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Статья в испанский | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1531279


Objetivo: Presentar una serie de casos de fracturas vertebrales en pasajeros de autobús asociadas al pasaje por reductores de velocidad. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de una serie de casos de lesiones vertebrales torácicas y lumbosacras sufridas por pasajeros a causa del impacto del vehículo con reductores de velocidad. Se incluyó a pacientes tratados en dos instituciones, entre el 1 de enero de 2012 y el 1 de enero de 2023. Resultados: Se registraron 23 pacientes con lesiones vertebrales de la columna toraco-lumbosacra, 14 mujeres (60,9%) y 9 hombres (39,1%), promedio de la edad 43 años (DE ± 12; rango 25-62). Casi todos eran pasajeros (n = 22; 95,7%) que viajaban sentados en la última fila del autobús (n = 20; 86,5%). Un solo caso correspondía a un conductor del vehículo. Se documentaron 29 lesiones vertebrales, 28 fracturas toracolumbares (de T10 a L2; 96,6%) y una fractura de coxis (3,4%). La vértebra más comprometida fue L1 (n = 16; 55%). Las fracturas más graves (A3/A4) se asociaron con tratamiento quirúrgico (p = 0,007) y una mayor mediana de días de internación (p = 0,005). Conclusiones: Las lesiones vertebrales asociadas al impacto vehicular con reductores de velocidad son fracturas causadas por un mecanismo de compresión axial, más frecuentes en pasajeros ubicados en la última fila de asientos del autobús. Comprometen predominantemente la charnela toracolumbar y la vértebra fracturada con más frecuencia es L1 y exclusivamente uno de los platillos vertebrales. Nivel de Evidencia: IV

Objective: To present a case series of spinal fractures in bus passengers caused by passing over speed bumps. materials and methods: A descriptive and retrospective study of a case series of thoracic and lumbosacral spinal injuries suffered by passengers as a result of vehicle impacts with speed bumps was conducted. Patients treated at two institutions from January 1, 2012 to January 1, 2023 were included. Results: 23 patients with vertebral injuries of the thoracolumbosacral spine were recorded: 14 women (60.9%) and 9 men (39.1%), average age 43 years (SD±12; range=25-62). Almost all of the patients were passengers (n=22, 95.7%) sitting in the last row of seats on the bus (n=20, 86.5%). A single case was documented involving the vehicle's driver. 29 spinal injuries were recorded, 28 thoracolumbar fractures (from T10 to L2; 96.6%) and 1 coccyx fracture (3.4%). The most frequently involved vertebra was L1 (n=16; 55%). The most severe fractures (A3/A4) were associated with surgical treatment (p=0.007) and a longer median hospital stay (p=0.005). Conclusions: Spinal injuries during vehicular impact with speed bumps are caused by an axial compression mechanism, with greater involvement of passengers who are located in the last row of seats. They primarily affect the thoracolumbar joint, with the L1 vertebra and exclusively one of the vertebral endplates being fractured most frequently. Level of Evidence: IV

Тема - темы
Adult , Middle Aged , Spinal Injuries , Thoracic Vertebrae , Spinal Fractures , Motor Vehicles , Deceleration , Fractures, Compression , Traffic , Lumbar Vertebrae
Статья в английский | AIM | ID: biblio-1413411


Background: Road Traffic Accident is an incident on a way or street open to public traffic. It becomes one of the most significant public health problems in the world especially in developing countries. In Ethiopia, it represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality. It is also the major public health problem even though studies done on this topic in the study area is limited. Objective: To assess clinical pattern, associated factors and management outcomes among road traffic accident Victims attending emergency department of Jimma University Medical Center. Methods: Hospital based cross sectional study design was employed to review patients' chart visited the hospital from March to April 2021. A systematic random sampling technique was applied. The data were collected using pretested checklist and analyzed using SPSS version 26. Descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression were computed. Variables with P<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: About 49.6%) were pedestrians injured of which motorcycle accounted 42.9%. More than half of victims never got any type of prehospital care. On arrival, 38.7% were classified as Red of which 71.4% of them were managed surgically. About 84.9% of victims were discharged with improvement whereas12.6% were died. Victims with head injury (AOR= 16.61: 95% CI; 3.85, 71.71), time elapsed to reach nearby health facility (AOR= 3.30; 95 CI (1.13, 9.60), condition of patient at Emergency Department (AOR= 7.78; 95% CI: 2.33, 26.06), GCS at admission (AOR= 20.12; 95% CI: 7.23, 55.96) and days spent in hospital (AOR= 6.85; 95% CI 5.81, 8.06) were independent predictors of unfavorable outcome. Conclusion: Road Traffic Accident represents a significant risk for morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia, of which head injury and multiple sites injury increase injury severity. Targeted approaches to improving care of the injured victims may improve outcomes. Thus, the clinician should take into consideration the clinical presentation and give due attention to the identified contributing factors in its management.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Wounds and Injuries , Accidents, Traffic , Traffic , Risk Factors for Traffic Accidents , Motor Vehicles
Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(1): 13623, 19.12.2022.
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436507


Objetivou-se realizar uma adaptação da Positive Driver Behaviours Scale (PDBS) para o Brasil e verificar se seria possível propor uma medida reduzida. O instrumento originalmente composto por 38 itens foi apli-cado a 204 motoristas do Brasil, sendo a maioria homens (65,7%), com média de 35,6 anos. O resultado mostrou a possibilidade de uma estrutura unifatorial, composta por um total de 19 itens e alfa de Cronba-ch = 0,90, explicando 37,9% da variância total. Destaca-se a relevância dessa medida, pois ela fornece um subsídio capaz de medir comportamento no trânsito. Além disso, oferece suporte para os profissionais e psicólogos do trânsito, de modo a instrumentalizar as práticas. Permite ainda uma compreensão do fenô-meno dos transportes, o que pode facilitar o desenvolvimento de medidas eficazes no combate aos acidentes

The objective of this study was to carry out an adaptation of the Positive Driver Behaviors Scale (PDBS) for Brazil and verify if it would be possible to propose a brief version of the scale. The instrument originally composed of 38 items was applied to 204 motorists in Brazil, the majority being men (65.7%), with a mean age of 35.6 years. The result showed the possibility of a one-factor structure, consisting of a total of 19 items and Cronbach's alpha = .90, explaining 37.9% of the total variance. The relevance of this measure is highlighted because it is a tool capable of evaluating non-traffic behavior. Besides, it provides support to traffic professionals and psychologists, in order to instrumentalize their practices. It also allows further understanding of the phenomenon of transport, which can facilitate the development of effective measures to combat accidents.

Objetivó realizar una adaptación de la Positive Driver Behaviours Scale (PDBS) para Brasil y verificar la posi-bilidad de proponer una medida reducida. El instrumento originalmente compuesto por 38 ítems fue apli-cado a 204 conductores del Brasil, la mayoría siendo hombres (65,7%), con un promedio de edad de 35,6 años. El resultado mostró la posibilidad de una estructura unifactorial, compuesta por un total de 19 ítems y alfa de Cronbach = 0,90, explicando los 37,9% de la variancia total. Se destaca la relevancia de esta me-dida, porque ofrece un subsidio capaz de medir comportamiento en el tránsito. Además, ofrece soporte para los profesionales y psicólogos del tránsito, instrumentalizando prácticas. También permite una com-prensión del fenómeno de los transportes, lo que puede facilitar el desarrollo de medidas eficaces para combatir los accidentes.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Transportation , Behavior , Persons , Brazil , Traffic
S. Afr. j. clin. nutr. (Online) ; 35(3): 108-114, 2022. tables, figures
Статья в английский | AIM | ID: biblio-1398069


Objective: This study aimed to assess the objective understanding of five front-of-pack label formats, namely the Reference Intake, Multiple Traffic Light label, Nutri-Score, health endorsement logo and warning label, among consumers in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. Design: This was a cross-sectional, exploratory study. Setting: Interviewer-administered surveys were conducted at 12 randomly selected food retail outlets in an urban setting.Subjects: A total of 359 adult participants were included in this study. Outcome measures: Objective understanding was measured by asking participants to rank food products according to their nutritional quality, using the displayed front-of-pack label. Results: The type of front-of-pack label significantly influenced ranking ability (p < 0.00001). All the evaluative front-of-pack labels significantly improved the participants' ability to identify healthier food products compared with the no-label control. The reductive Reference Intake, however, showed no significant impact on consumer understanding. Conclusion: Evaluative front-of-pack labels significantly improved the participants' ability to identify healthier food products, when compared with the Reference Intake and no-label control. Future research should test the objective understanding of culturally diverse groups in South Africa, particularly among rural populations.

Тема - темы
Humans , Organizational Objectives , Traffic , Disaster Warning , Comprehension , Recommended Dietary Allowances
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 42: e236404, 2022. tab, graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1406402


O sono e o estresse podem influenciar a qualidade de vida de profissionais que atuam em contextos laborais, que oferecem riscos de violências, tais como o trânsito. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade do sono, o estresse e a qualidade de vida de motoristas profissionais das cidades brasileiras de Petrolina (PE) e Juazeiro (BA). Os participantes (317, 99,1% do sexo masculino), cuja idade variou entre 21 e 65 anos, responderam a Escala de Sonolência Epworth, o Índice de Pittsburgh, o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos, o WHOQOL-BREF e um questionário estruturado. Os resultados indicaram que a maioria dos motoristas tem boa qualidade de vida e que a sonolência diurna excessiva e a qualidade ruim de sono ocorreram em taxas menores que aquelas observadas em estudos internacionais. Já o estresse apresentou prevalência similar à de outros estudos na área. Ademais, melhor qualidade de vida e boa qualidade do sono se associaram, enquanto o sono ruim se associou à presença de estresse na fase de resistência. Os resultados apontam, ainda, para o impacto que as variáveis aqui investigadas têm sobre a atividade laboral desses motoristas e para a necessidade de ações de intervenção em seu contexto de trabalho, tendo em vista que esses profissionais lidam cotidianamente com o transporte de pessoas, em meio à realidade tão violenta do trânsito brasileiro.(AU)

Sleep and stress can influence people's quality of life of professionals working in labour contexts, which, in turn, involve risk of violence, such as traffic. This study aimed to evaluate quality of sleep, stress and quality of life of professional drivers of the Brazilian municipalities of Petrolina (state of Pernambuco) and Juazeiro (state of Bahia). The participants (317, and 99.1% male), aged between 21 and 65 years, answered the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the Pittsburgh Index, the Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults, the WHOQOL-BREF, and a structured questionnaire. The results indicate that most drivers have a good quality of life, and that excessive daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality were present at lower rates than those observed in international studies, whereas stress had a prevalence similar to other studies in the field. Furthermore, better quality of life and good quality of sleep were associated, whereas poor sleep was associated with the presence of stress in the resistance phase. Results also point to the impact that the variables investigated here have on the work activity of these drivers and the need for intervention actions in their work context, considering that these professionals transport people every day amid the violent reality of Brazilian traffic.(AU)

La calidad del sueño y el estrés pueden influir en la calidad de vida de los profesionales que trabajan en contextos de riesgo y violencia, como el tránsito. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad del sueño, la calidad de vida y el estrés en conductores profesionales de las ciudades brasileñas de Petrolina (en el estado de Pernambuco) y Juazeiro (en el estado de Bahía). Los participantes (317, el 99,1% del sexo masculino), con edades comprendidas entre 21 y 65 años, respondieron la Escala de Somnolencia de Epworth, el Índice de Pittsburgh, el Inventario de Síntomas de Estrés para Adultos, el WHOQOL-BREF y un cuestionario estructurado. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de los conductores tienen una buena calidad de vida y que la somnolencia diurna excesiva y la mala calidad del sueño se presentaron a tasas más bajas que las observadas en estudios internacionales. Por otro lado, el estrés tuvo una prevalencia similar a la de otros estudios en el campo. Además, se asociaron una mejor calidad de vida y una buena calidad del sueño, mientras que el mal sueño se asoció con la presencia de estrés en la fase de resistencia. Los resultados apuntan al impacto que las variables investigadas tienen sobre la actividad laboral de estos conductores y a la necesidad de acciones de intervención en su contexto laboral, considerando que estos profesionales transportan a personas todos los días en medio de la realidad violenta del tránsito brasileño.(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Automobile Driving , Mental Health , Traffic , Traffic Safety , Sleep Quality , Psychology , Quality of Life , Automobiles , Occupational Stress , Disorders of Excessive Somnolence
Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 29(2): 90-103, dic. 2021. tab.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1402018


En el sector aéreo los trabajadores laboran en ambientes atípicos, debido a que están expuestos continuamente a diversos riesgos. En aviación, la mayoría de los sistemas de gestión están enfocados en controlar riesgos operativos, es decir, factores que podrían perjudicar el correcto desempeño de las aeronaves. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en determinar la asociación entre riesgos laborales y daños a la salud, a los que se expone el personal de Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano. Para ello, se utilizaron la Encuesta Individual para la Evaluación de la Salud de los Trabajadores, la Prueba de Síntomas Subjetivos de Fatiga y, la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés. Participaron 199 trabajadores y se realizó un análisis multivariable de los resultados, considerando una significancia estadística de p≤0.05 y un intervalo de confianza al 95%. Se encontró que el personal femenino tiene una mayor prevalencia de fatiga (2.31), trastornos del sueño (1.80) y lumbalgia (1.58). El personal de control de tránsito aéreo tiene mayor prevalencia de estrés (2.71) y ansiedad (1.75). Aquellos expuestos a cambios bruscos de temperatura, presentan mayor ansiedad (99%) y estrés (90%). Para mejorar las condiciones laborales en el sector aeronáutico mexicano, se requiere de una adecuada comprensión de la relación que guardan los riesgos con el perfil de daño de los trabajadores. Esta acción permitirá tomar acciones preventivas y correctivas, asertivas y eficientes(AU)

In the aerospace industry people work in atypical environments, because workers are continuously exposed to various risks. In aviation, management systems are focused mainly on controlling operational risks, i.e., factors that could harm the correct performance of an aircraft. The objective of this study was to determine the association between occupational risk factors and adverse health effects among staff belonging to the Mexican Air Space Navigation Services [Servicios a la Navegación en el Espacio Aéreo Mexicano]. We administered the Individual Survey for the Evaluation of Workers' Health, the Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test, and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. A total of 199 workers participated and a multivariate analysis of the results was performed, considering 95% confidence intervals and a statistical significance level of p≤0.05. We found that female staff hada higher prevalence of fatigue (2.31), sleep disorders (1.80) and low back pain (1.58). Air traffic control personnel have a higher prevalence of stress (2.71) and anxiety (1.75). Those exposed to sudden changes in temperature reported more anxiety (99%) and stress (90%). To improve working conditions in the Mexican aeronautical sector, an adequate understanding of the relationship between risks and the injury profile of the workers is required. This action will facilitate the implementation of preventive and corrective, assertive and efficient measures(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Aviation , Occupational Risks , Traffic , Sleep Wake Disorders , Low Back Pain , Depression , Fatigue , Mexico , Occupational Groups
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 2(4): 427-433, out.dez.2018. ilus
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380996


O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar a relação entre poluição atmosférica e a saúde das crianças. Foi realizada pesquisa na base de dados do MEDLINE, nos últimos 10 anos, empregando os seguintes termos: "air pollution", ou "household air pollution" ou "primary traffic pollutants" ou "environmental burden" AND "child health" ou "lung function" ou "acute respiratory infections" ou "pregnancy". Os artigos identificados foram selecionados após leitura dos títulos, e os considerados de importância foram lidos na íntegra e incluídos nessa revisão. Além desses, referências por eles citadas e dados de agências oficiais, considerados de relevância, também foram incluídos. Estudos documentam associação positiva entre exposição de crianças à poluição do ar e maior morbimortalidade de afecções respiratórias, incluindo a asma. Quanto mais precoce for essa exposição, maiores serão os seus efeitos.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and children's health. A search was performed in the MEDLINE database for the past 10 years using the following terms: "air pollution" or "household air pollution" or "primary traffic pollutants" AND "child health" or "lung function" or "acute respiratory infections" or "pregnancy". For selection of articles, titles were read and analyzed, and articles considered of importance were read in full and then included in this review. In addition, cited references and relevant data from official agencies were included. The selected studies report a positive association between exposure of children to air pollution and increased morbidity and mortality due to respiratory diseases, including asthma. The earlier the exposure, the greater its effects.

Тема - темы
Humans , Child , Respiratory Tract Infections , Asthma , Air Pollution , Child Health , Morbidity , Mortality , MEDLINE , Environmental Pollutants , Traffic , Lung
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 44(3)jul.-set. 2018.
Статья в испанский | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508493


Introducción: La fuente principal de ruido en la ciudad de La Habana es el tráfico terrestre. No obstante, las quejas mayormente se relacionaron con fuentes de ruido mecánico y audio musical. El pasado año algunas quejas acerca de la exposición a los así llamados ataques sónicos fueron presentadas por diplomáticos de Estados Unidos. Objetivo: Fundamentar la improbabilidad de que los sonidos urbanos inusuales aquí referidos constituyeran ataques sónicos. Métodos: Se analizaron grabaciones facilitadas del sonido objetivo y también se evaluó el ruido cosmopolita a través de mediciones del nivel sonoro. Resultados: Considerando el ambiente sonoro nocturno en la vecindad suburbana y las muestras grabadas de sonido objetivo, se observó que el ruido de fondo en la noche está relacionado en cierta medida con la presencia o ausencia de grillos (grillus assimilis) en los espacios verdes de la vecindad residencial, al oeste de La Habana. El sonido objetivo se describió en función de su estructura de frecuencia por dos morfologías principales, una de ellas refleja un ruido de banda ancha con un tono de alta frecuencia superpuesto. La otra no contiene tono de alta frecuencia. Varios eventos de sonidos objetivos grabados mostraron cierta similitud con los sonidos de fondo con grillos añadidos. Conclusiones: La intensidad del sonido y sus estructuras de frecuencia no sostienen la hipótesis de un daño inducido de salud. Algunas veces el nivel de sonido objetivo es cercano al nivel de fondo ambiental. El sonido direccional no parece capaz de penetrar el ambiente construido(AU)

Introduction: The main source of noise in the city of Havana is land traffic. However, complaints have mostly dealt with sources of mechanical noise and musical audio. Last year there were some complaints about exposure to so-called sonic attacks by US diplomats. Objective: Ground the improbability that the unusual urban sounds referred here constituted sonic attacks. Methods: Some recordings of the target sound supplied were analyzed and also, background noise was characterized through sound level measurements. It was watched that, background noise at night is connected eventually to presence or absence of crickets (Grillus assimilis) in green settings of a residential neighborhood, Western of Havana. Results: Target sound is described on behalf its frequency structure, by two main shapes, one of them reflects a broadband noise with a high pitch overlapped. The other one has no high frequency pitch. Several target sounds events recorded show certain likeness to the background with cricket sounds. Conclusions: The intensity of exposure does not support the hypothesis of induced health damage. Sometimes the target sound level is close to the background level. Directional sound at the reported levels does not seem able to penetrate the built environment(AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Sound Spectrography/methods , Noise Effects , Traffic
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 15(4): 25-30, Out.-Dez. 2015. graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-792398


As lesões e mortes no trânsito configuram-se como um grande problema de Saúde Pública, determinando números elevados de pacientes politraumatizados. Muitos deles apresentam injúrias severas na face, tais como as fraturas panfaciais, em que se faz necessário um procedimento cirúrgico bucomaxilofacial. Em muitos desses casos, exista a impossibilidade de manutenção da via aérea oral ou nasal. A intubação submento-orotraqueal (ISMOT) torna-se um procedimento seguro e efetivo para o manejo das vias aéreas. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar um estudo epidemiológico, retrospectivo dos prontuários dos pacientes atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Bucomaxilofacial do Hospital de Base de Bauru no período de janeiro de 2011 a janeiro de 2013. A prevalência da ISMOT foi de 2,36%. O gênero masculino foi o mais acometido, com 72%, e a faixa etária da terceira década de vida (42,85%). Em pacientes submetidos à ISMOT, a etiologia mais presente foram acidentes de trânsito (78,56%), sendo as fraturas de mandíbula associadas a fraturas nasais aquelas mais prevalentes (35,71%). Não foi verificada nenhuma complicação. A ISMOT é um procedimento cirúrgico importante para pacientes com fraturas severas da face, em que a intubação orotraqueal e anasotraqueal estão contraindicadas, apresentando baixa morbidez e um índice de complicações mínimo... (AU)

Injuries and traffic deaths are characterized as a major public health problem determing a large number of polytrauma patients. Many of them have severe injuries on the face, such as panfactials fractures where it is necessary an oral and maxillofacial surgical procedure. In many of these cases there is the impossibility of maintaining the oral or nasal airway. The submental intubation(ISMOT), intubation becomes a safe and effective procedure for airway management. This paper aims to performing an epidemiological retrospective of patients treated at the Surgery and Traumatology Maxillofacial the Base Hospital of Bauru from January 2011 to January 2013. The prevalence of ISMOT was 2.36 %. Male gender was the most affected, with 72 %, and the age of the third decade of life (42.85 %). In patients undergoing ISMOT, the etiology was more present traffic accidents (78.56 %), and fractures of the jaw associated with nasal fractures those most prevalent (35.71 %). There was no any complication. The ISMOT is a major surgical procedure for patients with severe fractures of the face, where oro tracheal intubation and nasotracheal intubation are contraindicated, with low morbidity and complication rate minimum... (AU)

Тема - темы
Health Profile , Accidents, Traffic/statistics & numerical data , Intubation, Intratracheal , Jaw/injuries , Jaw Fractures , Multiple Trauma , Medical Records , Public Health , Dataset , Traffic
Journal of Surgery ; : 97-102, 2007.
Статья в вьетнамский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-309


Background: Situation of extremity injury caused by traffic accidents and occupational accidents are increasing in Vietnam. Therefore, the prevention and fight against these accidents are one of the key objectives to reduce the burden on the families of victims as well as for society. Objectives: To outline situation of extremity injury patients caused by traffic accident, treated in Viet Duc hospital from 2000-2004. Subjects and method: A retrospective study was conducted on 19.845 patients (14.562 males, 5.283 females, aged from 1-97 years old). The subjects were divided into 3 main groups: alone upper extremity injury, alone lower extremity injury and multiple fractures. Results: Extremity injury was common seen in people of working age (78.1%), men more than women (2.76/1 ratio), left foot more than right foot and it was common been in multiple fracture situation due to complex mechanisms of injury (50.3%), alone extremity injury (49.7%). The lower extremity injury was more common seen than upper extremity injury. Open fracture injury (27.3%), in which open fractures in lower extremity were more common seen. Open fractures in both 2 leg bones was the most common seen, accounted for 57.4% among total of open fractures. Amputation accounted for 8.3% among all case of open fractures and 2.3% among all case of extremity injuries. Conclusion: Extremity injury (lower extremity and upper extremity) caused by traffic accidents is common seen. The average, there are 3 emergency surgeries due to open fracture injury were performed daily in Viet Duc hospital per a total of about 11 traumatic emergency surgeries.

Тема - темы
Fractures, Bone , Bone and Bones , Arm Injuries , Leg Injuries , Accidents , Traffic
Статья в вьетнамский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-336


Background: In Vietnam,every day on average at least 16 children died and more than 82 children were seriously injured by traffic accidents. Objectives: The study on epidemiological characteristics of traffic injuries in children.Subjects and method:A retrospective study of 539 children hospitalizedas a results of traffic injuries in National Hospital of Pediatrics, from january 2002 to december 2005. Results: Traffic injury hospitalization incidence rate is 0,42% (539/ 127706). Male/female was 1,46/1. Peak incidence occurs at ages 5 to 9 years. Rural children/ city children was 2,06/1. Crashes happened in october with highest frequency 12,8%, and weekend (34,8%). Motor vehicle crashes was 426 (79%). Motorcycle caused 70,4% crashes, and automobile 9,2%. 59% victims are child pedestrians.Conclusion: The traffic injury occurs commonly in children, especially in group 5-9 age. Motorcycle was the most principal vehicles occupant injuries.

Тема - темы
Child , Accidents , Traffic , Wounds and Injuries
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