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文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569792


Como consecuencia de la emergencia sanitaria de la COVID-19, la enseñanza académica se reformuló y generó que la educación asumiera la virtualidad como espacio para generar aprendizajes y desarrollar las capacidades clínicas. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la relación que existe entre el uso del entorno virtual Moodle y el desarrollo de la capacidad clínica de diagnóstico en estudiantes de Odontología en una Universidad privada de Cusco, Perú. Se realizó un estudio analítico de corte transversal con una población de 215 estudiantes y una muestra a 139 estudiantes de Odontología, que cursaban el área de clínica, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia; los datos se recolectaron mediante un formulario Google. Como resultados se obtuvo que los estudiantes de la muestra tienen entre 19 a 40 años de edad y predomina el sexo femenino. El 56,8 % usa el entorno virtual Moodle de manera eficiente y el 40,3 % regularmente. El 62,6 % logró desarrollar, medianamente, la capacidad clínica de diagnóstico y el 25,2 % en un nivel alto. En cuanto a la relación del uso del entorno virtual Moodle y el desarrollo de la capacidad clínica de diagnóstico, los resultados muestran valores de p = 0,001 y Rho = 0,280. Se concluye que existe una correlación positiva y se comprueba la asociación establecida en el objetivo del estudio.

As a consequence of the COVID-19 health emergency, academic teaching was reformulated and caused education to assume virtuality as a space to generate learning and develop clinical capabilities. The objective of the study was to determine the existing relationship between the use of Moodle virtual environment and the development of clinical diagnostic capacity in Dentistry students at a private University in Cusco, Peru. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with a population of 215 students and a sample of 139 Dentistry students, who were studying the clinical area, selected through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Data was collected using a Google form. As results, it was obtained that the students in the sample are between 19 and 40 years old and the female sex predominates. 56.8% use the Moodle virtual environment efficiently and 40.3% regularly. 62.6% managed to develop, moderately, the clinical diagnostic capacity and 25.2% at a high level. Regarding the relationship between the use of Moodle virtual environment and the development of clinical diagnostic capacity, the results show values of p = 0.001 and Rho = 0.280. It is concluded that there is a positive correlation and the association established in the objective of the study is verified.

文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536536


(analítico) Se analiza la implementación de un programa de formación docente en promoción de autonomía y apoyo pedagógico y su relación con el compromiso de niños en el aula. El programa se desarrolló duran-te el cierre de escuelas por la pandemia causada por el covid-19. Se usó diseño mixto convergente-paralelo. Participaron cinco docentes de primaria, de escuelas públicas de Cali, Colombia, y sus estudiantes (N=110). La formación consistió en dos talleres grupales y tres sesiones de acompañamiento individual en modalidad virtual. Se grabaron las clases antes y durante el proceso, codificándose las interacciones. Se observó alta variabilidad en promoción de autonomía y apoyo pedagógico. El compromiso de los niños fue mayor cuando las profesoras promovían mayor autonomía y apoyo pedagógico. Se discutieron variables que afectan el aprovechamiento de la formación.

(analytical) This paper analyzes the implementation of a professional development program on autonomy promotion and instructional support in the classroom, and the relationship between this program and students' engagement. The program was designed during the delivery of online classes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a convergent parallel design. Participants were five elementary teachers and their students (N=110) at a public school in Cali, Colombia. The program consisted of two workshops and three online individual feedback sessions. Classes were recorded before and during the program and classroom interactions were coded. The results show high variability in teachers' autonomy promotion and instructional support during the classes. Students' engagement was higher when teachers promote greater autonomy and instructional support. Variables that could affect teachers' use of learning from the program are discussed.

(analítico) Analisase a implementação de um programa de formação docente para a promoção da autonomia e o apoio pedagógico e sua relação com a performance das crianças na sala de aula. O programa foi desenvolvido durante o fechamento das escolas pelo Covid-19. Um método misto convergente-paralelo foi usado. Participaram cinco professoras de ensino básico de escolas públicas de Cali-Colômbia e seus alunos, 110 crianças. A formação consistiu em duas oficinas grupais e três sessões de trabalho individual na modalidade virtual. As aulas foram gravadas antes e durante o processo, e as interações foram codificadas. Observa-se alta variabilidade na promoção da autonomia e apoio pedagógico. O comprometimento das crianças foi maior quando as professoras promoveram maior autonomia e apoio pedagógico. As variáveis que afetam o aproveitamento do treinamento são discutidas.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(1)jun. 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521936


Introducción: Los modelos educativos inclusivos forman parte actualmente de las políticas educacionales; estos modelos presuponen la utilización de métodos y procedimientos factibles para un aula heterogénea y están en el centro de los proyectos de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura y en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para 2030. Objetivo: Describir algunas de las barreras existentes y las ventajas de la implementación del aula heterogénea a favor de una educación más inclusiva. Material y método: Se realiza un estudio descriptivo longitudinal retrospectivo sobre la relación de la educación inclusiva y los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje. Resultados: Las plataformas virtuales propician el avance de los sistemas educativos con flexibilidad en la aplicación de métodos y procedimientos que los hacen adaptables a diferentes individualidades y por tanto más inclusivos. Ello se percibe como visión de futuro donde todos gocen de los mismos derechos y oportunidades en igualdad de condiciones. Conclusiones: El desarrollo alcanzado por las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones proporciona la base para que, a través de la virtualidad, se concrete y perfeccione la educación inclusiva.

Introduction: Inclusive educational models are currently part of educational policies; these models presuppose the use of feasible methods and procedures for a heterogeneous classroom and are at the core of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization projects and in the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Objective: To describe some of the existing barriers and the advantages of implementing the heterogeneous classroom in favor of a more inclusive education. Method: A retrospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted on the relationship between inclusive education and virtual learning environments. Results: Virtual platforms promote the advancement of educational systems with flexibility in the application of methods and procedures that make them adaptable to different individualities and, therefore, more inclusive. This is perceived as a vision of the future where everyone enjoys the same rights and opportunities under equal conditions. Conclusions: The development achieved by Information and Communication Technologies provides the basis so that, through virtual platforms, inclusive education can be concretized and perfected.

Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534413


R E S U M E N El artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar un análisis conciso de la importancia, dimensiones y relaciones de la innovación en el control gubernamental y la gestión de las denuncias ciudadanas, presente en revistas científicas y publicaciones de entidades como OLACEFS y diversas Contralorías, desde el 2018 al 2022. Para ello, se desarrolló una investigación no experimental, descriptiva y transversal; basada en una revisión bibliográfica en Redalyc, Scielo y Scopus, sobre artículos científicos relacionados a las variables mencionadas, obteniendo 53 publicaciones. Dentro de los principales resultados se encuentra la relación de herramientas de innovación con las variables de control gubernamental y denuncias ciudadanas, obteniendo 22 temáticas, siendo transversal el uso de TIC. Finalmente, se concluyó que la innovación es una variable relacionada con el control gubernamental y la gestión pública, contemplando la gestión de denuncias ciudadanas. Si bien es cierto que, no hay investigaciones puntuales que relacionen estas variables, hay muchas publicaciones que usan términos como TIC, innovación o gobierno abierto para mantener una correlación; contemplando a la participación ciudadana como parte del control social que ayuda al control gubernamental.

A B S T R A C T The article aims to show a concise analysis of innovation's importance, dimensions, and relationships in government control and the management of citizen complaints, present in scientific journals and publications of entities such as OLACEFS and various Comptrollerships, from 2018 to 2022. For this, a non-experimental, descriptive, and cross-sectional investigation was developed; based on a bibliographic review in Redalyc, Scielo, and Scopus, of scientific articles related to the mentioned variables, obtaining 53 publications. Among the main results is the relationship of innovation tools with the variables of government control and citizen complaints, getting 22 themes, the use of ICT being transversal. Finally it was concluded that innovation is a variable related to government control and public management, contemplating the direction of citizen complaints. Although it is true that there is no specific research that relates these variables, there are many publications that use terms such as ICT, innovation, or open government to maintain a correlation; contemplating citizen participation as part of the social control that helps government control.

O artigo tem como objetivo mostrar uma análise concisa da importância, dimensões e relações da inovação no controle governamental e na gestão das reclamações cidadãs, presentes em revistas científicas e publicações de entidades como a OLACEFS e diversas Controladorias, no período de 2018 a 2022. Para isso, desenvolveu-se uma investigação não experimental, descritiva e transversal; baseado em revisão bibliográfica em Redalyc, Scielo e Scopus, em artigos científicos relacionados às variáveis mencionadas, obtendo 53 publicações. Entre os principais resultados está a relação das ferramentas de inovação com as variáveis de controle governamental e reclamações cidadãs, obtendo-se 22 temas, sendo o uso das TIC transversal. Por fim, concluiu-se que a inovação é uma variável relacionada ao controle governamental e à gestão pública, contemplando o gerenciamento das reclamações cidadãs. Embora seja verdade que não há pesquisas específicas que relacionem essas variáveis, existem muitas publicações que usam termos como TIC, inovação ou governo aberto para manter uma correlação; contemplar a participação cidadã como parte do controle social que auxilia o controle governamental.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220742


Teaching of English language phonics is becoming one of the most challenging task in our society where knowledge of the phonics is expanding and changing rapidly and modern technologies are demanding teachers of English language phonics to learn how to use these technologies in their teaching. A teacher play a pivotal role in the process of teaching English language phonics. Hence, knowledge of ICT and skills to use ICT in teaching English language phonics has gained enormous importance for today's English language phonics teachers. The teachers are expected to know how to successfully integrate ICT into their lesson to make learning more meaningful. ICT based learning causes changes in the Educational objectives in the conception of the teaching and learning process. ICT can provide more ?exible and effective ways for professional development of the teachers. This paper projects the conceptual details about importance of ICT in teaching English language phonics and also the challenges of ICT in teaching English language phonics. It concludes with discussion of key principles for effective ICT development in teaching English language phonics.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(1)abr. 2023.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440749


Durante la crisis sanitaria COVID-19, el desarrollo de estilos de vida saludable en estudiantes del sistema escolar ha ganado especial significación, por lo que este estudio se propone potenciar, a través de la Educación Física, la formación de estilos de vida saludable en la comunidad escolar desde el liderazgo intermedio, la articulación interdisciplinaria, la integración de las TIC y la unidad escuela-familia. En el estudio, se asumió un paradigma mixto; participaron 265 estudiantes, 11 docentes y 2 directivos. Se aplicaron entrevistas grupales, la observación participante y el cuestionario fantástico. Se evidenció un desarrollo favorable en la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva, la mejora de los hábitos de nutrición y se institucionalizaron prácticas del plan de acción propuesto. Se concluye que el plan de acción puede ser considerado como una vía válida para la formación de estilos de vida saludable en estudiantes de enseñanza básica, en el contexto estudiado.

SÍNTESE Durante a crise de saúde da COVID-19, o desenvolvimento de estilos de vida saudáveis nos estudantes do sistema escolar ganhou um significado especial, pelo que este estudo visa melhorar, através da Educação Física, a formação de estilos de vida saudáveis na comunidade escolar a partir da liderança intermédia, articulação interdisciplinar, integração das TIC e unidade escola-família. No estudo, foi assumido um paradigma misto; participaram 265 estudantes, 11 professores e 2 directores. Foram utilizadas entrevistas de grupo, observação dos participantes e um questionário. Houve provas de um desenvolvimento favorável na prática da actividade física e do desporto, melhoria dos hábitos alimentares e institucionalização das práticas do plano de acção proposto. Conclui-se que o plano de acção pode ser considerado como uma forma válida para a formação de estilos de vida saudáveis nos estudantes do ensino básico, no contexto estudado.

During the COVID-19 health crisis, the development of healthy lifestyles in students of the school system has gained special significance, so this study aims to promote, through Physical Education, the formation of healthy lifestyles in the school community from the intermediate leadership, the interdisciplinary articulation, the integration of ICT and the school-family unit. In the study, a mixed paradigm was assumed; 265 students, 11 teachers and 2 directors participated. Group interviews, participant observation and the fantastic questionnaire were applied. A favorable development in the practice of physical and sports activity, as well as the improvement of nutrition habits were evidenced, and practices of the proposed action plan were institutionalized. It is concluded that the action plan can be considered as a valid way for the formation of healthy lifestyles in basic education students, in the studied context.

Medical Education ; : 80-85, 2023.
文章 在 日语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-966047


Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Japan, offers “Early Exposure to Medical Practice” in the first semester for first-year medical students to learn about patient-centered care as well as the real-world conditions and issues faced in community medical practice. Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic during the past two years, we planned and implemented online training, including some disability simulations, which mostly aimed to prevent the spread of infection. The students who completed these training courses reported that the online training had certain advantages over hands-on training ; the two activities implemented were not only effective in preventing infection but also had other benefits that only an online environment could provide. Herein, we report the results and some of the merits of these practices in 2021.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 85-94, 2023.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988876


Introduction@#Access to appropriate and timely care underpins the Republic Act 9707 or the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Intervention Act of 2009. However, less than 10% of babies born every year have been screened for hearing loss. The Hearing for Life (HeLe) research program aims to increase the rate of newborn hearing screening (NHS) nationwide through the development and deployment of novel digital health or eHealth technologies in government rural primary care health centers (PCHC). The HeLe is also built on the global call for increased and systematic use of eHealth to strengthen health systems. Effectiveness of eHealth innovations requires acknowledgment of the product’s life cycle; one consideration is organizational readiness at this development stage of the HeLe. @*Objective@#This study assessed readiness of the eight PCHC selected to use the HeLe technologies. @*Methods@#This research utilized the Khoja-Durrani-Scott (KDS) eHealth evaluation tool to assess the PCHC’s readiness level prior to the implementation of HeLe. The KDS tool was distributed through a self-administered survey; data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Readiness is measured in terms of seven dimensions or outcomes resulting from the use of the HeLe technologies. @*Results@#The study revealed that the eight PCHC were most to least ready, in decreasing order, in the following areas: Ethical, Health, Technology, Social & Cultural, Readiness & Change Management, as well as Economic, and Policy outcomes. The study affirms the PCHCs’ value for equity in health care, i.e., providing accessible NHS services in the community setting closest to where the families and their newborns are. Likewise, results confirm the PCHC staff’s preparedness for another set of innovations, through agreement with statements on Technology, Social & Cultural as well as Readiness & Change Management parameters. @*Conclusions@#The results informed the training and technical support strategies to be implemented by the HeLe program proponents. However, even in this early development phase of the HeLe technologies, the PCHC are already concerned with how to sustain NHS services after the research. Fully aware that the HeLe ICT tools need to be maintained and upgraded, the PCHC views that economic and policy support should also be in place to ensure continuous delivery of the ICT-enabled NHS services. While results are illustrative, usefulness is limited by the small sample size and character of the study sites. Nevertheless, social dimensions still have to be carefully considered as innovative NHS tools are introduced to primary care health workers nationwide. Researchers have to be deliberate in working with broader health systems and policy advocacy efforts to allow novel NHS technologies to be smoothly introduced at the community level and frontlines of care.

Telemedicine , Health , Technology , Change Management , Policy , Ethics , Primary Health Care
文章 在 日语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007002


Objective:Home visits conducted in the early rehabilitation phase through an online connection between the patient's home and the hospital are termed online home visits. They enable real-time sharing of home information and patient and family wishes between the family and the therapists participating from home with healthcare professionals at the hospital. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of online home visits.Methods:We enrolled 75 patients with musculoskeletal or cerebrovascular disease discharged from a convalescent rehabilitation ward and classified them as those who received online home visits (online group, n=25) and in-person home visits (non-online group, n=50) within 7 days of hospitalization. Functional independence measure (FIM) efficiency was compared between the groups. Rehabilitation treatment changes made by therapists after virtual home visits were surveyed.Results:In patients with musculoskeletal diseases, FIM efficiency was significantly higher, and the length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in the online group (n=14, 1.0 ± 0.5 points/day) than in the non-online group (n=26, 0.7 ± 0.5 points/day) (p<0.05). Many therapists who participated in virtual home visits modified their rehabilitation therapy afterwards by recreating the home environment in the rehabilitation room and implementing rehabilitation therapy for home activities.Conclusion:Virtual home visits can facilitate rehabilitation therapy more appropriate to the home environment because they provide visual information about the home. The present findings indicate the contribution of online home visits to FIM efficiency improvement and home discharge preparation.

文章 在 日语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007072


Objective:Home visits conducted in the early rehabilitation phase through an online connection between the patient's home and the hospital are termed online home visits. They enable real-time sharing of home information and patient and family wishes between the family and the therapists participating from home with healthcare professionals at the hospital. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of online home visits.Methods:We enrolled 75 patients with musculoskeletal or cerebrovascular disease discharged from a convalescent rehabilitation ward and classified them as those who received online home visits (online group, n=25) and in-person home visits (non-online group, n=50) within 7 days of hospitalization. Functional independence measure (FIM) efficiency was compared between the groups. Rehabilitation treatment changes made by therapists after virtual home visits were surveyed.Results:In patients with musculoskeletal diseases, FIM efficiency was significantly higher, and the length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in the online group (n=14, 1.0 ± 0.5 points/day) than in the non-online group (n=26, 0.7 ± 0.5 points/day) (p<0.05). Many therapists who participated in virtual home visits modified their rehabilitation therapy afterwards by recreating the home environment in the rehabilitation room and implementing rehabilitation therapy for home activities.Conclusion:Virtual home visits can facilitate rehabilitation therapy more appropriate to the home environment because they provide visual information about the home. The present findings indicate the contribution of online home visits to FIM efficiency improvement and home discharge preparation.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(12): 3609-3617, 2023. tab, graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528301


Resumo Este trabalho objetiva analisar se o processo de construção dos planos municipais de saúde (PMS) 2022-2025 das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal (DF) previu a inclusão de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) para viabilizar a participação cidadã. Foram analisados 37 documentos publicados nos 27 sites das secretarias municipais de Saúde (SMS), à luz da concepção teórica do postulado da coerência, elaborado por Mario Testa para análise do processo de planejamento em saúde. Os resultados evidenciam que dez secretarias adotaram estratégias de mobilização da participação social remota na elaboração do PMS e somente nove disponibilizaram canais virtuais de consulta pública para definição de prioridades no contexto pandêmico. A partir dos documentos analisados, não se identificou a adoção de estratégias pelas SMS, como tendas virtuais, concessão de auxílio para acesso à internet, tablets, espaços para acessos itinerantes, entre outras, como forma de viabilizar e fomentar uma participação social mais abrangente em tempos de crise sanitária.

Abstract This objective work sets out to analyze whether the construction process of the 2022-2025 Municipal Health Plans (MHP) of the 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District (FD) provided for the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable citizen participation. A total of 37 documents published on the 27 websites of the municipal health secretariats (MHS) were analyzed, in the light of the theoretical concept of the Postulate of coherence, elaborated by Mario Testa for analysis of the health planning process. The results show that ten secretariats adopted strategies to monitor remote social participation in the preparation of the MHP and only nine provided virtual channels for public consultation to define priorities in the context of the pandemic. From the documents analyzed, the adoption of MHS strategies was not identified, such as virtual tents, granting assistance for internet access, tablets, spaces for itinerant access, among others, as a way to enable and encourage broader social participation, in health crisis situations.

Barbarói ; (62): 274-302, jul.-dez. 2022. ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1418975


Durante o ensino remoto emergencial no Brasil diversas tecnologias digitais foram utilizadas por escolas e professores(as), como ferramentas de suporte ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem, dentre elas o YouTube. Este trabalho objetiva analisar de que maneira professores(as) do Distrito Federal adotaram o Youtube nas atividades de Sociologia durante o ensino remoto. Para isso, realizou-se pesquisa de abordagem mista com a aplicação de questionário por meio do Google Forms a 16 professores(as) e a realização de seis entrevistas semiestruturadas por meio do Google Meet. Os resultados apontam uma ampla adoção do Youtube como recurso pedagógico de apoio para o planejamento e a realização das atividades síncronas e assíncronas disponibilizadas pelos(as) professores(as) aos(às) estudantes, assim como um repositório de aulas de Sociologia.(AU)

During the emergency remote education in Brazil several digital technologies were used by schools and teachers as tools to support teaching-learning process, among them the YouTube. This work aims to analyze how teachers of Distrito Federal adopted YouTube in Sociology activities during remote education. For this, a mixed approach search was carried out with the application of questionnaire to 16 teachers and the attainment of 6 semi-structured interviews. The results point out a broad adoption of YouTube as a pedagogical support for the planning and the realization of the synchronous and asynchronous activities made available by the teachers to the students, as well as a repository of Sociology classes.(AU)

Durante la enseñanza remota de emergencia en Brasil diversas tecnologías digitales fueron utilizadas por las escuelas y profesores como herramientas de soporte en el proceso de enseño-aprendizaje, entre ellas el YouTube. Ese trabajo objetiva analizar de qué manera profesores (as) en el Distrito Federal elegirán YouTube en actividades de Sociología durante la enseñanza remota. Para eso, efectuóse una investigación con enfoque mixta con aplicación de cuestionario para 16 profesores (as) y realización de 6 entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los resultados señalan una amplia adopción YouTube como recurso pedagógico de apoyo para la planificación y la realización de actividades sincrónicas y asincrónicas disponibles por los profesores (as) a los estudiantes, así como un repositorio de clases de sociología.(AU)

Sociology/education , Teaching , Technology/education , Education, Distance , Digital Technology , Learning
Rev. medica electron ; 44(5): 850-863, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409772


RESUMEN Introducción: la utilización del entorno virtual de aprendizaje en la asignatura Sistema Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor, por parte de los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Medicina, constituye una meta a lograr en el contexto cubano. Esto requiere de tareas que permitan modular el manejo de los entornos virtuales de aprendizaje al perfeccionamiento de las asignaturas presenciales. Objetivo: diseñar un entorno virtual como espacio de aprendizaje en la asignatura Sistema Nervioso, Endocrino y Reproductor. Materiales y métodos : se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. La población estuvo constituida por 285 estudiantes. Se le aplicó la encuesta a una muestra de 165 estudiantes, para un nivel de confianza del 95 % y un margen de error del 5. Los individuos se escogieron a través del método de muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Resultados: de modo general, se observó un alto grado de satisfacción en todos los indicadores, destacándose el 3, el 7 y el 9. Conclusiones: el entorno virtual descrito constituye un espacio de aprendizaje importante para los estudiantes -como soporte al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje-, valorado con alto grado de satisfacción por los participantes.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the use of a virtual learning environment in the subject Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive System by first-year students of Medicine, is a goal to be achieved in the Cuban context. This requires tasks which will allow modulating the management of virtual learning environments to the classroom subjects' improvement. Objective: to design a virtual environment as learning space in the subject Nervous, Endocrine and Reproductive System. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was performed. The population was constituted by 285 students. The survey was applied to a sample of 165 students, for a confidence level of 95 % and an error margin of 5. Individuals were chosen through simple random probabilistic sampling. Results: in general, a high degree of satisfaction was found in all indicators, standing out indicators 3, 7 and 9. Conclusions: the described virtual environment is an important learning space for students-as support to the teaching learning process-, valued with high satisfaction degree by the participants.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(5)oct. 2022.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441959


Introducción: El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) en el proceso de formación investigativa constituye una necesidad para el logro de cambios cualitativos esenciales en la adquisición de conocimientos y habilidades investigativas en los estudiantes. Diagnósticos desarrollados evidenciaron insuficiencias en el desarrollo de la formación investigativa, así como en la concepción de las tareas investigativas en el plan de estudio, que imposibilitan alcanzar los niveles deseados de creatividad. Objetivo: Diseñar una estrategia orientada al desarrollo de la formación investigativa del estudiante de Estomatología soportado en el uso de las TIC. Método: Se realizó una investigación educativa utilizando los métodos empíricos: observación, la encuesta y la entrevista, así como teóricos: inducción-deducción, análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico, hermenéutico dialéctico, además, del taller de socialización para corroborar la factibilidad de la estrategia propuesta. Resultados: Se propuso una estrategia para la gestión investigativa con el uso de las TIC en la formación investigativa de estudiantes de Estomatología, integrada por tres momentos, etapas y acciones encaminadas al desarrollo de una cultura científico-investigativa-tecnológica sustentada en el uso de las TIC. Conclusiones: La instrumentación de esta propuesta en la práctica pedagógica ha demostrado su factibilidad y la contribución a la formación investigativa de los estudiantes para una mejor solución de los problemas profesionales y, por consiguiente, mayor calidad en la atención de los pacientes que acuden a los servicios estomatológicos.

Introduction: The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the research training process constitutes basic needs for students to achieve the essential qualitative changes in the acquisition of knowledge and research skills required. Diagnostics produces carried out showed insufficiencies in the research training process, as well as in the real conception of research tasks implemented in the study program, reducing the possibility to reach the desired levels of creativity. Objective: Elaborate a design strategy aimed to develop the research training process of oral medicine students with the use of the ICT. Method: An educational research was carried out using empirical methods pointed as follow: observation, survey and interview, as well as the theoretical methods: induction-deduction, analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, dialectical hermeneutic, in addition a socialization workshop was used to corroborate the feasibility of the proposal strategy. Results: A strategy for research management with the use of ICTs in the research training of oral medicine students was proposed, consisting on three moments, stages and actions aimed at developing a scientific-research-technological culture based on the use of ICTs. Conclusions: The implementation of this proposal, as a pedagogical practice, has demonstrated its feasibility and contribution in the development of the student research training, and also for a better solution of professional problems and, consequently, higher quality in their care practice with the patients attended in dental services.

Introdução: A utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no processo de formação em investigação é uma necessidade para alcançar mudanças qualitativas essenciais na aquisição de conhecimentos e competências de investigação nos alunos. Os diagnósticos desenvolvidos evidenciaram insuficiências no desenvolvimento da formação em investigação, bem como na conceção das tarefas de investigação no plano de estudos, que impossibilitam o alcance dos níveis de criatividade pretendidos. Objetivo: Desenhar uma estratégia orientada para o desenvolvimento da formação investigativa do estudante de Odontologia apoiada no uso das TIC. Método: Foi realizada uma investigação educacional utilizando métodos empíricos: observação, levantamento e entrevista, bem como teóricos: indução-dedução, análise-síntese, histórico-lógico, hermenêutica dialética, além da oficina de socialização para corroborar a viabilidade do estratégia proposta. Resultados: Foi proposta uma estratégia de gestão investigativa com uso de TIC na formação investigativa de estudantes de Odontologia, integrada por três momentos, etapas e ações voltadas para o desenvolvimento de uma cultura científico-investigativa-tecnológica apoiada no uso de TIC. Conclusões: A implementação dessa proposta na prática pedagógica tem demonstrado sua viabilidade e contribuição para a formação investigativa dos alunos para uma melhor solução dos problemas profissionais e, consequentemente, maior qualidade no atendimento aos pacientes que chegam aos hospitais e serviços estomatológicos.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220588


Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools contribute to high quality lessons since they have potential to increase students' motivation, connect students to many information sources, support active in-class and out-class learning environments, and let instructors to allocate more time for facilitation. Information and communications technology (ICT) is an important part of most organizations these days. In this digital era, ICT use in the classroom is important for giving students opportunities tolearn and apply the required 21st century skills. Hence studying the issues and challengesrelated to ICT use in teaching and learning can assist teachers in overcoming the obstaclesand become successful technology users. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is toanalyse teachers' perceptions of the challenges faced in using ICT tools in classrooms

RECIIS (Online) ; 16(3): 719-741, jul.-set. 2022. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399025


Esta revisão integrativa objetivou caracterizar produções científicas que abordam interfaces entre a rede social Facebook e o campo da alimentação e nutrição. Entre agosto e outubro de 2018 as bases de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Web of Science, Scopus e MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online foram consultadas, e 85 artigos foram selecionados. Os estudos são emergentes no cenário internacional e incipientes no Brasil. Observou-se expressiva utilização do Facebook para mediação de ações de educação alimentar e nutricional, e seus usos também foram situados como práticas de risco ao reforçar o marketing nutricional de alimentos considerados insalubres e ao difundir conteúdos imagéticos que suscetibilizam internautas com relação aos transtornos alimentares. Observa-se que o Facebook vem sendo apropriado de diversas formas, a partir de interesses e valores que refletem a sociedade de seu tempo e espaço e que imprimem suas características nesses processos de apropriação

This integrative review aimed to characterize scientific productions that address interfaces between the Facebook social network and the field of food and nutrition. Between August and October 2018, the databases Scientific Electronic Library Online, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences, Web of Science, Scopus and MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online were consulted and 85 articles were selected. The studies are emerging in the international scenario and incipient in Brazil. Significant use of Facebook was observed to mediate actions of food and nutritional education, and its uses were also situated as risk practices by reinforcing the nutritional marketing of foods considered unhealthy and by the dissemination of imagery contents that cause internet users to eating disorders. The Facebook has been appropriated in various ways, through interests and values that reflect society in its time and space, printing its characteristics in these processes of appropriation

Esta revisión integradora tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las producciones científicas que abordan las interfaces entre la red social Facebook y el campo de la alimentación y la nutrición. Entre agosto y octubre de 2018 las bases de datos Scientific Electronic Library Online, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Web of Science, Scopus y MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online fueron consultadas y se seleccionaron 85 artículos. Los estudios son emergentes en el escenario interna-cional e incipientes en Brasil. Se observó expresiva utilización de Facebook para mediación de acciones de educación alimentaria y nutricional, y sus usos también se situaran como prácticas de riesgo al reforzar el marketing nutricional de alimentos considerados insalubres y por la difusión de contenidos imáginarios que hacen que los internautas sean susceptibles a los trastornos alimentarios. El Facebook viene siendo apropiado de diversas formas, mediante intereses y valores que reflejan la sociedad en su tiempo y espacio, imprimiendo sus características en esos procesos de apropiación

Humans , Food and Nutrition Education , Social Networking , Public Health , Review , Diet , Scientific and Technical Activities , Feeding Behavior , Internet Access
Med. infant ; 29(3): 194-199, Septiembre 2022. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1399577


Introducción: El uso de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) en la residencia de enfermería de el Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan, ha significado para los profesionales en formación la posibilidad de optimizar el tiempo disponible. Se observó la actividad de los residentes en la plataforma virtual y se les entregó una encuesta a fin de medir la satisfacción en el uso de la misma. Objetivo general: Describir el uso de las TIC en el proceso de aprendizaje en los residentes de enfermería de un hospital público pediátrico de alta complejidad. Materiales y métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal en el que se incluyeron profesionales en formación de los tres años de la especialidad en enfermería del Hospital Garrahan, desde junio del 2018 a mayo del 2019, se incluyeron 22 residentes. Se diseñó una encuesta autoadministrada y anónima conformada por cuatro dominios, en la que se consultó sobre usos, necesidades y satisfacción en relación a la plataforma virtual, los datos obtenidos fueron cargados en la aplicación web REDCap. Resultados: El 73% de los encuestados reportó que había participado en algún sitio virtual de enseñanza y que accedieron con facilidad. El 64% respondió que dedicó entre 1-2 h/semana desde sus hogares a la plataforma virtual institucional. El 100% de los residentes accedió a la plataforma a través del celular. El 92% respondió que fue muy útil la plataforma virtual. Sugieren agregar en la plataforma un buscador, notas de exámenes y un calendario académico. Cada residente ha ingresado un promedio de 42±4 días en 195 días. El grupo de 2° año fue el que más utilizó dicha herramienta. Conclusión: Esta oportunidad de mejora permitió una evaluación constante de los procesos y efectuar cambios en la plataforma virtual a partir de las necesidades del residente (AU)

Introduction: The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the nursing residency at the Hospital de Pediatría Juan P. Garrahan, has allowed professionals in training to optimize their available time. The activity of the residents on the virtual platform was assessed and a survey was administered in order to measure user satisfaction. General objective: To describe the use of ICT in the learning process of nursing residents at a public tertiary-care pediatric hospital. Materials and methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted including professionals in training in the 3-year nursing specialization course at the Garrahan Hospital, from June 2018 to May 2019; 22 residents were included. A selfadministered and anonymous survey was designed, consisting of four domains, assessing use, needs, and user satisfaction of the virtual platform; the data obtained were uploaded to the REDCap web application. Results: 73% of the respondents reported that they had participated in some virtual teaching activity and that access was easy. Of all the participants, 64% responded that they spent between 1-2 h/week on the institutional virtual platform from their homes; 100% of residents accessed the platform via cell phone and 92% responded that the virtual platform was very useful. Participants suggest adding a search engine, exam notes, and an academic calendar to the platform. Each resident logged in an average of 42±4 days over 195 days. The 2nd year group most often used the tool. Conclusion: This opportunity for improvement allowed for continuous evaluation of the processes and subsequent changes in the virtual platform based on the needs of the residents (AU)

Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires , Education, Distance , Education, Nursing/methods , Information Technology , Hospitals, Pediatric , Internship and Residency , Cross-Sectional Studies
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218258


A study was conducted among children between 10-16 years of age and their mothers attending a selected hospital in Kozhikode (Kerala) to assess the maternal phubbing of children, assess the mother-child relationship and test the association between maternal phubbing and mother-child relationship. A descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The study was conducted among 50 mothers and children attending IPD and OPD of Paediatric Department of Baby Memorial Hospital, Kozhikode; the samples were selected using purposive sampling technique. The results of the study revealed that that majority (70%) of mothers were having mild phubbing and 88 percent of the subjects exhibited closeness in the relationship with their child. It was also revealed that there exists a negative correlation between maternal phubbing and closeness (' r' value-0.392) and a positive correlation between maternal phubbing and con ict (' r' value 0.644)

Gac. méd. espirit ; 24(2): 2375, mayo.-ago. 2022. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404914


RESUMEN Fundamento: Los adultos mayores son un grupo vulnerable en el contexto actual de pandemia por COVID-19, debido al confinamiento su salud mental y física se deteriora; de ahí, la importancia del uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación que contribuyen a su bienestar emocional, al favorecer las relaciones sociales. Objetivo: Identificar la relación que tienen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el bienestar emocional de los adultos mayores durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Desarrollo: Se realizaron búsquedas en PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO y LILACS con la utilización de los términos pandemic, COVID-19, mental health, emotional well-being, loneliness, social media, social connections, digital platforms, older people, elderly people, ICT y social networking sites. Se tuvieron en cuenta criterios de inclusión y exclusión. En estudios transversales se encontró una asociación entre el bienestar emocional y el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, sin embargo, un número importante de estudios empíricos identificaron la brecha digital como un obstáculo para que los adultos mayores pudieran usar las tecnologías como un medio para la interacción. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la revisión muestran una relación positiva entre el bienestar emocional y el uso de las TIC; se considera relevante continuar con la investigación en adultos mayores sometidos a confinamiento.

ABSTRACT Background: Older adults are a vulnerable group in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to confinement their mental and physical health deteriorates; hence, the importance of the use of Information and Communication Technologies that contribute to their emotional well-being, by favoring social relationships. Objective: Identify the relationship that Information and Communication Technologies have on the emotional well-being of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Development: Searches were made in PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO and LILACS using the terms pandemic, COVID-19, mental health, emotional well-being, loneliness, social media, social connections, digital platforms, older people, elderly people, ICT and social networking sites. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into account. In cross-sectional studies, an association was found between emotional well-being and the use of Information and Communication Technologies, however, a significant number of empirical studies identified the digital divide as an obstacle for older adults to be able to use technologies as a medium for interaction. Searches were made in PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO and LILACS using the terms pandemic, COVID-19, mental health, emotional well-being, loneliness, social media, social connections, digital platforms, older people, elderly people, ICT and social networking sites. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into account. In cross-sectional studies, an association was found between emotional well-being and the use of Information and Communication Technologies, however, a significant number of empirical studies identified the digital divide as an obstacle for older adults to be able to use technologies as a medium for interaction. Conclusions: The results of the review show a positive relationship between emotional well-being and the use of ICT; it is considered relevant to continue with research in older adults subjected to confinement.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mental Health , Coronavirus Infections , Information Technology , Emotional Intelligence
Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2022 Jun; 40(2): 204-210
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222834


Purpose: Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) is an infection of the lung usually caused by Aspergillus fumigatus in patients with pre-existing pulmonary diseases. Its diagnosis hinges on demonstrating IgG antibodies against A. fumigatus. Herein, we evaluated the performance of a newly introduced point of care test (POCT) kit, the LDBio Aspergillus IgG/IgM lateral flow assay (LFA) in India with the standard ImmunoCAP kit for diagnosing CPA. Methods: A total of 60 serum samples (30 CPA cases and 30 controls) were evaluated by the Aspergillus immunochromatographic test (ICT) IgG/IgM LFA. Fluorescent-enzyme immunoassay was used to determine specific A. fumigatus-IgG concentrations (positive >27 mgA/L). Further, a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies (up to August 26, 2021) reporting the performance of LDBio ICT for the diagnosis of CPA was performed. Result: A sensitivity of 86.7%, specificity of 90%, negative predictive value of 87.1%, positive predictive value of 89.7%, negative likelihood ratio of 0.15, positive likelihood ratio of 8.67, and was observed for the LDBio IC. There was good agreement between LDBio ICT and ImmunoCAP (88.3%) with a Cohen's Kappa score of 0.77. Our systematic review identified four studies and the pooled sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 91%, area under the curve of 0.94 and diagnostic odds ratio of 57.2, for CPA diagnosis by LDBio ICT. Conclusion: Aspergillus LDBio ICT assay exhibits good sensitivity and can be used to screen CPA cases
