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文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023161


Safer drug use relies on the sustained vigilance and continual awareness of all individuals,and drug benefit-risk communication plays a pivotal role in facilitating this process.Foreign exploration on drug benefit-risk communication started relatively earlier.Upon scrutinizing the websites of drug regulatory authorities in the United States and Europe Union,it appears that these regions have established comprehensive communication regulation and practice systems,developed strategic plans and guidance,and communicated with healthcare professionals,patients and the public via various tools and channels,mainly including drug statutory information,new safety information,potential safety signals,etc.In China,drug benefit-risk communication is involved in the legislation,but the relevant guidelines and specific implementation rules are still lacking,and the evidence-based communication research and communication tools are relatively insufficient.We could learn from the experience of other countries,which involves enhancing regulatory implementation,establishing a communication framework,developing scientific evidence,assessing communication effectiveness,refining communication tools,and diminishing information barriers,in order to ultimately support patient and health care professionals to make informed decisions about medication.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036404


@#Problem: Communication is an integral component of an emergency response, including to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Designing effective communication requires systematic measurement, evaluation and learning. Context: In the Western Pacific Region, the World Health Organization (WHO) responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by using the Communication for Health (C4H) approach. This included the development and application of a robust measurement, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework to assess the effectiveness of COVID-19 communication, and to share and apply lessons in real time to continuously strengthen the pandemic response. Action: MEL was applied during the planning, implementation and summative evaluation phases of COVID-19 communication, with evidence-based insights and recommendations continuously integrated in succeeding phases of the COVID-19 response. Lessons learned: This article captures good practices that helped WHO to implement MEL during the COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on lessons from the evaluation process, including the importance of planning, data integration, collaboration, partnerships, piggybacking, using existing data and leveraging digital media. Discussion: Despite some limitations, the systematic application of MEL to COVID-19 communication shows its value in the planning and implementation of effective, evidence-based communication to address public health challenges. It enables the evaluation of outcomes and reflection on lessons identified to strengthen the response to the current pandemic and future emergencies.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220584pt, 2024. tab, graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536866


Resumo Centrando-se no impacto que a comunicação de risco emitida pelas organizações de saúde pública tem na mudança dos comportamentos da sociedade, esta investigação pretende analisar as mensagens-chave que a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) definiu para promover o programa de vacinação contra a covid-19. Para cumprir este objetivo, enveredou-se por uma metodologia de estudo qualitativa, que privilegiou o uso da análise do conteúdo publicado nas páginas de Facebook e de Instagram da OMS, no período de 1 de abril a 31 de agosto de 2021. No total, foram analisadas 62 publicações. Os resultados mostraram que a OMS utilizou quatro eixo de comunicação para promover a importância da vacinação na sociedade: garantir a credibilidade e a transparência da informação transmitida; certificar a segurança e a eficácia da vacina; apelar ao sentido de responsabilidade coletiva; e associar a vacina à solução para pôr fim à pandemia. As conclusões do estudo mostram que, embora a equidade no acesso à vacina ainda seja uma realidade em construção, os quase 70% da população mundial vacinada sugerem que as mensagens enviadas pela OMS no contexto de comunicação de risco podem ter contribuído para a construção de uma imagem positiva do programa de vacinação.

Abstract Focusing on the impact that risk communication issued by public health organizations brings to changing societal behaviors, this research aimed to analyze the key messages that the World Health Organization (WHO) has defined to promote the COVID-19 vaccination program. In order to achieve this goal, a qualitative study methodology was used to analyze the content published on the WHO's Facebook and Instagram pages from April 1 to August 31, 2021. In total, 62 publications were analyzed. The results showed that the WHO used four key communication messages to promote the importance of vaccination in society: ensuring the credibility and transparency of the information transmitted; certifying the safety and efficacy of the vaccine; appealing to a sense of collective responsibility; and associating the vaccine with the solution to end the pandemic were the chosen communication axes. The conclusions of this study show that, although fair access to the vaccine is still a reality in the making, the fact that almost 70% of the world's population has been vaccinated suggests that the messages sent by the WHO in the context of risk communication may have contributed to building a positive image of the vaccination program.

Humans , Male , Female , World Health Organization , Vaccination , Health Communication , COVID-19
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1559772


Introducción: La gestión de la comunicación interna en las organizaciones de salud representa una herramienta sistémica y organizativa que impacta en el nivel de satisfacción y compromiso de los trabajadores con la organización y se extiende hasta beneficiar a los pacientes como usuarios de los servicios. Su implementación constituye una política de la Administración Central del Estado Cubano que la dirección del Ministerio de Salud Pública prioriza, al considerarla imprescindible para el logro de los objetivos de trabajo. Esto condujo a diseñar un procedimiento que permitiera gestionar la comunicación interna en la institución. Objetivo: Exponer los métodos, las técnicas y los procedimientos empleados para diseñar un procedimiento para la gestión de la comunicación interna en el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba. Resultados: Se plantea una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico, de tipo mixta, aplicada en dos fases y desarrolladas con técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas. Conclusiones: El empleo de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas permitió identificar los elementos que componen un procedimiento para gestionar la comunicación interna en el Ministerio de Salud Pública. El procesamiento de los datos obtenidos desde el nivel individual hasta el colectivo facilitó la integración de conocimientos para organizar el diseño del procedimiento por etapas. La metodología empleada permitió obtener un procedimiento actualizado y válido por expertos y el público interno(AU)

Introduction: The management of internal communication in health organizations represents a systemic and organizational tool that impacts the level of satisfaction and commitment of workers with the organization and it extends to benefit patients as users of services. Its implementation constitutes a policy of the Central Administration of the Cuban State that the management of the Ministry of Public Health prioritizes, considering it essential for the achievement of work objectives. This led to designing a procedure that would allow managing internal communication in the institution. Objective: To present the methods, techniques and procedures used to design a procedure for the management of internal communication in the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba. Results: A mixed type technological development research is proposed, applied in two phases and developed with quantitative and qualitative techniques. Conclusions: The use of quantitative and qualitative techniques allowed to identify the elements that make up a procedure to manage internal communication in the Ministry of Public Health. The processing of the data gained from the individual to the collective level facilitated the integration of knowledge to organize the design of the procedure in stages. The methodology used allowed to obtain an updated and valid procedure by experts and the internal public(AU)

Humans , Information Technology Management , Risk Assessment Methodologies , Cuba
文章 | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219684


This paper describes the principles and practices of effective food safety risk communication developed under the “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Food Safety Risk Communication Framework and Associated Guidelines”. The framework recommends that effective food safety risk communication needs to be centered on the clear goal of protecting consumer health by ensuring transparency and timeliness, and communication on food safety matters should be conducted in a two-way process. It emphasizes the need to provide the public with credible information based on science and evidence and highlights that food safety is a shared responsibility among all stakeholders, including industry, government agencies, media organizations and consumers. It further highlights that food safety risk communication needs to be conducted in a consistent, systematic, inclusive, consultative, and preventative manner. The framework also indicates that effective food safety risk communication needs to pay attention to the backgrounds, experiences, and needs of concerned audiences. It stresses the importance of continuous improvement of the communication system to ensure food safety risk communication to be effective. Focusing on effective communications in response to food safety incidents, emergency or crisis situations, as well as everyday food safety communications, these principles and practical guidelines will help food safety regulators, food industry, food safety educators and other stakeholders improve their communications with target audiences.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 7-13, jan.-marc. 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418659


A crise humanitária no território Yanomami, agravada nos últimos anos com a invasão de atividades de garimpo, revela uma trama de fatores sociais, ambientais e políticos, que resultaram numa 'emergência' sanitária e humanitária, em seus diversos sentidos. O fluxo contínuo de levantamento de dados, a análise da situação e a comunicação de riscos é que podem revelar o contexto em que essa emergência ocorre e permitir a intervenção oportuna na crise. Nesta nota, procuramos identificar potencialidades e limitações dos dados existentes, informações e estratégias de comunicação voltadas para emergências de saúde.

The humanitarian crisis in the Yanomami territory, exacerbated in recent years by the invasion of mining activities, reveals a set of social, environmental and political factors that resulted in a health and humanita-rian 'emergency' in its various meanings. Only the continuous flow of data collection, situation analysis and risk communication can unveil the context in which this emergency occurs and allow appropriate interven-tion in the crisis. In this note, we seek to identify the potential and limitations of available data, information and communication strategies related to health emergencies.

La crisis humanitaria en el territorio Yanomami, agudizada en los últimos años por la invasión de las ac-tividades de minerías, revela un conjunto de factores sociales, ambientales y políticos, que resultan en la 'emergencia' sanitaria y humanitaria, en sus diversas acepciones. El flujo continuo de recopilación de datos, el análisis de la situación y la comunicación de riesgos es que pueden desvelar el contexto en el que se produce esta emergencia y permitir la intervención oportuna en la crisis. En esta nota, buscamos iden-tificar el potencial y las limitaciones de los datos existentes, informaciones y estrategias de comunicación relacionadas con las emergencias sanitarias.

Humans , Health Communication , Indigenous Peoples , Relief Work , Risk Groups , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Delivery of Health Care , Emergencies , Public Health Surveillance
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 112-133, jan.-marc. 2023.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419222


Desde a década de 1990, o psiquiatra sul-africano Anthony Feinstein tem abordado o tema da saúde mental de jornalistas na cobertura de tragédias humanitárias, com foco no Transtorno do Estresse Pós-traumático (TEPT) e em moral injury (lesão moral), definido como uma ferida na alma. Em 2020, primeiro ano da pandemia da covid-19, o artigo "The covid reporters are not okay. Extremely not okay", da jovem jornalista Olivia Messer, trabalhando on-line, chamou a atenção não apenas para o tema da saúde mental dos repórteres, como também para a invisibilidade do assunto. Este artigo objetiva investigar como a comunicação de riscos pode contribuir para descortinar e enfrentar os riscos à saúde mental de jornalistas no Brasil, especialmente no contexto das redações híbridas e da plataformização do jornalismo, um dos campos que compõem o referencial teórico em seu cruzamento com a comunicação de riscos e a psiquiatra. A metodologia contempla a pesquisa bibliográfica nessas três áreas, a plataformização do jornalismo, a comunicação de riscos e a psiquiatria, a partir da conexão entre elas, e da análise de conteúdo, de base quantitativa, da cobertura do assunto pelos jornais Folha de S.Paulo e O Globo. Os resultados apontam a urgência da retirada do tema da invisibilidade midiática e social e confirmam a potencialidade da comunicação de riscos para o seu enfrentamento.

Since the 1990s, South African psychiatrist Anthony Feinstein has addressed the issue of the mental health of journalists covering humanitarian tragedies, focusing on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and moral injury, defined as a wound in the soul. In 2020, the first year of the covid-19 pandemic, the article "The covid reporters are not okay. Extremely not okay", by young journalist Olivia Messer, working online drew attention not only to the issue of reporters' mental health, but also to the invisibility of the issue. This article aims to investigate how risk communication can contribute to uncover and address the risks to the mental health of journalists in Brazil, especially in the context of hybrid newsrooms and the plat-formization of journalism, one of the fields that make up the theoretical framework in its intersection with risk communication and psychiatry. The methodology includes bibliographic research in these three areas, platformization of journalism, risk communication and psychiatry, from the connection between them, and content analysis, of quantitative basis, of the coverage of the subject by Folha de S.Paulo and O Globo newspapers. The results point to the urgency of removing this issue of media and social invisibility and recognising the potential of risk communication to face it.

Desde la década de 1990, el psiquiatra sudafricano Anthony Feinstein ha abordado la cuestión de la salud mental de los periodistas que cubren tragedias humanitarias, centrándose en el Trastorno de Estrés Pos-traumático (TEPT) y el moral injury (el daño moral), definidos como una herida en el alma. En 2020, el primer año de la pandemia de covid-19, el artículo "The covid reporters are not okay. Extremely not okay", de la joven periodista Olivia Messer, que trabaja en línea, llamó la atención no sólo sobre la cuestión de la salud mental de los periodistas, sino también sobre la invisibilidad del tema. Este artículo pretende investigar cómo la comunicación de riesgo puede contribuir a descubrir y abordar los riesgos para la salud mental de los periodistas en Brasil, especialmente en el contexto de las redacciones híbridas y la plata-formización del periodismo, uno de los campos que conforman el marco teórico en su intersección con la comunicación de riesgo y la psiquiatría. La metodología contempla la investigación bibliográfica en estas tres áreas, plataformización del periodismo, comunicación de riesgo y la psiquiatría, a partir de la conexión entre ellas, y el análisis de contenido, de base cuantitativa, de la cobertura del tema por los periódicos Folha de S.Paulo y O Globo. Los resultados apuntan a la urgencia de sacar el tema de la invisibilidad mediática y social y confirman la potencialidad de la comunicación de riesgos para su confrontación

Humans , Psychiatry , Stress, Psychological , Mental Health , Journalism , Mental Disorders , Research , Communication , Health Risk
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1449917


Considerando a primeira onda do cenário pandêmico e a necessária operação de políticas e estratégias que promovam o autocuidado da população para a mitigação da disseminação do vírus da COVID-19, constatamos aqui, as ações adotadas nas plataformas digitais oficiais da administração pública federal no período de março a outubro de 2020. Para tal, utilizamo-nos do método da análise de conteúdo sobre tudo o material publicitado pelo Ministério da Saúde nas plataformas Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Soundcloud, e sites oficiais; ministério da saúde, hotsite da pandemia, e blog da saúde. Com a análise, constatamos o prevalecimento de conteúdos que privilegiam a ilustração dos feitos do ministério, a 1. Autopromoção da própria gestão, com 27,57 parcent do total das publicações, 2. Promoção do autocuidado 18,87 por cento, 3. Dados oficiais com 18,55 por cento, 4. Notícias do cotidiano com 18,03 por cento 5. Comunicação técnica para públicos especializados com 9,25 por cento, e 6. Operação técnica estrutural com 7,73 por cento. Com 3428 postagens e 428 073 246 interações avaliadas, vimos os conteúdos de promoção do autocuidado (18,87 por cento) serem suprimidos por 81,13 por cento e outros aspectos abordados pela comunicação oficial do governo. Constatamos dessa forma que a ausência do devido suporte comunicativo oficial em nível equivalente às demandas sanitárias apresentadas na pandemia que se instaurou, abre espaço para lacunas de orientações essenciais à população, e até mesmo de desinformação, o que pode ter comprometido o enfrentamento rigoroso da disseminação do vírus(AU)

Considerando la primera ola del escenario pandémico y el necesario funcionamiento de políticas y estrategias que promueven el autocuidado de la población para mitigar la propagación del virus COVID-19, se recogen en este trabajo las acciones realizadas en los medios digitales oficiales de la ciudadanía federal en el período comprendido entre marzo y octubre de 2020. Para ello se utilizó el método de análisis de contenido en todo el material publicitado por el Ministerio de Salud en las plataformas Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Soundcloud y sitios web oficiales; Ministerio de Salud, sitio de acceso a la pandemia y blog de salud. Con el análisis se constató la prevalencia de contenidos que privilegian la ilustración de los logros del Ministerio: 1. La autopromoción de la propia gestión, con el 27,57 por ciento del total de publicaciones, 2. promoción del autocuidado,18,87 por ciento, 3. Datos oficiales con 18,55 por ciento, 4. Noticias diarias con el 18,03 por ciento, 5. Comunicación técnica para públicos especializados con 9,25 por ciento, y 6. Operación técnica estructural con 7,73 por ciento. En las 3428 publicaciones y 428 073 246 interacciones evaluadas se apreció que el contenido de promoción del autocuidado (18,87 por ciento) fue suprimido por el 81,13 por ciento de otros aspectos abordados por la comunicación oficial del gobierno. De esta forma se encuentra que la ausencia de un adecuado soporte comunicativo oficial, que sea equivalente a las demandas de salud presentadas en la pandemia, abre espacio a lagunas en los lineamientos esenciales para la población e, incluso, a la desinformación que puede haber comprometido la situación para el enfrentamiento riguroso a la diseminación del virus(AU)

Considering the first wave of the pandemic scenario and the necessary operation of policies and strategies that promote the population's self-care to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we see here the actions taken in the official digital media of the federal public administration in the period from March to October 2020. To this end, we used the method of content analysis on all material advertised by the Ministry of Health on the platforms Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Spotify, Soundcloud, and official websites; ministry of health, pandemic hotsite, and health blog. With the analysis, we verified the prevalence of contents that privilege the illustration of the ministry's achievements, the 1. Self-promotion of the management itself, with 27.57percent of the total publications, 2. Self-care promotion 18.87percent, 3. Official data with 18.55percent, 4. Daily news with 18.03percent, 5. Technical communication for specialized audiences with 9.25percent and 6. Structural technical operation with 7.73percent. With 3428 posts and 428,073,246 interactions evaluated, we saw self-care promotion content (18.87percent) being suppressed by 81.13percent of other aspects addressed by official government communication. In this way, we found that the absence of proper official communicative support at a level equivalent to the health demands presented in the pandemic that was established, leaves gaps in essential guidelines for the population, and even misinformation, which may have compromised the rigorous confrontation of the dissemination of the virus(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Self Care , Public Health , Communication , Containment of Biohazards , COVID-19
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385882


RESUMEN: La propuesta se enmarca dentro de la perspectiva teórica de la sociedad del riesgo, como marco propio de la modernidad, y es en este contexto que adquiere interés la comunicación de riesgos como mecanismo de interacción frente a situaciones de peligro para la seguridad y salud de la población; como es el caso de la pandemia COVID-19 declarada en el año 2020 -donde se generaron espacios de una mayor necesidad de información a la población y por tanto la generación de cambios en las dinámicas de comportamientos de la misma- la percepción de los riesgos para la salud y la modificación en los hábitos de cuidado y autocuidado de la población, conllevando a una nueva configuración de la temática de la salud pública y la cotidianidad las personas en Chile y en el mundo entero.

ABSTRACT: The proposal is framed within the theoretical perspective of the risk society as a reference framework typical of modernity, and in this context the communication of risks as a mechanism of interaction in the face of situations of danger to the safety and health of the population acquires interest. As is the case of the COVID-19 pandemic declared in 2020, where spaces were generated for a greater need for information to the population and therefore the generation of changes in the dynamics of behaviors of the same. The perception of health risks and the modification in the habits of care and self-care of the population led to a new configuration of the theme of public health and the everyday life of people in Chile and the world.

RECIIS (Online) ; 15(1): 12-17, jan.-mar. 2021.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177065


A escalada da infodemia durante a pandemia de Covid-19 se deu, em muito, pelo boom das mídias sociais, que hoje fazem parte da vida de bilhões de pessoas pelo mundo. A comunidade internacional está se mobilizando para abordar e controlar este fenômeno que tomou dimensões inéditas em nossa sociedade. A enxurrada de desinformação está dificultando que fontes idôneas e orientações baseadas em evidências sejam encontradas pelas pessoas que buscam informação e mina a resposta à Covid-19. Com o novo normal, surgem novas formas de comunicar riscos e novos desafios a enfrentar.

The rise of infodemic during the Covid-19 pandemic occurred largely due to the social media boom, which today is part of the life of billions of people around the world. The international community is mobilizing to cope with and control this phenomenon that has taken unprecedented dimensions in our society. The great flow of misinformation is making difficult for people seeking information to find suitable sources and evidence-based guidance and it is also undermining the response to Covid-19. The new normal brings new ways of communicating risks and new challenges to face.

La escalada de la infodemia durante la pandemia de Covid-19 ocurrió en gran medida debido al boom de las redes sociales, que actualmente hacen parte de la vida de billones de personas en todo el mundo. La comunidad internacional se está movilizando para abordar y controlar este fenómeno que ha adquirido dimensiones sin precedentes en nuestra sociedad. La avalancha de desinformación dificulta que las personas que buscan información encuentren fuentes confiables y orientaciones basadas en evidencias y también socava la respuesta a la Covid-19. Con la nueva normalidad surgen nuevas formas de comunicar los riesgos y nuevos desafíos a enfrentarse.

Humans , Coronavirus Infections , Communication , Information Dissemination , Pandemics , Social Media , Brazil , Public Health , Social Networking
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880378


BACKGROUND@#The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) severely damaged and endangered people's lives at the end of 2019. Risk communication plays an important role in the response to it successfully, which has been appreciated by the World Health Organization. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of risk communication research is necessary, which can understand current research hotspots and reveal new trends.@*METHODS@#In this study, we collected 1134 international articles from the Web of Science database and 3983 Chinese articles from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure database. Bibliometric and mapping knowledge domain analysis methods were used for temporal distribution analysis, cooperation network analysis, co-word network analysis, and burst detection analysis.@*RESULTS@#The first article in this field was published by western scholars earlier, while the first Chinese article in 2002. Research institutions mainly come from universities. The USA plays a key role in this field. Chinese scholars had a closer cooperation network, but there was less cooperation among domestic institutions. Risk perception, trust, risk management, and risk information had always been the research hotspots in this academic. Trust, sentiment research, and public risk events were essential directions for the future. There are 25 burst words for international articles, while 11 burst words for Chinese articles from 2000 to 2020.@*CONCLUSIONS@#In summary, both domestic and international researchers are concerned about risk communication, risk perception, trust, and risk information. International research on risk communication is systematic and comprehensive relatively. However, Chinese scholars take severe acute respiratory syndrome as the research background and reviewing foreign knowledge as the research starting point. With the purpose of practical and applied research based on a public emergency, the risk communication research lacks continuity in Chinese academy in the past years.

Humans , Bibliometrics , COVID-19 , China , Databases, Factual , Information Dissemination , Risk , SARS-CoV-2
Global Health Journal ; (4): 44-50, 2021.
文章 在 中文 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036095


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has proven to be tenacious and shows that the global commu nity is still poorly prepared to handling such emerging pandemics.Enhancing global solidarity in emergency preparedness and response,and the mobilization of conscience and cooperation,can serve as an excellent source of ideas and measures in a timely manner.The article provides an overview of the key components of risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies at the early stages in vulnerable nations and populations,and highlight contextual recommendations for strengthening coordinated and sustainable RCCE preventive and emergency response strategies against COVID-19 pandemic.Global solidarity calls for firming govemance,abundant community participation and enough trust to boost early pandemic preparedness and response.Promoting public RCCE response interventions needs crucially improving government health systems and security proactiveness,community to individual confinement,trust and resilience solutions.To better understand population risk and vulnerability,as well as COVID-19 transmission dynamics,it is important to build intelligent systems for monitoring isolation/quarantine and tracking by use of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems algorithms.Experiences and lessons learned from the international community is crucial for emerging pandemics prevention and control programs,especially in promoting evidence-based decision-making,integrating data and models to inform effective and sustainable RCCE strategies,such as local and global safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines and mass immunization programs.

Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 31(3): e1631, fig
文章 在 英语 | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1138865


Coronavirus disease 2019 has put the world in a health emergency. Searching for information on the Internet largely reflects people's interest in this pandemic. Objective: Conduct an exploratory analysis of Internet search trends during the 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak. Methods: Google Trends was used to provide data on the relative volume of Google searches for terms related to 2019 coronavirus disease. The evaluation period was from January 01 to May 17, 2020. Results: The search term used to know this pandemic was "coronavirus", the most searched symptom was "fever", followed by "sore throat" and "cough", in addition, the interest of users to know the transmission routes of the acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. As for preventive measures, the most searched term was "stay home", followed by "facial masks", "social distancing" and "washing hands". Conclusions: The results confirmed interest in COVID-19 via Internet. Using information from people's Internet search interest could help formulate health policies to better control the 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak(AU)

La enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 ha puesto al mundo en una emergencia sanitaria. La búsqueda de información en Internet refleja en gran medida el interés de la gente por esta pandemia. Objetivo: Realizar un análisis exploratorio de las tendencias de búsqueda en Internet durante el brote de la enfermedad por coronavirus de 2019. Métodos: Google Trends se utilizó para proporcionar datos sobre el volumen relativo de búsquedas en Google de términos relacionados con la enfermedad del coronavirus del año 2019. El período de evaluación fue del 1ro. de enero al 17 de mayo de 2020. Resultados: El término de búsqueda utilizado para conocer esta pandemia fue "coronavirus", el síntoma más buscado fue "fiebre", seguido de "dolor de garganta" y "tos"; además, el interés de los usuarios por conocer las vías de transmisión del síndrome respiratorio agudo del coronavirus 2. En cuanto a las medidas preventivas, el término más buscado fue "quedarse en casa", seguido de "máscaras faciales", "distanciamiento social" y "lavarse las manos". Conclusiones: Los resultados confirmaron el interés en el COVID-19 a través de Internet. El uso de información del interés de búsqueda de las personas en Internet podría ayudar a formular políticas de salud para controlar mejor el brote de la enfermedad del coronavirus del año 2019(AU)

Humans , Pharyngitis , Disease , Coronavirus , Internet
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408481


RESUMEN En esta comunicación nos proponemos describir el uso de Google Trends para medir las búsquedas en internet de términos asociados a la pandemia por COVID-19 en distintas regiones de Perú y su potencial para realizar investigaciones en salud. Se midió la tendencia de búsquedas en internet de los términos "covid", "lavado de manos", "mascarillas", "distanciamiento" y "sars-cov-2".en el período entre el 27 de febrero al 27 de mayo de 2020 Se utilizaron los datos de Google Trends sobre una fracción de las búsquedas de las palabras clave, y se analizaron los resultados de acuerdo con una ubicación geográfica dada y un período definido. Para el término "covid" y "lavado de manos" la región con mayor nivel de interés fue Huancavelica con 100 búsquedas en cada término. Para el vocablo "mascarillas" predominó la región de Amazonas, también con 100 búsquedas. Igual condición se encontró en Moquegua y Puno para los términos "distanciamiento" y "sars-cov-2", respectivamente. Se encontró fuerte correlación entre covid, mascarillas, distanciamiento con el número de casos de COVID-19 en Perú y la misma situación pero con correlación ligeramente positiva para sars-cov-2 y lavado de manos. Google Trends podría, además, definir potencialmente el momento y la ubicación adecuada para practicar estrategias de comunicación de riesgos a las poblaciones afectadas. La comunicación adecuada del riesgo puede ayudar a prevenir la cantidad excesiva de información circulante, que suele provocar inquietud o pánico en estas poblaciones.

ABSTRACT The purpose of the present communication is to describe the use of Google Trends to measure web searches for terms associated to the COVID-19 pandemic in different regions of Peru and its potential to conduct health research. Measurements were taken of the trend of web searches for the terms "COVID", "handwashing", "facemasks", "distancing" and "SARS-CoV-2" in the period extending from 27 February to 27 May 2020. Google Trends data were applied to a number of the key word searches examined, and results were analyzed according to specific geographic locations and definite time periods. For the terms "COVID" and "handwashing" the region of greatest interest was Huancavelica with 100 searches for each term. For the term "facemasks" the Amazonas Region stood out, also with 100 searches. A similar situation was observed in Moquegua and Puno for the terms "distancing" and "SARS-CoV-2", respectively. A strong correlation was found between "COVID", "facemasks" and "distancing", and the number of COVID-19 cases in Peru. The same applies, though with a slightly positive correlation, to "SARS-CoV-2" and "handwashing". Google Trends could also potentially define the appropriate moment and location to implement risk communication strategies intended for the populations affected. Adequate risk communication may help prevent the excessive amount of information in circulation, which often causes disquiet or panic in those populations.

Saúde Soc ; 29(1): e181173, 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101909


Resumo Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa de mestrado que estudou o campo da comunicação em vigilância sanitária por meio do Facebook, a plataforma social mais popular no Brasil e que sustenta uma nova configuração comunicativa para a promoção da saúde. Busca-se revelar potências e fragilidades dos processos comunicativos digitais que evocam a midiatização do risco sanitário, a fim de verificar se essas iniciativas podem ser consideradas ferramentas de proteção social e de consolidação do direito à saúde. Primeiramente, identificamos as vigilâncias sanitárias com páginas no Facebook. Então, analisamos o que estava sendo comunicado e de que forma. O aplicativo Netvizz foi empregado na mineração dos dados. Fundamentos da análise de redes sociais e da análise de conteúdo guiaram o modelo analítico proposto. As páginas no Facebook da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa Oficial) e da Vigilância Sanitária do município do Rio de Janeiro (Vigilância Sanitária Rio) foram selecionadas para análise de conteúdo. Das 30 postagens de maior engajamento, publicadas entre 1º de junho e 1º de dezembro de 2017, foram revelados os temas com mais reações, comentários e compartilhamentos por parte dos usuários conectados: medicamento, na página Anvisa Oficial; e controle de zoonoses, para a Vigilância Sanitária Rio. Cada tema está associado a uma diversidade de riscos sanitários, os quais revelam tensões e conflitos entre a sociedade e o poder público conectados. Acreditamos na comunicação digital como alternativa contemporânea para incrementar ferramentas de proteção social, fortalecer o direito à informação e, consequentemente, consolidar o direito à saúde.

Abstract This article presents the results of a master´s program study on sanitary surveillance communication through Facebook, the most popular social platform in Brazil that offers a new communication configuration for health promotion. It verifies the strong and weak points of digital communication processes that evoke sanitary risk mediatization in order to evaluate whether such strategies can be considered tools for social protection and the consolidation of the right to health. Firstly, public organizations in Brazil identified as Sanitary Surveillance Services (SSS) that hold a fanpage on Facebook are listed. We then describe what is being communicated and how. The application software Netvizz was used for data mining. Social Network Analysis and Content Analysis were used as guides to construct an analytical model. Both the Anvisa Oficial and Vigilância Sanitária Rio fanpages were selected to content analysis of their 30 most engaged posts, published in 2017 between June 1st and December 1st. Those fanpages represent the Federal Brazilian SSS (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) and the Rio de Janeiro municipality´s SSS, respectively. The topics related to the highest engagement (highest sum of reactions, comments and shares) were: medicine from Anvisa Oficial posts and zoonosis control from Vigilância Sanitária Rio posts. Each topic can be associated to many sanitary risks and reveal various tensions and conflicts between interconnected society and public health services. We believe in digital communication as a contemporary alternative to increment social protection, reinforce the right to information and, consequently, consolidate the right to health.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Surveillance , Health Risk , Health Communication , Social Media , Right to Health , Health Promotion
Medical Education ; : 581-587, 2019.
文章 在 日语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826117


In accordance with the new model-core-curriculum for medical education, the current status of education about the science of radiation health was surveyed in all medical schools in Japan. Among the four learning points related to the “Biological effects of radiation and radiation hazards” , about half of the schools covered issues on “radiation and human body” and the “effect of medical radiation exposure” in one, or less than one, 60-minutes class, but did not touch on “radiation risk communication” and “radiological disaster medicine” . A significant deviation of human resources was also observed between schools. Learning tools such as presentation files and video content were preferred as education support materials. Therefore, development and distribution of the learning tools, especially in “radiation risk communication” and “radiological disaster medicine” , may be a first step to promoting high-quality education on the science of radiation health risk in each school’s curriculum.

文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960979


@#<p> OBJECTIVE:</b> To develop a locally adapted patient decision aid (PtDA) on treatment intensification among Filipino patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and to test the feasibility of using PtDAs in a low middle-income country.</p><p><strong>METHODOLOGY:</strong> A qualitative approach and an iterative process of development of a PtDA were employed for this study. We describe the process of developing a Filipino version of the Diabetes Medication Decision Aid. This PtDA was designed to help the patient choose the appropriate treatment intensification based on his own values and preferences, in consultation with his physician. The process involved decisional needs assessment through focus group discussions and key informant interviews, systematic literature review, iterative process of the development of a PtDA with clinical encounters (pilot testing), and preliminary field testing.</p><p><strong>RESULTS:</strong> Decisional needs assessment revealed that Filipino patients are open to participate in shared decision-making if given the opportunity, including those with low socioeconomic status who likely have low health literacy. Physicians prefer to have visual aid tools to help them support their patient's decision-making. A PtDA prototype of a set of flash cards in Filipino was created and revised in an iterative method. We developed a more visually appealing tool after inputs from the expert panel and patient advisory group. Its use during clinical encounters provided additional insights from patients and clinicians on how to improve the PtDA. Preliminary field testing showed that its use is feasible in the target patient population.</p><p><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> Filipino patients, clinicians, and diabetes nurse educators have contributed to the creation of the first Filipino PtDA for diabetes treatment intensification.</p>

Humans , Decision Making
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-378891


<p>Sales of cut-flowers depend much on the outer appearance of the flowers. They are not intended to be used as foodstuffs; thus, pesticides are used more liberally for cut flower growing than for other agricultural products. Flower production is often carried out in greenhouses; therefore, pesticide exposure seems to reach not only the person spraying the pesticides, but also the non-spraying workers as well. In 2009, a special research project on pesticide poisoning, affiliated with the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine, developed a study that focused on cut-flower farmers’ exposure to pesticide, subsequent adverse symptoms experienced, and treatment modalities to relieve pesticide-related symptoms. In this group of farmers, the pesticide sprayers were almost entirely male, while the females did not do any spraying. The organophosphate metabolite level in the urine of the males was higher than that of the females. However, in the female group, a positive relation was found between average working times in the greenhouse, and urine concentration of dialkylphosphates. In 2 males of this group, the level of dimethylphosphate was detected at 1,000 times the median level. Their butyrylcholinesterase activity levels on the day of testing had declined to 64%, 72% of their average level of the proximate 4 years, respectively. Communication with these subjects regarding pesticide exposure and methods of prevention appeared to be an effective approach for reducing symptom severity. Among soil fumigants, chloropicrin and 1,3-dichloropropene were most often used. Difficulty breathing was one of the subjective symptoms associated with chloropicrin, as well as watery eyes, coughing, and runny nose. These symptoms were effectively suppressed by the preventative practice of wearing gas masks and goggles while using soil fumigants. It would be beneficial to strongly encourage use of suitable protective gear among farmers exposed to soil fumigants.</p>

文章 在 韩国 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-105166


During the outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome, the Korean government responded with inadequate speed and thoroughness. As a result, serious damage occurred not only to public health, but also to socioeconomic life and public trust in the government. Although people are becoming increasingly aware that risk and crisis communications are important during infectious disease outbreaks, we still need a better understanding of what constitutes strategic risk communication. This article deals with the following issues: (1) what is risk communication? (2) During the development of risk communication strategies, how has the concept of the public been treated? (3) As the media landscape has changed, how have views of the role of the public in risk communication changed? This article traces how risk communication has moved from an expert-centered view to an audience-centered view. In the process, the concept of the public has changed from being the target of expert control to being the partner in a respectful dialogue. Strategic risk communicators need to understand how the role of the public has changed in today's diversified and fragmented media environment, where people not only consume but produce, share, and disseminate risk information. Finally, to make risk communication more effective during infectious disease outbreaks, public health experts and communication experts need to use “team science” to improve their abilities to work closely with one another as soon as outbreaks occur.

Communicable Diseases , Coronavirus Infections , Disease Outbreaks , Public Health
RECIIS (Online) ; 10(4): 1-11, out.-dez. 2016. tab, ilus
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-835228


Este artigo busca analisar os discursos, veiculados pela imprensa, das autoridades sanitárias e políticas sobre a primeira epidemia de dengue em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil, em 1990, com o propósito de verificar a predominância ou não do uso da comunicação de crise. Foi feita uma pesquisa qualitativa embasada na teoria das representações sociais. e foram resgatadas 126 notícias de jornais e revistas sobre a epidemia em questão utilizando o método intitulado discurso do sujeito coletivo. A mídia desviou a atenção dos leitores para os embates políticos, e não para questões relativas ao binômio epidemiologia/saúde. Mesmo que o conteúdo informacional culpasse tanto o governo quanto a população, os leitores assumiram uma postura de passividade diante da situação. A grande mídia tem o poder de influenciar o cotidiano das pessoas e suas atuações políticas. Ela se apresenta como espaço de poder, com força na disputa pela hegemonia e na constituição da opinião pública sobre questões de saúde.

The objective of this article is to analyze the discourses by the public health and political authorities published by the print media on the first dengue epidemic in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo/Brazil in 1990, in order toverify whether or not there is a prevalence of the use of the crisis communication. A qualitative research was developed based on the social representation theory and 126 news about that epidemic were extracted from newspapers and journals using the method in titled collective subject discourse. The media diverted the attention of readers from matters relating to the binomial epidemiology/health to the existing political conflicts. Thus, even the media bringing an informational content that blamed both the government and the population, the readers assumed a passive attitude in the face of that situation. The great media has power to influence the daily life of people and their political actions. The media presents itself as a power sphere, with strength in the struggle for the hegemony and in the formation of the opinion about the health problems.

Este artículo busca analizar los discursos de las autoridades de salud pública y políticas que la prensa transmitió en la primera epidemia de dengue en Ribeirão Preto/São Paulo/Brasil en 1990, con el fin deverificar se ha prevalecido o no el empleo de la comunicación de crisis. Hemos realizado uno estudio cualitativo basado en la teoría de las representaciones sociales y 126 noticias fueron extraídas de la prensa diaria y de otros periodicos utilizando el método del discurso del sujeto colectivo. Los medios de comunicación desvíaron la atención de los lectores para los conflictos políticos existentes, y no para los asuntos relacionados con el binomio epidemiología/salud. Aunque el contenido informativo culpase tanto el gobierno como la población, los lectores asumieron una postura pasiva en relación a aquella situación. Los grandes medios de comunicación tienen poder para influir en el día a día de las personas y en susacciones políticas. Ellos se presentan como un espacio de poder, con fuerza en la lucha por la hegemonía yen la formación de la opinión pública sobre cuestiones de salud.

Humans , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue/prevention & control , Information Dissemination/methods , Epidemics , Health Communication , Public Health , Brazil/epidemiology , Mass Media , Public Information , Qualitative Research