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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 134-140, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515471


Introducción: La parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción es la segunda causa de estridor congénito y genera una grave obstrucción de la vía aérea, debutando con estridor. La traqueotomía ha sido durante mucho tiempo el gold estándar para el tratamiento de esta afección, no exenta de complicaciones. Existen procedimientos que intentan evitar la traqueotomía, como el split cricoideo anterior posterior endoscópico (SCAPE). Objetivo: Presentar experiencia con SCAPE en pacientes pediátricos como tratamiento alternativo de parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción. Material y Método: Análisis retrospectivo de los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos en pacientes con parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción tratados con SCAPE entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2019 en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente de Concepción, Chile. Resultados: Siete pacientes se sometieron a SCAPE. Todos los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia respiratoria severa, cinco requirieron asistencia ventilatoria mecánica. Seis pacientes tenían el diagnóstico de parálisis cordal bilateral (PCB) congénita y uno PCB secundaria a tumor de tronco cerebral. Cuatro pacientes presentaron comorbilidad de la vía aérea: dos pacientes presentaron estenosis subglótica grado I y dos pacientes presentaron laringomalacia que requirió manejo quirúrgico. Los días promedio de intubación fueron once días. Ningún paciente requirió soporte ventilatorio postoperatorio, sólo un paciente recibió oxigenoterapia nocturna debido a hipoventilación secundaria a lesión de tronco. Ningún paciente ha presentado descompensación respiratoria grave. Un 40% ha recuperado movilidad cordal bilateral. Conclusión: Split cricoideo anteroposterior endoscópico es una alternativa eficaz para tratar el PCB en pacientes pediátricos. Nuestro estudio evidencia que es una alternativa a la traqueotomía, con excelentes resultados y menor morbimortalidad.

Introduction: Bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction is the second cause of congenital stridor and generates a serious obstruction of the airway. Tracheostomy has long been the gold standard for the treatment of this condition, but it has inherent complications. There are procedures that try to avoid tracheotomy, such as the endoscopic anterior posterior cricoid split (EAPCS). Aim: Present our experience with EAPCS in pediatric patients as a treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction. Material and Method: Retrospective analysis of the surgical results obtained in patients with bilateral vocal cord paralysis in adduction treated with EAPCS between January 2016 and December 2019 at Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepción, Chile. Results: Seven patients underwent EAPCS. All patients had severe respiratory failure, five required mechanical ventilation assistance. Six patients were diagnosed with congenital bilateral cord palsy (BCP) and one BCP secondary to a brainstem tumor. Four patients had airway comorbidity: two patients had grade I subglottic stenosis and two patients had laryngomalacia that required surgical management. The average days of intubation were eleven days. No patient required post op invasive/non-invasive ventilation, only one patient received nocturnal oxygen therapy due to hypoventilation secondary to trunk injury. None of the patients has presented severe respiratory decompensation. Forty percent have recovered bilateral chordal mobility. Conclusion: SCAPE is a cutting-edge and effective alternative to treat PCB in pediatric patients. Our study shows that it is an alternative to tracheotomy, with excellent results and lower morbidity and mortality.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , Stents , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies
Статья в Китайский | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971403


Objective: To investigate the long-term outcomes of patients with unilateral vocal fold paralysis resulting in dysphonia treated with lateral vocal fold autologous fat injection. To analyze the factors that may affect the long-term efficacy of the procedure. Methods: From July 2003 to June 2020, 163 patients (86 males and 77 females), aged 9-73 years (mean (34.50±12.94) years) with unilateral vocal fold paralysis resulting in dysphonia underwent transoral laryngoscopic injection of autologous fat into the lateral vocal folds. Subjective auditory perception assessment (GRBAS scale), objective acoustic assessment, voice handicap index (VHI) evaluation and stroboscopic laryngoscopy were compared before and after the surgery. Patients were followed up for 1 to 18 years, with median follow-up time of 6 years. SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: Of 163 patients, 17 patients (10.4%) had mild hoarseness (G1) and 146 patients (89.6%) had moderate to severe hoarseness (G2-3). Stroboscopic laryngoscopy revealed an arch-shaped vocal fold on the affected side, fixed in the paramedian position or abduction position, with obvious glottic closure fissure. Postoperatively, voice recovered to normal (G0) in 139 patients (85.3%), mild hoarseness (G1) in 18 patients (11.0%) and moderate hoarseness (G2) in 6 patients (3.7%). Of these, 131 patients (80.4%) showed significant improvement in hoarseness, 29 patients (17.8%) showed mild improvement and 3 patients (1.8%) showed no significant improvement in hoarseness. Objective acoustic parameters of Jitter, Shimmer, NHR and MPT improved significantly, as did VHI scores. Stroboscopic laryngoscopy showed medialization of the affected vocal folds, improved vocal fold closure and normal or nearly normal vocal fold mucosal waves. With a fat injection volume of 3.0-4.5 ml, the patient's subjective auditory perception scores of G, R, B and A improved more significantly within 3 months after surgery, and both VHI and MPT were significantly better since 1 year after surgery. With bilateral vocal fold injection, the B and A scores improved significantly from 1 month postoperatively compared to unilateral injections(unilateral vs. bilateral injection 1 month post-operation, tB scores=1.42,tA scores=1.51,P<0.05). Conclusions: The long-term efficacy of autologous fat injection in the paraglottic space for the treatment of unilateral vocal fold paralysis was stable. The efficacy of the surgery was related to the amount of fat injected, unilateral or bilateral of the injection.

Тема - темы
Male , Female , Humans , Vocal Cords/surgery , Dysphonia/surgery , Hoarseness , Treatment Outcome , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 70(5): 556-560, Sept.-Oct. 2020. graf
Статья в английский, португальский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143960


Abstract Background: The role of type I thyroplasty (TIP) is well established as the treatment for glottal insufficiency due to vocal fold paralysis, but the ideal anesthetic management for this procedure is still largely debated. We present the case of a novel anesthetic approach for TIP using combined intermediate and superficial Cervical Plexus Block (CPB) and intermittent mild sedation analgesia. Case report: A 51-year-old presenting with left vocal fold paralysis and obstructive sleep apnea was scheduled for TIP. An ultrasound-guided intermediate CPB was performed using the posterior approach, and 15 mL of ropivacaine 0.5% were injected in the posterior cervical space between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the prevertebral fascia. Then, for the superficial CPB, a total of 10 mL 0.5% ropivacaine was injected subcutaneously, adjacently to the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, without penetrating the investing fascia An intermittent sedation analgesia with a target-controlled infusion of remifentanyl (target 0.5 ng.mL-1) was used to facilitate prosthesis insertion and the fiberoptic laryngoscopy. This technique offered a safe anesthetic airway and good operating conditions for the surgeon, as well as feasible voice monitoring and optimal patient comfort. Conclusion: The use of a regional technique is a promising method for the anesthetic management in TIP, especially in patients with compromised airway.

Resumo Introdução: O papel da tireoplastia tipo I (TPI) está bem estabelecido no tratamento de insuficiência glótica após a paralisia das pregas vocais, mas o manejo anestésico ideal para a TPI ainda é controverso. Descrevemos uma nova técnica anestésica para a TPI usando o Bloqueio do Plexo Cervical (BPC) superficial e o BPC intermediário associados, em presença de analgo-sedação leve e intermitente. Relato de caso: Paciente de 51 anos de idade com paralisia da prega vocal esquerda e apneia obstrutiva do sono foi agendada para TPI. BPC intermediário guiado por ultrassom foi realizado usando acesso posterior, e 15 mL de ropivacaína a 0,5% foram injetados no espaço cervical posterior entre o músculo esternocleidomastoideo e a fáscia prevertebral. A seguir, para o BPC superficial, 10 mL de ropivacaína a 0,5% foram injetados na região subcutânea adjacente à borda posterior do músculo esternocleidomastoideo, sem transfixar a fáscia de revestimento. Analgo-sedação intermitente com infusão alvo-controlada de remifentanil (alvo de 0,5 ng.mL-1) foi usada para facilitar a inserção da prótese e a laringoscopia com fibra ótica. A técnica ofereceu via aérea segura durante a anestesia, boa condição para o cirurgião, possibilidade de monitorar a voz, além de ótimo conforto à paciente. Conclusões: O uso de anestesia regional é uma técnica promissora para o cuidado anestésico durante a TPI, especialmente em pacientes com via aérea comprometida.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Laryngoplasty/methods , Cervical Plexus Block/methods , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Ropivacaine/administration & dosage , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Middle Aged
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(2): 213-220, jun. 2019. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014440


RESUMEN A pesar de los avances en cirugía de vía aérea, tanto abierta como endoscópica, la inmovilidad bilateral de cuerdas vocales continúa representando un desafio significativo para los cirujanos de vía aérea. Entre las alternativas quirúrgicas existen tanto abordajes endoscópicos como transcervicales, no obstante, la mayoría de estas técnicas modifican estructuralmente regiones de la cuerda vocal y/o aritenoides de manera permanente. La traqueostomía ha sido el tratamiento de elección en niños con inmovilidad bilateral de cuerdas vocales severamente sintomática, sin embargo, el procedimiento ideal debiese establecer una vía aérea adecuada evitando la necesidad de realizar una traqueostomía, y a la vez no generar un deterioro de la función fonatoria. La capacidad de expandir el aspecto glótico posterior sin modificación estructural de aritenoides y/o ligamento vocal ha convertido a la sección cricoidea posterior endoscópica con injerto de cartílago costal en una alternativa quirúrgica atractiva para estos casos. En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de la literatura y presenta un caso tratado mediante esta técnica en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente de Concepción, Chile.

ABSTRACT Despite advances in both open and endoscopic airway surgery, bilateral vocal cord immobility still poses a significant challenge for airway surgeons. Among the surgical alternatives there are both endoscopic and transcervical approaches. However, most of these techniques structurally modify certain regions of the vocal cord and/or arytenoids permanently. Tracheostomy has been the treatment of choice in severely symptomatic children with bilateral immobility of vocal cords. Nevertheless, the ideal procedure should establish an adequate airway, avoiding the need to perform a tracheostomy, and at the same time not causing a deterioration of the phonatory function. The ability to expand the posterior glottis without structural modification of the arytenoids and/or vocal ligament has converted the posterior endoscopic cricoid split with costal cartilage graft into an attractive surgical alternative for these cases. In this article we review the literature and present a case treated by this technique in the Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepción, Chile.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Child , Cartilage/transplantation , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Laryngostenosis/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , Ribs/transplantation , Tracheostomy , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Airway Obstruction/etiology , Lasers, Gas
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 77(4): 425-430, dic. 2017. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-902798


La parálisis de cuerda vocal secundaria a intubación endotraqueal es una complicación poco frecuente de la anestesia general. Se manifiesta con disfonía precoz luego de la extubación, y en ocasiones se asocia a aspiración. A continuación se presenta el reporte de dos pacientes sometidos a cirugía abdominal con anestesia general e intubación endotraqueal, que presentan una parálisis cordal unilateral en el posoperatorio inmediato. En ambos pacientes se realiza una laringoplastía de inyección con ácido hialurónico (Restylane®), con buenos resultados vocales. Uno de los casos tiene seguimiento a lo largo de dos años. Se describe esta patología y su manejo mediante una revisión bibliográfica.

Vocal fold paralysis posterior to endotracheal intubation is a very uncommon complication of the general anestesia. The symptoms includes hoarseness posterior to the extubation, and some times aspiration occurs. In this paper we present the report of two cases of abdominal surgery with general anesteshia and endotraqueal intubation procedures. Both subjects developed unilateral vocal fold paralysis after the process. The patients were treated with wedilization injection with Restylane ®, satisfactory voice's results were achieved. One of them has an observational time of two years. We describe this infrequent pathology and the treatment through literature review.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/etiology , Laryngoplasty/methods , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Postoperative Period , Anesthesia, General
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 77(1): 9-15, mar. 2017. tab
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-845641


Introducción: La parálisis de cuerda vocal causa disfonía y puede ser complicación posterior a ciertas cirugías. Existen diversos tratamientos, uno de ellos es la tiroplastía de medialización, procedimiento realizado con anestesia local, permitiendo un fino ajuste de la voz. Objetivo: Analizar la experiencia en tiroplastía de medialización con Gore-tex® en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile entre los años 2008-2016. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con revisión de fichas clínicas de los pacientes que fueron sometidos a tiroplastía de medialización. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizará la prueba Wilcoxon. Resultados: Se analizaron datos de 21 pacientes, correspondientes a 24 tiroplastías de medialización. La edad promedio fue 54,2 años, 13 parálisis fueron secundarias a cirugía y 8 idiopáticas. En 17 pacientes se obtuvo la encuesta VHI-10 en el pre y posoperatorio, con valores promedio de 33,2y 17,4 (p =0,0003). Cinco pacientes requirieron de algún procedimiento complementario, entre 4 y 22 meses poscirugía: inyección de grasa, de Radiesse y refuerzo con otra prótesis de Gore-teX®. Conclusión: La tiroplastía de medialización es excelente para tratar la parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral no recuperada en forma espontánea, siendo la encuesta VHI-10 una buena herramienta para evaluar la calidad de la voz.

Introduction: Vocal cord paralysis can cause hoarseness and coud be a complications to following certain surgeries. In its treatment, there are several alternatives, one of them is the medialization thyroplasty. This procedure, is performed under local anesthesia, allowing the fine-tune of the voice. Aim: To analyze the experience in Medialization Thyroplasty with Gore-tex in the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile between 2008 and 2016. Material and method: Retrospective and descriptive, with the review of patient's clinical records who were treated with medialization thyroplasty. The data analysis is done using Wilcoxon test. Results: Data from 21 patients, corresponding to 24 medialization thyroplasty. The average age was 54.2 years old, 13 paralysis were secondary to surgeries and 8 were Idiopathic. In 17 patients it was posible to get the VHI-10 survey in the pre and postoperative, with an average value of 33.2 and 17.4 (p =0.0003). Five patients required some additional procedure, between 4 and 22 months post surgery: injection of fat, Radiesse and installation of a new Gore-tex prosthesis Conclusions: Medialization thyroplasty is an excellent method to treat paralysis of unilateral vocal cord in cases when is not recovered spontaneously, being the VHI-10 survey a good tool for assessing voice quality.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Polytetrafluoroethylene , Prostheses and Implants , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome , Vocal Cord Paralysis/physiopathology , Voice Quality
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 69(04): 443-448, 2017.
Статья в французский | AIM | ID: biblio-1266352


Introduction : La Paralysie Récurrentielle (PR) bilatérale en adduction est une situation clinique dramatique. Le traitement repose sur la chirurgie par voie endoscopique couplée au laser. Ce procédé thérapeutique est inaccessible dans beaucoup de pays en développement. La chirurgie par voie externe peut-elle constituer une alternative ? Matériel et méthodes : Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective portant sur 20 patients, porteurs d'une PR bilatérale en adduction post-thyroïdectomie, sur une période de 12 ans. Tous les malades ont été traités par abord chirurgical cervical externe. L'appréciation des résultats se faisait sur la possibilité de décanulation et la qualité de la voix.Résultats : Tous les malades étaient de sexe féminin avec un âge moyen de 43 ans. La PR était une complication de la thyroïdectomie totale dans 85% des cas et subtotale dans 15% des cas. L'abord latéral du larynx nous a permis de réaliser 16 aryténoïdopexies selon King et 2 aryténoïdectomies associées à une cordopexie selon Graaf Woodman. L'abord antérieur par thyrotomie, effectué dans 4 cas, a permis de réaliser une aryténoïdectomie dans 1 cas et une cordo-aryténoïdectomie dans 3 cas. La décanulation a été effective chez tous les malades après un délai moyen de 30 jours. Après analyse perceptuelle, chez 11 patients, la qualité de la voix était jugée bonne dans 4cas (36.63%), passable dans 2 (18.18%) et mauvaise dans 5 (45.46%).Conclusion : Nos résultats sont satisfaisants et comparables à ceux des séries des pays développés, usant des procédés endoscopiques au laser

Тема - темы
Endoscopy , Retrospective Studies , Senegal , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 36(1): 6-10, mar. 2016. graf, ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147605


La inmovilidad bilateral de las cuerdas vocales en aducción puede ser provocada por diversas etiologías y pone en riesgo la vida de los pacientes por la disnea grave que puede ocasionar. Existen diversas técnicas quirúrgicas para aumentar el espacio glótico, entre las que prevalecen las cirugías transorales que resecan tejido. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la tasa de resolución de la disnea inspiratoria o decanulación, en pacientes con inmovilidad cordal bilateral en aducción, tratados mediante cordotomía posterior y aritenoidectomía parcial. Fueron tratados en este estudio 17 enfermos por inmovilidad bilateral de las cuerdas vocales en aducción, mediante cordotomía posterior y aritenoidectomía parcial medial por vía transoral con láser de CO2 , cauterio y radiofrecuencia. Ocho pacientes tuvieron traqueostomía. El 75% fueron decanulados. El 100% de los pacientes sin traqueostomía mejoraron la disnea inspiratoria y no tuvieron limitación para las actividades de su vida cotidiana. Como conclusión del trabajo, se determinó que la cordotomía posterior y la aritenoidectomía parcial por vía transoral fueron muy eficaces para mejorar el calibre de la vía aérea superior, con baja morbilidad y sin complicaciones. (AU)

Bilateral medial vocal fold immobility, can be caused by various etiologies and can lead to severe dyspnea that may risk patients life. There are several surgical techniques for increasing the glottic space, prevailing transoral surgeries that remove tissue. The objective of this study is to determine the rate of resolution of inspiratory dyspnea and decanulation in patients with bilateral vocal cord immobility in adduction. In this study 17 patients diagnosed with bilateral vocal fold immobility in adduction were treated with posterior cordotomy and partial medial arytenoidectomy with transoral approach, using CO2 laser, radiofrequency or electrocautery. Eight of our patients were tracheostomized. Six of the tracheostomized patients had their tracheostomies removed (6 out of 8, 75%). Nine without tracheostomy showed improvement of inspiratory dyspnea and had no limitation on their daily lives activities. (9 out of 9, 100%). As a conclussion, we can say that transoral cordotomy and partial arytenoidectomy were very effective in improving the caliber of the upper airway, with low morbidity and no complications. (AU)

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vocal Cords/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Otorhinolaryngologic Surgical Procedures/methods , Vocal Cords/pathology , Tracheostomy/statistics & numerical data , Vocal Cord Paralysis/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Dyspnea/prevention & control
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 75(3): 232-238, dic. 2015. graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-771694


Introducción: El manejo inicial de la parálisis cordal unilateral incluye la observación en espera de la recuperación de la movilidad o la compensación, terapia fonoaudiológica o inyección de medialización temporal para llevar la cuerda a una posición más favorable para el cierre glótico. Este procedimiento puede realizarse en pabellón, o vía percutánea en paciente despierto. Existen varias opciones, siendo el ácido hialurónico (Restylane®) uno de los más usados. Objetivo: Revisar la experiencia pionera en el país en la inyección de medialización de cuerda vocal con ácido hialurónico en el manejo de la parálisis cordal unilateral. Material y método: Estudio retrospectivo, que incluyó a 15 pacientes con insuficiencia glótica a los que se les realizó una inyección percutánea con ácido hialurónico. Se evaluó la calidad de la voz pre y posprocedimiento (VRQOL), tolerancia al procedimiento y complicaciones. Resultados: El 100% de los pacientes mostró cambios significativos en el VRQOL, con un cambio promedio pre y post de 37%. El procedimiento fue bien tolerado en el 93%. No se produjeron incidentes durante la inyección ni tampoco posteriores. Conclusión: La inyección de medialización es un procedimiento bien tolerado, seguro y sencillo, que permite mejoras significativas en la calidad vocal. El ácido hialurónico es seguro y eficaz para la inyección de medialización.

Introduction: Initial treatment options for unilateral vocal fold paralysis include observation for spontaneous return of function or compensation, voice therapy to stimulate recovery of motion or function, or temporary vocal fold injection medialization to improve glottic closure. Temporary injection medialization can be performed under general anesthesia or in the awake-patient setting with local anesthesia. There are different options of temporary injection materials, being hyaluronic acid (Restylane®) one of the most popular. Aim: To review our pioneer experience in Chilewith the use of temporary vocal fold injection with hyaluronic acid in the initial management of unilateral vocal fold paralysis. Material and method: Retrospective study involving 15 patients with glottic insufficiency, who underwent percutaneous vocal fold injection medialization with hyaluronic acid. Pre and post procedure quality of voice (VRQOL), tolerance to the procedure, and complications were evaluated. Results: All patients showed significant changes in VRQOL, with a 37% average improvement. The procedure was well tolerated in 93%. No incidents occurred during injection orlater. Conclusions: The temporary vocal fold injection medialization is a well-tolerated, safe and simple procedure that allows significant short-term improvements in vocal quality of patients. Hyaluronic acid is a safe and effective material for temporary vocal foldinjection medialization.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/drug therapy , Laryngoplasty/methods , Hyaluronic Acid/administration & dosage , Quality of Life , Injections, Intralesional , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Clinics ; 70(4): 301-311, 04/2015. tab, graf
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-747115


Elevated serum levels of cardiac troponin and C-reactive protein are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. However, the relationship between these two biomarker levels and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease remains unclear. We conducted a meta-analysis to quantify the association of cardiac troponin and C-reactive protein levels with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Relevant studies were identified by searching the MEDLINE database through November 2013. Studies were included in the meta-analysis if they reported the long-term all-cause or cardiovascular mortality of chronic kidney disease patients with abnormally elevated serum levels of cardiac troponin or C-reactive protein. Summary estimates of association were obtained using a random-effects model. Thirty-two studies met our inclusion criteria. From the pooled analysis, cardiac troponin and C-reactive protein were significantly associated with all-cause (HR 2.93, 95% CI 1.97-4.33 and HR 1.21, 95% CI 1.14-1.29, respectively) and cardiovascular (HR 3.27, 95% CI 1.67-6.41 and HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.10-1.28, respectively) mortality. In the subgroup analysis of cardiac troponin and C-reactive protein, significant heterogeneities were found among the subgroups of population for renal replacement therapy and for the proportion of smokers and the C-reactive protein analysis method. Elevated serum levels of cardiac troponin and C-reactive protein are significant associated with higher risks of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Further studies are warranted to explore the risk stratification in chronic kidney disease patients.

Тема - темы
Humans , Biocompatible Materials , Dimethylpolysiloxanes , Laryngoplasty/methods , Laryngoplasty/psychology , Prosthesis Implantation/methods , Quality of Life/psychology , Voice Quality , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Combined Modality Therapy , Injections , Laryngoscopy , Prospective Studies , Postoperative Complications/diagnosis , Postoperative Complications/psychology , Sound Spectrography , Video Recording , Voice Training , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnosis , Vocal Cord Paralysis/psychology
Rev. chil. cir ; 67(2): 199-203, abr. 2015. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-745083


Introduction: Thyroid surgery rates have tripled over the past 3 decades. Currently, the main postoperative complications of this surgery are vocal fold paralysis because of recurrent laryngeal nerve dysfunction and hypocalcemia. Case report: We report the case of a 58 years old woman who presented with persistent dysphonia post total thyroidectomy. Laryngeal videostroboscopy evidenced unilateral vocal fold paralysis. We performed a percutaneous injection laryngoplasty with hyaluronic acid achieving significant improvement in voice. Conclusions: Percutaneous injection laryngoplasty with hyaluronic acid is a safe and effective procedure in the management of post thyroidectomy vocal cord paralysis.

Introducción: La tasa de cirugía tiroidea se ha triplicado en las últimas 3 décadas. Dentro de sus complicaciones se encuentra la parálisis de cuerda vocal unilateral secundaria a lesión transitoria o permanente del nervio laríngeo recurrente, lo que se presenta clínicamente como disfonía. Caso clínico: Paciente de 58 años, post tiroidectomía total evoluciona con disfonía persistente. Videoestroboscopia evidencia parálisis cuerda vocal izquierda en posición paramediana, con hiato fonatorio longitudinal amplio. Se maneja con laringoplastía por inyección con ácido hialurónico a cuerda vocal paralítica, logrando mejora significativa de voz. En videoestroboscopia de control al 7º día se evidencia cuerda vocal izquierda en línea media, con borde libre recto, sin presencia de hiato al fonar. Conclusiones: La laringoplastía por inyección percutánea con ácido hialurónico es un procedimiento seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de la disfonía secundaria a parálisis cordal unilateral post cirugía tiroidea.

Тема - темы
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Hyaluronic Acid/administration & dosage , Laryngoscopy/methods , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/etiology , Thyroidectomy/adverse effects , Dysphonia/surgery , Dysphonia/etiology , Injections
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 80(2): 156-160, Mar-Apr/2014. tab, graf
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-709512


Introdução: A tireoplastia tipo I é o tratamento de escolha nas paralisias unilaterais das pregas Análise de custo-bene-vocais que não se recuperam espontaneamente. fício. Objetivos: Comparar o uso de implante de Silastic® com o uso de titânio pré-fabricado TVFMI® (Titanium Vocal Fold Medializing Implant) na tireoplastia tipo I para o tratamento da paralisia unilateral das pregas vocais com relação à melhora subjetiva e objetiva da voz, às alterações endoscópicas nas pregas vocais, ao tempo de cirurgia e à relação custo-benefício. Método: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo com 40 pacientes portadores de paralisia unilateral das pregas vocais submetidos à tireoplastia tipo I com implante de silastic® ou TVFMI®. A avaliação e comparação estatística foram realizadas antes e quatro semanas depois da cirurgia por meio de videolaringoscopia, estroboscopia, análise perceptiva (escala GRBAS-Grade, Roughness, Breathiness, Asthenia, Strain) e subjetiva (IDV-índice de desvantagem vocal) da voz e avaliação eletroglotográfica e avaliação acústica computadorizada. Também foram observados o tempo de cirurgia e o custo do implante. Resultados: Embora os dois implantes mostrem melhora na qualidade da voz após a tireoplastia, o TVFMI® teve um resultado ligeiramente melhor na análise objetiva da voz. O TVFMI® levou menos tempo de cirurgia para ser inserido, porém foi mais caro. Conclusão: O TVFMI® poderá ser preferencial na tireoplastia de medialização, já que possui melhores resultados vocais e leva menos tempo de cirurgia, porém é mais caro que o implante de Silastic®. .

Introduction: Type I thyroplasty is the treatment of choice for unilateral vocal cord palsy with no spontaneous recovery. Objectives: To compare the use of silastic implant with titanium vocal fold medializing implant (TVFMI®) in type I thyroplasty for unilateral vocal cord palsy with respect to subjective and objective improvement in voice, endoscopic changes in vocal cords, surgical time, and cost effectiveness. Methodology: This was a prospective study conducted on 40 patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis who underwent type I thyroplasty with either silastic implant or TVFMI®. Pre-operative and four-week post-operative assessment and statistical comparison were performed by videolaryngoscopy, stroboscopy, perceptual assessment (GRBAS), subjective (voice handicap index) analysis of voice, and computer-assisted acoustic and electroglottographic assessment. The duration of surgery and cost of implant were also recorded. Results: Although both implants showed improvement in quality of voice following thyroplasty, TVFMI® presents slightly better results in objective voice analysis. The surgery time for TVFMI®insertion was shorter, but the costs were higher. Conclusion: TVFMI® may be preferred for medialization thyroplasty as it presents better voice results and demands less surgical time; however, it is costlier than silastic implant. .

Тема - темы
Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dimethylpolysiloxanes/therapeutic use , Laryngoplasty/methods , Prostheses and Implants , Titanium/therapeutic use , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Dimethylpolysiloxanes/economics , Laryngoplasty/economics , Prospective Studies , Prostheses and Implants/economics , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome , Titanium/economics , Voice Quality
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 77(5): 594-599, Sept.-Oct. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Статья в английский | LILACS | ID: lil-601857


Vocal fold immobility may be due to bilateral neurogenic paralysis, cricoarytenoid joint fixation, laryngeal synechiae, or posterior glottic stenosis. Treatment aims to establish a patent airway and preserve the function of the glottic sphincter and voice quality. OBJETIVES: To analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in cases of bilateral vocal fold immobility seen at our unit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 35 patient registries at our unit with a diagnosis of bilateral vocal fold immobility; the etiology and treatment results were evaluated. RESULTS: Among the patients, 18 (51.4 percent) were cases of bilateral vocal fold palsy, and 17 (48,6 percent) were cases of posterior glottic stenosis. Patients with bilateral palsy underwent unilateral subtotal arytenoidectomy, and patients with stenosis were treated with the microtrapdoor flap technique, subtotal arytenoidectomy, and/or posterior cricoidotomy (Rethi). CONCLUSION: Bilateral vocal fold immobility is a potentially fatal condition; it is essential to differentiate vocal fold palsy from fixation to choose the appropriate treatment. Subtotal arytenoidectomy with microscopy is our surgery of choice for treating bilateral paralysis; the technique for treating stenosis depends on the amount of stenosis.

A Imobilidade Bilateral de Pregas Vocais pode ser decorrente de paralisia neurogênica bilateral, fixação de articulação cricoaritenoidea, sinequia laríngea ou estenose glótica posterior. O tratamento visa a restabelecer uma via aérea pérvia mantendo a função esfincteriana glótica e a qualidade vocal. OBJETIVOS: Analisar os métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos dos casos de Imobilidade Bilateral de Prega Vocal atendidos em nosso serviço. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 35 prontuários de pacientes atendidos em nosso serviço com diagnóstico de Imobilidade Bilateral de Prega Vocal, sendo avaliados fatores etiológicos e resultados terapêuticos. RESULTADOS: Dentre os pacientes, 18 (51,4 por cento) eram casos de paralisia bilateral de pregas vocais e 17 (48,6 por cento), de estenose glótica posterior. Os pacientes com paralisia bilateral foram submetidos à aritenoidectomia subtotal unilateral e os com estenose, submetidos à "microtrapdoor flap", aritenoidectomia subtotal e/ou cricoidotomia posterior (Rethi). CONCLUSÃO: A imobilidade bilateral de prega vocal é um quadro potencialmente fatal e a diferenciação entre paralisia e fixação de pregas vocais é essencial para a escolha do método terapêutico. A aritenoidectomia subtotal, via microscópica, é nossa opção cirúrgica para o tratamento da paralisia bilateral e nas estenoses a escolha da técnica varia conforme o grau de estenose.

Тема - темы
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnosis , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Glottis/physiopathology , Laryngoscopy , Retrospective Studies , Vocal Cord Paralysis/etiology
Prensa méd. argent ; 95(8): 500-504, oct. 2008.
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-521976


La parálisis bilateral de las cuerdas vocales postiroidectomía es un evento muy grave y poco frecuente. El objetivo del trabajo es llamar la atención sobre este tipo de injuria que tiene implicancias medico legales trayendo graves consecuencias en el paciente, involucrando su esfera económica, social y psicológica.

Тема - темы
Humans , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/complications , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnosis , Thyroidectomy/adverse effects
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 69(1): 52-55, ene.-mar. 2008. ilus
Статья в испанский | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-537428


La parálisis vocal permanente es causa de disfonía y episodios repetitivos de aspiración. Hacemos una revisión breve de la fisiopatología así como del procedimiento quirúrgico correctivo, conocido como tiroplastia.

Permanent vocal cord paralysis causes dysphonia and repetetive aspiration episodes. We review vocal cord paralysis pathophysiology and the corrective surgical procedure known as thyroplasty.

Тема - темы
Humans , Vocal Cord Paralysis , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/physiopathology
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 19(2): 97-104, 2008. tab, graf
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-530290


Introduction: The larynx is nerved by the recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves, translating its damage in pareses or paralysis of vocal cords, causing hoarseness in most of patients, and occasionally dispnea and deglutory alterations. The management of vocal cords paralysis in abduction position has been controversial. It seems that phoniatric treatment would seem to be a reasonable and effective alternative because the compensation capacity. Surgical manage, in other hand, has offered demonstrated effectiveness in the paralyses that don’t respond to phoniatric treatment, emphasizing techniques of medialization thiroplasty. Objectives: To reflect our epidemiology, phoniatric manage and experience as surgical team in medialization hiroplasty and to evaluate the results. Materials and Methods: retrospective study of patients with vocal cord paralysis in abduction position evaluated in Voice Unit of Clinic Hospital of University of Chile. Complete otolaryngological evaluation plus laryngeal electromyography were performed. Two groups were analyzed according manage received, describing clinicallythe degree of hoarseness at the beginning and the end of treatment. Results: 61 percent of the nonsurgical manage paralysis causes were secondary to surgery, mainly on the thyroid gland (81 percent). In these a significant improvement of the hoarseness with the phoniatric manage exists. In the group subject medialization thiroplasty 55 percent were secondary to surgery with a 77 percent of postoperating satisfactory evaluation.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Adult , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Middle Aged , Vocal Cord Paralysis/epidemiology , Vocal Cord Paralysis/therapy , Thyroid Cartilage/surgery , Chile/epidemiology , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Vocal Cord Paralysis/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Voice Disorders/classification
Arq. int. otorrinolaringol. (Impr.) ; 11(3): 311-316, jul.-set. 2007. ilus, tab
Статья в португальский | LILACS | ID: lil-497591


A paralisia da corda vocal bilateral em adução, usualmente causa dispnéia severa e representa um desafio para o otorrinolaringologista. Diversos procedimentos cirúrgicos têm sido propostos para tratamento dessa condição...

Bilateral vocal immobility in adduction usually creates severe dyspnea and presents a serious challenge to the otolaryngologist. Several surgical procedures have been proposed to treat this condition...

Тема - темы
Arytenoid Cartilage , Cordotomy , Voice Disorders/prevention & control , Laser Therapy , Phonation , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Dyspnea/etiology , Retrospective Studies
J Indian Med Assoc ; 2001 Nov; 99(11): 638-9
Статья в английский | IMSEAR | ID: sea-97682


Patients who are victims of vocal cord paralysis usually suffer from husky or hoarse voice which is very much jeopardising their future particularly in professional voice users like singers, priests, teachers, etc. Phonosurgical techniques like medialisation laryngoplasty has opened a new horizon in the management of dysphonia with unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Medialisation laryngoplasty is sometimes described under the heading of laryngoplastic phonosurgery or thyroplasty. A report of 10 cases of unilateral vocal cord paralysis with dysphonia subjected to medialisation laryngoplasty from March 1996 to March 1998 with 90% success is presented. Only one patient developed inspiratory stridor as a complication.

Тема - темы
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Larynx/surgery , Male , Middle Aged , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery
An. otorrinolaringol. mex ; 45(3): 131-133, jun.-ago. 2000. tab, CD-ROM
Статья в испанский | LILACS | ID: lil-304283


El propósito del presente estudio es conocer si la laringoplastia tipo I modificada es un procedimiento que puede ser de utilidad en el manejo de la parálisis unilateral de cuerda vocal. Se revisó dicho procedimiento en 23 pacientes realizando una valoración subjetiva por el mismo paciente en una escala analógica. Encontrando que el 87 por ciento de los pacientes consideraron su voz entre casi normal a normal. Creemos que dicho procedimiento es útil, factible, relativamente sencillo en su realización, bien aceptado por los pacientes y en nuestro estudio, libre de complicaciones.

Тема - темы
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Larynx , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Voice Quality , Vocal Cords
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