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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564921


En el Club de Boxeo MAS Holding, en Sri Lanka, se constatan insuficiencias en las relaciones entre las áreas organizativas de la estructura actual y con ello, poca coherencia de acciones estratégicas para el logro de los objetivos de la institución deportiva; ello se manifiesta en la poca estabilidad de los resultados competitivos nacional e internacionalmente, lo anterior asociado a que la estructura organizativa responde a criterios muy pragmáticos y utilitarios, resulta insuficiente y se ha convertido en una barrera que impide asumir, creadoramente, los cambios del entorno. La investigación tiene como objetivo determinar los componentes de una estructura para la gestión deportiva del Club de Boxeo MAS Holding, Sri Lanka. El resultado está en la concepción teórica de la estructura organizacional para el Club de Boxeo Mas Holding que responde a los fundamentos jurídicos, políticos y administrativos del país, y da respuesta a las exigencias de cambios para el desarrollo de la actividad deportiva. Se sostiene dicha estructura en principios como la eficiencia, el carácter dinámico, flexible e innovador y sujeta a cambios, según los escenarios que se presenten al boxeo.

No MAS Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka, existem insuficiências nas relações entre as áreas organizacionais da estrutura atual e, com isso, pouca coerência de ações estratégicas para a consecução dos objetivos da instituição esportiva; isso se manifesta na pouca estabilidade dos resultados competitivos nacionais e internacionais, isso associado ao fato de que a estrutura organizacional responde a critérios muito pragmáticos e utilitários, é insuficiente e se tornou uma barreira que a impede de assumir, criativamente, as mudanças do ambiente. A pesquisa tem como objetivo determinar os componentes de uma estrutura para a gestão esportiva do MAS Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka. O resultado é a concepção teórica da estrutura organizacional do Mas Holding Boxing Club que atende aos fundamentos legais, políticos e administrativos do país e responde às demandas de mudança para o desenvolvimento da atividade esportiva. Essa estrutura se baseia em princípios como eficiência, caráter dinâmico, flexível e inovador e está sujeita a mudanças, de acordo com os cenários que surgem no boxe.

In the MAS Holding Boxing Club, in Sri Lanka, there are insufficiencies in the relationships between the organizational areas of the current structure and with it, little coherence of strategic actions to achieve the objectives of the sports institution; this is manifested in the poor stability of competitive results nationally and internationally, the above, associated with the fact that the organizational structure responds to very pragmatic and utilitarian criteria, is insufficient and has become a barrier that prevents creatively assuming the changes in the environment. The research aims to determine the components of a structure for the sports management of the MAS Holding Boxing Club, Sri Lanka. The result is in the theoretical conception of the organizational structure for the Mas Holding Boxing Club that responds to the legal, political and administrative foundations of the country, and responds to the demands for changes for the development of sporting activity. This structure is supported by principles such as efficiency, dynamic, flexible and innovative character and subject to change, depending on the scenarios presented to boxing.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 382-389, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538151


The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil using hydrotropic solvents was investigated. Palmarosa oil possesses an appealing rose aroma and properties like anti - inflammatory, antifungal, and antioxidant due to the presence of geraniol. The extraction of geraniol from palmarosa oil by using distillation methods like steam dis tillation and fractional distillation was a laborious process. So hydrotropes were tried for extraction. The geraniol yield and purity depend on parameters like concentration of hydrotrope, solvent volume ratio, and time period. Using the Box Benkhem Desig n (BBD), the extraction process was optimized. One of the major advantages of using hydrotropic solvents is that they were classified as green solvents, and recovery of solvents is also possible. To reduce the extraction time probe sonication is carried ou t. Different hydrotropic solvents with probe sonication are done on palmarosa oil by altering various process parameters to study the separation, yield, and purity.

Se investigó la extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa utilizando solventes hidrotrópicos. El aceite de palmarosa posee un atractivo aroma a rosa y propiedades antiinflamatorias, antifúngicas y antioxidantes debido a la pr esencia de geraniol. La extracción de geraniol del aceite de palmarosa mediante métodos de destilación como la destilación por vapor y la destilación fraccionada ha sido un proceso laborioso. Por lo tanto, se probaron los hidrotropos para la extracción. El rendimiento y la pureza del geraniol dependen de parámetros como la concentración del hidrotropo, la relación de volumen del solvente y el período de tiempo. Se optimizó el proceso de extracción usando el diseño Box Benkhem (BBD). Una de las principales v entajas de usar solventes hidrotrópicos es que se clasifican como solventes verdes y también es posible recuperar los solventes. Para reducir el tiempo de extracción, se lleva a cabo una sonda de ultrasonido. Se realizan diferentes solventes hidrotropos co n sonda de ultrasonido en el aceite de palmarosa alterando varios parámetros del proceso para estudiar la separación, el rendimiento y la pureza.

Plant Oils/chemistry , Cymbopogon/chemistry , Acyclic Monoterpenes/chemistry , Chromatography, Gas
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 308-316, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558118


En la asignatura de anatomía aún existen estudiantes que no se encuentran motivados con su propio proceso de aprendizaje. El rol del docente es un factor extrínseco clave que contribuye a dicha vinculación afectiva. El Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) es un modelo educativo que propone una serie de pautas de aplicación docente para poder activar en los alumnos sus redes neuronales afectivas, asociadas con la formación de estudiantes decididos y motivados. El objetivo de este estudio es crear una propuesta de intervención, basada en el uso selectivo de las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA, para mejorar la práctica docente y la motivación de los estudiantes en anatomía. Es una investigación acción que utiliza el modelo de Whitehead, implicando el cruce conceptual y metodológico entre las pautas de compromiso afectivo del DUA y las fases y factores que determinan la motivación. Corresponde a la programación de seis sesiones de laboratorio de anatomía, los instrumentos para la recopilación de la información y las técnicas de análisis de la misma. La propuesta de intervención presenta un valor teórico ya que fue diseñada a partir de un análisis exhaustivo del DUA y de las publicaciones existentes sobre la motivación, y un valor práctico que se sustenta en su aplicabilidad directa y recursiva en los laboratorios de anatomía y en la incorporación del DUA en el currículum de una asignatura de educación superior. La motivación es el motor de la educación, ya que impulsa y mantiene el quehacer académico tanto a nivel estudiantil como docente. El DUA permite que los docentes aborden la desmotivación de los estudiantes de una forma accesible, precisa y confiable, lo que llevó a considerarlo como uno de los pilares de la propuesta de intervención.

SUMMARY: In anatomy courses there are still students who are not motivated by their own learning process. The teacher´s role is a key extrinsic factor that contributes to this bonding process. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational model that proposes a series of teaching application guidelines to activate students' affective neural networks, associated with the formation of motivated students. The objective of this study is to create an intervention proposal, based on the selective use of the UDL affective commitment guidelines, to improve teaching practice and student motivation in anatomy. It is an action research that uses Whitehead's model, involving the conceptual and methodological intersection between the UDL's affective commitment guidelines and the phases and factors that determine motivation. It corresponds to the programming of six anatomy laboratory sessions, the instruments for collecting information and the techniques for analyzing it. The intervention proposal has a theoretical value since it was designed based on an exhaustive analysis of the UDL and existing publications on motivation, and a practical value that is based on its direct and recursive applicability in anatomy laboratories and in the incorporation of the UDL in the curriculum of a higher education subject. Motivation is the driving force of education, since it drives and maintains academic work at both the student and teacher level. The UDL allows teachers to address student lack of motivation in an accessible, precise and reliable way, considering this one of the pillars of the intervention proposal.

Humans , Students, Dental/psychology , Anatomy/education , Learning , Motivation , Universal Design
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 72-81, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569513


RESUMEN Antecedentes: El accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) es una de las principales causas de discapacidad permanente, ya que puede provocar lesiones cerebrales graves con secuelas físicas significativas, limitando la capacidad de realizar actividades diarias. Objetivo: Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar un sistema robótico de movimiento pasivo-continuo para la rehabilitación de miembros inferiores en pacientes adultos con ACV, mejorando así las probabilidades de recuperación de su movilidad de marcha. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo el modelado y simulación del sistema robótico mediante Diseño Asistido por Computadora (CAD), utilizando el software de ingeniería Autodesk Inventor Professional 2023. Resultados: Se obtuvieron las posiciones iniciales y finales del sistema robótico, así como la simulación de movimiento pasivo-continuo. Conclusiones: La toma de medidas precisas de un paciente maximiza la posibilidad de implementar un prototipo funcional que contribuya en el proceso de rehabilitación.

ABSTRACT Background: Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of the main causes of permanent disability, as it can cause serious brain injuries with significant physical consequences, limiting the ability to perform daily activities. Objective: This research aimed to design a robotic system of passive-continuous movement for the rehabilitation of lower limbs in adult patients with stroke, thus improving the chances of recovery of their walking mobility. Methodology: Modeling and simulation of the robotic system using Computer Aided Design (CAD), using the engineering software Autodesk Inventor Professional 2023. Results: The initial and final positions of the robotic system were obtained, as well as the simulation of passive-continuous movement. Conclusions: Taking precise measurements of a patient maximizes the possibility of implementing a functional prototype that contributes to the rehabilitation process.

Medisur ; 22(1)feb. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558536


En la investigación clínica es crucial realizar una selección adecuada del diseño de investigación. Cada tipo de diseño cumple con diferentes objetivos, desde examinar prevalencias mediante diseños transversales hasta analizar exposiciones a lo largo del tiempo en estudios de cohorte. Los diseños de investigación pueden ser clasificados en primarios, como los ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, o secundarios, como las revisiones. También se dividen en experimentales, que evalúan intervenciones, y observacionales que simplemente observan sin intervenir. Al elegir el diseño más apropiado, se deben tener en cuenta la pregunta de investigación, los recursos disponibles y las consideraciones éticas. Una elección acertada garantiza la validez y aplicabilidad de los resultados, lo cual resulta beneficioso tanto para la medicina como para los pacientes.

In clinical research, it is crucial to make an appropriate selection of the research design. Each type of design meets different objectives, from examining prevalences through cross-sectional designs to analyzing exposures over time in cohort studies. Research designs can be classified as primary, such as randomized clinical trials, or secondary, such as reviews. They are also divided into experimental, which evaluate interventions, and observational, which simply observe without intervening. When choosing the most appropriate design, the research question, available resources, and ethical considerations should be taken into account. A correct choice guarantees the validity and applicability of the results, which is beneficial for both medicine and patients.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 157-164, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559665


La eficacia de una nueva intervención se establece generalmente a través de ensayos clínicos (EC) con asignación aleatoria (AA). Sin embargo, entre otros tantos desafíos metodológicos, el especificar la hipótesis de un EC con AA, sigue siendo un problema complejo de resolver para los investigadores clínicos. En este manuscrito discutimos las características de tres variantes de los EC con AA: EC de superioridad (ECS), EC de no-inferioridad (ECNI), y EC de equivalencia (ECE). Estos tres tipos de EC tienen supuestos diferentes sobre los efectos de una intervención, por lo que plantear hipótesis y definir objetivos requiere conocer algunos supuestos subyacentes a estos EC, incluso hasta elementos relacionados con la estimación del tamaño de muestra para cada cual. El objetivo de este manuscrito fue describir las diferencias metodológicas entre ECS, ECNI y ECE.

Efficacy and effectivity of new interventions are generally established through randomized clinical trials (RCTs). However, among many other methodological challenges, specifying the hypothesis of a RCT remains complex problem for clinical researchers. In this manuscript we discuss the characteristics of three variants of RCTs: superiority RCT (SRCT), non-inferiority RCT (NIRCT), and equivalence RCT (ERCT). These three types of RCT have different assumptions about the effects of an intervention, so setting hypotheses and defining objectives requires knowing some assumptions underlying these RCTs, including elements related to the estimation of the sample size for each one. The aim of this manuscript was to describe methodological differences between SRCT, NIRCT and ERCT.

Clinical Trials as Topic , Research Design , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Equivalence Trials as Topic
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 34(1): 69-75, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565546


RESUMEN El diseño asistido por computadora y la fabricación asistida por ordenador (CAD-CAM, por sus siglas en inglés) se ha aplicado en odontología para la confección y el análisis de diversos tratamientos dentales. Inicia con la captura de imágenes a través de escáneres intraorales, contando con diversos tipos de softwares y sistemas de exportación de imágenes y tecnología. Las ventajas de este flujo de trabajo digital son el mejor ajuste, el empleo de menor tiempo clínico y la celeridad en tratamientos dentales, además de que brinda una mayor practicidad en el uso de los cirujanos dentistas. La precisión que brinda es clínicamente aceptable en comparación con los métodos convencionales, por lo cual existe suficiente evidencia para su validez; sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta que diversos factores pueden alterar el resultado, como la experiencia del operador, el tipo de escáner, el tipo de software, la actualización del software, el principio de escaneo del escáner, el ambiente, la secuencia de escaneo y las estructuras bucales. El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo analizar la literatura sobre las diferentes características y propiedades que presentan los escáneres intraorales en la actualidad, así como la evidencia de los posibles beneficios y la precisión de las técnicas de impresión digital frente a las técnicas de impresión convencionales.

ABSTRACT Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) has been applied in dentistry for the preparation and analysis of various dental treatments. It starts with capturing images through intraoral scanners, having different types of software and image export systems and technology. The advantages of this digital workflow are the following: better adjustment, shorter clinical time, and speed in dental treatments, in addition to providing greater practicality for dental surgeons. The accuracy he provide is clinically acceptable in comparison with conventional methods, so there is sufficient evidence for their validity; however, it should be taken into account that several factors can alter the result, such as the operator's experience, the type of scanner, the type of software, the software update, the scanning principle of the scanner, the environment, the scanning sequence, and the oral structures. The present review article aims to analyze the literature on the different characteristics and properties that intraoral scanners present today and the evidence of the potential benefits and accuracy of digital impression techniques versus conventional impression techniques.

RESUMO O desenho assistido por computador e o fabrico assistido por computador (CAD-CAM) têm sido aplicados na medicina dentária para a preparação e análise de vários tratamentos dentários. Começa com a captura de imagens através de scanners intraorais, com vários tipos de software e sistemas e tecnologia de exportação de imagens. As vantagens deste fluxo de trabalho digital são as seguintes: melhor ajuste, menor tempo clínico, rapidez nos tratamentos dentários, além de proporcionar maior praticidade no uso dos cirurgiões-dentistas. A precisão que proporcionam é clinicamente aceitável quando comparada com os métodos convencionais, pelo que existem evidências suficientes para a sua validade; no entanto, deve ter-se em conta que vários fatores podem alterar o resultado, tais como a experiência do operador, o tipo de scanner, o tipo de software, a atualização do software, o princípio de digitalização do scanner, o ambiente, a sequência de digitalização e as estruturas orais. Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo analisar a literatura sobre as diferentes características e propriedades dos scanners intraorais atuais, bem como a evidência dos potenciais benefícios e precisão das técnicas de moldagem digital em comparação com as técnicas de moldagem convencionais.

Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2439, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557946


RESUMEN La investigación se erige como un pilar fundamental que distingue a la universidad como una entidad de relevancia institucional y social. Esta afirmación es particularmente verídica en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud, donde no solo se espera que las instituciones educativas generen conocimiento en beneficio de la sociedad, sino que también moldeen individuos capacitados para sumergirse en la investigación y fortalecer esta premisa vital. En este contexto, emergen conceptos intrincados que delinean la naturaleza y el propósito de la investigación en el ámbito académico. La investigación científica, por un lado, se alza como el motor principal que impulsa el avance del conocimiento, y pone énfasis en el método riguroso y sistemático para desentrañar los misterios de la realidad. Por otro lado, la formación para la investigación se erige como un vehículo educativo primordial para cultivar mentes analíticas y curiosas, que dota a los futuros profesionales con las herramientas necesarias para indagar y contribuir al progreso científico. Asimismo, la investigación formativa, si bien menos conocida, desempeña un rol crucial al integrar la investigación en la experiencia de aprendizaje, lo cual fomenta habilidades de pensamiento crítico y resolución de problemas desde etapas tempranas. En esta travesía educativa e investigativa, diversos actores y componentes adquieren protagonismo. Los institutos de investigación se presentan como pilares fundamentales, ya que proporcionan el ambiente propicio para la colaboración interdisciplinaria y el florecimiento de ideas innovadoras. Los docentes, por su parte, ejercen un rol de guías y mentores, transmitiendo su experiencia y conocimientos a las nuevas generaciones de profesionales. Además, las actividades extracurriculares o extraprogramáticas en el área de la investigación surgen como terrenos fértiles para la expansión de horizontes intelectuales, que ofrecen espacios para la exploración creativa y la aplicación práctica de los conocimientos adquiridos por los alumnos. No obstante, estos conceptos y componentes no están exentos de desafíos y controversias en su integración dentro de los programas académicos. La implementación de estos enfoques en los niveles de pregrado y posgrado requiere un análisis profundo de sus objetivos y metas específicas. Las discusiones en torno a la ponderación del tiempo y los recursos dedicados a la investigación frente a otros aspectos curriculares son una constante. La presente revisión se propone delinear y definir de manera precisa los conceptos de investigación científica, formación para la investigación e investigación formativa, así como subrayar el papel cardinal que desempeñan los institutos de investigación, los docentes y las actividades extracurriculares en la configuración de programas académicos en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud.

ABSTRACT Research stands as a fundamental pillar that recognizes the university as an entity of institutional and social relevance. This statement is particularly true in the field of health sciences, where educational institutions are expected not only to generate knowledge for the benefit of society but also to shape individuals capable of immersing themselves in research and strengthening this vital premise. In this context, intricate concepts that outline the nature and purpose of research in the academia emerge. Scientific research, on the one hand, arises as the driving force behind the advancement of knowledge, emphasizing rigorous and systematic methods to unravel the mysteries of reality. On the other hand, research training stands as a pivotal educational vehicle for nurturing analytical and curious minds, providing future professionals with the necessary tools to inquire and contribute to scientific progress. Similarly, formative research, although less known, plays a crucial role in integrating research into the learning experience, which fosters critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities from early stages. In this educational and research journey, various actors and components take center stage. Research centers arise as fundamental pillars, as they provide the conducive environment to interdisciplinary collaboration and development of innovative ideas. Educators, on their part, play the role of counselors and mentors by sharing their experience and knowledge with the new generations of professionals. Furthermore, extracurricular or nonacademic activities in the area of research emerge as fertile grounds for the expansion of intellectual horizons, offering spaces for creative exploration and practical application of the knowledge acquired by students. However, these concepts and components are not free of challenges and controversies when integrating into the academic programs. Implementing these approaches at the undergraduate and graduate levels requires an in-depth analysis of their specific objectives and goals. Discussions regarding the balance of time and resources devoted to research versus other curricular aspects remain a constant. This review aims to accurately outline and define the concepts of scientific research, research training and formative research, as well as to highlight the leading role played by research centers, educators and extracurricular activities in shaping academic programs in the field of health sciences.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012789


Objective To prepare silymarin phospholipids complex(SM-PC) and investigate its physicochemical properties. Methods On the basis of single-factor tests, the drug-lipid ratio, drug concentration and reaction temperature were selected as the factors of the central composite design and response surface methodology in the preparation of SM-PC by solvent volatilization, and the best process was optimized with the compound rate as the index. And its in vitro dissolution was measured. Results The optimum preparation technology of SM-PC was as follows: acetone was used as compound solvent, the concentration of SM was 8.0 mg/ml, the mass ratio of SM to phospholipid was 1∶1.8, the reaction temperature was 56 ℃ and the recombination rate was(95.15±1.55)% with deviation of less than 3%. The in vitro dissolution test showed that the dissolution of SM-PC was close to 90% in 60 min. The dissolution behavior of main component of silybin was similar to that of silymarin capsules(Legalon ®), which was higher than SM-API. Conclusion SM-PC was successfully prepared by central composite design response surface method, which significantly improved the dissolution and laid a foundation for the study of subsequent preparations.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016924


ObjectiveTo improve the response capabilities to disasters and prevent major epidemics, it is of practical use to study the capability evaluation system of the national emergency medical rescue team that combines theoretical training and practical exercises, to enhance the overall quality of the teams. MethodsFirst, a capability assessment system for the national emergency medical rescue team was constructed based on the INSARAG External Classification (IEC) standards of the national emergency medical rescue team. Then, based on the outcome based education (OBE) concept, we conducted innovative research on the curriculum design and exercise programs for team building and member training. Finally, an empirical analysis was conducted on the effectiveness of the evaluation system and training exercises based on the statistical analysis of the comprehensive quality evaluation of the Shanghai national emergency medical rescue team from 2020 to 2023, as well as the empirical analysis of the rescue exercise on the Cruise of spectrum. ResultsBased on the linear regression analysis of each core competency indicators, the five core competencies in the evaluation system, including rescue skills, medical and health knowledge, disaster coping ability, team cooperation ability, and mental resilience training, were positively correlated with the cumulative number of trainings (r=0.71, r=0.76, r=0.81, r=0.84, r=0.96,all P<0.05), indicating that the training was effective and the course design was reasonable. Empirical cases showed that the three-dimensional rescue drill model had remarkable results in the actual combat application and ability improvement of team members. ConclusionThe training courses and drills designed based on the three-level assessment system are effective in improving the comprehensive capabilities of the national emergency medical rescue team.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017264


Objective:To establish and assess the precision of pre-surgical condyle position planning using mandibular movement trajectory data for orthognathic surgery.Methods:Skull data from large-field cone beam computed tomography(CBCT)and dental oral scan data were imported into IVSPlan 1.0.25 software for 3D reconstruction and fusion,creating 3D models of the maxilla and mandible.Trajectory da-ta of mandibular movement were collected using a mandibular motion recorder,and the data were inte-grated with the jaw models within the software.Subsequently,three-dimensional trajectories of the con-dyle were obtained through matrix transformations,rendering them visually accessible.A senior oral and maxillofacial surgeon with experience in both diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint disease and orthognathic surgery selected the appropriate condyle position using the condyle movement trajectory interface.During surgical design,the mobile mandibular proximal segment was positioned accordingly.Routine orthognathic surgical planning was completed by determining the location of the mandibular distal segment,which was based on occlusal relationships with maxilla and facial aesthetics.A virtual mandible model was created by integrating data from the proximal and distal segment bone.Subsequently,a solid model was generated through rapid prototyping.The titanium plate was pre-shaped on the mandibular model,and the screw hole positions were determined to design a condylar positioning guide device.In accordance with the surgical plan,orthognathic surgery was performed,involving mandibular bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO).The distal segment of the mandible was correctly aligned inter-maxillary,while the proximal bone segment was positioned using the condylar positioning guide device and the pre-shaped titanium plate.The accuracy of this procedure was assessed in a study involving 10 patients with skeletal class Ⅱ malocclusion.Preoperative condyle location planning and intraoperative po-sitioning were executed using the aforementioned techniques.CBCT data were collected both before the surgery and 2 weeks after the procedure,and the root mean square(RMS)distance between the preope-rative design position and the actual postoperative condyle position was analyzed.Results:The RMS of the condyle surface distance measured was(1.59±0.36)mm(95%CI:1.35-1.70 mm).This value was found to be significantly less than 2 mm threshold recommended by the expert consensus(P<0.05).Conclusion:The mandibular trajectory may play a guiding role in determining the position of the mandibular proximal segment including the condyle in the orthognathic surgery.Through the use of a con-dylar positioning guide device and pre-shaped titanium plates,the condyle positioning can be personalized and customized with clinically acceptable accuracy.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017267


Objective:To compare the trueness of incisal guidance of implant-supported single crowns designed by patient-specific motion(PSM)with that designed by average-value virtual articulator(AVA).Methods:The study had recruited 12 participants with complete dentition and stable incisal guidance.An intraoral scanner was used to scan digital casts and record two types of patient-specific mo-tion(data only including protrusive movement,and data including protrusive movement and lateral pro-trusive movement).The lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors which guided the protrusive movement was selected and elevated to create a reference cast.A maxillary central incisor of original casts was vir-tually extracted and implanted to generate a working cast.The Dental system software program was used to design implant-supported single crowns with the anatomical coping design method.The incisal guidance was designed by different methods.The incisal guidance in control group was designed by the average-value virtual articulator.The incisal guidance in experiment groups was designed by the patient-specific motion only including protrusive movement(PSM1)and with the patient-specific motion including protru-sive movement and lateral protrusive movement(PSM2).The incisal guidance of prosthesis designed by these 3 methods were compared with the original incisal guidance in Geomagic Control 2015(3DSystem,America).The measurements included:Average of positive values,ratio of positive area and maximum value reflecting supra-occlusion;average of negative values,ratio of negative area and minimum value re-flecting over-correction;and root mean square reflecting overall deviation.Results:Statistical data were collected using the median(interquartile range)method.The average of positive values,ratio of positive area and average of negative values of the PSM2 group were smaller than those of the control group[8.0(18.8)μm vs.37.5(47.5)μm;0vs.7.2%(38.1%);-109.0(63.8)μm vs.-66.5(64.5)μm],and the ratio of negative area of PSM2 group was larger than those of the control group[52.9%(47.8%)vs.17.3%(45.3%)],with significant differences(P all<0.05).The ratio of positive area[0.1%(7.0%)]and average of negative values[-97.0(61.5)μm]of PSM1 group,were smaller than those of the control group,and the ratio of negative area[40.7%(39.2%)]of the PSM1 group was larger than that of the control group,with significant differences(P<0.05).The average of positive values[20.0(42.0)μm]and ratio of positive area of PSM1 group was larger than that of the PSM2 group with significant differences(P<0.05).Conclusion:To establish the incisor guidance of implant-supported single crowns,compared with the average-value virtual articulator and the patient-specific motion only including protrusive movement,the patient-specific motion including protrusive movement and lateral protrusive movement is more conducive to reducing the protrusive interference of prosthesis and improving the occlusal fit.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018335


Objective:To optimize the alcohol precipitation process of Quhan Zhufeng Granules.Methods:Taking the volume fraction of ethanol, the relative density of the concentrated solution and the standing time as the investigation factors, the Z value of the total evaluation of gentiopicrin content, oleanolic acid content and dry paste yield of gentiana macrophylla as the evaluation indexes, the star-point design-response surface method was used to optimize the alcohol precipitation process.Results:The optimal the alcohol precipitation process of Quhan Zhufeng Granules: concentration relative density 1.08 g/ml (90-95 ℃), alcohol precipitation at the end of volume fraction of 62% ethanol, standing for 16 h.Conclusion:The alcohol precipitation process using overall desirability and central composite design is stable and feasible, and has good predictability, which can provide experimental basis for further scale production.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 136-142, 2024.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018887


Objective To design a search and rescue UAV that is portable and user-friendly in order to meet the needs of rescue personnel on the battlefield.Methods Three-dimensional design software CATIA was used to complete the structural design of the UAV body.In order to make full use of the internal space of the UAV body,folding wings were adopted to reduce the volume of the UAV.By using ABAQUS,the finite elements of the key parts of the UAV were analyzed before the modal analysis of the whole vehicle was conducted to verify the reliability of the structure.The robot simulation software Webots was used for motion simulation of the UAV.Results Simulation analysis and test verification suggested that the structural design of the UAV was well-grounded.It could be quickly and properly deployed by means of hand launch or barrels,which made it easier for rescuers to use the UAV.Conclusion The design and simulation research of UAVs with portable folding wings for search and rescue is of great significance for the research and development of physical prototypes.This study is expected to stimulate new ideas for the development of rescue equipment in the PLA,and contribute to miniaturization of UAVs.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018974


Objective:To explore the impact of emergency response to public health emergencies on the efficiency of pre-hospital emergency work, and study the degree of impact on 120 ambulance dispatchers in Chongqing city during pre-periods and post-periods of the emergency intervention.Methods:Taking 120 phone answering and ambulance operation efficiency as the research subjects, we collected pre-hospital emergency case data from a city's emergency medical center, covering the period from November 10, 2021 to January 6, 2023. The cases were divided into groups according to the time periods of emergency response. A regression discontinuity design method was employed to compare the response of emergency intervention to the predictions (virtual cases) without the emergency intervention, obtaining the average intervention effect.Results:During the study period of 27 days, the number of 120 calls picked up within 10 seconds increased from 11 000 to 19 000, but the answering rate slightly decreased within 10 seconds. The vacancy rate of 120 ambulances during emergency response decreased from 0.39% to 0.20%, but the completion rate within 18 minutes decreased from 72% to 30%. In this particular emergency response period, the number of patient complaints (such as high fever and difficulty breathing) increased compared to the pre-period of emergency response.Conclusion:Emergency response significantly impacts pre-hospital emergency work such as emergency phone answering and ambulance operation efficiency. This study provides empirical research results and decision-making support for urban emergency medical services to respond to public health emergencies.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019895


Objective To optimize the spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules based on quality by design(QbD)concept.Methods Using powder yield and the contents of uridine,adenosine,guanosine,and(R,S)-goitron as the critical quality attributes(CQAs),Plackett-Burman design was used to screen out critical process parameters(CPPs)for inlet temperature,spray pressure,liquid temperature,pump speed,and liquid relative density.The central-composite design(CCD)test was used to optimize the CPPs,which were screened.Based on the quadratic polynomial regression model,the design space of spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules was established,and further validated by experiments.Results Plackett-burman test results show that liquid relative density and inlet velocity are the key parameters for the study.The variance analysis results of CCD test showed that the constructed model in a good prediction ability,since the P-values of model was less than 0.01 and P-values of items lack of fit was more than 0.05.The optimized design space of CPPs was the liquid relative density 1.05-1.08,and pump speed 30%-40%.Conclusion Based on the QbD concept,the design space for the spray drying process of Banlangen(Isatidis Radix)formula granules can improve the stability of its process and help ensure the consistency of product quality.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020555


In the field of dental aesthetics,digital aesthetic design plays a crucial role in helping dentists to predict treatment outcomes vis-ually,as well as in enhancing the consistency of knowledge and understanding of aesthetic goals between dentists and patients.It serves as the foundation for achieving ideal aesthetic effects.However,there is no clear standard for this digital process currently in China and abroad.Many dentists lack of systematic understanding of how to carry out digital aesthetic design for treatment.To establish standardized processes for dental aesthetic design and to improve the homogeneity of treatment outcomes,Chinese Society of Digital Dental Industry(CSD-DI)convened domestic experts in related field to compile this consensus.This article elaborates on the key aspects of digital aesthetic data collection,integration steps,and the digital aesthetic design process.It also formulates a decision tree for dental aesthetics at macro level and outlines corresponding workflows for various clinical scenarios,serving as a reference for clinicians.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021405


BACKGROUND:At present,there is a lack of an internal fixation system with good reduction and simple operation for the treatment of atlas burst fracture by posterior single-segment fixation. OBJECTIVE:Based on the atlas CT measurement data,a new posterior atlas fracture reduction and internal fixation system was designed and optimized,which was in line with the characteristics of human local anatomical structure,easy to operate and with good reduction. METHODS:CT images of 347 adults were analyzed retrospectively.In the images,the length of pedicle screw track with a medial inclination of 0°,the angle of the maximum medial inclination angle and the length of pedicle screw track at this time,the height of vertebral artery groove,the distance between the entry points of bilateral pedicle screws and the midline,the radius of the posterior arch of atlas,the distance between the posterior tubercle of the atlas and the posterior edge of the foramen magnum,and the distance between the posterior tubercle of the atlas and the upper surface of the axial arch were measured.The imaging data were analyzed and a reduction and internal fixation system was designed and optimized for atlas fracture in line with human anatomical characteristics. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)There was no statistically significant difference in the the length of pedicle screw track with a medial inclination of 0°,the maximum medial inclination angle and the length of pedicle screw track at this time,the height of vertebral artery groove,the distance between the entry points of bilateral pedicle screws and the midline,the radius of the posterior arch of atlas,the distance between the posterior tubercle of the atlas and the posterior edge of the foramen magnum,and the distance between the posterior tubercle of the atlas and the upper surface of the axial arch measured on the left and right sides of all subjects(P>0.05).There were statistically significant differences in each index measured between the male and female groups(P<0.05).(2)The new posterior atlas fracture reduction and internal fixation system has been successfully designed and obtained the national patent.The internal fixation system is suitable for the anatomical characteristics of the posterior arch of the atlas.It can not only effectively treat the atlas burst fracture,but also retain the movement function of the occipital atlantoaxial joint.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021427


BACKGROUND:Red light irradiation and silver ion dressing are mostly used to treat chronic difficult healing wounds clinically,but the optimal irradiation time of red light irradiation and silver ion dressing for chronic non-healing wounds,and the combination of different silver ion dressings have not been determined. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the optimal irradiation time and dressing combination of red light and silver ion dressing in the therapy of chronic non-healing wounds. METHODS:The chronic non-healing wound model was made by applying Staphylococcus aureus on the whole skin defect and subcutaneous hydrocortisone injection in SD rats.72 rat models were randomly divided into 4 groups with 18 rats in each group by random number table method.The rats were treated on the basis of standard dressing change and the following therapy:A1B1 group(red irradiation 20 minutes + lipid hydrocolloidal silver sulfate dressing),A1B2 group(red light irradiation 20 minutes + calcium alginate fiber dressing),A2B1 group(red light irradiation 30 minutes + lipid hydrocolloidal silver sulfate dressing),and A2B2 group(red light irradiation 30 minutes + calcium alginate fiber dressing);change dressing,irradiate once,and change dressing every 24 hours.After 14 days of continuous treatment,wound healing rate,bacterial colony number,inflammatory response,histomorphology and angiogenesis were detected in each group. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)With the extension of treatment time,the wound healing rate of rats in the four groups was increased,and the wound healing rate of rats in the A2B2 group at 3,7,and 14 days after treatment was higher than that in the other three groups(P<0.05).(2)The wound bacterial culture results on day 7 after treatment demonstrated that the number of bacterial colonies in the A2B2 group was lower than that in the other three groups(P<0.05).Western blot assay exhibited that with the extension of treatment time,the protein expressions of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-6 in wound tissue of rats in the four groups were decreased,while the protein expressions of interleukin-10 were increased.The protein expressions of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-6 in the A2B2 group were lower than those in the other three groups(P<0.05).The protein expression of interleukin-10 in the A2B2 group was higher than that of the other three groups(P<0.05).(3)The wound hematoxylin-eosin staining on day 14 after treatment demonstrated that a large number of collagen fibers in the A2B2 group were parallel distributed and the most closely connected,which was significantly better than the other three groups.(4)The results of immunofluorescence staining indicated that the fluorescence intensity expression of CD31 in the A2B2 group was higher than that in the A1B1,A1B2 and A2B1 groups(P<0.05).q-PCR detection at 3,7,and 14 days after treatment exhibited that the mRNA expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor a and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 in the A2B2 group were higher than those in the other three groups(P<0.05).Western blot assay at 3,7 and 14 days after treatment revealed that the protein expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor a and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 in the A2B2 group were higher than those in the other three groups(P<0.05).(5)These findings confirm that 30 minutes of red light irradiation combined with silver alginate fiber dressing has better results in treatment of chronic non-healing wounds.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021557


BACKGROUND:Scaffold materials serve as platforms that provide space and structure,playing a crucial role in the regeneration of cartilage tissue.Scholars from around the world are exploring different approaches to fabricate more ideal scaffold materials. OBJECTIVE:To review the design principles and preparation methods of cartilage scaffolds,and to further explore the advantages and limitations of various preparation methods. METHODS:Literature searches were conducted on the databases of CNKI,WanFang Data,PubMed,and FMRS from 1998 to 2023.The search terms were"cartilage repair,cartilage tissue engineering,cartilage scaffold materials,preparation"in Chinese and English.A total of 57 articles were ultimately reviewed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)The articular cartilage has a unique structure and limited self-repair capacity after injury.Even if self-repair occurs,the newly formed cartilage is typically fibrocartilage,which is far inferior to normal articular cartilage in terms of structure and mechanical properties.It is difficult to maintain normal function and often leads to degenerative changes.Currently,the design and fabrication of scaffold materials for cartilage repair need to consider the following aspects:biocompatibility and biodegradability,suitable pore structure and porosity,appropriate mechanical properties,and bioactivity.(2)Research on the preparation of cartilage scaffolds has made significant progress,continuously introducing new preparation methods and optimization strategies.These methods have their advantages and disadvantages,providing more possibilities for customized preparation and functional design of cartilage scaffolds according to specific requirements.
