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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553578


The aim of this article was to analyze the literature on technological development in telemedicine through bibliometrics, by identifying the state of the art, research gaps, and trends in the literature. The analysis covers a total of 67 articles related to the field of study, published between 2010-2020 in the Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science, and Scopus databases. The data was processed using the software StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics, and Iramuteq. The results presented bibliometric analysis of the articles, classified into the areas of Management (52.2%), IT (25.4%), and Medicine (22.4%), along with a Table of 34 suggestions for future research. Literature trends encompassed six study clusters (health, study, service, technology, patient, and telemedicine), which further subdivided into nine research themes (digital platform, telemedicine service management, telemedicine service operation, end-user perception, business opportunities, healthcare professional perception, covid-19, regulation, and robotics). An observed outcome was a significant increase in the number of publications in the area due to covid-19.

O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a literatura acerca do desenvolvimento tecnológico na telemedicina, por meio da bibliometria, ao identificar o estado da arte, lacunas de pesquisa e tendências na literatura. Analisou-se 67 artigos relacionados ao campo de estudo, publicados entre 2010-2020 nas bases de dados Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science e Scopus. O tratamento dos dados se deu por meio dos softwares StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics e Iramuteq. Os resultados apresentaram a análise bibliométrica dos artigos, classificados nas áreas de Gestão (52,2%), TI (25,4%) e Medicina (22,4%), e uma tabela com 34 sugestões para pesquisas futuras. As tendências da literatura envolveram seis classes de estudo (saúde, estudo, serviço, tecnologia, paciente e telemedicina), que se subdividiram em nove temas de pesquisa (plataforma digital, gestão do serviço de telemedicina, operação do serviço de telemedicina, percepção do usuário final, oportunidades de negócios, percepção de profissionais de saúde, covid-19, regulamentação e robótica). Observou-se aumento significativo no número de publicações na área devido à covid-19.

El objetivo de este artículo fue analizar la literatura sobre el desarrollo tecnológico en la telemedicina me-diante bibliometría, identificando el estado del arte, las lagunas de investigación y las tendencias en la literatura. Se analizaron un total de 67 artículos relacionados con el campo de estudio, publicados entre 2010-2020 en las bases de datos de Springer Link, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, Web of Science y Scopus. Los datos fueron procesados utilizando los programas StArt, Excel, IBM SPSS Statistics e Iramuteq. Los resultados presentaron un análisis bibliométrico de los artículos, clasificados en las áreas de Gestión (52,2%), TI (25,4%) y Medicina (22,4%), junto con una tabla de 34 sugerencias para futuras investiga-ciones. Las tendencias en la literatura abarcaron seis clases de estudio (salud, estudio, servicio, tecnología, paciente y telemedicina), que se subdividieron en nueve temas de investigación (plataforma digital, gestión del servicio de telemedicina, operación del servicio de telemedicina, percepción del usuario final, oportuni-dades de negocio, percepción de los profesionales de la salud, covid-19, regulación y robótica). Un resultado observado fue un aumento significativo en el número de publicaciones en el área debido al covid-19.

Bibliometrics , Databases, Bibliographic , Telemedicine , COVID-19 , Technological Development , Health Personnel
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 850-866, out.-dez. 2023.
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1531979


Low user engagement in m-Health applications has been driving the use of retention techniques that aim to ensure a satisfactory long-term user experience. The aim was to understand the experience of hypertensive patients interacting with a mobile health application for 12 months. A qualitative/exploratory study was conducted after 12 months, with the same experimental group of participants as the non-randomized con-trolled clinical trial conducted in 2019. The mean age of the 16 participants was 57 years (SD=8), of which11 were female. All had low socioeconomic and educational levels. Content analysis showed no engagement with the m-health app over time. The main factors contributing to the lack of engagement were; inability of the user to use the app, lack of support and technical problems. When designing m-Health interventions, it is important to understand users' behavioral characteristics, motivations for treatment, level of involve-ment in health care, and ability to use technology

O baixo envolvimento dos usuários em aplicativos m-Health vem impulsionando o uso de técnicas de retenção que visam garantir uma experiência do usuário (UX) satisfatória a longo prazo. Objetivou-se compreender a experiência de pacientes hipertensos interagindo com um aplicativo de saúde móvel (m-Health) durante 12 meses. Realizou-se estudo qualitativo/exploratório após 12 meses, com o mesmo grupo experimental de participantes do ensaio-clínico controlado e não-randomizado realizado em 2019. A idade média dos 16 participantes foi de 57 anos (DP=8); 11 eram do sexo feminino, com baixos níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais. A análise de conteúdo não mostrou nenhum envolvimento ao longo do tempo usando o aplicativo m-Health. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para a falta de envolvimento foram: incapacidade do usuário de usar o aplicativo, falta de suporte e problemas técnicos. Ao propor intervenções que utilizem m-Health, é essencial conhecer características comportamentais dos usuários, motivações para o tratamento, nível de envolvimento nos cuidados com a saúde e sua capacidade de usar tecnologias

La baja participación de los usuarios en las aplicaciones de m-Health ha impulsado el uso de técnicas de retención que tienen como objetivo garantizar una experiencia de usuario satisfactoria a largo plazo. Se pretendió comprender la experiencia de pacientes hipertensos interactuando con una aplicación de salud móvil durante 12 meses. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo/exploratorio después de 12 meses, utilizando los participantes del ensayo clínico controlado no aleatorizado que se llevó a cabo en 2019. La edad media de los 16 participantes fue 57 años (SD=8); 11 mujeres, con niveles socioeconómicos y educativos bajos. El análisis de contenido no mostró compromiso a lo largo del tiempo utilizando la aplicación m-Health. Los principales factores contribuyentes fueron: incapacidad del usuario para utilizar la aplicación, falta de apoyo y problemas técnicos. Cuando se proponen intervenciones con m-Health, es esencial conocer las características de comportamiento de los usuarios, sus motivaciones para el tratamiento, nivel de implicación en el cuidado de la salud y capacidad para utilizar tecnologías

Humans , Telemedicine , Mobile Applications , Health Services Accessibility , Patients , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Hypertension
Rev. Rede cuid. saúde ; 16(2): 18-30, 15/12/2022.
文章 在 葡萄牙语, 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437943


Objetivo: Verificar a efetividade do aplicativo Ipelvis® na reabilitação de pacientes com incontinência urinária comparada com a fisioterapia pélvica convencional e domiciliar. Metodologia: Trata-se de um ensaio-clínico aleatorizado realizado 20 mulheres que apresentavam sintomas de incontinência urinária. Foram utilizados os instrumentos para avaliar antes e após a intervenção: The 3 Incontinence Questions, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire ­ Short Form e Qualidade de vida medida pelo King's Health Questionnaire. As participantes foram divididas aleatoriamente em grupos e receberam orientações de tratamento domiciliar por três meses, com o Grupo 1 utilizando o aplicativo como tratamento domiciliar e o Grupo 2, utilizou uma folha convencional com exercícios terapêuticos. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva. Resultados: Após intervenção, 85% das pacientes não apresentaram nenhum sintoma de incontinência, 10% apresentaram Incontinência urinária de esforço, 5% de Incontinência urinária de urgência e nenhuma paciente apresentou Incontinência urinária de mista, evidenciando a melhora do quadro das pacientes com incontinência urinária posteriormente à realização dos exercícios terapêuticos de assoalho pélvico em ambos os grupos. Conclusão: Os exercícios terapêuticos de assoalho pélvico foram eficazes para pacientes com incontinência urinária em ambos os grupos, mas os resultados foram mais eficazes no método de tratamento digital, por meio do aplicativo Ipelvis® quando comparado com o método tradicional por meio da folha.

Objective: To verify the effectiveness of the Ipelvis® application in the rehabilitation of patients with urinary incontinence compared to conventional and home pelvic physiotherapy. Methodology: This is a randomized clinical trial carried out with 20 women who had symptoms of urinary incontinence. The following instruments were used to assess before and after the intervention: The 3 Incontinence Questions, International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire ­ Short Form and Quality of life measured by the King's Health Questionnaire. Participants were randomly divided into groups and received home treatment guidelines for three months, with Group 1 using the app as home treatment and Group 2 using a conventional sheet with therapeutic exercises. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: After the intervention, 85% of the patients had no symptoms of incontinence, 10% had stress urinary incontinence, 5% had urge urinary incontinence and no patient had mixed urinary incontinence, showing the improvement in the condition of patients with urinary incontinence. after performing therapeutic pelvic floor exercises in both groups. Conclusion: Therapeutic pelvic floor exercises were effective for patients with urinary incontinence in both groups, but the results were more effective in the digital treatment method, through the Ipelvis® application, when compared to the traditional method through the sheet.

CoDAS ; 34(6): e20210274, 2022. tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375208


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a influência das variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas no limiar de reconhecimento de fala no ruído (LRF) obtidos no teste de dígitos no ruído (TDR) no Português Brasileiro em normo-ouvintes. Método Estudo transversal e prospectivo. A amostra de conveniência foi composta por 151 sujeitos normo-ouvintes com idade entre 12 e 79 anos (média =34,66) que realizaram audiometria tonal liminar e teste de dígitos no ruído branco com sequência de trios numéricos em estímulo diótico (inphase) no mesmo dia. O TDR foi realizado com um smartphone Motorola Z3 play com acesso à internet com fones de ouvido intra-auriculares. Os limiares de reconhecimento dos dígitos no ruído (LRF) foram analisados em função do sexo, idade, escolaridade e nível socioeconômico. Foi utilizado para comparar as amostras independentes, o teste não-paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5%. Resultados A média do LRF foi de -8,47 dBNA (dp -3,89), com mediana de -9,6 dBNA. O LRF foi proporcionalmente inverso à escolaridade e nível socioeconômico e mais negativo (isto é, melhor) com menor faixa-etária. Não houve evidência de influência do sexo no LRF do TDR. Conclusão Idade, escolaridade e nível socioeconômico mostraram influenciar o limiar no TDR; essas variáveis devem ser consideradas na análise de desempenho do TDR no Português Brasileiro em sujeitos normo-ouvintes.

ABSTRACT Purpose Verify how demographic and socioeconomic variables on the in-noise speech recognition threshold (SRT) from the digits-in-noise test (DIN) in Brazilian Portuguese influence normal-hearing subjects. Methods Cross-sectional, prospective study. The convenience sample had 151 normal-hearing subjects between 12 and 79 years (mean=34.66) who underwent pure tone audiometry and digits-in-noise test with white noise using a sequence of three numbers in diotic stimulus (in-phase) on the same day. The DIN was performed using a Motorola Z3 Play smartphone with internet access and in-ear headphones. In-noise digit speech recognition threshold (SRT) was analyzed for gender, age, educational levels, and socioeconomic status. We used the non-parametric version of the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests to compare independent samples adopting a significance level of 5%. Results The mean SRT was -8.47 dBNA (SD -3.89) with a median of -9.6 dBNA. The SRT was proportionally inverse to educational levels and socioeconomic status and more negative (better) with lower age groups. Gender did not influence the DIN SRT. Conclusion Age, educational levels, and socioeconomic status influenced the DIN threshold. These variables must be considered when analyzing DIN performance in Brazilian Portuguese in normal-hearing subjects.

Afr. health sci. (Online) ; 22(2 Special Issue: Makerere@100): 85-92, 2022. figures, tables
文章 在 英语 | AIM | ID: biblio-1400775


Introduction: Keeping HIV-infected adults away from the health care system during the COVID-19 travel restrictions, presents a challenge to HIV treatment adherence. Methods: This study focused on the initial two phases where Phase 1 designed a Makerere College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)-based application; and Phase 2 piloted patient enrolment onto the application and determined the feasibility of remote follow-up of patients receiving long-term antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results: A off/online user application, MakCHS Health app, was developed. Overall, 112 patients [(66(59%) female] receiving ART at Mulago ISS clinic, Kampala, were enrolled onto the MakCHS Health app. Up to 89 (80%) utilized the app to access medical help. Patients' medical queries included needs for drug refills, missed taking HIV medication, medical illnesses, access to COVID-19 vaccination and other personal needs that required clinicians' attention. Conclusion: Piloting a MakCHS Health application for patient follow-up was feasible and well-received by HIV treatment providers and patients receiving ART. We recommend scale up of the application to enroll all patients receiving long-term treatment for HIV/AIDS, and subsequently expand to. other HIV treatment programs in similar settings

HIV Infections , Patient Compliance , Continuity of Patient Care , Drug Therapy , COVID-19 , Cell Phone
Aval. psicol ; 20(1): 71-79, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus, tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1249046


Este estudo é uma revisão de literatura desenvolvida para investigar o uso de instrumentos de vigilância e rastreio para atraso do desenvolvimento infantil por meio de tecnologia móvel. Além disso, objetivou-se caracterizar as metodologias utilizadas, amostras de participantes, se clínicas ou não, contexto de pesquisa, bem como a finalidade do uso instrumento. Foi realizada a busca de artigos, por três juízes, nas bases de dados indexadas na BVS, PUBMED/MEDLINE e APA PsyNET. Utilizaram-se as recomendações do PRISMA para essa revisão. A partir de critérios de inclusão/exclusão, foram recuperados e analisados cinco artigos. As duas modalidades de instrumentos: vigilância e rastreio, apresentaram-se em três categorias de estudo: 1) descritivo 2) viabilidade/usabilidade 3) validade. Conclui-se que mais estudos sejam necessários, especialmente para avaliar o impacto e eficácia do uso de instrumentos de vigilância e rastreio para atraso no desenvolvimento infantil em formato de tecnologia móvel. (AU)

This study is a literature review designed to investigate the use of monitoring and screening instruments for child developmental delay using mobile technology. In addition, the aim was to characterize the methodologies used, samples of participants, whether clinical or not, the research context and the purpose of the instrument use. Articles were searched by three judges in the databases indexed in the BVS, PUBMED/MEDLINE and APA PsyNET. The PRISMA recommendations were used for this review. After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, five articles were retrieved and analyzed. The two types of instruments: monitoring and screening, were presented in three study categories: 1) descriptive 2) viability/usability 3) validity. Further studies are needed to assess the impact and effectiveness of the use of mobile format instruments for the monitoring and screening for childhood developmental delays. (AU)

Este estudio es una revisión de la literatura desarrollada para investigar el uso de instrumentos de vigilancia y rastreo del retraso del desarrollo infantil a través de la tecnología móvil. Asimismo, el objetivo fue caracterizar las metodologías utilizadas, muestras de participantes, ya sean clínicas o no; además del contexto de investigación y la finalidad del uso del instrumento. Tres jueces realizaron una búsqueda de artículos en las bases de datos indexadas en la BVS, PUBMED/MEDLINE y APA PsyNET. Las recomendaciones de PRISMA se utilizaron para esta revisión. Según los criterios de inclusión/exclusión, cinco artículos fueron recuperados y analizados. Los dos tipos de instrumentos fueron: vigilancia y detección, se presentaron en tres categorías de estudio: 1) descriptivo 2) viabilidad/usabilidad 3) validez. Se concluyó que son necesarios más estudios, especialmente para evaluar el impacto y la efectividad del uso de instrumentos de vigilancia y rastreo del retraso en el desarrollo infantil en formato de tecnología móvil. (AU)

Child Development , Developmental Disabilities/psychology , Mass Screening/psychology , Mobile Applications , Databases, Bibliographic
Psicol. Caribe ; 37(2): 2-14, mayo-ago. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287616


Resumen Las tecnologías digitales en salud han permitido que los pacientes estén mejor informados, reducir tiempos y distancias para intervenciones en salud, lo que ha generado un cambio en la relación médico-paciente. El objetivo de este artículo fue explorar la evidencia relacionada con la influencia de WhatsApp en la relación médico-paciente. Por ello, se realizó una rápida revisión de la literatura en cinco bases de datos científicas. Obtuvimos un total de cuatro estudios que completaron los criterios de inclusión para la revisión: un reporte de caso, un estudio de casos y controles y dos estudios observacionales. El 65 % de los estudios incluidos informaron el uso de WhatsApp para la relación médico-paciente. La aplicación WhatsApp puede ser una herramienta útil como canal de comunicación en la relación. Se requiere tener especial cuidado con los aspectos éticos y legales de la comunicación entre profesionales y pacientes.

Abstract Digital technologies in health have allowed patients to be better informed, reduce times and distances for interventions in health, which has generated a change in the doctor-patient relationship. The objective of this article was to explore the evidence related to the influence of WhatsApp among the doctor-patient relationship. Therefore, a rapid review of the literature was carried out in five scientific databases. We obtained a total of four studies who completed the inclusion criteria for the review: a report case study, a case-control study, and two descriptive studies. 65% of the included studies reported the usage of WhatsApp for medical - patient relationship. WhatsApp application can be a useful tool as a communication channel in the relationship. Is required to take special care with ethical and legal aspects of communication between professionals and patients.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2020. 121 p. tab.
学位论文 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1451651


O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura realizada com o objetivo de sintetizar o conhecimento acerca dos requisitos que têm sido utilizados para o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis e/ou aplicações para dispositivos móveis na saúde para pessoas cegas, surdas e idosas. A busca dos estudos primários foi realizada no mês de setembro de 2019, nas bases de dados eletrônicas Pubmed, CINHAL, Web of Science e LILACS. A amostra foi constituída por 9 estudos, publicados no período de 2015 a 2019. Os dados foram extraídos com o auxílio de um instrumento validado, e posteriormente agrupados para discussão em duas categorias de acordo com os requisitos levantados e a população de interesse: Requisitos para deficientes visuais e Requisitos para pessoas idosas. Não foram localizados estudos que levantaram requisitos para pessoas com deficiência auditiva e surdos. Os estudos incluídos que levantaram requisitos para o desenvolvimento de aplicações na saúde para deficientes visuais abordaram a necessidade de recursos de leitura de tela (objetos e textos) com saída de voz ou feedback por voz, navegação por Global Positioning System (GPS) e ferramentas de auxílio em situações de emergência. Os requisitos levantados para pessoas idosas foram divididos em subcategorias: Linguagem e vocabulário compreensível; Treinamento para o uso de tecnologia e oferta de ajuda; Interface amigável e menos complexa; Configurações de texto (tamanho, fonte e estilos especiais); Cor e contraste (Textos, imagens e planos entre telas); Tamanho de botões e ícones; Interação por voz e áudio; Interações motoras, cognitivas e uso da memória do idoso; Segurança (situações de emergência e segurança de dados) e; Preferencia no desenvolvimento de aplicações em saúde e uso de smartphones. As evidências do estudo permitiram identificar requisitos para que profissionais da saúde, desenvolvedores de softwares, designers e outros profissionais interessados, possam desenvolver aplicações para diferentes dispositivos móveis na saúde atendendo as necessidades de pessoas com deficiência visual e idosos e dessa forma melhorar, problemas de uso, de interação e aceitabilidade.

This study is an integrative literature review carried out with the aim of synthesizing knowledge about the requirements that have been used for the development of mobile applications and / or applications for mobile devices in health for blind, deaf and elderly people. The search for primary studies was carried out in September 2019, in the electronic databases Pubmed, CINHAL, Web of Science and LILACS. The sample consisted of 9 studies, published in the period from 2015 to 2019. The data were extracted with the aid of a validated instrument, and later grouped for discussion in two categories according to the requirements raised and the population of interest: Requirements for visually impaired and Requirements for the elderly. No studies were found that raised requirements for hearing impaired and deaf people. The included studies that raised requirements for the development of health applications for the visually impaired addressed the need for screen reading resources (objects and texts) with voice output or voice feedback, Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation and assistance in emergency situations. The requirements raised for elderly people were divided into subcategories: Understandable language and vocabulary; Training in the use of technology and offering help; Friendly and less complex interface; Text settings (size, font and special styles); Color and contrast (Texts, images and plans between screens); Size of buttons and icons; Voice and audio interaction; Motor, cognitive interactions and memory use of the elderly; Security (emergency situations and data security) and; Preference in the development of health applications and use of smartphones. The evidence from the study allowed to identify requirements so that health professionals, software developers, designers and other interested professionals, can develop applications for different mobile devices in health, meeting the needs of people with visual impairments and the elderly and thus improving usage problems, interaction and acceptability.

Humans , Aged , Nursing , Education of Visually Disabled , Mobile Applications
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763950


OBJECTIVES: Mobile health (m-Health) technologies may provide an appropriate follow-up support service for patient groups with post-treatment conditions. While previous studies have introduced m-Health methods for patient care, a smart system that may provide follow-up communication and decision support remains limited to the management of a few specific types of diseases. This paper introduces an m-Health solution in the current climate of increased demand for electronic information exchange. METHODS: Adopting a novel design science research approach, we developed an innovative solution model for post-treatment follow-up decision support interaction for use by patients and physicians and then evaluated it by using convergent interviewing and focus group methods. RESULTS: The cloud-based solution was positively evaluated as supporting physicians and service providers in providing post-treatment follow-up services. Our framework provides a model as an artifact for extending care service systems to inform better follow-up interaction and decision-making. CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed the perceived value and utility of the proposed Clinical Decision Support artifact indicating that it is promising and has potential to contribute and facilitate appropriate interactions and support for healthcare professionals for future follow-up operationalization. While the prototype was developed and tested in a developing country context, where the availability of doctors is limited for public healthcare, it was anticipated that the prototype would be user-friendly, easy to use, and suitable for post-treatment follow-up through mobility in remote locations.

Humans , Artifacts , Climate , Decision Support Systems, Clinical , Delivery of Health Care , Developing Countries , Focus Groups , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Care , Telemedicine
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-613265


Objective To construct the continuing nursing management model for lung cancer chemotherapy complications based on m-health. Methods Literature research, qualitative interviews and expert group meeting were used to build the continuing nursing management model for lung cancer chemotherapy complications based on m-health. Results The nursing management model of lung cancer chemotherapy complications including service objectives, service providers, service objects, service time, service flow, service platform and related personnel responsibilities were determined. Conclusions The continuing nursing management model for lung cancer chemotherapy complications based on m-health has strong scientific and practical characteristics, which is helpful for patients to timely monitor the occurrence of complications of chemotherapy, access the corresponding prevention and intervention measures.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507676


The harm of tobacco is one of the most serious public health issues nowadays, and the social cost produced by smoking is increasing year by year. There are about 6 million people dying from smoking-related diseases each year, and the number of death will surpass 8 million by 2030. Helping smokers quit is the most direct and effective method to reduce the burden of disease caused by tobacco. M-health based on smartphone shows huge potential in prompting health behavior. Progress of studies on smartphone applications (APP), a new way of tobacco control, is reviewed to provide reference for future tobacco control practice and exploration.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-699879


Objective To explore the application mode and the development direction of Internet + in the medical field.Methods The application and development direction of the existing Internet technologies were explored,including smart wearable devices,telemedicine,M-health,cloud + big data and etc.Results The application of Internet + could contribute to improving health management,treatment mode and patient's experience,and save patient's cost.Conclusion The Internet+ medicine,showing broad prospect,will lead the reform and development of medicine.

Perspect. nutr. hum ; 18(2): 155-170, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-955296


Resumen Antecedentes: la diabetes mellitus (DM) afecta al 12,8 % de los costarricenses. Recientemente, se ha presentado en Costa Rica un auge en el uso de tecnología móvil que permite innovar en el campo de aplicaciones móviles para la diabétes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2). Objetivo: explorar las perspectivas de pacientes y profesionales de la salud sobre los aspectos que podría contener una aplicación móvil para apoyar la adherencia del tratamiento en pacientes con DM2 en Costa Rica. Materiales y métodos: se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo para explorar la perspectiva de los participantes respecto al diseño de una aplicación móvil para DM2. Se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y grupos focales a 16 pacientes con DM2; y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 12 profesionales en salud (nutricionistas, enfermeras y médicos endocrinólogos). Resultados: solo dos pacientes habían utilizado una aplicación móvil para la DM2, y dos profesionales han recomendado su uso. Ambos grupos tienen intención de utilizar esta herramienta. La función de común interés es el registro de glucemia, aunque también se mencionaron otras. Los profesionales recomiendan supervisión continua en el uso de estas aplicaciones móviles. Conclusiones: los posibles usuarios brindan información valiosa con respecto a sus necesidades y expectativas de una aplicación móvil para DM2 para Costa Rica. La sencillez y el hecho de ser una aplicación móvil adaptada a Costa Rica son las características deseables más mencionadas.

Abstract Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects 12.8% of the population in Costa Rica. Mobile technology use has increased in Costa Rica, potentially allowing for innovations in T2DM care. Objective: This study aimed to explore participants' perspectives related to the design of a mobile application to support T2DM care in Costa Rica. Materials and Methods: A qualitative design was used to explore participants' perspectives. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 T2DM patients, and semi-structured interviews were held with 12 healthcare professionals (nutritionists, nurses and medical doctors). Results: Only two patients had ever used an app for T2DM care, and only two professionals had previously recommended the use of these mobile applications. Both groups were willing to use these mobile applications. The most common function for which both groups showed interest was the record of blood glucose, but other functions were also mentioned. Healthcare professionals recommended continuous professional supervision in the use of these mobile applications. Conclusions: Potential mobile application users provide valuable insight regarding their needs and expectations for a T2DM care mobile application. Simplicity and being culturally adapted to Costa Rica are the most desirable mobile application features mentioned by the sample.

Indian J Public Health ; 2016 Oct-Dec; 60(4): 334-340
文章 在 英语 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181357


Background: UNICEF launched the mobile‑based Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) system in Bihar in 2014 along with the state government to electronically capture information and identify gaps in the existing vaccine management system for appropriate action. Objective: This study accessed the implementation process of this initiative. Methods: Quantitative data related to vaccine supply chain management indicators were collected in November–December 2015 using factsheets and dashboards, representing the situation of the vaccine supply and cold chain management system at regular intervals since the launch. In‑depth interviews were conducted with the program specialists to understand the initiative’s genesis, its challenges and strengths. Results: This initiative resulted in an increased cold chain space from 49% (July 2014) to 87% (September 2015), deployment of sufficient human resource; 38 cold chain technicians for regular maintenance of the machines and equipment, installation of necessary equipment, and upgradation of state and regional vaccine stores. In health facilities, district vaccine stores, and regional vaccine stores, marked improvements were observed in the overall EVM criteria indicators (82%, 84%, and 80% in September 2015, respectively, as against 51%, 46%, and 43% in July 2014, respectively) as well as EVM category indicators (83%, 84%, and 76% in September 2015, respectively, as compared to 54%, 53%, and 54% in July 2014, respectively). Conclusion: The EVM mobile initiative was successfully implemented and it complies with its objective of providing experienced guidance to the human resource responsible for vaccine cold chain management. The initiative is scalable and its sustainability depends on its thoughtful merger with the existing immunization ecosystem.

Indian J Public Health ; 2016 Oct-Dec; 60(4): 329-333
文章 在 英语 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181356


Background: UNICEF along with the State Government of Bihar launched a computer tablet‑based Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) in 2014, to capture real‑time data online and to minimize the challenges faced with the conventional MCTS. Objective: The article reports the process of implementation of tablet‑based MCTS in Bihar. Methods: In‑depth interviews with medical officers, program managers, data managers, auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs), and a monitoring and evaluation specialist were conducted in October 2015 to understand the process of implementation, challenges and possibility for sustainability, and scale‑up of the innovation. Results: MCTS innovation was introduced initially in one Primary Health Centre each in Gaya and Purnia districts. The device, supported with Android MCTS software and connected to a dummy server, was given to ANMs. ANMs were trained in its application. The innovation allows real‑time data entry, instant uploading, and generation of day‑to‑day work plans for easy tracking of beneficiaries for providing in‑time health‑care services. The nonlinking of the dummy server to the national MCTS portal has not lessened the burden of data entry operators, who continue to enter data into the national portal as before. Conclusion: The innovation has been successfully implemented to meet its objective of tracking the beneficiaries. The national database should be linked to the dummy server or visible impact. The model is sustainable if the challenges can be met. Mobile technology offers a tremendous opportunity to strengthen the capacity of frontline workers and clinicians and increase the quality, completeness, and timeliness of delivery of critical health services.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 45-46,47, 2014.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-599350


Objective:Based on the concept of M-health and Characteristics of 3G intelligent mobile phone, constructing a M-health system model of 3G intelligent mobile phone. Methods:The model is based on the communication network, using the 3G intelligent mobile phone, According to the needs of patients, provided by medical personnel whenever and wherever possible. Results: The model completed the basic function of mobile medical system. Conclusion:The paper also discusses the application prospect and existing problems of mobile medical system of 3G intelligent mobile phone.
