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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2023. 103 p. tab, graf.
学位论文 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437866


O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi desenvolver compostos de coordenação com os metais cobre, manganês, zinco, cobalto, níquel e magnésio com os aminoácidos L- ácido aspártico e glutâmico para aplicação como fertilizantes foliares e elucidação de seus prováveis mecanismos de absorção pela planta. Como plano de trabalho, pretendeu-se produzir alguns complexos metálicos com agentes complexantes que confiram características específicas: alta estabilidade termodinâmica e cinética quando comparado a quelatos usados comercialmente dos mesmos metais; alta solubilidade; compatibilidade com herbicidas e fungicidas e alta estabilidade frente a variações de pH. Os compostos foram caracterizados no estado sólido e/ou em solução aquosa, através de técnicas disponíveis em nosso laboratório, na Central Analítica do IQ-USP e/ou nos laboratórios da ICL América do Sul Ind. e Com. SA. Com o desenvolvimento dos compostos de coordenação, foram avaliados alguns parâmetros considerados imprescindíveis para garantia da qualidade do produto gerado, que foram então comparados aos de quelatos de EDTA (ácido etilenodiaminotetraacético) comercializados atualmente e que demonstraram vantagens. Para avaliar a eficiência dos produtos gerados foi realizada aplicação foliar em ao menos uma cultura e verificado o teor de cada nutriente após período de absorção e resposta produtiva, evidenciando e determinando o mecanismo de absorção realizado pela planta. Como resultado, desenvolveu-se uma série de produtos com alta tecnologia agregada que trouxeram benefícios nutricionais, sustentando uma nutrição de qualidade além de serem ecologicamente favoráveis (eco-friendly portfolio)

This project aims the development of copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, nickel and iron metal complexes with L-amino acids aspartic and glutamic acids for application as foliar fertilizers and elucidation of the probable incorporation/absorption mechanism by plants. As a work plan, it was intended to produce these metal complexes with complexing agents that provide specific characteristics: high thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities when compared to the corresponding EDTA chelates; high solubility; compatibility with herbicides and fungicides and high stability against pH variations. With the development of such coordination compounds, some parameters considered indispensable to quality assurance were then evaluated, in comparison to that of currently available commercial EDTA chelates. To evaluate the performance of the obtained compounds, two foliar applications in the same crop were carried out. Further, the content of each nutrient after the production period and the productive capacity were evaluated, aiming to elucidate the absorption mechanism of the plant. As a result, elaborated products with high added technology were obtained, capable of ameliorating the nutritional benefits, that can support an eco-friendly portfolio

Absorption , Coordination Complexes/analysis , Cobalt/agonists , Copper/agonists , Iron/agonists
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(1): 31-39, Jan-Apr 2022.
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1382163


Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de um protetor de superfície na sorção e solubilidade de cimentos de ionômero de vidro. Materiais e Métodos: Quatro materiais foram selecionados: ionômero modificado por resina encapsulado (Riva Light Cure); modificado por resina pó/líquido (Vitremer); convencional encapsulado (Equia Forte) e convencional pó/líquido (Fuji IX). Foram confeccionados 20 espécimes de cada, sendo metade com proteção superficial do Equia Forte Coat. As amostras foram mantidas em estufa a 37°C em repouso por 5 dias. Em seguida, esses foram pesados em intervalos de 24 horas. A espessura e o diâmetro foram medidos com um paquímetro digital para o cálculo do volume. Novas pesagens foram realizadas para a obtenção da massa intermediária. Em seguida, as amostras foram mantidas em repouso por 5 dias a 37°C e realizada nova pesagem. Resultados: Os dados obtidos de sorção e solubilidade foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA dois fatores, material e protetor de superfície) e teste Tukey ( =0,05). Para sorção, houve diferença significativa apenas para o fator material (p<0,05), Vitremer > Equia Forte > Riva Light Cure > Fuji IX. O ionômero Fuji IX apresentou os menores valores de sorção, diferindo significativamente dos demais materiais, independentemente do uso do protetor superficial. Não houve diferença significativa para o fator proteção de superfície (p>0,05). Para solubilidade não houve diferença significativa no fator material, protetor de superfície ou interação material*protetor. Conclusão: O uso do protetor superficial não influenciou nos valores de sorção e solubilidade dos ionômeros avaliados e o ionômero convencional Fuji IX apresentou menores taxas de sorção.

Objective: evaluate the effect of a surface coating agents on the sorption and glass ionomer cements solubility. Materials and Methods: Four materials were selected: Encapsulated resin-modified ionomer (Riva Light Cure); Powder/liquid Encapsulated resin-modified (Vitremer); Encapsulated conventional (Equia Forte) and powder/ liquid conventional (Fuji IX). Twenty samples of each were made, half with surface protection of Equia Forte Coat. The samples were kept in an oven for 5 days. These were then weighed at 24-hour intervals. The thickness and diameter were measured using a digital caliper to calculate their volume. New weightings were performed to obtain the intermediate mass. Then, the samples were kept at rest for 5 days and weighed again. Results: The sorption and solubility data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (two-way ANOVA, material and surface coating agents) and Tukey test ( =0.05). For sorption, there was a significant difference only for the material factor (p<0.05), Vitremer > Equia Forte > Riva Light Cure > Fuji IX. The Fuji IX ionomer showed the lowest sorption values, differing significantly from the other materials, regardless of the use of surface coating agents. There was no significant difference for the surface protection factor (p>0.05). For solubility there was no significant difference for the material factor, surface coating agents or material*surface coating agent interaction. Conclusion: The use of surface coating agents did not influence the sorption and solubility values of the evaluated ionomers and the conventional Fuji IX ionomer showed lower sorption rates.

Solutions/chemistry , Dental Materials , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Solubility , Materials Testing , Water , Absorption
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 15-20, ene.-mar. 2022. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391822


The Chilean workforce has over 200,000 people that are intermittently exposed to altitudes over 4000 m. In 2012, the Ministry of Health provided a technical guide for high altitude workers that included a series of actions to mitigate the effects of hypoxia. Previous studies have shown the positive effect of oxygen enrichment at high altitudes. The Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Arrays (ALMA) radiotelescope operate at 5,050 m (Array Operation Site, AOS) and is the only place in the world where Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) and Liquid Oxygen technologies have been installed at a large scale. Here we discuss our experience using oxygen supplementation at ALMA, to prevent the malaise and/or risks associated with exposure at 5,050 m. Antenna operators experienced chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH, shiftwork 8 days HA*6 days rest SL) over 4 years. Studies to define normal O2 saturation values were performed in OSF and AOS by continuous recording during the shift. The outcomes showed no differences between production procedures (PSA or Liquid oxygen) in regulating oxygen availability at AOS facilities. As a result, big-scale installations have difficulties reaching the appropriate oxygen concentration due to leaks in high mobility areas. In addition, the PSA plant requires adequation and maintenance to operate at a very high altitude.

La fuerza laboral chilena cuenta con más de 200.000 personas que están expuestas intermitentemente a altitudes superiores a los 4000 m. En 2012, el Ministerio de Salud entregó una guía técnica para trabajadores de altura que incluía una serie de acciones para mitigar los efectos de la hipoxia. Estudios anteriores han demostrado el efecto positivo del enriquecimiento de oxígeno en altitudes elevadas. El radiotelescopio Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Arrays (ALMA) opera a 5.050 m (Array Operation Site, AOS) y es el único lugar en el mundo donde se han instalado tecnologías de adsorción por cambio de presión (PSA) y oxígeno líquido a gran escala. Aquí discutimos nuestra experiencia usando suplementos de oxígeno en ALMA, para prevenir el malestar y/o los riesgos asociados con la exposición a 5.050 m. Los operadores de antena experimentaron hipoxia hipobárica intermitente crónica (CIHH, trabajo por turnos 8 días HA*6 días descanso SL) durante 4 años. Se realizaron estudios para definir valores normales de saturación de O2 en OSF y AOS mediante registro continuo durante el turno. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias entre los procedimientos de producción (PSA u oxígeno líquido) en la regulación de la disponibilidad de oxígeno en las instalaciones de AOS. Como resultado, las instalaciones a gran escala tienen dificultades para alcanzar la concentración de oxígeno adecuada debido a fugas en áreas de alta movilidad. Además, la planta de PSA requiere de adecuación y mantenimiento para operar a gran altura.

Humans , Oxygen/administration & dosage , Hypoxia/physiopathology , Blood Pressure/physiology , Models, Molecular , Desert , Absorption , Altitude , Telescopes
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 101 p. tab, ilus.
学位论文 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416975


Os parâmetros de permeabilidade e solubilidade são fundamentais à absorção oral de fármacos e a partir dessas características, foi criado o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica, através do qual os fármacos são divididos em quatro classes. Atualmente, para a determinação da solubilidade de um fármaco, existem diversos métodos padronizados por agências regulatórias, no entanto, para a determinação da permeabilidade, os ensaios são passíveis de diversas variações em sua execução, diminuindo a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos e impossibilitando a comparação dos mesmos quando realizados com técnicas diferentes umas das outras. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar as variáveis experimentais do modelo do saco intestinal que podem influenciar nos resultados de permeabilidade aparente de fármacos e na viabilidade do tecido. O presente estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais da FCF-USP (109.2018-P574). Foram utilizados 33 Rattus norvegicus da linhagem Wistar, machos, jovens adultos, com peso entre 200 g e 300 g. Para realização do procedimento, cada animal permaneceu em jejum por cerca de quatro horas e após adequada anestesia a porção do jejuno do intestino delgado foi retirada e dividida em seis segmentos de aproximadamente 8,5cm cada. Foram realizados experimentos com e sem inversão do saco intestinal, submetidos a diferentes tempos de banho de gelo após sua ressecção, na presença ou ausência de inibidor da glicoproteína-P (verapamil). Os fármacos naproxeno e famotidina foram empregados como marcadores de alta e baixa permeabilidade, respectivamente. A losartana foi utilizada como substrato da glicoproteína P. Cada um dos sacos intestinais foi colocado em um tubo de ensaio contendo tampão Krebs, a 37°C, saturado com gás carbogênio. Para avaliação da integridade e viabilidade dos segmentos intestinais, observou-se a presença de movimentos peristálticos e coletaram-se amostras do meio de incubação nos tempos 0, 30, 45, 60, 90 e 120 minutos para quantificação dos fármacos e de glicose, uma vez que esta é ativamente transportada para a serosa do intestino delgado. Determinou-se a permeabilidade aparente de cada fármaco e as concentrações de glicose nas diferentes condições experimentais, realizou-se planejamento fatorial multinível e os resultados foram analisados por análise variância (ANOVA), seguida de pós-teste de Tukey. Observou-se que as variáveis experimentais interferiram de forma significativa na viabilidade tecidual e na permeabilidade aparente dos fármacos. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas da permeabilidade de fármacos nos diferentes segmentos do jejuno. A glicose mostrou-se um bom marcador de viabilidade tecidual e foi constatado que a presença ou ausência de movimentos peristálticos não está relacionada diretamente com a viabilidade do tecido. Uma vez que foram constatadas tantas interferências nos resultados, é imprescindível que os procedimentos experimentais sejam padronizados, para que os resultados apresentem menor variabilidade e possam ser comparados entre si

The permeability and solubility parameters are fundamental to the oral absorption of drugs and from these characteristics, the Biopharmaceutical Classification System was created, through which drugs are divided into four classes. Currently, for the determination of the solubility of a drug, there are several methods standardized by regulatory agencies, however, for the determination of permeability, the tests are subject to several variations in their execution, reducing the reliability of the results obtained and making it impossible to compare the results obtained. same when performed with different techniques. The aim of this study is to evaluate if different experimental conditions can influence the results of apparent drug permeability and tissue viability on gut sac model. The present study was approved by the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals of FCF-USP (109.2018-P574). Thirty-three male, young adult Rattus norvegicus were used, weighing between 200 g and 300 g. To perform the procedure, each animal fasted for about four hours and after adequate anesthesia, the portion of the jejunum of the small intestine was removed and divided into six segments of approximately 8.5 cm each. Experiments were performed with and without inversion of the gut sac, submitted to different times of ice bath after its resection, in the presence or absence of a P-glycoprotein inhibitor (verapamil). The drugs naproxen and famotidine were used as markers of high and low permeability, respectively. Losartan was used as a substrate for P-glycoprotein. Each of the gut sacs was placed in a test tube containing Krebs buffer, at 37°C, saturated with carbogen gas. To evaluate the integrity and viability of the intestinal segments, the presence of peristaltic movements was observed and samples of the incubation medium were collected at 0, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes for quantification of drugs and glucose, as it is actively transported to the serosa of the small intestine. The apparent permeability of each drug and the glucose concentrations were determined under different experimental conditions, multilevel factorial design was performed and the results were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Tukey's post-test. It was observed that the experimental variables significantly interfered in the tissue viability and in the apparent permeability of the drugs. No significant differences in drug permeability were observed in the different segments of the jejunum. Glucose proved to be a good marker of tissue viability and it was found that the presence or absence of peristaltic movements is not directly related to tissue viability. Since so many interferences were found in the results, it is essential that the experimental procedures be standardized, so that the results show less variability and can be compared between different authors

Animals , Male , Rats , Permeability , Solubility , Biopharmaceutics/instrumentation , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Intestine, Small/metabolism , Methods , Reference Standards , Analysis of Variance , Fasting/adverse effects , ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1/adverse effects , Absorption , Jejunum/abnormalities
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e191120, 2022. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394048


Abstract The aim of the current study was to assess the physicochemical characteristics and wound healing activity of chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) crosslinked hydrogel containing recombinant human epidermal growth factor (rh-EGF) or recombinant mouse epidermal growth factor (rm-EGF). The hydrogels were prepared and analyses were made of the morphological properties, viscosity, water absorption capacity, mechanical and bio-adhesive properties. The viscosity of the formulations varied between 14.400 - 48.500 cPs, with the greatest viscosity values determined in K2 formulation. F2 formulation showed the highest water absorption capacity. According to the studies of the mechanical properties, H2 formulation (0.153±0.018 showed the greatest adhesiveness and E2 (0.245±0.001 mj/cm2) formulation, the highest bio-adhesion values. Hydrogels were cytocompatible considering in vitro cell viability values of over 76% on human keratinocyte cells (HaCaT, CVCL-0038) and of over 84% on human fibroblast cells (NIH 3T3, CRL-1658) used as a model cell line. According to the BrdU cell proliferation results, B1 (197.82±2.48%) formulation showed the greatest NIH 3T3 and C1 (167.43±5.89%) formulation exhibited the highest HaCaT cell proliferation ability. In addition, the scratch closure assay was performed to assess the wound healing efficiency of formulation and the results obtained in the study showed that F2 formulation including PEGylated rh-EGF had a highly effective role.

Wound Healing , Hydrogels/analysis , Chitosan/chemical synthesis , Epidermal Growth Factor , Polyvinyl Alcohol/pharmacology , Wounds and Injuries/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Cell Culture Techniques/methods , Cell Proliferation/genetics , Absorption
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 9(1): 82-97, 2022. il 27
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, DIGIUSAC, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1390741


White cement-based mortars in urban areas are usually discolored and altered their esthetic properties due to air pollutants. The addition of nanoparticles in these mortars can provide photocatalytic properties that can decompose pollution agents. Likewise, other hydrophobic agents have been individually studied to improve outdoor building constructions. Therefore, this study presented the photocatalytic and hydrophobic effect of adding nano-TiO2and silicone hydrophobic powder (DOWSILTM) in a white cement matrix. The nano-TiO2 were characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); afterwards, the mortar was mixed with additions of nano-TiO2 (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0%) and DOWSILTM (0.0, 0.5%). The mortar's photocatalytic performance was evaluated using a modification of the standard Italian test Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione 11259:2016 based on Rhodamine B (RhB) degradation on the sample exposed to UV irradiation. Therefore, mortar samples were subjected to UV irradiation to degrade the organic dye rhodamine B, monitoring their color variation using a C I E L* a* b* spectrophotometer. Moreover, the water permeability and the contact angle were evaluated. This research demonstrates that the white cement-based mortar samples added with nano-TiO2/DOWSILTM possess photocatalytic activity. The samples with the addition of 1.0%/0.5% and 3.0%/0.5% nano-TiO2/DOWSILTM showed a higher RhB degradation for R4 and R26. Therefore, these two materials can be employed in these proportions to improve the quality of the white cement-based mortars in urban constructions.

Los morteros a base de cemento blanco generalmente se decoloran y alteran sus propiedades estéticas debido a los contaminantes del aire en las áreas urbanas. Nanopartículas añadidas a estos morteros pueden proporcionar propiedades fotocatalíticas que descomponen estos contaminantes. Asimismo, otros agentes hidrofóbicos se han estu-diado individualmente para mejorar las construcciones a la intemperie. Por lo tanto, se presenta el efecto fotocatalítico e hidrofóbico al incorporar nano-TiO2 y silicona hidrofóbica de polisiloxano (DOWSILTM) en una matriz de cemento blanco. El nano-TiO2 se caracterizó por medio de Difracción de Rayos X (DRX); luego, el mortero se mezcló con adiciones de nano-TiO2 (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0%) y DOWSILTM (0.0, 0.5%). Los morteros se sometieron a irradiación UV, para degradar el colorante orgánico rodamina B, monitoreando su variación de color usando un espectrofotómetro C I E L* a* b*. La eficiencia fotocatalítica del mortero se evaluó utilizando una modificación de la norma italiana Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione 11259:2016 basada en la degradación de la rodamina B (RhB) en el mortero expuesto a la radiación UV. Además, se evaluó la permeabilidad al agua y el ángulo de contacto. Esta investigación demostró que el mortero de cemento con nano-TiO2/ DOWSILTM posee actividad fotocatalítica. Las muestras con 1.0%/0.5% y 3.0%/0.5% nano-TiO2/DOWSILTM mostraron una mayor eficiencia de degradación de RhB para R4 y R26. Por lo tanto, estos materiales tienen potencial para mejorar la calidad de los morteros en construcciones urbanas.

Air Pollutants , Absorption , Nanoparticles , Permeability , Silicones/analysis , Titanium/analysis , Construction Materials/analysis
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 71(4): 241-251, dic. 2021. tab
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1355032


El basul es el fruto de la planta Erythrina edulis que posee un alto contenido de proteínas, fibra dietética y antioxidantes, pero también con contenido de antinutrientes. Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto del germinado sobre las características nutricionales, propiedades bioactivas y funcionales de las semillas de basul. Materiales y métodos. Mediante un diseño aleatorizado con arreglo factorial de 2x2x2 (tiempo de remojo, tiempo de germinado, presencia o ausencia de luz), las semillas de basul fueron germinadas y convertidas en harina (HBG) para determinar la composición proximal y la digestibilidad in vitro de la proteína. Además, se ha determinado los fenoles totales (CFT), la capacidad antioxidante (métodos ABTS y DPPH) y las propiedades de hidratación y adsorción de aceite. Resultados. Las diferentes condiciones de germinado no han modificado la composición proximal de la HBG; sin embargo, la digestibilidad in vitro de la proteína incrementó hasta en 6,25% en uno de los tratamientos respecto a la muestra no germinada. El CFT, también ha incrementado de 241,49 mg AGE/100g (sin germinar) a 267,15 mg AGE/100g (germinado); al igual que la capacidad antioxidante (ABTS) de 173,04 µmolTE/g (sin germinar) a 195,67 µmolTE/g (germinado). También se tuvo incrementos en la solubilidad, la capacidad de absorción de agua y la capacidad de hinchamiento. Conclusión. La calidad de la proteína, el contenido de fenoles totales, la capacidad antioxidante y propiedades funcionales de interacción con el agua de la semilla de basul mejora con el germinado(AU)

Basul is the fruit of the Erythrina edulis plant. It has a high content of proteins, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, but it also contains antinutrients. Objective. The study objective was to evaluate the effect of sprouting on the nutritional characteristics, bioactive and functional properties of basul seeds. Materials and methods. Basul seeds were germinated to produce flour (HBG) and determine its proximal composition and in vitro digestibility of the protein through a randomized design with a 2x2x2 factorial arrangement (soaking time, germination time, and presence or absence of light). Total phenols (CFT), antioxidant capacity (ABTS and DPPH methods), and hydration and oil adsorption properties were also determined. Results. The different germination conditions did not modify the proximal composition of HBG. However, the in vitro digestibility of the protein increased up to 6.25% in one of the treatments compared to the non-germinated sample. The CFT also increased from 241.49 mg AGE/100g (without germination) to 267.15 mg AGE/100g (germinated) and the antioxidant capacity (ABTS) from 173.04 µmolTE/g (without germination) to 195.67 µmolTE/g (germinated). Solubility, water absorption capacity, and swelling capacity also increased. Conclusion. The quality of the protein, the content of total phenols, the antioxidant capacity, and the functional properties of interaction with the water of the basul seed improved with germination(AU)

In Vitro Techniques , Dietary Fiber , Dietary Proteins , Germination , Erythrina , Phenolic Compounds , Flour/analysis , Proteins , Absorption , Fabaceae , Antioxidants , Nutritive Value
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1281759


El objetivo principal de la investigación fue analizar la estructura factorial y la consistencia de una escala de compromiso académico a través del análisis factorial exploratorio, confirmatorio y multigrupo; y también, con el coeficiente Alfa. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1110 estudiantes de diversas universidades de Lima, Perú y el instrumento analizado fue la Escala de Utrecht de Engagement Académico (UWES-S) de 17 ítems. Durante el análisis factorial exploratorio, se evidenció que los ítems se agrupan en tres factores: dedicación, vigor y absorción; y se eliminó el ítem 10 por presentar carga factorial en más de una dimensión. El análisis factorial confirmatorio indicó que el modelo es óptimo; por otra parte, el análisis factorial multigrupo señaló que el instrumento presenta un ajuste adecuado para la muestra de varones y mujeres. Además, la escala final de 16 ítems obtuvo un coeficiente Alfa igual a .83. Con lo anterior, se aporta un instrumento válido para la evaluación del compromiso académico en estudiantes universitarios peruanos.

The main purpose of the research was to analyze the factor structure and consistency of an academic engagement scale through exploratory, confirmatory and multigroup factor analysis; and also, with the Alpha coefficient. The sample consisted of 1,110 students from several universities in Lima, Peru and the instrument analyzed was the Utrecht Academic Engagement Scale (UWES-S) of 17 items. During the exploratory factor analysis, it was evident that the items are grouped into three factors: dedication, vigor and absorption; and item 10 was eliminated for presenting factor loading in more than one dimension. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the model is optimal; on the other hand, the multigroup factor analysis indicated that the instrument presents an appropriate adjustment for a sample of men and women. Furthermore, the final scale of 16 items obtained an alpha coefficient equal to .83. With the above, a valid instrument is provided for the evaluation of academic engagement in Peruvian university students.

O principal objetivo da investigação foi analisar a estrutura fatorial e a consistência de uma escala de engajamento acadêmico por meio de análise fatorial exploratória, confirmatória e multigrupo; e também com o coeficiente alpha. A amostra foi composta por 1110 estudantes de várias universidades de Lima, Peru, e o instrumento analisado foi a Escala Utrecht de Engajamento Acadêmico (UWES-S) de 17 itens. Durante a análise fatorial exploratória, demonstrou-se que os itens estão agrupados em três fatores: dedicação, vigor e absorção; e o item 10 foi eliminado por apresentar carga fatorial em mais de uma dimensão. A análise fatorial confirmatória indicou que o modelo é ótimo; Por outro lado, a análise fatorial multigrupo indicou que o instrumento apresenta um ajuste adequado para a amostra de homens e mulheres. Além disso, a escala final de 16 itens obteve um coeficiente alfa igual a .83. Com o exposto, este trabalho fornece um instrumento válido para avaliar o engajamento acadêmico em estudantes universitários peruanos.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Research , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Universities , Absorption
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 171-180, abr. 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 西班牙语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115486


La bioaccesibilidad de un nutriente en un alimento sirve para determinar la calidad nutricional de éste para el consumo humano. El arroz es uno de los alimentos más importantes en la dieta por su gran aporte calórico y nutricional. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la bioaccesibilidad in vitro del zinc en arroz mediante espectrofotometría ultravioleta-visible y espectrometría de absorción atómica de llama y su relación con el contenido de ácido fítico. El porcentaje de bioaccesibilidad del zinc, respecto al porcentaje de ácido fítico, presentó una relación logarítmica inversamente proporcional (r= −0,669; p<0,05). Los valores porcentuales de bioaccesibilidad del zinc y ácido fítico en las líneas de arroz evaluadas se hallaron en un rango de 1,98,7% y 0,039-0,946% respectivamente. Se encontró que el ácido fítico afecta la bioaccesibilidad del zinc y que ésta no estuvo ligada a la concentración total del zinc presente en las líneas de arroz evaluadas. Las técnicas implementadas para cuantificar el zinc dializado presentaron diferencias significativas y se mostró que la técnica ultravioleta-visible no fue apta para este tipo de ensayos.

The bioavailability of a nutrient in a food serves to determine the nutritional quality for human consumption. Rice is one of the most important foods in diet due to its caloric and nutritional contribution. The objective of this study was to analyze the in vitro bioavailability of zinc in rice by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry and its relationship with phytic acid content. The percentage of zinc bioaccessibility with respect to phytic acid percentage, showed an inverse proportional logarithmic relationship (r= −0.669; p<0.05). The percentage values of zinc bioavailability and phytic acid in the evaluated rice varieties had a range of 1.9-8.7% and 0.039-0.946%, respectively. Phytic acid affected the bioaccessibility of zinc and was not linked to the total concentration of zinc present in the rice lines evaluated. The techniques implemented to quantify zinc dialyzed presented significant differences. It was shown that the ultraviolet-visible technique was not suitable for this type of assay.

Phytic Acid/analysis , Oryza , Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet , Zinc/analysis , In Vitro Techniques , Biological Availability , Absorption , Minerals/analysis , Nutritive Value
Braz. j. oral sci ; 19: e208556, jan.-dez. 2020. tab
文章 在 英语 | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1152139


Aim: Self-adhesive flowable composite resins have been recently introduced to the market. Degree of conversion (DC) and water sorption (WS) are two important parameters affecting the properties of restorative materials. This study aimed to assess the DC and WS of a self-adhesive flowable composite resin in comparison with two conventional flowable composite resins. Methods: Vertise Flow (VF) self-adhesive and Tetric-N Flow (TF) and Grandio Flow (GF) conventional flowable composites were evaluated in this in vitro, experimental study. The DC (n=3) was determined by attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). The WS (n=7) was measured after 7 days of immersion in artificial saliva accordingto ISO 4049specifications. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and a post-hoc test (p<0.05). Results: VF showed the highest DC percentage (84.3%) followed by GF (72.79%) and TF (68.7%). The latter two had no significant difference (p=0.8). WS was the highest in VF (55.2 µg/mm3), and the two conventional flowable composites had a significant difference in WS (19.5 µg/mm3 in TF and 11 µg/mm3 in GF; p<0.001). Conclusions: Flowable composite resins had significant differences in DC and WS, and VF demonstrated the highest DC and WS

Composite Resins , Absorption , Polymerization
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 56: e17836, 2020. tab, graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132033


This study was carried out in order to compare the relative bioavailability of two different formulations containing 400 mg of acetaminophen + 4 mg of phenylephrine hydrochloride + 4 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate, Test formulation (Cimegripe®) and Reference formulation (Resfenol®) in 84 healthy volunteers of both sexes under fasting conditions. The study was conducted in a single dose, randomized, open-label, crossover 3-way and partially replicated. The tolerability was evaluated by the monitoring of adverse events and vital signs, results of clinical and laboratory tests. Plasma concentrations were quantified by validated bioanalytical methods using the ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. The Cmax, Tmax, AUC0-t, AUC0-inf, T1/2 and Kel pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated from these obtained concentrations. The 90% confidence intervals were constructed for the ratio reference/test from the geometric average of the Cmax and AUC parameters which were comprised between 80% and 125%. Only the Cmax parameter of the phenylephrine was applied the scaled average bioequivalence due to the intraindividual coefficient of variation > 30% obtained, thus extending the acceptance limits of the interval. It can be concluded that the two formulations were bioequivalent in terms of rate and absorption extent and thus interchangeable

Humans , Male , Female , Phenylephrine/analysis , Capsules/classification , Biological Availability , Chlorpheniramine/analysis , Acetaminophen/analysis , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Single Dose , Fasting/adverse effects , Cross-Over Studies , Absorption/drug effects , Tandem Mass Spectrometry/methods , Healthy Volunteers/classification
Arq. Inst. Biol ; 87: e0762018, 2020. graf
文章 在 英语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1121084


Intoxication by dispersion of glyphosate droplets in coffee seedlings is common and, in addition to the problem of drift, there are reports of contamination of this herbicide to a nontarget plant via the rhizosphere. Hydroponics allows the comparison of the translocation of the glyphosate absorbed by the foliage or the roots and avoids the interaction with the soil, which could hamper the achievement of more accurate conclusions when it is absorbed by the root. Thus, the toxicity of glyphosate sublethal dosages in the initial growth of coffee plants in hydroponics was evaluated by applying four sublethal dosages in two different locations (solution and leaf). Fifty days after the application of the herbicide, the intoxication percentage and the growth of the coffee seedlings were evaluated. From the reduced dose of 115.2 g·ha-1 of glyphosate, height reductions, root length; number of leaves, dry mass of leaf, roots and total, leaf area, and leaf mass ratio were observed. The first two parameters were observed only in leaf application and the others via leaf and solution. The aerial part­root ratio system had an increase in herbicide sublethal dosages when applied to leaves and the ratio of leaf area and specific leaf area increased in both applications. Sublethal dosages of glyphosate applied to young coffee plants under hydroponic conditions impair their growth, and it is more accentuated with increasing doses and when the leaves, instead of the roots, absorb the herbicide.(AU)

Intoxicação por dispersão das gotas de glifosato em mudas de café são comuns, além do problema da deriva, há relatos da passagem desse herbicida para planta não alvo via rizosfera. A hidroponia possibilita comparar a translocação do glifosato absorvido pelas folhagens ou raízes e evita a interação do solo que poderia dificultar a obtenção de conclusões mais precisas quando absorvido pela raiz. Assim, a toxidade de subdoses de glifosato no crescimento inicial de plantas de café em hidroponia foi avaliada aplicando-se quatro subdoses em dois locais distintos (solução e folha). Cinquenta dias após a aplicação do herbicida, a porcentagem de intoxicação e o crescimento das mudas de café foram avaliados. A partir da subdose de 115,2 g·ha-1 de glifosato observaram-se reduções da altura; comprimento radicular; número de folhas; massa seca da folha, raiz, radicular e total; área foliar; razão de massa foliar, sendo os dois primeiros parâmetros observados somente na aplicação foliar e os demais via foliar e solução. A relação parte aérea/sistema radicular aumentaram com o incremento das subdoses do herbicida quando aplicado nas folhas e a razão de área foliar e área foliar específica aumentaram em ambas as vias de aplicação. Subdoses de glifosato aplicadas em plantas jovens de café, em condições hidropônicas, prejudicam o seu crescimento sendo mais acentuados com o aumento das doses e quando o herbicida é absorvido pelas folhas em relação à absorção radicular.(AU)

Coffee , Hydroponics , Herbicides , Absorption , Environmental Pollution , Toxicity , Rhizosphere
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 37: 56-60, Jan. 2019. tab
文章 在 英语 | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051261


Heavy metals are natural elements in the Earth's crust that can enter human food through industrial or agricultural processing, in the form of fertilizers and pesticides. These elements are not biodegradable. Some heavy metals are known as pollutants and are toxic, and their bioaccumulation in plant and animal tissues can cause undesirable effects for humans; therefore, their amount in water and food should always be under control. The aim of this study is to investigate the conditions for the bioremediation of heavy metals in foods. Various physical, chemical, and biological methods have been used to reduce the heavy metal content in the environment. During the last decades, bioremediation methods using plants and microorganisms have created interest to researchers for their advantages such as being more specific and environmentally friendly. The main pollutant elements in foods and beverages are lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury, which have their own permissible limits. Among the microorganisms that are capable of bioremediation of heavy metals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an interesting choice for its special characteristics and being safe for humans, which make it quite common and useful in the food industry. Its mass production as the byproduct of the fermentation industry and the low cost of culture media are the other advantages. The ability of this yeast to remove an individual separated element has also been widely investigated. In countries with high heavy metal pollution in wheat, the use of S. cerevisiae is a native solution for overcoming the problem of solution. This article summarizes the main conditions for heavy metal absorption by S. cerevisiae.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , Food Industry , Metals, Heavy/metabolism , Arsenic , Yeasts , Cadmium , Contaminant Removal , Absorption , Bioaccumulation , Lead , Mercury
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 1536-1540, abr.-maio 2019. graf, tab
文章 在 葡萄牙语 | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482352


A carne de frango é a mais consumida no Brasil. O alto consumo acarretou no aumento da produção avícola e uma maior preocupação com os casos de fraudes por absorção excessiva de água em carcaças. Objetivou-se avaliar o percentual de água resultante do descongelamento em carcaças de frangos comercializadas em Campo Grande – MS. Foram avaliadas 30 amostras de frangos congelados, de cinco diferentes marcas, para avaliar o percentual de água resultante do descongelamento através do Método de Gotejamento ou Drip Test. Verificou-se que das 30 amostras analisadas, 23 (76,6%) estavam fora dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação, por apresentarem absorção excessiva de água, que resultaram em maior gotejamento. O excesso de água absorvida indica falhas no processamento tecnológico e possível prática de fraude pelas indústrias.

Animals , Absorption , Frozen Foods/analysis , Meat/analysis , Water , Chickens , Body Water
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742077


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare the effect of different finishing and polishing techniques on water absorption, water solubility, and microhardness of ceramic or glass-polymer based computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) materials following thermocycling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 150 disc-shaped specimens were prepared from three different hybrid materials and divided into five subgroups according to the applied surface polishing techniques. All specimens were subjected up to #4000 grit SiC paper grinding. No additional polishing has been done to the control group (Group I). Other polishing procedures were as follows: Group II: two-stage diamond impregnated polishing discs; Group III: yellow colored rubber based silicone discs; Group IV: diamond polishing paste; and Group V: Aluminum oxide polishing discs. Subsequently, 5000-cycles of thermocycling were applied. The analyses were conducted after 24 hours, 7 days, and 30 days of water immersion. Water absorption and water solubility results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests. Besides, microhardness data were compared by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (P.05). CONCLUSION: Surface finishing and polishing procedures might negatively affect physical properties of hybrid ceramic materials. Nevertheless, immersion periods do not affect the microhardness of the materials. Final polishing by using diamond polishing paste can be recommended for all CAD/CAM materials.

Absorption , Aluminum Oxide , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Polishing , Diamond , Immersion , Rubber , Silicon , Silicones , Solubility , Water
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760202


PURPOSE: To determine whether Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 plays a role in absorption of iron preparations given to children with iron deficiency anemia (IDA). METHODS: We performed a quasi-experimental study involving pre- and postintervention tests using a control group in North Sulawesi province, Indonesia, between July and September 2017. We conducted a single-blind controlled trial that included primary school children who were diagnosed with IDA based on reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (Ret-He) levels <27.8 pg/L. RESULTS: A total of 66 children were randomized into 2 groups. Thirty-four children received iron preparations with the addition of L. reuteri DSM 17938 (group 1), whereas the other 32 received iron preparations alone (group 2). The baseline Ret-He levels before intervention were similar in both groups. After 14 days of intervention, mean Ret-He level in group 1 changed from 24.43±1.64 to 28.21±1.72 pg/L (P=0.000). Mean Ret-He level in group 2 changed from 24.31±1.42 to 27.03±2.14 pg/L (P=0.000). Statistical analysis showed a significant increase in Ret-He levels in both groups; Ret-He levels were significantly higher in the experimental group than in the control group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Children with IDA receiving iron preparations with L. reuteri DSM 17938 for 14 days show higher Ret-He levels than those receiving iron preparations alone.

Child , Humans , Absorption , Anemia , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency , Indonesia , Iron , Limosilactobacillus reuteri , Lactobacillus , Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Reticulocytes
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765667


Dyslipidemia, highly elevated, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Statins have been proven to effectively reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and are recommended as a first-line therapy for the primary and secondary prevention of ASCVD. However, statins may not be sufficient in decreasing LDL cholesterol levels and pose a significant on-treatment residual risk of major cardiovascular events (i.e., residual cholesterol risk) according to meta-analyses of statin trials. Current guidelines for cholesterol management to achieve additional LDL cholesterol reduction and reduce ASCVD risk recommend two hyperlipidemic agents besides statins. Use of ezetimibe, a cholesterol absorption inhibitor, leads to additional LCL cholesterol reduction and decreased ASCVD risk, when added to statin therapy, without raising significant safety concerns. Furthermore, in combination with a mild-to-moderate statin intensity, ezetimibe is used in situations of statin-associated adverse effects such as myalgia and the combination therapy is relatively safer. Monoclonal antibody of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9), alirocumab, and evolocumab, have been approved to lower LDL cholesterol level. While there are drawbacks to the use of PCSK9 inhibitors, including high cost and adverse events such as injection site reaction, they significantly decreased serum LDL cholesterol levels and thereby ASCVD risks when added to maximally tolerated statin therapy.

Absorption , Cardiovascular Diseases , Cholesterol , Cholesterol, LDL , Dyslipidemias , Ezetimibe , Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors , Lipoproteins , Myalgia , Proprotein Convertases , Risk Factors , Secondary Prevention
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760619


BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Consumption of cholesterol-rich foods, such as eggs, has a minimal effect on circulating cholesterol levels in healthy humans. To gain insight, we investigated whether phospholipids rich in eggs (EPL) interfere with intestinal cholesterol absorption in vivo. MATERIALS/METHODS: To investigate the acute effect of EPL on intestinal cholesterol absorption, male C57BL/6J mice were orally administered with 6, 11, or 19 mg of EPL for three days. We also tested the effect of chronic EPL consumption on cholesterol metabolism in the small intestine and the liver in mice with diet-induced hypercholesterolemia. Male C57BL/6J mice were fed a high fat/high cholesterol (HF/HC; 35% fat, 0.25% cholesterol, w/w) diet for 4 weeks to induce hypercholesterolemia, and subsequently the mice were either fed 0, 0.4 or 0.8% (w/w) of EPL for 6 weeks. RESULTS: Intestinal cholesterol absorption was significantly decreased by the highest dose of acute EPL administration compared to control. Chronic EPL supplementation did not significantly alter intestinal cholesterol absorption nor plasma levels of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. In the small intestine and the liver, EPL supplementation minimally altered the expression of genes which regulate cellular cholesterol levels. CONCLUSION: Although chronic EPL consumption was not able to counteract hypercholesterolemia in HF/HC-fed mice, acute EPL administration decreased intestinal cholesterol absorption. This study provides in vivo evidence that acute administration of PLs in eggs prevent cholesterol absorption in the intestine, suggesting a mechanism for a minimal effect of egg consumption on circulating cholesterol levels.

Animals , Humans , Male , Mice , Absorption , Cholesterol , Diet , Eggs , Hypercholesterolemia , Intestinal Absorption , Intestine, Small , Intestines , Lipoproteins , Liver , Metabolism , Ovum , Phosphatidylcholines , Phospholipids , Plasma
文章 在 韩国 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761458


For the success of complete denture, three essential requirements such as retention, stability and support are needed. Moreover, due to the absorption of residual ridge and scarring due to the surgery, when making a complete denture, which is difficult to form the mandibular lingual margins, various considerations such as the arrangement of the Non-anatomical dl non-anatomical teeth, the polished surface impression, the internally weighted metal framework and the use of the denture adhesive cream are necessary. In this case report, the patient has a severely resorbed edentulous ridge from severe periodontitis and has some soft tissue problems after the glossectomy due to tongue cancer. To obtain additional retention and stability, some trials such as polished surface impression taking, internally weighted metal insertion and minimal pressure impression were done for the better result. Moreover To make a metal framework that precisely shapes the desired three-dimensional shape and reduces the complicated process, minimal pressure impression method and direct metal laser sintering technique were used.

Humans , Absorption , Adhesives , Cicatrix , Denture, Complete , Dentures , Glossectomy , Methods , Periodontitis , Tongue Neoplasms , Tooth
文章 在 英语 | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761866


Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging provides a safe and cost-efficient method for immediate data acquisition and visualization of tissues, with technical advantages including minimal autofluorescence, reduced photon absorption, and low scattering in tissue. In this review, we introduce recent advances in NIR fluorescence imaging systems for thoracic surgery that improve the identification of vital tissues and facilitate the resection of tumorous tissues. When coupled with appropriate NIR fluorophores, NIR fluorescence imaging may transform current intraoperative thoracic surgery methods by enhancing the precision of surgical procedures and augmenting postoperative outcomes through improvements in diagnostic accuracy and reductions in the remission rate.

Absorption , Fluorescence , Lymph Nodes , Methods , Optical Imaging , Thoracic Surgery