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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 585-594, Julio 5, 2024. fig
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566017


Introducción. Las complicaciones posteriores a la reparación endovascular de aneurisma (EVAR) pueden resolverse con técnicas endovasculares. Sin embargo, cuando está indicada, la explantación de una endoprótesis es un procedimiento complejo, que se asocia a lesiones vasculares o viscerales, con alta morbimortalidad, en pacientes con edad avanzada y múltiples comorbilidades, y por lo tanto, alto riesgo quirúrgico. No existen dispositivos producidos por la industria para explantar las endoprótesis aórticas, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio experimental, en fase preclínica, para desarrollar un dispositivo para la explantación de endoprótesis aórticas, con pruebas en modelos 3D y en un modelo animal porcino cadavérico. Resultados. Es factible desarrollar un modelo experimental de un nuevo dispositivo para explantar endoprótesis aórticas, denominado explantador de Cabrera, y comprobar su funcionamiento en un modelo animal cadavérico. El uso del explantador de Cabrera limitó el daño de la pared aórtica por parte de la endoprótesis en un 100 % al momento de su explantación en un modelo experimental ex vivo. Conclusión. Usando una jeringa septo, el explantador de Cabrera es superior a la técnica estándar de explantación de una endoprótesis al limitar la lesión de la pared aórtica, al colapsar y liberar los ganchos de fijación suprarrenal de forma controlada y segura al interior de la luz aórtica y, posteriormente, extraerla de forma rápida y efectiva, conservando la mayor cantidad de aorta sana para la posterior reconstrucción aorto-ilíaca.

Introduction. Complications after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) can be resolved with endovascular techniques; however, when indicated, stent explantation is a complex procedure, which is associated with vascular or visceral injuries, with high morbidity and mortality in patients, with advanced age and multiple comorbidities, and therefore high surgical risk. There are no devices produced by the industry to explant aortic endoprostheses, so the objective of this work was to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses. Methods. An experimental study was carried out, in the preclinical phase, to develop a device for the explantation of aortic endoprostheses, with tests in 3D models and in a cadaveric porcine animal model. Results. It is feasible to develop an experimental model of a new device for explanting aortic endoprostheses, called Cabrera explanter, and verify its operation in a cadaveric animal model. The use of the Cabrera explanter limited damage to the aortic wall by the endoprosthesis by 100% at the time of explantation in an ex vivo experimental model. Conclusions. Using a septum syringe, the Cabrera explanter is superior to the standard stent explantation technique by limiting injury to the aortic wall, collapsing and releasing the adrenal fixation hooks in a controlled and safe manner into the aortic lumen, and subsequently, extract it quickly and effectively, preserving the greatest amount of healthy aorta for the subsequent aorto-iliac reconstruction.

Humans , Device Removal , Endovascular Procedures , Endovascular Aneurysm Repair , Aorta, Abdominal , Prostheses and Implants , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 621-626, Julio 5, 2024. fig
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566024


Introducción. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una entidad infrecuente, con una prevalencia de 0,03 %, donde más del 90 % son debidas a enfermedad arterioesclerótica que compromete principalmente la arteria mesentérica superior. Sus síntomas son dolor abdominal crónico y pérdida de peso, asociado a alteraciones imagenológicas que hacen el diagnóstico. El tratamiento depende de las condiciones clínicas del paciente y el número de vasos comprometidos. Es claro que la enfermedad multivaso sintomática requiere revascularización. Caso clínico. Mujer de 67 años, fumadora activa con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y dislipidemia, con cuadro de crisis hipertensiva tipo urgencia que requirió manejo en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se hizo diagnóstico de aneurisma toracoabdominal Crawford IV, oclusión aorto-ilíaca (TASC D) y oclusión crónica del tronco celíaco y la arteria mesentérica superior. Por los síntomas de isquemia mesentérica crónica fue llevada a tratamiento quirúrgico con baipás aorto-bifemoral más baipás retrógrado a la arteria mesentérica superior por vía abierta. Resultado. La paciente tuvo mejoría de la sintomatología y aumentó 13 % del peso al seguimiento a los 3 meses. Conclusión. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una condición subdiagnosticada, marcador de riesgo cardiovascular, con alta carga de morbilidad y mortalidad, en la cual, con una identificación temprana se puede ofrecer una terapia de revascularización, sea por vía endovascular o abierta, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida y la ganancia de peso, y evitar la necrosis intestinal.

Introduction. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a rare entity, with a prevalence of 0.03%, where more than 90% are due to arteriosclerotic disease that mainly affects the superior mesenteric artery. Its symptoms are chronic abdominal pain and weight loss, associated with imaging alterations that make the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the patient's clinical conditions and the number of vessels involved. It is clear that symptomatic multivessel disease requires revascularization. Clinical case. A 67-year-old woman, an active smoker with a history of high blood pressure and dyslipidemia, presented with an emergency-type hypertensive crisis that required management in the Intensive Care Unit. A diagnosis of Crawford IV thoracoabdominal aneurysm, aorto-iliac occlusion (TASC D), and chronic occlusion of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery was made. Due to the symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia, she underwent surgical treatment with aorto-bifemoral bypass plus retrograde bypass to the superior mesenteric artery via an open approach. Result. The patient had improvement in symptoms and gained 13% weight at 3-month follow-up. Conclusion. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is an underdiagnosed condition, a marker of cardiovascular risk, with a high burden of morbidity and mortality, in which, with early identification, revascularization therapy can be offered, either endovascularly or open, in order to improve quality of life and weight gain, and avoiding intestinal necrosis.

Humans , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Mesenteric Ischemia , Aortic Aneurysm , Malnutrition , Peripheral Arterial Disease , Laparotomy
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565485


Introducción: El aneurisma de la arteria hepática es infrecuente, presentándose principalmente en trauma y en pacientes con aterosclerosis. Su manejo es complejo y desafiante aún en manos expertas, siendo el abordaje endovascular de elección. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 66 años con poliarteritis nodosa a la que se le diagnostica, incidentalmente, un aneurisma de la arteria hepática común (AHC). Inicialmente, se intenta manejo conservador, sin embargo se evidencia crecimiento significativo en el seguimiento por lo que se decide resolución quirúrgica endovascular. Se realiza embolización selectiva de todo el segmento aneurismático de la AHC, mantiendo la perfusión del lóbulo hepático derecho, con apoyo de ultrasonografía intraoperatoria. Discusión: El método de tratamiento preferido para esta entidad es la embolización percutánea con coils metálicos. Si bien es el de menor morbimortalidad asociada, no está exento de riesgos.

Introduction: Hepatic artery aneurysm is rare. The most common etiologies are atherosclerosis and trauma. Management is difficult and challenging. An endovascular approach is preferred to open surgery. Case report: 66-year-old patient with polyarteritis nodosa who was incidentally diagnosed with a common hepatic artery (CHA) aneurysm. Initially, conservative management was performed, however, during follow-up significant growth was evidenced. Endovascular treatment was decided over surgery. Selective embolization of the entire aneurysmal segment of CHA was performed, maintaining perfusion of the right hepatic lobe. Discussion: Percutaneous embolization with metal coils is the treatment of choice for this entity. Although it is the one with the lowest morbidity and mortality, it is not without risks.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;89(3): 203-207, jun. 2024. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569775


El embarazo, especialmente el tercer trimestre, incrementa notablemente el riesgo de rotura de los aneurismas esplénicos. Cuando esto ocurre, se desencadena un cuadro clínico grave manifestado principalmente como un dolor abdominal agudo acompañado de inestabilidad hemodinámica. A pesar de la gran morbimortalidad tanto materna como fetal que esto conlleva, no existe hoy en día consenso sobre su manejo óptimo. Se presenta el caso de una secundigesta a la que se diagnostica de manera incidental un aneurisma en la arteria esplénica durante el segundo trimestre de gestación. Tras confirmarse dicho diagnóstico mediante resonancia magnética, se decide realizar una esplenectomía programada vía laparotómica en semana 24+2. La evolución maternofetal posterior fue favorable hasta la semana 40 en la que se produjo un parto eutócico. Los aneurismas esplénicos deben tratarse en todas las gestantes, independientemente de su tamaño o sintomatología, pues el beneficio supera los riesgos que supone una cirugía programada.

Pregnancy, especially the third trimester, significantly increases the risk of splenic aneurysm rupture. When this occurs, it results in a severe clinical presentation primarily characterized by acute abdominal pain accompanied by hemodynamic instability. Despite the substantial maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality associated with this condition, there is currently no consensus on its optimal management. We present the case of a second-time pregnant woman who incidentally received a diagnosis of a splenic artery aneurysm during the second trimester of gestation. After confirming this diagnosis through magnetic resonance imaging, it was decided to perform a scheduled laparotomic splenectomy at 24+2 weeks of gestation. Subsequent maternal and fetal evolution was favorable until the 40th week when a eutocic delivery occurred. Splenic aneurysms should be treated in all pregnant women, regardless of their size or symptomatology, as the benefits outweigh the risks associated with elective surgery.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Splenic Artery/surgery , Splenic Artery/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm/surgery , Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging , Spleen/surgery , Splenectomy , Incidental Findings
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(2)abr. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565464


Introducción: Los aneurismas de la arteria carótida extracraneal (ACEC) son poco frecuentes en comparación con las lesiones oclusivas. Los ACEC son menos del 1% de todos los aneurismas arteriales y solo el 10% son considerados aneurismas verdaderos. Caso Clínico: Paciente femenina de 84 años, en excelentes condiciones generales, hipertensa e hiperlipidémica, neurológicamente asintomática, con hallazgo de aneurisma de carótida interna derecha en el contexto de una arteria elongada, estenosis moderada ostial y oclusión de arteria carótida interna contralateral. Se realiza resección de aneurisma con anastomosis término terminal, endarterectomía del ostium y angioplastía con parche. Su evolución fue favorable, manteniéndose asintomática y con la reconstrucción permeable a 6 meses de seguimiento en eco duplex. Discusión: La elección del manejo del ACEC va a depender de sus características morfológicas, en este caso la presencia de tortuosidad extrema de la arteria carótida interna dificultaba la posibilidad de manejo endovascular, pero facilitaba la resección del aneurisma con anastomosis primaria término terminal. Conclusión: La aneurismectomía y reconstrucción es una modalidad de manejo disponible para los ACEC.

Introduction: Extracranial carotid artery aneurysms (ECAA) are rare compared to occlusive disease, less than 1% of all arterial aneurysms and only 10% are considered true aneurysms. Clinical case: A 84-year-old female, active and in excellent general health, with a prior history significant only for hypertension and hyperlipidemia was referred for a right internal carotid artery aneurysm and elongation in the context of contralateral internal carotid artery occlusion. The patient denied neurologic symptoms. Resection of the aneurysm and end-to-end anastomosis, endarterectomy of the ostium and patch angioplasty was performed. The patient had an uneventful recovery, remaining asymptomatic and the reconstruction patent on duplex scan at 6 month follow up. Discussion: The choice of repair alternatives for EICA depend on its morphological characteristics. The presence of extreme tortuosity of the internal carotid artery in this case, on one hand make difficult to consider endovascular alternatives, but facilitates aneurysm resection and primary end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusion: Aneurysmectomy and arterial reconstruction is a treatment alternative for EICA repair.

Rev. chil. cardiol ; 43(1): 49-52, abr. 2024. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559642


Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 77 años, en quien, durante una cirugía de resección de tumor cutáneo, se observa incidentalmente aumento de volumen cervical derecho de características dinámicas. El hallazgo corresponde a un aneurisma de la vena yugular interna derecha, diagnóstico de mayor frecuencia en población pediátrica, habitualmente de curso benigno.

A 77-year-old woman in whom, during a skin tumor resection surgery, a right cervical swelling with dynamic characteristics was observed. The finding is compatible with an aneurysm of the right internal jugular vein, more commonly obsered in children, usually with a benign course.

Humans , Female , Aged , Jugular Veins/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;94(1): 48-54, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556892


Resumen Antecedentes: Los aneurismas de la aorta ascendente son patologías poco frecuentes en la infancia, sobre todo en ausencia de enfermedades previas como el síndrome de Marfan. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la posibilidad del manejo endovascular exitoso de los aneurismas de grandes vasos, usando stent y micro catéter con embolización del saco aneurismático. Método: Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 10 años y 2 meses, previamente sana, en quien se documentó un pseudoaneurisma entre el origen de la arteria carótida común izquierda y la arteria subclavia izquierda, que logró manejarse de forma endovascular, inicialmente con un stent cubriendo el cuello del aneurisma con el fin de remodelarlo y posteriormente por medio de microcatéter se realizó embolización del saco del aneurisma con coils, con resultado exitoso. Resultados: Los aneurismas de los grandes vasos, como la arteria carótida común y la arteria subclavia, tienen riesgo de ruptura con complicaciones devastadoras; el manejo endovascular se plantea como una opción poco invasiva de manejo, con resultados favorables. Conclusión: El manejo de aneurismas de grandes vasos, por vía endovascular usando stent y microcatéter con embolización del saco aneurismático, es una opción novedosa de manejo que logra resultados exitosos.

Abstract Background: Ascending aortic aneurysms are rare pathologies in childhood, especially in the absence of previous diseases such as Marfan syndrome. Objective: Present the possibility of successful endovascular management of large vessel aneurysms, using stents and microcatheters with embolization of the aneurysm sac. Method: We present the case of a previously healthy ten-year-old patient, in whom a pseudoaneurysm was documented between the origin of the left common carotid artery and left subclavian artery, successfully managed endovascularly, initially with a stent covering the neck of the aneurysm to remodel it and later with embolization of the aneurysm sac using a microcatheter. Results: Aneurysms of large vessels, such common carotid artery and subclavian artery, are at risk of rupture with devastating complications; endovascular management is considered a minimally invasive management option, with favorable results. Conclusion: The endovascular management of large vessel aneurysms using stents and microcatheters with embolization of the aneurysmal sac is a novel management option that achieves successful results.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;160(1): 102-109, ene.-feb. 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557809


Resumen Antecedentes: Existe evidencia escasa en México respecto a la mortalidad y patrones del ingreso hospitalario asociados a aneurismas y disecciones aórticos. Objetivo: Analizar las bases de datos nacionales y describir las características epidemiológicas de diferentes patologías aórticas agudas. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal y observacional de una base de datos retrospectiva, en el que se analizó la mortalidad y hospitalización atribuidas a aneurismas y disecciones aórticos. El análisis estadístico se realizó en Stata 16. Resultados: Se documentaron 6049 muertes en la población general, 2367 hospitalizaciones y 476 muertes intrahospitalarias. Adicionalmente, se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las medias de edad de fallecimiento de la población general (65.5 años) y de los pacientes que murieron en el hospital (64.1 años), p < 0.001. En cuanto a las hospitalizaciones secundarias a aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto, 149 casos fueron evidenciados con una media de edad de 65.6 años; 53 (35.5 %) de estos tenía menos de 65 años, con una media de edad de 47.8 años. Conclusiones: Los reportes epidemiológicos de patología aórtica en México son escasos, por ello la implementación de programas de tamizaje y la detección de patologías aórticas son necesarias para mejorar las disparidades encontradas en este análisis.

Abstract Background: In Mexico, there is a paucity of evidence on mortality and hospitalization patterns associated with aortic aneurysms and dissections. Objective: To analyze national databases and describe the epidemiological characteristics of different acute aortic pathologies. Material and methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, observational study, in which mortality and hospitalization attributed to aortic aneurysms and dissections were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed on Stata 16. Results: A total of 6,049 deaths were documented in the general population, which included 2,367 hospitalizations and 476 in-hospital deaths. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found between mean age at death in the general population (69.5 years) and the in-hospital death group (64.1 years), p < 0.001. As for hospitalizations secondary to ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, 149 cases were identified, with a mean age of 65.6 years, out of whom 53 (35.5 %) were under 65 years of age, with a mean age of 47.8 years. Conclusions: Epidemiological reports of aortic pathology in Mexico are scarce; therefore, implementation of screening and detection programs for aortic pathologies is necessary in order to address the disparities identified in this analysis.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 299-307, 20240220. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532686


Introducción. El aneurisma de la aorta abdominal (AAA) es la dilatación de la aorta abdominal mayor de 1,5 veces el diámetro esperado. Su prevalencia es variable, con tasas reportadas de hasta el 12,5 %. Se considera como causa de muerte de más de 10.000 personas al año en los Estados Unidos. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura fue describir los factores de riesgo y las herramientas de tamizaje de AAA. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura utilizando dos ecuaciones en bases de datos electrónicas, empleando términos seleccionados de "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) y "Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud" (DeCS). Se evaluó la calidad de los estudios con la herramienta STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology). Resultados. Se recolectaron 40 artículos y a partir de ellos se construyó el texto de revisión, identificando en estos, los factores de riesgo asociados al desarrollo de AAA, tales como sexo masculino, tabaquismo, hipertensión arterial, antecedente familiar y obesidad, entre otros. La diabetes mellitus parece actuar como factor protector. Dentro de los instrumentos de tamizaje, el ultrasonido abdominal es uno de los más usados. Conclusión. El AAA es una patología multifactorial. En la actualidad la ultrasonografía de aorta es el método de elección para el tamizaje, permitiendo la detección precoz. El tamizaje de AAA con métodos no invasivos, como el ultrasonido, es útil sobre todo en zonas con prevalencia alta de la patología y en pacientes con determinados factores de riesgo.

Introduction. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a dilation of the abdominal aorta greater than 1.5 times the expected diameter. Its prevalence is variable, with reported rates of up to 12.5%. It is considered the cause of death of more than 10,000 people a year in the United States. The objective of this literature review was to describe risk factors and screening tools for AAA. Methods. A literature search was conducted using two equations in electronic databases, using terms selected from "Medical Subject Heading" (MeSH) and "Descriptors in Health Sciences" (DeCS). The quality of the studies was evaluated with the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) tool. Results. Forty articles were collected and from them the review text was constructed, identifying the risk factors associated with the development of AAA, such as male sex, smoking, high blood pressure, family history and obesity, among others. Diabetes mellitus seems to act as a protective factor. Among the screening instruments, abdominal ultrasound is one of the most used. Conclusion. AAA is a multifactorial pathology. Currently, aortic ultrasonography is the method of choice for screening, allowing early detection. Screening for AAA with non-invasive methods, such as ultrasound, is useful especially in areas with a high prevalence of this pathology and in patients with certain risk factors.

Humans , Mass Screening , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal , Computed Tomography Angiography , Aortic Diseases , Tobacco Use Disorder , Ultrasonography
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024335


Objective To detect the levels of serum collagen type Ⅰ alpha 1 chain(COL1A1)and collagen type Ⅰ alpha 2 chain(COL1A2)in patients with intracranial aneurysm(IA),and explore their correlations with aneurysm rupture.Methods A total of 110 IA patients admitted to our hospital were regarded as the IA group and another 100 volunteers who underwent physical examination in our hospital were regarded as the control group.The expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 were detected by ELISA.The IA patients were divided into the ruptured group(n=66)and unruptured group(n=44)according to the presence or absence of aneurysm rupture,and the clinical data and expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 were compared between the two groups.The expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 in patients with different Hunt-Hess grades were compared.The risk factors of aneurysm rupture in patients with IA were analyzed by multivariate Logistic regression analysis.The predictive value of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 for aneurysm rupture in patients with IA were evaluated by receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve.The correlation of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 with Hunt-Hess grade for patients in rupture group was analyzed by Spearman correlation analysis.Results The expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 for patients in the IA group were significantly higher than those in the control group(P<0.05).The number of patients with hypertension,diabetes mellitus,hyperlipidemia,aneurysm diameter>10 mm,and the expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 in the rupture group were significantly more/higher than those in the unruptured group(P<0.05).The expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 in patients with Hunt-Hess grades from Ⅲ to Ⅳ were significantly higher than those in patients with grades from Ⅰ to Ⅱ(P<0.05).The expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 for patients in the rupture group were positively correlated with Hunt-Hess grade(r=0.562,0.414,P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that hypertension,diabetes mellitus,aneurysm diameter>10 mm,and increased expression levels of COL1A1 and COL1A2 were risk factors for aneurysm rupture in IA patients(P<0.05).The area under the curve(AUC)of aneurysm rupture predicted by serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 together was significantly higher than that predicted by COL1A1 alone(Z=1.905,P=0.028)and COL1A2 alone(Z=1.754,P=0.040).Conclusion The increased expression levels of serum COL1A1 and COL1A2 are risk factors for aneurysm rupture in patients with IA,and their combined prediction of aneurysm rupture in IA patients has certain clinical value.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024448


3D image fusion technology can fuse image data before and during interventional treatments with mediator of cone-beam CT and guide interventional operations,which might significantly improve the success rate of interventional treatment of aortic lesions and reduce radiation exposure,iodine contrast agent dosage and operation time,etc.The research progresses of 3D image fusion technology for guiding endovascular treatment of aortic lesions were reviewed in this article.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024844


Objective To explore the feasibility of quantitative EEG parameters for prognostic prediction of patients with severe aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(SaSAH)90 d after the onset of the disease.Methods Patients with SaSAH admitted to the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit(NSICU)of Henan Provincial People's Hospital from September 2022 to September 2023 were prospectively consecutively enrolled,and baseline data were collected,including age,gender,medical history(hypertension,diabetes mellitus,coronary artery disease,and stroke),history of smoking,history of drinking,location of aneurysm(anterior circulation,posterior circulation),surgical modality(craniotomy,interventional surgery,hybrid surgery),Hunt-Hess classification,Glasgow coma scale(GCS)score,acute physiology and chronic health status scoring system Ⅱ(APACHE Ⅱ)score,subarachnoid hemorrhage early brain edema score(SEBES),first randomized blood glucose level after admission to NSICU,lactate level,and duration of NSICU stay.Quantitative EEG monitoring was performed in all patients within 48 h after admission to the NSICU,and amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram(aEEG)upper and lower boundaries,95%spectral edge frequency(SEF95),α change,(δ+θ)to(α+β)power ratio(DTABR),brain symmetry index(BSI),and spectral entropy were collected.Based on modified Rankin scale(mRS)scores 90 d after onset,patients were categorized into good prognosis(mRS score 2 points)and poor prognosis(mRS score 3-6 points)groups.Spearman rank correlation was used to analyze the correlation between quantitative EEG parameters and mRS scores in SaSAH patients.Multifactorial Logistic regression analysis was used to screen for correlates of poor prognosis,and receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves were plotted to evaluate the efficacy of each index in predicting patients'poor prognosis.Results(1)A total of 72 patients with SaSAH were included,with 47 in the poor prognosis group and 25 in the good prognosis group,and the poor prognosis rate at 90 d after the onset was 65.3%.There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of gender,age,hypertension,diabetes mellitus,coronary artery disease,history of stroke,history of smoking,history of drinking,location of aneurysm,surgical modality,lactate level,and length of hospitalization in the NSICU(all P>0.05);the differences between the Hunt-Hess grading,SEBES,and random blood glucose were statistically significant upon comparison(all P<0.05).Compared with the good prognosis group,the changes of aEEG upper and lower boundary,SEF95,α change and spectral entropy were lower in the poor prognosis group,but DTABR and BSI were higher(all P<0.05).(2)Spearman rank correlation analysis showed that the upper border of aEEG(r=-0.41,P<0.01),lower border of aEEG(r=-0.54,P<0.01),SEF95(r=-0.46,P<0.01),α change(r=-0.53,P<0.01)and spectral entropy(r=-0.39,P<0.01)were negatively correlated with the mRS scores of SaSAH patients,and DTABR(r=0.52,P<0.01)and BSI(r=0.33,P<0.01)were positively correlated with poor prognosis of SaSAH patients.(3)The results of multifactorial Logistic regression analysis showed that Hunt-Hess grading(level Ⅳ vs.Ⅲ:OR,1.203,95%CI 1.005-1.441,P=0.044;level V vs.Ⅲ:OR,1.661,95%CI 1.109-2.487,P=0.014),SEBES(OR,1.647,95%CI 1.050-2.586;P=0.030),aEEG lower border(OR,0.687,95%CI 0.496-0.953l;P=0.024),SEF95(OR,0.436,95%CI0.202-0.937;P=0.034),α change(OR,0.368,95%CI0.189-0.717;P=0.003),DTABR(OR,1.324,95%CI 1.064-1.649;P=0.012),and BSI(OR,1.513,95%CI 1.026-2.231;P=0.036)were influencing factors of poor prognosis in SaSAH patients.ROC curve analysis showed that all of the above seven indicators had a certain predictive value for poor prognosis in SaSAH patients,among which the area under the curve of DTABR was the highest as 0.862(95%CI 0.761-0.932),with sensitivity 85.11%and specificity 80.00%.Conclusion Quantitative EEG parameters aEEG lower border,SEF95,α change,DTABR,and BSI may have certain predictive value for the short-term prognosis of SaSAH patients,which needs to be further confirmed in future multi-center large-sample studies.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 98-102, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026069


Objective:To explore the therapeutic effect of dual microcatheter technology on acute intracranial wide necked aneurysms and its impact on serum levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), neuron specific enolase (NSE), and central nervous system specific protein (S100β).Methods:A prospective study was conducted on 80 patients with acute intracranial wide neck aneurysms admitted to the Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Anhui Medical University from January 2020 to March 2023. They were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group, with 40 cases in each group, using a random number table method. The control group patients were treated with stent assisted spring coil intervention embolization, while the observation group patients were treated with dual microcatheter technology intravascular intervention embolization. We compared the perioperative conditions of two groups, including changes in serum MMP-9, NSE, and S100β, as well as short-term prognosis, changes in the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, Barthel Index (BI) score, and incidence of complications.Results:The observation group had shorter surgical and hospital stay than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05); At 7 days after surgery, the serum levels of MMP-9, NSE, and S100β in the observation group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05); The short-term good prognosis rate of the observation group was 55.00%(22/40), significantly higher than the control group′s 32.50%(13/40), and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05); At one month after surgery, the NIHSS score in the observation group was lower than that in the control group, while the BI score was higher than that in the control group, with statistically significant differences (all P<0.05); There was no statistically significant difference in the total incidence of postoperative complications between the two groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:The dual microcatheter technique has a significant therapeutic effect on acute intracranial wide neck aneurysms, reducing the increase in serum MMP-9, NSE, and S100β levels after surgery, promoting postoperative recovery, and is worthy of clinical promotion.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028809


Objective To investigate the serum levels of semaphorin 3E(Sema3E)in patients with intracranial aneurysms,revealing the correlation between Sema3E and 1-month poor prognosis after interventional embolization.Methods This study was a prospective single-center cohort study,recruiting 102 consecutive patients with intracranial aneurysms who underwent interventional surgery from June 2020 to January 2022 in our hospital.Among them,11 patients were excluded.Clinical and radiological profiles were collected.Peripheral blood was collected after admission,and serum Sema3E levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.All the aneurysms were treated with endovascular coil embolization or stent-assisted coil embolization.The primary outcome was evaluated with the Glasgow Outcome Scale(GOS)1 month after interventional therapy.The favorable outcome was defined as a GOS score of 4-5,and a poor outcome was defined as a GOS score of 1-3(severe disability,vegetative state,or death).Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify potential prognostic factors after interventional therapy.Results The average age of 91 patients with intracranial aneurysm was 59.9±11.0 years old,including 70 cases(76.9%)with favorable prognosis and 21 cases(23.1%)with poor prognosis.The mean preoperative Glasgow Coma Scale(GCS)score of the poor prognosis group(9.4±4.5)was significantly lower than that of the favorable prognosis group(13.3±2.5;P<0.001).In the poor prognosis group,the Hunt-Hess grade(3.6±0.6 vs.2.0±1.3,P<0.001)and the serum Sema3E levels[(6.21±1.58)μg/L vs.(4.38±1.77)μg/L,P<0.001]were significantly higher than those in the favorable prognosis group.Logistic regression analysis showed the Hunt-Hess grade(OR =7.150,P =0.003),stent-assisted coil embolization(OR =15.777,P =0.010),and the serum Sema3E level(OR =1.756,P =0.027)were independent prognostic factors for intracranial aneurysms after interventional therapy.Conclusions The serum Sema3E level is closely correlated with the severity of intracranial aneurysms.The serum Sema3E level is a prognostic factor for interventional treatment,which can be used as a biomarker for predicting poor outcomes.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028957


In recent years, endovascular treatment has emerged as the preferred approach for aortic aneurysms. From an anatomical perspective, the current focus of research remains on the reconstruction of iliac artery branches, multiple branches of visceral arteries, and branches of the aortic arch. Substantial clinical evidence has been accumulated in these areas. Simultaneously, future research is expected to explore the reconstruction of the aortic root involving coronary arteries openings and the inhibition of small arterial aneurysm progression through pharmacological means. This article aims to provide a review of significant research data in recent years related to the treatment of aortic aneurysms, offering insights and prospects for future research directions.

Chinese Journal of Nephrology ; (12): 53-55, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029274


The paper reports the treatment of a maintenance hemodialysis patient with pseudoaneurysm (PSA) caused by accidental injury of brachial artery during the puncture of internal fistula. The main treatment methods of PSA include surgical incision and repair, local pressure therapy, ultrasound-guided intraluminal thrombin injection, implantation of covered stent, coil embolization and so on, but they all have some defects. The patient was admitted to hospital due to poor fistula function, and the formation of brachial artery PSA was confirmed by color ultrasound. PSA was successfully treated with ultrasound-guided and balloon-assisted injection of human fibrin sealant. The fistula had good function 3 months after the operation.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 384-390, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017573


Objective To analyze the influence of drainage volume on prognosis of acute hydrocephalus(AHC)after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(aSAH)by continuous lumbar drainage.Methods A retrospective trial was conducted on 82 AHC patients after aSAH admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University between January 2017 and January 2022.In 6 months after discharge,modified Rankin Scale(mRS)score was used to evaluate the prognostic outcomes.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed on demographic factors,severity of subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)at admission,medical history,cerebral vasospasm,and lumbar drainage data.Then a nomogram prediction model was constructed.Results Univariate analysis found that World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies(WFNS)score,Hunt-Hess grade,modified Fisher grade,time for continuous lumbar drainage,shunt dependence,cerebral vasospasm,and drainage volume were factors affecting the prognosis of the patients.Then logistic regression analysis revealed that high WFNS score(OR:3.25,95%CI:1.11~9.48),high modified Fisher grade(OR:3.66,95%CI:1.08~12.35),shunt dependence(OR:15.56,95%CI:1.22~198.57),and cerebral vasospasm(OR:22.24,95%CI:3.08~160.68)were independent predictors for mRS score,while volume of continuous lumbar drainage(OR:0.57,95%CI:0.40~0.82)was an independent protective factor.ROC curve analysis indicated a good predictive performance of the model(AUC=0.898,95%CI:0.935~0.861).Internal validation through Bootstrap method demonstrated excellent discriminatory ability of the model(C-index=0.950,95%CI:0.904~0.996;adjusted C-index:0.934).Conclusion Increased volume of lumbar drainage is an independent protective factor for poor prognosis following aSAH and can improve the prognosis of SAH patients.

Journal of Army Medical University ; (semimonthly): 705-714, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017582


Objective To investigate the role and mechanism of NLRP3/Caspase-1/IL-1 β inflammasome pathway in the formation of aortic dissection in mice.Methods Fifty male C57BL/6 mice(3 weeks old,body weight 10~13 g)were divided into control group(n =10,normal diet),β-aminopropionitrile(BAPN)group[n =20,drink water containing 1 g/(kg·d)BAPN],and BAPN+MCC950 group[n=20,drink water containing 1 g/(kg·d)BAPN and intraperitoneal injection of 20 mg/(kg·d)NLRP3 inhibitor,MCC950]by random sampling.Water intake,body weight,incidence of aortic dissection and aortic dissection-related mortality were recorded.The inflammatory infiltration in the aorta was observed with HE staining,elastic fiber breakage was observed by elastic Van Gieson(EVG)staining,average fluorescence intensity of NLRP3,IL-1β,α-SMA and OPN was detected by immunofluorescence assay,and protein expression levels of NLRP3,Caspase-1,ASC,IL-1β,α-SMA and OPN were measured with Western blotting.Results No aortic dissection or death was observed in the control group.The BAPN group had an incidence of aortic dissection of 80%,aortic dissection-related mortality of 35%,and obvious broken elastic fibers and inflammatory infiltrate in the aortic wall,and increased expression levels of NLRP3,Caspase-1,ASC and IL-1 β,decreased contractile α-SMA and increased synthetic protein OPN when compared with the control group(P<0.05).While MCC950 treatment decreased the incidence of aortic dissection(80%vs 35%,P=0.004)and aortic dissection-related mortality(35%vs 15%,P=0.144),alleviated the broken elastic fibers and inflammatory infiltrate in the aortic wall,and down-regulated the expression of NLRP3,Caspase-1,ASC and IL-1β,enhanced contractile α-SMA and decreased the synthetic protein when compared with the BAPN group(P<0.05).Conclusion The occurrence of aortic dissection in mice is associated with activation of NLRP3/Caspase-1/IL-1 β inflammasome pathway.NLRP3 inhibitor,MCC950,can reduce the occurrence of aortic dissection and show a protective effect on blood vessels.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 181-185, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018111


Objective:To analyze the early outcomes of self-made false lumen embolization device for occlusion the false lumen in chronic Stanford type B aortic dissection.Methods:A retrospective study analyzed 10 patients, there were 9 males and 1 female, with an average age of (52±10) years, aged from 39-69 years. Those 10 patients were diagnosed with chronic Stanford type B aortic dissection between June 2020 and July 2023, which presented with persistent false lumen backflow in the thoracic aortic segment, and persistent dilation or rupture of dissected aneurysms in our center. False lumen occlusion was performed using self-made false lumen embolization device. Primary endpoints index were technical success rate and clinical success rate. Secondary endpoints observation index were 30-day mortality and morbidity.Results:Over a mean 6-month follow-up (range 0-32 months) in 10 patients, the technical success rate was 90%. One patient occurred minor false lumen backflow in the intraoperative angiography and it exceeds the embolization device, but it was disappeared through conservative treatment during follow up period. The clinical success rate was 90%, 9 patients attained completely thrombosed at the thoracic segment while another 1 patient was manifested as partially thrombosed in false lumen. There were no intraprocedural death cases and 1 patient occurred paraparesis during perioperative period.Conclusion:It was a safe, effective and easy to achieve in the treatment of chronic Stanford type B aortic dissection using self-made false lumen embolization device, especially it is suitable for patients with chronic Stanford type B aortic dissection required emergent handling in the setting of rupture.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 544-547, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018652


Angiopoietin-like protein 8(ANGPTL8)secreted by liver and adipose tissue,is a glycoprotein exerting paramount effects on facilitation of vascular remodeling and regulation of inflammatory response;ANGPTL8 is in-volved in the initiation and progression of cardiovascular diseases including coronary artery disease,hypertension,aortic aneurysm and pathological cardiac hypertrophy,and holds promise for being a new target for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
