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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(1): 73-77, mar. 2024. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568349


Los dispositivos intrauterinos de cobre son utilizados como métodos anticoncepcionales y es uno de los métodos más utilizados por su seguridad, reversibilidad y eficacia en la prevención de embarazos, que es superior al 97 %. Se presenta un caso de falla en la anticoncepción con dispositivos intrauterinos de cobre después de 5 años de uso en gestante de 26 años, que acudió al área de emergencias cursando con embarazo de 38 semanas y 4 días en periodo expulsivo; se obtuvo recién nacido a término sano. El periodo de alumbramiento patológico (prolongado) por presencia de dispositivo intrauterino de cobre en membranas ovulares(AU)

Copper intrauterine devices are used as contraceptive methods and are one of the most used methods due to their safety, reversibility and effectiveness in preventing pregnancy, which is greater than 97%. A case of failure in contraception with a copper intrauterine devices is presented after 5 years of use in a 26-year-old pregnant woman, who went to the emergency room with a pregnancy of 38 weeks and 4 days in the expulsive period; a healthy term newborn was obtained.The pathological (prolonged) delivery period due to the presence of copper intrauterine devices in ovular membranes(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy, Prolonged , Parturition
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(2): 92-99, ene. 2023. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448319


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar el costo del retiro anticipado de los métodos de planificación familiar. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de costo efectuado con base en los expedientes de usuarias de métodos de planificación familiar en una institución de salud del estado de Querétaro, México (2018 a 2021). La unidad de observación fue el expediente de mujeres que se retiraron anticipadamente los métodos: dispositivo intaruterino T de cobre (DiuTcu), Diu Mirena (DiuM) e implante subdérmico (IMSD). Se definió como retiro anticipado al sucedido antes del tiempo estimado de uso. Se analizaron todos los expedientes en donde estaba registrado el retiro anticipado. Se incluyó a toda la población, de ahí que no fue necesario establecer el tamaño de muestra. El costo del retiro anticipado se identificó a partir del costo unitario del método, tiempo esperado de uso y tiempo de no uso. El análisis estadístico incluyó: promedios, porcentajes, intervalos de confianza y proyecciones, para esto se utilizaron supuestos. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 1361 expedientes. El costo unitario del retiro anticipado del DiuTcu fue de 5.59 pesos (IC95%: 5.04 a 6.14), del DiuM de 1210.73 pesos (IC95%: 1029.58 a 1391.87) y del IMSD de 658.41 pesos (IC95%: 557.37 a 759.44). La proyección a la población mexicana del costo del retiro anticipado de los métodos de planificación familiar es 219,272,470 de pesos. CONCLUSIÓN: El costo del retiro anticipado de los métodos de planificación familiar es alto.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the cost of early removal of family planning methods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cost study realized in records of women users of family planning method in a health institution in Querétaro, Mexico from 2018 to 2021. The unit of observation was considered to be the records of women who had early removal of the copper IUD, Mirena IUD and subdermal implant methods. Early removal was defined as the retirement of the method before the estimated time of use. Work was done with the total number of records (1361), with early removal in 148 (83 copper IUDs, 28 Mirena IUDs, 37 subdermal implants). The entire population was included, so no sampling technique was used. The cost of early removal was identified from the unit cost of the method, expected time of use, time of non-use. The statistical analysis plan included averages, percentages, confidence intervals and projections for which assumptions were used. RESULTS: The unit cost of early removal of copper IUD was $5.59 (95% CI; 5.04-6.14), Mirena IUD $1210.73 (95% CI; 1029.58 - 1391.87) Subdermal implant $658.41 (95% CI; 557.37- 759.44). The projection to the Mexican population of the cost of early removal of family planning methods is $359, 384,161. CONCLUSION: The cost of early removal of family planning methods is high.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(4): 391-397, Apr. 2022. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387903


Abstract Objective To determine knowledge, attitude, and preventive (KAP) practices towards the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic among women in reproductive age seeking to use copper or hormonal intrauterine devices (IUD/LNG-IUS). Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in which we applied a questionnaire on 400 women about KAP practices on COVID-19 at the University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil, from May to August 2020. Results The mean (±SD) age of the women was 30.8±7.9 years, and 72.8% of them reported being pregnant at least once. Most women (95%) had heard or read about COVID-19, and their main sources of information were television (91%) and government websites (53%). However, 53% of the women had doubts about the veracity of the information accessed. Conclusion Women without a partner and with>12 years of schooling had more information about COVID-19 and on its impact on new pregnancy, and those from high socioeconomic status had a higher chance of maintaining physical distance. Safety, effectiveness, comfort, and absence of hormone in the contraceptive method (in the case of TCu380A IUD) were the main reasons for the participants to seek the service during the pandemic, and the possibility to stop menstrual bleeding was the main reason to choose the LNG-IUS.

Resumo Objetivo Determinar o conhecimento, atitude e práticas preventivas (CAP) em relação à pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) entre mulheres em idade reprodutiva que buscam usar dispositivo intrauterino com cobre (DIU TCu 380) ou sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG). Métodos Foi realizado um estudo transversal e um questionário foi aplicado a 400 mulheres para conhecer o CAP sobre o COVID-19 na Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil, no período de maio a agosto de 2020. Resultados A média (±DP) de idade das mulheres foi de 30,8±7,9 anos, e 72,8% delas relataram ter engravidado pelo menos uma vez. A maioria das mulheres (95%) tinha ouvido ou lido sobre a a Covid-19, e suas principais fontes de informação foram a televisão (91%) e sites do governo (53%). Porém, 53% das mulheres tinham dúvidas a respeito da veracidade das informações acessadas. Conclusão Mulheres sem companheiro e com mais de 12 anos de escolaridade tiveram mais informações sobre a COVID-19 e sobre o seu impacto em uma nova gravidez, e aquelas de nível socioeconômico alto tiveram maior chance de manter distância física. Segurança, eficácia, conforto e ausência de hormônio no método anticoncepcional (no caso do DIU TCu380A) foram os principais motivos para as participantes procurarem o serviço durante a pandemia, e a possibilidade de controlar o sangramento menstrual abundante foi o principal motivo para a escolha do SIU-LNG.

Humans , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Levonorgestrel , COVID-19 , Sociodemographic Factors , Intrauterine Devices
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928864


This paper introduces the basic content of the compulsory national standard ISO 7439:2015 Copper-bearing contraceptive intrauterine devices--Requirements and tests standard analysis, and expounds the reasons for revising part of the standard during the conversion process according to the actual market situation of intrauterine contraceptive device containing copper in China. As a compulsory basic universal standard, it has a guiding significance for the manufacturers of IUD and can promote the improvement of product quality.

Female , Humans , China , Contraceptive Agents , Copper , Intrauterine Devices
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 90(7): 616-622, ene. 2022. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404951


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Los dispositivos intrauterinos son anticonceptivos seguros y eficaces, aunque con un riesgo de perforación uterina si quienes los aplican no tienen el suficiente cuidado y experiencia. La incidencia de perforación es de 1 a 2 casos por cada mil inserciones. OBJETIVO: Exponer un caso de perforación uterina completa por dispositivo intrauterino. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 27 años, con antecedentes de: dos cesáreas, inserción de dispositivo intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel tres meses posteriores a la última cesárea. En la consulta externa refirió dolor pélvico, sangrados intermenstruales y dos intentos fallidos de extracción del dispositivo. En la histeroscopia se observó una probable falsa vía y no se encontró el dispositivo en la cavidad uterina. La TAC abdominopélvica lo ubicó en la salpinge izquierda; ante la sospecha de DIU traslocado se decidió el procedimiento laparoscópico en el que se documentó al útero con perforación en la cara anterior derecha, con tejido de granulación y cubierto por peritoneo parietal; el DIU en el fondo de saco, orientado hacia la izquierda, fijo, con adherencias laxas. Se extrajo y, por solicitud de la paciente, se practicó la salpigectomía bilateral. Reporte del estudio histopatológico: salpingitis crónica moderada, con fibrosis y quistes simples serosos paratubáricos CONCLUSIONES: Los dispositivos intrauterinos son anticonceptivos extraordinariamente simples, seguros y de larga duración. En general, hay una baja morbilidad asociada con su implantación, incluso cuando se produce una perforación uterina la mayoría de las pacientes experimenta síntomas leves: sangrado transvaginal y dolor abdominal inferior.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Intrauterine devices are safe and effective contraceptives, although with a risk of uterine perforation if the user is not sufficiently careful and experienced. The incidence of perforation is 1 to 2 cases per thousand insertions. OBJECTIVE: Presentation of a case of complete uterine perforation by intrauterine device. CLINICAL CASE: 27-year-old patient, with a history of two cesarean sections, insertion of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device three months after the last one. At the outpatient clinic she reported pelvic pain, intermenstrual bleeding and two unsuccessful attempts to remove the device. Hysteroscopy showed a probable false pathway and the device was not found in the uterine cavity. The abdominopelvic CT scan located it in the left salpingeal cavity; given the suspicion of a translocated IUD, a laparoscopic procedure was decided, in which the uterus was documented with perforation on the right anterior aspect, with granulation tissue and covered by parietal peritoneum, the IUD in the cul-de-sac, oriented to the left, fixed, with lax adhesions. It was removed and, at the patient's request, bilateral salpigectomy was performed. Histopathological study report: moderate chronic salpingitis, with fibrosis and simple paratubal serous cysts. CONCLUSIONS: Intrauterine devices are remarkably simple, safe and long-lasting contraceptives. In general, there is low morbidity associated with their implantation, even when uterine perforation occurs most patients experience mild symptoms: transvaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain.

Femina ; 50(9): 556-559, 2022.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397890


Pouco sabe-se a respeito do sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG) 52 mg em contracepção de emergência (CE). Foi realizada uma busca não sistemática em bases eletrônicas para avaliar o papel do SIU-LNG na CE e, até o momento, apenas um único trabalho que avaliou o uso isolado do SIU-LNG para uso em CE foi encontrado. Esse estudo demonstrou a não inferioridade do SIU-LNG em relação ao dispositivo intrauterino de cobre em CE. Análises secundárias desse trabalho evidenciaram baixas chances de gestação em pacientes que fizeram uso de SIU-LNG como CE, independentemente da frequência das relações sexuais desprotegidas ou do tempo em que ocorreram (até 14 dias prévios à inserção ou 7 dias após). Torna-se evidente que o SIU-LNG poderá ser uma opção viável para uso em contracepção emergencial, porém mais estudos devem ser realizados, possibilitando a validação desse método.(AU)

Little is known about the 52-mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG- -IUS) in emergency contraception (EC). A non-systematic search was carried out in electronic databases to assess the role of the LNG-IUS in EC and, to date, only a single study that evaluated the isolated use of the LNG-IUS for EC use was found. This study demonstrated the non-inferiority of the LNG-IUS in relation to the copper intrauterine device in EC. Secondary analyzes of this study showed low chances of pregnancy in patients who used LNG-IUS as EC, regardless of the frequency of unprotected sexual intercourse or the time it took place (up to 14 days prior to insertion or 7 days after). It is evident that the LNG-IUS may be a viable option for use in emergency contraception, however, more studies must be carried out, enabling the validation of this method.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Levonorgestrel/therapeutic use , Contraception, Postcoital/methods , Intrauterine Devices, Medicated , Databases, Bibliographic
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37022, Jan.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359872


Thyroid hormones play a significant role in normal human body growth. Abnormalities in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels can result in pregnancy loss due to miscarriages and intrauterine death (IUD). The objective of the study was to assess the levels of association of thyroid stimulating hormone with miscarriages and IUD. The descriptive study involving 110 samples between 18-40 years of age fulfilling inclusion criteria were sampled for TSH testing (2ml blood) after attaining their written informed consent. The mean age of participants was 29.49±4.26 year. The prevalence of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism was 3.64% and 2.73%, respectively. Complications like gestational hypertension, depression and oligomenorrhea were found prevalent in these females. Majority of females were taking high/low iodine than recommended iodine level (150mcg). This work shows that there is a significant association between pregnancy loss and disturbed TSH levels among pregnant females.

Thyrotropin , Abortion, Spontaneous , Intrauterine Devices , Pregnant Women , Hyperthyroidism , Hypothyroidism
Innovation ; : 24-27, 2021.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976411


Background@#To investigate relapse rates after the successful treatment of patients with non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia (EH) either a levonorgestrel impregnated intrauterine system (LNG-IUS; MIRENA®) or two regimens of oral dydrogesterone (DGS) after primary histological response. Currently, the incidence of EH is indistinctly reported to be around 200,000 new EH cases per year in Western countries.@*Methods@#Patients were at their choice assigned to one of the following three treatment arms: LNG-IUS; 10 mg of oral DGS administered for 10 days per cycle for 6 months; or 10 mg of oral DGS administered daily for 6 months. The women were followed for 6 months after ending therapy. [Figure2] Women aged 25-55 years with low or medium risk endometrial hyperplasia met the inclusion criteria, and 35 completed the therapy. @*Results@#Histological relapse was observed in 55/ (41%) women who had an initial complete treatment response. The relapse rates were similar in the three therapy groups (P = 0.66). In our study involved 25-55 (mean 42.2±1.61) aged 35 women. Among them had reproductive aged 31.43% (n= 11) premenopausal women 42.86 % (n= 15) postmenopausal women 25.71% (n= 9). Their mean body mass index had 28.8±1.15 kg/m², and normal weight 34.29% (n=12), overweight 34.29% (n=12), obese 17.14% (n=6), extremely obese 14.29 % (n=5). [Figure3] Types of obesity had normal 37.14% (n=13), android 25.71% (n=9), gynecoid 37.14% (n=13). Mean parity had 1.8±0.19 to nulliparous 14.29% (n=5), primiparous 60% (n=21), multiparous 25.71% (n=9). Smoke 17.14% (n=6). Non combined disease had 65.7% (n=23), diabetes mellitus 17.14% (n=6), PCOS 14.29% (n=5), cardiovascular disease had 2.86% (n=1). [Table1] Mean endometrial thickness of TVUS had ( 16.0±0.91mm). Smoke (p=0.0391), types of obesity (p=0.0436) and myoma of the uterus (p=0.0187) seen affected the endometrial thickness. LNG-IUD group had after treatment’s menstrual period 11.11% heavy 80ml (n=1), 88.89% light 5ml (n=8). DGS (5-25 day) group had after treatment’s menstrual period 9.09% heavy =80ml (n=1), 90.91% light5ml (n=10), DGS (16-25 day) group after treatment menstrual period 40% heavy 80ml (n=6), 46.67% normal 5-80ml (n=7), 13.33% light 5ml (n=2) байв. Therefore between the three treatment groups had no differences. But treatment’s before and after result had statistics probability differences (P= 0.4064). [Figure4] @*Conclusions@#Finally, given the long natural history of menorrhagia, study outcomes need to be assessed over a period that is longer than 2 years. In conclusion, our study showed that both the LNG-IUD, oral progestin treatment reduced the adverse effect of menorrhagia on women’s lives over the course of two years. LNG-IUD was the more effective first choice, as assessed impact of bleeding on the women’s quality of life.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876568


Background@#Transvaginal ultrasound prior to IUD insertion may be helpful in appropriate patient selection and optimal patient conditions in preventing IUD malpositions and complications.@*Objective@#To describe the sonographic features of correctly positioned and malpositioned intrauterine device (IUD) in women and correlate with associated symptoms and concurrent cervical, uterine and ovarian pathology@*Methodology@#This is a 5-year retrospective cross-sectional study. Patients in a tertiary hospital with sonographically detected correctly positioned and malpositioned IUDs were selected from the Obstetrics and Gynecology Ultrasound Database from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2018. The patient’s name and case number were used to review the patient’s charts for the demographic profile and other necessary data. Intrauterine device sonographic features were recorded, correlated clinically and analyzed statistically.@*Results@#Three hundred two patients were eligible for the study with ages between 41 to 50 years old and with an average of 1 to 3 pregnancies and livebirths. Almost half of the women with malpositioned IUDs complained of missing IUD string. Sonographically, the IUD appeared echogenic with more than half demonstrating a linear echogenic stripe. The most common type of malpositioned IUD was partial or fully embedding the myometrium (45.2 %), followed by those located in the cervix or in the lower uterine segment (35.7%), partially expelled with IUD segment extending through the external cervical os (11.9%), and fragmented (4.7%). The least common malpositioning was malrotation of the IUD (2.3%). There were significantly more women with cervical disease among those who had correctly placed IUDs. Thirteen women were pregnant, 9 of whom had intrauterine pregnancies. 3 had ectopic pregnancies and 1 had an abortion. Eight of the 9 intrauterine pregnancies had malpositioned IUD and only 1 had correctly positioned IUD which was statistically significant.@*Conclusion@#Women with IUD who became pregnant and with missing IUD strings are important predictors to re-assess IUD placement. Uterine pathologies such as myomas and adenomyomas do not affect placement of intrauterine devices. IUDs remain in place in the presence of cervical diseases such as cervical malignancies.

Ultrasonography , Intrauterine Devices
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 71(6): 557-561, dic. 2019. ilus
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058318


Resumen Introducción: La actinomicosis, es una infección crónica rara producida por bacterias del género Actinomyces sp. La afectación pélvica es una de sus formas más infrecuentes y en gran parte de los casos se relaciona al uso de un dispositivo intrauterino de larga data o a una cirugía previa. Como otras enfermedades raras, la infección es conocida como "la gran imitadora" por su variada forma de presentación y particular comportamiento pudiendo simular una neoplasia. El tratamiento es fundamentalmente médico y de buenos resultados. Caso Clínico: Damos a conocer el caso de una paciente que se presentó con un cuadro compatible con un tumor de recto, pero que resultó ser actinomicosis. El diagnóstico se realizó en base a la tinción de Gram, el cuadro clínico y el antecedente de un dispositivo intrauterino abandonado por más de 25 años. Fue corroborado posteriormente mediante anatomía patológica y tratada en forma exitosa con antibióticos por un periodo extendido. Conclusión: Si bien la actinomicosis es una patología infrecuente, debe ser considerada en el diagnóstico diferencial de los pacientes que se presentan con tumores de la pelvis. Un alto índice de sospecha y una actitud diagnóstica activa son fundamentales para un tratamiento oportuno, seguro y eficaz de esta enfermedad.

Introduction: Actinomycosis is a rare chronic infection caused by bacterias of the genus Actinomyces sp. Pelvic involvement is one of its most infrequent forms and in many cases it is related to the use of a longstanding intrauterine device or a previous surgery. Like other rare diseases, the infection is known as "the great imitator" because of its varied form of presentation and its particular behavior, which can simulate a neoplasm. The treatment is fundamentally medical with good results. Case Report: We present the case of a patient who presented with a rectal tumor but that turned out to be Actinomycosis. The diagnosis was made based on the Gram stain, the clinical presentation and the history of an intrauterine device left for more than 25 years. It was subsequently corroborated by pathological anatomy and successfully treated with antibiotics for an extended period. Conclusion: Although actinomycosis is an infrequent pathology, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients who present with tumors of the pelvis. An active diagnostic attitude and a high index of suspicion are fundamental for the timely, safe and effective treatment of this disease.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Actinomyces/isolation & purification , Actinomycosis/etiology , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnosis , Actinomycosis/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Colonoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential , Intrauterine Devices/adverse effects , Intrauterine Devices/microbiology
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206497


Background: The aim of the study is to assess if pelvic pain is a risk factor for intrauterine device (IUD) discontinuation within one year of placement.Methods: This is a prospective cohort study of women who had IUDs inserted at a family planning office for the primary intent of contraception. Baseline pelvic pain characteristics were assessed using a validated pelvic pain questionnaire.  Women were contacted at 1 year to assess IUD continuation.Results: From February 1, 2014 to August 11, 2015 authors enrolled a sample of 179 women.  Of the 179 enrolled,163 participants completed the questionnaire, 98 reported a history of baseline pelvic pain and 65 reported no history of baseline pelvic pain. 20 participants were lost to follow-up. 86 women in the pelvic pain and 57 in the no pelvic pain group were included in the final analysis. Discontinuation rates at one year follow up were 25.6% (22) and 35.1% (20) respectively. There was no significant difference in those with and without pelvic pain discontinuing IUDs at one year (p = 0.22).Conclusions: Baseline generalized pelvic pain may not be a risk factor for IUD discontinuation within one year of placement.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754825


Objective To investigate the incidence of abnormalities and adverse reactions of intrauterine device ( IUD) by three‐dimensional transvaginal ultrasound ,and guide the correct selection of IUD . Methods Female volunteers who came to our hospital for health check‐up from July 2016 to February 2018 were selected as subjects to obtain information of the belt loop time and number of loops . T hree‐dimensional transvaginal ultrasound was used to observe and record the IUD types and positions . T he incidence of location abnormalities ,adverse reactions and cervical lesions of differnet types of IUD were retrospectively analyzed . Results T wo thousand one hundred and thirteen eligible subjects were included in the study ,including 423 cases of McuIUD ,506 cases of circular ring ,405 cases of uterine ring ,372 cases of T‐ring and 407 cases of γ ring . T he statistical analysis showed that the incidence of adverse reactions after wearing rings was as high as 34 .07% ,and the adverse reaction rate of different IUD was different . McuIUD had the highest incidence of adverse reactions ,compared with the circular ring ,the uterine ring ,the T‐ring , and the γ ring ( 47 .99% vs 25 .88% ,27 .41% ,37 .10% ,33 .66% ; all P < 0 .05 ) . Different IUD had different incidence of adverse reactions . T he low back pain rate in McuIUD and γ ring were higher than the other 3 IUDs . T he low back pain rate of McuIUD was higher than the circular ring ,the uterine ring and the T‐ring ( 23 .4% vs 15 .71% ,14 .07% ,13 .7 1% ; all P < 0 .01 ) . Different types of IUD had different incidence of location anomalies . T he descending rate of the circular ring was higher than that of the McuIUD and γ ring ( 6 .32% vs 3 .30% ,3 .19% ; all P< 0 .05 ) ,and no statistically significant difference compared with the uterine ring and T‐ring ( 6 .32% vs 3 .45% ,4 .30% ; all P >0 .05 ) . T he incarceration rate of the mother ring was higher than that of the circular ring ,uterine ring and T‐ring ( 3 .07% vs 0 ,0 .25% ,0 .54% ;all P <0 .01) . T he intrauterine rotation rate of uterine ring and γ ring were higher than that of McuIUD , circular ring and T‐ring ( all P <0 .01) . Pregnancy >1 and ring times ≥2 were related with the occurrence of adverse reactions of IUD ( P < 0 .05 ) . T he incidence of cervical erosion in the T‐ring was the highest compared with the McuIUD ,circular ring ,uterine ring ,and γ ring ( 30 .65% vs 16 .78% ,16 .80% ,18 .02% , 17 .69% ; all P <0 .01) . Conclusions The incidence of adverse reactions is higher in women with different types of IUD . T he incidence of different types of abnormal IUD position is different . T he frequency of pregnancy and band ring are related to the occurence of adverse veactions to IUD .

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964076


Background@#Progressively increasing population of the country leads to unmet needs for responsible parenthood. This is reflective to reproductive age women with unplanned pregnancies which may consequently lead to maternal morbidity and mortality and adverse perinatal outcomes. Provision of family planning methods is implemented. One of the temporary methods of Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) is Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (IUD). The effectiveness is similar to tubal sterilization with its perfect use. However, one of the drawbacks is dealing with its expulsion which affects its efficacy. @*Objective@#The study determined the expulsion rate between Immediate and Early postpartum IUD insertion after vaginal delivery. Expulsion rate was evaluated during the following periods: prior to discharge, after 4 weeks, after 12 weeks and 24 weeks post-insertion. @*Methodology@#This was an Observational Cross Sectional Study conducted for a year designed to collect data among patients who had IUD insertion after vaginal deliveries in a 6-month period of follow up. Sample size was computed using epi info 7.0. Finite Population Collection was derived to meet the population size available which resulted to 159 participants. Randomization was initiated to classify between immediate and early IUD insertion. Expulsion was observed during follow up at the family planning center of the institution @*Results@#This data showed no direct correlation in the expulsion rates between early and immediate postpartum IUD insertion. The expulsion rate was 6.25% for Immediate and 5.55% for Early IUD insertion respectively. There were no expulsion observed beyond 12 weeks post insertion. Relationship between early/immediate IUD insertion and expulsion rate was investigated using Chi square test. @*Conclusion@#Improved education and heightened awareness among reproductive aged women would initiate higher acceptance of IUD during postpartum period. Proper and improved technique of IUD insertion during postpartum period may decrease expulsion rate hence promoting better utilization of this family planning method.

Intrauterine Devices
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(1): 20-25, ene. 2019. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154267


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la permanencia del dispositivo intrauterino TCu 380A insertado después de algún procedimiento obstétrico efectuado a pacientes atendidas en el Hospital General Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal y descriptivo efectuado en pacientes que concluyeron el embarazo entre el 1 de octubre de 2016 y el 31 de marzo de 2017, en el Hospital General Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso y que aceptaron se les colocara el dispositivo intrauterino TCu 380A después de algún procedimiento obstétrico y antes de darlas de alta del hospital. Variables de estudio: cantidad de embarazos, terminación de estos, médico responsable de la colocación, técnica y permanencia. El análisis estadístico implementado fue el univariado. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 182 pacientes con media de edad de 23 años y límites de 14 y 43 años. En el seguimiento de la permanencia del dispositivo 42.3% (n = 77) se encontró in situ, 28.5% (n = 52) en mala posición, y 0.55% (n = 1) lo expulsó. CONCLUSIONES: La permanencia del dispositivo intrauterino parece tener una relación estrecha con la forma correcta de insertarlo y, desde luego, con la experiencia acumulada del médico. En las primeras inserciones el médico debe ser supervisado por otro de mayor experiencia o, simplemente, con la vigilancia de los médicos adscritos.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the permanence of the TCu 380A IUD inserted after the obstetric event in the Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso Hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out in patients who concluded their pregnancy, between October 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017, at the Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso General Hospital (Oaxaca, Mexico) and who accepted the placement of the TCu 380A intrauterine device during the postpartum period. and before discharge from the hospital. Study variables: number of pregnancies, termination of these, doctor responsible for the placement, technique and permanence. The statistical analysis implemented was univariate. RESULTS: The study was conducted in 182 patients with a mean age of 23 years, a minimum of 14 years and a maximum of 43 years. In the monitoring of the permanence of the IUD TCu 380A with 42.31% (77) was found in situ, 28.57% (52) in poor position, and 0.55% (1) was expelled. CONCLUSIONS: The permanence of the intrauterine device seems to have a close relationship with the correct way to insert it and, of course, with the accumulated experience of the doctor. In the first insertions the doctor must be supervised by another one of greater experience or, simply, with the surveillance of the assigned doctors.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(2): 100-109, ene. 2019. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154279


Resumen OBJETIVO: Estimar la tasa de respuesta completa y de embarazo en mujeres con cáncer endometrial en tratamiento conservador con progestinas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrolectivo y transversal efectuado en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatología en mujeres con cáncer endometrial, en estadios tempranos, atendidas entre 2007 y diciembre de 2016. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes con límites de edad de 18 y 40 años, nulíparas, con deseo de fertilidad, haber sido tratadas con megestrol, DIU-levonorgestrel o progesterona micronizada durante seis meses. A todas las pacientes se les tomó una biopsia endometrial a los 6 y 12 meses. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y comparaciones entre mediciones, χ2 o t de Student según la distribución de cada variable. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 11 pacientes con cáncer endometrial con edad promedio de 32 ± 2.4 años. La biopsia tomada a los seis meses fue: respuesta completa en 6/11, respuesta parcial en 2/11 y persistencia en 2/11; en una paciente no se tomó la biopsia a los seis meses por embarazo, no hubo casos de progresión. A los 12 meses de seguimiento hubo 5 respuestas completas, 2 parciales, 2 persistencias, 1 caso de progresión de la enfermedad y otro que suspendió el tratamiento. Se efectuaron 8 ciclos de FIV en 6 pacientes con tasa de embarazo de 25%. La duración del tratamiento fue de 19.3 ± 8 meses, el seguimiento total fue de 31.6 ± 13 meses. CONCLUSIONES: El tratamiento conservador de la fertilidad con progestinas en pacientes con cáncer endometrial, en etapas tempranas, es factible y seguro. El embarazo debe intentarse inmediatamente después de una respuesta completa.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To estimate the complete response rate and pregnancy in women with endometrial cancer who have received conservative treatment with progestins. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cohort, retrolective and transversal study carried out in the National Institute of Perinatology, in women with endometrial cancer in early stages between 2007 and December 2016. Including patients between 18-40 years, nulliparous, with desire for fertility. The progestins used were megestrol, IUD-levonorgestrel and micronized progesterone for six months. Endometrial biopsy was performed at 6 and 12 months; The result was classified as a complete, partial response, persistence or progression of the disease. Descriptive statistics and comparisons between baseline measurements at six and 12 months are used using student grid and / or t tests according to the distribution of each variable. It is a statistical program SPSS version 23 for Windows (Chicago, USA). RESULTS: 11 women with endometrial cancer were included. The average age of the women was 32 ± 2.4 years. Morbidity associated with hypothyroidism and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Six-month biopsy was: complete response 6/11 partial response 2/11 and persistence 2/11, in one patient the biopsy was not performed at 6 months by pregnancy, there were no cases of progression. At 12 months of follow-up, there were 5 complete responses, 2 partial responses, 2 persistences, 1 case of disease progression and one case that discontinued treatment. Eight cycles of IVF were performed in 6 patients with a pregnancy rate of 25%, the duration of treatment was 19.3 ± 8 months, the total follow-up was 31.6 ± 13 months. CONCLUSIONS: Conservative fertility therapy with progestins in women younger than 40 years old with early-stage endometrial cancer is feasible and secure in our institution. Pregnancy must be sought immediately after a full response to the cancer treatment. Our findings are similar to the ones found in our systematic review of the international bibliography.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 38(5): 210-217, tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: lil-787656


Abstract Introduction Women require effective contraception until they reach menopause. The long acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) and the depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA, Depo-Provera(r), Pfizer, Puurs, Belgium) are great options and can replace possible sterilizations. Purpose To assess the relationship between the use of LARCs and DMPA and terminations ascribed to menopause and sterilizations in a Brazilian clinic. Methods We reviewed the records of women between 12 and 50 years of age attending the clinic that chose to use a LARC method or DMPA. Cumulative termination rates due to sterilization or because the woman had reached menopause were computed using single decrement life-table analysis over 32 years. We also examined all records of surgical sterilization at our hospital between the years 1980-2012. Results Three hundred thirty-two women had continuously used the same contraceptive until menopause, and 555 women had discontinued the method because they or their partners underwent sterilization. From year 20 to year 30 of use, levonorgestrel intrauterine-releasing system (LNG-IUS - Mirena(r), Bayer Oy, Turku, Finland; available since 1980), copper intrauterine device (IUD - available since 1980) and DMPA users showed a trend of cumulative higher discontinuation rates due to menopause when compared with the discontinuation rates due to sterilization. Over the study period, a steep decline in the use of sterilization occurred. Conclusion Over the past 15 years of research we have observed a trend: women usually preferred to continue using LARC methods or DMPA until menopause rather than decide for sterilization, be it their own, or their partners'. The annual number of sterilizations dropped in the same period. The use of LARC methods and DMPA until menopause is an important option to avoid sterilization, which requires a surgical procedure with potential complications.

Resumo Introdução Mulheres necessitam de contracepção até atingirem a menopausa. Os contraceptivos reversíveis de longa duração e o acetato de medroxiprogesterona de depósito (AMPD) são ótimas opções para substituir possíveis esterilizações. Objetivo Avaliar a relação entre o uso de contraceptivos reversíveis de longa duração (LARCs) e AMPD com terminações atribuídas à menopausa e a esterilizações em uma clínica brasileira. Métodos Revisamos os registros de mulheres entre 12 e 50 anos de idade atendidas em clínica e que escolheram usar LARC ou AMPD. Índices de terminação acumulada devido à esterilização ou à menopausa foram computados usando análise de tabela de vida durante 32 anos. Também examinamos todos os registros de cirurgias de esterilização em nosso hospital no período de 1980 a 2012. Resultados Trezentas e trinta e duas mulheres usaram continuamente o mesmo contraceptivo até a menopausa, e 555 mulheres não deram continuidade ao método pelo fato de elas ou seus parceiros terem se submetido à esterilização. De 20 a 30 anos de uso, usuários de sistema intrauterino de levonorgestrel, dispositivo intrauterino de cobre e AMPD apresentaram tendência de maiores índices de descontinuidade devido à menopausa quando comparados a índices de descontinuidade devido à esterilização. No período de estudo, ocorreu um declínio acentuado no uso de esterilização. Conclusão Nos últimos 15 anos do estudo, foi observada uma tendência na qual mulheres optaram mais por continuar usando LARC ou AMPD até a menopausa do que pela esterilização própria ou de seus parceiros. O número anual de esterilizações caiu no mesmo período. O uso de LARC e AMPD até a menopausa é uma opção importante para evitar a esterilização, que exige um procedimento cirúrgico com potenciais complicações.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Contraceptive Agents, Female , Long-Acting Reversible Contraception/statistics & numerical data , Medroxyprogesterone Acetate , Menopause , Sterilization, Reproductive , Brazil
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975617


@# BackgroundIn traditional medicine women blood, qi stagnation disorder (WBQS) is caused by many reasons,such as use of spicy, hot, sour quality food and drinks for long period; hard labor; excessive or notenough sexual intercourse; not adequate post-natal care are reasons to increase of the blood-bile heat,proliferation of bad blood in uterus, leading to stagnation and growth of blood mass. Uterus blood andQi stagnation leads into complex symptoms such as palpitations, anxiousness, depression, shoulderand neck stiffness, sleep disorder etc. There is a need to learn about current causes and treatmentsof this disorder and consolidate results of traditional treatments in order to give more treatment choicesfor patients.ObjectivePurpose of our study is to consolidate MTM treatment results of women blood, qi stagnation composeddisorder.Materials and MethodsA descriptive and retrospective study was conducted based on all medical history data of patientsdiagnosed and treated with this disorder during 1991-2016 in Mong-Em traditional medicine clinic.ResultsTotally 2000 cases were diagnosed with women blood, qi stagnation disorder and treated by traditionalmedicine methods. We have classified and treated using differentiation diagnosis of TMM theory. Forexample, clinical symptoms vary from palpitations, panting, sleep deprivation, chest acne, depression,mood swings, backaches, inner thigh pain, infertility, non-regular menstruations, menorrhagia,dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, premenstrual symptoms; too thick menstruation blood, hypomenorrheawith dark, thick blood clots etc. For treatment, we used ancient prescriptions of herbal medicine, as wellas acupuncture.Conclusion:1. IUD is one of the main reasons of Qi and blood stagnation disorder of women.2. Based on TMM’s theory and treatment principles for women qi and blood stagnation disorder, TMMappears to be give far more efficient long term results where modern medicine has limited choice ofeffective treatment.3. Women qi, blood stagnation disorder is chronic disorder showing changes in laboratory examinationsonly in later period of time, thus reducing the possibility to be diagnosed with modern medical tests,leading to have few choices of modern medicine treatment, long term use of combined TMM drugs.4. There is need of the whole-body approach for this disease, where modern medicine uses too narrowdifferentiation of diagnosis, often delaying the possibility to be treated properly in short time.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-57423


Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a tropical pathogen, has re-emerged and has massive outbreaks abruptly all over the world. Containing many dominant epitopes, the envelope E2 protein of CHIKV has been explored for the vaccination or diagnosis. In the present study, the antigenicity of a recombinant expressed intrinsically disorder domain (IUD) of E2 was tested for the detection of the antibody against CHIKV through western blot method. The gene of the IUD of E2 was inserted into 2 different vectors and expressed as recombinant GST-E2 and recombinant MBP-E2 fusion protein, respectively. Two kinds of fusion proteins were tested with 30 CHIKV patient sera and 30 normal sera, respectively. Both proteins were detected by 25 patients sera (83.3%) and 1 normal serum (3.3%). This test showed a relatively high sensitivity and very high specificity of the recombinant E2 proteins to be used as diagnostic antigens against CHIKV infection.

Humans , Blotting, Western , Chikungunya virus , Diagnosis , Disease Outbreaks , Epitopes , Sensitivity and Specificity , Vaccination
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186031


Termination of a pregnancy in second and third trimesters involving a dead foetus or one with a lethal anomaly is a challenge for health-care professionals in any setting. In addition to the theoretical concern of the dead foetus inutero causing disseminated intravascular coagulation, continuation of such a pregnancy may not be psychologically and socially acceptable to many women, and both the woman and the caretaker are keen to terminate the pregnancy, preferably without an incision on the uterus. Mid-trimester termination of pregnancy is one of the most controversial areas of gynaecological practice. It has moral, emotional, social and technical issues. There is continuous need for termination of pregnancy in second trimester, more recently due to increase in the use of antenatal diagnostic procedures. Nowadays, majority of mid-trimester abortions are carried out medically. The development of prostaglandin analogues has been a major breakthrough in abortion technology. Natural prostaglandins such as PGE1, PGF2a, PGE2, PG analogues like 15-methyl PGF2a have been used by various routes such as intravenous, intramuscular, intra/extra amniotic, oral and vaginal. Ethacridine lactate works by producing prostaglandin from deciduas, whereas misoprostol being synthetic analogue of misoprostol is supposed to act directly. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the extra-amniotic instillation of ethacridine with vaginal misoprostol in comparison to extra-amniotic instillation of ethacridine lactate with oxytocin IV infusion in terminations of second and third trimester pregnanciesin a tertiary referral hospital catering for both rural and urban population. This study concludes that ethacridine lactate with misoprostol is as efficacious as ethacridineplus oxytocinin termination of second and third trimesters anamolus/IUD foetuses. Though there is no significant difference in efficacy between the two. The ethacridineplus misoprostol is slightly effective in reducing the I-A interval. The efficacy of ethacridine plus misoprostol is slightly higher in early second trimester and ethacridine plus oxytocin is effective in the third trimester.

Innovation ; : 16-19, 2015.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975396


Trough WHO recommendation hysteroscopy is the golden standart technique of uterine cavity evalution. First Maternity Hospital of Mongolia have been implemented gynecological laparoscopic surgery since 2009, then from 2013 we have started diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy. A hysteroscopy may be done to find the cause of abnormal bleeding or bleeding that occurs after a woman has passed menopause. It also may be done to diagnose infertility. Also a hysteroscopy can be used to remove growths in the uterus, such as fibroids or polyps. We evaluated results of gynecological diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, which was done in First maternity hospital.We took special questionnaires from 39 women and did prospective analyses.39 patients, who were done hysteroscopy were involved our study from November 2013 to January 2015. 51% of participants were reproductive age women. Under 20 years old participants who underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy due to hyperplasia of endometrium were 3%, they were performed biopsy. From all participants 87,2% performed operative hysteroscopy, 12,8% was diagnostic hysteroscopy. After diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy, 97% of patients had no symptoms, but last 3% of patients had lower abdominal pain. If clarify diagnosis which is approved after diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy 51.3% was displaced IUD, 35.9% was endometrial polyp, 2.6% was hyperplasia endometrium, 10.3% was infertility. Complication was 2.6% through postmenopausal participants if compared with premenopausal women. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopic procedure has benefits for synehia, septum of uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, abnormal uterine bleeding, submucosal myomectomy. From all participants 87,2% performed operative hysteroscopy, 12,8% was diagnostic hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy was done when displaced IUD (51.3%), polyp of endometrium (35.9%), hyperplasia of endometrium (2.6%), and infertility (10.3%).Complications after hysteroscopy depends from menopause.
