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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 621-626, Julio 5, 2024. fig
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566024


Introducción. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una entidad infrecuente, con una prevalencia de 0,03 %, donde más del 90 % son debidas a enfermedad arterioesclerótica que compromete principalmente la arteria mesentérica superior. Sus síntomas son dolor abdominal crónico y pérdida de peso, asociado a alteraciones imagenológicas que hacen el diagnóstico. El tratamiento depende de las condiciones clínicas del paciente y el número de vasos comprometidos. Es claro que la enfermedad multivaso sintomática requiere revascularización. Caso clínico. Mujer de 67 años, fumadora activa con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial y dislipidemia, con cuadro de crisis hipertensiva tipo urgencia que requirió manejo en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Se hizo diagnóstico de aneurisma toracoabdominal Crawford IV, oclusión aorto-ilíaca (TASC D) y oclusión crónica del tronco celíaco y la arteria mesentérica superior. Por los síntomas de isquemia mesentérica crónica fue llevada a tratamiento quirúrgico con baipás aorto-bifemoral más baipás retrógrado a la arteria mesentérica superior por vía abierta. Resultado. La paciente tuvo mejoría de la sintomatología y aumentó 13 % del peso al seguimiento a los 3 meses. Conclusión. La isquemia mesentérica crónica es una condición subdiagnosticada, marcador de riesgo cardiovascular, con alta carga de morbilidad y mortalidad, en la cual, con una identificación temprana se puede ofrecer una terapia de revascularización, sea por vía endovascular o abierta, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida y la ganancia de peso, y evitar la necrosis intestinal.

Introduction. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is a rare entity, with a prevalence of 0.03%, where more than 90% are due to arteriosclerotic disease that mainly affects the superior mesenteric artery. Its symptoms are chronic abdominal pain and weight loss, associated with imaging alterations that make the diagnosis. Treatment depends on the patient's clinical conditions and the number of vessels involved. It is clear that symptomatic multivessel disease requires revascularization. Clinical case. A 67-year-old woman, an active smoker with a history of high blood pressure and dyslipidemia, presented with an emergency-type hypertensive crisis that required management in the Intensive Care Unit. A diagnosis of Crawford IV thoracoabdominal aneurysm, aorto-iliac occlusion (TASC D), and chronic occlusion of the celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery was made. Due to the symptoms of chronic mesenteric ischemia, she underwent surgical treatment with aorto-bifemoral bypass plus retrograde bypass to the superior mesenteric artery via an open approach. Result. The patient had improvement in symptoms and gained 13% weight at 3-month follow-up. Conclusion. Chronic mesenteric ischemia is an underdiagnosed condition, a marker of cardiovascular risk, with a high burden of morbidity and mortality, in which, with early identification, revascularization therapy can be offered, either endovascularly or open, in order to improve quality of life and weight gain, and avoiding intestinal necrosis.

Humans , Mesenteric Artery, Superior , Mesenteric Ischemia , Aortic Aneurysm , Malnutrition , Peripheral Arterial Disease , Laparotomy
Rev. cient. salud UNITEPC ; 11(1): 20-36, jun. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567188


Objetivo: identificar los patrones alimentarios de las madres y el estado nutricional de los lactantes de una zona periurbana de la sierra central del Perú. Métodos: el estudio fue observacional, transversal y prospectivo. La población censal fueron 93 madres y sus lactantes, se aplicó un cuestionario de patrones alimentarios; para medir el peso y la talla de los lactantes se aplicaron instrumentos mecánicos. Se aplicó la prueba de Fisher y Rho de Spearman, considerándose p < 0,05. Resultados: los patrones alimentarios de las madres, fueron adecuados 95,7 % (89). Al valorar el estado nutricional de los lactantes, en el peso para la edad, la mayoría tuvo la condición de normal con 79,6 % (74); 15,1 % (14) tuvieron sobrepeso, un 5,4 % (5) tuvieron desnutrición global; en el peso para la talla, 64,5 % (60) tuvieron el diagnóstico de normal, seguido de los desnutridos agudos 24,7 % (23), sobrepeso 7,5 % (7) fueron el 3,2 % (3). Y, en la talla para la edad, 77,4 % (72) fueron normales. A mayor cantidad de miembros en la familia el estado nutricional del lactante era peor (Rho = -0,294; p-valor = 0,004) y la talla para la edad del lactante tuvo relación con la visita de la madre al nutricionista (p-valor = 0,018). Conclusión: a mayor cantidad de miembros en la familia, el estado nutricional del lactante era peor, en el peso para la edad y la talla para la edad del lactante se halló relación con la visita al nutricionista.

Objective: identify the dietary patterns of mothers and the nutritional status of nursing children of a peri-urban zone of the central highlands of Perú. Methodology: the study was observational, cross-sectional and prospective. Census population were 93 mothers and their nursing children, It was applied a dietary patterns questionnaire; to measure the weight and height of the nursing children was applied machanics instruments. It was applied Fisher y Rho de Spearman test, considering p<0,05. Results: the dietary patterns of mothers were proper 95,7 % (89). To value the nutritional status of nursing children; in the weight for age, the most of them had the normal condition with 79,6 % (74); 15.1 % (14) al lof them had overweight, 5,4 % (5) underweight; in weight-for-height, 64,5 % (60) had the normal diagnosis, followed by acuate malnutrition 24,7 % (23), overweight 7,5 % (7) were 3,2 % (3). And, in height for age, 77,4 % (72) were normals. The higher the amount of family members the nutritional status of nursing children was worse (Rho = -0,294; p-value = 0,004) and the height for age of nursing children had relation with the mother visit had to the nutricionist (p-value = 0,018). Conclusion: the higher amount of members family, the nutritional status of nursing children was worse, in weight for age and height for age of nursing children was found relation with the visit to the nutritionist.

Objetivo: identificar os padrões alimentares das mães e o estado nutricional dos bebês em uma área periurbana do planalto central do Peru. Métodos: o estudo foi observacional, transversal e prospectivo. A população censitária foi de 93 mães e seus bebês, foi aplicado um questionário sobre padrões alimentares; Instrumentos mecânicos foram aplicados para medir o peso e a altura dos bebês. Foi aplicado o teste Rho de Fisher e Spearman, considerando p < 0,05. Resultados: o padrão alimentar das mães estava adequado em 95,7% (89). Ao avaliar o estado nutricional dos lactentes, em peso para idade, a maioria apresentou estado normal com 79,6% (74); 15,1% (14) apresentavam excesso de peso, 5,4% (5) apresentavam desnutrição global; no peso para estatura, 64,5% (60) tiveram o diagnóstico de normalidade, seguido de desnutrição aguda 24,7% (23), excesso de peso 7,5% (7) foram 3,2% (3). E, na altura para idade, 77,4% (72) eram normais. Quanto maior o número de familiares, pior o estado nutricional do lactente (Rho = -0,294; p-valor = 0,004) e a altura do lactente para a idade esteve relacionada com a visita da mãe ao nutricionista (p-valor = 0,018). Conclusão: quanto maior o número de membros na família pior o estado nutricional do lactente. No peso para idade e altura para idade do lactente foi encontrada relação com a visita ao nutricionista.

Humans , Female , Infant
Pediatr. (Asunción) ; 51(1)abr. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558630


Introducción: El labio y paladar hendido (LPH) son una alteración cráneo facial de etiología multifactorial. La alimentación de los niños con LPH puede llegar a ser deficiente, comprometiendo el crecimiento y el desarrollo. Objetivo: Determinar la evolución del estado nutricional pre y post quirúrgico y las prácticas alimentarias en lactantes de 6 a 24 meses de edad, con labio y/o paladar hendido que acudieron a la Clínica de la Fundación Operación Sonrisa durante el periodo de setiembre 2020 a mayo del 2021. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, prospectivo con componente analítico. Se incluyó a 50 niños con diagnóstico de LPH de 6 a 24 meses de edad. Se evaluó el estado nutricional según estándares del MSP y BS. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 50 lactantes de 6 a 24 meses, el 60 % entre 6 -11 meses, el 64 % fueron varones, el 54 % provenía del interior del país y fueron sometidos a cierre primario de labios el 86 % y el 12 % a reconstrucción de paladar hendido. El 88 % de los niños recibieron lactancia materna. El estado nutricional pre quirúrgico fue adecuado (94 %) por indicador peso para la edad. Post quirúrgico hubo una diferencia significativa de 0,927Kg para el peso para la talla (p< 0,001), lo mismo para el peso para la edad(p<0,001). Para la talla para la edad se encontró una diferencia de 0,8cm(p=ns). Conclusiones: El estado nutricional de los niños con labio o paladar hendido, mejora a los 4 meses post cirugía reconstructiva para los indicadores peso para la edad y peso para la talla.

Introduction: Cleft lip and palate (CLP) is a craniofacial alteration of multifactorial etiology. The diet of children with CLP can become deficient, compromising growth and development. Objective: To determine the evolution of the pre- and post-surgical nutritional status and feeding practices in infants between 6 and 24 months of age, with cleft lip and/or palate who attended the "Operation Smile" Foundation Clinic from September 2020 to May 2021. Materials and methods: This was an observational and prospective study with an analytical component. 50 children with a diagnosis of CLP from 6 to 24 months of age were included. Nutritional status was evaluated according to National Health Ministry standards. Results: 50 infants from 6 to 24 months were evaluated, 60% were between 6 -11 months, 64% were males, 54% came from the rural areas. 86% underwent primary lip closure and 12% cleft palate reconstruction. 88% of the children were breastfed. The pre-surgical nutritional status was adequate (94%) by weight for age indicator. Post surgery there was a significant difference of 0.927 kg for weight for height (p < 0.001), the same for weight for age (p < 0.001). For height for age, a difference of 0.8 cm was found (p=ns). Conclusions: The nutritional status of children with cleft lip or palate improves 4 months after reconstructive surgery for the indicators weight for age and weight for height.

Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000118, Apr. 2024. tab
文章 在 英语, 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561375


Objetivo: Objetiva-se avaliar a relação entre consumo de proteínas (CP), atividade física (AF) e massa muscular (MM) em indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais de idade. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo a partir da linha de base e segunda onda do estudo ELSA-Brasil. O CP foi avaliado por meio de um questionário de frequência alimentar semiquantitativo (QFA). A AF foi mensurada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A MM foi estimada por meio de equação de predição, e calculada a diferença de MM entre a 2a e a 1a onda. Análises bivariadas foram realizadas adotando o valor de p < 0,05. Para as análises multivariadas, utilizou-se a regressão de Poisson, com quatro modelos distintos, que incluíram as covariáveis com valor de p < 0,20. Utilizou-se o pacote estatístico SPSS versão 21. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída de 2216 idosos, sendo 55,10% de mulheres, com média de idade de 65,20 ± 4,15. Indivíduos com redução de MM entre as duas ondas estão situados no primeiro quartil de consumo de proteína. Além disso, a média de AF mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos e a AF no lazer apenas para as mulheres (p < 0,05). Após ajuste por variáveis sociodemográficas, de saúde e hábitos de vida, indivíduos com menor consumo de proteínas apresentaram risco de 1,45 (1,29 ­ 1,63) de apresentar MM diminuída. Conclusões: O menor CP e AF forte estão associados à MM diminuída, e aqueles com menor CP no primeiro e segundo quartis apresentam maior risco de possuir MM diminuída. (AU)

Objective: The objective was to evaluate the relationship between protein consumption, physical activity, and muscle mass in individuals aged ≥ 60 years. Methods: This prospective study was based on the baseline and second wave of the ELSA Brazil study. Protein consumption was assessed using a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Physical activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Muscle mass was estimated using a prediction equation, and the difference in MM between the first and second waves was calculated. Bivariate analyses were performed, with p < 0.05 considered significant. Multivariate analysis consisted of 4 Poisson regression models including covariates with p < 0.20. The statistical analysis was performed in IBM SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The sample included 2216 older adults, 55.10% of whom were women, with a mean age of 65.20 (SD, 4.15). Participants whose muscle mass decreased between the waves were in the first quartile of protein consumption. Mean physical activity significantly differed between the groups, while leisure-time physical activity differed only for women (p < 0.05). After adjusting for sociodemographic, health, and lifestyle variables, participants with lower protein intake had a 1.45 (1.29­1.63) relative risk of muscle mass loss. Conclusions: Lower protein consumption and higher physical activity were associated with decreased muscle mass, and those with protein consumption in the first and second quartiles are at higher risk of muscle mass loss. (AU)

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Body Composition , Protein-Energy Malnutrition , Muscle, Skeletal
Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559707


Introducción: La desnutrición es una condición frecuente en pacientes oncológicos y puede estar presente en un 40-80% de éstos. En cirugía gastrointestinal, es ampliamente conocida la relación entre la desnutrición preoperatoria y las complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la asociación entre el estado nutricional preoperatorio según el índice de masa corporal (IMC), la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) y la frecuencia de complicaciones postoperatorias en pacientes sometidos a cirugía oncodigestiva electiva. Metodología: Estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes sometidos a cirugía digestiva entre abril de 2019 y abril de 2020. Se excluyeron aquellos pacientes con enfermedad fuera de alcance terapéutico curativo. Los pacientes fueron categorizados según el tipo de cáncer, la cirugía realizada, el tratamiento neoadyuvante, los parámetros nutricionales (IMC y VGS) y la albumina preoperatoria. Se registraron las complicaciones postoperatorias de acuerdo con la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo (III-V). Resultados: Se incluyeron 201 pacientes sometidos a cirugía digestiva. El 83,6% calificó en la categoría B o C según VGS. Diecinueve pacientes (9,5%) presentaron complicaciones postoperatorias. Tener una VGS de categoría C se asoció con un mayor riesgo de complicaciones postoperatorias. Otras variables significativas para desarrollar complicaciones fueron recibir tratamiento neoadyuvante combinado (QT + RT) y ser intervenido por una cirugía de alto riesgo nutricional. Conclusión: Tener un estado nutricional deteriorado previo a una cirugía oncológica según VGS, someterse a una cirugía de alto riesgo nutricional y/o someterse a un tratamiento neoadyuvante combinado presentan un mayor riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones postoperatorias. Se destaca la importancia de incorporar protocolos de evaluación y soporte nutricional como parte del tratamiento multimodal impartido desde el diagnóstico oncológico.

Introduction: Malnutrition is a frequent condition in cancer patients and may be present in 40-80% of them. In gastrointestinal surgery, the relationship between preoperative malnutrition and complications has been widely studied, due to the increased risk of postoperative complications. The aim of this study is to determine the association between preoperative nutritional status, according to body mass index (BMI), subjective global assessment (SGA) and the frequency of postoperative complications in patients undergoing elective oncological digestive surgery. Methodology: Observational retrospective cohort study. Patients undergoing elective surgery between April 2019 and April 2020 were included. Patients with disease outside the curative therapeutic scope were excluded. Patients were categorized by type of cancer, surgery performed, neoadjuvant treatment, nutritional parameters (BMI and SGA) and albumin prior to surgery. Postoperative complications were recorded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification (III-V). Results: A total of 201 patients undergoing digestive surgery were included. 83.6% qualified in category B or C according to VGS. Nineteen patients (9.5%) presented postoperative complications. Having a SGA category C is associated with a higher risk of postoperative complications. Other significant variables for developing complications were receiving combined neoadjuvant treatment (CT + RT) and undergoing high nutritional risk surgery. Conclusion: Having a deteriorated nutritional status prior to oncological surgery according to SGA, undergoing high nutritional risk surgery, and/or undergoing combined neoadjuvant treatment significantly increases the risk of developing postoperative complications. The importance of incorporating nutritional assessment and support protocols as part of the multimodal treatment given to the patient from the moment of cancer diagnosis stands out.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 74(1): 22-32, mar. 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1555082


Introducción: La presencia de sobrepeso y obesidad aumentan la morbimortalidad de la población latinoamericana. La deficiencia de micronutrientes como el calcio y la vitamina D se han relacionado con un aumento del riesgo de obesidad. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la ingesta de vitamina D y de calcio con los factores de riesgo para obesidad en la población urbana costarricense incluidas en el Estudio ELANS. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron 798 participantes costarricenses del Estudio ELANS. Se determinó la distribución del consumo de calcio y vitamina D según las características socioeconómicas, la actividad física y los datos antropométricos. Se compararon los grupos con las pruebas U de Mann ­ Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis. Se realizaron modelos de regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: El consumo de calcio y vitamina D fue inadecuado en más del 98% de los participantes. Las mujeres, las personas con menor nivel socioeconómico, baja actividad física, de menor edad, con exceso de peso y obesidad abdominal presentaron un consumo menor de calcio y de vitamina D. El consumo de calcio y vitamina D es mayor en los grupos que tienen un menor IMC (p= 0,023 para calcio y p= 0,252 para vitamina D). Las personas con menor circunferencia de la cintura tuvieron más consumo de calcio y vitamina D (p= 0,002 para calcio y p= 0,008 para vitamina D). No hubo asociación del consumo en los modelos de regresión. Conclusiones: El consumo de calcio y vitamina D es deficiente en la población urbana costarricense y, presentó una relación inversa con el IMC(AU)

ntroduction: The presence of overweight and obesity increase the morbimortality of people in Latin America. Micronutrient deficiencies, such as calcium and vitamin D, are associated with an increased risk of obesity. Objective: To determine the relationship between vitamin D and calcium intake with risk factors for obesity in the Costa Rican urban population included in the ELANS Study. Materials and methods: For this analysis we used the 798 Costa Rican participants of the study (ELANS). The distribution of calcium and vitamin D intake was determined according to socioeconomic status, physical activity, and anthropometric measures. The Mann ­ Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis U tests were used, as well as linear and logistic regression models were performed. Results: Calcium and vitamin D intake was inadequate in more than 98% of the participants. Women, individuals with a lower socioeconomic level, low physical activity, younger age and those with excess weight and abdominal obesity presented lower consumptionofcalciumandvitamin D. Theconsumption of calcium and vitamin D was greater in the groups that have a lower BMI (p= 0.023 for calcium and p= 0.252 for vitamin D). The smaller the waist circumference, the greater the consumption of calcium and vitamin D (p= 0.002 for calcium and p= 0.008 for vitamin D). No association of the consumption of calcium and vitamin D was found in the regression models. Conclusions: Consumption of calcium and vitamin D is deficient in the Costa Rican urban population, and more prevalent among those with higher BMI. Arch Latinoam Nutr 2024(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Vitamin D , Calcium , Risk Factors , Overweight , Feeding Behavior , Obesity , Social Class , Exercise , Body Mass Index , Eating , Noncommunicable Diseases
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(1): 16-22, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557184


Abstract Background: Preterm newborns require the use of the best and most current strategies to treat and prevent both acute pathology and associated sequelae. This study aimed to compare the differences in the management of preterm newborns over 10 years in a tertiary hospital in Spain and its impact on height, weight, and neurological development in the medium term. Methods: We conducted a retrospective, observational, and analytical study examining the management and clinical variables in preterm newborns under 32 weeks of gestational age who were born in our hospital in 2011 and 2021. Results: Twenty-six newborns were included in the study. Significant differences in magnesium sulfate use, continuous positive airway pressure immediately after birth, and non-invasive mechanical ventilation during hospitalization were observed. Differences were found in the use of parenteral nutrition and the timing of initiation of enteral feeding. We did not observe differences in the neurological or weight evolution in the medium term. Conclusions: Significant differences in managing preterm newborns in these 10 years were observed. Lower mortality and alterations in central nervous system ultrasound and, significantly, less growth retardation during admission in 2021 have been observed; however, it does not manifest with improvement in long-term somatometrics or neurological prognosis.

Resumen Introducción: La inmadurez de los recién nacidos pretérmino (RNP) requiere el empleo de las mejores y más actuales estrategias para tratar la patología aguda y prevenir sus eventuales secuelas asociadas. El objetivo planteado es comparar las diferencias en el manejo de RNP a lo largo de diez años en un hospital de tercer nivel en España y su impacto en el desarrollo neurológico y póndero-estatural a medio plazo. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional y analítico examinando variables del manejo y clínicas de todos los RNP menores de 32 semanas de edad gestacional nacidos en nuestro hospital (nivel III-A) en 2011 y en 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron 26 infantes (2011: 10 niños, 2021: 16 niños). Observamos diferencias significativas en el uso prenatal de sulfato de magnesio, mayor uso de presión positiva continua en la vía aérea (CPAP) al ingreso y ventilación mecánica no invasiva durante el ingreso, retraso en el uso de surfactante, empleo de alimentación intravenosa e inicio precoz de la alimentación enteral. Existe una menor tasa de mortalidad y desnutrición postnatal en 2021. No observamos diferencias en la evolución neurológica o ponderal a medio plazo. Conclusiones: Existen diferencias en el manejo de los prematuros en estos 10 años con mayor ajuste a las guías nacionales e internacionales vigentes. Esto se relaciona con menor mortalidad y alteraciones en la ecografía del sistema nervioso central y, significativamente, con un menor retraso en el crecimiento durante el ingreso en 2021; no se demostró mejoría del pronóstico somatométrico o neurológico a largo plazo.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 160(1): 57-66, ene.-feb. 2024. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557804


Resumen Antecedentes: La malnutrición es un problema mundial que afecta a niños escolares, capaz de incrementar el riesgo de enfermedades en la edad adulta. Adultos yaquis han presentado graves problemas de salud, por lo que los escolares podrían encontrarse en una situación similar. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado nutricional, el perfil lipídico y los factores asociados en una muestra de escolares yaquis. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron 109 escolares habitantes de los pueblos originarios, en quienes se realizaron mediciones antropométricas, se extrajo una muestra de sangre venosa en condición de ayuno y se aplicaron cuestionarios. Resultados: La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad fue de 38.5 %, sin que se registraran casos de desnutrición crónica; 38.6 % de los escolares presentó dislipidemia. El consumo de fibra resultó ser un factor protector contra sobrepeso/obesidad y el consumo de grasa constituyó un factor de riesgo. La puntuación de actividad física resultó ser un factor protector contra dislipidemia y los factores de riesgo fueron puntuaciones Z del índice de masa corporal/edad, circunferencia de cintura, historia familiar de dislipidemias, nivel educativo y empleo permanente. Conclusiones: Los escolares yaquis padecen por igual alta proporción de sobrepeso/obesidad y dislipidemia. Los factores asociados pueden resultar útiles para el diseño de intervenciones contextualizadas para esta población.

Abstract Background: Malnutrition is a global problem that affects schoolchildren and can increase the risk of diseases in adulthood. Adult members of the Yaqui Indigenous group have been shown to have serious health problems, and Yaqui schoolchildren could therefore find themselves in a similar situation. Objective: To evaluate the nutritional status, lipid profile and associated factors in a sample of Yaqui schoolchildren. Material and methods: A total of 109 Yaqui schoolchildren who lived in their localities of origin were recruited. Anthropometric measurements were carried out, a venous blood sample was extracted in fasting conditions, and several questionnaires were applied. Results: The prevalence of overweight/obesity was 38.5%, with no cases of chronic malnutrition being recorded; 38.6% of the children had dyslipidemia. Fiber consumption was a protective factor against overweight/obesity, while fat intake was a risk factor. The physical activity score was found to be a protective factor against dyslipidemia, and the risk factors were BMI-for-age Z-scores, waist circumference, family history of dyslipidemia, educational level, and permanent employment. Conclusions: Yaqui schoolchildren equally suffer from a high proportion of overweight/obesity and dyslipidemia. The associated factors may be useful for the design of contextualized interventions for this population.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006431


ObjectiveTo investigate the characteristics of the composition of intestinal flora and the serum level of endotoxin in cirrhotic patients with malnutrition, and to provide new diagnosis and treatment ideas for improving the nutritional status of patients with liver cirrhosis. MethodsA total of 58 patients with liver cirrhosis who were hospitalized in Department of Gastroenterology, People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou, from March 2021 to November 2022 were enrolled as experimental group (LC group), and according to the Royal Free Hospital-Nutritional Prioritizing Tool, they were divided into low malnutrition risk group (LC-A group with 28 patients) and moderate/high malnutrition risk group (LC-B group with 30 patients); 25 individuals who underwent physical examination during the same period of time were enrolled as control group (HC group). Peripheral blood and feces samples were collected from all subjects. The limulus amebocyte lysate gel method was used to measure the concentration of endotoxin in peripheral blood, and high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were used to investigate the characteristics of intestinal flora. The independent-samples t test was used for comparison of normally distributed continuous data between two groups; a one-way analysis of variance was used for comparison between multiple groups, and the least significant difference t-test were used for further comparison between two groups. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison of non-normally distributed continuous data between two groups, and the Kruskal-Wallis H test was used for comparison between multiple groups. The chi-square test was used for comparison of categorical data between groups. The Spearman test was used for correlation analysis. ResultsThere were significant differences between the three groups in the levels of alanine aminotransferase (H=7.054, P<0.05), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (H=9.644, P<0.05), albumin (Alb) (F=32.768, P<0.05), total bilirubin (TBil) (H=20.980, P<0.05), and serum endotoxin (F=108.672, P<0.05). There was a significant difference in Chao1 index between the three groups (F=5.110, P=0.008) and between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). Compared with the HC group, the LC-A group and the LC-B group had significant reductions in Chao1 index and Shannon index, and there was a significant difference in Chao1 index between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). At the phylum level, the intestinal flora in each group was mainly composed of Bacteroidota, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteriota, accounting for more than 95% of all phyla, and there was a significant difference in the relative abundance of Firmicutes between the HC group and the LC-B group (P<0.05). Serum endotoxin was significantly negatively correlated with Ruminococcaceae (r=-0.420, P=0.007), and spirochete was significantly positively correlated with TBil (r=0.419, P=0.007) and was significantly negatively correlated with Alb (r=-0.492, P=0.001). ConclusionThere are unique changes in intestinal flora in cirrhotic patients with malnutrition, and differentially expressed flora are associated with endotoxemia. Improving intestinal microecology in liver cirrhosis may help to improve nutritional status.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017011


Objective To investigate the nutritional status in patients with aplastic anemia (AA), and to analyze the influencing factors. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on the clinical data of 152 patients with AA admitted to West China Hospital between March 2019 and March 2022. The nutritional status of all patients was screened by Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS2002). According to the screening criteria, the patients were divided into control group (46 cases, total NRS2002 score 0.05). The proportion of SAA cases in the malnutrition risk group was significantly higher than that in the control group. The levels of Alb and UIBC in the malnutrition risk group were significantly lower than those in the control group, while the levels of SF, SI and TSAT were higher than those in the control group. In addition, the levels of SF, SI and TSAT in SAA patients were higher than those in NSAA group (P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that high levels of SF, SI and TSAT, and high proportion of SAA cases were risk factors of malnutrition in AA patients (P<0.05). The incidence of adverse prognosis in the malnutrition risk group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion Patients with AA have a higher risk of malnutrition, and high levels of SF, SI and TSAT are risk factors for malnutrition. The greater the risk of malnutrition, the more severe the poor prognosis.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018960


Objective:To explore the role of serum cholinesterase (CHE) levels in the prognosis of patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF).Methods:Total of 244 consecutive patients with ADHF who were admitted to the emergency department and were successfully discharged were prospectively enrolled from January 2018 to June 2020. Patients were divided into groups according to the first and third quartile of CHE level and the clinical data, laboratory tests and other nutritional indices were recorded after discharge, and then were followed up. The primary end points were the composites of cardiovascular death and hospitalization for worsening HF (composite end points). The secondary end points were all-cause mortality and cardiovascular death. Cox proportional risk analysis, time-dependent Cox regression model or stratified cox regression were used to identify the risk of primary and secondary endpoints. Clinical, biomarker and the compound models of clinical and biomarker were constructed. Kaplan-Meier method was used to plot the survival curves of different groups and compare their differences. Receiver Operating characteristics (ROC) curves were used to compare the area under the curve for CHE levels and other nutritional or prognostic indicators to identify composite end-point events.Results:During a follow-up period of 350(100,683) days, 158 patients reached the composite end points. In the multivariable Cox analysis, cholinesterase level was significantly associated with the composite end points after adjustment for major confounders. Cox proportional risk analysis or time-dependent Cox regression model showed that CHE level was significantly associated with the composite end points, all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality in both clinical, biomarker and composite models (all P< 0.05). A Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed that patients with low cholinesterase levels had significantly greater risk of reaching the composite end points than those with middle or high cholinesterase levels (78.1% vs 66.7% vs. 46.7%, P<0.001); Cholinesterase level showed the largest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.736 (95% CI, 0.664-0.888) for prediction of the composite end points among other nutritional indices. The AUROC of the Global Meta-Analysis Group Chronic Heart Failure (MAGGIC) Risk Score for prediction of the composite end points was increased from 0.704 to 0.762 ( P=0.038), when cholinesterase level was added. Conclusions:Cholinesterase may serve as a simple and effective prognostic marker for predicting adverse outcomes in ADHF patients.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020513


Objective:To investigate the nutritional risk, incidence of malnutrition, and intake of three major energy-supplying nutrients, analyze changes in their body composition and the possible influencing factors in patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period in order to provide a theoretical basis for the nutritional management of patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period.Methods:This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 105 patients who underwent gastric cancer radical surgery in the Gastrointestinal Department of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University from June 2021 to May 2023 were taken as the research subjects using fixed-point continuous sampling method. They were recruited for screening and assessment using Nutritional Risk Screening 2002 (NRS 2002) and Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). Nutrients intake during the perioperative period were investigated using the 24-h recall method and dietary diary method, etc. Body compositions were measured using the bioelectrical resistance method.Results:Among the 105 patients, there were 78 males and 27 females, with an average age of (61.5 ± 10.3) years. About 83.8% (88/105) gastric cancer patients were at nutritional risk and 82.9% (87/105) were malnourished. The preoperative and postoperative energy intake were (1 646.1 ± 321.5) and (1 317.2 ± 365.8) kcal (1 kcal=4.184 kJ), respectively, which were significantly lower than the target amount of (1 896.7 ± 262.9) kcal, the difference was statistically significant ( t=6.23, 8.29, both P<0.05).The preoperative body mass, muscle mass, skeletal muscle, fat mass, and skeletal muscle index were (51.5 ± 9.6), (40.8 ± 6.0), (23.6 ± 4.0), (8.3 ± 4.9) kg, and 6.7 ± 0.8 respectively, while the postoperative values were (50.0 ± 9.1), (39.8 ± 6.0), (22.8 ± 3.6), (7.8 ± 5.2) kg, and 6.5 ± 0.8 respectively, with statistically significant differences between the two groups ( t values were 2.89-10.61, all P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that the operation time ( OR=3.984, 95% CI 1.433-11.080, P<0.05) and energy satisfaction ( OR=0.053, 95% CI 0.005-0.610, P<0.05) were independent influencing factors for the degree of skeletal muscle loss. Conclusions:During perioperative period, the gastric cancer patients had poor nutritional status with insufficient nutrient intake and accelerated loss of body muscle and fat. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive nutritional evaluation for patients with stomach neoplasms during perioperative period in time and take steps to promote recovery by providing individualized nutritional therapy.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020796


In the ICU,nutritional status is intimately related to the prognosis of critically ill patients and cannot be neglected;nonetheless,between 38%~78%of critically ill patients are malnourished.Individualized nutritional monitoring and therapy is recommended for critically ill patients to improve prognosis.Nutritional treatment includes enteral and parenteral nutrition.Enteral nutrition can be provided by prepyloric feeding through a nasogastric tube,which is simple and generally applicable,or by retropyloric feeding through a nasojejunal tube,which can reduce the risk of reflux aspiration.Parenteral feeding can be administered by creating peripheral venous access for convenient administration or central venous access for the delivery of nutritional solutions with high osmotic pressure.In addition to the patient's condition,the choice of nutrition route should take into account the initiation time,ability to meet nutritional needs,and potential feeding related complications.Current guidelines are not united,and previ-ous research has not fully addressed existing conflicts.In this paper,problems associated with each nutrition pathway are reviewed to provide a clinical reference.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028086


Objective To explore the relationship between geriatric nutritional risk index(GNRI)and adverse outcomes in elderly patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis(MHD).Methods A prospective cohort trial was conducted on 337 MHD patients aged ≥60 years in hemodialysis centers of 11 hospitals in Beijing from April to June 2017.Their baseline data were collected,and they were divided into non-malnutrition(GNRI≥98,226 cases),mild malnutrition(92≤GNRI<98,81 cases),and major malnutrition groups(GNRI<92,30 cases).All of them were followed up until June 2018.The endpoint events were all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease(CVD)mortality.Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to compare the cumulative survival rate among the 3 groups.Multivariate Cox regression model was employed to analyze the relationship of GNRI with all-cause and CVD mortality.Results The mild and major malnutrition groups had significantly lower BMI,serum albumin level and GNRI(P<0.01).During the median follow-up of 52(4.4-52.0)weeks,56(16.6%)patients died of all-cause death and 25(44.6%)of CVD death.Kaplan-Meier survival curve showed significant differences in all-cause mortality(x2=30.484,P<0.01)and CVD mortality(x2=22.398,P<0.01)in the 3 groups.Multivariate Cox regression analysis indicated that,as a continuous variable,elevated GNRI was a protective factor for all-cause mortality(HR=0.910,95%CI:0.870-0.952,P=0.000)and CVD mortality(HR=0.895,95%CI:0.852-0.940,P=0.000),and as a categorical variable,mild and major malnutri-tion were independently correlated with all-cause and CVD mortality(P<0.05).Conclusion GNRI is an independent risk factor for all-cause and CVD mortality in elderly MHD patients.Mo-nitoring the nutritional status using GNRI can predict the risk of adverse prognosis.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028972


Over the past 60 years, clinical nutrition has evolved into a key technology for saving the lives of patients with intestinal failure or complex diseases. However, the 21st century has seen issues with adverse outcomes due to a lack of timely and effective nutritional screening and intervention. Despite the benefits of minimally invasive surgery, nutritional risks or adverse outcomes still exceed 50% in gastrointestinal surgery. The study explores the importance of comprehensive nutritional management for surgical patients, beginning with a reevaluation of their nutritional risks and malnutrition, especially in the context of increasing chronic diseases like cancer, elderly comorbidities, and inflammatory bowel disease. It emphasizes the importance of clinical nutrition guidelines and consensus in surgical practice validated by various studies. The article then details the comprehensive nutritional management of surgical patients, including the importance of nutritional risk screening, assessment, diagnosis, and nutritional support treatment, especially during the early and recovery phases of major gastrointestinal surgery. The aim is to enhance the awareness of surgeons and healthcare workers about nutritional management to improve patients' clinical outcomes and quality of life.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028973


The incidence of malnutrition in surgical patients is high and affects the clinical outcome of patients. Through the extraction and analysis of image data, radiomics can assess changes in the composition of the body, such as skeletal muscle and fat, and it demonstrates tremendous potential in nutritional screening, assessment, diagnosis, and evaluation of treatment effects, emerging as a crucial evaluation tool in nutritional therapy for surgical patients. Furthermore, radiomics can predict patients' clinical outcomes, providing more precise treatment plans. Therefore, the application of radiomics should be fully emphasized in nutritional therapy for surgical patients to promote their enhanced recovery. With the continuous development and improvement of radiomics technology in the future, its application in nutritional therapy for surgical patients is expected to become more extensive and profound, bringing better treatment outcomes and quality of life to patients.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029450


Objective:To explore the risk factors for malnutrition after a tracheotomy and to construct a predictive model useful for its prevention through early intervention.Methods:Clinical data describing 440 tracheotomy patients were subjected to a retrospective analysis. The variables examined were age, sex, etiology, Glasgow Coma Score (GCS), activities of daily living (ADL) score, age-corrected Charlson comorbidity index (aCCI), food intake, swallowing function, incidence of infections, as well as any history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, smoking or alcohol consumption. Patients identified as being at risk of malnutrition (NRS-2002≥3) were screened using the Nutritional Risk Screening tool (NRS-2002) and the European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism′s ESPEN2015 criteria. The subjects were thus categorized into a malnutrition group of 343 and a control group of 97. Unifactorial and multifactorial logistic regression analyses were performed, and stepwise regression was applied to include the factors found significant in the unifactorial analysis into the multifactorial logistic regression analysis, and to construct a column-line graph prediction model. The clinical utility of the model was assessed by applying the receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curves, calibration plots and decision curve analysis (DCA).Results:Of the 440 persons studied, 343 (78%) were malnourished. The multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that pulmonary infection, dysphagia, low GCS score and high aCCI score were significant risk factors for malnutrition after a tracheotomy. A prediction nomograph was constructed. After fitting and correcting, the area under the curve (AUC) of the prediction model′s ROC curve was 0.911, the specificity was 80.4%, and the sensitivity was 91.3%. That was significantly higher than the AUCs for pulmonary infection (0.809), dysphagia (0.697), aCCI (0.721) and GCS (0.802). Bootstrap self-sampling was used to verify the model internally. After 1000 samples the average absolute error between the predicted risk and the actual risk was 0.013, indicating good prediction ability. The DCA results demonstrated that the model has substantial clinical applicability across a range of nutritional interventions, particularly for threshold probability values ranging from 0 to 0.96.Conclusion:Pulmonary infection, dysphagia, low GCS score, and high aCCI score are risk factors for malnutrition among tracheotomy patients. The nomogram model constructed in this study has good predictive value for the occurrence of malnutrition among such patients.

文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031027


【Objective】 To investigate the correlation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [25-(OH)D3], albumin (ALB) and ferritin (SF) with Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Pediatrics (STAMP) score in preschool children with malnutrition, and to analyze the predictive value of these factors on clinical outcomes, so as to provide reference for improving clinical outcomes. 【Methods】 Totally 90 preschoolers with malnutrition in Fuzhou Children′s Hospital from August 2021 to August 2022 were selected as the observation group, and 60 healthy preschool children during the same period were selected as the control group. Nutritional guidance was provided to the preschoolers for a consecutive 3-month period, followed by monitoring and recording the incidence of malnutrition and iron deficiency anemia within 3 months after treatment. 【Results】 The levels of serum 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF were lower in the observation group compared to the control group, while the STAMP score was higher in the observation group (t=9.700, 6.047, 4.771, 26.976, P<0.05). The levels of serum 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF in preschool children with malnutrition showed a negative correlation with the STAMP score (r=-0.813, -0.792, -0.829, P < 0.05). After 3 months of treatment, the levels of serum 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF, as well as the difference between pre- and post-treatment levels, were lower in children with adverse clinical outcomes compared to those with good clinical outcomes (t=3.622, 2.189, 2.163, 8.704, 4.354, 5.296, P< 0.05). When the difference in serum 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF before and after treatment was small, preschool children with malnutrition had a higher risk of adverse clinical outcomes [25-(OH)D3:OR=7.250, 95%CI: 3.008 - 17.476; ALB: OR=9.167, 95%CI: 2.954 - 28.444; SF: OR=5.730, 95%CI: 2.364 - 13.890]. The combined predictive value of serum 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF before and after treatment had an AUC value of 0.927, higher than that of any single index. The decision curve analysis (DCA) showed that the combined prediction scheme of these factors had a clinical net benefit in predicting the clinical outcome of preschool children with malnutrition. 【Conclusions】 Low serum levels of 25-(OH)D3, ALB and SF are indicative of a higher risk of adverse clinical outcomes. Utilizing the combined prediction of these factors before and after treatment shows high accuracy in predicting clinical outcomes.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 5-14, 2024.
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012447


Background@#Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) in children under five years remains a major global health concern. It carries a burden to the overall health of a child, contributes to mortality, and adds financial strain to the family and the hospital. The Philippine Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition was established to address acute malnutrition in Filipino children. @*Objective@#This study aimed to determine the factors affecting survival of patients admitted at Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital (BRTTH) In-patient Therapeutic Care (ITC).@*Methods@#This is a retrospective cohort study design utilizing survival analysis. Accrual period was from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018. Follow-up ended on March 31, 2019. There were 154 admissions and excluded 17 missing charts. Survival analysis was done utilizing STATA 14.@*Results@#The prevalence of SAM requiring ITC admission was 3.0 percent. Majority belonged to 6-59 months of age (63%), with equal predilection for both sexes (1:1) and 71% came from the home province, Albay. Most of patients’ caretakers had middle educational attainment. Sixty-eight percent (68%) were new patients, 16% readmitted, 15% transferred from the Out-patient Therapeutic Care (OTC) and <1% relapsed. The top three most common complications and co-morbidities include: pneumonia, low electrolytes, and fever. Sixty-three percent (63%) of patients at the ITC had a desirable treatment outcome, of which, 8% were cured and 55% transferred to OTC. Undesirable outcomes accounted for 37% of the cases which included non-cured, defaulter, and died at 12%, 8%, and 17%, respectively. The risk of dying was higher in SAM patients with parents having middle and low educational attainment as compared to those with high educational attainment (2-5 folds to 100-200 folds). SAM patients presenting with hypovolemic shock were likely to die by 1.5-19 times (1.5-19x) as compared to those without. SAM patients with malignancy were more likely to die 4-44 folds as compared to patients without malignancy.@*Conclusion and Recommendations@#Educational attainment of parents, malignancy, and hypovolemic shock were significant predictors of mortality. We recommend prompt intervention by educating families, strengthen policies targeting socio-economic determinants, capacitate medical staff, refine current clinical practice guidelines and treatment pathways to reduce the number of children who die from severe acute malnutrition.

Severe Acute Malnutrition , Survival Analysis