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Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13549, fev.2024. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557317


Expanding uterine masses can be the cause of pregnancy loss and add technical difficulties to uterus evacuation due to the intense anatomical distortion of the endocervical canal and uterine cavity. The literature is scarce in the peculiarities of the management of missed abortions in uterus with important distorted anatomies. We report a case of a primigravida patient who presented a rapid and expressive increase of abdominal volume due to a giant uterine mass, evolving to miscarriage. Ultrasound can be a useful tool, allowing visualization of the endocervical path and uterine cavity, helping to perform uterine evacuation in the presence of anatomical distortion without compromising the reproductive future. To the best of our knowledge, no such case has been previously reported.

Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 389-393, dic. 2023. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530038


El síndrome de absorción intravascular en histeroscopia se origina por la rápida absorción vascular de soluciones isotónicas e hipotónicas utilizadas en irrigación intrauterina, ocasionando hipervolemia y dilución de electrolitos, especialmente hiponatremia. Cuando este síndrome es debido a intoxicación por glicina al 1,5% causa acidosis severa y neurotoxicidad. La incidencia de este síndrome es baja pero puede aumentar por factores como: falta de control de altura de bolsas de irrigación, ausencia de equilibrio de fluidos de soluciones de irrigación, tejidos altamente vascularizados como miomas uterinos y uso de sistema de electrocirugía monopolar. Se reporta el caso de una paciente con miomas uterinos, programada para resección mediante histeroscopia que cursa con síndrome de absorción intravascular por glicina, el temprano diagnóstico y rápido tratamiento intraoperatorio y postoperatorio permitió una evolución favorable. El manejo se basó en el uso de diuréticos, restricción de fluidos y soluciones hipertónicas de sodio.

Intravascular absorption syndrome in hysteroscopy is caused by rapid vascular absorption of isotonic and hypotonic solutions used in intrauterine irrigation, causing hypervolemia and electrolyte dilution, especially hyponatremia. When this syndrome is due to 1.5% glycine toxicity, it causes severe acidosis and neurotoxicity. The incidence of this syndrome is low but may increase due to factors such as: lack of control of the height of irrigation bags, lack of fluid balance in irrigation solutions, highly vascularized tissues such as uterine myomas and use of a monopolar electrosurgery system. The case of a patient with uterine myomas, scheduled for resection by hysteroscopy, who presents with intravascular glycine absorption syndrome, is reported. Early diagnosis and rapid intraoperative and postoperative treatment allowed a favorable evolution. Management was based on the use of diuretics, fluid restriction, and hypertonic sodium solutions.

Humans , Female , Adult , Hysteroscopy/adverse effects , Glycine/adverse effects , Hyponatremia/etiology , Hyponatremia/therapy , Syndrome , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance/etiology , Water-Electrolyte Imbalance/therapy , Diuretics/therapeutic use , Uterine Myomectomy , Hypertonic Solutions/therapeutic use , Therapeutic Irrigation/adverse effects
Radiol. bras ; 56(2): 86-94, Mar.-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440841


Abstract Uterine fibroids are the most common benign gynecologic tumors in women of reproductive age, and ultrasound is the first-line imaging modality for their diagnosis and characterization. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics developed a system for describing and classifying uterine fibroids uniformly and consistently. An accurate description of fibroids in the ultrasound report is essential for planning surgical treatment and preventing complications. In this article, we review the ultrasound findings of fibroids, detailing the main points to be reported for preoperative evaluation. In addition, we propose a structured, illustrated report template to describe fibroids, based on the critical points for surgical planning.

Resumo Os miomas uterinos são os tumores ginecológicos benignos mais comuns em mulheres em idade reprodutiva, sendo a ultrassonografia a modalidade de imagem de primeira linha para seu diagnóstico e caracterização. A Federação Internacional de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia desenvolveu um sistema para descrever e classificar os miomas uterinos de forma uniforme e consistente. Uma descrição precisa dos miomas no laudo ultrassonográfico é essencial para o planejamento do tratamento cirúrgico e prevenção de complicações. Neste artigo, revisamos os achados ultrassonográficos de miomas, detalhando os principais pontos a serem relatados para avaliação pré-operatória. Além disso, propomos um modelo de relatório estruturado e ilustrado para descrição de miomas, com base nos pontos críticos para o planejamento cirúrgico.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(1): 57-63, ene. 2023. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430452


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La torsión uterina es una rotación del útero sobre su eje mayor de más de 45°; por lo general sucede en torno del istmo uterino. Los leiomiomas son el factor predisponente más frecuente en úteros no grávidos. OBJETIVO: Reportar el caso de una paciente con torsión uterina cervical y miomatosis de grandes elementos. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 42 años, nuligesta, con antecedente de miomatosis uterina de grandes elementos de 27 x 27 cm. Los síntomas se iniciaron con síndrome doloroso abdominal intenso, tipo cólico, localizado en el hipogastrio y la fosa iliaca. En la exploración física el abdomen se percibió doloroso a la palpación superficial y profunda, con una tumoración cercana a la cicatriz umbilical (25 cm), móvil y dolorosa. En la laparotomía exploradora se encontró líquido peritoneal hemorrágico y se observó una torsión uterina (una vuelta) cerca del cuello del útero, además de un mioma subseroso en la cara posterior, de 27 x 27 cm. El útero, los anexos y las salpinges se advirtieron con datos francos de daño vascular, con áreas de isquemia. Por lo anterior se decidieron la histerectomía total abdominal y la salpingooforectomia bilateral. El informe histopatológico reportó: útero con cambio isquémico extenso panmural, sin evidencia de neoplasia maligna. CONCLUSIONES: El dolor abdominal es el síntoma más común de la torsión uterina que puede variar de leve a agudo. El diagnóstico preoperatorio rápido y preciso de torsión uterina es decisivo y se justifica la intervención quirúrgica de urgencia.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Uterine torsion is a rare entity that is defined as a rotation of the uterus on its major axis of more than 45°, generally occurring at the level of the uterine isthmus. Leiomyomas are the most frequent predisposing factor in non-gravid uterus. OBJECTIVE: Report of a case of a gynecological patient with uterine torsion at the cervical level in a uterus with uterine myomatosis of large elements. CLINICAL CASE: A 42-year-old patient, nulliparous, with a history of uterine myomatosis with large elements of 27 x 27 cm. The symptoms began with intense abdominal pain syndrome, colic type, located in the hypogastrium and the iliac fossa. On physical examination, the abdomen was perceived as painful on superficial and deep palpation, with a mobile and painful tumor close to the umbilical scar (25 cm). In the exploratory laparotomy, hemorrhagic peritoneal fluid was found and a uterine torsion (one turn) was observed near the cervix, as well as a subserous myoma on the posterior face, measuring 27 x 27 cm. The uterus, the annexes and the salpinges were noted with frank data of vascular damage, with areas of ischemia. Therefore, total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy were decided. The histopathological report reported: uterus with extensive panmural ischemic change, without evidence of malignancy. CONCLUSIONS: In uterine torsion, abdominal pain is the most common symptom and can range from mild to severe abdominal symptoms. Therefore, a prompt and accurate preoperative diagnosis of uterine torsion is crucial and urgent surgical intervention is warranted.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 51(2): e1650, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408832


RESUMEN Introducción: Los leiomiomas uterinos son los tumores ginecológicos benignos más comunes; son causa de anemia, infertilidad, alteración en la implantación embrionaria, pérdida gestacional recurrente, parto prematuro e incontinencia urinaria. Su transformación maligna es excepcional. La afectación a la fertilidad, se asocia con miomas entre el 3 % y el 31 % y depende de su ubicación y tamaño, sobre todo en los que distorsionan la cavidad uterina. Objetivo: Describir las opciones terapéuticas para una joven nulípara con un mioma uterino intramural gigante. Caso Clínico: Paciente de 30 años de edad, con antecedentes de mioma uterino intramural, de 5 años de evolución, además anemia ferripriva. Aqueja menstruaciones abundantes y dolorosas, incontinencia urinaria y constipación. El tratamiento fue escalonado, mediante el uso de acetato de goserelina, embolización selectiva de las arterias uterinas y posterior miomectomía. Conclusiones: El tratamiento del mioma uterino en la mujer joven, nulípara, depende del tamaño, localización, sintomatología asociada, edad de la paciente y deseo de engendrar descendencia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign gynecological tumors; they are a cause of anemia, infertility, altered embryo implantation, recurrent gestational loss, premature delivery and urinary incontinence. Their malignant transformation is exceptional. Fertility impairment is associated with myomas in between 3 % and 31 % and depends on their location and size, especially in those that distort the uterine cavity. Objective: To describe the therapeutic options for a nulliparous girl with a giant intramural uterine fibroid. Clinical Case: A 30-year-old patient with a 5-year history of intramural uterine fibroid, in addition to iron deficiency anemia. She complains of heavy and painful periods, urinary incontinence and constipation. Treatment was staggered, using goserelin acetate, selective embolization of the uterine arteries, and subsequent myomectomy. Conclusions: The treatment of uterine fibroid in young, nulliparous women depends on the size, location, associated symptoms, age of the patient and desire to have offspring.

Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2022 May; 59(5): 552-557
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221533


Uterine leiomyosarcomas are tumors with a heterogeneous genetic profiles that respond very poorly to cytotoxic chemotherapy with aggressive progression. We aimed to show the status of peroxiredoxin 6 as a biomarker in leiomyosarcoma progression.Study included 12 patients diagnosed with "leiomyosarcoma" and 13 patients diagnosed with "myoma" (as control) after histopathological examinations of clinical samples. Peroxiredoxin-6 gene expression and protein levels were evaluated on the tumor preparations (blocks) utilizing ELISA and PCR methods.Peroxiredoxin-6 protein was mainly localized in the cytoplasm of leiomyosarcoma cells, and the expression of peroxiredoxin-6 was significantly increased in cancerous tissues compared to normal myoma tissues (3.33±1.7 vs. 2.03±1.07fold change; P= 0.031). Peroxiredoxin-6 tissue protein levels were also significantly higher in leiomyosarcoma cases (100.54±66.86 vs. 183.72±64.54 pg/µg protein; P= 0.005). Our findings demonstrate that peroxiredoxin-6 plays a vital role in the emergence and development of leiomyosarcoma and that peroxiredoxin-6 level assessments can be used as a biomarker in guiding better prognosis andtreatment plans while managing leiomyosarcoma.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990955


Objective:To analyze the risk factors of intrauterine adhesions in patients after hysteroscopic surgery for subumcosal myoma of uterus, and to construct and evaluate a nomogram prediction model.Methods:The clinical data of 322 patients underwent hysteroscopic surgery for subumcosal myoma of uterus in Dongguan Maternal and Child Health Hospital from January 2017 to December 2020 were collected. The univariate analysis and multivariate Logistic regression were used to analyze the factors affecting the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions, according to the analysis results, R software was used to construct a nomogram prediction model that affected the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions after hysteroscopic surgery for subumcosal myoma of uterus, and the H-L fit curve and the area under the curve were used to evaluate the effectiveness and discrimination of the model.Results:Through a 1-year follow-up, it was found that 47 patients had intrauterine adhesions (adhesions group), accounting for 14.60%; another 275 patients was enrolled in non-adhesions group. The results of univariate analysis showed that combined pelvic inflammatory disease, pregnancy times, history of curettage, combined uterine fibroids, and serumtransforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 level were risk factors that affected the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions ( P<0.05). The results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that serum TGF-β1 level, pelvic inflammatory disease, history of curettage and uterine fibroids were independent risk factors that affected the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions ( P<0.05). The nomogram prediction model was established with the results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis, and the discrimination of the nomogram model was evaluated, the results showed that the area under the curve was 0.854, and the sensitivity and specificity were 91.50% and 70.50%, respectively. The validity of the model (H-L fit curve) was evaluated and the results showed that χ2 = 7.12, P = 0.413. Conclusions:Serum TGF-β1 level, combined with pelvic inflammatory disease, history of curettage, combined with uterine fibroids are independent risk factors that affect the occurrence of uterine adhesions after hysteroscopic surgery for subumcosal myoma of uterus. The constructed nomogram prediction model has relatively good effectiveness and discrimination. It can be used as an effective predictive tool for early clinical intervention.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960194


@#<p style="text-align: justify;">This paper shall present a case of a 42-year-old nulligravid who complained of chronic pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding and palpable abdominal mass secondary to multiple large myomas. Due to the logistical and health restrictions in most hospitals during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, elective surgery was postponed and a temporizing medical management was instituted in the form of GnRH agonist, which afforded relief. This paper shall also discuss the mechanism of action of GnRH agonist, and its crucial role as an essential medical treatment option for patients with debilitating conditions such as myoma uteri.</p>

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 90(7): 612-615, ene. 2022. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1404950


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Los miomas uterinos son los tumores ginecológicos más frecuentes durante la edad reproductiva y extremadamente raros en la preadolescencia y adolescencia temprana; representan el 1% de todos los casos. Es aún más excepcional que estos casos se manifiesten como prolapso de un mioma (mioma nascens). CASO CLINICO: Paciente de 11 años, procedente de Tunja, Colombia, con talla de 143 cm, peso 31 kg, IMC 15.15 kg/m2 (riesgo de delgadez), sin antecedentes patológicos, farmacológicos o quirúrgicos; menarquia a los 11 años, sin inicio de la vida sexual activa. Fue llevada a consulta debido a un cuadro clínico de cinco horas de evolución, consistente en la aparición de una masa de aproximadamente 3 cm de diámetro, que protruía la vagina al momento de defecar, dolorosa a la palpación, con sangrado escaso y flujo vaginal. La sospecha inicial fue: posible pólipo cervical. CONCLUSIÓN: Los casos de mioma nascens son, en general, infrecuentes, más aún en la edad pediátrica. Hacen falta estudios que permitan establecer las características biológicas de este tipo de lesiones en niñas y adolescentes que den pie a indicar el tratamiento más adecuado. El quirúrgico parece ser la opción que ha recibido mayor apoyo en otros reportes de caso. El seguimiento es decisivo debido a que se desconoce el comportamiento de este tipo de lesiones en este grupo etario.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Uterine fibroids are the most frequent gynecologic tumors during reproductive age and extremely rare in preadolescence and early adolescence, representing only 1% of all cases. It is even more exceptional that these cases manifest as myoma prolapse (myoma nascens). CLINICAL CASE: 11-year-old female patient from Tunja, Colombia, height 143 cm, weight 31 kg, BMI 15.15 kg/m2 (risk of thinness by Colombian resolution), with no pathological, pharmacological or surgical history; menarche at 11 years old, without onset of sexual life. She was taken to consultation due to a clinical picture of five hours of evolution, consisting of a mass of approximately 3 cm in diameter, protruding the vagina at the time of defecation, painful on palpation, with scanty bleeding and vaginal discharge. The initial suspicion was possible cervical polyp. CONCLUSION: Cases of myoma nascens are, in general, infrequent, even more so in pediatric age. More studies are needed to establish the biological characteristics of this type of lesions in girls and adolescents to indicate the most appropriate treatment. Surgical treatment seems to be the option that has received the most support in other case reports. Follow-up is crucial because the behavior of this type of lesions in this age group is unknown.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(1): 113-120, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287186


RESUMEN Se presentaron dos pacientes a las cuales se les realizó una miomectomía en los meses de enero y marzo de 2017, en la localidad de Luanda, Angola. Ambas fueron atendidas en la consulta de Ginecología por: aumento de volumen del abdomen, sangramiento genital durante la menstruación y fuera de ella, síntomas compresivos caracterizados por urgencia miccional y estreñimiento, además de infertilidad. Se les realizaron: exámenes de laboratorio, ultrasonido ginecológico y renal, así como histerosalpingografía. Después del análisis de estos exámenes se les diagnosticó una miomatosis uterina múltiple; fueron remitidas al salón de operaciones con previo consentimiento informado y se les practicó una miomectomía múltiple sin complicaciones transoperatorias. Se conservó el útero en ambas pacientes, las cuales tuvieron una recuperación postoperatoria satisfactoria. Una de estas pacientes logró un embarazo cinco meses después de la cirugía.

ABSTRACT We present two patients who had a myomectomy in January and March 2017, in Luanda, Angola. Both were treated in the Gynecology consultation due to increased abdominal volume, genital bleeding during and between periods, compressive symptoms characterized by urinary urgency, constipation and infertility. Laboratory tests, gynecological and renal ultrasound, as well as hysterosalpingography were performed. After the analysis of these tests, they were diagnosed with multiple uterine myomas, referred to the operating room with prior informed consent and underwent a multiple myomectomy without transoperative complications. The uterus was preserved in both patients, who had a satisfactory postoperative recovery. One of these patients got pregnant five months after surgery.

Uterine Myomectomy , Infertility , Infertility, Female , Leiomyoma , Myoma
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879946


:To explore the value of quantitative perfusion histogram parameters of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in pathological classification of uterine leiomyoma and its correlation with Ki-67 protein expression. Thirty five patients with uterine leiomyoma confirmed by operation and pathology at Shaoxing People's Hospital from October 2015 to September 2017 were analyzed retrospectively,including 15 cases of ordinary type,8 cases of cellular type and 12 cases of degenerative type. All patients were examined by pelvic DCE-MRI before operation,and the histogram parameters (median,mean,skewness,kurtosis,energy,entropy) of various quantitative perfusion parameters,including volume transport constant (K),rate constant (K),extravascular extracellular space distribute volume per unit tissue volume (V),blood plasma volume per unit volume of tissue (V) were calculated,and the efficacy of different parameters in pathological classification of uterine leiomyoma was evaluated by ROC curve. The expression of Ki-67 protein in uterine leiomyoma was detected by immunohistochemical method,and the correlation between histogram parameters and Ki-67 protein expression was analyzed by Pearson and Spearman correlation analysis. The median and mean values of K,K,V and V in the cellular group were higher than those in the degenerative group and the ordinary group(<0.05 or <0.01),while the skewness of V,the skewness and kurtosis of K in the cellular group were lower than those in the ordinary group (all <0.05). The entropy of K in the cellular group was higher than that in the degenerative group and the ordinary group (all < 0.05). The entropy of V in the cellular group was higher than that in the ordinary group (<0.01). The median,mean,skewness of K,median and mean of K,median and mean of V,median,mean,energy and entropy of V were correlated with Ki-67 expression(all <0.05). The results of ROC curve analysis showed that the median threshold of K was 0.994/min,the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of cellular uterine leiomyoma were 100.0% and 77.8% respectively,and the area under the ROC curve was 0.949. When the mean threshold of K was 1.170/min,the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing cellular uterine leiomyoma were 100.0% and 77.8% respectively,and the area under the ROC curve was 0.958. The area under the ROC curve of K (entropy),K (median,mean),V (median,mean,entropy) in the diagnosis of cellular uterine leiomyoma were 0.755-0.907. :DCE-MRI quantitative perfusion histogram parameters have high diagnostic value in differentiating pathological types of uterine leiomyoma,especially for cellular uterine leiomyoma.

Humans , Contrast Media , Leiomyoma/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Perfusion , Retrospective Studies
J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab. (Online) ; 57: e3072021, 2021. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279282


ABSTRACT A 43-years-old Brazilian woman, Caucasian, premenopausal, was attended with a history of lower abdominal pain, distension, and bleeding. Pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound revealed an enlarged uterus with a large, well-defined, uniformly hyperechoic lesion. The patient underwent total hysterectomy and the specimen was sent for anatomopathological evaluation. The histopathological analyses revealed a leiomyoma with extensive cystic degeneration and atypical characteristics, the immunohistochemical study confirmed the benignity of the case. The finding of atypical leiomyoma with cystic degeneration is rare and should be carefully evaluated to exclude malignant diseases.

RESUMEN Mujer brasileña de 43 años, caucásica, premenopáusica, fue atendida con antecedentes de dolor abdominal bajo, distensión y menorragias. La ecografía pélvica y transvaginal reveló un útero agrandado con una lesión grande, bien definida y uniformemente hiperecoica. La paciente fue sometida a histerectomía total y la pieza fue enviada para evaluación anatomo-patológica. Los análisis histopatológicos revelaron un leiomioma con degeneración quística extensa de características atípicas y la inmunohistoquímica confirmó la benignidad del caso. El hallazgo de un leiomioma atípico con degeneración quística es raro y debe evaluarse cuidadosamente para descartar enfermedades malignas.

RESUMO Mulher brasileira, 43 anos de idade, caucasiana, na pré-menopausa, foi atendida devido a história de dor em abdômen inferior, distensão e sangramento. A ultrassonografia pélvica e transvaginal revelou útero aumentado com grande lesão hiperecoica, bem definida e uniforme. A paciente foi submetida à histerectomia total, e a amostra foi enviada para avaliação anatomopatológica. A análise histopatológica revelou quadro de leiomioma com degeneração cística extensa e características atípicas; o estudo imuno-histoquímico confirmou a benignidade do caso. O achado de leiomioma atípico com degeneração cística é raro e deve ser cuidadosamente avaliado para excluir doenças malignas.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(10): 649-658, Oct. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144157


Abstract Objective Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRH-a) have been used preoperatively before hysteroscopic myomectomy to decrease the size and vascularization of the myomas, but evidence to support this practice is weak. Our objective was to analyze the use of GnRH-a in the reduction of submucous fibroid as a facilitator for surgical hysteroscopy from published clinical trials. Data sources Studies from electronic databases (Pubmed, Scielo, EMBASE, Scopus, PROSPERO), published between 1980 and December 2018. The keywords used were fibroid, GnRH analogue, submucous, histeroscopy, histeroscopic resection and their correspondents in Portuguese. Study selection The inclusion criteria were controlled trials that evaluated the GnRH-a treatment before hysteroscopic resection of submucous myomas. Four clinical trials were included in the meta-analysis. Data collection Two review authors extracted the data without modification of the original data, using the agreed form. We resolved discrepancies through discussion or, if required, we consulted a third person. Data synthesis The present meta-analysis included a total of 213 women and showed no statistically significant differences in the use of GnRH-a compared with the control group for complete resection of submucous myoma (relative risk [RR]: 0.94; 95%; confidence interval [CI]: 0.80-1.11); operative time (mean difference [MD]: - 3.81; 95%;CI : - 3.81-2.13); fluid absorption (MD: - 65.90; 95%;CI: - 9.75-2.13); or complications (RR 0.92; 95%;CI: 0.18-4.82). Conclusion The present review did not support the routine preoperative use of GnRH-a prior to hysteroscopic myomectomy. However, it is not possible to determine its inferiority when compared with the other methods due to the heterogeneity of existing studies and the small sample size.

Resumo Objetivo Análogos de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH-a) têm sido usados no pré-operatório de miomectomia histeroscópica para reduzir o tamanho e vascularização dos miomas, mas a evidência que suporta essa prática é fraca. Nosso objetivo foi analisar o uso de GnRH-a na redução do mioma submucoso como um facilitador de histeroscopia cirúrgica em ensaios clínicos publicados. Fonte de dados Estudos de bases de dados eletrônicas (Pubmed, Scielo, EMBASE, Scopus, PROSPERO), publicados entre 1980 e dezembro de 2018. As palavras-chave usadas foram fibroid, GnRH analogue, submucous, histeroscopy, histeroscopic resection e seus correspondentes em português. Seleção dos estudos Os critérios de inclusão foram ensaios clínicos controlados que avaliaram o tratamento com GnRH-a antes da ressecção histeroscópica de miomas submucosos. Quatro ensaios clínicos foram incluídos na meta-análise Coleta de dados Dois autores revisores extraíram os dados, sem modificarem os dados originais, usando a forma acordada. Nós resolvemos as discrepâncias através de discussão ou, se necessário, consultando um terceiro autor. Síntese dos dados A meta-análise incluiu um total de 213 mulheres e não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa no uso de GnRH-a comparado com o grupo controle para ressecção completa de mioma submucoso (risco relativo [RR]: 0.94. índice de confiança [IC] 95%;: 0.80-1.11); tempo cirúrgico (diferença de média [MD]: - 3.81; IC95%;: -3.81-2.13); absorção de fluidos (MD: - 65.90; IC95%;: - 9.75-2.13); ou complicações (RR 0.92; IC95%;: 0.18-4.82). Conclusão A presente revisão sistemática não suporta o uso pré-operatório rotineiro de GnRH-a antes de miomectomia histeroscópica. No entanto, não é possível determinar sua inferioridade quando comparado aos outros métodos devido à heterogeneidade dos estudos existentes e ao pequeno tamanho da amostra.

Humans , Female , Uterine Neoplasms/surgery , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/analogs & derivatives , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Leiomyoma/blood , Hysteroscopy , Operative Time
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-208040


Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is a congenital anomaly of the genital tract that occurs in about 1 in 4000 women. MRKH syndrome can be associated with renal, skeletal, heart and hearing abnormalities. The frequency of renal/urinary tract abnormalities is 33%. Only a few cases of fibroid development in MRKH syndrome have been described in the literature. The diagnosis and surgery of a fibroid in MRKH syndrome may be complicated in associated kidney abnormality by an atypical kidney position, as in this case: pelvic kidney on one side and renal agenesia on the contralateral side. Authors present the case of a 47-year-old female patient with a known MRKH syndrome and a pelvic kidney on the right side who had presented with an unclear tumour in the right lower abdomen. A completed CT scan revealed the tumour directly next to the pelvic kidney. A malignancy could not be excluded with certainty, so that a laparoscopy in laparotomy readiness was indicated and performed. During surgery, two rudimentary uterine horns were found; on the right side retroperitoneally, below the uterine horn, the tumour was located and directly below it there was a soft tissue alteration, probably the kidney. For safety, a vaginal sonography was performed in between, to clearly identify the only kidney and to avoid damaging it. The tumour could be extirpated laparoscopically without kidney injury. The two uterine horns were removed simultaneously. Histologically the fibroid could be confirmed. In addition, three other fibroids (one on the left side and two on the right side) were detected. Due to the high probability of a simultaneous kidney abnormality in the MRKH syndrome, authors suggest an accurate kidney diagnosis preoperatively. If necessary, in the case of a pelvic kidney and/or renal agenesia, as in this case, an additional intraoperative kidney check should be performed.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(9): 535-539, Sept. 2020. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137877


Abstract Objective To evaluate the obstetric outcomes of singleton high-risk pregnancies with a small size uterine fibroid. Methods This retrospective cohort study was conducted among 172 high-risk pregnant women who were followed-up by a single surgeon between 2016 and 2019. Pregnant women with preconceptionally diagnosed small size (< 5 cm) single uterine fibroids (n = 25) were compared with pregnant women without uterine fibroids (n = 147) in terms of obstetric outcomes. Results There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of adverse pregnancy outcomes. The size of the fibroids was increased in 60% of the cases, and the growth percentage of the fibroids was 25% during pregnancy. Intrapartum and short-term complication was not observed in women who underwent cesarean myomectomy. Conclusion Small size uterine fibroids seem to have no adverse effect on pregnancy outcomes even in high-risk pregnancies, and cesarean myomectomy may be safelyperformed in properly selected cases.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/epidemiology , Uterine Neoplasms/epidemiology , Pregnancy Outcome/epidemiology , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Leiomyoma/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications, Neoplastic/surgery , Uterine Neoplasms/surgery , Uterus/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Uterine Myomectomy , Leiomyoma/surgery
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212256


Background: Uterine fibroids constitute a substantial bulk of patients presenting to Gynaecology department. Many newer imaging modalities have evolved for their correct evaluation, but in a developing country like India, ultrasound is still being used as a screening as well as diagnostic modality. So, this study was done to compare ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of uterine fibroids in terms of their sensitivity, specificity Trans vaginal  and positive predictive value using Histopathology as a gold standard so as to improvise on current clinical practices in this country.Methods: An ethically approved prospective study was done upon 50 patients with suspected uterine masses at SMS Hospital Jaipur. All included patients underwent Trans vaginal Ultrasound (TVS) and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and were accordingly treated surgically. Histopathology report was traced postoperatively. Data was collected and subjected to various statistical tests including Cohen’s kappa.Results: Most of the patients were <50 years and presented with complains of pain abdomen. Among total 50 cases, the sensitivity of TVS and MRI was 44% and 92%, specificity was 96% and 88%, PPV was 91.67% and 88.46%, NPV was 63.16% and 91.67% respectively, kappa was 0.40 and 0.80 i.e. agreement between TVS and MRI v/s HPE was 40% and 80% respectively. The diagonal agreement between transvaginal USG and MRI, was 63%.Conclusions: TVS is a good screening modality but MRI is definitely better for proper characterization and localization of fibroids enabling clinicians to select the most appropriate management in everyday clinical practice.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207815


Immature teratomas are usually derived from a malignant transformation of mature teratoma. The pure immature teratoma accounts for less than 1% of all ovarian cancers. It is the second most common germ cell malignancy and accounts for 10-20% of all ovarian malignancies seen in women younger than 20 years of age. Extragonadal origin are extremely rare and the most common extragonadal site of these teratomas is the omentum. We hereby describe a case report of a 29-year-old lady who presented with abdominal pain and her imaging with an ultrasound revealed a mass with features suggestive of a subserosal fibroid. She underwent a laproscopic myomectomy. A histopathologic diagnosis of Immature teratoma was made following her primary surgery. She subsequently underwent a staging laparotomy which was followed by chemotherapy. Immature teratomas predominantly occur in young patients, and preservation of fertility is an important factor in its management. Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after surgery, preferably within 7-10 days, in those patients who require chemotherapy.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207644


Leiomyoma is one of the most commonly encountered benign gynaecological neoplasms. With a wide range of symptoms, sometimes even asymptomatic, these tumors are easy to diagnose and treat, unless there are degenerative changes, which makes them difficult to diagnose and differentiating them from other serious conditions including malignancy, thereby, complicating their management also. Here, the case present to you a case of 48-year-old women with symptoms and clinical examination suggesting fibroid uterus but imaging studies inconclusive to differentiate fibroid uterus with ovarian malignancy, thus, creating a diagnostic dilemma. Ultimately, patient underwent exploratory laparotomy, keeping possibility of ovarian malignancy. Histopathological examination of the specimen of total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy concluded extensive cystic degeneration of leiomyoma and no evidence of malignancy.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207611


Background: Uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign tumours of the uterus and also the most common benign solid tumor in female. It arises from the uterine smooth muscles (myometrium) but contain varying amount of fibrous connective tissue. Aim of study was to evaluate the efficacy of very low dose Mifepristone (10 mg) on leiomyoma volume and its related symptoms.Methods: This was a prospective clinical study. 30 women met with the inclusion criteria and giving informed consent for the study.Results: Mean myoma volume was 60.32±51.89 at initial visit and 36.13±48.54 at 3 months follow up visit with 40.1% reduction which was statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). Mean PBAC score in Group I was 155.53±21.70 at initial visit and 0.97±2.97 at 3 months follow up visit with 99.3% reduction which was statistically significant (p < 0.001).Conclusions: Mifepristone 10 mg is efficacious in term of control of bleeding, alleviation of pain related symptoms with few side effects. So low dose mifepristone can be used as a suitable option for women with symptomatic fibroids in perimenopausal periods or patients not willing or fit for surgery.

文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207377


The management of fibroid encountered during caesarean remains controversial. The traditional approach has always been, not to perform myomectomy, because of the fear of haemorrhage due to increased vascularity and uterine atonicity of pregnant uterus and increased morbidity. Caesarean section was performed in 27-year G2P1 in view of previous LSCS, short inter-conception period, frank leaking and poor bishop score. After delivery of baby a fibroid of 6 cm by 5 cm was seen jutting out of left side of incision line. Myomectomy was performed, without any complication, as it was not possible to approximate the incision line without that. No excessive hemorrhage or postoperative complications were encountered.
