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Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009226


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the role and importance of fibular fixation in tibiofibular fractures by Meta-analysis.@*METHODS@#The literature related to the comparison of the efficacy of fixation of the fibula with or without fixation on the treatment of tibiofibular fractures was searched through the databases of China Knowledge Network, Wipu, Wanfang, The Cochrane Library, Web of science and Pubmed, and statistical analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software. The rates of malrotation, rotational deformity, internal/external deformity, anterior/posterior deformity, non-union, infection, secondary surgery and operative time were compared between the fibula fixation and non-fixation groups.@*RESULTS@#A total of 11 publications were included, six randomised controlled trials and five case-control trials, eight of which were of high quality. A total of 813 cases were included, of which 383 were treated with fibula fixation and 430 with unfixed fibulae.Meta-analysis results showed that fixation of the fibulae in the treatment of tibiofibular fractures reduced the rates of postoperative rotational deformity[RR=0.22, 95%CI(0.10, 0.45), P<0.000 1] and internal/external deformity[RR=0.34, 95%CI(0.14, 0.84), P=0.02] and promoted fracture healing [RR=0.76, 95%CI(0.58, 0.99), P=0.04]. In contrast, the rates of poor reduction [RR=0.48, 95% CI(0.10, 2.33), P=0.36], anterior/posterior deformity[RR=1.50, 95%CI(0.76, 2.96), P=0.24], infection[RR=1.43, 95%CI(0.76, 2.72), P=0.27], secondary surgery[RR=1.32, 95%CI(0.82, 2.11), P=0.25], and operative time[MD=10.21, 95%CI(-17.79, 38.21), P=0.47] were not statistically significant (P>0.05) for comparison.@*CONCLUSION@#Simultaneous fixation of the tibia and fibula is clinically more effective in the treatment of tibiofibular fractures.

Тема - темы
Humans , Fibula/surgery , Fractures, Bone/complications , Tibia/surgery , Fracture Healing , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Treatment Outcome
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1527679


Introducción: La enfermedad de Caffey es una patología ósea inflamatoria, rara, autolimitada, casi exclusiva de lactantes. Objetivos: Jerarquizar el abordaje diagnóstico de una patología poco frecuente. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 días, varón, consulta por irritabilidad y edema de miembro inferior izquierdo de 4 días de evolución. Sin traumatismos ni fiebre. Examen físico: edema indurado en tercio medio e inferior de pierna izquierda, no rubor ni calor local. Dolor a la palpación de cara anterior y lateral de tibia y peroné. Limitación funcional, no resaltos óseos. Radiografía: engrosamiento del periostio en tibia y peroné a nivel diafisario. Hemograma: Glóbulos blancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, proteína C reactiva 13,90 mg/dl. Con planteo de probable infección osteoarticular se inicia clindamicina ( gentamicina e ingresa a cuidados moderados. Dada la persistencia de edema e irritabilidad, al quinto día se solicita resonancia magnética: hallazgos sugerentes de un probable proceso inflamatorio- infeccioso de partes blandas con compromiso óseo. Completa 14 días de clindamicina y 7 días de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultivo negativo. Persiste con edema, irritabilidad y dolor. A los 21 días, se revalora la presentación clínica-imagenológica, se plantea enfermedad de Caffey. Se inicia anti-inflamatorio con buena evolución. Conclusiones: La enfermedad de Caffey es una colagenopatía rara, que afecta lactantes. El diagnóstico es clínico - radiológico (irritabilidad, tumefacción de partes blandas y alteraciones radiológicas). El pronóstico a largo plazo suele ser favorable. Es importante considerar el diagnóstico en lactantes que se presentan con esta sintomatología para evitar retrasos diagnósticos e instauración de tratamientos innecesarios.

Introduction: Caffey's disease is a rare disease that is reported almost exclusively in infants. Objective: Describe the case of a rare pathology, prioritizing the diagnostic approach. Clinical case: 4 month -old, healthy male. Consultation due to irritability and edema of the left lower limb for 4 days. No trauma or fever. Physical examination: indurated edema in the left leg, no redness or local heat. Pain on palpation of the anterior and lateral aspect of the tibia and fibula. Functional limitation, no bony protusions. Leg x-ray: thickening of the periosteum in the tibia and fibula at the diaphyseal level. Hemogram: White Blood Cells 15,380 KU/L Hemoglobin: 10.8 g/dL. Platelets: 816,400 10/ul, C-reactive protein: 13.90 mg/dl. He was admitted with a suggestion of probable osteoarticular infection. Clindamycin ( gentamicin is started. Given the persistence of edema and irritability despite treatment, on the fifth day an MRI was requested: findings suggestive of a probable inflammatory-infectious process of soft tissues with bone involvement. Completed 14 days of clindamycin and 7 days of intravenous gentamicin, blood culture negative. It persists with edema, irritability and pain. After 21 days, the clinical-imaging presentation was reassessed and Caffey's disease was considered. Anti-inflammatory begins with good evolution. Conclusions: Caffey's disease is a rare collagenopathy, that affects infants. The diagnosis is clinical - radiological (irritability, soft tissue swelling and radiological alterations). The long-term prognosis is usually favorable. It is important to consider the diagnosis in infants who present with these symptoms to avoid diagnostic delays and initiation of unnecessary treatments.

Introdução: A doença de Caffey é uma patologia óssea inflamatória rara, autolimitada, quase exclusiva de lactentes. Objetivos: Priorizar a abordagem diagnóstica de uma patologia rara. Caso clínico: 4 meses 22 dias, sexo masculino, consulta por irritabilidade e edema do membro inferior esquerdo de 4 dias de evolução. Sem trauma ou febre. Exame físico: edema endurecido em terço médio e inferior da perna esquerda, sem vermelhidão ou calor local. Dor à palpação das faces anterior e lateral da tíbia e fíbula. Limitação funcional, sem saliências ósseas. Radiografia: espessamento do periósteo na tíbia e fíbula ao nível diafisário. Hemograma: Glóbulos brancos 15.380 KU/L, Hemoglobina 10,8 g/dL, Plaquetas 816.400 10/ul, Proteína C reativa 13,90 mg/dl. Com sugestão de provável infecção osteoarticular, foi iniciada clindamicina + gentamicina e internado em cuidados moderados. Dada a persistência do edema e da irritabilidade, no quinto dia foi solicitada ressonância magnética: achados sugestivos de provável processo inflamatório-infeccioso de partes moles com envolvimento ósseo. Completou 14 dias de clindamicina e 7 dias de gentamicina intravenosa, hemocultura negativa. Persiste com edema, irritabilidade e dor. Após 21 dias, o quadro clínico-imagem foi reavaliado e considerada doença de Caffey. O antiinflamatório começa com uma boa evolução. Conclusões: A doença de Caffey é uma colagenopatia rara que afeta lactentes. O diagnóstico é clínico-radiológico (irritabilidade, edema de partes moles e alterações radiológicas). O prognóstico a longo prazo é geralmente favorável. É importante considerar o diagnóstico em lactentes que apresentam esses sintomas para evitar atrasos no diagnóstico e início de tratamentos desnecessários.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Tibia/pathology , Hyperostosis, Cortical, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Fibula/pathology , Pain/etiology , Edema/etiology , Inflammation/etiology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
Статья в испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552157


Los defectos óseos segmentarios en la región del tobillo y el pie representan un desafío dadas sus características anatómicas con limitada vascularización y pobre cobertura muscular. La técnica descrita por Masquelet para el tratamiento de defectos óseos segmentarios en huesos largos ha logrado excelentes resultados. Sin embargo, se han publicado pocos estudios sobre su uso en la región del pie y tobillo. La técnica de la membrana inducida ofrece una alternativa terapéutica válida para resolver problemas de difícil solución en Ortopedia, como los defectos óseos. Permite tratarlos sin necesidad de procedimientos complejos, como el uso de injertos óseos vascularizados o de callotasis, con una alta tasa de consolidación, conservando la longitud del miembro y con una buena función. Entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2018, tres pacientes con defectos óseos segmentarios fueron tratados mediante la técnica de Masquelet en nuestra institución. Pese a que no podemos probar que este procedimiento es el más indicado en este tipo de casos, sí podemos afirmar que se logró la consolidación en todos los pacientes y se resolvió el defecto óseo, lo que nos anima a seguir utilizando esta misma técnica. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Segmental bone defects in the foot and ankle represent a challenge due to their anatomical characteristics, limited vascularization, and poor muscle coverage. The technique described by Masquelet has shown excellent results for the treatment of segmental bone defects in long bones. However, there are few studies in the literature on its use in the foot and ankle. The induced membrane technique offers a valid treatment alternative to solve bone defects. It allows treatment without the need for complex procedures, such as vascularized bone grafts or distraction osteogenesis, with a high rate of consolidation, preserving the length and function of the limb. Although we cannot prove that this procedure is the most indicated for the treatment of bone defects, we can affirm that all our patients have achieved consolidation, which encourages us to continue performing this same technique. Level of Evidence: IV

Тема - темы
Adult , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Tibia , Ankle Joint
Odovtos (En línea) ; 25(3): 43-54, Sep.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1529068


Abstract The aim of this experimental study was to determine the effect of photobiomodulation therapy on bone repair in a rat tibia osteotomy model at 15 and 30 days. The sample consisted of 36 male Holtzman rats that were randomized into 6 equal groups. Groups A1 and A2: osteotomy + 1 J laser energy. Groups B1 and B2: osteotomy + 3 J laser energy. Groups C1 and C2 (controls): osteotomy only. The bone repair was analyzed by histological evaluation of osteoblasts and osteocytes both at 15 days (groups A1, B1, and C1) and at 30 days (groups A2, B2, and C2). Within the results, in all groups a greater number of osteoblasts was found at 15 days vs 30 days (p<0.05), and a greater number of osteocytes in B1 and C2 vs B2 and C1, respectively (p<0.05). When evaluating the 3 groups worked up to 15 days, more osteoblasts were found in A1 and C1 vs B1 (p<0.001); and osteocytes predominated in A1 and B1 vs C1 (p<0.001). At 30 days there was a greater quantity of osteoblasts in C2 vs A2 and B2 (p<0.05) and of osteocytes in C2 vs B2 (p<0.05). It is concluded that 1 J photobiomodulation therapy improved bone repair at 15 days; however, this improvement was not observed at 30 days because there were no differences between the irradiated groups and the control.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio experimental fue determinar el efecto de terapia de fotobiomodulación sobre la reparación ósea en un modelo de osteotomía de tibia de rata a los 15 y 30 días. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 36 ratas Holtzman macho que se aleatorizaron en 6 grupos iguales. Grupos A1 y A2: osteotomía + energía láser de 1 Joule. Grupos B1 y B2: osteotomía + energía láser 3 Joule. Grupos C1 y C2 (controles): solo osteotomía. La reparación ósea fue analizada por evaluación histológica de osteoblastos y osteocitos tanto a los 15 días (grupos A1, B1 y C1) como a los 30 días (grupos A2, B2 y C2). Como resultados se encontró que en todos los grupos hubo mayor número de osteoblastos a los 15 días vs. 30 días (p<0,05), y mayor número de osteocitos en B1 y C2 vs B2 y C1, respectivamente (p<0,05). Al evaluar a los animales a los 15 días, se observó mayor número de osteoblastos en A1 y C1 vs B1 (p<0.001); y mayor número de osteocitos en A1 y B1 vs C1 (p<0,001). Al evaluar a los ratones a los 30 días hubo mayor cantidad de osteoblastos en C2 vs A2 y B2 (p<0,05) y de osteocitos en C2 vs B2 (p<0,05). Se concluye que la terapia de fotobiomodulación con 1 Joule mejoró la reparación ósea a los 15 días; sin embargo, dicha mejora no se observó a los 30 días porque no hubo diferencias entre los grupos irradiados y el control.

Тема - темы
Animals , Rats , Tibia , Photobiology , Low-Level Light Therapy , Bone and Bones
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(4): 571-579, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521807


Abstract Objective This study aims to analyze outcomes and clinical and epidemiological data of infected tibial pseudarthrosis using the Ilizarov method and the Orr dressing. Methods Data from n = 43 patients diagnosed with infected tibial pseudarthrosis were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistical methods. In addition, Paley's assessment criteria evaluated bone and functional outcomes. Qualitative variables were presented as the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies. The presentation of quantitative variables followed the D'Agostino-Pearson test. Results Thirty-seven (86.04%) subjects were males, and six (13.95%) were females. The most frequent age group among patients was 50 to 59 years old (25.6%), with a p-value = 0.8610. The treatment time was longer for the trifocal treatment (23.8 months) when compared to the bifocal treatment (15.6 months), with a p-value = 0.0010* (highly significant). Excellent bone outcomes represented 72.09% of the sample; 23.25% of outcomes were good. Functional outcomes were excellent in 55.81%, good in 6.97%, and regular in 27.90% of subjects. The Orr dressing (using Vaseline gauze) proved effective, achieving wound healing with soft tissue coverage in all patients evaluated. Conclusions The Ilizarov method resulted in a substantial change in the treatment of bone infections, especially infected pseudarthrosis. The versatility of this method has turned it into an effective tool, allowing the healing of the infectious process and the correction of potential deformities and shortening.

Resumo Objetivo Analisar os resultados e os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos do tratamento das pseudoartroses infectadas da tíbia pelo método de Ilizarov associado ao curativo de Orr. Métodos Para analisar os dados de n = 43 pacientes com diagnóstico de pseudoartrose infectada da tíbia foram aplicados métodos estatísticos descritivos e inferenciais e os resultados ósseos e funcionais foram avaliados de acordo com os critérios de avaliação de Paley. As variáveis qualitativas foram apresentadas por distribuição de frequências absolutas e relativas. As variáveis quantitativas foram apresentadas pelo teste de DAgostino-Pearson. Resultados Foi encontrado que 37 (86,04%) eram do sexo masculino, 6 (13,95%) femininos. A faixa etária mais frequente entre os pacientes foi de 50 a 59 anos (25.6%), p-valor = 0.8610. O tempo de tratamento é maior no tratamento trifocal (23.8 meses) quando comparado com o Bifocal (15.6 meses), p-valor =0.0010* (altamente significante). Os resultados ósseos excelentes representaram 72,09%, 23,25% foram de resultados considerados bons. Os resultados funcionais considerados excelentes foram 55,81%, os resultados bons foram 6,97%, resultados regulares foram 27,90. O curativo com gaze vaselinada (curativo de Orr) mostrou-se eficaz, alcançando assim a cicatrização das feridas com cobertura de partes moles em todos os pacientes avaliados. Conclusões O método de Ilizarov proporcionou uma mudança substancial no tratamentos das infecções ósseas, especialmente das pseudoartroses infectadas. A versatilidade deste método se transformou em uma ferramenta eficaz, permitindo a cura do processo infeccioso, bem como correção das possíveis deformidades e do encurtamento.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Pseudarthrosis/therapy , Tibia/pathology , Treatment Outcome , Ilizarov Technique/rehabilitation
Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 527-534, abr. 2023. ilus
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440307


SUMMARY: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a ligament that mainly controls the anterior and rotational mobility of the knee joint, and its surface is covered by a synovial membrane with large number of blood vessels. In general, nutritional supply to the ligament is from many capillaries in the adjacent synovium. However, statistical studies of the capillaries distributed to the ACL are insufficient. In this study, we examined cross-sectional histological images of the femoral attachment (femoral level), middle level of the tendon (middle level), and tibial attachment (tibial level) of the ACL and statistically analyzed blood capillary distribution among the three levels. The ACLs of 10 cadavers were divided into 5 equal sections, and 4mm-thick paraffin sections were made at the femoral level, middle level, and tibial level, and then hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining were performed. The area of each transverse section was measured using Image-J 1.51n (U. S. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA). Fiber bundles of the ACL were relatively small and sparse in cross-sectional area at the femoral level and became larger and denser toward the tibial level. Many blood levels. The synovium at the attachment of ACL covered the surface of the fiber bundle and also penetrated deeply between the fiber bundles. In particular, the blood capillaries were densely distributed in the synovium at the femoral attachment rather than another two levels. Indeed, the number of capillaries were also most abundant in the femoral level. The cross-sectional ACL area at the femoral level is significantly small, however, the blood capillaries were most abundant. Therefore, when the ACL is injured, its reconstruction with preservation of the femoral ligamentous remnant may be clinically useful for remodeling of the grafted tendon.

El ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) es un ligamento que controla principalmente la movilidad anterior y rotacional de la articulación de la rodilla, y su superficie está cubierta por una membrana sinovial con gran cantidad de vasos sanguíneos. En general, el suministro de nutrientes al ligamento proviene de muchos capilares en la sinovial adyacente. Sin embargo, los estudios estadísticos de los capilares distribuidos en el LCA son insuficientes. En este estudio, examinamos imágenes histológicas trans- versales de la inserción femoral (nivel femoral), el nivel medio del tendón (nivel medio) y la inserción tibial (nivel tibial) del LCA y analizamos estadísticamente la distribución de los capilares sanguíneos entre los tres niveles. Los LCA de 10 cadáveres se dividieron en 5 secciones iguales y se realizaron cortes en parafina de 4 µm de espesor a nivel femoral, medio y tibial, y luego se realizó tinción con hematoxilina-eosina (HE). El área de cada sección transversal se midió utilizando Image-J 1.51n (Institutos Nacionales de Salud de EE. UU., Bethesda, MD, EE. UU.). Los haces de fibras del LCA eran relativamente pequeños y escasos en el área de la sección transversal a nivel femoral y se hicieron más grandes y más densos hacia el nivel tibial. La membrana sinovial en la unión del LCA cubría la superficie del haz de fibras y también penetraba profundamente entre entre los haces de fibras. En particular, los capilares sanguíneos estaban densamente distribuidos en la unión femoral de la sinovial respecto a los otros dos niveles. De hecho, el número de capilares también fue más abundante a nivel femoral. El área transversal del LCA a nivel femoral era significativamente pequeña, sin embargo, los capilares sanguíneos fueron los más abundantes. Por lo tanto, cuando hay una lesión del LCA su reconstrucción con preservación del ligamento femoral remanente puede ser clínicamente útil para remodelar el tendón injertado.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Capillaries/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/blood supply , Femur/blood supply , Synovial Membrane/blood supply , Tibia/blood supply , Cadaver
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 206-210, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449791


Abstract Objectives To perform a systematic review of the literature on the anatomy of the medial meniscotibial ligaments (MTLs), and to present the most accepted findings, as well as the evolution of the anatomical knowledge on this structure. Materials and Methods An electronic search was conducted in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE and Cochrane library databases with no date restrictions. The following index terms were used in the search: anatomy AND meniscotibial AND ligament AND medial. The review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. We included anatomical studies of the knee were included, such as cadaver dissections, histological and/or biological investigations, and/or imaging of the medial MTL anatomy. Results Eight articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. The first article was published in 1984 and the last, in 2020. The total sample in the 8 articles was of 96 patients. Most studies are purely descriptive in terms of the macroscopic morphological and microscopic histological findings. Two studies evaluated the biomechanical aspects of the MTL, and one, the anatomical correlation with the magnetic resonance imaging examination. Conclusion The main function of the medial MTL, a ligament that originates in the tibia and is inserted in the lower meniscus, is to stabilize and maintain the meniscus in its position on the tibial plateau. However, there is a limited amount of information regarding medial MTLs, primarily in terms of anatomy, especially vascularization and innervation.

Resumo Objetivos Fazer uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a anatomia dos ligamentos meniscotibiais (LMTs) mediais, e apresentar os achados mais aceitos e a evolução das informações anatômicas sobre essa estrutura. Materiais e Métodos A busca eletrônica foi realizada nos bancos de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE e Cochrane, sem restrições de data. Os seguintes termos de indexação foram utilizados: anatomy AND meniscotibial AND ligament AND medial. A revisão seguiu as recomendações da declaração de Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões Sistemáticas e Metanálises (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, PRISMA, em inglês). Foram incluídos estudos anatômicos do joelho, como dissecções de cadáveres, investigações histológicas e/ou biológicas, e/ou imagens da anatomia do LMT medial. Resultados Oito artigos atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram selecionados. O primeiro foi publicado em 1984, e o último, em 2020. A amostra total nos 8 artigos foi de 96 pacientes. A maioria dos estudos é puramente descritiva em relação aos achados morfológicos macroscópicos e histológicos microscópicos. Dois estudos avaliaram os aspectos biomecânicos do LMT, e um analisou a correlação anatômica com o exame de ressonância magnética. Conclusão A principal função do LMT medial, ligamento que se origina na tíbia e se insere no menisco inferior, é estabilizar e manter a posição do menisco no platô tibial.

Тема - темы
Humans , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Meniscus/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Ligaments
Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(2): 326-330, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449798


Abstract Objective Medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy (MOWHTO) significantly relieves pain in the medial joint line in medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. But some patients complain of pain over the pes anserinus even 1 year after the osteotomy, which may require implant removal for relief. This study aims to define the implant removal rate after MOWHTO due to pain over the pes anserinus. Methods One hundred and three knees of 72 patients who underwent MOWHTO for medial compartment osteoarthritis between 2010 and 2018 were enrolled in the study. Knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (KOOS), Oxford knee score (OKS), and visual analogue score (VAS) were assessed for pain in the medial knee joint line (VAS-MJ) preoperatively, 12 months postoperatively, and yearly thereafter; adding VAS for pain over the pes anserinus (VAS-PA). Patients with VAS-PA ≥ 40 and adequate bony consolidation after 12 months were recommended implant removal. Results Thirty-three (45.8%) of the patients were male and 39 (54.2%) were female. The mean age was 49.4 ± 8.0 and the mean body mass index was 27.0 ± 2.9. The Tomofix medial tibial plate-screw system (DePuy Synthes, Raynham, MA, USA) was used in all cases. Three (2.8%) cases with delayed union requiring revision were excluded. The KOOS, OKS, and VAS-MJ significantly improved 12 months after MOWHTO. The mean VAS-PA was 38.3 ± 23.9. Implant removal for pain relief was needed in 65 (63.1%) of the103 knees. The mean VAS-PA decreased to 4.5 ± 5.6 3 months after implant removal (p < 0.0001). Conclusion Over 60% of the patients may need implant removal to relieve pain over the pes anserinus after MOWHTO. Candidates for MOWHTO should be informed about this complication and its solution.

Resumo Objetivo A osteotomia tibial alta com cunha de abertura medial (MOWHTO, do inglês medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy) alivia de forma significativa a dor na linha articular medial em casos de osteoartrite do compartimento medial do joelho. Alguns pacientes, porém, se queixam de dor nos tendões dos músculos sartório, grácil e semitendinoso (pata de ganso) mesmo 1 ano após a osteotomia, o que pode exigir a remoção do implante. Este estudo define a taxa de remoção do implante após a MOWHTO devido à dor nos tendões dos músculos sartório, grácil e semitendinoso. Métodos Cento e três joelhos de 72 pacientes submetidos à MOWHTO para tratamento da osteoartrite do compartimento medial entre 2010 e 2018 foram incluídos no estudo. A pontuação de desfecho de lesão no joelho e osteoartrite (KOOS, do inglês Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score), a pontuação dejoelho de Oxford (OKS, do inglês Oxford Knee Score) e a escala visual analógica (EVA) de dor na linha articular medial do joelho (EVA-MJ) foram avaliados antes da cirurgia. A EVA nos tendões dos músculos sartório, grácil e semitendinoso (EVA-PA) foi adicionada a essas avaliações, também realizadas 12 meses após o procedimento e, a seguir, anualmente. A remoção do implante foi recomendada em pacientes com EVA-PA ≥ 40 e consolidação óssea adequada em 12 meses. Resultados Trinta e três (45,8%) pacientes eram homens e 39 (54,2%), mulheres. A média de idade foi de 49,4 ±8,0, e o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) médio foi de 27,0 ± 2,9. O sistema placa-parafuso tibial medial Tomofix (DePuy Synthes, Raynham, MA, EUA) foi utilizado em todos os casos. Três (2,8%) casos foram excluídos devido ao retardo de consolidação e à necessidade de revisão. Os resultados nas escalas KOOS, OKS e EVA-MJ melhoraram significativamente 12 meses após a MOWHTO. A EVA-PA média foi de 38,3 ± 23,9. A remoção do implante para alívio da dor foi necessária em 65 (63,1%) dos 103 joelhos. Três meses após a remoção do implante, a EVA-PA média diminuiu para 4,5 ± 5,6 (p < 0,0001). Conclusão A remoção do implante pode ser necessária em mais de 60% dos pacientes para alívio da dor nos tendões dos músculos sartório, grácil e semitendinoso após a MOWHTO. Os candidatos à MOWHTO devem ser informados sobre esta complicação e sua resolução.

Тема - темы
Humans , Osteotomy , Surgical Wound Infection , Tibia/surgery , Bone Plates , Bone Transplantation , Device Removal
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 675-680, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985797


Objective: To explore the long-term effect of combined surgery for the treatment of congenital tibial pseudarthrosis in children. Methods: The clinical data of 44 children with congenital tibial pseudarthrosis who underwent combined surgery (tibial pseudarthrosis tissue resection, intramedullary rod fixation, Ilizarov external fixator fixation, wrapped autologous iliac bone graft) from August 2007 to October 2011 at the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics, Hunan Children's Hospital were collected retrospectively. There were 33 males and 11 females. The age at the time of surgery was (3.7±2.2)years (range:0.6 to 12.4 years), including 25 cases under 3 years old and 19 cases above 3 years old.Among them, 37 cases were complicated with neurofibromatosis type 1.The operation status, postoperative complications and follow-up results were recorded. Results: The follow-up time after surgery was (10.9±0.7)years (range:10 to 11 years).Thirty-nine out of 44 patients (88.6%) achieved initial healing of tibial pseudarthrosis, with an average healing time of (4.3±1.1)months (range:3 to 10months).In the last follow-up, 36 cases (81.8%) had unequal tibial length, 20 cases (45.4%) had refractures, 18 cases (40.9%) had ankle valgus, 9 cases (20.4%) had proximal tibial valgus, and 11 cases (25.0%) had high arched feet.Nine cases (20.4%) developed distal tibial epiphyseal plate bridging.17 cases (38.6%) had abnormal tibial mechanical axis.Seven cases (15.9%) developed needle infection, and one case (2.3%) developed tibial osteomyelitis. 21 patients (47.7%) had excessive growth of the affected femur.Five patients (11.3%) had ankle stiffness, and 34 patients (77.2%) had intramedullary rod displacement that was not in the center of the tibial medullary cavity.Among them, 8 cases (18.1%) protruded the tibial bone cortex and underwent intramedullary rod removal.18 children have reached skeletal maturity, while 26 children have not been followed up until skeletal maturity. Conclusion: Combined surgery for the treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia in children has a high initial healing rate, but complications such as unequal tibia length, refracture, and ankle valgus occur during long-term follow-up, requiring multiple surgical treatments.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Child , Child, Preschool , Pseudarthrosis/congenital , Follow-Up Studies , Retrospective Studies , Tibia/surgery , Neurofibromatosis 1 , Tibial Fractures/surgery
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 106-110, 2023.
Статья в английский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970982


A cruciate ligament avulsion is a much less common form of injury than a cruciate ligament tear. Simultaneous tibial avulsion fractures of both cruciate ligaments occur even more rarely. Over the last decades, many studies have described arthroscopic fixation of acute cruciate tibial avulsion fractures, but arthroscopic treatment in a late presenting patient has not been reported in the literature. This case report presents a 32-year-old female with a chronic tibial avulsion fracture of both anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament. Simultaneous fixation of both fractures was performed arthroscopically at week four post-injury. At one year of follow-up, the patient had demonstrated full knee range of motion and stable knee with no complaints, and achieved excellent clinical outcomes. Radiographs showed union of both fractures, and the patient had resumed high-impact exercises.

Тема - темы
Female , Humans , Adult , Fractures, Avulsion/surgery , Arthroscopy , Knee Joint/surgery , Tibia/surgery , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Suture Techniques , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981635


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the risk factors of contralateral anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury after primary ACL reconstruction.@*METHODS@#A retrospective review was conducted on the 716 patients with ACL injury who received primary ACL reconstruction surgery and met the selection criteria between January 2012 and September 2018. After a mean follow-up period of 7.6 years (range, 4-10 years), 65 patients (9.1%) experienced contralateral ACL injury (injured group) and 651 patients (90.9%) did not (uninjured group). There was no significant difference in age, body mass index, and preoperative Lachman test degree between groups ( P>0.05). However, the proportion of female in the injured group was significantly higher than that of male ( P<0.05), and the preoperative posterior tibial slope (PTS) was significantly higher than that of the uninjured group ( P<0.05). Using the outcome of contralateral ACL injury as the dependent variable, the clinical data of the patient was first used as the independent variable, and univariate COX regression was used to analyze the prognostic influencing factors. Then, the indicators with differences in univariate COX regression were used as the independent variable, and multivariate COX regression was used to analyze the independent risk factors affecting prognosis. Log-Rank (Mantel-Cox) test was used to test and analyze the occurrence time of contralateral ACL injury in patients of different genders; X-tile software was used to analyze the occurrence time of contralateral ACL injury in patients with different PTS using Log-Rank (Mantel-Cox) test and PTS cut-off values.@*RESULTS@#Univariate COX regression analysis showed that gender and PTS were influence factors for contralateral ACL injury ( P<0.05); further multivariate COX regression analysis showed that female and increased PTS were independent risk factors for contralateral ACL injury ( P<0.05). The Log-Rank (Mantel-Cox) test results showed that the contralateral ACL injury occurred in female at 8.853 (8.600, 9.106) years, which was significantly shorter than that in male [9.661 (9.503, 9.819) years] ( χ 2=20.323, P<0.001). Using X-tile software to analyze the cut-off value of PTS, it was found that the cut-off value of PTS for contralateral ACL injury was 10.92°. According to the Log-Rank (Mantel-Cox) test, it was found that the contralateral ACL injury occurred in 5.762 (4.981, 6.543) years in patients with PTS≥10.92°, which was significantly shorter than patients with PTS<10.92° [9.751 (9.650, 9.853) years]( χ 2 =302.479, P<0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#Female and PTS≥10.92° after primary ACL reconstruction are independent risk factors for contralateral ACL injury.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Knee Joint/surgery , Risk Factors , Tibia/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981667


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the early effectiveness of a new minimally invasive plate in the treatment of varus-type ankle arthritis.@*METHODS@#A clinical data of 15 patients with varus-type ankle arthritis who met the selection criteria between March 2021 and October 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients were treated with medial open-wedge supramalleolar osteotomy and fibular osteotomy. The osteotomies were fixed with the new minimally invasive plate. There were 7 males and 8 females with an average age of 49.8 years (range, 16-71 years). The causes of ankle arthritis included post-fracture deformity in 1 case, sprain in 8 cases, and acquired clubfoot in 1 case; and 5 cases were without obvious factors. The disease duration ranged from 1 to 12 years, with an average of 4.1 years. Comparisons were made between pre-operation and the last follow-up in the Takakura staging, the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score, foot function index (FFI), visual analogue scale (VAS) score, tibial anterior surface angle (TAS), tibial lateral surface angle (TLS), and talar tilt (TT).@*RESULTS@#All incisions healed by first intention. All patients were followed up 7-18 months (mean, 12.8 months). At last follow-up, the AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score, FFI, VAS score, and Takakura staging significantly improved when compared with the preoperative ones ( P<0.05). X-ray films showed that the osteotomy healed at 3 months after operation. At last follow-up, TAS significantly increased and TT decreased when compared with the preoperative ones ( P<0.05), and the difference in TLS between pre- and post-operation was not significant ( P>0.05). Complications included 1 case of intraoperative screw breakage and 2 cases of nerve injury of the affected foot. None of the patients complained of significant discomfort at the plate placement during follow-up, and no loosening of the internal fixator occurred. Eleven patients were very satisfied with the effeectiveness, while 4 were relatively satisfied.@*CONCLUSION@#The new minimally invasive plate for the varus-type ankle arthritis has good early effectiveness in relieving ankle pain, correcting deformity, improving limb alignment and ankle function, and reducing the incidence of postoperative incisional complications.

Тема - темы
Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Aged , Ankle , Ankle Joint/surgery , Osteoarthritis/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Tibia/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981670


OBJECTIVE@#To establish the finite element model of varus-type ankle arthritis and to implement the finite element mechanical analysis of different correction models for tibial anterior surface angle (TAS) in supramalleolar osteotomy.@*METHODS@#A female patient with left varus-type ankle arthritis (Takakura stage Ⅱ, TAS 78°) was taken as the study object. Based on the CT data, the three-dimensional model of varus-type ankle arthritis (TAS 78°) and different TAS correction models [normal (TAS 89°), 5° valgus (TAS 94°), and 10° valgus (TAS 99°)] were created by software Mimics 21.0, Geomagic Wrap 2021, Solidworks 2017, and Workbench 17.0. The 290 N vertical downward force was applied to the upper surface of the tibia and 60 N vertical downward force to the upper surface of the fibula. Von Mises stress distribution and stress peak were calculated.@*RESULTS@#The finite element model of normal TAS was basically consistent with biomechanics of the foot. According to biomechanical analysis, the maximum stress of the varus model appeared in the medial tibiotalar joint surface and the medial part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress distribution of talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface were uniform. In the normal model, the stress distributions of the talofibular joint surface and the tibiotalar joint surface were uniform, and no obvious stress concentration was observed. The maximum stress in the 5° valgus model appeared at the posterior part of the talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress distribution of medial tibiotalar joint surface was uniform. The maximum stress of the 10° valgus model appeared at the posterior part of the talofibular joint surface and the lateral part of the top tibiotalar joint surface. The stress on the medial tibiotalar joint surface increased.@*CONCLUSION@#With the increase of valgus, the stress of ankle joint gradually shift outwards, and the stress concentration tends to appear. There was no obvious obstruction of fibula with 10° TAS correction. However, when TAS correction exceeds 10° and continues to increase, the obstruction effect of fibula becomes increasingly significant.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Tibia/surgery , Finite Element Analysis , Ankle , Arthritis , Fibula/surgery , Ankle Joint/surgery
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981677


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effectiveness of single Taylor external fixator combined with biplanar osteotomy on correction of tibial multiplanar deformities.@*METHODS@#Between October 2016 and December 2021, 11 patients with tibial multiplanar deformities (20 sides) were treated with single Taylor external fixator and biplanar osteotomy. Of them, 4 were male and 7 were female; the average age ranged from 13 to 33 years (mean, 21.9 years). Diagnosis included rickets severe genu varum deformity (7 cases, 14 sides), rickets severe genu valgum deformity (2 cases, 4 sides), multiple osteochondromatosis calf deformity (1 case, 1 side), neurofibromatosis medial lower leg anterior arch deformity with short of leg (1 case, 1 side). After fibular osteotomy and tibial multiplanar osteotomy, a Taylor external fixator was installed. After operation, the deformities were corrected successively and fixed completely. The osteotomy healed, then the external fixator was removed. Before operation and at 12 months after operation, the full-length X-ray films were taken. The leg-length discrepancy, medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA), lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA), posterior proximal tibial angle (PPTA), anterior distal tibial angle (ADTA), and tibial rotation angle were measured. The degree of lower limb deformity was scored with reference to a customized tibial mechanical axis scoring table.@*RESULTS@#Osteotomy was successfully completed without neurovascular injury and other complications. The external fixator was adjusted for 28-46 days, with an average of 37 days, and the external fixator was worn for 136-292 days, with an average of 169 days. Mild needle infection during the fixation period occurred in 3 sides, refracture at the distal tibial osteotomy in 1 side after removing the external fixator, and nonunion of the distal fibular osteotomy in 1 side. All patients were followed up 369-397 days (mean, 375 days). At 12 months after operation, the lower limb discrepancy decreased, but there was no significant difference ( P>0.05). MPTA, LDTA, PPTA, ADTA, and tibial rotation angle improved, and the differences in LDTA, ADTA, and tibial rotation angle were significant ( P<0.05). The score of lower limb deformity was significantly higher than that before operation ( P<0.05), and the results were excellent in 9 sides, good in 8 sides, fair in 3 sides, with the excellent and good rate of 85%.@*CONCLUSION@#Single Taylor external fixator combined with biplanar osteotomy is effective in the correction of tibial multiplanar deformities.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Tibia/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Rickets , External Fixators , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981679


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the repair method of type Ⅱc injury in the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area based on the porcine knee joint.@*METHODS@#Eighteen commercially available fresh porcine knee joints were randomly divided into 3 groups ( n=6). After preparing a type Ⅱc injury in the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area, and the anterior (group A), posterior (group B), or anterior and posterior (group C) of the popliteal hiatus (PH) was sutured by vertical mattress. The tension meter was used to apply gradient tensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 N along the tibial plateau horizontally, respectively, to pull the midpoint of the lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area. The displacement values before modeling, after modeling, and after suture were recorded. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture were calculated and compared between groups.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference between groups ( P>0.05) in the displacement values before modeling, after modeling, and after suture under different tensions. There was no significant difference between groups A and C ( P>0.05) in the reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture under different tensions. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and reduction rate after suture in group B were lower than those in groups A and C. The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement under tension of 2 N and the reduction rates under tensions of 2, 4, and 6 N between groups A and B showed significant differences ( P<0.05). The reduction value of lateral meniscus displacement and the reduction rate under tensions of 2, 4, and 6 N between groups B and C showed significant differences ( P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Suturing the anterior area of PH is the key to repairing type Ⅱc injury of lateral meniscus popliteal tendon area.

Тема - темы
Animals , Humans , Knee , Knee Joint , Menisci, Tibial/surgery , Swine , Tendons , Tibia
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981698


OBJECTIVE@#To explore correlation between imaging classification of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and axis angle of tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis of 739 middle-aged and elderly patients with KOA (1 026 knee joints) who underwent vertical X-ray examination of both lower limbs and lateral knee joints from September 2018 to December 2020. Among them, 63 patients with K-L 0 grade (95 knee joints), 100 patients with K-L 1 grade (130 knee joints), 161 patients with K-L 2 grade (226 knee joints), 187 patients with K-L 3 grade (256 knee joints), and 228 patients of K-L 4 grade (319 knee joints). According to relative position of knee joint center and line between hip joint center and ankle joint center, the affected knee was divided into varus group(844 knees joints) and valgus group (182 knees joints). According to Install-Salvati method, the affected knee was divided into three groups, such as high patella (patella height>1.2 mm, 347 knees joints), median patella (patella height ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, 561 knees joints), and low patella (patella height<0.8 mm, 118 knees joints). Lower femur angle, upper tibia angle, femoral neck shaft angle, femoral tibial angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, patella-femoral angle and patella height among different groups were observed and compared.@*RESULTS@#(1) In varus KOA group, there were statistical differnces in hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades (P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle and K-L grade were significantly positively correlated at 0.01(P<0.05);femoral neck shaft angle and K-L grade showed negative correlation at 0.01(P<0.05). (2) In valgus KOA group, hip-knee-ankle angle, there were statistical differences in tibiofemoral angle, inferior femoral angle, superior tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades(P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, and femoral neck shaft angle showed negative correlation with K-L grades at level of 0.01 (P<0.05);joint gap angle and K-L grades showed significantly positive correlation at level of 0.01(P<0.05). (3) In high patella group, there were statistically differences in patellar height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades(P<0.05);there were no statistical difference in patella height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades in median patella group. There was no significant difference in patella heightin low patella group with different K-L grades(P>0.05), and there was statistical difference in patellofemoral angle(P<0.05). Patellar height and patella-femoral angle of high patella group were significantly positively correlated with K-L grades at the level of 0.01 (P<0.05);patella height and patella-femoral angle were not correlated with K-L grades in median patella group(P>0.05). There was no correlation between height of patella and K-L grade in low patella group (P>0.05). There was significant negative correlation between patella-femoral angle and K-L grade at level of 0.05 (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Inferior femoral angle, tibiofemoral angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, femoral neck shaft angle and high patella are related to K-L classification of varus KOA, which could be used for early diagnosis and provide objective data for efficacy analysis of conservative treatment.

Тема - темы
Aged , Middle Aged , Humans , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Knee Joint , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Tibia
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981702


OBJECTIVE@#To explore application value and efficacy of personalized osteotomy in primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA) for severe varus knee osteoarthritis.@*METHODS@#From June 2018 to January 2020, 36 patients (49 knees) with severe varus knee osteoarthritis were treated, including 15 males (21 knees) and 21 females (28 knees), aged from 59 to 82 years old with an average of (67.6 ± 6.5) years old;the course of disease ranged from 9.5 to 20.5 years with an average of (15.0 ± 5.0) years;11 patients (15 knees) with Kellgren-Lawrence grade Ⅲ and 25 patients (34 knees) with grade Ⅳ according to Kellgren-Lawrence grading. According to AORI clsssification of tibial bone defects, 8 patients (15 knees) were typeⅠTa and 16 patients (18 knees) were typeⅡ T2a. All patients' femor-tibial angle (FTA) was above 15°, and received primary TKA with personalized osteotomy. Thirty-three patients (45 knees) were treated with posterior-stabilized (PS) prostheses, 13 patients (15 knees) with PS prostheses combined with a metal pad and extension rod on the tibial side, and 3 patients (4 knees) with legacy constrained condylar knee (LCCK) prostheses. FTA, posterior condylar angle (PCA), medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA) and lateral distal femoral angle (LDFA) before and after operation at 1 month were measured and compared by using picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). Recovery of lower limbs before and after operation at 12 months was evaluated by American Knee Society Score(KSS), and complications were observed and recorded.@*RESULTS@#All 36 patients (49 knees) were followed up from 15 to 40 months with an average of (23.46±7.65) months. FTA, MPTA were corrected from preoperative (18.65±4.28)° and (83.75±3.65)° to postoperative (2.35±1.46)° and (88.85±2.25)° at 1 month, respectively (P<0.001). PCA was decreased from (2.42±2.16)° before operation to (1.65±1.35)° at 1 month after operation, LDFA improved from (89.56 ± 3.55)° before operation to (91.63±3.38)° at 1 month after operation (P<0.05). KSS increased from (67.58±24.16) before opertion to(171.31±15.24) at 12 months after operation, 14 patients (19 knees) got excellent result, 19 (26 knees) good, and 3 (4 knees) fair.@*CONCLUSION@#Personalized osteotomy is helpful for recovery of axial alignment of lower limbs and correct placement of prosthesis, could effectively relieve pain of knee joint, recover knee joint function.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Knee Joint/surgery , Osteotomy , Tibia/surgery
Journal of Biomedical Engineering ; (6): 1192-1199, 2023.
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008950


The clinical performance and failure issues are significantly influenced by prosthetic malposition in unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA). Uncertainty exists about the impact of the prosthetic joint line height in UKA on tibial insert wear. In this study, we combined the UKA musculoskeletal multibody dynamics model, finite element model and wear model to investigate the effects of seven joint line height cases of fixed UKA implant on postoperative insert contact mechanics, cumulative sliding distance, linear wear depth and volumetric wear. As the elevation of the joint line height in UKA, the medial contact force and the joint anterior-posterior translation during swing phase were increased, and further the maximum von Mises stress, contact stress, linear wear depth, cumulative sliding distance, and the volumetric wear also were increased. Furthermore, the wear area of the insert gradually shifted from the middle region to the rear. Compared to 0 mm joint line height, the maximum linear wear depth and volumetric wear were decreased by 7.9% and 6.8% at -2 mm joint line height, and by 23.7% and 20.6% at -6 mm joint line height, the maximum linear wear depth and volumetric wear increased by 10.7% and 5.9% at +2 mm joint line height, and by 24.1% and 35.7% at +6 mm joint line height, respectively. UKA prosthetic joint line installation errors can significantly affect the wear life of the polyethylene inserted articular surfaces. Therefore, it is conservatively recommended that clinicians limit intraoperative UKA joint line height errors to -2-+2 mm.

Тема - темы
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Knee Joint , Knee Prosthesis , Mechanical Phenomena , Polyethylene , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Tibia/surgery , Biomechanical Phenomena
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009040


OBJECTIVE@#To review the studies about the tibial-graft fixation methods on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, in order to provide clinical reference.@*METHODS@#The literature about the tibial-graft fixation methods on ACL reconstruction at home and abroad was extensively reviewed, and the factors that affect the selection of fixation methods were summarized.@*RESULTS@#The knee flexion angle, graft tension, and graft fixation device are mainly considered when the tibial-graft was fixed on ACL reconstruction. At present, the graft is mainly fixed at 0°/30° of knee flexion. The study shows that the knee joint is more stable after fixed at 30°, while the incidence of knee extension limitation decrease after fixed at 0°. In terms of graft tension, a good effectiveness can be obtained when the tension level is close to 90 N or the knee flexion is 30° to recover the affected knee over-restrained 2 mm relative to the healthy knee. In terms of the graft device, the interference screw is still the most commonly used method of tibial-graft fixation, with the development of all-inside ACL reconstruction in recent years, the cortical button fixation may become the mainstream.@*CONCLUSION@#Arthroscopic reconstruction is the main treatment of ACL rupture at present. However, there is no optimal fixation method for the tibial-graft, the advantages and disadvantages of each fixation methods need to be further studied.

Тема - темы
Humans , Tibia/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Knee Joint/surgery , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/surgery , Bone Screws
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009068


OBJECTIVE@#To discuss the influence of artificial ankle elastic improved inserts (hereinafter referred to as "improved inserts") in reducing prosthesis micromotion and improving joint surface contact mechanics by finite element analysis.@*METHODS@#Based on the original insert of INBONE Ⅱ implant system (model A), four kinds of improved inserts were constructed by adding arc or platform type flexible layer with thickness of 1.3 or 2.6 mm, respectively. They were Flying goose type_1.3 elastic improved insert (model B), Flying goose type_2.6 elastic improved insert (model C), Platform type_1.3 elastic improved insert (model D), Platform type_2.6 elastic improved insert (model E). Then, the CT data of right ankle at neutral position of a healthy adult male volunteer was collected, and finite element models of total ankle replacement (TAR) was constructed based on model A-E prostheses by software of Mimics 19.0, Geomagic wrap 2017, Creo 6.0, Hypermesh 14.0, and Abaqus 6.14. Finally, the differences of bone-metal prosthesis interface micromotion and articular surface contact behavior between different models were investigated under ISO gait load.@*RESULTS@#The tibia/talus-metal prosthesis interfaces micromotion of the five TAR models gradually increased during the support phase, then gradually fell back after entering the swing phase. The improved models (models B-E) showed lower bone-metal prosthesis interface micromotion when compared with the original model (model A), but there was no significant difference among models A-E ( P>0.05). The maximum micromotion of tibia appeared at the dome of the tibial bone groove, and the ​​micromotion area was the largest in model A and the smallest in model E. The maximum micromotion of talus appeared at the posterior surface of the central bone groove, and there was no difference in the micromotion area among models A-E. The contact area of the articular surface of the insert/talus prosthesis in each group increased in the support phase and decreased in the swing phase during the gait cycle. Compared with model A, the articular surface contact area of models B-E increased, but there was no significant difference among models A-E ( P>0.05). The change trend of the maximum stress on the articular surface of the inserts/talus prosthesis was similar to that of the contact area. Only the maximum contact stress of the insert joint surface of models D and E was lower than that of model A, while the maximum contact stress of the talar prosthesis joint surface of models B-E was lower than that of model A, but there was no significant difference among models A-E ( P>0.05). The high stress area of the lateral articular surface of the improved inserts significantly reduced, and the articular surface stress distribution of the talus prosthesis was more uniform.@*CONCLUSION@#Adding a flexible layer in the insert can improve the elasticity of the overall component, which is beneficial to absorb the impact force of the artificial ankle joint, thereby reducing interface micromotion and improving contact behavior. The mechanical properties of the inserts designed with the platform type and thicker flexible layer are better.

Тема - темы
Adult , Male , Humans , Ankle , Ankle Joint/surgery , Finite Element Analysis , Tibia/surgery , Talus , Stress, Mechanical , Biomechanical Phenomena
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