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文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564703


Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de identificar el tipo de funcionalidad familiar predominante en población peruana y analizar las diferencias según sexo y edad durante el contexto de pandemia por la COVID-19. El diseño de investigación fue descriptivo-comparativo. Participaron 421 sujetos, 231 mujeres (54.9%) y 190 varones (45.1%), con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 72 años (M=23.5, D.T.=10.5). El instrumento utilizado fue el FF-SIL. Los resultados evidencian que existe una mayor presencia de familias moderadamente funcionales (50, 8 %). Con respecto a las comparaciones realizadas, se encontraron diferencias en la cohesión (t=2.49; p=.013; d=.244), comunicación (t=2.45; p=.015; d=.240), permeabilidad (t=2.02; p=.044; d=.198), afectividad (t=2.06; p=.040; d=.202), adaptabilidad (t=3.22; p=.001; d=.316) y funcionalidad familiar en general (t=2.77; p=.006; d=.272), observándose puntajes mayores en el grupo de mujeres. Se hallaron diferencias al comparar grupos etarios en las dimensiones permeabilidad (F=18.1; p=.001; ω2=.075) y afectividad (F=11.3; p=.001; ω2=.047), así como en la funcionalidad familiar (F=3.70; p=.026; ω2=.013), siendo la población de 25 a 72 años la que evidencia puntajes mayores. Se concluye que se han percibido cambios en la funcionalidad familiar y que los componentes han sido predominantes en mujeres y adultos, lo que conlleva evaluar los roles que asumen dentro del grupo familiar.

The aim of this study was to identify the predominant type of family functionality in the Peruvian population and to analyze the differences according to sex and age during the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design was descriptive-comparative. A total of 421 subjects participated, 231 women (54.9%) and 190 men (45.1%), aged between 13 and 72 years (M=23.5, T.D.=10.5). The instrument used was the FF-SIL. The results show that there is a greater presence of moderately functional families (50.8%). With respect to the comparisons made, differences were found in cohesion (t=2.49; p=.013; d=.244), communication (t=2.45; p=.015; d=.240), permeability (t=2.02; p=.044; d=. 198), affectivity (t=2.06; p=.040; d=.202), adaptability (t=3.22; p=.001; d=.316) and general family functionality (t=2.77; p=.006; d=.272), with higher scores in the women group. Differences were found when comparing age groups in the dimensions permeability (F=18.1; p=.001; ω2=.075) and affectivity (F=11.3; p=.001; ω2=.047), as well as in family functionality (F=3.70; p=.026; ω2=.013), with the population aged 25 to 72 years showing higher scores. It is concluded that changes have been perceived in family functionality and that the components have been predominant in women and adults, which leads to evaluate the roles they assume within the family group.

Foi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de identificar o tipo predominante de funcionalidade familiar na população peruana e analisar as diferenças de acordo com o sexo e a idade durante o contexto da pandemia da COVID-19. O desenho da pesquisa foi descritivo-comparativo. Participaram 421 indivíduos, 231 mulheres (54,9%) e 190 homens (45,1%), com idades compreendidas entre 13 e 72 anos (M=23,5, T.D.=10,5). O instrumento utilizado foi o FF-SIL. Os resultados mostram que há uma maior presença de famílias moderadamente funcionais (50,8%). Com relação às comparações feitas, foram encontradas diferenças na coesão (t=2,49; p=.013; d=.244), comunicação (t=2,45; p=.015; d=.240), permeabilidade (t=2,02; p=.044; d=.198), afetividade (t=2,06; p=.040; d=.202), adaptabilidade (t=3,22; p=.001; d=.316) e funcionamento geral da família (t=2,77; p=.006; d=.272), com escores mais altos no grupo feminino. Foram encontradas diferenças na comparação entre os grupos etários nas dimensões permeabilidade (F=18,1; p=.001; ω2=.075) e afetividade (F=11,3; p=.001; ω2=.047), bem como na funcionalidade familiar (F=3,70; p=.026; ω2=.013), com a população de 25 a 72 anos apresentando escores mais altos. Conclui-se que foram percebidas mudanças na funcionalidade familiar e que os componentes foram predominantes em mulheres e adultos, o que leva a uma avaliação dos papéis que eles assumem dentro do grupo familiar.

Humans , Male , Female
Rev. crim ; 65(1): 139-149, 2023. graf, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429005


La delincuencia juvenil va en aumento, ya que factores individuales, familiares y sociales hacen vulnerables a muchos menores a que en la adolescencia delincan. Los factores individuales y los familiares son los que más fácilmente pueden ser tratados de forma tal que la mejoría en ellos traiga como resultado una disminución en la probabilidad de que luego los menores caigan en conductas delictivas. Objetivo: revelar la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en menores que viven en la zona sureste de la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, al identificar en ellos su nivel intelectual, analizar su inteligencia emocional y determinar su estilo de afrontamiento y cuán funcionales son sus familias. Muestra: 538 menores que estudiaban en la escuela Ana Josefa Jiménez en los grados cuarto, quinto y sexto de primaria. Resultados: más de la mitad de los menores tienen un nivel bajo de inteligencia, en cuanto a la inteligencia emocional la puntuación más baja la tiene autocontrol, seguido por autoconciencia y empatía, el estilo de afrontamiento que utiliza la mayoría es indefinido, y más de la mitad de las familias son funcionales. Conclusión: 94% presentó factores de riesgo para la delincuencia, 29% un indicador, 38% dos indicadores, 23% tres indicadores y 4% los cuatro indicadores, revelando la presencia de factores de riesgo personales y familiares de la delincuencia en los menores que viven en la zona sureste de Santiago de los Caballeros.

Juvenile delinquency is on the rise, as individual, family and social factors make many children vulnerable to delinquency in adolescence. Individual and family factors are the ones that can most easily be addressed in such a way that an improvement in these factors results in a decrease in the likelihood that children will later engage in delinquent behaviour. Objective: to reveal the presence of personal and family risk factors for delinquency in minors living in the southeastern area of the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, by identifying their intellectual level, analysing their emotional intelligence and determining their coping style and how functional their families are. Sample: 538 children studying at the Ana Josefa Jiménez school in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of primary school. Results: more than half of the children have a low level of intelligence, in terms of emotional intelligence the lowest score is self-control, followed by self-awareness and empathy, the co-ping style used by the majority is undefined, and more than half of the families are functional. Conclusion: 94% presented risk factors for delinquency, 29% one indicator, 38% two indicators, 23% three indicators and 4% all four indicators, revealing the presence of personal and family risk factors for delinquency in minors living in the southeast area of Santiago de los Caballeros.

A delinqüência juvenil está aumentando, pois fatores individuais, familiares e sociais tornam muitas crianças vulneráveis à delinqüência na adolescência. Os fatores individuais e familiares são os que mais facilmente podem ser abordados de tal forma que uma melhoria desses fatores resulte em uma diminuição da probabilidade de que as crianças se envolvam mais tarde em comportamentos delinqüentes. Objetivo: revelar a presença de fatores de risco pessoal e familiar para a delinqüência em menores que vivem na região sudeste da cidade de Santiago de los Caballeros, República Dominicana, identificando seu nível intelectual, analisando sua inteligência emocional e determinando seu estilo de lidar com a delinqüência e quão funcionais são suas famílias. Amostra: 538 crianças estudando na escola Ana Josefa Jiménez na quarta, quinta e sexta séries do ensino fundamental. Resultados: mais da metade das crianças tem um baixo nível de inteligência, em termos de inteligência emocional a pontuação mais baixa é autocontrole, seguido de autoconsciência e empatia, o estilo de lidar com a maioria é indefinido, e mais da metade das famílias são funcionais. Conclusão: 94% apresentaram fatores de risco para a delinqüência, 29% um indicador, 38% dois indicadores, 23% três indicadores e 4% todos os quatro indicadores, revelando a presença de fatores de risco pessoal e familiar para a delinqüência em menores que vivem na área sudeste de Santiago de los Caballeros.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Risk Factors , Minors , Emotional Intelligence , Juvenile Delinquency , Family , Crime , Dominican Republic
Interdisciplinaria ; 39(2): 297-312, ago. 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385932


Resumen El suicidio es una problemática de salud mental de alto impacto en la sociedad actual, tanto en el mundo como en Colombia. Dentro de las conceptualizaciones modernas como el modelo socioecológico de la prevención del suicidio, se ha reconocido que los factores familiares son determinantes muy importantes del riesgo y la protección. El presente estudio tuvo como propósito evaluar un modelo explicativo del riesgo por ideación suicida en adolescentes que involucre las dimensiones de socialización parental y la funcionalidad familiar percibida, así como establecer la influencia del estilo de socialización de padres y madres. Para tales objetivos, se desarrolló un estudio cuantitativo, de alcance explicativo y de corte transversal. A una muestra de 268 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, el 51.9 % de sexo femenino y 48.1 % masculino, ubicados en la ciudad de Valledupar, Colombia, se aplicó la Escala de socialización parental en la adolescencia (ESPA-29), el APGAR Familiar y la Escala de Ideación Suicida BECK-HF. Mediante SPSS 25 y AMOS 25 se evaluaron cinco modelos explicativos diferentes. El modelo de mejores indicadores de bondad de ajuste (χ. = 22.2, p = .022, CMINDF = 2.023, CFI = .968, TLI = .919, NFI = .942, RMSEA = .061) establece una influencia de la aceptación/implicación de ambos padres sobre el funcionamiento familiar, lo que reduce el nivel de ideación suicida. En este último, también inciden directamente la edad y la coerción/imposición del padre. Como conclusión, se demuestra la importancia del funcionamiento familiar, de las conductas de apoyo y afecto de la dimensión aceptación/implicación, pues presentan un efecto protector ante el riesgo suicida. De igual manera, los datos ponen de relieve que las conductas de coerción/imposición del padre, mas no de la madre, fueron un factor de riesgo. Como limitante de este estudio se presenta la no inclusión de otros factores en el modelo que podrían influir en el riesgo suicida, por lo que se sugiere realizar investigaciones que tengan en cuenta estos otros factores a nivel social e intrapersonales, pero con evaluaciones desde el modelo explicativo, que poco se evidencia en la literatura científica.

Abstract Suicide is a high-impact mental health problem in today's society, both in the world and in Colombia: in fact, epidemiological data shows that there has been an upward trend in the suicide rate both in the country and in the city of Valledupar, which is the local context of interest. On the other hand, within modern conceptualizations such as the socio-ecological model of suicide prevention, it has been recognized that family factors are very important determinants of risk and protection. The different investigations reviewed as antecedents show congruently that family dysfunction as well as coercive paternal socialization behaviors are risk factors for suicide. Likewise, adequate family functionality and parental acceptance, and involvement behaviors are protective factors. Similarly, different studies have shown that older adolescents and females are at greater risk of suicidal behavior. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an explanatory model of the risk of suicidal ideation, which involved the dimensions of parental socialization and perceived family functionality, as well as to establish the influence of the parents' socialization style, based on the findings of previous studies. For this purpose, a quantitative, explanatory and cross-sectional study was developed. The ESPA-29, the APGAR and the BECK-HF Suicidal Ideation Scale were applied to a sample of 268 adolescents from the city of Valledupar, Colombia. A simple random sampling was used for the selection of participants within a neighborhood of the city of Valledupar. The sample consisted of 51.9 % female and 48.1 % male adolescents. The approval of the parents was obtained through an informed consent of the legal representative, as well as an informed consent for the adolescents, which complies with the characteristics requested by the Colegio Colombiano de Psicólogos. Using SPSS 25 and AMOS 25, five different explanatory models were evaluated, with a SEM modeling-Path Analysis. The model of best goodness of fit indicators (χ. = 22.2, p = .022, CMINDF = 2.023, CFI = .968, TLI = .919, NFI = .942, RMSEA = .061) establishes an influence of acceptance/involvement of both parents on family functioning, which reduces the level of suicidal ideation; age and coercion/imposition of the father also directly affect the latter. The data demonstrate the importance of family functioning and of supportive and affective behaviors of the acceptance/involvement dimension, since they present a protective effect against suicidal risk. In the same way, the data shows that the coercion/imposition behaviors of the father, but not the mother, were a risk factor. Although the father's authoritarian style did predict a greater risk of suicidal ideation, it was the indulgent style, and not the authoritative style, that presented the lowest risk. Although the measurements obtained by this research do not allow us to unambiguously explain why this difference occurs between the study's findings and what is suggested by the scientific literature regarding maternal and paternal styles of socialization in the face of suicide, there are possible determining factors for the results. The possibility is raised that, at a cultural level, beliefs about the maternal role in families in the Colombian Caribbean region, which arise from a formation of matrilocal families, influence the perception of greater acceptability of punishment by the mother towards their children. On the other hand, there is the lack of evidence of significant differences in terms of suicide risk according to sex. Some directions are suggested for future research, mainly to broaden the research spectrum on the role of the family in suicide prevention and to corroborate in the context of the Colombian Caribbean region the finding about the absence of effect of coercion/imposition behaviors carried out by the mother.

Ghana Medical Journal ; 56(3): 160-168, )2022. Tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1398767


objectives: This study aimed to examine the association between Family Adaptability, Partnership, Growth, Affection and Resolve (Family APGAR) and HIV treatment outcomes. Design: A cross-sectional study using the Family APGAR questionnaire Setting: The study was conducted in Kumasi, Ghana, at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Hospital Participants: Consenting HIV-positive patients who had been on treatment for at least 12 months were recruited. Main outcome measures: The Family APGAR questionnaire was administered, and relevant data were extracted from hospital records and analysed using STATA® software. The relationship between Family APGAR and treatment outcomes was determined using Chi-squared tests or Fisher's exact test. Results: Approximately 70.1% of 304 participants were females with a mean age of 41.8 years (±9.9). At treatment initiation, 47.4% of the patients presented at World Health Organisation (WHO) clinical stages I and II and had a CD4 count ≥ 200 cells/mm3 . Females were less likely (Odds Ratio= 0.52; 95% CI=0.31 ­ 0.90, p = 0.018) to report late for treatment compared with the males. After 12 months of treatment, approximately 70% recorded undetectable viral load. Patients with functional families constituted 70.4%, which had a statistically significant relationship with viral load (p = 0.041). Conclusion: HIV care providers should incorporate family functionality evaluation into clinical practice and provide early essential support to enhance treatment outcomes

Family , HIV , Adaptation to Disasters , Anti-Retroviral Agents , Sustained Virologic Response , Health Services Accessibility , Therapeutics , Health Consortia , Growth
Investig. psicol. (La Paz, En línea) ; 26: 11-26, dic. 2021. ilus., tab.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348924


Los desastres naturales, aparte de las pérdidas económicas que generan, también pueden afectar el funcionamiento familiar y la satisfacción con la vida debido a los eventos adversos que se experimentan. Por ello, el principal objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la relación que existe entre la funcionalidad familiar y la satisfacción con la vida en la comunidad de San Antonio del Pedregal - Sector 1 en Lurigancho-Chosica, Perú; una de las zonas más afectadas por la presencia de huaicos (grandes aluviones frecuentes en las alturas andinas) desde la década de 1980 y que recientemente ha experimentado los efectos adversos del fenómeno del Niño de 2017. La investigación se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, con alcance correlacional y diseño no experimental de corte transversal; además, la muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 180 personas. Los resultados indican que, a pesar de los eventos vividos, las personas muestran un moderado funcionamiento familiar y se encuentran satisfechas con sus vidas. Las mujeres presentaron mayor puntaje en ambas variables en comparación con los varones, los mayores de 60 años reportaron mayor funcionalidad familiar y los menores de 30 años mostraron mejores resultados en la satisfacción con la vida.(AU)

Natural disasters, apart from economic losses, can also affect family functioning and life satisfaction due to the adverse events that are experienced. Therefore, the main purpose of the research was to know the relation between the family functionality and satisfaction with life in the community of San Antonio del Pedregal - Sector 1 in Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru; one of the geographical areas most affected by the presence of huaicos (frequent large floods in the Andean highlands) since the 1980s and that has recently experienced the adverse effects of the El Niño phenomenon of 2017. The research was correlational and transversal; furthermore, the study sample consisted of 180 local people. The results indicate that, despite the events experienced, people show moderate family functioning and are satisfied with their life. Women had a higher score in both variables compared to men, those over 60 years of age reported greater family functionality, and those under 30 years of age showed better results in life satisfaction.(AU)

Os desastres naturais, além das perdas econômicas, também podem afetar o funcionamento da família e a satisfação com a vida devido aos eventos adversos vivenciados. Portanto, o objetivo principal da investigação foi conhecer a relação entre a funcionalidade da família e a satisfação com a vida na comunidade de San Antonio del Pedregal - Setor 1 em Lurigancho-Chosica, Peru; uma das áreas geográficas mais afetadas pela presença de huaicos (grandes inundações frequentes no planalto andino) desde a década de 1980 e que recentemente experimentou os efeitos adversos do fenômeno El Niño de 2017. A investigação foi correlacional e transversal; além disso, a amostra do estudo foi composta por 180 pessoas locais. Os resultados indicam que, apesar dos eventos vivenciados, as pessoas apresentam funcionamento familiar moderado e estão satisfeitas com a vida. As mulheres obtiveram pontuação mais elevada em ambas as variáveis em relação aos homens, as maiores de 60 anos relataram maior funcionalidade familiar e as menores de 30 anos apresentaram melhores resultados na satisfação com a vida.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , El Nino-Southern Oscillation , Natural Disasters , Alluvium , Floods
Medisan ; 25(4)2021.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1340219


La familia posee una función esencial en la formación de las futuras generaciones, pues en ella radican los cimientos para la educación en valores que contribuirán al desarrollo de la sociedad saludable y virtuosa que se necesita. Por ello, resulta impostergable mejorar las bases teóricas y metodológicas que orienten su actuación, así como también lograr herramientas eficaces para motivar y adiestrar en el despliegue de su papel rector educativo para cimentar generaciones de calidad, lo cual constituye un reto imprescindible. Al respecto, en este artículo se buscó revitalizar y enriquecer esos principios sin obviar el contexto actual que se vive, y además se brindan herramientas que posibilitan un mejor desempeño de la familia en la labor educativa de los valores.

The family possesses an essential function in the training of the future generations, because the foundations for values education reside in it so that they will contribute to the development of the healthy and virtuous society that it is needed. Reason why it is inevitable to improve the theoretical and methodological bases that guide their performance, as well as to achieve effective tools to motivate and train in the display of its educational rector role to build quality generations, which constitutes an indispensable challenge. In this respect, this work is aimed at revitalizing and enriching those principles without obviating the current context that we are living, and some tools are also offered that facilitate a better family performance in the educational work of values.

Social Values , Family , Education
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 15(3): 4-15, 20210830.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337752


La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre las dimensiones de apego, autoestima y funcionamiento familiar en estudiantes de bachillerato de los cantones Riobamba y Guano, provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador; mediante un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental, correlacional y de corte transversal. En este participa-ron 341 estudiantes de bachillerato pertenecientes a unidades educativas mencionadas, en los que se aplicaron los instrumentos: Cuestionario de apego Camir-R y los test de autoestima de Rosenberg y el de funcionamiento familiar FF-SIL. Los resultados mostraron un predominio del género femenino (277) y que la seguridad fue la dimensión mejor punteada (= 30,19). Se establecieron diferencias significativas entre las tipologías preocupado y evitativo (p<0,05). La auto-estima valorada como alta predominó entre las mujeres (51,53%), también predominó la tipología de moderadamente funcional en la población estudiada (56,7% en las mujeres y 71,9 % en los hombres). Los niveles de correlación entre las variables y dimensiones y el sentido de esta resultaron diversos. Las conclusiones establecidas apoyan la importancia del apego para el desarrollo adecuado de la autoestima y el funcionamiento familiar.

This research aimed to determine the relationship among the dimensions of attachment, selfesteem and family functioning in high school students from the cities of Riobamba and Guano, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The study considered a quantitative approach, non-experimental, correlational, and cross-sectional. 341 high school students from the aforementioned educa-tional units participated in this study, in which the following instruments were applied: the Camir-R attachment questionnaire, the Rosenberg selfesteem test and the FF-SIL family functioning test. The results showed a predominance of the female gender (277), and that safety was the best scored dimension (=30.19). Significant differences were established between the worried and avoidant typologies (p<0.05). Selfesteem valued as high prevailed among women (51.53%), the moderately functional typology also predominated in the studied population (56.7% in women and 71.9% in men). The levels of correlation between the variables and dimensions and their meaning were diverse. The established conclusions support the importance of attachment for the proper development of selfesteem and family functioning.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Personality Development , Self Concept , Family , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires , Psychosocial Functioning
Salud UNINORTE ; 37(2): 465-487, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377261


RESUMEN Objetivo: Identificar los factores de la funcionalidad familiar asociados al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud a nivel de educación superior, según lo reportado en la literatura. Materiales y método: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed (MedLine), ProQuest, SciELO y Google Académico, utilizando descriptores clave, criterios de selección y límites de búsqueda durante el proceso de revisión. Veintitrés documentos fue el insumo final seleccionado para el análisis. Resultados: Adicional a los hallazgos descriptivos de los estudios, emergieron factores positivos y negativos que se constituyen en categorías explicativas de la asociación existente entre la funcionalidad familiar y el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes de ciencias de la salud en educación superior. Conclusión: La literatura científica sobre funcionalidad familiar y su asociación con el rendimiento académico en los estudiantes universitarios, aunque ha ido en aumento de forma significativa, se ha desarrollado desde perspectivas diversas. Se requiere mayor integración y estudios de investigación que incluyan a la familia y a la universidad como entornos próximos y de desarrollo de los estudiantes.

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the factors of family functionality, associated with the academic performance of health sciences students at the higher education level, as reported in the literature. Materials and Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out in the following databases: PubMed (MedLine), ProQuest, SciELO, and Google Scholar, using key descriptors, selection criteria, and search limits during the review process. 23 documents were selected as the final input for the analysis. Results: in addition to the descriptive findings of the studies, positive and negative factors emerged that constitute explanatory categories of the existing association between family functionality and academic performance in health sciences students in higher education. Conclusion: the scientific literature on family functionality and its association with academic performance in university students, although has been significantly increasing, has developed from different perspectives. Greater integration and research studies that include the family and the university as close and developmental environments for students are required.

Psychol. av. discip ; 14(2): 37-48, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250617


Resumen Se investigó el desarrollo psicomotor temprano y si existían diferencias significativas en las diversas áreas de este desarrollo según la funcionalidad familiar (cohesión y adaptabilidad familiar) desde la percepción materna. Se trabajó con un diseño no experimental de alcance descriptivo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 32 diadas madre- hijo de entre 12 y 27 meses de edad. Se administró el Instrumento de Observación del Desarrollo Infantil (IODI), la Prueba Nacional de Pesquisa (PRUNAPE) y FACES III. Se encontraron diversas diferencias significativas entre tipo de cohesión-adaptabilidad familiar y áreas de la PRUNAPE (p<.05) y del IODI (p<.05). Se observó un desarrollo infantil temprano más favorable en las áreas personal social, lenguaje y socioemocional, en aquellas familias conectadas y flexibles.

Abstract The early psychomotor development was investigated and whether there were significant differences in the various areas of this development according to the maternal perception of family functionality (family cohesion and adaptability). A non-experimental descriptive design was carried out. The sample was comprised of 32 mothers with their children between 12 and 27 months old. Data was collected regarding The Child Development Observation Instrument (IODI), The National Research Test (PRUNAPE) and FACES III. Significant differences between cohesion and adaptability types and areas of development from PRUNAPE (p <.05) and IODI (p <.05) were observed. A more favorable early childhood psychomotor development was observed in the personal social area, as well as in A more favorable early the language and socioemotional area, in those families connected and flexible.

Perception , Psychomotor Performance , Child Development , Compliance , Observation , Research , Family , Language , Occupational Groups
Educ. med. super ; 34(2): e1881, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1124684


Introducción: La depresión es un trastorno del estado de ánimo crónico o recurrente que afecta la habilidad para enfrentarse a la vida cotidiana. Los estudiantes de medicina humana están expuestos a diversos factores propios de los estudiantes y su entorno, que los predisponen a sufrir enfermedades emocionales o psicológicas. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el estrés académico, la calidad de sueño, la funcionalidad, los factores sociodemográficos y la depresión, en los estudiantes de medicina humana de la Universidad Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco en 2018. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, con muestreo no probabilístico. La muestra estuvo constituida por 179 estudiantes, que cumplieron los criterios de selección. Para la encuesta se usó una ficha de recolección conformada por los datos sociodemográficos edad, sexo, año de estudio, procedencia, trabajo y grupo familiar; el Inventario de depresión de Beck; el Índice de calidad de sueño de Pittsburg; el test de Funcionamiento Familiar (FF-SIL); y el inventario SISCO del estrés académico. Resultados: De los estudiantes, 59 (32,97 por ciento) tuvieron depresión y, entre ellos, 40 (22,35 por ciento) depresión leve. La calidad de sueño (p = 0,001), la funcionalidad familiar (p = 0,001) y el año de estudio (p = 0,003) se asociaron estadísticamente con la depresión. No se halló una relación significativa entre estrés académico y depresión (p = 0,428). Además, pertenecer al sexo femenino presentó un factor de riesgo de 1,03 veces más para tener depresión y la asociación no fue significativa (p = 0,752). Conclusiones: Se observó que presentar una mala calidad de sueño, tener una familia disfuncional y estar en los primeros años de la carrera, influyó en la depresión de los estudiantes; por lo tanto, se requiere crear estrategias de detección y medidas de protección(AU)

Introduction: Depression is a chronic or recurrent mood disorder that affects the ability to cope with everyday life. Students of human medicine are exposed to various factors specific to students and their setting, which predispose them to suffer emotional or psychological conditions. Objective: To determine the association between academic stress, sleep quality, functionality, sociodemographic factors, and depression in students from the first to the fifth academic years of human medicine at Hermilio Valdizán University of Huánuco in 2018. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, using non-probability sampling. The sample consisted of 179 students who met the selection criteria. For the survey, a collection form was used, made up of the following sociodemographic data: age, sex, academic year, origin, work, and family group. We also used the Beck Depression Inventory, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Family Functioning Perception Test (FF-SIL), and the SISCO inventory of academic stress. Results: Of the students, 59 (32.97 percent) had depression and, among them, 40 (22.35 percent) mild depression. Sleep quality (p=0.001), family functionality (p=0.001), and academic year of study (p=0.003) were statistically associated with depression. No significant relationship was found between academic stress and depression (p=0.428). In addition, belonging to the female sex represented a risk factor of having 1.03 times more depression, while the association was not significant (p=0.752). Conclusions: We observed that presenting poor sleep quality, having a dysfunctional family, and being in the first academic years of the major influence student depression; therefore, it is required to create detection strategies and protection measures(AU)

Humans , Aptitude , Students, Medical , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Depression
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(2): e2673, mar.-abr. 2020. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126881


RESUMEN Introducción: La empatía es el entendimiento adecuado del paciente, es considerada el eje central de la relación médico-paciente y es un componente vital para la atención en salud de alta calidad. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de empatía hacia el paciente y su asociación con la funcionalidad familiar, estrés, rendimiento académico y factores sociodemográficos y académicos de los estudiantes de Medicina. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal analítico. Se trabajó con todos los estudiantes de medicina (130), matriculados entre 3ro a 6to año, que cumplieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Las variables independientes fueron funcionalidad familiar, estrés y rendimiento académico. Se aplicó un cuestionario y la Escala de Empatía Médica de Jefferson versión S. En el análisis, se empleó la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk para evaluar la normalidad, se utilizaron estadísticos no paramétricos. Se consideró significancia estadística p<0,05. Resultados: La media de empatía global fue de 106,08 ± 18,29 puntos. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la media de empatía global con el sexo (p=0,03), el año de estudios (p=0,00), y la funcionalidad familiar (p=0,04). Conclusiones: El nivel de funcionamiento familiar está asociado con la empatía. Además, se encontró que las mujeres resultaron más empáticas y el mayor año académico estuvo asociado a una menor empatía hacia el paciente.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Empathy is the adequate understanding towards the patient; it is considered the central axis of the doctor-patient relationship and is a vital component for high-quality health care. Objective: To determine the levels of empathy towards the patient and their association with family functionality, stress, academic performance and sociodemographic and academic factors of medical students. Material and Methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. The study population included 130 medical students (between 3rd-year and 6-th year) who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The independent variables were family functionality, stress and academic performance. A questionnaire and the Jefferson Scale of Empathy Version S were applied. For the analysis, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used for testing the assumption of normality, the Student t Test and Anova test were used to establish the relationship between variables. Statistical significance of p <0.05 was considered. Results: The average global empathy was 106.08 ± 18.29 points. Statistically significant differences were found between global empathy and sex (p = 0.03), year of studies (p = 0.00), and family functionality (p = 0.04). Conclusions: The level of family functioning is associated with empathy. Moreover, it was also found that women were more empathic than men and higher academic years were associated with a lower level of empathy towards the patient.

Gac. méd. boliv ; 42(2): 144-149, dic. 2019. tab.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-989838


OBJETIVOS: analizar los factores relacionados con la conducta sexual de riesgo, durante la adolescencia de los estudiantes de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, gestión 2018. MÉTODOS: estudio retrospectivo, de cohorte, el muestreó fue no probabilístico con criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se aplicó una encuesta auto administrada en cuatro sitios diferentes de la universidad. El análisis de los datos se realizó con el programa Epi-info v.7.2, empleando análisis uni y bivariado, como medidas de asociación OR, chi2 con un valor de p significante menor o igual a 0,05. RESULTADOS: la proporción de participantes que iniciaron su vida sexual activa durante la adolescencia fue del 50%, de estos el 31% no utiliza ningún método anticonceptivo y el 69% si utiliza algún método de anticoncepción, de los cuales el 46% prefiere utilizar el preservativo masculino o la píldora del día siguiente. Se encontró una relación significativa del inicio de vida sexual precoz (antes de los 16 años) con las variables: ser varón, provenir de una familia disfuncional, poco acceso a fuentes de información sobre sexualidad, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas antes de la relación sexual y el haber tenido una pareja sexual informal o casual. CONCLUSIÓN: una conducta sexual adecuada en el adolescente depende en gran medida de un entorno familiar funcional y del acceso adecuado a información sobre sexualidad y reproducción. La prevención de embarazos no deseados y de infecciones de transmisión sexual en adolescentes debe centrarse también en el entorno familiar y de la sociedad del adolescente.(AU)

OBJECTIVES: to analyze factors related to sexual risk behavior during the adolescence of students at the San Simón University, management 2018. METHODS: retrospective cohort study, sampling was non-probability with inclusion and exclusion criteria. A self-administered survey wasapplied in 4 different sites of the university. The analysis of the data was carried out with the program Epi-info v.7.2, using uni and bivariate analysis, as association measures OR, chi2 with a significant p value less than or equal to 0.05. RESULTS: the proportion of participants who began their active sexual life during adolescence was 50%, of whom 31% do not use any contraceptive method and 69% if they use any method of contraception, of whom 46% prefer to use the male condom or the morning-after pill. A significant relationship of early sexual debut (before age 16) was found with the variables: being male, coming from a dysfunctional family, little access to sources of information about sexuality, consumption of psychoactive substances before sexual intercourse, and having had an informal or casual sexual partner. CONCLUSIONS: adequate sexual behavior in the adolescent depends to a large extent on a functional family environment and adequate access to information on sexuality and reproduction. The prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections in adolescents must also focus on the adolescent's family environment and society.(AU)

Sexual Behavior , Sexual Health , Contraception , Reproductive Health
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;155(4): 357-362, jul.-ago. 2019. tab
文章 在 英语, 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286518


Resumen Introducción: La mayoría de los embarazos en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes son involuntarios y muchos son consecuencia del uso inconsistente de los métodos anticonceptivos. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo que pueden influir en las adolescentes que presentan embarazos no deseados. Método: Estudio descriptivo transversal en estudiantes de medicina de Ecuador, para el cual se utilizó la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva 2013, escala APGAR familia y escala socioeconómica de Graffar-Méndez Castellanos. Resultados: Existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la edad de inicio de la vida sexual activa (18.11 ± 1.45) de las estudiantes que se embarazaron en comparación con las que no se embarazaron (19.22 ± 2.28). La edad promedio al embarazo fue de 20.41 ± 2.18); no usaron protección en su primera relación sexual, 59.3 % de las que tuvieron embarazo y 32 % de las que no lo tuvieron. El embarazo fue más frecuente en las residentes de ciudades (100 %), católicas (85.2 %), pertenecientes a estrato socioeconómico medio alto (55.6 %) y a familias con disfunción moderada (40.7 %). Conclusiones: Un porcentaje importante de estudiantes de medicina tuvo algún embarazo no deseado a temprana edad; la mayoría procedía de familias con disfunción moderada y de un nivel socioeconómico medio alto.

Abstract Introduction: Most pregnancies in adolescents and young adults are unwanted and many are the consequence of inconsistent contraception use. Objective: To analyze the risk factors that may influence on female adolescents with unwanted pregnancies. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive study in Ecuadorian female medical students, where the 2013 National Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey, the family APGAR scale, and the Graffar-Méndez Castellanos socio-economic scale were used. Results: There was statistically significant difference in the age of active sexual life initiation between those who became pregnant (18.11 ± 1.45) and those who did not (19.22 ± 2.28). Average age at pregnancy was 20.41 ± 2.18; 59.3 % of those who had a pregnancy and 32% of those without pregnancy did not use protection in their first intercourse. Pregnancy was more common in city residents (100%), Catholic females (85.2%), who belonged to middle-high (55.6%) and middle-high socioeconomic strata (29.6%) and to families with moderate dysfunction (40.7%). Conclusions: A significant percentage of adolescents in our study had an unwanted pregnancy at an early age despite being young undergraduate medical students, coming from moderately dysfunctional families and belonging to a middle-high socioeconomic status.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Young Adult , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy, Unwanted , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Ecuador
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 29(3): 189-195, jul.-sep 2019. ilus, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1144574


Objetivo: Determinar la influencia de la funcionalidad familiar en la depresión de adolescentes de la institución educativa particular "Gran Amauta de Motupe" Lima, 2018. Material y método: El diseño utilizado fue no experimental, de corte transversal, correlacional causal, los instrumentos utilizados fueron: la Escala de Evaluación de Cohesión y Adaptabilidad familiar, FACES IV, de Olson y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck (IDB-II). Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 91 adolescentes de primero a quinto de secundaria entre 12 y 17 años de edad de nivel secundario. El análisis general mostró un 51.6% de depresión mínima, 28.5% leve, 10.9% moderada y 8.7% severa. Mientras que la funcionalidad familiar mostró 65.9% de funcionalidad intermedia y 34% baja. Conclusión: Los adolescentes que presentan menor funcionalidad familiar tienden a presentar mayor sintomatología depresiva.

Objective: Determine the influence of family functionality on adolescent depression at the private educational institution "Gran Amauta de Motupe" Lima, 2018. Material and method: The design used was non-experimental, cross-sectional, causal correlational, the instruments used were : the Family Cohesion and Adaptability Assessment Scale, FACES IV, by Olson and the Beck Depression Inventory (IDB-II). Results: The sample consisted of 91 adolescents from fi rst to fifth grade of secondary school between 12 and 17 years of age of secondary level. The general analysis showed a 51.6% minimum depression, 28.5% mild, 10.9% moderate and 8.7% severe. While the family functionality showed 65.9% intermediate functionality and 34% low. Conclusion: Adolescents with lower family functionality tend to have greater depressive symptomatology.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(2): 300-314, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094000


Resumen Introducción: el envejecimiento poblacional es una temática relevante, de igual manera, la comprensión del entorno a nivel comunitario y familiar, complementan el análisis y relevancia en las indagaciones científicas actuales. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, determinar la correlación existente entre la funcionalidad familiar y autoestima, de los adultos y adultas mayores en situación de maltrato del noroeste de Guayaquil, sector Mapasingue, bajo una metodología, de enfoque cuantitativo, alcance correlacional y corte transversal, lo cual permitió recolectar información desde la experiencia In situ; con un muestreo aleatorio simple conformado por 100 adultos y adultas mayores, comprendidos entre los 65 años en adelante, sin deterioro cognitivo. Mediante instrumentos de exploración y evaluación como Test Mini - Mental - State Examination, Inventario de autoestima de Coopersmith, Prueba de Percepción del Funcionamiento Familiar (FF-SIL), entrevista semiestructurada para explorar situaciones de violencia, su procedimiento estuvo estructurado en 4 fases, desde la familiarización hasta los encuentros participativos. Se evidenció como resultados, una correlación significativa entre la autoestima, funcionalidad familiar y las situaciones de maltrato, en complemento de la calidad de vida, principalmente en las mujeres adultas mayores, que bajo la realidad estudiada conllevan situaciones poco favorables. A nivel comunitario, consumo de drogas, condiciones heterogéneas del acceso a los servicios básicos mayores. Conclusión: se demostró mediante la inclusión de investigaciones desde las Universidades y facultades afines al dominio social, una forma eficaz, con bajas inversiones, en intervenciones sobre la salud individual, familiar y comunitaria.

Abstract Introduction: population aging is a relevant topic, in the same way, the understanding of the environment at community and family level, complement the analysis and relevance in current scientific inquiries. The objective of this research was to determine the existing correlation between family functionality and self-esteem of adults and older adults in a situation of mistreatment in the northwest of Guayaquil, the Mapasingue sector, using a methodology of quantitative approach, correlational scope and cross-section, which allowed to collect information from the In situ experience; with a simple random sampling consisting of 100 adults and older adults, between 65 years of age and older, without cognitive impairment. Through exploration and evaluation instruments such as Mini-Mental Test-State Examination, Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, Family Function Perception Test (FF-SIL), semi-structured interview to explore situations of violence, its procedure was structured in 4 phases, from the familiarization until the participative meetings. Results: showed a significant correlation between self-esteem, family functionality and situations of abuse, in addition to the quality of life, mainly in older women, which under the reality studied lead to unfavorable situations. At the community level, drug use, heterogeneous conditions of access to basic services. Conclusion: was demonstrated by the inclusion of research from universities and faculties related to the social domain, an effective way, with low investments, in interventions on individual, family and community health.

Resumo Introdução: o envelhecimento populacional é um tema relevante, da mesma forma, a compreensão do ambiente a nível comunitário e familiar, complementam a análise e relevância nas investigações científicas atuais. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a correlação entre o funcionamento familiar e auto-estima, adultos e idosos em situações de abuso a noroeste de Guayaquil, o setor Mapasingue sob uma metodologia, abordagem quantitativa, o escopo de correlação e de seção transversal, que permitiu coletar informações da experiência in situ; com amostragem aleatória simples, composta por 100 adultos e idosos, com idade entre 65 e mais anos, sem comprometimento cognitivo. Através de instrumentos de exploração e avaliação como teste Mini-Mental-Exame do Estado, auto-estima Coopersmith inventário, Percepção Teste de funcionamento familiar (FF-SIL), semi-estruturada para explorar situações de entrevista a violência, o seu procedimento foi estruturado em 4 fases de a familiarização até as reuniões participativas. Os resultados: mostraram uma correlação significativa entre autoestima, funcionalidade familiar e situações de abuso, além da qualidade de vida, principalmente em mulheres idosas, que sob a realidade estudada levam a situações desfavoráveis. No nível da comunidade, uso de drogas, condições heterogêneas de acesso a serviços básicos. A conclusão: foi demonstrada pela inclusão de pesquisas de universidades e faculdades relacionadas ao domínio social, de forma efetiva, com baixos investimentos, em intervenções na saúde individual, familiar e comunitária.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 17(3): 235-240, sep.-dic. 2018. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002107


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre adherencia terapéutica y la funcionalidad familiar en pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas crónicas del Hospital General de Zona 46 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, con pacientes del Hospital General de Zona 46 Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; aplicando la escala de adherencia terapéutica y el cuestionario de funcionamiento familiar FF-SIL. Resultados: El 76.2% (n=128) de los pacientes estudiados tiene moderada adherencia terapéutica, predomina el sexo masculino con 40.5% (n=68) comprendida en la edad de 31-45 años con un 42.2% (n=54) al igual que la funcionalidad familiar es mayor en el sexo masculino con un 50.6% (n=44) comprendida en la edad de 31-45 años con un 22.6% (n=38). Conclusiones: Existe relación en cuanto a la funcionalidad familiar y adherencia terapéutica. La mayoría de los pacientes estudiados presentó moderada adherencia formando parte de una familia nuclear moderadamente funcional.

Abstract Objective: To determine the relationship between therapeutic adherence and family functionality in patients with chronic hematological diseases of the General Hospital of Zone 46 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security. Materials and methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted with patients from the General Hospital of zone 46, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social; applying the therapeutic adherence scale and the family functioning questionnaire FF-SIL. Results: 76.2% (n = 128) of the studied patients have moderate therapeutic adherence, the male sex predominates with 40.5% (n = 68) comprised in the ages of 31-45 with 42.2% (n = 54) at as well as the family functionality is higher in the male sex with 50.6% (n = 44) comprised in the ages of 31-45 with 22.6% (n = 38). Conclusions: There is a relationship in terms of family functionality and therapeutic adherence. The majority of the patients studied showed moderate adherence as part of a moderately functional nuclear family.

Resumo Objetivo: Determinar a relação entre a adesáo terapéutica e o funcionamento familiar em pacientes com doençãs hematológicas crónicas do Hospital Geral da Zona 46 do Instituto Mexicano de Seguraba Social. Materiais e métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal com pacientes do Hospital Geral da zona 46, Instituto Mexicano do Seguro Social; aplicando a escala de adesáo terapéutica e o questionário de funcionamento familiar FF-SIL. Resultados: A adesão terapéutica é moderada em 76,2% (n = 128) dos pacientes estudados, 40,5% (n = 68) sáo de sexo masculino, a faixa etária de 31 a 45 anos predomina com 42,2% (n = 54). Quanto ao funcionamento familiar este é maior no sexo masculino com 50,6% (n = 44), sendo a faixa etária mais predominante a de 31-45 anos com 22,6% (n = 38). Conclusões: Existe uma relação entre o funcionamento familiar e a adesão terapéutica. A maioria dos pacientes estudados apresentou uma adesáo moderada, no ámbito de uma familia nuclear moderadamente funcional.

Résumé Objectif: Déterminer la relation entre l'observance thérapeutique et la fonctionnalité familiale chez des patients atteints de maladies hématologiques chroniques soignés a l'«Hospital General de Zona 46 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social¼. Matériels et méthodes: Une étude transversale descriptive a été réalisée avec des patients de l'«Hospital General de Zona 46 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social¼, au moyen d'une échelle d'observance thérapeutique et du questionnaire de fonctionnement familial FF-SIL. Résultats: 76,2% (n = 128) des patients étudiés ont une observance thérapeutique modérée, avec une plus grande représentation du sexe masculin (40,5%, n = 68) et de la tranche d'áge 31-45 ans (42,2%, n = 54). La fonctionnalité familiale est plus élevée pour le sexe masculin avec 50,6% des cas (n = 44) et dans la tranche d''áge 31-45 ans avec 22,6% des cas (n = 38). Conclusions: Il existe une relation entre la fonctionnalité familiale et l'observance thérapeutique. La majorité des patients étudiés ont montré une observance modérée dans le cadre d'une famille nucléaire modérément fonctionnelle.

文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401829


Existen múltiples estudios acerca del funcionamiento familiar en la población chilena y sobre sus prácticas alimenticias, relacionándose ambas con morbilidades psicológicas o psiquiátricas. A pesar de esto, no logramos encontrar estudios que relacionen específicamente los hábitos alimenticios con el comportamiento a la hora de comer y el funcionamiento familiar en Chile. Definir los hábitos alimentarios no resulta sencillo, ya que existe una diversidad de conceptos, sin embargo, la mayoría converge en que se tratan de manifestaciones recurrentes de comportamiento individuales y colectivas respecto al qué, cuándo, dónde, cómo, con qué, para qué se come y quién consume los alimentos (1). El presente estudio es un estudio descriptivo tipo corte transversal, cuyo objetivo es explorar la relación entre el funcionamiento familiar y el hábito de comer en familia en padres y madres que acuden al policlínico de pediatría. El estudio se aplicó en 5 centros de salud de diferentes comunas de la región Metropolitana: Centro de Salud de San Bernardo (San Bernardo), Policlínico el Salto (Recoleta), Patronato Nacional de la Infancia (Estación central), CESFAM Juan Pablo II (La Reina) y CESFAM Aníbal Ariztía (Las Condes). Todos corresponden a campos clínicos universitarios de la Universidad de Los Andes en el área de pediatría. Todos centros caracterizados por recibir pacientes en su mayoría chilenos, de un nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo (2). Se consideraron como criterios de inclusión el ser padres y/o madres de pacientes que se atendían en los consultorios antes mencionados, mayores de 18 años y que firmaran el consentimiento informado. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la auto-aplicación de dos cuestionarios, uno de ellos, de fabricación propia, describe la práctica alimenticia de la familia, el otro, correspondiente al cuestionario APGAR familiar, validado en Chile, fue usado para medir el funcionamiento familiar según la percepción de los padres y/o madres. De un total de 53 encuestas realizadas, 90.6% presentó un APGAR de familia funcional, un 7.5% un APGAR con disfunción familiar moderada y un 1.88% con un APGAR de disfunción familiar severa. El análisis estadístico muestra que este nivel de funcionamiento se explica en un 53% por tres de las variables estudiadas; Comunicación y ambiente a la hora de comer, y si los padres viven juntos o no. Será necesario confirmar estos hallazgos en futuras investigaciones que cuenten con poblaciones de estudio más extensas y variadas en su morfología familiar, para extrapolar estos datos a nivel regional.

Abstract: There are multiple studies on family functioning in the Chilean population and on their dietary practices, both have been related to psychological or psychiatric morbidities. Despite this, we could not find studies that specifically relate eating habits to eating behaviors and family functioning in Chile. Defining eating habits is not easy, since there is a diversity of concepts, however, most converge in that they are recurrent manifestations of individual and collective behavior with respect to what, when, where, how, with what, and for what purpose we eat and who consumes the food (1). The present study is a descriptive cross-sectional study, whose objective is to explore the relationship between family functioning and the habit of eating as a family in parents who attend the pediatric polyclinic. The study was performed in 5 health centers in different communes of the Metropolitan Region: San Bernardo Health Center (San Bernardo), El Salto Polyclinic (Recoleta), National Children's Trust (Central Station), CESFAM Juan Pablo II (La Reina) and CESFAM Aníbal Ariztía (Las Condes). All correspond to pediatric university clinical campuses of the Universidad de Los Andes. All centers are characterized as receiving mostly Chilean patients, of a medium-low socioeconomic level (2). Inclusion criteria were: fathers and/or mothers of patients who attended the clinics, who were older than 18 years and who signed the informed consent. The data were obtained through the self-administration of two questionnaires, one of them of our own manufacture, describes the family's nutritional practice, the other, corresponding to the family APGAR questionnaire, validated in Chile, was used to measure family functioning according to the perception of fathers and/or mothers. Of a total of 53 surveys conducted, 90.6% presented an APGAR of functional family, 7.5% an APGAR with moderate family dysfunction and 1.88% with an APGAR of severe family dysfunction. The statistical analysis shows that this level of functioning is explained in 53% by three of the studied variables: communication and atmosphere at mealtime, and whether the parents live together or not. It will be necessary to confirm these findings in future investigations that have more extensive and varied study populations in their family morphology to extrapolate these data at a regional level.

Humans , Family Relations/psychology , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965266


Background@#Teenage pregnancy is a public health concern because of its increasing incidence and its dire consequences. Numerous studies document the role of family in initiating sexual activity and teenage pregnancy, but there is a lack of studies that assess the effects of families and peers on teenage sexual behavior in the Philippines.@*Objective@#To determine the association between perceived family functionality as measured by the Family APGAR and teenage pregnancy in selected barangays in District 2, Quezon City, Philippines@*Methodology@#The study enrolled 233 women who are residents of Barangays Commonwealth and Payatas in Quezon City. Cases consisted of 133 women aged 18 to 24 years at the time of the interview who have become pregnant in 2011-2016, while they were 13 to 19 years old, while controls (N=100) were similar but had never been pregnant before age 20. Consecutive respondents who consented to participate in the study were enrolled and interviewed using the Filipino version of the Family APGAR. Respondents were then classified as having functional or dysfunctional families. Odds ratio was computed to determine the relationship between family functionality and teenage pregnancy.@*Results@#Family dysfunction based on the Family APGAR score was significantly associated with increased risk of teenage pregnancy with an OR 16.69, 1.93-144 (p=0.010) along with having both parents as caregivers with an OR of 29.69, 2.46-345, and teenage pregnancy in the mother with an OR of 15.87, 2.006-125.@*Conclusion@#Perception of dysfunction in the family based on the Family APGAR score, having both parents as caregivers and teenage pregnancy in the mother are associated with teenage pregnancy. Future researches should investigate the interactions of these factors but targeting family functionality may be key to curbing teenage pregnancies.

Pregnancy , Female , Pregnancy in Adolescence
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965270


Background@#Leukemia is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among pediatric patients in the Philippines, but it also significantly affects family dynamics and behaviors. Aside from the parents, siblings are also vulnerable to the effects of a chronic disease within the family but are not usually the topic of family studies.@*Objective@#To determine if having control-oriented or escape-oriented coping mechanisms is associated with the different levels and dimensions of family functioning among children ages 13 to 18 years old who have siblings diagnosed with leukemia.@*Methodology@#This case control study was conducted in two Kythe-affiliated hospitals in Luzon, Philippines. Using McMaster Family Assessment Device, adolescent siblings of leukemia patients who belong to dysfunctional families (n=8) were considered as the cases, while siblings who belong to functional families (n=5) were the controls. KidCOPE was used to identify coping mechanisms. Odds ratio for escape- and control-oriented coping mechanisms were computed using Fisher’s exact test through MedCalc, while association of coping mechanisms with demographics was determined using Chi square test through SAS 9.4.@*Results@#Siblings of leukemia patients who belong to dysfunctional families are more likely to use escape-oriented coping mechanism (OR = 2.2; 95% CI = 0.0746 to 64.9082; p = 0.648) but also more likely to feel that it is not helpful to them (OR = 0.6471; 95% CI = 0.0111 to 37.6665; p = 0.8337). However, an association between coping mechanisms and family functionality cannot be established because the computed odds ratios are not significant. A significant association was found between the number of extended family members living with the sibling and efficiency of control-oriented coping mechanisms (p = 0.024).@*Conclusion@#Association between coping mechanisms of adolescent siblings of leukemia patients and family functionality was not established, but further studies with larger sample sizes are needed to confirm this.

Siblings , Leukemia , Philippines