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文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551106


Diversos estudios demuestran que la inclusión de polinizadores, como las abejas Apis mellifera, generan efectos positivos sobre la productividad de cultivos de durazno (Prunus persica). Esto lleva a probar metodologías que estimulen a las abejas para visitar, con mayor frecuencia, el cultivo de interés, sugiriendo el uso de la técnica de osmoguiado, como herramienta para potencializar el efecto de la polinización. Este estudio valoró un protocolo de osmoguiado, para estimular híbridos africanizados de Apis mellifera, a recolectar polen de flores de durazno, utilizando, como indicador indirecto, el análisis palinológico en muestras de polen. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron con osmoguiado y sin osmoguiado. Cada tratamiento contó con tres colmenas y el periodo de evaluación fue de cinco semanas, coincidiendo con el mayor periodo de floración del durazno. Los resultados evidenciaron que este protocolo no logró estimular a las abejas a visitar la flor de durazno para la búsqueda de polen. La disponibilidad permanente de otras plantas productoras de polen, reportadas previamente como importantes en el aporte de este recurso, pudo influir en la selección de fuentes por parte de las abejas. El polen obtenido provino, principalmente, de plantas de las familias Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae y Passifloraceae.

Several studies show that the inclusion of pollinators such as honeybee Apis mellifera generates positive effects in the productivity of peach (Prunus persica) crops. It led to test methodologies that stimulate bees to improve the visit of crops of interest, suggesting the use of the osmoguiding technique, as a tool to potentiate the effect of pollination. This study evaluated an osmoguided protocol to stimulate Africanized hybrids of Apis mellifera to collect pollen from peach flowers, using palynological analysis of pollen samples as an indirect indicator. The treatments used were with osmoguided and without osmoguided. Each treatment had three hives, and the evaluation period was five weeks, coinciding with the peak flowering period of the peach. The results showed that this protocol did not stimulate the bees to visit the peach blossom to search pollen. The permanent availability of other pollen-producing plants, previously reported as significant in the contribution of this resource, could influence bee source selection. The pollen obtained came mainly from plants of the families Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae, and Passifloraceae.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(2): e20211284, Mar 31, 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383925


Abstract: Hummingbirds are specialized in consumption of nectar and play an important role in Neotropical plant communities acting as pollinator organisms. Despite the importance of this mutualistic interaction, studies about hummingbird-plant relationships remain scarce regarding the Cerrado domain (Brazilian savanna). In this study, we aimed to describe the interaction network between hummingbirds and plants in rupestrian fields and riparian forests located in altitudinal areas of the Serra da Canastra National Park. We established two transects in each phytophysiognomy, that were sampled monthly for four days, from November 2018 to October 2019. Flowering plants in each transect were observed each survey, and all the visiting hummingbirds were recorded. Networks were constructed using the R bipartite package, considering each phytophysiognomy type, and grouping data of both environments. From these three network arrangements, we extracted complementary metrics at the community level (modularity, nestedness, and network specialization index), and at the species level (species specialization index and species strength in the network). We recorded 647 interactions between 10 hummingbird species and 23 flowering plant species. The hummingbird Colibri serrirostris was responsible for most of observed bird-plant interactions and the plant Qualea cordata was the most visited. The general network was significantly modular, comprising four modules, and showed considerable high specialization and low nestedness. The interaction network in the rupestrian field showed a higher specialization, nestedness, and modularity index when compared to riparian forests, while the metrics of this ecosystem did not differ from those of the general network. However, the metrics at hummingbird species level did not differ significantly between phytophysiognomies. This study corroborated some findings about hummingbird-plant networks in other areas of the Cerrado domain, but also pointed idiosyncrasies in networks of the investigated phytophysiognomies, especially the rupestrian fields.

Resumo: Beija-flores são especializados no consumo de néctar e desempenham um papel importante em comunidades de plantas Neotropicais, agindo como organismos polinizadores. Apesar da importância dessa relação mutualística, estudos sobre a relação de plantas e beija-flores ainda são escassos no Cerrado. Neste estudo, objetivamos descrever a rede de interações entre beija-flores e plantas em campos rupestres e matas ripárias localizadas em áreas de altitude do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra. Estabelecemos dois transectos em cada fitofisionomia, os quais foram amostrados mensalmente durante quatro dias, de novembro de 2018 a outubro de 2019. Plantas em floração em cada transecto foram observadas em cada amostragem, e todos os beija-flores visitantes foram registrados. As redes de interação foram construídas utilizando o pacote bipartite do R, considerando cada fitofisionomia e agrupando os dados de ambos os ambientes. Destes três arranjos de rede, extraímos métricas complementares no nível de comunidade (modularidade, aninhamento e índice de especialização de rede) e no nível de espécies (índice de especialização da espécie e força da espécie na rede). Registramos 647 interações entre 10 espécies de beija-flores e 23 espécies de plantas. O beija-flor Colibri serrirostris foi o responsável pela maior parte das interações ave-planta observadas e a planta Qualea cordata foi a mais visitada. A rede geral foi significativamente modular com quatro módulos e apresentou considerável especialização e baixo aninhamento. A rede de interações no campo rupestre apresentou maior especialização, aninhamento e índice de modularidade quando comparada à mata ripária, enquanto as métricas deste ecossistema não foram diferentes da rede geral. Entretanto, as métricas no nível de espécies de beija-flores não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre as fitofisionomias. Este estudo corrobora alguns resultados de redes de beija-flores-plantas em outras áreas do domínio do Cerrado, mas também aponta idiossincrasias nas redes das fitofisionomias investigadas, especialmente os campos rupestres.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 66(1): e20210101, 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365644


ABSTRACT Ficus inflorescences host a species-rich chalcid wasp community, including pollinating fig wasps (Agaonidae: Tetrapusinae, Kradibiinae, and Agaoninae) and several species of non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFW), that show several life-history strategies, including gall-inducers, kleptoparasites (i. e. inquilines), and parasitoids. We analyzed the structure and degree of specialization of the fig wasp community associated with Ficus inflorescences in urbanized areas, agroecosystems, and on the edge of forest fragments in the state of Goiás (Brazil). We sampled 34 wasp species in four native Ficus tree species, from which four wasp species occurred in more than one host. Neotropical fig pollinators (Pegoscapus and Tetrapus) were the most abundant species, and they were host-specific, although two pollinator species were associated with Ficus obtusifolia. The Jaccard similarity index was higher in samples of fig wasps collected in the same host, indicating that the community composition was specific to each host species. Community structure indices indicate a specialized structure with low connectance, high bidimensional Shannon H2' and low partner diversity. The communities present a modular web structure in which modules were represented by each host and its associated insect species. These results indicate that the fig wasp communities analyzed are highly specialized, despite a few not strictly host-specific species.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(spe): e20221442, 2022. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420330


Abstract Interactions between plant and pollinators are associated with the origin and maintenance of species diversity, as well as ecosystem functioning. The potential of pollination as an ecosystem service is evidenced by its association with food production. Understanding pollination at the landscape scale is essential for characterizing the pollination service for several crops that depend on pollinators for fruit and seed set that make up the human diet. Our aim was to carry out a literature review of studies and projects funded by BIOTA/FAPESP to illustrate the main research approaches developed in the field of Pollination Biology, especially related to plant-pollinator interactions. Plant-pollinator interactions in the Atlantic forest were leveraged as a result of this long-term research program, during which several papers were published in international journals. Pollination by bees (melittophily) was the most representative pollination system studied. In addition to melittophily, other interactions were studied such as pollination by hawkmoths (sphingophily), by hummingbirds (ornithophily) and by bats (chiropterophily). The specific mutualistic relationships between fig trees and fig wasps were also subject of studies within the Program. At the beginning of the BIOTA/FAPESP Program, there were many gaps in basic information about pollination and breeding systems of Brazilian native plant species. Thus, the Program was fundamental to fuel research on the natural history of plants and pollinators from the Atlantic forest. Overall, the Program funded studies that investigated themes such as functional pollination ecology, pollinator effectiveness, plant population genetics, structure and dynamics of plant-pollinator interaction networks, as well as geographic distribution and macroevolution of pollination systems, as well as genetic and molecular studies of native plant populations focusing on pollen flow and genetic structure of populations. Additionally, studies on pollination in the context of landscape ecology had the aim of assessing the effects of forest fragmentation on the functioning of plant populations and their interactions with pollinators and the relationships between landscape structure and ecological processes, biodiversity, and ecosystem service. Therefore, the Program had a prominent role in producing basic data with great implications for understanding the ecology and promoting the conservation of plant-pollinator interactions.

Resumo A interação planta-polinizador está associada à origem e manutenção da diversidade de espécies de plantas e ao funcionamento dos ecossistemas. O potencial da polinização como serviço ecossistêmico é destacado quando associado à produção de alimentos. Compreender esta interação na escala da paisagem é essencial para caracterizar o serviço de polinização para muitos cultivos que dependem dos polinizadores para a formação de frutos e sementes que integram a dieta humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica de estudos e projetos financiados pelo BIOTA/FAPESP para ilustrar as principais abordagens de pesquisa desenvolvidas no campo da Biologia da Polinização, especialmente relacionadas à interação planta-polinizador. As interações planta-polinizador na Mata Atlântica foram alavancadas como resultado desse programa de pesquisa de longo prazo, durante o qual vários artigos foram publicados em revistas internacionais. A polinização por abelhas (melitofilia) foi o sistema de polinização mais representativo estudado. Além da melitofilia, outras interações foram estudadas, como a polinização por mariposas (esfingofilia), por beija-flores (ornitofilia) e por morcegos (quiropterofilia). As relações mutualísticas específicas entre figueiras e vespas do figo também foram objeto de estudos no âmbito do Programa. No início do Programa BIOTA/FAPESP, havia muitas lacunas sobre informações básicas sobre polinização e sistemas de reprodução de espécies vegetais nativas brasileiras. Assim, o Programa foi fundamental para desenvolver pesquisas sobre a história natural de plantas e polinizadores da Mata Atlântica. No geral, o Programa financiou estudos que investigaram temas como ecologia funcional da polinização, eficácia de polinizadores, genética de populações de plantas, estrutura e dinâmica de redes de interação planta-polinizador, bem como distribuição geográfica e macroevolução dos sistemas de polinização, além de estudos genéticos e moleculares de populações de plantas nativas com foco no fluxo de pólen. Adicionalmente, estudos sobre polinização no contexto da ecologia da paisagem tiveram como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da fragmentação florestal no funcionamento das populações de plantas e suas interações com os polinizadores e as relações entre a estrutura da paisagem e os processos ecológicos, biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos. Portanto, o Programa teve um papel de destaque na produção de dados básicos com grandes implicações para o entendimento da ecologia e promoção da conservação das interações planta-polinizador.

Acta biol. colomb ; 26(2): 247-261, mayo-ago. 2021. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355536


ABSTRACT The phenology of vascular epiphytes, which account for about 10 % of the world's flowering plants and perform important ecological functions, has been just partially explored. Since phenology is a key tool for the management and conservation of species, the objective of this review was to synthesize the information published so far about the phenology of vascular epiphytes, detect gaps of knowledge, and suggest future lines of investigation to understand the underlying mechanisms. We conducted an online search for articles in Google Scholar and in the ISI Web of Science database from 1800 to 2020, with different combinations of keywords. 107 studies addressing the phenology of different holoepiphyte species were found; 88 % of the studies were performed in the Neotropic, especially in tropical and subtropical wet forests. The phenology of only ca. 2 % (418 spp.) of all reported holoepiphyte species has been explored. There is a bias toward the study of the flowering and fruiting phenology in members of the Orchidaceae (192 spp.) and Bromeliaceae (124 spp.) families. In general, the vegetative and reproductive phenology of epiphytes tends to be seasonal; however, there is a huge gap in our understanding of the proximate and ultimate factors involved. Future research should explicitly focus on studying those factors.

RESUMEN Las epífitas vasculares, que representan cerca del 10 % de la flora vascular y cumplen funciones ecológicas importantes, se han explorado poco desde el punto de vista fenológico. Dado que la fenología es una herramienta clave para el manejo y conservación de especies, el objetivo de este trabajo fue sintetizar la información publicada, detectar vacíos de conocimiento y sugerir líneas de investigación que permitan entender los mecanismos que regulan la fenología de este grupo. Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos en Google Académico y en la base de datos ISI Web of Science desde 1800 a 2020, con diferentes combinaciones de palabras clave. Se encontraron 107 estudios que abordan la fenología de especies holoepífitas, el 88 % de estos estudios se realizaron en el Neotrópico, principalmente en bosques lluviosos tropicales y subtropicales. Solamente se ha estudiado la fenología de ca. 2 % (418 spp.) del total de especies de holoepífitas reportadas; los trabajos se han enfocado principalmente en estudiar la floración y fructificación de miembros de Orchidaceae (192 spp.) y Bromeliaceae (124 spp.). La fenología vegetativa y reproductiva de las epífitas tiende a ser estacional. Sin embargo, existe un vacío enorme de los factores próximos y últimos implicados; los futuros estudios pueden enfocarse a elucidar qué factores detonan la fenología de epífitas vasculares.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387662


Abstract Introduction: The species and functional diversity of pollinators are important components for the reproduction of cultivated plants. More information is necessary about this diversity and its geographical variation in crops such as Cucurbita pepo, an important crop in global agriculture. Objective: To describe the taxonomic diversity, geographic variation and foraging patterns of the community of bees that visit C. pepo crops in Costa Rica. Methods: Squash fields were visited at 11 locations within three geographic regions of the country, where the groups of bees and their relative frequency were determined. Through video recordings, information was obtained on their behavior at two locations. Results: A minimum of 27 species belonging to 19 genera and 2 families of bees were found. Three species were dominant in 10 localities (Eucera limitaris, Apis mellifera and Trigona corvina). Altitude reduces bee diversity due to the dominance of Bombus ephipiatus in high regions. Two genera of halictids (Megalopta and Caenaugochlora) that are rarely reported in this crop were frequently observed. Trigona bees dominated among the flowers later in the morning, lacerating nectary holes to facilitate nectar collection. Conclusions: Squash fields in Costa Rica are visited by a highly diverse bee community, which may ensure pollination via complementarity in the face of spatial or seasonal changes in environmental conditions.

Resumen Introducción: Dada la importancia del componente diversidad para la polinización de plantas cultivadas, es necesario obtener más información de esta diversidad y su variación geográfica en cultivos como Cucurbita pepo, uno de los cultivos más importantes de la agricultura centroamericana. Objetivo: Describir la diversidad y la variación geográfica de la comunidad de abejas que visitan este cultivo en Costa Rica, y algunos aspectos de sus patrones de búsqueda de alimento. Métodos: Se visitaron cultivos de C. pepo en 11 localidades dentro de tres regiones geográficas de Costa Rica, donde se determinó los grupos de abejas y su frecuencia relativa. Por medio de grabaciones de video se registró el comportamiento de cada grupo en dos localidades. Resultados: Fueron encontradas un mínimo de 27 especies pertenecientes a 19 géneros y 2 familias de abejas. Tres especies son dominantes en 10 localidades (Eucera limitaris, Apis mellifera y Trigona corvina). La altitud reduce la diversidad de abejas debido a la dominancia de Bombus ephipiatus en regiones altas. Se observaron dos géneros de halíctidos (Megalopta y Caenaugochlora) no previamente reportados en este cultivo. Abejas Trigona dominan las flores en horarios más tardíos de la mañana, donde algunas veces muerden los orificios de los nectarios para facilitar la recolecta de néctar. Conclusiones: La diversidad de abejas que visitan C. pepo en Costa Rica parece asegurar su polinización ante cambios espaciales o estacionales en condiciones ambientales.

Animals , Bees , Cucurbitaceae , Pollination , Cucurbita
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e55816, 2021. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460971


Studies on the Myrtaceae family are mainly distributed in floristic surveys, reproductive studies of plant communities or related to family taxonomy. Based on this, the objective of the present study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and, of floral visitors from Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg., a neglected species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capote tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the daytime. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Myrtaceae/growth & development , Myrtaceae/embryology , Pollination , Biology
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461031


The aim of the study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and floral visitors of this species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capoteiro tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the night period, however, it also occurs in the morning. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Studies on the Myrtaceae family are mainly distributed in floristic surveys, reproductive studies of plant communities or related to family taxonomy. Based on this, the objective of the present study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and, of floral visitors from Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg., a neglected species. Information was obtained on floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectary, and structures attractive to pollinators, characterization of pollinators, receptiveness of stigma and maturing of the androecium components, and characterization of the reproductive system. Sete-capote tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the daytime. Pollen grains was the main resource offered to pollinators. The flowers had mellow sweet odor, attracting mainly native bees and Apis melifera, which was characterized as effective pollinators. The species presents high reproductive efficiency and could be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jan; 41(1): 66-72
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214474


Aim: To study useful variability generated in an inter-specific hybrid between cultivated sunflower inbred (ARM-243B) and silver leaf sunflower, H. argophyllus (ARG-2126) through cytomorphological traits and hybrid confirmation by molecular markers.Methodology: The present study on hybridization was undertaken using cultivated sunflower inbred (ARM-243B) and silver leaf sunflower H. argophyllus (ARG-2126). Thirty one morphological characters were recorded of cultivated sunflower (ARM-243B), H. argophyllus (ARG-2126) and inter-specific hybrid. A total of 50 PMCs were analysed for cytological observations. 62 SSR primers were used for molecular characterisation and hybridity confirmation in inter-specific hybrid. Results: Considerable variability was observed in inter-specific hybrid, with common traits including branched stems, anthocyanin coloration in petiole and disk florets, leaf petioles, and stems etc. Cytological abnormalities and reduction in pollen fertility indicated that generated inter-specific hybrid was true type. Out of sixty two SSR primers, nineteen showed parental polymorphism. ORS-1021 showed 10 bp allelic variation in inter-specific hybrid in a co-dominant manner and, hence, was used for hybrid confirmation. Interpretation: The results of this investigation showed that inter-specific hybridization between cultivated sunflower and H. argophyllus and transfer of desirable traits into cultivated sunflower is possible.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e48714, fev. 2020. tab, map, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460919


Meliponinae eusocial bees are among the most important pollinators in the Neotropics and their beekeeping has been growing as both recreational and economic activity. Information on the pollen preferences and niche overlap among species coexisting in the same location is still scarce. This study focused on the use of pollen resources by three native species of Meliponinae in the Atlantic Forest, Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata (Lepeletier 1836), Scaptotrigona depilis (Moure 1942), and Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille 1811), at two different sites. The use of pollen resources was evaluated from reserves inside hives collected monthly between February 2015 and January 2016. It was also estimated the Mean Minimal Distance (Dm) traveled by the bees to obtain pollen. The bees differed regarding the diversity of pollen types, Dm, and proportion of pollen from different plant life-form. Local factor promoted differences only for Dm. M. q. quadrifasciata foraged a low diversity of pollen species and traveled greater distances with a higher proportion of trees plus palm species. Tetragonisca angustula foraged a higher diversity of pollen and flew shorter distances with a lower proportion of trees and palms. The species factor predominates over the local factor in the clustering pattern, based on pollen profile similarity.

Animals , Bees/anatomy & histology , Pollen/anatomy & histology , Pollen/cytology
Acta amaz ; 49(3): 167-172, jul. - set. 2019.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119019


The Amerindian yam (Dioscorea trifida) is a food plant native to the Amazon region. Several local varieties are cultivated by traditional family farmers for consumption and local trade. However, socioeconomic processes may be causing species genetic erosion. Knowledge about species sexual reproduction is essential for its conservation and genetic improvement. The objective of this study was to observe the floral phenology, to assess the germination and dormancy of seeds, to conduct controlled pollinations and to select hybrid plants of D. trifida with agronomic potential. Seed dormancy was confirmed and was broken by after-ripening at 28 oC and 80% RH. We carried out controlled pollinations between local landraces and cultivated the resulting hybrid plants in the field. The new genotypes showed high phenotypic variability and tubers with new characteristics, which permitted the selection of genotypes with agronomic potential for further studies. The results contribute to the conservation of agrobiodiversity and genetic improvement for added value of Amazonian native food plants. (AU)

Plants, Edible , Germination , Amazonian Ecosystem , Dioscorea , Pollination , Plant Breeding
Acta biol. colomb ; 24(2): 331-342, May-ago. 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010861


RESUMEN Los himenópteros son los principales polinizadores de los sistemas agrícolas y juegan un papel clave en la producción de alimentos. Sin embargo, poco se ha estudiado sobre las redes de polinización y la dependencia de las plantas a polinizadores en agroecosistemas tropicales. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la red de polinizadores asociada a un agroecosistema y evaluar la influencia de los rasgos morfológicos de las especies en la polinización. El estudio se realizó en un agroecosistema en el Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Entre enero y febrero del 2017 se emplearon 96 h de observación y se cuantificaron las interacciones entre polinizadores y flores; se estimó la duración promedio de visita por polinizador, se registró la abundancia floral y se midieron los principales rasgos morfológicos de plantas y polinizadores. En las plantas se midió el largo de la corola, y en los polinizadores, masa corporal y longitud de lengua. En total se identificaron 17 especies de polinizadores que visitaron ocho especies de plantas (cinco agrícolas y tres arvenses). Se encontró que la red es especializada (H2' = 0,8) con un grado de anidamiento bajo (NODF = 10,4), y que las plantas fueron especialistas y dependientes a los polinizadores (75 % spp. d' > 0,7). Además, se encontró que la abundancia floral y la masa corporal de los himenópteros influencian la duración de visita, lo cual podría afectar la calidad de la polinización. Este estudio revela que la especialización ecológica y la complementariedad funcional de los himenópteros influyen en la polinización de agroecosistemas.

ABSTRACT Hymenoptera is the main group of pollinators in agricultural systems and play a key role in food production. However, little is known about pollination networks and the dependence of plants on pollinators in tropical agroecosystems. The objectives of this study were i) to describe the plant-pollinator network associated with an agroecosystem, and ii) to evaluate the influence of morphological traits of the species on pollination. To do so, we conducted the fieldwork in an agroecosystem in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, between January and February 2017. We invested 96 h of observation and quantified interactions between pollinators and flowers; we estimated the average of visit duration per pollinator, the floral abundance, and measured the main morphological traits of plants and pollinators. For plants, we measured the length of corolla, and for pollinators, body mass and tongue length. We found that 17 species of pollinator visited eight plant species (five agricultural plants and three weeds). Our results suggest that the network is specialized (H2' = 0.8), had a low degree of nestedness (NODF = 10.4), and that plants were specialized and highly dependent on pollinators (75 % spp. d' > 0.7). Also, we found that floral abundance and body mass of Hymenoptera influence the length of visit, which might affect the quality of pollination. This study reveals that ecological specialization and functional complementarity of Hymenoptera influence pollination in agroecosystems.

Orinoquia ; 23(1): 85-91, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091576


Resumen En el proceso de producción de semilla híbrida de maíz es requerimiento que se realice el despanojado o eliminación de la inflorescencia masculina en las líneas maternas. Durante este proceso se produce la pérdida de las hojas superiores y que acompañan la panoja, esta pérdida en área foliar afecta negativamente la producción de semilla y la frecuencia de granos planos y redondos en los calibres comerciales. En el presente trabajo se analizó el comportamiento de una línea materna, progenitora de un híbrido comercial de maíz convencional de endospermo blanco, sometida a distintos tratamientos relacionados con la pérdida de área foliar al momento de la eliminación de la inflorescencia masculina. Se estimó la producción de semilla por hectárea y la frecuencia de formación de granos F1 planos y redondos en los calibres aceptados comercialmente en el mercado. Los resultados demuestran que cuando hay pérdida de hojas en la planta de maíz al momento de eliminar la panoja, fisiológicamente se afecta su rendimiento, no obstante, se puede tolerar la pérdida de una a cuatro hojas sin que ello represente diferencias estadísticas en el rendimiento. Las frecuencias de tamaño en granos planos y redondos en las semillas F1 de tipo comercial no se vieron afectadas.

Abstract In the production process of maize hybrid seed is requirement to do detasseling or removing the male inflorescence in maternal lines. During this process the loss of the upper leaves and accompanying the panicle occur, this leaf area loss negatively affects seed production and flat and round grains frequency in commercial calibers. This work analyses the behavior of a maternal line, progenitor of a commercial hybrid of conventional maize with white endosperm. This line was subjected to various treatments related with the loss of leaf area when removing the male inflorescence. The behavior of seed production and frequency of formation of flat and round F1 grains in the gauges that are commercially accepted in the market were estimated. The results showed that when there is loss of leaves on the maize plant when removing the panicle, physiologically the development based on yield is affected, however it can tolerate the loss of one to four leaves without representing statistical differences in yield. Similarly, the size frequencies of flat and round grains in F1 commercial seeds were not affected

Resumo No processo de produção de semente hibrida de milho é requisito o despendoamento, ou remover a inflorescência masculina em linhas maternas. Durante o processo se produz a perda das folhas superiores que acompanham a pendão, esta perda da área foliar afeta negativamente a produção de sementes e frequência de grãos planos e redondos em calibres comerciais. Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento de uma linha materna, progenitor de um híbrido comercial de milho convencional de endosperma branco e que foi submetido a vários tratamentos relacionados com a perda da área foliar na hora da remoção da inflorescência masculina. Avaliou-se o comportamento da produção de semente por hectarea e a frequência de formação de grãos F1 planos e redondos nos calibres que estão comercialmente aceitos no mercado. Embora os resultados mostram que, indiscutivelmente, quando há perda de folhas nas plantas de milho quando remover o pendão, fisiologicamente o desenvolvimento é afetado em função do desempenho, no entanto pode tolerar a perda de 1 a 4 folhas sem representar diferenças estatísticas sobre o desempenho. No entanto, as frequências de tamanho em grãos planos e redondos na F1 de sementes do tipo comercial não são afetados.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(2)abr. 2019.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507509


In tropical trees, forest fragmentation has been shown to affect mating and gene flow patterns. Mobile dispersal vectors should be less sensitive to fragmented landscapes and may ameliorate the genetic effects of forest fragmentation on plant populations. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed gene flow patterns in Symphonia globulifera, a tropical tree species with highly mobile pollinators and seed dispersers in the Osa Peninsula in southern Costa Rica. We used microsatellites to study genetic diversity and realized gene flow patterns between a continuous forest and a forest fragment. We found high levels of genetic diversity in adults and seedlings at both sites. Parentage analyses suggest near-neighbor matings and frequent long-distance gene flow events. Half the progeny beneath an adult was not sired by that tree and the majority of established seedlings were the result of long-distance gene dispersal. Gene flow from the forest into the fragment was more common than from the fragment into the continuous forests. Despite long distance gene flow events, seedling spatial genetic structure was stronger and extended further in the forest fragment likely due to limited seed dispersal. We conclude that fragmentation affects gene flow in this tropical tree and may compromise its genetic diversity in forest fragments even for a species with mobile pollen and seed vectors.

En árboles tropicales se ha demostrado que la fragmentación del bosque afecta los patrones de apareamiento y reduce el flujo génico. Las especies forestales cuyos dispersores y polinizadores son capaces de moverse largas distancias sobre ambientes alterados, serán menos sensibles a los efectos de la fragmentación y podrán intercambiar genes regularmente entre fragmentos. Para probar esta hipótesis, en la Península de Osa en el sur de Costa Rica, estudiamos los patrones de flujo génico de Symphonia globulifera, una especie de árbol tropical con polinizadores y dispersores de semillas altamente móviles. Utilizamos microsatélites para estudiar la diversidad genética y los patrones de flujo génico entre un bosque continuo y un fragmento de bosque. Encontramos altos niveles de diversidad genética tanto en adultos como en plántulas. Los análisis de parentesco indican apareamiento entre vecinos cercanos, sin embargo el flujo génico a larga distancia es frecuente. La mitad de la progenie debajo de un adulto no es engendrada por ese árbol y la mayoría de las plántulas establecidas son el resultado del flujo génico a larga distancia. El flujo de genes desde el bosque continuo hacia el fragmento era más frecuente que el movimiento inverso. A pesar del flujo génico a larga distancia, hay diferencias en frecuencias alélicas entre plántulas y la estructura espacial era más fuerte y se extendía a mayor distancia en el fragmento, probablemente por una dispersión limitada de semillas. Concluimos que la fragmentación afecta los patrones de flujo génico en esta especie de árbol tropical y puede afectar su diversidad genética en paisajes fragmentados, inclusive para una especies con polinizadores y dispersores con alta movilidad.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e43904, 20190000. ilus, tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460855


Studies related to floral biology are essential for the understanding of the ecological relations between different species, and the beginning of breeding programs. In this way, the aim of the study was to elucidate aspects of floral and reproductive biology and floral visitors of this species. Information about floral morphology and morphometry, anthesis, nectaries and pollinator attractive structures, characterization of floral visitors, receptivity of androcytic stigma and maturation, in vitro pollen storage and germination, and characterization of the reproductive system were obtained. The guabiju tree has hermaphrodite flowers, and the floral opening occurs mainly during the night, but also in the morning. Anthers are the main attractive structure to the pollinating insects, releasing fetid odor, attracting mainly flies and wasps characterized as occasional pollinators, and moths characterized as effective pollinators. For the germination of pollen, it is recommend using it without desiccation, collected in post-anthesis, and for the culture medium the use of 11% of sucrose and 7% of boric acid. Pollen presents recalcitrant behavior, so even when stored in refrigerator, freezer, liquid nitrogen and natural environment lose viability in less than 30 days. It presents high reproductive efficiency, and can be considered self-compatible; however, fertilization also occurs by cross-pollination.

Myrtales/growth & development , Myrtales/chemistry , Pollination/genetics , Reproductive Techniques
Entramado ; 14(1): 232-240, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090173


RESUMEN El uso de pesticidas es una práctica común en la industria agrícola para erradicar plagas. El objetivo de esta revisión fue documentar el efec to de los pesticidas en la relación ecológica de las abejas con el medio ambiente y los sistemas de producción agropecuaria. Se revisaron las publicaciones científicas y académicas en Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink y Google académico. Se encontró que las abejas proveen de servicios ecosistémicos poco valorados a nivel productivo y económico y, de acuerdo con estimaciones globales sus pobla ciones se encuentran en declive. Las abejas exhiben hipersensibilidad a la mayoría de diferentes pesticidas (especialmente insecticidas). Además, padecen diferentes alteraciones fisiológicas a nivel del sistema nervioso, respecto a su ciclo reproductivo e inmunosupresión. En conclusión, existe evidencia respecto a los efectos tóxicos de los pesticidas que alteran colateralmente las cosechas, específicamente en el proceso de polinización mediada por abejas.

ABSTRACT The use of pesticides is a common practice used in agricultural production to eradicate bugs. The review's aim was to document the pesticide effect regarding bee ecologic relationship with environment and agricultural production systems. Scientific and academic reports were retrieved from Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink and Google scholar Findings reveal that bees provide ecosystem services which are not well evaluated and according to global estimations bee's populations are endangered. Bees present hypersusceptibility to several pesticides (insecticides). Although, bees suffer physiologic alterations including neuronal system, impairment in the reproductive cycle and immunosuppression. In conclusion, there is evidence about toxic effects of pesticides which collaterally impact crop productivity through bee-mediated pollination.

RESUMO O uso de pesticidas é uma prática comum na indústria agrícola para erradicar as pragas. O objetivo desta revisão foi documentar o efeito de pesticidas na relação ecológica das abelhas com o meio ambiente e sistemas de produção agrícola. As publicações científicas e acadêmicas em acadêmicos da Science-Direct, Scielo, JSTOR, Springerlink e Google foram revisadas. Descobriu-se que as abelhas fornecem serviços ecossistêmicos que são pouco valorizados em um nível produtivo e econômico e, de acordo com estimativas globais, suas populações estão em declínio. As abelhas exibem hipersensibilidade aos mais diferentes pesticidas (especialmente inseticidas). Além disso, sofrem diferentes alterações fisiológicas ao nível do sistema nervoso, no que diz respeito ao ciclo reprodutivo e à imunossupressão. Em conclusão, há evidências sobre os efeitos tóxicos de pesticidas que colateralmente alteram as culturas, especificamente no processo de polinização mediada por abelhas.

Rev. bras. entomol ; 62(2): 97-106, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1045503


Abstract Megachile Latreille is a conspicuous genus of solitary bees distributed worldwide. However, the biology of tropical species is still little known. We present data on biology of Megachile brasiliensis Data Torre, Megachile sejuncta Cockerell and Megachile stilbonotaspis Moure found in two remnants of eastern Amazonian forest in northeastern Brazil. The study was conducted using the trap-nest methodology in two different areas during four periods. We collected a total of 24 nests of M. brasiliensis, 26 of M. sejuncta and 28 of M. stilbonotaspis. The differential abundance of collected nests may reflect the population size in each sampled place. The nesting activity was concentrated mainly between July and January and species presented a multivoltine pattern, except for M. sejuncta, which was partly univoltine. Assessed pollen use showed a predominant use of Attalea sp. (Arecaceae) and, for M. stilbonotaspis, Tylesia sp. and Lepidaploa sp. (Asteraceae). Babassu is a very common palm in the studied areas and the studied species seem to have a strong link with it. We also reported change of pollen use by M. sejuncta, probably due to competition with M. brasiliensis, which may have influenced the biased sex ratio observed in M. sejuncta toward males. Parasites reported here were also recorded for other Megachile species, such as Coelioxys, Brachymeria, Meloidae and Pyralidae species. Mites were observed in association with M. stilbonotaspis. The data presented here set up a background that encourages new studies on the ecology of these three Amazonian species, providing tools for proper biodiversity management and conservation.

Acta amaz ; 48(2): 146-150, Apr.-June 2018. ilus, tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455355


Informo sobre el comportamiento de robo de néctar del colibrí pico cuña, Schistes geoffroyi (Trochilidae) en la flor campanulada neotropical, Centropogon granulosus (Campanulaceae). Muchas especies de Centropogon se caracterizan por tener una flor tubular curvada de distintas formas y probablemente especializadas para ser polinizadas por los colibríes de pico curvo (Eutoxeres), como es evidente a partir de la curvatura tanto de la flor como del pico. Debido a la exclusividad de este mutualismo, el robo de néctar ha sido ocasionalmente documentado en Centropogon. Aquí amplío el estudio de robo de néctar de Centropogon incluyendo a Schistes geoffroyi. Esta expansión puede ser un indicador de la alta especialización entre el mutualismo de Centropogon y el colibrí de pico curvo, siendo esta más susceptible al robo de néctar de lo que pensaba previamente. Esto genera preguntas acerca de la evolución de la especialización y parasitismo en este grupo tropical, tanto de las campanuladas como de los colibríes.

I report on nectar robbing behavior of the wedge-billed hummingbird, Schistes geoffroyi (Trochilidae) on the Andean bellflower, Centropogon granulosus (Campanulaceae). Many species of Centropogon are characterized by an abruptly curved corolla tube which is likely specialized for pollination by sicklebill hummingbirds (Eutoxeres), as evident from the matching curvature of flower and bill. Nectar robbing has been documented for some Centropogon spp., but not for sicklebill pollinated C. granulosus. Given recent developments and interest in the Centropogon-sicklebill mutualism, it is pertinent to document any natural history observations that may underlie the ecology and evolution of this pollination system. The establishment of wedge-billed hummingbird as a nectar robber of C. granulosus calls for a new assessment of the ecology and evolution of the highly specialized Centropogon-sicklebill mutualism.

Animals , Birds , Campanulaceae , Pollination , Flowers , Plant Nectar
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 59-71, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-886898


ABSTRACT Varronia curassavica, a subshrubby medicinal species associated with restinga in the Atlantic Forest, has been exploited by local people and the pharmaceutical industry. Indeed, restingas have experienced a continuous process of degradation, and thus, with species and ecosystem both at risk, efforts to support conservation actions are required. The present study aimed to evaluate aspects of V. curassavica reproductive biology. To accomplish this, morphological characterization was performed by monitoring flowering events. The availability of nectar and pollen, as well as the frequency and behavior of floral visitors and dispersers, was also evaluated. This species exhibits both heterostyly and protogyny. Anthesis is diurnal, and flowers last less than a day. The high number of flower and fruit abortions suggests that mechanisms, such as self-incompatibility intra-morphs and easily detached flowers, contribute to reduced fruit production. The high diversity of floral visitors indicate a generalist pollination syndrome. Diptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera were the main pollinators, and nectar was the main resource sought by these insects. Fruits were dispersed by birds and ants. It can be concluded that the interaction of V. curassavica with several species is a key factor in its own survival and for maintaining the biological diversity of restinga.

Boraginaceae/anatomy & histology , Boraginaceae/physiology , Flowers/anatomy & histology , Flowers/physiology , Plants, Medicinal/physiology , Reference Values , Reproduction/physiology , Species Specificity , Time Factors , Biodiversity , Pollination/physiology , Plant Dispersal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1301-1308, jul.-ago. 2018. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-946586


Pollination services performed by bees are essential for the reproduction of a great part of flowering plants. The pollen collected by Apis mellifera while performing pollination (bee pollen), has been incorporated into the human diet for its favorable nutritional components. Around 1,500 tons of bee pollen are produced annually worldwide, especially in Spain, China, Australia, Argentina, and Brazil. Despite the importance of bee pollen within apiculture, little is known about the effects of climate variations on bee pollen collection and production. We monitored the pollen collection performance of 24 different honey bee colonies in different climate conditions within a period of one year. We then analyzed the statistical interaction among the number of worker bees returning with pollen loads and 12 climatic variables, to produce a predictive mixed linear model. The results obtained showed that 7 climatic variables were statistically correlated to the pollen collection observed: Maximum temperature of the day, minimum temperature of the day, dew point temperature, relative humidity, cloud cover, rainfall, and the date of the sample. This research brings information for the development of a more effective pollen productive system.(AU)

Serviços de polinização são essenciais para a reprodução de uma grande parte das plantas com flores. Além de fundamental para produtividade agrícola e segurança alimentar no planeta, a atividade de polinização por Apis mellifera também possibilita a produção do pólen apícola. Devido a sua riqueza nutricional, o pólen apícola vem sendo incorporado às dietas humanas e de animais de interesse zootécnico. Cerca de 1.500 toneladas de pólen de abelha são produzidas anualmente em todo o mundo, especialmente em países como Espanha, China, Austrália, Argentina e Brasil. Apesar da importância do pólen na cadeia produtiva apícola, muito pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos das variações climáticas sobre a coleta e a produtividade de pólen. Neste estudo, foi monitorado o desempenho da coleta de pólen de 24 colônias de abelhas africanizadas, em diferentes condições climáticas, por um período de um ano. Analisaram-se estatisticamente as interações dos dados obtidos para o número de abelhas operárias que retornaram com cargas de pólen nas corbículas e 12 variáveis climáticas, a fim de se produzir um modelo estatístico preditivo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que sete variáveis climáticas influenciaram significativamente a coleta de pólen: temperatura máxima do dia, temperatura mínima do dia, temperatura do ponto de orvalho, umidade relativa, cobertura de nuvens, precipitação pluviométrica e data da amostragem. Esta pesquisa traz informações importantes para o desenvolvimento de um sistema produtivo de pólen apícola mais eficaz.(AU)

Animals , Bees/growth & development , Climate Change/classification , Pollen/growth & development , Pollination