing number of people affected by this cause shows vulnerability in compliance with what has been established to date, that is why it is necessary to establish a legal framework of strict compliance that regulates the injection of modeling substances for aesthetic purposes.

Тема - темы
Silicones , Plastic Surgery Procedures
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(4)dic. 2023.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550951


Los defectos periorbitarios independientemente de su causa, suelen relacionarse con los servicios médicos oftalmológicos; sin embargo, en ocasiones requieren de la intervención del cirujano plástico. La pérdida de un globo ocular tiene repercusiones funcionales, estéticas y psicológicas en las personas que la sufren. Puede exponer asimetrías de los tejidos subyacentes más profundos que mejoran con el lipoinjerto al devolver los contornos de los tejidos blandos alrededor del ojo. El objetivo de presentar esta serie de casos es mostrar la utilidad del lipoinjerto autólogo asistido con células madre del tejido adiposo como complemento de la reconstrucción de la órbita. Se presentan tres casos que acudieron al servicio de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Hermanos Ameijeiras remitidas desde el servicio de Cirugía Plástica Ocular del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer por atrofia de la grasa periorbitaria por cirugía de cavidades anoftálmicas. Se verificó que cumplieran con los criterios de selección de pacientes para cirugía plástica y se citaron para tratamiento quirúrgico con técnica de lipotransferencia asistida con células madre. La lipotransferencia asistida con células madre derivadas del tejido adiposo constituye un complemento terapéutico seguro y necesario para obtener mejores resultados estéticos en la reconstrucción de la órbita. El éxito final está en lograr una buena apariencia de los párpados, con la capacidad para retener una prótesis ocular que permita el crecimiento adecuado del hueso facial y mejorar el aspecto estético(AU)

Periorbital defects, regardless of their etiology, are usually related to ophthalmologic medical services; however, sometimes they require the intervention of the plastic surgeon. The loss of an eyeball has functional, aesthetic and psychological repercussions in those who suffer it. It can expose deeper underlying tissue asymmetries that improve with lipografting by restoring the soft tissue contours around the eye. The purpose of presenting this case series is to show the utility of autologous adipose tissue stem cell-assisted lipograft as an adjunct to orbital reconstruction. Three cases are presented that came to the Plastic Surgery Service of the Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Hermanos Ameijeiras referred from the Ocular Plastic Surgery Service of the Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer for atrophy of the periorbital fat due to surgery of anophthalmic cavities. It was verified that they met the criteria for selection of patients for plastic surgery and they were scheduled for surgical treatment with stem cell-assisted lipotransfer technique. Stem cell assisted lipotransfer is a safe and necessary therapeutic complement to obtain better aesthetic results in the reconstruction of the orbit. The ultimate success lies in achieving a good appearance of the eyelids, with the ability to retain an ocular prosthesis that allows adequate growth of the facial bone and improve the aesthetic appearance(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(4): 12-19, out.-dez. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1561321


Introdução: O tecido ósseo é um tipo de tecido conjuntivo especializado, caracterizado pelo seu metabolismo dinâmico. Ao sofrer um trauma, podendo ser cirúrgico (como osteotomias) ou não cirúrgico, resultando em uma fratura, o osso passa por dois processos de cicatrização, primária e secundária. A primária é caracterizada pelo mínimo movimento entre os fragmentos, e ocorre na presença de estabilização, sendo muitas vezes a fixação interna (FI) responsável por isso. A secundária ocorre na presença de um gap entre os fragmentos ósseos, na ausência de estabilização. Ambas resultam em consolidação óssea, mas apenas a primeira garante recuperação precoce de função (como fala e mastigação) e da estética facial do paciente. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento epidemiológico a respeito do uso dos sistemas de fixação interna utilizados pela Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilo-faciais no Hospital Universitário da UFPI. Metodologia e Resultados: Pesquisa submetida e liberada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HU-UFPI com o número CAAE: 52493221.9.0000.8050. Foram coletados dados de 271 procedimentos registrados no sistema do hospital. Havendo 228 pacientes no total, 69 que realizaram cirurgia em outro estabelecimento de saúde, mas apresentando falha de FI com indicação de remoção; divididos em sub-áreas, 146 procedimentos foram de trauma de face, 40 de correção de deformidades dentofaciais, 28 de ressecção de tumores e 14 de cirurgia reconstrutiva. Os sítios anatômicos onde houve maior número de instalação e remoção de FI foram: mandíbula, complexo órbito-zigomático-maxilar e maxila. Cirurgia reconstrutiva foi a subárea que teve três abordagens com substituição de FI, sendo em todas o sítio anatômico a mandíbula. As principais falhas de FI encontradas foram infecção e exposição. Conclusão: Tem se mostrado uma tarefa difícil determinar as razões pelas quais um sistema de fixação deve ser removido, mesmo quando este apresenta falha. Não há consenso entre os cirurgiões sobre um protocolo de remoção de FI após o período de consolidação óssea ter passado, mas é sugerido por alguns remover as placas e parafusos após um período de 3 meses, a fim de evitar sensibilidade, palpabilidade e outras complicações, no entanto é necessário considerar a morbidade de um segundo procedimento... (AU)

Introduction: Bone tissue is a type of specialized connective tissue characterized by its dynamic metabolism. When suffering trauma, which can be surgical (such as osteotomies) or non-surgical, resulting in a fracture, the bone undergoes two healing processes, primary and secondary. The primary healing is characterized by minimal movement between fragments and occurs in the presence of stabilization, often with internal fixation (IF) responsible for this. The secondary one occurs in the presence of a gap between the bone fragments, in the absence of stabilization. Both result in bone consolidation, but only the first guarantees the early recovery of function (such as speech and chewing) and the patient's facial aesthetics. Objectives: The objective of this study was to realize an epidemiological survey regarding the use of internal fixation systems used by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University Hospital of UFPI. Methodology and Results: This research was submitted and released by the Research Ethics Committee of the HU-UFPI with the number CAAE: 52493221.9.0000.8050. Data were collected from 271 procedures registered in the hospital system. There were 228 patients in total, 69 who underwent surgery at another health facility, but with IF failure with an indication for removal; divided into sub-areas, 146 procedures were for facial trauma, 40 for correction of dentofacial deformities, 28 for tumour resection and 14 for reconstructive surgery. The anatomical sites where there was more installation and removal of FI were: mandible, orbital-zygomatic-maxillary complex and maxilla. Reconstructive surgery was the sub-area that had three approaches with IF replacement, in all of which the anatomic site was the mandible. The main IF failures found were infection and exposure. Conclusion: It has proved to be a difficult task to determine the reasons why plates and screws of a fixation system should be removed, even when it fails. There is no consensus among surgeons on a protocol for removing IF after the period of bone healing has passed, but it is suggested by some to remove the plates and screws after 3 months to avoid tenderness, palpability, and other complications, however it is necessary to consider the morbidity of a second procedure... (AU)

Introducción: El tejido óseo es un tipo de tejido conectivo especializado que se caracteriza por su metabolismo dinámico. Cuando se sufre un traumatismo, que puede ser quirúrgico (como las osteotomías) o no quirúrgico, que resulta en una fractura, el hueso sufre dos procesos de curación, primario y secundario. La curación primaria se caracteriza por un movimiento mínimo entre fragmentos y se produce en presencia de estabilización, a menudo con la fijación interna (FI) responsable de ello. El secundario ocurre en presencia de un espacio entre los fragmentos óseos, en ausencia de estabilización. Ambos dan como resultado la consolidación ósea, pero sólo el primero garantiza la recuperación temprana de la función (como el habla y la masticación) y la estética facial del paciente. Objetivos: El objetivo de este estudio fue realizar una encuesta epidemiológica sobre el uso de sistemas de fijación interna utilizados en Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial en el Hospital Universitario de la UFPI. Metodología y Resultados: Esta investigación fue presentada y difundida por el Comité de Ética en Investigación del HU-UFPI con el número CAAE: 52493221.9.0000.8050. Se recogieron datos de 271 procedimientos registrados en el sistema hospitalario. Fueron 228 pacientes en total, 69 que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente en otro centro de salud, pero con fracaso del IF con indicación de retiro; divididos en subáreas, 146 procedimientos fueron de traumatismo facial, 40 de corrección de deformidades dentofaciales, 28 de resección de tumores y 14 de cirugía reconstructiva. Los sitios anatómicos donde hubo mayor instalación y remoción de FI fueron: mandíbula, complejo orbitario-cigomático-maxilar y maxilar. La cirugía reconstructiva fue la subárea que tuvo tres abordajes con reemplazo de IF, en todos los cuales el sitio anatómico fue la mandíbula. Las principales fallas de FI encontradas fueron la infección y la exposición. Conclusión: Ha demostrado ser una tarea difícil determinar las razones por las cuales se deben retirar las placas y tornillos de un sistema de fijación, incluso cuando falla. No existe consenso entre los cirujanos sobre un protocolo para retirar el IF una vez transcurrido el período de curación ósea, pero algunos sugieren retirar las placas y los tornillos después de 3 meses para evitar sensibilidad, palpabilidad y otras complicaciones, sin embargo es necesario. considerar la morbilidad de un segundo procedimiento... (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Fixation Devices , Orthognathic Surgery , Internal Fixators , Fracture Fixation
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 130-135, jun. 2023. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440350


El cuerpo adiposo de la boca (CAB) es un componente adiposo multilobulado bien delimitado, localizado de manera bilateral en la región facial íntimamente relacionado a estructuras nerviosas y vasculares. La remoción de CAB es un procedimiento ampliamente estudiado en el campo de la cirugía maxilofacial, utilizado principalmente para cubrir defectos. Su influencia en la estética facial ha iniciado una popularización de la remoción de la extensión bucal de CAB para obtener un rostro más estilizado, intervención difundida como poco invasiva y sin complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio fue recopilar y evaluar estudios que reporten y evalúen complicaciones asociadas a la remoción por razones estéticas de CAB. Se revisó la evidencia en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, Epistemonikos, Scopus y Google Scholar, utilizando términos predefinidos, seleccionando estudios primarios de reportes de casos. Se incluyeron 7 artículos con un total de 10 pacientes; de estos, ocho pacientes se realizaron este procedimiento en Brasil, uno en Estados Unidos y uno en Chile. La distribución de la población fue de 3:7 entre hombres y mujeres con edad promedio de 35 años y un rango entre los 23 a los 49 años. En relación a las complicaciones reportadas, 100 % de los pacientes presentaron asimetría facial, un 80 % presentó edema facial, 30 % manifestaron sialocele, Trismus 20 %, 40 % presentó hematoma, 20 % compromiso del estado general, 20 % presentaron disfagia, en los casos de hipoestesia, parestesia, absceso, seroma, parálisis facial, odinofagia, fiebre se expresaron en 10 % de la población estudiada. En todos los estudios se describió una reintervención quirúrgica posterior a la remoción estética del cuerpo adiposo de bichat. La escasa literatura y la baja calidad de esta, no permite estimar el porcentaje real de posibles complicaciones, tampoco es posible determinar sus resultados a largo plazo ya que no existe en la evidencia un seguimiento apropiado para estos pacientes.

The buccal adipose body (BAB) is a well- defined multilobulated adipose component, located bilaterally in the facial region, closely related to nervous and vascular structures. BAB removal is a widely studied procedure in the field of maxillofacial surgery, used mainly to cover defects. Its influence on facial aesthetics has started to popularize the removal of the BAB buccal extension to obtain a more stylized face, an intervention widely known as minimally invasive and without complications. The objective of this study was to collect and evaluate studies that report and evaluate complications associated with the removal of BAB for cosmetic reasons. The evidence was reviewed in the Medline databases via PubMed, Epistemonikos, Scopus, and Google Scholar, using predefined terms, selecting primary studies from case reports. 7 articles with a total of 10 patients were included; Of these, eight patients underwent this procedure in Brazil, one in the United States, and one in Chile. The distribution of the population was 3:7 between men and women with an average age of 35 years and a range between 23 to 49 years. In relation to the reported complications, 100 % of the patients presented facial asymmetry, 80 % presented facial edema, 30 % manifested sialocele, trismus 20 %, 40 % presented hematoma, 20 % compromised general state, 20 % presented dysphagia, in the cases of hypoesthesia, paresthesia, abscess, seroma, facial paralysis, odynophagia, fever were expressed in 10 % of the studied population. All the studies described a surgical reintervention after cosmetic removal of the bichat adipose body. The scarce literature and its low quality do not allow estimating the real percentage of possible complications, nor is it possible to determine their long-term results since there is no evidence of appropriate follow-up for these patients.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Adipose Tissue/surgery , Oral Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Cheek/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970446


Objective To compare the image quality of three high-resolution dynamic MRI methods for evaluating the motion of temporomandibular joint disc and condyle. Methods Twenty-five patients with suspected temporomandibular joint disorders were examined by single-shot fast spin-echo (SSFSE),fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition (FIESTA),and spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) on the oblique sagittal position.Two radiologists performed subjective and objective evaluation on the images with double-blind method.The subjective evaluation included the signal intensity of mandibular condyle,articular disc,soft tissue around articular disc,and lateral pterygoid muscle,the contrast between articular disc and condyle,the contrast between articular disc and surrounding soft tissue,condylar motion,and disc movement.The objective evaluation indexes included image signal intensity,signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR).The subjective and objective indexes of the image quality were compared between the three sequences. Results The SSFSE sequence had lower signal intensity of articular disc and higher signal intensity of condyle and surrounding soft tissue than FIESTA and SPGR sequences (all P<0.001).The SPGR sequence showed higher signal intensity of lateral pterygoid muscle than the SSFSE and FIESTA sequences (P=0.017,P<0.001).Among the three sequences,SSFSE sequence showed the clearest articular disc structure (χ2=41.952,P<0.001),the strongest contrast between articular disc and condyle (χ2=35.379,P<0.001),the strongest contrast between articular disc and surrounding soft tissue (χ2=27.324,P<0.001),and the clearest movement of articular disc (χ2=44.655,P<0.001).SSFSE and FIESTA sequences showed higher proportion of disc displacement and reduction than SPGR sequence (all P<0.001).The CNR (χ2=21.400,P<0.001),SNR (χ2=34.880,P<0.001),and condyle signal intensity (F=337.151,P<0.001) demonstrated differences among SSFSE,FIESTA,and SPGR sequences.The CNR of SSFSE sequence was higher than that of FIESTA sequence (P<0.001),while it had no significant difference between SSFSE and SPGR sequences (P=0.472).In addition,the SSFSE sequence had higher SNR and signal intensity than FIESTA and SPGR sequences (all P<0.001). Conclusion The best image quality can be observed from SSFSE sequence where both the structure and movement of temporomandibular joint are well displayed.Therefore,SSFSE is preferred for the examination of temporomandibular joint movement.

Тема - темы
Humans , Temporomandibular Joint/diagnostic imaging , Motion , Plastic Surgery Procedures
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970976


Post-burn contractures are common entities seen in developing countries. There are multiple reasons for the development of contractures, most are preventable. In extensive contractures, a strategic plan is necessary to release all contractures and yet not antagonize post-operative positions. It is also necessary to be cost-effective and minimize the number of surgeries needed. Conventionally the release sequence in extensive burn contractures is proximal to distal. In this case report, we discuss an unusual sequence where we released distal contractures before the proximal to achieve optimum results. A 3-year-old child with post-burn contracture of hand, wrist, elbow, and axilla was treated in 2 stages, with the release of wrist contracture and cover with pedicled abdominal flap in the first stage and division of pedicled flap with the release of axilla and elbow contracture in the second stage. Thus, the release of all contractures was achieved without antagonizing post-operative positions and minimized the number of surgeries. A case-based approach may be crucial in making a strategic surgical plan to minimize the rehabilitation phase, rather than following known dictums.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child, Preschool , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Upper Extremity , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Transplantation , Contracture/surgery
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 65-70, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971151


Objective: To explore the clinical effects of island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps in the repair of sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter. Methods: The retrospective observational study was conducted. From December 2018 to December 2021, 23 patients with sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter who met the inclusion criteria were admitted to Ganzhou People's Hospital, including 16 males and 7 females, aged 45 to 86 years. The size of pressure ulcers in ischial tuberosity ranged from 1.5 cm×1.0 cm to 8.0 cm×5.0 cm, and the size of pressure ulcers in greater trochanter ranged from 4.0 cm×3.0 cm to 20.0 cm×10.0 cm before debridement. After treatment of underlying diseases, debridement and vacuum sealing drainage for 5 to 14 days were performed. All the wounds were repaired by island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps, with area of 4.5 cm×3.0 cm-24.0 cm×12.0 cm, pedicle width of 3-5 cm, pedicle length of 5-8 cm, and rotation radius of 30-40 cm. Most of the donor site wounds were sutured directly, and only 4 donor site wounds were repaired by intermediate thickness skin graft from the contralateral thigh. The survival of composite tissue flaps, wound healing of the donor and recipient sites and the complications were observed. The recurrence of pressure ulcers, and the appearance and texture of flaps were observed during follow-up. Results: A total of 32 wounds in 23 patients were repaired by island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps (including 3 fascio subcutaneous flaps, 24 fascial flaps+fascio subcutaneous flaps, 2 fascial flaps+fascial dermal flaps, 2 fascial flaps+fascio subcutaneous flaps+femoral biceps flaps, and one fascial flap+fascio subcutaneous flap+gracilis muscle flap). Among them, 31 composite tissue flaps survived well, and a small portion of necrosis occurred in one fascial flap+fascio subcutaneous flap post surgery. The survival rate of composite tissue flap post surgery was 96.9% (31/32). Twenty-nine wounds in the recipient sites were healed, and 2 wounds were torn at the flap pedicle due to improper postural changes, and healed one week after bedside debridement. One wound was partially necrotic due to the flap bruising, and healed 10 days after re-debridement. Thirty-one wounds in the donor sites (including 4 skin graft areas) were healed, and one wound in the donor site was torn due to improper handling at discharge, and healed 15 days after re-debridement and suture. The complication rate was 12.5% (4/32), mainly the incision dehiscence of the flap pedicle and the donor sites (3 wounds), followed by venous congestion at the distal end of flap (one wound). During the follow-up of 3 to 24 months, the pressure ulcers did not recur and the flaps had good appearance and soft texture. Conclusions: The island posterior femoral composite tissue flaps has good blood circulation, large rotation radius, and sufficient tissue volume. It has a high survival rate, good wound healing, low skin grafting rate in the donor site, few postoperative complications, and good long-term effect in the repair of sinus cavity pressure ulcers in the areas of ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Pressure Ulcer/etiology , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Skin Transplantation , Femur/surgery , Necrosis/surgery , Perforator Flap
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971404


Objective: To investigate the anatomical classification of adductor magnus perforator flap and its application in head and neck reconstruction. Methods: From January 2017 to January 2020, Hunan Cancer Hospital treated 27 cases of oral tumor patients (15 cases of tongue cancer, 9 cases of gingival cancer and 3 cases of buccal cancer), including 24 males and 3 females, aged 31-56 years old. The course of disease was 1-12 months. Secondary soft tissue defects with the sizes of 5.0 cm × 3.5 cm to 11.0 cm × 8.0 cm were left after radical resection of the tumors, and were repaired with free adductor magnus perforator flaps. The flaps based on the origing locations of perforator vessels were divided into three categories: ① intramuscular perforator: vessel originated between the gracilis muscle and the adductor magnus or passed through a few adductor magnus muscles; ② adductor magnus middle layer perforator: vessel run between the deep and superficial layers of adductor magnus; ③ adductor magnus deep layer perforator: vessel run between the deep layer of adductor magnus and the semimembranous muscle. Descriptive analysis was used in this research. Results: Perforator vessels of adductor magnus were found in all cases, with a total of 62 perforator branches of adductor magnus. The anatomical classification of the perforator vessels was as follows: 12 branches for class ①, 31 branches for class ② and 19 branches for class ③. The vascular pedicles of the free adductor major perforator flaps included type ① for 3 cases, type ② for 16 cases and type ③ for 8 cases. All 27 flaps survived and the donor sites were closed directly. In 18 cases, the perforator arteries and the venae comitan were respectively anastomosed with the superior thyroid arteries and veins. In 9 cases, the pedicle arteries and the venae comitan were respectively anastomosed with the facial arteries and veins. Follow up for 12-40 months showed that the appearances of the flaps and the swallowing and language functions of patients were satisfactory, apart from linear scars were left in the donor sites with no significant affect on the functions of thigh. Local recurrence occurred in 3 cases and radical surgeries were performed again followed by repairs with pedicled pectoralis major myocutaneous flaps. Cervical lymph node metastasis occurred in 2 cases and cervical lymph node dissection was performed again. Conclusions: The adductor magnus perforator flap has soft texture, constant perforator vessel anatomy, flexible donor location and harvesting forms, and less damage to the donor site. It is an ideal choice for postoperative reconstruction in head and neck tumors.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Perforator Flap/transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Thigh/surgery , Head/surgery , Skin Transplantation , Mouth Neoplasms/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971406


Objective: To investigate the feasibility of only surgical resection for nasal vestibular squamous cell carcinoma and the efficacy of perforator flap of ipsilateral nasolabial sulcus in repairing postoperative defects. Methods: The clinical data of 8 cases with squamous cell carcinoma of the nasal vestibule who admitted to Department of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Eye & ENT Hospital, Fudan University were analyzed, including 6 males and 2 females, aged from 38 to 75 years. The tumor of the nasal vestibule was eradicated in time after making definite diagnosis of lesions, then the perforators flap of the ipsilateral nasolabial sulcus was used for repairment, without performing further chemotherapy or radiotherapy after surgery. The tumor recurrence, facial appearance, nostril form, donor area scar, nasal ventilation function, and cutaneous sensation were evaluated after surgery. Descriptive analysis was used in this research. Results: There were 2 cases of stage T1 and 6 cases of stage T2 in 8 cases. After 32 to 45 months of following-up, no recurrence accurred and all the flaps survived well. However, there was about 2 mm necrosis of the transplanted flap in the lateral foot of the alar in one case, which was healed well by carrying out wound care after 10 d. And the dark color flap was occurred in another case, showing the flap's backflow trouble, yet it was improved with addressing timely during 5 d postoperation. Pincusion-like deformity of the transplanted flap occurred in 4 cases (50%), which subsided gradually after 6 months. The morphology of the anterior nostril was altered in 4 cases (50%), but there was no ventilation trouble and no need for addressment in any case. The postoperative facial appearance was rated as excellentor good with hidden scar in the donor site, and the sensation of the transplanted flaps was indistinct from the surrounding tissue after 3 months. Conclusions: Surgical resection of nasal vestibular squamous cell carcinoma with tumor stage T1-2 is a feasible treatment. And it is the one of the best reconstructive methods of the perforator flap of the ipsilateral nasolabial sulcus to repair the deformities after the surgery.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Perforator Flap/transplantation , Cicatrix/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Skin Transplantation/methods , Treatment Outcome
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981102


Jaw defects caused by various reasons often seriously affect appearance and function. The goal of the treatment of oral and maxillofacial tumors should include the cure of the tumor and the restoration of premorbid function. The development of microsurgery and digital surgery technology has promoted the development of jaw reconstruction with vascularized free bone flap. Good appearance and improved predictability could be obtained with the help of preope-rative visual design. How to rehabilitate occlusal function on the reconstructed jaw and improve the quality of life of patients has become an important research direction. This article discusses the challenge of jaw reconstruction, the selection of vascularized bone flap, the choice of implant timing, the treatment of peri-implant soft tissue, and the influence of radiotherapy on implants after jaw reconstruction.

Тема - темы
Humans , Dental Implants , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Free Tissue Flaps/surgery , Quality of Life , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Fibula/surgery , Bone Transplantation , Mandibular Reconstruction
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981617


OBJECTIVE@#To summarize the effectiveness of the temporal island flap pedicled with the perforating branch of zygomatic orbital artery for repairing defects after periocular malignant tumor resection.@*METHODS@#Between January 2015 and December 2020, 15 patients with periocular malignant tumors were treated. There were 5 males and 10 females with an average age of 62 years (range, 40-75 years). There were 12 cases of basal cell carcinoma and 3 cases of squamous carcinoma. The disease duration ranged from 5 months to 10 years (median, 2 years). The size of tumors ranged from 1.0 cm×0.8 cm to 2.5 cm×1.5 cm, without tarsal plate invasion. After extensive resection of the tumors, the left defects in size of 2.0 cm×1.5 cm to 3.5 cm×2.0 cm were repaired with the temporal island flap pedicled with the perforating branch of zygomatic orbital artery via subcutaneous tunnel. The size of the flaps ranged from 3.0 cm×1.5 cm to 5.0 cm×2.0 cm. The donor sites were separated subcutaneously and sutured directly.@*RESULTS@#All flaps survived after operation and the wounds healed by first intention. The incisions at donor sites healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 6-24 months (median, 11 months). The flaps were not obviously bloated, the texture and color were basically the same as the surrounding normal skin, and the scars at recipient sites were not obviously. There was no complication such as ptosis, ectropion, or incomplete closure of the eyelids and recurrence of tumor during follow-up.@*CONCLUSION@#The temporal island flap pedicled with the perforating branch of zygomatic orbital artery can repair the defects after periorbital malignant tumors resection and has the advantages of reliable blood supply, flexible design, and good morphology and function.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Transplantation , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Surgical Flaps , Arteries/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Perforator Flap/blood supply
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981618


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the effectiveness of lobulated pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap to repair huge chest wall defect.@*METHODS@#Between June 2021 and June 2022, 14 patients with huge chest wall defects were treated with radical resection of the lesion and lobulated pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap transplantation for reconstruction of chest wall defects. The patients included 5 males and 9 females with an average age of 44.2 years (range, 32-57 years). The size of skin and soft tissue defect ranged from 20 cm×16 cm to 22 cm×22 cm. The bilateral pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps in size of 26 cm×8 cm to 35 cm×14 cm were prepaired and cut into two skin paddles with basically equal area according to the actual defect size of the chest wall. After the lobulated pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap was transferred to the defect, there were two reshaping methods. The first method was that the skin paddle at the lower position and opposite side was unchanged, and the skin paddle at the effected side was rotated by 90° (7 cases). The second method was that the two skin paddles were rotated 90° respectively (7 cases). The donor site was sutured directly.@*RESULTS@#All 14 flaps survived successfully and the wound healed by first intention. The incisions at donor site healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 6-12 months (mean, 8.7 months). The appearance and texture of the flaps were satisfactory. Only linear scar was left at the donor site, and the appearance and activity of the abdominal wall were not affected. No local recurrence was found in all tumor patients, and distant metastasis occurred in 2 breast cancer patients (1 liver metastasis and 1 lung metastasis).@*CONCLUSION@#The lobulated pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap in repair of huge chest wall defect can ensure the safety of blood supply of the flap to the greatest extent, ensure the effective and full use of the flap tissue, and reduce postoperative complications.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Myocutaneous Flap/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Thoracic Wall/surgery , Rectus Abdominis/transplantation , Skin Transplantation , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981619


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of fascial tissue flaps and skin flaps with layered sutures for repairing wounds after excision of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus.@*METHODS@#Between March 2019 and August 2022, 9 patients with sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus were admitted, including 7 males and 2 females with an average age of 29.4 years (range, 17-53 years). The disease duration ranged from 1 to 36 months, with a median of 6 months. There were 7 cases with obesity and dense hair, 3 cases with infection, and 2 cases with positive bacterial culture of sinus secretion. The wound area after excision ranged from 3 cm×3 cm to 8 cm×4 cm, with a depth of 3-5 cm, reaching the perianal or caudal bone; there were 2 cases with perianal abscess formation and 1 case with caudal bone inflammatory edema. Enlarged resection was performed during operation, and the fascial tissue flap and skin flap were designed and excised at both left and right sides of the buttock, ranging from 3.0 cm×1.5 cm to 8.0 cm×2.0 cm. A cross drainage tube was placed at the bottom of the wound, and the fascial tissue flap and skin flap were advanced and sutured in three layers, namely, 8-string sutures in the fascial layer, barbed wire reduction sutures in the dermis, and interrupted skin sutures.@*RESULTS@#All 9 patients were followed up 3-36 months, with an average of 12 months. All incisions healed by first intention, and no complication such as incisional dehiscence or infection in the operative area occurred. There was no recurrence of sinus tracts, the shape of gluteal sulcus was satisfactory, both sides of buttocks were symmetrical, local incision scar was concealed, and the shape disruption was minimal.@*CONCLUSION@#Fascial tissue flaps and skin flaps with layered sutures for repairing wounds after excision of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus can effectively fill the cavity and reduce the incidence of poor incision healing, with the advantages of small trauma and simple operation.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Adult , Pilonidal Sinus/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Surgical Flaps , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Skin Transplantation , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Sutures , Perforator Flap
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981620


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effectiveness of Flow-through bridge anterolateral thigh flap transplantation in the treatment of complex calf soft tissue defects.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of the patients with complicated calf soft tissue defects, who were treated with Flow-through bridge anterolateral thigh flap (study group, 23 cases) or bridge anterolateral thigh flap (control group, 23 cases) between January 2008 and January 2022, were retrospectively analyzed. All complex calf soft tissue defects in the two groups were caused by trauma or osteomyelitis, and there was only one major blood vessel in the calf or no blood vessel anastomosed with the grafted skin flap. There was no significant difference between the two groups in general data such as gender, age, etiology, size of leg soft tissue defect, and time from injury to operation ( P>0.05). The lower extremity functional scale (LEFS) was used to evaluate the sufferred lower extremity function of the both groups after operation, and the peripheral blood circulation score of the healthy side was evaluated according to the Chinese Medical Association Hand Surgery Society's functional evaluation standard for replantation of amputated limbs. Weber's quantitative method was used to detect static 2-point discrimination (S2PD) to evaluate peripheral sensation of the healthy side, and the popliteal artery flow velocity, toenail capillary filling time, foot temperature, toe blood oxygen saturation of the healthy side, and the incidence of complications were compared between the two groups.@*RESULTS@#No vascular or nerve injury occurred during operation. All flaps survived, and 1 case of partial flap necrosis occurred in both groups, which healed after free skin grafting. All patients were followed up 6 months to 8 years, with a median time of 26 months. The function of the sufferred limb of the two groups recovered satisfactorily, the blood supply of the flap was good, the texture was soft, and the appearance was fair. The incision in the donor site healed well with a linear scar, and the color of the skin graft area was similar. Only a rectangular scar could be seen in the skin donor area where have a satisfactory appearance. The blood supply of the distal limb of the healthy limb was good, and there was no obvious abnormality in color and skin temperature, and the blood supply of the limb was normal during activity. The popliteal artery flow velocity in the study group was significantly faster than that in the control group at 1 month after the pedicle was cut, and the foot temperature, toe blood oxygen saturation, S2PD, toenail capillary filling time, and peripheral blood circulation score were significantly better than those in the control group ( P<0.05). There were 8 cases of cold feet and 2 cases of numbness on the healthy side in the control group, while only 3 cases of cold feet occurred in the study group. The incidence of complications in the study group (13.04%) was significantly lower than that in the control group (43.47%) ( χ 2=3.860, P=0.049). There was no significant difference in LEFS score between the two groups at 6 months after operation ( P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Flow-through bridge anterolateral thigh flap can reduce postoperative complications of healthy feet and reduce the impact of surgery on blood supply and sensation of healthy feet. It is an effective method for repairing complex calf soft tissue defects.

Тема - темы
Humans , Thigh/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Leg/surgery , Cicatrix/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Lower Extremity/surgery , Skin Transplantation/methods , Perforator Flap
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