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Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(4)ago. 2022.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449884


Actualmente, existe una necesidad en la industria alimentaria de buscar preservantes de origen natural que tengan una mejor aceptación por el consumidor. Una alternativa interesante que ha emergido en los últimos años es el uso de antimicrobianos naturales, los cuales además de ser efectivos en el control de microorganismos, son inocuos para la salud. La nisina es una bacteriocina producida por bacterias ácido lácticas que se utiliza actualmente como preservante en varios productos alimenticios. En Chile, el uso de la nisina como aditivo está restringido a quesos y cremas naturales o nata cuajada, pero existen otros alimentos que podrían beneficiarse del uso de este preservante, como es el caso de los aderezos tipo mayonesa vegetal. En el presente trabajo, se analiza de manera teórica, como el uso de nisina en estos aderezos impactaría el consumo máximo permitido para este aditivo en la población chilena. Para esto, se analizó cuál es el consumo teórico actual de nisina en Chile, y cómo este se vería afectado si se utilizara nisina como preservante en aderezos tipo mayonesa vegetal. Finalmente, los datos obtenidos se compararon con el valor de ingesta diaria admisible (IDA) para la nisina, evidenciándose que existe una ventana de oportunidad para el uso de nisina en otros productos alimenticios.

Currently, there is a need in the food industry for natural preservatives that have good consumers acceptance. Natural antimicrobials are a novel alternative, effective in controlling microbial growth, and safe to consume. Nisin is a bacteriocin produced by lactic acid bacteria that is currently used as a preservative in several food products. In Chile, nisin is regulated and restricted as an additive to cheeses and natural creams or curds. However, other food products could benefit from using nisin as a preservative, such as plant-based mayonnaise, where the consumer expects to find natural preservatives. In this review, we make a theoretical analysis of how adding nisin to plant-based mayonnaise would impact the daily intake of this additive in the Chilean population. Finally, we compare this data with the acceptable daily intake for nisin to conclude that there is an opportunity for using nisin as a preservative in plant-based mayonnaise without affecting consumers´ health.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 34(2): 154-161, Apr.-June 2021. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394938


Abstract Background: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) is one of the major causes of food-borne disease worldwide, mainly associated with the consumption of poultry products, such as eggs. Several control methods have been implemented in the egg production process, but they have not effectively reduced the outbreaks. Therefore, the use of bacteriophages for the biocontrol of food-borne pathogens is gaining increasing acceptance. Objective: To evaluate a bacteriophage cocktail's effectiveness in reducing SE counts in an experimentally contaminated mayonnaise-like matrix. Methods: Homemade mayonnaise was contaminated with SE (103 CFU/ml) with equal volume to a matrix (1:1) treated with a bacteriophage cocktail (five phages, MOI 105), and stored at 21 °C for 24 and 72 h. Bacterial counts were performed to evaluate the bio-controlling activity of the cocktail and compared with a contaminated but not treated group. Results: Significant reductions (up to 3.75 log10 CFU/ml) were observed in the bacteriophage-treated groups (p<0.0001). Conclusions: These results demonstrate the effectiveness of bacteriophages as biocontrol agents for Salmonella Enteritidis in a raw-egg-derivative foodstuff. Further studies are needed to prove the reduction in an undiluted homemade mayonnaise.

Resumen Antecedentes: La Salmonella enterica, serovar Enteritidis (SE), es una de las principales causas de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos en todo el mundo, asociadas principalmente al consumo de productos avícolas tales como los huevos. Diferentes métodos de control se han ensayado en el proceso de producción de huevos, pero no han sido capaces de reducir eficazmente los brotes de salmonelosis en las personas. Por esta razón, el uso de bacteriófagos para el control biológico de patógenos transmitidos por los alimentos está ganando cada vez más aceptación. Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia de un cóctel de bacteriófagos para reducir los recuentos de SE en una matriz similar a la de mayonesa contaminada experimentalmente. Método: La mayonesa casera fue contaminada con SE (103 UFC/ml) en igual volumen que la matriz (1:1), tratada con una mezcla de bacteriófagos (cinco fagos, MOI 105), y almacenada a 21 °C por 24 y 72 h. Se realizaron recuentos bacterianos para evaluar la actividad biocontroladora de la mezcla y compararlos con un grupo contaminado, pero no tratado. Resultados: Se observaron reducciones significativas (hasta 3,75 log10 CFU/ml) en los grupos tratados con bacteriófagos (p<0,0001). Conclusiones: Estos resultados demuestran la efectividad del uso de bacteriófagos como agentes de biocontrol de Salmonella Enteritidis en un alimento crudo derivado del huevo. Sin embargo, se necesita realizar más estudios para comprobar la reducción en mayonesa casera no diluida.

Resumo Antecedentes: Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE) é uma das principais causas de doenças transmitidas por alimentos em todo o mundo, principalmente associada ao consumo de produtos derivados de aves, como ovos. Diferentes métodos de controle foram implementados no processo de produção de ovos, mas não foram capazes de reduzir efetivamente os surtos nas pessoas. Por esse motivo, o uso de bacteriófagos para o controle biológico de patógenos de origem alimentar está ganhando crescente aceitação. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia de um coquetel de bacteriófagos na redução da contagem de SE em uma matriz experimentalmente semelhante a maionese contaminada. Método: A maionese caseira foi contaminada com SE (103 UFC/ml) no mesmo volume da matriz (1:1), tratada com uma mistura de bacteriófagos (cinco fagos, MOI 105) e armazenada a 21 °C por 24 e 72 h. As contagens bacterianas foram realizadas para avaliar a atividade de biocontrole da mistura e comparadas com um grupo contaminado, mas não tratado. Resultados: Reduções significativas (até 3,75 log10 UFC/ ml) foram observadas nos grupos tratados com bacteriófagos (p<0,0001). Conclusões: Esses resultados demonstram a eficácia do uso de bacteriófagos como agentes de biocontrole de Salmonella Enteritidis em alimentos crus derivados de ovos, mas são necessários mais estudos para verificar a redução da maionese caseira não diluída.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(9): e20200543, 2021. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249563


ABSTRACT: Mayonnaise is one of the most consumed sauces in the world and beans have great technological functional properties. As a result, beans can be used in the production of mayonnaise as a partial substitute for egg yolk (EY), reducing cholesterol content, post-harvest losses and adding nutritional value to mayonnaise. This study evaluated the effect of the partial replacement of EY by landrace common bean flour (LCBF) on the parameters of rheology, chemical and physical composition of mayonnaise. Four mayonnaise formulations were developed: T1 (Standard), 100% egg yolk (EY); T2, 75% EY and 25% FFC; T3, 50% EY and 50% LCBF; T4, 25% EY and 75% LCBF. The partial substitution of EY for LCBF increased the protein content, decreased the content of lipids and cholesterol. The obtained mayonnaise continued to exhibit pseudoplastic behaviour, being a characteristic of non-Newtonian fluid. The water activity of the mayonnaise was not changed with the replacement of the partial of the egg yolk and the pH decreased during the storage. The substitution of EY can be carried out in quantities of up to 50% without prejudice to mayonnaise, the formulation with 50% substitution presented the best viscosity and remained stable, similar to the standard mayonnaise.

RESUMO: A maionese é um dos molhos mais consumidos no mundo e o feijão apresenta ótimas propriedades funcionais tecnológicas. Com isso, o feijão pode ser usado na produção de maionese como substituto parcial da gema de ovo diminuindo o teor de colesterol, perdas pós colheita e agregando valor nutricional a maionese. Este estudo avaliou o efeito da substituição parcial da gema de ovo pela farinha de feijão crioulo (FFC) sobre os parâmetros de reologia, composição química e fisica da maionese. Foram desenvolvidas quatro formulações de maionese: T1 (Padrão), 100% de gema de ovo (GO); T2, 75% GO e 25% FFC; T3, 50% GO e 50% FFC; T4, 25% GO e 75% FFC. A substituição parcial da GO pela FFC aumentou o teor proteíco, diminuiu o conteúdo de lipídios e colesterol. A maionese obtida continuou exibindo comportamento pseudoplástico, sendo uma característica do fluido não newtoniano. A atividade de água das maioneses não foi alterada com a substituição parcial da gema de ovo e o pH diminuiu ao longo do armazenamento. A substituição da GO pode ser realizada em quantidades de até 50% sem prejuízo das maioneses, a formulação com 50% de substituição apresentou a melhor viscosidade e se manteve estável, semelhante à maionese padrão.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 70(2): 134-143, jun. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1140344


El consumo excesivo de sodio es causa importante de enfermedades no transmisibles incluyendo hipertensión. En esta investigación se evaluó una metodología sensorial para reducir el contenido de sodio en salsas de tomate y mayonesas, productos altamente consumidos en Costa Rica. Se caracterizaron, por triplicado, 16 salsas y 7 mayonesas comerciales para determinar los ingredientes más comunes y sus características físicoquímicas. Se comparó el contenido de sodio reportado en la etiqueta contra el valor determinado experimentalmente. Se formularon prototipos de ambos productos y se determinó el umbral de diferencia apenas perceptible (DAP) para el gusto salado utilizando el método de estímulo constante con 40 panelistas no entrenados (d'= 1, significancia de 0,05 y potencia de prueba de 0,95). Se contruyeron las curvas psicofísicas con concentraciones de sal entre 0,67% y 2,5% para salsa de tomate y 0,13% y 4,16% para mayonesa; obteniéndose DAPs de 0,51% y 0,26% respectivamente; equivalentes a 28,3% y 14,4% menos de sal en cada producto. Para la validación del umbral, se aplicó una prueba de discriminación 2-AFC con 40 panelistas comparando la formulación regular con la reducida en sodio. Los panelistas no detectaron diferencias significativas entre mayonesas (P>0,05) pero sí entre salsas (P<0,05), por lo que se aplicó una prueba de agrado con 112 consumidores y se determinó que la salsa reducida en sodio resultó de mayor o igual agrado que la contraparte. Estos resultados guiarían a la industria alimentaria regional hacia el mejoramiento del perfil nutricional de estos productos(AU)

The excessive consumption of sodium is an important cause of noncommunicable diseases including hypertension. This research aimed, using a sensorial methodology, to reduce sodium content in tomato sauces and mayonnaise, highly consumed products in Costa Rica. A total of 16 commercial sauces and 7 mayonnaises were characterized to determine their most common ingredients and physicochemical properties. The sodium content reported in the labed was compared against values obtained experimentally. Prototypes for both products were developed and the threshold for the just noticiable difference (JND) for salty flavor was determined using the constant stimulus method with 40 panelists (d'= 1, 0.05 significance and a test power of 0,95). Psychophysical curves were built with salt concentrations between 0.67% and 2.5% for tomato sauce and 0.13% and 4.16% for mayonnaise; obtaining JNDs of 0.51% and 0.26% respectively; equivalent to 28.3% and 14.4% less salt in tomato and mayonnaise. To validate the threshold, a discriminatory 2-AFC test with 40 panelists was performed to compare the regular formulations against those reduced in sodium. Panelists did not detect significant differences among mayonnaises (P>0.05) but they did found differences between sauces (P<0.05). Thus, for tomato sauce a consumer liking test with 112 consumers was performed and it was found that sodium reduced tomato sauce was equally or more liked than its counterpart. These results guide the regional food industry towards the improval of the nutritional profile of both products(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Sodium , Solanum lycopersicum , Food Handling , Cardiovascular Diseases , Food, Formulated
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 55: e18177, 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011638


Suspensions of poly ε-caprolactone (PCL) nanoparticles loaded with thyme essential oil were prepared as a natural antioxidant in mayonnaise. Mean particle size was 204.9 ± 2.7 and 240.0 ± 5.5 nm respectively for nanoparticles prepared with PCL alone (NP-C) and for those loaded with thyme essential oil (NP-T). The polydispersity index indicated a homogeneous distribution of all particles, with no significant difference between NP-C and NP-T samples. The nanoparticles showed a large negative charge evidenced by zeta potential rates, indicating high physical stability. The use of PCL as a polymer provided high encapsulation efficiency for thyme essential oil (91.15 ± 2.12 %). DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) method determined IC50 rates were 476.4 ± 33.6 and 483.5 ± 20.4 µg mL-1respectively for unencapsulated oil and for NP-T, evidencing pronounced antioxidant activity. NP-C, NP-T and synthetic antioxidant butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) were applied to samples of mayonnaise and their oxidative stability evaluated for eight days in an oven at 63 ± 3ºC. Results of hydroperoxide value (HP) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) showed that NP-T had a similar performance as synthetic antioxidant BHT in the prevention of mayonnaise lipid oxidation

Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Thymus Plant/classification , Oxidation/prevention & control , Antioxidants/adverse effects , Butylated Hydroxytoluene/analysis , Aromatherapy/methods , Nanoparticles
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 67(3): 187-199, sept. 2017. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1021749


Low-acid mayonnaise produced with raw egg is a product rich in oil, almost a home-made product, but it is susceptible to lipid oxidation and microbial contamination by Salmonella Enteritidis, which results in deterioration of the product and forms undesirable components such as free radicals and reactive aldehydes. A better understanding of the factors that affect and can prevent lipid oxidation and microbial growth is essential to improve the product's lifetime. This review presents information on the factors that influence lipid oxidation and can accelerate the proliferation of microorganisms. Monitoring these possible factors can reduce the induction period that accelerates rancidity and ensure microbiological safety of the product, possibly increasing shelf life. The most effective means to slow lipid oxidation in mayonnaise and ensure its safety is the use of antioxidants and antimicrobials. Currently, several synthetic additives are being replaced by natural products such as essential oils. Therefore, to provide a better base for the food industry, an effective antioxidant and antimicrobial system must be designed for mayonnaise(AU)

A maionese de baixa acidez é um produto similar a maionese caseira, produzida com ovo in natura é um produto rico em óleo, susceptível à oxidação lipídica e contaminação microbiana por Salmonella Enteritidis, o que resulta em deterioração do produto e a formação de componentes indesejáveis, tais como os radicais livres e aldeídos reativos. Uma melhor compreensão dos fatores que afetam e que podem prevenir a oxidação de lipídios e multiplicação microbiana é essencial para melhorar o tempo de vida do produto. Esta revisão apresenta o conhecimento dos fatores que influenciam a oxidação lipídica e que podem acelerar a multiplicação de microrganismos. O acompanhamento destes fatores possíveis pode reduzir o período de indução que aceleram o ranço e garantir a segurança microbiológica do produto o que poderia aumentar o tempo de prateleira da maionese. Os meios mais eficazes para retardar a oxidação lipídica na maionese e garantir a sua segurança é a utilização de antioxidantes e antimicrobianos. Atualmente, diversos aditivos sintéticos estão sendo substituídos por produtos naturais, como os óleos essenciais. Portanto, para proporcionar uma melhor base para a indústria alimentar um sistema antioxidante e antimicrobiano eficaz deve ser concebido para maionese(AU)

Humans , Salmonella/pathogenicity , Oils, Volatile/administration & dosage , Oxidation , Food Handling
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6661


Introduction: In September 2015, the South Western Sydney (SWS) Public Health Unit was notified of a cluster of Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) cases with a common multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeats analysis (MLVA) pattern. An investigation was conducted to identify a source and contain the outbreak. Methods: The cluster was initially identified through routine geographic information system cluster scanning applied to the New South Wales Notifiable Conditions Management System. Additional cases were identified through a complaint to local council about a bakery. The bakery was inspected and 48 environmental and food swabs were collected for analysis. Results: A total of 26 suspected cases were identified, of which 14 were interviewed. STm MLVA type 3-16-9-11-523 was identified in 19 of 26 case stool specimens. Most cases (12/14) consumed bread rolls containing pork or chicken with chicken liver pâté and raw egg mayonnaise filling. Five cases identified a common bakery exposure. Environmental and food samples from the bakery isolated STm with an identical MLVA pattern. Discussion: An STm cluster in SWS was investigated and found to be linked to Vietnamese bread rolls containing pork or chicken with chicken liver pâté and raw egg mayonnaise filling. Confirmation of a distinct MLVA pattern among STm isolates from clinical, food and environmental samples provided evidence to establish an epidemiological link between the cases and the implicated premises and informed public health action to contain the outbreak.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376508


To confirm the safety and efficacy of a low-calorie mayonnaise supplemented with phytosterol esters (PEM) at a daily consumption dose of 884 mg given for 12 weeks with the goal of lowering serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, we conducted a double-blind comparative study in healthy adults with marginally high serum levels of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol using a mayonnaise without phytosterol esters supplementation (CM) as the control food. Serum LDL cholesterol levels decreased significantly in the PEM group as compared with the CM group during the 12-week intervention period (136.3 ± 16.4 vs. 145.0 ± 19.3 mg/dL at Week 8 (<i>P</i> < 0.05) and 135.0 ± 17.4 mg/dL vs. 144.9 ± 17.5 mg/dL at Week 12; <i>P</i> < 0.05). No observable adverse effects were observed due to the ingestion of PEM in this study. The safety of PEM was again confirmed by an additional clinical study in which healthy adult subjects ingested a 3-fold greater amount of PEM (2,652 mg of phytosterol esters as a daily dose) for 4 weeks. Thus, we concluded that PEM is effective in lowing serum levels of LDL cholesterol and is safe and well tolerated without any clinical problems.<br>
