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文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1551352


In Benin, nurses complain of insufficient job satisfaction. This study is the third part of a mixed research project. The aim of this article was to develop an intervention to improve nurses' job satisfaction. Participatory action research with intervention mapping was carried out in 2021. Purposive sampling was used. Interviews and panel discussions were held with 40 participants, nurses and administrative staff from the Djidja and Covè area hospitals. A number of internal factors contributed to the nurses' job satisfaction. However, external factors also militated in favor of insufficient job satisfaction among nurses. This confirms the results of quantitative evaluation of nurses' job satisfaction, in line with a number of authors. The panelists agreed ona major workshop and satisfaction improvement program. They agreed on quantified objectives, a logic model, terms of reference, a logical framework and an evaluation plan. Participants also agreed on the development of nursing work management tools. The determinants of nurses' job satisfaction are examined in depth, some of which are confirmed, also confirming a lack of job satisfaction. The workshop will focus on three interventions selected from the literature, merged and adapted by the participants. None of these interventions has been tested in sub-Saharan Africa. Intervention implementation and evaluation will be the subject of future research. Key words: Benin; Job satisfaction; Nurses; Action research; Determinants; Intervention.Pour citer cet article: ADOGNIBO S. Gérardetal. Job satisfaction among nurses in area hospitals of Djidja and Covè: Determinants and development of intervention in 2021 in Benin. Revue de Médecine et de Santé Publique

Bénin Médical ; 69: 10-20, 2024.
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1554437


Objectif : Déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs associés à la dénutrition en postopératoire dans deux hôpitaux universitaires publics au Bénin. Méthode : Il s'agissait d'une étude observationnelle transversale descriptive et analytique, qui s'est déroulée de mai à juillet 2022. Un recrutement exhaustif des patients devant être pris en charge chirurgicalement pour une pathologie digestive et ayant consenti à l'étude, a été effectué. Des données anthropométriques et de consommation alimentaire, des données cliniques ont été recueillies grâce à un questionnaire standardisé. Résultats : Un total de 51 patients a été inclus, avec une prédominance d'adultes âgés de moins de 50 ans (70,6%), un sex-ratio de 0,9 ; 72,5% avait un niveau d'instruction ≥ secondaire, 60,8% vivait en couple. Le niveau de revenu était inférieur au salaire minimum interprofessionnel garanti (SMIG) dans 52,9% des cas. La fréquence de la dénutrition était de 29,4% à l'admission contre 54% en postopératoire. Seuls les patients dénutris avaient présenté des complications postopératoires (36%). L'évaluation de l'état nutritionnel n'avait été consignée dans aucun des dossiers médicaux. En analyse multivariée, l'insuffisance en apport protéique et un bas niveau de revenu étaient associées à la dénutrition postopératoire (p = 0,002). Conclusion : La dénutrition en chirurgie digestive est une réalité dans les hôpitaux publics du Bénin et constitue un facteur de risque de complications postopératoires. Son dépistage et sa prise en charge doivent être systématiques et consignés dans le dossier médical du malade

Objective: To determine the frequency and factors associated with postoperative undernutrition in two public teaching hospitals in Benin. Method: This was a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional observational study conducted from May to July 2022. An exhaustive recruitment of patients to be managed surgically for a digestive pathology and who consented to the study, was carried out. Anthropometric, food consumption and clinical data were collected using a standardized questionnaire. Results: A total of 51 patients were included, with a predominance of adults under 50 years of age (70.6%), a sex ratio of 0.9; 72.5% had an educational level ≥ secondary, 60.8% were living as a couple. Income was below the guaranteed minimum wage in 52.9% of cases. The incidence of undernutrition was 29.4% on admission, compared with 54% postoperatively. Only the undernourished patients (36%) presented postoperative complications. Assessment of nutritional status was not recorded in any of the medical register. In multivariate analysis, insufficient protein intake and low income were associated with postoperative undernutrition. Conclusion: Undernutrition in digestive surgery is a reality in public hospitals in Benin, and constitutes a risk factor for postoperative complications. Its detection and management must be systematic and recorded in the patient's medical register.

Humans , Male , Female , Benin
Bénin Médical ; 69: 96-104, 2024. figures, tables
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1554535


Introduction : Les maladies non transmissibles (MNT) sont en augmentation dans plusieurs secteurs d'activité. L'objectif de l'étude était de décrire les facteurs de risque des MNT chez des femmes fumeuses de poissons sur deux sites au Bénin relevant du secteur informel. Méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale descriptive qui s'est déroulée pendant un mois du 25 Avril au 26 Mai 2019. La population d'étude a été constituée des femmes fumeuses de poissons des sites de Xwlacodji et de Djeffa ayant au moins deux années d'ancienneté. Les variables étudiées étaient relatives aux caractéristiques socioprofessionnelles, aux facteurs comportementaux et bio cliniques. Le recrutement des participants a été exhaustif. Un questionnaire standardisé inspiré de celui du STEPS-OMS a été utilisé pour la collecte des données. Une analyse descriptive a été effectuée. Résultats : Au total, 81femmes ont été incluses. L'âge médian des femmes était de 40 ans, avec un intervalle interquartile de [25-75] ; 17 (21%) étaient scolarisées ; 39 (48,14%) ont une ancienneté de plus de 20 ans. Les facteurs comportementaux se présentaient comme suit :1,23% tabagisme (cigarette) ; 69,14% consommation régulière de l'alcool ; 46,91% d'insuffisance d'activité physique ; 100% de consommation insuffisante de FEL. En ce qui concerne les facteurs biocliniques il y avait 56,78% de surcharge pondérale ; 32,1% pression artérielle élevée prenant en compte la prise d'antihypertenseur ; 5,4% d'hyperglycémie. Conclusion : La fréquence de certains facteurs de risque des MNT est élevée, la mise en place d'un programme de sensibilisation est nécessaire.

Introduction: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are on the increase in several sectors of activity. The aim of the study was to describe the risk factors for NCDs among women fish smokers in two Benin sites in the informal sector. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted over a one-month period from April 25 to May 26, 2019. The study population consisted of fish-smoking women from the Xwlacodji and Djeffa sites with at least two years of seniority. Variables studied included socioprofessional characteristics, behavioral and bio-clinical factors. Participants were recruited exhaustively. A standardized questionnaire based on the STEPS-OMS questionnaire was used forn data collection. Descriptive analysis was performed. Results: A total of 81 women were included. The median age of the women was 40 years, with an interquartile range of [25-75]; 17 (21%) had attended school; 39 (48.14%) had attended school for more than 20 years. Behavioural factors were: 1.23% smoking; 69.14% regular alcohol consumption; 46.91% insufficient physical activity; 100% insufficient FEL consumption. Bioclinical factors were: 56.78% overweight; 32.1% hypertension with antihypertensive medication; 5.4% hyperglycemia. Conclusion: The frequency of certain risk factors for non-communicable diseases is high, and an awareness program is needed.

Humans , Female
Bénin Médical ; 69: 82-89, 2024.
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1554571


Introduction Les dermatoses tumorales sont des néoformations tissulaires dues à une prolifération cellulaire excessive, anormale, anarchique et plus ou moins autonome, aux dépens de la peau et de ses annexes. Ces dermatoses tumorales peuvent être bénignes, malignes ou à malignité limitée. L'objectif de la présente étude est de répertorier l'ensemble des dermatoses tumorales vues en consultation dermatologique au CNHU-HKM de Cotonou. Patients et méthodes Etude transversale rétrospective et descriptive ayant porté sur les dossiers des patients vus pour des tumeurs cutanéo-muqueuses, dans le service de Dermatologie-vénérologie du Centre National Hospitalier Universitaire Hubert Koutoukou Maga (CNHU-HKM) de Cotonou, de 2009 à 2023. Les données épidémiologiques et cliniques ont été recueillies à partir des registres de consultations puis saisies et analysées avec les logiciels Excel, EPI-DATA et SPSS. Résultats Au total, 15627 nouveaux patients ont été enregistrés, dont 1221 atteints de dermatoses tumorales (7,81%). L'âge moyen était de 33 ans ± 18,71 ; la tranche d'âge la plus représentée était celle de 20 à 39 ans (46,30%). La sex-ratio était de 1,08. Les lésions étaient acquises chez 93,94% des patients. Trente-cinq types de dermatoses tumorales ont été colligés. Les tumeurs bénignes représentaient 95,43% des patients. Elles étaient dominées par les chéloïdes (25,34 %) suivies parles condylomes (17,50 %), les verrues (10,12%), le molluscum contagiosum (7,54 %), l'ensemble formé par les nævi et hamartomes (5,18 %) et les kystes sébacés (4,57 %). Les tumeurs malignes étaient rares et représentées par les carcinomes spinocellulaires (1,14%), basocellulaires (0,30%) et les mélanomes (0,30%). Les tumeurs à malignité limitée sont essentiellement représentées par la maladie de Kaposi retrouvée chez 2,05% des patients. Conclusion Les dermatoses tumorales sont relativement fréquentes en milieu hospitalier au Bénin. Elles sont dominées par les tumeurs bénignes avec à leur tête les chéloïdes et les condylomes

Introduction Tumoral dermatoses are tissue neoformations resulting from excessive, abnormal, anarchic, and somewhat autonomous cell proliferation, affecting the skin and its annexes. These tumoral dermatoses can be benign, malignant, or of limited malignancy. The aim of this study is to catalog all the tumoral dermatoses seen in dermatological consultation at NUHC- HKM in Cotonou. Patients and Methods This was a retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study based on the files of patients seen for cutaneous or mucosal tumors in the Dermatology-Venereology department of the National University Hospital Center Hubert Koutoukou Maga (NUHC-HKM) in Cotonou, from 2009 to 2023. Epidemiological and clinical data were collected from consultation registers and analyzed using Excel, EPI-DATA, and SPSS software. A total of 15,627 new patients were registered, of which 1,221 were affected by tumoral dermatoses (7.81%). The average age was 33 years ± 18.71; the most represented age group was 20 to 39 years (46.30%). The sex ratio was 1.08. Thirty-five types of tumoral dermatoses were collected. The lesions were non congenital in 93.94% of patients. Benign tumors accounted for 95.43% of the patients. They were dominated by keloids (25.34%) followed by condylomas (17.50%), warts (10.12%), molluscum contagiosum (7.54%), the group formed by nevi and hamartomas (5.18%), and sebaceous cysts (4.57%). Malignant tumors were rare and represented by squamous cell carcinomas (1.14%), basal cell carcinomas (0.30%), and melanomas (0.30%). Tumors with limited malignancy were primarily represented by Kaposi's disease found in 2.05% of patients. Conclusion Tumoral dermatoses are relatively frequent in the hospital setting in Benin. They are dominated by benign tumors, headed by keloids and condylomas

Humans , Male , Female , Wounds and Injuries
Bénin Médical ; 69: 44-51, 2024. figures, tables
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1554655


Introduction : la Chimioprévention du Paludisme Saisonnier (CPS) est une intervention pouvant réduire la survenue des cas de paludisme chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois. L'objectif de cette étude était de mesurer la couverture de la CPS chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois pendant la campagne (juillet à octobre 2023) vivant dans la zone d'intervention au Bénin. Matériels et méthodes : une étude enquête transversale descriptive et analytique a été conduite du 30 novembre au 14 décembre 2023. Un échantillonnage en grappe à trois degrés a permis de tiré au sort 3573 en milieux urbain et rural dans 172 Zones de Dénombrements (ZD) réparties dans les 15 communes d'intervention. Résultats : l'enquête a révélé que 87,3% des enfants ciblés ont été touchés par la campagne de CPS 2023. Sur les quatre passages, la couverture complète était respectivement de 84,4%, 81,7%, 77,7% et 62,2%. La couverture complète pour les douze doses était de 59,8%. Conclusion : la couverture en CPS a diminué au fur et à mesure des doses. Les refus persistent et proviennent des personnes clés des ménages qui décident de l'accès aux soins. Le plan de communication et les stratégies de déploiement de la CPS doit être investigué et renforcé en vue d'améliorer la couverture.

Introduction: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is an intervention that can reduce the occurrence of malaria in children aged 3-59 months. The study aimed to measure the coverage of SMC among children aged 3 to 59 months from July to October 2023 living in the intervention zone in Benin. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 30 November to 14 December 2023. Three-stage sampling was used to randomly select 3573 people in urban and rural areas in 172 enumeration zones (ED) in the 15 intervention municipalities. Results: Of the targeted children, 87.3% of had been reached by the 2023 CPS campaign Over the four rounds, full coverage was 84.4%, 81.7%, 77.7% and 62.2% respectively. Full coverage for the twelve doses was 59.8%. Conclusion: The SMC coverage decreased with each dose and varied across areas. The SMC communication plan and implementation needs to be strengthened to improve coverage

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Malaria , National Health Strategies , Health Services Coverage , Prevalence , Disease Prevention , National Health Programs
Bénin Médical ; 69: 56-64, 2024.
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1554643


Introduction : Il n'y a aucune donnée publiée sur les mouvements anormaux (MA) au Bénin. Objectif : Etudier la fréquence, les caractéristiques cliniques et évolutifs des MA au CHUD-B/A au nord-Bénin en 2020. Matériel et méthodes : Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale descriptive avec collecte de données sur 5 ans (1er juillet 2015 - 30 juin 2020) en neurologie au CHUD/B à Parakou au Nord-Bénin. Le diagnostic et la classification des MA a été fait par un neurologue selon les critères cliniques du Consensus Statement of International Parkinson and Movements Disorders Society (MDS), et les critères révisés de Jinnah 2014 pour la dystonie. Les autres mouvements hyperkinétiques sont retenus selon les critères de Reich 2010 et les critères de Allen 2003 pour le syndrome des jambes sans repos (SJSR). Résultats : 2250 patients ont été inclus. L'âge moyen des patients MA au diagnostic était de 52,57 ± 20,77ans [1-80ans]. L'âge moyen au début des symptômes était de 49,16 ± 20,85ans [1-80ans]. Le sex-ratio était de 2,58. La fréquence des MA dans le service était de 5,73% (129/2250) et 6,68% (117/1805) en consultation ambulatoire. Les MA identifiés étaient : tremblement (72,09%), akinésie-parkinsonisme (41,08%), dystonie (7,75%), chorée (6,2%), myoclonie (3,1%), dyskinésie (2,33%), ballisme (2,33%), athétose (0,78%), akathisie (0,78%) et le SJSR (0,78%). Le parkinsonisme représentait 2,36% (53cas). Les causes des MA étaient dégénératives (27,91%), idiopathiques (27,13%), vasculaires (13,95%), iatrogènes (11,63%). Le tremblement essentiel 57,14% (28cas) touchait surtout les sujets entre 25-60 ans et n'était pas associé à l'âge (p=0,795) ni aux antécédents familiaux (p=0,417). L'évolution des MA était marquée par leur amélioration partielle 33%, une rémission complète 10,85%, le décès 7,75%. Conclusion : Les MA sont fréquents en Neurologie au CHUD/B-A. Une prise en charge optimale est nécessaire pour améliorer la qualité de vie des patients.

Introduction: There are no published data on movement disorders in Benin. Objective: We aimed to study the descriptive epidemiology, the clinical spectrums and the evolution of MD in the university hospital center of Parakou (CHUD-B/A) in northern Benin in 2020. Material and methods: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study with data collection over 5 years from 07/01/2015 to 06/30/2020 in the neurology department of CHUD-B/A. Diagnosis and classifications of MD was made by a neurologist according to clinical criteria of the Consensus Statement of International Parkinson and Movements Disorders Society (MDS), Jinnah 2014 revised criteria for dystonia, Reich 2010 for other hyperkinetic MD and Allen 2003 criteria for restless legs syndrome (RLS). Statistical analysis was made by Epidata Analysis software. Results: 2250 patients were included. The mean age of patients with MD at diagnosis was 52.57 ± 20.77years with extremes of 1 to 80 years. The mean age at onset of symptoms was 49.16 ± 20.85years [1-80years]. The sex ratio was 2.58. The frequency of MD in the department was 5.73% (129/2250) and 6.68% (117/1805) in outpatients. The MD identified were: tremor 72.09%, akinesia and parkinsonism 41.08%, dystonia 7.75%, chorea 6.2%, myoclonus 3.1%, dyskinesia 2.33%, ballism 2.33%, athetosis 0.78%, akathisia 0.78% and RLS 0.78%. Parkinsonism accounted for 2.36% (53cases). The causes of MD were degenerative (27.91%), idiopathic (27.13%), vascular (13.95%), iatrogenic (11.63%). Essential tremor (28cases) affected patients between 25-60years (57.14%). Evolution was marked by partial improvement (33%), complete remission (10.85%), and death (7.75%). Conclusion: MD are common at CHUD-B/A. Optimal management is necessary to improve the quality of life of patients.

Male , Female , Tremor , Diagnosis
Health sci. dis ; 24(1): 61-70, 2023. tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1411147


Introduction. Following communication and awareness actions related to COVID-19, we assessed the knowledge and practices about COVID-19 in Benin. Methods. A case-control survey was conducted from 14 September to 20 October 2020 in Benin. Questions relatingto knowledge and practices on COVID-19 were collected through a questionnaire survey. A total of 312 respondents (104 cases and 208 controls) were included in the study. Logistic regression and Spearman correlation tests were used to examine the relation between participants knowledge and practice at a 5% significance level. Results. From the survey, 65.4% of cases and 68.3% of controls knew about COVID-19 transmission via air droplets. Most of the cases (67.31%) and control (79.81%) participants reported cough as a symptom of COVID-19. Handwashing with soap and water was the most protective measure known by 87.5% of cases and 90.87% of controls. Concerning practice, the cloth mask was the type mostly worn by cases (54.81%) and controls (58.65%). Wearing a face mask in public areas was significantly associated with the COVID-19 health status of respondents (OR = 2.98, CI95% [1.16-7.67]; p = 0.022). Furthermore, a significantly positive correlation exists between knowledge of the COVID-19 protective measures and hand hygiene practices when leaving a public place (r = 0.184, p=0.001). Conclusion. Through this study, we observed some discrepancies between the knowledge and practices related to COVID-19 among cases and controls surveyed. Therefore, efforts should be directed toward raising awareness about the disease to improve their knowledge and practices

Humans , Case-Control Studies , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Benin , Delivery of Health Care , COVID-19
Pan Afr. med. j ; 44(NA)2023. tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1425227


Introduction: early adolescent sexuality is associated with an increase in risky sexual behaviour, unwanted pregnancies, and the occurrence of sexually transmitted infections. However, despite the efforts of governments and their partners, the implementation and effectiveness of appropriate and adapted services to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health are lagging. Therefore, this study aimed to document determinants of early adolescent sexuality in the central district of Tchaourou in Benin based on a socio-ecological approach. Methods: an explorative and descriptive qualitative study was conducted using focus groups and individual interviews based on the socio-ecological model. Participants included adolescents, parents, teachers, and community leaders in Tchaourou. Results: the number of participants in each focus group was 8 (32). There were 20 girls and 12 boys aged 10-19 years, of whom 16 were students (7 females and nine males) and 16 were apprentice dressmakers and hairdressers. In addition, five participants attended individual interviews (two community leaders, one religious' leader, one teacher and one parent). Four themes were identified that influence early sexuality among adolescents and grouped into individual determinants related to knowledge about early sexuality; interpersonal determinants related to adolescents' function, including the influence of family and peers; community and organizational determinants related to where harmful sociocultural norms; political determinants comprising the disadvantaged socioeconomic status of the communities where adolescents live. Conclusion: many factors at multiple social levels influence early adolescent sexuality in the commune of Tchaourou in Benin. Therefore, interventions directed at these various levels are needed urgently.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Pregnancy, Unwanted , Sexual Behavior , Sex Education , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Risk Factors , Sexuality , Social Class , Evaluation Studies as Topic
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1561308


L'observancepar les gestantes des soins de santé maternelle réalisés par du personnel qualifié est connuepour réduire la probabilité de décès néonatal chez les nouveau-nés. Toutefois, le gain observé par rapport au recours à ces soinsest-il homogène quel que soit l'agent de santé qui réalise l'acte ?L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier les effets de l'observance des consultations prénatales et du recours aux accouchements assistés par des agents qualifiés en général, et des sage-femmes en particulier, sur la mortalité néonatale au Bénin. Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale qui a consisté à réaliser des analyses secondaires à partir des bases de données du cinquième Enquête Démographique et de Santé (EDS-V) au Bénin. La population d'étude était constituée des enfants nés au cours des cinq années ayant précédé l'EDS-V. La variable dépendante était le décès (1=Oui vs 0=Non) des enquêtés avantle 28ème jour après la naissance. Pour chaque enfant inclus, il a été renseigné l'observance (ou non) des visites de soins prénataux ainsi que le type d'agents ayant procédé à ces actes. Le type de prestataire ayant assisté la mère lors de l'accouchement a également été renseigné. Une régression logistique multivariée a permis d'identifier les facteurs associés à la mortalité néonatale. Au total, 13044 enfants ont été inclus dans l'étude. Parmi ces derniers, 2,64% (IC95% = 2,32-3,01) étaient décédés avant le 28ème jour suivant la naissance. Le risque de décès néonatal était inférieur de 34% (ORa = 0,66 ; IC95% = 0,47-0,93) chez les enfants dont les mères avaient observé les consultations prénatales, réalisées par des sage-femmes, en comparaison aux enfants dont les mères n'avaient pas observé ces visites. Une relation significative n'a pas été observée entre le type de prestataire ayant assisté la mère lors de l'accouchement et la mortalité néonatale. L'étude souligne la nécessité de renforcer les stratégies visant une amélioration de l'offre et de la demande des visites de soins prénataux réalisées par des agents qualifiés en général, et des sage-femmes, en particulier.

Observance by pregnant women of maternal health care provided by qualified personnel is known to reduce the probability of neonatal death in newborns. However, is the gain observed in relation to the Page 53of70RASPVolume 5, Issue1use of this care homogeneous regardless of the health worker who performs the act? The objective of this work was to study the effects of compliance with prenatal consultations and the use of births attended by skilled attendantsin general, and midwives in particular, on neonatal mortality in Benin. This was a cross-sectional study that consisted of carrying out secondary analyzes from the databases of the fifth Demographic and Health Survey (DHS-V) in Benin. The study populationconsisted of children born during the five years preceding the EDS-V. The dependent variable was the death (1=Yes vs 0=No) of respondents before the 28th day after birth. For each child included, information was provided on compliance (or not) with prenatal care visits as well as the type of agents who carried out these acts. The type of provider who assisted the mother during childbirth was also provided. A multivariate logistic regression made it possible to identify the factors associated with neonatal mortality. A total of 13,044 children were included in the study. Of these, 2.64% (95% CI = 2.32-3.01) had died before the 28th day after birth. The risk of neonatal death was 34% lower (ORa = 0.66; 95% CI = 0.47-0.93) in children whose mothers had observed antenatal consultations, carried out by midwives, compared to children whose mothers had not observed these visits. A significant relationship was not observed between the type of provider who assisted the mother during childbirth and neonatal mortality.The study underscores the need to strengthen strategies aimed at improving the supply and demand for antenatal care visits by skilled workers in general, and midwives in particular.

Humans , Male , Female
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219441


Aims: This work aims to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Sarcocephalus latifolius extracts. Methodology: Thus, phytochemical screening was qualitatively accessed using colorations or precipitations methods. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts were used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity, using the diffusion method, was evaluated on eight strains including two reference strains (Streptococcus pneumoniae ATCC 49619 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853) and six clinically isolated S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa strains. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBC) were determined by the microdilution method. Results: The phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, anthocyanins, mucilages, saponosides, C-heterosides and O-heterosides. Antimicrobial activity showed that the ethanolic extract with the lowest MIC (1.25 mg/ml) inhibited reference strains (S. pneumoniae ATCC 49619 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853) and clinical isolated S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa strains. The largest inhibition diameter (19± 1.33) was obtained with the ethanolic extract against clinical isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa and (15.5± 1) against the reference one. The aqueous extract inhibited only reference strains. Conclusions: The data of this study indicate that the extracts of S. latifolius present antimicrobial properties. This may justify its traditional use in the treatment of microbial infections.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219382


Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc., Zingiberaceae), a cultivated annual herbaceous plant is one of the most important spices consumed in the world with many medicinal properties. It is an income-generating plant for its production. This study aims to document endogenous knowledge on speculation as well as an agro-morphological characterization in order to make it better known and to reveal its potential to the whole world. The ethnobotanical data obtained by a semi-structured survey conducted from a questionnaire in six (06) municipalities in southern Benin made it possible to determine the local taxonomy of Ginger, the cultural practices and the different uses of the species. Ginger has been introduced in Benin for decades and in all the area study. The local names for the species as well as its uses, vary according to locality. As for the agro-morphological characterization, a complete random block device composed of five sub-plots was used. The experimental data allowed us to obtain three classes with all the accessions collected. Ginger cultivation is widespread in the study area with production on a small area. The cultivation techniques adopted do not follow any defined technical itinerary and the production tools are often rudimentary. The cultivation of ginger is therefore limited despite its multiple medicinal and economic potential. The institutions in charge of agriculture do not have data concerning the cultivation of ginger in southern Benin.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218724


In order to promote agricultural growth and urbanization of rural areas, ethnicity poses many dysfunctions in land governance concerning the rules, processes and structures mediating decisions on access, use and control of land, as well as the technique of managing conflicting land decisions and interests. The objective of this paper is to analyze the effects of urbanization and ethnicity on agricultural growth in Benin. Using VAR modeling on data covering the period 1995-2019, the results show that agricultural population negatively affects agricultural growth and ethnicity positively and significantly affects agricultural growth. Thus, it would be very interesting to take into account the evolution of agricultural population and ethnicity in the design and implementation of reforms in the agricultural sector in Benin.

European J Med Plants ; 2022 Sept; 33(9): 22-36
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219506


Background of the Study: In the oral health field, dental caries and periodontal diseases are the most frequent pathologies that affect all population to different degrees. In Benin, oral diseases constitute a serious public health problem. Care, whether curative or preventive, requires an investment that many cannot afford in developing countries like Benin. Because of oral diseases extent, appropriate solutions must be found to improve oral health in Benin. Place and Duration of Study: Data were collected through ethnobotanical surveys in the districts of Allada, Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou and Porto-Novo from May to August 2021. Aim: This study aims to identify the medicinal plants used in traditional medicine to treat oral diseases. Methodology: Prior to the ethnobotanical study itself, we proceeded to locate the markets where medicinal plants are sold in the study area. Then, in order to ensure a high objectivity degree of the data obtained during our study, the survey is carried out used a preestabilished questionnaires. The questionnaire focused on the following main points: (1) Profile of the respondent (surname, first name, age, gender, education level and experience in the field), (2) informations on the recipe (oral uses, vernacular and scientific names, parts used, preparation method, route and mode of administration, contraindications and side effects). The medicinal plants vendors were selected based their availability displays size and frequency level of displays. Results: One hundred and three (103) medicinal plants species were identified, divided into forty-four (44) families and ninety-one (91) genera. The most used plants are Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (11.72%), Ocimum americanum (4.88%), Ocimum gratissimum (4.39%), Lantana camara (2.93%), Bridelia ferruginea (2.93%), Moringa oleifera (2.44%), Lippia multiflora (2.44%), Mangifera indica (2.44%), Dialium guineense (2.44%), Pseudocedrela kotschyi (1.95%), Justicia flava (1.95%), Uvaria chamae (1.95%) and Xylopia aethiopica (1.95%). The most commonly plant parts used were leaves and roots. The decoction of these parts in mouthwash or gargle is most used for oral diseases treatment. Conclusion: The flora of Benin contains a rich diversity of plants. Many of which are used in traditional Beninese medicine and have the potential to provide pharmacologically active natural products. In order to know the different plants used to treat oral diseases, an ethnobotanical survey was conducted in southern Benin (district of Allada, Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou and Porto-novo).

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219593


The present study aims to formulate and develop functional breads from wheat and pigeon pea flour and evaluate their nutritional and sensory qualities. Indeed, different composite bread formulations have been made by partial substitution of wheat flour with pigeon pea flour in varying proportions (10%, 20% 25% 50%), and the nutritional and sensory characteristics of the different breads produced were evaluated. Results indicated that the protein content of the composite breads significantly increases (p <0.005) according to the pigeon pea flour incorporation rate. However, the evaluation of sensory characteristics indicated that only composite breads result from the incorporation rate of 10% of pigeon pea flours have organoleptic characteristics appreciated by the panel of tasters. These results therefore underline that the perception and opinion of consumers are very important parameters to be taken into account in any innovation process in the field of food technology.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219339


The main objective of this study is to investigate the patterns of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships within populations of Detarium microcarpum (Fabaceae) relative to different spatial conditions. Seventy-eight (78) accessions of D. microcarpum belonging to six populations (Phytogeographic districts) were sampled. In order to have very good quality DNA for molecular analysis, an optimization of the DNA isolation protocol was made. The molecular analysis of the accessions was carried out using 7 chloroplast microsatellite markers. The polymorphism rate (P) is 85.71% and the Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) was in the range of 0.43 (Ntcp_9) to 0.73 (Ccmp_2) with an average of 0.59. Allelic richness (A) ranged from 1.41 to 2.85 with an average of 2.04. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.23 to 0.60 with an average of 0.39. The expected heterozygosity (He) ranged from 0.43 to 0.60 with a mean of 0.50. Wright's fixation index (FIS) ranged from -0.17 to 0.47. The effective allele (Ae) is between 1.77 and 2.53 with an average of 2.02. Wright differentiation index (FST) was 0.024. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the NST value was significantly higher than the GST value (NST = 0.452; GST = 0.190; p <0.05). A relatively low hd haplotype diversity is obtained (Hd = 0.320). AMOVA analysis showed that 17.35% of the variation existed within populations but 45.80% among populations within the species. Neighbor-Joining phylogenetic tree of D. microcarpum revealed three non-distinct clusters haplotypes showing the existence of gene flow between populations of the species. Our findings of genetic structure and gene flow of D. microcarpum populations based on different spatial conditions is caused by evolutionary forces such as scattering and pollination.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220227


Aims: To describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health care personnel regarding venous thromboembolic disease prophylaxis (VTE) in the hospital setting to Parakou in 2017. Study Design: A descriptive cross-sectional study with prospective data collection. Place and Duration of Study: Departments of medicine and medical specialties, Departments of surgery and surgical specialties, Departments of gyneco-obstetrics and intensive care at the Hospital University of Parakou (CHUD-B), in northern Benin, between February 2017 and May 2017. Methodology: We included all health professionals working in these services who consented to participate. The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) guidelines for the management of VTE were used as the reference for the assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices. The evaluation form consisted of two parts, one addressed to physicians and the other to paramedics. The data were analyzed with SPSS 21 software with a significance level of 5% for comparisons. Results: A total of 223 health workers participated in the study. The knowledge level of the health workers was good in 52.47%, attitudes were correct in 37.67% and practices were adequate in 4.32%. Overall, health professionals had a good knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) score in 5.83% of the cases. Factors significantly associated with a good overall KAP score were practice on medical departments, continuing education of staff, status of doctors, knowledge of VTE guidelines and existence of VTE prevention protocols. Conclusion: Venous thromboembolic disease prophylaxis is moderately known by the health care personnel in Parakou, but attitudes and practices are not satisfactory. This highlights the need for continuous training.

Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;75(3): e20210254, 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1351714


ABSTRACT Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of stunting and thinness and sociodemographic, household, family, dietary, and scholar associated factors in schoolchildren living in Lokossa-Benin. Methods: a survey conducted in a probabilistic sample (n=615) of primary schoolchildren (8-17 years), from 12/2018 to 01/2019, using structured questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recall. Thinness and stunting were defined as Height-for-age and Body Mass Index-for-age below-2 standard deviations, respectively. Associations were estimated by chi-square test and logistic regression. Results: thinness and stunting prevalence was 13.1% (95%CI:9.0-18.7) and 25.5% (95%CI:20.6-31.2), respectively. Odds of thinness were higher among older schoolchildren and those who experienced hunger at school. Odds of stunting increased with age, low diet diversity, experiencing hunger at school, and having school meal five days a week (OR:2.09; 95%CI:1.29-3.36). Conclusions: stunting was the most common problem. Older schoolchildren and those with food deprivation or poor diet diversity were the most affected.

RESUMEN Objetivos: estimar la prevalencia de baja estatura y delgadez en estudiantes de Lokossa-Benin y factores sociodemográficos, domésticos, familiares, dietéticos y escolares asociados. Métodos: encuesta en una muestra probabilística (n=615) de escolares de 8 a 17 años mediante cuestionario estructurado y recordatorio de 24 horas. La baja estatura y la delgadez se definieron como la talla para la edad y el índice de masa corporal para la edad inferior a-2 desviaciones estándar, respectivamente. Las asociaciones se estimaron mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado y regresión logística. Resultados: las prevalencias de delgadez y baja estatura fueron 13,1% (IC95%:9,0-18,7) y 25,5% (IC95%:20,6-31,2). Las probabilidades de estar delgadas eran más altas entre los estudiantes mayores que informaron tener hambre en la escuela. Las posibilidades de estatura baja aumentaron con la edad, la diversidad dietética baja, y los informes sobre el hambre en la escuela y los almuerzos escolares cinco días a la semana (OR:2,09; IC95%:1,29-3,36). Conclusiones: la baja estatura fue el problema más común y los estudiantes mayores, con privación de alimentos o baja diversidad alimentaria fueron los más afectados.

RESUMO Objetivos: estimar a prevalência de baixa estatura e magreza em escolares de Lokossa-Benin e fatores sociodemográficos, domiciliares, familiares, alimentares e da escola associados. Métodos: inquérito em amostra probabilística (n=615) de escolares com idade entre 8 e 17 anos usando questionário estruturado e recordatório-24 horas. Baixa estatura e magreza foram definidas como Estatura-para-idade e Índice de Massa Corporal-para-idade inferior a-2 desvios-padrão, respectivamente. Associações foram estimadas pelo Teste do Qui-Quadrado e regressão logística. Resultados: prevalências de magreza e baixa estatura foram 13,1% (IC95%: 9,0-18,7) e 25,5% (IC95%: 20,6-31,2). As chances de magreza foram maiores entre escolares mais velhos e que relataram sentir fome na escola. Chances de baixa estatura aumentaram com idade, baixa diversidade alimentar, relatar fome na escola e merenda escolar cinco dias/semana (OR:2,09; IC95%:1,29-3,36). Conclusões: a baixa estatura foi o problema mais comum e escolares mais velhos, com privação alimentar ou baixa diversidade alimentar foram os mais afetados.

Ghana med. j ; 56(4): 303-310, 2022. tales, figures
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1402089


Objectives: This study assessed the prevalence and risk factors of depression among undergraduate medical students at the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria. Design: This was a cross-sectional study. Setting: This study was carried out at the University of Benin. Participants: Three hundred medical students were recruited for this study. Methods: The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) and a structured pre-tested self-administered questionnaire were used to assess the prevalence and risk factors of depression, respectively. Results: The students' age ranged from 15 ­ 34 years, with a mean age of 21.8 ± 3.3 years. Many risk factors which could predispose students to depression were identified. Overall, 96 (32.0%) students were found to have depression. Of these, 59 (19.0%) had mild depression, 4 (1.3%) had severe depression, 53 (39.3%) were pre-clinical students, and 43 (26.1%) were clinical students. Emotional problems (OR 2.205, 95% CI 1.122 ­ 3.749, p = 0.020), financial challenges (OR 3.971, 95% CI 2.170 ­ 7.269, p < 0.001) and smoking (OR 6.877, 95% CI 1.731 ­ 27.327, p = 0.006) were the significant independent predictors of depression. Conclusion: The prevalence of depression was high among medical students. There is a need to include screening for risk factors of depression in the routine medical examinations for new students admitted into medical schools

Humans , Students, Public Health , Depression , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Risk Factors
文章 在 法语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1434172


Introduction : le diabète est un véritable fléau mondial par sa prévalence en croissance. Les objectifs de la présente étude étaient de déterminer la prévalence du diabète et d'identifier les facteurs associés au diabète chez les conducteurs de taximotos de la ville de Parakou en 2021. Méthodes : il s'agissait d'une étude transversale, descriptive et analytique concernant les conducteurs de taxi-motos de la ville de Parakou et réalisée du 08 février au 31 mars 2021. Résultats : au total 422 conducteurs de taxi-motos enquêtés. L'âge moyen était de 36,45±10 ans ; 85,8% avaient un revenu mensuel d'au moins 40000 FCFA, 9,7% avaient une hypertension artérielle. L'anxiété et la dépression étaient présentes respectivement chez 5,5% et 15,9 % des sujets enquêtés. La prévalence du diabète était de 2,84%. Les facteurs qui étaient significativement associés sont l'âge de 30 ans et plus (p=0,001), le tour de taille élevé (p=0,03) et la durée de sommeil journalier anormale (p=0,03). Conclusion : la prévalence du diabète est faible chez les conducteurs de taxi-motos et les facteurs associés sont l'âge de 30 ans et plus, le tour de taille élevé et la durée de sommeil journalier anormale. Il est important de communiquer pour un changement de comportement afin que les conducteurs de taximotos adoptent une hygiène de vie saine.

Introduction: Diabetes is a real global scourge due to its growing prevalence. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of diabetes and to identify the associated factors with diabetes among motorcycle cab drivers of Parakou city in 2021. Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study of motorcycle cab drivers in Parakou, city conducted from February 8 to March 31, 2021. Results: a total of 422 subjects surveyed. The average age was 36.45±10 years; 85.8% had a monthly income of at least 40,000 FCFA, 9.7% had high blood pressure. Anxiety and depression were present respectively in 5.5% and 15.9% of the subjects surveyed. The prevalence of diabetes was 2.84%. The factors that were significantly associated with diabetes were age 30 years and older (p=0.001), high waist circumference (p=0.03) and abnormal daily sleep duration (p=0.03). Conclusion: The prevalence of diabetes is low among motorcycle cab drivers and the associated factors are age 30 years and over, high waist circumference and abnormal daily sleep duration.

Humans , Male , Female , Motorcycles , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Hygiene , Depression , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension , Prevalence
J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 13(2): 1-7, 2022. tables, figures
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1395801


Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death by trauma. Delays in in first aid due, inter alia, to the long time to transfer traffic accident victims to hospital and the lack of pre-hospital emergency care, contribute to the increase in hospital mortality. This study aims to analyse the referral conditions for severe road traffic injuries and to assess their effect on the occurrence of hospital deaths in Benin. This is an analytical prospective cohort study conducted in road accident victims with a severe injury. Four groups of factors were studied: referral conditions, sociodemographic and victim-specific characteristics, factors related to the accident environment, and factors related to health services. A top-down binary stepwise logistic regression was the basis for the analyses. Nine point eight percent of severe trauma patients died after hospital admission (7.0-13.5). Associated factors were referral time greater than 1 hour (RR=5.7 [1.5-20.9]), transport to hospital by ambulance (RR=4.8 [1.3-17.3]) and by the police or fire department (RR=7.4 [1.8- 29.7]), not wearing protective equipment (RR=4.5 [1.4-15.0]), head injuries (RR=34.8 [8.7-139.6]), and no upper extremity injuries (RR=20.1 [2.3-177.1]). To reduce the risk of hospital death in severe road traffic injuries, it is important to ensure rapid and medicalized referral of severe trauma patients in Benin.

Humans , Referral and Consultation , Brain Concussion , Wounds and Injuries , Accidents , Road Safety