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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 19-30, set-dez.2024. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567818


O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi elaborar uma avaliação qualitativa da literatura existente sobre as modalidades de tratamento utilizadas para cistos dentígeros em pacientes pediátricos. O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura na qual utilizou-se as bases de dados PubMed, BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LILACS, e SciELO. Como critérios de inclusão estavam os artigos publicados na íntegra, relatos de caso clínico, revisões sistemáticas e de meta-análise publicados nos últimos 10 anos, disponível nos idiomas português ou inglês, que abordassem a temática. Os critérios de exclusão foram: resumos, anais, editoriais, cartas ao editor, reflexão, duplicidade, artigos com detalhamento incompleto. O cisto dentígero é o tipo mais comum dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento e o segundo mais frequente entre todos que ocorrem nos maxilares, representando cerca de 20% de todos os cistos revestidos por epitélio nos ossos gnáticos. Clinicamente pode estar associado a qualquer dente impactado, porém ele envolve com mais frequência os terceiros molares inferiores. Acomete pacientes entre 10 a 30 anos de idade, com predileção pelo sexo masculino, sendo na maioria dos casos detectados em exames radiográficos de rotina. O tratamento baseia-se nas técnicas de descompressão, marsupialização e enucleação. O prognóstico para os cistos dentígeros é altamente favorável e não há chance de recorrência após a remoção completa. Assim, a decisão terapêutica deve ser tomada de forma adequada para cada caso, levando em consideração a localização anatômica, extensão clínica, tamanho, idade, remoção do dente não irrompido e possibilidades de acompanhamento.

The aim of this integrative review was to carry out a qualitative assessment of the existing literature on the treatment modalities used for dentigerous cysts in pediatric patients. This study is an integrative literature review using the PubMed, VHL (Virtual Health Library), LILACS and SciELO databases. The inclusion criteria were articles published in full, clinical case reports, systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in the last 10 years, available in Portuguese or English, which addressed the subject. The exclusion criteria were: abstracts, annals, editorials, letters to the editor, reflection, duplication, articles with incomplete details. The dentigerous cyst is the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst and the second most frequent of all those that occur in the jaws, accounting for around 20% of all epithelium-lined cysts in the gnathic bones. Clinically, it can be associated with any impacted tooth, but it most often involves the lower third molars. It affects patients between 10 and 30 years of age, with a predilection for males, and in most cases it is detected during routine radiographic examinations. Treatment is based on decompression, marsupialization and enucleation. The prognosis for dentigerous cysts is highly favorable and there is no chance of recurrence after complete removal. Therefore, the therapeutic decision must be made appropriately for each case, taking into account the anatomical location, clinical extension, size, age, removal of the unerupted tooth and follow-up possibilities.

Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(2): e393, ago.2024. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1567338


Los tumores de ovario en la edad pediátrica son raros, representan 1-5 % de los tumores infantiles, con una incidencia anual de 2,6 casos por cada 100.000 pacientes. La mayoría son benignos y se tratan de quistes funcionales, sin embargo, entre 10-20 % son malignos y generalmente se presentan en adolescentes; estos últimos, se dividen en 3 grupos: tumores epiteliales, germinales, y estromales o de células sexuales. Método: Estudio retrospectivo de tipo transversal, observacional, no experimental. Se analizaron los pacientes con diagnóstico de tumor de ovario, ingresados en el Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica del Hospital de Niños "Dr. José Manuel de los Ríos", entre el 1 de enero de 2017 y 01 de julio de 2022. Resultados: 18 pacientes incluidos en el estudio, con edad media de 8,23 años (DE 4,77); los síntomas más frecuentes presentados al momento del ingreso fueron: aumento de volumen abdominal (52,94 %, 9 pacientes), y dolor abdominal (35,29 %, 6 pacientes), entre otros. Reporte patológico: 2 pacientes con quistes de ovario funcional (11,76 %) y 16 pacientes con tumor neoplásico (88,23 %), de los cuales 8 fueron germinales (53,33 %), 5 tumores epiteliales (33,33 %) y 2 pacientes con linfoma (13,33 %). Conclusión: Los tumores de ovario en general tienen una edad promedio de presentación de 8 años y los tumores neoplásicos se presentaron principalmente en adolescentes, siendo el tipo histológico más frecuente el tumor germinal y dentro de este grupo el teratoma quístico maduro. (AU)

Ovarian tumors in pediatric age are rare, representing 1-5 % of childhood tumors, with an annual incidence of 2.6 cases per 100,000 patients. Most of them are benign and functional cysts; however, between 10-20 % are malignant and generally occur in teenagers; the latter are divided into 3 groups: epithelial, germinal, and stromal or sex cell tumors. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional, observational, non-experimental study. Patients with a diagnosis of ovarian tumor, admitted to the Pediatric Surgery Service of the Children's Hospital "Dr. José Manuel de los Ríos", between January 01, 2017 and July 01, 2022, were analyzed. Results: 18 patients included in the study, with mean age 8.23 years (SD 4.77); the most frequent symptoms presented at admission were: increased abdominal volume (52.94 %, 9 patients), and abdominal pain (35.29 %, 6 patients), among others. Pathological report: 2 patients with functional ovarian cysts (11.76 %) and 16 patients with neoplastic tumor (88.23 %), of which 8 were germinal (53.33 %), 5 epithelial tumors (33.33 %) and 2 patients with lymphoma (13.33 %). Conclusion: Ovarian tumors in general have an average age of presentation of 8 years and neoplastic tumors occurred mainly in teenagers, the most common histological type being the germ cell tumor and within this group the mature cystic teratoma. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pediatrics , Biopsy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Rare Diseases
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 13(2): e395, ago.2024. ilus, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567364


Introducción: Durante el desarrollo embriológico, el espacio retrorrectal o presacro está ocupado por células pluripotenciales y, por tanto, puede contener un grupo heterogéneo de tumores. El quiste dermoide es una entidad muy rara dentro de este grupo de tumores. Descripción de caso: femenina de 36 años de edad, con sensación de pesadez en hipogastrio, dolor en sedestación, y cambios en patrón evacuatorio; se realizó palpación abdominal, tacto rectal positivo para masa blanda dolorosa; eco endoanal y resonancia evidenciaron lesión ocupante de espacio presacro. Se realizó exéresis completa vía abdominal, con diagnóstico histopatológico definitivo de quiste dermoide. Discusión: un tumor presacro involucra un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico debido a la gran variedad de diagnósticos diferenciales. En el presente caso se diagnosticó un quiste dermoide, tumor benigno, fuera de su localización habitual. Conclusión: los tumores retrorrectales son lesiones poco habituales, es necesaria la exéresis completa y su posterior estudio histopatológico, para establecer su naturaleza. (AU)

Introduction: During embryological development, the retrorectal or presacral space is occupiedby pluripotent cells and, therefore, may contain a heterogeneous group of tumors. The dermoid cyst is a very rare entity within this group of tumors. Materials and methods: We present a case of a 36-year-old female patient with a sensation of heaviness inthe hypogastrium. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed in which presacral tumor was evident. Results: complete abdominal excision was performed, with a definitive histopathological diagnosis of dermoid cyst. Discussion: a presacral tumor involves a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge due to the great variety of differential diagnoses. The present case was diagnosed with a dermoid cyst, a benign tumor, outside its usual location. Conclusion: Retrorectal tumors are rare tumors, in which complete excision and histopathological report are necessary. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Dermoid Cyst/diagnosis , Anal Canal , Rectum/pathology , Sacrum/pathology , Biopsy , Tomography, Emission-Computed
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564648


Extensive odontogenic cysts in children may represent surgical challenges, as they may have common clinical characteristics and different approaches. The main objective of this study is to compare two cases of pediatric odontogenic cysts in maxilla with similar surgical treatment and different histopathological diagnosis. The case series collected included two children, both 12 years old, with encapsulated osteolytic lesions in the region of the maxilla and zygoma body, with clinical and imaging characteristics that suggested odontogenic cysts. The histopathological diagnosis was dentigerous cyst and radicular cyst. In this way, we address the clinical-surgical diagnostic and therapeutic process adopted, analyzing clinical data, such as signs and symptoms, as well as pre- and postoperative tomography scans. Outpatient visits at regular intervals were planned. Both patients achieved significant regression of initial signs and symptoms and returned to their daily activities. It is noticeable that a good stratification of surgical need and planned action in diagnosis and surgery offer benefits with a favorable prognosis for pediatric odontogenic cysts of the jaw.

Los quistes odontogénicos extensos en niños pueden representar desafíos quirúrgicos, ya que pueden tener características clínicas comunes y diferentes abordajes. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar dos casos de quistes odontogénicos en mandíbulas de niños con tratamiento quirúrgico similar y diagnóstico histopatológico diferente. La serie de casos recolectada incluyó dos niños, ambos de 12 años, con lesiones osteolíticas encapsuladas en la región mandibular y cuerpo cigomático, con características clínicas e imagenológicas que sugerían quistes odontógenos. El diagnóstico histopatológico fue quiste dentígero y quiste radicular. De esta manera abordamos el proceso diagnóstico y terapéutico clínico-quirúrgico adoptado, analizando datos clínicos, como signos y síntomas, así como tomografías pre y postoperatorias. Se planificaron visitas ambulatorias a intervalos regulares. Ambos pacientes lograron una regresión significativa de los signos y síntomas iniciales y regresaron a sus actividades diarias. Se destaca que una buena estratificación de la necesidad quirúrgica y una acción planificada en diagnóstico y cirugía ofrecen beneficios con un pronóstico favorable para los quistes odontogénicos de la mandíbula en pediatría.

Rev. argent. cir ; 116(2): 162-166, jun. 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565222


RESUMEN La hidatidosis es una parasitosis endémica en la Argentina. Los órganos más afectados son hígado y pulmón, pero la afectación esplénica única es infrecuente. El objetivo del trabajo es presentar 2 casos de hidatidosis esplénica única. Su diagnóstico presuntivo se realizó mediante el antecedente epidemiológico y los estudios por imágenes. Las serologías resultaron negativas en ambos casos. El tratamiento fue quirúrgico: se realizó esplenectomía laparoscópica total. Esta patología debe sospecharse en zonas endémicas ante la aparición de quistes esplénicos a pesar de presentar serologías negativas. La esplenectomía total evita la recidiva local y cavidades residuales; se prefiere el abordaje laparoscópico al disminuir la estadía hospitalaria y las complicaciones de la pared abdominal.

ABSTRACT Hydatid disease is an endemic parasitosis in Argentina. The liver and lungs are the organs more commonly affected, but isolated splenic involvement is rare. The aim of this study is to report two cases of isolated splenic hydatid disease. The diagnosis was suspected by epidemiology and imaging tests. The serologic tests were negative in both cases. Surgical management was decided and both patients underwent laparoscopic total splenectomy. This disease should be suspected in endemic areas in the presence of splenic cysts despite negative serologic tests. Total splenectomy prevents local recurrence and complications associated with the residual cavity. The laparoscopic approach is preferred as it results in a shorter length of hospital stay and fewer abdominal wall complications.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(3): 349-357, May-June 2024. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569750


Abstract Wrist and hand arthroscopy, despite being an old tool, has gained popularity and advanced in assisting in the treatment of various injuries and conditions in the region in recent years. Dorsal, volar, ulnar, and radial accessory portals are used to reach all points of the carpal and hand joints. The minimal tissue damage, lesser injury to the capsule and its mechanoreceptors, the assessment of injuries associated with the reason for surgery, and aesthetically more favorable scars have attracted many doctors and their patients. As a result, there has been an increase in publications and diversifications of arthroscopic techniques. The aim of this update article is to present the advances and the evidence available in the literature to assist readers in their decision on which technique to use in the treatment of wrist and hand conditions.

Resumo A artroscopia de punho e mão, apesar de ser uma ferramenta antiga, tem ganhado popularidade e avançado no auxílio do tratamento das mais diversas lesões e doenças da região nos últimos anos. Utilizam-se portais acessórios dorsais, volares, ulnares e radiais para se alcançar todos os pontos das articulações do carpo e da mão. O menor dano tecidual, a menor lesão da cápsula e de seus mecanoceptores, a avaliação de lesões associadas ao motivo da cirurgia e as cicatrizes esteticamente mais favoráveis têm atraído muitos médicos e seus pacientes. Com isso, houve um aumento das publicações e diversificações de técnicas artroscópicas. O objetivo deste artigo de atualização é mostrar os avanços e o que temos de evidência na literatura para apoiar os leitores na sua decisão sobre qual técnica utilizar nos tratamentos das doenças do punho e da mão.

Rev.Chil Ortop Traumatol ; 65(1): 34-39, abr.2024. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554994


Presentamos un caso de quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) de ubicación infrecuente y comportamiento agresivo en un paciente masculino de 28 años, en que la resección quirúrgica es controversial por el riesgo de iatrogenia y eventual recurrencia. El tratamiento con denosumab ha sido recientemente propuesto como una alternativa para el manejo de QOAs irresecables o recurrentes; sin embargo, la literatura disponible es escasa. Reportamos nuestra experiencia en un caso y analizamos la bibliografía disponible

We present a case of aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) of infrequent location and aggressive behavior in a 28-year-old male patient, in which surgical resection is controversial due to the risk of iatrogenicity and eventual recurrence. Treatment with denosumab has been recently proposed as an alternative for the management of unresectable or recurrent ABCs; however, the available literature is sparse. We report our experience with one case and analyze the available literature

Humans , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/drug therapy , Bone Cysts, Aneurysmal/diagnostic imaging , Bone Density Conservation Agents/therapeutic use , Denosumab/therapeutic use , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558174


Los quistes de los maxilares son las lesiones óseas más comunes en la región maxilofacial. La enucleación de las lesiones y el cierre primario de los defectos, son en conjunto, el tratamiento óptimo hoy en día. En algunas ocasiones el defecto óseo resultante puede ser de un tamaño tan grande que afecta la estabilidad de dientes vecinos, comprometa la indemnidad del hueso o produce un retraso cicatrizal que incluso puede impedir una regeneración ósea completa. Se considera que esta falta de regeneración expone al paciente a riesgos de infección tardía, retraso de los tratamientos rehabilitadores en zonas de alta demanda estética y pérdida de vitalidad dentaria. Para disminuir el riesgo de alteraciones en la regeneración ósea completa de cavidades quísticas, se ha propuesto la posibilidad de que tras la enucleación del quiste se rellenen estos defectos con injertos óseos u otras técnicas de preservación alveolar para favorecer la cicatrización. Teóricamente el uso de estos injertos mejora la calidad y disminuye el tiempo de cicatrización ósea, permitiendo que el paciente recupere rápidamente las funciones habituales del componente dentoalveolar, acortando el periodo de cuidados postoperatorios que restringen la alimentación, los deportes o la rehabilitación oral. El actual trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de la literatura respecto a los beneficios del uso de injertos óseos en el tratamiento quirúrgico de los quistes maxilares y presentar un caso clínico con los detalles quirúrgicos de esta técnica.

Jaw cysts are the most common bone lesions in the maxillofacial region. Enucleation of the lesions along with the primary closure of the defects are the optimal treatment nowadays. On some occasions, the resulting bone defect can be so large that it affects the stability of neighboring teeth, compromises the integrity of the bone, or produces a delayed healing that can even prevent complete bone regeneration. It is considered that the lack of regeneration exposes the patient to risk of infection, delay of rehabilitation treatments in areas of high aesthetic demand and loss of dental vitality. To reduce the risk of alterations in complete bone regeneration of cystic cavities, the possibility of filling these defects with bone grafts or other alveolar preservation techniques to promote healing, has been proposed after cyst enucleation. Theoretically, the use of these grafts improves the quality and decreases the bone healing time, allowing the patient to quickly recover the usual functions of the dentoalveolar component, limiting the period of postoperative care that restricts eating, sports or oral rehabilitation. The present work aims to carry out a review of the literature regarding the benefits of the use of bone grafts in the surgical treatment of maxillary cysts and to present a clinical case with the surgical details of this technique.

文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558178


The glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is a pathological entity that most commonly develops in the anterior region of the mandible and can emulate other lesions, including other cysts, odontogenic tumors, and even malignant lesions of glandular origin. Therefore, the aim of this manuscript is to report a new case of GOC treated conservatively and to discuss its clinical, radiological, histopathological, and therapeutic aspects.

El quiste odontogénico glandular (QOG) es una entidad patológica que se desarrolla con mayor frecuencia en la región anterior de la mandíbula y que puede mimetizar otras lesiones incluyendo otros quistes, tumores odontogénicos y hasta lesiones malignas de origen glandular. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente manuscrito es reportar un nuevo caso de QOG tratado de forma conservadora y discutir sus aspectos clínicos, imagenológicos, anatomopatológicos y terapéuticos.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565440


Introducción: El quiste pilonidal es una condición crónica inflamatoria de la piel y el tejido subcutáneo sacrocoxígeo, con alta incidencia en jóvenes y sexo masculino. El manejo quirúrgico incluye técnicas abiertas y cerradas que utilizan colgajos. El objetivo es describir las características clínicas y quirúrgicas de pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal con técnica abiertas. Material y Método: Estudio tipo cohorte, retrospectivo, observacional y transversal. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes operados por quiste pilonidal utilizando técnicas abiertas en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile entre 2013 y 2019. Se recolectaron características clínicas y quirúrgicas como tipo de técnica abierta, tiempo operatorio, tiempo de curaciones y cierre definitivo. Se aplicó estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se registraron 250 pacientes diagnosticados de quiste pilonidal desde 2013, de los cuales se incluyeron 84,8% pacientes manejados con técnicas abiertas. 60,8% fueron de sexo masculino. El IMC promedio fue de 26,8 con un 24,5% de pacientes con obesidad. De ellos, 55,3% habían sido drenados en urgencias previamente y 9,6% eran recidivas. El tamaño promedio fue de 3,6 cm. Las técnicas abiertas empleadas fueron: marsupialización, destechamiento y McFee. El tiempo promedio de curaciones fue de 5,9 semanas y el cierre definitivo ocurre en promedio a las 10,4 semanas; 4,7% recidivaron. Conclusión. La cirugía del quiste pilonidal en nuestra serie corresponde en su mayoría a técnicas abiertas (marsupialización y destechamiento). El tiempo de curaciones, de cierre de la herida y del porcentaje de recidivas de los pacientes operados de quiste pilonidal es similar a lo reportado internacionalmente.

Introduction: The pilonidal cyst is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin and subcutaneous sacrocoxige tissue, with high incidence in young people and male sex. Surgical management includes open and closed techniques which use flaps. The objective is to describe the clinical and surgical characteristics of patients operated on for pilonidal cyst with open technique. Material and Method: Cohort, retrospective, observational and cross-sectional study. We included all patients operated on for pilonidal cyst using open techniques at the Hospital Clinic University of Chile between 2013 and 2019. Clinical and surgical characteristics was collected, such as type of open technique, operative time, healing time and definitive closure. Descriptive statistics were applied. Results: There were 250 patients diagnosed with pilonidal cyst since 2013, of which 84.8% were patients managed with open techniques; 60.8% were male. The average BMI was 26.8 with 24.5% of patients with obesity. 55.3% had been drained in the emergency room previously and 9.6% were relapses. The average size was 3.6 cm. The open techniques used were marsupialization, unroofing and McFee. The average healing time was 5.9 weeks and definitive closure occurs on average at 10.4 weeks; 4.7% relapsed. Conclusion: Surgery of the pilonidal cyst in our series corresponds mostly to open techniques (marsupialization and unroofing). The healing time, wound closure and the percentage of recurrences of patients operated on for pilonidal cyst is similar to that reported internationally.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(1)feb. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565449


Introducción: La glándula tiroides tiene su origen embriológico en la base de la lengua, desde donde desciende al cuello. Este proceso migratorio puede detenerse o continuar más allá, dando diferentes cuadros de tiroides ectópica. El quiste tirogloso es la alteración embriológica más frecuente en el cuello, pudiendo desarrollar cáncer como una complicación rara. Caso clínico: Paciente de 21 años con aumento de volumen cervical, se diagnostica quiste tirogloso, la biopsia identifica cáncer papilar en el quiste. Se decide completar tiroidectomía, se objetiva agenesia de glándula. Ante respuesta bioquímica incompleta se realiza cintigrama que identifica nódulo retrolingual, el cual es resecado. Discusión: La resección del quiste tirogloso se debe realizar según la descripción de Sistrunk para evitar recidivas. La historia natural del cáncer en quiste tirogloso es bastante menos conocida y podría tener un peor pronóstico que el cáncer tiroideo habitual. Existen grupos que defienden la necesidad de completar tiroidectomía y, eventualmente, realizar disecciones cervicales como parte de su manejo. Conclusión: El cáncer de quiste tirogloso es una patología infrecuente, Existen diferentes lineas de manejo que se discuten en la literatura. Aún el análisis individualizado de los pacientes en comités multidisciplinario de expertos es la conducta sugerida.

Introduction: The thyroid gland has its embryological origin from the base of the tongue, where it descends to the neck. This migratory process can stop early or continue beyond, giving rise to differents cases of ectopic thyroid. The thyroglossal cyst is the most frequent embryological alteration in the neck, and it can develop cancer as a rare complication. Clinical case: A 21 year old patient with a cervical volume increase is diagnosed a thyroglossal cyst. Biopsy identifies papilary cancer in the cyst. It is decided to complete de thyroidectomy, and agenesis of the gland is observed. Due to incomplete biochemical response, a scintigram is performed, wich identifies a retrolingual nodule that is resected. Discussion: The resection of the thyroglossus cyst should be performed according to the description of Sistrunk to avoid recurrence. The natural history of cancer in the thyroglossal cyst is much less known and could have a worst prognosis than usual thyroid cancer. Some groups advocate for the need to complete a thyroidectomy and eventually perform cervical dissections as part of its management. Conclusion: The cancer on a thyroglossal cyst is a rare pathology. There are diferents management approaches that are discussed in the literature. However, an individualized analysis of patients in multidisciplinary expert committees it still the suggested aproach.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017274


Objective:To analyze the three-dimensional radiographic characteristics of calcifying odon-togenic cyst and calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor using spiral computed tomography(CT)and cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT).Methods:Clinical records,histopathological reports,and CBCT or non-enhanced spiral CT images of 19 consecutive patients with calcifying odontogenic cyst(COC)and 16 consecutive patients with calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor(CEOT)were retrospec-tively acquired,and radiographic features,including location,size,expansion,internal structure and calcification,were analyzed.Results:Among the 19 COC cases(12 males and 7 females,with an average age of 27 years),89.5%(17/19)of the lesions originated from the anterior and premolar areas,100.0%of them exhibited cortex expansion,and 78.9%had discontinued cortex.Among the 16 CEOT cases(3 males and 13 females,with an average age of 36 years),81.3%(13/16)of the lesions were in the premolar and molar areas,56.3%of them exhibited cortex expansion,and 96.8%had discontinued cortex.According to the distribution of internal calcifications,these lesions were divided in-to:Ⅰ(non-calcification type):absence of calcification;Ⅱ(eccentric marginal type):multiple calcifi-cations scattered along one side of the lesion;Ⅲ(diffused type):numerous calcifications diffusely dis-tributed into the lesion;Ⅳ(plaque type):with a ≥ 5 mm calcified patch;V(peri-coronal type):multiple calcifications clustered around impacted teeth.Calcifications were present in 73.7%of COC le-sions,including 9 type Ⅱ,3 type Ⅲ and 2 type Ⅳ lesions,and 42.8%of CEOT lesions had calcifica-tion images,including 2 type Ⅲ and 5 type V lesions.Six COC lesions had odontoma-like images.Moreover,8 of 9 type Ⅰ CEOTs were histologically Langerhans cell-rich subtype,which had a smaller size(with an average mesiodistal diameter of 17.8 mm)and were not associated with impacted teeth.Conclusion:COC lesions tended to originate from the anterior part of the jaw and exhibit cortex expan-sion,and were sometimes associated with odontoma.CEOT commonly occurred in the posterior jaw and had discontinued cortex.Two lesions had significantly different calcification map.Over 70%of COC le-sions had calcification images,which were mostly scattered along one side of the cysts,far from the im-pacted teeth.Approximately 60%of CEOT lesions exhibited smaller size and non-calcification,and the remaining CEOT cases often had calcification images clustered around the impacted teeth.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018808


Objective To analyze the effect of different retained dosage of lauromacrogol within the thyroid cyst in the sclerotherapy of thyroid cysts.Methods A total of 200 patients with thyroid cysts,who were admitted to the Longyan Municipal First Hospital of China between August 2020 and August 2021,were enrolled in this study.The patients were randomly and equally divided into group zero(suctioning out all the amount of the injected lauromacrogol),and,according to the percentage of the retained lauromacrogol dosage to the total cystic fluid,group 10%,group 20%,group 30%and group 50%,with 40 patients in each group.Thyroid color ultrasound was reviewed at 1,3,6,and 12 months after treatment.The changes of capsule volume,curative efficacy,influencing factors,and adverse reactions after the cyst became sclerosis were analyzed.Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the factors affecting the postoperative efficacy.Results In all the 5 groups,the suctioned fluid was dark red in colour,and the patients had cystic nodules.The preoperative mean cyst volume was(20.43±5.86)cm3.In all the 5 groups,the postoperative changes in cyst volume indicated that the postoperative one-month cyst volume significantly shrank when compared with the preoperative volume,the postoperative 3-month cyst volume remarkably shrank when compared with the postoperative one-month volume,and the postoperative 6-month cyst volume strikingly shrank when compared with the postoperative 3-month volume(all P<0.05),while no statistically significant difference in the cyst volume existed between the postoperative 12-month value and the postoperative 6-month value(P>0.05).The postoperative 6-month total effective rate of all the five groups was 87%(174/200),and no statistically significant differences in the postoperative 6-month curative effect existed between each other among the 5 groups(P>0.05).Taking the postoperative 6-month curative effect as the dependent variable,and the age,sex,thick cystic wall,cystic septum,and preoperative cyst volume as independent variables,the binary logistic regression analysis was conducted,which revealed that the thick cystic wall(OR=0.24,95%CI=0.08-0.72,P=0.01)and the cystic septum(OR=0.21,95%CI=0.07-0.67,P=0.01)were the factors affecting the postoperative 6-month curative effect.The main side reaction was pain,which was tolerable by patients.There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between each other among the five groups(all P>0.05).Conclusion In treating thyroid cysts by using ultrasound-guided lauromacrogol sclerotherapy,there is no relationship between the curative effect and the percentage of the retained lauromacrogol dosage to the total cystic fluid.The best curative effect can be achieved at 6 months after injection of lauromacrogol,which can be used as the optimal time for follow-up check.The thick cystic wall and the cystic septum are the main factors that affect the curative effect of lauromacrogol sclerotherapy.For the treatment of thyroid cyst,lauromacrogol sclerotherapy carries reliable curative effect with few adverse reactions,therefore,this therapy is worthy of clinical application.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,32:69-73)

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018833


Clinically,polycystic liver disease(PLD)is a rare genetic disease.Most patients have no clinical symptoms,and a few patients with symptomatic PLD complicated by serious complications need to be treated.Liver transplantation is the only radical treatment for patients with symptomatic PLD.However,most patients are not able to receive liver transplantation due to a lack of donors,expensive surgical cost,and high risk.Because of its many advantages such as less trauma,fast recovery,repeatable,high safety and fewer complications,the minimally-invasive interventional techniques,represented by percutaneous cyst sclerotherapy and transcatheter arterial embolization,have been successfully employed for the treatment of symptomatic PLD in recent years,moreover,its clinical effect has been recognized by both doctors and patients.Therefore,as it can improve the local symptoms and the quality of life of patients,the therapy using minimally-invasive interventional technique will become the development direction for the treatment of symptomatic PLD.This article aims to make a comprehensive review concerning the principle,mechanism,guiding mode,clinical application,advantages and disadvantages,and related complications of percutaneous cyst sclerotherapy and transcatheter arterial embolization therapy in the treatment of symptomatic PLD.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019508


Currently, the main treatments for nonfunctional parathyroid cysts (NFPC) are fluid aspiration,sclerosing injection and surgical removal. The choice of treatment method is controversial. Eight patients with NFPC who were treated by simple aspiration combined with parathyroid hormone (PTH) rapid determination in General Surgery Department of Tianjin Medical University General Hospital from Dec. 2020 to Oct. 2022 are reported to provide a reference for the choice of treatment, which can also reduce surgical pain and accidental sclerosing injury.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020056


Objective:To explore the influencing factors of early postoperative complications after radical resection of congenital choledochal cyst (CCC) in a single center and provide some clinical basis and guidance for reducing postoperative complications.Methods:Case control study.Clinical data of 124 children (29 boys and 95 girls) with CCC diagnosed and radically treated at the Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University from September 2010 to October 2019 were analyzed.According to postoperative complications (bile leakage, gastrointestinal anastomotic fistula, bleeding, incision dehiscence, cholangitis, abdominal infection, pancreatitis, and lymphatic fistula), these children were divided into the complication group (group A) and non-complication group (group B). Age, laboratory indicators[preoperative white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, prealbumin, and postoperative albumin], and clinical factors, such as operation method, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, cyst type, cyst diameter, hepatic duct diameter, abdominal operation history, biliary sludge and calculus, hepatic duct anatomic variation, and pancreaticobiliary maljunction were statistically analyzed between the two groups.The t-test was performed for normal distribution of the measurement data, and the non-parametric rank sum test for non-normal distribution.Multivariate analysis was made using Logistic regression. Results:Among the 124 children, 25(20.16%) had complications, and 99(79.84%) had no complications.Bile leakage occurred in 14 children (11.29%), of whom 7 received operation again and 7 received conservative treatment.Gastrointestinal anastomotic fistula occurred in 2 children (1.61%), of whom 1 was re-operated and 1 was cured conservatively.One child (0.81%) was complicated with bleeding and cured by re-operation.Two children (1.61%) were complicated with incision dehiscence, of whom 1 was cured by re-operation and 1 was cured by conservative treatment.Cholangitis in 2 children (1.61%), abdominal infection in 2 children (1.61%), pancreatitis in 1 child (0.81%), and lymphatic fistula in 1 child (0.81%) were all conservatively cured.No significant difference was found in non-normal distribution indicators-age and WBC count-between the two groups (all P>0.05). Blood loss volume and cyst diameter were significantly different between the two groups (all P<0.05). Postoperative albumin[(27.84±4.62) g/L vs.(32.45±3.72) g/L] meeting the normal distribution showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups ( t=5.254, P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis suggested that preoperative anemia ( OR=7.922, 95% CI: 1.468-42.757) and biliary sludge and calculus ( OR=1.295, 95% CI: 1.075-4.359) were independent risk factors for postoperative complications; postoperative albumin ( OR=0.055, 95% CI: 0.012-0.244) was a protective factor for postoperative complications, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). Conclusions:The larger the cyst diameter, the more the intraoperative bleeding, and the higher the risk of operation.Treating anemia before operation, clearing sludge in the hepatic duct during operation, reducing bleeding, and strengthening the monitoring of albumin and hemoglobin during the perioperative period can prevent and reduce early complications after radical resection of CCC in children.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022511


The Choledochal cyst is an extremely rare congenital anomaly of the bile duct. Early cyst resection and Roux-en-Y hepatojejunostomy are the primary surgical methods for treating choledochal cyst. With the emergence of enhanced recovery after surgery, laparoscopic surgery has effectively reduced the incidence of biliary complications and wound infections, but it still does not meet people's requirements for minimally invasive surgery. Robotic surgery system has the potential to enhance surgical precision and the maneuverability of surgeons due to clear surgical visualization and flexible mechanical arms. The authors review the relevant literatures and conduct a Meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of robot-assisted surgery and laparoscopic surgery for choledochal cyst.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028803


Objective To investigate the clinical application value of transumbilical single-port laparoscopic ovarian cyst excision with protection of ovarian function.Methods From July 2018 to December 2019,we performed 56 cases of single-port laparoscopic ovarian cyst debulking,in which the umbilicus was incised transversely for about 2 cm and a single-port trocar puncture was placed to form an artificial pneumoperitoneum.The ultrasonic knife was used to avoid the ovarian hilum and cut the ovarian cortex on the opposite side of the ovary to ensure a good blood supply.The ovary on the affected side was fixed to facilitate blunt separation of the cyst and preserve the normal tissues of the ovary as much as possible.The 2-0 absorbable suture was applied for hemostasis and ovarian reconstruction.Results The operations were successfully completed in all the 56 cases,including bilateral ovarian cyst excision in 3 cases,salpingectomy in 3 cases,tubal mesangial cyst excision in 1 case,hysteromyomectomy in 2 cases,appendectomy in 1 case(an additional puncture hole was added due to the need for abdominal drainage after the operation),hysteroscopic resection of endometrial polyps in 1 case,and pelvic adhesion release in 1 case.The operation time was(72.0±30.0)min,and the postoperative hospitalization time was(5.0±0.6)d.No complication occurred.The 56 patients were followed up for 2-3 years,with an average of 1.5 years,with no complications,poor wound healing,or recurrence of ovarian cysts.There was no significant difference in the number of ovarian antral follicles between 6 and 12 months after surgery and before surgery[7.02±1.57 vs.7.05±1.55,P = 1.000;6.93±1.46 vs.7.05±1.55,P =1.000].There was no significant difference in ovarian stromal blood flow(P>0.05),indicating no decrease in ovarian function.Conclusion The key to protecting ovarian function is the rational selection of surgical instruments and incisions,precise performance of resection of ovarian cysts,and protection of ovarian blood supply.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032024


Objective@#To explore the diagnosis and treatment of fourth branchial cleft deformity.@*Methods@#The clinical data of a patient with bilateral fourth branchial cleft deformity in the neck were summarized, and the literature was reviewed@*Results@#The patient was a 17-year-old male who had a painless lump in his neck for 10 years. During specialized examination, a lump approximately 4.0 cm × 3.0 cm in size could be palpated subcutaneously on the right side of the neck, with clear boundaries, a regular shape, a soft texture, and a wave-like sensation without obvious tenderness. A fistula with a size of approximately 0.5 cm × 0.5 cm could be observed on the left side of the neck, and yellow clear liquid could be seen flowing out of the fistula. The surrounding skin was locally red and swollen, and the surface temperature of the skin was elevated. Computed tomography examination demonstrated a circular cystic low-density shadow approximately 4.4 cm × 3.4 cm in size in the right supraclavicular and anterior cervical regions. A flocculent isodense image could be observed in the middle; moreover, nodular calcification could be observed at the edge, and the surrounding fat spaces were blurred. The enhanced scan showed mild enhancement of the cyst wall but no obvious enhancement of the contents. On the left side, a circular nodular shadow with a diameter of approximately 1.4 cm could be seen, with enhanced scanning and circular enhancement. The surrounding skin was thickened, and the subcutaneous fat gap was blurred. Multiple small lymph nodes could be observed on both sides of the neck, with the larger nodes having a short diameter of approximately 0.8 cm. The size and morphology of the thyroid gland were not significantly abnormal, and there was no obvious abnormal density shadow inside of the gland. Upon admission, the diagnosis was a fourth gill fissure cyst in the right neck and a fourth gill fissure fistula in the left neck. Under general anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia, right branchial cleft cyst resection and left branchial cleft fistula resection were performed. Postoperative pathological examination demonstrated a left branchial cleft fistula and a right branchial cleft cyst. The wound healed by first intention, and there was no recurrence after 6 months of follow-up. According to the literature, fourth branchial cleft deformity is a congenital developmental abnormality of the branchial apparatus, the incidence of which accounts for only 1% of all branchial cleft deformities; moreover, it often occurs on the left side. The anatomical position is often located in the cervical root and supraclavicular region, thus demonstrating cysts or sinuses adjacent to the thyroid gland. The diagnosis should be confirmed by anatomical location, imaging examination or laryngoscopy combined with postoperative pathological results and should be differentiated from cervical masses such as thyroglossal duct cysts and lymph node metastasis. The main treatment methods include surgical procedures and endoscopic cauterization of the internal fistula. The prognosis is generally good, and there is a risk of recurrence; however, cancer rarely occurs@*Conclusion@#Deformity of the fourth branchial fissure is very rare; thus, it should be identified early to avoid excessive and ineffective surgical drainage, reduce potential complications during resection and completely remove the lesion to prevent recurrence.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032242


Objective@#This study described the clinical profile and outcomes of patients with ocular dermoid cysts at a subspecialty Ophthalmology clinic of the Philippine General Hospital (PGH). @*Methods@#Medical records of 38 patients seen at the External Disease & Cornea Clinic from January 2012 to June 2023 were reviewed. Demographics, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refraction, other associated malformations, and dermoid characteristics were collected. For those that underwent surgery, the procedures performed and histopathology reports were reviewed. Most recent refraction, BCVA, presence of amblyopia, recurrence, and complications were recorded. @*Results@#Mean age at presentation was 8.33 years old with equal male:female distribution (52% vs 48%). Thirtyfour (34) participants (89.5%) had unilateral dermoids and 4 participants (10.5%) had bilateral dermoids, for a total of 42 eyes. Thirty-five (35) or 83.3% of the dermoids were located at the inferotemporal quadrant of the cornea. There were 42.1% participants who had associated congenital anomalies, with dermolipoma and preauricular tags being the most common ocular and craniofacial findings, respectively. Twenty-seven (27) eyes (64.2%) underwent surgery and the most common procedure was excision with limbal conjunctival autograft (55.6%). In the 8 eyes that underwent simple excision, recurrence of the dermoid was seen in 1 patient and development of pseudopterygium in 5 patients. Dermoid was the histopathological diagnosis in 96.3% of the excised tissues. Twenty-four (24) patients (63.2%) presented with ambylopia with BCVA <20/30, and regardless of type of intervention done, only 7 participants (23.3%) had a visual acuity better than 20/30 during their latest consult.@*Conclusion@#Ocular dermoid is a common congential anomaly usually presenting as an isolated, unilateral mass at the inferotemporal limbal area. Aside from the obvious effect on the cosmetic appearance of the eye, a more pressing concern is the high incidence of amblyopia. Timely excision with limbal conjunctival autograft is highly recommended coupled with aggressive amblyopia therapy.

Recurrence , Amblyopia